#Tenko sweep please
dr-tourney · 6 days
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Speed (Final Rose x MHA)
Tenko - who had once been Lightning Farron - couldn’t help but smile as Tenya took her hand, shook it vigorously, and then bowed.
“I look forward to your guidance! Please, teach me!”
“I must say,” Tenko drawled. “You don’t seem the least bit bothered by this.”
Tenya straightened and let go of her hand. “I have seen firsthand how beneficial your guidance has been to the others. If defeat now is required for success later, then I shall gladly endure it. After all, we are here to learn!”
“Yes.” Tenko smiled, remembering another speedster with a similar attitude. Unbeknownst to her, this would kick off the Genuine Smile Counter, which Mina used to keep track of how many times she was observed genuinely smiling during class. Bets would be made, and money would exchange hands. “We are. I assume you have no objections to doing this in public?”
Tenya shook his head. “I would be happy for others to witness our battle. I have already spoken to Midoriya and several others and asked them to observe. Following your example, we have begun to train together regularly and provide each other with advice and ideas for improvement.”
“Excellent.” Tenko nodded. “I applaud your efforts. You are truly deserving of your position as class president. I look forward to seeing the fruits of your efforts.”
“We look forward to showing you.”
X     X     X
Tenya prepared himself. He had the advantage of having seen Tenko fight multiple times now. He had also spoken extensively with those she’d already fought to better grasp both her fighting style and her overall abilities.
Peerless precision. Ridiculous strength. Incredible speed.
But by far the most impressive accolade Tenko had received was from Bakugo.
“It’s like she can see the fucking future. Whatever you’re about to do, she already knows, and you can bet she’ll beat the shit out of you for it.”
While not given to such vulgar turns of phrase, Tenya concurred. His quirk not only granted him increased speed but also some level of increased perception so he could actually use that speed properly. Tenko’s reflexes went beyond the human limit and reached into the realm of precognition. It wasn’t something she did all the time, but every so often in her spars against the others, he had seen her respond to a move before her opponent had even begun making that move.
Tenya was not foolish enough to believe that he would be immune to such prowess. His only recourse was to trust in his speed. If he could go fast enough, then perhaps he would be able to strike with a blow she could not anticipate.
“We can begin whenever you are ready,” Tenko said.
“Thank you for your consideration. Let us begin!”
Tenya dashed forward, quirk flaring to life. He could not afford to hold back!
X     X     X
Tenko leaned to the side, allowing Tenya’s kick to sweep past her. The boy skidded past and turned, speed increasing yet again as his quirk shifted into a higher gear. Another kick followed and then another and another. Each had the strength to smash steel, but she was not there to be hit by any of them.
Her lips twitched. This was quite nostalgic.
It reminded her of a young Ruby, except instead of kicks, Ruby had relied on her scythe. Much like a young Ruby, Tenya had a straightforward fighting style, one that relied on extreme speed to first close the distance and then used that same speed, as well as his impressive leg strength, to throw devastating kicks.
And much like a young Ruby, the style, while highly effective against less-skilled opponents, had glaring weaknesses against someone with more skill and experience. Tenya had a tendency to approach in a straight line, making his attacks more predictable. This was exacerbated by him relying solely on his legs. Admittedly, any punch he threw would be weaker than his kicks, but his sheer speed would grant his punches considerable force as well.
But perhaps the thing Tenko noticed most was his footwork. His running form was excellent, doubtless the result of many years of practice and hard work. He was to be commended from that. Yet that same footwork also made him prone to straight line movement, broken only by turns when necessary, as well as movements that were predictable and relatively easy to compensate for. His turns were wide, and there was little to no use of feints, jinks, and deception.
In short, against an opponent who wasn’t overwhelmed by his speed, Tenya’s attacks were easy to see coming and easy to account for. Moreover, he had gotten used to being faster than his opponents, so he had a habit of setting himself up for each of his kicks in a manner that maximised the speed and force of each kick but which also left him open.
Well. Enough dodging. It was time to counterattack.
X     X     X
Tenya missed again, and then Tenko vanished. What? Where was...
“Behind you.”
Tenya whirled, only to find himself staring at empty space.
“Still behind you.”
He tried to turn again, only to once again find himself unable to catch sight of his foe.
“You’re very fast in a straight line, amongst the fastest I’ve fought. But it takes you too long to turn, and your turns are too wide. A nimble opponent can get inside that turning circle, and when that happens...”
Tenya found himself flying through the air. He twisted, landing on his feet and skidding as he rubbed at his side. That kick had been a warning. It could easily have been worse. And her words were true. Once she’d gotten behind him, he hadn’t been able to maintain his speed and turn quickly and tightly enough to keep up with her.
Tenko’s lips curved up into a faint smile. “And your running style is clearly based on traditional running, both sprints and long distance. Yet there are other forms of running.” She jogged toward him, and then burst into motion.
His eyes widened. For a moment, he could have sworn he was looking at three of her. An illusion? No. Footwork. She was using her footwork to create the illusion of moving in different directions, a series of feints and fakes fooling his well-honed instincts into believing she was going one way only for her to go the other.
“Deception is part of battle. You hit so hard that even a single clean strike can finish a fight. Hiding your true intentions will aid you in landing that strike.”
Tenya surged forward to meet her. Left! No! It was the right! He almost tripped over his own feet in a bid to adjust and found himself wincing as another blow caught him in the side. He turned, and Tenko closed in on him again, that remarkable footwork making it impossible to tell what would happen next.
“I’d recommend watching sports like soccer, basketball, and rugby to see how footwork can be used to deceive while still moving at high speed.” She kicked at his head... no! Another fake. He tumbled back as the kick caught him in the shoulder and lifted him off his feet. “And you should investigate how feints and fakes are used in different martial arts to disguise where your kicks are going.”
Tenya tried to keep pace with Tenko, but couldn’t. It wasn’t because of her raw speed either. She wasn’t moving faster than he was. Instead, she was making her movements erratic and unpredictable, attacking from different ranges and different angles.
“A straightforward approach is fine against less skilled opponents. But against those who can keep up with your speed, you will need to be more cunning. Speed is important, but distance, timing, and angles are all key to connecting with your attacks. Predictability is death.”
She punctuated her words with a lesson in each concept, her peerless footwork never faltering.
And then she punched him.
It was the first punch she’d thrown all fight, and it caught him utterly off guard. The punch landed squarely on his jaw with just enough force to jolt him, but he knew she could have taken his head off with it.
“You also have two arms. Now, your punches will never be as strong as your kicks, but if you put your momentum into them, they will still be devastatingly powerful. Moreover, combining punches and kicks will make it even more difficult for your opponent to keep up because punches arrive from different angles and from different ranges than kicks.”
Tenya found himself completely on the defensive as attack after attack overwhelmed his defences. Yet she pulled her strikes. She was not trying to injure him, merely illustrate tactics he could use. And already, he found himself smiling as he began to put together the pieces.
He could see the fighting style that Tenko envisioned.
Finally, the spar ended, and he found himself flat on his back.
“Thank you,” Tenya said as he got to his feet. “You have given me much to think about.”
“Hmm...” Tenko nodded. “You’re welcome. How do you feel about regular games of tag?” Her gaze drifted to the rest of the class. “I can think of several who would benefit.”
“Tag?” Tenya’s eyes widened. “Footwork.”
“Precisely. There’s no better place for you to learn and practice the footwork you’ll need.”
“It has been a while since I have played tag.” Tenya had stopped playing when his quirk made it all but impossible to lose. He had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case against Tenko. “I... I look forward to it!”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Tenya is extremely similar to Ruby at the same age. Their styles have similar weaknesses, and if you replaced ‘scythe’ with ‘kicks’ you’d get Tenya. That’s why Tenko brought up tag. She used that to help train Ruby and it worked wonders. She’s hoping it can do the same here.
And tag will also helps others, like Midoriya, improve as well.
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gentrychild · 2 years
The latest gentryswap (The one with Anyone Tenko, Hawks, and Dabi) i feel canon All Might and Hawks are going to see Izuku and go "Wow you are such a good person! A good law abiding bright young man who is also very peaceful and sane!! A morally and lawfully good hero in the making!! Please stay that way!" And Izuku just sweeps his plans and next mission for his criminal org- i mean book club and goes "Yes I do love following rules and be peaceful :). No criminal activity or chaos here :)"
This is exactly what I was going for.
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linkspooky · 4 years
You Heroes Hurt Your Own Families
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You can’t move in this world yet, so let us handle this. 
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Chapter 286 shows once again the contrast between who Nana is for Deku, a helpful mentor, a guiding voice, and who she is not for Shigaraki. As you said Anon there is a good vs bad contrast in the way Nana is pictured for Deku, as opposed to the way AFO has his hand on Shigaraki’s neck. It’s a helping hand for Deku, a violent, controlling hand for Shigaraki. 
This is recurring imagery. Deku often receives help, whereas again and again Shigaraki is hurt. The irony being here that Nana Shimura is responsible for Shimura Tenko, and not Deku. Deku receives almost everything that Shimura Tenko was owed, from the people who were responsible for both Kotaro and later Tenko and chose to neglect that responsibility. Deku receives help when he needs it, and Shimura Tenko has never received the help he needs that’s the difference between the two. It all goes back to Shigaraki’s phrase and how that relates to Nana Shimura. 
“You heroes hurt your own families just to help complete strangers.”
1. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
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Horikoshi obviously takes inspiration from Spiderman. The character Koichi Haimawari is modeled after him (he climbs up walls like Spiderman and his alias is “The crawler” get it like... a bug... like a bug man... like a spider man). (Even though Spiders are technically arachnids). 
Deku’s origin story also has its parallels to Peter Parker’s origin. When Stan Lee first created the character it was unheard of to have a hero turn out to be just a normal kid. The entire concept behind Spider Man is Peter Parker is not someone chosen by destiny like Super Man, or someone propelled by tragedy like Batman. He is for all intents and purposes a normal new york teenager who you could find anywhere, who suddenly had all this power thrown on him. All Might even explicitly says this: they weren’t chosen ones. 
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Peter Parker is an average kid who suddenly has all of this power thrown onto him by completely random circumstance. He didn’t do anything to earn it. A spider just bit him, and now he’s stronger, faster, and can climb walls. The same way that besides being quirkless, Deku was just kind of a normal, not-special kid who just happened to come across All Might one day. 
The point of making Peter Parker a normal person is that he also reacts normally to getting a whole bunch of power out of nowhere. Most people are not good or bad, most people are just reacting to circumstances. Peter’s first reaction is to go on a power trip. He uses his powers selfishly, only for himself. 
Once again why would Peter Parker’s first response to being given super powers be to use it for other people? He’s kind of a lonely kid, he’s bullied at school, he’s used to feeling weak. He’s not super man, and not bat man so he really has no reason to care enough about other people to fight for others. 
Then, Peter Parker lets a robber go he could have stopped. The reason he lets this robber go is because, once again, it doesn’t really affect him. The robber then runs out of the building and escapes. By pure chance he runs into Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben, unlike Peter, sees a man running away with all that money and tries to stop him. He fights, and then accidentally gets shot by the robber’s gun. Peter finds his uncle dying in the street. 
Uncle Ben tells him: With great power, comes great responsibility. 
It doesn’t actually matter that there’s no way Peter could have known the robber was going to shoot Uncle Ben. It’s a story. It’s a story where the events happen in the way they did because there’s a point to telling the story that way. The point being that, Peter Parker wanted power without responsibility. 
He wanted to have all his cool new super powers, but he only wanted to use them for himself and not other people. 
However, there will always be consequences to your actions. You are responsible for all of the consequences both intentional and unintentional. That’s the same responsibility that Peter was avoiding. 
Until that point, having super powers was just a fantasy, a power trip. Peter did not want to take responsibility, until Uncle Ben died and suddenly he realized there are real consequences to his actions. That’s why he has to choose them, carefully, responsibly. 
The story wasn’t punishing Peter for not being able to save everyone in the world, or not being perfect, it was punishing Peter for not taking any responsibility for his actions. 
Power without responsibility is dangerous. Because it quickly turns into a power trip like the one that Peter was on. 
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What Kotaro, and then later Shigaraki both assert by this phrase is that heroes fail in their responsibilities. The question Shigaraki is acting is how can people who can’t even act responsible towards their own families be responsible for the lives of other people? 
As I’ve said above and plenty of times in the past. People are not good or bad. People are just people, reacting to circumstances. You aren’t responsible for circumstances but you are responsible for your reactions. This is also true for abuse. People tend to have a black and white view of abuse. That it’s a bad thing done by bad people. Perfectly good people, are capable of perpetuating abuse because it’s not an individual moral decision it’s a reaction to a cycle.
A lot of people want to demonize Kotaro in order to put Nana’s actions towareds him in a better light. However, as someone who dislikes Kotaro but at least understands him I will say this. 
What Nana did to him was an abuse. Kotaro did not ask to be born. Nana was the one who made the decision to bring him into this world. She is the one who made the decision to be a hero, and start a family at the same time. However, when it came time to make a choice she couldn’t choose Kotaro.
It was a pressured choice, it was a forced choice, and Nana never intended for Kotaro to be hurt but you are still responsible for your choice, both intended and unintended consequences. 
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Neglecting the child you’re repsonsible is abuse. It’s abuse as bad and as insidious as hitting and punishing a child. In both cases, a child is not receiving what they need in order to grow up, from the people who are responsible for raising them. 
And Abuse, cycles. It cycles because most people are just people reacting to circumstances. Late into his life, Kotaro is still reacting to his mother’s abandonment. He abuses Tenko. Tenko becomes the scapegoat of the house, he receives the blame. He gets labeled the problem child of the house, when really what’s happening is that Kotaro isn’t acting responsibly, isn’t acting properly as a parent. The reason Tenko gets blamed is because Kotaro has all the power in the house, but is not held responsible by the other people inside the house. 
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See, these ideas of power and responsibility coincide with one another. When characters are given power, but not held responsible for that power we see the result is abuse. Both in the small domestic disputes, and the nature of heroes themselves. 
The question then becomes is someone who fails on their most basic level of responsibility as a parent, capable of acting responsible as a hero? 
The criticism that Dabi, Twice, Shigaraki all levvy at heroes again and again is that they want power, but they don’t want responsibility for that power. 
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It’s not about saving every single person that needs saving. It’s not about holding heroes to inhuman standards. It’s that heroes fail at basic responsibilities time and time again. Heroes, are neglectful. Heroes have all of the power in society, but are almost never held responsible for their actions. 
