#Thank you for letting me rant
llannasvsp · 17 days
Does it ridiculously annoy you when people micharacterize your favorite character? Do you feel like you want to implode when you see it happening?
Because I sure want to.
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lisascomplicated · 1 month
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sociopaticos · 2 years
With the new Jeffrey Dahmer show, i want everyone to remember this new series is to understand the victims p.o.v, we are looking through the eyes of what they went through and how badly the justice system failed each and one of them.
As a part of the true crime community, we should not romanticize in any way Dahmer’s behavior. We can just simply understand why he committed such wicked, monstrous, acts. But this man deserves no sympathy. Be glad he is dead, and I count blessings each day because he is no longer with us.
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bakedbakermom · 7 months
Maybe it's because of the time in my life in which I was forced to watch it but I really fucking hate Devil Wears Prada.
Backstory: me, a 20-year-old with a life-threatening eating disorder, was living in a house with 5-8 other girls in the same condition (residential treatment center). Every weekend we had a house budget to go do various normal teen/young adult stuff. Often we'd spend the money on a trip to the movies, but the movie had to be approved by the staff.
That weekend in particular, we all voted to go see Crank, but the staff decided a movie about a guy seeking thrills so he wouldn't die of no adrenaline was too dangerous to expose a group of eating disordered teens/20-somethings to. They got us tickets for DWP instead.
When I say we tore them all a new one when we got home...
Sure let's send a group of vulnerable girls to see a movie about the fashion industry where one character is on an ice-cube and paper diet (guess how many of us had done that and were triggered beyond words) and another is constantly derided for being a size 4 (how many of us were crying at the thought of becoming that size) and is later praised for dropping to a 2??
Seeing our very real traumas played for laughs soured me forever on this movie. All us girls sat down and wrote a letter not only to the staff who had made us go, but to the producers of the movie themselves for somehow managing to both glorify and trivialize the very behaviors that we were trying to NOT let kill us.
A couple of us left the theater in fucking tears. We bitched about it for weeks. I am apparently still bitching about it after almost 2 decades (much better with regards to the eating disorder though, thankfully). Seriously what the fuck is this movie.
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mayonezroulette · 2 months
Feeling a bit vunerable and I want to get my thoughts out about my views about my younger self/Gaara. I might delete this later, but I just feel like posting all this here. Maybe someone will understand how I have been feeling lately or can relate to me relating to Gaara from Naruto...
Don't know if anything will be triggering to anyone so a CW: Venting about my emotions and myself under the cut.
It's general positive emotions underneath but to be safe I wanted to warn everyone before they continue.
So let me start off with a question I know the answer to, but I ask myself a lot anyways. Am I allowed to cry over Gaara? Because I'm feeling with my whole body this caring affection and this wanting to comfort him during this rewatch of the Chunin Exams. Which the whole honest truth is that's me wanting to comfort kid me for letting people define me and not define myself for a long while. Like I identified with Gaara so much as a kid. I viewed myself as a monster and acted out because if others thought I was monster then I'd be a monster. Gaara's whole arc and story helped me feel like I could be loved and maybe I wasn't a monster like everyone said I was. Maybe I too would find a Naruto who would be there for me when I needed him. I still Identify with Gaara a lot too. I'm less jaded then before and I feel less self loathing and feel like I'm worth something now, but they still are kind of there. I still have my doubts about myself, but by God Naruto has altered my brain chemistry so much that it is lessened when I think about that journey both Naruto and Gaara went through. I'm gonna cry at some point about this, but that's okay. I also think it's why I ship the two of them together at least as a QPR because that's what I want for not just Gaara, but for me. Someone to show me that I am capable and worthy of love and so I can love them back just as much. I feel so much right now and I just want to hold little angry kod Tobi and let him know our Naruto is out there. That we can survive anything just like we always have, but we can love and be loved and that we can do more then just survive now. I just want with my full fiber of my being to be soft and full of confidence. To be caring and to be cared for. To love and be loved. To want and to be wanted. These are things I want and I can have I just have to open myself to them and I can learn how. I have it within me and in the end I will be more than okay, I will be love in of itself. Just got to let it happen and take it one step at a time.
