#The Other Adversary's Books of... Stuff
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theotheradversary · 1 year ago
Just remembered something just as on the spooks scale as demons/daemons. But first and foremost, a paragraph forward of this particular "book" light novel style. Then a rough subject paragraph on the current topic... Then.... I dunno. There's the rambling. Just cope ok? I can't research beyond my own mind atm. But that'll be fixed soon.
I think we need to think about the current state of affairs to provide us with modern thinking, before we can examine the past. So, the things current Christians are suppose to believe in. So that means we get to talk Angels! They're in the currently accepted old and new testament after all. Some descriptions are rather... Descriptive? Heh. So i think we should look at them first. The named and the types. Not to mention ask artists to either draw their idea or ask artists that have drawn stuff if I can use their images. <There's drawings/digital art/romance era paintings etc by some great artists and Limited Artificial Intelligence artists. Fuck you! They're artists! It's just a medium man, you try and get what they create. You can't. Because you can't work in that medium and make what they do!>... Now. The rambling begins.
Modern Christianity eh? Always holding reverence for the holy, but scary af entities but completely ignore the "other side" that actually have some more less scary beings. I guess they go for "shock and awe" method rather than talk about the causes of the pain and suffering or the occupants of Hell that fight in the "Eternal War". (Pretty certain that's still referred to in current Cannon).. But they only mention Lucy.
All the forces of heaven cannot pummel a single entity? Bullshit. You know it, i know it but they never question why Lucy and especially Hell, still exists.
Limbo? Yup. They're on mostly the same page on that. A "no man's" zone where those not baptised but not condemned to Hell are deprived from the glory of heaven.... Aka christened belief is this: you may be a good person but you're going to suffering in solitude, without love, hate, pain nor light/darkness... Just no reason for being with no way to change your situation. For "The Eternity". Ultimately, to be condemned to be swallowed by the "nothing". Leaving a husk that has no thought, no memory, no ego or id.
Pretty much a worse fate than suffering in the depths of Hell where the self still exist.
Better to join the flock and be evil than not to believe in their cruel deity it seems.
Anyways. I'm rambling. I've got stuff to do. I so desperately need a station to do research, draw, weave tales of holy and unholy horror, joy, love, hate and neutrality. Currently everything is done on my phone. Not suitable at all! These fun topics require a proper place to be written and not have autocorrect mess with it. Nor me accidentally dragging paragraphs. Stupid app.
Later fellow freaks! Ghost fans will like this first subject i think. It's why they condemn us. Why we don't deserve love or a moral compass.... Crazy people, yeah?
Oh! Wait! Hey! Don't go! Not yet! I just remembered something crazy! A little morsel that Ghost fans and fun people will love!... and to finalise my crazed ranting.
Some interpretations by highly regarded Christian scholars have legit reasoning to believe that "Baʿal Zebub" is calling Lucy, "Of dung", aka calling Lucy a piece of shit. It seems the words of holy inspiration isn't below digging deep with their insults towards The Adversary.
Ok. Rambling mode off. I'm gonna still annoy Ghost fans more and tag stuff inappropriately. Heh
I hope the app hasn't screwed this up or i wrote something wrong... Bloody phones.
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talentforlying · 1 year ago
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father grimaldi: forgive me, lord, for i have sinned. constantine: — understatement of the bloody century, that is. father grimaldi: the chapel is closed to the public! who are you? how did you get in here . . .? constantine: did you know vatican city has the highest per-capita crime rate of any nation state in the world? i'd have thought a touch of breaking and entering's pretty much par for the course around here.
so #1, an undeniable slay.
#2, how long do we think he was sitting in the confessional booth waiting for the guy to wake up from ellie's fake vision quest. like an hour? checking his light, practicing his Big Reveal Pose TM? he probably brought a book with him and just shoved it underneath the seat cushion when it was time to show off.
#3, knowing how intensely he studied & continues to study in order to teach himself magic at such an absurdly advanced level without any teachers to formally guide him? and how that level of dedication would absolutely carry over into researching a mark / making sure he had every corner of a confidence scheme nailed down pat? i like to imagine that the day before this meeting was spent with his severely under-caffeinated ass parked at a public library computer, squinting at articles for 'most important things to know about vatican city before you travel' or 'top 10 little-known facts about vatican city' and using the back of his boarding pass to take notes on what would be the best throwaway line to blow off all the usual questions with.
also, he probably woke up still in his travel clothes less than two hours before this scene and had to hustle to get suited up in time for his Dramatic Apparition. the demon blood was boiling so bad in that chapel that it was giving him a killer migraine. he didn't get breakfast so his stomach was growling the ENTIRE time. but all that meant was he had plenty of room to eat UP the runway and that's EXACTLY what the fuck he did.i'm
#( ooc. ) OUT OF CIGS.#always torn in half between 'john is a freaky little weirdo who just Knows Things and Picks Up Vibes and it usually works for him'#and 'john is the most Normal Dude in the whole london occult scene he just works w/ magic like a grad student prepping for finals week'#and you know what? the answer is always 'Both. Both is good.'#also on the one hand i'm truly obsessed with the idea of john just?? Always having a bunch of weird trivia available w/ his eidetic memory#like he read about the apostolic palace once in a book when he was with the peace convoy and his brain latched onto it forever#and it just Happens to become convenient later on and this happens VERY often and no one ever really knows how he does it#but there is a real real charm in considering that he's still Just A Guy beneath all the layers of false confidence and mysticism#still someone who had to work to get to where he is now and who will always have to work to Maintain as well#i like the mental image of him pacing around his temporary digs with index cards and drilling all the necessary details for the scam#or him and ellie getting blasted the night before and dramatically playing out their Big Final Confrontation to iron out all the beats#you just Know they were laughing til they cried workshopping shit like 'MY OLD ADVERSARY! WE MEET AGAIN!' and 'DO YOUR WORST HELLSPAWN!'#still trying to keep straight faces the day of the fake fight while drastically improvising to try and throw each other off their game#idk!!! i always enjoy the Strange and Off-Putting things about him but all of the Really Really Human stuff is also just. so so precious#we always get to see The Myth The Legend as shaped by the errors of The Man. but especially in later years actually SEEING The Man gets rar#all this to say that for every perfectly executed and properly horrifying loom out of the shadows with a glimmer of his freaky glowing eyes#there is always at LEAST half an hour or more practicing angles + expressions + mood lighting in the mirror going on behind the scenes#and that is very very special to me!!!!#( headcanons. ) I'M JUST LIKE THE BASTARDS I'VE HATED ALL ME LIFE.#( visage. ) AND I'M A BASTARD.#sched.
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prokopetz · 2 months ago
You know a lot about the cultural influences behind various aspects of D&D, so: do you know the origins of the thing in 3.5 where it seems like a main way they want you to play as a psionic warrior is to grow massive claws and get breath weapons? It's so specific and out of left field for a "warrior who uses the power of the mind" that I've always wondered.
Much of 3E's handling of psionics closely follows material presented in the 2E supplement The Complete Psionics Handbook, which, contra later editions' habit of treating psionics as a variant of wizardly magic, presents psionics as a totally separate and mutually incompatible thing. One feature of this treatment is psionics having its own distinct set of "schools", or disciplines: clairsentience, psychokinesis, psychometabolism, psychoportation, telepathy, and metapsionics.
The 3E psionic warrior stuff is a more or less direct port of the discipline of psychometabolism; I can only presume that this is because it's the most "fightery" of the Psionics Handbook disciplines, though I can't back that guess up. Apart from your cited examples, other psychometabolic powers presented here include self-healing; energy absorption; turning into animals, objects, or living shadows; wuxia-style "lightfoot" techniques; camouflage; shrinking or expanding; stretching one's limbs Mister Fantastic style; and others.
Of course, that just kicks the can further down the road: if the 3E psionic warrior is a port of 2E's psychometabolism specialist, where the heck did 2E get the idea for the discipline of psychometabolism? The general idea of shape-shifting and fire-breathing and such being psychic powers that can be cultivated through mental discipline pops up in quite a few places, but we're looking for a specific constellation of tropes, not isolated instances of little bits and pieces of it.
The Complete Psionics Handbook helpfully includes a comprehensive bibliography of its inspirations (remember when Dungeons & Dragons used to have those?), though I'm unacquainted with most of the books it cites, so that's where my ability to help in this respect ends. I'll include a copy of that bibliography under the cut, though – maybe one of this blog's followers can point out which of its entries, if any, might be most directly informative.
Taken from page 113 ("Related Reading") of The Complete Psionics Handbook:
Bester, Alfred; The Demolished Man, The Stars My Destination.
Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Darkover series: The Bloody Sun, Children of Hastur, Darkover Landfall, The Forbidden Tower, Hawkmistress!, The Heritage of Hastur, The Keeper's Price, The Planet Savers, Sharra's Exile, The Shattered Chain, The Spell Sword, Star of Danger, Stormqueen!, The Sword of Aldones, Thendara House, Two to Conquer, The Winds of Darkover, The World Wreckers.
Brunner, John; The Whole Man.
Del Rey, Lester; Pstalemate.
Henderson, Zenna; The People, The People: No Different, Holding Wonder.
Foster, Alan Dean; Flinx series.
King, Stephen; The Dead Zone.
Kurtz, Katherine; Deryni Rising, Deryni Checkmate, High Deryni.
May, Julian; Saga of the Pliocene Exile series: The Many-Colored Land, The Golden Torc, The Non-Born King, The Adversary.
Nourse, Alan E.; Psi High and Others.
Pohl, Frederik; Drunkard's Walk.
Russell, Eric Frank; The Mindwarpers.
Robinson. Frank M.; The Power.
Schmitz, James H.; The Universe Against Her, The Lion Game, stories.
Simmons, Dan; Carrion Comfort.
Sturgeon, Theodore; The Synthetic Man.
Tucker, Wilson; Wild Talent.
Van Vogt, A.E.; Slan.
Zelazny, Roger; Creatures of Light and Darkness, The Dream Master, Lord of Light, lsle of the Dead, This Immortal, To Die in ltalbar.
Brookesmith, Peter (ed.); Strange Talents, from the series "The Unexplained: Mysteries of Mind, Space, and Time;" Orbis Publishing, London, 1983.
Index of Possibilities: Energy and Power; Pantheon Books/Random House, New York, New York, 1974.
Mind Over Matter, Powers of Healing, Psychic Powers, Psychic Voyages, from the series "Mysteries of the Unknown;" Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia, 1987.
Puharich, Andrija; Beyond Telepathy; Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1973.
Rhine, J.B.; The Reach of the Mind; William Sloane Associates, New York, New York, 1947.
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minimomoe · 8 months ago
How to Train your Demon
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Pairing: trueform! Sukuna x Fem Reader
Summary: Life has all kinds of wins and losses. You don't know which category to put your new demon husband in though.
