#The Wizard of Oz au
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doodleimprovement · 1 month ago
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Barely 5 years apart.
He's gonna do his absolute best to not fail her this time
Woooo finally premiering my fiyercrow design - using the KISS method for this one lmao
But yeah :)c Fiyero has some complicated feelings about how Dorothy left Shiz - aka he hates that he wasn't able to protect her like he promised, and shortly after all of that, Elphaba was labeled as public enemy number one after the two of them had a rather nasty confrontation.
Yeah Act 2 in this AU gets very chaotic. Very fast :> Hopefully the "brainless" man can keep up
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clowntrickery08 · 29 days ago
🌟more of My the wizard of oz AU 🌟
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roki-roki-roll · 2 months ago
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Weeee're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of the Hallowoods!
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pixeltwix · 3 months ago
’oh if he only had a heart and if he only had the nerve’
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I honestly had zero clue how to draw Stan in this au and made like?? Three different designs before settling for this one, so we’re all just gonna nod and say ‘good enough :)’
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Ford as the tin man just makes so much sense to me and no one else stood a chance to be him
I feel the tin man’s struggle is inherently just Fords actual character struggle as well? The tin man spends the whole movie lamenting over how he can’t express gentleness or sentimentality only to be caring for his friends the entire time
He thinks he needs a physical beating heart to actually be whole, to be ‘human’ and if that doesn’t scream Stanford Pines than idk what does
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Honestly main reason for him originally being the lion and not the scarecrow is purely aesthetic choice as Fiddleford just fits the scarecrow more visually, but rewatching the movie the lion just had the Stan vibe
He’s literally throwing hands the second the trio shows up because he’s putting up a tough facade only to crumble the second he’s genuinely challenged and called out
He already possesses the ability to stand up and fight, but his confidence is so nonexistent that before he can win a battle he’s waving out
Also Stan stop being impossible to draw challenge, apparently impossible
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I jUst think they’re all so silly and I hope y’all are finding joy in this au too :3
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whovianofmidgard · 6 days ago
Silm Wizard of Oz AU?
Celegorm and Huan as Dorothy and Toto. Or perhaps Lúthien and Huan?
"Huan, I've a feeling we're not in Aman/Beleriand anymore."
Would the ruby/silver slippers be Silamrils? Glowing slippers made of Silmarils?
Or if we're thinking the Lúthien version, the house falling on the Wicked Witch of the East is Minas Tirith (the first) squishing Sauron, and vreaking continuity 'cos this ain't Beleriand no more, the one ring takes the place of the slippers. Wicked Witch of the West Morgoth?
Lúthien's companions being the three infamous victims of Morgoth/Sauron:
Scarecrow Celebrimbor, who thinks himself stupid - brainless - for not seeing Annatar for the Sauron he truly was
Tinman Maedhros who thinks himself heartless after all the tradegies and kinslayings and just can't care anymore. Or Cowardly Lion Maedhros who thinks he has chosen the coward's way out for perpetuating the kinslayings, resisting the Oath would have been the courageous thing to do.
A Cowardly Lion Finrod who is traumatised and lost faith after his Song battle with Sauron and then the werewolf. Or Tin Man Finrod who has closed off his heart, thinking his trusting heart and love of people that has led him to his fate
They don't necessarily need to be a scarecrow, tin man and lion, they just fill their roles. Like a werewolf!Finrod would work here well.
Tin Man Curufin for the Celegorm Dorothy version!
Is Glinda Galadriel? Melian? ...Manwë or one of the other Valar?
Who is the Wizard? The man behind the curtain? The biggest fraud to ever fraud?
Ideas, people! We need more ideas here!
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majoresca · 5 months ago
Sofia The First: The Wizard of Oz AU.
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How successful would the Cowardly Lion…
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ajs-ozian-adventures · 3 months ago
POV: Dorothy snaps, gives Elphaba the magic shows willingly, and joins her in taking over Oz.
Dorothy’s first mission?
Dispatch the Scarecrow, by taking the only part of him that is still human.
His brain.
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folglore13 · 1 year ago
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When a bouquet of Peruvian lilies reminds you of Stiles gifting it to Lydia 🩷
Picture: https://pin.it/6f4M0utyz
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bestjeanistmonster · 6 months ago
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Oz au- haven’t drawn good witch vanilla in AGES sooo (pushes her forward)
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doodleimprovement · 1 month ago
Shiz Babysitters AU: The Aftermath of a Twister
Premise: How Fiyero found Dorothy
Characters: Fiyero, Dorothy, Boq
AO3 Link: Coming Soon!
