#The Revenant Mastermind
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dontaskchaosandco · 7 months ago
Drawing poll: DooM edition
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skjam · 7 months ago
Comic Book Review: All Star Comics Archives Volume 7
Comic Book Review: All Star Comics Archives Volume 7 edited by Dale Crain From All Star Comics #3 (Summer 1940) to All Star Comics #57 (March 1951), that comic book series was the home of the Justice Society of America, DC Comics’ first superhero team. This volume covers #29 (June 1946) to #33 (February 1947). As discussed by Roy Thomas in his introduction, the membership of the JSA had…
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leletha-jann · 5 months ago
All right, kids and kittens, it is CONSPIRACY THEORY ON NO REAL EVIDENCE TIME
The question of the hour now is not "is Klaus still in the timestop?" (NOPE, WE KNEW IT, KLAUS IS SO GONE), but "who's giving the Black Squad these orders?" Who wants Klaus back in play but under control, and has the ability to exert that control, and wants both Gil and Agatha specifically out of the picture?
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Because it can't be Klaus. Klaus went to great lengths to put himself in the timestop and out of reach so that he couldn't carry out whatever orders Lucrezia/Lunevka had given him. This is not a Klaus contingency plan.
(A Klaus contingency plan would be having a second timestop bomb in his pocket, which, uh, would have been bad.)
So damned if this doesn't sound like probably Zola, who at last count:
zapped the Black Squad out of the picture in the first place
is the most likely to have retrieved them
has ambition to spare
possibly can command revenants?
was mentioned recently
and is suspiciously missing
you know what
you know what
My question is "Who's running Zola?" and I suspect the mastermind behind this is
Princess Terebithia
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Yes. Grandma. The power behind the Valois dynasty.
who was also mentioned recently, is also suspiciously missing, and was last seen not only with Zola, but calling the shots...
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She's also terrified me from her very first appearance. This woman makes me bristle like a spooked cat.
Terebithia is one of those characters who, if they were my protagonist, I would be cheering for every second as they absolutely wrecked everyone's everything. If this was her story, I'd be making popcorn and cackling. If this was her story, I'd be crazy about her. Since she's not my protagonist, and I don't trust her an inch with any of the characters I love, she scares the hell out of me.
Also? This panel.
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Gil is a problem to be dealt with. Agatha is a problem to be dealt with.
Tarvek is not listed as a problem, nor does the Black Squad (that we know of) have orders to deal with him. If this is Terebithia giving orders for Zola to issue, I suspect that Terebithia might very much want her grandson dragged back by the scruff of his neck again, since she did not endorse Seffie shuffling Tarvek off to England that one time. (And if Zola was giving orders on her own, I doubt she's forgotten Tarvek beating her half to death with his bare hands back in Castle Heterodyne. Oh no, she would not have forgotten to give orders about him.)
Yeah. Uh. If we're looking for a master manipulator with a lifelong history of successfully giving orders behind the scenes...who'd be absolutely delighted to have her hands on the bits and bridles of various power players, including Klaus Wulfenbach...who's suspiciously missing but with a convenient recent reminder...and who was last seen acquiring the woman with a captive Lucrezia copy in her head AND the power to command revenants...
I have not forgotten about Terebithia.
Now this one, I'd love to be wrong about, because - as mentioned - Terebithia scares me.
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 4 months ago
About to beat the Backerkit’s record for longest in Overtime (overtime ends when there hasn’t been funding in 10 minutes)
They are $10k away from unlocking Blood and Coal setting, which I would be soooo stoked to get. It seemed impossible but now it’s getting so close. Here’s their blurb about it:
Blood & Coal takes place in the town of Thurmond, West Virginia in the early 20th century, during the first years of the Great Depression. The player characters—the hunters—belong to a secret club known as the Bushburners' Lodge who, while posing as Thurmond's volunteer fire brigade, investigate and neutralize demonic threats that appear around the areas of the New River Gorge and surrounding Fayette County. Over time, they become aware of the plans of a sinister mastermind who seeks to unleash an all-consuming evil from its imprisoned slumber beneath the ancient hills. The hunters will eventually be forced to confront this mastermind in an attempt to halt the End of All Things and save their community. Blood & Coal is directly inspired by the audio drama series Old Gods of Appalachia and the 1987 film Matewan. It also takes inspiration from cosmic horror fiction, as well as real-life Appalachian history, music, and folklore. Blood & Coal is by Alex Rybitski, with contributions from an all-star cast of writers, including Lin Codega, Wesley Franks, and B Narr!
