#The Merry Men
thepromisedbride · 2 years
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.27--Episodes 12-13
I have watched through S3E13; spoilers DNI. Also, spoilers warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—I am now internally screaming in an excited/relieved manner.
—I love that aside from Henry’s lost memories, we’re basically picking up where we left off. No long, complicated process for Emma getting her memories back or getting back to her parents. This show cuts to the chase in all the right places.
—There is nothing aesthetically pleasing about the Wicked Witch. The green skin, orange hair, red lipstick, and bright blue eyes are an overwhelming combination. Also, the shade of green sucks. Now, Wicked Witch with a more aquamarine-ish tone, dark teal lipstick, medium blue or dark eyes, and let’s be real, dark hair (because no other shade could possibly look decent with green skin) would be living.
—Girl, I gotta put up flying monkeys now? I hate every single monkey, and these demon-monkeys are even worse. *shakes head disapprovingly*
—Baelfire cuts a rather dashing figure in fairytale clothes.
—Aurora and Philip are cowards. Everyone else is self-sacrificing to the point of ludicrousness, and they’re willing to betray Snow and Charming to the Wicked Witch. They’re having a baby—well, Cindy was clearly younger when she was pregnant, and she still risked her life to trap Rumple. Still don’t like Aurora. Very glad Mulan dodged that bullet.
—Speaking of Mulan, where is she? The Merry Men showed up, but no evidence of her. Which is terribly sad, because she’s awesome.
—Dr. Hopper’s plaid scarf is so cute. As is Dr. Hopper himself. And no, I do not apologize for mooning over him all the time.
—Dwarves being snatched by the fricking monkeys is not cool.
—“I’m a doctor, not a vet!” Yaaass, Frankenstein! I stan a doctor who references the one, the only, the icon, Dr. Bones McCoy. (TOS is so kitsch. I love it.)
—I like the potential that Robin and Regina are building. Not quite enemies to lovers (you know, if all goes according to plan) but it’s decent.
—Yes, Regina definitely needed to have more family complications in her life. It’s not like she goes evil on her family members or anything.
—At least the Wicked Witch is evil. That’s better than having a beef with someone nice, like Snow. Also, this time I want Regina to win.
—I actually like Regina these days. She’s complex, and it’s interesting that she’s unrepentant for her crimes, except maybe for the stuff that upset Henry, and she’s a pretty good mother. The amount she cares for Henry is beautiful.
—I’m like 90% sure Ginnifer Goodwin is actually pregnant at this point in the show. They’ve been using the classic clothing items that are used to cover up a pregnancy, until the moment arrived where Snow could be pregnant in canon.
—I hope other Oz characters show up. This show could do some wildly interesting things with the Wizard, I’m sure. Also, if the Scarecrow and the Tin Man aren’t dating and riding into battle on a lion, I’m gonna be a lil disappointed. (Okay, maybe that’s a bit much to ask, but how cool would it be?)
—Dorothy was never boring. My favorite Oz book is the second one, but throughout the series Dorothy is level-headed, intelligent, and kind. She would do well in this show.
—Feral Rumple is sending me. He’s got stubble. He’s doing the Dark One voice. I’m about to combust.
—I do wish he wasn’t suck in a cage in the Wicked Witch’s basement, though. He deserves better. Also, I’m terrified she’s made him evil again, and I just don’t think I can handle that.
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fairytale-enthusiast · 2 months
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glitter-stained · 10 days
After Red Hood stopped killing and someone leaked footage hinting that he's the second Robin, he expected to fight for every morsel of territory, for everybody to desert him and the murder attempts to triple.
And, well. It's not like he doesn't find himself in a rigged warehouse on Monday, walking off that one explosion with singes on his back. It's not like on Wednesday, a bullet pierces through a hole in his armour and he's losing half his blood in an alley. And sure, someone takes advantage of him throwing his helmet away on Friday (he was out of grenades and needed a bigger bomb) to fear gass him, but it's fine, he can function normally under fear gass nowadays.
Except. Except nobody deserts him. By Monday, the attempts have completely stopped. He walks into a meeting with his men and sees his goons' hands won't stop shaking, and even his lieutenant won't look him in the eyes.
Jason is confused, and so are the other bats, but soon the rumours reach their ears: you can't go after the Red Hood, because no matter what you do, once you've targeted him it's over, like a dog with a bone, he'll get you eventually- no matter how you shoot or how many explosives you use. It doesn't matter that the Red Hood doesn't kill, because the Red Hood doesn't die.
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storkofyore · 1 month
“Not all men” yeah, you’re right. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Gimli, son of Gloin, Legolas, son of Thranduil, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin “Pippin” Took, Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck and dare I say Boromir would never.
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overlyspecific · 4 months
I NEED a merlin fic where Merlin gets exposed as a warlock while Uther is still king and has to flee (maybe with Arthur’s help) but he doesn’t want to go far (so he can protect Arthur) so he just lives in the woods outside of the castle and becomes a robin hood type character.
