#Terra mater
oldfilmsflicker · 8 months
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new-to-me #149 - Terra Mater (Mother Land)
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cjbolan · 2 years
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Emily Windsnap and the Falls of Forgotten Island fanart! Drawing more fanart for it as we speak. Also this book confirms what time period Aurora is from (Middle Ages). So here she is in some period-accurate pretty dresses!
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iopanic · 3 months
Invocation to Gaia and Terra Mater
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Image created by Dr. Vauge Occupant using Night Cafe, C. 2024
Oh, Gaia, Great Mother Earth, and Terra Mater, Primeval Goddess of Life, We come before you, humble and sincere, to plead for the restoration of our precious planet.
In your infinite wisdom, you have woven together the delicate threads of life, Creating a world of harmony and interdependence, where every being has its place.
Yet, we, humanity, have strayed from this sacred balance, Driven by hubris, we have forgotten our role as stewards of this Earth.
We beseech you, Great Mothers, to guide us back to the path of humility and respect. Help us to recognize the interconnectedness of all life, to see ourselves as part of this great web.
Let us nurture and protect the land, the waters, the skies, and all who dwell within them. May the forests flourish, the oceans thrive, and the air be pure and clean once more.
We ask for your forgiveness for our transgressions, And pledge to honor and care for this Earth, our only home.
May all sentient beings flourish, each in their own way, Living in harmony and peace, as you, Gaia and Terra Mater, intended.
Grant us the wisdom to live sustainably, to cherish the beauty and bounty of nature, And to pass on a thriving, vibrant planet to future generations.
In your names, Gaia and Terra Mater, we offer this prayer, With hearts full of hope and a commitment to change.
So mote it be.
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dixvinsblog · 2 years
Nefissa Ayachi - Gaïa, Terra Mater
Nefissa Ayachi – Gaïa, Terra Mater
A ma fille, à l’occasion de son anniversaire Enfant, tu es la terre féconde et mon corps tes racinesTu as l’âge de l’arbrisseau en sa tendre naissanceQuand il s’irrigue d’humus en ses bourgeons fleuris et d’ardentes étreintes au CielRamures bénies en ta vierge destinée Déployant ses bourgeons sans finNombre premier cette année, nombre d’or en souverain automne!Renais à bras le cœur, à bras le…
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astroyongie · 5 months
What are you choosing ?
Note: hey everyone! This is  little something that I have constructed in a way for you to see if you really know yourself but also as a way to heal and understand your inner desires and needs. This is a part of what we call shadow working, hopefully it will help. you are free to do this quietly, or if you want to share with me, feel free to do so <3
How it works?: please choose one option between the two and try to argument within yourself why you chose that 
This or that ?
Question 1
an apology from your father 
a hug from your mother
Question 2
being loved
being able to love
Question 3
your father choosing family over work
holding your childhood pet one last time 
Question 4
a good night kiss
your hair getting brushed and braided
Question 5
the ability to forgive yourself 
finally being heard and understood in your family 
Question 6
“i am proud of you” from your mother
“i love you” from your father
Question 7
reading you favorite childhood book for the first time
a letter from that one friend you one day never heard from again
Question 8
crying in your mother’s arms 
yelling at her all the things you were too afraid to speak out loud
Question 9
not feeling constantly lonely
 not feeling constantly misunderstood
now please choose one number between 1-6. pick the one that you are currently feeling most attracted to. and read your message: 
1- Yeshe Tsogyal: you will be able to overcome all of the obstacles you are currently facing. allow your spiritual guides to guide you through this and trust the process, the path that you are in. surround yourself with the people you know bring you only light into your life, allow yourself to trust them more and to trust yourself as well. by working on your spiritual side you will be able to overcome your shadow self.
2- Yogoni: Of course there’s a lot of changes happening in your life at the moment, but keep in mind that sometimes a door will close in order for another to be opened. trust your path and tell yourself if thighs aren't meant to be because life is trying to limit the pains in your life. stay faithful to yourself and your healing oath, as long as you stay authentic to yourself, you will be able to overcome things 
3- Terra Mater: your mental and spiritual path does not unfold like most people, it is taking a different way but you need to trust the process, as your spiritual guides love you unconditionally and they will help you find peace of mind. follow the new ideas and accept the changement that is happening in your life. your manifestation is strong, use it wisely. you know that goal you have? grasp it. Even if people say that it's stupid and impossible for you to have it, don't let it go and fight for your desires.