The Canary is a beautiful innocent stuck in a bad situation. They were born with the gift of foresight and the ability to sense malevolent entities in their presence. They are also the ward of another hunter, who has conscripted them into the dangerous work of the Bushburners' Lodge against their wishes. Play the Canary if you want to use miraculous powers to illuminate even the darkest places, or if you'd like to explore the relationship with the one who forces your hand.
The Runner is a bootlegger, hockin' hooch to the good people of Fayette County from the back of their trusty automobile. They fled their past life in the big city, leaving behind more than a few burned bridges with people both powerful and dangerous. Play the Runner if you want to be a noble renegade that outsmarts their opposition, or if you just want to go careening down backcountry roads at hazardous speeds.
The Scab is a detestable coward with a damned soul. They were a labor spy for the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency during the coal wars, using dirty tricks and goading words that lead striking miners to their deaths. They are literally haunted by the spirits of those they betrayed, and it's only a matter of time until their vile soul is dragged to Hell. Play the Scab if you want to be a manipulative, two-faced, lily-livered snake, or if you're interested in exploring how an irredeemable piece of shit gets what they deserve.
The Balladeer is a folk singer, entrusted with the preservation of a precious musical legacy. They've traveled all over these hills, gathering generations of nigh-forgotten songs and stories. During the game, they will pursue truth and tradition with fiery zeal, singing songs that rouse the heart and stir those around them to action. Play the Balladeer if you want to be the most charming person in the room, or if you're interested in exploring your role in the living history of Appalachia and its people.
The Revenant is a vengeful soul. They were recently killed by someone they knew, perhaps even trusted, and left to rot—only, they didn't stay dead; something dark, twisted, and hungry brought them back. During the game, they will have to contend not only with their undead nature and the pursuit of revenge, but also a gnawing corruption that's taking root deep within. Play the Revenant if you want to face having a tenuous and fading grip on humanity, or if you're interested in being an unkillable force out for blood.
The Daughter is the last true witch of Appalachia. She comes from a long line of proud women just like her, but is now alone. She is the chosen guardian of the natural order, the only thing that the forces of darkness may come to fear—if they don't manage to corrupt her, first. During the game, you'll explore her connections to those that came before her and the wisdom they left behind. Play the Daughter if you want to use holler medicine and granny magic to protect others, even if they're scared of what you are.
Threats & Mastermind
Blood & Coal is still in development, but will feature a variety of Threats, including: The Bad Death of Dolores Fink, in which a recently deceased homemaker miraculously revives, only to terrorize her family; The Snarly Yow, in which a monstrous wolf has been scaring travelers along the old roads outside of town; and The Blue Devil of Ratliff Holler, in which the hunters investigate a folk tale, a blue-skinned family of moonshiners, and their criminal clientele. In addition to the other 5 planned Threats, there will be two secret Threats associated with Playbooks. We will have more to reveal in the coming weeks!
The Mastermind in Blood & Coal is Father Tate, a mysterious and charismatic preacher with a dark secret—he is in direct communion with the malevolent forces at work, and will eagerly see Thurmond burn to bring about the return of the God Beneath.
The $30 tier, which has digital copies of all 3 books, would include the Blood and Coal campaign and setting. Across all settings, there’s enough information for several campaigns. If you’re on the fence and can swing it, I highly recommend! The community is also awesome and super encouraging of new game designers / homebrewers.
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savior-of-the-ink · 2 months ago
All the animations and edits that came to my mind during the Revenant phase (in order? of ideation)
DISCLAIMER: these are NOT prompts.
