#I will get another notice when they can start my treatment
I Need You (Paige Bueckers x black!fem!reader)
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Summary: You and Paige go through a rough patch, you only see one solution
Warnings: Just a lot of cursing
word count: 1346
I was tired. I was tired of the constant arguing, silent treatments, and petty comments. The most tiring thing of them all was trying to keep up the picture of a happy couple when I knew we were the complete opposite at the moment. 
I woke up around eight in the morning, feeling around the bed for Paige’s warmth. When I was met with a cold part of the bed, the memories from the night before came rushing back. The screaming, the insults, and the words that could never be taken back. Which then led to Paige sleeping on the couch. We have had some pretty bad arguments, but this one definitely takes the cake. I rubbed my burning eyes, which were dry from the tears, and made my way out of our room to the kitchen. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with Paige, making coffee in the kitchen. Our eyes met, but we didn't say a word to each other. I hesitantly made my way to the kitchen island and took the coffee that she slid in front of me. We sat in an uncomfortable silence, which was considered normal at this point, waiting for the other to say something. Anything.
 As we sat there I wondered to myself. I wondered how everything went to shit after a beautiful three-year relationship. I wondered how such a loving apartment that felt like home soon turned into a place you dreaded waking up in. I wondered if I had the opportunity to go back in time, what I would have to do to prevent all of this from happening. 
With a deep breath, the first word in five minutes is spoken. “Paige…we need to talk” I say with a shaky breath. Paige’s head shoots up, her eyes filled with concern. “All we’ve been doing for the last month is arguing. It’s literally draining the life out of me” I say as I move my coffee away to make sure I am more focused on the conversation. “I know. I'm sorry but I've just been stressed, babe. You can’t get mad at me for being stressed” Paige scoffs and turns away. “Did I fucking say I was mad at you for being stressed, Paige? No, I didn't! So don’t put-” I take a deep breath, not wanting to start another draining argument between us. Paige noticed that I was more frustrated than usual. “Look, I'm sorry. Can we just lie down and watch a movie? I just wanna forget last night happened” Paige suggests as she takes my hand in her’s. This is the bullshit that makes me so mad. I don’t want to ignore the issue. That's all she ever wants to do.
“No, Paige. We have to talk. We can’t keep ignoring this. If we ignore it all the time it just gets worse and worse” I stand up and walk around the small space of our apartment. “I don’t feel like talking about it. I just wanna sleep and lay with you. The couch wasn’t the most comfortable” Paige laughs, trying to soften the mood. “I understand Paige. However, what happened last night was just…it was a lot” I sigh, rubbing my hand through my tight coils. “ Oh my god. Are you seriously still upset about that? I told you about eighteen times you have nothing to be jealous of” Paige's voice gets louder, as she remembers how ridiculous she felt the conversation was. “You constantly telling me ‘Don’t worry about it’ and ‘You're overreacting’ doesn’t ease my fucking nerves, babe. It makes me feel like I'm delusional and I know I'm not” I say, becoming more and more frustrated with every word that leaves my mouth.  “I never said the you were delusional, babe! I’m telling you that you have nothing to worry about. If you don’t believe me I don’t know what to tell you. What do you want me to do” Paige rubs her hands over her face as she makes her way over to the couch. 
“I don’t know Paige! I honestly don’t know but you don’t understand. The way you say these things makes me feel…like I'm this weird insecure girlfriend who needs you to coddle her all the time” I say walking over to stand in front of her. She slightly, but noticeably rolls her eyes. I scoff and walk into the bedroom, just needing to get away from her. To my misfortune, she follows me. “Baby! I am trying my best to figure out what you want. You're acting fucking weird and I don’t know what you want” Paige exclaims. I stood and looked at her for a while….what did I want? 
Why were we always having these useless arguments that felt like they were going nowhere? Was I trying to prove something? Were we trying to keep something alive that just wasn’t there anymore? What the fuck was going on.
“Hello? Seriously what is going on with you” Paige asks as she annoyingly waves a hand in front of your face. “Paige” I pause, not exactly sure what to say. “I think we need to take a break” Tears finally fall from my eyes. Paige’s entire demeanor changes, shock filling her body. “What the fuck are you talking about” Paige asks with a shaky voice. “I just feel like we should take a break…this relationship needs a break” I walk over to the closet, packing a bag full of enough clothes until I can get the rest of mine. “Why would we need to take a break Y/n? Because we had a few arguments? That makes no sense” She exclaims, following me into the closet. “Paige! We have been constantly fighting for a fucking month now! Im fucking tired” I yell while clapping my hands, hoping to get my point across. Paige’s eyes fill with tears, both of us motionless. It felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart.
 I would never in a million years have guessed that I would be packing my clothes to take a break from the love of my life. Paige all of a sudden takes my hand in hers, staring into what felt like my soul. “Y/n…please. Don’t leave. I'm sorry” Tears fall down the blonde's face as I drop my duffle bag to the floor for a split second. Every bone in my body was telling you to stay, to forget everything that had happened. They were telling me to just sit on the couch like I usually would and brace for the next argument that would ring throughout the apartment. However, my heart was telling me that you needed time apart so that we could get better. 
I take the girl's face in my hands, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. “It’s not forever Paige. I promise,” I say, trying to keep a strong face on. “But we need some time apart so that we can get better…I need you to understand” I whisper. Paige is hesitant but nods her hand. I finally let out a shaky breath as she sniffles and leaves the room. As she closes the door I let out a shaky breath that turns into a sob. 
As I calm myself down I finish packing my bag with enough clothes to keep me through the “break”. Once I finished, I walked out into the living room to see Paige curled up on the couch, eyes red from her tears. With a shaky breath, I walk over to her, giving her a passionate kiss before making my way to the door. With my hand on the handle, I hesitate, turning to Paige to look at her for the last time in a while. “I love you, P,” I say, with a smile and salty tears falling down my face. “I love you too, Beautiful” Paige sniffles and laughs. With those last words being said, I close the door to our apartment, ready to see what life has in store for me until I see her next. 
This was my first REALLY long fic! I hope yall enjoyed and I MIGHT make a part two cuz I hate when some angst don't have a happy ending <3
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wonnieeluvvr · 1 day
enhypens reaction to your date
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Heeseungs eyes discretely trace over your body as you talk. He's been listening intently the whole time. Hell, he even asked you for more details. You ramble on and on about how the night started, what you wore who paid and how good the sex was until...
"...and then he lifted my legs over his shoulders and- Hee? Are you listening?" Your legs subconsiouly cross and you press your thighs together as you notice his gaze has wandered and so has him mind.
He nods eagerly. "Course i am keep going."
"Right...so...then he lifted my legs over his shoulders and told me how pretty i was. And i wanted to reply but he was just in so deep, hitting my sweet spots and-"
"Fuck, i cant take this." He interupts. "I could fuck you so much better than him."
"What?" Your eyes widen and your breath hitches. You can feel the heat pooling in your panties as he runs his tongue over his bottom lip and eye fucks you.
"C'mon y/n, we both know im so much better in bed. Hes just some stupid one time date. We've practically been dating our whole friendship."
That stupid grin makes you cave in.
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"...and then we kissed and split the bill so we could go-"
"You split the bill?" Jay interupts your rant.
"Yeah. Anyways, then we-"
"Dont go on a second date." He instructs. Your face contorts with confusion.
"Huh? Why not?"
"Because if you were with someone who deserved you, you wouldnt pay a penny. Dont ever meet him again or ill personally drag you out by your panties."
The words get caught in your throat. How can you argue with him? He was always the smarter one since the two of you had met, always protecting you. You owed him this at the least but you also felt bad.
"Jay thats sexist. Just because hes a man doesnt mean i should expect him to pay it all or provide for me..." His eyes roll to the back of his head.
"Its not about whos a man or woman. Date a girl and id say the same. Its about the treatment you deserve." He doesnt look up from his phone as the kind words come out naturally as always. Little does he know the butterflies you get.
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Jake makes you describe the date over the phone. He was busy the last two days and you couldnt keep the information to yourself any longer. So you called him around 4pm, and rambled in the bathtub, careful not to drop your phone.
"He was so sweet to me, and he speaks Italian. Not that I understood any of it but-" A grunt on the other line interupts you. You head wet sounds but you havent even moved your bathwater..?
Your eyes widen as a possibility dawns on you. "Jake...didnt you say you were out? Are you at home now?"
His breathing is laboured. "I lied princess. Im home ye-yeah..."
Another groan. You take a breath. "Why did you lie? You couldve just came over and let me tell you the story in person. We could watch a movie or something and-"
Your offer is interupted again. "You want me over so bad huh? I cant...i wouldnt be able to control my jealousy and id fuck you stupid."
Suddenly the sounds on the other end and his breathing make sense. You laugh. "So you dont want me going on that second date?"
"Oh princess..."
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He didnt want to hear any of it but he listened nonetheless. His hands fidgeted with the bottom of his sweatshirt and everytime you mentions something vulgur he would nervously look away.
"Y/n..." Sunghoon wasnt shy. He could speak up for himself if he wanted. If he wanted to tell you to shut up he could, as hed done many times before. But you were so excited to describe your newly declared "love" that he just couldnt break your heart.
"Yeah Hoonie?"
"I know this is all really exciting but...can we skip over the sex please?" His words were soft and polite. You couldnt deny the gokn so you nod and descrube the other, more PG, parts of the night.
When you finish he smiles at you softly. His eyes move back and forth between yours.
"Im glad you had a great time. At least one of us is making any progress..."
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Sunoo was all ears the second you walked through the door. Not only was he encouraging you, this man had outright WAITED for you in your apartment to hear the story. He had earlier pep talked you about how to secude a man, and helped you with your hair as you struggled hopelessly.
"Sunny im tired...please. Let me tell you the story tomorrow." You plead as he gently slips your heels off and massages the soles of your feet.
"Oh WOWWW...so thats how it is huh?" He clutches his shirt over his heart dramatically. "I tell you every juicy story i get and you can even tell me one story about your whole damn love life."
You take one look at his longing pout and have to bite back a smile. "I said im tired"
"And i said grab a fucking tea bag while i get the face masks because this story will happen." He grins and gets up to get the clay masks. Shaking your head you lazily get the chai tea bags. This was gonna be fun.
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Jungwon was intrigued. Course he had a sex life but hearing about others was a rare occassion. So while he was all ears, he constantly insisted you shut up about it.
"...his condom almost broke, but i didnt want him to pull out because- wonnie? You listening?" You ask gently with a frown.
"Yesh but i wish i wasnt. Someone needs to ducktape your mouth." He rolls his eyes. Hes been saying this for the past hour and you were fed up.
"God, i GET IT okay? You dont wanna hear about my terrible first time and im a ficking bother. Geez. Ill go tell Sunoo or something."
You flipped because you were really passionate about this and it was a sensative topic but he kept disreguarding it like what mattered you youw as nothing.
Guilt eats away and him so he eats away at his inner cheek. "Listen, im sorry y/n. Im just...i dunno, not used to hearing about this stuff? I swear i didnt mean it that way."
He carefully places a hand on your shoulder and you shove him away harshly.
"I dont wanna hear it. You dont care anyways."
"But i wanna hear it." You feel a smile tug at your lips as he assures you. "Keep talking about...who was it, Caden? Tell me all about him y/n."
To reinforce his point he sits on your bed and gets comfh, nodding you to continue. God this dick.
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You were telling niki about your...um...PG, lets call it, date. It wasnt PG at all but if you dont tell him that he wont listen at all.
When you get to the part about the sex he groans. Niki rolls his eyes, a disgusted look on his face as he loads a new fornite round. He whined softly as he spoke. "Y/n, you said it was child friendly."
"Niki youre not a child. Shut up and listen. And it is PG...perfectly good."
"Yea sure...a real "PG" alright...and for the record im a kid in spirit unlike some of us."
You groan. This stubborn ass. He never listens to anything remotely close to sexual after Sunghoon accused him of releaving in the dorms bathroom at night. (He denies it to this day, but only when youre around.) "Niki please...this is important to me."
He looks at you with wide eyes, a face of shock and sarcasm. "Oh really? So why the fuck do i have to be the one listening. Jungwon's home too."
"You know he wont let me yap-"
"And neither will i so kindly shut the fuck up." He advises starts a new round of fortnite.
"Listen DICKFACE. Dont act like you didnt make me listen to you talk about (friends name) for a whole ass week."
He groaned, slightly annoyed by your words as he spoke again. "Hey, it's different, we we're dating, unlike you"
"Were, niki. Maybe take advice from me on how to actually KEEP a lover." You scold him teasingly. "Anyways, he bent me over the bed because its easier to fuck-"
Niki looked at you with widened eyes, slightly shocked by your words, he paused for a moment, his mind processing your words before speaking again and his fingers ram at the controll. "Oh my fucking god... i so did not need to know that"
"Niki shut up.." You ignore the boy and continue the story. "Anyways his dick wa like this big..."
As you put up fingers the boy covers his ears. "LALALALA, I CANNOT HEAR YOU, PLEASE STOP TALKING"
You throw a pillow at him knocking his headset off and he chuckles pleased with how you finally shut up. You groan and sigh. "I need a new bestfriend."
Niki dropped his hands down from his ears, a look of annoyance on his face as he spoke. "No, what you need is therapy"
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masquenoire · 2 years
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@riddleroyalty​ asked:
if all the rogue gallery villains were in high school right? black mask got a yearbook, who would he cross out? who are favorite & least favorite classmates?? ( im sorry, i re copied this and pasted it without editing it)
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I don’t have Photoshop so this wasn’t at all fancy but I tried! Roman is not particularly keen on his fellow rogues and only likes a select few, jackass that he is!
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sttoru · 1 year
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༄ sypnosis. you’re giving your boyfriend the silent treatment and he doesn’t have a clue why. thus he decides to find out in a rather special way.
༄ note. uhhh.. satoru’s been on my mind since forever and the fic ideas just keep coming so heres another one.
༄ tags. satoru x reader. female reader. just pure, tooth rotting fluff. satoru loves u sm. nicknames such as ‘sweets, babe(-y).’
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“satoru. i’m counting to three.”
you stand in front of your boyfriend, hands on your hips and a frown on your face; satoru had taken your phone from you and is now holding it up out of reach.
“woah, ‘m so scared.” satoru mocks with a grin like the absolute menace he is, whistling a tune as he waits for you to do something about it.
you stood no chance since that man was above 6’3. that’s exactly what annoyed you most about the situation.
the reason he grabbed your phone from you was because you had given him the silent treatment ever since the early morning. for no apparent reason— or at least— one that satoru himself couldn’t figure out.
“satoru.” you sigh, clearly trying not to lose your temper with the guy.
“you have to tell me why you’re not talkin’ to me first.” the white-haired man shrugs nonchalantly, waving your phone back and forth in the air above.
you click your tongue and grab a pillow before throwing it at your boyfriend.
to your surprise, he lets the object hit him. it doesn’t faze him after all— he’s still steadily keeping your phone up with one hand.
satoru shakes his head and lets out a deep, over exaggerated sigh, “i would’ve given it back a looong time ago if you weren’t just so stubborn.”
that was a lie. he wouldn’t have.
the way satoru stood there with one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding up your phone way above his head, pissed you off so much more than you thought.
especially due to that little sly smirk that lingered on his face the entire time he taunted you.
“you’re extremely annoying.” you scoff.
after avoiding any close contact with your boyfriend for the entire day, you finally decide to get as close to him as possible. this was done with only one goal in mind: getting your phone back.
suddenly, you were lifted up and pinned down on the nearby couch— satoru hovering right on top of you while pinning both of your wrists above your head using one hand.
he had waited patiently for you to get close to him like that so he could pull such a cheap trick.
“now,” satoru starts, looking straight into your eyes as his warm breath slightly hits your face in the current state of close proximity, “tell me, baby.”
a second huff escapes your lips and you roll your eyes, “no can do.”
“aww— well, guess you left me no choice.” satoru sighs, his expression changing into a serious one.
he retreats from above you ever so slightly. you couldn’t see his eyes since his bangs covered them for the most part, though you could sense a certain shift in his aura.
“you have yourself to blame for this.”
his tone sounded like he wasn’t playing around either.
you were a second too late to react before satoru did. his hands moved at the speed of the light— landing right beneath your shirt. your eyes widened as you realised what he was doing;
satoru was going to torture the information out of you. with non-stop tickles.
“hey! s-stop!” you try to keep your expression stoic and devoid of emotion, but fail miserably at that task the moment you felt him tickling you.
“hmm? can’t hear ya.” satoru teases while his fingers kept moving quickly and repeatedly over the exposed skin under your shirt.
“you!” you try to warn the white-haired man seriously, though you burst into a fit of laughter instead.
satoru’s face lights up the moment he hears the sweet sound of your laughter. he’s grinning from ear to ear like he’s just won the best prize there was, “my baby’s so pretty when she’s smiling like this.”
neither his affectionate words nor his loving gaze had been noticed by you. the only thing you were capable of doing was laugh and try to get his hands off you.
“satoru! i swear—”
it’s like both of you were in your own worlds, focused on two entirely different things: you were trying so hard to stop your boyfriend from tickling you while he was lost in your beauty beneath him.
“tha’s not my name,” satoru pouted, increasing the intensity of his tickles.
he didn’t like it whenever you’d purposely avoid referring to him with affectionate nicknames.
you did that whenever you were upset with him and that’s why he always tries his best to not get on your nerves (keyword: tries. satoru somehow always manages to annoy you, though sometimes it’s on purpose since your reactions were adorable).
“i can’t anymore!” there’s tears welling up in your eyes due to you laughing and giggling non-stop. your stomach was also reaching its limit.
“i’ll stop if you say it,” satoru chuckles along, his blue eyes staring at you over the rims of his pitch-black lenses, “say ‘pleaaase, baby.’”
his fingers continued to ruthlessly tickle your sides while you tried to escape his grasp.
“c’mon, i know you can do it.” your boyfriend adds with a small smirk on his face.
“no way!” you shake your head while giggling uncontrollably. even in this state, you were somehow holding onto that avoidant attitude of yours.
“that’s no good, sweets.”
satoru decided to use his trump card: tickling your armpits. he’ll have you begging him to stop in no time.
as expected, you squeal and squirm around underneath the snowy-haired male, your breathing unstable due to the amount of laughter leaving your lips.
