#The Next Step Kenzie
thepermanentrainpress · 3 months
The Permanent Rain Press Interview with Emmerly Tinglin. (Watch in HD)
Emmerly Tinglin chats about her role as Kenzie in The Next Step, including the events of season 9, relationships with Pete, Heath and Camille, personal growth, behind the scenes and choreography, time at Joanne Chapman School of Dance, and journey as a content creator.
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darlingdivasworld · 4 months
Thank goodness we didn't lose them
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aliferousdreamer · 5 months
my thoughts on the next step 9a
clude leaving is so bittersweet... i'm so sad we've lost such a sweet couple and great wlw representation but they left happy and stronger than ever!!!!!!!
the colour symbolism with kenzie's signature colour going from yellow from to blue is a subtle but effective character choice imo. the yellow in s8 felt more youthful joyful and vibrant for when she was new to being dance captain, whereas now kenzie's blue wardrobe in s9 shows that she's maturing and gaining wisdom as dance captain, but is also going through some tough times too. blue is also tns' signature colour so it also shows that she's an important part of the studio!!!
i love heath in this season... his energy, his attitude, his relationships, carter's acting, everything 💯
grace's reasoning for wanting revenge is so silly because she legit made herself an outcast and when kenzie tried to talk with her she just dipped
i'm still upset and bitter and frustrated with daisy leaving........ i just hate seeing great potential dropped like that. melody was such a good addition to the cast!! also where was her goodbye scene with izzy???????? she wasn't just close with heath; she was close to izzy too!!!!!!
my heart broke for pete multiple times and i'm glad that we had a storyline tackling grief and (briefly) men's mental health. i wish it had more of a focus and lasted for longer but it was still effective.
thalia and eldon are still together!!!!!!!! yesssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
kenzie basically being both the dance captain and studio head by herself because what does nick even do retroactively makes riley look even worse at being studio head.......... yeah season 4's treatment of riley is still annoying me in the year 2024
idk if it's just me but does anyone else feel like it's not internationals???? the vibe feels much more like regionals or nationals. the scale doesn't quite feel grand enough
i wasn't sure that heath was "the heart of the team" but after watching all of 9a, not only is he the heart of the team he's also the team therapist and cheerleader... i love to see it
i love that anthony is still a ball of stress/anxiety and is also in a really important leader position as group choreographer. so often you see anxious people just depicted as introverts and not as leaders, so it's nice to see someone who's anxious but also a very capable leader
olive is the definition of a precious cinnamon roll. she's sounds like a disney princess every time she talks. she reminds me of amy in s4 too!! she really is just the 🥺 emoji
random point but i love that adele's signature colour being emerald green. it reminds me of ariel's tail in the little mermaid and now i'm thinking of an au where adele is ariel and anthony is prince eric
i know i'm probably in the minority here but i am totally on board with anthony x adele (should their ship name be anthele/adelthony/adelony??). anthony really had one conversation with her alone and just fell for her instantly. some fans probably think it's dumb and realistic but i think it's really sweet and they have potential for 9b
i do also lowkey ship adele x olive because they're so cute together (and they remind me of pamy a little.) when adele didn't want to work with ariana but was unable to resist olive's puppy dog eyes...... they're so cute!!!
kenzie and pete are really just the sweetest couple ever and they have such a natural, easy chemistry... they're definitely one of the best couples tns has had in years 😘👌
IS HEATH'S DAD DEAD???????????????
ethan showing character development by being much more of a team player, we love to see it!!! he's still competitive but he's ready to share his ambitions with others
kenzie holding hands with heath was such a sweet, underrated moment... i love seeing strong, supportive and affectionate platonic male/female relationships
ebby naming her pet snail snaiyoncé is iconic
izzy calling heath "heathcliff" and heath calling izzy "isadora"....... the best friendism of it all
eldon mentioning west's iconic bangers and mash solo!!!!!! yes, thank you!!!!!! west is one of the most iconic dancers this show has ever had!!!!!!!!!
kenzie is allergic to flowers, noted!
heath is penzie's no. 1 shipper
ariana putting jett front row centre in her trio........ i know what you are................
ethan's loyalty to izzy is so sweet
WHO IS GETTING CUT??????????????
grace is definitely turning on ariana in 9b... i have a feeling she's going to out her as a traitor and a troupe might kick her off the team for a few episodes
remi is totally going to break ebby's heart, isn't he???
i have a feeling that presley might return to talk to her sister and say something like "chill ariana i'm fine living life and there was no need for getting revenge"
is ethan getting a boyfriend in 9b??????
can't wait for chekhov's bo staff to make its grand return in 9b
also how many enemies to lovers / rivals to lovers style relationships is heath going to have???? ozzy, daisy, pascale....... heath is immune to not having some sort of conflict in his relationships
this is a long shot but i'm really hoping to see more previous cast members returning. yeah i know it's not necessary, but i still want to know what our old faves all doing with their lives
given season 9's marketing has been pretty terrible it really does make me doubt that there will be a season 10. i would like a last series to tie the whole show together and maybe have a few reunions so the show has a great send-off, but feels unlikely now that they really dropped the ball when promoting this series
bring on 9b!!!!!!!!!
this is really jumbled and i've probably missed out so many things but i'm very unorganised so there you go
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partiallypearl · 5 months
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I didn't realize Ebby looked up to me like this. What kind of leader do I wanna be? Someone who falls in line with conventions? Or someone who encourages dancers to express themselves and be proud of who they are? Maybe, the Dance Captain Diary doesn't have all the answers after all.
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That went way better than I was expecting.
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footygirl114 · 7 months
Operation (Leah Williamson x Reader)
This is definitely a result of too much Grey's anatomy but I was told that I need to let some of the ideas out of my noggin so here you go? (I think). Also I could be persuaded into this becoming a series...
Your pager going off interrupted the scrolling of TikTok you were doing while enjoying your morning coffee, after rounding on your patients. You glanced at the screen and noticed it was a 911 to the ER for an incoming Trauma. Kicking yourself into gear you moved and started to make your way down, the whole time kicking yourself for jinxing your pager since you were hoping to catch the Arsenal vs. Manchester United Game at the Emirates on TV during your shift. 
Knowing that wasn’t going to happen as you walked into the ER and it was organised chaos. You walked towards the head of the ER and asked “what happened?” 
He turns to you and says “A car jumped a curb at the Emirates stadium before the game, ran into a few pedestrians including an 8 year old and her dad. We have the driver, a 43 year old male, and the two victims on route now.” 
