masquenoire · 2 years
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@riddleroyalty​ asked:
if all the rogue gallery villains were in high school right? black mask got a yearbook, who would he cross out? who are favorite & least favorite classmates?? ( im sorry, i re copied this and pasted it without editing it)
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I don’t have Photoshop so this wasn’t at all fancy but I tried! Roman is not particularly keen on his fellow rogues and only likes a select few, jackass that he is!
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queryxecho · 2 years
Edward sits down in front of them and lays his head against their knees. " Take this opportunity –– ain't gonna happen again." he wishes he could learn how to be affectionate...
Diedre's all too happy to lean forward and press a kiss to the top of his head. Not happen again? "Careful what you say, Eddie," she murmured. "We'll make a liar out of you."
Nina eagerly leaned in to wrap her arms around for a hug. Settling her head on his shoulder.
"We should make a blanket fort. I 'aven't done one since I was a kid, they're so fun. You attendance is mandatory, Eddie. You can tell me about my shitty support choices for walls."
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@riddleroyalty | 📺
Truth be told, Eliza doesn't watch a lot of t.v. So when Edward had invited her over she was interested to see what kind of things he had lined up for them.
She even brought treats.
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coolhearted · 2 years
"I Can Start A War Or End One. I Can Give You The Strength Of Heroes Or Leave You Powerless. I Might Be Snared With A Glance, But No Force Can Compel Me To Stay. What Am I?"
No, thank you.
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alicesought · 2 years
if all the rogue gallery villains were in high school right? jervis got a yearbook, who would he cross out? who are his favorite & least favorite classmates??
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{{ Thank you for this funny thought lol--
This is all dependent on portrayal of course, and liable to change depending on how interactions go, but I'll try to guess it based on a general vibe of the rogues canons together!
I can't ignore that Jervis, across a lot of his depictions, is just consistently shown being friends with Jonathan Crane! I would say, for whatever reason it may be, he considers them to be his favorite person he's met in Arkham. If this asylum were a highschool? He'd be seen hanging around with them the most often. He also tends to be fond of Harley Quinn... Not in the way you'd think, I swear-- he just thinks she's nice and he finds her sympathetic. To dig up a slightly uncommon guy-- I feel like he would get along with Bookworm. They'd both be in the same book club or something lol. And honestly? Ed himself. Something about Ed! Even though they're willing to insult every inch of him, and they have undoubtedly made him steaming mad. But it is the intellect that helps him to enjoy the company of a rogue. And what can he say? He likes their hat and he does sincerely like riddles.
Honest to god-- Hatter is easy. If you've so much as done the metaphorical equivalent of " smiled at him in the halls " he will consider you his favorite person that year. In that regard Selina Kyle would be labelled a favorite, based on the Arkham games. Everyone gets little hats drawn on their photos, yay.
However... if all of Arkham is a highschool... to Jervis, Poison Ivy might as well be Heather Chandler. He simply does not get along with her! For... multiple... probably justified on her part-- reasons. For one, most aggravating to him is she may be one of the only rogues capable of overcoming even his supernatural willpower, and that combined with her personality has given her the permanent label of the " Talking flowers" from the second Alice in Wonderland novel. Snobbish bullies that once insulted his Alice's petals. He avoids her, whenever possible. Other than her, I'm actually struggling to think of any other rogue he outright would say he HATES besides... the usual really out there Arkham patients. And even then, with his policy on insanity, he may have a higher tolerance for the deranged ones than most! If Arkham has a cool kids table and a nerds table and a total freaks table... Jervis is squarely at the nerds table but he's facing the freaks table.... is what I'm saying.
Although-- for personal reasons, you understand, he will be personally cutting out Hugo Strange's photo and using it as a pin cushion after how he was "treated" in his early crime years. }}
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letthefearin · 2 years
riddleroyalty asked:       " oh –– Jonathan – been a long time.. now where have you been?!"
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      “ Production. “
      He intends to leave it at that, and for what must be an uncomfortably long second for the younger man, it seems like he will.  But Jonathan thinks of letting Edward fill the silence and derive whatever meaning he wants from the scant statement, setting his pen down and taking a moment to actually look up from his work.
      “ And acquisition for production.  My stock of highly efficient medication has been low.  “
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nightmdic · 2 years
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[ PUMPKIN SPICE ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  share  a  pumpkin  spice  latte.
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"-You want some? Honestly, as much as people hate on them, they’re really not that bad.”
Mug is held out towards him, the printed label of the pumpkin spice latte enough of a hint as to what she’s obtained form the small cafe she exited moments prior.
“Dont know if you’re a pumpkin spice kind of person, but-”
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righteousruin · 2 years
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The Hermit
You need to know what makes things tick. You spend a lot of time in your head seeking answers. You’re hungry for knowledge and have a need to understand. You can’t just dismiss things; you have to know the whys and hows. You’ll keep looking until you find the answers, until you find the truth. The more you learn, the more you grow, and you’re not afraid to change your beliefs, philosophies, or goals to adapt to the new truth that you uncover.
Material wealth isn’t as important to you as spiritual wealth. You are more concerned with growing your soul than growing your bank balance. That’s not to say your goal is to be a pauper! No, you’d just rather spend your time reading and researching and learning. You’d rather spend your money on experiences than things. You don’t need to be with people all of the time. You’re not standoffish or withdrawn, but you do appreciate solitude and the time that you spend in your own company.