“w-wait—,” you manage to get out between giggles, “please, baby, i give up!”
satoru was content with your answer and rested his hands on either side of your body.
“wasn’t that hard, ey?”
you could see that victorious expression on his face which beamed of confidence. it made you roll your eyes.
“shut up.” you breathe out deeply as you try to regain your composure.
satoru’s thumb gently brushed your tears of joy away while he looked down at you fondly. you looked extremely precious like that; teary eyed, hair messy and a slight pout on your lips.
he doesn’t want this moment to end.
and thus he starts to act dumb.
“hmm.. what did i say again just now?” satoru scratches his head with his index finger like he was thinking deeply about something.
“nu-uh. don’t you dare.” you knew that whenever satoru feigned innocence in situations like these, chaos was going to unfold a moment later.
“that i’d stop if you said ple— eh, whatever. i don’t remember.”
satoru shrugs, that fake innocent expression turning into a mischievous one in under a split second.
before you could escape, satoru started to tickle you again. you really should’ve expected him to pull another cheap trick like that; it’s the gojo satoru after all.
“you just wait, satoru, i swear i’ll kick your ass!”
“i’d like to see you try, babe.”
your laughter fills satoru’s ears once more and it’s then that he realises for the umpteenth time how grateful he is.
he’s indebted to the heavens for granting him the chance to live at the same time as you.
at this point, satoru wasn’t even concentrated on getting information out of you. seeing you all giggly and happy like this was enough for him.
he didn’t want to pressure you too much into telling him your reason for the silent treatment earlier.
he’ll find out one way or another. just like he usually does.
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enhaheeseung · 28 days
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader
Warnings: crying, break up, angst, cursing, heartbreak, arguments.
Word count: 2,072k
Note: I'm just writing a few drabbles for now, hoping to get my engagement up a bit. This is really rushed, so it’s not good, but oh well.
“Babe, when are you coming to bed?”
It’s twelve am, and you have been waiting hours past your bedtime so you can finally go to sleep with your boyfriend for the first time in literal months.
It’s been a while since he started working from home, and you thought that would free up some space for you both to spend time together.
You thought you guys could go back to normal like how you used to be but now it seemed like he worked even more after being able to work from home on top of his promotion.
You received no answer, and you sighed. This had been going on for months, him ignoring you and solely focusing on work. You disappointedly slipped under the covers so you could patiently wait for him to be finished.
Staring at the clock, you counted down every minute until a full thirty minutes passed.
You decided to give it another go thinking half hour may have been enough time for him to conclude his work. “Honey, it’s so late,” your voice is groggy, eyes half opened, and you’re still worried about your boyfriend’s well-being. How could you not be when he barely ate and barely slept anymore? The last time you two spent quality time together was so long ago you couldn’t even remember. “Please come to bed. I know you’re tired.”
He snaps at your words, only increasing the annoyance that he currently feels. “Can you just stop talking, damn?!” He agitatedly shouts out of nowhere, turning his head in your direction with an angry expression plastered on his tired features.
Startled by the sudden loudness of his tone you jumped a little bit not used to him speaking to you that way. “S-sorry I was just worried” you tucked back under the covers your heart aching in your chest cause of what he said to you.
He was always on edge lately, but you never received that type of treatment from him. Ever even in your five years of dating, he has always been respectful to you.
“You’re sorry?” he scoffs. “You should be sorry I’m the one working hard every day to provide for you and all the frivolous bullshit you buy, and this is the thanks I get. Do me a favor and stop fucking bothering me while I’m working,” he rubs his temples, turning his attention back to his computer.
It most certainly wasn’t the first time he’d said such harsh words to you after your constant nagging for him to eat and sleep more, but this was the first time you felt pure anger from him, and it worried you cause he was never this bad before and you feared that as time went on like this it would just get worse.
“O-okay.” You looked at his stressed back, noticing how tense his shoulders were, and you felt bad knowing he was taking on all of the work to provide for you both. Apparently, all you were doing was bothering him, but you weren’t doing it intentionally. “I guess it’s a crime to care about my boyfriend.” Your voice broke a little, and you turned your back to him, calling it quits for the night. He could come to bed whenever he wanted.
“You know what?” He shuts the computer and sighs. “I think.” he pauses for a moment, the silence getting the best of your nerves cause you were scared about what he was going to say. “We should just break up.”
His words dangle in the air for minutes, and within those minutes, you feel tears pricking your eyes and your heart breaking into little tiny bits. “Hee-“ you sat up now, looking at him with your bloodshot eyes.
“I know you’re going to run down every reason why we shouldn’t, but I’m done. I’m tired of this, and I’m tired of talking. I can’t do it anymore, and nothing you say can ever change my mind.”
You’re left absolutely speechless too stunned to even say anything not to say he would want to hear it or listen now anyway.
You’ve spent so many long years of your life with him that you couldn’t see yourself being with anyone else besides him you thought that he was your happy ever after and to hear him say he wants to break up felt like a dream a very bad dream never in your life did you ever think he’d say the words but he did and it came out so easily like he’s been wanting to say it but only now decided to.
And the thought made you upset because if he’s been feeling this way for this long why did he even bother to string you along knowing he didn’t see a future with you anymore after your guys relationship went downhill?
In the midst of your thoughts his voice brings you back to the present. “I’ll call your mom in the morning so you can get all your stuff and be out by tomorrow.” You don’t respond, and the only thing you hear for the next few hours is typing on a keyboard.
You would go to the sofa, but you’re literally glued to the bed, paralyzed by grief.
The tears wouldn’t stop flowing, and they definitely didn’t stop once he came to bed. If anything, they got worse when you felt his warmth so close to you but yet so far away.
He tried slipping his hand around your waist, but you slapped it away. “Don’t touch me,” you say through your heartbroken cries.
He immediately retracted his hand, a little surprised at first by how quickly you rejected his touch.
He didn’t care really he just thought it might comfort you a little so you could sleep since you’ve been up crying for literally hours but it didn’t matter one way or the other to him as he turned on his side and shut his lamp off.
Heeseung slept soundly while you lay awake, crying every last tear you had left in you.
When morning struck, heeseungs alarm woke him up. His eyes shot open, and he quickly grabbed his phone, turning the awful sound off.
He turned towards your side of the bed and patted the soft material in search of your warmth, but he found none.
His eyes opened, and he was met with a few luggage bags that looked to be packed already. He sat up confused for a moment until memories of last night flooded his mind.
He heard a rustle coming from the closet, and you appeared a second later, already fully dressed this early in the morning. Usually, you would still be asleep when he started work.
But obviously, today was different.
His eyes shifted throughout the room. Most of your stuff was already gone.
As you walked to each end of the room collecting your stuff, his eyes followed you, watching your every movement.
The moment he saw you grabbing all your ornaments, he felt an ache in his chest.
You didn’t have much in the bedroom, but those little ornaments had you written all over them, and it was one of the few things that made it obvious to him that he wasn’t living alone, and seeing them all getting wiped out made him feel sick to his stomach. “Y/n?” He mumbled out while nervously picking at his nails.
You didn’t answer. Of course, you didn’t. He said he was done talking, and so were you. Last night, you came to terms with this. It took hours, but you just accepted it.
You had to.
Were you going to miss him?
Was it going to hurt?
But you didn’t want to be in his life if he didn’t want you to be in his.
You continued to pick up the little porcelain cat decorations, and that’s when he decided to slip out from under the covers and walk over to you, standing behind you and taking the figurine from your hand, setting it back down where it had been sitting for the last couple of years. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in your ear while back hugging you, the warmth of his bare chest sending electricity throughout your body. “About last night, sweetheart, I was just tired and said a lot of things I didn’t mean, and I know that it sounds like a shitty excuse, but I really didn’t mean it, baby. I’ve just been so stressed lately, and I hate myself for taking it out on you. I’m so sorry I made you cry.” he closed his eyes, inhaling your scent, the one he’d been missing for months.
You hated yourself for the way you melted into his arms after all the things he said to you last night, but it’s just been so long since you felt his touch on you that you couldn’t help it.
You leaned into him, his body pressing flush against yours. It felt so good being in his strong arms again.
But as fast as you melted, you hardened up even quicker, slipping out of his grasp.
You started packing up your things again, keeping a good distance from him because right now you know you could easily forgive him, but you didn’t want to because there’s no way he could say what he said to you last night and change up so quickly in the morning you weren’t falling for it.
When you walked by him, he quickly extended his hand, grabbing you by your elbow, pulling you into his chest, and hugging you closely. “Little one, please forgive me.” he rested his chin atop your head, stroking your back softly. “I need you. Love, without you, I don’t have anything, you know that. Remember, I’ve told you so many times everything I do is all for you. I know I made a mistake, but I’m sorry. Please forgive me, please?” His voice shook slightly, and you could feel just how fast his heart was beating against your chest and the words were on the tip of your tongue, but for the way you feel right now, you think breaking up would just be for the best.
You two were living different lives, and the compatibility wasn’t aligned anymore. As much as you hated living a life without him, the thought of living a life where he was working and you were being neglected was something you hated even more.
Your breath got caught in your throat the moment his lips pressed against your neck. “Please,” he begged in between each soft kiss he left on your neck. “Say something, please,” he sniffles softly and rests his palms over your stomach.
You peeled his hand off your body, turning around to tell him that you were done straight to his face, but it was so hard cause he looked absolutely distraught. “Heeseung, I’m leaving, and that’s final.”
The sob he let out almost made you break down in tears yourself. He tried to cover it by cupping his mouth, but it was too late. It was one of the most heartbreaking things you’ve ever heard from him, and you had to leave now before you ended up forgiving him.
You quickly grabbed your things, wheeling them to the front door with him close behind you. “I can’t let you go, y/n. I-I love you.” his arms were secured around you again, and you stood there, trying to remain as emotionless as possible until he finally let go of you. “So that’s just it? What am I supposed to do without you, baby?” He asked warm tears running down his cheeks he looked so sad and vulnerable.
“You said you were tired of talking, and at this point, so am I. Goodbye, heeseung. I hope work treats you better than I ever could.” You unlocked the front door and opened it.
“Enough!” You shouted at him, losing your patience finally and letting all your months of pent-up anger get the best of you.
He stood there completely stunned by you raising your voice at him, and it left him speechless.
Even though his mouth was parted like he wanted to say something, the words just never made their way out.
The last thing you saw before slamming the door was his sad, tearful expression, but this was what he asked for, and he got it.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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ellieslob · 5 months
★ les
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+tags: rockstar ellie, masc ellie, fem reader, modern relationship, femme fatale reader, top! sub ellie, dom ellie, power bottom reader, fem reader, inspired by Les, Childish Gambino.
+warnings: smut, nsfw, degradation kink, mentions of cheating, toxic? relationship, angry sex, all consensual, submission, strap on, cunnilingus, rough treatment, strap gets called dick or cock, it’s not cheating to them.
ways to help palestine!!!
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R★ you catched ellie’s eyes since the beginning of the song, since you started ‘dancing’ so close to a fuckin’ guy while looking straight into her eyes, all with a stupid smile, laughing at something that the brickfucker was whispering to your ear.
she didn’t notice the change of the song until the lights shifted to a red cherry, and the drums started to bring her to her senses, but could she really? not when you were practically fuckin’ some guy in front of her, in front of everyone.
before another song ended you practically ran with him to a room, to her room, you were such a dirty little bitch, and she knew how to treat bitches like you.
she slammed the door, throwing the guitar across the room, not caring about it the same way she didn’t care about leaving the concert or her band in the middle of a show. she couldn’t care less about all that smaller shit.
you were in the bed, legs spread out and stroking your tits as that fucker eat you up like a candy, that candy was hers, only fuckin’ hers.
she grabbed him aggressively by the shirt, ripping some of the fabric and making him get up so fast
“wait wh-
“get the fuck out of my room, dipfuck” she threw him out of the room, making sure he fell on his face and locked him out.
“hi baby, that was a good show, wasn’t too short?” you smiled at her while opening your legs, letting her watch how wet you were, you nipples and clit were abused and all reddish, shining because of the saliva of other man.
“you are a greedy whore, you know that?” as mad as she were at you, she still got down to your pussy with a smile on her face, bitting her lip when looking at you wet folds, trying not to yield to your power, trying to stay mad at you.
“ow don’t be jealous ellie, you know i can get bored at your long long shows, i need… entrainment”
“and you think those fuckers can give you what you want? your little cunt is mine, nobody can make you cum like i can doll”
“mm maybe not but they can keep me occupied while you are doing your job babe” you grabbed her hand while you were talking and started playing with your clit with it, she almost growled at the feeling, you were so hot and wet.
“i’m just a girl, i can get soo lonely watching you sing, touch that guitar with your strong hands that were made to fuck me, singing with that voice that was made to scream my name, i get horny just by watching you darling”
“so you just fuck some other dude?! doesn’t make fuckin’ sense darlin’ she smiled angry and held your hips strongly as she pulled down on you, making sure her mouth and your cunt were aligned.
“but if i play with them you get soo mad and you fuck me just the way i like” she was treating the way you wanted, like a fucking sex doll, so careless and rough.
“you’re such a greedy little whore babe, look at you we are fighting and you are clenching onto nothing” she was pissed, you knew it and you were drooling, you loved seeing her like that.
you both were so wet, you weren’t really fighting, never really were, you both knew how to play naughty and you both liked it so much, at the end of the day ellie knew you would never really cheat on her and you knew she couldn’t either, you trusted each other with passion but sometimes it was fun to make it spicier and y’all knew exactly how to push each other to that exquisite point of anger and love.
“ellie! yesyesyea” you always turned into a pretty mess whenever her tongue even barely touched your pussy, but she just was so eager, so desperate, she was eating you were the only food she’d had in months.
“oh look at my little hoe” she stopped linking just to give little slaps to your pussy, hitting on your clit as you.
“ell- please, please, i need it sososo bad” your whines high-pitched, you were practically screaming, but neither of you cared if someone heard you, actually ellie wanted you to go louder, maybe that way the fuckers that would go by the door would understand that you were hers only.
“what do you want, doll?” she murmured to you ear, so calmly and sweet, as if she weren’t rubbing your clit like a maniac.
“ellie i n-need you to- fuck!” you grabbed her jacket, shoving ellie to the bed hard enough until you could sit on her lap “you better fuck me, before i go out and ask someone else to do it baby”
she sneered as her gaze went dark, your hips were grabbed and pulled hard, you could feel ellie’s strap hitting your clit again, and she was controlling your hips to keep hitting it. “you really think another bitch could make you feel like this?” your moans just made her more greedy, she pulled your dress to your belly, taking a more elaborated look at the mess you pussy was, you kept grinding on her bult, so needy, so slutty, god she loved you “answer.” she stopped your hips, restraining you from getting to the edge of your climax.
“no! nobody, i want you, ‘need you ellie, please, i’ll be good, ‘promise” ellie smiled and pulled your little panties to the side, pulling her jeans a little and watched how her dark red plastic dick hit your clit directly when it was liberated.
“ask me to do it princess” she stimulated your nipples over the dress, stopping just for a little to expose your pretty tits, ready for her to make them bounce.
“ellie please, i’m begging you, please fuck me” your ego dissapeard with your clothes, all you cared about was to get that dick deep inside you, to get ellie to growl in your ear and fuck you silly.
when she noticed the little tears in your pretty eyes she knew you’ve had enough. you felt that big cock stretching your interior as ellie was rubbing your clit with her thumb. “god! yesyesye, t-thank you baby”
when foreplay ellie knew that you could be a little competitive and even fight with her for the dominance in the bed, but when she fucked you silly, you got so submissive it was sweet, your mean words turned into compliments or cute nicknames.
“that’s it my pretty girl, you like it?” it was kind of a rhetorical question, her dick was getting soaked in your juices, you were pounding yourself hard and from your pouty lips she could see a drool coming, god you were simply perfect.
“els i love it, god yesyes, i love you so much, fuck” ellie’s eyes softened and she just couldn’t stop smiling, she loved when your little act came down, when you were just her little angel, because she loved y’all little games and to play with each other but you were just so lovely like that.
“i love you too angel, come on, let’s make my little baby cum” she started hitting you on your sweet spot, your tits were bouncing directly on her face, she licked them when your nipple and her mouth hit. her hips were going way to fast and your clit was indirectly getting rubbed, it was driving you crazy
“ellie! i can’t, can’t any-ah give me, give” you weren’t making any sense at this point, your hips, and practicly your hole body, were moving like crazy, the drool droping fast, your nipples were so fucking erect, they felt like rocks against her warm mouth. you were going to cum, like hard, ellie could see it on your pretty face, feel it on your pounding, and definitely could hear it from your almost pornographic screams.
“cum on my dick beautiful, i got you, give me a little show” you started jumping hard on her strap, accidentally making the base of the plastic rub her clit too “fuck baby” you both started to make everything rougher and more intense, you felt the her dick going deeper and she could just get off with the show you were complete giving her, now the movement on her clit was too much.
“i’m yes, ellie, i love you! ahhh make me” her hips were knocking you out, your eyes were getting blurry, her sounds, her body, the look she was giving to you as she fucked you “yes! im cuming! fuck” ellie screamed with you when her strap slipped and hit you both just were you need it.
you both felt liquid coming out of your pussy, getting all over the strap and ellie’s clothes, you fell into her strong arms, both of you agitated and so fucking happy. she hugged you tight, she started to plant little kisses on your forehead and face.
“i love you baby” you smiled, she was such a softie, only you could see this part of her.
“i love you more” and only ellie could watch you all lovely and needy.
“ellie where the fuck are you?! we need you for the next song!” oh, maybe ellie had groupies bitches around her all the time, trying to fuck her but none of them were you, they could never get to her, not even fucking dressing up as you.
“they can fucking wait, i’m with my baby” you were everything the other needed, and even if you guys make it seemed like you were cool about it, but everybody knew you guys only belonged to each other, there was no place for anyone or anything else.
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arminsumi · 4 months
🔞 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 | 𝟏𝟖+
𝐓𝐨-𝐁𝐞 𝐄𝐱-𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 | 𝟐
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<- 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯.
