#The kitten even had a littermate
Okay but one time when I was playing clangen and had the mass extinction thingy on, I lost ten cats (my deputy, seven warriors, including two that LITERALLY GOT THEIR NAMES THAT MOON, and two kittens) in one moon, and it just told me „yeah lol they disappeared into the night“
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bonefall · 11 months
Better Bones Profile: Sedgecreek
RiverClan's first Lake deputy, and world famous cutie pie!
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[ID: The BB version of Sedgecreek from Warrior Cats. She is a wood-brown tabby with short, comma-shaped stripes of a darker brown. She is short and her body is long, with a chunky tail.]
Clanmew Name: Kyyrakoshu, nickname Kyyko. (Kyyra = Sedge, a type of lido grass + Koshu = Creek, a small, shady river)
Alignment: RiverClan
Relations: Ex-Mate - Greenflower Children - Swallowtail, Beechfur Nyams - Loudbelly (littermate), Duckfur (Sib-in-law) Education - Crookedstar (mentor), Grasswhisker (apprentice)
See Also: The Dragonkin Family, and the RiverClan Family Tree
Mistyfoot realized at the end of BB!TNP that Hawkfrost was not the tiger that lurked within RiverClan. He didn't choose himself as deputy while she was captured, breaking the code in the process. It wasn't his call to defy StarClan's will to delay the Great Journey. It was up to Leopardstar to punish the surviving RiverClan mercenaries who served Mudclaw's insurrection, and overrule the false sign that exiled three cats from her Clan... and she didn't.
Seated atop the stump with the sun setting behind her, Leopardstar's black silhouette invoked Mistyfoot's memory of a powerful cat lording over a pile of bones. Her eyes flashed-- Tigerstar amber, dark forest red. His ideas were an infectious sort of immortal; they will not die unless they are killed.
So with Leopardstar's sudden, 'mysterious' death to a "rogue", Mistystar realized she would need to make a strong, tactical choice of a new deputy. Someone who would be able to help her navigate the tense situation she was in, to balance out the harsh choices she was about to make, to be the honey to her sting.
The choice was obvious. Now, she would have to prepare for the hard work ahead...
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[ID: BB!Mistystar and BB!Sedgecreek leaning back to back. Mistystar grimly explains, "someone will die." Sedgecreek interjects, "of fun!!!"]
(Lots more below the cut!)
Personality and Trivia:
She is CHEERFUL! It takes a lot to make Sedgecreek upset!
Always smiling, never loses hope, always tries to see the bright side of every situation.
"A mistake is just a chance to learn what NOT to do!!"
People like her. She's just a super likeable person, the sort of cat who gets along with people you'd never expect.
She has learned that you should listen twice as much as you talk. She's always there to comfort her friends, family, and clanmates. Very approachable personality.
I imagine a lot of RiverClan warriors are "stocky," longer than they are tall, Sedgecreek especially.
She's also got a very thick tail, making her an excellent and sturdy swimmer.
Her favorite food is pike meat, which Greenflower once wooed her with. Not very many RiverClan warriors are bold enough to tangle with pikes.
Imo, Sedge is a super underrated background character. Her apprenticeship under Crookedjaw is super cute and no one ever talks about it!
and BOY OH BOY has her role been expanded in BB!!
Long before the Great Journey was even a consideration, back during TPB…
Sedgecreek was mates with Greenflower. They welcomed their kits, Swallowkit and Beechkit, to the world just before RiverClan and ShadowClan moved to form TigerClan.
Greenflower's sibling, Duckfur, was the honor sire for the couple. Under the Queen's Rights, you don't have to explain where your kittens came from. Sedgecreek gave birth and that's that.
But supporters of Thistle Law do not respect the Queen's Rights.
When Greenflower announced openly that their kittens had been sired by Duckfur, Sedgecreek was uncomfortable, but believed she was keeping their family safe.
But... it turned out to be worse than that.
Greenflower was a true believer. She had been holding a lot of her 'worst' ideas back, but felt emboldened to speak openly with the alliance between Tigerstar and Leopardstar.
Sedgecreek knew Greenflower went to the execution of Stonefur... but she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to.
She couldn't watch an old friend die like that, or stomach the thought of Greenflower reacting to it.
They stayed together for the children, as Sedgecreek staved off the dawning realization that her mate wasn't the cat she thought she was.
It was easy to put it off a little longer, when their next common enemy was BloodClan and RiverClan "returned to normal."
Though they nearly had a blow-out argument over RiverClan refusing to join in with the trading that WindClan and ThunderClan were doing with BloodClan... Sedgecreek apologized, and held her tongue. Suddenly, their roles had been reversed, with Sedgecreek staying quiet to "keep the peace".
Normally very cheerful and outspoken, with friends in other Clans and open-mindedness to cooperation, Sedgecreek spent almost two years of her life just trying to save her mateship. She thought that maybe Greenflower would return to the bold, loyal cat she used to adore, if she just loved her enough and made her feel heard...
But then, during the Great Journey...
Their baby Swallowtail fell in love with a ThunderClan warrior, Rainwhisker.
Greenflower "warned her" about loving cats from other Clans, "Don't make me do something I don't want to, Swallowtail."
Sedgecreek knew how powerful love can be. Rainwhisker was big, handsome, and sweet. She saw a lot of herself in him, and would have approved of him as her son-in-law in a heartbeat
Even though Swallowtail was trying to hide it after that confrontation, Sedgecreek KNEW that Rainwhisker was perfect for her. She knows her daughter better than anyone-- Swallow would never be able to fight it.
But all journey long, Greenflower was growing more and more critical of Swallowtail. Comparing her to her brother Beechfur, constantly questioning her whereabouts, making up stupid tasks to keep her busy.
Sedge and Green were fighting over it, again, but this time Sedge was starting to care less about making up afterwards.
Then, the worst possible thing happened... during the WindClan Civil War, Rainwhisker was killed in battle.
Swallowtail was inconsolable. That brought them all together, for just a little while longer.
But then, Swallowtail discovered she was pregnant. She didn't say anything about the father, and yet Greenflower LOST it. She flew into a frenzy, shouting their daughter down and threatening to disown her. The line that finally broke their mateship was simply,
"Just when it seemed like the problem was solved--"
Sedgecreek didn't even let her finish. How DARE she?? To treat their baby's painful loss, their coming grandchildren, and Swallowtail's right as a Queen, like the continuation of a problem???
So she told her to get out. Quietly at first. Greenflower refused, so she said it louder. Then she shouted it. And then she SCREAMED it, and when THAT didn't work, she THREW her out of the Cleric's den. For SEASONS she had sacrificed for the sake of her children, only for it to end in a choice between her wife and daughter.
But even then, Sedgecreek felt hot with shame that she'd caused such a scene! The whole camp saw her toss Greenflower like a rotten fish!! Sweet, cheerful Sedgecreek!!! It was mortifying, she'd never lost her temper like that, the entire Clan was surprised!
Mistyfoot saw this just like everyone else in RiverClan... and it stood out in her mind, as she shuffled home considering who her deputy would be.
It had to be someone as uncontroversial as possible... Mistyfoot's reputation had been dragged through the mud by Hawkfrost's constant challenges. A sizable portion of RiverClan did not respect her anymore.
So Swansong, her brother and greatest ally, was out of the question. He didn't have a diplomatic bone in his body.
Mosspelt was her sister-in-law, and she needed a deputy who could ward off accusations of nepotism.
Reedwhisker had Skyheart as his mentor, who kept him in an apprenticeship nightmare for over a year. He was too young on top of being ineligible.
But, she needed someone who would understand the threat they faced, and take it seriously. It, hopefully obviously, couldn't be one of her enemies.
And THAT was when she remembered Sedgecreek standing up to Greenflower. How she's everyone's friend, patient and enthusiastic, and yet how she still snapped at her long-time mate.
While no one knows EXACTLY why she snapped except the little family itself, Mistyfoot had a good hunch it was related to Swallowtail claiming Queen's Rights for her litter.
And that is exactly the sort of principled cat she needs by her side.
So... Sedgecreek was perfect. She was diplomatic, friendly, and yet, able to stand up for herself, ready to fight for the Clan they deserved. Her upbeat personality would be a perfect compliment to Mistystar's dour, serious one. This was the best possible choice.
During BB!OotS, Sedgecreek was targeted for replacement by the Dark Forest demons. While they managed to kill several of their targets and even cause ShadowClan to fall, Sedgecreek managed to escape an attempt on her life. But, before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, she took it as a sign to step down so that someone younger could take over. By this point, she had become a great-grandmother and was beginning to feel her age.
Reedwhisker takes her place as deputy, and she's able to live out the last of her days in the Elder's Den. She peacefully passes away at some point in AVoS, surrounded by the family she chose to stand beside.
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lunallaa · 4 months
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||when the cat distribution system strikes||
gk!jason todd x gn!reader
{Not edited/proof read please excuse any errors♡}
Ever since the two of you started dating, your favorite view and time of day consisted of the quite moments you and Jason shared when the city was asleep and everything for once was at peace. Now, you weren't a fan of being woken up in the middle of the night, but you found it hard to remain upset when you could look over at the other side of the bed and see your boyfriend finally have the moments of peace that he deserves for all that he does for the people of Gotham. Recently though, that view of yours got an upgrade. Tonight you had been torn out of your sleep by a slightly unpleasant dream and as you turned over to adjust yourself for sleep again you were met with the sweetest sight. There of course was your boyfriend peacefully dosing away, but with the newest adition of a small little void of a kitten just as peacefully sleeping on his chest. That tiny little thing was an unexpected new member of the little family the two of you had made and you wouldn't change a thing,even if the kitten still remained unnamed after being home for about a month now. You'll probably have to change that soon.
