#splishy splash
How do I run fast
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karkatbug · 1 year
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They finally made it to Deltritus and their little guy got to experience ✨weather and climate✨ for the first time ever!!
for day 2 of the @413countdown
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honeybreadbee · 7 days
I want bathtub 🥺🥺
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
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tackledkey · 1 year
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royalreef · 1 year
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       “Beloved friends of mine, you will come join me at my private beach. You will.”
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twostepstyless · 2 years
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illufinch · 11 months
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It's froggy dress up time! Mix and match adorable outfits, accessories, and backgrounds made by the super talented artists of the frogpon pixel dress up collab. Hop over to our website and create your fashionable froggy friend!
Play it here :> https://frogpon.art/dressup/
Our contributing artists are: @cloudtrumpets @daallygator @illufinch @ifyias @jdzombi @juliagoodish @knightsundere @runekitty_ @silkanideart @splishy-splash and coded by @logthatdata and @kredgons @crobinet cro u da best emotional support animal
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hurrakka · 5 months
mermay Kennechenko?
Leon and Sasha doing the splishy splash!
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Last year I had a convo w/ a friend about this. Leon dealing with sea B.O.W.s and discovering the existence of merfolk, then realizing that "Sasha" over here being one of the pack leaders of the amphibian Licker variants and protecting his homes from the damage caused by underwater research vessels.
Initially, Sasha was without a name. First he was called "Buddy" while under Leon's care. Some time after, it changed to Sasha essentially as a love confession :]
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coolartcorner · 1 year
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splishy splash! 🌧️🍃
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woodlouseonastring · 16 days
im reading through the transcripts again for my class and i forgot how bad carsons rebranding of the trawerlerman was, because streamieand splash??? yeah the river god that is devouring you only to return you as a grotesque imagining of how a human body could approximate a crab is called splishy sploshy. sorry yeah you got killed by the god of a water brand. i'm sobbinf
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wavesalwayscrash · 7 months
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Waves Always Crash /// Page 16
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Splishy Splash
[You can read ahead on Patreon!]
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In The Wet [a Frankie x reader fic]
Read on Ao3
My Frankie Morales masterlist
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Francisco “Catfish” Morales x you (cishet f!reader)
Warnings: Reader has boobs and pussy but no other descriptors, reader has had problems finding a fitting swimsuit but body is not described in terms of size, Frankie has body issues, Public Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, sneaky sex in the water on a public beach.
Summary: You and Frankie are at the beach with the Millers, and the brothers' chiseled bodies make Frankie feel self-conscious. However, you know how to make him feel better…
Words: 2,837
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The delighted laughter of children mixes with r 'n b from a portable speaker and the lapping of waves, but you're already filtering it out after about an hour on the beach. The sunlight is filtered underneath the beach umbrella, and you blink your eyes open when Frankie shifts next to you. You turn your head to look at him, belly down on the blanket next to you, reading a magazine. You're on your back in your new two-piece swimsuit, expensive as fuck but the first one you ever bought that actually fits your body as it should. Lord knows you've been putting up with cheap bikinis in your day, but now you finally splurged on yourself and went to a lingerie store that catered to all bodies, whether they be thin or thick. The swimsuit you picked out is simple yet elegant, and it fits - something that's so very incredible to you. It's been years since you last showed yourself on a public beach in the middle of the day, but now you're comfortable enough to do so. And you've already noticed that nobody even looks at you twice because everybody is busy having a good time.
Nobody except Frankie.
He noticed the movement next to him and is now smiling at you.
"You snored."
"I nodded off," you acknowledge sleepily, smiling back as you stretch languidly. "It's nice and warm."
"You can't fall asleep if there's any kind of noise outside the bedroom, but put you in the middle of a busy beach..."
You shove him playfully before sitting up and pulling your knees up. The water glitters invitingly.
"Wanna go swimming?" you ask, looking down at your boyfriend in his shorts and t-shirt. He turns around heaves himself up to a sitting position as well.
"Nah, the water's too cold."
"You haven't even tried it!"
He shakes his head and pulls his cap down slightly. "Not one for swimming. You go ahead."
"Yo, love birds!"