𝟑.𝟔𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 / 𝟕 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : fem reader / Gojo Satoru / (Geto Suguru)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : your ex-boyfriend claims he isn't a playboy anymore, but is he being genuine? Another date with him leaves you a mess, and you end up asking his best friend out for coffee.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : angst, pining, drama, smut (cr**mpies, light degradation, name calling (sl*t and wh*re), c*nnilingus, bl*wjob in the backseat/risky), implied sexual relationship with Suguru
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐦𝐞 : Heaven and Back | Often | Wine Pon You | New Rules
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You walk out of your bedroom gussied up, lips painted in a very specific shade of red.
And Shoko, laid on the couch tiredly, gapes in disbelief at you.
"Oh my god." she groans, "Please don't tell me you're going on another date with that playboy."
You act dumb, nervously touching your neck as you style your hair in the mirror some more.
"You're wearing the Gojo Satoru lipstick."
You continue acting, "This isn't the 'Gojo Satoru' lipstick, I love this lipstick! I always wear this shade!"
She looks at you, dumbfounded by your acting, nearly laughing.
"No, that's the Gojo Satoru lipstick. I can distinctly recall his words; "That's my baby's lipstick on me." and how you giggled on his shoulder."
"Shoko, that was five years ago." you say, "It's fine. I promised him only one more date. He needs closure."
"He's had five years of closure." Shoko replies, "Angel, you're too good for him."
"He's changed!" you insist.
"No, he hasn't; I saw that look in his eyes when I saw you two on the couch. He's still a playboy, and he'll prove it to you soon enough." she says.
"I have faith in him." you say.
"How many times have I heard that?" she shakes her head, getting ready to have a smoke. "You know, Gojo Satoru has always gotten what he wants. That's why he's so fascinated by the new you; you're not giving yourself to him like you did back then."
"I have faith in him!" you emphasize. "God, just tell me I look good."
"Please. I'm nervous. He's high-class, you know. I feel like I'm going on a date with the president of the world."
Shoko sighs and heads towards the balcony to smoke.
"You look too good." she says earnestly. "He was right about that shade of lipstick on you."
Her compliment makes you light up significantly.
You fuss as you wait. Since Shoko asks, you tell her; "He ordered for someone to chauffeur me."
"Oh my god." she groans, "He's really buttering you up."
"But isn't it such a gentleman move!"
"... more like a rich boy flex." she mutters under her breath, stubbing out the end of her cigarette.
"Okay. I've got to go. See you later... um, unless I overnight by him, of course." you giggle dreamily.
"Condoms." Shoko says simply.
"He's got some."
"Bring your own, always."
"But I'm on birth control, and we've already — " you begin.
Shoko cuts you off, "I know, but have you ever heard about the whole "creampies make you fall in love" thing?"
"What?" you look dumbly. "Isn't that a myth?"
"No. Coming inside is affectionate. You're going to feel connected to him and then he'll dip when you become "too serious" for him. Just keep him at bay."
You give her advice consideration, and nod. "Okay, alright. I won't let him do it inside."
While being chauffeured, you rehearse in your head how to greet your ex-boyfriend — but it doesn't help, because as soon as you're actually in his presence again, your mind goes blank and you start nervously touching at your neck and giggling to cope with his charm.
From the moment Satoru takes your hand and leads you into the restaurant, you feel like a VIP. It's such a familiar feeling; in your early twenties, when you and him dated, he showed you what it meant to be really rich.
And he was excited to shower you in lavish treatment, he loved to see you decorated in his diamonds and to see your bright smile on foreign beaches.
The effect he has on you is even noticed by the waiter, who tends to your secluded table on the rooftop. You and Satoru feel like you're in your own bubble.
"I'm serious." he says honestly, looking into your eyes.
"... you break my heart, then disappear for five years, and then come back asking for marriage." you shake your head, "Doesn't that sound insane to you? Can't you understand why I'm rejecting you?"
"I've changed."
You hum skeptically.
"Really." he tilts his head, he flicks his brow giving his expression that sad little look that really sells it for you.
"If we got married, how long would it last?"
"What do you mean? We'd be wed 'till we're dead." he grins.
You shake your head and smile at him, poking at your plate. A long silence passes.
"... let me think about it."
"... okay." his spirits lift. "But don't make me wait too long; I'm impatient." he teases.
"Too bad. I'm gonna take my time." you sass, biting a piece of meat off your fork to make a statement.
He grins at you.
Food all eaten, dessert long gone. The night air feels good. Not like old times, but new times with an old lover. He knows he messed up, right? So why hasn't he apologized yet? Maybe, you theorize to yourself to justify him, maybe he's still thinking up an apology.
He stares at you from across the table, eyes hungry like a starved wolf.
"You look so good tonight." he says for the third time.
You giggle in response, "Stop..."
"I swear that shade of lipstick looks familiar." he teases, leaning over the table.
You can smell his cologne, and it entrances your heart.
"... is it?" you ask softly, pretending like you don't know what he's talking about.
He knows you're pretending, he thinks it's cute.
"You think it would look good on me too?" he asks.
You shrug like a ditzy princess, "I dunno. Wanna find out...?"
He's so quick to call the waiter for the bill, like there's a pressing issue that needs his attention.
But the only pressing issue is his hard-on pressing hot against his thigh.
Giving his cock all your attention in the backseat of the car, Satoru forces his moans down so that his poor chauffeur doesn't hear through the screen divider.
You stifle a slurping sound, sliding off the tip of his cock slowly, and it makes him shudder hard. He closes his eyes, like that helps any, and tries to keep from cumming in your mouth right there.
Gojo knows your lipstick stains are going all over his cock, it drives him crazy.
Before he cums, you pull off and he mutters a small "Just you wait..." under his breath that makes you smile wide.
Kissy marks lead up his abs. Of course, he wants to take a photo — to preserve the memory.
"Hand here, baby. Good girl." he instructs, and in his voice right then you can hear how mature he is now, in comparison to the squeakier voice he had when you two first met.
He's not a boy anymore, he's a man. But very far from being your man, which he's trying to change.
"Lay back." he murmurs. "Spread your legs. Wider. Good girl."
Without saying a thing about it, he noses in between your thighs and shows you heaven is real, and it exists on Gojo Satoru's tongue.
"Fuck!" you clamp your thighs around his head, making him hum while sliding his tongue inside.
When you two first dated, he wasn't inexperienced — but he didn't quite know how to eat a woman out.
Five years is a long time to practice, and he definitely did. You can feel his sloped nose nudging against your clit as he kisses and sucks, sometimes nibbling softly with his teeth at your puffy lips.
Making you cum on his tongue is almost too easy for Satoru, he nearly laughs as he pulls away and licks your slick off his lips. He thinks it's a pity that he's at the wrong angle to see your eyes rolling back. But at least he sees how you throw your head back for him, and how you sound for him — like a cat, he loves it.
"Nice and messy for me now, huh?" he hums, connecting his body with yours as he crawls upwards and devours your lips.
"Mhm!" you whine, still unsteady from your orgasm, breathing frantically. "Satoru, I need you in me right now."
"Aw, but I was gonna — "
"Nowww!" you beg.
He sighs, "Can't say no to that face."
You watch intently, licking your lips, as he whips his belt off and takes his cock out. It's red from the tip down to the middle, where that familiar thick vein always catches your attention.
By your request, even though it confuses him, he squeezes his cock into a condom.
"What do you need, baby?" he asks, lowering his cock onto your pussy and rubbing it between your slicked lips.
You squeal as he flicks at your clit, then pinches your folds around his cock, making you realize his size in comparison to little you.
"I need you."
"Need me how?"
"Satoru!" you hiss annoyedly.
"I don't want to have to tease you, baby just say it."
"I want your cock inside me."
"Not nearly slutty enough." he shakes his head, drawing his cock back and forth, rubbing over your soft pussy. "You said to me in the car that you were a total, fucking slut for me, didn't you say that? Or am I imagining things?"
You start babbling, "Yeah! I'm a slut for you, I want it so bad!" you whine, "C'mon fuck me stupid!"
"That's better." he grins.
Just like how he always does, he presses his tip inside you so politely but then pushes it in too deep, making you curl like you're about to cum.
Satoru's not one to go slow for long, he'd rather pound into you hard and fast right away, to bring out that slut in you as quick as he can. Because right now, you're not nearly slutty enough for him, as he said — and he needs to see that side of you.
"Baby, get loud for me, come on." he grunts, shoving himself as deep as he can, reaching the spot that you know isn't the G-spot or your cervix, but something in-between.
"Fuck!" you almost cry, "That's so good, fuck me harder please!"
He grins, cheeky fangs on display, and goes harder until you can hardly handle it. You don't care if it hurts just a little bit, because you want to know that every inch of your ex's cock is inside you. Not just eight, eight and a half — honestly, he doesn't know where you put all of that, but he delights in watching it disappear into your hole.
"Look at you." he purrs, "How deep are you trying to suck me?"
It feels like he's going to split you in two. Sweat pours out of the both of you, bodies getting slippery.
As Satoru continues pumping his cock back and forth, in and out of you, he starts furrowing his brows together in focus — playful edge dulling as it always does when it feels good good.
"That's it, you fucking take it." he grunts, "Good girl, you're a good little slut for me huh?"
"Yeahhh I'm a good little slut for you!"
"Let me take the condom off, baby."
You know you're gonna hear it from Shoko if she knows, but in the moment you're too drunk on sex to care, and even reach back to strip the condom off your ex's cock yourself as he watches with a smirk.
"Good girl. Now flip on your side, like this." he instructs.
He slides back inside slowly, filling you inch by inch with a low groan — like he's falling in love.
And the sounds he makes as his orgasm builds up make you want to cum again, too. Each time he hits that strange spot between your G-spot and cervix, your visions sparks a little.
Hard strokes tip you over, and you lay there letting Satoru degrade you and call you a filthy slut. You'd be his anything as long as it felt this good.
"I'm so close." he warns, trying to savor the buildup.
"Cum inside me." you mewl, "Please."
"Yeahhh I'm gonna — fuck. Take my cum, be a good girl."
The broken moan he lets out as he creampies you is almost obscene. Satoru slows his thrusts as he shoots everything he has into you.
His jaw slacks, and he groans, "... prettiest little slut, aren't you? So filthy and pretty."
"I'm gonna cum againnn..." you whine, reaching down to rub frantically on your sensitive clit.
He watches you through the haze of his post-orgasm, slowly grinding his cock inside to get you there.
"Good girl."
"C-call me a slut again, please."
He laughs naughtily, "Fucking slut. Come on, finish on me. Make that cute face again, 'cute lil' whore."
Satoru always surprises you during sex in some way, this time you're surprised when he caresses your cheek as you cum. You shake and spasm, feeling each shock of your orgasm.
Panting and coming down from your high, Satoru cracks a smile.
"You were so loud." he laughs.
Reality hits you, "Oh my god, I didn't know I liked being called a slut so much!" you cover your face embarrassedly.
He rings out with laughter.
After sex. What happens after sex? He's a gentleman, and that makes you tear up — not because he's a gentleman, but because he never used to be quite like this.
No, he never used to be quite like this. Even kissing you afterwards? Why was it, you wonder, that back then he couldn't love you as deeply as now, when you needed it most?
"What's wrong?" he asks.
You try to stop your crying, but it gets worse.
"Satoru." you say, sniffling, eyes pointed downwards, "I know it's been five years, but I'm still hurt."
He doesn't reply. Just awkwardly wrings his hands and sits at the edge of the bed, soft duvet covering his lap.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't really help."
"Then what can I do?"
"I don't know." you sniffle, "Go back in time and love me. You know, I needed your love back then more than I do now." you admit to both him and yourself.
Satoru purses his lips, thinking before he speaks — but then he ends up not replying at all.
Instead, he goes to wipe your tears. Something he always did towards the end of your relationship, because you were always crying.
"I should go home."
He jolts a little. "Oh. I thought you were gonna stay the night?" he croaks. Inside, he's dreading sleeping alone again.
"No." you shake your head. "I've got to stop fooling myself. We're not getting back together, you're not more than a playboy, we're not getting married — and sex with you is better than with anyone else, but a relationship can't bank on that, Satoru."
"I'm being genuine. I told you earlier that I was."
"How can I trust you?" you ask.
"Playboys don't propose marriage." he replies.
"But you're just joking about that!"
"I'm not!" he stresses, "The last time you loved me, I was just a boy. I'm a man now and I know what I want." he says roughly.
You both go silent. Then he starts speaking again, voice softer than before.
"I love you more every time I see you."
You don't say anything back. He looks stricken and confused.
"I'm gonna go." you say.
He purses his lips tightly, looking frustrated that he can't get through to you.
"I'll take you home." he says quietly.
Shoko is just digging around in the freezer for therapeutic ice cream when you come into the entry way.
"You look dreadful."
"Bad date?"
"The worst..."
"Still love him?"
"... yeah."
"I'm in love, not stupid." you reply.
Shoko chuckles. "Come on. Let's catch up on that series. I'm not on-call." she cheers for herself. "We can binge the whole thing."
"Shoko, where would I be without you?" you sigh appreciatively, flopping on the couch next to her, mascara smudged off and all.
"Staying the night with a playboy, probably."
"Can't argue that." you sigh, "Shoko, I'm so dumb for him, what do I do?"
"Wait. Strike at the right moment."
"I'm not a cobra."
"Buy a cobra. Let it loose on him."
"Your humor is so dark, Shoko. I love you."
"Love you more."
Meanwhile, Satoru is with Suguru; who is listening to his sulking best friend.
"I'm so dumb for her. What do I do?" he groans, "Shoko's probably poisoning her against me as we speak."
Suguru thinks deeply. "Shoko..."
"I know!" Satoru nearly starts crying again. He's being so dramatic, it's hard to take him seriously. But Satoru almost never cries. So Suguru seriously thinks about solutions to his problems.
"Shoko!" Suguru realizes.
"I knowww!"
"No, Satoru, Shoko!" Suguru emphasizes, like he's just made a breakthrough, "Shoko is the answer to all your problems!"
"Ew. I'd never date Shoko."
"You're so dense. I'm not suggesting that. Shoko's her best friend, and she listens to whatever she says, like you listen to me."
"You have a point... I'm listening."
"See?" Suguru chuckles, "Now, here's what I think you should do..."
"You want me to talk to Suguru?" you shake your head. "How would that help?"
"He's his best friend. If you want to find out if Satoru's no-good, you go to the best friend."
"Suguru would rather die than expose Satoru. They're not like regular best friends, they're soulmate best friends." you say, nervously touching at your neck.
Shoko shakes her head. "Are you scared to talk to Suguru or something? What actually happened between you two back then? You never told me."
You go silent and wide-eyed. Shoko's jaw drops open.
"No way. Holy shit. Oh my god. You and him...?!"
"... it was just once."
"Holy shit! Was this before, after or during you and Satoru together?"
"I'm loyal as a dog! It was after... I was feeling, um, revengeful, and Suguru was feeling lonely one night... so..."
"Suguru actually did that?! Did Satoru find out?"
"We promised to never talk about it again. You know... Suguru was so nice about it. I remember he laid me down and said "Don't worry, just cum on my tongue" or something. Ugh, he was so hot. He fucked the life out of me — I could barely fucking see straight after."
"Too much information!" Shoko plugs her ears.
You look up at the ceiling dreamily. "He's thicker than Satoru."
"My best friend is a slut!" Shoko cries.
"I am!" you cry back dramatically.
The two of you burst out laughing wickedly.
"To sluts!" Shoko toasts with an ice cream spoon.
You toast with her, "To sluts! The sluttier the better!"
"Are you gonna talk to Suguru, then? Or are you scared of your inner slut coming out?" Shoko asks.
"I'll do it. It'll be fine. I'm sure Suguru doesn't look as good in real life as he does in photos..." you reply.
You exchange a look with her. Immediately, the two of you stalk Suguru's social medias and —
"Seriously? Who doesn't have a single social in this day and age?!" You curse, only finding photos of Suguru with Satoru.
"That's just like him."
"Maybe he has a Linkedin."
"You're desperate."
"Wait, here's something...?"
You investigate further.
"It's private?!"
Shoko bursts out laughing with ice cream melting on her tongue.
"This is seriously annoying. I'm gonna friend him." you say.
Shoko looks at you. You look at Shoko.
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
"You're CRAZY."
"I am!"
"Let me watch, let me watch."
"Okay. I'm doing it."
Satoru is mixing another over-sweetened, non-alcoholic cocktail to be sipped on as if he's drinking his sorrows away.
And Suguru? He's laying on the couch, ghosting social medias that he has no account with, happily enjoying a video of traditional cuisine when suddenly he sees the most outrageous, random, and bizarre notification from his mostly-dead private account.
He makes a suspicious side-eye, thinking it can't be real.
Friend request from @ 𝐘𝐍
@ 𝐘𝐍 wants to send you a message.
@ 𝐘𝐍 hey suguru 😊
"What the fuck." he whispers under his breath, blushing in a panicked kind of way.
Immediately, hot memories of you flood his mind. He sits more upright on the couch, glances nervously to check what Satoru was doing, then looks at your message again.
His heart races.
"This is stupid. He's gonna leave me on read."
"Yeah. I forgot Suguru was notorious for that." Shoko sighs. "Operation: Suguru is a failure, then?"
You set your phone down and continue binge watching a whole season of a trashy series on Netflix.
Your phone vibrates thirty minutes later. You check it without thinking, then scream so loud it startles Shoko right out of her zen-like Netflix mood.
"Is it him? What did he say?"
"He said 'hey'. He's online."
"Well say something!"
You panic, "What do I say?"
"Ask him for coffee! In a non-romantic way!"
wanna go for coffee sometime?
@ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐞 is this about satoru or us?
it's about satoru
@ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐞 riiight
i'm serious 😠
@ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐞 because i wouldn't mind if it's about us
"WHAT." you scream with Shoko.
Shoko clacks her nails against the screen viciously, replying to him as you watch her type.
"That doesn't sound like I wrote it."
"Well sorry for being grammatically correct."
"Make it sound sillier."
Shoko sends it. You watch and wait with bated breath, ignoring the climactic scene on the TV because Suguru Geto was far more attention-grabbing.
"Oh my god." you clap your hand over your mouth. "Is that sexual? Is he being sexual?"
"I have no idea, Suguru's an enigma."
"Do you think Satoru is sitting with him? Are they playing us?"
Shoko shrugs. "I don't know, but I'd read that message if I were you."
You look back to your phone.
@ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐞 sooo coffee where and when?
"I don't know."
"I bet Satoru is cackling next to Suguru right now."
"I bet not. Listen to how sultry he is! That's three o's in there!"
