#The brain fog SUCKS
9ofspades · 3 months
It’s disability pride month, and if you are disabled in the U.S. from Long Covid I want you to know that you’re not alone, and you’re valid in whatever you feel. Whether that’s sorrow at your new problems or rage at society for failing you, you are valid, and it is truly messed up that society is continuing to fail you.
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Some days brain fog just makes everything really difficult. That's not your fault.
Don't be hard on yourself for things outside of your control. It's hard to read, it's hard to focus, it's hard to do work, it's hard to think, none of that is your fault. Pushing yourself harder is only going to make you feel worse.
You're not stupid. It'll be okay. Just get some rest. You can try again another time.
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problem-project · 2 months
haha, of course, my period starts while all my other symptoms are flaring up 🫠 here come the debilitating cramps all the way down to my knees on top of everything else
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How much do the ghouls' families know about what's happening?
The conversation with Haku when MC is trying to run away has been stuck in my head ever since I first read it. He says that the Institute doesn't want to be exposed so they are sending people to take care of your house or whatever, but if you worry about your family, he's just like "that's rough, buddy." No reassurances about the family, no sign that anyone has tried to explain anything to them. Has MC's family reported her missing? Doesn't that put the Institute at risk for exposure? Isn't it also super suspicious if MC's home is being taken care of, but she's nowhere to be found?
Haku also makes a few comments about himself that make me go ???? He says that his family is glad that he's gone, but he also says the Institute is sending people to feed his fish, because they don't want to be exposed. But... if his family knows that he's gone, whatever happens to the fish shouldn't come as a surprise, right? (Also like, does he have his own place with a koi pond? Does he live with family? If so, are they just fine with random people coming in to feed the fish multiple times a day? Why can't they feed the fish? What is going on?)
He also says that their things are being cared for because there's "a chance" that they'll return to their old lives after graduation. What does that mean?? Are there a lot of ghouls who completely ditch their old lives, to the point that they don't want to go home even briefly? Are they not graduating? 11 of the 21 ghouls are third years. What the hell is up with that?
(...we don't know like anything about the fourth years. Is something bad happening to the fourth years???)
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redo-rewind-if · 3 months
Just a quick heads up: I won't be posting the usual progress report for this week. Life's been busy and I haven't gotten much done. Sorry about that everyone, but I'll be back for next week unless something crazy happens! Hope y'all had a good one! 😊💕
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lost-in-fandoms · 4 months
Logan and Max have a talk. Sort of. (I have never written Logan before, so I don't know if this even makes sense. Almost nothing happens, but there could be a second part in the future, who knows (not me)).
Logan wishes he was better at telling Alex no. He doesn't want to be at this party, for a race he barely even took part of, his car giving up on lap 15. He doesn't want to be standing here, near the wall, as he watches the other drivers drink and dance, ignoring him completely. He doesn't want the drink Alex placed in his hand before disappearing, without even telling him what was in it. He wants to go to bed. He wants to call his mom.
One hour, that's how much time he has promised himself. He'll stay one hour, long enough to say he was there, not long enough to make him want to get completely smashed and sob into some girl's chest (that had been one time, but it had been a low point he does never want to repeat), and then he'll go back to the hotel. He doesn't remember the time difference well enough to know if he'll be able to talk to his mom before going to sleep, barely remembers in which country they're in.
He's contemplating his glass again, trying to decipher what kind of alcoholic concoction is in there and to ignore the thumping bass, when a pair of sneakers and blue jeans appear in his line of vision.
He looks up and finds himself face to face with three-soon-to-be-four times world Champion Max Verstappen. He doesn't think he's ever been in a one to one conversation with Max before, so he can't think about a single reason why he should be standing in front of him, looking straight at him. Unless he's here to kick him out? Would Max kick him out of the party for being too pathetic?
Now he's being self-pitying, he needs to stop. No drinking and sobbing incidents tonight.
"You okay, mate?" Max asks, voice barely loud enough over the music, eyes intense. The glass in Logan's hand feels slippery, he's afraid he'll drop it.
"Yeah, fine!" he replies, cringing at his own basic response, even if he doesn't know what else he could have said. It's not like Max is asking because he really cares, and it's not like he could give him the truthful answer either.
Instead of moving on and going back to the party like Logan is expecting after the somewhat failed social interaction, Max keeps looking at him, tilting his head slightly, eyes narrowed, before he steps closer and plucks the glass from Logan's hand, placing it on a nearby table.
"Follow me," he orders. He doesn't wait before turning around and walking away. For some reason, Logan doesn't even question it, just unsticks himself from his wall and follows him to the bar, where Max orders a beer and another g&t, and then up a flight of stairs, onto a balcony.
"Are we allowed to be here?" Logan asks, looking at the very obvious DO NOT OPEN sign hanging on the balcony door Max is already pushing open.
Max just shrugs, going outside and sitting down on a lawn chair, placing the drinks on the low table in front of him. Of course, Logan reminds himself, he's Max Verstappen, who's going to tell him no? He probably could buy this whole place out himself if he wanted to.
Logan sits down next to him.
"Here," Max says, passing him the beer. Again, Logan doesn't question it before taking a sip. Much better than Alex's weird drink.
For a long moment, they just sit in silence. They can still hear the music from downstairs, but it's different out here, with the sounds of the city and the fresh air. Logan almost forgets about being confused and upset, about wanting to go home. Home home. Then Max speaks again.
"We can talk about why you are sad, or we can sit here until I finish my drink. Both are okay."
Logan doesn't understand. Why is Max, of all people, wanting to talk to him about his shitty season? And why would he want to just sit there with him? Does he look that pathetic?
He tries to feel upset, tries to look for the spark of indignation, but he comes up empty. He can just stare at Max's profile as the other takes a sip of his drink, eyes fixed on the skyline, throat working.
