#The New Turkey
totallynotcensorship · 5 months
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turkey halted trade with israel.
for context: trade between the two was worth 6.8 Billion dollars in 2023
KEEP SPEAKING, KEEP PROTESTING. push for your government to also cut ties with israel. this is what we need
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sayruq · 5 months
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Turkey stopped all trade with Israel as of Thursday, according to two Turkish officials familiar with the matter, adding to already high-running tensions between the once-close allies over the war in Gaza. The move expands last month’s restriction on some Turkish exports to Israel, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan steps up criticism of the Jewish state and tries to consolidate support among conservative voters at home.
Trade between the 2 countries was worth $6.8 billion in 2023.
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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Stone carved Medusa from the Temple of Apollo at Didyma in Turkey.
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destielmemenews · 2 days
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"Adams has consistently said he is cooperating with the investigations and has denied wrongdoing through the steady drumbeat of searches, seizures and departures of top members of his administration.
But as news of the indictment spread Wednesday night, he began to mount a defiant defense that he was being targeted by the federal government for his political views, adopting language similar to former President Donald Trump and other politicians accused of crimes."
"The indictment alleges illegal actions stretching back to 2014, from when he was Brooklyn Borough president.
“For nearly a decade, Adams sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxury international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople and at least one Turkish government official seeking to gain influence over him,” the indictment reads."
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malatyahabersitesi · 8 months
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Malatya'nın nabzını tutan, şehrin güncel olaylarını anlık olarak aktaran Malatyadan.com, şehir sakinlerinin ve ziyaretçilerin güncel kalmasını sağlayan bir haber portalıdır. Malatya haberleriyle ilgili tarafsız ve güvenilir bilgiler sunan bu platform, şehirdeki gelişmeleri yakından takip etmek isteyenler için ideal bir kaynaktır.
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metamorphesque · 2 days
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The indictment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams was unsealed today in a sweeping federal corruption probe involving foreign government influence, including pressure from Turkey.
Excerpt of the Federal Indictment: “On April 21, 2022, the Turkish Official messaged the Adams Staffer, noting that Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day was approaching, and repeatedly asked the Adams Staffer for assurances that ADAMS would not make any statement about the Armenian Genocide. The Adams Staffer confirmed that ADAMS would not make a statement about the Armenian Genocide. ADAMS did not make such a statement.”
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khlacnh · 10 months
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taviamoth · 5 months
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was greeted by crowds of protesters upon his arrival in Türkiye. The protesters called out Germany’s complicity in Israel’s ongoing total war of extermination against the Gaza Strip. Internationally, Germany has not only come under heavy criticism for its crackdown on Palestine solidarity activism but also for its role in supplying roughly 50% of Israel’s weapons supply, only second to the US.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
You really should know about Storm "Daniel"
Unlike how much all of us Greek blogs notify our tumblr communities about the regular (at this point) arsons wildfires afflicting Greece, we did not say much about the floods the country has been suffering from right now. There was a mention here and there and I even made a joke post as the storm was starting but not a lot of stuff in general. So, I think there's a couple of things you should know and I feel like I could address about it and actually it's not just about Greece. So I believe this could interest a lot of people and it should be something known worldwide.
In the beginning of September there was an alarm about an extreme weather phenomenon forming above the Ionian Sea at the west of mainland Greece. In truth, the phenomenon was not caused by the climate change. It was just a very rare occurence where a high pressure atmosheric system was sandwiched between two currents of low pressure. Low pressure systems are the ones resposible for stormy weather while high pressure systems generally create stable weather. As the low currents encircled the high pressure system, the storm that had started forming became unusually stable for a storm. As a result, the storm moved northeast above Thessaly and other regions of the central part of Greece and... just decided to stay there for an indefinite amount of time. Furthermore, because it's September and the Ionian Sea had warmed up throughout the summer, the medicane (Mediterranean cyclone) gained tropical features as it was forming, pushing its intensity to extremes unknown to this area.