Benny comes jogging through the sand to your spot, Will in tow. Both Miller brothers are wearing only shorts, with sweat glistening on their tan, sculpted upper bodies. They've been playing volleyball with some bucks ten years their juniors, but you know the Millers well enough to know that they probably kicked the younger men's asses - and they looked good doing it, too. They keep in shape, and their lean yet muscled upper bodies are tanned, with abs that you could grate cheese on.
"Splishy-splashy," Benny continues. "Time to put the Catfish back in the ocean."
"I'm good," Frankie shakes his head, giving you an encouraging push instead. "She was just going."
"She wants you to come too," you point out, but get up. "But if you don't want to, you can guard our stuff?"
"Sure will. Enjoy."
You throw him a kiss before following Benny and Will to the water. It's refreshingly cool, and while the brothers race each other to dive, you wade in slowly, enjoying the way your legs and thighs and finally stomach get steeped in the cool water. Some kids splashing water on each other get some on you as well, so you lean forward and glide into the next wave, inhaling sharply at the initial cold but quickly finding the temperate wonderful. You swim after the Millers who are waiting for you a bit out, away from the kids but still within reach of the sandy bottom.
You swim around with Will and Benny, dive to the bottom, Benny carries you on his shoulders and throws you into the water. After a while, however, you glance in the direction of the beach, seeing Frankie under the beach umbrella. He's too far away for you to discern his face, and he's wearing his hat anyway.
You tell the guys that you're going to have a rest, then leave the water. As you approach Frankie, he stands up, ready with your towel that he wraps around you when you reach him.
"You want to make a burrito out of me?" you smile as he pulls you snug against him. He takes his hat off so that he can nuzzle your nose with his, before kissing the tip.
"My favorite kind of burrito," he murmurs. "Was the water nice?"
"It was wonderful, you should come."
"You need more sunscreen first."
He sits you down, the takes his seat behind you. Slowly and meticulously, he works sunscreen into your shoulders and back, and you sit with a silly little smile on your face, eyes closing as you enjoy the treatment. When his hands move further down and start to sneak inside the waistband of your bikini briefs, you elbow him gently.
"Watch it..."
"You look so good in this bikini, but you look even better without..." he whispers into your ear, and your cheeks flush while the rest of your body breaks out in goosebumps. He kisses your neck and shoulder, hands stroking around the curve of your thighs, fingers reach the apex teasingly.
"Frankie!" you admonish him in a muffled voice. "Not here."
"I know." He nuzzles the back of your head before wrapping his arms around you. "Had to try, though."
You chuckle and lean back against him, safe between thighs, your hands on his kneecaps, thumbs rubbing little circles on the hairy skin. You sit there quietly, enjoying his embrace, the warmth, the gentle breeze from the sea, the little sphere of love you've made for yourselves on this public beach.
Eventually, however, you want to go back into the water.
"Come on, Frankie," you coax him. "Come and swim with me."
He tightens momentarily behind you, and you turn your head to look at him quizzically.
"You go with the guys," he tells you, avoiding your gaze. "I'm fine here."
"What's the matter?" you ask, shifting a little so that you can take his hat off and prevent him from hiding himself under the bill. His warm, brown eyes flicker over your face.
"Nothing, I just don't feel like it."
You frown as you try to understand his unwillingness to go in the water. You've seen him swim before, so you know he can, but -
Oh. Oh no.
"Is it because of Will and Benny?" you ask, fighting to keep your voice neutral. "Frankie, they are my friends, they are allowed to touch me, even when I'm only wearing a swimsuit."
"It's not that," he cuts you off, looking aghast. "I don't care about that."
"Then what is it?"
A kid runs past on their way to the water, spraying sand over your leg. You throw a glare after the kid before turning your attention back to Frankie. He sighs, knowing he can't escape.
"They look better than I do," he mutters. You blink.
"Come again?"
"Look at them." Frankie nods towards the water, and you follow his gaze to the Miller brothers, who have swum out to the pontoon and are diving into the water from it, much to the admiration of a giggling group of 20-somethings. Benny even does a flip, and even if you can't see him clearly at this distance, you know just how the muscles of his body are flexing for that trick.
"What about them?" you want to know. Frankie sighs in exasperation.
"They have the bodies of Greek gods while I am a sack of potatoes with eyes on it."