Tags: MDNI!, red string of fate trope, true form sukuna, librarian reader, soul mates, reincarnation, accidental summoning, love at first sight (but it's one-sided (until it's not)), Sukuna is demon, but he's v much in love, smut and stuff eventually i guess....
Part: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. (completed)
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Rule no. 4: Introduce new people slowly
“Toji, I need you to be as open minded as possible,” you warned.
Your ex-boyfriend stared down at you with a single thin eyebrow raised and his arms crossed over his chest. You had him standing outside your front door after calling him on the phone last night with a strange request to come in this morning. You had cut things off with him and while it was not a messy breakup, it was still a surprise for you to reach out to him. You told him that your feelings for him were more platonic than anything else, and while it was hard for him to understand how he had gotten the short end of the stick after reflection he realized that you two were much better as friends like you stated. He got your back because you had his.
It didn’t make meeting Sukuna any easier. 
Toji wasn’t sure who, or what, exactly he was looking at when he stood in front of your living room. It looked like a man with way too many limbs and strange black tattoos all over his face and body. You frantically waved your hands around as you talked to explain what you were doing with him in your house to Toji. 
“There was this weird book donated to the library and the pages were falling out so obviously I was going to fix it because I was drawn to it but now looking back I was probably under some spell because the next thing I knew he was on my bed telling me that we’re married soulmates and his stomach talks and I don’t think it’s fair to keep him hidden but I don’t know how I can take him anywhere when he looks like that.” You took a deep breath after exposing the past few days to Toji and instantly felt a little better. Keeping such a big secret to yourself was taking a toll on your mental and you were glad to share the burden with another person. Toji and Sukuna glared at each other harshly. Sukuna sensed a powerful adversary, someone who had the ability to oppose him while Toji saw that you had chosen the strangest rebound of all time. 
“Was I that bad that you had to get married right after me?” 
“That’s precisely what happened,” the demon butted in. 
You threw daggers at Sukuna and tried to quickly explain but he continued to talk over you as well.
“You broke her heart—“
“Sukuna is a demon that I summoned—“
“—and now I must kill you.”
“—who is not going to be killing anyone!” You reminded Sukuna before Toji could react to the threat. “And Toji didn’t break my heart!” You could feel the tension rising from both sides and dragged Sukuna away from Toji before he actually tried to tear his head off. “Look— Toji, I did some shit that I can’t fully explain without sounding like a crazy person—“
“You don’t sound like a crazy person. You’re already there,” Toji said.
“Do not call my wife mad,” Sukuna snarled. He took a step forward and you threw your arm across his chest to stop him. He simply pushed your arm out of his way, careful not to hurt you but not letting you get in the way of a disrespectful human. 
“Stop throwing that word around,” you growled, dragging Sukuna’s shoulder back with enough strength to actually make him stumble back. “I’m not your wife and you don’t get to hurt any of my friends. What’s going on in that ancient block head of yours doesn’t matter right now. And you ,” you squinted at Toji, “have to be nice. I’m sure this is a major culture shock to Sukuna right now.” 
“So let me get this straight,” Toji sighed. He pointed at Sukuna who swatted his finger out of his face. “That’s your…”
“Guest,” you offered. Toji gave you a doubtful look but continued. 
“Right. Guest , who is also some evil spirit that you found in a book and you want me to do what exactly?”
“Well for starters, take us to the mall? My car is too tiny to fit him,” you complained. You didn’t need to try to see that Sukuna’s frame was much too large for your small sedan that wouldn’t hold anyone over the height of 5’10” comfortably. 
“You’re so smart. Taking my car solves that issue and when we get to the mall we won’t have any problems with the fucking big red giant stomping behind us.”
You scowled at Toji’s sarcasm but he was right. Getting Sukuna in a car was only half of your problem. 
“Sukuna, is there anything you can do about your appearance? Y’know, try to look a little more human?”
Sukuna’s jaw tightened. You asking was not a problem but Toji being around really grinned his gears. You gave him big brown pleading eyes and Sukuna pinched the bridge of his nose.
He started with the easiest one, which was his stomach, focusing energy to seal it off until his abs had no interruption. Then it was the lower pair of arms. Morphing them into his ribs wasn't nearly as painful as it sounded but bone crunching sounds filled the room.  You gasped, throwing your hand over your mouth as your eyes widened at his transformation. Lastly was his face. Sukuna could smooth the skin out as much as hume could but the discoloration remained the same. The additional eyes were reduced to slits, appearing like scars instead of orifices. When Sukuna opened his eyes again the changes were finished. You shakily reached out to touch his arms that remained.
“Did that hurt? I don’t want you to be in pain,” you whispered. 
Sukuna placed his hand over yours and smiled. “There’s nothing for you to worry about.”
From Toji’s perspective you were already a doting wife to the monster in your living room. You inspected the rest of his body like he had fallen off a building and not magically changed because you asked him to.
“Okay, you really do look alright. Toji, do you think you can give him something to wear? Nothing of mine will fit him.”
Toji flat out disagreed. “I’m not doing that. Can’t he conjure up some shit to wear?” 
“He can’t walk around like this! The pants are… okay, but he really needs a top. You don’t even have a jacket to lend?” 
“Fuck. No.”
“Asshole,” you grumbled. You looked back at Sukuna. Sure men could get away with not wearing shirts in public areas, especially in the summer heat, but Sukuna was still freakishly tall with intricate tattoos lining his body. You wanted to lessen the attention brought to him as much as you could.
“I wouldn’t want to put on your robes,” Sukuna said pointedly to Toji. Just like he suggested, Sukuna suddenly had on a white kimono with blue lining on, covering most of his body. 
“That—that works too,” you stuttered. His powers confused you. The idea that there are really higher beings was really fucking with your mind but you tried not to apply your human logic to it. It clearly couldn’t hold a candle next to Sukuna. 
After arguing who sits where in Toji’s much larger SUV, you watched from the back seat as both men sat in the front. Sukuna was intrigued by the buttons that littered the dashboard and Toji wanted him to do anything but touch.
“Go easy on him, Toji. Culture shock, remember?”
“Just because you pulled somebody out from a biblical time period does not mean they get to fuck with my shit.” He scowled at you through the rear view mirror but you pretended not to see him. 
Loud music charged the car and vibrated in your chest, making you all scream out in shock. Sukuna had turned the dial for the stereo as loud as it could go and Toji swerved into another lane. You reached over from the backseat to shut the radio off and Toji gained control of the car once again. You all sat in silence but you could hear the boiling anger in Toji. You were worried, not only for Toji’s outburst but Sukuna’s as well. You knew that he was keeping calm for your sake, but you were afraid that Toji would push him over the edge. You weren’t sure what Sukuna was capable of, but you did know it would lead to mass destruction. 
“He can walk to the goddamn mall. Get out. Now,’ he barked. 
“Toji don’t do that to him.”
“You’re making excuses for him!” “I’m being sympathetic! Sukuna, baby, listen. Please just sit there. I know I’ve been asking a lot of you lately but I would really like for us to get to our destination safely.” 
The term of endearment slipped out of your mouth by accident, and Sukuna perked up at the use of it as well. He was your baby, something that you looked at with affection. He stared at you and you gave him a hopeful smile. 
“I’ll keep to myself,” he promised.Toji muttered some insult under his breath that you pinched him for before sagging back into your seat. 
“We’ll buy you new clothes and get something to eat. Simple, normal tasks. We should be in and out.” 
You could only hope. 
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Thanks for reading loves!! lemme know what ya think xx
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noheteroexplanation · 4 months ago
Compilation post of the Rhaenicent Quotes in the House of the Dragon Season 2 Companion Book
The Companion Book discusses various aspects of the making of season 2, such as production, set design, costuming, writing and acting. In this post I will compile all the quotes that make reference to Rhaenicent. The quotes are below the cut.
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Quotes on Rhaenicent in season 1
Expertly crafted, the first season breathed visceral life into an essential chapter in the history of Westeros by foregrounding the experiences of childhood friends turned reluctant adversaries Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower.
Hess was keen to explore the ways in which the patriarchy impacted the world of Westeros, and how circumstances conspired to drive an ever-greater wedge between the show's central protagonists, Rhaenyra and Alicent.
As the scripts came together, the two characters became the principal lens through which the episodes unfolded. Alicent and Viserys's marriage leaves Rhaenyra feeling betrayed, while Rhaenyra's brazen indifference to societal dictates infuriates Alicent.
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Quote on Rhaenicent at the start of season 2
Both sides, too, appear largely determined to ignore the wisdom of the women in their midst. Despite having been crowned queen in an impromptu ceremony at Dragonstone, Rhaenyra struggles to fully assert her authority over the men who serve on her Black Council, many of whom simply wish for her to step aside so they might enact their own plans. At the Red Keep, Alicent, too, is ignored and dismissed by her sons and her father, who disregard her considerable political savvy and her years of experience serving on Viserys's Small Council.
Quotes on Rhaenyra and Alicent's arcs in season 2
For the writers, the characters' arcs were a means to continue their exploration of House of the Dragon's powerful central theme—that the patriarchy would rather destroy itself than see woman on the throne. "Rhaenyra is beginning to understand that even though she's the queen, it doesn't really matter," Hess says. "Because she's a woman, she's seen as a figurehead, not somebody who's actually in control. Alicent is realizing, Oh, I'm entirely disposable once the men are in charge. The season is about them coming to active reckoning with the patriarchy."
Adds Condal: "Alicent and Rhaenyra were doing much better in a time of peace and prosperity, when you could have more nuanced arguments about what power is and who should be in power. But once it becomes a real war, the men who trained their entire life for this expect to step up to the front of the table and say, 'Thank you very much, but this is what we're going to do now.'"
Quote on set design
In the second season, the young queen (Helaena) moves into Alicent's former chambers, while Alicent, now Queen Dowager, takes over Rhaenyra's former living quarters.
Quote on Rhaenyra and Mysaria that makes reference to Alicent
"Rhaenyra hasn't had a friend that she can be real with in a long time," Hess says.
Introduction to the Sept scene
"The Burning Mill" also afforded D'Arcy and Cooke a rare opportunity to work together, as the hour concludes with a confrontation between Rhaenyra and Alicent, one of only two scenes between the characters in the second season. The scene unfolds inside King's Landing's Grand Sept, where the Queen Dowager has gone to pray. Rhaenyra disguised as a septa, kneels next to her, and their tense exchange begins.
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On writing the Sept scene
As he was writing the episode, Hancock, knowing the import of the sequence, worked in concert with Hess on the conversation in which the women finally express to one another their feelings of anger, suspicion, and resentment. "'It's not that either has betrayed the other,"' Hess says. "It's that all this stuff has happened that the men around them have facilitated, and now they don't know what to think about each other. There's this displaced fury, and they end up trying to fight it out with each other. That's often how women in high-powered positions are made to feel about each other—to be suspicious of each other and to struggle with one another over things that they should be [in agreement on]."