Author Notes: It begiiiiiiiins :3c
If you asked Fiyero Tigelaar what his talents were, he’d tell you it was “enjoying life” 
If you tried instead to ask about his aptitude, he’d reply with a grin and a glib joke about his attitude. 
If, in your growing frustration, you ask him if he was good at anything that mattered, he’d say that nothing does. 
These were all lies, obviously, because everyone is good at something! 
Prince Fiyero however, preferred lowered expectations. Under-promise? Over-deliver!
That’s why he was skipping class! Not because math made him feel actually stupid
Nope. Not at all. 
Besides, he needed to see what the forest around Shiz looked like after that wild storm last night. 
His roommate said it was a rare phenomena called a “twister”, and that they were often omens - often carrying magic within them. 
And a part of Fiyero - the curious part he rarely indulged in - urged him to see whatever this so-called twitter had brought to Shiz. 
As he started his rather casual exploration, he took in what differences he could notice. There weren't a lot, but if you knew where to look, you could tell something blew through. 
Some trees were stripped of their leaves, a few branches hanging on by a thread, and - pointedly - a distinct lack of any lower-case animals wandering around. That meant the storm had gotten pretty nasty on the ground. 
Fiyero wondered if he should have brought Feldspur with him - if only for the company. 
But then his eyes caught something that definitely had not been there on his last nature walk. 
Wood - Planks - A Wall?
As it came into view, he realized it was some small shed-like structure. Two meters on one side, a little less on the other, with some splintered wood at the bottom, showing it was forcibly moved. Comically, the door was closed. 
“Huh… Did the twister bring this here?” He muttered to himself, before hearing something go THUNK! causing him to jump. 
Oh, sweet Oz, was there something inside??
There was a little noise, it didn’t sound like an animal, or an Animal… 
At a bit of a loss for what to do, he… knocked. 
“Uhm, hello? Is someone in here? Something?” 
The door rattled, and then slowly opened. 
There was nothing at Fiyero’s eye level. His eyes traveled down… down.. Until he made eye contact with a pair of brown, very human, eyes. 
Oh, oh there’s a child in here!! 
“Hello there! You probably shouldn’t be here, hm?” 
The little girl staring up at him looked rather disheveled, in a young child’s dress with a dirtied gingham pattern and high neckline. Her hair was in some unkempt braids tied with what looked like twine. She was only wearing one shoe. 
Fiyero didn’t need to use much deep thought to figure out that she wasn’t from around here. 
She wasn’t saying anything. He could see the fear in those big eyes. 
Taking a page from his nanny’s book, he took a second to get down on one knee so he was no longer towering over the girl. 
“You’re not from around here?” He offered, and she shook her head. “Well, do you know where you are?” She shook her head again “You’re near Shiz University, in Gillikin?” 
Her confused expression was not a good sign. 
“Huh, you’re a long way from home then! Shiz is all the way in Central Gillikin, so if you don’t even recognize that name you must be from far off!” He explained, keeping his tone light. “So, where are you from then? Vinkus?” 
She shook her head. 
“Munchkin Land?”
She shook her head again. 
“Quadling Country?”
She giggled a little at the name, expression seeming calmer as she shook her head once more. 
“Heh, it is a bit of a funny name, isn’t it?” He admitted “But those are all of the major provinces here in Oz… Where are you from then, if you don’t mind me asking?” He offered the little girl a smile, and her hands finally left the door, going to grab onto her dress 
“... Kansas” Her sweet little voice rung out, a little hoarse, a little nervous “Been raised in Topeka but I’d been moved t’Butler County” 
Oh. Wow. Fiyero hadn’t heard of any of those places. He pondered, briefly, if he shouldn’t have skipped geography, but then remembered that he knew every major province in Oz as a necessity of being a prince, and there was no way that if she was of Oz, that he wouldn’t have heard of at least one of those places. 
“Well… I’ve never been to this “Can-Sass” you speak of” He started “Nor of a “Toe-peek-ah” and the only butler I know is the one at my family castle in Vinkus” 
“... Castle?” 
Hah. Just as he planned. 
“Castle! I’m a prince, you know!” 
She shook her head “Uh-uh, I don’t know!” 
Happy to get her talking more, he took a chance to stand up “Well, that’s because I haven’t introduced myself!” He bowed as low as he could possibly go, comically so, and was pleased when he got his desired reaction of giggles. 