A lot of the responses I receive is that: You don’t understand that heroes are flawed human beings. No, I understand perfectly. It’s exactly because heroes are flawed human beings that they need to be held responsible. Peter Parker is not a good person, because he always saves everyone and is always perfect. Peter Parker is held responsible for his actions. He’s continually fighting to try to be responsible and accept the consequences of his actions. Heroes choose to pretend not to see the flaws inherent in society, and then choose to sweep those things under the rug. 
Do you want evidence of this? 
How about every single time a villain points out a flaw and then the heroes just ignore it and go “Heroes never give up!” 
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Consider how many characters, including Bakugo just want to become heroes in order to defeat villains, with saving people as an afterthought. There’s a reason I use the word “Power Trip” because it’s precisely what Bakugo is on. 
I’m not saying Bakugo is a bad person. I am saying Bakugo is like Peter Parker. He’s been handed all of this power, this really really cool super power, and he thinks suddenly it makes him special and he gets to do whatever he wants with it. 
Peter Parker was playing around with his super powers. Heroes in Hero Society play at being hero, without really attending to the responsibilities of a hero. 
Nana Shimura failed at her responsibilties. 
Not only that but she continues to fail at them. Now, I know Nana is sanctified by canon as a good hero. However, we have heroes who their failures of responsibility to their families also leak out into their work. Endeavor treated his family violently. Endeavor, during his job, acts violently and without impudence to the crimminals he is fighting against. The lack of responsibility shown in the way he treats his direct family, also shows up in his work as a hero. 
2. Nature vs Nurture
There’s an idea that scapegoats children for their abuse. That children who come from bad families, act bad because it was in their nature to be bad. I’m going to quote a tweet chain. It’s about star wars. Please don’t get on my case about this, I don’t care at all about the wars in the stars. [@pawel_luki]
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Like I said, I really don’t care if you like or dislike Kylo Ren. I think the person who tweeted this makes a point regardless of their opinion of Rylo Ken in the way children are treated. It’s always the narrative that the “Parent did the best they can” and therefore the naughty child chose to be this way. 
It’s a recurring argument about Nature vs Nurture. We see this pop up exactly in regards for Shigaraki. It’s a bad argument because literally the only point of this argument is to take responsibility away from the parents and put it on the child instead. 
I’m not using this to say that abuse victims aren’t responsible for their actions. Both can be held responsible at the same time. Nana is repsonsible. Kotaro is responsible. With that being said we continually see this argument of nature vs. nurture come up in regards to Shigaraki. 
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Rikiya Yotsubashi uses the fact that Shigaraki was born with a quirk that destroys things, to imply that he must have wanted to destroy, that he was born that way, with a destructive, awful personality. 
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In literally the same chapter we see evidence that Shigaraki was nurtured to be that way by AFO. That Shigaraki was told over and over again to never let himself heal, to exist in a volatile state. 
Shigaraki is who he is as a result of nurture. He was moulded to be this way. We wouldn’t go extensive lengths into Shigaraki’s backstory if that was not the point. Not only that but Shigaraki’s foiling with Deku proves that his nature isn’t violent.
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His nature is very much like Deku’s. He is sensitive to others, sympathetic, and wants to be a hero. In fact, he even has Deku’s tenacious nature of sticking to his dream of becoming a hero even in a household that forbid it. If you want to argue about who Shigaraki naturally is, then look at Tenko. This is who Shigaraki was, outside of violent abuse. When violent abuse is done to him, Shigaraki becomes violent. 
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Deku also, becomes angry and violent when exposed to violent circumstances. It’s not because they are good or bad. They are people reacting to different things. 
By nature, Deku and Shigaraki are very sympathetic, sensitive kids. By nurture, seeing the violence around them, seeing violence hurt their friends and family, they can be made to become violent. 
That is the point of the foiling between Shigaraki and Deku. However, as I said there is a tendency to use the nature vs nurture argument to relieve parents of responsibility towards their children. By painting a child as bad by nature, then the parent is now a good parent who did their best. 
Nana is not a good mother who did her best. 
Nana made mistakes. However, I would express that I’m not even upset at Nana for making a bad choice in bad circumstances. Nana, Gran Torino, they continually choose this behavior that shifts responsibility away from their choice. 
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Making the wrong choice is only human. However, has Nana taken responsibility for her choice? No. Gran Torino and Nana both continually choose to avoid responsibility by pinning all the blame on Shigaraki himself. 
Shimura Tenko is the unintended result of Nana’s decision to abandon Kotouarou. However, you are both responsible for the inteniontal and unintenitonal cosequences to your action. This is a story and stories have consequences. 
Shigaraki being kidnapped by AFO is the same kind of thing as Uncle Ben being shot by a random robber that Peter let go. Nana is responsible for it, because the story is HOLDING Nana repsonsible for it. 
It’s once again this idea that heroes have power without responsibility. Nana continually chooses her role as a hero over her family again and again. We see Nana express these words to Kotaro. I want my family to be happy.
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However, her actions contradict those words. To Nana her heroic legacy is more important than the family she left behind. She always chooses the idea of heroism, over her real family. If the choice to abandon Kotaro was to protect him from AFO then why doesn’t Nana care about Shigaraki, who not only was kidnapped by him but suffered lifelong abuse at AFO’s hands. 
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Nana, and the people around Nana continually choose Nana’s heroism, and her legacy as a hero, over her family who she was actually responsible. Over Shigaraki who is suffering right in front of them. Because once again. Heroes neglect their actual responsibilities like... all the time. Heroes not being responsible to their families is just a metaphor for the way Heroes continually act in hero society at large. People just want to play hero, people want to pretend at goodness, without actually having to take repsonsibility for the consequences of their actions. 
So, this is why we get the shared symbolism between Deku and Shigaraki. Nana is a help to Deku. Nana is a hurt to Shigaraki. 
It’s because Nana continually chooses over and over again to help the boy who inherited her heroic legacy, rather than the grandson she is actually responsible for. 
Is Nana responsinble for saving Shigaraki from All for One? 
Why wouldn’t she want to? 
If Nana wants the best for her family. If Nana wants her family members to be happy, then why wouldn’t she want to help Tenko be free from the hands of his violent abuser who just also happens to be her arch enemy? 
All Might showed up to save Deku when he needed it. Nana showed up to save Deku when he needed it. However, Shigaraki has always gotten the opposite response. 
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Deku is told he can be a hero. Shigaraki is rejected. 
Nana is so wrapped up in her idea of heroism, she sees Shigaraki literally being strangled by her arch enemy and doesn’t like... react. Like, maybe she’ll react next week. I hope she reacts next week. But, I kind of doubt it. That’s not how the story has gone so far. I hope to be proven wrong. 
The point being that Shigaraki is not a bad person by nature, but by nurture. He is who he is, in reaction to all of these circumstances. I hope what this is all leading to, all the similiarites between Deku and Shigaraki is that.
Deku can then realize how much worse Shigaraki has had it than him. 
Deku sees Shigaraki’s mentor strangling him, controlling his body, abusing him, while at the same time somebody immediately comes to give Deku the help he needs. 
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Deku has in the past realized he’s lucky to be where he is, blessed to be surrounded by people who have helped him when he needed it. 
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I hope what this leads to is a moment of character development for Deku. For him to realize not only that there are people who haven’t gotten help like he did. Not only that, but that he can be the help they didn’t receive until this point. That because Deku got help when he needed it, he can pay it forward, be the help to other people who need it as desperately as he once did. 
If Shigaraki is this way because he hasn’t received the help he’s needed from his family, the ones he needed it from, then perhaps Deku will be the one to help him in the end. 
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aikidoheroine · 3 years
Tenmaki -Understanding-
Backflip, backflip, backflip
Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Aikido Master (Or a variant of it anyway) kept twisting and edging backwards in fluid motion; sounds of air cuts passing by her. If one were to slow down, they could see knives being the thing making the sound through the air. Knives courtesy of Maki Harukawa, former Ultimate Babysitter, current Ultimate Assassin.
The two are locked in what was going to be a simple spar, but it grew to become a heated battle because Tenko is as aggressive with her mouth as her kicks and punches entail.
It all started 1 minute ago.
“Say Maki-chan, being alone and aloof from everyone else…that is no way to live! You should make friends and try to unburden yourself! If you like someone, you should be able to trust them, right? That’s what friends do. They trust each other.”
Tenko had no idea what caused Maki to explode, but she found herself dodging knives. Where is Maki even keeping those knives, Tenko has no idea. She lost count after 29. Doesn’t Maki carry 30? usually? At least, that’s what Kokichi said once. But who knows if that was lie. Almost everything out of that clown’s mouth is a lie in some sort of fashion.
After the 7th flip, Tenko lands on her feet, thankful that she felt the knife rain finally come to an end (that’s going to be a mess to clean up later), but the rain of pain came to her. Maki, despite her thin body shape, is surprisingly agile. Agile enough to close in on Tenko in seconds with another knife (There’s the 30th one), and strike at Tenko.
While Tenko acknowledges Maki is faster, and possibly stronger (Tenko witnessed the girl lift a 100 pound rocket launcher like was nothing), Maki lacks in ways Tenko excels at.
Namely, reflexes. Tenko already knew Maki would have closed the gap between them; its what Maki does, unconsciously or not (Assassin perks, maybe). Even before Maki began the strike, Tenko moved just as fast and with one hand, grips Maki’s wrist holding the knife, and the other one, she strikes an open palm right onto Maki’s chest.
The impact was quick. Maki dropped the knife and coughed her breath out. But she wasn’t out, not by a longshot. She didn’t earn the title of Ultimate Assassin by cowering under simple blows. She retaliates as quickly, leaping; she catches Tenko’s neck with her legs and twists her sideways, pulling both of them down. Tenko landed on her back (Thankful for the mats, otherwise that would have hurt), while Maki lands on her 4 feet like a cat. She grabs the fallen knife with her teeth (What are you Maki, a dog?), and leaps onto Tenko’s lap, about to swipe again at Tenko.
Tenko’s reflexes save her again, able to block the swipe by forming an X with her hands, and pushes them on Maki’s neck; narrowly avoiding the swipe and keeping Maki back. Maki however, persists and pushes forward, twisting her mouth and lips to grab the knife from the hilt and pushes down to try and stab Tenko.
“This is…ridiculous!” Tenko yells, teeth grit. She’s able to move her legs and lifts them back to wrap around Maki’s neck, and then pushes back with both arms and legs. “Off Maki!”
Tenko’s strength and position helps in this case, and she’s able to get Maki off her, one last push gets Maki to flip backwards and skid a little back; though she sprints back at Tenko with no intention of letting the Aikido Master get up.
Tenko does manage to get up. As soon as she got Maki off her, she spun herself in a manner similar to breakdancing, then users her legs as a weight, and lifts herself back up like a trampoline swing. “Aha!” And quickly, back on the defensive she is, as Maki dropped the knife from her mouth, back to her hand and goes for a flurry of strikes and swipes.
Tenko thankfully is skilled enough to parry each one, hands balled to fists, she punches the strikes away from dealing any real damage; though the constant clashes, and being pushed back got to Tenko.
She formulated a plan; simple and to the point. ‘Steady…steady…now!’ finding just the right time to counter, Tenko instead, ducks under one of Maki’s swipes, and sweeps her leg, knocking Maki off-balance. Tenko then leaps and grabs Maki by her sides and slams her down “HAAH!” no mercy for the Assassin.
Once Maki hit the mats (and pretty damn hard. Tenko did not hold back that one time), the force of the impact gets her to drop her knife, and Tenko then sits on Maki’s lap and holds her two arms by her wrists. Neutralization, success.
“…Phew.” Tenko let out a sigh of relief. Now that the 'spar’ finally stopped, she realized just how fast her heart is racing, and the sweat she fells all over. It was a quick fight, but still, it put her on edge. Maki was using real knives. It could have hurt her, or worse. “I would normally say that was fun spar Maki-chan, but you were using real weapons! I could have been hurt!” Tenko said with a frown. “I apologize for any rudeness in my earlier comment, but I meant what I said.”
“…You actually managed to beat me.” Maki said, surprised. She didn’t make any motion to try and get out; she admits defeat. “…I guess that makes it 2-1 for now, still leading.”
Tenko would have been flattered, under normal circumstances, but not this time. “Please don’t flatter me Maki-chan; especially when you don’t mean it.”
“…” Maki grumpily stayed quiet, not even looking at Tenko anymore. “I don’t rely on others Chabashira. I’m an Assassin, get it? I kill people; for a living.” she sighs, and decides to look at Tenko “Whether my target is innocent or guilty, it doesn’t matter. I silence them forever, get paid, move on to the next one. I don’t feel anything, I shouldn’t, feel anything; especially friendship or…anything deeper than that.”
“…You don’t believe that.” Tenko said. “I can tell Maki-chan. Not just by words, but your body. You put on a brave face, threatening anyone, always trying to be intimidating…but I see it. At the table, at the trials, when you see other people talking like friends, like Shuichi and Kaito. You have that look of sadness in your face, showing your true emotions.”
Whether Tenko’s words hit Maki or not, Maki didn’t show it. “Its not your problem to solve.”
“Maybe not.” Tenko admits as much. “But this isn’t an assassin’s mission, is it Maki-chan? We’re trapped, with other people. People that regardless of how you and I feel about, have to work together to get out of this mess.”
“Akamatsu tried. You saw how that worked out.”
Kaede…It may have been more than a week since then, but to Tenko, its like it happened hours ago. Its still vivid in her head. The imagery, Kaede’s look of despair as death slowly took hold of her, and nobody was able to do anything about it. Spectators to an execution no one wanted, for a crime Kaede didn’t even want to commit.
To Tenko, a defender of justice, protector of the weak; it was an insult to her pride and honor.
“I don’t need to be reminded of that.” Tenko said. “But I have never doubted Kaede-chan’s words. To get out of here alive, all of us.” her eyes drooped a little. “…I admit that while I don’t show it, I am afraid of what may come next.”
“I’m not.” Maki replies bluntly.
“Liar.” Tenko frowns again. “In this fight we just had, you told me otherwise.”
Maki didn’t say anything to that, staying strangely quiet. Tenko took this is a queue to continue. “Every swipe, stab, every movement you did…it wasn’t normal for you. Your movements were quick, but sloppy. With determination, but no end goal. Every attack has shown to me that you’re afraid, desperate to exit this confounding prison that Monokuma created against our wills.”