If this happened soon enough i think the knights that Merlin gets to serve Camelot would just be apart of his forest gang instead. they could fight bandits but also steal from obnoxious nobles that treat people badly. they could also break innocent magic users and druids out of the dungeons.
Arthur would become a kind of Maid Marian character where his dad tells him to track Merlin down but whenever he goes Merlin just stops him with his magic and flirts with him before letting him go when they are far enough away. (Arthur gets trapped often because he misses and wants to see Merlin but he will never admit it)
Morgana, Gwen and Gauis would also probably sneak information to Merlin often or just let him into the castle whenever something comes up. Merlin always visits Arthur when he sneaks in the castle so it goes something like this:
Merlin: *siting with his feet on Arthur’s desk, reading highly confidential court documents while eating Arthur’s dinner*
Arthur: *comes into his chambers to relax after a council meeting and sees Merlin* 😧 You can’t be in here! What are you doing? Stop reading those!
Merlin: I thought you’d be happy to see me ☹️
Arthur: Maybe I would be if the entire castle wasn’t looking for you and you weren’t eating my dinner, you clotpole
Merlin: You did miss me! 😊 Also thats my word.
Arthur: I still have to arrest you…
Merlin: Can I finish the bread first?
and then Merlin proceeds to get away by dramatically jumping out the window and disappearing with magic and Arthur pretends to be mad but is smiling to himself
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 283
Now Jason would like it known that there was no mpreg situation going on. He isn’t even sure where people got that idea in the first place. Sure, he had taken a few Cores from the goons-in-white who had dared to set up in his turf. 
And sure maybe the excess energy from the pit (no wonder he’d been so irritable) was what said baby halfas (Okay, so they’re half human? Alright) had used to reform. And maybe the oldest is visibly less than a year old. 
But there Was No Mpreg Situation! He is this close to shooting someone! It was annoying (and slightly amusing) when it was just his goons, but now the Bats have seemingly got it in their heads! Dear Gotham it’s a good thing he’s not planning on like, ever revealing who he is because he would never be able to live this rumor down. 
[Winged Ghosts Au too, that seems to be getting lost in reblogs when it's just in the tags lol]
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atomic-chronoscaph · 4 months
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Michael Dorn and LeVar Burton - Star Trek: The Next Generation (1991)
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1lifeinspired · 10 months
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~ Merry Christmas! ~
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Noël arrivera plus tôt cette année écolos d'abord
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ronanlynchdefender · 1 year
The conversation between Maura and The Grey Man about Gansey and Adam is so meta because they’re basically voicing the audience’s perceptions of the characters.
The narrative is framed so all of us think that Gansey is the Main Character: Richard Gansey and his band of merry men (Maura’s pov)
We all assume this, but as you read the series it becomes increasingly clear that Adam Parrish is the Hidden Protagonist of the narrative. His desire, his need, to control his own life permeates the narrative. Adam takes action even when Gansey is afraid to (stopping Whelk, making the sacrifice) and subsequently propels the plot forward.
This is where The Grey Man’s perspective comes in: Adam Parrish and his band of merry men.
I LOVE that he says this because The Grey Man is an incredibly perceptive character, and while him and Adam have little (if any) interactions, he still notices who is really running the show here. He recognizes that Adam is probably a lot like himself: a guy everyone overlooks but with incredible power to make the difficult decisions everyone is afraid to make. And I just love that The Grey Man, in saying this, shows Adam respect and gives him credit where credit is due.
So this little disagreement between Maura and The Grey Man about who REALLY is the Main Character of this story reflects us. We see Gansey as the protagonist, but we also see Adam Parrish fulfill this role as well. Sometimes, it appears that Adam is even MORE of the main character than Gansey (in my opinion).
And the truth is that they’re BOTH main characters just in completely different ways. It’s honestly insane to me that Maggie can have these two widely different character journeys running parallel to each other in the same series, but she does it. And because they’re so different the development of each entangles and clashes with the other in fascinating and volatile ways.
GOD. It’s just so good I feel like I could teach a class about these goddamn books.
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froggywentaprincin · 22 days
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.22--Episodes 2-3
I have watched through S3E3; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—These episodes have had some pretty obvious plot devices in them, such as the map needing ✨special circumstances✨ to activate, but I don’t mind. It’s yielded some insight for Emma’s character, as well as fun, deadly family adventures.
—Speaking of deadly, if Charming dies I will be very upset. Also, he’s being stupid, not telling Snow that he’s been poisoned. Sure, it saves her some worry, but in the end it doesn’t help much.
—Snow and Charming drawing their swords in unison is couple goals.
—Fake Excalibur was a pretty sword. Of course, now they’ve set the expectation that I might see the real Excalibur eventually, so they’ve gotta make that the most spectacular weapon in the universe.