Alibi (fake edit) - Eido/Eramis ft. Nezarec
Malavita - Eido/Eramis ft. Fikrul
La noia (short) - Calus
Mesmerizer (extract) - Eramis/Fikrul
God games - Eramis/Eido/Misraaks ft. Crow, Variks, Osiris, Saint-14, Zavala
My lullaby - Witness/Winnower ft. Destiny OCs
Six hundred strikes - Witness/Gardener ft. Disciples
Not sorry for loving you (vent-ish) - Authorspen ft. Destiny universe
Charybdis (extract) - Eramis x Authorspen
Six hundred strikes (shitpost) - Authorspen ft. Eramis, Calus
The mistake (first half) - Witness/Gardener
The mistake (second half) - Consul/Calus
Get him back - Umun'arath/Calus
God-ish - Rhulk/Nezarec/Savathûn/Eramis/Calus ft. Witness
Loveit - Witness/Calus
Ma meilleure ennemie (short) - Nezarec/Savathûn
Kami no Manimani - Rhulk/Nezarec/Savathûn/Eramis/Calus ft. Witness
Wouldn't you like - Witness/Sathona
Mastermind - Eramis x Authorspen ft. various
Mother knows best (reprise) - Witness/Winnower
One of us - Authorspen ft. Destiny cast + community
We are one - Calus/Caiatl
Little wolf (extract) - Misraaks/Nezarec
We'll be fine (first half) - Umun'arath/Caiatl ft. Calus
Would you fall in love with me again (short) - Eramis x Authorspen
Would you fall in love with me again (full) - Eramis x Athrys
Confrontation - Misraaks/Nezarec
Legendary (extract) - Eido
There are other ways (short) - Eramis x Authorspen
Would you fall in love with me again (first half) - Witness x Ysdraal
Dangerous - Eramis/Echo of Riis
I can't help but wonder (extract) - Witness/Niveus
The bird song - Eramis x Authorspen
Bitter choco decoration - Savathûn
Wasteland - Witness
Like him - Calus/Caiatl/Ghaul
Making adventures is my art! - Witness
die first - Witness/Eramis
No longer you - Eramis
You're gonna go far - Eramis
Revenant memes compilation
Queen of Kings - Eramis
They both reached for the gun - Eramis/Misraaks
Let the world burn
Psycho lily
Royal we
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doom-nerdo-666 · 5 months ago
"Monster Sounds EX is a mod that replaces all duplicate monster sounds in Doom II's bestiary with brand-new ones! This includes...
New sound sets for the shotgunner and chaingunner!
New pain sounds for the Imp, Spectre, Cacodemon, Baron of Hell, Hell Knight, Lost Soul, Revenant, Arachnotron, Spider Mastermind, Cyberdemon, and Wolfenstein SS!
New projectile sounds for all monsters!
OPTIONAL: Edited Hell Knight, Baron of Hell, and Cacodemon monsters to utilize the new sounds. Includes code for a Cacodemon melee attack and a Baron of Hell that throws red projectiles. These do not affect gameplay."
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sev-wildfang · 2 years ago
You Are Not Immune To Propaganda
aka. “look at my blorbo, boy.”
Entering the @lesbocs​ tournament is Reah, Lucifer’s Revenant - star of the webcomic Souls Foreclosed (18+)
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Why should you vote for this butch?
some of these links lead to images with nudity and gore in them, viewer discretion is advised
she’s 7ft tall, has horns and a prehensile tail
she fights transphobes for a living at the behest of Literally The Devil
apart from that, she’s a nice bible-readin’ Southern girl (she even speaks Latin! O tempora o mores!)
she’s nigh indestructible and has survived trekking through a valley of thorns alone at night, being branded with a lobotomy iron, getting hit by a train, being shot in the head and gored with a scythe, a gatling gun salvo to the stomach, having her Soul mutilated and ripped out of her body, possessing her femme (consensually), being trapped in a sealed playing card, and falling from a crashing airship
her first action immediately after being resurrected in a new body? Stop an evil Frankenstein from attacking her friends (based)
she can’t hold her liquor but by God she does try
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No butch can thrive in solitude, and she’s no exception. Her femme partner Tabitha is the self-proclaimed greatest sorcerous mind of her time! She couldn’t be in this tournament because I was only able to submit one character - they’re part and parcel though. Tabitha is the mastermind behind Reah’s pain-dampening sigils and the one who kept her Soul in the realm of the living when Reah was disembodied. A vote for Reah is a vote for both of them though.