“If you were really aiming to kill me Maki, you would have done so much easier than what you showed me today. I know full well your capabilities to end a life. You did not end mine…so I know, that you are afraid too, for what comes after death here, is facing your own death; and that terrifies you.”
“As strong as you are…facing death, that should never be done alone.”
Maki bit her lip, annoyed and…admittedly showing her fear now, if only a little. “Strength of my own is all I know Chabashira. I never had to rely on anyone else but myself.”
Tenko nods. Her grip on Maki loosens “I know this…I know you are strong Maki-chan.” She lets go of Maki’s wrists, and looses her own hands, relaxed…comfortable. “But someone that has always fought alone, will never know the strength of fighting alongside others. The kind of strength Kaede wanted from us.” Tenko gets off Maki’s lap and stands up, still staring at her, but now a gaze; A strange mix of sorrow and hopeful “The kind of strength I want to hope, can get us to escape with no more victims or murderers. Back to where we belong.”
“…” Maki didn’t move from her spot, though relieved Tenko got off her at least. “…You never spoke with Akamatsu. Why are you holding her in such a strong regard?”
“…” Tenko takes a step forward and slowly sits next to Maki, looking opposite of where Maki is. “It is true…we only spoke once, before the murder of Rantaro. I suppose its not really about Kaede herself, as a wonderful person I’m sure she was; rather…” Tenko bit her lip. “What she represents to me.”
Maki raised an eyebrow, confused. Clearing her throat, Tenko continues.
“As someone that upholds protecting the weak, the innocent, seeing Kaede die the way she did, in such a cruel, unfitting matter…God you have no idea how badly I wanted to crush Monokuma and those damn cubs of his. But it would have been for nothing. I know that, I felt that…but I still wanted to. Because Kaede deserved better; killer or not of that degenerate Rantaro; she wouldn’t have done that if Monokuma had forced us to this evil game of his.”
As she spoke, Tenko’s sadness turned to grief, to anger, to hopelessness. Tears nearly threatened to leave her eyes, and they did. “This killing game goes against everything I believe in; and I hate it. I hate the very idea of it. Comrades and friends being forced to kill each other for some sick proof of an ideal is no way to live; no matter if the whole world wants to think that way, it being acceptable doesn’t mean that it should be ok for anyone to not question it. We question drugs, we question the morality of mental health, but we don’t question abuse? murders?” Tenko shook her head. “We are Ultimates. We bring hope to those that can’t do so, in odd ways, yes. But we still do our parts every day, with hard work and determination.” Tenko shook vividly as she said this. “Monokuma took that hope, and twisted it to something of pure evil; all for laughs.” she stood up again, wiping her eyes from the tears and the sniffs. “I can never forgive a person like that, or anyone that supports such actions and ideals. So for that…I have to fight to keep us together, to work together and live another day. Kaede would have wanted that. I, want that.” Tenko greatly emphasizes in her grief.
“…” Maki didn’t know what to say. What could she say? Tenko’s speech caught her off-guard. In truth, Maki never really thought of it that way. A simple life, compared to Tenko’s complex one. To kill, and to protect.
’…Would killing the mastermind truly end this?’ Maki thought to herself. 'Who’s to say someone else will take their place? Someone with equally twisted ideals?’ history shows as much. You kill one dictator, 2 more pop up someone else. Its like killing ants in a way.
’…Have my killings served any purpose, I wonder…’ Maki mused. 'Were they for the greater good? Or for the selfish ambitions of another? …did my actions caused others to die?’
…Well, whatever the answers to that, it doesn’t matter now. Too late to look back on done deeds. But maybe this once…
“…Hey.” Maki got up, and grabbed her knife. She pockets it. “…Tomorrow, same time?” Maki pauses for a moment. “…No knives.”
Surprised, Tenko looks at Maki wide eyed and mouth agape “Maki-chan…?”
Maki stands up and dusts herself off. “I’ll see you then…Tenko.” With that, Maki leaves the Gym, leaving a flabbergasted Tenko behind.
Though once she left, Maki looks at her knife, her own reflection in the silver blade. ’…Fight for others…its not my thing. I doubt it could ever be my thing.’ Maki pockets it again. 'But…maybe just this once…I can try, if only for Tenko, and Kaede. I am an assassin, that will never change. …Yet, would the kids at the orphanage…would they admire me if they knew what I did? What I’ve done?’
Himiko, Angie! I made friends with Maki-chan! I got her to acknowledge me as a friend!
That’s great Tenko! Atua has blessed you indeed!
“Oi, don’t let it go to your head!” Maki yelled angrily, yet couldn’t help herself to smile…if only once.
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“Wow, thank you so much, Goryuck! I didn’t expect something like this, but this is such a sweet surprise! I’m going to cherish this forever!”
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Himiko x Reader one-shot: It’ll Work Out in the End
You knew planning a surprise party would be difficult, but not this stressful. Trying to get all the supplies, organize all of your and Himiko’s friends and classmates, finding a location, on top of the stress this was placing on Himiko. With you gone Tenko glommed onto Himiko even more than usual, much to the magic girl’s distress and would not leave when very clearly told too.
You flipped through your small notebook, double checking the notes you had taken of the caterer you were thinking about commissioning, comparing it to the others, a decision not becoming any clearer despite mulling it over for an entire day, then giving yourself an entire day for a break before getting back to this… You dropped your head onto your desk, a loud thud resounding, a sound your classmates had become accustomed too. “Think I can help again?” “… Yes please.” You sighed as Shuichi flipped around a chair, sitting across you from your desk. You took a quick glance over several pages before speaking. “A. is best quality but will break the bank, B. is in the price range but has so many mixed reviews about the quality of items and service, and C. is a bit more pricy, the quality is supposedly good, but they also allow add-ons for a price which all together would still be cheaper than A. That’s the gist at least.” Shuichi took your notebook, examining your detailed notes, finding you gave a very, VERY generalized explanation. “Mind if I-” “Go ahead.” Shuichi then began going through with several highlighters, marking certain points before doing some research on his phone. You in the meantime, took out another notebook filled to the brim with odd jobs you could take on to add even just a little more to the budget.
“I’m going to help set up a fair downtown, think you could give me the notebook back by evening?” “Yeah, sounds good.” You left class, trotting down the stairs with a slight hop in your step. As you were approaching the front doors, that high pitched squealing stopped you in your tracks. Tenko. Taking a quick glance around you found exactly what you had expected. Your girlfriend saying no or telling the girl to back off and Tenko just refusing to budge. “Here we go again.” you mumbled to yourself, doing some quick light stretches before dashing in, sweeping Himiko off her feet, and carrying her away. “Oh, there you are. I was just about to summon you with one of my spells.” She pat you on the head. Despite hearing Tenko call after you her voice quickly faded away. There were certainly perks that came with being the Super High School Level Traceur, you could escape anyone with ease. Truthfully you were such an escape artiest Himiko thought at first you were a mage as well, specializing in teleportation spells, as she called it. Himiko would never admit it but she kind of liked Tenko bugging her because it meant you’d save the day, holding her closely, making her feel so safe and secure. She was always left in aw at the strange paths you’d take and seeing the world from angles not many others would even think to check. It was much like how Himiko had to work as a mage, seeing the world in a way others wouldn’t think of and twisting that to her advantage. That was also probably why you had basically become her unofficial assistant.
You leapt from fence to fence, dashing across roofs, sliding down trees, and balancing on railings till you had reached the dorms, slowing down, and placing Himiko down. “Sorry Himiko, but I gotta go now. See you tomorrow!” With that said you ran away. “Okay, bye.” A long, drawn out ‘nyeh’ escaped her, seeing you were running away again just as you had been doing so often as of late.
The pay wasn’t great, and not worth all the hard work, but even a single cent was worth it to you at this point. You knew how to be fit, how to plan out paths, but money was a constant struggle so you grew fearful of spending it, likely spending more than you had, but if it was for your girlfriend, you were going to collect as much money as you could, so even if you spent too much, you’d be closer to that amount! Even you were sore, but didn’t bother to stick around for the festivities, looking through your job book, remembering you had another one right after this. And on and on it went, late into the night. You shivered, the sweat dripping off you combined with the autumn wind left you absolutely freezing. “Just some stretches, then you can sleep” a mantra you kept chanting to yourself as you shuffled to your dorm room.
With a trembling hand you opened the door. “Huh? Himiko?” “Y/N, you don’t look good.” “Uh, yeah, just working, nothing too bad though. By the way, how did you get in here?” “It’s magic.” Then you heard “Nishishi” from the open window. “Okay, but why are you here?” “Hiding from Tenko, and you look so tired lately, so I want to help! Helping you is not a pain.” “Ah, you don’t have to fret over me! It’ll be fine and worth it!” You realized what you just said and wanting to quickly distract Himiko starting your stretches, asking Himiko for help by pulling on your arm.
“I’m so sorry for not getting back by evening, Shuichi! I forgot I had work!” “I-It’s fine. I just had more time to work. I took a look at some of the other things you were considering like decorations, I hope that’s alright.” “No, no, that helps so much, thank you!” You fell into your seat, skimming through the notebook, checking what Shuichi would recommend. That was till you heard Tenko, knowing that meant our girlfriend was arriving to class, so you immediately shut the book, a sharp snap sounding through the air as you did so before stuffing it into your satchel. “He-hey Himiko… You’re looking good as always.” You nervously chuckled thinking that was a close call. Thankfully it seemed your distraction was a success, her blushing and thanking you for the compliment. Then you were confused to hear an alarm on your phone going off. The only label it had was ‘job #11037’ “Oh shoot!” Taking your bag, you raced out the room. “Wait, Y/N!” But you were already gone. “It’s okay Himiko! I can keep you company! I can even be your pretend partn-” “Stop it.” She sighed, seeing you had disappeared from class again. “Geez, Himiko. Y/N has been doing this for months now. Do they ever do anything with you anymore? You know, you shouldn’t stick around if they aren’t treating you right.” “Shut up, you don’t know them.” Himiko simply marched past Tenko and sat at her seat.
You had many odd jobs and no break in-between. It was fine though, at least you were kinda adulting, working on finances, working, building a good reputation and gaining contacts was a bit exciting, albeit exhausting, especially so when your contacts recommended you for more jobs, which was good! But… You became dizzy from the mere thought of how much work you now had on your plate. “It’ll all be worth it in the end though!” Reminding yourself of that you got a pep in your step, forcing you to jog back to your dorm, wanting to get back faster so you could get more sleep.
Upon opening your dorm door your exhaustion and worry seemed to hit you all at once but seeing her waiting for you ignited a calming warmth in your breast. “Ah, Hey Himiko!” “There you are… Hyeh?” Himoko walked up to you, standing on your feet, on her tiptoes placing her hands on your cheeks. “You’re so pale, but you feel hot.” “O-oh? Really?” You staggered a bit, leaning against the door for balance, Himiko being so close throwing off your balance strangely. “I-I’m fine, really. “No. You’re not.” “Okay, maybe I’m a little under the weather, but I’ll be a-okay tomorrow! You’ll see!” “Hmm. I’ll use my magic to help you.” Then she hugged you before leading you to your bed. “With you around I’m sure I’ll be better!” You practically collapsed onto the bed as Himiko left to make you a hot drink.
It was… You felt awful. You knew you were awake but weren’t aware of much else. Your head throbbed and your body felt as if it were made of burning lead, so hot and heavy, suffocating even. You groaned, trying to get your bearings. You were… yeah you got to your room, Himiko said she’d make you a hot drink and… and what after that? Wait… what did you even do yesterday? You remembered seeing Himiko at the end of it all, but nothing else. It all kinda just… mixed and swirled together. It was so difficult to breathe, so you tried and managed to kick off the quilts and sheets. It didn’t help much, not even making you feel any cooler. You dragged your arm onto the nightstand, searching for your phone… You just knocked it onto the ground in the process. You momentarily screamed into your pillow frustrated at yourself before quickly stopping, that feeling like too much, making you lightheaded. You tried reaching over the bed but you couldn’t even touch the ground. You kept trying, constantly scooching over the edge before completely falling out of bed with a loud thud. You desperately held onto the ground, your whole world and vision spinning too quickly to know where exactly you were now.
“Y/N!” “Huh-Himiko?” You thought it was her, but your ears were muffled. You felt as if you were underwater. “Are you okay? You need to stay in bed, you’re still so hot.” Himiko helped you back onto the bed. At least in the process you got your phone. “… only twenty-three o’ four? Feels like I’ve been out longer.” “Umm…” Himiko sat beside you and was about to take your phone when you noticed there were many missed alarms. “I tried waking you up, but… you seem to be too powerful for my magic and you stayed asleep… for two days.” “… two days… Wait Two days!?” “Hold on!” Himiko couldn’t stop you as you hopped onto your feet, tumbling over before catching yourself on the table. You keeled over, holding your head in hand, feeling like it were being crushed by boulders. “Hey, slow down, okay? With my magic I can help you heal, but you’ve gotta keep still and rest.” Ignoring her words unintentionally, simply not noticing them, you flipped through your job book. You hummed just trying to focus on something so you could use your focus on other things like reading. Suddenly the book disappeared. “No, you’re not working. You need to sleep.” “I can work!” “You can’t.” “I’ll be fine!” “No, you won’t.” You noticed the book in Himiko’s hand and tried to reach for it, only to fall over in the process. “You are sick. You need to sleep.” You groaned and just followed the feeling you felt on your arm, which was just Himiko leading you to your bed. “H-hey, wait-” “No.” Before you knew it you were firmly tucked into bed. “You are going to sleep, and I’ll use my magic to help you.” You wanted to fight back, begging you body to move, but… Himiko had already cast her spell, curled up next to you, kind of cuddling with her on the quilt and you under it. Why did her calm presents have to be so calming you wondered. There was probably a better wording but before you could deliberate on that everything was already fading.
For the next while everything was very fuzzy, time holding little meaning to your sick self, sleeping on and off again, the only solid thing you could recall was Himiko being by our side, but that was about it. by the time you could think straight… you felt even worse, but not due to illness. You had lost all the jobs. You had thought about trying to explain what had happened to your contacts, but just disappearing out of nowhere when they were relying on you to get the jobs done. You had shattered any rapport you had with them so why would they listen to you, you didn’t even give them a warning. Now who were you supposed to use as reference for more work. You got stuck in a downward spiral trying to figure out what to do, with Himiko’s help. She suggested using her as a reference, but she was your girlfriend, if people found out they’d think she just had a bias for you. It seemed your health deteriorated exponentially after that, the stress just making everything worse. The Super High School Level nurse wound up having to look after you and you were stuck in the nurse’s office.