You remember when that furry little angel entered your lives like it was yesterday. You had gone out to the Bodega around the corner from your apartment to grab a few of their home-made pastelillos* for dinner because Jason was home for the night nursing a sprained ankle and craving one of his favorite meals. You remember being in a rush that evening due to the forecast of rain that was supposed to roll in at any moment, and due to that you were meant to be in and out and home within just a handful of minutes. Instead, on your way back home you were stopped dead in your tracks by the most pathetic little meow you have ever heard. Your goal of getting home as soon as possible was abandoned as you made your way to the tattered cardboard box sitting just at the entrance of the alleyway you almost walked past. Strays and pets that simply found themselves outside were no strangers to the neighborhood, not so much abandoned animals, which seemed to be the case as you get Closer to the tattered and damp box. Once you got close enough to get a peek inside you were able to see there in the shadow of the box the smallest kitten you have ever seen in your life. You had wondered to yourself if the poor thing was runt that had been left out here due to the fact you saw no evidence of any littermates or a mom. By then it had started to lightly rain, and you wasted no time in removing the hoodie you wore then gently picking and wrapping up the damp little creature as it cried out at the sudden change of environment.
Anytime you take a little more time than usual on an errand than planned, Jason can't help himself from becoming worried. It also doesn't help his worry when you don't answer you phone when he sends a few texts trying to see what was possibly making you late when it should've only taken you around twenty minutes. After hearing your voicemail message for the fourth time he was almost ready to (hesitantly) call one of his siblings to go look for where you could've gone, not only could you be in some kind of danger but the rain was starting to worry him. He was halfway off the couch when your soaking form finally came through the door. You barely gave him time to sigh in relief, let alone welcome you home and ask what happened as you hurriedly dropped the bag of food into his lap before quickly making your way into the bathroom. That worried him. In the last few years of you dating, you never came home and did not speak to him immediately, let alone rush past him like that. He thought he was worried before, but now he is concerned and almost scared of what's happening that he doesn't know about. Jason carefully got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen to put your dinner into the microwave to keep warm before he made his way into the restroom to see what you could possibly be up to. The last thing he expected to see was you cradling a small soaking wet ball of black fur while stressfully searching the internet on your phone. While he had already began connecting the dots on what was happening, it wasn't until he had hobbled his way to your side and the furball meowing at him that he was fully aware of what was going on.
“Babe? Everything okay?”
“Oh! Jason! I was on my way back home but then I found this poor thing and I couldn't bring myself to leave it there I had to take it home. I'm so sorry.”
“Baby, no need to apologize. I'm Just glad you're home safe. Now, let me take over you need to go dry off and get warm.”
That night you and Jason had done what you could with your limited supply to bathe and care for the kitten before agreeing that you two would make the trip to the vet clinic in the morning to make sure it had a clean bill of health. You two had also immediately decided that you'd adopt the kitten due to how attached you had become and that Jason has no ability to say no to you when it comes to Stuff like this.
Life with a kitten was certainly new, it felt almost like the next big step in the commitment of your relationship. Thankfully the kitten was perfectly healthy, and your theory of it being a runt that was undesired was spot on. You had also found out that the kitten was a little girl and she fell in love with the two of you. She would constantly follow you around the apartment and was never more than a few feet from your side, if there was a moment where she wasn't with you it was because she discovered that Jason was her favorite playmate and her favorite pillow. You couldn't blame her, with his higher than normal body heat and big soft muscles he was your favorite pillow too. It had slightly worried you at first that a kitten was too big of a change and commitment for the two of you to make so suddenly, but that sweet little furball made you quickly realize that you and Jason were in the perfect spot in your relationship to handle just that.
Now as you lay in bed looking at the two loves of your life, you reflect on that rainy evening and feel so greatful for the universe putting this sweet little thing in your path. You also realize that it's almost been a month and your kitten needs a name.
"Jason. Hey.” He's awake immediatley.
"Yeah? What's wrong baby? What's happening?”
"We need to name her.” Jason relaxes now that he knows there's no danger, just his sweet girl and her late night thoughts.
"Yeah? What do you Suggest?” There's a pause as you think about your answer.
“Hmmm. What about…Midna?”A soft laugh escapes him as he recognizes the name. He wouldn't expect any less than for you to chose the name of your favorite character from one of you favorite video games.
“Hmmm nerd. Now go to sleep.”
"Okay goodnight, love you.”
“Goodnight, love you too beautiful.”
"I was talking to Midna.”
At that he softly moves and deposits the sleeping kitten onto the pillows above your heads before moving himself to softly smother you in his arms for the rest of night. Sleep comes back easily when your little family is all together in this little pocket of peace.
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This blurb takes place in the same little universe as my last blurb :)
Read it here!
pastelillos*- basically Puerto Rican empanadas (I have a personal hc that Jason is mixed and half Puerto Rican♡)
Also if you recognize the name I picked for their kitten I love you♡
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Hello! I was taking pictures of my cat and it got me thinking about the fallen snow au and the giant cat room you mentioned. I was wondering if you could make a little post of everyone reacting to reader sleeping in the cat room like this
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No rush of course! Keep up the great writing ❤️
Oooooooh my heavens, look at that lil' bby!!!😍 They are so precious!!! And I can try to make a reaction headcanons list to how the different platonic yans act if they see Creed!Reader sleeping like this!!! Let's try it:
• Sabretooth would be purring, seeing his cub curled up like that. The guy would likely curl up with Reader, hissing if anyone who wasn't the other kids or his brother came close
• Wolverine would likely be having a cuteness meltdown on the inside (He does whenever he sees any of his cubs or pups doing something cute, he just shortcircuits on the outside for a second or two)
• Laura and Kyle (X-23 and Wild Child) would immediately be lying diwn next to Reader and hugging them like they were a stuffed animal. They woukd look like a pile of kittens or puppies sleeping together, not gonna lie
• If Scott or Jean saw them, they'd be taking pictures/mentally telling the Professor about it. They'd be trading the photos like trading cards, too
• Pietro and Wanda would be blushing, then asking if they can join the cuddle pile. Would find a way to steal Reader into their room if they knew they wouldn't face the wrath of the feral kids
• Rogue and Evan would just lay down without asking or taking no for for answer, and making themselves comfortable. They don't care what anyone says, for once Reader isn't aware enough enough run or hide, so they're hugging them, no ifs, ands, or buts
• The Professor would have pictures taken. He'd He'd also have Hank/Beast working on a new drug/medicine for the ferals, to help them fall into their instincts and to feel happy and calm. Is also able to read Reader's mind for once, since their mental walls are down, so he looks through everything that has happened to them, from their past to the after their escape to the present time
• Magneto would try to move Reader to his and his kids special room, then finds that he has to fight every feral and sleepy kid who joined them (even if they weren't allowed in the special feral room)
• Hank/Beast is working on a new set of drugs, sedatives, and medicines for the Reader and other ferals, to help them fall into their instincts easier, to help them feel calm, even to make them a little loopy/to lower their shields a bit. He asks if he can join, and when he promises to make an extra tracking device for Reader, is let into the snuggle pile
• Storm is let in, no questions asked, as Wolverine and Laura and Evan like her and view her as family. And because she could drop a snowstorm on Wolverine and Sabretooth and make it so she was the only adult allowed to be with the kids. So no one stops her if she joins them
• Mystique would try and sneak in. She wouod be caught, and depending on who catches her, woukd either be allowed to stay or (politely) thrown out
• The innocent teens (Kurt, Kitty, Toad, Fred, and Lance) would want to join, despite not knowing Reader well. They would be asked to wait a bit, and let the adults see if Reader will be up to it later (they want to make sure the drug/sedative still works well enough, and make sure Reader doesn't feel freaked out over having new packmates)
• Gambit, Colossus, Pyro, and Tabby are told they can join the other teens while waiting, and that in a few days they'll try and see if Reader is still up for it
• The ferals eventually say "scr*w it!" and kick everyone out, since they want time with THEIR cub/littermate, and everyone else can have their turn once they've had their's. They want to enjoy being with Reader, especially since they feel extra guilt at being related to Reader yet never helping them when they needed it most. So if they can offer comfort and warmth (and the adults can nurse them), then they'll take that chance
• The photos of sleeping Reader become trading cards, and soon, everyone tries to get photos of Reader when they're relaxed or just unaware. What can they say? They're cute, even if they are rather skittish and act like a (literal) feral kitten who's never been hugged. Of course, they now need to hide the cards from Reader, so as not to seem weird or even more avoided than they already are...
(Whoops! I, um... maaaybe did this for the ❄Milky Snow🍼 AU)... But it CAN be read for ❄Fallen Snow🩸 AU, too... Whichever one you prefer!!)