Input from Emma and Olivia on the Sept scene
During the period of rehearsals prior to the beginning of the shoot, D'Arcy and Cooke weighed in on the emotions their characters would likely be experiencing, and Hess made a point to reshape the sequence based on their feedback. "They both felt they could get more visceral and angrier," she says, "like, if they weren't who they were and in a sept, they would be punching each other."
The importance of the Sept for Rhaenicent
Setting the meeting inside the Grand Sept gave the scenes additional weight, as the characters had been present in the space together only once before: In the first season, a teenage Alicent brings her best friend there to help her process her grief over her mother's death.
Rhaenyra's point of view on the Sept scene
The fact that Rhaenyra makes the trip to the capital at all is a dangerous gamble, "It's quite a chaotic choice," says D'Arcy. "There's some slight irrational thinking going on and maybe a little bit of self-destructive tendency as well. I have this sense that part of her wants forgiveness. I think she also wants to look the person who's caused her such pain in the face and to declare it. I really loved that scene because while trying to negotiate as an adult on behalf of the kingdom, you also watch two children try to reconcile so much painful feeling."
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Alicent's point of view on the Sept scene
Cooke played the scene as though Alicent still feels a deep and abiding love for her childhood best friend, despite all the pain and tragedy they've both experienced. "They grew up pretty much as sisters, and that is hard to break," Cooke says. "I think they both can tell when the other is lying or postulating. This feels like a complete breakdown of any pretense. They are showing each other their most honest and vulnerable side. They have this back-and-forth about what Viserys's intentions were and this discovery of what he wanted."
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Aftermath of the Sept scene for Rhaenyra and Alicent
Each woman leaves the encounter in the Grand Sept fundamentally changed. Rhaenyra arrives harboring doubts that Viserys had indeed wished for his son, Aegon, to follow him onto the Iron Throne. But hearing Alicent allude to the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised she feels newfound surety about the path forward. "For the first time, she has to choose it for herself," D'Arcy says of Rhaenyra's destiny. "Suddenly, there's this decision to kill the possibility that anyone else truly has the heirdom, and that causes her to reckon finally with going to war. She chooses her title. She doesn't just inherit it."
Alicent, meanwhile, is confused and confounded to discover that Viserys might have been referring to Aegon the Conqueror as he drew his last breath. "This throws Alicent's world into complete chaos," Cooke says. "She's been so solid in what she heard. That story, and what she's told herself, has given her such strength, even in the eyes of people that think she's completely out for her own gain."
Quote from Olivia on shooting scenes with Emma
During the shoot, Cooke found herself wishing she and D'Arcy could perform together more often, "It was great working with Emma," Cooke says. "lt's too few and far between [our scenes]. I get stolen snippets with them, but it's always so wonderful and juicy."
Rhaenicent parallel storylines in episode 2x05
As Alicent is undermined in the Red Keep, Rhaenyra is faring little better on Dragonstone.
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Alicent's decision at the Lake to go to Dragonstone
"Alicent has lost pretty much everything—any power, any legitimacy that she held—and war is afoot," Cooke says. "I genuinely don't think she believes that [the Greens] can win, and I think she believes that they shouldn't win. She wholeheartedly believes that she got it wrong. Her need to escape King's Landing is to get some clarity on the situation and try to figure out what she needs to do."
Quote on the Dragonstone meeting
In the episode's final moments, Rhaenyra has a second fateful encounter: She returns to Dragonstone and, to her surprise, finds Alicent proposing an arrangement by which the Blacks could take the throne with minimal bloodshed. Set inside the Valyrian scroll library in Dragonstone, the sequence finds Alicent advising Rhaenyra that Aemond will leave the Red Keep to join Cole in the Riverlands on the march to Harrenhal. At that point, Helaena as Queen Regent could command the guards to lay down their arms, allowing Rhaenyra to take the castle. In return, Alicent asks that Rhaenyra allow her to live out her days with Helaena in the countryside. Aegon will need to be executed, Alicent acknowledges, but she believes his sacrifice is necessary to avoid war.
Alicent's decision to petition Rhaenyra
"It's massive that Alicent travels to Rhaenyra," Cooke says. "It's treason. If Aemond found out that she'd gone, [her] head [would be] on a spike. But it's to petition the friendship that she and Rhaenyra once had. It's to look Rhaenyra in the eye and be like, 'I'm not lying. This is me as my rawest self. This is me shedding whatever power or queenly status I had. It's yours. I was wrong. I don't want anything to do with it. I'm done. I'm tired, I'm so exhausted. Let me and Helaena go off and live in the countryside with a couple of chickens and a cow."
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Ryan Condal on the decision to end the season on the Dragonstone meeting
For Condal, bringing Rhaenyra and Alicent together one last time was an ideal way to conclude the season, to remind viewers of the women's role in the narrative and their inextricable links to each other.
On Rhaenyra and Alicent's contrasting character arcs in season 2
"You have two characters who have these wildly divergent arcs [and they] come back around at the end to again find themselves on one another's doorstep," Condal says. "Rhaenyra has seen this meteoric ascent over the course of the season. She's gone from somewhat of a beggar queen, who is crowned on a hill, to a leader of an army of dragons and of men. Alicent began the season having put her blood on the throne, the thing that she sacrificed her youth and body to do. But she comes to a place where she is now looking at the cost of the choices that she's made and wondering what it was all for. She's realizing that neither of her sons is suited to rule the realm, and she wants to stop the spinning wheel that is the game of thrones."
On the filming of the Dragonstone meeting
Two days near the end of the production schedule were set aside to film the weighty scene, so that D'Arcy and Cooke would have enough time to thoroughly explore how their characters might react to such an unexpected turn of events. "The way we prepared for it was, they both came to the scene without a rehearsal so that they would be able to start fresh and feel things in the moment," Patel says.
On Alicent's choice to sacrifice Aegon
The trio agreed that for the scene to work, the audience would need to truly understand Alicent's motivations for risking so much in reaching out to Rhaenyra. "Alicent found herself in Episode 7, and who she found is someone who is honorable," Patel says. "Her honor lies in being responsible for her actions, and she knew that she had misunderstood Viserys on his deathbed, and because of that Aegon was now king. She needed to set the record straight and do the right thing."
On Alicent's love for her son Aegon
They also set about finding ways to convey that despite how deeply disappointed Alicent is in Aegon, how turbulent their relationship has been, deep down, she still loves him. Thus, the idea of offering his life to Rhaenyra was unimaginably fraught. "The entire season was going to end on this hinge, so for that to be effective, we needed to believe that she loved her son and that it was truly high stakes," Patel says, "It was important to feel that unconditional love of a mother that is hard to describe."
The aftermath of Alicent's choice in season 3
"The entire season finale hangs on the cliff of Alicent telling Rhaenyra, 'I'm going to give you son for a son,'" Patel adds. "But what she doesn't realize is that the son she has promised has escaped."
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Hints for Rhaenicent in season 3
Amid the beautifully realized fantasy trappings, the family drama—grounded in themes of love, loyalty, and betrayal���remained the central focus, with Rhaenyra and Alicent continuing to serve as the fulcrum of the narrative. "They still have quite a bit to learn about who they are as people, and how far they're willing to go for their goals, whether those are personal goals or familial goals in either pursuing the throne and ambition, or protecting their blood," says showrunner Ryan J. Condal. "They both realize, certainly, that they are living through a historical period in this world."
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Picture descriptions
Olivia Cooke (left) and Emma D'Arcy filming Alicent and Rhaenyra's confrontation. (2x03)
A suspicious Rhaenyra (D'Arcy) greets her estranged best friend (Cooke). (2x08)
A quote from Sara Hess comparing Rhaenyra and Alicent to Sharako Lohar
"She's operating outside the system. Rhaenyra and Alicent are so much struggling with the patriarchy, it was super refreshing to have a woman who's like, Fuck everything."
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deconstructthesoup · 2 months ago
Some STP Human Headcanons (Vessels)
-I mentioned this in my last Slay the Princess post, but Prisoner loves to dance. As soon as she's free to walk and move around, she learns how to dance as a way to a) feel like she's in control of her body again, and b) fully explore the freedom she's now offered. The day she learns swing dances is the first day that any of the others have seen her smile.
-Witch has about twenty different kinds of carnivorous plants in her house, and all of them have names. She likes talking to them, because plants don't say that you're dragging on when you complain about your day, or tell you that your outfit looks awful when you're trying something new, or tell you that you're a massive dork when you gush about your favorite graphic novel series.
-Oh, yeah, Witch is a comics/graphic novel nerd. She's a big fan of Alison Bechdel, Vera Brosgol, ND Stevenson, and Elaine Lee, and she loooooooooves Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. She reads DC comics for them and them alone.
-As a way to express some individuality while they're still figuring out what their personality is---and if they even have a cohesive one---Stranger dresses in incredibly elaborate outfits, and the style changes rapidly from day to day. They can go from dressing like a Southern Belle (complete with a parasol) to dressing like a Victorian swashbuckling thief (complete with a cane and masquerade mask) to dressing like they're heading to a 1980's roller rink (surprisingly, they make the skates work) on any given day, and all of the girls place bets on whatever they're going to wear next. Nobody has won.
-It's a terrible pun, but I'm ridiculously attached to the idea of Razor being a metalhead---and if not a metalhead exactly, then a major fan of any and all punk rock music released in the Riot Grrl era. She owns every single Bikini Kill album, every single Raincoats album, and will neither confirm nor deny having a Joan Jett body pillow. If she can sing-scream along to it, she'll listen to it.
-Adversary is the most kickass roller derby player you have ever seen in your life. She's got face-paint, she's got stickers on her helmet, she's got scuffed shoulder and knee pads from bodying the girls on the other team... she's fucking awesome. Razor shows up to every single game with a hand-painted sign for her.
-Damsel is obsessed with video games like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, the Sims---basically, anything that's cute and low-stakes, she'll play. She absolutely has a set of pink cat-ear headphones that Witch bought for her. (Prisoner has matching blue ones, but she never wears them.)
-Nightmare is a theater kid. She recites Shakespearean monologues at the drop of a hat, devours occult-themed musicals like her life depends on it, and has a flawless soprano voice that will actually give you chills. Her rendition of "The Ballad of Jane Doe" at a voice recital made several people cry. She relishes in their tears.
-Prisoner and Spectre both love books, but while it's more of an academic thing for Prisoner (she likes history and math, because it's just facts), Spectre is a total fiction reader. Mostly classics like Jane Austen and Agatha Christie, but she's also got a bit of a guilty pleasure for well-written romance novels, and she loves The Locked Tomb series. Even if the Alecto stuff hits a bit too close to home.
