#The O.G.
comicwaren · 1 month
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“The worst part about trying to change anything is that sometimes... it comes with a cost.” -- Night Thrasher
Cover art for Night Thrasher Vol. 2 #004
Art by Alan Quah
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heckcareoxytwit · 5 months
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Just as Dwayne Taylor was supposed to discuss with his colleague about shutting down Taylor Foundation company, he sees a group of kids running off with stolen goods from a robbery spree. Dwayne tries to take down one of the kids but fails to stop him and he is nearly arrested by the police. Even though things were cleared up by his colleague, the police were still suspicious of Dwayne but they let him go. Then, Dwayne goes to the safehouse to put on his Night Thrasher armor and just before he could do that, Silhouette talks to him. And a shot of the old New Warriors photo makes me sad.
Later that night, Dwayne Taylor (now in Night Thrasher armor) comes out to look for the little robbers and he finds them congregating in the sewers. Unfortunately, Dwayne gets ambushed by a muscular man who calls himself O.G. and fights him. Dwayne fights him to a stand-still until he unmasks O.G. and it turns out that O.G. is Elvin Haliday, a.k.a Rage all along! Elvin Haliday has apparently turned bad because he is angry with Dwayne for leaving him and his friends for unspecified reasons. Elvin beats Dwayne up to unconsciousness and orders for him to be taken outside.
Night Thrasher v2 #1, 2024
Even though I don't like the idea of Elvin turning bad, I can't blame him for that since the New Warriors had been screwed over in the recent years. Rage had been through a lot of misfortune like losing Dwayne in Civil War (though he came back from the dead a few years later), his New Warriors team getting slandered a lot, arrested and thrown into prison to get beaten to near-death by inmates in Nick Spencer's Captain America: Sam Wilson comic, being venomized and poisonized to near-mindlessness in Venomized storyline, and lastly, that Outlawed fiasco for the New Warriors. So I can't blame him for being angry with the world. Though I believe that Elvin Haliday may be brainwashed here.
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thelassoway · 9 months
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Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso Seasons 1-3 » T-shirts
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utilitycaster · 1 month
Marisha truly shines with the Jackie Renoux archetype; there's a lot of it in both Beau and Patia, and even a little in Keyleth and Bunnie, and it's just like girl you gotta play a woman who's unbelievably competent but either arrogant or sort of annoying (positive) about it because every single incarnation of this slaps so hard.
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69-toojay · 1 year
x men prequel: have you ever wondered why professor x is baaald?
me: I mean not really? Old people lose hair because of genetics it's not that deep
Prequel: IT Was mAGNetO's FaulT
me: naturally, what about the wheelchair?
me: ooookay.
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weezmancer3 · 7 months
The O.G Idiots in Love
Lance is naturally expressive. Like, the man has no concept of a poker face and is especially bad at uno. Keith can't read expressions and has no clue that his own expressions are practically nonexistent. So Lance thinks Keith is constantly pissed and Keith has no idea Lance is blushing at him and isn't just flushed from training.
The other paladins have to watch them interact and are severely injured by the amount of secondhand embarrassment. Shiro gets it worse because Keith will talk to him about Lance and anytime Shiro subtly suggests something like, "Sounds like you two might like each other" Keith laughs at him.
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todayinhiphophistory · 4 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Ed O.G. & Da Bulldogs released their debut album Life Of A Kid In The Ghetto March 5, 1991
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zmediaoutlet · 2 months
Sam could put the car in park but he doesn't think it's going to take that long. Purling fog over the sidewalk and the tapedeck's got Sabbath on low, Paranoid, the engine rumbling through the steering wheel where he's got two fingers curled, idling on the brake while he watches in the wing mirror. A kiss. Like a movie, especially with them still in costume. Dean holds the low sweep of her back in that goofy princess dress and Jamie grips his white romance-hero sleeves and it's good, clearly, from how she curves into the shape of his body, how she looks up at him with her teeth in her lip. Sam can't see Dean's face from this angle but he can imagine it. When it's that good and they want him that bad, and they're imagining how it could be. His thumb riding low along the gentle curve of her cheek. Best they've ever had, bar none.
The passenger door opens, and closes. Dean follows his eyes to the wing mirror where the front door to Jamie's house is illuminated in porchlight, where she's locked her door against the night. "Perv," Dean says. Not sounding surprised or like he minds that much. While they watch the light goes out. Damsel off to bed. Dean rubs his fingers over his mouth, sighs. Says, "Are we going, or am I gonna regret letting you drive for the thousandth time?"
"I don't think you've let me drive a thousand times," Sam says, but he puts the car in gear. Ignores the four months in the rearview that he's trying to pack away tight and gone and enjoys Dean's mild bitching instead, about Sam's use of blinker signals and how fast he brakes and that he goes six over the speed limit instead of nine, all the way back across town to their motel.