“damn it, how bad?” you ask him as you move to pull your hair back, and put on a trauma gown and gloves. 
“the dad, is in critical condition, they say he was able to get the girl out of the way but she sustained injuries when he shoved her out of the way.” He says as you walk with him to the ambulance bay waiting for the incoming ambulances. 
As you wait for the ambulance you listen to the other doctors conferring over what they think the driver was on, but you take the second to glance at your phone and double check the texts with your fiancé. They state that she was there an hour prior to this happening, and knowing the teams timing you knew she was on the field for warm up. 
When they finally pull up you wait to find out what one your patient is in. Once you know where the child is you step up and move beside her gurney listening as the paramedics rattle off her name and vitals. She meets your eyes and you can see how scared she is and you say to her softly “Hi Kenzie, I’m Dr. Y/L/N, and I am going to be taking care of you.”
She’s shaking as she asks “where’s my dad?” 
“Sweetie, he’s being taken care of by some of my very good friends, You and I are going to get you checked out so you can be ready for him okay?” you tell her as you move your hand to tuck a loose piece of her hair behind her ear checking her pupils as you do this. 
When she nods, you move to grasp her hand as you gesture for the team to get her gurney moving. You had waited so they could get her father inside so she wouldn’t have to see him too injured. Once you get her into a room and transferred onto a gurney you start your exam on her. 
She’s stays silent as you explain what you are doing, you tell her that you specialise in helping kids who have been injured or sick, and when you press on her belly and he’s hisses and pulls away in pain you know she may have some internal injuries. 
Once you determine she’s stable and waiting for scans you go to move away from her but she grabs your hand and says “don’t go.” 
You turn and squeeze her hand back and says “i am just going to check on your dad and then I will be right back, I promise.” 
She shakes her head and holds up her other hand, leaving her pinky up as she asks softly “pinky promise?” 
You smile at her and wrap your pinky around hers and say “I pinky promise sweetie.” 
She lets go of both of your hands and you move outside the door, watching as your favourite ER nurse immediately steps in and starts talking to the patient, keeping her distracted, you walk out of the room and the last thing you hear is them talking about the arsenal team. You smile to yourself knowing that she will be okay for a few minutes. 
You take the time to order scans for her, and check on her dad, you also manage to talk to someone from social services who is looking for her next of kin, but they are having no luck since her fathers License is from Ireland, you know it will take some time for anyone to get over here. 
Walking back into her room you smile at her and say “Hi Kenzie, I am going to take you upstairs now.” 
She meets your eyes and asks “how is my dad?” 
Moving back towards her you sit down on the edge the bed by her legs and say “he’s been taken into surgery, by those friends of mine. He’s getting the best care possible and they will do everything they can to help him.” 
She starts to cry and you move to grasp her hand and she says “I want my daddy.” 
It breaks your heart and you move closer and pull her into a hug softly whispering “it’s okay sweetie, let it out.” 
After a few moments of letting her cry she’s sniffles and pulls back and says “I’m okay, I can be a big girl.” 
You smile and wipe under her eyes and you say “you are strong sweetie, now lets go get some scans of your belly and then we can get you fixed up to be ready for your dad okay?” She nods and you gesture to the nurse to get her ready for transport upstairs for scans then into the paediatric floor. 
Less than an hour later, you walk into her room on your floor. You were one of the attending surgeons on the paediatric floor. “Hi sweetie” you tell her as you walk into the room when she turns and smiles softly at you, you continue “They called your grandma, and she should be here tomorrow.” 
“Grandma is old and cant move fast” she chuckles at you. 
“Well she does have to fly over her, like you and your dad did sweetie. Why were you over here?” you as her as you fiddle with her IV. 
She gasps and says “the game! I missed the game.” 
“The arsenal one? Were you guys over here to watch it?” you ask her. 
“It was my first game, daddy saved up and finally was able to bring me over to watch my favourite team play. Did I miss it? Can I still go watch?” she asks you with wide eyes pleading. 
You sit beside her hip on her bed and say softly “sweetie, your scans came back and I need to go in and fix your belly, we are going to do it now.” 
“So i wont get to see the game?” she pouts. 
You smile sadly and hold up your pinky and ask “I pinky promise when we’re done, I will come and watch the full game with you right here.” 
She smiles and wraps her pinky around yours and says “deal.” 
Before you can say anything more the surgical team walks in and you know its time to go, You turn to her and say “We’re going to take you in and put you to sleep and when you wake up we will get to watch Arsenal kick butt okay?” 
She nods and says “okay.” 
You follow the surgical team push her towards the OR, you help them transfer Kenzie over and you stay with her until she’s out. You move into the scrub room and pull out your phone, texting Leah like you did before every surgery, and told her that you would be in the OR and will update when you are done. 
Almost 6 hours later you were sat beside Kenzie’s bedside, it was dark and quiet and you were not expecting her to be awake anytime soon but you wanted to be here when she did. It had started to get late and when your phone buzzed you knew it would be Leah. You saw it was and you turned and looked out into the quiet hallway and decided to take the phone call there. 
You had been with Leah for almost 5 years, and it was the best 5 years of your life. You had been still a resident and Leah was gaining popularity and you both decided that you wanted to keep your relationship quieter. Leah was worried that some of her more enthusiastic fans would attempt to contact you through the hospital and she wanted to make sure that you were safe. 
It was sweet and when the opportunity came up to be an attending at this hospital in the middle of London you jumped at the chance to be close to your fiancé. You had been at this hospital for 6 weeks and as far as you knew, no one was the wiser to if you were single or in a relationship. Which is why you would make sure no one was around before you answered a phone call from her. 
“Hi babe” you greeted her when you picked up the phone call. 
“Hi love, are you still working?” she asks with a chuckle. 
“I am, I’m gonna stay here tonight actually.” you tell her with a soft smile, eyes on the sleeping form of Kenzie in front of you. 
You can hear her moving and she says “Are you going to be in surgery all night?” 
“no actually, this patient came in and I operated on her” you tell her softly. “She’s 8 and was here with her dad to watch your game, but she was hit by a car on the way to the stadium.” 
“Oh, love, is she okay?” she asks softly. Your heart grows three times the size as she just immediately understands why you need to be here and why you cannot leave her.
You pause on answering when Kenzie moves in front of you, but when she settles you say softly to Leah “she’s all alone Lee and I promised to watch the game with her when she wakes up.” 