-Stranger is really into arts and crafts, to the point where they've pretty much learned everything from crotcheting to making clay earrings. Almost all of their creations end up being gifted to one of the girls, and they're all very much treasured and appreciated.
-Tower has a difficult time really connecting with most of the girls, since she's still trying to get herself to come down from her superiority complex, but she has figured out that they will always like her as long as she brings her credit card with her. No matter the setting, Tower is fucking loaded, and even the more masc girls like Adversary are willing to go on a shopping spree.
-That being said, I think Tower gets along the best with Nightmare, because they're both absolutely self-assured, barely care about other people (except their best girls, of course), and are both intimidating in their own ways. They're absolutely the kind of best friends who bitch about people while doing each other's nails.
-Witch and Spectre both do witchcraft for funzies, but Witch is more about the plants and herbalism, while Spectre's all about the Oujia boards and tarot cards. They're kind of in a two-person coven together---you gotta find something to bond over, and what better way to connect than your shared interest in magic?
-If I'm not just making Beast into a cat, I'm making Beast into a preteen, because just making her a human adult just doesn't... fit her. Besides, it's way more easy---and more fun---to imagine her as that low-key feral kid who's always digging for worms during recess, always gets into fights with bullies and winds up covered in Band-Aids as a result, always wears the same ratty cat-ear beanie every day, and hisses at people who annoy her. She has weird-little-girl energy, I dunno what to tell you. (She still tags along on hangouts when there's no alcohol involved, though---she's either Witch's little sister or her daughter, and Witch is very keen on making sure she's included.)
-Damsel bakes. Every time one or more of the girls comes over, she has something in the oven, something sitting on the kitchen table cooling, and something that's in the middle of being frosted. She likes doing it because while it is something that she largely does for others, it's also something that gives her a sense of pride, and she also just has a lot of fun with it. Even when she has to clean up, she's humming a song from a Barbie movie under her breath. Probably from Princess & The Pauper (the best one, fight me).
-Adversary used to play the violin when she was a kid, but she got bored of it quick, and she switched over to the bass as soon as she could. Spectre is very good at playing the cello---she even does recitals!---and Witch... well, she played the French horn in high school. During marching band. It was the only extracurricular where she could have free reign to be as annoying as possible to the people who said that she had to have one for college credit. (Oh, also, Razor plays electric guitar. She's a really good singer, but she's an even better growler.)
And... I think that's all I got for now.
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emmitaaa4 · 9 months ago
Getting exponentially tired of the “elriels want 👹” posts in the elain tags where they proceed to either A) outright invent stuff B) act holier than thou about how they care so much for Elain because they C) misconstrue the little they hear from our side in bad faith, or D) just completely miss the point they’re addressing.
it’s one thing to be bitter about a ship, but geez theyre getting mad at generalizations they made up about what we think. it has to be tiring. non?
small rant beneath, just to vent. yes i know i can (& should) block certain tags, but reading frustrating content is a hobby of sorts.
Im genuinely convinced all these “ewriel”-myths they keep talking about are a result of a bad game of telephone—they hear a random thing a gwynriel says, go “they’re all stupid/delusional/immature (insult of choice) so i don’t doubt what you’re saying”, then repeat it to others.
It’s obvious by the way they wholeheartedly believe that Elain is our puritanical-warrior-self-insert we use to vicariously F Azriel (😃✋). Doesn’t help that they usually don’t look as deeply into Elain as we do & tend to get stuck on obviously superficial statements about her: they cannot seem to fathom an Elain that isn’t just a once-bright socialite wilting away sans her sun-mate. So any hint of darkness/savviness we see in her is just us moulding her into Y/N. sigh
I can say i’ve read their posts on here, a ton prior to being involved and some now. I’ve seen their tiktoks & video essays, their powerpoints & reddit posts. i’ve seen their comments all over insta/tiktok (kinda hard to miss, they jump on elriel content with their “um shadows and um pliable bones and mates!!” comments). I am WELL aware of what the general consensus is on that side—which is why I am generally unbothered by GA, don’t mind EL, and am just peacefully sailing aboard my ship waiting for it to reach destination.
And because I care about Elain’s journey, I try to see the story the way they do when i encounter certain elucien arguments. For if i am to even just privately engage in the sHip wArs, i know to remain ✨critical✨ and ✨open minded✨.
… there’s no point turning discussions into angry posts against imaginary adversaries.
EVERY elriel i’ve talked to would read an elucien book because it is Elain’s story we are most anticipating. It’s just very telling to me that very few would do the same; that there’s not a whiff of willingness from most of them to listen to the other side.
The funny thing is that all those anti eWrieL posts** i’ve read tend to address twisted versions of “the elriel narrative.” They take things out of context, or say we have the same 3 arguments—which is genuinely insane bc if you know our ship so well, how can you be off by like 2 orders of magnitude ??? (exaggerating if it wasn’t clear, we can’t know these days).
** Their pro GA content reads very anti-Az, used to be very anti-elain, and has a narrow scope ngl. While the bonus matters, it seems like that is ALL they’ve read. They don’t think much about Elain’s journey or powers or decisions, which is just logically not the best way to analyze the series given she IS what’s to come.
✨Just some common myths they believe✨:
they repeatedly claim that elriels want poor elain to be a kickass warrior torturer to fit Az because they A) don’t actually read our stuff B) enjoy thinking we hate elain, and C) can’t fanthom that spying isn’t 007 ninja activities.
apparently we ship elriel because we think they have this big great romance OFF PAGE 😭. how in the hell— i’ll make a post on this one istg it’s lowkey funny. quick, were nessian strangers and unfeeling towards each other at the start of SF ???? damnit i must’ve missed that.
En tout cas. End of rant the rest stays in the drafts lmao.
but istg one day i’ll cave in and unleash the essays of rebuttals and psychoanalyses of their arguments / thought processes just for shit and giggles.
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creature-wizard · 6 months ago
Manifestation Without Woo: People React To Your Projections, & Your Projections Affect Your Perceptions
Depending on what circles you travel in, you may have heard of a concept called "Everyone Is You Pushed Out," which claims that other people are actually just projections of your own mind and don't really have true agency and interiority. Supposedly, by changing your beliefs about other people, you can mold them into anything you want!
I'm going to be blunt here: that's some nasty dehumanizing bullshit.
Still, people can tell you from personal experience that other people really do behave differently depending on how you perceive them. So what's going on?
There's two things going on here. First, many people are responding to how you behave.
Here's an example: Let's say a teenager with blue hair and piercings walks up to a shopkeeper and asks her where to find something she's looking for. The shopkeeper decides that blue hair and piercings equals delinquent. Immediately, her whole demeanor changes. Her posture shifts to a defensive position. Her tone of voice becomes stiffer and more condescending. Her chin tilts up, her nostrils flare, and her smile fades into a slight frown, signaling contempt.
The teenager notices all of this, and knows from experience that adults who act like this are trouble. So her own nervous system prepares her for conflict. Her eyes narrow, her tone of voice tenses, and she leans back slightly, looking up at the shopkeeper with a distrustful gaze. Immediately, she seems to be exactly what the shopkeeper took her for.
But let's look at what might happen if the shopkeeper doesn't project a hostile assumption. Instead of tensing up, she smiles and warmly says, "How may I help you?"
This friendly behavior tells the teenager that she's dealing with a reasonably safe person, and she doesn't need to be on guard. So she smiles back and asks where she can find the book she wants in a friendly and polite tone.
Now to be clear, there are limitations to how far you can influence someone else's behavior by staying mindful of your projections. It's not going to do much on someone who's been fully radicalized into hating people like you, for example. But for most normal, everyday interactions, this can have a big effect.
Secondly, your projections make you interpret other people's behavior differently.
Let's say your roommate often leaves stuff out and doesn't put it away. If you believe that your roommate is doing this because they're malicious or because they think it's your job to clean up after them, then you're going to interpret your roommate as an adversarial entity, and interpret their behavior in general through an adversarial light. To you, they seem to be a selfish asshole.
But maybe they actually have ADHD, and maybe they think you're fine with cleaning up after them because you never told them otherwise.
Instead of trying to EIYPO them into cleaning up after themselves, you need to check your perceptions and talk to them, expressing your needs and listening to theirs. In this case it's a good idea to cultivate a charitable interpretation - don't just let yourself believe they're being selfish or mean.
Beware, however - charitable assumptions aren't always healthy. For example, interpreting a partner's controlling behavior as proof of their devotion rather than a sign of insecurity is not good. Try and be careful not to romanticize or excuse behaviors that are genuinely unhealthy or inappropriate.
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nalyra-dreaming · 11 months ago
Reading the S2 reviews (so beware spoilers ahead!). Wanted to get your take (and others’ if people have thoughts!), citing The Wrap’s review:
“Daniel might be the most radically different character from book to screen. He’s older, more pessimistic and utterly allergic to the allure of vampire life. Only now he is able to confront the deep-seated scars left behind after his night with Louis (although book fans might be disappointed to know that the show doesn’t tease out more of the romance he has with Armand in the books. Theirs is strictly an adversarial relationship in the series.)”
Other reviews confirm that S02E05/the episode about Daniel’s past is not romantic at all, rather a horror episode. Which I’m sure will be good (some describe it as the best episode), but I can’t help being a bit disappointed that they don’t seem to be doing DM - or at least not in this season at all. I think the reviews only cover episodes 1-6, but this reviewer seems so very sure… (also they seem to know the books so I’m guessing the episode won’t be too similar to the book either. Meaning it won’t end with “the chase” or will it?). So is there a real risk that no DM will play out?. The greatest hint of DM in my view was Zaman’s podcast appearance where he stated that Armand is curious about Daniel and that there is a history there. But this could just be referring to their horror-filled encounter in episode five. So I don’t know, I’m a little sad - was pretty excited for some f*cked up memory stuff (there is just something so compelling with the idea of discovering that there is a whole side of your life that you’ve lost - that this person you don’t know is someone you loved etc.). I wanted to see what it would do to Daniel and Armand respectively, and I wanted their dynamic to be as interesting as possible. Remember reading speculation that Daniel will remember more in the finale - maybe a romantic aspect but I think it was just pure speculation, no hints or comments from the cast/writers backing this up.
What do you think? Grateful to hear your thoughts! Also, I’m still psyched about this season of course, looking forward to the Armand/Louis romance, the Theatre! Hayles performance is supposedly going to be amazing, and I’m looking forward to more of Daniel’s snark obviously! It feels unreal that the season is around the corner!
It is!!! And I am also sooooo hyped, it's unreal *laughs*
Okay, so... first of all, it's always a thing of perspective with reviews. For example, there's this as well, after episode 1:
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Now... that is no review, granted.