The storm remained above all of central Greece for about 4-5 days but at the meantime it was causing side-storms in neighbouring countries, such as Bulgaria and Turkey. Both countries suffered from floods causing damages and deaths.
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Istanbul, Turkey (CNN).
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Tsarevo, Bulgaria (CNN).
Four people died in Bulgaria and seven in Turkey.
But like I told you the core of this was exactly on top of Greece's central mainland and islands. So what happened there? I happened to experience this shit first hand. My recollection of it is that it was unlike any other storm I had experienced before. My knowledge on meteorology is not very advanced, however I believe due to the high pressure part, there were actually no winds at all - or they were insignificant, so it wasn't like what you might have in mind as a conventional cyclone. It was a rainstorm but it was like a rainstorm from hell. The crucial part is that in Greece summer violent rainstorms may last for about five minutes but certainly not for five days nonstop. There was no pause, not even for a second. It kept pouring and pouring in indescribable volumes, without decreasing or slowing down, not for a moment. The fourth day it started taking short breaks.
As a person with a phobia of lightnings since childhood, I kept wearing earplugs throughout all these days. For four days, ten seconds did not pass without at least one lightning shrieking exactly on top of our heads. In the end, I am dead serious, I think my lifelong phobia has been cured somewhat due to this extreme exposure that eventually had a numbing effect. I think only the first day there was a record of 7,000 lightnings. I believe there must have been dozens of thousands overall. The lightnings also caused fires but the downpour was so overwhelming no fire could ever stand a chance.
Whether during or after the rains, what I was seeing outside was post-apocalyptic. The only thing missing was the zombies. It really looked like a background from a videogame, including a constantly lit up sky. I was not in danger though people dear to me were. The worst for me was a huge fall in the quality of living but that doesn't matter. The rains caused severe destructions across cities and villages. They caused floods, they broke bridges, they broke a massive number of roads, they made walls collapse, they destroyed springs, they damaged water and electricity outlets entirely, they drowned flocks and flocks of animals, they destroyed mountainous and coastal villages alike, they made cars float and fly over each other and they uprooted houses.
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Village in Mount Pelion, Greece.
But that's not the end of it. Four days later, the storm moved southwest towards the Ionian sea, basically to the place of its original formation. It side-swept over Athens in the meantime, flooding the city, but that doesn't mean much since I could cry and Athens would still flood with my tears. Anyway. AFTER the storm left, the floods caused by it started multiplying and expanding. Picture that: a crystal clear sky, a bright sun and your phone screaming state alerts about evacuating your village or town because a lake has launched at you! Here's the thing: Thessaly is a massive plain surrounded by a ring of mountains. Half of those downpours fell right on the lowlands causing floods and destructions the first days. The other half however fell on the mountains, filled the streams heading down and they all met up and filled the lakes and the large river of Thessaly, Pineios and they all basically exploded the next days. Pineios especially exploded both in its western and eastern part, sinking the entirety of Thessaly's plains under water. As a result, floods were actively taking place days after the storm had ended and the weather was good. The phenomena have only started subduing since yesterday.
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The overflowing of the river, trapped by the mountains.
Farmers won't be able to work this year and next year is questionable as well. There are huge concerns about various epidemics breaking out as more and more dead animals are found in the waters. Entire villages are under the water. There are estimations that some villages in west Thessaly might have been lost forever and their residents will have to move elsewhere. Sixteen people have died from the rainstorm and the floods.
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Actual villages in Karditsa, Greece.
A more longterm danger is that the ground received such an unnatural amount of water that it might have been severely eroded and destablised, making it vulnerable to natural disasters I don't want to utter. Many roads are either broken or bloated and Thessaly has been cut out from communication and transportation with the rest of the country. To this day, there are maps guiding people how to drive from North to South Greece and vice versa by entirely skipping Central Greece! (Hint: they will have to drive through Epirus, aka western Greece.) The first days there was also complete isolation from what was happening in the country and the world and also the very regions we were in as we had no electricity and our only chance was getting a call from somebody being elsewhere and telling us what is going on.