“You’re amazing and I love you” she says “and I will miss you tonight.” 
“I miss you too babe” you tell her with a soft smile.
You listen as she moves around and it sounds like she’s gotten into bed and she asks “can you stay on the line with me while I fall asleep?” 
Smiling you move and adjust the chair so you are reclining as you softly ask “Do you have training tomorrow?” 
“Good, I will definitely be home tomorrow babe” you say softly. 
“Mhmm I want you here” she sleepy says. 
You stay on the line listening to her breathe evening out and you smile to your self, thinking about how much you love this woman. “Sleep tight babe, I love you.” you whisper when you hear her softly snoring you hang up the phone. Turning in the chair to settle into a light sleep. 
It’s early in the morning when you hear Kenzie moving around in her bed in front of you. You open your eyes to see her eyes open looking around. You wait to see if she will fall back asleep but when her eyes lock on yours you says “Hi sweetie.” 
“hi” she whispers. 
You move to stand up and check her vitals and move your hand to check her incision site and you ask her “how are you feeling?” 
“Tired” she answers softly. 
“do you want to go back to sleep?” you ask her, and move your hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. 
She shakes her head and says “Can we watch the game now?” 
You chuckle and tell her “yeah? lets watch.” 
You move the table over the end of the bed to be closer and you pull out your phone and find the recording of the game. You always set Leah’s games that you miss to be recorded so you can watch them back. You pull the chair closer and you set the phone up so you both can see. The first 15 minutes are quiet but when Arsenal scores one she gets excited and sits up more. 
After the third goal she’s more animated and is excitedly talking about the game and the players. The game has made her feel a lot better and more like a little girl and you are happy that she seems to be doing better. 
You are lost in thought watching when she says “holy crap thats Leah Williamson.” 
You chuckle without taking your eyes off the screen and say “sweetie she’s been on the whole game.” 
“No, she’s right there!” she shouts. 
You turn and meet the eyes of your fiancé standing in the doorway of the hospital room with two coffees, she winks at you and says “I heard we had a fan here that wasn’t able to make it to the game.” 
You pause the game and move to stand up and step closer to Leah and you say “this is Kenzie.” 
“Hi Kenzie” Leah says and she hands you a coffee and brushes by you to stand beside the bed “are you watching the game back?” 
“yeah, I missed it cause Dr. Y/N was operating on my belly.” Kenzie says, the smile bright on her face. 
“she’s pretty Awesome” Leah says and then continues “Can I watch the rest with you?” 
“Yes please!” Kenzie answers quickly with an excited smile. 
“I guess you don’t need me anymore” you say with a chuckle. 
Leah smirks at you and says “Sorry love.” 
“It’s okay, you guys enjoy I am going to shower and change.” you tell them both. “Kenzie please make sure to ask Leah all the questions okay?” 
“I will! She’s my favourite player.” Kenzie says with a smile and moves to press play on the TV as she says to Leah “What did the ref say to you there?” 
You chuckle to yourself and move outside the room, and you stand on the outside of the window looking in and you feel your heart grow again watching as Leah and Kenzie both talk with their hands about the game and you can feel the smile growing on your face knowing it may be time to have a conversation with Leah about what you want next. 
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Rafe x reader "you feel that, that's what you do to me."
Yes yes, more Rafe!! Get ready for so much more OBX when the new season is out on Thursday!!
Warning: implied smut, erectile disfunctions
my taglists are here+you can requests hereat any time
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Never in his life did Rafe think his manhood would betray him. He trimmed it well and emptied it regularly, complimented it and kept it fresh. So why did it betray him like that? Why did it embarrass him like that?
He was in one of the backrooms of the country club with a hot blonde, her white tennis skirt flipped up and underwear pulled to the side, ready to get railed after her golf session with her daddy…but Rafe’s got a problem. Little Rafe’s got a problem.
Rafe tried to pump it to get it hard, but it was not working.
He cursed and tucked himself back into his shorts before leaving. Finding the course of the problem had not been difficult. Rafe’s dick never faulted him before he met you, before he fucked you in his dad’s office a few days ago.
The tires of his truck screeched in the parking lot, rage in his blood as he drove home. If he was in luck, you would still be there filing paperwork for Ward. His old man was at a business meeting outside the island and put you, his assistant, in charge of his phone calls and other business related things all day.
‘’We need to talk,’’ Rafe declared, walking in his dad’s office as if it was his own.
You looked up from the paper you were reading, more serene than the boy before you. ‘’Do we? I’m waiting for a call from a buyer. It could be a pretty big deal and your father counts on me to—’’
Without warning and only a few steps, Rafe crossed the distance to the office desk and grabbed your hand, pressing it right over his semi-soft bulge. ‘’You feel that, that’s what you do to me.’’
‘’Rafe, I’m working.’’ You tried to move, but he would not let go of you. Thank god Ward was not home. ‘’I don’t have time for a quick fuck in your father’s office.’’
His intense blue eyes were narrowed, a mix of frustration and anger all over his face. ‘’You’ve ruined my life.’’ He lowered his voice next. ‘’You broke my dick.’’
You drew your eyebrows together, feeling him harden under your touch. ‘’It seems to be working just fine.’’
‘’Because it’s you.’’
A laugh spilled from your lips, unable to hold your seriousness. ‘’Excuse me?’’
Rafe let go of your hand and rubbed his over his face. ‘’Since we fuck last week, I can’t get hard for other girls.’’
‘’Damn. Am I that good of a fuck?’’
‘’I’m being fucking serious! It’s like you put a curse on my dick.’’
You laughed again. He was being ridiculous. ‘’Every time you open your mouth, the situation gets funnier.’’
‘’And every time you open yours—’’
‘’You get hard?’’ you interrupted with a smirk. ‘’I can see that, but unfortunately, ‘little Rafe’ will have to wait until the buyer calls.’’ You traced the outline of Rafe's cock over his shorts, making him hold his breath. ‘’Then, I'll let you bend me over your dad's desk.‘’
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
A Player Knows Game
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Soap x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, angst, mention of sex, strong language, disrespectful teenager, married couple, arguing, underage smoking and underage drinking,
𖤐Summary: Soap and Y/n's teenage son Ryker is becoming a bit disrespectful to his parents and Soap wants to put a stop to his disrespectful antics
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"I'm so tired," Y/n, the wife of Soap yawns.