But it's perception. I... do not think that all of the "Devil's Minion" will be spelled out in the first episodes (nor do I think we will get all of it this season!). In fact, I think the horror that "he loved this monster" is part of the horror of it all, this realization. And that will very likely be in the last episodes, in whichever way.
So. With that in mind - btw, which review did confirm it's ep5? (I only saw that focused comment I think?) - I did not expect Devil's Minion to be "happy". In fact, I think it might have stalking, cages, attacks, and the beginning of the chase - and that chase does NOT start out as cute.
Daniel just gets used to it, over time. And then Armand falls in love.
Season 2 is going to be significantly darker. I bet it's also going to be a lot campier, if the comments to this hold true, with dark humor. But they're leaning fully into the horror aspects of this vampire world now, and the beginning of the Devil's Minion is exactly that - horrific.
The above review matches with what Jacob said about Louis and Daniel forming alliances... and I bet that alliance is indeed needed to drag the whole story out.
And when that whole story is out - that will lead to repercussions.
THAT in turn goes for Louis just as much as it goes for Daniel... because this second interview has just as much to do with him.
So... I would wait until you can see it with your own eyes?! :)
I mean... AMC's promotion(and pairing of the actors) speaks a very loud language? And Assad said he had chemistry read with "Daniel"... for reasons.
But it won't all be revealed in the screeners. I bet the last two episodes will pack a punch.
Maybe even literally. 😜
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rei-ismyname · 7 months ago
X-Men #3 (From The Ashes)
At last, this book is starting to cook and show us where these people are at. Scott Summers enjoyers are eating well today, always good to see. Full coverage under the cut, and spoilers of course. TW discussion of violence, anxiety/PTSD mention.
Jed McKay hits the ground running with a bunch of goons called Shrikes having inserted into the Factory, the Alaskan X-Men's base. Shrike is Latin for 'butcher' and the eponymous bird is known for impaling stuff, so we can assume that they're not nice dudes. They caught a ride from the Vanisher (a 60s X-Men foe who has popped up here and there as a mercenary teleporter/unwilling X-Force asset. His aesthetic is much better these days) who's like 'damn y'all live like this' but objects to them using the term 'mutie.' Bro, you're dropping black ops goons into their house for an unnamed quid pro quo, you think their allies?
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- The Shrikes want to be inflicting casualties but they're deferring to Lundqvist, who doesn't. Not yet at least. We don't know if they're contractors or part of O*N*E (Office for National Emergency), a government agency I'm surprised still exists, given its abject failures in containing, protecting, or killing mutant schoolchildren.
- These jerks are Team One, clearly part of a larger group or organisation.
- They're professionals with quite advanced technology, and while one slur doesn't necessarily make them frothing racists, they're seemingly ideologically aligned with this mission.
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Meanwhile, Scott ain't home right now. We don't get enough of his conversation with Rogue to see where their relationship is at, but we learn the Uncanny X-Men team are moving on Graymalkin and will not wait to synchronize plans or discuss it further.
- They're moving on Graymalkin? That name has been used quite a bit, so we can't be 100% sure if it's Cable's spaceship (unlikely), Xavier's 200 year old ancestor who was buried beneath the mansion for centuries (also unlikely), Graymalkin Industries, or a little house on Graymalkin Lane.
- Considering Scott's estimation that it'll escalate everything, I have to assume it's the X-Mansion. Rescuing Chuck? I don't see Logan wanting to do that. Killing him? That'd be a no from Rogue. Shutting down the torture prison that Chuck's in? Maybe. There's a lot of threads in the X-books and if the 'strays' came from there it'd tie a bunch together while inciting conflict. I guess we'll see.
- Of course Scott has plans. No clues here as to what they are.
- I've said it before, but I don't buy why these teams are separate or even in conflict with each other. It's going to feel inorganic for as long as we don't get an explanation. In UXM 1, Logan was acting like Schism Logan, which didn't even make sense back then. He's been living with Scott and Jean in a polycule for the last X years, and Scott/Rogue were on a Krakoan team together. These people trust and love each other, they've been family for decades. Everyone considers it a dark time for mutants and they have every reason to both want and need to work together. Show us why they're not! I beg you.
- The aforementioned Lundqvist has showed up with heavies to the diner, which the cop doesn't love. He says it's payback for embarrassing him, but considering what team one are doing that's almost certainly not the full reason.
- Looks like their relationship is adversarial. What's holding him back, though?
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- Interesting. It was a government-owned Sentinel factory, and it was part of a settlement. I really want more information on Scott Summers v The United States. She-Hulk was his counsel too, I wonder if she was his trial lawyer on this. I'm assuming settlement has at least 3 meanings there, which is clever.
- I wonder if Scott got to choose. He likes Alaska, I could see him demanding it strategically. If the US chose it, ooof. A sentinel factory about as far as you can get from the Marvel hotspots while still being in the US. The whole 'implication' is ugly as hell too.
Is Scott Summers taking this shit?
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As Colossus would say, nyet Tovarich, he is not taking it. Good to see he's not fucking around, though in that list of damages I'm very aware 'being forcibly deported from our nation' is not on it. Krakoa comes up, but it's being deprioritised and erased. It's a fist pump moment, but it still makes me sad.
- Shit yeah, get angry dude. You should be.
- Lundqvist is hard to read but he seems to be put in his place.
- Love the BLT power move.
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Hahaha! Look at him chowing down with his mouth full. I just ordered a BLT, sometimes you forget how much you enjoy something until you read or hear about it, you know? Anyway, what does this dickhead want Scott to do about it? You know, aside from what he already is - trying to handle it. If he wasn't stalling for his goon squad I'd dismiss it completely.
- The ongoing mystery of the manifesting mutants gets a nod as national news. I can imagine Tucker Carlson or JK Rowling being the worst with this. The Truthseekers name feels very true to life. Right wing kooks are all about weaponising what is true and what is not.
- Scott not knowing what a thermobaric bomb is has some significance, but I think it tells us more about Lundqvist that he does. They're a fuel only type of explosive mostly associated with atrocities. Research indicates they're a very painful and comparatively slow way to die, bc the brain is still active while the body is torn apart or worse. Fuck this guy.
- I did wonder what those drone looking things were last issue. Seems the Truthseekers have some good technology, and may be looking to deny the X-Men theirs (if they're working with the government, which, come on. They always are.)
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HAHAHA. EAT A DICK LUNDQVIST. Okay he's getting to the point. The X-Men make him look bad because they're doing his job and not covering it up.
- Either he doesn't know Scott very well or he's running out of shit to say. I really dig what's happening with body language here.
- X-factor are a joke in and out of universe. Sorry not sorry but Alex is too. I do wonder who has better intel on x-factor. Scott has always valued intelligence, though I wonder if he's more likely to get it from Warren or Alex. Warren is reliable AF, always has been. I can totally see him enduring that embarrassment to be the man on the inside. Alex could go either way tbh. He is not reliable at all. Most recently he moved to Limbo to be with Maddie and it was not a healthy relationship. It was codependent and Alex, at least was delusional. He also spent a while as a demon zombie.
- That's been brushed aside and for some reason he and Lorna seem to have regressed 15 years. They argued and the impression I got was Lorna was team mutant, Alex was team government/human? That kid's a mess so it's hard to tell. They could be running a long con - we'll see.
- But yeah, Scott's not having it. At all. Carrot or stick - choose! I do like the Brotherhood mention but I swear to god this better not be used to villainise Scott and fuel infighting with the Uncanny team.
Meanwhile... Shrike Team One are well prepared for the mission. They can't be sensed psychically or with any technology. Beast gets knocked out like a chump, but Ilyana can see souls.
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See what I mean about technology denial? The last Cerebro unit too.
- Obviously it would be a loss but Beast could build another, right?
- Tumblr image limits being what they are I'm not including the action panels. I'll just say they're okay. Nothing amazing.
- Temper/Idie takes them out and laughs at their thermite (really not messing around, that stuff is wild) while getting off a few badass one liners.
- Magneto doesn't join the fray for some reason (He'd solve it instantly) and chats with Temper. Krakoa is mentioned, as is her imprisonment, but I'm not touching that further right now. When they actually show us where Magneto is I'll have lots to say, for now he's just sitting and saying lightweight stuff. Temper doesn't like or respect Mags though.
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Wrapping up, the goons failed and the X-Men minus Mags and Beast drop them off.
- The official position is 'yes, we will fight America if you insist. Stop making threats and breaking into my house. Also, my wife is a God. You know that right? Now gtfoh.'
- It's really cool, though we've kinda been here before.
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Something is wrong with Scott? It looks like an anxiety attack to me, tbh. Can't blame him, though I have a feeling it's more than that. Full on anxiety disorder/PTSD Cyclops would be new, I wonder if they'd do it. I guess we'll find out.
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And to end on some... news... Trevor Fitzroy is back. yay 😮‍💨. Alive somehow, and resurrecting a ludicrous group from the 2000s. I wonder if Shinobi Shaw and Cortez will be there too. He's also killing mutants for ratings, something that's been done as recently as Krakoa. Not looking forward to it. MAKE UP NEW STUFF FFS.
At the end of the day I enjoyed the issue, mostly by virtue of something happening. Cyclops and Agent Lundqvist chatting in a diner carried it with moments that I'm sure we'll be seeing for years to come as 'fuck yeah' posts on Reddit. The art is competent, nothing really stands out for me besides the body language I mentioned. The art style and choices are probably a whole separate post, like why Cyclops looks 25.
Thanks for reading.
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myfavoritesstuff · 1 year ago
Crimson Hearts
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Prompt: The Sturniolo triplets are a part of the most feared mafia. They are ruthless, vicious, and cunning. But to you, they are so much more.
Your father has made a deal with the Sturniolo triplets in order to save his company. What is this deal? An arranged marriage of course.
Warning(s): Mafia type stuff, mean words are said.
Note: please read all the way through, it gets better I promise. Also, I will make this into a series, and each chapter will be longer than this one.
Part 2
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The triplets background
In the heart of the underworld, the Sturniolo triplets– Nick, Matt, and Chris– were born into a legacy of shadows and power. Their parents, Marylou and James Sturniolo, were revered leaders of the most formidable mafia known to the modern world. The Sturniolo name was always whispered with fear in every part of the city.
Marylou, the matriarch, was a master strategist, her mind a labyrinth of plots and secrets. She was the unseen hand guiding the gang’s moves, her decision always three steps ahead of any adversary. James, on the other hand, was the iron fist, ruling with a charismatic yet unyielding grip.