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Volos, Greece (CNN)
Many regions have received within 2-4 days 55 times their monthly amount of rain or more than twice the yearly amount. Greek meteorologist Christos Zerefos estimated that such a phenomenon occurs every 300-400 years. Meteorologists were alarmed internationally - with Germans and Americans reportedly saying they hadn't studied such a phenomenon again in their career. Its intensity was record high in the history of Greece and right in the top of Europe's as well. They also agreed that such a phenomenon would be devastating even if it had hit the most advanced and prepared country.
BUT THIS IS NOT THE END. The weakened Daniel seemed to slowly move towards South Italy but it decided to take a turn and headed south towards Libya and Egypt. Quite possibly, as the storm was once again travelling across the warm Mediterranean Sea, it was rejuvenated and gained even more tropical traits. Eventually, the medicane hit Libya with unprecedented force.
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The cyclone travelling from Greece to Libya.
The toll it took on Libya is unspeakable. As I am writing this,
More than 5,226 people are killed and more than 10,000 are currently missing.
Like, can you wrap your head around what I am talking about? I don't see this shit being acknowledged enough across the world. I am checking this again and again, to ensure I am reading this correctly.
Daniel has officially become the deadliest medicane on record.
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Eastern Libya, from Al Jazeera.
In the meantime, Greeks found opportunities to practice their favourite sport: political infighting. People who weren't even here when hell broke loose say that if this or that was properly done, we would not have problems at all. I even saw an idiotic Greek expat comment how "we got drowned in a little bit of rain". The truth is we should bloody thank our lucky stars and I say this with the entire awareness of half of Thessaly being currently underwater. It is true that Greek governments and people have done so many things badly, like building on top of streams and rivers, changing rivers' natural route, drying up natural lakes and all that shit that guarantees you are going to have massive problems once a serious storm breaks out. Also, the disaster revealed that there was once more a very questionable management of all the money given by the EU for anti-flooding measures after a previous flood (Ianos). Of course, I would be happy if at last we viewed this disaster as an opportunity to improve ourselves and the management of our land, however whatever happened these days wasn't the fault of anyone in particular. On the contrary, A LOT worse could have happened. A lot. Maybe Libya is not an indication because if Greece is not used to such extreme rain phenomena, then Libya is probably ten times less used to them, however we should not forget that this monster was STUCK at least five days over the heartland of Greece. For this alone we should damn be thankful we did not get it any worse and that the land endured in any way and of course now we have to correct old mistakes as well but let's do it united and determined and without wasting time once more in pointless infighting, which in this case might even be unfair. (In fact I think the thing we should blame the state the most about was not making it clear beforehand that this was going to be unprecedented, not just "very severe". They probably didn't want to cause panic and mayhem but still. We should know.) Of course I am not talking about how the state will treat the afflicted regions from now on, which is entirely its responsibility. And we should stand next to Libya. Greece has its wounds to mend but it should absolutely provide support to Libya. We know what this freak phenomenon was like.
I know this text is long but please consider reblogging this. We should know what happens on our planet. Thousands of people are dead from a freak phenomenon devastating regions across lands and seas. Also forgive any mistakes I might have made although I believe the information is correct for the most part. I didn't speak more about Libya because I don't know enough to analyze the situation as much. Perhaps there are ways of supporting the country too. As a last note, this phenomenon was not freakish because of the climate change - it was just a very unusual occurence. However, the - otherwise normal - warmth of the sea did feed and intensify the storm and the climate change might in the future cause these super rare, accidental phenomena to become more frequent.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Turkey, Watch until the end. 🤔
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sayruq · 7 months
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blueiscoool · 2 months
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Painted Scylla Statues Found in Turkey
Excavations in ancient Laodicea have revealed a rare collection of painted Scylla statues.
Laodicea was an Ancient Greek city on the river Lycus, located in the present-day Denizli Province, Turkey.
The city was founded between 261-253 BC by Antiochus II Theos, king of the Seleucid Empire, in honour of his wife Laodice. Over the next century, Laodicea emerged as a major trading centre and was one of the most important commercial cities of Asia Minor.