You want to laugh at the comparison, but your man looks so gloomy you hold it in.
"Jesus, Frankie," you shake your head. "Is that why you're sitting here with your t-shirt on?"
He grunts, and you put a hand on his waist.
"Will you let me take it off?" you ask gently, quietly. He hesitates for a moment, but then his eyes meet yours, and he nods. You pull the t-shirt up and off him, revealing his soft, pudgy belly and sagging chest.
"Mmm," you nod in approval. "Baby, you're perfect."
"You're just saying that."
"Are you calling me a liar?" you dare him with a grin, and a bashful smile breaks out on his face as well before disappearing just as quickly.
"I used to be fitter when I met you," he still apologizes. "I'm just so lazy, I've let myself go."
"Oh, my sweet boy..." You wrap your arms around his waist, that waist that he seems to think is too round, too wide, too wrong, when it's the most perfect waist in the universe. "Frankie, I love that you're home with me on the couch instead of lifting weights at the gym every night."
He's not convinced; you can feel the tension in him. All the times he's comforted you when you've felt bad about your body, sworn that he loves you just as you are, are coming back to you. Damn, but it's hard to say the right thing.
"Frankie," you try again, "I need me a present, soft man who loves my shitty cooking and doesn't care if either one of us gains a pound or two. I need someone who's there for me and doesn't make me or himself feel bad for eating something that's good. You are that man, and I love you just as you are."
Now he's starting to get it. His puppy dog eyes shyly seek out yours. "Yeah?"
"Even if I get even fatter?"
"You're not fat, baby, you're just thick and broad," you tell him, fingers sinking into the soft flesh at his side. "And I happen to like it."
"But if I got fat?"
"I wouldn't stop loving you. Gaining weight doesn't equal losing worth, or that you're less loveable."
He seems happy with that, and you press a kiss to his lips before getting up.
"Ready for a swim?" you ask, and his gaze flickers to the water, then back to your face.
You take him by the hand and walk down to the water with him. The coolness of the waves is welcome as both of you swim away from the kids and everybody else, and in the opposite direction of the pontoon, where the Millers are still showing off for the girls. Neither one of you has any interest in joining them: instead, you play your own little game where you try to swim away from Frankie, whose long arms and big hands give him an advantage. He catches up with you immediately and wraps his arms around you. In the water, you're weightless, so he can lift you and hold you up with nothing but his hands on your ass cheeks.
You put your arms around his neck to keep steady, and grin when he honks your ass.
"You just couldn't wait to do that, could you?" you tease him, and he winks.
"Been wanting to do it since you took your clothes off."
His eyes drop to your tits that look amazing in your comfortable bikini top. "Those look really nice, too."
"No visible groping," you warn him, and he tilts his head.
"But they're so perfectly grabbable..."
"When we're home."
"Fine." He pouts a little, then looks mischievously at you. You raise a brow, grinning.
"I'm incredibly hard right now."
"That's unfortunate."
"It is."
"Lemme feel." You move your legs, one of them brushing up against the outline of his hard dick in his swimming trunks. "Yup, you sure are. That's quite impressive, in this cool water?"
"Honey," Frankie leans his forehead to yours, eyes crinkling as he smiles. "I could be naked in Antarctica and have the biggest hard-on from only thinking of you."
You throw your head back as you laugh, and Frankie renews his grip on your ass. Your pussy clenches when his fingers get awfully close, and you pull yourself closer to him, wrapping your legs around him. You have an idea, a very bold and shocking idea.
"You wanna keep it warm?" you ask in a low voice, pressing your thigh against his cock. "Wanna put it in and keep it warm?"
Frankie swallows noticeably. "Here? There's kids present."
"Just put it in, we're not gonna fuck or anything." You're quite keen on the idea now, your pussy growing heavy and hot at the thought. "We'll just stay like this, like we're talking, but your big, beautiful cock is going to be inside my wet, tight pussy..."
Frankie groans, his fingers digging into your ass cheeks as he presses you against him. He swirls around, the water splashing around the two of you. His back is turned towards the beach now.