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cats-of-eden-valley · 5 months
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name: Amaranth
pride: Goldspring
role: Matron
age: Geriatric
sex: Molly
traits: Sharp, observant, hardworking
siblings: Ixia, Ash
1stlitter: Arbutus
grandkittens: Jasmine, Meadowsweet
• Currently the oldest living cat in the Valley. Most cats can't even remember a time when Amaranth wasn't senior.
• She's the eldest of her mother's first litter. Sickness infested the nursery, and Amaranth's littermate died, while Ama herself lost vision in her left eye.
• Her mother had a second litter with a daughter and son: Ixia and Ash.
• The year Amaranth had her first litter, the Ninth Blink ran long and the rains were late, the first instance to occur in her lifetime. From a burgeoning litter of four, she lost all but one: Arbutus.
• She wasn't very involved in his care, and quickly returned to her duties, distancing herself from him.
• A few years after Arbutus was born, Amaranth's mother retired and Ama became matron. Despite the looming future of her family losing the spot if she didn't have a daughter, she decided not to have a second litter.
• Her sister, Ixia, tried twice to have a litter, hoping that she would have a daughter and save Ama from the burden. Unfortunately, her first litter died during and after a difficult birth, one that Ixia took many blinks to recover from.
• Both Amaranth and Ash, who had become a healer, asked Ixia to save her health and not true try again, but Ixia insisted her first was a fluke. Despite her optimism, she later died alongisde her second litter.
• Amaranth was Speaker for a time, but she didn't want to be forever. The previous Speaker, Chrysanthemum, retired before her daughter, Tamarack, had children, and though she convinced the pride, and Ama, to let Tam be a matron, they refused to have her as Speaker. They would only compromise with Amaranth being temporary, and then later choosing between Cypress and Tam.
• Save for Arbutus, Amaranth outlived her entire family. She retired in her later years, well after most do, but decided to maintain her status as Matron "until she breathes her last breath."
• When Arbutus retired, they finally struck up a bond, not as mother and son but as peers who'd seen it all. Amaranth learned from him that two kittens adopted by Arbutus's friend, Aster, were actually his illicit children had with a Windswept molly.
• This prompted her to choose Jasmine as her heir, especially as Jas becomes pregnant with her own first litter.
• Numerous injuries, including falls, broken bones, and the scarring and clouding of her remainder eye have taken their toll on Amaranth. She doesn't wander far these days, and struggled the past year to keep up during the move to the Waking Holt. In hushed whispers, many speculate that this may be her final year.
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kuwdora · 3 months
Witcher Wip time! Would anyone like some horny Yennefer? Here's a snippet from the Yen/Freya thing. It's trying to be more angsty and convoluted before they even take off their clothes and get to the goddess sex magic part. Post book/game canon.
The Great Mondren sits down next to Yennefer and her golden-eyed gaze drifts to Yennefer's neck.
"Your pendant," the goddess says. Her words are swathed in husky tenor that many women of the isle share. She says nothing further.
Yennefer frowns, her hand drifting to her neck. Self-consciousness was beneath her. But curiosity was not.
"My pendant," Yennefer echoes.
"It is not the same one you wore when you first came to me.
It was such a specific and unusual statement, free of aphorisms and opaque sentiment. Yennefer wasn't expecting that. But she didn't know why the Mondren was drawing attention to it.
"I had been held captive. It was taken from me." Yennefer had little reason to dwell on the memories of her time at Stygga. They had not broken her. Yennefer knew this. The goddess knew this. Yennefer senses, somehow, the goddess wanted to hear this aloud.
The Mondren's fingers brush Yennefer's neck, skating along the strap holding the pendant snug against her skin. "You replaced it. After." The glacial pace of the goddess' touch did more to stoke the fire and impatience between her legs than she's felt in…ages.
"Yes," she confirms, and it wasn't quite telepathy brushing across her mind, but a nudge of intention on the goddess' behalf that she adds, "—it focuses my power. Amplifies it when necessary."
Yennefer aches everywhere. The Mondren does not invite her touch, but she doesn't stop Yennefer's from having an eyeful of her very pregnant stomach and large breasts, of Brisingamen snug in her bosom.
Calloused fingers stroke upward from pendant to chin. It takes all Yennefer's fortitude not close her eyes and drag the goddess hand downward to fucking touch her throbbing cunt.
Breathe — and it's more than a voice inside her head, it's expansive and comes from deep within her body from everywhere at the same time. Yennefer trembles, the air shakily leaving her lungs. She moans as desperate and needy as an indignant kitten fighting her way past her littermates to her mother's milk. Yennefer licks her lips.
She whose mortal-given name feels inadequate on Yennefer's tongue cups Yennefer's cheek, fingers bracketing her chin and ear.
Yennefer nuzzles the Mondren's steady hand, the thundering of her pulse growing loud in her ears. She drifts in the warmth. A thumb gently bops her on the chin. Yennefer blinks slowly and with great effort.
"This pendant was also taken from you, but your mind has been shielded from the memory," the goddess says.
The statement didn't sound like a lie coming from the goddess' mouth and it didn't feel like one. Even though Yennefer knew it wasn't true.
"It's always been in my possession."
"You have been in the possession of the crimson cavalcade that carried you along the nexus of worlds, and so your pendant was in their possession."
The goddess strokes her cheek and Yennefer blinks through the fog of arousal.
"You can't expect me to sit here and," Yennefer takes another deep, steadying breath, "translate your abstract nonsense and poetry when you're touching me like this."
"I can."
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I was bored and started thinking about pets and here's the thing: I like dogs just as much as the next person, but hear me out when I say that the Sullies are hands-down a cat family and through years of volunteering at their local cat rescue and fostering kittens each Sully (+ ensemble) has their own puffball serotonin angel.
Snowflake. Snowflake is Tuk's cat—and, funnily enough, one of the oldest of the Sully's cats at 11 years. Nobody knows why she chose to name him Snowflake when they adopted him, he isn't even white (he's gray). Despite his age he loves playing with toys and is also very chill when Tuk dresses him up to play any number of make-believe games.
Batman & Robin. Named during Lo'ak's superhero phase, Batman and Robin are his cats. It didn't really start out that way, at first they were just foster kittens, but as time went on Lo'ak got so attached that Jake caved and let him keep them. Batman is a black and white tomcat and Robin is an orange tabby, and amusingly enough they hate pretty much everyone but Lo'ak—or at least Robin does. Batman is a bit more flexible and has been known to sleep in Neteyam's room from time to time, which really pisses Lo'ak off when he and Neteyam are in a fight.
Naia. Naia is Kiri's cat and came to them from an abusive previous owner. She's very quiet and rotates between Kiri's room and the outside. Nobody can recall a time she's ever set paw in any of the other rooms in the house besides Kiri's. Kiri always leaves her window open so that Naia can roam freely. Naia doesn't really like to be touched, even by Kiri, which the girl understands. Even so, Naia is very loving in other ways, sleeping on the pillow next to Kiri or following Kiri around the neighborhood as if keeping an eye on her.
Mittens. Neteyam's cat and the sweetest creature you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. She loves cuddling more than anything in the whole world and will do so with just about anyone. Unlike Batman, Robin, and Naia (Snowflake could care less either way), she loves strangers and is most definitely the first cat to approach when you first enter the Sully household. She's also very vocal, meowing and purring and yowling. She has a reaction for everything.
Seze. Neytiri, unlike the rest of her family, is a dog person. Neytiri does not like cats. If she had it her way their household would be filled to the brim with doggos. At first she was very resistant to the idea of having her own cat, too. Seze was a something she cold never have anticipated. She was originally brought in as an emergency foster kitten with her two littermates, and of course Neytiri left it to Jake at the time. But as their conditions got worse and they had to be hospitalized, Neytiri bonded with Seze, who became the only one of her litter to survive and recover. Nowadays her and Seze are a package deal and can be seen in the kitchen together while Neytiri cooks. Neytiri may not be a cat person, but she is a Seze person.
Bob. Jake's therapy cat and his one true joy in life (after his kids of course). He got Bob fresh out of the military and has had him ever since. Bob is dopey as hell but the whole family loves him, and he's the oldest of the cats. He and Jake watch the tv together, Jake complaining jokingly about whatever is on and Bob enjoying his pats.
Watermelon, Pickles, & Pumpkin. Spider is the only one with three cats in the family and all of them are menaces to society. From Watermelon the escape artist to Pickles the climber to Pumpkin the kleptomaniac, these cats are the bane of pretty much all of the adults' existences while the kids find them to be hilarious. No matter where you are, Watermelon will find a way to get to it. No matter how high it is, Pickles will climb it and will leap off of it, most likely breaking something in the process—or sometimes just not getting down from it for days at a time. No matter how well you hide it, Pumpkin will find it and steal it and put it somewhere you will never be able to find. Ever. And the worst part? They never do it around Spider, so he's literally in so much denial over it lmao. Neytiri is convinced they're demons while Spider is over here like "I am appalled by these accusations".
Olly. Norm's cat that has the weird habit of disappearing for weeks and then all of a sudden showing up out of nowhere. Like, Jake will stop by Norm's place and just see Olly and be all like "dude I thought he was dead" and Norm will be like "oh yeah nah".
Jasmine. Tsireya's cat and the most spoiled feline ever. Tsireya takes precious time grooming her and maintaining her specific food and water diet and adhering to her exercise schedule, and all for competitions (both show and courses for agility, etc.). Tsireya is the only one to have a purebred showcat amongst them all and both she and Jasmine take their winning streak seriously. They're not intense about it, but it is something they've worked for and are finally being rewarded for after a few years in the ring.