There you laid just… so frustrated with yourself, fixating on how you could have done better so you could be working now. You looked out the window seeing it was night. You should have been sleeping, but just couldn’t. Even if you couldn’t work any more, the very least you could do was simply plan with what you had and try your best to not go over budget. It was eerie to be in the school at night. You doubted this would be allowed, a student staying overnight at any other school, but this was Hope’s Peak High, anything goes really, so when you heard the door to the room being picked you weren’t surprised, but terrified nonetheless. Then you heard a voice. “Welcome one an all too…” Suddenly the door opened revealing an all to familiar figure dressed in mages’ garb as a checkered boy dashed away with lock picks in hand. “The Amazing Himiko’s magic show!” You simply stared for a moment before lightly chuckling to yourself, clapping.
And thus, the show began. There were many small, light fixtures, softly illuminating the room. The show lasted through the whole night. Kokichi occasionally popping in, making some silly comment and brought Himiko whatever props she needed. The pair together were quite the entertaining duo. You watched tentatively as Kokichi was sawed in half, Himiko leaping into a large tank only to somehow disappear, or when Himiko breathed fire, burning Kokichi’s clothes only for him to be wearing the exact same thing but in reverse colors. There was even a point where you and Himiko somehow flew around the room on a broomstick!  Even as the sun began to raise they didn’t stop, despite Kokichi’s playful complaining and Himiko just trying to get him back to work. It became a comedy show of sorts at times, but it was all so fun. The most fun you have had in a very long time. They only stopped when Himiko fell asleep in the middle of her magic. You had acted as her assistant for a long time, but… it was certainly something else to be her soul audience member. Her trying to find your smile alone, to make only you happy. You just felt so special and almost began to miss her. You had been working so much, then basically knocked out due to illness for so long you hardly spent time with her anymore. You wanted to celebrate her birthday as the greatest day in the world for her. You saw her as so amazing and you just wanted to try your best, but… maybe it would be okay to take a break for a while.
You spent you time just hanging out and going on dates. Thought you were planning all the while, her birthday still snuck up on you. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you and everyone else hid on the stage Himiko was to perform on next. You knew she was going to come here to check, and partying in such a large space was surely going to be a blast. The moment Himiko came through those doors you couldn’t resist racing up to her, hugging her as you spun in place, everyone wishing her a happy birthday. The entire place, even the audience’s seats were decorated, an array of Himiko’s favorite food spread out on endless tables, her favorite music blasting from the speakers, and games galore. “Wow, no wonder you were working so hard.” “Wait, you knew? How? Was it… was it that obvious?” Himiko hugged you back, patting you on the head. “It’s magic!” “Ah, I should have known.” After all that had happened, seeing such a bright smile from Himiko made all the trouble well worth it.
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golden-redhead · 4 years
I have this headcanon hat Himiko was raised listening to these fairy-tales about princesses being rescued by beautiful princes and knights and internalized some elements of it. For me, she represents an interesting aspect of some kind of internalized heteronormativity along with a bunch of other harmful ideas, especially the ones related to romantic relationships and gender roles. 
Like, just look at how different was her response to Tenko trying to get closer to her and to Kaito-playing-Kokichi in chapter 5 claiming that he likes her. She’s clearly pleased to hear something like that from a boy (a boy she herself said no one could have any interest in), even though earlier Tenko’s attention made her uncomfortable. I don’t remember this part very well, so don’t quote me on that, but if I remember correctly she was also pretty into the idea of worshipping a ‘handsome’ god, when she joined Angie cult. 
Speculations about her orientation aside, I think for Himiko romance is closely tied to these ideal stories every girl is fed by our culture when she’s little, this idea that you’ll find your prince charming who will come to sweep you off your feet. There’s also the addition of this belief that girls are supposed to simply be and look pretty, rather than having any kind of actual agency and there are moments in the game when Himiko's body-related insecurities show up. It also kinda goes along with Himiko’s laziness, because if she believes in these fairy-tales she doesn’t really have to put any effort into matters such as romance, simply allowing other people to court her. 
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What if Kirumi taught Himiko how to make sweets? Can Kokichi take this please, I enjoyed his story of her teaching Kokichi how to make a dessert
I’m glad you liked my previous work! Sorry it took so long to get to, but I’m happy to say I’ll take up your request! Thanks for sending it in!
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Himiko learns to make sweets!
Kirumi found herself back in the kitchen. The morale of everyone seemed lower than ever, so she figured it may be a good time to make something to cheer them all up. She took ingredients out of the pantry, being incredibly grateful for the fact that it was well stocked. After measuring everything out, she couldn’t help but notice a hat poking into the room. While she began working on melting coconut oil, she casually called out to the new presence.
“You don’t have to just stand in the doorway. I don’t bite.” The witch hat bobbed for a moment before coming into fuller view with Himiko Yumeno attached to it. She was mid-yawn as she walked closer, sniffing the air.
“I was gonna take a nap, but I smelled something good, so… I’m here.” She peeked at what Kirumi was making, smiling a bit. “It smells really good, so Tenko told me I should check out what it was.”
“Oh, this? I’m just making some chocolate, nothing special,” Kirumi smiled as she felt around for the honey container, making a noise of approval to herself when she finally grasped it.
“You don’t think I could help out, do you?” Himiko asked, looking at the honey slowly dripping into the pot. Kirumi was taken aback by the question, but she wouldn’t say no.
“I’d be happy to have your help, Himiko. Could you grab the small bottle of vanilla extract? It’s the dark one with the white cap,” Kirumi said, swaying as she took care of making the honey mix with the coconut. Himiko grabbed the little bottle, opening it to get a whiff of the strong scent. She handed it to Kirumi and instinctively grabbed a sifter and the cocoa powder. Kirumi blinked a couple times, taking the spoon out of the pot so Himiko could do the next step.
“Have you made chocolate before?” Kirumi asked, getting a sluggish smile from Himiko as the powder poured through the sifter.
“Yeah, me and my master used to make it on our down time. Something about it being bonding time,” she explained, her eyes never leaving the pot. It gave Kirumi enough time to wash some of the dishes in the sink, giving them more room to work with. She heard the click of the oven burner go off , and the shuffling of metal on its surface. The magician was opening up cabinets looking for a utensil to stir it up with, but was stopped when Kirumi tapped her shoulder with the whisk.
“Looking for this?” She hummed, letting Himiko take it out of her hand.
“Ah, I’m glad my magic worked. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to bring a whisk into this place that’s sapped so much of my mana.” Kirumi simply nodded and looked at the already thickening mixture in the pot. She got out a pan and put a decent-sized piece of parchment paper on, and the magician poured it onto the pan. Kirumi took a spatula and began spreading it all around. himiko tugged her sleeve to grab her attention, and showed a pan of bear-shaped molds.
“I know that it isn’t necessarily the best decoration, but we can make them look cute, you know.”
“You’re right, I’m glad you thought of that.” She took the tray while Himiko rummaged around for non-stick spray. The little “A-ha!” she mumbled came accompanied with a yellow spray bottle with bright blue lettering. She sprayed it while Kirumi portioned the chocolate into the molds carefully. After putting them in the fridge, they sat in the kitchen for a moment, taking in the scent still lingering in the kitchen.
“Lemme know when they’re done; I gotta go restore my mana.” Himiko said, leaving the kitchen to Kirumi’s capable hands. She didn’t bother responding as she started gathering all the dirtied items and washing them. She lingered in the cafeteria, sweeping around to make sure it was spotless.
After an hour passed, Himiko returned with Angie and Tenko hot on her trail. She sat in front of the maid, giving a smile. Kirumi nodded knowingly, going to retrieve the candies. She reappeared with a kind smile as she revealed them on a light yellow plate. Himiko motioned to the other two to take one, and they complied, biting into them.
“Ah, this is divine, Himiko!!” Angie exclaimed, laughing a bit as she continued to eat hers.
“Yeah, no kidding! You did a great job on these!” Tenko practically shoved it into her mouth, her eyes lighting up at the taste.
“If it isn’t too much to ask, do you think that you girls could go offer pieces to everyone else? I’m sure they’d appreciate it too,” Kirumi requested. Himiko took the plate from her gingerly, nodding.
“Yeah, we’ve got it. Thanks for letting me help out,” Himiko said as she walked out, leaving Kirumi alone in the room again. She sat down and sighed to herself, letting herself lose her posture. Being the Ultimate Maid normally meant she didn’t receive help, but she didn’t mind the extra presences.
And maybe someone else would pop in the kitchen with her next time.
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How would Himiko, Tenko, Kokichi and Kaito react to finding out that they have a romantic rival than turns out to be a five year old with puppy crush on their s/o? Bonus if Tenko's a rival is little girl.
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Why, what a fun & absolutely adorable request! You also picked some of the best characters for this prompt, heh ^^ This was lots of fun to write ♡Also, if you requested from me, I will definitely get to them! I was addressing an older request first. 
~ Mod Nagito
Himiko Yumeno
- She’s walking home slowly when she hears your voice just around the corner! So she peeks around the corner…only to see you walking hand in hand with a little kid. What were you doing, anyway?
- But she’s Himiko. She’s too lazy to speed up her pace of walking to catch up with the two of you, even if she loves you, so she just plods along a good meter or two behind, listening to the conversation. “Let’s get married!” “Maybe in the future,” you laugh. 
- Himiko’s heart stops. She literally runs over and tackles you from behind, and then glares at the kid from a safe distance behind you. “S/O is mine! I’m the one marrying her.” 
- Oops. That was awkward. You’re flustered, burning bright red, and the kid starts to bawl loudly. “What do you mean?!” You look at Himiko, but don’t have the heart to scold her properly for making an innocent kid cry and just sigh. “Okay, well… You both can marry me, I guess?” 
- Himiko gives you an offended look. “You mean… I have to share you with that kid?” Meanwhile, the kid is smirking at Himiko smugly. You just want to walk away from the situation. “Why don’t we talk about this another time?” You say, trying not to show your exasperation, and you send the kid home, Himiko clinging on to you the entire time.
- On the way back to your house, you can feel Himiko shivering as she holds on to your arm tightly. “I’m not going to marry that kid,” you reassure her with a gentle smile. “Really?” “Yes. I was just trying to pacify them. Trust me, they’ll forget all about me when they’re grown up.” 
- Himiko looks somewhat hesitant and almost unbelieving, but in a battle that you can see on her face, she seems to decide to believe in you. “Okay… Then I guess I’m the only one you’re marrying!” she cheers, throwing her hat in the air. 
- You laugh in amusement of her innocence and taking her hat, place a kiss on her exposed forehead as she blushes a deep red matching her hair.
Tenko Chabashira
- The two of you are just talking in your room, sipping tea when you hear a doorbell ring from downstairs. You apologize for the interruption, and Tenko follows you as you go to open the door. 
- Upon opening the door, you see the little girl that lives next door, and she’s holding out a batch of flowers, presumably hand-picked, and bearing a toothy, bright smile. “These are for you!” she almost shouts. You’re startled, but you quickly shape your face into one of gratefulness and love. “Thank you so much, these are beautiful,” you say, reaching out for the flowers.
- But the little girl pulls them back abruptly. “Wait! You can’t have ‘em until we get married, because the bride gets the bouquet.” Meanwhile, Tenko is ready to jump into a fighting stance behind you. “Married? That’s ridiculous, just for a little handful of flowers!” she protests. 
- The little girl starts tearing up, and your eyes dart back and forth between the little girl and Tenko anxiously, wanting to avoid a crying crisis. You crouch down and pull the girl into a hug. “Oh, sweetie… She means that you can’t get married yet because you’re too young. Maybe once you’re old enough.”
- She immediately brightens up while Tenko in the back is fuming silently. “Okay, then let’s go on dates until we can get married!” You’re sweating by this time, feeling murderous energy behind you and equally positive energy in front of you. 
- You hastily agree and tell her to run on home, and Tenko bursts the moment you close the door. “Why’d you agree to go on a date with her?!” You sigh. “Tenko, she’s just a little girl. I’m just going to play with her for a bit, there’s nothing you need to worry about. Go easy on her, she’s only five years old!”
- Tenko harumphs and turns away, but there’s nothing you can do but show up tomorrow at the playground to play with the small girl. To which Tenko insists on chaperoning the two of you, despite your assertations that you’d be just fine in handling one five-year-old. 
- At first, Tenko continuously interferes. She’ll chop a hand down between the two of you when in the sandbox. “Too close!” Or sweep you away when the two of you are playing tag. “Not today!” Eventually, you’re forced to ask her to just watch from at least a couple of meters away.
- You would have forgotten about Tenko’s presence since she only watches silently from a distance, but she emits a bloodlust that fills the air, so it’s kind of impossible to ignore, even as the girl happily swings back and forth on the playground swings. 
- When it’s over and the girl is safely home, Tenko lets out a sigh of relief and picks you up bridal style, running away with you to your house. “Tenko, I can walk on my own!” But she doesn’t respond.
- You end up on your bed, Tenko hovering over you protectively. “What are you doing?” you ask. But she only responds after capturing your lips in a deep kiss. “You spent the whole day with that brat. It’s only fair that you spend the entire night with me,” she replies, looking completely serious. 
What happens next is up to you~ cuddling or smexy times?
Kokichi Ouma
- He’s not happy about this situation at all. He’s holding your hand, yes, but the other one is occupied by a small child. He wants to occupy all your attention and self, but you’re currently engaged in conversation with the kid, too. 
- He tugs on your hand childishly, pouting. “Hey, s/o, pay attention to me, too!” But you are too distracted to answer him, and he lets out a loud sigh, to which you are also unresponsive to. 
- The kid even follows the two of you back to your house, and you persuade him to go back home instead–how you managed it, you weren’t sure. Kokichi finally has you to himself, but he’s not exactly content. This situation can’t continue, so he tells you he’ll be back in ten minutes and stalks the kid down the street where you can’t see him.
- He puts a hand on the shoulder of the little boy, who turns around in surprise. “Hey, you little brat. Touch or talk to s/o again, and I’ll make sure you wish you hadn’t,” he says, offering one of his horrifying smiles that stretches from ear to ear and is sure to communicate exactly what he means.