Max doesn't ask again. He must accept that Logan's answer is silence, doesn't even seem put off by it, but Logan's brain can't stop buzzing, questions bouncing around so fast he can barely keep up with them.
They stay quiet. Max finishes his drink. Logan keeps watching him as he stretches slightly, before he stands up and turns to face him.
"If you want to come talk to me, I know how it feels, to be hungry" he says slowly, measured, like he's been thinking about this for the whole time. "But if you want advice right now..."
It takes a second for Logan to realize Max is waiting for a sign, and he rushes to nod. Max's lip curls up slightly, his eyes crinkling, before he turns serious again.
"At some point, you will of course have to decide if you want to lay down and wait for the team to take pity, or if you want to bite and make them work with you."
Logan blinks. Max blinks back.
When it's clear that Logan isn't going to say anything, Max nods, turns around, seems to rethink and turns back, his eyes impossibly bright.
"I can show you how to take what you want, whatever you want." Suddenly, it feels like they're not just talking about racing anymore. Logan's neck feels hot. Max licks his lips, something dangerous in his expression that is usually reserved for the track, for when things aren't as he'd like. Logan has seen it before, but never turned towards him. He's stuck on his chair, feeling like prey despite Max telling him he could, and should, take.
He waits for the blow, he knows it's coming, but is still completely unprepared for the way Max smiles when he speaks.
"I will even call you a good boy, if you do it right."
The sound Logan lets out is undignified enough it will have to go in the lowest points list right next to the drinking&crying episode, but Max laughs, not unkindly, squeezing Logan's shoulder.
"You have my number, and you know where I'll be next week. Drink your beer."
Logan has the bottle pressed against his lips even before Max has made it across the balcony, going back to the party.
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verved · 15 days
i hate burning myself out on a fixation
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spookyxsprinkles · 8 months
🍦 Freezer Burn [oneshot]
todoroki touya × gender neutral and poc friendly reader.
-> not safe for work // 6.3k words // AO3. -> warnings: angst, break up, arguing, crying, touya has an avoidant attachment style, dialogue heavy, poor communication, nipple biting, oral, possessive, fingering.
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"Are you breaking up with me?"
"Don't be so melodramatic. We weren't even dating," Touya said, taking his keys out of his pocket.
"I--I know but... you know what I mean."
"What do you expect me to say?" He scoffed. "That I'm sorry? 'Cause I'm not. I don't want this."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He opened the door of your apartment and walked out towards his car.
 "You think I don't know you're pushing me away on purpose?" You follow him out, not caring that you had different shoes on. "As much as you like to pretend you don't care, I know you--"
He interrupted you with an angry laugh, before turning to face you as he reached the sidewalk in front of his car. "You must be delusional if you think you have me all figured out. Don't tell me what I feel. You don't fucking know me."
His car's lights flashed as it unlocked and he opened the door, standing there and glaring at you like if you had spit in his face. Maybe, in his mind, you did.
"I don't need to know every little thing about you to know that you're lying to yourself because you're afraid."
"Afraid of what, huh? Afraid that I'll actually start to care about you as more than just a hole I use to get my rocks off, before ghosting you like all the others that came before? Yeah, you're not special, sweetheart," his hands trembled with fury.
You visibly flinched at his words.
You knew he was right. You were acquainted with him through mutual friends for quite some time before getting physically involved with him. You knew of his non-committal self-sabotaging tendencies. You knew, but it didn't make his words hurt any less.
A flash of guilt flickered in his icy eyes but it disappeared just as soon as it came thanks to the scorching heat of his emotions. You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, trying to keep your voice steady as you spoke quietly with stinging eyes.
"Maybe I'm not special, but at least I can be honest with myself. Which is more than you can say about yourself."
He threw his hands up in the air, laughing. "Real cute coming from you. I'm not the one that's so desperate for attention I start writing sappy love stories in my head. Maybe someday you'll find someone who wants to deal with this shit, but it's not gonna be me."
He moved to get in his car, so you took a few steps forward which was enough to catch his attention and stop him from getting in.
"You were just as lonely and desperate for attention as me when we first met, Touya. You parade around all day acting like you don't care about anything, you can't feel anything, but if that was the case you wouldn't come back. You always come back home."
It was a slip up a few months ago. The two of you were out with some friends at a karaoke room and he said he wanted to go home. You never brought it up to him, but he could tell from the way you nearly choked on your food, that you heard him. Since then, every time he heard the word 'home' he'd think about that moment and regret letting himself drink enough to forget his common fucking sense.
And now you had acknowledged that it was a real moment that actually happened when he'd much rather shove the memory away and pretend it was something someone else said. Someone not him.
You stood a few feet in front of him, sniffling and staring down at the tires of his car that he had taught you how to change and fill with air without you asking him to.
"You're the most stubborn person I've ever met. You never do anything you don't want to do, but you kept coming back." You wiped your nose, ignoring the feeling of the hot tears spilling down your cheeks. "Even now, you're still standing here, talking with me instead of leaving. If you didn't care, you would have already left."
He froze as if you had pushed the pause button on his anger. He stared at you intensely. The only sounds breaking the silence was a dog barking at sirens in the distance and your sniffles.
He hated that you were right.
"So what?"
He got in his car, slamming the door in anger and started the engine.
He buckled his seat belt and turned in his seat to look through the rear window as he slowly backed out of the parking space.
You panicked, suddenly shoving your upper body inside his open window.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" He hit the breaks immediately, causing you to flail as you lost your balance and he swiftly grabbed your arms to keep you from slipping and busting your head on asphalt.
"W--We haven't finished talking..!" You gasped, feeling your heartbeat pounding in your chest. "If you leave now, you'll only feel worse later!"