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You will vote for her in the upcoming @lesbocs​ polls!
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years ago
After the surprise worldwide invasion of the Bognaarok, the Ohsama Sentai have gone and done it! Knocked them back real good! However... the strange jubilation of the Bognaarok is cut short by the appearance of a mysterious man...
...yes, I'm still narrating, I can't have Jeremy be the only one around here, can I?
Spoilers, I guess...
-You must be this infamous Spiders Jeremy I've heard so much about.
-"You old. Cringe. Fail. Ratio."
-The world is about to be flipped.
-"Yeah sorry, Gira vanished. ...don't ask where he is, Racles doesn't need to know."
-Kaguragi's nerves of steel.
-Makes sense, bees are absolutely vicious critters.
-"A proper state funeral."
-...I really like your new hairstyle, Himeno.
-Absolutely immaculate.
-Gira has long fantasized about his life as a revenant.
-Based Kuroda.
-Aw that's sweet, Yanma's having fun.
-What they believe in :)
-"Becoming a cyborg is every dude's dream!" ...you uh... have no idea how ironic that is.
-Oh well, this is cute :)
-What've you got for us, my Queen?
-A fairy tale~!
-Rita is unmoved by evil, cyborgs, or Christianity.
-It's important to have nice stories in times of conflict.
-Rita almost got spoiled on their blorbo show.
-I'd ask "What kind of kids' cartoon has smugglers" but when I was a kid I was a fan of the PBS Kids program Wild Kratts, starring the very same Chris and Martin Kratt behind Zoboomafoo. Wild Kratts had a rotating cast of poachers, so I can understand the importance of showing criminal masterminds.
-Awwww, Kogane-neesan :)
-As long as there is one person who believes in you.
By love and trust and faith will we be saved. A single soul's enough, when 'gainst the world We stand. Apart. Alone. Believe in me, We plead. We pray. And answer they… I will…
-By the way, go play Live A Live, it's goated.
-Hello, Jimmy.
-Oh, a lady Bug!
-Our boy is dead :(
-"Shut the fuck up, Racules!"
-Uh oh
-Ohhhhh, that's spider web.
-"Waaaaaaah~! Waaaaaaaaaaah~! Girraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Cry you fool!"
-"Oh, excuse me..."
-"I don't like your idea, Racules."
-Okay, that's just silly.
-What's your deal, spider boy?
-Did you shit on him????
-Oh my god, you did!
-Kind of a storyteller, okay
-I mean, you guys are trying to kill people.
-I don't doubt that the Bognaarok's disdain didn't come from nowhere, considering you live deep underground while humanity gets to enjoy everything else, but-
-It's bug time, I guess~!
-That was easy!
-Oh, never mind, here comes the family!
-"You didn't die for nothing, Nagabajim~!"
-That's a solid contingency plan, I'll give 'em that.
-They ate our friends!
-"What?! Did Nagabajim really die for nothing!?"
-Ohhhhh, there he is! Jeremy!
-Literally OP, as far as I can see.
-Venomix Shooter!
-"Oh, what took you so long, IDIOT!?"
-Guys Go?
-"Sweet dreams~? :)"
-Jeremy Brasieri.
-An ancient story teller.
-More Dock In!
-Holy shit!
-That motherfucker just iced our main villain!
-Incredible first showing by King Jeremy, I guess!
-Incredible first showing by King Jeremy, I guess!
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greenerteacups · 2 years ago
Hello! First of all I adore Lionheart!
16 19 21 if you’re still open. Let’s get spicy 😈
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Dumbledore bashing. This is an old trope, but some fics treat Dumbledore like he's this absolute ghoul, and I never understand it. Yeah, he's the mastermind behind the Kill Harry plan, but like... Harry does have to die? For plot reasons? This is not Dumbledore's fault.
To be fair, he's also not the Best at stopping unsavory characters from infiltrating his school, since it happens... [counts] four times in six years, but in his defense, I don't really know how he was supposed to have prevented, like, three of those. In COS it's a single book held by a single student, in GOF his Defense professor is kidnapped and impersonated, and in OOTP it's the Ministry. Arguably could've kept a tighter lid on Draco's plan to get Death Eaters into the school, but he was kind of preoccupied with dying, so I dunno, I'd give him a B+ overall.