People and feelings are messy... They also confuse me a lot. Have had 10+ years of therapy and I'm still learning new things about myself and how to handle my emotions. I learned just the other day that I am more then what people define me as and I am allowed to define myself just as much. Life has taken a lot from me, but it has also given me a lot too. While every year I'm surprised I've made it this far it's a pleasant feeling. I just love Naruto so much and I'm so glad I'm still around so I can rewatch it again and again and again.
Sorry for the messy feelings and being vunerable, but I just want to shout from the roof tops how much I love Gaara and how it feels like it's more like loving myself at this point.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
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It was, of course, George who expressed the sentiment. 
“Of course, Drew, of course, it took you less than three months.”
(She also mutters under her breath about how if she’d held off eight more weeks she’d have won a ton of money.)
But five months would have been impossible. Even three months had felt like forever to Nancy. A short eternity. An eternity filled with sex and snuggling and breakfasts and movie nights and her friends and dads’ gentle ribbing and more happiness than she could ever remember feeling. Still, an eternity. She’s sure some would say they moved far too fast. She was, after all, not even 21, and while they were practically living together and were certainly planning on forever, getting married before she could legally drink did sound like a crazy idea to many. 
But the way they had looked at it, they’d been apart. They didn’t want to be apart anymore, not for a moment longer. And they were soulmates, both planning on forever, so why wait just to wait?
If he hadn’t proposed, she knows she would have. And it was so them, right after a banishment ritual, her hair still windswept, his fingers digging into her sides as he held her back from the spirit that had threatened to carry her away. 
She had turned to face him, and he’d been looking at her with this light in his eyes, a light she had never seen before. 
“Nance,” he had gasped. “Nance, marry me.” 
She surged up and kissed him, and again, they didn’t need any words. They never had. 
I choose this, she had said to Temperance. And she did. And she would, she’d choose him anywhere, anytime, in any lifetime. 
From there, they’d made it five days. 
(Realistically, that was for Bess’ sanity, because the amount of permutations on five days to plan a wedding, are both of you bloody insane that they’d heard in that time period necessitated at least a few days between engagement and wedding.)
It was perfect. It was beautiful. It was just them, at the waterfront, their friends in attendance, her dads walking her down the aisle (Ryan had definitely cried when she’d stressed she wanted him there too). Nick marries them, a smile on his face and a few secret glances at George that none of them miss. 
There is never a question of where the honeymoon will be, but it does take them a few months to save up. 
And then they’re there, living out her dream, and it feels like it is indeed a dream, too good to be true, too blissful to have come out of the last few months. They recreate her parents’ honeymoon photo, Ace’s arm slipped around her waist, his lips pressing into her cheek, Nancy trying valiantly to hold back tears, and she can feel both her mothers with her as much as if they had been physically standing there. 
And so, three months after the banishment of a curse that Nancy Drew had thought damned her entire life, she tips her head back onto her husband’s shoulder, breathing in the scent of Paris around her, and she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that George was right all that time ago, that love was the most human of all things.  (Of course, the story doesn’t end there. The adventures ahead, good, bad and otherwise, come fast for Nancy Drew Hardy, in a future she knows will begin as soon as she sets foot in Horsehoe Bay again, but that’s okay, because it’s a future they get to have, and they get to have it together.)
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milolov3nutella · 1 year
Bruh, I have the urge to write a Tankeo fic.
