#The Dudley Women
thedudleywomen · 19 days
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This portrait of Elizabeth I (known as 'The Peace Portrait' or the 'Welbeck Portrait) depicting the Queen as Pax, the Roman Goddess of Peace, was painted by Flemish artist Marcus Gheeraerts c.1585.
It was likely commissioned by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester; the setting is reported to be his home of Wanstead Hall, Essex, with the figures in the background said to be himself, wife Lettice Knollys and one of her Devereux daughters. In reality, Lettice had been banished from court following the news of her secret marriage to Dudley, at Wanstead, on 21 Sep 1578. The Queen never forgave her younger kinswoman and former 'gentlewoman of the privy chamber' for her perceived betrayal in marrying her long-time favourite, famously referring to her as "that She-Wolf".
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leescheyenne · 25 days
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Guildford + Consent
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fyblackwomenart · 5 months
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'Hattie' by Carrie Douglas Dudley Ewen 1920s
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uwmspeccoll · 7 months
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International Women's Day
In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8), we’re showcasing one of writer, educator, intersectional feminist, poet, civil rights activist, and former New York public school librarian Audre Lorde’s (1934–1992) early collections of poetry. From a Land Where Other People Live was published in 1973 by Detroit’s groundbreaking Broadside Press. This independent press was founded in 1965 by poet, University of Detroit librarian, and Detroit’s first poet laureate Dudley Randall (1914-2000) with the mission to publish the leading African American poetry of the time in a well-designed format that was also "accessible to the widest possible audience." A comprehensive catalog of Broadside Press’s impressive roster of artists (including Gwendolyn Brooks, Nikki Giovanni, and Alice Walker, to name a few), titled Broadside Authors and Artists: An Illustrated Biographical Directory, was published in 1974 by educator and fellow University of Detroit librarian Leaonead Pack Drain-Bailey (1906-1983).  
Lorde described herself in an interview with Callaloo Literary Journal in 1990 as “a Black, Lesbian, Feminist, warrior, poet, mother doing [her] work”. She dedicated her life to “confronting and addressing injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia.” From a Land Where Other People Live is a powerfully intimate expression of her personal struggles with identity and her deeply rooted critiques of social injustice. The work was nominated for the National Book Award for poetry in 1974, the same year that Broadside Press published New York Head Shop and Museum, another volume of Lorde’s poetry featured in our collection. You can find more information on her writings and on the organization inspired by her life and work by visiting The Audre Lorde Project.     
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-- Ana, Special Collections Graduate Fieldworker 
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big-fudge888 · 15 days
A selection of faces Guildford Dudley made and things he said that should be illegal for the way they make me feel
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And one that should be illegal for real
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Editing to say: gifs created by @burning-daylight and @kendalroys and maybe some others and if I missed you I will never not attribute again!!
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flexingtyger99 · 2 years
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Darla & Mary
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artfilmfan · 1 year
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She Dies Tomorrow (Amy Seimetz, 2020)
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I can give Dudley the redemption arch because he was a child following after his parents (very abusive behaviors) but people are really defending Petunia and Vernon???? What the fuck?? Like it pretty much says in the first sentence of the whole series that they’re assholes! And it is canon that both Vernon AND Petunia were physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive to Harry until the last moment he left private drive.
The only reason I can give Dudley any kind of redemption or forgiveness is because we see him change in the books after the Dementor attack. I don’t think he and Harry will ever be close or very friendly, but I can see them having a civil relationship at least for their children. Or even just to make up for their shitty childhood that they shared together, as Dudley was also abused too. But this would definitely be after years of therapy and trying to make amends, it wouldn’t happen until many years after the war was over.
You would be surprised on how many posts I’ve crossed where people almost worship Petunia and say that Vernon is the one who forced her to hate her sister!!!
I believe that Dudley deserves redemption cause as you said he was a young person living in a very toxic environment. However, I’m always rather conflicted on how his relationship with Harry is post-war. I’ve read a few fics that had different perspectives on what their relationship have come to, and they’re all very interesting! But I’m not set out on one opinion. Sometimes I think Harry would try to leave it all behind him, but sometimes I think that maybe they’d reconnect as Dudley was obviously a very huge part of Harry’s life (even though it was horrendous) and the same goes the other direction. But I’m sure of one thing; I don’t think they’ll ever have a “close brotherhood” kind of relationship. Maybe sending presents over the holidays or reconnecting every few years, but never close, yk?
