#The living horde
superbat-lmao · 2 months
Give me a fic where all of the batsiblings are thrown back in time but think they’ve been sent to an alternate universe because everyone is acting differently except Bruce, who really is the original version of Bruce.
It’s just before Ethiopia, Jason is holding a phone that’s already making a call. This time, Dick picks up and Jason spends all his time in this universe (timeline) wondering if Dick had just picked up if his own time would have gone differently.
Dick picks up and realizes his brother doesn’t have to die, that he wouldn’t have to become the Red Hood.
Both of their interactions with each other and Bruce and Alfred throw each other off because they’re trying to act like they don’t have future knowledge while being wildly weirded out by this alternate universe’s version of their sibling.
Cut to, Tim orchestrating how to meet Steph, Dick figuring out how to get Damian, Jason figuring out how to get Tim, Duke and Steph teaming up and Damian and Cass tracking each other down before being ultimately tracked down by Babs and Dick.
It’s a slow roll of chaos that steadily confuses Bruce and Alfred as more and more children come into the fold and they try and accumulate each other without giving away the fact that they’re “from a different universe” or letting any of the siblings realize that they have knowledge of each other from that other timeline.
Everyone but Dick and Babs is still a child and have varying degrees of training which makes most of them groan at having to relearn/regain their skill and muscle. But they’re all still letting themselves be the ages they are because none of them know the others would realize they’re actually adults/older and judge them for reliving their childhoods.
Jason has to pick a new hero name and reassess his fighting style and whether he wants to keep using guns. He doesn’t have the pit influence, this Bruce hasn’t made the mistakes his version did, and he doesn’t have to let history repeat itself. He also doesn’t get the same build he used to have and the childhood malnutrition really does keep its effects.
Tim and Damian get their own shock of being given the Robin mantle willingly. It’s easier the second time and Steph and Cass both get to think through the legacy of Batgirl and their own hero personas. Duke still has his parents, and eventually, his day job that comes without some of the prerequisite grief of joining the bat family.
But each time something occurs where the siblings get suspicious, they write it off as being a weird alt-universe.
I want to see Bruce and Dick patch up their relationship, for Bruce and Jason to actually talk about their emotions without being clouded by anger, for Bruce to accept Tim and Steph and Damian and Babs and Cass and Duke, to build several bridges without the loss of a child clouding his judgement. For Dick and Jason to finally have a shot at being brothers without resentment, for Jason and Tim to be brothers without jealousy, for Tim and Damian to be brothers without resentment/jealousy. For Steph and Babs to not doubt their places and for Cass to be the only one that suspects since she can read them all trying to hide something but also knowing that if none of them realize they all already know each other they will have room to grow in ways they hadn’t. For Duke to be able to be a part of something incredibly special while still getting to keep his family like Steph does.
I want Bruce and Alfred to just kinda, learn to accept the chaos. To write it off as their special brand of chaotic family and not some sort of secret being hid from them.
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anthony-crowleys · 2 months
POV: you're thinking about all the lost potential that The Acolyte had
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druidonity2 · 5 months
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If Shalamayne were a Legion artifact weapon...
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beskad · 3 months
a moment of silence for Yord. you were so clever with that helmet trick. i'm sorry it couldn't save you.
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isabelopaque · 5 months
the fact that this site just lets terfs exist on here and interact w trans people is so diabolical lmao. i either need shinigami eyes for mobile or the staff to do something for once
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annoyinggiverpost · 20 days
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Zombie films 😯
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skipppppy · 8 months
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Warm up between commissions. Yes I still think about them
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neovenatorgirlteeth · 8 months
Queensland, Australia - Ypresian stage, 55Ma before present
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300,000 years ago, the planet experienced a short, geologically speaking, spike in temperatures that caused somewhere between 5-8C of warming. This spike marked the transition from the Palaeocene epoch to the Eocene, and although the event is over, the already hot world of the Cenozoic is slowly getting hotter. Dawn breaks on a greenhouse planet.
As the light touches the shores of lake Murgon, the last of the bats retreat into the shadows, and the crocodiles, giant snakes and odd wading birds that line the shore are revealed. The plethora of water-loving insects begins to hum in the suns rays, but their noise in punctured by a new sound; birdsong. A small, relatively unassuming looking bird hops along the rocks of the shoreline, stopping occasionally to produce short bursts of complex vocalisation. He is a one of the first passerines, a group that in the modern day contains around half of all bird species, from crows to blackbirds to the New Zealand rock wren.
Birds, the only dinosaurs to have survived the extinction event 11 million years ago, have exploded in diversity and are now fulfilling a huge number of roles in the ecosystem. There are now a huge amount of birds calling to eachother in the dawn, and the songs of this little bird pick it out from the crowd of not just other bird species, but other birds of the same species. As time passes, the evolutionary process will select for more and more intricate songs until they arrive in the Holocene in their beautiful modern form.
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inexplicifics · 2 months
Hi! I’m just rereading all of I Shall Not Live In Vain again, and I was wondering if you ever thought of doing a ficlet from Clovis’ POV? We know pretty much nothing about him, and we basically only have an idea of how Frank and Gwen look, so I was curious if you’d ever thought of elaborating on them further? Maybe while showing the evolution of Clovis immediately disliking Jaskier, to at least enjoying his music by the end of the winter?