“Prince Fiyero Tigelaar of the Vinkus!” He popped his head back up to look at her “And to who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?” 
She was bouncing on the balls of her feet, with a little - and very adorable - smile on her face “My - My name’s Dorothy” 
“Dorothy. Ah! What a lovely name! Dorothy of Kansas: has a ring to it, wouldn't you say?” 
Shrugging her one shoulder, she looked around the forest they were in, and Fiyero pointedly noticed that the animals were starting to return. While this forest was mostly harmless for the adult students at Shiz, it was no place for children. 
Fiyero may be a fool, but he was not heartless. 
“Now, Little Miss Dorothy!” He caught her full attention again “As a fancy prince with good manners, I cannot - In good conscience! - leave a fair young lady by herself!” He got another giggle from her as he waved his hand around before offering it “I’m sure you don’t wanna stay in the forest, do you?” 
She seemed to take a look around the fantastical forest, and gave a shake of her head again, taking his hand. Her little hand was completely enveloped in his. Fiyero wondered if all kids were this tiny and adorable - not like he spent a lot of time with children. 
“Wher’ we goin?” She asked meekly. 
“Well, I’m gonna walk you over to the school I'm going to!” He explained “There’s a lot of people there that can help you out. Certainly you would like to return to this “Can-Sass”” 
She nodded “Mhm, uh-huh. My Auntie Em gotta be lookin’ f’r me” She contemplated. 
“Your auntie? She watches you?” 
Dorothy nodded again as Fiyero started leading the way with her in hand “Her an’ my Uncle Henry” 
“Ahh aunt and uncle. Watching you for your parents - awful nice of them!” 
Dorothy went quiet at that, not responding to him. When he looked down at her, she was starting at the forest floor. Her hand was limp in his. 
Oh. Okay. Parents are a bad topic. Abort - Abort! 
“Say - does Can-sass have universities?” 
“Does your land have big schools like Shiz? Do you perhaps go to one?”
She looked back up at him at the question “I don’t go to school yet. Auntie Em says I don’t gotta go till next year. I was s’posed to go this year, but that was in Topeka…” 
“Is Topeka different from Butler County?” He questioned, and she nodded - sure did like to nod and shake her head, didn’t she?
“They’re very different, Mister Prince F’yero” 
“Care to try to explain to me? I know nothing of your strange foreign land!” He grinned “Please, do explain!!” 
“Uhh, uhm, well, Topeka…” 
She didn’t use a lot of big words, and there was some humming to fill space, but it got her talking, and that was what he wanted to get that sad little expression off of her face. 
Once they got to Shiz, he’d find a professor and hand her off so one of the faculty could get her taken care of. Easy! His good deed for today. 
It was a good thing the girl was so charming, he would certainly remember her fondly
Boq Woodsman had what could generously be called mixed feelings on his roommate. 
On the one hand, he was a prince, coasting through his life. 
On the other hand, he was actually a pretty decent friend, all things considered. 
He wasn’t being a good friend now, what with missing for most of the day, but that wasn’t currently relevant. 
What was relevant was his roommate, showing up wearing a hooded cape with a child clinging to his leg. 
“.... Hello there, Boq” Fiyero’s fake smile overtook his face “This is Dorothy!” 
The little girl, looking a little disheveled and missing a shoe (though she didn't seem bothered by it) gave him a shy wave from behind Fiyero’s leg. 
“.... Fiyero- Why is there a child here?” 
“Ah, yes, the why. Can I delay that question while we get out that cot under your bed?” The prince took off the cloak after he shut the door to their dorm room, and hung it up right on the hooks. “Dorothy could use a rest - we’ve had an eventful afternoon, haven’t we?” 
She nodded up to him, staring at the prince like he hung the moon, which made Boq roll his eyes. She did look tired, and clearly there was a story here. 
“Fine. Fine.”The munchkin stood up from his desk “But you better explain everything” 
“You have my word, friend - Are you ready for a little rest, Little Dot?” 
Boq sighed, marching over his bed and pulling the cot out, mentally preparing himself for whatever ridiculous story his roommate was about to tell him. 
It’d be interesting, if nothing else. 