After the Battle of Magnesia during the Roman–Seleucid War (192–188 BC), control of large parts of western Asia Minor, including Laodicea, was transferred to the Kingdom of Pergamon. However, the entire Kingdom of Pergamon would eventually be annexed by the expanding Roman Republic in 129 BC.
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The many surviving buildings of Laodicea include the stadium, bathhouses, temples, a gymnasium, two theatres, and the bouleuterion (Senate House).
Recent excavations led by Prof. Dr. Celal Şimşek from Pamukkale University have revealed a rare collection of painted Scylla statues during restoration works of the stage building in the Western Theatre.
In Greek mythology, Scylla is a man-eating monster who lives on one side of a narrow strait, opposite her counterpart, the sea-swallowing monster Charybdis. The two sides of the strait are so close (within an arrow’s range), that sailors trying to avoid Charybdis’s whirlpools would dangerously come into range of Scylla.
Scylla is first mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey, where Odysseus and his crew encounter both Scylla and Charybdis during their voyage back to Ithica following the conclusion of the Trojan War.
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In a press statement by Nuri Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism: “These extraordinary sculptures are quite important in terms of being rare works that reflect the baroque style of the Hellenistic Period and have survived to the present day with their original paints.”
The archaeologists suggest that the sculptures were made by sculptors in Rhodes during the early 2nd century BC and are the oldest known examples from antiquity.
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straight-from-gaza · 5 months
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: "There is no difference between the Turkish forces that fought the Turkish war of independence in World War I and Hamas today."
(Source: QUDS news network)
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malatyahabersitesi · 9 months
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Malatyadan.com, Malatya şehrinin çevrimiçi rehberi olarak şehrin güzelliklerini ve olanaklarını keşfetmek isteyenler için ideal bir platformdur. Malatya'nın zengin kültürel mirasını, lezzetli mutfağını ve turistik yerlerini tanıtmak amacıyla kurulan bu platform, şehir sakinleri ve ziyaretçiler için kapsamlı bilgiler sunmaktadır.
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not-so-rosyyy · 2 years
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oh god... there was another one.... and possibly (I pray to god it's wrong) more to come.... this is horrible.
source: twitter.com
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workersolidarity · 11 months
A massive rally of thousands of people standing in solidarity with Palestine is ongoing in Istanbul, Turkiye on Friday as Turkish President, Racep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the "Great Palestine Meeting" as it is being called.
The Turkish President invited the entire nation to join the rally to show their support for Palestinians suffering under Israeli occupation and bombardment. Erdogan called on the rally to show “brotherhood between Turks and Palestinians to the world.”
With Palestinian and Turkish flags waving in the crowds that, by some estimates, has reached over 1.5 million across Turkiye, Erdogan told the rally that Western nations were responsible for the current crisis in the Middle East.
"The main culprit behind the massacre unfolding in Gaza is the West," Erdogan told his nation. "If we leave aside some conscientious voices... the massacre in Gaza is entirely the work of the West."
Erdogan also accused Israel of acting as a "War Criminal."
"Of course, every country has the right to defend itself. But where is the justice in this case?"
In addition, Erdogan accused Western Countries of "shedding [crocodile] tears" over the deaths of Ukrainian civilians in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, while turning a blind-eye to the suffering and murder of Palestinians.
"We are against all these double standards and all these hypocrisies," Erdogan told the throngs gathered in support of Palestine.
Erdogan went on to accuse Israel's allies of creating a "crusade war atmosphere" to encourage conflict in the region.
"Listen to our call for dialogue," President Erdogan said. "No one loses from a just peace."
Aside from President Erdogan, various Turkish Party leaders, state authorities, and officials from different countries are expected to give remarks at the rally, along with representatives of the media, arts, sports, culture and business interests in Turkiye.
According to the updated figures on the war in Gaza, 7'703 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air strikes and shelling, with more than 3'500 of those deaths among children. Another 17'000+ have been wounded.
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