The triplets, each with their own distinct personality, were raised in a world where loyalty was the highest currency and betrayal was met with swift retribution. Nick, the eldest by mere minutes, possessed a natural charm and a sharp wit, often serving as the face of the younger Sturniolos’. Matt, the middle child, was the thinker, his analytical mind always finding the angle no one else saw. Chris, the youngest, was the wildcard, fearless and impulsive, with a penchant for finding trouble– and getting out of it. The three became symbols of a new era for the gang as their talents and skills honed to perfection.
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
Your background:
In the quiet comfort of your suburban life, you had only heard whispers of the Sturniolo triplets through hushed conversations and sensational headlines. To you, they were figures of a distant, shadowy world, notorious for their ruthlessness and the power they wielded in the city’s underground. The stories painted them as merciless, with hearts of stone and wills of iron, commanding respect and fear in equal measure.
Your life, in stark contrast, was a portrait of tranquility. You lived in a wealthy neighborhood where the biggest concern was the occasional lost cat or late newspaper delivery. Your days were filled with the simple pleasures of coffee with friends, jogs in the park, and the comfort of a good book by the fireplace.
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
It was supposed to be a simple deal. It really was. The deal: to give the Sturniolo gang any weapons or technology they required or needed in exchange to be kept alive and not be bothered. Nothing could possibly go wrong. So why did everything fall apart?
It was during a party when the Sturniolo triplets made their entrance. It didn’t take long to notice them, not that you could ignore them. They radiated a presence that screamed death. Each step measured. Nick, with his sharp suit and sharper gaze, had the air of a man who knew the weight of his charm and used it like a weapon. Matt’s eyes, analytical and piercing, seemed to take in every detail, calculating the potential of every interaction. Chris, with a mischievous smile playing on his lips, exuded a sense of danger and excitement that was almost palpable.
They made their way to your father. You couldn’t tell what they were talking about, and tried making your way over. But before you knew it, they had vanished. Turning your head around, you searched, but no luck. However you did manage to get a peak of your father's face. Cold sweat was running down his face.
Oh no, something must have happened. But surely that’s not possible. For years the Sturniolo gang has relied on your family’s company to supply them with weapons. And for years you have. What could have happened?
Confused, you made your way over to your father. “Dad, what happened? Is everything okay?” Immediately shaking his head, your father sighed and looked down, not being able to make eye contact.
“No. I’ve lost…” While he seemed to know what he was talking about, you surely didn’t.
“I don’t understand.”
“The Sturniolo’s have demanded that we supply them more weapons, since they have been having problems with rival gangs. It’s getting to a point where it will be hard to keep supplying them. They're asking for more than we can make. I told them this and now they have a proposal.”
“Which is…?” This seemed to peak your interest. What type of proposal could say your family and the company?
“It’s a deal where you are to be married to one of the sons, more specifically the middle child.”
“Matt Sturniolo?! That’s the deal?! Are you insane?!”
“No I’m not,” your father argued. “I’m thinking of the future. And if the future is being taken over by the mafia, then it may as well be in your interest to marry him.” You looked at your father astounded by what you just heard leaving his mouth.
“But Dad, I’m your daughter! You can’t give me up like that! And how would they even agree to something like that?!”
“Be silent! I’m your father! I know what’s best for the future of this family and company.” You now were absolutely livid. How could your father just do that to you? You were about to say something, but he beat you to speaking.
“Now, I suggest you start packing your bags, since you're going to be living with them from now on.” You started walking past him, but before you left the room you spoke.
“For once in my entire life, I am ashamed that you are my father.” You then walked out the room not daring to look back.
How would Matt even agree to something like this? You laid on your bed questioning all the events that happened that evening. Oh well, I guess I’ll be able to ask these questions directly to him tomorrow. You soon fell asleep, holding onto hope that you would wake up tomorrow and it would all just be a dream.
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jasonball34 · 9 months ago
hey Noa/Mae fans
There is a romantic ship that exists in the realm of sci-fi/fantasy. It consists of 2 characters of different species, and the 2 characters could be considered adversaries at times. One of them has a disdain for the others' species because that species took over the planet Earth from the first species. The two species have different lifespans, and by virtue of this, it might seem questionable to ship them if you look too closely at their age numbers (but the real ones know otherwise).
I am 100% truthfully describing 2 ships here: Noa/Mae from Planet of the Apes, and Artemis/Holly from the book series Artemis Fowl.
If you are a fan of Noa/Mae, I invite you into the Artemis Fowl fandom! You'd love the Artemis/Holly ship. It's got that same interspecies enemies-to-allies thing going on. We need more people like you guys, people who are clearly extremely open-minded about ships!
The Noa/Mae troop is doing great stuff btw. You guys are writing and drawing amazing stuff for your ship and made me go from denier to believer.
And to any AF fandom folks who like to hate on the A/H ship... I invite you to go check out what they're doing over in Planet of the Apes land if you want a new ship to be judgmental about! (Edit: This last part is a joke!! I apologise if it was in poor taste. I'm not literally telling haters to go harass. I'm trying to open their eyes to the fact that this great ship exists and want them to see it's not just the AF ship that checks all the boxes I described so we're not crazy for shipping it. Haters, mute don't harass!)
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rabbitprint · 2 months ago
hello! i've been an avid reader of your fics for such a long time and have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one, even for fandoms that i'm not acquainted with. i've been eager to read more recently and was wondering if you had any book recommendations? thank you!
Sorry for the delay on this, Anon! I wanted to track down some examples to cite so you could get a taste of the writing style for each book, so I had to do a little re-reading to dig out some sample quotes so you know what you're getting into. This will be a long post, so let me list the summary above the cut, and the details below it. :)
I have so many recommendations, and some of these are perpetually on my rec list (so you may have seen them before), but let me pull out a couple of authors so you can read a range from them, and some individual works. All of these have particular styles, interpretations, or technique that I appreciate, and I hope that they can bring you some enjoyment as well!
Patricia McKillip
Karen Traviss
Specific Books:
The Cage by Audrey Schulman
A Prayer for the Dying by Stewart O'Nan
The Call by Peadar Ó Guilín
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Patricia McKillip
If I had an author I could be like, it would be Patricia McKillip. I don't try to emulate her style, but I absolutely love the effortless sense of atmosphere and world building she imbues in every word, making even the most mundane moments feel ethereal. I really love the fluid way that she establishes and weaves magical systems into her world in a natural, organic manner, where things don't need to be codified in order to be part of you. 
Magic feels as ordinary as breathing in her stories, and breathing -- in turn -- feels magical.
The mage drifted past them, searching; dreams and random nightmares blew against him and clung. Within the castle, children wrapped in ancient tapestries wept in their sleep; someone screamed incessantly and would not be comforted; young sentries whispered of fowl browning on a spit, of hot game pie; old men trembling in the ramparts longed for the fires below, the sturdy oak on the hill. On the field, men feverish with wounds dreamed of feet made of ice instead of flesh and bone, of the sharp end of bone where a hand should be, of a mass of black feathers shifting, softly rustling in the shadows, waiting. The mage saw finally what he searched for: a flame held in a mailed fist on a purple field, the banner of the ruling house of Kardeth. - The Book of Atrix Wolfe, Patricia McKillip
She creates so many worlds filled with a gentle kind of wonder, and where stereotypical lines of good and bad blur all over -- which I deeply appreciated as a kid and still fight for fiercely today. There's a persistent message throughout her works that just because creatures are on the adversarial side, it doesn't make them evil, or often anything other than trying to survive in their own beautiful, non-human ways -- and they don't have to become human either. They're not lacking anything essential by being inhuman. And in a world where the media is absolutely oversaturated with the stance that humans have this innate quality that no other life has -- whether through values which are treated as superior, a degree of deeper understanding, or simply emotions like the ability to love -- so the respect that McKillip uses for non-human creatures in her stories is a much-needed oasis.
(Which brings me to my next author in a moment.)
That being said, her modern day stuff doesn't do it for me the same way as her straightforward fantasy settings, which might simply be because I go to her books craving a certain flavor, and aren't in the right mindset to appreciate the modern setting.
The more enjoyable books for me (favorites starred) were:
The Riddle-Master Trilogy (Riddle-Master of Hed, Heir of Sea and Fire, Harpist in the Wind) *
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld *
Winter Rose (oddly, the prequel to Solstice Wood, which didn't do it for me)
The Book of Atrix Wolfe *
Song for the Basilisk
The Tower at Stony Wood
Ombria in Shadow *
In the Forests of Serre
Alphabet of Thorn
Od Magic
Karen Traviss
"People who wouldn't dream of drowning a puppy in a barrel full of water think nothing of killing a fish the same slow way." Matriarch, Karen Traviss
On the other side -- stylistically -- is Karen Traviss, who's written for all kinds of IPs including Halo, Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Batman, Gears of War (lead writer for GoW3), along with her own original works. She's a former journalist/reporter with experience as a defence correspondent, and that shows in her writing, which is part of why she's a name I always list in my recommendations. She also brought us the first canonically gay Mandalorians, which -- from what I'm aware, your insight may vary -- brought about a lot of complaints from the fandom along the typical lines of, 'It's not that I hate her books for the gay because I'm not a bigot -- but here's my sudden list of all the nitpicks for why they're awful and terrible because they're just bad quality etc etc and incidentally let me share my essay about why Mandalorians shouldn't be gay anyway.'
All that aside, what I really like about her work is how she incorporates her own lived knowledge and experience with her writing in a way that's very easy to read, where you're not overwhelmed by technical information, but can see the authenticity in it, and even learn as you go. That's a hard balance to strike when it falls between wanting to info-dump vs. glossing over the details so much that your story feels generic. There's a practical, pragmatic flavor to her works where immaturity for the sake of drama isn't the sole force pushing the story forward, and I appreciate that too. Her writing is more straightforward and brusque, but I like it for its tone of voice too. 
Like McKillip, I haven't been grabbed by all of Traviss's works -- my actual reading is very slim, just the Wess'har series and some Gears of War novels -- and I haven't been able to really dig into anything I've picked up from her recently, but I have faith that I'll get back to her list eventually. Also, as she's a writer who works in IPs that are often extremely toxic towards women, I wave flags for her work.
"Good point." Baird took the section out of his hands and tried to work out which side had been in contact with the water. There wasn't enough curve in the sheet to work out which part of the hull it came from, and both sides looked pretty shitty with encrustation. "There's more crap on this side, so I'm guessing this way up." The ragged bullet holes had to have a direction. Baird took off his glove and eased a finger into one hole to see if splinters snagged his skin. Yeah, he could feel it. When he pulled back, his finger slipped out easily. He tried a few more times with another hole. When he held the sheet under a light and tilted it carefully, he could see a slight bowing around the holes. "Shit," he said. "The shots came from inside the hull. Not from outside. It wasn't shot up from the outside while it was capsized, then." "Is that a big deal?" Jace asked. "Doesn't tell us much." "It tells me plenty." - Anvil Gate (Gears of War), Karen Traviss
As for the Wess'har series itself, I have a lot of fondness. It's a sci-fi series that explores the premise that humanity has finally run into other sentient life -- that it recognizes as sentient -- only to not end up as the much-adored darlings of the universe. The other species are older, more developed, have their own cultures and principles, and absolutely do not have the need for humanity to come and 'save' them -- if anything, humanity gets into trouble fairly quickly for its assumptions that it can just loot anything it comes into contact with. 