But anyways let me get back to my rant about Petunia. It’ll be under the cut :)
CW: mentions of abuse
Let’s get one thing straight: Vernon did not make her hate Harry nor was he pulling the strings in that house and the abuse regarding his nephew. It was Petunia. She collected ALL the hatred in that house and made sure it was taken out on Harry. Why? Because she’s a petty, small-minded and disgusting woman who abused the power she had over a child. All that to let out some of the childish jealousy she had against her DEAD little sister.
Here are some quotes from the books to use as a starting point:
“Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn’t have a sister,”
“They didn’t want Dudley mixing with a child [Harry] like that.”
“she [Petunia] always got so upset at any mention of her sister.”
"He [Vernon] cleared his throat nervously. ‘Er — Petunia, dear — you haven’t heard from your sister lately, have you?’ As he had expected, Mrs. Dursley looked shocked and angry. After all, they normally pretended she didn’t have a sister. ‘No,’ she said sharply.”
“Mr. Dursley wondered whether he dared tell her he’d heard the name ‘Potter.’ He decided he didn’t dare.”
“‘Harry’ [Said Petunia]. ‘Nasty, common name, if you ask me.’”
So these quotes are from the first chapter of the first book (Philosopher’s Stone).
As you can see, pretending the Potters don’t exist is a mutual decision from both sides and it seems that Petunia is more bothered by the mention of her sister than Vernon is because when he tries to bring up the Potters his main concern is upsetting Petunia. Never once does he mention his own disgust with them when trying to bring them up. No, it’s Petunia’s reaction he’s worried about. This doesn’t seem like a behavior of someone who is forcing his wife to hate her sister.
If anything it seems to me that Petunia have explained to her husband how much she dislikes the mention of her sister (and her sister’s entire family too) and so Vernon got the memo that the Potters should never be brought up. Which shows that Petunia is the one who fuels the hatred for the Potters in their household.
Now I’m not saying that Vernon is completely innocent, no he’s hates the Potters too. But his is more personal. After the whole double date incident when he felt that James was taking the mickey out of him and undermining his power. A bully like Vernon who likes to show off his money and power being insulted by a teenager made Vernon hate James’ guts.
“…James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove.”
“Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant.” -Pottermore
And I think that Vernon usually likes to pretend that the people he hates don’t exist, he’s way to high to be bothered by a cocky teenager who ‘doesn’t have a future’. He feels way too superior. During his wedding he made sure not to give James any attention, but made sure to return the humiliation he felt during the double date.
“Vernon refused to speak to James at the reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as ‘some kind of amateur magician’.” -Pottermore
After Vernon obviously felt satisfied with his comeback, he never gives James a glance.
That’s why when mentioning the Potters he doesn’t even mention the double date incident because technically who’s that James next to him?? No, his wife’s reaction is the main concern.
And that’s the difference between the hate Vernon has towards the Potters and Petunia’s hatred. Whereas Vernon hates James specifically for undermining him and his money and power, Petunia hates them all because she ‘knows’ she’s less superior and special. This fuels her jealousy and anger towards them.
Therefore; Vernon’s ultimate superiority and Petunia’s ultimate loathing.
And you can see that Petunia already has it out for Harry even though she hasn’t met him yet; calling his name “Nasty”. Now I know some of you might interpret her sentence as Petunia criticizing her sister’s choice of names, but if that was the case she would’ve claimed the boy’s misfortune of having such a name or the kid’s misfortune on having parents like the Potters. But no, she mainly focused on the child. Which gives the impression that she’s disliked Harry the moment she knew about him.
“she [Petunia] received from Lily and James the announcement of Harry’s birth, and after one contemptuous look, Petunia threw it in the bin.” -Pottermore
These things sets the foundations for her dislike towards Harry. So when the moment comes where she actually meets him, he will be connected to the ‘detestable’ announcement and the ‘nasty’ name.
Then the times comes where she has to handle that child’s responsibilities and raise him.
And she did take him in, no one’s denying that, but this happened:
“She did it grudgingly, and spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.” -Pottermore
She spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.