4- Beatitude: don't be afraid to show the true you. The only way to heal your inner conflicts and the pain is by accepting and loving who you are. even when things seem so hard to reach, keep walking down the rightful path and trust life. all the difficulties are going to bring you to wisdom and the right path.  
5- Biche: You are only a child that has been hurt. I am so sorry that you had to go through this hard thing. but your energy is able to overcome all of this negativity. you don't need to become something that you are not, your spiritual light is already warm and soft. keep yourself true to your inner core and things will become easier 
6- Volva: your spiritual power can heal your dark self way better than what you think. It's time for you to travel through the spiritual world and engage yourself more. don't try to control what is happening and allow it to unfold before you. instead work on something tangible, on something that will help you healing from all the pain you have suffered
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Gaia (also Gaea or Ge) is a primordial goddess and the personification of the Earth in Greek mythology. Gaia emerged from Chaos and is considered the supreme or mother goddess by immortals and mortals alike. All gods and goddesses are descended from her through her union with Uranus (Heaven) and Pontus (Sea). Her Roman equivalent is Terra Mater or Tellus Mater.
Gaia was the first overseer at the Oracle of Delphi and sometimes warned others of prophecies she had received. She helped Zeus overthrow his father, Cronus, and defeat the Titans. However, she soon turned against Zeus and sent her monstrous son, Typhon, after him.
Mother Goddess
According to Hesiod (c. 700 BCE) in his Theogony, Gaia emerged from Chaos (the great void) and gave birth to Uranus (Heaven), Ourea (Mountains), and Pontus (Sea). She married her son Uranus, and together they had the 12 Titans (Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, and Cronus). Gaia also bore the three one-eyed Cyclopes (Brontes, Arges, and Steropes) and the three Hecatoncheires, the hundred-handed and fifty-headed Giants (Kottos, Gyes, and Briareus).
With Pontus, Gaia gave birth to the sea gods and goddesses Thaumas, Phorcys, Ceto, and Eurybia. All the notable gods and goddesses are descended from Gaia, and she is viewed as a mother or supreme goddess.
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xphaiea · 3 months
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Textile art by xphaiea
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terminusantequem · 1 year
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Romana Jelinkova (Czech, b. *), The Art of Energy No. 27 - Terra Mater, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 72 x 100 cm
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year
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Denarius minted in 17 BCE by Marcus Sanquinius, one of the IIIviri monetales, to mark Augustus' holding of the Ludi Saeculares (Secular Games). On the obverse, the bust of the deified Julius Caesar; above his head is the comet seen after his assassination that was thought to mark his ascent to the gods. On the reverse, the herald of the Secular Games, in a costume evocative of the divine herald Mercury, including the caduceus.
The Secular Games were ostensibly held every 110 years, this period having been set by Etruscan soothsayers as the farthest limit of a human lifespan. Civil war prevented the holding of the regularly scheduled Games in 46 BCE; after Augustus became sole ruler, he chose 17 BCE to inaugurate a new Golden Age (saeculum aureum). The Games began with three days of prayer and sacrifice by Augustus and M. Agrippa, held both by day and by night. The daylight sacrifices were to Olympian deities (Jupiter, Juno, and Apollo/Diana), while the nighttime sacrifices honored deities with chthonic associations (the Moerae [Fates], the Ilythiae [goddesses of childbirth], and Terra Mater {Mother Earth]). The poet Horace composed a hymn for the occasion, the Carmen Saeculare, which was performed by choirs of boys and girls on the Palatine and then on the Capitoline. This event had several purposes: it celebrated peace and prosperity after many years of civil war; it advanced Augustus' program of religious reform and a return to the "old ways"; and it made absolutely clear that Augustus himself was the foremost figure in Roman state religion--not only in his official capacity as pontifex maximus, but by virtue of his close association (if not identification) with Palatine Apollo. The overall template would be used again by Domitian (88 CE) and Septimius Severus (204 CE), but Constantine declined to hold the Games in 314, bringing them to an end.