Pearl. Ao'nung's cat, supposedly. And I say supposedly because this cat loves Rotxo more than life itself and goes out of her way to be with him at all hours of the day. Ao'nung claims it's only because Rotxo spoils Pearl with treats and food on a regular basis, but Rotxo thinks he should just admit that his cat is their cat.
Oreo. Ronal and Tonowari's shared cat. Like Neytiri, Tonowari is a dog person, but Oreo has a special place in his heart. They're surfing buddies and hit the waves together during the summer months, while Ronal takes great pleasure in experimenting with homemade cat treat/food recipes with Neytiri. Oreo is a picky eater and working out which recipes he'll enjoy is a fun hobby of hers. Oreo also loves the water and gets so excited when he sees Tonowari with their surfing gear.
THIS IS SO ADORABLE. Nothing makes me smile more then when you guys send me these long headcanons, sometimes I have to add paragraph after paragraph and sometimes I'm like you did it, Joe, I'm just along for the ride.
I gotta argue with you on the cat family thing, the Sully family are a family of outdoorsman. They are camping and fishing and swimming and hiking and rock climbing and doing everything active and outside, and they need pets that can tag along. I am voting for dogs. I'm also arguing against Kiri letting her cat go outside. Kiri cares about the environment AND the cats enough to let any of the family let any of their cats out to wreck havoc on local species and get themselves hurt. Kiri is the type of bitch to judge the shit out of you for having an outdoor cat.
That being said, I'll kill a man for Spider's three fucking cats. Icons all around. Also tell my why I teared up at Bob being a sweet old cat 🥺 please, Bob is young and VITAL and he will live for decades more!!
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defilerwyrm · 6 months
A fond farewell
CW: Pet illness, cancer, death.
My Mom’s cat Sookie, littermate to Tigger and my Cassiopeia, had been terribly sick for several months. Test after test came back negative, until finally x-rays showed a deep shadow in her lungs. It was either an advanced fungal infection or lung cancer. If it was fungus, the treatment would be injections three times a week for 6-12 months with a 50% chance of recovery. If it was cancer…there was no treatment plan. We’ve been waiting on more test results to screen for one of four types of fungus common in this area while giving her anti-nausea meds and encouraging her to eat.
Sookie went missing two days ago. We figured she didn’t like the ruckus of the roofers and went out into the woods like usual. But she wasn’t coming back at night to eat, and she can’t afford to miss meals, so we’d been out looking for her without any luck.
This morning, Dad saw Tigger playing in the front yard like she hadn’t in years. Tigger is a grumpy old cat, but she was leaping and racing and dashing halfway up trees and gamboling like Fang & November (6-week-old kittens) do with each other. But there was no other animal with her that he could see.
He found Sookie mere yards away from that this evening, stiff but bugless still, uninjured, recently passed. It seemed she’d been on her way home from her usual hunting grounds and laid down in a thicket to pass away—died doing what she loved.
I’m a skeptic. There are plenty of explanations for what he saw this morning, I’m sure.
But the most comforting one is that two old littermates played together one last time, like they did when they were very young.
Rest in peace, Sookie Kitty.
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twilights-800-cats · 2 months
<< Chapter 19 || Chapter 20 || Chapter 21 || From the Beginning || Patreon & Ko-Fi >>
Chapter 20 
Shadepool fumbled in the darkness, uncertain of where she was - she guessed that this was someplace between dream and reality, like where she had floated just before entering StarClan's hunting grounds. She wished that Yellowfang's tongue had just sent her into the waking world instead, but perhaps her own troubled thoughts were miring her here. 
As if in reflection of that, Shadepool saw shapes form in the darkness. It took her a moment to recognize what they were - the thick, winding branches of a bush, thick as sycamores, all tangled in on themselves to form an impassable wall that Shadepool couldn't even see through. Impossibly huge thorns bristled from the surface, keeping her from drawing too close to investigate. 
Shadepool shivered. There was something so familiar about this structure. Was this the barrier she had erected between herself and Nightfrost? Or, more importantly, was this the barrier that Nightfrost was maintaining now? 
Her claws flexed. She wanted to rip it all down but knew that she would tear herself to pieces trying. 
Onewhisker is gone, and so is Barkface, now, too, she thought miserably, staring at the thorny wall. There's no way to learn the truth of what happened. StarClan doesn't have any answers, and they might not even be able to help. What are we supposed to do? 
It's all been for nothing! 
Not long ago, she would've been able to lean on her brother and share her misery with him to keep her head clear enough to think - now, though, it was all hers and hers alone. It was so heavy and suffocating, and Shadepool felt like she was drowning. 
“You'd be shocked just how much of it all was you, Shade,” he'd said. 
He's right, she thought, crouching low. She shut her eyes tight. I... I've never been able to handle anything without him. 
I put too much on him; now he's gone, and I don't know what to do anymore. 
She tried to will herself to wake up. Was this StarClan's doing, keeping her here? Perhaps it was the shadow-cats trying to steal her spirit as they had with Onewhisker and Barkface. Shadepool shivered, feeling cold. 
Did StarClan know what darkness lay here beside the lake? If they had, why did they send the Clans here? 
Shadepool opened her eyes and saw a pair of white paws. The white cat stood before her, their pelt so blindingly bright that it seemed to absorb the darkness, creating a strange glow around their body. It wasn't starlight, like StarClan spirits, but it reminded Shadepool of the Moonstone, back in the old forest. 
“It's you,” she said, too upset to be as incredulous as the last time she had seen the creature. Shadepool lifted her muzzle, looking at the white cat in the starry pits they had for eyes, trying not to get lost in their depths. “What do you want?” 
The white cat, as always, said nothing. 
Shadepool frowned. “Whatever,” she sighed, exhausted. “Just stand there and stare. I still don't know what you're supposed to be, but whatever you are, I guess it's not helpful.” 
“Wait for me!” 
Shadepool's ears twitched. The high-pitched voice did not belong to the white cat, but it was familiar. 
That sounds like... 
A small hole opened in the thorn wall, just large enough for two kittens to stumble through before it closed up tight. The kitten in the lead, a she-kit with a tortoiseshell pelt, was far ahead of her littermate, a little black tom who was fumbling behind her on stumpy little legs. 
Shadepool's eyes widened at the sight. 
“Come on! Keep up!” the little tortoiseshell mewled. 
The stumpy tom was trying his best. He protested, “I'm too short! It's not fair!” 
Shadepool watched as the little she-kit stopped and turned, looking back at her littermate with shining eyes. She waited for the smaller tom to catch up, the two touching noses and purring as they walked off as one, pelts brushing. 
That's... us. 
Shadepool glanced back at the white cat, confused. They seemed unaffected by the kittens, who had faded into the darkness. 
“I'm not sure I understand,” Shadepool admitted. “Nightfrost and I were always close, but now there's this between us.” She gestured at the thorn barrier with her tail. “What does this even have to do with what happened to Onewhisker and Barkface, anyway? What's going on?” 
The white cat said nothing. 
Shadepool hissed through her teeth. Not sure what I expected from you there. The vision likely had nothing to do with the white cat at all if this was Shadepool's own mind. Thinking about how things used to be with Nightfrost must have summoned a vision of a happier time, simple as that. 
Winding her tail around her paws, she asked, “Is there anything you can do to help me? Anything at all?” 
The white cat swished their tail and burst into hundreds of blinding white moths. 
Shadepool jerked back, shocked at the suddenness of it all - the entire dream world was filled with the moths like stars in the night sky, illuminating the thorny cocoon of Shadepool's mind. It was as beautiful as it was haunting, and Shadepool struggled to comprehend it, jaws agape at the sight. 
One of the moths fluttered towards her, landing on her nose and flapping its blinding white wings. Shadepool kept herself still, uncertain what to do - she tried not to blink, but the moth was too bright to look at, and she had to shut her eyes. 
When she dared to open them, she was lying on her side by the Moonpool. 
Her entire body ached, and she struggled to move as if the black sands beneath her wanted to swallow her whole. Her eyes worked just fine, however, and she found herself staring at the waters of the Moonpool, the surface lit blinding white by the light of the full moon. 
She had slept for a whole day. 
Shadepool immediately sat up, ignoring the protestations of her body. Her heart thudded in her ears like a thunderstorm - a whole day? Brackenfur would be furious! How could she ever justify it to him? Moreover, what was Tinystar thinking at this moment? 
Great StarClan above; they're going to split my pelt between them! 
A commotion at the top of the hollow made Shadepool turn her muzzle to the scraggly hawthorn. Her heartbeat accelerated, blood roaring in her ears - was this Onewhisker and Barkface's attacker? A wild animal? She had been a fool to come to the Moonpool alone! 
But the muzzle that pushed through the dry brush was familiar and golden-brown colored, touched with white and gray: Brackenfur. 
For a moment, Shadepool and her mentor stared at one another, one at the top of the hollow, his thin shoulders lit by moonlight, the other at the bottom, half-covered in black sand, eyes wild with sleep and fear. 
Shadepool tried to guess what Brackenfur was thinking, but his expression gave nothing away. Her stomach curdled with disappointment in herself - Brackenfur was definitely going to yell at her for this, especially since he had come all this way to get her himself. 