She took him in. She hated every single moment of having to raise him. So she made sure he was punished for it.
If that is not abuse as some people like to say, then what is exactly???? Punishing an innocent child for taking him in? Are you guys serious?
That’s why her character disgusts me so much. I cannot stand her at all. Because if anything this is a psycho level of behavior. A sane person wouldn’t dream of hurting a small animal let alone a child. Her nephew.
And as for Vernon’s hatred towards Harry it stems out of the humiliation he felt when he met James. The fact that Vernon made sure to return that humiliation during the wedding satisfied Vernon and he didn’t have to think about James anymore. But Harry ( the carbon copy of James) serves as a constant reminder of that feeling, so his hatred towards Harry stems out from his injured masculinity. As Pottermore says:
“Uncle Vernon’s dislike of Harry stems in part, like Severus Snape’s, from Harry’s close resemblance to the father they both so disliked.”
So ya this is my rant about them. Sorry if this is all over the place, English isn’t my first language and this topic pisses me off so much🙂.
And I’d like to conclude that I hate them both, but hate Petunia at tad bit more :)
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venicepearl · 12 days
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Edward Matthew Ward - Leicester and Amy Robsart at Cumnor Hall. 1866
Amy, Lady Dudley (née Robsart; 7 June 1532 – 8 September 1560) was the first wife of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, favourite of Elizabeth I of England. She is primarily known for her death by falling down a flight of stairs, the circumstances of which have often been regarded as suspicious. Amy Robsart was the only child of a substantial Norfolk gentleman. In the vernacular of the day, her name was spelled as Amye Duddley.
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soulofaclown86 · 2 months
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Is it me or they look alike?
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letterboxd-loggd · 6 months
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The Maltese Falcon (1931) Roy Del Ruth
April 6th 2024
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thedudleywomen · 22 days
On This Day (29 Aug) in 1588, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester wrote to Elizabeth I from Rycote, Oxon, less than a week before his death.
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56yo Robert Dudley had recently played an integral role as Elizabeth's Lieutenant General, in the defence of England against the attempted invasion of England by the 'Spanish Armada' earlier that summer. It was Dudley who had arranged for the Queen to travel to the camp at Tilbury, where she delivered her famous rallying speech to her troops on 09 Aug 1588.
Following the defeat of the Spanish, Dudley had returned to London for the celebrations; however, he was described as "weak" and "exhausted". He therefore left London prematurely, accompanied by his wife Lettice Knollys, Countess of Leicester, with the intention of heading north to the Midlands - initially to his home in Kenilworth and then on to Buxton to "take the waters'.
The couple's first planned stopped was at Rycote, the home of Henry Norris, kinsman of Lettice, and old friend of Dudley's (and the Queen's). It was here that Dudley wrote to Elizabeth, thanking her for the 'meddycyn' that she had sent her, and sending her best wishes for her own health.
He signed the letter "by your most faythful and obedyent servant. R Leycester"
This letter was found in a small casket next to the Queen's bed after her own death in Mar 1603; she had labelled it 'his Last Lettar', and there was evidence she had re-read it many times.
Shortly after sending this letter, the couple continued their journey hoping to finde perfect cure at the bath"; however, Dudley's health quickly deteriorated, forcing them to break their journey at Cornbury Park, a former royal hunting lodge in Oxfordshire; it was here that Dudley died a few days later on 04 Sep 1588.
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figureskatingcostumes · 3 months
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So many angles to capture for Anna Pogorilaya's short program costume at the 2012 Junior Grand Prix Final. She skated to music from Songs from the Victorious City by Anne Dudley and Jaz Coleman.
(Sources: 1, 2 and 3)
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jhericurldrippin · 2 years
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Kishaya Dudley starring in the You Rock My World short film, 2001.
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fideidefenswhore · 7 months
watching the shardlake trailer like… for $1, name a woman.
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abwwia · 2 months
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Virginia Dudley (1913 - 1981) Although known primarily as an enamelist, Virginia Dudley was a versatile artist who also excelled as a painter, printer, sculptor, jeweler, and photographer. Born in Spring City, Tennessee, Dudley was artistically inclined as a child and was encouraged by her parents at an early age. via enamelart
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source: https://www.ornamentmagazine.org/articles/virginia-dudley-volume-394
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