—I love that Rumplestiltskin conjured an image of Belle when he wanted someone to talk to. (Although, I do wonder if Belle is in any way aware of it, like her spirit was transported to Neverland; or if it’s just a very vivid hallucination.)
—I’d like to take the fact that he’s worried about making the selfish choice as a sign that he genuinely wants to do better this time.
—That straw doll following Rump around the island is creepy as hell. No thank you.
—The parallels between Emma giving up her kid, like her parents did, and Rump abandoning his kid, like his father did, intrigue me. As depressing as these plot points are, they’re also somewhat hopeful, as both Emma and Rump are trying to do better. It’s a nice, rare appearance of ending the cycle.
—Confession time! I’ve watched most of the movies in the Netflix Christmas Movie Cinematic Universe. I watch them on repeat every Christmas. (My mom watches those with me, too.) So of course, we had a jolly moment recognizing Tinkerbelle as Queen Amber from the Christmas Prince movies.
—Tinkerbelle is definitely cute, but she’s not quite my type. Especially when she’s all grimy and whatnot in Neverland.
—Her bright green dress in the fairytale world is among the best fairy outfits, though. Seriously, the Blue Fairy’s dress is ugly as all get-out. Just disgusting.
—Henry trying to shoot Peter was outstanding. I just wish it had worked.
—I hope at some point Emma and her parents manage to patch things up, because their current situation makes me very sad for both of them. It also makes Emma a little bit hypocritical, because she seems to expect Henry to forgive her entirely, but she isn’t willing to extend forgiveness to Snow and Charming. She’s a bit oblivious at times, so I’m willing to bet she’s not even aware of that irony.
—I want to know more about Hook and Tinkerbelle’s past adventures together. Sounds fun!
—Robin Hood being a father is a dynamic I really like. He needs something to fight for, or he just seems like a rogue with no reason for existence—and also no motivation is not a good way to build a character—but usually the only reason he gets is a vendetta. And you all know, there’s more than enough vendettas to go around already. Having his introductory motivation be his family is a lovely twist on the character.
—Robin is Regina’s soulmate? Color me surprised! I will now put yet another portion of my shipping energy (which believe me, is just about limitless) into hoping they get a happy ending. Besides, then Regina would get another kid in the bargain, which would give Henry a little brother, and that’s even better!
—That weird, pale, blond Lost Boy looks like his name should be Jimmy. Don’t know why, he just does.
—Baelfire actually made it to Neverland! I am both thrilled and trembling with fear. With him now in the equation, I have to place my bets on either him or Rump dying, and since Bae recently had a deathfake, it’s probably going to be Rump.
—On the other hand, maybe now Bae will have a chance to see his father doing the right thing. The would be excellent.
—Just remembered that Rump sent his dagger off with his shadow. Boss move, honey, but also stupid. It could possibly be the cause of that whole death thing.
—Getting a bit of full-on Dark One Rumplestiltskin was a fun part of these episodes. I love any scene where he’s at his spinning wheel.
—Snow White’s vest and jacket when she’s rebelling against Regina are gorgeous. Also, I adore that her hair is messy, because she’s living in a forest and it should be.
—The dwarves being like seven overprotective, angry brothers is hilarious to me. But I appreciate that they were willing to back down when they realized that Charming wants what’s best for Snow. Overprotective becomes overbearing rather quickly, and then it’s no fun.
—How dare they give me a faint glimmer of lesbianism and then take it away? I mean, for all I know it’s a total fakeout and Mulan is in love with Philip after all, but come on!
—Her being a Merry Man is cool, though. Maybe Robin could take them to, say, Scotland or Arendelle, and Mulan could meet one of the other Disney Lesbians™?
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princessfbi · 6 months
I hope you're exaggerating on the Lou part and he doesn't become a cast regular.
Omg you’re finally here! Where have you been Nelly?!?!?
I am most definitely not exaggerating. I want Lou to stay for the rest of the series. And I’m gonna have Tommy and Buck and Buck and Tommy and Tommy and Buck and Eddie all kiss each other on the mouth so many times that not even a DNA test can tell them apart.
Hope that clarifies everything!
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 122
“Have you met Seal Hood?” 
Dick paused almost mid-jump, having apparently turned to the wrong channel but also changed to the perfect one too. At least, perfect in the fact that he had just overheard an interesting thing from Jason, apparently forgetting that his comm was in fact on still. 
Damian must have answered, because Jason snorted a laugh. “You can try getting him to leave, he’s taken over my bathtub and keeps eating all my food.” 
Hold up, was- Dick had thought Jason was talking about a plush or something, but was he talking about a literal living animal seal??
“I’ll have you know I’m not going to make a poor little baby seal leave, and I’m not putting him in a zoo, brat.” 
Oh Gotham, it was a real living animal seal. Dick about faced, rushing towards Jason’s safehouse. How did he get a seal? Why was it in his bathtub?? Why hadn’t he called the proper people for this sort of thing?! He had to get to the safehouse now to see this shit.
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Baby Seal Danny <3
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