Photo credit: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. http://www.cngcoins.com
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ancestorsalive · 11 months
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Dheut-e-Zonja, or Zôja-e-Dheut ("Lady of the Earth"), was the Illyrian/Albanian Earthmother of the ancient Balkans, also called Dheun, Dheu, and Toka ("Earth"), and Mëmë-dheu ("Mother Earth"). The Romans identified her with Tellus Mater, Terra Mater, or Magna Mater (Cybele). The very soil of Dheut-e-Zonja was believed to have the powers of an all-seeing eye that watched humanity from the ground up, knowing everywhere each of us goes. When an Albanian moved to a foreign land, he or she took with them a container of Mother Earth, as the concept of the Earthmother was regionalized. She was Mother of the Sun-goddess, rebirthing Her every morning. She cared for the dead, their remains buried and their soul going to an underworld paradise. Mourners would get on their knees making forlorn wailing sounds, then place their foreheads on Mother Earth. She was sometimes paired with Zoh-z, the Albanian Sky-god, with many formulaic sayings or prayers to Earth and Sky. Presumedly he was her husband. Dheut-e-Zonja was mother of vegetation. Her sacred groves were designated natural sites of great beauty, where it was forbidden to cut down trees, and no house or settlement was permitted, or the offenders' families would suffer longlasting misfortune.
An Albanian and Kosovan folk practice that lasted into the 20th Century provides lingering evidence of an Earthmother cult. Infants and children who were not thriving would be taken to a ritual location by an elderly woman of the family or village, there laid upon the ground, and covered with fresh earth, all except the head, the while reciting prayers or spells of healing. This was believed to impart the Earth's strength to the child.
Figurine: Copper Age ceramic goddess figurine found at Maliqi, Albania.
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cjbolan · 2 years
Jake and Mary P. Windsnap would absolutely beat the shit out of Jeras. Because without spoiling anything… JERAS is the REAL reason Neptune kept Jake and Mary apart for 12 years.
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Still thinking about Book 7. Which I just finished. And the upcoming movie series version in the works!
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How Tropical Birds Create Their Vibrant Colors - The Science Behind It! | Terra Mater
From Parrots to Peacocks, we’re all Familiar with Brightly Colored Birds. Our Feathered Friends use Vivid Pigments to Attract a Mate – But Where do They Get Their Vibrant Colours From? And is it true that Tropical Birds are Brighter Than Their Cousins From the North?
Humboldt & Darwin Certainly Thought so – Yet it Took Scientists until 2022 to Prove Their Theory Right. Now, thanks to Mathematical Colour Analysis & Over 24,000 Images, We Know that Tropical Birds are Roughly 30% More Colourful Than Their Temperate Counterparts! But Where do Their Vivid Pigments Come From? Join us on a Fascinating Journey into Bird Feathers, Where we Discover the Foods, Pigments & Microstructures Making Flamingos Pink & Turacos Green.
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roxanneslosteyez · 9 days
so I redesigned some of my old ocs from a fandom I really like. And revamped them in a way. I sadly couldn't give them poses because I have on and off art block rn but i still wanted to draw them so I do apologise if they all have a lack of poses. So with my revamped old fandom ocs I'm going to give you some lore with them. Only three ocs has poses in
Tw/cw: brief mentions of kidnapping, child death, war, murder, arranged marriage and heavy implied manipulation.
Note: Yeah these are backrooms ocs with a whole lore to them. The backgrounds I used isn't my photos I found them on the Internet. There are two backgrounds I did draw.
anyways onto the lore.
The titans and the musesA group of immortal entities that are seen to be gods and goddesses of a group of people called "The Homines of mater terra's custodes" which roughly translated to "The people of Mother earth's guardians." No one knows what happened to this group but there are lucky some stories about them. So far we only know about a few entities they worshipped. We are just going to call them "Titans and Muses" as what these ancient people used to call them is unknown.
First god and goddess we found was Atticus and Penelope. The titan of greed and the muse of nature.
