#Thank you Draig!
oculusxcaro · 1 year
Day 112. Reached a city called Gotham. I'm getting pretty tired of walking everywhere and hitching rides wherever I can. Maybe I'll check things out? People have a lot of bad things to say about this place but maybe that's what I need. Nobody would ever think to look for me here, not with all the crime and crazy things they say happens in Gotham.
... This place is perfect. Okay it's not great but it sure beats travelling through the woods getting jumped by bears and whatever the fuck is hiding out there? People here are happy to ignore me as long as I don't get too close or talk to them. That's fine by me. I don't want to attract attention. So far what I've learned is that I need to be careful of... clowns? Anybody with face paint or a bright red nose, things like that all mean trouble in this city. Apparently it's because of someone called the Joker? He and Harley Quinn are dangerous. Trouble is there are other people like them but they're all different. I don't know who or how many. This is going to be a lot to remember. I'll write more as I hear it.
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masquenoire · 1 year
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The Lightning Rod
Whether it’s your turbulent nature, your flash quick mind, or the air of unknown about you, your undercurrent is the lightning rod. You are somewhat unpredictable, but if we unravelled we’d see you know exactly what you’re doing, but it makes you feel less vulnerable to pretend it wasn’t planned. Some people stay back from you, but others would follow you cross country, for the very same reason. They don’t know enough about you. The difference is in who wants to learn more. Keep your golden nature, it’s exciting, but don’t be afraid to admit what you know. Matshona Dhliwayo said “Lightning strikes but does not roar.” Your bite will always be worse than your bark, keep that close to your chest.
Tagged by: @gnarledbite and @sanguine-salvation (♡) Tagging: @arkhmlcst, @babydxhl, @brokentoys, @defectivexfragmented (for Matt?), @elisethetraveller, @halekulan-i (for Two-Face?), @goldenmedic, @knightlier (for Jason?) and anybody else who'd like to do this??
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dystopicjumpsuit · 24 days
Luciana Salentino (OC of @freesia-writes)
Renaissance woman, free spirit, and 98% of the reason why Draig refuses to let anyone into his home.
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Thank you for trusting me more than Draig trusts Luci, Free! It was an honor and a pleasure to draw your girl 🩵🩵🩵
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@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
@anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @marierg @idontgetanysleep
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist
@cw80831 @kimiheartblade @flyiingsly @lightwise @swcowgal
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod @ivyyyyy @smw-on-kamino
@burningnerdchild @saneabandoned
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llyfrenfys · 1 year
Announcement on Prosiect Llyfr Enfys!
Bore da! I am delighted to announce that I have started a patreon for Prosiect Llyfr Enfys. I've created the patreon as a way for you to be able to support the project and have a say in blog posts, video content and much more! Becoming a patron will help support me in my research for the dictionary and help me make it the best dictionary it can be.
Patrons will have early access to blogs, video content, physical media and will be able to vote on what they would like to see next.
Tiers start at £3.20 a month and LGBTQIA+ Welsh speaking patrons can request access to the patrons only channel in the Enfys Draig discord (links available for the server upon request!)
I would like to thank each and every person who supports my work and the project- your support genuinely means a lot and the excitement for the project is really heartening to see!
If you join today, there is a poll to vote in, two blogs ready to view and an early access post for patrons, with more content planned for the end of March. Diolch o galon am ddarllen / thank you very much for reading!
Luke (he/him), LGBTQIA+ writer and creator of Prosiect Llyfr Enfys
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(Please share this post so it can reach other LGBTQIA+ Welsh people or people interested in the Welsh language. Diolch!)
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bardic-tales · 1 year
OC Interview: Brennan Draig
Thank you so much for the tag, @blind-the-winds. I really enjoyed reading your answers. I also think the interview style for this was brilliant. I've already did this for myself.
Rules: Answer the following questions for an OC of your choice.
I did something like this many years ago for Cyras, the protagonist of Cold as Ice, and I loved it. It helped me really sink into her character.
I decided to do this with Brennan, the love interest of Flight of the Dragon. Brennan is a 1200-year-old silver dragon who is also one of the rulers a city-state in the Olessan Region.