19. you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
Oh, this is fun. Tom Riddle.
I mean, canon Voldemort is flat as a parking lot. Not him. But I like the suggestions we get of the person that Tom Riddle is at school, which is this much more dynamic, intelligent boy with a complex set of goals. Admittedly, this is much more of a character that fandom has built together from scrap metal and wish fulfillment, but I like that character, man, he's cool. He's a baby sociopath! And a prodigy! Unfortunately, then he grows up to become Lord Voldemort, who knows one spell and it's the Gun One. I've often headcanoned that the resurrection ritual they perform in Little Hangleton is actually a botched job — there's this line that actually implies it, where he orders Pettigrew to give him bone that has to be "willingly taken," which seems iffy at best — and Voldemort is actually an example of Comes Back Wrong, bringing all his horrible impulses and brutality without any of the cunning or sophistication that he used to have. He's a revenant, basically, is my headcanon.
I'm not horrified that I like him, because I think he's deliberately played as charming (and his actor is just perfect for it — did the casting call say "ethereally beautiful"?). But he is awful, just objectively the worst. Unfortunately, being The Worst has never been a deal-breaker for me.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
...all of Regulus?
Okay, that's not fair, I like the idea of Regulus. It's a fun concept for a character. It's just... not a character arc. We have no idea why Regulus betrayed Voldemort, whether for his family or for ideology or just being sick of killing people, and by the time we find out about it, almost everyone who knew him is dead.
Basically, to me, the hype about Regulus is displaced energy for other people's storylines. Young scion of a pureblood family defects at the last minute? That's Draco. Unrequited love for one of Harry's parents drives a Death Eater to redeem himself with a final sacrifice? That's Snape. Heir to the House of Black breaks centuries of family tradition after coming to see a better world at Hogwarts? That's Sirius.
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dvarapala · 2 years ago
❛     anything  can  be  turned  into  a  weapon.   ❜
weapon based sentence prompts // @salvatoraes
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"anything," udyati echoes, "and anyone."
this is the closest she's come to telling him about her own past and the time before her enrollment in this academic institution.
she ducks and weaves, twirls around him. doesn't quite touch him, but doesn't allow him to get close, either. it's like a dance to a tune only she hears, with steps only she's familiar with. stefan salvatore will come to know the steps too. that is, if he sticks around long enough to learn.
her bare feet tap out a rhythm on the wooden floor of the gym.
what is it like to walk these hallowed halls when said hallowed halls are named after you? once gone, now returned. a revenant, if one had to put a name to it.
mystic falls has always been a hotbed for supernatural and extraterrestrial activity. so of course he'd be back - of course he'd be brought back.
there are strings tying him to several people. some of them are here in this very building. others are not. bonds like that cannot be broken so easily. (she would know. she does know. though does not elaborate. not really. not quite. not ever.)
and just like udyati kavya rao, stefan salvatore seems to be a walking, talking mosaic. a being made up of all the lives he's touched.
"you know," udyati hums, happy and at ease, "i've been circling around your floppy haired head for ages now. you could have done something - probably should have done something by now like throwing a tripping hex my way. unless... you're a secret mastermind and all of this is part of your ghoulish masterplan to make me lower my guard so you can strike when i least expect it? if so, i'll have you know that it won't work!"
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townofsin · 28 days ago
This list may be expanded in the future, for example if new characters get released (HSR, DBD, etc.) or if I find new fandoms I like. It also may get smaller if I have a falling out with a fandom.
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Honkai Star Rail
Acheron Aglaea Argenti Aventurine Black Swan Blade Boothill Castorice Dan Heng (regular and IL) Feixiao Fugue Gallagher Gepard Himeko Jade Jiaoqiu Jing Yuan Jingliu Kafka Lingsha Moze Mydei Phainon Sampo Screwllum Serval Sunday Svarog THE Herta Topaz Welt Yukong
For future reference: As we progress more characters from Amphoreus (Anaxa, ...), the Ten Stonehearts (Obsidian, ...) and if we see them again the Annihilation Gang (Constance, Duke Inferno, ...) likely will be added if/when we learn more about them.