Shoko thinks. "Yeah, but Suguru is always sultry. I think they're pulling a joke on us."
Satoru is dozing off while his best friend texts you. Suguru's not resisting his smirk; it's plastered on his face.
@ 𝐘𝐍 tomorrow? 2pm sound ok? 🙈
@ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐞 sounds perfect.
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© 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐢
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞.
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sanakimohara · 6 months
My friend just introduced me to a new thing
Bully I.N, he’s just super mean to you, pushes you around, pulls your hair, slaps and gropes you. But then when people are around he’s super nice and the compete opposite of what he just did to you.
And he’s only mean to you, no one else. He’d just randomly slap you or when sitting down just puts his hands in your pants, and duh don’t forget the degrading.
I think it plays into people seeing him as innocent and nice when in reality he’s kinky and fucked up
Just an idea for you if you want 🧡🥰
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You and your friend are masterminds, love. 🖤 Now I want to do a series based on this idea! :) but I’ll settle with writing a snippet prequel for the time being… 🖤
[ MDNI ]
Bully Jeongin starts his campaign against you with name calling -and not the cliche creative kind that people can laugh at. No, he prefers to label you with his own perversions. Taking every chance he can get to whisper in your ear, “How’s my little bitch doing today, hm?..” “Is my slut sad already?…” “You’re such an attention whore. It’s pathetic..” “Where do you think you’re going dumb bunny…” At first you snap back insults but overtime his consistent belittling makes you less angry and increasingly compliant. You’d never admit to him that your resentment was slowly twisting into a form of pining. Your pride wouldn’t allow it…
Bully Jeongin elevates to blackmailing you when the opportunity arises. Pictures and videos of you changing, texts or risqué pictures between you and your previous crush that he’s miraculously gotten his hands on, and maybe even a voice note of you touching yourself that he coerced you into making as ‘punishment’ for even thinking about another guy. “You wouldn’t want him to find out about all these inappropriate pictures you took for me, right?” He had you cornered, faking concern as he held up his phone for you to see. You face paled as pictures of you undressing showed on the screen. How’d he even get those? Why did he have them? “J-Jeongin I never took those! N-not for you, anyway…and you know that!” You try to defend yourself but panic starts to set in as you consider what Jeongin would do to keep you under his heel. He grins, shutting his phone off before slipping it into his pocket as he leans in closer to you. His eyes bare into yours, swirling with mischief as he taunts you, “Who do you think people will believe? Me? Or some whiny little slut who can’t keep her legs closed?…” Your heart sinks as his threat echoes in your brain. “You wouldn’t…” “Oh, you know I would. Don’t act so surprised dumb bunny…”
Bully Jeongin knows you go to your classes/meetings early, follows you there when he can, and uses every minute alone with you to do his worst. No one thinks to come check on you. No one even considers the notion that you’re being groped and slapped around endlessly -up against a wall, on his lap, or bent over a desk. You try to scream or cry but Jeongin learns how to silence you rather quickly. Sinking his fingers into your mouth works best in his opinion, but he’s a fan of gagging you with your own panties too. Either way you’re left panting and nearly in tears as he takes advantage of you. He’s careful not to slap you hard enough to leave a noticeable mark, all the while cooing vulgar praises in your ear as you whine from the stinging pain that sears your cheek, and inevitably your ass gets the same treatment. “What’d I tell you about wearing anything under your skirt, little slut?” He slaps your backside again, harder than before, and you whine into his hand that’s clasped over your mouth, shivering as he snakes his free hand under your skirt to rip the lace fabric off your lower half. The cold air hitting your dripping cunt makes you groan softly and you pray he doesn’t notice the effect his torture has on you, but Jeongin knows…he’s known for a while. That’s why he has no remorse for what he does to you, feels no sympathy as he tucks your panties into his pocket, and is all smiles when he finally lets you go the moment people gradually start to fill the room.
Bully Jeongin is incredibly sweet to everyone but you. Greeting them with the kindest smile -one you’ve never experienced in earnest. His charm resonates through each interaction he has with the staff and close friends. It amazes you how cruel he can be behind closed doors but deep down you wait for those moments….secretly craving them. In those fleeting pockets of time he’s true to his darkest tendencies, fully himself, and in some sick way you begin to believe he only feels comfortable around you to be just that….his truest self. That’s the cynical logic keeping you from snapping, admitting defeat, and openly confessing your crush on him. He’d probably laugh at your stupidity if you did…
Bully Jeongin claims you’re one of his ‘sweetest’ friends when someone asks about your connection to him. He’ll flash a smile your way, placing a firm hand on your lower back to bring you close to his side, and stare down into your soul. He’s daring you to tell the truth, playing with your psyche without even trying, and he’ll win the game so easily that it makes your head spin. Everybody loves him, wants to be with him, but little do they know he’s got you to play with. Why would he pay any mind to anyone else when you were such a familiar, willing, and easy target? You don’t deny him when slips a hand into your panties under the desk/table. You stand obediently when he reaches between your thighs to cup your mound, playing with your soaked folds as you try to focus on doing your job/homework. You moan so timidly into his ear every-time he ruts his hardened cock against your ass, which unconsciously pushes back into him for more, and he’ll let you until you’re interrupted or he comes undone in his pants. The push and pull between you two is finite. He likes it that way and so it’ll stay that way.
Bully Jeongin gets paired/assigned with you for projects/comeback prep more often than you think is possible. You can’t fathom how you end up partners on almost every project/task. Even if you are assigned to work with someone else/another member he still weasels his way in. Sometimes you’re sure he threatens/bribes your current partners off to have your full attention -which is true but you don’t need to know that, now do you…Jeongin surprisingly has morals when it comes to anyone else speaking badly about you. He hates it and will put a stop to it as soon as it starts. Why? He’s the only one allowed to treat you the way he does. That’s why. “….don’t say another fucking word about Y/n. She’s mine. Understand?”
Bully Jeongin loves to make you ride his thigh when you’re supposed to be studying/working. He doesn’t care that someone might hear or see you. He cares even less that you’d rather focus without being horny. “I didn’t ask what you preferred to do…” he mumbles against your lips, one hand on your hip to control how fast you pass your bare cunt over his leg, and the other keeping his phone steady as he records the whole time. You beg him not to, blushing in embarrassment as you hear his camera shutter, “Jeongin….d-don’t..” you half whine half moan as he snaps another picture. “I’ll do what I want. You just keep riding me like a good cumslut…” “M’ not…a cumslut…” you scowl in disapproval at the pet name but the expression fades to a dazed one as his hand on your hips travels down to your ass. He grasps it tight, giving the tender flesh a harsh slap in response to your defiance, “It’s cute that you think that. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be making a mess on my thigh right now and moaning like one..” his smile doesn’t match the darkness in his tone and you swallow a whimper at the contrasting factors. The heat in your core begins to unravel with every disgusting insult his gentle voice spills. “Getting off like this is all you deserve dumb bunny.” “Feels so much better than touching yourself, doesn’t it?” “Why don’t you smile at the camera when you cum. Yeah, just like that. Show ‘em’ how bad you want my cock..” He laughs softly as his words bring tears to your eyes, little droplets trickling down your cheeks as you come undone on his thigh, and try your best to smile through the riveting sensation.
‘click’ he snaps another picture of you, making sure to play with your clit to drag out your high as he does, and your smile morphs into the perfect expression of pleasure.
“Look at you being such a pretty whore for me…” Jeongin smirks, rubbing your clit faster to draw more reactions from you, and succeeding much to your dismay.
“Picture perfect slut…”
This was quick and sweet but like I said…I’m considering making it into a mini series. 🖤 (I literally have like 4 currently going on rn…omg…)
I wanna lick the longest, sloppiest, sluttiest stripe up his abs/tummy. Like the urge is so real rn… 🖤 Credits to creator 🖤
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mechaknight-98 · 1 month
Human Resources (NSFW) FT Hyewon Kang
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You were working on tightening up Leo's datasheet when Hyewon's teams' message popped up in your feed. You ignored it until you finished cleaning up the datasheet. after that, you read Hyewon's message carefully.
"Hey, can you come to my office? I need to talk to you about something." The message read, and your heart sank. You knew Hyewon, or as you used to call her, Hyem. When you first started working at this company, she was your first friend, the one who made the daunting transition into a new job feel manageable. But then the big boss—the dreaded Miyawaki—made a very expedited decree that there would be no "special associations at work." That all but killed your budding relationship with the HR specialist.
You avoided her with all your might after that. No more talking about shared musical tastes or the latest anime; it was just "Hi" and "Bye." It was rough, but you endured it. Rules were rules, after all. Although increasingly, it felt like it was more rules for them and not for me, as an increasing number of your coworkers became engaged in "special associations."
You arrive in Hyewon's office after narrowly avoiding Leo, and Nako making out in the office of his door. "So much for professionalism," you mutter as you turn a corner. Before you cross the threshold you hear from down the hall.
"Yes fuck my pussy," being yelled/moaned by the Event coordinator Yena and your friend Levi. You grimaced as another one of your friends fell to this almost permeable lust that had taken everyone over, but hey at least they're not as bad as Eunbi and Izzy because that is the last time you work on a Saturday. Hesitantly you open the door and see Hyewon and she looks pissed. her pretty face is contorted in an annoyed grimace that leaves you worried.
"Hey Hyewon," you say hesitantly hoping to ameliorate whatever has her so livid, but you'd be remiss if you didn't mention how her anger was such a turn-on. it was the fourth thing you two bonded over, both of you were chaos gremlins who reveled in indignation.
when she hears your voice she looks up at you with a pleasant smile before saying, "Oh good you're here. Close the door." you do as she says and sit in the chairs across her desk as she sits in her chair.
"I suppose you're wondering why I messaged you to come in," Hyewon said calmly.
you are about to speak but are interrupted when you hear a familiar voice moan,
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, make me cum daddy," you recognize the voice, and you are livid.
"that arrogant and egotistical bitch." you say. You can feel a smirk tugging at the corners of your mouth despite yourself. Her passion, her fire—it’s one of the things you admire, and miss most about her. "Yeah, that sounds pretty typical," you reply, trying to keep your tone soothing yet acknowledging the absurdity. "It’s like they get off on making our lives difficult."
Hyewon’s eyes narrow, her irritation still palpable but now mixed with a hint of amusement. "Exactly! And they don't even follow their own rules. If I have to hear about another office romance getting special treatment while we’re here drowning in work because we follow the rules, I might scream. Especially since Sakura can't keep her hands off what's his name?"
"Momotaro" You answer.
"Thanks, sweetie," Hyewon says in a tone that's both adorable and alluring. you sit in your chair trying to hide your growing erection. Hyewon doesn't seem to notice.
Hyewon takes a deep breath, her fingers tapping lightly on her desk. "I know things have been... different between us since Miyawaki's decree. I hate how it affected our friendship."
You nod, feeling a knot form in your stomach. "Yeah, it’s been tough. I miss our talks."
"Me too," she says, her voice softer now. "But, I noticed something lately. A lot of our coworkers seem to be ignoring that rule, and nothing's happened to them. It seems unfair that we had to stop being friends because of it."
You lean back in your chair, considering her words. "I've noticed that too. It's like the rules only apply to some people, and it doesn't seem right."
Hyewon nods vigorously. "Exactly. And I was thinking... maybe it's time we stopped letting it dictate our friendship. If others can have their 'special associations' without consequence, why should we be any different?"
A spark of hope ignites within you. "You think we can just... go back to how things were?"
"I do," she says firmly. "But more than that, I want us to catch up properly. There's a lot we've missed out on. I was wondering if you'd like to go grab lunch with me today. We can talk about everything—anime, music, life."
"Great," Hyewon says, her smile mirroring yours. "Let's meet at noon and catch up properly."
"Hell yeah, screw her. Hell, let's get lunch right now. Since the whole office is entangled in each other right now," you respond with a grin.
Hyewon smiles, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she grabs her coat and mask. "Sounds like a plan." The two of you head to her car and hop in. She speeds off towards the Korean BBQ place you two were supposed to go to a year ago before everything got complicated.
On the way there, you both fall into a comfortable conversation, the familiarity of old friends making the time fly by.
"So when did Momo and Kura become a thing?" you ask, curiosity piqued.
Hyewon chuckles, shaking her head. "I don't know exactly, but I think they started getting closer about two and a half weeks ago. That's when I noticed a change in their interactions. They started using nicknames and having more one-on-one meetings."
You raise an eyebrow. "Nicknames? Really? That's bold, even for them."
"Yeah, it's like they're not even trying to hide it," Hyewon says with a scoff. "I mean, good for them, I guess, but it’s just so hypocritical. Miyawaki's decree doesn't apply to them."
"Of course not," you agree, rolling your eyes. "It's like there's one set of rules for them and another for the rest of us."
"You know three days ago I caught her giving him a blowjob in her office after she has scheduled a meeting with me to discuss my relationship with you."
"That's such bullshit," you affirm. Hyewon nods.
At the restaurant, the two of you finally have a chance to catch up after nearly a year apart. The ambiance is cozy, with soft lighting and a low hum of conversation filling the air. You settle into a booth by the window, and the familiar scent of grilled food and fresh coffee instantly makes you feel at ease.
"So, what have you been up to?" Hyewon asks, her eyes twinkling with curiosity as she takes a sip of her iced tea.
You smile, thinking back over the past year. "Honestly, just the usual grind. But I did get into a few new shows. Have you seen Elric of Melibone?"
Hyewon's face lights up. "Yes! It's amazing, right? I love the way they adapted the books. Henry Cavill as Elric is just perfect."
"I know, right?" you say, leaning forward. "The storytelling is fantastic. And the fight scenes! The choreography is just insane."
Hyewon nods enthusiastically. "Totally. Oh, and I've been watching Demon Slayer. The animation is out of this world. Have you seen it?"
"I have! The colors, the details, everything is just so beautiful. Plus, the story is gripping. I can't wait for the next season."
The conversation flows effortlessly as you both delve into the different shows and anime you've been enjoying. It's as if no time has passed at all. You talk about the latest season of Stranger Things, the mind-bending twists in Westworld, and the nostalgic joy of rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender.
"Do you remember how we used to binge-watch Naruto back after work to avoid traffic when we started?" Hyewon reminisces with a laugh. "We'd stay up all night just to see what happened next."
You chuckle, nodding. "Of course! And we had those ridiculous debates about who was the strongest character. Good times."
The waiter comes by to refill your drinks and take your orders, and you continue to chat about your favorite episodes and characters. The restaurant gradually empties as the evening progresses, but you hardly notice, lost in conversation.
By the time you both decide to head back to the office, the sun has dipped below noon, casting long shadows across the pavement. The walk back is filled with more laughter and stories, and it feels like no time has passed since you last hung out.
When the two of you get back to the office, it's empty. The usual bustle and noise are replaced by an almost eerie silence, the kind that only happens when everyone else has left for the day.
"Looks like we have the place to ourselves," you remark, flipping on the lights.
"I wonder where everyone went," Hyewon says sarcastically, knowing the two of you would be here alone until the end of the business day. She rolls her eyes as she glances around the empty office, the desks barren and the usual hum of chatter conspicuously absent.
"Probably off doing stuff," you reply with a smirk, shaking your head. "It's like Valentine's Day came early or something."
Hyewon snorts her expression a mix of amusement and annoyance. "Right? It's not like we have a ton of work to get through or anything." Her sarcasm is as sharp as ever, and you can't help but laugh.
Since you have the office to yourselves, the two of you decide to take advantage of the peace and quiet. You gather your work laptops and head into the conference room, setting up to watch Attack on Titan from the beginning together.
As the first episode starts, you both dive into your tasks, the sound of Eren's declarations of vengeance serves as hype background noise. The rhythm of work and anime is oddly comforting. You blaze through spreadsheets and reports, pausing only when a particularly intense scene demands your full attention.
During a mini-break, Hyewon leans back in her chair, stretching her arms above her head. "You know," she muses, "I bet all those couples are out there spending a fortune on overpriced dinners and romantic getaways, while we're here getting stuff done and watching some of the best anime ever made."
You chuckle, nodding in agreement. "We are doing better. Plus, no distractions from people asking about our weekend plans or trying to set us up with their single friends."
"Ugh, exactly," Hyewon groans, rolling her eyes dramatically. "If I hear one more story about someone's perfect date, I might just scream."
The two of you share a knowing look, bonded by your mutual disdain for the forced romanticism that seems to have overtaken your colleagues. Another episode ends, and you both get back to work, the sound of keystrokes mingling with the anime's soundtrack.
By the end of the shift, you've not only finished half a season but also completed four days' worth of work. Hyewon shuts her laptop with a satisfied sigh. "See? Who needs romantic distractions when we've got Titans to slay and work to conquer?"
You nod, feeling a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment. "Exactly. Same time tomorrow?"
"Absolutely," Hyewon grins, standing up and stretching again. "Let's see if we can finish the season and clear out the rest of the week's tasks."
You smiled as you nodded. While everyone else was off chasing romance, you and Hyewon had created your own little sanctuary of productivity and anime, and it was perfect. Before you get too invested you take a look at your watch.
"Oh shit it's 5 pm Already," you say looking at your watch. you groan. you should have left three hours ago but being here with Hyewon made the time fly by. you begin to pack up for the day but Hyewon has other plans. She gets up from her office chair and pulls you into a competition of who has the strongest tongue. She wins due to the element of surprise as you clumsily accept her kiss. when she breaks the kiss she looks at you with lust.
"You know what we should do?" she says
"Hang out at your place so I don't have to drive home and be stuck in 3-hour traffic?" Hyewon smiles.
"Yes that, but also we should fuck in Sakura's office as payback." Hyewon proposes. you nod and smile wickedly. the two of you walk up to Sakura's office. the golden hour shades Hyewon in an almost godly glow. you smile watching her.
"What?" she says bashfully as she catches your gaze. you laugh and say,
"I can't look at my beautiful girlfriend now?" Hyewon blushes at your words before lifting her sun dress's straps off her shoulders showing her toned and fit body.
"God I should go to the gym," you note. Hyewon shakes her head as she pulls you in for a kiss.
"and get rid of all this beefcake. I don't think so," Hyewon asserted before kissing you. Your hands run up and down her thighs, as I try to figure out what to do with my hands before Hyewon confidently puts them on her breasts. She breaks the kiss and begins to suck around your collarbone and neck.