He simply stared at you in disbelief. His mind was screaming at him to get the hell out of there. The only thing stopping him from flooring the gas pedal was the fact that your legs still dangled helplessly outside of the car as you struggled to get inside.
You looked ridiculously stupid as you clung to the window with a tear streaked face. You also seemed so determined…
"Get out of my car," he snapped. "Right now."
He released a hand from you and moved it towards the handle of the door, but you caught his wrist with your hands.
"No," you said as firmly as your grip on his wrist.
His eyes watched as you continued to struggle to balance your body on the door comfortably. He had no idea what your endgame was here.
"You're fucking crazy."
"I love you, Touya," you gasped out. "I'm in love with you and I know you're afraid. I know you've been hurt before. I know you hate everything that's happening right now, but I can't let you leave like this." You tried wiping your eye by rubbing it against your shoulder, before looking back at him.
"I won't force you to stay with me and I won't force you to share things you don't want to share, but I also won't let you run away without us properly talking things through. If we're gonna break up then I don't want to let it end with that as one of our regrets."
He hated that you weren't giving up on him so easily.
Touya stared at you as you spoke. You were so calm and reasonable in spite of the ridiculous position you were in. There was no anger or irritation in your voice, just sincerity and...
He let out a deep breath in an attempt to stay calm.
"That's very big of you," he said defensively. He was always so defensive. "Trust me, it's better this way."
Your eyes studied his face before you decide to take the plunge and vocalize the thoughts that had been swimming around in your head recently. "Is it better or is it just the easiest way to avoid your feelings of inadequacy and fear of rejection?"
You watched as his eyes widened a minuscule amount that likely would've gone unnoticed if you hadn't known him for so long. You could feel the flames of his rage from the way his face contorted, his mouth opening to set you ablaze.
Your hands slipped down from his wrist to hold his hand gently in yours, your thumbs resting on the back of his hand.
Your grip was loose. He could easily pulled himself free if he wanted to.
But he didn't.
And that's all you needed.
"I've seen you be blunt beyond the point of just being rude to others and to yourself. You have standards that make it easy for you to look down on those who don't meet them yet even the ones that do fit them get pushed away. You easily say whatever's on your mind, unless what's on your mind risks leaving you vulnerable."
Your thumbs delicately drew circles into the dark marks on the back of his hand that were uniquely his. A sad smile marred your face as you continued to speak.
"I'm always watching you, always listening." Your eyes looked up into his, persevering through his gaze that scorched anything he deemed a threat. "You'd rather be alone than feel alone."
He was speechless as he watched you speak. You read him like an open book. A book he routinely burned whenever someone poked and prodded in a pathetic attempt to get closer to him. How had he let his fire get extinguished so easily? How did it not burn you like it did everyone else?
Like it burned him.
Even he was unable to escape his own flames unscathed.
The fantasy that played in his mind's eye was one where you patiently stood before him as the smoke cleared. His eyes stung and his breathing hitched at the thought.
He sighed deeply, looking more tired than you'd ever seen him before.
"I was serious," his words and tone contrasting with the heavy look he carried on his face. "You're wasting your time if you expect me to tell me what you wanna hear."
You shook your head, "I'm not asking you to say it back. I don't need words when your actions mean more to me." I bring his knuckles to my lips, pressing a soft kiss before looking into his eyes, "Besides, if it's time you're worried about, I wouldn't mind wasting it together."
His entire body reflexively ached to leave at the display of vulnerability, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away from you.
Words escaped him as he stared back into your eyes with a confusing mix of fear and hope swirling in his icy blues.
He swallowed hard and finally spoke, "So, all this time," he started as he gathered his bearings, "you've been watching me like some kind of weirdo?"
"Of course," you laughed softly. The movement set a jolt of pain to your abdomen that reminded you of your current position. "Can we go back inside and talk? My stomach hurts from hanging out in your car like this..."
You hissed as you tried to remove yourself from the car. It was definitely gonna leave a mark. He waited until you moved back to the sidewalk before he parked and got out.
"I didn't tell you to jump through the window like a maniac. Seriously, what's wrong with you?"
"Desperate times call for--"
"Dumb ass fucking measures?"
"Yes, precisely. Glad we're on the same page."
He rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, walking back to the apartment. "Masochist."
"You know the door was unlocked, right? I was gonna show you 'til you started manhandling me."
"Never let them know your next move."
"So, just dangle like an idiot and hope you don't get run over?"
"I'll admit I'm not good under pressure."
He snorted as you opened the door. He just realized you had chased him out in different shoes. Desperate times, indeed.
"Anyways," you continued as you shut the door behind you and removed your shoes, "You liked it. Thought it was super cool and hot when I was flailing around like an idiot."
"Yeah," he said genuinely, catching you off guard and nearly causing you to trip over the entryway step, but you caught yourself against his arm.
You looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," he repeated sincerely, his eyes staying on yours. "I did."
You swallowed, feeling your eyes prickle with tears as your mouth gaped at him.
He pinched your cheek.
"C'mon," he said as he walked away from you and further into your home to take a seat on the couch. "Let's do this talking thing. We can watch a movie after or whatever..."
You couldn't see his face as he walked away but you could hear his uncharacteristically breathy inflection and stiff tone when he spoke. Was he feeling nervous? Shy..?
The fact that he was the one trying to get the conversation started rather than avoiding it made your chest bloom with warmth. You had expected him to come up with other things to do first in order to put off the awkward and uncomfortable feelings for a bit longer.
You hopped over to him with a blindingly bright grin, sitting near him on the couch to give him some space for this conversation. However, he pulled your body closer to his so that your sides were pressed up against each other. He wrapped an arm around you while you leaned against his chest.