Atticus (left):
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Atticus was said to be born out of the wrath of a war between two kingdoms trying to take each other over for their own greed. This greed in this bloody war caused him to be born. He laughed at the humans thinking they were pathetic over something like a kingdom. These kingdoms wasn't satisfying his greed.
He summoned the two greedy Kings to him, he claimed there is so much better than their kingdoms. He told them he knows there is worlds outside of this world and all thar power in those worlds was much satisfying to him.
The two kings were scared of this demon in front of them, they dropped the war and helped him trying to find these "worlds" that was satisfying his greed. If this was successful is still up in the air.
Penelope, the muse of nature (right):
Penelope was born from the tears of a mother who losted her 6 year old daughter to the lack of food in the cold winter.
Penelope grew up with the human mother, she sang songs for humans and monsters like. Being a light for peace between the two kinds. She was loved by the village and monsters alike. She was a symbol of hope. She grew food for both humans and monsters.
As she got older, Her blooming self and beauty attracted many suitors including Atticus.
Atticus and Penelope's meeting:
Penelope was rejecting many human suitors, she claimed she wanted to be unmarried for life. She butted into Atticus when he was visiting the village to trigger the monsters bloodlust once again as he didn't like how they were acting friendy to the humans.
Penelope apologised to Atticus, he tool one look at the young woman and he found the cause of this peace of humans and monsters. He also found an attraction to her, he wanted her for himself. This attraction was unhealthy and he didn’t see her as a human being but a object to desire. He wanted her to be his bride, his wife forever.
He knew her mother would never accept him marrying her daughter. So he came to a plan, he decided to kill her mother and kidnap Penelope. And that what he did. He made it look like Penelope's mother was killed by a monster which caused suspicious between humans and monsters. He kept Penelope in his realm for 10 years, breaking her mind. Soon she agreed to marry him, they soon got married.
Soon Penelope fell pregnant, her labour lasted for 28 hours, her screaming caused sounds that monsters and other ancient gods that might be around to hear. Soon she gave birth to twins. Angelette and Atlas.
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Altas is the older twin, his form was human but his face was black out with multiple eyes. This believed because of his father's evil against his mother caused problems with her pregnancy.
He could talk still but its unclear how. He was titan of all seeing. Due his multiple eyes could see different places in his realm. He took his father's throne after he imprisoned his father for his sins against his mother and his never ending greed.
Altas never married or had any children but he did have multiple lovers. Both male and female.
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Angelette or "The Angel" is the youngest twin. She was the muse of the light.
She was a protector of monsters. She was a peace maker between humans and monsters. Just like her mother. She said to visit other gods and goddesses for advice because she didn't want to disappointed her people and monsters she needed to protect.
She was untrusting of some humans. Only the humans who attacked or killed monsters for no reason. She was a holy goddess, she was pure and virgin until marriage. She was loyal to her friends and her people. She did marry a titan and had kids with him.
Her husband was Ezekiel, the titan of monsters.
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Ezekiel was born of the wrath of the monsters, he grew up with multiple monsters. He soon came a leader to them, a king of sorts.
Later down his life, Ezekiel heard that was a virgin goddess. Singing to other gods and goddesses, monsters and humans all around the world.
He quickly followed Angelette's melodies. He laid eyes on her and he quickly fell in love with her. He decided to meet her after the show. He tried to impress her and she seemed impressed. He quickly popped the question after one day of knowing her and she was surprised but turned him down but she was interested of knowing.And soon they got married and five kids.
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Kaia was the oldest of the children of Ezekiel and Angelette. They were the muse of the sea, she was a eel like humanoid. She was called sea witch by outsiders because she lured humans into the sea when they harmed another human in some way. She was a siren with the lures, singing them to the sea.
There isn't much about them besides they would sometimes appeared male and other times she appeared female.
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Lucia was the second child of Ezekiel and Angelette. Lucia was the muse of desire and love. Lucia was a goddess with many lovers, mostly male lovers. There was a lover she was obsessed with.
His name was Eli, there is no surviving images of Eli. From we know, he was a human man from medieval Europe and a Knight. He was a brave warrior with amazing skills.