"I know...I am too, and we can't sleep because of him and his midnight antics," Soap's eye twitched in annoyance, it's almost every night now, Ryker has brought a new girl home to fuck.
He thinks his parents are asleep but in reality they can't sleep when their son's bed frame is hitting the wall and some girls were fucking loud.
Y/n rubs her tired eyes and Soap held her to his chest, he looks down and sees that Y/n looked so tired, she had work tomorrow, and a important meeting as well.
"Okay, that's it!" Soap moves off the bed and put on some sweatpants.
"Johnny? What are you doing?" She gets off the bed and holds his arm.
"Going to put a fucking stop to this, this is almost every fucking night now, I'm tired, you're tired, I'm done, this fucking stops," he quickly and forcefully opens the master bedroom door and goes to his sons door which just a few steps away.
He knocks on his sons bedroom door, he hears rustling inside and some chuckling and giggling around in the bedroom, making Soap a little more angry.
Soon, the door opens and Ryker was face-to-face with an angry dad and a worried mother.
"What?" Ryker sounded annoyed.
"What's what, is that your mother and I are trying to sleep and we can't when you are in here making so much fucking noise," Soap says.
"We're...just having fun," Ryker raised his eyebrows and looked at Soap and Y/n.
"Too much fucking fun, Miss grab your shit and leave my house," Soap says, looking at the girl on Ryker's bed holding his blanket to her bare chest.
"Whatever," she rolls her eyes and starts grabbing her clothes as Ryker and Soap were just having a pissed off staring contest with each other. The girl walks between Soap and Ryker and left without saying another word to either of them.
"John," Y/n grabs at her husband's buff and veiny arm.
"Next time you want to have your so-called 'fun' fucking do it somewhere else, not in my house," Soap didn't care if his son was having sex as long as his son was protected but he hates hearing it almost every fucking day.
Soap and Y/n head back to their bedroom and Y/n fell on her side of the bed and passed out almost immediately as Soap leans against the headboard of the bed and soon fell asleep.
Ryker lays on his bed looking at his phone his LED lights in the color red as he was shirtless and was texting the girl he was just with.
Kenzie: *What a buzzkill*
Ryker: *Yeah, they fucking suck, they never cared before and now all of a sudden they care, it's fucking annoying* *Anyways, do you want to go to Echoes and do it there?*
Echoes was a rec-bar that people Ryker's age went to, to play games, bowl, smoke, drinking and even do it in the bathrooms. The owner of Echoes didn't care what people did in his bar, it's basically run by teenagers.
Kenzie: *I don't know, maybe*
Ryker: *I have to know before I move to the next girl*
Yeah, Ryker is a fucking player or fuckboy which ever you prefer and basically has a LIST of girls he wants to fuck, or who asked to be fucked by him.
Kenzie: *No, move on, idc*
Ryker: *Ok*
Soap had woken up to the sound of his son blasting music, he rubs his tired eyes and looks to see no Y/n next to him, she must've left for the day.
Soap groans and get out of bed, pulling his bedroom door open and walk down the hall seeing his sons bedroom door wide open and he was moving around his bedroom as Soap walked passed his bedroom.
Ryker has gotten to the point where he's disrespecting Soap and Soap's house rules. Y/n is usually busy with work that she doesn't know much that's happening with Soap and Ryker.
Soap and Ryker use to do everything together, fishing, camping, going to sports games, but once Ryker reached High School that all went out the window and Ryker became a fuckboy.
Soap wonders how it happened. If he's hanging out with the wrong group of friends, but Soap met all his friends and they all seem pretty cool, none are disrespectful and respect both Soap and Y/n.
Soap fixed himself some coffee and walked to the front door seeing the newspaper at the front door. Soap doesn't know why they still get the newspaper, he has TV and a phone that gives him the News.
"I'm heading out!" Ryker says, basically pushing passed Soap, almost making Soap spill his coffee.
"RYKER!" Soap yells, and Soap watched Ryker walk halfway down the driveway. Soap puts his arms in the air and walks back inside the house.
Ryker walks to his friends house opening the door and walking inside.
"RYKER'S HERE!!" Ryker announces himself to his friends, who all yell and Ryker plops himself on the couch as his friend Zion passed him a joint.
"How was Kenzie?"
"Dude, didn't even get to finish because of my old man."
"Hell yeah, dude," Ryker talked shit about Soap, Ryker didn't care.
"But didn't she feel good though?"
"Oh fuck yeah dude. I was all over that shit, but again, I didn't even fucking finish because of my dickhead of a father."
Soap yawns and looks at the TV it was noon and Ryker was still at Zion's as far as Soap knew at least. The front door opened revealing Ryker. He places his bag by the front door and walks in.
"You reek of weed," Soap says.
"What you going to tell mom?" Ryker snickers.
"Ryker. I don't fucking know what has gotten into you, but you are not the son I fucking raised."
"Yes, it fucking is," Ryker says.
"I didn't raise you, to drink and smoke at a young age, I didn't teach you to have sex at 16, are you even protecting yourself? I don't know because you are not talking to me...you use to tell me...everything, Ryker...what the fuck happened?"
"I grew up," Ryker says before walking upstairs to his bedroom and Soap hears the bedroom door slam shut.
Soap places his head in his hands and he hears the front door open.
"I'm home!" Y/n says. Soap lifts his head up and Y/n made eye contact with a red eyed Soap. "Soap? What's wrong?" Y/n drops everything and walks to him, taking his head and holding him closer to her chest.
"I feel like I failed as a father...I failed my son...I failed you."
"You didn't fail me or Ryker."
"Angel, you don't understand."
"What do I not understand?" She asked him, looking down at him.
"I raised my son to be respectful to anyone and everyone...and he turned into a fuckboy...and he's disrespectful to us...what did I do wrong?"
"You did nothing wrong, John. You did your absolute best as a father...he's...he's just hitting a phase where if he's disrespectful he'll get friends, he's still your little boy."
"He's not a baby anymore, angel...he's a teenager..."
Only if Soap knew that Ryker heard everything. Ryker was around the corner before heading to the living room, he stops when hearing Soap's breaking voice and his moms soft voice trying to comfort him.
"Mom...do you want help with dinner?" Ryker had come downstairs seeing his mom get ready for dinner.
"If you want to peel the potatoes. Your father usually does it for me."
"Where's he?"
"Bed, he's taking a nap...he's a little stressed right now," she says. Ryker has a feeling on why he may be stressed.