Rare non-Oktoberfest theme, dark green bedspreads and gold-glow lamps that bring all the color back from the cold night outside. Dean looks even dumber struggling to unbuckle his suspenders. "Dude, why couldn't the fake vampire have gotten snap-on lederhosen," he mumbles. Sam snorts, dumps the keys on the table. Knocks Dean's hands away and gets one of the buckles undone in about three seconds, for which he gets a look. "I loosened it for you."
"Sure you did," Sam says. Gets the other and pushes the straps off Dean's shoulders so they swing around his hips. He flicks a button. "Is this the worst shirt in the world?"
"Ranked," Dean says, but he catches Sam's wrist. Stands there with his cheek sucked in on one side, looking at Sam's throat and then up to meet his eyes. "You know, I totally had an in, back there."
"Yeah, I know you did," Sam says. He lets Dean keep holding his wrist but starts unbuttoning the stupid shirt, anyway.
Flick of tongue to Dean's lower lip. "Dehymenation on lock. Big hero gets the damsel, the whole deal."
"I think she was technically the hero, since she shot the monster," Sam says. Dean's very pale under the shirt. His chest moving as he takes a deep breath. "Which makes you…"
"Don't say it," Dean says, and when Sam smiles he gets a backhanded smack to the shoulder. Sam pulls the shirt out of the tuck into the weird shorts and Dean grabs both his wrists then, tongue at the corner of his mouth. He takes a breath but doesn't say anything with it, and so Sam hooks the first two fingers of both hands into the waistband, hitches Dean those few inches closer. Touches his lips to Dean's temple and feels the next breath Dean takes with his whole body, seems like.
"Oh, Mister Harker," Sam says, quiet. Makes Dean puff out half-a-laugh, his head tipping back. Sam takes him in, like this. Safe and smiling, in a motel with a locked door, no particular horror about to batter the walls down. This day or two the easiest he's been in—since he's come back. Easier than he was the whole year before that, and maybe the year before that, and maybe for a long time that Sam didn't see him. He breaks Dean's grip on his right hand and cups Dean's cheek in his hand and Dean's eyes go to this other darker color, his lips parting.
A kiss—easy, brief. No romance soundtrack and nothing crazy other than how crazy it always is. Dean's mouth and the way he tips into it soft and willing and the brief taste of beer and then the salt-spit tang that's meant Sam's brother just about as long as anything's meant anything. Their noses brush warmly and Dean smiles, for what reason Sam doesn't know. When he lifts up an inch or two there's no answer. He drags his thumb along the curve of Dean's jaw and Dean opens his eyes, pleased. So good Sam could take him literally any way. Even in the awful knee-high socks. Although—
"If we're dehymenating you, can we lose the costume?" Sam says, and Dean grips his hair and says, "If you never mention the costume again, I'll do that thing you pretend you don't like," and Sam says, flushing warm, "Deal." He doesn't have to imagine because he knows. Best he's ever had, or will.
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doctorslippery · 6 months
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Supervillain origin story, he's the "og".
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comicwaren · 3 months
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“I’m ready for you this time. And you’re not the only angry one here.” -- Night Thrasher
Cover art for Night Thrasher Vol. 2 #002, “If You Don’t Know, Now You Know”
Art by Alan Quah
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catfindr · 2 years
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icedteaandoldlace · 8 months
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I love them, your honor. 💖
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doublescribble · 2 months
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Joel Embiid and OG Anunoby 2024 NBA Playoffs, 1st Round
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dapurinthos · 2 months
i have developed a deep loathing for people who are all 'yes i have done a completely integrated star wars legends/disney clone wars timeline' and then it turns out the timeline is just a list of book chapters, comic pages, and episode titles. no. that is not a timeline. that is a timetable. a timeline has events.
(the only valid timeline creator is the person behind numidian prime, with the continuity breakdown category and a complete disney-canon timeline, which is my saviour)
this is worse than calibrating theoretical theran eruption dates to a lunar calendar while also remembering to keep the precession of the equinoxes in mind so that the seasons are also in the right place, and that nasa kindly put the calendar in the right order so that everything from 4 october 1582ce is indeed in the julian calendar but all the dates need a year added to them to be the correct bce one.
such as: in 1518bce, the winter solstice was on 3 ianuarius, there was a penumbral lunar eclipse on the 12th, the vernal equinox was on 5 aprilis, the summer solstice of 7 iulius had a full moon (1518bce was a very special year where the moon was waxing from new on the winter solstice, full on the summer). there was a partial solar eclipse on 22 iulius, spica rose c. 18 september, the sun began to shine in the throne room of knossos c. 26 september, 11 days before the lunar new year, meaning that there weren't any intercalary days to add that year. the autumn equinox was on 7 october, shortly before the sowing of flax seed. the new lunar year probably began c. the 19th (since the new year was in autumn), which would be followed by the opening of the new wine.
i am what they call intense about chronology.
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oh wow i haven't used the minoan novel tag in just over six years. i wonder if i'd be able to do better at it now that i'm on the vyvanse with my newly acquired concentration powers.
no. bad. stop. it will still be there after figuring out gffawmbctta (why did i decide to give a ridiculous title to this fic monster? probably because it is a monster
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