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Genshin Impact
Alhaitham Arlecchino Beidou Capitano Cyno Dainsleif Diluc Il Dottore Kaeya Neuvilette Ningguang Rosaria Tartaglia Wriothesley
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Dead by Daylight
The Trapper//Evan MacMillan The Wraith//Philip Ojomo The Shape//Michael Myers The Huntress//Anna The Legion//Frank Morrison and Joey The Ghost Face//Danny Johnson The Oni//Kazan Yamaoka The Executioner//Pyramid Head The Trickster//Ji-Woon Hak The Mastermind//Albert Wesker The Knight//Tarhos Kovács (and Company) The Dark Lord//Dracula
Jake Park Jeff Johansen Yun-Jin Lee Mikaela Reid Vittorio Toscano Sable Ward Taurie Cain
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Devil May Cry
I feel like I need to say this: I refuse to write for DMC Devil may Cry.
Dante Nero Trish Lady Vergil Nico
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Animated Series
Alucard Carmilla Drolta Tzuentes Hector (together with Lenore and alone) Lenore (together with Hector and alone) Nikolai Richter Belmont Trevor Belmont
Aeon Leon Belmont
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Call of Duty
John "Soap" MacTavish John Price Keegan P. Russ König Logan Walker Nikto Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Apex Legends
Alter Ash Bloodhound Caustic Fuse Loba Mad Maggie Mirage Octane Revenant Seer
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Cassidy Genji Junker Queen Junkrat Lifeweaver Mauga Maximilien Moira Ramattra Reaper Roadhog Sombra
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Deadlock Fade Kay/o Omen Reyna Viper Vyse
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Zenless Zone Zero
Alexandrina Sebastiane Astra Yao Billy Kid Burnice White Caesar King Evelyn Chevalier Grace Howard Hoshimi Miyabi Jane Doe Lighter Seth Lowell Von Lycaon
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artcupcakes · 3 years ago
Thanks for being chill then!! I’m gonna leave a very long detailed review on the actual fic itself, but for now here is the preliminary (critique) overview.
Buckle up, AC;; this is kinda picky of me to be pointing this out. I am BY NO MEANS a trained author! Just putting that there.
So I only spot,, about three typos. If you meant them that way, of course!
Carving (divide, engrave) < Craving (longing, hunger)
Withdraws (take away, verb) < Withdrawals (can refer to drugs, noun)
Revenant (revived) < Reverent (respectful, awe)
(I thought “contentions” was a typo but turns out there’s a second definition to it. The more you know.) That’s sort of a minor thing though, the rest of my complaints are just quality of life things!
Awwww AWWWWW “his soul sang at its rightness?” bruhhhhh that’s so cute dude ughhhhghhghhhh in my opinions, how amazing a fic is would be measured by the emotions it elicits from the reader. When I read this particular line, I felt something akin to a punch of pure fluff. No joke, that means it’s really good.
So when writing, you want to try and not use the same word twice in a single sentence! (and if more experienced, connecting paragraphs count, too)
For example: “The ending might be close, but the new beginning was also just as close.” < “—just over the horizon.”
Same thing goes for metaphors and similes (imagery)!
“Which might be why his soul sings upon seeing the rare visiting heisters, It only made sense.” (WHICH IS SUPER ADORABLE BY THE WAY) < “—why his heart flutters in his chest upon catching a glimpse,”
Preference: I normally refer to the characters with different terms so it doesn’t feel quite as redundant. Like for Dallas: “Mastermind, Crew Chief, the leader, the heister, the veteran (uncommon), the caporegime (rare)”
Bain is my favoritest FAVORITE and he gets a lot more: “the hacker (case sensitive, capital refers to Joy), the navigator, the contractor, the guide, the veteran (rare), the Watcher (unused)”
(There’s a neat trick you can do with this: the way the characters refer to each other! My version of Dallas calls Bain “their navigator,” and likewise the hacker thinks “his colleague.”)
I really enjoy gen fics, THANK YOU OP for writing this! Also the dude is stinkin’ touch starved I love it hehdidjsjskxn
(I’m aware that it’s kind of ironic; me screaming at grammar and immediately swapping over to spamming keys. If I were writing myself, I would say I was “alternating/oscillating between the differing states.” The best way I’ve described this imo is as follows: “blinking on and off like some kind of defective binary code.”)