"So..." he started and you could hear something akin to timidity in his tone so you hugged him, letting your hands affectionately stroke his sides. "I'm shit at feelings."
You wanted to laugh at his blunt word choice but didn't want to come off as mocking and discourage him from speaking. "You are not shit at feelings. You seem to feel things quite strongly. We just need to work on helping you feel more comfortable with letting them out in a healthy way, rather than boxing them up and defaulting to avoidance."
"So, I'm shit at feelings."
"If you say that one more time I am going to bite you."
"I'm shit at-- what the fuck!"
"You were warned."
"My fucking tit--"
"Not my fault it's so chewy."
"I'm shit at-- don't you bite me you fucking animal. Hear me out." He had pinched your cheek again to stop your open mouth from it's impending attack. "I'm shit at this. I know. Don't… laugh at me."
Your eyes softened and you brought your hand up to cup the one he had squeezing your cheek. He released his hold on your skin but you kept it held as you let it slide down to your lap.
"It might feel a bit awkward for you but I promise I won't think less of you for sharing your feelings. I appreciate that you've been trying."
"'Been trying?' I've done jack shit."
"No, you have done 'shit'." You reassured him as your fingers drew circles into the skin of his hand. "You came inside--"
"I always come inside," he smirked.
You bit him again.
"What? No complaint for me this time, Touya?"
"I deserved it."
Your lips pursed for a moment as you tried to remember where you were.
"Ah, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," you glared at him playfully, "You've already shown me that you're trying. You came back inside, initiated our talking time, and you're participating, too. I know emotional stuff feels hard, but I'm really, really proud of you."
He let out a 'tch' in jest, before leaning down to whisper into the side of your head. "In case you forgot, I also listened to you while you tried playing leap frog on my car."
"Very true, but I didn't forget. I didn't want to include it since I was practically holding you hostage at the time."
"Hostage?" He laughed haughtily, "If I really wanted to leave you I would've ran you over."
"Why is that strangely sweet..."
"'Cause you're a damn masochist. Get help."
"This, coming from the sadist..." The room was quiet as I rubbed his chest lightly with one hand. "I was really scared you were going to leave earlier, Touya. Like, for good."
He clenched his jaw but didn't say anything, opting to listen since he knew she probably had more to say on the matter. And she did.
"I was afraid that I scared you off by talking about-- about whatever menial domestic thing it was we were talking about before. I can't even remember what it was." You clutched his shirt without thinking as you struggled to remember what could've been the catalyst to losing the person you loved.
"Toilet paper," he stated after a pause. "You read about some sale at the store and were talking about how we should go before the weekend so we could stock up. Then you mentioned wanting to buy me strawberry ice cream."
"It all sounded so permanent, so easy to you." You could feel his body tense as he struggled to force himself to speak. "Seeing a future where we go grocery shopping for toilet paper and you buying me something. Something that'll sit in the freezer waiting for me even when I'm not around. Something just for me." His last words were barely a whisper.
Your mouth felt dry, it made sense. He had a hard time staying in one place for too long if it felt like he was being smothered or expected to do things he didn't want to do. Your apartment was no exception, even if he clearly spent more time here than any other place.
"Yeah, you're not special, sweetheart."
You felt a cold ache in your chest at the thought of his angry words from earlier.
You told yourself they were just that, angry words. If they were true, would he have bothered to come back at all? No. You knew Touya was good at lying and even better at emotional warfare. It's how he protected himself. He hadn't done it to you since before the two of you were friends, back when you were just another random person trying too hard to get to know him. Today was the first time in years he had said something that caused you to feel bad about yourself.
You would need to talk about it with him later. Right now you wanted to hear him out, so you shove the memory away for now. You can worry about it later.
As painful as it was to hear him speak of his troubles with having a place to call home, you were grateful to him for really trying. Really, it was incredible just how far he's come already. You always knew he was a fast learner if he wanted to be and this meant so much to you. He had never let himself get this vulnerable with you before.
You wanted to tell him something in response but why did it have to be now, of all times, that you couldn't find the words to speak?
You forced yourself to swallow and nodded at him in encouragement. You didn't want to cry and risk him getting cold feet about the feelings thing. You didn't want him to think this was a mistake and that you couldn't handle the truth, because you could, you just felt deeply for the inner conflicts that took place inside of his head. His fears, his happiness, his efforts... it all meant the world to you and it was really getting to you.
You quietly cleared your throat and with a hoarse voice said, "I can see how that would have caused you to react the w-way that you did."
You mentally cursed yourself for the way your voice broke pathetically mid-sentence. "Sorry about that." And you were. You knew he got flighty over things like that but in the moment I just wasn't thinking.
"Hey, don't wimp out on me now." He pinched at your cheek again. "If I'm gonna bare my damn soul or whatever the hell, you sure as shit better not hold out on me. If you gotta get weepy, then get weepy. I'll save the laughing for later."
Your lips trembled at his words and you can feel your face crumple as you bury it into his chest and wept.
"I was so scared I lost you, Touya."
He stared down at you, committing the sight to memory.
His carelessness did this.
He pulled you in closer to him and placed his cheek on the crown of your head. A little while later you calmed down, sniffling and apologizing for accidentally turning his shirt into a tissue.
"Sorry, this is really embarrassing," you sniffled out with a stuffy nose.
He took in the sight of your puffy eyes and runny nose, before looking away. "S'whatever. I know you, too, you know. That thing you said earlier? About you always watching and listening? I do the same shit with you. If being a crybaby helps, then do it unless you wanna be shit at feelings, too."
Sniffle. "We're both not the best at handling our own feelings, huh..."
"An understatement, in my case."
"It's good that you're acknowledging the areas where you could use some improvement." You say as you reach up to cup his cheek and kissed the corner of his lip. "You're doing so well, Touya."