"Dad's pissed at me."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"No...your father told me what's going on...why are you doing this?"
"I don't know, mom...it was like a switch when I stepped in High School. Guess it was all those Disney shows that show when you're in High School you have to be a badass to get by."
"Be serious, Ryker..."
"I don't know, mom."
"Where you afraid you might not be liked?" Ryker just shrugs. "Your father has done so much for you and I, I hope you know that."
"I do, mom...I know..." Ryker placed all the peeled potatoes on a napkin and moved them to the stove and plopped them in a boiling pot.
Ryker watched his mom make dinner and he leans on the counter rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for keeping you both up last night."
"It's okay, Ryker." She smiles at her son and kissed his temple.
"Mom, I'm too old for kisses."
"You will love my kisses rather you like them or not," she starts kissing all over his face making him laugh and her laugh as well. Soap watched from a distance as Ryker was smiling, a smile he hasn't seen in a long time.
Soap steps closer to Y/n and his son. Y/n smiles up at Soap and kissed his lips before he looks at Ryker and rubs his fluffy hair.
"I'm sorry."
"I know, you are."
"You McTavish boys are so emotional," Y/n jokes.
"Whatever," John then attacks Y/n with kisses. Ryker watched as his parents showed their love to each other.
Next Day (12:00PM)
Zion: *Yo, you coming over? Lily, Avery, and Winter are coming over, you wanna round?* *Hello?* *Dude?* *Earth* *To* *Ryker?*
Ryker hears his phone blowing up by Zion. Ryker looks at the messages and turns his phone to 'Do Not Disturb' him and Soap were at the lake. Do a long do fishing trip.
"This is nice," Soap says.
"Oh yeah," Ryker says.
"This is fun...later do you want food?" Soap asked.
"Yep," Ryker says popping the 'p'.
"We'll see what you mom wants after this."
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der7py · 6 months
Yandere pop idol x reader
Your a huge fan of a certain pop idol, Kenzie Willer. The nation calls her a heartthrob, and an absolute doll!♡ But no one knew that she was a big fan of you.
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Warnings: Stalking, Slight manipulation
You had always been a huge fan of her work, she was your biggest idol! Ironic that she was a pop idol. You went to all her concerts, listened to all her albums, and bought all her mercy. You were definitely a die-hard fan
But little did you know, she was your biggest fan too. She first noticed you when she was signing autographs at her booth.
She felt her heart practically stop when she looked at you. She couldn't breathe. Did she even want to? You were the reason she could even breathe. She practically stumbled over her words as she signed your poster, adding a heart at the end of her name like she did with the rest of her posters.
After that moment, she wanted to know everything about you. Your favorite color, favorite place to eat, where you slept at night, what school you went to, ect.
She forced her managers to find all of your social media accounts so she could stalk make sure you were doing okay and staying up to date with you and your life! ♡
After that, you started receiving free stuff. A favorite plushie? On your front door step. Tickets to that movie you wanted to see? Right there in your mailbox. You even started winning tickets to her concerts! How lucky were you?
You were so pumped! You had just won free tickets to see your favorite pop idols concert! The package even came with free merchandise of hers that you were definitely wearing. Everyone screamed and cheered as she came out on stage, waving at the crowd and blowing kisses. She was truly the nation's heartthrob. She even made eye contact with you! She blew a kiss right at your direction, before starting to sing.
Her voice swayed the whole crowd, everyone singing with her while jumping up and down. This was her newest album, "Bitter Love." The album was about unrequited love, which struck you deep in your chest. You knew what it was like to chase after someone who didn't love you, and didn't even know that you existed. You had listened to it on repeat, finding comfort in the album.
"Alright, everybody! For our next song, I want one of you to come sing it with me!" She yelled, a thousand hands, including yours, shooting up into the air. She looked around, tapping her finger on her chin before pointing at you with a smile. "You! Yes, you! Come up on here, sweetheart!" You were jumping for joy as three big burly bodyguards helped you towards the stage, envious looks thrown your way. But you didn't care. You got to meet your biggest idol!
The entire time you're on stage singing with her, she's touching you in some way. Either it is a hand around your waist, hand on your shoulder, or her body simply pressing against yours. She nearly passed out with how close you two were. You've never had more fun in your life than this very moment.
Everyone knows that Kenzie is extremely affectionate, so it doesn't bother you when her hands are all over you. After the song is over, she hands you a seashell and kisses your cheek, leaving a pink lipstick stain on your cheek.
As her big burly bodyguards escort you down, you flip the seashell over to see her number, with the words call me in cursive writing. You can feel your heart speed-up.
Obviously, after the concert is over, you call her, I mean, who wouldn't? A fucking pop idol is interested in you. Why wouldn't you immediately call her after?
You two kick it off immediately. She has so much in common with you! And she's always so supportive and sweet towards you. You're honestly surprised she shares the same interests with you. You never expected someone like her to even have one thing in common with you.
Kenzie's thrilled. She finally has you in her grasp, and she's never letting you go either. You're a little fly stuck in her huge spider web.
But don't worry, sweetheart, the web is nice and soft for your pretty little head. And she'll make sure you're nice and cozied up in her silk.
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agentlizardofowca · 20 days
Cant remember if ive asked yet. If i havent, id love ur take on: 'Well, someone's cranky today.'
'Well, someone's cranky today.' + 42 A kiss out of pride @mammalsofaction
(OWCA files AU, post canon)
"This is high school all over again," Heinz pointed out awkwardly. He was right.
Agent P and Agent O sat in the first two- in a row of plastic chairs in the hallway. The door beside them did not lead to the principal's office but to HR's meeting room.
Perry shouldn't be surprised they ended up here. He'd known he would regret it the moment he started throwing trainees (And Heinz Doofenshmirtz) across the office. Nobody got hurt, the trainees learned a valuable lesson about using staplers and laminators for self-defence, and nobody seemed mad initially.
Then Rebecca from HR entered the room. She'd held a grudge against the two of them since that night they'd all played darts together. And she was a very sore loser.
So here they were, sitting side by side like two naughty teenagers.
"Dr Doofenshmirtz?" The door to the meeting room had opened, and a woman that Perry hadn't met before looked at them with a wide smile.
Heinz rose from his chair awkwardly and gave her a limp handshake before she herded him into the meeting room. He glanced at Perry one last time, but there was nothing he could do to help.
Perry spent the next ten minutes glaring at anyone who dared to glance his way.
