#The Shape of Water Spoilers
delioncourtes · 1 year
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Please don't die. I'm here now.
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH - 2.03 The Innkeeper
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a-driftamongopenstars · 4 months
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Crow in the last cinematic of Season of the Wish please don't repost or claim as your own
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jaskierx · 1 year
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so i’m still thinking about this
about how in the shape of water, eliza is presented as a social outcast, how she has few friends and those that she does have are marginalised (a Black woman and a gay man), how she is mute and communicates through sign language
the amphibian man is presented as a misunderstood being, a creature who appears monstrous and has done things that cause him to be feared (including responding to a threat by severing his attacker’s fingers. sounds familiar huh)
and they become friends and lovers because eliza is the only one to see past that, to disregard the legend around the amphibious man and see him for who he is, to discover that he’s a person as much as she is, to spend time with him and bring him snacks and introduce him to music and protect him from people who want to harm him
and they end up being able to communicate in their own way, adapting to each other’s environment - eliza teaches him sign language, and when they escape to the sea at the end of the movie the amphibious man’s healing power allows the wounds on eliza’s neck to become gills
it’s absolutely no coincidence that it’s stede who is on eliza’s side in the shot despite him being the ‘creature’ and not the human
it’s absolutely no coincidence that they chose to reference this movie in a story about an outcast who looks at a character that everyone believes is a monster and simply sees a man, about them learning to communicate through stories and metaphors and restaurant themed improv, about the two of them falling in love because they understand each other in a way that nobody else ever has or ever could
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ming-sik · 6 months
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this may be a controversial opinion but i think taking the time to establish water guns as a rozemyne invention perhaps entirely for this moment several volumes later where ferdinand pulls out a fully realistic handgun is in the top 10 aob worldbuilding moments of all time
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Our Flag Means Death S2E3 — The Shape of Water (2017)
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G R E E T I N G S .
I am known by several as Puddle the Horse. My namer, Oliver Teach who I am eternally loyal to, is on here, so I have decided to join in his footsteps. I also heard my maker and papa, The Gillion Tidestrider, has also acquired a "Tumblr Blog" so do with that information what you shall.
I hope you can be respectful on my blog, I have listed my professional nouns in my biographical description. If a reminder is requested or in need, I use he/him, it/itself, aqua/aquaself, sea/foam, and any other sea and/or ocean related neo-professional nouns you may acquire.
This is a blog that is forever in character, as Cheri, my player, has decidedly made me an omnipotent being and a 4th wall breaker. However, any direct addresses to outside media or things I normally would not say "in character" shall get a tag.
Before the tags are listed, I must provide you with a banner.
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[Image ID: A banner that says: ‘To break free from the JRWI RP industrial complex, feel free to block the ‘#just role(play) with it’ tag. End Image ID.]
Now into the tags.
"#splishy splash" will be my "in character" tag. These are times I do not use or reference my complete knowledge.
"#all dried up" will be my "out of character" tag. This will be when I am 'goofing around' or using my whole given knowledge.
"#that small boy" will be my interaction tag specifically for Oliver Teach.
"#shaping the conversational flow" will be my interaction tag for anybody but Oliver Teach.
"#lets all talk to the water horse" will be my tag for answering your inquiring.
Now, this "roleplay" blog may possibly have spoilers for the Dungeons and Dragons Podcast Just Roll With It's Riptide. This blog will also not be 100 percent "accurate" to "canon", as it will be headcanoned upon. It is also important to note this is one of the more joking roleplay blogs. To get Cheri's full roleplay list, click or tap the link provided with this sentence.
Cheri's main blog can also be found at @s0lar-ch3ri. If you are to address Cheri, refrain from using any pronouns, at least if you are from this blog. With that, I bid you all farewell.
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qwanderer · 10 months
Lot of thoughts this morning about how the key lime pie in Loki S2 echoes the key lime pie in The Shape of Water; it's not about the pie, it's about the company, and the unspoken gay feelings that can never be spoken lest terrible things result.
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alifeinneverland · 1 year
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This shot reminded me so much of...
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incredibly bad quality; has this been done yet?
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 6 months
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Never forget this is a book about aliens destroying the world and the world responding by making big ass robots (in this case made out of alien husks) and needing paired pilots to drive them to kill the aliens.
These paired pilots just determined a third is what they needed to make them a balanced match.
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dawnlotus-draws · 2 years
Homesickness : a BitB comic (careful! Heavily implied spoilers)
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Spoilers ahead and in the tags.
What’s up my brain’s consumed by these guys, this comic was inspired by the numerous headcanons Ive seen around about Rolan’s time away from Galloway, and how the hivemind would.. keep in touch. Huge inspiration from @/willotstreet’s post about Rolans alcoholism
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blueearedslider · 2 years
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rt8815 · 11 months
I didn't hate the finale.
It's not exactly what I'd hoped for either.
I might just need to digest it for a few days.
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jaskierx · 1 year
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the shape of water (2017) dir. guillermo del toro / our flag means death s2e3 (2023) created by david jenkins
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aghoulstation · 1 year
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golvio · 1 year
I want to make a version of the TotK Goron quest that isn’t weirdly racist, about how the mythic concept of the Underworld is a real place that people, in fact, make a living out of going down to in order to bring things back. About a group of miners who walk that tightrope between the realms of the living and the dead as casually as an office worker would drive their daily commute.
About how, in addition to the raw gem ore and precious metals, they also bring back all sorts of stories about what they’ve encountered down there in the darkness beyond their lanterns, including the reason why the safety handbook has that funny rule about only eating and drinking your own rations you bring with you. And that other odd rule about never accepting food or drink from anyone you encounter down there, even if you’re absolutely certain that dimly lit figure in the lamplight holding their canteen out towards you, whose face you can’t quite make out, is your coworker.
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