Of course, you’ve got your challenges, just like everyone else. Sometimes you don’t take enough time on your own for your meditation and spiritual practice; sometimes you take too much, and it interferes with your family and social obligations. You can get too far out there when it comes to your mystical pursuits, and that can work against you in the long run. You have to always strive to find the balance between being with others and honouring your time alone, and when areas of your life start to put pressure on you, it can create anxiety and frustration until you find a way to balance them.
tagged by: @riddleroyalty
tagging: @archaeval @flamekeeperbellroc @nrth-wind @vigilantdesert @vigilantaes
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brokentoys · 2 years
@riddleroyalty​ SENT...
big fan of your portrayal of riddler so far. wish you the best! if youre ever interested in sharing ideas/ spitballing about our boy eddie. im game!
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thank you lots! it’s always awesome to see another eddie around! :D i really need to start PROPERLY updating this blog instead of just lurking, and putting stuff in queue. XP but i haven’t had the most muse lately unfortunately :-( 
hope you’re doing well!
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neurowaltz-archive · 2 years
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fern leaves, greenhouses, cloaks, bookstores, pine trees, chokers, snake scales. your essence is forest: you are insightful and intense, possessed by your thoughts. you seek the impossible; you are pulled between pragmatism and romanticism, never sure which is right. often you rest in the spaces between black and white, lost in theory. you are the observer. you are the hypothesizer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of green, sage, moss, and teal, who share your deep contemplation. you are also drawn to the imaginative souls navy and amber, who will help you grow and help you let go of the rational. however, you may struggle to get along with the theatrical personalities of magenta and gold who are too loud in their pride.
tagged by : @riddleroyalty ( thank you ! ) tagging: literally everyone who sees this !
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masquenoire · 2 years
so what got you into black mask? i don't see him getting rp'd much, just curious. I enjoy your portrayal btw!!!
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Thank you very much for sending this, Jan! Honestly, Roman was a very random decision at the time as I’d only just gotten back to Batman and DC in general after... god knows how many years, and was quite intimidated by the roleplaying community after not having written for so long but Black Mask seemed to be one of those ‘niche’ muses - you know, interesting enough and with plenty of backstory and lore to dive into, but not so many roleplayers around so no fear of treading on another person’s toes? I didn’t expect Roman to be so much fun but he has - he’s brutal, he’s crass, just an absolute prick and *completely* unapologetic about it too but that’s the appeal of his character, that he knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to chase it with all guns blazing.
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queryxecho · 2 years
"Girls –– what about I bring you two to dinner.... would you like that?"
If the resounding squeals of excitement are anything to go by: yes, that would be great. The sidedoor opened just enough to let Diedre peek her head out, pulling up her robe lest they get another lecture on indecency.
"Anyone else in the mood for Thai?" she asked. "I've just got this craving."
"Sit down, Dee!" Nina called from somewhere hither in the room. "Let the man pick what he wants. For fucks sake, we had that just a few days ago. It's not Eddie's fault you're on a kick."
"I'm just saying. It sounds great. Unless you're planning on cooking?" Diedre asked hopefully.
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coolhearted · 2 years
i would love to get something going between edward & victor. can i shoot you a random starter??
absolutely go ahead! id love to do para stuff more often even tho it might always take me a Bit to reply
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righteousruin · 2 years
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oh heart of ice and mind of gold, what am I to do with you? you are only good in small amounts, bittersweet fledgling, you are hard for most to swallow. your spirit is strong, your wit is potent, your biting essence drives even the most daring away. but why are you hiding your sweetness? I know within you, you are soft, but humanity has made you bitter. you mask your pain and sorrow with spite and sensibility. you say you do not care about trivial things, but don't you? sweetheart relax. you can let down your drawbridge, the waters are not poisoned. I know you have looked monsters in between the eyes and scoffed at them, but please, relax. you think your armor protects you but it is smothering you slowly. little owlet, when will you learn, words can only get you so far? feelings are what makes this world pulse. do not suppress your feelings. your heart can still thaw my dear. trust.
tagged by: @riddleroyalty
tagging: @archaeval @volucerrubidus @libertytaken @ecopoison @catzclaw and you!
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queryxecho · 2 years
" Oh my! –– you two... I actually missed both of you. "
"Eddie!" Diedre grinned, easily sliding her arm into Eddie's, Nina as usual following suit on the other side. They can't help it. Affection's in their nature. They do think themselves lucky that Eddie (mostly) tolerated it.
"That's so sweet of you to say I'm surprised you don't have cavities," Nina teased, making her partner giggle.
"We missed you too," Diedre admitted, leaning a head on his shoulder. "What dastardly genius have you been thinking up lately?"
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coolhearted · 2 years
you duplicate friendly??? i've been real interested in bringing back my mr. freeze but im in awe of your portrayal. bravo jack.
hello! i try to stay away from duplicates because i get anxious pretty easily about my own portrayal, but i've interacted with other vics before and its been interesting! so im not against it either. id give it a shot for sure! though warning: victor really hates himself and he doesnt exactly Like seeing alternates
and thank you! hes so fun to write, i love exploring everything he has to offer as a muse
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