Aras stiffened. "It's not about species. It's what you do. Do you know what I despise most about you?" His tone, as ever, was deceptively even, like a priest giving absolution to a monster and trying hard not to let his personal revulsion show. "Your unshakable belief that you're special, that somehow all the callousness and careless violence that your kind hand out to each other and to other beings can be forgiven because you have this... this great human spirit. I have viewed your dramas and your literature, you see. I have lost count of the times that I have seen the humans spared by the aliens because, despite humanity's flaws, the alien admires their plucky spirit and ability to strive. Well, I am that alien, and I don't admire your spirit, and your capacity to strive is no more than greed. And unlike your god, I don't love you despite your sins." - Crossing the Line, Karen Traviss
In an unrelenting sea of homocentrism -- particularly in sci-fi and fantasy -- it's refreshing to see a reminder that humanity is not so uniquely special simply for existing that it automatically elevates us above other species, particularly above the consequences of what we do to those other species. The Wess'har series explores a lot about interspecies relations -- pun intended, as there are cross-species relationships -- and also the concept of identity, body horror/bodily changes and environmental impact. It's not perfect -- from what I dimly remember, there are some odd lines of binary gender that Traviss draws (I'd have to read again to be sure, but nothing really worse than you'd expect from an author whose vocabulary and experiences might be reflective of their environment) -- but I like what I've seen of Traviss's personality and the understandable simmer of salt in it which comes across in her written works too.
And for individual recs that stand out similarly for aspects of their craft...
The Cage by Audrey Schulman Content Warnings: Death, injury, graphic descriptions of gore.
This one is a short read, and it stays on my list because it does a wonderful job of capturing a very specific sense of atmosphere that matches the subject material, and carries it all the way through. The premise is that the MC is a nature photographer, and -- due to her small size -- is selected to fit inside a protective cage from which to photograph polar bears in the Arctic. She, along with two other artists and a guide, head into the punishing wilderness with their tiny van and a long list of cautionary tales about how fast the cold and bears will both kill you in horrifying ways. 
At which point, of course, disaster strikes.
Her mother was a quiet woman with small infrequent gestures. Each gesture meant something: danger, money worries, happiness. Her mother understood the world as a place much bigger than she was and accepted without a fight all events that she couldn't change. She lived her life with her hands by her sides, moving them only to express her feeling towards the inevitable when it appeared. Throughout her childhood Beryl had learned to watch for these gestures with the same fear that a person on a dark night feels when she peers at the handle of her door. - The Cage, Audrey Schulman
I see a lot of negative reviews on this book, and most of them are disappointed because they go in expecting action and a basic animal survival story, stacked with fighting and danger. Bears! Snow! Adventure! Instead, the book really captures the sense of what feels like the Arctic itself, where you're surrounded by the insulating hush of snow, of cold and silence, and fragility -- a fragility that echoes the vulnerability that's set up with the MC's position as well, an environment that's simply lived-in, much like the Arctic itself is. It's the kind of crisp stillness that makes me think of a New England winter day where the snow is eight feet tall, and the sky and ground are the same relentless white -- where everything is muffled, but also beautiful and self-contained, so that you find yourself standing in place and listening to a tangible quiet wrapping around you. I love this book specifically because of that atmosphere and how it echoes the story itself, and I enjoy coming back to it now and then to feel that cold trickling into my lungs with each breath, even when it's 80 degrees outside.
There's also an ongoing thread throughout for gender violence, and the author doesn't shy away from it either; from the very start when she describes an encounter with a potential assailant, to the pressure that the MC experiences from being in spaces with men trying to push their interests onto her -- sometimes in interpersonal ways, sometimes physically. It can be a stressful read for this reason, and so I want to say upfront that the MC remains safe in that regard and people learn to be decent. (There are still, however, bears.)
A Prayer for the Dying - Stewart O'Nan Content Warnings: Illness, death, graphic descriptions of both subjects, cannibalism, necrophilia.
This book stays on my list as a well-done example of a published piece that uses 2nd Person POV and combines it with a wonderfully consistent narrative voice that sets the feel of the story immediately, and in such a tangible way. It came out in 2013 (EDIT: 1999! I knew I was misremembering something), which was one of the many times in fandom where anything written in 2nd Person POV was widely criticized as childish, immature, impossible to tell a good story with, etc -- and that 'no published book would ever use 2nd Person POV' and so forth. 
Well, said I, here's one: 
Not that you mind earning your money, but when folks have need of you it's someone's misfortune one way or the other. The undertaking's easy; being a constable is hard. When you put them together it can be too much, though that's only happened once since you've been back. And you got through that fine, did the Soderholms proud. With his head cocked on the pillow and his hair combed just so, you couldn't see where his brother conked him, and Eric, for his part, went easy, even came to the funeral in irons and his Sunday suit. You led him up to the casket for his last respects. - A Prayer for the Dying, Stewart O'Nan
That being said, the book does a great job with the nature of 2nd Person POV as well, leaning into the strengths of an uncertain narrator during a stressful time, where we follow along with his downward spiral as his town falls prey to plague and an incoming wildfire. The wording does a great job of presenting that decaying rationality, where the narrator truly believes he's relatively stable and logical -- which, to be fair, makes for rough decisions anyway during a crisis time, and when the line of 'rational' quickly becomes a challenge of choosing to let one person die in an attempt to save two others.
Clytie reminds you of those horses you owe your life to, the ones your regiment ate raw from the inside out those long weeks, sleeping between their empty ribs while the Reb shells whined all night. Clytie makes you think of the nameless friends you had to load into wagons like sides of meat, of how small you are, how weak. You're more comfortable with animals smaller than you -- dogs and cats, animals capable of showing love -- and this is a failing, you think. You need to embrace all creation, not just the easy parts. - A Prayer for the Dying, Stewart O'Nan
The narrator himself is also a Civil War vet, and the horrors from that are woven very deftly throughout that same steady dialogue, where it's clear that he's doing his best to get through the aftermath even when it haunts him daily. The story's voice pairs with it wonderfully, weaving what feels like the soft, patiently relentless delivery of someone doing their best to remain very calm and careful and practical even in the midst of pure despair. 
The Call by Peadar Ó Guilín Content Warnings: gore, body horror, more gore, a lot more body horror
As an entry into the 'teenagers trapped in survival games' genre, this book stood out for me not only because of how it combined elements of Irish stories with survival horror, but also how it erases the line of 'good' and 'evil' between its factions. The premise of this one is that Ireland has been trapped behind a supernatural curtain cutting it off from the rest of the world, and during their teenage years, each child is kidnapped by the Sídhe for a short duration -- who proceed to hunt them down brutally before inflicting incredible, and often fatal, degrees of body horror on them. The Sídhe in this book all have the ability to reshape human flesh like clay with just a touch, and they are very, very angry at humanity for banishing them into a living hell.
The water around him shivers like a lump of jelly, sliding away in great lumps as the rusting metal reveals itself to be the shell of a tank-sized monster. He freezes -- the natural response of tiny prey since the beginning of time. Maybe it won't see me here, worthless crumb that I am, hardly worth the trouble of eating... But he draws attention to himself by crying out. For he has seen that it has not one face, but dozens and dozens of them. They are crammed in together beneath the lip of the crablike dome of its shell. All of them are human, melting into each other, mouths twisted in pain or fury or hunger. A thousand blinking, tearful eyes; the feature of every ethnicity in the world. - The Call, Peadar Ó Guilín
Notably too, the MC in this book had polio in her childhood, meaning that her mobility is limited -- and everyone writes her off as someone who will never survive. I really appreciated how the story tackles the issues of what people expect from someone in her situation, along with characters who are canonically queer (and I wish I could say no gay people die in this book, but it is quite literally all about people dying), have a wide range of different motivations, etc. While the male MC is a love interest, the relationship between them is very much overshadowed by their mutual awareness that the need to survive comes first, and he himself is more of a pacifist and a vegetarian -- which similarly causes people to dismiss him, too.
Additionally, the take on the Sídhe here is one I appreciate a lot. They're beautiful, yes -- but rabidly malicious, which the book also portrays as extremely understandable considering what they've been enduring for centuries. They're shown as inhuman in outlook, but in a way that's part of their nature rather than a lessening of their value, and they have their own culture and perspective (albeit one that's been also heavily shaped from their imprisonment.) They are clearly suffering, and are turning that suffering back with avid eagerness upon humanity in turn. Similarly, the humans themselves aren't perfect either -- you have some people seeking to exploit others for their own gain, some betrayals coming out of greed and some out of desperation because they're grasping for any chance at survival. It's a terrible mess of misery circling back upon itself, but the book allows you to choose where you -- as the reader -- want to place the blame, if any.
It's clearly a no-win situation for both sides, and yet there's no way out either. The worldbuilding is also nicely done, showing an isolated nation where children are raised in constant preparation for the inevitable brutal fight for their lives, and the normalization of it that's worked its way into society. People are trained to know what to do when a child suddenly vanishes before their ways, only to be returned in horribly reshaped ways. 
The sequel isn't quite as strong a read for me, though it's still good; I think the ending of the first was simply solid enough that it could have stopped there and felt very wrapped up. Still worth a read! But you can choose where you want to land, pretty much.
As an added bonus, the audiobook of it is extremely well done -- it's narrated by Amy Shiels, who is Irish herself, so it's definitely a treat.
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
This one is a bit of an outlier for the list because I haven't finished it yet, only paged through parts, but the premise drew me in, along with how easy the writing was to settle into. I tend to stay away from Western historic period novels which lean into the era-appropriate writing styles because the use of language doesn't engage me as much (definitely just personal preference!), but this particular novel flows very readily for me, so the cadence of it didn't end up being a barrier. I also almost skipped over it because I thought it was another het romance, but I took a sharper look at it after I realized that Alexis Hall writes heavily in the LGBTAQ+ field, and I'm glad I did.