He came across Lucia when she was bathing in the rivers of the garden of her kingdom. She was scared of Eli at first. She hasn't seen anyone in armour before.
He took off his helmet, he smiles at her. She smiles back at him. He fell love with her, with her songs and dancing. Lucia used to sing songs like her mother to different people, monsters and other gods. She dances for them too. Eli would dance with Lucia, every night under the moonlight.
Lucia attached many suitors because of her beauty. But her heart belonged to Eli.
A man was jealous of Eli, his name was Caesar. A man of noble family he was. Even he came from a noble family, there is no imagines of him so far.Caesar wanted to marry Lucia. So Caesar killed Eli while he was sleeping. Lucia found out and she killed him in a blinded rage. Lucia was heartbroken of Eli's death. She disappeared shortly after Eli's death.
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She was lived in the same castle as Lucia. She was a joyful goddess. Treating her servants with kindness and making them smile. However she was blind at birth but it didn't stop her from bringing joy to everyone! But after Eli's death and Lucia's disappearance. She took the throne to keep her sister's kingdom safe.
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Isolde was the fouth child of Ezekiel and Angelette. Isolde was the muse of winter. Due to her ice powers.
She was scared of hurting her siblings, she created a realm for herself. That was filled of snow and ice. There isn't alot about her due she was keep to herself kinda of character.
Achilleus was the last child of Ezekiel and Angelette. He was very close to his sister, Lucia. People said they looked like twins. Due that he looked similar to his sister, Lucia.
He was the titan of riches. He was loyal and wise man. Giving advice for unfortunate souls. Soon after Lucia's disappearance, he changed. He wanted his pictures to kept hidden. He said he went off to find his sister. He hasn't returned to the kingdom ever since.
Okay, there are entities we do know that isn't related to Atticus and Penelope nor are their children or grandchildren.
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Evangeline, the muse of worlds and future. She was a overseer and protector of worlds. Its unclear what worlds she was overseeing and protecting. It was mostly worlds her father looked after.
She was born into the world, around the same time as Angelette and Atlas. Her mother was a mortal woman while her father was a god. Sadly her mother couldn't take the godly powers of her newborn daughter and sadly passed away soon after Evangeline's birth.
She was given the crystal of prophecies by her father. She became more wiser and stronger. The only side affect was that she would see so many visions of the future, both harmless and traumatising she started to have nightmares from the traumatising visions and getting headaches from them.
So she decided to put a blindfold over her eyes to calm these visions. She only takes it off for a vision when she needs too. Sadly her father disappeared, so she had to take his place. She was already struggling with this intrusive visions, she wonders how can she live up to her father's legacy?
A 100 years later, she met a human man. She approached him and asked his name? He told her his name was "Linus". Sadly there isn't any images of Linus. Linus soon started a friendship with Evangeline. That came romantic. It's unclear if they married in private or not. Or it just a romantic relationship with no marriage.
Its unknown what happened to Linus but Evangeline changed, She decided to stay in hiding for centuries so she could focus on her work or that what she told her people when she left.
Horace was the titan of worlds, he was a goofy god when he was around Penelope and his other friends. A man of great wise and kindness, he took care of everyone he could. Sadly there isn't any images yet of him.
At some point, Horace fell in love with a mortal woman named "Cressida". They soon married and had Evangeline.
We don't know what happened to him, we only know that he disappeared.
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Edith is the older twin and the first born daughter of Evangeline and Linus. She is. the muse of destiny. She is the only closest goddess we have to the titans and Muses. She is still active along side her sister while the others of this group are a mystery of what happened to them. She is a helpful young lady, even though she is probably 100 years old or more.
There isn't alot we know about her, because it wasn't long ago when we met her and her sister.
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Evelyn is the youngest twin and last born of Evangeline and Linus. She is the muse of protection. She is quite helpful around humans. However she quite immature and childish at times, lucky Edith is there to keep her in check. Again, There isn't alot we know about her, because it wasn't long ago when we met her and her sister. That's all for now...
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eskat · 6 months
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7 Part 1
Chapter 7 Part 2
Chapter 7 Part 3
Chapter 8 Part 1
Chapter 8 Part 2
Chapter 9 Part 1
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 9 Part 3
Transcript of the magic casts per request! I apologize to anyone who actually knows how to use the source languages beyond my paltry Google Translating.