"I want everyone in this office to know you're mine now, and there's nothing they can do because if they complain all I'll say is. I can file a complaint but I will have to report your indiscretions around Mrs. Miyawaki's policy as well." Hyewon declared before taking you into another kiss. you smiled as she began to grind her clothed pussy toward you. you moan into the kiss.
"Oh darling you're so hard for me. I love it. I have been thinking about this all morning."
You smile and say, "Oh really you dirty girl." Hyewon smiles before turning around and inviting you to pound her pussy. You don't even think twice as you strip out of your office clothes and plunge right into her. her wet cunt readily accepts your intrusion as Hyewon moans.
"Fuck your fat cock is filling me so well." you smile as you begin to thrust into her the indignation both of you felt about this stupid situation has you reeling as you pound into her pussy relentlessly. Hyewon moans enraptured by your cock as she takes it.
"yes, yes, yes. I'm close." Hyewon moans through your fervent and frustrated thrust. the both of you needed this. needed to defile your bitch of a boss's office so when she came you knew to push her onto your boss's desk as she squirted all over the wood and metal. when she was done she smeared all of her cum over the desk and made sure it was fully absorbed before going back to you.
"I want you to finish in her chair so when she comes in tomorrow she's bombarded by the smell of our sex," she says you smile at her dark little heart's desire and follow her as she guides you by the dick. she begins to stroke you while she whispers the most evil words of encouragement,
"Please cum. make her wallow in our sex. make her pay for separating us for a year and a half. Make her pay for all the times we could have movie dates, or gone to stay in nights just playing video games together. make her pay for all the stolen orgasms we could have had together. make her pay for all the time lost." her words are so enticing that your cum races out as your orgasm hits you like a train and your cum plasters her chair. Hyewon smiles and gestures for you to get both of y'all's clothes. while the two of you get dressed Hyewon says.
"I guess now you can officially say "HR has fucked me" like everyone else does" You laugh at Hyewon's terrible joke before going back to her place for the night.
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mypoisonedvine · 11 months
another idea for dr crane but i'm afraid it might be too similar to thoughtless so please just ignore if it is!!: from personal experience, being a patient of his who is seeing him bc of sexual trauma. fear of penetration due to previous sexual assault. and ofc he's all about exposure therapy. and you wanna trust him so so bad bc he wants what's best for you, he's encouraging you ("you deserve to embrace your sexuality, you get past this one barrier and you're free"), but you start to fight back. and he takes personal offense bc he's your doctor, why don't you trust his expertise? but then it starts to feel good~
idk i picture reader trying with a toy in front of him but he gets impatient sees she's struggling with going that extra step further so he takes control either with the toy or himself.
warnings: not actually that dark (I mean, it is cause he's her therapist lol but he's not nonconning her) but still manipulation, slightly medical kink?, praise kink
(oops this turned out pretty long how did that happen? lmao)
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"Did you try what we discussed last week?" he asked, and you pressed your knees together as you looked down and shook your head. "Really? You seemed very positive about it before."
"I was," you admitted. "It seemed really easy-- just sort of training myself, you know. But then I got home and... I guess it was a little overwhelming."
"Hm," he said, and you started to feel guilty for disappointing him. "That's interesting-- it seems like you were more comfortable here than at home. I figured it would be the other way around."
"Yeah, that would make more sense, I guess," you shrugged, "but-- I dunno..."
"Do you want to try again?" he wondered.
"I do," you admitted, "but I'm nervous that I'll start panicking again..."
"Then why don't you try here?"
You tensed up at just the suggestion; "Wouldn't that be... I mean, isn't that...?"
"I'm a medical doctor," he reminded you with a chuckle, "I've seen much worse. This is simply part of your treatment. I want you to get better."
You took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay," you decided. "Okay, I can try it."
"Great," he smiled, uncrossing his legs and resetting his clipboard in his lap. "We agreed before that you'd be more comfortable with your fingers than silicone dilators, is that still--?"
"Yes," you interrupted, "definitely. Feels too... clinical, otherwise."
He nodded, and there was a brief silence.
"So, do I just... start?"
"I'd like you to try," he said gently.
You noticed that his gaze never broke away from you, but you looked down into your lap as you started to slowly spread your legs. "So I just.. reach under my dress?"
"That should be fine," he encouraged. "There's nothing to be afraid of-- this is a safe space."
You nodded in agreement, pulling up your dress enough to reach into your panties. Sighing, you tried not to let nerves get the better of you as you pushed your lips apart with your fingers. But still, the anxiety was bubbling up, and you pressed the tip of your finger to your hole only to feel resistance alongside your distress. "I-- I don't think I can--"
"It's alright," he soothed, "start with the outside first-- stimulate your clitoris."
You choked on a laugh, still too nervous to look at him. "You really are a medical doctor..."
"What, too formal?" he chuckled. "Alright... rub your clit."
That shocked you even more than the clinical language; but it made you pulse inside, too. "O-okay..."
You pressed your fingers against the bud, trying to rub it, but it didn't really feel like anything-- like rubbing your elbow or something. Jonathan corrected you right away: "Not so hard," he said, "start gently."
"Sorry," you breathed, shutting your eyes.
"No-- it's fine," he assured, "I just want to help."
He was right, though; when you lessened the pressure and gently rubbed in circles, it started to feel good-- slowly, but surely. When your next breath came out shaky, you heard him hum with satisfaction.
"Is that better?" he asked.
"Yes," you answered, but you didn't mean for it to be a moan.
"I think you're ready," he informed you-- and something about his voice, it was lower than before, it was different... it was making you wet.
"Ready... for what?" you whispered, daring to open your eyes and see the darkness in his expression as he watched you.
"Ready to fuck yourself with your fingers."
"Oh," you sighed, feeling like you'd been punched in the gut-- in the best possible way. "Okay..."
"Just one to start," he encouraged, "put a finger inside yourself, nice and slow."
You sighed as you pressed the finger up to your hole again, smiling as you realized it was more open-- and wet-- than before. You gently pressed in further, finding some pressure but pushing through it until you were knuckle deep in yourself. You smiled happily; "I did it," you breathed, "oh my god, I-- I never thought I'd--"
"Don't stop," he cooed, "move it back and forth. If you do well enough, you can add a second finger."
You figured he meant it that you would be able to add a second finger, but it almost sounded like a bargain, like a reward. Do what I say and I'll let you add a second, or something. Surely that wasn't what he meant.
"A little faster," he encouraged as you pumped the finger. "That's it, very good."
You whimpered, biting down on your lip to hide your moan. You wanted him to say that again, to tell you that you were doing this correctly.
"Add the second now," he instructed, his own voice suddenly sounding a little hoarse and needy. "Stretch yourself out-- and tell me how it feels."
"It feels good," you panted as you started to add your second finger, whining at the stretch. "Fuck, I-- will they both fit?"
He chuckled a little-- a low, rough sound-- and promised you: "Yes, they'll fit. You can take a lot more than two fingers, with some patience."
You hadn't even imagined being able to do more than this-- for years, you hadn't been able to put anything inside you, and now here you were... fingering yourself in front of your therapist. "How much more?" you wondered, hardly imagining how it could be possible.
There was a long, long pause; you worried he hadn't heard you. Looking at him again, you found him watching with a tight jaw.
"How much more can I take, Dr. Crane?" you asked again.
"You can take anything I give you," he answered tensely.
A shiver ran up your spine; "F-fuck," you whimpered, and your walls pulsed around your fingers.
"You're going to come, aren't you?" he noticed, and you nodded. "Good."
You gasped.
"Very good," he egged you on, seeing the effect it had on you; your head tilted back as you pushed your fingers into yourself faster. "You're doing very well for me-- now I just need to see you come. I just need you to make yourself come."
"Yes, yes," you chanted, hips rocking, moans growing louder. "It feels good-- fuck, Doctor, I--"
"I know," he soothed, "just let it happen. Keep going. Come for me."
It hit you all at once, a heavy and numbing feeling that left you shaking on his couch; he purred out his praises, telling you how good you were doing, and it only made the feeling stronger.
When you exhausted yourself, you stilled; there was a moment of silence, just your panting filling the air, until you found the strength to meet his gaze again. He was smiling at you sweetly, looking oddly similar to how he always did at the end of a session. "That was incredible progress," he said proudly. "You should be very impressed with yourself."
You sighed as you nervously pulled your fingers out of yourself. "I-- do you have a tissue I can wipe these with?" you asked nervously.
"No need," he said, "you should taste it."
"Wh-what?" you choked out, your face even warmer than before.
"Just taste it-- I think you'll like it," he encouraged.
Though you hesitated for a second, you brought your wet fingers to your lips and gently licked off some of the sticky substance left behind.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"It's sort of strange," you admitted.
"It's an acquired taste," he shrugged, making your heart pound as you realized just from the look in his eyes that this was absolutely a taste he'd acquired... then again, there must have been a reason that he knew even better than you how to touch yourself and make you come.
Then, it was impossible not to imagine what he's like when he does this off the clock-- the way he touches and pleasures the women he takes to bed. You imagined him with his fingers inside lace panties, whispering in her ear about how good she was being for him; you imagined him pushing two inside and promising to give her more; you imagined him making her come, over and over, until he's satisfied and brings those soaked fingers to his lips and calling her delicious.
And even though you tried not to picture who that woman would be, you couldn't help but wonder if he'd like a woman like you... if you were the type he'd do that to, if you weren't his patient.
"Thank you," you blurted out. "I never thought I'd be able to... thank you. It's been a long time since I was able to feel that."
He nodded. "Thank you for trusting me," he replied. Glancing at the clock, he sighed a little through a polite smile: "Oh, look at that, we're out of time for today. This has been a really excellent session."
"Yeah," you agreed as you both stood up, "definitely."
"And next week, we can discuss the next steps in your recovery."
You raised your eyebrows when you heard that, already almost halfway out of the office. "Next steps?" you noticed.
"Yes," he agreed, "you made great progress, but there's still so much more for you to learn."
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causenessus · 4 months
Realizing He Loves You. | Haikyuu
inc. akaashi, bokuto, oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, kenma
written in 2nd pov (female reader implied)
song recc: my loves get special treatment and all get a song or quote of their own again but just for fun </3 sideways by cleo sol
word count: 1922 words
summary: "when does he realize he loves you/what does he do to show that he loves you?"
little bit of crack? nekoma performs a psychology experiment (??) i just had a little bit of fun writing this and projecting onto like all of them <3 but i just love them all sm and i'm making up for not including kenma in my last post mb guys
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"don't shorten your speech. i love your details."
if you thought he paid attention to bokuto, you’re not ready for what he gives you
he gives you everything <3 anything you could ever ask for, he’ll get you it
he’s always hoping to see you, when he hears a door open, he looks up, hoping it might just happen to be you
it doesn’t click at first that he’s purposely looking out for you on instinct, but he starts to realize it as he finds himself orbiting around you more and more
he gives you his full attention whenever you say something, and if you get sidetracked or forget what you’re talking about, you best believe he remembers what you’ve already said and will try and prompt your memory by explaining what you’ve already told him
will also check in and remember things that you have said in the past, like you told him about a new book you were reading and the next time he sees you, he’ll ask you how it's going. or if you guys are too busy and he doesn’t ask you about it then, he’ll ask you about it another time he sees you. but either way, it always surprises you and touches your heart when he remembers <3
you best believe he’s always making time for you too
burst into the gym, his classroom, or bedroom and he’s already dropping everything for you
“keiji, you’ll never guess what happened!”
“what happened, love?”
the moment he probably fully realized how much he loved you was when he started holding your hands to stop you from picking at them
he’s always paying so much attention to you and he cares so much about you that he lovingly tries to stop you from habits like biting your nails or picking at your skin <3
he’ll notice that you’re doing it when you’re sitting beside him and with all the care in the world he’ll be gently holding your hands, running his own pretty fingers along them and rubbing them
you know he’s doing it to stop you and help you but you’ll pout, saying, “that’s not fair, keiji, you pick at your fingers too :( ”
but he’ll only smile as he takes his eyes off his fingers playing with yours to look at you, “i know. but you're not allowed to because i love you.”
everyone adores you (at least i do)
he couldn’t stop talking about you
he didn’t do it on purpose, but genuinely just kept bringing you up to everyone because you’re his everything <3
he does it with such love and adoration, the biggest smile on his face that no one can say no to him or interrupt him, they just keep listening
in all sorts of conversations, he’ll find a way to bring you into it and people know that if he doesn’t have practice, there’s a 99% he’s with you (that 1% is simply when it’s absolutely impossible for him to be with you
if anyone ever asks him what he did over the weekend, he’s always mentioning you, “my weekend? oh, my girlfriend and I…” 
he has literally no reason to be vague he’s so proud of you and to be your boyfriend he’ll say it whenever he can <3
and just like how his his energy and determination is contagious on the court, so is his happiness when he talks about you
at some point someone on the team brought it up with a grin on their face to match his purely joyous one,
“man, you really love her, don’t you?”
he’d already thought about it a ton before, but to hear someone say it for the first time, it felt different
his face felt a little warm but he couldn’t help but nod,
“i do. i love her.”
"jupiter couldn't keep me from you / oh, i'm yours."
he realizes it when seeing you makes him flustered and he can’t stop thinking about you
definitely talks about you a lot to anyone who he can get to listen
like it’s worse than bokuto
but it goes past that, you’re on his mind all the time, throughout his classes and afterschool
and this is NOT basic i swear let me explain
he’s smiling stupidly to himself all throughout the day, his head filled with moments he’s had with you
they’re just showing up in his head without him even trying but he’s not complaining
he’ll see you in the halls and he just can’t stop the smile that spreads across his face
he’ll be listening to songs and suddenly he’s relating them all to you, asap he started making a playlist for you as soon as he became the slightest bit interested in you, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you but at first he thought it was just normal
but then he’s there, helping clean the floors after volleyball practice and he’s in his own head, a lovesick smile on his face and his heart brimming with adoration for you
seijoh 4 is looking at the scene in confusion and worry, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sight
“is he really that happy to be cleaning the floors?”
“maybe he’s imagining that his serve had hit kageyama in the face and not yahaba??”
“it irks me. trashykawa if you don’t wipe that stupid grin off your face–”
suddenly maki and mattsun are holding iwa back by the arms from marching over to the boy who's still stuck in his own world, smiling with a mop in hand
eventually maki pieces it together, the three of them approaching the boy once iwa has found the will to keep the rage inside again <3
“whose the lucky girl that’s got you smiling like that?” he asked with a taunting smile
to his surprise, tooru was completely transparent, no jokes or comebacks, a pink hue dusting his cheeks as he rested his chin on the handle of the mop with the same lopsided smile as always, “this girl i’ve been seeing…god, i think i love her.”
"calling my lover 'mine' but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, 'mine' like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. 'mine' not like possession but devotion."
he realized he loved you when he found that he just wanted to do everything for you
the definition of “i know u can do it urself but let me spoil u <3”
he has a list of everything you like so that he always knew what to get you
he’s always coming up with special plans and gifts for anniversaries, birthdays and holidays
i just know he comes up with the best ideas
and i know everyone says this BUT HE’S SO walking on the open side of the sidewalk to guard you from passing cars omg <3
definitely a man whose skipping whatever he has going on that day to take care of you when you get sick or if you’re taking a mental health day
he just wants to make sure you’re completely taken care of and that you know how much you mean to him <3 he’s always reassuring you when you have even the slightest doubt that you are not and will never be an inconvenience or anything of the sort
is 100% holding your bag when you guys are walking at school
and ofc is holding your bags if you guys go out shopping is that even a question??
he’s always asking to take you out places and do something with you
unless you catch him in a gracious mood and give him three good reasons why he shouldn’t pay for something for you, you’re not winning
he’s paying and he’s happy to <3 if you’re really adamant about it, he’ll let you pay (sometimes) but will still try to get you to at least split it
he loves you so much he will give himself wholly to you whenever you ask for it
he can go from completely abusing oikawa to holding you so gently and speaking softly and lovingly in a split second <3
recovering from his beating, oikawa approached iwa again, as you left to take care of something else, “she’s really got you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?”
iwa only continued to watch your leaving figure, “i guess so. but i’d burn the world for her if she asked.”
"hold on. hold on. i have to protest. do you think i would choose to live without you?"
he shows how much he cares for you by always making you his first priority
he’s always with you and always on time for you
it didn’t really click with him at first but he realized he loved you when he was thinking so much about making sure you knew that you were cared for and that you deserved nothing short of the best, including a man that is always there for you
i feel like tetsuro (with love) is the type of man who shows up late to things unapologetically at least ever so often
but never when it comes to you
expect him to always be there on an agreed time if not earlier
as researchers (the nekoma volleyball team) found in their experiment (completely unbiased and empirical), by just saying that the group was going to hang out and that you were going to be there, he was guaranteed to show up on time. but any other time, if you weren’t involved, there was a chance he was showing up at least 10 minutes late
(kenma was most certainly their control group to see what tetsuro’s normal behavior was for the people closest to him <3)
when yamamoto presented these findings to tetsuro himself, he simply shrugged
“so you’ll show up completely ready, hair styled and all for her but when it comes to us you come looking like a tornado hit you in the two blocks it takes to get to the convenience store and it set you back like 10 minutes??”
“well duh, i love her, not you.”
"so you see her / she's over in the corner / and you can't ignore her / there must be a reason"
he realized he loved you when he noticed that he was always keeping an ear open to listen for you 
he’s not used to really working with others. like he’s either listened to (ie. brain of his team) or he’s working independently because he’s not going through the effort of putting up with people
you and kuroo on a good day are the exceptions
bc with you, it’s like he wants to hear from you
he doesn’t often love talking to people, and he hates when people interrupt him when he’s doing something, but when he’s playing games and you're around, he has one side of his headphones pushed behind his ear in case you say something to him
even before you guys were dating, when he sat next to you in class, because you sat to his left, he’d only put in his right earbud when he listened to music so he could hear you
and even when you guys are walking together, hand in hand, if he still has an earbud in, he makes sure to walk on the side of you that doesn’t have an earbud in <3
before practices have officially started, he’s completely unavailable and does not care for what anyone has to say to him
but then he sees you walking in and he’s got an earbud out or his headphones are pushed to the side immediately <3
kuroo notices this after some time and teased him about it, “oh? you never make an effort to listen to anything I have to say if you have your headphones on. does she mean that much to you?”
kenma didn’t even look up from his switch, but there was a small smile on his face at the question, “yeah, she does.”