The way your thumb gently rubbed the pale skin of his cheek while you looked at him with honey in your eyes made his chest ache.
"You--" he swallowed as he held your gaze, "think so?"
You nodded and leaned in to press another kiss on his lips. "I know so."
He felt that familiar urge to run away when shit got too personal, but he yearned for more of the pure warmth you offered to his cold, sorry existence.
"I can't promise to always be better. I'll fuck up. I know it. Just don't give-- don't give up on me."
Sharing feelings was embarrassing, painfully so. At least, that's what he told himself to explain the lump in his throat when he struggled to say the words out loud. His hand moved to your thigh and squeezed it, "I'm stubborn but I don't want to fuck this up. When I fuck up, I'll need time to get my head out of my ass."
You felt like crying again seeing how desperately he tried to let you know he wasn't going to always be good at the communication, but he wanted to be and he was trying.
"I'll sit in the freezer waiting for you."
"I-- what? The hell?"
You laugh softly at his dumbfounded expression. "I'll be the ice cream sitting in the freezer waiting for you. So, don't worry about having to rush the process. Do your best. I believe in you, Touya."
He stared at your face for a moment.
"You have low iron. The freezer would kill you."
"I'll be fine 'cause you're always warm."
He once again felt that familiar ache in his chest that he usually got around you. "Wait too long and you'll get freezer burn."
"Are you saying a little freezer burn would keep you from eating your favourite ice cream?" You paused when you noticed his amused expression. "Okay, I walked myself into that one."
"Yeah," the corner of his lip twitched as his eyes darkened. "You did."
"Hey, I know that look. We need to finish talking first-- T-Touya!"
He grabbed your legs, flipping you on your back against the couch with him crawling over you.
"Don't you wanna reward me for doing well so far?" He asked in a low voice. You whimpered at the sight of his heavily lidded eyes looking down at you, amused with your flustered face.
"W-Well, positive reinforcement is a good way of encouraging good behavior, so yes we can, but you have to swear we will talk about this right after-"
He expertly rolled his hips against you, making you gasp. "I'm feeling pretty encouraged right now. You can feel it too, I bet."
You definitely felt it.
He kissed your lips as he removed your bottoms, pushing the backs of your knees as far against as he knew you could comfortably take, exposing the entirety of you in your underwear.
"I swear," he licked a slow stripe against the fabric before pushing it to the side and staring hungrily at your flesh, "on my god damn dick, we'll talk right after I make you come at least four times."
"F-Four?" You could feel his thumb teasing you as he swiped up and down your flesh.
"Five now," his lips wrapped around your sweet spot. He sucked while rubbing his tongue against it at the same time, making your body shudder.
He needed to make up for making you cry so much today.
Your hips bucked against his face, then his fingers.
"So fucking eager after all that talking, huh?" He gave a lopsided grin as he licked the taste of you left behind on his lips. "Yeah, we're definitely talking more often."
He soaked his fingers with the bottle of lube he liked leaving between the seat cushions for times like these. You felt one of his slick fingers tease your tight hole.
"Tell me who fucks you better than me."
"N-No one!"
"Weak shit. Say it again."
"You're the only one who fucks me t-this well!"
He slowly pressed his finger in, the stretch making you sing. He took his time prepping you before inserting another finger and moving in and out of you. He lapped you into whines, working his hand at the pace he knew drove you wild. You cried out praises for him, which he liked almost as much as he liked fucking you to tears.
"And who does this hole belong to? Who owns the rest of this pretty body?"
"Y-You do, it's yours, Touya! It's all yours for you to use as you please!"
You felt your legs trembling as he kept his hands busy with fucking you. The coil inside of you tightening as he vigorously pumped and sucked.
"T-Touya..!" You voice broke as you wailed.
He smirked, feeling satisfied at how fervently your hips bucked against him. You were a needy mess and he hadn't even stretched you with his fat cock yet.
"It's mine. You're all fucking mine." His head dived back in and you felt yourself on the precipice of-
"Yeah, you're not special sweetheart."
You shook your head and looked down at him as he looked up at you. He sucked you hard, making your back arch. You were so close.
You stared through half lidded eyes, throat already sore from the sounds he'd easily pulled from you. You tried to focus on the view of him pleasuring you with expertise. Your was mouth open as you shut your eyes and leaned your head back against the couch. You were so close.
"Afraid of what, huh? Afraid that I'll actually start to care about you as more than just a hole I use to get my rocks off, before ghosting you like all the others that came before you?"
You grit your teeth.
Now was not the time for this.
Your eyes shut. You forced the memory away from the forefront of your mind. It doesn't matter right now, you'll tell him how you feel about it later.
Now wasn't the time.
"Fuck!!" You felt Touya pull his body away from you. "Did I not hear you say the safeword!?"
You opened your eyes and Touya's blurry face had moved from in between your legs to kneeling on the floor beside where you laid on the couch. You blinked your eyes and wiped them with your hands. Oh.
You were crying again.
The realization brought more tears and you looked over at Touya who stared down at you fearfully.
"Maybe someday you'll find someone who wants to deal with this shit, but it's not gonna be me."
"Hey, what--" his voice cracked.
Your body shook as you sobbed into your hands.
A sinking feeling had found it's place in his stomach. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't-- I didn't hear you-"
"T-That's not it." Your voice muffled by your hands and your stuffed nose as you continued to sob. "The sex was consensual the w-whole time."
He looked down at you confused. Relieved that he hadn't hurt you in that way, but stressed since he didn't know what happened to you. His chest burned with anxiety and it made him feel restless. He grabbed your throw blanket and pulled it over you, which you used to hide your sloppy face as you tried to calm yourself down.
"Touya," you cried quietly and he stared down at you frozen with fear.
