#The Mute and the Maine
naturepointstheway · 2 months
Little sneaky-peeky into the first draft of my 3rd chapter for "The Mute and the Maine" (featuring our beloved Coricopat)
“The skull is a chamber.” 
Tugger blinked over at Coricopat, who was staring right at him, face carefully neutral in expression. 
“Uh, I guess?” Was Tugger’s confused response. 
“You know what happens to sound in a chamber?” 
Tugger made a little offhand noise. “It echoes?” 
“You ever been in a small, echoey chamber?” 
“Depends. Empty room? Cave?” 
“Either of those count.” 
“What happens to sound in an empty room?” 
Tugger laughed, rolling over on his back again, arms behind his head, regarding the scuttling clouds above.
“And what happens to those echoes?” 
“Why are you asking me?” 
“Answer me.” 
“Do you want a stupid answer or a serious one?” 
Coricopat sighed again. “Serious. if you can muster it, Tugger.”
A serious one, huh. 
He thought of empty rooms, of little dens, of small hidden spaces, of a little “cave” they found near a beach once. The loud “HELLO!” that would echo back when he yelled inside a suitably cavernous space. And the hellos that came back again, and again, and again, louder and quieter and louder again. 
“The echoes return,” Tugger said, “They come back to you louder.” 
“That’s correct. What if you yelled angrily in that cave?” 
Tugger narrowed his eyes in thought, imagining a cave where the voices returned with great cacophony and fury. 
“They’d sound downright pissed.” 
“Even if you were just a little mad, when you shouted in that cave?”
“Honestly? Yeah. I’d run away quick.” 
“Now think of all those echoes, that voice, amplified, but it’s inside a skull.”
He tried to imagine it, then, those echoes, those bouncing words off dark walls and empty floors and ceilings, and constrained it into a space no bigger than his own skull.
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packitandgo · 25 days
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donutdrawsthings · 2 years
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Art Challenge: Draw your OC in Black Light!
Made this colour reference for my server! It isn't EXACTLY right like how it is in real life, but I did my best anyways! free to use for everyone!
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gbirrd · 1 month
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5/9 - Damian Wayne-Al Ghul tarot card designs for Complete Candor by @vexfulfolly as part of the @batfam-big-bang
Read the fic here!
Other cards:
1-Babs 2-Cass 3-Bruce 4-Tim 5-Damian 6-Jason 7-Duke 8-Steph 9-Dick
Image IDs
Image 1:
A design of the "Justice" tarot card. It has the texture of recycled paper and reads "JUSTICE". A symbol of a rabbit and a wolf is visible behind the numeral "XI".
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul stands facing forwards in his Robin uniform. He is holding a glowing set of golden scales in his left hand and has wide pupil-less white eyes. A yellow bat-symbol is partially visible behind him.
Image 2:
A design of the "Justice" tarot card. It has the texture of recycled paper and reads "JUSTICE" upside-down. A symbol of a rabbit and a wolf is visible behind the numeral "XI".
A young Damian Wayne-Al Ghul stands facing foward in his assassin uniform. He holds a bloodied sword up in his right hand. His left fist and face both have blood splattered on them. He has narrowed pupil-less white eyes and a glowing spiky green crown framing his head. Green claws reach towards him from above his head and drip green down into a dark blood-red background. The entire card is upside-down.
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nelkcats · 2 years
Jason spend all his life thinking he didn't have a soulmate, at 14 years old he was excited, checking his arm and the mark, but it never appeared; maybe it was because he was from the scums, happiness was not for him, his death and the Lazarus pits just reinforced the thought
Years later, on the other side of the nation, Danny was sobbing silently. Stroking where he could see the words "Behind me, I'll protect you", written on his arm in red, apologizing for leaving his Soulmate's arm empty of him.
The GIW had captured him weeks ago as Phantom, the first thing they did? cut his vocal cords with blood flowers, Frostbite didn't think it could recover, Danny knew it wouldn't
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Of course he’s a fucking space nerd
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 3]
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Part 1
Something’s wrong with the Pit.
It takes Jason way too long to notice it.
The Pit’s never really been silent, just a haze of anger that’s always simmering in the back of his mind. And while it’s still not entirely gone, Jason already being convinced that it will never truly go away, something is still… off about it.
