#Thanks for letting me know
wszczebrzyszynie · 5 months
Hey just letting you know that drawing thats a bunch of like pig headed cops is AI generated.
ripping my hair out. ok
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little-pup-pip · 2 months
hey! umm uhh if it wouldn't be too much trouble can you start tagging your moodboards that have no paci? i'm a caregiver of a pet regresser who gets really triggered by agere stuff. thx <3
For sure! I've never thought about that before!! People ask for that all the time, so I can definitely tag that in the future, and it wouldn't be too difficult for me to go back and tag for that in old boards too!!
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ltwilliammowett · 9 months
The Niagara has just been. . .stolen, effectively, from the nonprofit (the Flagship Niagara League) that has crewed/maintained it for the last 40 years. The Pennsylvania Historic Museum Commission now has direct control of the boat. Since PHMC has no practical maritime experience and literally no plan for sailing or maintaining a wooden tall ship, Niagara may well just get tied to the dock and left to rot. It might be worth a quick internet search to get the full story (there's a changedotorg petition floating around that lays the whole thing out and makes it pretty clear the ship is in dire straits). Everyone associated with the boat is heartbroken. It was such an amazing community resource and the sail training program there changed so many lives over the decades. Hard to believe it might be over.
Reading that is really bad. How can someone be in such a mood to snatch a ship? The money that's probably it - So sad when you already know what will happen if she stays there. She will just rot away and be forgotten, as you mentioned.
So if you want to know more about the circumstances and read the petition here is the link
The important thing now is that we help where we can because you know what that means "Don't Give Up the Ship"
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play-rough · 2 months
Hey some of your stuff is on that god forsaken rivd site :(
Wtfffff learning now what rivd is I was hoping I was being trashed on a 4chan knockoff lol this is even worse
Apparently making a take down request requires giving them a lot of personal information 🥲 i will attempt to get them down but wow that sucks
Just so it’s clear for everyone my fics are only on Ao3 and if you ever see them anywhere else i didn’t consent for them to be there
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tanked-up · 6 months
The font you most recently changed to (on the "i can't stand people like you" and "then sit down" post) is so much easier for me personally to read :)
Perfect! Then I’m gonna be using it from now on, if u guys don’t mind <3
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podcastwizard · 9 months
magnetictapedatastorage is a terf
reply has been deleted
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wispforever · 3 months
working on creating an image description for my latest system comic. can anyone tell me whether I should describe the whole comic and put that in the first image's description box, OR describe each image separately in each of their description boxes. I've seen it done both ways, and I'm wondering which is better for folks who use the mechanic
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yummycrummy · 1 year
hey uhm i just wanted to warn you
someone on ao3 made a fanfic of your au that was uh
roy x manny
it got deleted but im just sayin keep and eye out
please have a good day/night
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favouritefi · 1 year
Are you okay with your fanart being crissposted to the izzy hands subreddit. Asking because afaik you're favouritefi everywhere and someone with a different reddit name reposted your knight comic art
WHAT….can you please tell them not to do that I don’t allow reposting of my art anywhere and I don’t have a Reddit account
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finalproblem · 1 year
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Tumblr has just very helpfully informed me that I've made over 100 posts on this blog.
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littledeadling · 1 year
hi i saw one of your comics on tiktok and wanted u to know
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just in case you dont want them to b reposted
I don’t have tiktok so I guesss I don’t mind TOO much, but I would rather people please ask first :/// Certainly don’t want people reposting on any sites I’m on though.
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ombrathefurry · 5 months
hey I saw you saying not to have people make your characters on AI chat things, but I saw one on a site that lets you do uh, *things* if you get what I mean (I was looking to see if anyone else had made them elsewhere).
just thought I’d let you know
Oh thanks for letting me know
I don’t condone this really but if I don’t know who made it then there’s nothing I can do
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softpine · 6 months
btw some people are boycotting substack bc the site refuses to change it's policy and ban alt right and nazi creators (some of which receive money through their site)
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i am not joking when i say the internet is making me feel so incredibly hopeless these days..... can we erase everything and start over
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capydoodle · 1 year
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that the cute artist book link seems to be broken! It doesn't work for me.
UH OH let me take a looksie
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tresjoline · 7 months
annie became your fan as well, lots of x likes
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liliallowed · 8 months
hey, hearing impaired guy here, didn't rlly appreciate your post abt religion and going 'your literally deaf!'
I know, it seems small, but I'm tried of people using a disability as an insult. It's like saying, 'homophobes are LITERALLY crippled, cant walk, bc they refuse to take progressive steps!' It's comparing discrimination to something that impacts someone's life daily
And hey, this isn't me trying to be rude, or ignore your message. Religious assholes are just that, assholes. But please, dont use disability as a way to get your point across, just hurts us, makes a lot of us feel like we're a metaphor
ah I apologize that was insensitive of me. I'm sorry I didn't think of it like that.
English is not my first language and well in my native language lots of metaphors are more common and widely used.
(it's kinda like semi poetry? things that have a second meaning are widely used in the expressions)
I sorta must've mistranslated my thoughts into English which is a much more literal and direct language that is "straight to the point".
I didn't mean to use being deaf as an insult either. my point wasn't to... say they're worse or any lesser for being unable to hear. by choose not to.
yeah I understand why it'd sound bad.
now that I think twice that's completely different from disability. it's insulting to compare.
sorry. I'll edit it and word it differently.
but that was never my intention to compare having a disability to being WILLFULLY ignorant.
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