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dark-fics-4-you · 4 months
Sophie’s World
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⋆ 18+ Only ⋆
All of my works contain dark themes, including dubcon, noncon (aka rape), abusive relationships, forced pregnancy, incest, and possibly more (each fanfic will have individual content warnings)
Recent Fics
Crying in the Country Club ch. III
Crying in the Country Club ch. II
Crying in the Country Club ch. I
Softcore - Dilf!Rafe retaliates when younger!Reader jokes that he needs viagra
Number One Fan ch. V - Rafe tightens his control over you, continuing to shut you out from the rest of the world
Number One Fan ch. IV - your step brother can’t stand to watch you flirt with JJ Maybank, and he finally decides to take what he believes he’s owed.
After Hours Lesson - After class dinner, your professor, Coriolanus Snow, offers you a ride home
Faking It - Rafe gets pissed off after he realized you faked an orgasm
Love Plus One - After you get pregnant with your boyfriend of 3 years, you start to notice him becoming much more controlling of you
Silent Treatment - Your older step brother, Rafe, can’t stand being ignored by you
How a Girlfriend is Supposed to Act - After Rafe catches you texting your friend and saying that you want to break up with him, Rafe decides to remind you of your place
Equal Exchange - After accepting help from a stranger on a back road in the dead of night, you realize Rafe Cameron expects you to pay him back, one way or another
Keeping the Peace - Your life is uprooted after a cocky peacekeeper takes notice of you and decides to stake his claim. Also features dark!Sejanus Plinth
About Me
I go by Sophie! I’m 23 years old and I use she/her pronouns.
I have been writing fanfiction since I was 14 (yes there is an incredibly cursed blog full of kpop fanfic that I wrote in middle school still floating around on tumblr to this day). I first got into reading dark fanfics when I was 19 or 20 and I’ve been writing and posting my own dark fanfics for about 2 years.
Who I Write For
Sophie’s Masterlist
I mostly write for Rafe Cameron and Coriolanus Snow, but I have written for Loki and Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) in the past.
In addition to my Rafe Cameron fics, I have also featured Topper Thorton as a character in a smut. I have one Coriolanus Snow fic that features Sejanus Plinth, and I am planning on having Sej come back in future Coriolanus fics.
Requests are allowed and encouraged but I can give no guarantee that I will get around to writing all of them. I currently have over 100 messages in my inbox, so if I don't end up taking your request, it's nothing personal, I just have a lot of them :)
Here is a list of what I will not write about
Recommends tag is #recrecrec
I reblog many fics written by other authors onto this blog but here are just a couple of my favorite authors on tumblr that I have to rec
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babyleostuff · 1 year
helloo >___< this is my first time to do something like thiss so… can you do something like a reaction of seventeen when they kiss their someone and reader responds w “stop i have a bf” as a joke ! i just saw it on tiktok ! i hope u get it t___t
love u and ur works btw!!! thank you for writing <3 keep on slaying ^__^
thank you so much for your request <3 I had so much fun writing this, hope you'll enjoy reading it as well 🫶🏼
kissing prank with seventeen | OT13
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☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: Ice Cream by txt
𓆩♡𓆪 You decided to prank him as he was leaving for work, thinking he’d be too distracted to notice. “Okay, see you tonight, honey,” he put a hand on your cheek and gave you a quick peck. “What are you doing? I have a boyfriend.” His brain malfunctioned for a second and he just stood there with furrowed brows and a confused face. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND. I’M YOUR BOYFRIEND.” Turns into a whiny, pouty and ANGRY baby, not liking your prank whatsoever. You had to remind him he’d be late for practice, but he’d not care at all. You’d  have to apologise with lots of kisses, but he’d probably still be sulky. 
𓆩♡𓆪 He’d catch onto your prank immediately. You can’t outdo the doer, period. He walked up to you, as you entered the house, kissing you gently. You tried to put on your best act, as you knew he wasn’t easy to fool. “You can’t kiss me, Hannie. I have a boyfriend,” you said in a hushed tone. He’d simply look at you with a straight face and go “yeah, sure. How was work, by the way?” and walked away, with no reaction at all. You’d be a bit sad that it didn’t work, but still, it’s not like you had big expectations for it to work. Jeonghan would notice your reaction to the failed prank and give you some extra kisses as an apology. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Would be so confused, because he didn’t understand the prank. “Hey darling, what do you want for dinner?” he’d come up to you and peck the corner of your lips. “Joshua!” “What?” “I have a boyfriend, you can’t kiss me.” You could see his brain trying to comprehend what you’d just said. “Well yeah, I’m your boyfriend?” he’d say and give you a confused look. You’d just roll your eyes and try to explain the prank. At first he’d think that you meant that your relationship was a prank, which made you facepalm yourself. “Forget it. Let’s order dinner.” 
𓆩♡𓆪 Please, it would make him so upset. You were watching a TV show, and at some point he leaned in to give you a sweet kiss. “Stop, I have a boyfriend,” you said, trying your best to keep a straight face. “Oh, okay,” he’d say and turn his gaze away from you. It would take him a couple of seconds to understand what exactly you’d just said. He’d scoff at you and scoot to the other edge of the couch, to get as far away from you as he possibly could. “That wasn’t funny,” he’d say and cross his arms, like an angry child. You’d laugh at his reaction and throw yourself at him, hugging him tightly. 
𓆩♡𓆪 “Get away from me, Soonyoung. I have a boyfriend.” Would be up and ready to fight your imaginary boyfriend. Wouldn't care and wouldn’t listen to you trying to explain that it was just a silly prank, taking it WAY too seriously. It would take some time for him to calm down and listen to you, finally understanding that you didn’t mean what you said. He’d try to give you a silent treatment for making fun of him, but would give up after seeing your upset expression. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Another one that you cannot prank. You’d be at a dinner with your friends, and when he made sure that no one was paying attention, gave you a quick peck on your lips. “Wonwoo, you can’t do that. I have a boyfriend,” you’d try to sound as offended as you could. You’d also give yourself right away, as you started laughing at his unbothered and slightly annoyed expression. He'd probably give you a side eye as well, finding your little prank silly and pointless. “You’re so bad at this, it’s almost hilarious.” In the end, he’d have to apologise in kisses, as you accused him of being mean to you. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Kissing pranks on Jihoon is like one of the worst ideas ever, you’re not sure what exactly had gotten into you. It would be on one of the rare occasions where he would kiss out of his own will. “Stop,” you’d put a hand on his chest. “I have a boyfriend.” His face would go blank, no emotions apparent whatsoever. He’d roll his eyes at you and smirk with a head shake. “You seriously thought this would work?” he’d ask. “No?” Lesson learned, never try to prank Jihoon. 
𓆩♡𓆪 One of the many drama queens. “You look adorable today,” he’d giggle and kiss you lovingly. “Stop Hao, I have a boyfriend,” you’d say and push him away. The second these words left your mouth, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened in disbelief. At first he wouldn't be able to say anything, being taken aback with your words, but would throw a tantrum right after. He’d gesticulate with his hands in annoyance and get so petty with you, making you taste your own medicine. Would probably ignore you for the rest of the day, until he started to miss you. 
𓆩♡𓆪 You loved tricking Mingyu, as he almost never caught up to the fact that he was being pranked. He’d kiss you before going to bed, already half asleep. “I have a boyfriend, Mingyu, you can’t just kiss me.” you’d say in a worried tone, making his eyes go wide in surprise. “Oh, right. Sorry,” he’d say and waddle to the bedroom. You’d stay in the same place, crossing your arms and waiting for him to realise. “YOU HAVE A WHAT?” he’d yell from the bedroom. Would be so sad and sulky after, you’d have to be the small spoon for the night, reassuring you that he’s your one and only. 
𓆩♡𓆪 Don’t do this to him. Just don’t. He’d lean to give you a peck, but you’d stop him before he could reach you. “I’m sorry, but I have a boyfriend.” He’d give you an apologetic look and say that it’s okay. He was about to continue what he was doing before, but as he saw your eyes welling up in tears from trying to hold in your laughter, he would understand he was being pranked. He would jokingly start yelling at you, and whine that you’re just being mean to him. You wouldn’t be able to resist his cute expression and kiss his lips and cheeks in a silent apology.
𓆩♡𓆪 Another drama queen. “Stop this Seungkwan. I have a boyfriend, you can’t kiss me.” Would throw hands and whine until you didn’t apologise and even then he would still be SO petty. Would not return any of your affection for the rest of the day, side eyeing you constantly and scoffing at everything you’d say. If anyone asked what was wrong, he'd spend the next ten minutes complaining how annoying and ungrateful you are. Would not even bother to listen to your explanation, saying right away, that he doesn’t find your pranks funny. 
𓆩♡𓆪 No reaction, face blank. He’d plop next to you on the couch, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek. “Stop, I have a boyfriend,” you’d distance yourself from him, reaching casually for the snacks laying on the table. Would look at you with a straight face, not amused at all. “Where did you get that from? Tik tok?” He couldn’t help but laugh when he saw your annoyed expression, which meant that in fact yes, you got it from Tik Tok. “Ugh, you’re no fun.” “Sure I am, your pranks just suck.” 
𓆩♡𓆪 This baby. You heard about the prank from your friends, and you were curious how your boyfriend would react. “I had so much fun today,” he said, as you neared your apartment. He’d stop under one of the post lamps and give you a passionate kiss. You'd push him away “Chan, I have a boyfriend,” you’d say seriously. His heart would break at those words and sadness would appear on his face. “Wha- What do you mean you have a boyfriend?” Seeing his reaction, you wouldn’t have the heart to keep it going and hug him tightly, as you explained that it was simply a prank.
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keruimi · 1 month
Your Dream
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Pairing: Obanai Iguro x reader
Warnings: Mention of Sexual Abuse, Death, Total Angst
Note: It has a similar plot with my other Obanai Oneshot but why do I feel like this hurts more? Anyways, I am back to writing Kny especially when it's angst. And yes, it's Obanai Iguro again, my favorite character. The only reason I wrote this is because of the Obamitsu Angst in my fyp like stop reminding me, it really hurts. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it because I don't want to suffer alone.
It was a normal life I live, working as an average kakushi who is mostly assigned in the kitchen.
When an odd request from Oyakata-sama changes my routine. When he assigned me to deliver meals to the new pillar, the Snake Hashira, Obanai Iguro.
At the age of eighteen, I finally experienced the anger of a Hashira with just my presence.
Knowing I was silent my whole life, I never found the reason why the Hashira glared at me on our first meeting.
I can't even count how many meals have been ignored or thrown whenever I deliver it to him.
Feeding the Snake Hashira became part of my routine that I completely memorize the route of his manor since he doesn't want anyone to be with him.
"Y/n, please take care of Obanai Iguro's health for me"
Those are the words I hold onto as I tolerated the cold treatment of the Hashira.
I lost track of the times I stay outside the freezing cold when he doesn't want to open his door for me.
It became more torturing when my heart suddenly beat faster when he started treating me differently after a year.
When he finally started to accept the food I cooked and delivered to his manor. Even if he can't finish it, I am thankful that it wouldn't become a waste anymore.
I knew our simple interaction progressed more when he allowed me to come closer to his space. Even a job that I shouldn't be doing, I'm doing it for him.
Like cleaning his manor, grinding ink for him, and helping him sort different poetry he has written.
Those simple moments introduce me to the new side of him that I slowly fell in love with.
It made me want to try harder until the walls he built around him completely fall down.
Until he can finally open his heart to me.
But that friendship I tried to stabilize, brick by brick, became nothing when he met her in the Ubuyashiki mansion.
My effort is almost nothing with how easy she manages to make him soften to her.
And I started to look for the reasons why.
The friendship I tried so hard to build is ruined and I felt like I went back to the first time we met.
The cautious aura that made it difficult for me to connect to him.
And I knew those thoughts are really happening when the food I brought is left untouched.
"I have already eaten with Mitsuri"
It was the sentence I kept hearing but I didn't stop doing my duty of making his food for him.
Because I learned to love taking care of him.
Those tasty delicacies I used to love cooking, change when I noticed he was disgusted just by the smell of it.
I adjusted so many things that I completely forgot what I really love.
Just to serve him right.
I prevent the cough that is threatening to leave my mouth as I grind ink for the Hashira I am serving.
As he wrote the letter he always sent to her.
It was breaking me. But I have no right to feel anything for him.
I already knew ever since, that a high-ranking warrior like him is not meant to love me.
But the weak side of me silently yearn that he can return it.
But seeing how in love he is with another woman. I knew I never had a place in his heart.
But just a mere presence that accompanies him in the garden.
I was just a shadow he would never notice. A person that serves him, and he would not change his perspective on me.
I was beside him so I could serve him, not to love him.
I wipe the single tear and escape my eyes before he notices as I force my body to move according to what he wishes.
While he remained clueless of my emotion that I tried so hard to get rid of.
The emotion that broke my heart when I saw the ring in his room while I was cleaning.
I could never look at the mirror just to see how my eyes portrayed the pain I felt when I saw it.
"Obanai-san really liked Mitsuri, don't you?" I mustered up the courage to speak my thoughts with a slight teasing tone as my back faced him.
I bit my lip to stop the sob that is threatening to be heard as I heard shuffling behind me.
"Obanai-san must treat Mitsuri-san right. Marriage is a dream for every woman. Especially when they will have a good man to love" I turned to him with a smile as I slowly opened my eyes and saw how soft his eyes turned because of embarrassment.
I don't know his past. I don't know what he loves.
I don't know Obanai Iguro.
But I know he has a hard time trusting others.
"I hope you both live a happy life" I managed to let out but it came out as a whisper as I took my things and left the room.
I froze the moment I left his manor as the tears I managed to subside finally escaped my eyes as I found myself crying on the way back to the village I live in.
I knew it was coming but my heart won't stop aching. My eyes can't stop crying. My mouth can't stop sobbing.
I really love him.
But he is not mine.
I lost track of the years when the female kakushi started to serve me.
The only woman I allow to enter my manor with the excuse of serving me.
Because I thought of changing myself even a little no matter how much I feel fear or disgusted by a female approaching me.
Because she gave effort to providing me with the most comfortable thing I needed. Especially during my meal time.
Starting with a simple window being opened, creating less flavorful food that I can tolerate.
I knew she was adjusting for me so I let her presence in my everyday life. Until that became like a friendship I was thankful for.
I can talk to someone about things without including battles.
I love her like a family.
That explained how my body felt frozen when I heard the news of what happened to her on the way to my manor.
The news of her being taken advantage of by a man who manages to memorize her route to my manor due to her everyday routine of walking her way there.
The anger I felt was unexplainable that I can find myself hurting a fellow human.
I knew humans can be evil, but I didn't know I could hate them more than I hate demons.
But I thought I made a mistake too.
If I just let her stay in my manor so she wouldn't exert too much energy just for my food, I could protect her better.
I know I'm slowly losing control when my self-restraint almost fell apart when I visited her quarters and I found her silently sitting at the corner of her room, hugging her knees.
As the spark in her eyes completely vanishes.
"She refused to eat nor let another woman near her. When the others approach her, she flinches. We don't know how to approach her anymore" the Kakushi who led me to her room stuttered out as I felt my hand grip the wooden door in anger.
Yet my eyes badly wanted to cry for her.
"Shinobu tried to check on her but she started to cry whether she was near. We just confirm the situation when the evidence of the sexual abuse was present in her body when we found her unconscious in the forest"
"Stop talking" I snap at him who immediately keeps his mouth shut as my snake hiss at him who scurried away.
"Y/n, it's me" I knocked on the door even though it was already open to make her aware of my presence in the room.
I don't know how I control my voice who I thought will be expressed in a trembled tone.
I am a man.
That is the first thought that came to my mind that made me decide to sit at the floor near the door.
"Obanai Iguro, you know me, right?" I spoke again and she kept her silence making my hands tighten its hold on my pants.
I'm not used to this side of her.
"Are you scared of me?" I asked slowly as silence occupied the entire room before she shook her head a little.
"May I come closer?"
With that question, I notice how her hands tighten on the blanket surrounding her making me release a shaky breath.
I never knew I was willing to hurt a fellow human just for her.
It made me want to make the man suffer badly. Worse than what he did to her.
"I'm sorry" I was left speechless when those were left on her lips and I immediately shook my head.
"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. It was them that wronged you" I am not good at words but I wanted to completely express my concern and pain for her.
I badly wanted to avenge her.
"It was me who should apologize because I was not there for you"
"I am not your responsibility..." She whispered and I shook my head once again, wishing for her to look at me even once so she can see how badly I am hurt for what she has experience.
How desperate I am to show she was not alone during this time.
"You are. Because you are important to me" I felt tears in my eyes as Kaburamaru slithered his way to her and slowly circled around her shoulder in a protective manner.
"I am tainted..."
"You're not" I firmly stated. "I am the tainted one between the two of us" those words quickly left my lips without any hesitations and she finally had the courage to look in my direction.
"So don't look at yourself that way. For me, you are still the same Y/n that accompanied me" I stuttered out as I tried to stabilize my breathing.
"I will seek justice for you. That's a promise"
I saw how a tear left her eyes as she looked outside the window. Removing her gaze on me.
"In our generation, marriage is every woman's dreams. Is a symbol of acceptance. Is where you will really feel you are loved and chosen by someone" she whispered.
"But in order to be chosen, you need to be pure, compliant, and well-mannered. That's what it takes to be a good wife" she stated as Kaburamaru nuzzled his head on her cheek when he noticed her difficulty in breathing.
I badly want to lend her my shoulder to lean on, an advice to make her mind clear. But in this situation, we both knew she just needed an ear to listen to her.
Someone to comfort her with just presence.
"But if you don't meet those requirements, you will be shunned by society. You will lose the qualification that a wife has."
"Right now, I will not be the wife of someone. I will not be married to a man I will dedicate my life to. Because I don't have my purity that only my husband should have." She whispered.
It was a painful word to state out loud. But right now, I can't read her.
Because she completely closed off her emotions.
"I don't fit the standard that a wife should have." She whispered as she buried herself in her blanket that hid herself from me.
"And it hurted so badly"
I closed my eyes when she spoke those words.
And I hate myself because I can't do anything for her but just torture her attacker.
