#This has nothing to do with anything
sleepysheepytea · 2 months
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
I think college is genuinely a scam. Full stop.
I have learned absolutely nothing, I graduate in a month, and every life skill I've ever learned has been stuff I've experienced outside of the classroom. I had to teach myself how to write, how to draw, how to set up my home, how to be a good partner, how to take care of a sick pet. And none of that will ever be taught to you in a classroom.
Most of my knowledge has come from job experience, or pulling up a YouTube video and sitting down and learning stuff myself, any lecture I've ever attended is immediately forgotten because I'd have three more that day.
I'm sure it's way more useful for stuff like engineering and science, but if your going for art and writing, I would recommend starting a portfolio and teaching yourself, because college will only bring you more creatively similar to everyone else, instead of allowing you to express your own style, and more importantly find that style.
I have struggled all four years I've attended college, I went in to improve my art and my writing and both actively got worse, because I no longer had time to write, and any pointers I got on my art was either straight criticism (with no actual pointers) or just "keep practicing!"
Bitch! I need actual direction! How do I blend colors? How do I shade? How to I stop my line work from being wobbly? Show me!
Agh sorry, I don't normally rant on this blog, but holy god I am immensely frustrated on how far behind I am on what I want to do now.
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Today I exchanged a single strawberry for a bag of hair, we should get rid of money and start swapping things again
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badlydrawnjohn · 11 months
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EB: vriska, i look stupid!
AG: Clearly you don't understand fashion, john.
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chiyana · 23 days
Geek confession: I am very good at the Vulcan 'live long and prosper' salute
Second geek confession: it has nothing to do with Star Trek and everything to do with how I would pretend to be Nightcrawler a lot as a kid and pretend to only have three fingers.
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fairuzfan · 10 months
Hey, I've been wondering why you like the Hunger Games. Is there anything that makes it special or appealing for you?
Oh boy, Hunger Games discussions! Here's an essay for you :)
When I was growing up, I read about the districts and the way the capitol profits off their labor — how they have every luxury in the Capitol with doing absolutely none of the work whereas the people doing all the work are the ones that are the most oppressed, facing restrictions in speech and movement to the point of being in literal cages — and I thought "Just like in Palestine!" And not just in Gaza either. The West Bank with their settlements are the same way in that their movement and speech are so vehemently restricted despite the fact that much of the labor (in farming, manufacturing, etc) is being taken to feed the imperial empire.
With the games themselves, I saw the way in which Palestinian children are expected to play in the world stage — pander to millions for the hopes that they would take pity as they walk into a death arena and perhaps donate to help them. It's dehumanization to an extreme scale, but it's what happens in real life. Some people decide to help certain Palestinians because of what Palestinians say or don't say — not because they're actual human beings who deserve life for no other reason than being born. People can coo and coddle the Palestinian children who articulate their struggles well, pretending to care about them, but they don't really. They're just there for entertainment. They're there for people to feel like they're helping some poor kid who they have no hand in their oppression at all. The fact that the children of the districts feel like they have to sell themselves is the same in real life. Just think about that conference where that kid in Gaza did a whole speech in English pleading for people to stop the bombing campaigns.
What I really liked about Katniss, narratively speaking, is her romances with Peeta and Gale not because I felt like she was especially interested in either one of them romantically (Katniss ace/aro rep to the max) but because of what the romance signified and how each one had a specific purpose. I remember reading analysis about how Peeta represented "peace" and Gale represented "revolution" and at the time I agreed, but now I feel a bit differently.
Peeta might represent "peace," true, but he was abandoned and abused his entire life. He was sent off to the games where even his parents had no hope for him. But even though he suffered physical and verbal abuse, he still gave Katniss that bread even if he personally suffered for it. I'm not sure if that represents "peace" so much as it represents "love." Even thinking about it now, how he risked his safety to give bread to the girl he loved... for some reason in these days, I cry whenever I think about it. The whole world had abandoned Katniss and her family, leaving her to starve. But that one little boy cared so much about her that he gave her bread despite what his mother told him to do. He risked everything — at the time, a little boy can only comprehend having his safety as a possession — for Katniss. For someone to love Katniss so much... in a weird way to me, that's heartbreaking. Even as I type this, I'm actually sobbing. My sincerest hope right now is that someone gives the people of Gaza and the West Bank that bit of bread, that bit of love, even if its at their own expense.
And this is not to say I think Gale wasn't necessary and important to the story too. I think Katniss needed both of them at different points. The fact that Gale had wanted to leave and live in the woods, and it being a serious consideration instead of it being ridiculed as "cowardly," was something I appreciated. I don't think its especially valid of us to tell people who are under the worst oppression imaginable how to live their lives and whether to put their lives on the line or not. That's not our choice to make. Katniss ultimately stays of course, but she constantly thinks about how the world would have been different if she did accept Gale's request to leave. I think a lot of people do think about that, honestly, when they're fighting oppression. What if they just left it all behind?
Katniss, herself, though, never really wanted to pick either boy. Throughout the story, she feels like she's forced to pick between them, being pulled in either direction, feeling pressured by each boy to choose. And I think that in itself is a perfect metaphor. She's being put in this situation — forced to participate in the games, forced to pretend to marry Peeta (which, false "peace" marriage orchestrated by Snow btw, great narrative choice there), forced to participate in the games AGAIN, and finally forced to lead an entire REBELLION... to me that's a pretty apt summation of what its like under oppression. The people who are the most oppressed don't WANT to fight — they just want their humanity to be recognized. They just want to live. They're not jumping through hoops because they want to, they're just doing it because they have no other choice.