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clowntrickery08 · 21 days ago
🌟more of My the wizard of oz AU 🌟
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debble-from-deltarun · 28 days ago
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recently read through the first wizard of oz book and it gave me an idea
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pixeltwix · 3 months ago
’Oh, if he only had a brain-‘
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So I had early access to see Wicked with a bestie ages ago now and I’ve sorta just been marinating with au ideas that I could never quite put together since then
But I finally stopped thinking so hard about it and stuck with the basic Oz plot with a little twists here and there to fit a more Gravity Falls esque character narrative
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Considering the Dixon family is most likely from Kansas anyway this felt like a perfect Emma May au plug if there was any. Plus girl can rock blue and red (it’s like the only colors I ever draw her in anyway riP)
But I envision Emma May’s ver of Dorothy as less sweet and naive and more so just?? Driven by the feeling of adventure as a whole. This is the first time she’s ever felt like she’s gotten freedom and she literally had to be swept up into another world to obtain that
She wants to go home, but not to the home she left behind, but a home where she can actually be happy
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Oh Fiddleford McGucket, the man that you are
So I know it can be debated that he should be the lion and Stan should be the scarecrow instead, but realistically the aesthetics fit different this way and idk? It feels justified (I’ll elaborate more on my reasons for Stan whenever I draw his design for this au, but I digress)
Fiddleford is a genius guy, but he never feels validated or truly confident in his abilities because he’s either looked down upon or because he’s just that anxious
I mean we learn in the end anyway that the scarecrow is a genius in his own way, and that’s kinda how I see Fidds too. Like yes, he IS a genius even if he doesn’t think it, he just needed to be reaffirmed of that
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But anywhoooo, I have all the character roles figured out except for the wicked witch??
Like I have Carla as Glinda and Bill as Oz, but am otherwise blanking so hard for the wicked witch ahhhh I’ll figure it out eventually
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month ago
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Mostly familiar stuff, but I'm doing my best to keep it interesting ! Dorothy was surprisingly hard to draw at first, but really fun and cute once I figured her out :3
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rwbyangst12 · 3 months ago
I would like a fanfiction that combines the original premise of Oz with Dorothy being a young child (8-12 since it's her book ages and her movie age) and instead of 1900 it's like in the original book it's 1939 and Wicked. Dorothy is worried for aunty Em and Uncle Henri because not only is it the Great Depression and part of the farmhouse is here with her but she's worried because they're have been talks of a potential war (the movie came out in August 25th and the war started in September 1st) but she's worried that her Uncle Henri might be drafted and her aunt might go with them cause what if they think she's dead)
While walking down the Yellow Brick Road Scarecrow asks why Dorothy keeps saying they need to ration they're things? Asks why she's so worried about food? Why is she so insistent on not buying a new dress? You've already re sewn and cleaned those same clothes for the past month. Boq is made of metal and has no clothes, the lion is a lion and therefore does not need clothes, and I'm a scarecrow I can't take my clothes off.
Down the road he begins to realise that this child isn't as okay and innocent as she seems with all of her skipping and dancing with the way she looks out the corner of her eye behind her pigtails or re checks her basket Incase they dropped anything.
Imagine because of all the interruptions, being attacked, the road itself, and then the wizard being a fraud she takes longer to get home. Perhaps instead of two-three months in Oz she's there for two-three years. The shoes don't work and Dorothy believes she's just killed two women even though it wasn't her fault at the time(Elphaba is alive but she's still in hiding with Fiyero) and got kidnapped and locked in a basement and almost burnt alive. She thinks that now she's never going to make it home. But you have fresh food and clothes here do you really want to go back. She can't help but think to herself before snapping out of it reminding herself of Aunty Em and Uncle Henri.
Or if Dorothy does make it home her Aunt and Uncle somehow end up sending her back because not only has World War ii begun but now that America is a part of it and Kansas was essentially a training ground for USAAF bombers and fliers so when she's back in Oz she looks for Fiyero or Galinda and Explains what happened.
Fiyero didn't know a potential war was on the horizon in Dorothy's home world. If he had known would he have sent her back or would he have kept her in Oz even if it was against her will. He takes her to Elphaba and explains what happened and they managed to reach out to Glinda and help give her a proper education, she gets taller thanks to a proper diet, she's at least somewhat healthy thanks to available medicine and hygiene products in Oz. She's lived longer than she thought she would have in Kansas and a lot longer than she thought she would have here in Oz. A LOT longer.
Also potential Dorzma and realising that Oscar Diggs is a name of a guy that went missing a few decades ago that her parents and guardians talked about with their families because this guy with a hot air balloon disappeared in a storm and no trace of him can be found. Obvious propaganda against a coloured women and a selective group of people because I believe Aunty Em not Uncle Henri would've raised her that way. She still wants to meet the wizard in hopes of going home but she's still suspicious because of how she was raised in this au.
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