Last thing, most sentences can be combined using commas; semicolons are used when a sentence can technically end but you want to add something more.
AAAHAHHH the hopelessness is STRONG in this one! I NEED MORE PLEASE YEAAAHHHH
ESPECIALLY THE FIRST FEW SENTENCES!!! which I rewrote for you because I really really REALLU LIKED IT
“No matter what you do, death would always come to claim your soul, in the end. It was inevitable, eventually happening to everyone, with no exceptions.
Bain had known this unchangable fact ever since he had the ability to understand his circumstances.
His plans were meticulously lined up, and he had made peace with the situation. And yet, there is a stark dissonance between what he believes and what he does. The navigator would quietly panic about it as his remaining days steadily ticked down to zero. Dread pooling in his gut as the date ceaselessly approached.”
Bain knows that his relationship with them is far too close for it to be classified as strictly business, but he doesn’t care. YESSSSS OP THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING YATAAAAAAHHHHH
All in all, REALLY GOOD for your first post!!! NICE
Spelling, truly my oldest and worst enemy(Yet Grammar as whole I do pretty alright. One of my best subjects even).
Some of your rewrites are a bit too wordy for my taste; but that's a taste thing more than anything. Also me being a scatter brain but that's not the point! I'm so glad you the fic enough to show your passion by wanting to see it to be more! :D
As well as liking that the characterizations. That was something I worry about.
I'll make sure to not over use the names next time. It's a bit harder to do with a character like Bain instead of say Dallas(Nathan, Steele[and all of it's various additions that can be added such as Elder and The], Crew Chief, Banker, Mastermind, Medic, etc) but I'll see if I can scramble my brain eggs!
Either way really glad you liked it ^u^
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 years ago
I once wrote about how Doom's enemies changed mechanically and visually.
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So i once thought of a mod idea (Obviously taking stuff from the likes of MetaDoom and D4T/V) where enemies get abilities and design changes from their later iterations.
I'd still keep their hitscan attack because of how basic it is and give them the plasma projectile that stops in mid air and explodes.
Visually, they could be like Eternal where they get the green hair and plasma arm cannon.
Maybe turn the shotgun pellets into energy tracers but for the energy shield?
Maybe make it show up in some rare instances like if they're low health or one is in a group with others and the shield itself can still be destructive (Maybe an optional patch is needed to make it explodable with certain projectiles i dunno).
Visually, make it the 2016 Possessed Soldier/Security design with the classic body.
All i can think of is the MetaDoom D3 Commando/Assassin where it has both a wind up based chaingun and the tentacle arm but its design has the red armor over the blue body.
Has the vanilla Imp attacks and an alt attack of charging a stronger fireball that has arcing physics.
Maybe visually it'd be the Eternal Imp where the old and recent designs are mixed.
But still add in multiple eyes like D3.
Give it the charge attack and make it based off 2016's design so it receives more damage on the back and less on the front.
Also give it cybernetic legs like D3 just to pretend that's where the charge comes from.
All i can think of is give it the D64 effect of becoming visible when hit or something sorry.
Lost Soul:
If health is low enough, it has a chance to become explosive but with some sort of feedback.
Design can be 2016-ish but i wonder if it's still possible to sneak in a D3 homage.
There's the somewhat "blinding" projectile, the tongue attack and a projectile spread.
Design-wise i guess Eternal but with the weird "hand thing" from D3.
Pain Elemental:
Make its design like a tripled mouthed PE where it can spawn either 1 or 2 souls at once and if you kill it, all current spawned souls die but its death still spawns extra souls.
D3-ish design while it can jump and dash a bit.
Baron of Hell:
Slower than the Hellknight but it can still do a slam jump attack and charge a stronger fireball and its design is a 2016-but-still-classic version.
Maybe give it green fire blades in the arms too.
Give it a flamethrower as an alt attack if you're close enough and its design could be a mix of classic and 2016 but not like Eternal's.
I like to imagine it as a D64/Eternal hybrid where it can use that double plasma projectile attack and then it's followed by a couple of thrown grenades.
Could have a rare chance of jumping to the ceiling.