"How can I resist?" he asks before brushing his lips over yours. He lets his mouth wander along your jawline, then down your neck, and you giggle, perhaps a little theatrically, while discreetly looking over his shoulder at the crowd. Nobody is paying you any mind. The Millers have proceeded to water games with the girls on the pontoon, taking turns throwing the shrieking girls into the water, then joining them, no doubt getting very close underwater. The water is not clear, nobody can see underneath it. Nobody will see anything else but a couple being cute with each other.
Quickly and as inconspicuously as possible, you take Frankie's cock out of his swimming trunks, push your bikini bottoms to the side, and help him slide inside. His jaw is tightly set in concentration when you settle against him, but there's a reckless sort of abandon in his eyes. You exhale audibly as you wrap your arms and legs around him.
"Okay?" you ask, and Frankie nods, changing his hold of your ass.
"You really are very warm..."
"All for you, my darling," you smile, your fingers playing with the wet curls at the nape of his neck. "This is exciting, huh?"
"Very," he nods as he starts to bob up and down while spinning lazily around. The movement is not much, not like when you're fucking, but it adds a little friction that makes you clench around him.
"Daaaamn..." he moans low, "that's nice and tight. I love your pussy, baby, it's always so good to me."
"And I love your cock," you reply in the same quiet manner, yet with intensity. "It feels so good to have it inside me, Frankie, I love having it inside me, it fills me up so perfectly."
He kisses your forehead as he pushes you hard against himself, making you choke on your next breath.
"Wish I could suck on your tits," he gasps, glancing down at your boobs pressing up against him, all wet and shining in the sun. "So perfect."
"These tits?" You push your upper arms against the sides of your boobs, pushing them together. You can feel him twitch inside of you. In the corner of your eye, you see an older man swimming out at a brisk pace, and you embrace Frankie in a warm hug. Just as the man passes a few feet away, you ask, like there's nothing untoward going on:
"Warming up yet? I can't believe you can be so cold on a hot day like this."
Frankie chuckles as he swirls around with you again.
"You're so bad," he whispers into your ear. You smile wickedly.
"I just love my man and his big dick and thick waist."
Frankie laughs again, then looks up when he hears a motorboat approaching. It's a slightly bigger model, and in its wake come large waves that travel in towards the beach. The kids and teenagers eagerly await the waves, and Frankie readjusts his grip.
"Hold on."
As the waves start to wash over you, he bobs up and down, effectively fucking you with each jump. You hold on, try to mask your moans with laughter, but fuck, it's hard when he's inside you, all you want to do is scream, let everybody know that you're getting fucked by the best man in the world, the most handsome, perfect man with a huge dick that may not be all the way inside in this position but good Lord, it's far enough. You move with him, gasp little encouragements into his ear until he's digging his fingers so deep into the soft flesh of your ass that it's almost hurting.
"I'm gonna cum," he announces tightly, "God fucking dammit, baby, I'm so close."
"Good boy," you pant, and nothing more is needed. He exhales in a cough as he gets water in his mouth, and you feel your walls painted hot and sticky. Frankie slows down, plants his feet on the bottom, and holds you close. You feel his heart pound hard against your own chest, and you hold him tightly and kiss his neck.
"This was so naughty," you whisper, and he laughs breathlessly.
"Worth getting arrested for."
He slips out of you, and you straighten out his swimwear and your own.
"Wanna get out of the water?" you ask, but Frankie shakes his head. His eyes twinkle as he smirks.
"I like it here, in the wet."
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tangledbeast · 9 months
How did I never notice the cute splishy splash Koraidon does when you're idle in the water
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Okay so, you know how, in Let's Go Eevee, all of the Partner Eevee's Tutor Moves are based off one of the Eeveelutions' types?
The Partner Pikachu's Tutor Moves seem to all be references:
Splishy Splash is a reference to the Surfing Pikachu (back before all Pikachu could learn Surf).
Floaty Fall is a reference to the Flying Pikachu (still event exclusive).
Zippy Zap is tricky, but MIGHT be a reference to how Ash's Pikachu learned Volt Tackle in the anime (attempted to use Quick Attack after aborting a Thunder Bolt), as it's a priority move that involves Pikachu cloaking itself in electricity and slamming into the target.
The Partner Eevee from Let's Go Eevee still has more options, though.
oh dope!
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