He didn't have to say anything. Shadepool got to her paws and climbed up the narrow path to meet him, ignoring the sleep dragging at her muscles. Her shoulders felt heavy and her belly sick, and resignedly, she decided that Brackenfur could be as angry at her as he liked: She deserved it. She had disobeyed him again, and again, it had been for nothing. 
Brackenfur slid to the side to let Shadepool pass. She heard him sigh softly, his breath stirring the fur on her flank. 
“There you are!” Sorreltail's voice surprised Shadepool. The tortoiseshell she-cat was sitting with Sun and Cloudtail, the three she-cats pacing a stony patch just outside the hawthorn. Sorreltail was staring at Shadepool, ears pricked. 
Shadepool blinked. She supposed it would be foolish if Brackenfur had come here alone, and Cloudtail was the best tracker in ThunderClan. Sorreltail and Sun's presence, though, was far more comforting despite how wretched she felt. 
“We were looking everywhere for you,” Sun fretted. She glanced at Cloudtail. “Thankfully, Cloudtail caught your scent before-” 
“We should head back,” Cloudtail meowed sharply, cutting Sun off. She yawned, pausing to stretch, curling her white tail over her back. “Lots to do, and all that...” 
Cloudtail began heading down the slope. Sorreltail and Sun glanced at one another, then at Shadepool, who could only hang her head in shame. 
“I'm sorry,” she murmured. “I didn't mean to worry anyone.” 
“It's okay,” Sorreltail told her, though Shadepool heard some hesitancy there. “It was medicine cat business.” 
Sun nodded her head in agreement. “Tinystar was quite worried, though.” 
Worried is a word for it, I'm sure, Shadepool thought. She looked over her shoulder at Brackenfur, wondering if he had anything to say now that they were out of the Moonpool's hollow. 
He limped past her, heading after Cloudtail. Not yet, it seemed. Shadepool sighed and trotted after them. Sorreltail and Sun flanked her. 
The walk back to camp was quiet and slow to account for Brackenfur's leg. Shadepool felt the silence ringing in her ears, rattling her mind. She wanted to at least talk to Sorreltail, but it seemed like the tortoiseshell she-cat was focusing intensely on the path in front of her - she looked tired, and Shadepool saw that she stumbled over more than one root twisting out of the earth. 
Shadepool's pelt prickled. They were all tired because of her. She fought to keep her tail from dragging in the icy leaf litter. Nightfrost was right - she always dragged everyone else into her problems. 
The moon was setting as they approached the thorn tunnel. At a signal from Brackenfur's tail, the warriors all filed in, leaving him and Shadepool alone outside the camp. Shadepool did not miss the sympathetic look that Sorreltail flashed her before she disappeared through the entrance. 
“Come,” Brackenfur rasped. 
Shadepool, confused, followed Brackenfur as he limped away from camp and down towards the lake. They took their time, walking in the quiet gray predawn, a warmish breeze rattling the leafless trees above as the stars of Silverpelt began to disappear. 
ThunderClan territory did not have the prettiest shoreline with the lake - no grass giving way to soft, pale sand like in WindClan; rather, it was a sudden transition between a grassy slope and a line of wet pebbles, worn smooth by the lapping waves of the lake. A wooden half-bridge was stuck out close to ShadowClan territory, slick with frost and bare of any activity for seasons. It was pretty enough but not ideal for patrolling or hunting. 
Brackenfur settled down at the edge of the pebbly shore with a sigh, taking a moment to bend down and lap at his twisted leg, which looked sore and swollen. 
Shadepool sat beside him, wrapping her tail tightly around her paws. Guilt bit at her pelt like ants, and the anticipation of what was surely coming next made her fidget. 
“You're lucky that Mothwing told me that you had left the Gathering early,” Brackenfur rumbled, lifting his muzzle from his leg. “When Tinystar saw that you hadn't returned with us, he almost jumped to accuse WindClan of taking you hostage. I was able to stop him from sending a battle party right into their camp - he was preparing for it when Cloudtail caught your scent trail in our territory.” 
Shadepool's ears burned. Had she really almost caused a battle between ThunderClan and WindClan? 
“I... I didn't tell Mothwing where I went,” Shadepool mumbled, shuffling her paws. “How did you know...?” 
“I'm not daft!” Brackenfur scoffed. The fur along his neck lifted slightly. “Considering the timing, I assumed you went to the Moonpool to look for Barkface's spirit, despite me not wanting you to. Cloudtail finding your scent on the trail to the uplands confirmed it.” He took a deep breath and exhaled through his teeth in a stressed hiss. “What did you find?” 
Shadepool dug her claws into the earth. The sound of lapping waves filled her mind, but they did not ease her. When she spoke, it was as if she were choking on a frozen mouse: “Barkface isn't there, either. He was taken, like Onewhisker.” 
Brackenfur closed his eyes. He shuddered from ears to tail. “I had hoped...” he breathed, “but...” 
He seemed at a loss. Shadepool did not blame him. She wished that she had better news. She wished that it hadn't been for nothing again. 
“Did StarClan have any more information?” Brackenfur asked. 
Shadepool shook her head. “Nothing helpful. Yellowfang says they're just as confused about it as we are.” Shadepool hunched her shoulders, shivering. “She thinks the shadow-cats I saw at the ambush site might be responsible for it.” 
Brackenfur frowned at that. 
“Also...” Shadepool hesitated to talk about it, but she supposed she might as well while Brackenfur wasn't yelling at her: “Spottedleaf was acting so strange - she kept ranting about some Omen she'd seen, and she wasn't herself at all. It's like she was obsessed with it. She wouldn't hear a word I said to her!” 
“An Omen?” Brackenfur repeated. 
Shadepool frowned at him. He didn't sound the least bit surprised, and his expression hadn't changed a whisker. That was very unlike him. 
“You knew about that already,” she guessed. 
Brackenfur nodded. 
“And you didn't tell me?!” Shadepool hissed. The fur along her spine rose indignantly. “Why not?!” 
Brackenfur sighed. The morning breeze stirred his pelt. “I did not tell you because StarClan knows as little about it as I do,” he answered frankly. He stared out over the water. “If it has consumed Spottedleaf, though, it is surely dangerous.” 
Shadepool huffed. “So nobody knows anything about anything,” she concluded, frustration prickling in her pelt. The grinding of the stones beneath her paws reflected how she felt right now. “We're all just fumbling in the dark - even StarClan.” She sighed. “Aren't they supposed to know everything?” 
Brackenfur twitched his whiskers. “I once thought so when I was younger,” he admitted. “But, perhaps there are things even StarClan cannot comprehend. It seems we have stumbled into some darkness beneath the lake, and we must figure it out together if we are all to survive. Perhaps that is why the Clans were brought here.” 
But why is it our responsibility? Shadepool wondered. Why us? 
He glanced at her as if he could read her thoughts, and he looked older than his seasons and tired enough that a moon's worth of sleep would not heal him. She understood then that he had been changed by his knowledge of the Omen - though not in the same way that Spottedleaf was. That weight had been crushing him for who knew how long. 
Now, the burden was shared. 
Shadepool touched her nose to his shoulder. “What do we do?” she asked. 
“I do not know,” Brackenfur said. “We must trust that when StarClan finds an answer, they will tell us. For now, we can only guide our Clanmates through the fog of the unknown.” 
Though he was just as clueless and uncertain as she was, Shadepool felt comforted by Brackenfur's presence, the idea that she didn't have to be alone with this. Perhaps he felt the same. She felt his chin rest on her forehead, his breath tickling her ear. 
The closeness was bittersweet, however. If Brackenfur knew that she had love in her heart for Crowflight, this would all evaporate like mist in the sunshine. There was no way he would ever understand, no way that he would ever be able to trust her again. 
“What will you tell Tinystar?” she asked, pulling her muzzle away. She couldn't even fathom how angry her father was with her. 
“Medicine cat business is, in the end, medicine cat business,” Brackenfur rasped. His yellow eyes flashed in the orange light of dawn. “Even Tinystar must accept that that is all he needs to know.” 
Shadepool's tail twisted with discomfort. “We're not going to tell him about Onewhisker and Barkface, or the Omen?” 
“Not yet,” Brackenfur told her. “I'm not sure what good it will do right now. Tinystar is already fighting a war on two fronts - the last thing he needs right now is more to worry him. For now, this is a medicine cat problem.” 
“Is that the best idea?” Shadepool ventured. She had told Crowflight about Onewhisker already, and she dreaded the idea of telling him that Barkface had suffered the same fate. 
“I do not know,” Brackenfur said again. His muzzle pressed thin. “I imagine that all of this - the WindClan situation, the disappearing spirits, the Omen - is connected somehow. Until we have more information, though, we risk speculating wildly, and the more that know, the more likely panic will arise.” 
Shadepool didn't like it, but she nodded in agreement. The last thing they needed right now was more cats becoming as deranged as Spottedleaf. Perhaps I ought to keep this close, then. Only for now. 
She really didn't like the idea of keeping a secret from Crowflight, and she wasn't sure she could, really - but she also didn't want him to spiral from the knowledge and the hopelessness that it brought. He had reeled from learning about Onewhisker, after all. She wondered if Nightfrost might listen, but the tightness of the thorns came to mind, and she pushed it aside. 