- The kid is literally shaking in fear. I mean, a grown man would be shaking in his boots if Kokichi was smiling at him like that. But this kid’s got guts. “W-What will you do to me?” he asks, pointing at Kokichi. “I’ll tell on you to s/o!” 
- Kokichi only laughs maniacally. Okay, maybe he was putting it on a little thick for a little kid, but he wasn’t about to leave any loose ends, even if his rival was a little boy. “What makes you think you’ll be able to tell s/o anything after I’m done with you?” 
- The kid almost pees his pants. “You’re crazy!” And hightails it out of there. 
- Kokichi comes back to your house, and you see a triumphant smile on his lips. “What were you doing?” you ask curiously. “Oh, nothing. Just getting rid of some pests,” he replies as he embraces you, planting a firm kiss on your cheek.
Kaito Momota
- He’s excited to go on a date with you today! But when he goes to meet with you outside the school gates, he sees a little kid talking to you, and he comes over and puts an arm around your shoulders. “Hey, whatcha up to?”
- You smile at him after waving goodbye to the child. “Oh, just talking with my neighbor. Shall we go?” And the two of you off.
- At first, he thinks nothing of it. Then he notices that the kid is meeting you after school has ended every single day, even walking you home. So he offers to walk you home to keep an eye on the little rascal, who is deceiving cute but at times gives him the stinkeye. 
- One day, he confronts you about it. “Why does that kid hang around you every day?” he says, gritting his teeth. You shrug. “I think he said he likes me or something like that. I don’t really mind it.”
- His jaw drops comically. “Well, I do! That little monster.” You laugh. “You’re exaggerating. He’s just a sweet little kid, and he’ll forget about me when he’s grown.” Kaito tries to convince you otherwise and have you not meet him as much, but you brush him off carelessly. 
- So he goes to talk to the kid. Not the best idea he’s ever had, because that kid is literally an imp–looks like he’s only sweet when around you. “Hey, can you stop bugging s/o all the time? S/O’s an extremely busy student,” he reasons. “Did s/o say that I’m being a bother? That’s just your conjecture,” the kid retorts, and Kaito has to resist the urge to punch the smartass. 
- Instead, Kaito punches the wall above the kid, denting it slightly as the kid looks on in horror. “I don’t mean you can’t hang out with s/o, but anyone would get sick of another person if they were constantly around them.” 
- The boy seems to take in the advice, and Kaito is pleased to see that the boy’s visits have cut down by over half. 
- Although he’s not thrilled that the kid still sticks to you, he soothes himself by remembering that you’d never date a child, and he makes sure to spend lots of time with you. 
- When the boy hangs onto your legs, Kaito will draw you in for a kiss in response to such provocation. He’s not about to be outdone by a child, after all.
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The girls finding a positive pregnancy test, and they have a female s/o
Idk if you have this done before, but what if girls found positive pregnancy test in the bathroom and thought that their female s/o cheated on them, but it came out that s/o was just helping her friend with it and the test belongs to the friend?
Guys this took months to do please send help, Mod saihara is dying sorta.
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Kaede Akamatsu:
She had woken up early in the morning to a pulsing bladder.
She groaned, and pulled herself from the warm bed to use the bathroom.
Just when she was washing her hands she noticed something on the ground, it almost looked like a thermometer…
Upon inspection, it didn’t really seem like it would be used as a thermometer...the display was only showing two li-
Then she realizes.
Of course….she doesn’t want to think you would ever cheat on her…right?
But the test…and in the bathroom…
She stumbles back into the bedroom, you’re still sleeping.
She gingerly places the test in a cupboard for later, to confront you tomorrow, as she tries to get some sleep.
The next morning she’s a mess, butter fingers, dropping things, and always not exactly meeting your eye contact.
Finally she just has to bring it out an show it to you.
She turns to you with shaky hands,“S/o…I don’t believe this….please this has to be wrong right?”
You blink, and look at what she has in her hands, “No that’s correct.”
She drops the pregnancy test, “No…you…you… why?”
You stare at her for a second, and then you realize what she meant.
“Oh, No! I’m not pregnant!”
“Hu-huh?” Kaede is trembling, tears stain the corners of her eyes.
“I was helping a friend yesterday, Oh Kaede, I’m not pregnant I would never do that to you...”
Kaede sighs in relief, “Oh thank god…”
You rub her hands in your own, “I’m sorry if I scared you, I’m not pregnant, I would never be.”
She gulps back a sob, “Yeah. I know.”
“O-okay maybe I was a little bit scared…”
You give her a hug, “I love you Kaede, I wouldn’t take anyone else in this world.”
He hugs back, happy tears now springing slightly, “I love you too s/o.”
Maki Harukawa:
She’s up in the early hours of the morning, not really sure why she’s up herself.
She’s been sitting in darkness for a while, not moving, just thinking.
Eventually she decided to get up and get something to drink, sitting in the kitchen and hearing the night sounds fill her ears.
Once she’s finished, she doesn’t feel even a little bit tired so she walks into the bathroom, filling through the medicine cabinet in search of some sleeping pills.
A pregnancy test box falls out, it (almost) catches her off guard.
She catches it, turning it over in her hand.
Why would you two have that in here??
Placing the box messily back in the cabinet, she checks the trash bin and sure enough there’s a pregnancy test there.
She picks it up, her mind feeling blank as she recognizes the two lines burned into her mind, she stares at it until her mind blurs the image and she’s feeling nothing but rage.
She crunches the item in her hand, storming up to the bedroom.
She throws on a sweater and some pants, and begins rabidly shoving items into a bag.
With all her rustling she wakes you.
Her eyes almost look feral as she meets yours. “I’m leaving.”
You stumble out of bed, almost in a shock as she moves around, not looking at you.
Why you ask her why she just growls, “How about you ask your secret boyfriend about that.”
You’re even more confused, and scared, telling her that there’s no boyfriend.
“Ok, sure. Well have fun raising a kid or getting an abortion.” She hisses, still packing her things.
“What? I’m not?” Then you remember your friend. “Oh my god noooo, Maki that tester wasn’t for me.”
She pauses, even if she doesn’t believe in people often, she’s still trusting your words.
You explain to her that the test was for your friend, who came over when she was out of the house. In the whole situation you ended up just shoving it in the cabinet, and she must have just tossed it away in the trash.
 She inhales, “You aren’t pregnant?”
“You aren’t cheating on me?”
“No, I would never.”
She sighs in relief, dropping her bags and drawing you into a hug. “Ok.”
“Ok, I love you.”
“Me too.” She mumbles. “I’m happy….you still want me.”
“Of course I would.”
“Okay.” She nods, hugging you tighter until the tears that threaten to spring stop and she can lay down and finally go to sleep.
Iruma Mui:
She had lost a small part on one of the machines she was working on, she had checked everywhere, but she still couldn’t find it.
So she was digging in the trash bin, flinging away bits and pieces of plastic and metal, when out comes the tester.
She stares at it for a moment, of course she knows what it is, but it startles her as to why it would be there.
She picks it up, caring no mind to sanitation as she inspects it further.
It’s marked positive, she laughs.
“Looks like some slut got impregnated by her pre-mature weed smoking boyfriend.” She cackles.
She feels sorry for the person, or people, who are now stuck with this bab-
It’s in…the trashcan…but the only people who live here are- you and herself. And she sure as hell didn’t take it so…
She realizes that you’re the one who used it, and she goes still for a minute.
Just imagining that you cheated on her…you…didn’t want to be with her anymore and you needed the feeling of a coc-
There’s a knock at her door and she jumps.
She quickly fumbles with the test tube and hides it behind her back just as the door swings open.
“H-hi S/o, what are you doing here hm?” she nervously gets out.
As the conversation goes on she keeps fidgeting, always keeping her hands behind her back and smiling brightly, though, it doesn’t reach her eyes.
Finally you ask if she’s ok, and she nearly falls over, quickly sputtering about how there’s nothing wrong and that you don’t need to worry about an-
You reach behind her, and she squeaks as you pull the pregnancy test out from her fingers.
���I-It’s alright, I k-know that you o-obviously like someone who’s betterthanmeandthat’sreallyfinebecauseI’mnevergoingtobeasgoodassomeonelikethat.”
You tell her that this pregnancy test isn’t yours, it’s your friend’s who you helped to take.
She pauses, mouth hanging open before she breaks out into laughter.
She loudly exclaims that she knew all along that you weren’t cheating on her! She was just joking!
You roll your eyes, and she keeps laughing.
But she’s really relieved that you aren’t cheating on her, so much so that she goes out of her way that night to show you how much she loves you.
Toujo Kiruimi:
She’s cleaning, as usual. Sweeping the floors, dusting, doing the laundry, daily chores.
While going throwing out the garbage she notices something odd fall out.
She picks it up with a gloved hand- it’s a pregnancy test.
Not only that, but it’s a positive pregnancy test.
She gasps, managing to place the test away from the other remaining trash she throws out before sitting down with the test in her hand.
Ok…no need to be alarmed, there could be multiple logical reasons to why that would be in the trash…
S/o wouldn’t cheat on her, there must be some sort of reason.
She’ll talk with you when you return home and so she returns back to her job.
Her hands lightly shake at times and she feels queasy as time goes by, but she continues to work until you return home.
She’s already cleaned herself up and has situated herself on the couch.
“S/o, I need to ask you something.”
You two are both sitting on the couch, she doesn’t hold your hand but she’s more than capable of supporting herself on her own.
She beats around the bush for a bit…talking about how she was cleaning at first and looking here and there and how she found the test..
But then she finally just says: “This, you aren’t pregnant are you?”
You assure her that you are definitely not pregnant. You would never do that.
You explain that it was for your friend, who used it in your bathroom and they threw it out after they used it.
She sighs in relief, rubbing her sweaty hands on her dress. “I see. Thank you for explaining.”
You give her a small peck and rub her hand gently. “No problem love.”
“Still, will your friend be ok? I know that some people who…experiment early can get into a lot of trouble…”
You snicker at her refusal to say ‘Sex’ or even ‘fuck’. “They’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
She nods, entwining her fingers with yours. “Ok.”
Better them then you though.
Shirogane Tsumigi:
She had gone to throw something out in the trash, but something caught her eye.
Small and cylindrical…almost like what the safety needles she used to use as a kid, but bigger.
She picks it up, throwing the trash in as she does so.
And then she realizes that it is and she drops it, screaming.
(Mostly because she realized someone must have pissed on it but also because she knows what it must mean)
Despite her shock she returns to her work for a bit, to stall for time and trying to let her mind chew up the information, trying to find a way out of the situation.
It’s so…surreal to her, like something you read in a manga or see in an anime.
She knows because she uh…well, she knows a lot…let’s just say…
With the tester in a plastic bag, plastic gloves on and  tongs in her hands, she shuffles up to you.
“S/o…this..” she gives the bag a jiggle. “I found this in the trashcan.”
“Oh that’s-“
“I understand that…you had intercourse with a male and now and the father will leave, therefore causing you to chase him down on some drama dna test show and then you find out that he isn’t the father and-”
“Tsumigi, that isn’t mine.”
She pauses, “What?”
“It’s my friends, I helped her while you were working- I’m not pregnant.”
“Oh.” She sighs, of relief and bevause no drama will go down, though she’s a bit saddened by that. She hugs you, content that you still want someone as plain and as strange as her.
“Love you.”
You hug her back, “I love you too.”
Tenko Chabashira:
Honey, you’ve got a big storm coming.
She sees it and the first thing she’s thinking is that some menace had sex with a beautiful female and that they don’t deserve her.
She puffs her chest in triumph, thinking that her wonderful, beautiful s/o made the right choice and chose a girl like herself.
Her day carries on, it takes her a while for her to actually realize what it must mean.
She stops, mid kick in the middle of her training session. The gears turn before they finally click.
She’s running out of there as fast as she can, not stopping or slowing for breath until she reaches you.
Then the words tumble out of her mouth in a frenzy.
You have to tell her to calm down, that the pregnancy test belonged to your friend.
“Oh. Ohhhhhhh….”
Immediately deflation, she wraps you in a bear hug, ssaying how glad she is.
You chuckle, hugging her back, telling her that you only love her, as long as she needs to hear it.
Himiko Yumeno
“N-nehh…?” Shes groggy with sleep, rubbing her eyes and looking at the knocked over trash can.
“S/o…..why is there a robot tampon in the bathrooooommm…?” she calls, you coming into the washroom to see what the commotion was all about.
You tell her that it’s not a tampon, it’s a pregnancy test.
“Why is It in our bathroom….?” She hasn’t really put two in two together yet.
You fill in the blanks for her, saying it was your friends, who was pregnant.
“Nehh….children are a pain….” She mumbled, scooting over to you, flopping in your arms.
You pat her on the head, leading her back to the bed, and letting her sleep again.
She was never worried you were cheating on her in the first place.
Angie Yonaga:
owo what’s this?
She plucks it between her fingers, crouching and cocking her head, almost like a bird as she examines it.
It’s a pregnancy test? Meaning babies!
She jumps up, rushing to your side immediately, bouncing around and exclaiming about how kamisama has made you pregnant! And that you two will have a holy baby!
“N-no…angie that’s not-“
It takes you hours to finally explain to her that you are not pregnant, and that you won’t be having kids any time soon.
By then, she’s a little disappointed, but thinking about it she really doesn’t care about being a mother.
Which is probably for the best, seeing as she acts like a child herself half the time.
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thalassomania · 6 years
so here’s my super-duper belated @danganronpasecretsanta​ gift for @ofdesperationis​. it’s not finished--i’ve been a complete mess for a while now and i’m becoming aware that i may never be able to get this done.
but i wanted to submit what i have because i wrote approx. 14 pages and 8600 words. there was supposed to be more here and maybe there will be at some point but here’s everything i had.
trigger warnings include a lot of unreality, violence, and way too much despair. also spoilers for dr1, sdr2, dr3, and probably ndrv3 but i can’t remember at this point. i’m sorry, agh... i hope this is suitable at best. i can send other plot details too if need be.
main characters: junko enoshima, mukuro ikusaba, izuru kamukura
Junko Enoshima was a queen.
“Princess” was far too childish of a name for her, “empress” was nice but altogether too serious, and “Her Glorious Majesty of Despair” was apparently a mouthful. Being called a queen was precisely what she wanted, and she lived for it.