Please be aware of the following triggers: talks of death. Flight of the Dragon is set in a dark fantasy world, so very dark themes apply to it.
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Knight-Errant Brennan Draig
1. Are you named after anyone?
In the world, Brennan is not named after anyone. I had debated whether he would be named after a relative or not, but ultimately decided that he wouldn't be.
As Flight of the Dragon was originally wrote to be low fantasy and exist on our planet, Brennan was originally written as King Arthur. I got his name from the Irish name Brennan (sorrow) and Welsh word Draig (dragon).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Brennan never cries. He believes that in order to make changes in the world that action is required. This is why he rushes to the cathedral to protect a newborn Alystin and her mother and agrees to train Alystin in martial and ranged weapons in FOTD.
There was one pivotal moment when he did cry. After he confronts Jhaer and his clutch is completely destroyed, he is running on pure adrenaline. The chief god appears before him and tells him that in exchanged for his freedom Brennan needs to fulfill the promise all silver dragons pledged to Amés. He vows to live his life for Amés and free all of the dragon souls that Jhaer is using to fuel her blood magick.
After the adrenaline wears off and he is far away from his castle / lair, Brennan breaks down and cries. He mourns the mate and children that died in Jhaer's siege.
Interesting that Jhaer was originally Morgana from the legends of King Arthur.
3. Do you have any kids?
Brennan lost his mate, Beatrix, and children in the siege let loose by the Enethian necromancer, Ellarian Jhaer. The only ones that are left are the twins named Aldrien and Palar. He sent them away to learn from the golden dragon: Kalzeruth.
He also has one more child who survived the seige named Kanderth. Kanderth becomes corrupted, raised as a great draconic lich, and works with Jhaer. Brennan is the one who lays Kanderth to rest.
He and Alystin will become the mother and father of Flame. They have two hybrid children together. These children are the ancestors of modern men and drakl. Drakl are dragonmen and are at war with men.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Although he is considered a wise wyrm, Brennan can't help but use sarcasm on occasion. He tries to lead by sincerity, integrity, and candor, but those sarcastic moments tend to shine through when he is dealing with Jhaer or her cult.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
The first thing that Brennan notices about people is their eyes. He is fond of saying that the eyes are windows to the soul.
Brennan has a draconic ability that allows him to see auras and determine if someone is friend or foe. This ability is triggered by looking into the eyes of the target. The world around him becomes ghostly grey hues. The Wraith, the anti-hero protagonist from Cold as Ice, has a similar ability from her draconic ancestry. Some could say that this comes from the father of the modern dragons.
6. What's your eye color?
From my notes in Flight of the Dragon.
Brennan Draig has eyes almost the color of silver. When he uses any magick, they will glow a powder blue. His left eye is clouded a dull grey with a darker silver around the outer edge of the iris. A vertical, thick raised scar darts from right above his left eyebrow, runs down his eyelid, and stops at the beginning of his cheek.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
During the early Age of Men, civilization told sagas instead of showing movies. That technology doesn't exist until the Age of Steam.
Brennan enjoys stories about the great battles his clutch fought and the dangerous journeys they made. These stories were to record and preserve their culture and things that the Elders thought was important for future generations.
With that in mind, he doesn't care one way or the other about the endings.
8. Any special talents?
Brennan has a knack for languages.
As a dragon, he has most of the talents that you would normally associate with an ancient wyrm. He is immune to cold and can exhale a cone of icy air which freezes most of everything it touches.
One of the special talents that he personally teaches his offspring is the ability to use body magick to shift bones, wings, and flesh into a human form or beast. This is a painful process that the dragons tend to either spend their time in human or draconic forms.
Once Alystin becomes his dragon knight, she and Brennan will often share telepathy, pain, and even something simple as hormone changes.
As a dragon, he has impressive flight. He will often tell Alystin to mount him, so they could transverse the world quicker through the skies, but she insists that she would never disrespect him like that as he is not a beast of burden. Brennan loves to soar.
9. Where were you born?
Brennan was born in the northern forests of the Olessa region. These forests are old-growth forests that was inspired by forests in England.
When he was only a young dragon, he was left in these forests and told only to survive. His father thought that this would help him when it was time for him to pass onto the Ven plane. Brennan would take over and rule after that.