But, I think my absolute favorite part of the Hunger Games Trilogy is probably the last part of Mockingjay, the third book. I find myself rereading the ending of the book quite often. The part where Plutarch says "Who knows, maybe it might stick this time" in reference to the newfound "peace" they have now. The part where the people of District 12, despite having their entire village bombed and destroyed, coming back to rebuild and bury their dead. The part where Katniss lives with this almost unbearable trauma for the rest of her life. And this one quote that she says, after she kills President Coin — who herself took this rebellion as an opportunity to profit and oppress:
"I no longer feel any allegiance to these monsters called human beings, despise being one myself. I think that Peeta was onto something about us destroying one another and letting some decent species take over. Because something is significantly wrong with a creature that sacrifices its children's lives to settle its differences."
And honestly, that's what I kind of feel sometimes as I watch children get shot down and murdered on TV both in Gaza and the West Bank. I can't understand the... unadulterated cruelty that these people show to Palestinians. Today, I heard Lindsay Grahm (an USAmerican politician) talk about Palestinians as if they all deserve to die in some of the most horrendous ways possible. I look at zionists online deny the humanity of Palestinians and ruthlessly call for their slaughter. I just genuinely can't comprehend why people hate us so much, why I continue to watch the destruction of my people for months on end and how I'm expected to live my life as normal. What is the point of life if we do not value it? What's the point of living on like this, putting money over each of our lives? What's the point? Truly?
Why do we live in this life to watch skyscrapers be built on top of graveyards?
But then I think about how Katniss comes out of this again. She builds a family. The people that were around her from before, although a smaller group... they're still there and they're alive. They care about whether she lives or dies and force her to eat. To live. Greasy Sae made her food for months. Peeta came back to be with her. Gale's friend came back and buried the dead and rebuilt District 12. Buttercup, the cat that loved Prim more than anything, came back. Haymitch helped with the book of memories, raising geese for himself even if he was drunk. But they never forget. And they never forgave.
Katniss, she plays this game where she recounts all the good things she's ever seen anyone do, and I think "maybe that will happen to us. Maybe we will live our lives remembering the good to counter the bad."
So yeah, that's a big part of why I love the series so much. Throughout the entire three books, first and foremost we care about Katniss and we want what's best for her. That's something I think a lot of people forget. We say "Free Palestine" not for some abstract political concepts, but rather so that we can treasure the sanctity of life and live in a society that puts humanity over power.
I want the ending of Mockingjay to come true, for the Liberation of Palestine to be the peace that sticks.
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deliciouskeys · 5 months
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ronniesfinalproject · 5 months
How the fuck do smurfs work, like do they get assigned their name at birth and live up too it or do they wait to give em the name.
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asktadckrew · 9 months
Cat photo dump
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I'm sorry I somehow was not expecting Ty fucking Betteridge to say the words
"Chris is right Marissa, playing dumb doesn't suit me- do I look like a himbo?"
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hereticallyeverafter · 9 months
I want Bloodraven to maniacally reveal his grand plan and eugenics-mastery to Jon only for Jon to spit in his face at being the mythical Targ Savior to go patrol the beyond the wall as Coldhands, Jr. It's not exciting, but it's honorable, and it would make BR's head explode.
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bubblybloob · 6 months
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iwtv2022 · 8 months
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Photo by Phillip Dixon from the 1979 Armand short story "Interlude with the Undead" in Playboy used as the central image of a mid-1990s AIDS awareness poster by Bulgarian artist Sasho Kamenov.
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moonysfavoritetoast · 7 months
when my mom knew about dream’s face reveal before i even told her
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kebbybites · 8 months
yo!! what media (movies/games/shows etc) do you like
yo-yo!! 🪀
this question was so good i had to think about it for several days lmao. i didn't know how to answer this without getting carried away with it, so i added a tasteful "keep reading," because this response is a bit lengthy. hope that's okay,,,
video & animation
it's hard for me to get into movies and shows and stuff of the like on my own, but i love movie nights! just hanging out with the homies and collectively using our eyeballs to watch the same thing together is so dang fun. i'm not sure if i have a favorite, but at the very least, here's a collection of things that i remember seeing with friends and enjoyed a lot :)
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this probably isn't related, but i don't get That Way about youtube videos for some reason. maybe because they're easier to access? well, whatever the case is, it's hilarious how i can barely sit through an hour and a half of a finely crafted film with action and romance and cool things, but i will gladly eat up a 5-hour livestream of a 30yo man watching horrible kids content.
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↑ this just means books & comics. i definitely used to read a lot as a kid, and sometimes i still do on rare occasions. a lot of them were from the school curriculum (which were normally boring), but a thing i used to do was replace the characters in the books with characters i was hyperfixating on at the time, so i could kinda enjoy them like that. but uh, i like comics too!! they're a lot easier to digest, that's for sure. the pretty pictures are the best part teehee
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ok this one is truly all over the place for real. from classic piano pieces like the "minute waltz" to that one track in OFF when you enter a purified zone, "not safe." listen, i myself don't have a say in this matter, certain songs (and sounds) just give me the good brain juice. like comment and subscribe if you also walk in circles listening to your favorite songs 😁👍
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and hey speakin' of good tunes…
i looove rhythm games!!! i only own a few, but i play them all religiously. i love tappin my lil fingers and toes to the beat of my favorite tunes, and it's even better that i get to tap my keyboard to them too. i also enjoy a nice rpg every now and then, and some other games with wholesome aesthetics.
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and that's ! it !!! i hope it was comprehensible !!!???
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Well this seems like a disaster waiting to happen.
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🐍: Grr I'mma eatchu
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🐹: Heh heh, I'm in danger
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