Any queen of her stature deserved a palace, and Junko was proud of her own. She placed a gloved hand over her forehead like a makeshift visor as she observed the castle's towers, stretching upwards into the sky. Her home was perfect, just as she was; unfortunately, though, her garden was still in need of work.
With a sigh gently carried by the breeze, Junko returned to her task. She turned toward her rose bushes and gingerly trimmed some wayward stems, wielding an oversized pair of rose-gold scissors and humming to herself. She paused occasionally to pluck a rose and place it in her cascade of pinkish-blonde hair, slowly becoming the closest possible approximation to a human bouquet.
As she reached out to pick another flower, her routine was interrupted with a sharp jab into her finger. “Ah!” she exclaimed, pulling her hand back. A thorn had made a minute hole in her pristine white glove, and a droplet of blood had begun to stain the area.
It was so charming that Junko couldn't help herself—she let out a stream of giggles as she held her pricked finger in front of her face. There was something uniquely endearing about it, especially when she considered what would happen if her blood didn't clot. Each time she raised her hand more ichor would fall from it, until anemia got the best of her and she collapsed, as if sleeping, into the garden that had caused her untimely demise.
The despair of the idea—killed by the flowers she loved so dearly—was intoxicating, as was the smell of the roses in her hair. She twirled, her magnificent skirt almost catching on the rose bushes that surrounded her. As her shoes pressed into the grass, she thought of the roots below stretching downward further and further, just as her tendrils of despair had ensnared those who dared stand in her way....
“Shh. Over here!”
Speak of the devil. Junko came to a quick stop and lifted her head in the direction of the noise. The rustling of the leaves couldn't have been more obvious. With her scissors piercing the earth like a sword, she lifted her skirt and began a silent patrol through the garden. There was at least one intruder in her midst—likely two, one speaking to the other—and she wasn't about to let such things slide. She couldn't deny loving the feeling of her personal spaces being soiled, but she loved spreading that despair to others even more.
There were two of them, as it turned out. Two small girls, too young to have wandered off on their own unless parents weren't an issue; good parenting was in short supply, Junko supposed. The taller of the two had countless clovers woven into her twin braids, so long that they reached her ankles and occasionally tangled with various twigs and other such trappings. The shorter ducked under an obscenely large hat, perhaps to shield her pale skin from the glow of the sun. They were smiling and giggling to each other as they wandered through the garden, and Junko smiled to force down an imminent surge of nausea.
“Hey. Hey,” the taller said, grasping the tiny hands of her companion. “This is nice, right? We can still find places to play.”
The other blinked dully, seemingly half-awake. “Uh...uh-huh.”
“There are still some good places.” The taller grinned. “Let's stay hopeful, alright?”
A slow nod. “'Kay.”
Junko could only watch their banter for so long before uncomfortable memories surged in her chest and she found it impossible to restrain herself. Sweeping her hair back behind her shoulders, she rose to her full height and looked down upon her unwanted visitors. “Excuse me! Just what do you think you're doing here?”
The taller girl jumped in surprise, immediately looking up to face Junko. Her smaller companion followed suit. “S-So sorry, Miss! We...we were just—”
“Intruding where you don't belong is what you were doing,” Junko corrected, folding her arms across her chest. “You have no idea just how much time I spend in this garden each and every day! I'll have to make you pay for entering my private quarters....”
“Please don't, Miss!” The taller girl's hands curled into fists. “We didn't do anything wrong! We were just looking for a new place to play, ma'am...I mean, Miss...I mean—!”
“Hush, child.” Junko stepped closer, light as a spider's web on the wind, and cupped the girl's chin in her hand. Blood smeared across her skin as Junko's gaze darkened, possessed with an ability far beyond anyone's understanding. “Feel as I feel.”
The briefest of locked gazes was enough to change something in the little girl—the light in her stare faded as her shoulders relaxed, her face devoid of expression.
The other girl fidgeted, lifting the brim of her hat to get a better look at her friend. “Nnah...Tenko, what's wrong?”
A sharp turn caused Junko's fierce eyes to meet hers. What little strength rested in her face melted almost instantly, replaced with an uncanny flatness. “...Ah....”
“That's better, isn't it?” Junko chirped, rising to her feet once more. “Maybe you'll think twice next time you try sticking your noses where they don't belong.”
“...Himiko...” the one called Tenko mumbled, her voice soft, “...what are we doing here?”
“...playin'?” Himiko replied, as if she had forgotten the reason she had gone outside at all.
“This is...no fun.” Tenko reached out to take Himiko's hand, but seized her wrist instead—the motion was sudden and painful for both parties, and she immediately set her free. “Let's go.”
Himiko nodded silently, her hat bobbing as she did, and the two children stumbled back into the woods. Junko felt the heaviness settling over their hearts and sighed happily; after all, girls their age were a breeze to turn. She took a deep gulp of the despair permeating the garden air, letting it fill her lungs and settle inside her like a newfound friend.
“Junko?” A voice from somewhere inside, calling her name. “Junko? Where are you?”
Excitedly, Junko let her head tilt upward—she'd know that voice from anywhere. “Coming!” she trilled, spinning around to fetch her scissors.
As she danced out of her garden and into the castle, a few clouds of greenish mist settled around the woods. Beyond them, all anyone could see was the dilapidated remains of what had once been grand buildings, the sorry chunks of asphalt that had once been streets, and most importantly, an entirely decimated campus that had once been known as Hope's Peak Academy.
The clink of a porcelain teacup against its saucer brought Junko back to awareness. Time ceased flowing in her personal chambers—she had no idea how long she'd tuned out her sister's incessant rambling. Regardless, she cocked her head and tried to pick up at least a few words so she wouldn't get chewed out.
“...and environmental conditions are steadily deteriorating, with at least two surviving species of flowers finally giving in over the past week. Though their loss is unconfirmed, they will be assumed extinct until they are rediscovered somewhere in town.”
“Mm.” Junko sipped her tea, which had gone unpleasantly lukewarm. Despair flooded her thoughts. “How sad.”
“Very.” Mukuro Ikusaba bowed lightly, her hands linked. “Is there anything you'd like me to say to the general public on your behalf?”
“Nah,” Junko replied, casually placing her saucer on the miniature table before her. “Honestly, I couldn't care less.”
Mukuro's cheeks turned a blistering red. “S-Sister...please, listen to me. I've been handling your affairs for months now—the least you could do is respect the effort I'm going through.”
“Respect?” Junko giggled into her palms. “What made you ever think I respected you, or even cared?” With a delighted cackle, she stuck out a leg at just the right angle to kick a teacup off the table.
“Ah, hold on,” Mukuro said, darting forward to pick up the discarded pottery as it landed on the carpeted floor with a soft thunk. “Let me—”
“Oopsie!” Junko sprang to her feet and pressed her shoe onto the teacup. It shattered under the sudden weight, splintered shards littering the area around her ruby-red heels. “Seems as if I took a wrong step...upupu! Still feel like cleaning up after me?”
Mukuro lowered her head, her dark eyes glinting with recognition as she familiarized herself with Junko's latest method of pushing her. “With pleasure, dear sister,” she said as she cupped the pieces in her hands, the off-white color contrasting with the black leather of her gloves.
“That's more like it, mm?” Junko leaned back in her chair, coated in enough overly ornate decorations and fabrics to be called a throne, and grinned. “Finally, a task befitting of someone as lowly as you....”
For a brief moment, Junko could taste her sister's despair on her tongue. In the next moment, Mukuro charged at her and threw the teacup's remains straight into her face like a grenade. “Aieee!” she shrieked, flailing ineffectively. “You got me!”
Mukuro instinctively backed away from the thrashing mass of lace, velvet, and porcelain fragments. “It seems as if I have. Feeling the despair yet?”
“Only in the way you know best,” Junko replied as her body relaxed. “Sadly, you're still a bit too predictable...I daresay I'm feeling a whole new form of despair just watching you struggle.”
Mukuro folded her arms across her chest. “Tsk. Fine.”
“I'm growing bored....” Junko stood up, brushing the last of the teacup from her skirt. “I think it's playtime!” With a gleeful twirl, she picked up a large plush rabbit from the foot of her throne and wrapped her arms around it. “Isn't that right, little one?”
“Playtime...?” Mukuro paused, uncertain, before the reality of the situation came to her. “Oh, right. Enjoy yourself, then. I'll be cleaning the kitchen in the meantime.”
“Just because you tell me to do it doesn't mean I will! Hm...maybe you should be the Super High School Level Maid,” Junko called as she left the room, stroking her plush's floppy ears. “All you need is a short dress and some revealing panty-shots.”
Mukuro had an indignant reply prepared, but bit her tongue to stop from embarrassing herself further; after all, Junko had already slammed the tearoom door behind her.
The Despair Castle—a tentative name, but a fitting one at the very least—had more than its fair share of rooms, and Junko had reason to love each and every one. Her bedroom always smelled of incense and allowed her to sleep on the finest of mattresses the world over. Her bathroom gave her a place to bathe in water saturated with rose petals, and she couldn't stop herself from chuckling at her warped reflection in the marble tiling. Even her dining room, which didn't need to be anything more than drab as drab could be, was decorated with flags in garish colors, paintings several feet tall, and custom dinnerware emblazoned with bear-shaped symbols.
Junko's playroom was by far her favorite, though, since it was the one room she didn't have to share with anyone; more accurately, the only room no one else was allowed to enter without her explicit permission. Even Mukuro grew boring after a while, and her toys were always waiting for her when she needed a change of pace. Sitting in the center of the circular room and surrounded by massive pillows and plush dolls, Junko hummed a surreal little tune and ran a brush through her seemingly endless locks of hair.
“Hm...oh, I'm sorry! Do you want a turn?” Junko asked the doll sitting in her lap. She used her free hand to tilt its resin head up and down in a gesture reminiscent of a nod and, with a cheerful smile, began to brush its hair instead of her own. The brush lightly tugged at the doll's pink hair, which ended in graceful little curls at its shoulders—the treatment wasn't doing it any good, but Junko didn't seem to mind. She found a strange sense of comfort in the rhythm of the brush and the way the curls sprang back into place each and every time.
“Feels nice, huh?” Junko asked the doll, moving its ball-joined arms up and down. “Bet you feel pretty silly for having failed me, Ryota.” She turned it around so it faced her, and she found herself earnestly smiling at its lifelike features—the “Ryota” this doll was modeled after had been captured perfectly. She admired the thin lines around the mouth and the faint dark rings underneath the eyes, chuckling even now at the anxiety visible in its features.
“Mhm! Pretty silly,” she repeated to herself as she placed the Ryota doll down beside her. “A panicked mess, too scared to do anything but cry like a baby...I'd be feeling the despair already if I were you. At least you're not alone, right?”
Giggling to herself, she lifted a smaller china doll with a nurse's uniform onto her lap. “That's right!” she said, in a purposely high-pitched voice to imitate this new arrival. “At least you're not alone! We'll never be apart anymore...we can cry together...!”
“You heard the girl!” Junko said to the Ryota doll, placing the nurse next to it. “You and Mikan can be together, okay? It was what you really wanted...or, at least, what she really wanted. I guess you can't really move without some divine intervention, but beggars can't be choosers. Now then...who else wants some special playtime with their queen?”
“Ooh!” Mikan chimed in. “I think Nagito does!” Junko rested on her stomach, now at the doll's “eye” level, and angled her arm so she was pointing to a wall-mounted shelf.
“Oh, really?” Hopping to her feet while trying not to dislodge anything in her pillow fort, Junko grabbed a white-haired porcelain doll and cradled it in her arms. It was well-worn from hours of its owner's brand of play, its hair brittle and paint chipped in places; despite the damages, though, its tired smile remained intact.
“Is she telling the truth?” she asked the doll, stroking its chest through its shirt. “I'd hate for anyone to be lying to me....”
“No liars here!” Junko piped up, in her Mikan voice. “Nagito told me he wants to be with you all day long, and go with you everywhere in the castle! Maybe even...in your bedroom?”
“Is this true, Nagito?” she asked, her pitch lowering at the drop of a hat.
“It's true, milady,” she replied in Nagito's voice—a bit deeper than her own, and just husky enough to sound sick. “I want to be by your side...forever.”
“Forever?” Junko spun around, pressing the doll against her ribcage. “That's a tall order, sir...Just what would we do together for all that time?”
“Well, if we really had an eternity together, I'd let you brush my hair and dress me in any way you like.” She made the Nagito doll's eyelids flutter cutely. “We could take baths together, and eat at the same table...that is, if you'd be willing to put up with garbage like me for that long. If not, I could always eat off the floor with your sister....”
“Even she's better than you,” Junko retorted, poking Nagito's cheek. “I can't put up with your self-hatred and hope bull for that long. Besides, I'm already spoken for! That reminds me....” She dropped the doll, causing it to land on the enlarged stomach of one of her plush bears. “I think I have someone I need to check up on.”
“Please, oh please, don't leave us!” Junko's Ryota voice was wobbly in a comedic sense. “We need you here, miss Junko! It's not the same without you! I'd rather die than spend another moment alone....” The Mikan doll, humorously, fell onto its side.
“Then suffer,” Junko replied to herself, smirking. Her eyes flashed as she pressed her foot into the carpet, just inches away from where the Ryota doll sat. “And who said you were on first-name privileges? I certainly don't remember saying it....”
“Not me, ma'am,” Mikan cut in, still toppled over. “Maybe he's a glutton for punishment.”
“Is that so?” Junko asked, tapping one finger against her chin. “I have a dungeon I need to visit...I simply don't have time to punish you appropriately! All I can say for now is that you certainly didn't deserve to touch the same hairbrush as your one and only Queen of Despair, Junko Enoshima!” A light kick sent the Ryota doll flying across the room, landing in a corner to be neglected for at least a week. When she didn't have time to enact one of her favorite ironic executions, abandonment was always a good second choice: it would leave her victims wondering when she'd return until the hope left them completely and boredom consumed their very souls.
Desiring a punishment was an entirely different can of worms, though...She pondered the idea of someone sitting in the dark for months on end, waiting for her to come back with an execution she'd spent many a night poring over. At first, the thought seemed too easy, but then she reconsidered: what if she came in, prepared to enact a punishment the likes of which had never been seen before...and then ever-so-casually went for a stab in the heart?
As she left the room, Junko clapped her hands and felt her cheeks flush at the thought of sending someone into such pure, unfiltered despair—it was almost too much for her to handle. Behind her, the lights flickered off and the toys were left alone. At some point, she'd have to order Mukuro to come in and clean up after her, but she had more important topics on her mind than her sister wiping dust from Ryota Mitarai's face.