It was him.
"Tell me what I did." He knew he'd fuck up. He just didn't think it'd be this soon.
You didn't want to hurt him. You wanted to protect him but how could you protect him from the very words he spat at you in a desperate rage? Not speaking up about your own feelings fully and pushing them aside for someone else's sake is how you got here in the first place.
You needed to practice what you preached.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about what you said to me."
The parking lot. He already knew. He hated himself when he said those things and he hated himself now.
It was only a matter of time until he'd ruin things here.
You saw him grab his phone from the floor before standing up and walking across the living room. It must have fallen during your activities.
"I'll text Toga to come by. I'll stay until then."
"Don't go."
"I shouldn't be here."
"Because you hurt my feelings?"
"Yes!" He snapped. "This isn't masochism, it's straight up fucking delusional if you can't see the problem with me staying."
"You hurt my feelings," you sniffled. "It's going hurt whether or not you leave. Stay and talk with me about it."
"This talking shit clearly isn't working. One second you're telling me I fuck you the best then suddenly you're crying in the next. I already ruined whatever we could've had before it even started. We already know how this ends, so don't waste your time."
"If you leave then we will know how this ends." You sat up on the couch, clutching the soft blanket like a lifeline. Your voice was firm, but not enough to cover your soft determination. "You're hurt and so am I. So, sit with me instead of running away. Leaving things the way they are now is the sure-fire way to ruin this."
His jaw tightened as he stayed where he was.
"We talked a little bit earlier, but the issue just now wasn't your fault. It was mine-"
"You're not the one who said all that nasty shit to the person you-" He turned away and glared holes into an innocent plant. "It's over. We're not even fucking dating and it's over." He ran a hand through his hair and laughed.
"You did say horrible things, but I kept brushing off my feelings. We talked a bit earlier, but I still had feelings left unsaid." You stood up, the sound of your feet padding against the floor behind him made him stiffen. You stood in front of him, with your arms loosely crossed on your chest. "How are you supposed to know that stuff was still bothering me? It's not like you can read my mind."
"Don't be fucking dense."
"I seem to recall us wanting to work things out. You told me not to give up on you, remember?"
"Before I realized I traumatized you by saying a bunch of shit!"
"You didn't traumatize me, you hurt my feelings. There's a difference."
"You know the reason you had 'feelings left unsaid' is 'cause I basically mounted you before you could finish saying them, right?"
"No, that's not true and don't demonize yourself like that." You reached for his hand that was balled into a fist at his side, but he pulled it away.
He wasn't worthy of your compassion.
You frowned but didn't let it deter you. "I said it was okay --and before you say anything-- I wasn't coerced into it, either."
His eye twitched at her already knowing what he was going to say before he said it.
"You tease and mock, but you've shown me time and time again that you respect me and my body. You waited until I gave consent and I know that if I didn't give it, you would've let it go and let me talk about my feelings instead. You didn't take advantage of me. I disrespected myself by not prioritizing my own feelings. That's what the main issue was here."
"You said you couldn't stop thinking about what I said. It's my fault, they were my shitty fucking words."
"I'm not trying to say your words weren't a part of it, they definitely were, but I know you were just... saying what you could to put distance in between us."
He sneered, "Is that what you're telling yourself? Doesn't matter why I said it. Intentional or not, lies or not: it still fucking hurt you." His lips curled bitterly as remorse stained the cool blue of his eyes. "It'll be what you think of when you see me from now on."
You took a small step towards him, careful not to invade his personal space but enough to momentarily satisfy your need for physical closeness. Your need for the comfortable heat he offered to you as you both stood together in silence.
"I won't lie..." You started.
He knew that you never lied to him. Your stupidly sincere approach to interactions with him were probably what got him wrapped around your finger in the first place.
He did wonder if you ever lied to yourself about him, though. It'd explain why you let him stick around even while knowing he was a jackass.
He also recognized there wasn't any actual weight to that way of thinking. If anything, the times where your feelings felt so real outweighed those paranoid thoughts of his. Sometimes he'd catch you looking at him. The sweet honey dripping from your eyes at him doing fuck all felt so raw that he'd panic and have to leave for a while.
Whenever you smiled at him, even the soft little ones, you beamed bright enough to burn him to cinders if he let it. Lately, he had found himself simmering under your heat longer and longer, letting himself get singed by you.
Seeing you fidget with the hem of your top snapped him out of his thoughts. You were still in your underwear and it reminded him that he'd burned you. Not with the heat of patience and kindness that you regularly thawed him with, but with flames full of his own agonizingly self-sabotaging wrath.
"I won't lie," you repeated after taking a couple seconds to gather your thoughts. "I'll probably always think about what you said."
He already knew it yet it still made him hate himself more.
"The same way you'll probably always think about it, too."
You sweet, merciful, stupid fucking angel.
"No. You need to hear this."
"Just fucking stop."
"Don't interrupt me, Touya."
He glared at you in irritation as he clenched and unclenched his hands in an attempt to keep himself grounded. Mentally and literally. If he ran away now, you wouldn't be able to share your thoughts. He owed you that and so much more.
"It's something that effected the both of us and it'll change the way we are, but we don't have to let it change us in a bad way. We can use our hurt to help us grow." You said while looking at him with eyes full of hope. "We won't forget it happened and we shouldn't."
"We-- you--," he stammered. He could see the patience in your face and logic, feel the tender touch of your words. He was concurrently immolated by your steadfast mercy and by his venomous wrath. "We need to end this before you get hurt again."
"'Before I get hurt again'? I am going to get hurt again. By you, myself, or some other thing. It's what happens as we live and grow. The difference is learning from it. This is our 'before', and if you let us, we can work on moving on towards our 'after'."