“We should return to the Clan,” Brackenfur meowed. “They will be missing us.” 
Shadepool nodded in agreement. She got up and stretched, her paws scattering a few pebbles down into the lake's cold, gray water. Above her head honked a group of geese as they flew in formation, their bodies black against the rising sun. 
Geese? she thought, glancing at Brackenfur, who seemed just as surprised to see them. Does that mean...? 
“Newleaf,” Brackenfur sighed, his eyes sparkling. “Finally, some good news: newleaf is finally here!” 
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wc-wild-rewrite · 9 months
So, Swiftpaw won the story poll, which means i get to deep dive into my story for him. This is subject to change, as i havent finalized the plot past arc 2.
Anyway, under the cut bc it got long
Theres no change to his parentage in this rewrite, still the eldest son of Goldenflower and some loner, one difference is that he isn't a single litter. His sibling, Lynxshine, is here too.
Named after the bird and not the trait, Swiftkit was, in fact, fastest kitten in the nursery, with constantly abundant energy and a bad habit of saying unintentionally hilarious stuff and accidentally insulting other cats. He and two of his denmates, Bracken and Thorn, often played rough and competed with eachother in camp races and mossball, but their collective energy often got one of them, or someone else, hurt or disgruntled.
There were two cats he liked playing with the most that werent in the den, though. Ravenpaw and Tigerclaw. Yes, you heard me.
Ravenpaw was fantastic with kits, he and his denmates loved to sit around and listen to the tom tell wild stories of battles and historic leaders. But that stuff was of the far past, Tigerclaw offered more recent stories, ones that other cats- even his mother- could confirm and add onto. Tigerclaw had a soft spot for kits, you see, so he played with them in the times when he wasnt brooding or plotting his next move. Not wildly, not even particularly well, but the kits loved to play with him.
Anyway, swiftpaw.
As an apprentice, he learnt to manage his energy a bit better, especially under the mentorship of formerly-batshit-kitten Longtail. Unfortunately, this was still in Longtail's asshole Tiger supporter era, so Swift ended up getting kind of pushy towards the other apprentices. He and Thorn developed a rivarly that never really stopped, but as apprentices, it wasn't too friendly. At the end of the day, though, he got along well enough with his denmates. When his littermate came out as a Half-tom (demiboy), he was his number one supporter.
It was around the start of his apprenticeship that Tigerclaw and Goldenflower became mates and, unfortunately, Swiftpaw started to look up to him, as the brave, strong warrior Thunderclan thought he was. He idolized him, even, like his mentor did, and his mentor before that. He quickly started bragging that his dad was deputy, that his dad was the brave warrior that avenged the old deputy and killed the horrible Oakheart.
When Cinderpaw got hit, and Darksong moved to Thunderclan to train her, he picked fights with any cat that would so much as look at either cat wrong. Thankfully, a lot of the senior warriors seemed oddly calm about Darksong, and once Yellowfang started snapping at those who made remarks too, he calmed down mostly. He did, however, get in trouble for nearly clawing another apprentice's ear off at a gathering for such a comment, though. It was less of a "that wasn't right" punishment and more of a "your right but we cant let you get away with violence" punishment
He got increasingly snappy with other clan patrols when he came across them, a bi-product of his step-father's manipulation. After all, he was a strong warrior that protected his clan, of course he wouldn't be friends with other clans.
And then, of course, Tigerclaw was outed for his plan. And his world came crashing down. His father, the father of his soon-to-be-born siblings, was not only a fraud, but a murderer. He had not only killed the former deputy, but Swiftpaw's own uncle, Lionheart. Who was also the father of his denmates. For a while, he became very avoidant with them, too ashamed of his former praise to look them in the eyes. Eventually, Brightpaw calmed him down, and told him nobody was mad at him. He hadn't killed Lionheart, Tigerclaw had.
Unfortunately, not every cat saw it that way, and some of the other cats- the elders particularly- started whispering about him and his behaviour, about how he acted like Tigerclaw, how close he was with him, even pointing out similarities in pelt and body, despite them not being blood.
This was at the same time as his younger siblings were born- Bramble, Tawny, Snow, and Mistle. And you bet that all of them were viewed in a bad way. But this made Swiftpaw worse. Unlike his littermate, who isolated himself from the glaring cats, or his sister, who went and joined Shadowclan, Swift got angry. He got angry, and defense, and wildly protective of his siblings.
When a fire swept through the territory, Swift gathered his siblings and herded them out. But he didn't get Bramble, who had hid from the noise of the scramble to get out. When Swift discovered Yellowfang, his brother's mentor, died because Fireheart had gone back for Bramblekit, it only worsened things.
But that wasn't the last of it. Mistlekit would fall dangerously ill with Greencough in the same moon that Snowkit got snatched by the hawk. He and Bracken chased the hawk until it went past the thunderpath, and he nearly got ran over trying to go after it, only saved by a quick acting Brackenfur. He was sure his baby brother was dead, he was only a few moons old, he couldn't possibly survive a hawk like that. But, thanks to a certain Shadowclan warrior, his brother was saved, if very injured. This didn't stop him from blaming himself for it, like Brackenfur did. If he had been faster, if he had saw the hawk, if he had been watching his brother instead of his sister-
And then Bluestar refused to make him a warrior. That was, essentially, his breaking point. He was held back for moons, his mentor said he was ready, and yet the disobediant tom that was Cloudpaw was allowed to get his warrior name.
He overheard from one of the elders a way that thunderclan used to give out warrior names. Back in tigerclaw's time and before, they used to have to perform something big to prove their loyalty. Swiftpaw remembered hearing about the dog in Sunningrocks, and immediately went to tell the other apprentices. They refused to go with him, knowing it was dangerous, even when Thornpaw too was annoyed at being held back even longer. But he was deadset, he had always been stubborn, but his emotions had been pulled taught by the last few moons, and Brightpaw knew it. So they went off to Sunningrocks.
I don't think i need to describe what followed.
When he awoke, he was covered in bandages, several days later, with his brother reapplying some of them. Brightpaw laid beside him, even more injured than he was. And he realised he almost got her killed. Almost. She had woken before him, but not by long. Bluestar entered the den, giving them a dying apprentice ceremony, naming them Losthope and Dogbite respectively.
And then he discovered his leg had been broken beyond repair. Not enough for removal, but very broken. When he eventually recovered enough to stand, he found he couldn't move his foot at all. Alongside that, he had permenantly lost a few teeth, which messed with his speech, and had some nasty chronic pain. His brother called him a miracle. He had scarring all over his neck, his stomach had clearly been ripped open to some amount, and yet he was alive with far less lasting damage then he should've had.
Lynx, Cinder, Bracken, and Thorn helped him and Bright through their physical therapy. His younger siblings, all healthy by that point, and his mother supported them through it all. He was still angry at being named Dogbite, but it had been a wake up call for him. His rash, angry behaviour, trying to be 'the best', had nearly gotten him and his friend killed.
When Firestar became leader, he was almost called Swiftwing, but wanted to match with Brightheart. And so, he became Swiftheart.
He changed after that, quite significantly. He stopped being so aggressive, he started to unlearn the toxic behaviour Tigerclaw had taught him, and he started being friendlier to other clans. He fought against Tigerclan fiercly, and ended up meeting Gorseflame.
At first, they began talking at gatherings and border patrols, but then they started meeting up, staying behind after gatherings, sneaking out of camp. By the time The New Prophecy happens, he's in love with Gorseflame. They keep it secret, shockingly effectively, mostly thanks to Lynxpaw and Darksong, both of whom were aware of it.
He participated in the Great Journey, and got even closer to Gorseflame during it, becoming mates with him by the time The Power Of Six (Arc 3) came around.
This is where the plot and his involvement gets a tad blurry, but overall he survives the Great Battle, makes the second Great Journey to the new-new territories, and, once cross-clan mates became allowed, had a litter of kits with Gorseflame, with some surrogate help from a Windclan molly.
He became a respected warrior, admired for his bravery and determination.
His kits became Nighthop, Dawnsplash, and Dayshine, with Dawnsplash living in Windclan.
He witnessed the deaths of Bramble, Lynx, and Snow, but was outlived by Mistle.
At the end of Arc 4.5, he notices his vision is going, and rather quickly, one eye more than the other. He didn't know wether to blame this on his old injuries, or a family thing.
Eventually, though, he was sent out with Sandstorm and Alderpaw, and maybe some others, to bring Bloodclan to the territories, and gave his life to let them escape from a pack of dogs.
As he died, he wasn't angry at dying to a dog. He was an elder by that point, he knew Gorse and their kits would be distraught, but he knew Brightheart wasn't expecting him to come back alive. He had done everything he wanted.
He had even taken the dogs down with him, only succumbing to his injuries as he tried to walk and catch up with his clanmates.
In the end, Alderpaw and the others found his body, under a tree, surrounded by the bodies of dogs, on their way back to the clan, and carried him all the way back, alongside Sandstorm's body, and buried him on home territory, with a speech done by his siblings, kits, and mate.
Brightheart was the last to give a speech.
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fallenclan · 8 months
"Moosefall! Come here!"
A voice from a gentle molly could be heard next to the nursery, the soft air from the evening emphasizing it. Moosefall turned his head around, startled to know if everything was alright with Salmonskip's kitting.