As a child, Junko had never taken time to appreciate the joy and fervor that came with running down spiral staircases; now, as an adult, she was ecstatic to be given the opportunity to set foot on one. The steps leading to her dungeon went downward in a fast and volatile circle, and she often found herself running up and down those steps until her breaths shortened and her heart raced.
Reaching the bottom gave her heart a whole other reason to race. Keeping one arm draped across the banister to steady herself, Junko peered into the darkness of the room before her. The only source of light was the evening sun filtering in from upstairs, its rays teasing against the stone floor. The so-called “dungeon” itself was always chilly—a coat rack near the entrance held two of Junko's favorite winter robes, in case her impromptu exercise routines weren't enough to keep her warm. All she could make out beyond the rack was a hospital bed and a squarish machine hooked up next to it.
Junko took a series of gentle steps into the dark. “I'm back, darling,” she called, cupping a hand around her mouth while using the other to slip a robe over her shoulder. “Did you miss me?”
There was no response from the bed's occupant, though they shifted slightly. Grinning, Junko strutted closer to the person in question—what had once been a well-meaning, if talentless, teenage boy had been transformed into an emaciated, pale-skinned figure unable to leave their resting place. A small cluster of tubes stuck in their arms kept them from moving much at all, seemingly attached to the nearby machine. Junko closed her eyes for a moment to listen to its slow, soft beeping, which quickened as she approached.
“Kamukura,” she breathed, alighting herself on the edge of the bed. “I'm here.”
The figure tilted their head in the direction of her voice, but didn't speak. Their eyes—formerly hazel, now slowly turning red—fluttered open and fixed their gaze on her.
“It's me,” Junko said, taking on a romantic edge. “Don't you remember?”
The figure winced as they struggled to move, eventually lifting a twitching hand to brush their bangs away from their forehead. Though the tips were brown, most of their hair had become a velvet black that made Junko's body pulse with adoration. She was, however, less than impressed with their response, which came out in little more than a dry whisper. “...who?”
“You forgot again?” Junko asked, stretching her legs across the bed and flaunting the shape of her thighs. “I'm Junko Enoshima. I rule the world, in case you weren't aware. You must be one lucky stud, since I'm madly in love with you and all that.” She held a hand out expectantly, her red nail polish glittering in the faint light. “And you are...?”
Their lips parted, emitting a faint wheeze. “...Jun...ko?”
“I'm Junko,” she said as her hand sank. “I'm the only one worthy of such a name.” She laughed sharply, moving some of the tubes to give herself more space to lay down—she stayed cautious, however, so as to cause them as little pain as possible. “And you are Izuru Kamukura...or, you will be, once your brain works again. Don't worry, I'm waiting patiently for that day; well, I am for now.”
Kamukura's eyes sparked with brief recognition, but it faded as quickly as it had appeared. “...I...am...?”
“Izuru,” Junko purred, snuggling next to them. She pulled at the collar of their flimsy hospital gown and rested her hand on their exposed shoulder. Their skin was clammy, but she'd grown used to it with time. She was more concerned about the state of the bed—it had gone unwashed for weeks, and even with medical adjustments and catheters, the smell of excrement lingered. In truth, her prisoner-turned-lover looked pathetic, but she was willing to ignore it; or, at least, until she remembered to ask Mukuro to clean the dungeon again.
“I...zuru,” Kamukura breathed, their voice hitching on a syllable.
Junko nodded, cupping Kamukura's face with her free hand. “Good job,” she said as she planted a kiss on their forehead. They flinched, but didn't react otherwise.
A moment of silence passed as Junko cuddled her mildly unresponsive partner. The lack of noise was welcoming, and Junko felt a happy sigh pass through her body—spending time with Kamukura refreshed her more than anything. When they could move on their own again, she'd decided she would take them for a walk in the garden and show them the world she'd taken over. She imagined their hair, which she assumed would be waist-length at that point if not longer, idly tickling the rose petals. A sliver of drool fell from her lips.
“Oops! Upupu,” she said to herself, wiping her face on her sleeve to avoid touching the bedsheets. “Hey, hey.” She reached behind Kamukura and lifted their head, fingers brushing across the nape of their neck. “Izuru. Look at that.”
Kamukura blinked slowly, trying to clear their blurred vision. “Where...?”
“Up there,” Junko said, pointing toward the staircase. “You see that? The light?”
Without waiting for a response, she continued. “That's the outside world. You can see some sunlight now, but it'll fade before too long and you'll be alone in the dark.
“That's what despair is like—every night, you hold onto your hope up there...and it fades away. You keep waiting for something different, but it'll never come. And that's what the world is like too. That light is the last of the old world. B.E.—Before Enoshima, as I like to say,” she said, having never said it before. “Get it?”
“Nn—” Kamukura whined as Junko tugged on errant strands of their hair to keep their attention. She curled them between her fingers, ignorant of Kamukura's obvious pain. Even as they cringed and tried to pull away from her, a light press of her other hand on their chest kept them firmly in place—the wires in their arms, too, prevented them from escaping. Junko's face flushed as she felt their heartbeat under her palm.
“The world you knew is gone; that is, if you can even remember what it was like. What lies beyond this room is my world...and when you're better, it can be ours. We won't have to share it with anyone. Not even my sister has to know—we can lock her up here and have the rest of the world to ourselves. No one will be able to tear the two of us apart.”
“Ah...” Kamukura murmured as Junko let go of them, causing their upper body to thump against the headboard. Their gaze drifted, becoming unfocused. “...that hurt.”
“Did it, darling?” Junko asked dreamily, poking Kamukura's cheek as she snuggled against them. “Maybe you're starting to feel again. That's a step forward, isn't it?”
Kamukura slumped back into bed, already exhausted. With a soft giggle, Junko ran her fingers across their forehead—mildly feverish, might have to get that checked out—and kissed their nose. She figured she would work toward kissing their lips, perhaps when they remembered how to kiss back. She could hear someone moving about upstairs, presumably Mukuro, but left her to her own devices; after all, this was her special alone time with Kamukura and she wouldn't let anyone take that from her.
Kamukura stared at the ceiling as the last of the evening light withered and died, their consciousness melting away with it. Junko, meanwhile, felt a smile form on her face as she rested beside her beloved. The machine beeped faintly as the duo's breaths synchronized—then, with little fanfare, the sun set completely and the darkness took them both.
Not all queens necessarily had to look down upon their subjects, but Junko wasn't willing to skip that aspect of her daily life. She had more thrones throughout the castle than just the one in her tearoom, and her dining room throne was particularly elegant—a hand-carved wooden model that rose several feet above the other chairs around the table. Though it took some effort to climb onto the throne in the first place, Junko appreciated the perfect view it gave her of her rather sour mealtime company.
“Aren't you going to eat, sister?” she called from above. “There are starving children in...well, everywhere! In fact, there's one in the room with us as we speak, so why don't you eat before she sneaks another nibble?”
Mukuro's gaze snapped to the silver-haired child sitting across from her. She was thin and all too pale, her once-pristine outfit smeared with dirt and dried blood. Though she had been addressed, she hadn't raised her head or even made a noise of acknowledgment, seemingly preferring to blend into the metaphorical background. Mukuro knew her sister wouldn't have any of it.
“Come on now, little one,” Junko said, idly swinging her legs back and forth. “Why don't you try to snatch a pea or two? Children should eat their vegetables, right?”
“They are healthy, yes,” Mukuro mumbled, patting her cheek with a napkin. “So why aren't you eating any of them?”
Slowly and almost comically, Junko looked down at her plate of chocolate-strawberry cake. “...Well, I'm already grown up! I don't need to worry so much about eating right anymore.”
“You should worry,” Mukuro commented, delicately cutting her ham into pieces. “You want your reign to last as long as you do, right? You won't be around to rule the world for very long if all you eat is dessert.”
“Hmph!” Junko crossed her arms and huffed. “We'll see about that. You!” She pointed at her guest, who flinched but didn't react otherwise. “What do you think your queen should eat?”
The little girl cautiously raised her head just enough to meet Junko's blue eyes. “Ah...um...I think you should....”
“Go on. Spit it out.” Junko flicked a few cake crumbs in her direction. “Maybe I'll give you something nice if you answer correctly.”
“M-Miss Enoshima should...maybe...consider eating some vegetables when she can.” The girl fidgeted in her seat, uncomfortable with being the center of attention. “I-I could provide some for her...I know a few good recipes, a-and if you have the right ingredients, we can—”
Mukuro shot out of her seat to catch the fork Junko had thrown toward the stuttering child. “Junko! Would you really want...would you....” Her features softened as she struggled to find a way to get her sister to stop, while their guest whimpered in fear.
“Would I want what?” Junko asked, pointing a knife in Mukuro's direction. “I certainly wouldn't want to eat any of this runt's horrible cooking!” She laughed harshly, digging the knife straight through the center of her cake. “You're no Super High School Level Chef, are you?”
The child's face paled further. “...no, but....”
With a flourish, Junko leaped down from her throne—trying not to flinch when her boots hit the carpeted floor—and leaned in close. “But what, little one?”
The girl's muscles tightened as she managed a small, disdainful frown. “Kirumi.”
Junko's face twisted into a grin. “Sorry, what was that? I didn't quite catch it.” Across the table, Mukuro sat perfectly still and ready to launch into battle should the situation go awry.
The girl swallowed and stared straight at Junko, defiance shining through her chalky features and muddied cheeks. “My name is Kirumi.”
“Kirumi...” Junko said, drawing back like a snake. “Hm. I can't say I've heard that name before...and now that you're in my clutches, nobody will hear it again.”
Kirumi's confidence faltered. “Wh-What?”
“Take a look at this.” Junko turned Kirumi's head so it faced Mukuro and began rummaging through her dress. This particular ensemble was outfitted with seven different pockets in various places on the skirt, just in case she needed a secret weapon. “My darling sister and I are going to play a game.”
Mukuro pushed her chair out and got to her feet. “I'm not interested, Junko. Actually, there's something I've needed to talk to you about—”
“Ah-ah-ah! Too late!” Junko exclaimed as she withdrew a small, but needle-sharp dart and threw it straight at Mukuro's neck. With almost inhuman reflexes, she stepped out of its way, only for it to embed itself in the wall. “You have to play...or else, little Kirumi might meet an untimely end.”
Mukuro's pupils shrank. “What are you saying?”
“You win the game, and I might let her live,” Junko explained, twirling another dart between her fingers. “You lose, and...well, the prognosis is grim for our friend.”
“Wh-What is she talking about?” Kirumi asked, her bravado fading as she watched Mukuro dodge two more darts at a speed only Junko could match.
“You know damn well what I'm talking about,” Junko said between heavy breaths. Her body temperature rose as she sprinted across the room, tossing darts to and fro in a makeshift dance. Mukuro had to vault across the table at one point to avoid a particularly expert throw. “I saw her give you food under the table.”
“What?!” Mukuro cried, twirling in midair to save herself yet again. “You said it yourself—she was starving! Do you expect me to let her suffer?!”
“As a matter of fact, I do!” Junko said, with a haughty laugh. “Clearly, Kirumi has absolutely no fortitude or strength, since even I could refuse such temptations better than she did.” With no more darts to throw, Junko picked up a plate and lobbed it at her sister. “She had to survive to earn my respect, and you had to maintain your reputation as my despair-inducing sibling. Seems as if you both messed up big-time, hm?”
“Enough!” Mukuro roared as Junko hurled another plate. The sounds of shattering ceramics made Kirumi clap her hands over her ears, though she felt slight relief knowing none of Junko's ammunition had connected.
“I said you had to play,” Junko reminded her, sticking her tongue out in mild irritation. “I guess it doesn't matter, since we're out of time anyway.” She spun on her heel to face Kirumi and threw a steak knife straight toward her. “At least we can have a grand finale!”
Mukuro's breath caught in her throat as she made a flying leap in Kirumi's direction, catching the knife in midair and tumbling to the ground. A glass tipped over, red wine staining the tablecloth. Kirumi watched in horror and amazement as Mukuro got to her feet, a bit shaky but alive.
“Ooh, good job!” Junko said, applauding loudly. “Bravo! Bravo, I say!” She reached out to pat Mukuro's shoulder, but she shrank away from her. “Hm. Fair enough.”
“I've been trying to talk to you,” Mukuro said, taking a series of labored breaths. “Something...isn't right around here. It smells like roses everywhere, even when we're inside...haven't you noticed? A-And...and those clouds...aren't they getting thicker?”
Junko paused, as if in thought, but then sighed and folded her hands behind her head. “Nah. To be honest, I don't really care. If something's going wrong, that's your problem, not mine. And speaking of things that are mine....” She lunged forward and grabbed Kirumi, who squealed and flailed in her grasp.
“What are you doing?” Mukuro said, too worn out to put a stop to Junko's misdeeds.
“Finishing this brat off,” Junko replied, as casually as one would talk about the weather. “Why?”
“I...I won the game!” Mukuro spat, reaching for Kirumi. “You said you'd let her live if I won!”
“I said I might,” Junko clarified, squeezing Kirumi's face and pulling it closer to hers. “Besides, you should know by now that I don't play fair.”
“Junko!” Mukuro tried to grab her and knock her to the ground, but the game had left her weakened and exhausted. She slumped to the floor, her knees aching, as Junko's eyes met Kirumi's.
“Do as I do.”
In a matter of seconds, Kirumi's face had gone slack. Her gaze seemed colder, her breaths slower, her body limp in Junko's arms. When she put her down, she immediately stood next to her in a protective manner, looking down upon Mukuro's prone form.
“Now, you...” Junko began, putting her hands on her hips, “...you have no name. You had one at one point, though—and an identity, too. So on the basis of your old life, I'll ask you one more time: you're no Super High School Level Chef, are you?”
Kirumi sneered at Mukuro. “No, ma'am.”
“No!” Abruptly, Junko brought her foot down on Kirumi's, causing the girl to wail in surprise. “You will address me by name, servant!”
“N-No, miss Junko, ma'am,” Kirumi said, trying to keep her voice stable even with the despair coursing through her veins.
“Much better. Maybe you could take care of this pile of garbage while you're here...that is, if you really want to earn my love.” As Junko strutted out of the room, Kirumi tried to yank Mukuro up from the floor; however, she paused when she smelled something familiar in the air.