Instead of the usual all-consuming rage the Pit makes him feel, mainly directed at the Joker, it feels… calmer. More at peace. Almost…
While the rage itself is still there, it’s more muted. Like it’s being drowned out by something else. Something that feels like… praise? reverence? admiration?
Jason is unsure what exactly it is that the Pit is making him experience. But he does know who it’s aimed at: the mysterious twink whose murder he still has to cover up.
And that brings Jason back to the corpse in front of him.
If the slightly pointed ears and small fangs the guy possessed hadn’t already pointed towards his hero the dude being a meta of some kind, then the decimation of the Joker with a single punch certainly did it.
And damn, that punch was kinda hot.
Jason shakes his head. If he wants to help the meta dude keep people off his back about the murder, however accidental it might have been and despite the corpse’s identity, then he’s gonna have to get rid of the body first.
And he should probably do something about any cam footage there might be of the incident.
With any luck, the Joker’s escape hasn’t been noticed and announced yet. That should make it easier to cover everything up. Before he does anything though, Jason pauses as he realizes the opportunity he has.
He takes off his helmet, takes out his phone, and crouches down by the corpse.
He takes a selfie.
Jason looks at the picture he took, noting that while he’s not really a keepsakes kinda guy, this one’s definitely gonna be framed, before putting his phone away again. Right, it’s time for him to clean up a clown corpse.
After that, he has to find out who his knight in dirty NASA shirt was.
If not for the promised date, that he is so taking the guy on, then at least to figure out what’s happening with the Pit.
After getting rid of the body, Jason’s next point on the agenda is research.
All he has on the guy so far is a physical description, a possible meta status, and the information that he has a scholarship at Gotham University.
Jason starts with hacking into the cams in the street where the incident took place. To his surprise, all the cam footage in that area around the time of the incident is corrupted. The visual files are overtaken by static and the audio files aren’t any better.
Huh, convenient.
Well, this is just some more proof for Jason’s meta theory. Though it does mean he can’t use the files to run any facial recognition. Oh, well. He’ll just have to hack into Gotham U’s systems then.
Even though the files are pretty useless, Jason makes sure to wipe them all anyway. Just to be safe.
He also makes sure to wipe his helmet’s footage. Despite how corrupted it is, it’s better to be safe than sorry with the Bats. He’s already lucky Babs hadn’t yet decided to hack into his helmet cam yet that night.
Next, he hacks his way into the Gotham U. systems. He manages to limit his search by only looking for first-year scholarship students and after a while Jason’s pretty sure he found the right guy, judging by the school picture.
Mystery twink’s name is Daniel Fenton. 20 years old, uses he/him pronouns. No registered meta status. His address was recently updated to Gotham City, the old address being a city named Amity Park in Illinois.
He took a gap year after high school and recently won a scholarship at Gotham U. He’s majoring in aerospace engineering and minoring in both astronomy and astrophysics.
Holy shit, he’s a fucking space nerd.
Has the Gotham Observatory reopened yet? That might be a good place to take him to while on their date after they’ve had dinner.
Interestingly enough, his ICE contact isn’t a parent or guardian but instead, it’s his older sister. One Jasmine Fenton, who has recently gained a doctorate in psychology, he finds after looking her up as well.
A quick search on Amity Park doesn’t gain him much. Though, after some digging he manages to run into a firewall. A pretty big firewall. That’s protecting anything but the barest of mentions of the city.
Nope, he’s not gonna be dealing with that shit.
Despite not being able to get more on Amity Park itself, Jason does manage to find some social media accounts of some of the city’s residents. One of them being Daniel’s.
But when he tries to take a look at any of the posts, all he gets are errors and endless loading screens. The firewall that’s protecting Amity Park also seems to be protecting all of its residents. Even former residents.
Right. That’s enough of that for today.
One thing Jason does note is that the twink’s preferred name is probably Danny, judging by the account bio.
At this point, Jason’s stuck on whether or not he should try his luck by going to Babs or Tim to see if they can find out more about Danny.
While they might be able to get through his hometown’s firewall, it would be hard to convince either of them to keep any information they find from the Bats if they knew why exactly Jason had taken an interest in the guy in the first place.