"You know how ridiculously optimistic that sounds, right? Stupidly sappy, too. You really think it's as simple as that?"
"Can I hold your hand?"
He blinked in confusion at the randomness of the question but gave a small nod. You took ahold of it with both of your own.
"We both know it won't be simple. We both have baggage and hurt we'd need to address if we want to be something. It's going to be really hard, but if you stay I know that we'll both put in the work to reach our 'after' and every 'after' after that."
He stayed silent as he took in her words. You really saw--
"--Lots of 'after's, huh?" He quietly spoke as he tried to drown out his nerves with a teasing tone.
He looked at you with hopeful eyes that brought a small smile to your face.
"Lots of 'after's. I am your ice cream sitting in the freezer, remember?"
He'd scoff if he hadn't just gotten the wind knocked from his lungs.
You raise his hand to your lips before pressing a little kiss on the scars on the back of his hand before tugging it gently so he'd follow you to sit back down on the couch.
"I'm not eating freezer burnt ice cream."
"Hey! That's so mean…" you pouted. "And wasteful. You're way too picky of an eater, no wonder you're always grumpy."
"I'm fucking with you."
"Oh, I know. I'm fucking with you, too."
"Sadist..." He affectionately played with the shell of your ear while resting his cheek on your head. The gesture filled her with elation as they sat in comfortable silence.
"Look, I'm..." he started, struggling with his words.
"I know."
"I shouldn't-- I shouldn't have said those things earlier."
"I know."
"You didn't deserve it," his voice was softer.
"I know," you wrapped your arms around his firm torso, squeezing a little tighter.
"You're clingy. What're you thinking? Don't skimp out on me again, I wanna hear all the ugly shit, too." He lightly pinched at your cheek, "This shit ain't gonna work if it's one-sided. Start talking."
You smiled as he pressed his lips to your forehead.
"Okay, Touya."
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pikachugirltits · 3 months
Bleh... this is one of those mornings we woke up and can't tell 100% who we are...
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violetdisasterzone · 2 months
''brain fog'' is such a light, silly term for something that fucks up my life on the daily lollll
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
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@petitprince16 i guess this is for you since i didnt even wait till i seized this opportunity 😅 mwah ❤️
"I guess I'm playing you again," Sebastian says with that infuriating half-smirk he has always had which used to drive Charles crazy even before he finally saw it directed at him. He's leaning against the door of Charles' locker room, and his playing shorts are really short. Charles gets distracted by Seb's legs for a moment too long, before his eyes return to his face and that damned infuriating smirk.
Namely, the way that smirk drove him crazy changed many ways over the course of his career and with the times, but Charles isn't really ready to get into that. He's blushing already, and he has embarrased himself in front of Seb a million times. He'd give anything to be able to embarrass himself against him a million more, if he were being honest, but honesty is overrated, and Seb is retiring at the end of the season.
There's a whole thing happening, him and Lewis playing each other in one final match. Charles knows all about it, from Pierre and George and Mick and everyone, and he doesn't know what he thinks. Doesn't know how he feels about it, really. Doesn't want to figure it out.
That's a lie, actually. It's jealousy, and annoyance, and sadness, because Seb has always been there, always, someone Charles looked up to before he climbed the ATP ladder, someone Charles met on the courts all over the world, grass and gravel and all in between, someone Charles even beat regularly for a while. He's still not sure if that was the best or the worst thing to have happened to him. But aside from that, Seb was a voice on the phone in the middle of the night and the face across from him in the bar, a warm hand on his neck and even warmer lips on his in the dark of the nights in England and Spain and Australia and everywhere in between.
And now he's retiring, and playing Lewis for his final match, and Charles is just supposed to, what? Go on? Play like nothing is changed? Live on like Seb isn't leaving?
He can't. He has to, though. He hates it with his whole being, but he has to. Fuck.
"Yeah," Charles replies, and tries to smile. "I'll try not to grind you into dust." He shrugs. "At least you can win against Lewis, later."
He isn't sure why he said it. He wishes he hadn't, but he knows Sebastian, and the damage is done already. Seb knows him, too, always has, always had a way of cutting through Charles' bullshit and opening up the most vulnerable parts of Charles, prying him open and making him admit things he didn't even know he thought, or felt.
This time is no different. Sebastian looks at him, really looks at him. His mouth opens a bit on a quiet exhale, and there is recognition and understanding in his expression. Charles flushes fully, bites his lip and puts his hands in his pockets. He scuffs his shoes and tries to think of their upcoming match, but it's no use. His mind is stuck on the fact that Seb is leaving, and that this will probably be the last time they play each other.
A warm hand splays on his shoulder, and soft fingers graze his throat. He looks up into Seb's eyes, then glances around, to see if anyone is in the locker room with them. There's nobody there, and Seb presses his hand into Charles' collarbone. The touch burns, but Charles is used to it. Seb's touches always burned.
"Charles," Seb starts, then cuts himself off. Charles' name always sounds unfinished on Seb's lips. Maybe it's because Seb rarely finishes what he wants to say to Charles. "I - you -" he tries again. Charles is sweating too much already, and he can feel his shorts cut into his stomach. He tries not to move, but Seb is too close already.
"It's okay," he makes himself say. "I - understand."
Seb scoffs. Charles blushes again, but that's fair. He doesn't understand, not really. He's young, and hungry for victory, and he doesn't understand why Seb would walk away. How he even could.
Seb says nothing, and silence is pervasive for a moment. Sounds of the crowd are muffled, and Charles feels his heart in his throat. This tournament isn't really that important, but Charles still wants to win. He wants it more than anything, except, maybe - no. That's foolish. Seb has made his decision. There's nothing that can make him stay anymore. There is nothing worth staying for anymore.