Silverbelly looked at the white tom hopefully from the entrance, a bright shining covering her eldery eyes as a soft smile formed her face. In a matter of seconds, the dark cat dissapeared, wanting the tom to enter the nursery by himself.
It wasn't as if Moosefall was really that cautious to disturb anyone in there, heck, he as any other cat in FallenClan WAS born there and grew up in the den's warmth until apprentice-hood took over their own age. This time however, was different; it was the first time he would go to see his new children! Maybe he would offer something for the tortie molly to recover faster, or perhaps play with the kittens once they're a few moons old (not for now, that is), or maybe request Maplestar to become a mentor of one of them, or-
'Alright.' - Moosefall thought, turning next to the nursery to enter it. 'Don't freak out yet, you haven't seen them for now. Besides, your mate wants you to spend some time with them at least.'
In the warmth inside of the nursery, a blue tortie cat, Salmonskip, could be seen. She has been planning this exact moment ever since she announced it to her mate. And now, there it was, all these long moons that looked like years for him to have them.
"Is a litter of two mollies and one tom!" Silverbelly announced, looking at the three kittens. They meowed constantly, with the exception of a certain ginger kitten, who instead stayed quiet. It didn't mattered, Salmonskip giggled at looking one of them kicking the two other littermates; they were blind for now, is not like they would see after all.
Moosefall ran through the leaves and looked at the kittens. Both Salmon and Moose's hearts felt like they were about to melt. Next to Salmon, Silverbelly went out from the den, understanding that the both cats would love to take some time before the queen could actually recover from the kitting.
"They're so..."
"Beautiful? I bet you would say that" Salmonskip giggled, he enjoyed making fun of the bi-coloroured cat lightly. Moosefall laughed as well, he enjoyed those jokes after all.
"Have you thought of a name for them yet?" Moosefall asked, raising his voice slightly in case if any of the kittens' meowings would be loud.
"Hm... I thought of two names" The tortie cat looked the brown kitten at first, who was struggling to snuggle up to her. "I think I will call her as Brackenkit"
He then looked at a ginger one, the same one who was quiet enough compared to the others. "I may call him as Foxkit, his fur reminds me of one."
However, for a specific molly-kit, Salmonskip didn't had anything for her. She was the most "aggressive" for her being newborn; going up to her siblings just to go to the molly's belly. Salmon's smile faded as worry invaded her, she didn't had any name ideas! He was supossed to think of one last moon!
Thankfully, Moosefall noticed his mate's worry, and as if a kittenhood memory approached him out all the sudden, he got an idea.
Something that had to do with an event it happened, back when he was just a kit, and has been in his head ever since...
He looked at Salmonskip, then down to the white and red newborn...
Then, after a few moments of thinking, eyerolls, and more thinking... he had the perfect name for her...
"Maybe... we can call her as Shrewkit, if that's okay?"
Aaaaa first time doing a Fallenfic and is about Moosefall viewing Salmonskip's kits!!!! Because I LOVE MooseSal/SalmonMoose and I crave for content of them.
Also, I enjoy the idea of Moosefall naming Shrekit as that because of his deceased sibling, who didn't made it to apprenticehood. I can't remember if her name WAS actually shrewkit though(? (I have terrible memory lol) but I think is very bittersweet :')
Also english isn't my first language so uhhh if there's any grammar errors is because of that lmao
- ☎️
AUGH my heart,,, Moose naming his kid after his dead sister is so sad but yall keep making it sadder somehow :')
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cleverpelt · 22 days
does anyone else spend like, an inordinate amount of time thinking about sandstorm's parents.
like obviously no one in into the wild was created with a family tree in mind, but it's funny how her and nightcloud are like, the only two quite prominent characters to never have their family mentioned
general fandom belief was that her parents were brindleface and redtail (and i think that was treated as canon i seem to remember it being on the wiki??) but when redtail's debt released it didn't bring that up at all. probably because it released the same day as the first book in the broken code and it would be a very bad idea to highlight that ashfur and sandstorm are half siblings riiiight before the imposter arc.
and there's like, no one who can feasibly be her mom?? dustpelt and ravenpaw being robinwing's kits is already a huge stretch (and one i ignore) but it's even worse for sandstorm. like, of all the potential mothers in thunderclan:
-bluestar: it's very obviously not bluestar for infinite reasons.
-mousefur: even though she's retconned into being a lot older than she appears in into the wild, she's described as being young, too young to have a kid sandpaw's age. also it would suck to have one of the few female characters who never takes a mate or has children be retconned into being a mom the whole time
-willowpelt: absolutely not. you make her sorreltail and graystripe's half sister. decimates the gene pool.
-frostfur: even worse than willowpelt. the most terrible decision ever made in this series was making frostfur and brindleface littermates, and then making brightheart, brackenfur, and thornclaw siblings
-spottedleaf: lol
-goldenflower: same problem as brindleface. now brambleclaw is squirrelstar's uncle
-speckletail: makes her half siblings with lionheart and goldenflower. yucky!
-one-eye: this, through the power of retcons, now makes her COUSINS with lionheart and goldenflower! also one-eye is described as the oldest cat in thunderclan in book 1, despite bluestar's prophecy making that dappletail, halftail, or smallear.
thus we get my only two options, also elders, really:
-dappletail: we know she had kits that died young. we're told the father is runningwind, even though a) she and stormtail are heavily implied to be together, despite not having kittens and b) runningwind is the son of her foster sister. that's how much older she is. gene-wise, she's alright. her parents don't have any relations and neither of her brothers have kits (making tawnyspots and thrushpelt littermates was an awful move, though). if runningwind is sandpaw's dad, she's still related to brambleclaw and all of frost/lion's kits. i think making her stormtail and dappletail's kit is a cool story idea. it regrettably makes her related to whitestorm (and thus sorreltail's kits, and ferncloud's too if you subscribe to that retcon, which i don't), but i think it would be cool for her to be half-siblings with bluestar. if stormtail was anything like he was with his first litter, she wouldn't even know.
-rosetail: it was always kinda sad that she was so obsessed with romance and mates and never had one of her own! it doesn't matter who the father is (it would be better for it to be a loner probably), and yes, THIS STILL MEANS SANDPAW IS RELATED TO WHITESTORM, but we're running out of options, mate. the first series mentions that bluestar frequently visits the nursery (and that she stops after tigerstar's betrayal), so i think it would be sweet for her to take a special interest in rosetail's kits.
in conclusion, sandpaw simply manifested in camp one day, and no one could get her to leave
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dapplemoth · 1 year
Omg I just found your blog, and your art is amazing!!! I didn’t know that Nightcloud and Mothwing was a ship until now, but cute gremlin Mudkit with his two moms were so adorable that I’m hooked lol. For the hypokits, how about Jayfeather and Poppyfrost?
Thank you so much! I didn't know Nightcloud and Mothwing were a ship either but it was fun writing them in the perspective of a romantic relationship. And Poppyfrost and Jayfeather is an interesting combo! For this to work, a couple things would have to change in canon. But here are the kits!
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From Left to Right: Pumpkinkit and Briarkit
First off, Poppyfrost comes to a hard decision and breaks things off with Berrynose instead of remaining mates with him. They try to remain friends to raise their kits together, but it definitely takes some getting used to.
Poppyfrost never forgot what Jayfeather did for her, and would try to grow closer to him as the moons went on. It took a bit for Jay to open up enough with her, but Briarlight's insistence to let her in and Poppyfrost's general kind-heartedness won him over in the end. He, Poppyfrost, and Briarlight became greater friends than they already were, and Jayfeather ends up becoming..a lot kinder and happier than he is in the books. The old Jayfeather is definitely still there and he's still concerned with the prophecy, but Poppyfrost and Briarlight enthusiasm are one of the highlights of his day and help him forget about his problems..if only for a little while. (Disclaimer: He doesn't improve his attitude because Briar and Poppy 'fix him', its his own choice to work on himself in order to be a better friend to them.)
Some minor changes here and there, but it remains mostly the same. There’d probably be subtle hints throughout the text that Poppyfrost was seeing Jayfeather as more than a friend now, but nothing overt. Jayfeather doesn’t develop feelings for Poppyfrost until around...before the Great Battle ends? He’s incredibly ashamed with himself since he still loves Half Moon, but Half Moon shows up and one of his dreams and goes “I died like a century ago, you can move on” and thats that.
He doesn’t actually do anything for awhile since pursuing Poppyfrost would be against the medicine cat code and well..his mom did the same thing. But alas, their relationship just kind of..happened. They were dating without knowing they were dating each other and things only progressed from there. 
When Briarlight passed away it hit them hard, they were a trio and it felt like a piece of them had been ripped away. They comfort each other during this period, and share tongues frequently, discussing the best things about their departed friend. The loss is heavy on their hearts, but it makes them cherish the time they’ve been spending together.
It’s in the Broken Code when the kits are born and hooooo boy is it a development. Poppyfrost’s kits were entirely unexpected for them and of course they were panicked (Jay was also angry at himself, for roping Poppy and his kits into this mess) They both came up with a plan to hide the kits true parentage from the clan. However, Jayfeather told Poppyfrost that he wasn’t going to keep the secret that he was their father from his kits, not wanting to repeat what happened to him and his littermates. Poppyfrost agreed and some time later Briarkit and Pumpkinkit are born.