Rushing back to the stairwell, she leaned into the gloom, and called after him. "You claimed that you would be swearing." "Clearly," he returned. "I am not so lost to decency that I would swear within your earshot." His voice already sounded strained. Pain-roughened. And, as she had last night, she knew she would do anything to ease it. "You need not hold back on my account." Silence curled up from the staircase.  She shouldn't. She couldn't. She had to. "I'll go first. Culus." There was a pause. Maybe he hadn't heard. Maybe he was shocked. Maybe he thought she was unhinged. And then his voice floated back to her. "Verpa." "Cunuus," she offered. Another pause. And, finally, more hesitantly. "Testes?" "Testes? Really? You chose testes?" Even though he couldn't see her, she curled her lip in playful scorn. "You promised I would be appalled." "I sincerely apologise" -- the echo caught his breathlessness and magnified it, but she could tell he was amused -- "for having disappointed you with my inadequate obscenities." - A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Full disclaimer again: I haven't read the entire book, so I might end up completely wrong on many of these points. Apologies in advance if that's the case!
The premise is that the MC went missing in combat as a soldier during the Battle of Waterloo, and took advantage of the opportunity to transition, only to return and realize just how much she's in love with her former best friend. However, this novel doesn't go down the overdone route of having the conflict be framed as the MC being deceptive thanks to her gender (and facing rejection because of it), but instead about the male love interest thinking she was dead and grieving deeply for years because of it. Their recovery together is a positive one, with her gaining confidence in society as she tries to get her footing (and during a time without medical support for transitioning) while the male MC is also dealing with post-war injuries and trauma. Their flirtations together are thoughtful as they both seek to be polite and respectful towards each other, which makes it extremely charming, and the other characters are also really enjoyable to read with their banter.
The book also gets into the subject of physical intimacy during a time without effective medical/surgical transition -- but does so in tender, affirming ways that feel consistently positive (again, I've only flipped through sections, but from what I've seen, it's really nice.) The male MC is just really wonderful for how sincerely he supports her, and I didn't expect to like him as much as I tentatively have so far, but it's hard not to when he welcomes her so wholeheartedly.
The impression I have so far is that this is a wonderful comfort read if you're looking for someone trans being supported in many kind and gentle ways by numerous people around them, and that's something I think we could use more of in the world right now.
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Perthehaps.... 3,8 and 14 Wesley?
Thanks for the ask!!! :D (for this ask game!)
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Oh Wesley, my prickly bookworm <3
3. Who does your mc not get along with? Why?
Wesley does not like Stella. She's just way too much for him and he doesn't really mesh well with people like that. He doesn't hate her by any means, he even starts to want to try to be on better terms with her, (and everyone really. It's a part of his little character arc where he realizes that "hey, maybe the way that I treat people isn't the greatest and I should actually give people a chance instead of just assuming that they already don't like me and treating them like they do hate me.") but she's not his first pick in terms of company.
He also doesn't care for Sybil. He didn't go to see her with Stella on Monday so he was very confused when this strange woman on the street started telling him about portents of doom and incoming disasters, it all sounded like a load of nonsense to him. And then all of the weird stuff he noticed with Kaneeka and the fact that it was her who encouraged Joan to start poisoning Reese (and Joan's whole "Don trust her, she's a snake" thing)...yeah it doesn't paint the prettiest picture in his mind, so he'd rather keep her at arms length.
8. Why did they decide to come to the funeral?
I don't think that he'd ever admit this, but (deep down) Wesley was so glad when Tabitha reached out to him. See, he lives a very monotonous life and while he does enjoy structure, he has been beginning to grow tired of it all. He's stressed out and kind of hates everything about his life. He hates where he lives, he hates his loud roommates who don't ever seem to listen to him when he tells them he needs to be able to focus, and he's just trying to push through it all and work off his law school debt.
When Tabitha told him about the funeral, he thought that it would be a nice break from it all.
14. Is your mc good with people?
Oh god no. He's awful at social interaction in basically all forms and has a hard time forming (and maintaining) relationships with people.
Wesley is very blunt and doesn't sugarcoat anything that he says. This naturally leads to a lot of social faux pas and him accidentally saying things that come off as rude and adversarial (even in the cases where he's not trying to be). His social battery is perpetually burnt out and he doesn't have a lot of patience for dealing with people who are extremely loud and outgoing.
He's good at carrying himself in conversation when it involves work/planning/research and anything that he's personally interested in (which is generally just books and anything that he's currently researching) but he's completely lost when it comes to casual conversation, he just doesn't know what to say to people. Like, he can identify when something is wrong with someone and that something is bugging them, but he is awful at actually giving comfort to people.
When Wesley can get along with people, it's usually those who are similar to him in some way. Whether it be that they have the same hobbies or the same general unsociability or some other thing.
And as stated above, Wesley assumes that the majority of people in scarlet hollow already don't like him, and seeing people's general reactions upon him arriving in scarlet hollow for the first time doesn't help in breaking that view. He thinks "hey, the majority of these people don't like me. I'm literally just going to be here for a week and then I'm going back to Portland and I'll never see any of these people again, there's no point in bending over backwards trying to get them to like me."
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thecountesstribe · 6 months ago
Just saw your post about the Rhea and Liv situation. May I ask how would you go about fixing it from this point forward if you were given creative control?
Hey. So I'm just gonna address the biggest elephants in the storyline that I think could be fixed.
1) Get Dom out of the mix. Let him find some business and get him outta the women's stuff. The feud is already focused heavily on him whether we want to admit it or not instead of the history and WCC and that wasn't supposed to be. Especially since they're not gonna book that Rhea vs Dom match to squash their chapter in the story.
2) Let Liv start handling her stuff on her own. She's capable of it, they've shown she could do it before she was intertwined heavily with TNJD so I don't understand why they just let go of the plot like that. I'm not saying she can't have some interference here and there, she's a heel but having Dom do the heavy lifting since she's gotten her hands on the title is discrediting the shit out of her reign. For eg, she's in a predicament she knows she can't win let her rely on her craftiness, her being cunning and all the tactics that got her revenge against Rhea in the first place. That way it won't look like Dom is carrying her reign.
3) Lose the Raquel bodyguard plot immediately. This is gonna go the same way as the Dom interfering plot. I'd much have her come back as the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Raquel comes back and attacks Rhea cause she does owe her but do not have her align herself all the way with Liv. Let Liv immediately lock in on the fact that Raquel is indeed a threat to her instead of it going the predictable blindsiding route. Liv's character right now is a manipulator and a tactician so her blindly trusting Raquel just for Raquel to turn on her eventually is lame. If people think Liv can't beat Rhea credibly, she most definitely can't beat Raquel as well when that time eventually does come. Plus I think it would give some more spice to leading up to Wargames. After Rhea loses this Saturday, she and Raquel could settle their differences in the meantime and it opens up other contenders and other teammates/adversaries for the Wargames match and Liv's championship reign. Instead of it being locked in a stalemate between these 3.
4) Rhea doesn't need to win back the title so soon especially if they're gonna drag this out. The outcome is she's winning this feud eventually. Her path to redemption has started and she needs to focus on that and I'm only saying that because something needs to be done about Rhea's booking. She even said it was a problem. There are no contenders for her to match with realistically and everyone can't have the same gimmick. Especially if they wanna milk the hell out of her being a babyface cause she's over as hell right now.
5) Revamp the creative team who's writing this storyline if they're gonna continue on this path.
I have a hell of a lot more but that more entails stuff for the future but feel free to comment what you'll do with this storyline. I love reading different takes and opinions as long as they're respectful. 🩵
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shredsandpatches · 8 months ago
as i research into stuff for my jewish faust meta, i find there's a lot to unpack with mephistopheles originally being a demon from german folklore in the main legend. (in my retelling, we're not all that sure what mephi is to begin with, an allusion to satan/hasatan from "the book of job" simply translating to "the adversary" from hebrew. we just know that he sure as hell isn't human :])
in goethe's version, he comes much more off as a hasatan - the adversary - type from "the book of job". i think it's something about his very cavalier "hey, g-d, if i managed to corrupt this heinrich faust guy would that be fucked up or what :D" energy. marlowe's take on mephi bears similarities to lucifer with all of the internal conflict and insight we get into his character, though we don't get that same insight with goethe's. i love goethe's mephistopheles (as you can tell), but i think that a lot about his character motivations come off as a lot more ambiguous and we don't really get as much insight into who he is.
maybe this facet of how mephi's portrayed deserves an entire meta or analysis post of its own, though i find that the figures of satan and lucifer in more contemporary portrayals of the devil archetype tend to overlap as the same character. and maybe goethe was going for that, but i haven't really done much research into goethe's personal views on religion yet, nor have i read much of his other work.
Oh, Goethe's Mephistopheles is definitely a Job-like figure--that's one of the reasons I saw your Jewish Faust take and went "yeah, I could see that!" Goethe was not conventionally religious at all and may have been more of a deist or atheist, iirc--Faust uses Christian iconography for its conception of the universe but ascribes a lot of different meanings to it. There's a bit of a pop-cultural tendency to just read Mephistopheles as another name for "the devil" but if he's "the devil" he's the devil of another cosmography rather than just straight-up being the Christian devil, I think. More generally I do think it's important that Mephistopheles is inextricably tied to the Faust legend--it's worth noting that in the earliest references his name is spelled Mephostophiles, which basically parses to "not loving light" in Greek, but if you say it aloud with that pronunciation you can probably discern the wordplay, with Faust's name embedded in that of his demon. Insofar as he can be detached from it I think he's a very personal demon more so than the universal enemy of humanity implied by the idea of the Christian devil.
(As a side note, you should definitely check out Boito's opera Mefistofele, which is the only operatic version to include Mephistopheles' wager with Upstairs, although the divine voice is represented by the chorus because there's some stuff that's kinda hard to pull off in opera. The aria he has about how he just isn't having any fun these days because humans are corrupt enough without him is delightful--in general I think you'd like it, though, it's really good and all of the title character's arias serve incredible amounts of cunt. I'll finish this post and then I'll dig up a video of that first aria for you)
This ask also got me thinking, because you mention that Marlowe's Mephistopheles "bears similarities to Lucifer" -- I can't actually think of any tortured demon figures in literature that predate him. Dante's Satan doesn't even seem sapient, and devil characters in medieval drama tend to be slapstick figures. Of course the trope codifier for the tormented and even somewhat sympathetic Satan/Lucifer is Milton's Paradise Lost (although Milton is a devout Christian and consistently undermines the reader's sympathy) but Milton, despite his Puritanism, was a theater fan and draws on Marlowe's Mephistopheles for his characterization ("which way I fly is hell, myself am hell" definitely owes something to "why, this is hell, nor am I out of it"). Is Mephistopheles the trope codifier for putting the emo in demon? I think he might be!
(But it is, of course, important that in Doctor Faustus and its source material Lucifer is a separate character--when Faustus tries to strike his deal the first thing Mephistopheles says is basically "lemme ask my boss." Later on he shows up in person to put the fear of himself into Faustus. Since it's a play where the question of whether Faustus has free will hangs over the whole thing, it's important to Mephistopheles' function as a dramatic foil that he pretty manifestly does not. He may not even want to damn Faustus but that's immaterial, he's along for the ride anyway)
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