When the door eventually opened again, Heinz was allowed to leave with another handshake. He was smiling, and for a moment Perry was optimistic.
"Thank you for your time, Heinz. Autism can create difficult situations in a work environment, but if we all take the time to sit down and discuss, I am sure we can craft a set of guidelines that can make things easier for everyone." The smiley woman turned to Perry. "Mr Fletcher, it's your turn."
Perry sighed and stepped up.
"I'll see you in the cafeteria," Heinz said to Perry, he placed one hand on his shoulder and then left. It would be useless for Heinz to wait by the door, but Perry was still a bit disappointed.
"My name is Kenzi," The smiling HR representative said politely as they sat down together. "Let's talk about you."
Kenzi did not know sign language, so Perry had to quickly resort to using his phone for assistance. As he was figuring that out, Kenzi explained that she and Heinz had a lovely conversation.
Perry frowned a little, they were on a first-name basis already?
"Your partner is a bit of a comedian, isn't he?" She asked. "He's very good at telling stories. What a charming guy."
Perry swallowed down the bitter taste of jealousy. So, Heinz charmed his way through the conversation with HR. That was smart. That was good.
His eyes must've betrayed his simmering anger as he announced that he was ready to begin.
That conversation fucking sucked. Perry thought to himself as he finally emerged from the meeting room. Not only was Kenzi impatient with him and barely gave him the time to answer. She also seemed to blame him for other people's behaviour. (If it had just been Heinz, he would've had to agree. But Perry barely even knew some of the agents that woman had mentioned.)
She had ordered him to be more gentle with the trainees. As if the enemy would be gentle with them when they come face to face with a real crisis situation. "Learning environment" is nice and all, but a loaded pistol is dangerous, and if someone messes around with one, Perry is not going to allow such behaviour. Stern and strict is good sometimes.
Kenzi apparently disagreed. She'd tried to manipulate Perry into changing his tune. Luckily for her, she managed to bite her tongue before she finished saying "Use your words" but she had come too close to elegantly catch her mistake.
By the time she allowed Perry to leave -almost thirty minutes later- he was so cross with her that he had to breathe carefully when they shook hands because his instinct was to crush her fingers.
"And Perry?" Kenzi said in lieu of a goodbye as she held the door open for him. "Try to smile once in a while, okay?" Her unnaturally wide grin was back as if to demonstrate.
Perry's fist was so tight his knuckles cracked.
Her eyes flashed to Perry's hands for a second, and he recognized the emotion in her eyes as fear.
In a desperate attempt to save face, Agent P smiled tightly, nodded and left as quickly as he could.
Perry stormed into the cafeteria, sat next to Heinz, and slumped into the table.
"That took a lot longer than I expected," Heinz noted and he awkwardly pushed the cup of coffee he had grabbed for Perry towards him. At this point it was lukewarm at best.
Perry groaned vaguely.
"So it didn't go well?" Doof asked, and he slouched lower in an attempt to catch Perry's gaze.
There wasn't much of a reply.
"Well I thought she was kinda nice. I explained that sometimes the kids get a bit rowdy, and then I talked about Vanessa. And Kenzi was such a good listener. She just kinda concluded that it wasn't my fault."
Perry struggled himself into a more proper sitting position and rubbed his face. Extra caffeine would only make his mood worse.
"She gave me her number in case I ever needed help handling a delicate situation."
Heinz hadn't even finished speaking when Perry's fist came down on the table with so much force that his coffee spilt over the rim of its paper cup. He turned to Heinz and glared.
"What? You don't think I need HR's help to behave, do you? I'm pretty sure I can figure it out on my own. I've gotten pretty good at reading other people's emotions. For example, you are annoyed right now."
As if to make a point, Heinz booped Perry's nose.
「I never want to see her again.」
"Pffft," Heinz snorted. "She's not that bad. Someone's just a bit cranky today. Have some coffee. You should try smiling some more, that'll lighten your mo-"
Perry rose from his chair and took Heinz up with him.
Mechanical long fingers scrambled at the cuff of Perry's sleeve. "You're choking me, Perry." Heinz managed to gasp despite the tight grip Perry had around his neck.
Perry dropped his partner back into his chair like a sack of bricks and stormed off.
It took Heinz approximately 25 minutes to find Perry on the bench behind the parking lot.
He cleared his throat and Perry glared at him, sighed deeply, and patted the seat next to him.
"Next time you get mad at me in there, try something else." Heinz huffed as he sat. "HR tried to get me to confess to you being a bastard."
Perry shrugged one shoulder.
"If they ever ask, grabbing each other by the neck is a thing we do."
Perry turned his head and looked at Heinz with a look of disbelief.
"What? You think I'm going to send you back in there after they managed to piss you off that badly? You may be a bastard, but I'm not that mean."
「You lied?」
"Of course I did! I learned from the best, you know." And Heinz elbowed Perry in a faux playful, but actually kinda painful way.
Finally, Perry cracked a smile, and he elbowed back just slightly harder.
"Ah, oof! Now apologise and tell me how well I did." Heinz said as he rubbed where he'd been elbowed in the ribs.
Perry wasn't in the mood for conversation, I hadn't gone well for him today. Instead, he wrapped his arm around his companion and after a moment he kissed him.
Heinz hummed as they kissed, and when they finally parted he smiled smugly. "Don't worry Perry, it won't take long before HR hates us both."
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darlingdivasworld · 6 months
tns finally serving with black love>>>
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(the way kenzie was flirting with pete with her eyes in the first episode just to screw with him in the dance battle immediately got me on board with this ship!)
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aliferousdreamer · 5 months
here is my kenzie x pete playlist 🧁💙
thanks to anyone who listens!! ♡♡♡
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Not to be rude, but like why is Kenzie there, she wasn’t a part of Step Inside. And where’s Cleo
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valentiyne · 7 months
𝖺𝗅𝗉𝗁𝖺 𝗉𝗁𝗂 ❀ 𝗅𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Frat!Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader
Summary: Rush week between fraternity Alpha Phi and sorority Alpha Kappa. Fake dating trope!
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol, drugs, and brief mentions of hazing
Word Count: 2.3k (kinda proofread)
Copyright © 2024 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
Rush week is one of the most notorious weeks in any university across the globe.
This is when fraternities and sororities host events and give new students their first chance to meet members of Greek Life. These events range from recruitment during the week and parties throughout the weekend.
"Kenzie does this look right", I turn around and face my roommate, my lace top squeezing me in all the right places.