Page 1 Panel 2: Quid velim scutum vitae conservantis!
Translation: What I desire is the shield that preserves life!
Page 1 Panel 3: Adloquium!
Page 7 Panel 1: EOS! SELENE!
Page 7 Panel 2, Eos: Parati sumus, domina mea!
Translation: We're here, my lady!
Page 7 Panel 2, Selene: Non iterum te deficiemus, hera!
Translation: We won't fail you again, mistress!
Page 7 Panel 2 X'eskat: Hanc igitur incantationem incipio, formularum recitatio in spe fundatarum, in logica fundata.
Translation: So I begin this incantation, the recitation of formulas based on hope, based on logic.
Page 7 Panel 3, X'eskat and Eos: O Terra mater (should probably have just said Gaia, oops), proles Nymiae tuum implorant auxilium. Da nobis fortitudinem tuam, da nobis sanctuarium!
Translation: O Mother Earth, the children of Nymia implore your help. Give us your strength, give us sanctuary!
Page 7 Panel 4, X'eskat and Selene: Quod cupio, scutum est vitae conservativae!
Translation: What I desire, is the shield that preserves life!
Page 8 Panel 1: Bene vultis esse?
Translation: Will you be okay?
Page 8 Panel 3 Eos: Cave!
Translation: Be careful!
Page 8 Panel 3 Selene: Salvum me dominae
Translation: Stay safe, my lady!
Page 8 Panel 5: Adloquium!
Page 8 Panel 6: Sacred Soil!
Page 8 Panel 7: DARK FORCE! (This is the DRK LB3)
Page 14 Panel 3: Iam ferrum ad ferrum itur!
Translation: Now we go blade to blade!
Page 14 Panel 4: Riposte!
Page 14 Panel 5: Alius gradus in choro! Zwercchou!
Translation: Another step in the dance! Zwercchou!
Page 14 Panel 6: Et nunc cruor tuus ensem ornabit meum!
Translation: And now your blood will adorn my sword!
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dea-abundantia · 1 year
[UPG] Epithets of Abundantia
i haven’t been able to find any historical epithets of the goddess Abundantia in my research, so here are a few i’ve created to further worship every aspect of Her! these are heavily based in my personal views (UPG) of Her, so please keep that in mind as you read.
Abundantia Terrae
“of the Earth” ; based on the print of the same name by Kenyon Cox. this epithet has to do with land and natural resources being abundant and prosperous. it also refers to Her association with both grain and the cornucopia.
Abundantia Maris
“of the Sea” ; this epithet is also based on a print of the same name by Kenyon Cox. it encapsulates Her historical associations with ships, water, and trade, as well as flourishing sea life and treasures.
Abundantia Patrona
“protectress” ; this epithet displays Her as a guardian of the wealth and storage of a household/area/country/etc., as well as being a guardian of mutual aid, community, and working-class people.
Abundantia Mater Carissima
“beloved mother” ; based on depictions of Her in Western art (ex. Ruben’s Abundance) with bare breasts and/or with little cupid-like children. this epithet also refers to Her motherly kindness and care, and if you’re partial to metaphors, how She figuratively mothered the Golden Age of the Roman empire and was depicted in their propaganda.
Abundantia Aureola
“golden” or “splendid” ; this epithet describes Her appearance on and patronage over coins and money, as well as Her overall splendor and decadence.
Abundantia Pacis
“of Peace” or “of Pax (the goddess)” ; again, based on later Western art showing Her and the goddess Pax together, as an allegory for peace bringing abundance to a place. this epithet represents Her connection with Pax that is, in my opinion, deep, intrinsic, and somewhat sapphic in nature.
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whencyclopedia · 2 years
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Gaia (also Gaea or Ge) is a primordial goddess and the personification of the Earth in Greek mythology. Gaia emerged from Chaos and is considered the supreme or mother goddess by immortals and mortals alike. All gods and goddesses are descended from her through her union with Uranus (Heaven) and Pontus (Sea). Her Roman equivalent is Terra Mater or Tellus Mater.
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