"What else is your dream other than marriage?" I ask her as she closes her eyes to rest it for a little while.
"I want to meet the one that is willing to spend their entire life with me" it was a hopeful wish.
Silence occupy the room and I thought she fall asleep until she whispered the words I never expected to hear from her.
"I love you..." It was barely heard but I knew it was the words she hide for so long.
That made it known to me that I could grant that dream to her.
But I decide to give her the time she needs to heal from that painful experience.
She needs to heal.
Those are the thoughts I could only think of as I laid her down in her bed in a more comfortable position when I noticed she had finally fallen asleep.
But I never expected that it would be the last time I would see her with her eyes open.
Because when I came back the next day, the news of her death was the one that greeted me.
It was a nocturnal death because her heart failed during her sleep.
It finally felt like my whole world collapsed and my mind completely shut down.
If it weren't for Sanemi being beside me, I would have completely fallen on the floor as I kneel in front of her room.
It hurts.
I wanted it to stop.
But I know that nothing could make her happy anymore.
Because that nightmare would continue living within her for the rest of her life.
I never manage to cherish her smiles more. I only shrugged the moments I have with her because I thought we would stay that way.
That I never knew I was running out of time.
It took every cell in my body to approach her cold body that is covered with white cloth as I kneeled beside her.
I silently slid the ring that she found on my mansion in her finger as tears continued escaping from my eyes as Sanemi just stood behind me.
I lost someone who made me feel like I have the family I never have.
In this life, we were parted to heal.
But I will make sure that her wish will be granted.
"In this life" I started to whisper as my lips lean on her fingers where the ring stays.
"As God as my witness, I promise to take you as my bride. Give myself as your other half" I keep mumbling as I squeeze her cold hand as tears continue to fall from my eyes.
"That even death can never separate us. Because in our next life, I'll make sure, that I will utter this words to you again"
And in that life, you will be alive to hear it
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rainybubbles · 7 months
What are COD men and women missions as your guardian angel ?
Ghost, Price, Soap, Gaz, Laswell, Farah, Valeria, Alejandro, König, Roach, Nikolai
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC.)
G H O S T :
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-He was sent to prevent you from accepting a job opportunity that would lead to your death. 
-The prospective boss was destined to be tyrannical, pushing you to overwork, neglect your health, sever ties with loved ones, and gradually spiral into a state of despair. 
-Ultimately, exhaustion would compel you to cross a road, only to be struck by a truck. 
-Simon's purpose was to avert this tragic fate.
-Simon exerted considerable effort attempting to erase all traces of the job offers and announcements from your computer, eager to fulfill his mission swiftly. 
-However, you persisted in pursuing your dream job, repeatedly defying his interventions. 
-”Fucking hell” he whispered one night after passing hours on Indeed to delete everything.
-He realized he had to convince you. But it means getting to know you. 
-He sighed and moved in, thanks to his power, the flat next to yours was magically free.
-Despite his strategic move, Simon struggled with social interactions. 
- He tried the “have you any sugar ?” but it was 1AM, so it scared you.
-God, Simon and his social skills.
- One day, you, alarmed by a peculiar noise, knocked on his door, convinced that an intruder had breached your home. 
-Trusting Simon's intimidating presence to scare off anyone, you spent the night at his flat for reassurance. 
-This incident marked the beginning of a gradual acquaintance.
-As Simon got to know you, a mutual exchange of pastries became a regular occurrence. You started it to thank him for that night, and he offered you ones, and it has became a regular thing.
- Friday nights turned into joint activities like watching matches or cooking together. 
-During these moments, you opened up about your dream job, and Simon, in turn, disclosed the harsh realities about the company.
-The realization dawned upon him as he witnessed the trust you placed in him.
- When you decided not to pursue the ominous job, he felt a sense of joy until the weight of the truth settled in—his mission was complete. 
-Simon waited in anticipation for the next assignment.
-He waited.
-For another name, another mission.
-Nothing came.
-And he saw Laswell.
-He knew what it meant.
-“Simon, they decide you can either continue as an angel or stay with her and become human”Laswell says.
-Being with you.
-Waking up with you, living a life with you…
-It sounded perfect.
-He didn’t deserve that. Not after all what he had done, not…him with you, you deserved better.
-The following morning, you knocked on his door, only to find the flat deserted.
- Frantically searching for Simon Riley on social media, you discovered an unsettling absence—like a ghost, he had vanished, leaving you with a broken heart.
-“He fucking ghost me”, you cried on the floor of your flat, not knowing the truth.
P R I C E :
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-He had not been sent for you, but for a boy named Clark. 
-Clark was on the verge of homelessness, and John's mission was to help him develop an idea to secure some much-needed money.
-As John succeeded in his task, he couldn't help but notice the negative transformation in Clark.
- The influx of money had turned Clark into a selfish person, threatening his friends if they considered leaving him. And that's how he encountered you—a kind soul who had been there for Clark since the beginning.
-You, always supportive, witnessed how toxic Clark had become towards you.
- Slowly, you began to believe you deserved such treatment, unable to find better friends. 
-John, disturbed by this realization, hoped for another mission to rescue Clark's friend from the clutches of his destructive behavior.
-But nothing changed.
-Frustrated, John couldn't stand idly by while people suffered for the sake of his mission. 
-His purpose was to rectify injustice, not allow someone to turn into a despicable person.
-During a party, he found you outside and couldn't help but express his thoughts
- "I'm glad you're in his life. He's so much better now. He was really broke, and I was scared he'd end up alone on the streets. He lived at my house for a long time." you said.
-"He should have end up in the streets," Price asserted without regret.
-Your eyes widened, but a chuckle escaped you. "You shouldn't say that."
-"But you agree.
-”Money got to his head, but he's a good guy."
-"He's not, and you know it, love."
-"I don't want to lose him. I love him." you admitted.
-And then it clicked. You loved Clark before he became the person he was now.
-"You loved him before all of this." he realized.
-"I know. And it hurts because I still hold onto the hope that he'll realize and suddenly become better."
-"I'm sorry." Price said.
-"It's not your fault."
-It was, but you couldn't know.
-"Maybe in another life, I'll be as happy as he seems to be?"
-Price could have read your life with his power and gotten to know your future. But he didn’t.
-"I hope you deserve it." he answered.
-"Hey John, if I'm not happy, could I count on you? You're always here for me."
-"I promise, love."
-You smiled.
-Later, when John received his new mission, he decided to peek into your future to protect you one last time—only to realize there was no future.
-He rushed to your flat.
-The police were there.
-Clark had been arrested.
-And a body was being taken to the morgue.
-Maybe he should have looked at your future earlier.
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-He had been dispatched to safeguard your moral values from crumbling into ruin. 
-The situation was straightforward; you were shattered, and a friend of yours suggested a lucrative opportunity to intimidate someone for a hefty sum. 
-In simpler terms, you were on the verge of joining a gang for the sake of money. 
-Broke, homeless, unwilling to burden your family, and unable to afford food, you were desperate enough to consider anything that paid, given the absence of job offers.
-Soap's mission was to avert this downward spiral, to prevent you from evolving into a heartless figure with bloodstained hands, a potential mafia leader. 
-Naturally, he couldn't just hand you money; you wouldn't accept it from a stranger. So, he devised a plan to hire you at his bakery.
-Initially taken aback, because hell you couldn’t even say or bake croissant. 
-Nevertheless, your role was strictly to sell, not to bake. 
-Moreover, your boss, Soap, emanated a comforting presence. 
-He treated you kindly, just as he did with everyone on his missions
-But to him, your smile was more than just a pleasant sight; it stirred something within him.
-Your laughter, dry and infrequent, motivated him to ensure you laughed more often, even if it meant he made a fool of himself with sugar or butter.
-When your friend said you couldn’t stay at their place, Soap went a step further and provided you with one.
- As you began accumulating enough funds to secure a flat, you encountered difficulties in finding one. 
-Leveraging his magical abilities, Soap helped locate a suitable residence for you. 
-Once settled, he taught you the art of baking, gradually helping you to take charge of the bakery.
-A year later, you had become a skilled baker, and Soap realized his mission was accomplished. 
-Independent and content, you were ready to take over the bakery. 
-Craftily, he fabricated a story about relocating to another country and passing the bakery on to you. 
-Initially hesitant, you eventually agreed after lengthy discussions.
-As Soap sensed the emergence of a new name and mission on the paper, he looked at you and sighed, "I'll miss you, love."
-"Me too, Johnny," you replied.
-Little did you know it was the final time you would see him, but Soap was acutely aware.
- So, for the first time, he allowed himself to act on impulse and kissed you. In that fleeting moment, he wished he could relinquish his wings and live with you indefinitely.
G A Z :
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-TW : social anxiety :) !
-He was sent to help you with your health.
-You grappled with social anxiety, a condition so severe that the fact of being in a crowded bus could make you faint
- Asking for a bag at the cashier's counter filled you with fear, and even a simple "hello" caused three weeks of overthinking
- You existed in a state of solitude, ensnared within a relentless cycle of anxiety.
- Your mental health had plummeted, yet the luxury of a therapist was beyond your means.
-Social anxiety, insidiously, severs connections, making it difficult to seek help, leaving you trapped in an endless loop of overthinking. 
-The act of breathing itself became a struggle
-Walking in the streets became a nightmare, convinced that every passerby scrutinized your every move. Life, for you, felt burdensome, your very existence a weight upon others.
-Enter Gaz, sent to prevent you from venturing too close to the precipice. 
-He initiated contact through social media, engaging you in conversation within a fandom you both shared.
- He witnessed the genuine joy in your smiles as you responded to his messages, the relief emanating from having notifications from a real person rather than an automated system.
- Talking to him felt right, providing a respite from the isolation.
-Gradually, your interactions with Gaz progressed beyond the digital realm.
- Attempts to meet in person were met with reluctance or last-minute cancellations, fueled by fears of judgment, rejection, or even the possibility of an elaborate prank. 
-However, perseverance prevailed, and one day, he succeeded in meeting you face-to-face.
-The anxiety lingered, but Gaz's warmth created a sanctuary, a safe space for you.
- Together, you confronted the formidable adversary that was social anxiety.
-Gaz became your anchor during the lows, comforting you when crowds induced panic or tears flowed at the thought of being among people.
-Of course there were downs, where you couldn’t go out, where you would cry just by the idea of being in a crowd. But he was here for you.
-Every Monday, he accompanied you through bustling streets, holding your hand as you breathed through the anxiety. 
-Small victories were celebrated, such as summoning the courage to ask for water from a waiter. 
-To some, these achievements may seem ridiculous, but Gaz understood the immense courage they required.
-He cherished the moments you shared, the progress you made—ordering food by phone, making a call—each step a triumph on the arduous road of overcoming social anxiety.
- In these moments, Gaz recognized that this was more than a mere mission; it was a lifelong commitment. 
-Social anxiety was not a battle with a finite resolution; rather, it was a continuous struggle.
-A knowing chuckle escaped him. 
-Captain Price, knowingly, had bestowed upon Gaz a life mission. 
-In a quiet moment, Gaz whispered his gratitude, acknowledging that if his mission was to love and support you, there was no doubt he would embrace it for eternity.
V A L E R I A :
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-She was sent to save your marriage.
- Angels, renowned for their influence on matters of the heart, and Valeria, in particular, was on a divine mission to salvage the threads that held your union together. 
-However, as of late, doubt began to creep into her convictions as a guardian angel.
-In numerous assignments, she found herself helping individuals of questionable character.
- Then, she met you—a person ensnared in a wretched marriage. 
- Your wife treated you poorly, arguing with you for trivial matters, asserting your worthlessness without her, forgetting your birthday and engaging in infidelity with others.
-Valeria questioned the purpose of preserving such a toxic bond.
- Was she supposed to save this tormented marriage?
- Was the sanctity of matrimony so sacred that it should endure despite the evident misery it caused?
-No, she had enough..
- She reached a breaking point, disenchanted with being the obedient savior in every situation. 
-She wasn't Rudy or Alejandro—she wouldn't blindly adhere to a mission that clashed with her newfound convictions. 
-Instead, she took a daring step and seduced you, believing you deserved better, deserving her.
-You, with your kindness and generosity, deserved someone who would treat you with the respect and love you lacked in your current relationship. 
-Valeria refused to surrender you to the shackles of your miserable marriage.
- She cared not for the rules of her celestial role; she wasn't a guardian angel any longer. 
-That night, driven by an irrepressible desire for change, she made a drastic choice—she cut off her wings. 
-The pain was excruciating, but amidst the agony, she found relief and liberation.
- She knew this act condemned her to damnation, but the prospect of being with you made it inconsequential.
- Morality blurred into shades of gray as she willingly became a fallen angel, abandoning her celestial duties for the ecstasy of earthly love.
- The sensation of your lips against hers eclipsed any impending punishment, and in that moment, she embraced the fall from grace for the happiness she found in your arms.
N I K O L A I :
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-He was the one training guardian angels. 
-Nikolai wasn't a guardian angel, but a fallen one. 
-In the past, he had fallen in love with the one he was supposed to guard.
- As a consequence, they severed one of his wings and stripped him of his celestial status. 
-To prove his devotion, Nik decided to assist in the formation of guardian angels.
- Laswell and Price supported him, and they agreed.
-So, he began training new guardian angels, and you happened to be one of them.
- He admired how you struggled to fly, resembling a fawn. 
-"Солнце (=sun), use your back muscles, not your arms," he teased as you tumbled to the ground once again. 
-"How could you know?" you snapped back, frustrated.
-He stopped, his lone wing retracting. 
-You realized the impact of your words.
- "Shit, Nik, sorry, that's not what I meant."
-"It's okay, but I used to fly in the past, you know. Don't doubt my abilities again."
-"Of course, I... It's just frustrating to see everyone else succeeding."
"-It's okay. Ghost took six months to fly; Soap burned his wing three times," Nikolai said. "So, don't doubt, Солнце."
-"Really?" you laughed.
-"Yes, so don't doubt, Солнце."
-"Isn't it difficult to watch all those angels and not feel free like them?" you asked, a question no one had posed to him before.
-"It is, but I deserved it."
-"You just loved someone. I don't think it was worth the punishment," you whispered.
-"Maybe, but I betrayed my mission."
-"I still think you did it for good reasons. The world isn't black and white. Sometimes we have to be gray. Loving them, it's not a crime."
-He stayed silent. "Maybe."
-"Sorry, I overstepped, but I think it's unfair they treat you like this. Graves is keeping his wings when he had killed people to succeed in his missions, not very guardian angel of him."
-"You're right, but we can't do anything."
-"I will. I'll fight for you. Use my wings to give yours back," you said, determined.
-That day, Nik felt a spark—the same one that had cost him his wings. 
-The one who was back with you. 
-He ignored it. 
-"If you say so, I'll watch you doing it," he chuckled.
-Little did he know, you would succeed and restore his wings. 
-Perhaps, one day, Nikolai would fly again with his wings and not a helicopter.
A L E J A N D R O :
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-He was sent to protect you, to help you to expose the truth.
-You, a journalist delving into a precarious story surrounding the cartel's sway
-. Alejandro understood the gravity of this mission; his entire previous life had been defined by this relentless fight against the cartel.
- With unwavering dedication, he vowed to shield you with all his heart.
-Thus, he concealed himself, surveilling your residence, neutralizing all dangers, confronting cartel members seeking to harm you under the cover of darkness.
- His magic thwarted explosive threats, and he meticulously tarnished the reputations of those aiming to intimidate you after your initial article.
- He stood watch, silently guarding you.
-His cover was blown one day. In your apartment, a cartel member lay unconscious at his feet.
-"So it was you?" you inquired.
-"I can explain," he stammered.
-"You were the one protecting me, weren't you? I've never felt threatened since my colleagues shared their ordeals. Only words, never physical harm or bombs. My family is unharmed. Someone protected me. It's you, isn't it?"
-Your perceptiveness impressed him.
-"Yes," he admitted.
-"You should have said something. I can pay you if needed. Being a bodyguard for someone who challenges cartels must be challenging."
-"Not as challenging as being a colonel fighting the cartel in my previous life," he thought but refrained from saying.
-"It's okay. I don't need a salary."
-"Then live with me. Let me repay you, in a way. This way, you can keep an eye on me 24/7 but still have a place to stay."
-It was tempting, avoiding the need to surveil you from across the street, being able to follow you closely to prevent traps.
-"Okay," he accepted.
-Gradually, he became a fixture in your life. You shared your findings, and he assisted during investigations, often necessitating clandestine break-ins to gather information. 
-He marveled at how you managed to stay alive with your audacious pursuits.
-But with each cartel member arrested due to your articles, he felt satisfaction and pride. You were making a difference.
-Until one day, the absence of the familiar sound of typing alarmed him. 
-Racing to your room, he found you lifeless, a bullet wound in your head. 
-How was this possible? He had used his magic for protective measures, installed cameras.
- Then he noticed it—a black wing on the floor, a fallen angel turned malevolent.
-He knew who was responsible—Valeria. Of course, she would be entangled in the sinister web of cartels. Mierda...
L A S S W E L L :
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--She was sent to ensure peace.
-You, a fledgling diplomat, had just entered the scene.
-In a matter of months, a critical meeting loomed on the horizon. 
-Unfortunately, one of the other ambassadors harbored nefarious plans. 
-Their aim? To ensnare you, hold your country responsible for an attack, derail any alliance, shatter hopes of peace, and plunge nations into war.
-Laswell, tasked with preventing this diplomatic catastrophe, sought to guide you through the treacherous world of international relations.
-Gaining your trust, however, proved to be a formidable challenge.
-You toiled in isolation, reluctant to confide even in an assistant. 
-Acutely aware of the sordid nature of politics, you had no intention of succumbing to manipulation or falling prey to powerful lobby interests.
-To demonstrate her capabilities, Laswell embarked on a mission to help you confront a corrupt mayor. 
-When she successfully ousted him and exposed the truth, despite the mayor's pervasive connections, you were compelled to extend a job offer.
-"Thanks for this. I couldn't have done it without you. He had connections everywhere," you expressed your gratitude.
-"I have connections too, but I guess mine are just better than his," she replied with a hint of confidence.
-A chuckle escaped your lips.
-It was evident that Laswell, fueled by a genuine commitment to peace, would prevail. 
-Witnessing the purity of your heart, she found solace.