HELP why isn't there any-
My mind is full of AUs
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cldhrbour · 5 months
so let me ramble about how awful the logistics are at the end battle, way more specifically about getting to the castle. while i hate the location and just overall pathetic excuse for an island concept of the castle, there is one major advantage that we just gloss over and that's it's near inability to be snuck up on. being in the middle of the ocean forces anyone getting there to take boats and we've established when you bring serana home that there are guards at the gate. it is also so stupid to assume that once serana leaves the castle again and you start getting attacked by spawn that not only does harkon know what you're doing, but that he wouldn't up patrol outside on the battlements and beaches. granted, you have that mini fight at the very beginning when you get there but that's not what i'm talking about. if patrols are increased, there's no way and no reason they wouldn't a) see you coming and b) sink those fucking ships are you kidding me? that solves eVERTHING????? harkon is supposed to practically be a warlord. he should be skilled in planning battles and that one fucking thing keeps the entire fight from happening, even if he still has to deal with getting his daughter or wife.
then i ask. . . why didn't he?
because he was distracted. serana staying at the castle once dropped off meant not only that she could check in and see if the plan to get the prophecy started was still underway, but that she could start lobbying some of the court to move against her father. looking at who she has to choose from, i think garan, feran and rargal are pretty good choices. garan just for his standing as being harkon's immediate advisor (and to me it's clear he has some softness towards serana, even if it's little), rargal would have issue with supply chains once the sun was blotted out, so appealing to that should be easy, and feran really doesn't care about internal politics, just studying his alchemy so suggesting the prophecy puts that at risk is the angle to take (and it automatically has ronthil at your side as well). so if they're on her side, it's easy enough at that point to have them weaving within the court while serana is out of the castle (be it in skyrim, bg3, dragon age, etc).
getting information back to them is as simple as sending rargal out to collect thralls with his lackeys and meeting up with serana. to that end, when the entire group is ready to make a move on the castle, it's up to the three court members to stage a distraction so they can get in without the risk of boats sinking or anyone getting killed prior to being shoreside.
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You know, with a Tandemaus character, it got me thinking, what is your headcannon for how they work?
For me, I usually just try to think about them as two bodies but with a wireless brain or something. XD
(Thank you for unleashing my headcanon brain! :D)
To explain it in the simplest terms, I see Tandemaus as a “two bodies, one soul” kinda deal. In the case of Matcha, they are a pair of bonded siblings, but other Tandemaus can be a romantic couple or other relationships. It depends on how the pair forms. If hatched, you usually have a sibling pair.
Now, that also gets into Maushold and how they work. Maushold are a Pokémon that can “evolve” by creating younglings. They do so not through through birth, but via a sort of mitosis (lol micetosis). Basically, the bigger mice split off the smaller mice from their bodies when they’re ready to evolve. So the little mice are less children of the Maushold and more like tiny clones. So it’s NOT weird for sibling pairs to evolve, okay?
The little mice of the Maushold unit can go off on their own and become a new instance of Tandemaus, usually being replaced with another set of little ones shortly after. That said, Maushold can “devolve” if they choose not to bud off into more little mice.
Finally, singular Tandemaus can exist and come into being when a Family of Three Maushold lets the little mouse go on its own. They usually try to find a partner quickly, even pairing with non-Tandemaus if needed. This is also how romantic Tandemaus pairs can occur, with single mice finding a soulmate.
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Opinions on the Muppets Christmas carol
ITS SO AMAZING!!! love how scrooge steps outside in the begging and everyone goes “there goes mr asshole, there goes mr capitalist”
gonzo as dickens and rizzo as- well, rizzo is so funny to me
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teenagepillpopper · 16 hours
okay I guess the Universe is trying to help me understand I’m not everyone’s cup of tea by trying to humble me (consistently hearing about how people think my face needs reconstruive attention). which is fine it’s fine people aren’t attracted to me IM NOT UR TYPE THATS OKAY.. it’s just like😒 why are we being immature about this. I don’t want to be pretty to MEN.. I don’t want to attract them. And they don’t want me. So it seems we have like a mutual understanding so we just leave each other alone right??…BUT NO THEY MAKE IT MORE THAN IT IS AND START ABSOLUTELY ALLITERATING MY SELF CONFIDENCE FOR FUN1?!1?2!?1!2!1!1?2?1?