10. What are your hobbies?
There are several hobbies that Brennan enjoys. when he was the ruler of Seralia, he enjoyed falconry. He enjoyed teaching the young birds of prey to hunt wild animals for food.
Brennan enjoys reading. There were many times that he could be found in Adwen ferch Afan's library bent over old scrolls and tomes.
With Eternity threatening to end the Planes of Existence, he doesn't have time to practice the hobbies that he enjoyed.
11. Have you any pets?
Outside of his falcons that didn't make it out of Adwen ferch Afan when Jhaer besieged them, he travels with a malamute named Emray.
Emray is Alystin's dog. He stands about 26 inches in height from his shoulder and weighs 95 pounds with a plumed tail that is held over his back. Emray is very loyal to Alystin, even going so far as attacking Brennan after the Huntsman is burned to the ground. However, once he realized that Brennan wasn't going to hurt his master, Emray would become his best friend.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
There were several outdoor games that Brennan would play with his flight. Most of these sports were based on his knights' warrior skills. There were competitions in archery, wrestling, stone throwing, and sword play.
Brennan engaged in running and swimming. They would play a ball game with stick and ball. In other communities, it wasn't uncommon for someone to be hurt or killed, as early Olessans tend to play rough. Women were not allowed to participate in these games, but they would gather and watch their partners.
13. How tall are you?
Brennan stands 7 feet 2 inches. He is one of the tallest characters that I have, and his height is inspired by Johann Petursson and André René Roussimoff.
As an ancient wyrm, Brennan tends to stand 120 feet. He has a 35-foot body and neck length, 50-foot tail, 150-foot max wingspan, and weighs over 640 tons. He is rarely in this form as he knows that it inspires terror in his follows. It actually surprises him when Alystin accepts him.
14. Favorite subject in school?
There are no schools during the early Age of Men. Education was provided through private tutors. Only a handful of early Olessans could afford to educate their sons. This is seen when Brennan sent away the twins to learn beneath the tutelage of Kanderth.
Brennan's favorite thing to learn would be soaring through the heavens.
During Flight of the Dragon, after Alystin asks him about a time he was truly terrified, he recalls to him the first time he spent among the clouds. He was frightened as his wings became slick with dew, sending him plummeting toward the ground. At the last moment, he unfurrowed his massive wings and righted himself at the last moment. He tells her that he could have given up and died, but he pushed forward, as she will have to during the fight with Eternity.
15. Dream job?
Despite railing against his destiny when he was younger, Brennan was always met to follow in his father's footsteps and rule his region. He once wanted to be a poet, a storyteller responsible for keeping the history and tradition of his people alive, but that quickly fell apart when his father was fatally wounded during an assassination attempt.
Now, he wishes to recapture Adwen ferch Afan, unite all of the Olessan region, and have Alystin take her place beside him.
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sanguine-salvation · 1 year
Anonymous who? I just want you to know you deserve all the love in the world, Draig. Keep on being the amazing person you are, you wonderful gecko you! 🫶❤️
[ Anonymously or not, tell me anything you want would it be a complain, compliment, fear, a criticism, anything you want. - ACCEPTING ]
AWWWAAAA THAT’S SO SWEET Q Q thank you so much, Chip, you deserve all the love too!!! 🦎✨💖
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arrthurpendragon · 2 years
Thank you so much for doing this, Kass.
I'm bardic-tales, or known by another Tumblr account as @sithy-tricks. You can call me NL on both accounts. I have a new 8 to 10 week old kitten named Cookie who keeps me busy most of the time, along with 2 other full-grown kitties (Fenrir and Loki).
I write original fiction on this account and Star Wars fanfiction on the other Tumblr. I am looking to participate in the OC community and make friends. I love to share and try to comment on other's writing, too. When I find the time, I also try to make graphics for others. They're not so good, tho. lol.
The OC I am really feeling on this account is called Brennan Draig. He is one of the main characters for my original fiction called Flight of the Dragon. Brennan was created by the gods of my world and his family has stood watch over a family since they were created. This family will give birth to a child of prophecy, a title for people who are foretold to hold the fate of the Planes of Existence in their hands.