Oh, what an interesting idea! I don't have much of a handle on Clovis's inner monologue, honestly, so I'm not sure a fic from his POV is in the cards, but I'll add it to the Horde and see what comes hopping out!
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raayllum · 10 months
i think a lot of what keeps a character sympathetic * honestly, is just letting them have good intentions and even better, a genuine lack of awareness. even if they're lying to themselves, and we know they're lying to themselves, they have to earnestly believe that they're not. they have to truly believe that what they're doing is right, even if we know it isn't, and that it's not self motivated, even when it often is.
take, for example, viren, claudia, and rayla. they both make massive mistakes (basically everything viren and claudia have ever done / rayla leaving callum the way they did) and most of those mistakes were self motivated. claudia bought her father's gaslighting because she wanted to believe in a world where her family could stay together, and then overruled viren's reservations about his ressurection when she brought him back; viren does many terrible things in arc 1, but is genuinely motivated by what he believes is ultimately better, long term, for the world at large even over his family, or that he knows better for his family in general, and having that lie stripped away is so much what s5 is about. for rayla, she's so selfless it rounds back into being selfish, where she had the security of knowing callum was safe while he worried over her for two years, leading to her deeply wounding him even when that was the last thing she wanted (and deeply hurting herself). they all thought they were genuinely doing the right thing, often putting themselves on the chopping block for their choices (claudia and rayla in particular) even as it just made everything worse.
but even when we see them being selfish, we know they're still genuinely motivated by their love for other people, and it's coming out in very misguided ways, we can still have sympathy, we can still understand. and that to me is great character writing
* obviously sympathy isn't the most important to feel towards a character, but it can certainly be helpful in having an audience be interested in, at the very least, understanding them even if we don't like them
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jiminysjournal · 3 months
Okay, if that ending’s not setting up Checkhov’s Force Healing, I’m gonna be VERY, VERY DISAPPOINTED.
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the-magnusinstitute · 5 months
Heard there was a hoard of zombies in downtown London? I’m not sure if it was a metaphor or not. Figured this was the best place to verify that information for an essay I’m writing
Not a metaphor, they’re commonly known as ‘marathon runners’.
Just my little joke. There does appear to be some sort of group of possibly cannibalistic individuals gathering in St. James’ Park, but Ade’s gone down to have a word with them and we’re hoping it’s all sorted soon.
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doublefantasyqueer · 2 months
Beatles Obsessive Disorder (BOD)
[pt: Beatles Obsessive Disorder (BOD)]
Beatles Obsessive Disorder, informally known as Beatlemania, is a medically unrecognised disorder characterised by the presence of 4 or more of the following symptoms:
Obsessively listening to Beatles music. May additionally include solo Beatles music and/or music by those with a relation to The Beatles (e.g. Yoko Ono, Julian Lennon, Pete Best, etc.).
Obsessively consuming non-music content featuring or made by The Beatles such as movies, interviews, and books. May additionally include content featuring or made by those with a relation to The Beatles and/or fan content.
Extreme emotions when consuming Beatles content or seeing The Beatles, such as extreme happiness or excitement resembling mania. It may be expressed by screaming or crying.
Excessive lengths taken to see, touch, or contact The Beatles.
Obsessively collecting Beatles merchandise and/or Beatles memorabilia and/or physical copies of Beatles music.
Excessive effort put into looking like and/or behaving like The Beatles.
Extreme jealousy towards partners of The Beatles, which may be expressed by anger, resentment, and/or hatred directed at the partners.
Worshipping The Beatles as deities and/or having the belief that The Beatles possess supernatural powers.
Mild BOD is characterised by symptoms that cause mild distress.
Moderate BOD is characterised by symptoms that cause moderate to severe distress.
Severe BOD is characterised by symptoms that cause moderate to severe distress and behaviours that are harmful to the self and/or others.
Symptoms must be present for at least 6 months.
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enbydust · 1 year
damn it’s already friday again wtf
anyway uhhh here’s a couple pics I took last week to help you all make it another 8 hours until I have time to take new ones
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enderspawn · 2 years
while i know the dash has been talking abt the guest characters already personally i love to think abt every riptide guest all somehow getting together and joining the same crew(?). like they're all hanging out together in the background. maybe not as a pirate crew but they're there.
upon leaving seamart clorten immediately got lost again and just kinda floated island to island. at some point he ran into la alma while grocery shopping and after discovering they both knew the riptide crew they decided to stick together for a bit (clorten hoped having la alma guide/sail would make them less lost. it does not. his helplessness knows no bounds)
eventually the two sail up upon dooke and meet duke dukem who invites them to live w him (bc like dooke is chill but all the living plants and shit are kind of annoying and he doesnt like them and hes going a BIT mad here alone). they just like shrug and accept it.
after like a month together tastrius washes up on their shore, like full family guy death pose covered in seaweed (dooke picked him up and put him there). duke is like "hey dude welcome to my island. whats up." and tastrius gives this big long and elegant story abt how hes cursed to live forever and he's been drifting in the sea currents but at least he could finally set his crew to rest and after theres this heavy pause and duke is like. "cool wanna join my town theres 3 of us" and tastruis just goes "....yes".
so now they're all just living on dooke and its a semi-functional group situation they're like a sitcom
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
nothing says "I'm insane!" more than having an ao3 account and still keeping 64 open fic tabs
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