I like to imagine an alt attack consisting of the missile barrage where it uses the jetpack during it, as if the jetpack itself was visual feedback.
Its design could be classic skeleton with 2016 armor and maybe blue glowy eyes out of D3.
There's the fire column which is kinda like a projectile (It should still make the player jump) and that fire lake which can be summoned if the player is out of sight (Unless this is too much).
If it had summoning abilities, maybe it could be an excuse to add in additional enemies (Prowler, Hell-razer, Cybermancubus, Carcass).
In fact, you can make the summoning like an alternative to resurrecting some enemies as if they get replaced: For example instead of reviving an Imp, it spawns a Prowler and with a Mancubus, it spawns a Cybermanc and so on).
Design-wise, maybe a mix of classic and Eternal so it has some spikes/chitin but the face tubes and skinny proportions are still there.
Give it a well telegraphed rail-gun laser and maybe some dash.
Design-wise, add in some D3 and 2016 homages to a still "classic" base.
Spider Mastermind:
Replace the hitscan with powerfull plasma orbs, give it the grenades attacks and maybe give it an AoE attack where it uses electricity if the player is too close.
Visually, using the MetaDoom design would be too predictable.
Icon of Sin (Might as well be a level in a mappack):
The stage itself could be an modern typical map 30 with some better level design.
But the IOS face could both shoot spawn cubes and stuff like projectiles or the laser beam and then there's falling meteors as an hazard.
I know some mods that "cancel" the IOS spawn cubes by bringing up a custom boss fight (Like the bosses in Bratwurst and a Mother Demon based mod), so maybe that could be an excuse for D2RPG's Virtual Icon of Sin fight.
The Nazis:
Give these guys grenades and maybe those laser rifles from TNO, while their designs could resemble TNO.
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jpriest85-blog · 4 years ago
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Prepare for trouble Los Diabos, and make it double!
Some Fallen Hero fan art of my talented artist friend @puggart sidestep Mastermind aka Carter Krane posing dramatically with mine, Revenant aka Maryam Qadir. Villainous partners and sometimes lovers in the nighttime, causing trouble and overthrowing the government, and burning down the Farm.
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ultranightmare-archive · 4 years ago
good morning to former humans, flying meatballs, flying meatballs along with their children, giant naked mole rats with horns, skeletons with shoulder-mounted missile launchers, huge robotic chaingun shooting spiders, cybernetic minotaurs, emaciated necromancers, fat little men with flamethrowers for arms, and massive biomechanical goat heads undergoing brain surgery
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scififantasy-fandoms · 1 year ago
I think Tim would be inquisitive rogue.
Jason is Oath of Vengeance paladin. (He has all-caste blades he smites evil with and he can also have gun proficiency via the feat). He can be a revenant.
For Dick, Monk would be the most applicable class for his flippy fighting style also the dual wielding of escrima sticks fits for monk. Either rogue or bard multiclass, he’s a bit of a skill monkey and definitely has expertise in the acrobatics skill. Monk subclass, shadow makes sense because stealthy. Possibly mastermind rogue, they have a speech mimicry thing. He has a high charisma stat regardless of class.
Damian would be circle of shepherds Druid.
Cass would be way of mercy monk (they wear full face masks and also have healing).
Agree that Steph would be a bard, she’d be good with vicious mockery. Probably college of glamour subclass?
Duke would be sorcerer, specifically lunar sorcery.
Bruce is probably a super minmaxed fighter/rogue/monk multiclass. Alternatively a hexblade warlock with the city spirit as his patron.
Tbh all of the bats would likely have at least 1 level of rogue.
Barbara would be artificer with some homebrew technomancer subclass and/or divination wizard.
Bluebird/Harper would probably be an artificer?
Helena bertinelli/huntress would be a hunter ranger/assassin rogue multiclass.
I'll be starting a D&D campaign soon, and I'm thinking it might be fun to sprinkle in some of the BatFam as D&D characters, so let me know what you think each of them would be like in the D&D world, either in asks, reblogs, comments, or DMs! (Though this is a sideblog so if it's a comment I can't reply and idk if it's rude to screenshot and reblog to comment)
Also if anyone wants to help with worldbuilding I am Strugglin lmao
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