Over on @sithy-tricks, I mainly focused on Darth Noktis. Darth Noktis is my Sith OC from Star Wars: The Old Republic. He is an incredibly fun character to write, as I'm trying to show a normally disliked character having some sort of feelings.
Darth Noktis is featured in several fan fictions I have written since I was in closed beta of SWTOR.
Kitten Tax:
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I look forward to participating in the OC community on this account as much as I have on my other account.
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elisethetraveller · 1 year
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on and send this to ten of your followers who makes you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! ♡
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Ahhh thank you, Draig!!!!
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allineedisatardis · 1 year
So I started taking welsh on duolingo
Because, why not?
Why is the first word I learned dragon?
Why can I say "draig dw i" (i'm a dragon) but not thank you?
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bicanthropus · 2 years
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╔═.✾. ═  LOG *** :  merlin emrys  |  nonbinary, he/ey/they/any  |  immortal.
Just spotted MERLIN, EMRYS, THE GREATEST SORCERER TO WALK THE EARTH around town.  Our records show that they remember [ everything ] from their source : bbc’s merlin.   They were first spotted in decemeber 2011 and our best guess is that their last memory is waiting thousands of years for arthur’s return.  Archivists watching them state they still have the rainbows after rain, golden eyes in a dark room, brilliant green forests, patience beyond any other vibe about them.
━  from Armes E. Sallow’s  personal archives. ═.✾. ═╝ ↳・゜colin morgan .
━━━ transcribed on : 27 december 2011.  transcription annotated by an unnamed archivist.
❃゜・。. ・°゜
ARMES: thank you for coming in for an interview.
Happy to, though I’m not sure I can be of much service to you. 
ARMES: this is more about you than anything else, as a part of the town’s complex census system.  can you tell me your name and where you are from?
I’m Merlin Emrys.  I’m from this little town kinda just on the border between Wales and England, you probably wouldn’t have heard of it.  But I spent a lot of time in Chepstow
ARMES: ah i wouldn’t have placed you as welsh from the accent.  and what is the last thing you remember from your home?
That’s a bit complicated.
ARMES: perhaps you can uncomplicate it?
I’m not sure why you need this for a complex census
ARMES: we have a history of memory loss in town, so i like to make sure our residents are feeling fully themselves.
Well I can promise you I remember everything I’m supposed to.  Some things get blurry with age, but I’m sure you understand that.
[silence on the record]
I didn’t mean that insultingly.  Just that neither of us are kids anymore, and even teens don’t often remember everything of their childhood.  I’ve actually done a bit of research into memory and how it’s sustained, though it’s not my favorite area of study.
ARMES: well perhaps you can help us with our own memory loss issues, then.
I’d be happy to assist where I can.
ARMES: how long have you been in town?
A couple of days.  21st of December to be exact.  Alban Arthan, or Yule or the Winter Solstice as it’s more commonly referred by.
ARMES: and are you feeling settled?  have you found a job?
I mean, it’s only been like a week.  I don’t know if that’s enough to get settled and caught up on things.  But I’ll probably swing by Draig Iach to see if they have any openings.  I’ve got - well I’ve got quite a bit of experience.
ARMES: what, do you think, was the strangest thing you saw before arriving in this town?
If you want to know that, I think you’ll need to treat me to dinner and wine, Ms Sallow.  It’s quite the story, almost a fairytale if you will.
ARMES: do you believe in the supernatural or mythical?
[there’s a snort, and the attempt to cover it by the squeaking of the chair.] I’ve always been very close to the Druids pretty much my entire life, so yeah, you can say as much.
ARMES: what kind of traits would your friends or family give you?
Depends who you ask. Clumsy, goofy, friendly.  Probably overly friendly.  Someone once said I was the bravest man he knew, but I’m not sure if I believe him.
ARMES: is there anything else you would like to say?
Not to you, no offense meant really.  There’s other people I need to talk to.
❃゜・。. ・°゜
armes’ personal notes
Merlin, Emrys, The Greatest Sorcerer, Merddin - this man has been known by many names across the centuries and stories.  I do believe this is the real deal, or as real as we will get here in Sallow Hills.  It appears this Merlin’s story primarily comes from BBC’s Merlin, where he and Arthur were close in age and drawn together by destiny.  While he seems cheerful, charming, and overall likeable, he should not be underestimated.  He is one of the most powerful beings here, with enough power to rival the Gods. 