- She had observed how the hearts of political figures often tarnished when power came into play, but you remained an exception.
-"You're a remarkable diplomat, never doubt that," she reassured.
-"Maybe, but niceties don't seal alliances or foster peace," you sighed. "Money does, and we don't have it."
-Together, you delved into the intricacies of contracts and gathered information about other nations.
- Nights were spent in your office, surrounded by take-out containers, punctuated by jokes that lightened the mood while maintaining a serious focus on work.
-Gradually, Laswell began to open up to you. 
-Of course, she concealed her past as a CIA agent, weaving a narrative that shielded her secrets. Yet, you felt a sense of security in her presence.
-One evening during a break, you asked,
-"Do you have someone, Kate? You're always here with me, and I wouldn't want your significant other to worry."
-"I had someone," she admitted.
-"Sorry to hear that," you responded.
-"It's okay. It was a long time ago, like a previous life," she joked, though the truth lingered beneath the surface.
-"How were they?" you inquired.
-"She, and she was wonderful. My wife. I could have given everything to her, except I didn't. I didn't give her my time. I was working too hard."
-"Did you divorce?" you asked.
-"No, but I quitted my job for her."
-"It was the right thing to do. She deserved it," she smiled.
-"And you never met anyone after?"
-Because after that, she died old and happy with her wife, before becoming a guardian angel.
-She never looked for love.
-"No, but maybe someday." Laswell said
-"I don't doubt it," you chuckled.
-"And you?"
-"I'm too busy with my work. They say I'm mostly married to it," you attempted to joke, but Kate sensed the underlying sadness.
-"You'll meet someone. You're a great person."
-"Thanks," you replied, returning to your work. 
-After weeks of collaboration, Kate unearthed a drug affair involving the other diplomat and dealt with it discreetly.
-On the day of the crucial meeting, the peace offer was accepted without hesitation, thanks to the covert threat.
- The treaties were signed, and a sigh of relief echoed through the diplomatic corridors.
-However, when Laswell awaited her next mission, she discovered a surprise.
-Your name resurfaced, but the mission had taken an unexpected turn.
-"Marry them."
-Confused, Laswell pondered the note. Guardian angels can't love humans. Then, she noticed a message on the back.
-"You deserve a retreat, Kate. And they're your type. Enjoy it. - John."
-She chuckled. John, always meddling where he wasn't needed.
- However, she didn’t know if she would marry you or not but this life as a diplomat, reshaping the world for the better, was the love she had found."
F A R A H :
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-She had been sent to infuse you with the strength to confront adversity with courage and resilience.
- Once a firefighter, you had walked away from the profession after a tragic incident where a child lost his life in a fire. 
-Your attempts to alert your boss about the suspicious nature of the recent fires fell on deaf ears, and disillusioned, you resigned. 
-The question lingered: Why be a firefighter if you couldn't save lives?
-Farah had been dispatched to restore your inner fortitude because, deep down, you were right
-Those recent fires were no accidents. 
-Only you had the power to uncover the truth, having been the sole observer of the pattern.
- Fate placed her as your neighbor, but your demeanor was reticent, a mere husk of your former self.
-Observing your silent suffering, Farah chose a bold approach. 
-She ignited a fire in her own apartment using a toaster, triggering your instincts. 
-Without hesitation, you rushed to her aid with a fire extinguisher, quelling the flames.
-"Thanks, I don't know what happened," she lied, keenly observing the adrenaline coursing through your veins and the relief in your eyes.
-"It's okay; toasters can be tricky, many of them catch fire," you reassured her.
-"Do you often see that?" she inquired.
-"I'm a firefighter," you paused, correcting yourself, "was, sorry."
-She smiled, finding solace in your continued identification with the role.
-"You quit? Injuries?" she probed.
-"No, I... it just wasn't for me."
-"It doesn't seem that way," she said, nodding towards the fire extinguisher still in your grasp.
-"It was just a reflex."
-"Hmm, if you say so. You know, just because there are some bad firefighters doesn't mean you have to quit," she remarked.
-"True, but sometimes it's hard to... fight when you're alone."
-She understood. Without the support of people in her past as Karim, Farah would never have succeeded. 
-"But without brave people like you, the bad ones win," she emphasized.
-"Maybe," you conceded, "but... why am I discussing this with you? I don't even know you," you whispered.
-"It's easier to confess to a stranger, especially one with a burnt toaster," she joked.
-You chuckled, finding an unexpected comfort in her presence.
-"Maybe you're right. I just... I felt useless. I knew something was wrong with those fires, that we should have saved those kids, but... no one believed me. Maybe they're right."
-"Or maybe not. Now we'll never know since you quit," she countered.
"-Maybe..." you sighed.
-"I can help you," she offered.
-"How?" you inquired.
-"I'm a journalist," she lied, "if those fires are really peculiar, then I have a great article, and you could regain your job."
-"…But it means investigating my own brigade."
-"Betrayal often comes from those close to us," she said, recalling what did Hadir.
-"You're right, okay," you agreed.
-And so, the investigation began. Farah watched as the embers of your internal fire reignited. You didn't give up. 
-Gathering evidence, taking photographs, you uncovered a shocking revelation: a colleague was a pyromaniac, deliberately setting fires to play the role of a savior, to feel godlike.
-Presenting the proof to journalists, your chief could no longer cover for the rogue colleague. Farah felt a surge of pride for you.
-"You fought well," she commended.
-"I'll continue, thanks, Farah," you said, embracing her, the lingering scent of burnt still on your clothes after your mission.
-"Never give up, even when I'm gone," she whispered.
-"Never," you smiled.
-When her mission changed, she left you a collar. Months later, Farah noticed how you kept it as a talisman.
- She smiled, realizing that although she couldn't stay, your strength and hers would forever be intertwined.
K Ö N I G :
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-He had been sent to rekindle your passion, to bring happiness back into your life. 
-Once a talented dancer, you had abandoned your love for dance in favor of a more practical career, burdened by financial responsibilities. 
-Your parents, disapproving of a dancing career, further added to the weight on your shoulders.
-König, however, was on a mission to reignite your love for your hobby and give your heart what it truly desired.
- So, in your building, he discreetly posted a classified ad seeking a dance teacher for the waltz.
-When you stumbled upon the ad, you thought, "Why not?"
-A little extra income wouldn't hurt, and you missed the joy of dancing. Intrigued, you decided to respond to his ad, accepting his offer.
-Little did König anticipate that it would work. 
-Now, with his towering 2-meter frame, he found himself awkwardly attempting to move like a swan without crushing your feet. The stress was palpable.
-“Breathe and focus on me, not on yourself,” you instructed, guiding his hands to rest on your waist. 
-Slowly, with the accompaniment of a piano, you led him through the graceful movements of the waltz.
-Suddenly, it felt like home. Memories flooded back – the aroma of onions and Zwiebelrostbraten cooking, the cramped kitchen adorned with peculiar pictures, his mother's gentle dance, and him on her feet as she attempted to teach him how to dance. 
-Dancing, he thought, could be so beautiful, and those who tried to prevent such feelings were truly awful.
-You noticed the sparkle in König's eyes, a reflection of the passion you had years ago.
- “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you remarked.
-“Yes, it’s like we’re floating,” he responded.
-“Waltz is beautiful. I…I wanted to compete when I was younger – waltz, salsa, and more.”
-“What stopped you?”
-“My parents. They said I would never be good enough to make a living from it. And they're right; only a few dancers can sustain themselves.”
-“But you could still live through it in a different way.”
-“Teaching it. Many dancers become teachers.”
-“I don’t have connections, König. Studios prefer people with a reputation.”
-“Then I’ll spread the word. You’re a great teacher. I mean, you made me dance the waltz, and I'm a giant,” he joked.
-You smiled. “Because you’re a great student.”
-“Nein, believe me, I can’t dance without you.”
-And so, König set his plans into motion, praising your classes to everyone. 
-Soon, a married couple sought your expertise, and as their marriage flourished, the word spread. 
-Requests poured in, and slowly you amassed a following.
-König, with his mysterious charm, helped you secure a studio.
- Although you maintained your part-time job, you now knew you could live from dance.
-“I’ll quit,” you whispered, nervous. “I need to quit to have more classes and finally be happy.”
-“Good, you deserve it,” he smiled.
-“Thanks. Without you, I probably would never have been brave enough to do it.”
-“I’m here to support you,” he assured, even though he missed holding you in his arms and waltzing with you.
-He asked for one last dance to celebrate. Unbeknownst to you, he would soon leave.
-As you danced, he felt your heart beating fast, resonating with happiness. 
-When a paper appeared in his pocket with another name and another mission, he looked back at you. 
-Perhaps now, when alone, König would practice the waltz for the day he would meet you again.
R O A C H :
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TW : death (not of Roach or you though) + (i kinda create a past for him, I know it's not canon)
-He was sent to help you to protect Orion.
-The problem was, he had no clue who Orion was.
- Despite attempting to tap into his powers, all he could extract were names: Orion and yours. 
-Thus, he met you out and forged a close friendship, yet Orion remained elusive.
- Not in your familial ties, not as a romantic interest or enemies—nowhere. 
-Until one day, after returning from work, you shared an anecdote about Orion.
- A four-year-old boy. 
-Suddenly, it dawned on him; he comprehended his purpose
-. Roach, with his own history in foster care, knew he was selected because he understood the flaws in the system and how one could make a difference by adopting a child.
- However, Orion had loving parents, leaving Roach perplexed.
-"He's a sweet boy," you smiled.
-He reciprocated with a smile, albeit tinged with fear. 
-Did this mean Orion would lose his parents? 
-Or was he expected to kill them? 
-Roach was uncertain, prompting him to shadow Orion's residence, using his expertise in navigating air ducts, he was not called  Roach for nothing, air ducts were his things.
-As he observed, nothing seemed amiss until he spotted it: a crack in the wall. 
- Regrettably, before he could extricate himself from the air duct, the building collapsed. 
-The landlords had ignored warnings about the need for renovations, leading to the tragedy. 
-Roach barely escaped the ruins, coughing and trying to find his way out.
-Then, he heard Orion's voice. 
-Under a table, the little boy clutched his deceased mother's hand. 
-Roach froze; there was no doubt, Orion's parents were gone. 
-Why was he sent to manage this? 
- Why wasn't he tasked with preventing the tragedy or saving them?
- Why did Orion have to endure such a harrowing experience?
-He crawled to Orion, embracing him as the boy cried and screamed. 
-He waited with him at ER, refusing to leave despite your attempts to reach him. He only sent you a text “at ER”
-You joined him and he…he could only express his pain through a silent hug.
-You and Roach became determined to ensure Orion wouldn't be left in the system after such trauma.
- Despite the challenges, you visited every day, dealing with bureaucracy and, with Roach's magical assistance, eventually adopting Orion
-. Roach didn't leave; he remained a steadfast companion in your collective journey.
-It wasn't easy—Orion was confused, lost, and traumatized. 
-Yet, through your unwavering support, he slowly began to open up to both you and Roach.
- A family emerged, something Roach had only discovered in his twenties during his time in the military.
- He was grateful that Orion could experience it now, but he couldn't bring himself to leave.
-Each day brought the fear of a new mission, a new departure. Until one day, Ghost appeared in your flat.
-"What are you doing here?" Roach questioned.
-"Cutting your wings," Ghost responded.
-Roach recoiled. "I never kissed them." he said, yes he loved you, but he never tried…
-"You can't take them away from me, please L.T. I don't want to lose everyone like I lost you and the unit."
-"I’ll cut your wings so you can become human, Roach, not to punish you."
-Roach halted. "You—"
-"You deserve it."
-"Thanks, L.T."
-"You're welcome," Ghost whispered, cutting his wings.
-Roach felt pain but also a strange sense of freedom. He smiled at Ghost and let him leave. Finally, he had found a family.
_If you want more : my COD masterlist
_My masterlist
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conrad thanksgiving fic please!!
This has been in my drafts for a long time...sorry. I might delete later, I don't really like it. It's not giving what I wanted it to...
Request: You’ve done Conrad dating a Haley James type of character, what about a Blair Waldorf type character? Old money, fiercely strong, rich, and outspoken. She and Belly would NOT get along, at all. He takes her to Thanksgiving dinner and Susannah is still there and she loves her
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Thanksgiving had always been a massive celebration in your family. Every year, your parents would go all out and host a dinner with their closest friends and their families. Your mother would direct the caterer team and make sure everything was perfect before the guests’ arrival. At the end the meal by having a slice of your father’s infamous pumpkin pie — which was your personal favorite part. 
This year, Thanksgiving was going to be different. Your father was in Paris for business and your mother somewhere in Europe, expanding her collection of vintage designer handbags. Had you not been in college, you would have happily joined her.
‘’Why don’t you come with me to Boston?’’ Conrad asked as you watched him pack a bag for the weekend.  ‘’My mom keeps asking me when she’ll get to meet you.’’ 
The thought of spending Thanksgiving alone had been looming over you, and Conrad's invitation was like a ray of light. 
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. ‘’You told your mother about me?’’
‘’Not really,’’ Conrad explained, picking another sweater and adding it into his bag. ‘’She heard your voice when she called the other day and Jeremiah told her all about you. He’s such a big mouth...’’ He shook his head, wishing his brother could hold his tongue sometimes. 
Susannah was ecstatic to have another guest for dinner. It was on very short notice and most of the preparations were already done when Conrad informed her of your addition to the table, but she would never pass up an opportunity to meet her Connie’s new girlfriend.  
When you and Conrad walked in, Susannah was all over you, complimenting your dress and how gorgeous you looked. You were quick to return her compliments, pointing out how her eyes looked exactly like Conrad's.
You met the other guests — Conrad’s father and brother, then Laurel and her kids —, and all were surprised by who Conrad had brought home. No one ever expected him to date someone born of old money. He’s dated Nicole, but she was nowhere as rich as your family. 
‘’Look at this amazing table,’’ Susannah said as she brought in the turkey, looking very proud of herself. ‘’Martha Stewart can kiss my ass!’’
Your eyes went wide for a short second, not expecting such words from her. She looked so sweet and delicate. 
Conrad shook his head at his mother, happy to see her being herself again. 
Everyone got seated, then Susannah spoke again. ‘’Before we eat, let’s go around the table and say one thing that we’re thankful for. Jere Bear, you can start.’’  
You lifted your eyes at Jeremiah across the table, who looked nothing like his brother. If you hadn’t known, you would never have guessed they were related. 
‘’I’m thankful for my mom,’’ the younger Fisher began, ‘’who reconsidered trying this new treatment for us. I don’t know what I would do without you, Mom.’’ He glanced at his mother, his eyes shiny with unshed tears. 
Susannah squeezed his hand over the table while everyone was trying to not get emotional. 
Conrad had told you about his mother’s breast cancer having come back in the spring. He tried to hide her sickness from you, but when you found him crying in his dorm on a Saturday afternoon, you knew something wasn’t okay. It was a tough subject for the entire family — especially since it was the second time she was going through this. For that, Susannah didn’t like to talk about cancer. She didn’t want her whole life to revolve around it just because a nasty tumor had returned in her body. She wanted to live her life the way it’s always been…and take a few more sitting breaks when needed.
In turn, the other guests said what they were thankful for. It went from Steven getting a car for his birthday to Belly becoming captain of her school’s volley-ball team and Laurel being a typical mom and being thankful for her children. 
‘’Connie, it’s your turn,’’ Susannah said, motioning to her eldest son.
Conrad nodded at his mom, then cleared his throat. ‘’Jeremiah took the words out of my mouth, so I’ll say something else I’m equally thankful for.’’ His lips tugged up into a little half smile and he reached over the table to take your hand in his. ‘’I’m thankful for meeting my amazing girlfriend, who came into my life at the most unexpected, yet perfect moment.’’ 
You smiled back at Conrad, giving his fingers a little squeeze. 
Seated before you, Belly snickered lightly. ‘’Can we eat now? Mom didn't want us to get snacks on the way here and I’m starving.’’ 
Laurel gave her daughter a pointed glare, wishing she would behave. 
Although the pumpkin pie didn’t come close to your father’s recipe, you made sure to tell Susannah it reminded you of home. 
‘’I hope your parents are not too sad that you came to Boston instead,’’ Susannah said, incapable of imagining spending Thanksgiving without her family — especially her boys. 
‘’Not at all, Mrs. Fisher,’’ you politely replied. ‘’My parents were both out of the country this Thanksgiving. Business related travel.’’
Susannah raised an eyebrow. ‘’Oh? What is it that they do?’’ 
You didn’t mean to brag, but she had asked. ‘’My mother is a fashion designer and my father is a lawyer at my grandfather’s firm.’’ 
You caught Belly rolling her eyes and muttering something. You didn’t care what she thought of you, you were the one who got to share Conrad’s bed at the end of the day. Ignoring her childish reactions, you continued talking to Susannah about your parents. She was very interested in your mother’s designs.
When dinner was officially over, you all vacated the table. Jeremiah and Steven went to the living room to set up a game for the five of you to play — another family tradition. You had never played cards against humanity before, but you’ll give it a try. 
Before you reached the living room, Conrad pulled you in a corner near the stairs, wanting some time alone with you. 
‘’Belly despises me,’’ you pointed to him, keeping your voice down so no one would hear.
Conrad rolled his eyes as he curled an arm around you, knowing how you had the tendency to exaggerate things. ‘’She does not. She’s just…having difficulty accepting that I moved on.’’
You made a face at him. ‘’Don’t you defend her. Have you seen all the sour looks she gave me during dinner? Your eyes might be the most beautiful shade of blue, my love, but I believe they are in need of a visual acuity test. You should schedule one when we get back to Palo Alto.’’ 
Conrad chuckled, amused by your theatrics. 
‘’Belly is going to be tougher to win with your charm. Like every ex-girlfriend, she’s gonna try to paint you as a mean girl, so you just have to show her that you’re the opposite. Compliment her. Tell her you like her sweater.’’
‘’But it looks itchy. It’s probably polyester.’’ 
The corner of Conrad’s lips turned into a smile.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis@Shasta89 @sierraluvz @specialk6802  @CZARINERA
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @bloody-mf-bsc @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise  @sickntiredtoo  @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl  @hopelessromantic727  @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2  @arinexeisnotworking @cloudrainy342 @theflcwer  @alllriseabove  @angelxxrose @angelxxrose-blog  @r1vrsefx
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