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ancientgrain · 4 months
Getting the Tracker ready for emissions has really opened my eyes to how pointless (if superficially well-meaning) a lot of CA emissions requirements are. For instance: a car that ONLY fails 2 OBD checks (which simply indicate whether the ECU, or the car’s “brain”, is checking all systems) it fails smog. This can mean the car has a problem, but 99% of the time means that it hasn’t completed a “drive cycle”—a highly specific and asinine set of driving requirements that help the ECU throw codes and CEL lights.
Basically, it’s a good system that is let down by its hyper-specificity. The drive cycles also vary per make, model, year, and individual car. It’s stupid as hell.
So what happens if you keep failing smog for that one issue? To the scrapyard it goes. So many cars THROWN AWAY for nothing. This is why so many junkyards have perfectly driveable cars just rotting out.
Furthermore, a tiny, efficient car like the Tracker will fail the hydrocarbon test if its levels are about like, 66. For comparison, a HUGE truck can have levels up to 400 and more, and still pass. So who is the gross polluter? According to CARB, the Tracker is.
This is also why catalytic converters are so expensive in CA—they KNOW you’re gonna have to “fix” it by buying a new one, just to pass the test and not have to junk the car.
Sorry to rant, it’s just a horrible system designed to get people to buy new cars more often. Bullshit. It’s incredibly anti-consumer, and wholeheartedly greenwashing.
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hajihiko · 19 days
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impartialbias · 1 year
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itscherryterry-again · 4 months
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#i had posted this everywhere and it occurred to me that i hadnt on tumblr. which seems like a crime#keith kogane#vld keith#vld lance#vld fanart#lance mcclain#voltron#klance#can i rant for a bit#grabs the microphone Id like to thank this huge step on my voltron healing journey to my mom#who said 'oh its that show that made you cry in frustration! the kitties!'#and i said 'yes mother i was 15'#i dont think ive ever felt so. like. bullied? i dont wanna say ridiculed but#by a shows' producer#not since fucking BBC SHERLOCK#and i dont mean oh of course it wasnt gonna be canon. Of cours it wasnt I dont mean that#what i didnt need was getting baited left and right#the show milked the shit out of. lets be real here. young queer kids and then turned around and pointed and laughed when they gained hope on#their silly red blue ship to get canon#bc lets be real if anything queer was gonna happen. ambiguous non binary pidge was already there#two skinny attractive teen boys is like low hanging fruit. diet rep#but it wasnt even abt that. at least i truly never thought klance was srly gonna b canon. i HOPED. but like. i never shipped 4 canon anyway#i LIKED voltron. i loved lotor. i had always been a multishipper allur//ce was rkly cute i couldve dug that#if they hadnt spent the last season looking miserable AND THEN DYING#tf u mean our female lead died TF U MEAN THE LATINO MC BECAME A FARMER? w the forever marks of his dead gf on his face? Are you joking rn???#anyway. hit me up for more voltron opinions i got tons#(mic drop)
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I jokingly thought before that reading Junie B. Jones as a kid turned me into a feminist, but unironically, it kind of did.
I honestly think it comes down to the fact that Junie B. was not only allowed to be "weird," but her character arc never concluded like other girl characters would. In other media featuring "weird girls," the girl always ended her arc tamed - by force or convince, she would be prettied up, she would smile and be polite, and she would never speak out of turn. She would be perfect then, and would shed her veneer of individuality with the freedom that is conformity. As a kid, I noticed that girls weren't permitted to be "weird" like boys were. So when I read Junie B. Jones, I loved that she was frankly just fucking weird. She said things out of turn, she was rambunctious and imaginative and she was a realistic portrayal of a little girl. I loved reading those books because the narrative taught her lessons without punishing her for being weird, if that makes sense. So often, narratives punished weird girls for the crime of being a socially unacceptable girl, not for any true wrongdoing like lying.
Anyway, I just think it's interesting, because I watched and read a ton of books and shows and movies featuring girls and women, but none of them truly empathized with (or even tried to empathize with) weird girls on their own merits and capabilities and terms, or embraced the idea of a "socially inept/unacceptable" girl without punishing her in some way for her supposed ineptitude.
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