While his nature is generally of good will, those who cross his friends and especially Arthur are subject to his scorn, and many have died at his hands.  From my estimation, he has been alive the entire time, going to the Druids for times of rest to make his entirety of a life a bit more bearable.
danger levels : 7/10 likelihood to investigate : 5/10
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masquenoire · 2 years
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@riddleroyalty​ asked:
if all the rogue gallery villains were in high school right? black mask got a yearbook, who would he cross out? who are favorite & least favorite classmates?? ( im sorry, i re copied this and pasted it without editing it)
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I don’t have Photoshop so this wasn’t at all fancy but I tried! Roman is not particularly keen on his fellow rogues and only likes a select few, jackass that he is!
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Hi! I just want to acknowledge how much work is involved in hosting this fest, and make sure you know how much it's appreciated. You're the best! THANK YOU!
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feathers-endeavors · 3 years
If you have no idea what this post is about, please click HERE to get to the original post.
I just want to show my appreciation to you for following along my little pick a card reading. Please share your thoughts on the reading in the tags or in a message. Now onto the reading!
The Water Dragon was chosen!
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The water dragon, or draig-uisge brings that which is hidden to the light of day. Memories and wishes, which may have long lain forgotten or repressed in the Unconscious, may energy to frighten or overwhelm you to an experience of a greater depth of soul and a greater sense of connectedness to all life. Although you may at times feel overwhelmed with emotion, with time you will be able to achieve a sense of balance and stability, as these strong feelings are integrated in your consciousness.
Your cards have fallen...
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Your disinterest in a situation has stopped your forward movement in that direction, you are changing courses to one that fits you much better, it will be bringing lots of happiness and success to you, whether that is financial, in love, mental, physical, or whatever it may be a success is completely up to you and how you are going about this shift. Keep your intentions clear and strong throughout for the best results.
I do offer free 3 card personal readings if you would like to claim your free tarot reading please send me an ask or a message and I will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you again for following this reading all the way through, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that it helps bring you some clarity on your situation. I wish you all the blessings and luck on your journey.
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jaskierswolf · 2 years
you know what, i gotta know about pirate dandy too ~d-andilion
@d-andilion Pirate Dandy! This one is also thanks to @officerjennie! We both decided Enby Pirate Dandy needed to be a thing! So I had to. I love them very much and the prompt has gotten away with me a little!
In response, Dandelion just pulled their sword from its sheath, flamboyantly flourishing it in the air and spinning in a pirouette that made their hair fly out around them in a halo. “Geralt won’t know what’s hit him!” they announced gleefully.
It was true. Dandelion had pulled out all the stops on their outfit, combining a long billowy skirt which flew up when they spun around, with a gorgeous corset that was decorated with buttercups etched into the leather. The corset was designed to compress their breasts rather than push them up. It wasn’t as effective as their binder but it was more comfortable and far easier to fight… although if Dandelion had their way it would be less of a fight and more a kind of foreplay. They’d even gone for thick black kohl smudged around their eyes to highlight the bright blue that shone prettily in the sun. To top it all off, they’d used a contouring trick that an old mage had taught them a few years back to make their face look more masculine.
And oh the gender vibes were immaculate!
Dandelion knew they radiated confidence to the point of arrogance, and it was going to catch them a sexy pirate husband if it were the last thing they did.
Sighing, they glanced up at the sun. It was almost time for their rendezvous with the Kaer Morhen, and yet there was no sign of the mysterious witcher pirate ship. Dandelion pouted, and then turned on their first mate, brandishing their sword.
“Think fast Draig!” They cried, launching their attack.
WIP Game!
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Changes Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag, @fearofahumanplanet.
cw: assault. death. murder. child abuse. child death
One of the biggest changes in Cold as Ice is I took out the chapters that featured the gods/goddesses. In the final trilogy set in Cirel, the god of love, Amés, comes to Cirel to banish the god of war, Vittore, to the death plane for trying to destroy mankind. There are still subtle hints throughout all of the novels that show that the events were influenced by the gods.