My beloved roommate, Mackenzie shoots me a thumbs up and looks back down at her phone quickly, making sure our Uber is taking us in the right direction.
The nerves flowing through my body could shock an elephant if it got too close. It was my second year in university and after the horrific events that followed throughout first year, I was determined to make this one count.
After tipping the driver, we found ourselves on frat row. Numerous people were storming to Alpha Phi- the head of the fraternities on campus. One of which had a high reputation for having the craziest events and never-ending parties.
We found ourselves squeezing through the front door, stepping over people sitting on the floor, or sliding away from the monstrosities of beer kegs. Alpha Phi was one of the cleaner fraternities on campus, but it definitely looked like a bunch of men lived in there.
I looked around the crowd of people, hoping to spot anyone I knew. I was met with a pair of icy blue eyes that I couldn't quite pinpoint where I recognized from. My attention was drawn away when someone walked past, offering me a red solo cup which I properly declined.
It wasn't even 7pm and I never take drinks from strangers.
"Attention everyone! The drawing board has officially been closed and if you signed up with the QR code this week, your name is in here" Someone with a megaphone shouts from the back corner of the room.
I look to Kenzie now, raising a brow to make sure she had submitted our information as requested. She nods her head reassuringly in response, "You know I gotchu" she teases and points to the podium in the middle of the living room.
The entire fraternity stood behind it, their faces filled with mischief or sloppy smirks that would send any incoming freshmen into a frenzy.
"We'll begin with the dating game.", The fraternity president, known to Kenzie and I as Ashton, spoke clearly. Ashton had a huge reputation on campus, he was the fastest keg chugger but he was a huge advocate for an anti-hazing organization- it was some secret of his.
"Each fraternity brother will be paired with a sorority sister and must date for the rest of the weekend, starting today. The first ones to make it to the end of the week without breaking up or hooking up wins"
The small crowd erupted in cheers, the fraternity brothers leaning over to whisper to each other before their vice president, Calum walked forward to the podium.
"We'll start with Alpha Kappa," he unfolds his envelope and smirks to himself, "Mackenzie Haven with Michael Clifford"
She gasps loudly next to me, grabbing my forearm tightly and pulling me into various people around us as she squeals. Kenzie has had a huge crush on Michael since our English class freshman year. In her words, he was the perfect mix of "punk" and "nerd".
Calum lets the crowd calm, raising a hand to silence us before reading the rest of the names, a sister from our sorority getting paired with Ashton and another with Calum.
Finally it was me.
I held my breathe, my eyes locking with Kenzie before I look back up to Calum who stared at me with sorrowed eyes.
"And the remainding two...." he unfolds the paper slowly and upon reading it, bursts into a fit of laughter.
"Y/n Y/l/n and Luke Hemmings"
My eyes widened and I could feel bile dramatically creeping up my throat. I could hear Kenzie squeal once again and grab me. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. Luke Hemmings was the last person I wanted to be paired with.
Him and I didn't have the greatest reputation together and I didn't want to play this game anymore.
Luke and I had english together our freshman year, along with Michael and Kenzie. One week, Alpha Phi threw a three day bender which caused him to miss the due date on our essay. Now I was smart, I finished the assignment a week before and made my way to the party- where I had met Luke for the first time.
So what did Mr Luke Hemmings do?
Stole my essay from my backpack and turned it in as him own- earning me a fat 50% for plagiarism.
Of course I went to the board in an attempt to dispute the whole ordeal, but Luke had a huge reputation in the fraternity as well as a long history of Hemmings who'd graduated here. In the end, it was his word against mine.
I could feel his icy blue eyes on mine and I tried to squeeze past all the people and out the back door but it was no use. Kenzie spun me around only for me to meet with the icy blue eyes from earlier.
It was like he heard me mentally cursing him, the way he strode over to me with a deadpan that looked too personal to not be personal.
"Hello Sunshine", He whispers down in my ear, Kenzie and Michael staring at us both with mouths agape. Chills run down my body and I look up at him like a deer in headlights.
I knew this weekend wasn't going to end well. I might as well drop out now.
Waking up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly, I sit up quickly and answer it. It wasn't unusual for someone to call me at all hours of the night, for all I know it could've been a sorority sister who's locked out. I glance over to Kenzie's sleeping figure and groaned quietly, "Hm?...."
"Goodmorning sunshine, as the best boyfriend in the sorority we are hitting the gym- be ready in 5"
My eyes shoot open and I hang the phone up, rubbing my eyes with my palms and checking the time. It was a mere three in the morning and I sighed, sliding out of bed and tiptoeing my way to the shared bathroom in our dorm, a bundle of gym clothes tucked in my arms.
I stared at my reflection for too long, throwing on an oversized hoodie and sliding some running shoes on before snatching my purse.
The loud roar of an engine notified me that the blondie was outside. Racing down the steps, he wasn't shy to blast his horn numerous times in an attempt to get me to walk faster.
His car was an 04' Mustang, painted red to match the interior leather. His car was cocky just like him.
Luke reaches across the center console and pushes the door open, my eyes still half lidded as I slump into the passenger seat, "Mornin' sunshine"
"Don't call me that" I say loudly, earning a smirk in return.
I could barely hear him over the sound of his music blasting, it was too early for this and he knew it.
I rub my eyes again, opening them slowly to reveal an iced drink handed to me with a ring clasped hand. He returns his eyes to the road with a stern expression, putting the car in gear and speeding off.
I examine the drink closely, noticing the pink hue before it clicks in my mind, "How did you know my order?"
"Asked Kenzie.. At least i'm making an effort"
I swirl the drink with my straw, looking down at my lap for the remainder of the short car ride. He kept a steady gaze on the road, occasionally turning to look at me which I pretended not to notice. Luke was definitely an attractive man, one that dropped jaws when he walked into the room. But I knew where my heart lies with him, how much I hate him will never let me stand him in the slightest.
"Wish you would've seen the look on the lady's face when I ordered it... an iced bubblegum latte wasn't in my vocabulary before you" He scoffs and pulls the car into the parking lot, jumping out and slamming the door.
The gym was hell, Luke was hell and I knew I couldn't survive another two days of this. I ignored his attempts to open the door for me, offered to hold my purse when we went places. I genuinely didn't want to be around him, and you could see it on my face.
As the days went on, I could tell it was getting to him. He wanted to win, as much as I did, but it wasn't easy for either of us.