"Charles," Seb says again, and this time, there is something soft in his voice, somthing that hurts Charles. It's the same tone he uses when they're done with fucking and they're wrapped around each other, right before one of them has to get up and leave. That's when they talk, about silly things, and important things. That's when time stops for a while, and everything gets relegated to second place, tennis and playing and winning and injuries and all of the world that's outside their bed. That's the times Charles yearns for and fears the most. "Do you have plans for the summer break?"
Charles blinks. Seb's final match is in July, during the first week of the break. Charles has already confirmed he'd be there, with Seb's PR team and his own, and Lewis' people too. He was planning on coming to Germany, watching the match and then fucking off to Ibiza or somewhere else where he could drink his - whatever away. He doesn't know what Seb is asking. He doesn't know what this all means.
"After July," Seb says, and there is something in his eyes that makes Charles' breath hitch and stop in his throat. "I have some things to do, to wrap up, but August, I - I will be free." Charles doesn't think he's only talking about tennis. "I'll be - I will have time. And if you, if you want - I have a tennis court at my place in Switzerland."
It's not a question. It's not even an offer. It's - it's not like Seb, not to say what he wants, at least not to Charles. He's never had issues with telling Charles exactky what he wants, and what Charles is doing wrong, and what he's doing right. It's not like Seb, to mince words. It's not like him at all. It's more like - Charles.
He looks at Seb, and sees it all then. The tightness of his lips. The crow's feet around his eyes. The way his chest rises and falls. The way he clutches onto Charles' red shirt harder than it's necessary.
Charles feels himself start to smile. Seb is close to him, but Charles takes a step which brings him right into Seb's space.
"I have no plans," Charles says quietly. Seb's eyes widen almost imperceptibly. "I would appreciate using your tennis court. To exercise, for next season."
Seb licks his lips.
"That means this isn't our last match."
Charles can feel Seb's breath against his own lips. It smells like watermelon, like the gum Seb likes to chew. It's familiar. It makes him giddy.
"I'm still going to win," Charles says cheekily, and it startles a laugh out of Seb.
"You think?" Seb asks, and his eyes sparkle. His fingers trail a burning path slowly over Charles' skin.
Charles looks at Seb's lips, then back up into his eyes.
"I know," he says with a certainty he has rarely felt in his life. I won today already, he doesn't say.
He's pretty sure Seb knows it already, if the grin on his face is any indication.
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jenthebug · 10 months
Yesterday was BAD.
I found out that I don’t get a raise. I’m “already at my max” according to the boss, which doesn’t make sense because I’ve yet to get a raise, but whatever. She said my two choices to earn more money are to work Saturdays or find another job.
I got in trouble for not doing something I should have done a month ago. I forgot. Hashtag brain fog. I corrected it and took my tongue lashings from the boss and the nurse practitioner. I earned that one. I hope I get a write up so I can show it to Dr. Oncologist.
Then the fridge broke for good. We thought it had gone out last time but were able to limp it along for a few more months. Now it’s DEAD dead. New one comes Saturday. Thanks, Twin Bro. 🥹
(All that food! 😭)
The good news is that today will 💯 be better, because none of the bullshit that happened yesterday will happen again today. I won’t have to have those conversations with the boss again. The fridge thing is solved. And I have an excuse to go to Dunkies before work.
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thatonebirdwrites · 24 days
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To all my readers of my stories, I'm sorry. I really am trying to write and edit so I can get the remaining chapters up for you.
But I've been so damn sick this month, that most days I'm lying down wishing I could be unconscious a little bit longer because the pain is so bad, and my dissociation is rampant.
Quark then comes to lay on me and provide his loving purrs to try to heal me faster. Poor little guy is trying so hard. But alas, this chronic illness flare-up has me by the throat.
I just want to go back to writing and editing with only mild pain and flare-ups. Not entire body feels like it's been run over by a truck flare-up.
Anyway, in case you wondered why it's taking me so long. I want to make sure I edit things well. So snail pace is where I am energy-health-wise sadly enough.
Enjoy the picture of Quark on my lap as I nap.
P.S. Okay, edited to add, this flare-up started before the disability hearing after I got hurtful news out of nowhere. My disability hearing happened a few days after that and wiped me out for a week. I couldn't get out of bed, so couldn't do basic tasks, and so I had to ask friends for help as the caretaker services were failing to find a cleaner to assist. (The caretaker services also keep giving me bad advice.) I thought I was getting better mid-August, only for last week and part of this week to be a nightmare of pain, dissociation, and hazy fog.
There's just isn't much my doctors can do. The meds I'm on help marginally I suppose. It's frustrating though how a few irritatingly persistent people keep giving me shitty advice to "exercise." Except exercising with LongCovid or Chronic Fatigue/M.E. is incredibly dangerous and can worsen your condition severely. This is because part of the biology of this disease negatively impacts how our body burns energy and uses energy. And so I just smile and nod, while I wish people would stop saying that to me. If I could get up and exercise, return to biking often, I would do it. I miss it. But i can't.
This illness has ripped it from me, and I'm left with … only writing, art, and if I feel well enough I can sometimes play an instrument for five or ten minutes. Even writing and art is in short spurts. 30 minutes, then rest for an hour. Rinse and repeat. The grief of this is so real, and there's tens of millions in similar positions. It sucks so much.
Anyway, um, that's my rant of the year. I'm going to pass out now.
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vyrantium · 6 months
thinking about halsin and his relation to trauma. how he was able to heal from the terrible thing that happened to him, how it doesn't control him, how he can acknowledge it but he doesn't hurt how he used to. how it doesn't consume his every waking thought. it's incredibly healing to be able to see a character who has immense grief and trauma still able to be hopeful, still able to make a change, and be able to interact with the things that hurt him in the first place.
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boycritter · 25 days
wow. i fucking hate this.
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