In Flight of the Dragon, this was to take place in 6th century in Wales. Brennan was King Arthur, the castle where Alystin's tomb is kept was Avalon. I moved it to the Planes of Existence universe, but I did keep Brennan's name: Brennan Draig (Sorrow / Brave Dragon).
For the Wraith in Cold as Ice, her original name was the Black Tigress. All assassins (shadow blades) were named after animals before I decided to name them after mythological creatures and beings. Each shadow blade has characteristics of their namesake.
Each shadow blade in Cold as Ice has an alias. The Wraith has a magickal block that was placed within her mind. There was no such block in the 1st draft. The block is based upon DID, stemming from this person's severe childhood trauma.
In Cold as Ice, the first draft saw Catrina Raspanti's motives are wanting to advance her station. Catrina is the betroth of the Crown Prince. Her role in the story was expanded, and she has a more sinister part to play.
Speaking of the Crown Prince, I decided to change his title from the Grand Duke to the Crown Prince. He is still a man who is broken by the death of his wife and son.
I changed the name of the Empire. During the first draft, it was known as the Olessa Kingdom. I was reading an article about the differences between an Empire and a Kingdom and realized that Olessa was in fact an Empire. Their neighbor, Glorendt, is a kingdom.
There was no reason for the Olessans and the Glorendines to be fighting. I mentioned that the Olessans would wage war on Glorendt, but I recently expanded it. They have been involved in a war for a hundred years.
A chapter that I once considered pivotal in Cold as Ice has been cut from the draft. This featured the Crown Prince recovering at the Stewardess' home and watching her being abused on a balcony by her foster father while Vaene was in the courtyard and the other man managed to slip away before Vaene was able to get into the room with sword drawn. It has been replaced with his investigation into the Shadow Council.
Open Tag and Tag List (no pressure and soft tagging)
@writingpotato07 @worldstogetlostin @garthcelyn @wordsformysoul @thecorneroftheweirdone @eleanorawritesfantasy @cbolandwrites @rungojira @that-bi-chick-kaya @faelanvance @dogmomwrites @jjm-blogspot
If you would like to be on my tag list for notifications on any Tumblr tag games I might participate in, check out this post here. If you wish to be taken off this taglist, feel free to tell me!
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sanguine-salvation · 2 years
❤ can i get some positivity for tumblr users quinnzelles and, if you can, cyberneticlagomorph?
( Send a ❤️ + a url for some OOC positivity! - ACCEPTING )
PEACHIE. Peachie, my beloved friend, I am here to gush about you and your Harley again!
First off, like I mentioned, I can never thank you enough for being one of the people who finally made me comfortable about role playing in public spaces again, it really has helped me so much, and your writing was and is a big part of it. The way you write your Harley is so engaging and fascinating, I love the depth you give her all while not sacrificing too much of any aspect, only using them to emphasize each other even more. She’s been hurt, she has hurt others, she is strong, she is vulnerable, she is smart, she’s the best bimbo, she’s a lot of everything, and that makes her such an amazing character to play with. You never strap her down to be just one thing, and I love love love that about your portrayal.
Your writing is also some of the most interesting I’ve gotten to play with! It’s emotively focused that I really do just feel for her, you know? No matter the emotion, I feel it with her and that’s so cool. Little things like how she thinks of people and how her body language comes across, whether its true to or fighting against her emotions at the time, your work is a delight to read and also your Harley takes are peak. ✨
HEY, YOU, are you ready for some love, because I got some love for you! 🦎
I know we haven’t played much on here (how was I not following you on here, illegal, a thousand years jail under the laundry hamper for Draig >:V), but from what I’ve gotten to play with you in our servers, you are genuinely such a fun person. Like, every time I get to have an interaction or write something with you, I always just smile! You have such a good grasp on the characters you play, and you started one of the funnest running jokes with my Victor that I am never gonna be over.
And while I haven’t gotten to play much with Jack, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT TO? That lore doc is INSANE, I am so here for it, like holy crap, yes, that is so much sandbox to play in!!! It really shows how much love and excitement you have for writing to have made such a fun character with such expansive lore and a wicked cool design. I love that, 120% fantastic, you are absolutely rocking it.
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