He hated me for ratting him out and I hate him for ruining my life.
"Cmon Y/n, he can't be thattttttt bad", Kenzie defends before going on a tangent about how amazing Michael was aside from his out of wack sleep schedule. She went to the gym every morning and pilates right after, meanwhile Michael slept through his countless alarms.
"I'll trade you" I groan helplessly as my phone rights for the tenth time in a row. His contact was the same as when we first met last year.
Kenzie leans over quickly and answers, "Hi Luke it's Kenz", She shoots me a mischievous smile, "Oh! Y/n? she's right here"
I snatch the phone from her hand. shooting her daggers before speaking sternly. "Go away" The phone ended up somewhere on the floor of our shared bedroom and I slammed my head into my pillow.
I wanted absolutely nothing to do with Luke Hemmings. And I made that very clear.
Sunday rolled around much quicker, and instead of a phone call waking me up, it was a body shifting under my mattress. I jump up quickly, ripping my eye mask off while my chest rises and falls quickly.
I open my eyes to reveal Luke smiling down at me, "Goodmornin-"
I push him off my, eyes scanning my nightstand praying that it wasn't gym time. To my surprise it was a little after ten in the morning, Kenzie and the rest of the sorority sisters were off at pilates and I was getting my much needed beauty sleep.
"What are you doing in my room" I sit up, hearing him chuckle at my childish choice of pajamas before he leans over and grabs a bouquet of flowers from the edge of the bed.
"I wanted to apologize"
I roll my eyes, "It's going to take more than some flowers to forgive you" I take the bouquet and smell them momentarily before I place them on the bed. He motions with his hands for me to follow him, so I slide off the bed and follow him down the hall.
He walks backward, his hands in his leather jacket pockets as he watches me avoid eye contact. He led me all the way down to the kitchen before halting in the doorway, "I know I know. I'm really sorry about what I did freshman year, a true man wouldn't have done that....."
I nod slowly, a little confused at the sudden change in emotion.
He was rocking on the balls of his feet, his eyes scamming mine before he clears his throat. His hand comes up and brushes his hair back before he motions for me to follow once again.
"I'll just show you"
Tilting my head, he slides open the kitchen door to reveal a small table set for two. Various breakfast foods were laid out on the table, a small candle in the middle and he jogs over to pull a seat out for me. I awkwardly sit down, looking around the room before he takes a seat with me and slides over an envelope. I scan over it before taking it reluctantly, folding it open and reading it.
"Dear Miss Y/L/N
After debate between the Board of Education, as well as at the request of Luke Hemmings, your grade on your official transcript for English 102 Class 5578 has been updated from a 52% to a passing grade of 97%"
The paper drops to my lap and I look up at him, his eyes down on his plate as he nervously picked at his food. "Luke wha-"
"I am really sorry Y/n, I fucked up and I wanted to fix this"
I look down at my plate now, thinking about everything that happened in its entirety before looking up and nodding. "Okay"
The rest of the breakfast was silent, aside from the occasional conversation he piped up with. It was foreign to befriend him, after a whole year of despising him- and here he was across the table from me.
As I helped him clean up the dishes, I leaned against the counter before a thought popped into my head, "Wait, how do I know you're not doing this for the game?"
He turns to me and drops the soapy sponge, his eyebrows raised before it clicks in his head. He chuckle and shakes his head at me, "Because the game ended at 8am, Y/n"
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moremaybank · 2 years
Heyy! It’s pretty cool to see one of my fav writers on here is also a shifter 🥰🥰 I’m shifting for our fav hybrid lol would love to hear about any headcannons you have for Klaus and casual dominance 🥹🥹
casual dominance with klaus...
warnings none (i don't think)
author's note i feel like this is so short, i'm sorry😭 also i love finding other shifters <3
klaus masterlist
klaus always has a hand on the small of your back whenever you two are out and about. he likes to lead you, and he also loves to have a hand on you at all times
he carries all your bags whenever the two of you go shopping together
he opens every single door for you (ex. your bedroom, when you're getting out of the car, etc.)
pulls out your chairs for you and tucks you in
"why don't you wear a thicker coat? you tend to run cold, and i don't want you getting sick."
speaking of coats, he'll put yours on for you
fastens your high heels for you, also zips up your dresses
loves putting on your necklaces and bracelets
"don't worry, love. i've got it covered."
drives you everywhere or compels you a driver so you don't have to lift a finger
when you come home from a long day he gets the shower/bath ready for you
steps in front of you and shields you if he senses danger from his enemies
pays for literally everything and ignores your protests because he wants you to be/feel taken care of
orders your drinks and brings it to you
if you're sitting next to him, he has a hand on your thigh or one clasped with yours
extends his hand out to you and helps you if you're walking up/down the stairs in heels
cradles your face or has some kind of hold on it when he kisses you
"love, you've been working for awhile now. why don't you take a break? i'll make you some tea."
"let me do this. you go and relax."
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klaus tag list (join here!): @maybankslover @kittyqrt @darkmoonbloodshake @techlipse @the-kaya-aa @hopesdadswife @amournoir @iluvniklaus @diyabhanushali1 @your_best_hoe @ijustlovetoread @lyn07 @elenavampire21 @theesexystallion @dudenhaaa27 @alexxavicry @kenzi-woycehoski @elijahssuit @shawnspoems @skydisneylover @adoreyouusugar @luzberg @thelastgreatamericandynasty1989 @conniesanchor @milly-louise @angel037
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damseljamsel · 1 year
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Rosa's Choice
Dear Diary,
It was finally time. Time for me to face the witch that killed my husband. I knew it wouldn't bring Bo back. But I also knew that it was something I had to do, if only to protect me and my daughter.
I had Talon call Kenzi to propose a meet. Just as I thought, she eagerly agreed, confident of her victory over a mere housewife, not nearly as trained as her in magic.
As soon as I saw her face, all the control I had was gone. This was the witch that took Bo from me. Rage flooded my body, and I stepped forward to fight her. She looked at my rage filled face and began to laugh. She said Bo was easy to kill...that my daughter Daffodil was next.
Screaming with rage, I started to summon. The lightning came roaring down from the sky, and I started gathering the bolts to throw at Kenzi. Too late, she realized I was much stronger than she ever imagined.
Kenzi looked at me from the ground, beaten and bloody. I stepped forward to finish her off, to rid the world of this black witch. She looked up at me as I came closer, smiling through the blood on her face. She simply said...
"I can raise Bo."
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