When Imposterstar starts exiling cats, Jayfeather is kicked out for being half-Windclan AND having kits with Poppyfrost which is revealed to the entire clan for the first time. Likewise, Poppyfrost and even their young kits are exiled along with him. Briarkit and Pumpkinkit hadn’t even been weaned yet, and even some of Imposterstar’s most loyal followers are shocked that he would go so far as to punish the kittens. They survive though, and when Ashfur is killed Jayfeather and Poppyfrost are not only pardoned for their codebreaking, but the medicine cat’s having no mates rule is tossed entirely due to how severe the whole Imposter situation was. Not everyone is happy that they went unpunished but nobody cares what they think; Jayfeather and Poppyfrost can be happy and raise Pumpkinkit and Briarkit in peace.
Pumpkin and Briar’s warrior names will be Pumpkinstem and Briarleaf.
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leafpool-loves-ashfur · 7 months
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Referencing this post, Dewkit and Dewbright are cats from my clangen can, FretClan! Currently I'm on Moon 238, and just discovered Dewkit was born blind, which I believe is the first cat I've ever had genuinely born blind on clangen! Meanwhile, Dewbright is one of my favorite cats in the clan, who lost her leg to a bear trap and retired early (around 60 moons old, can't recall her exact age). And they both have heterochromia!!!! I think it's so silly and cute that they're sort of matching in many ways, and I like to think Dewbright really connects with and bonds with Dewkit. Perhaps she was even the one who discovered she was blind!
Anyway, just cause I can, here's the biographies for our little Dews below cut <3
Dewkit She-cat - 2 moons Biological Mother: Dashcrackle (loner; deceased) Adoptive Father: Skycrackle (medicine cat) Foster Mother: Anemonespeckle (not considered a parent) Biological Littermates: Needlekit, Cicadakit Adoptive Older Siblings: Palekit (deceased), Cliffkit (deceased), Blizzardswan, Nightpaw, Littlepaw, Streampaw, Tempestpaw, Turtlepaw Foster Older Siblings: Frondkit, Sleepykit, Stumpykit, Fiercekit (not considered siblings) Description: White and gray smoke she-kit with sunlight ice-colored eyes Traits: Attention-seeker, oddly observant Background: Skycrackle the medicine cat was patrolling for herbs when he heard (another) cat scream in pain and stumbled upon a she-cat loner giving birth. Skycrackle helped the loner---Dash---through the difficult birth, but was unable to save her (she requested the name Dashcrackle before death, asking if Skycrackle would care for her kits before her death). Skycrackle, having accepted two previous litters of loners, easily accepted Dewkit and the others as his own. Dewkit was nursed by Anemonespeckle, the only queen producing milk in the nursery, though her kits were old enough to be weaned (2 moons older than Dewkit and her littermates). With how crowded the nursery was with competition for one queen's attention, the kittens of the nursery often butted heads, often pushing one another around. Dewkit held her own decently, but it wasn't hard to see that she was often pushed around more than others, and, soon, the cats of FretClan realized Dewkit was blind---the first blind cat they had ever had in the clan. Cats aren't quite sure what to make of it, but Skycrackle is devoted to insuring his daughter that being blind doesn't mean she can't be amazing!
Dewbright Cis she-cat - 86 moons - Elder Paternal Great Grandmother: Nacreripple (deceased) Paternal Grandmother: Belugawave (deceased) Maternal Grandfather: Amberrun (deceased) Biological Parents: Bouncestreak, Jellyfishstalk (deceased) Older Maternal Half-siblings: Burrbelly (deceased), Boragechase, Galeback (deceased) Biological Siblings: Shiveringneedle (medicine cat), Weevilshadow (deceased), Snapkit (deceased), Stoatfoot (deputy), Stoatflash, Sunwave (deceased), Moontail Biological Offspring: Tornsea (deceased), Lightningcry, Lyremask (deceased), Jumprock Biological Grandkits (through Jumprock): Yellowrumble, Tremblepaw (deceased), Sprucepaw (deceased), Fawnpaw (deceased) Description: Long-furred speckled golden and white she-cat with three legs Traits: Childish, great speaker, lore master Background: Dewbright was born as Dewkit to Bouncestreak (mother) and Jellyfishstalk (father) alongside her siblings, Shiveringkit, Weevilkit, and Snapkit, on Moon 152 during Greenleaf when Timberstar was leader. Her sister, Snapkit, was killed by a snake when they were five moons old. Dewpaw was apprenticed to Milky Way, and graduated late at fifteen moons old on Moon 167. Milky Way influenced her to follow the rules, and Dewbright was honored for her enthusiasm. Not even two moons later (Moon 169), and Dewbright's leg got stuck in in a trap set by a Twoleg on the beaches. Dewbright's leg had to be amputated, and the wound quickly festered infection. She survived the infection, though would often have phantom pains and recurring medical issues with her leg stump. She performed decently at her job as a warrior, though noticably began having difficultly as she aged. This was especially hard on her as she entered under Palestar's rule, where cats became more vicious to one another, even resulting in many of her family being injured by their own clanmates. Her father, Jellyfishstalk, died from greencough after being punished for speaking against Palestar. Notably, her mother Bouncestreak was a firm supporter of Palestar, resulting in tension in the family, as Dewbright was one of the few in her family that didn't support Palestar and her crueler ways. Palestar confronted Dewbright about her slowing down, then convinced Dewbright that she should retire early. Dewbright accepted this, though often felt out of place as such a young elder. Eventually, things calmed down during Palestar's rule, and then Palestar passed and Hickorystar took over. It was a bridge between constant in-fighting to something a little more peaceful, and Dewbright finally found herself shining. She took of the clan as an elder, teaching the kits' tales, patching up the camp walls, cleaning up around camp, and helping where she can. Currently, she resides in the elders den with Cavebumble (146 moons), the half-clan daughter of the clan founder Skipstar, and former mate of half the clan (/joking, but she had 4 ex-mates at different times [Wetclaw, Kitefreckle, Burrbelly, Basstail]), and then Dewbright's own mother who recently retired in the past moons, Bouncestreak (122 moons; wanted her to die yet she never did! Similar to her daughter, she has a permanent twisted/weak leg)
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 1 round 1 Poll 2
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Chloe (the other one) vs Meadow Moon
This is Chloe! She was declawed on her front paws and lived as an indoor-outdoor cat. She managed to live for 18 years in spite of this. She was absolutely the sweetest, ever since submitter met her when they both were young until they said goodbye to her while heading away for university. Whenever submitter called her name, she would come running into the room to plop right by their feet. If they was in a room for long enough, she took that as an invitation as well. One time submitter house sat for the family and they woke up on the couch to her laying on my chest. She very politely got off when they had to get up. Even when she was older and sick and no one in her house gave her any attention anymore, she would still be the sweetest baby when submitter came around. They even got belly-rubbing privileges. She had the softest fur they've ever felt, and would always lean into pets (purring up a storm). She also loved playing with her cat wand. It couldn't be put anywhere in her reach, or she'd play with it regardless of any human input.
this is meadow moon she and her brother rose garden are the most important creachurs in submitter's household. fun fact them and their mom babysat meadow's mom and all 4 littermates from when they were probably 4 weeks old to about maybe 6 weeks? because the original owner (who is an ex friend of submitter's mom's and a horrible person btw) was on vacay or something icr exactly. when they were kittens meadow was always the first to greet submitter she's just come up and shout at them at the top of her tiny lungs ;_; i think she knew she was their favourite from the start and chose them as her person!!!! anyway their family ended up adopting both her and her brother who was the youngest in the litter thankfully otherwise they'd have been just left to their own outdoors without being spayed/neutered or dewormed or vaxx'd etc. now they get to sleep around all day when they arent running around the place like theyre on crack lol. meadow in particular really likes to cuddle!!! she sits on submitter whenever they're in front of their tv gaming or drawing and they just chill together She's literally THEIR baby and they love her sm thank you for your time
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bonefall · 2 years
Bit the bullet and got started on the ShadowClan Family Tree rework and... lads, you need to see the mess I have to start with
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Members who are alive have been underlined. I circled every “family“ with a different color so it would be easier to see. There’s 21 active warriors in ShadowClan, 11 of them are DIRECTLY tied to Snowbird.
There’s 12 unpaired cats in the clan, 6 of those are direct Snowbird descendants, and Snaketooth is Sunbeam’s mentor. Unless she ended up with a molly sunlight shippers stay winning, she only has two decent options; Whorlpelt or Blazefire... and we know how it went with Blaze.
And there are so, so many cats that just unceremoniously died with no descendants or siblings. Like, an obscene amount of orphan warriors, most of them don’t even have littermates or parents. Oakfur, Whitewater, Redwillow, Snaketail, Ferretclaw, Shrewfoot, Owlclaw, Smokefoot, Olivenose, Starlingwing, 10 just from a cursory search through OOTS.
Some had families and then the entire family was wiped out. Tallpoppy’s family, ALL of Yellowfang’s family, Ivytail had kittens who didn’t even get named. Crowfrost’s kittens with Dawnpelt are completely gone with the death of Strikestone.
It’s bad. It’s so bad. This clan has been neglected for so long it’s like picking up broken pieces. ShadowClan is just SnowbirdClan right now
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