Whether that reason was because of the clown murder, the weird happenings with the Pit, or because Jason really wants to take the cute twink out on a date.
Though he could potentially try to bribe Replacement to do it for him, no questions asked, if he brought him some of that ‘Deathwish’ coffee for his services…
But, knowing him, the nosy fucker would probably ask questions anyway, stick his nose into Jason’s business, where it really doesn’t belong, and then proceed to tell the Bats regardless of any threats Jason would have sent his way.
However, on the other hand, Jason’s pretty sure Replacement still owes him a favor.
Hmmm… He’ll keep it in mind as a plan B.
He already managed to gather enough information to take Danny out on that date anyway.
While in the line to get some flowers for Danny, Jason decides to text the Bats group chat a vague message on how he won’t be patrolling Crime Alley tonight.
He’d rather not be dealing with panicked Bats crashing his date because they thought something was wrong because he hadn’t been seen patrolling, nor checked in with any of them. Or worse, nosy Bats stalking him and his date to see if he’s ‘worthy’ or some shit.
And if Jason texted them right after the announcement of the Joker being gone from Arkham was finally made?
Well, then that’s their problem, Jason resolutely decides, already reveling in the chaos as he mutes the chat and turns his phone off for good measure.
After paying for the flowers, and trying not to intimidate the shopkeeper because he’s in his Red Hood gear, Jason makes his way back to his motorcycle outside. After double-checking Danny’s address, he takes off.
Time to take the twink out on a date.
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vulcannic · 5 months
lgbtqa+ win! this white woman billionaire who is destroying the planet at her convenience MIGHT be gay (according to fans who assume people’s sexuality as a hobby)
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lamp-shading · 5 months
idrc what your personal stances on plurality is as long as youre respectful and not hateful/harassing others but you cant go on saying some shit abt this towards endogenic and mixed origin systems. Like you really cant claim youre all for mental health advocacy and call people "schizos" for having experiences you dont agree with (even though theres definite proof of their existances being real. look into astraea's web and lived experiences of non disordered plurals in early 2000's spaces i beg of you this isnt a new concept.)
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Also before yall get on my ass yes I know in aspen's description they say theyre schizophrenic but by calling others schizo in a derogatory and insulting way you are being so fucking ableist. Just cus you are schizospec doesnt mean you can throw around these fucking words towards others. I hate involving in syscourse but theres no way in HELL you should be getting away with this.
again, idrc what your stances are as long as youre being respectful, anyone can interact with this post but just know that if you say this ableist shit (calling endogenics schizo, delusional, etc) to justify your stances, congratulations, you fucking suck!
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otiksimr · 1 year
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Akarat siblings.
Shout out to siblings who look nothing alike.
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i wanted to try my hand at slamming Home with the puppetification beam. i told myself i wasn't gonna get attached. im attached. not sure about the outfit tho
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naturepointstheway · 10 days
Oh hey, a new chapter, and a meaty one at just over 5000 words, so has a nice length and girth ;) This time, from Mistoffelees' point of view as he converses with Tugger later the self-same day as the chat with Munkustrap. Tuggoffelees is a-happening, even if Misto will deny it.
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k-chips · 10 months
Aaaall right
Let's add Focalette/Neuvifuri to the "Annoying toxic shippers you can't talk with" list with Sylkies and Tedbeccas
Edit: to be clear, if you’re not one of these annoying shippers, you shouldn’t feel attached or upset about this post, since I’m not shitting on the ship itself 🤷🏻‍♀️
Except for Sylki. In that case I’m also shitting on the ship, which is horrendous and disgusting :D
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flecks-of-stardust · 7 months
palestinian rain world fans, if there’s anything that can be done to support you in light of everything going on with ludeo and main rain world’s staff’s handling of the situation, feel free to use this as a nexus to share links or other stuff of the sort.
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deadlysoupy · 2 months
transformers fans stop thinking of bumblebee as a "guy who gets his voicebox destroyed" challenge impossible
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postalignments · 1 month
Fun fact: A friend and I once made and submitted a two minute “[Characters] as Vines” video for a project. We got a 100.
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spiderin-space · 4 months
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Lots of scene redraw sketches 👀
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