“...Roses,” she mumbled to herself, squeezing Mukuro's hand with both of her own. “I may have...enjoyed those, once upon a time.”
Outside, Junko's garden continued to grow, twisting around the castle walls and black iron fences. The world beyond her home seemed more distant than before, as the clouds misting the sky grew ever darker.
“What? What is it?”
Mukuro stood as still as she could while Junko flitted around her, peering at her silky black dress from all angles. The frilled sleeves itched, and the skirt only reached to her knees—Mukuro's bare legs stuck out beneath, planted firmly in the plush carpeting. She would've changed clothes in a heartbeat if her sister hadn't been so insistent about her participation in today's activity.
Junko tugged on the skirt from behind, and Mukuro cringed. “Hm...I think this one shapes you nicely! If only you had bigger breasts to show off...maybe you could actually take your place beside me on the throne!”
“You wouldn't let me even if I did have them,” Mukuro said through clenched teeth.
“Fair enough,” Junko replied, with a chuckle. “You're not the type I'd share the world with anyway—way too selfish, and no sense of humor.”
“Right,” Mukuro grunted. “Sure.”
Junko stood in front of her sister, hands on her hips. “...You don't really like this dress, do you?”
“N-No,” Mukuro said, trying to maintain her composure.
“That's fair,” Junko replied, with a shrug. “Doesn't really match your complexion anyway.” She turned away, wading through a pile of squishy pillows and dolls she had yet to return to their shelves. “Go on and change. I won't look, just this once.”
With a sigh, Mukuro removed the ensemble. Even taking it off was uncomfortable, the lace making her itch even more as she pulled it over her head. Quietly hanging it up on a rack Junko had wheeled in earlier, she let herself relax for a moment. As she stretched her back, she spoke up again: “Junko? I'm done.”
Mukuro's eyes narrowed. “I said I'm done.”
“Mm, sure.” Junko faced away from her, fiddling with one of her dolls. “Have you met my little friend, dear sister?”
Mukuro tried to keep her temper down—Junko had already grown bored of her and was looking for a new toy. “My dress, Junko. You said you wanted me to try another dress.”
“Huh? Oh!” Junko whirled around, a pale cloth doll hanging limply from one hand. “Of course! You'll like this one, for sure. It's leather!”
Mukuro's gaze drifted as Junko fiddled with the rack, pulling out a black dress that looked ready to squish Mukuro's spine into an entirely new shape. She watched Junko carry the doll alongside her, unable to tear her eyes away from its sad, unsettling stare. Most of its design was simple, complete with blue yarn hair and mitten-like hands, but its eyes were all too real and uncomfortably glassy.
“Do you like her?” Junko asked, shoving the dress into Mukuro's waiting arms. “This is Miaya. They don't make wheelchairs in her size, so she can't move without her queen helping her get around.” She raised and lowered Miaya's hands, making the red scarf covering most of her face bounce lazily. “Isn't she cute?”
Mukuro sucked in a breath as she tried to pull the dress on. “She seems...sad.”
“You think so?” As Mukuro changed, Junko sifted through the clothes on the rack and pressed a polka-dot ensemble against her body. “Check this out. I look like a cartoon character!”
“Mmph!” Mukuro exclaimed as she struggled to fit herself into the dress. “Y-You do....”
“Aw, is that too tight?” Junko was at her sister's side in an instant, messing with the zipper at the back of the dress. “Maybe we should try another one.”
Mukuro's breath caught in her throat. “Another...one?”
“Well, sure!” Junko tossed Miaya at Mukuro with a flourish before ripping the dress off, with extravagant gestures and sudden movements that made Mukuro wail in pain. “Don't you like playing dress-up with me?”
Now clad in nothing but black undergarments, Mukuro felt naked and embarrassed. She couldn't reply honestly—when she considered it, an image of the broken and damaged Kirumi flickered through her mind. “S-Sure,” she forced out, pressing the Miaya doll against her chest.
“You're lying, but that's fine.” Junko threw off her own dress, chuckling at she and her sister's matching lingerie. “You can't really get out of this anyway.”
“Right,” Mukuro mumbled, now burying her face in Miaya's hair. It smelled familiar to her, perhaps like a childhood home...but she only had a few moments to think of it before the doll was yanked from her, and her vision was obscured with another dress thrown over her head.
“My playthings are playing?” Junko chirped, wiggling into a dress of her own. “How cute! Miaya isn't playing dress-up right now, though. She can't move on her own, so I'd have to help her try things on...and this is our fun time! She'll just have to watch.”
Mukuro glanced at the Miaya doll, which was now splayed on top of one of the pillows. She could feel its gaze on her back as she changed, and the more she thought about it the more awkward she felt. She was a child in a fairytale castle, playing dress-up with her sister, but the game had gone on too long and she just wanted to go home.
After what felt like an eternity of trying on clothing, Mukuro finally stood before Junko in a silky black dress with a short skirt. It still had some of Junko's all-too-elegant touches, like white frills and puffy sleeves, but it was generally sleek and comfortable. Mukuro couldn't help herself—she twirled lightly, letting her skirt spin.
“Oh, you like it?” Junko tilted her head back in a fashion model's pose, clad in a similar dress but with pale pink silk and white and black frills. “Glad we finally found something that works.”
“Why didn't we just try these on first?” Mukuro asked, admiring the way her outfit wrapped around her body. “They do match nicely....”
“I guess I just wanted to keep you around,” Junko replied, rummaging through piles of discarded clothing. “Sibling bonding is always fun, don't you think?”
“Sure,” Mukuro said, half-heartedly. Her gaze drifted back to the Miaya doll, sitting in the same place it had before. “Maybe you should invite Kamukura next time.”
“Kamukura?” Junko got to her feet, holding both hands behind her back in a surprisingly graceful fashion. “You'd rather Kamukura take your place here with me?”
“N-Not like that,” Mukuro said quickly. “I just...I have other duties, and....”
“Don't worry! I understand.” Junko giggled. “I'm just glad you reminded me of the finishing touch for today's dress-up game!”
“What are you talking abou—” Mukuro was interrupted with a violent shriek as Junko whipped her hands out, brandishing twin pairs of shears. Laughing loudly, Junko tore into Mukuro's dress and ripped it to shreds in a matter of seconds, leaving a pile of silk and fluff on the carpet.
“Junko!” Mukuro exclaimed,  assuming a defensive position to shield her body. “What are you doing?!”
Junko spun around gleefully and tore into her own dress, creating another pile of fabric to join the first. “There's nothing quite like finding that everything I put you through meant nothing, right? It fills me with an all-new form of despair! Upupu!”
Mukuro cringed and shook her head, stepping away from her sister. Her right wrist was starting to itch, and as she looked down at it she realized Junko had nicked her. She pressed her thumb against the tiny wound and gently licked the blood off. Watching her sister's pathetic motions, Junko continued to laugh. “Well?” she asked, hands on her hips. “Feeling the despair yet?”
With no energy to fight, exhaustion settled in quickly. “Y...Yes.”
“Alright!” Junko cheered, jumping in place with excitement. “My test is complete! I can't wait to try this out on our next visitors...maybe they'll like becoming mannequins!”
Mukuro bit her lip and turned away, one hand pressed against her wrist. The Miaya doll sat and stared at her, a piece of a silky black dress covering part of her forehead.
Long after the sisters' foray into trying on clothing together, Mukuro went to sweep the upstairs floors while Junko wandered into her dungeon. The staircase was littered with rose petals, and the bed itself had a few roses scattered across its sheets. Even the machine Kamukura was hooked up to seemed to have roses growing around it, which Junko considered a rather romantic gesture—perhaps Mukuro had prepared it as a surprise for the both of them?
She nestled into bed beside Kamukura, twirling strands of their brown-black hair between her fingers while they reacted with little more than a half-lidded stare. They breathed through their mouth, each exhale sounding more like a dissatisfied sigh.
“You should've seen the look on her face, Izuru,” Junko said, twisting their hair into a small, makeshift braid. “It was simply...dazzling.”
“I...zur...u,” Kamukura mumbled, trying their hardest to lock eyes with Junko. “Yes.”
“Dazzled with despair,” Junko said in a singsong voice, letting go of the braid to press her finger to Kamukura's nose. “She wasn't expecting the scissors at all. I'm so glad I kept that Genocider girl around long enough to master her techniques.”
“You could probably learn them too, if you wanted.” Junko leaned in close, her lover's bad smell tuned out slightly by the aroma of the roses. “You're capable of anything, after all.”
A slight head tilt. “Yes.”
“Hm.” Junko propped herself up on her elbows, unable to find a comfortable position. “Do you...remember who you are today?”
“I...zuru?” Kamukura asked, softly.
“I-zu-ru Ka-mu-ku-ra,” Junko replied, sounding out the syllables. “Repeat after me, okay?”
“Ka...mu....” They lost track quickly, pain dulling their senses. “...zu-ru.”
“Good enough,” Junko said, plopping down beside them. “You know you're mine, right?”
“Mine, mine, mine.” Junko pressed her body against theirs, sleep creeping in with the lightest and gentlest of footsteps. “Forever mine.”
As she fell asleep beside them, Kamukura let their gaze turn to the ceiling. The room was pitch-dark and even colder than usual, and something about the roses was off-putting to them. They couldn't think about it for too long before their head began to hurt.
All they could think of doing was vocalizing—or trying to, anyway. So while Junko dreamed her life away beside them, Kamukura continued to mumble to themself. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes....”
Her Glorious Majesty of Despair stirred in her bed, but didn't wake up.
“Junko. Wake up.”
She kept on sleeping, tangled in her favorite red sheets.
Finally, her eyes snapped open and she sat up. “What? What is it?” she exclaimed. “Your queen is trying t—ow!” With a wince, she rubbed her back and felt a noticeable ache. “Ouchies...that really smarts....”
“I assumed something was up.” Mukuro stood before her, looking less agitated and more concerned. “You were making weird noises in your sleep.”
“That's what she said,” Junko mumbled in reply, trying to straighten her spine. “Ahh...How did this happen? Nothing feels right...and I just had the strangest dream. I think. I'm already forgetting it...such despair....”
“Junko.” Mukuro spoke sharply, taking her sister's hand in her own. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Ew, what's this about?” Junko yanked her hand away and stuck her tongue out in mock disgust. “Don't touch me, commoner!”
Mukuro sighed in defeat and reconstructed her emotional mask, trying to be as straightforward as possible. “Junko, answer my question.”
Junko stretched her arms, slowly raising them over her head and lowering them back down with practiced motions. “...Hm? What?”
“Are you feeling alright?” Mukuro repeated.
“...I think so?” Genuine confusion rose in Junko's voice as she tilted her head, her hair bouncing with it. “Aside from whatever that dream was, and the ache in my back....”
“You were shrieking,” Mukuro said, her tone grave. “In your sleep, I mean. You'd stopped by the time I got here, but I could hear you from across the hall.”
“Sheesh,” Junko said, flicking stray hairs behind her shoulder. “I'm such a drama queen. Probably just feeling some unfiltered, pulp-free despair!”
“Please take this seriously,” Mukuro said. “I think something is wrong here. You see, when looking outside....”
“I think you're the one who's wrong. Think fast!” Junko shot up in bed and sprang to her feet, preparing to deliver a mighty kick and startle her sister. As she moved, though, a wave of dizziness washed over her and she found her reflexes slightly inhibited. Having just woken up would dull her combat sensibilities under ordinary circumstances, but this was far more obstructive.
Mukuro quickly swept her leg out to stop her, completely on instinct. It connected with Junko's ankle and she tumbled to the carpeted floor, her hair spilling out around her. “Aieee!” she cried, frantically brushing her bangs away from her face. “Ouchies! Ow!”
“S-Sister?” Mukuro rested one knee on the carpet, though she kept her distance in case this was a prank. “What's wrong?”
“This is wrong!” Junko pointed to her ankle, which was already turning slightly purple with the onset of a bruise. “I should have got you that time!”
“Perhaps we're evenly matched,” Mukuro replied, letting herself smirk for the briefest moments. “You can't win them all, you know.”
“Sure, whatever,” Junko mumbled, surprisingly upset over a bruised ankle. “I get it.” She stumbled to her feet, putting all her weight on her non-injured leg. “Sometimes the underdog has to win for the audience's benefit.”
“I'm...not an underdog,” Mukuro said, averting her gaze.
“Whatever,” Junko said with a wave of her hand. “I don't even remember what we were talking about. You're too boring to focus on, anyway.”
“That's a lie.”
“Which part?” Junko spun around, grabbed a pale pink bathrobe resting on top of her closet, and threw it over herself with a flourish. “'Cause you're definitely a bore.”
“You remember what we were talking about,” Mukuro said, standing her ground. “You're clearly just as troubled by it as I am.”
Junko blinked slowly and swallowed. “I have no idea what you're talking about,” she said, carefully choosing her words. “I'm not 'troubled' at all.”
“We're sisters, you know.” Mukuro folded her arms across her chest. “You can tell me if something's wrong.”
“Forget it,” Junko sang, though she gritted her teeth in secrecy; in truth, she was bothered by her lackluster attempt at a kick. Ordinarily, it wouldn't have been a problem—after all, her back was sore and she'd just woken up—but it felt as if time itself had slowed to incapacitate her. She wasn't sure how to tell Mukuro this, or if she even cared enough to tell her, so she kept it to herself.
“...Forget it?”
“Forget it,” Junko echoed, digging through the bathrobe's pockets in search of a leftover snack. “I want something to eat.”
“Wait, what?” Mukuro raised an eyebrow. “You're...sure about that? I need to talk to you first. Please, look at this....” She approached the window at Junko's bedside and threw back the curtains—the world outside was obscured by soupy, greenish mist. Junko could see her garden if she squinted, but most of the Enoshima Estate was covered.
“...Bad weather,” Junko commented, nonchalantly.
“It's more than that,” Mukuro insisted. “Those clouds...they've never been this thick. Your garden's growing much faster, to the point that it's hard to even leave the castle to go hunting. Something isn't right here, and I need you to know that.”
“I need you to know that I don't care.” Junko swung her injured leg back and forth, trying to balance on one foot as she stood before her sister. “I want something to eat.”
“...Are you sure?” Mukuro asked, her gaze discolored.
“Absolutely-tutely,” Junko replied. “I need breakfast. Come on! Chop chop!” She limped away, trying to look as graceful as possible even when restrained by a sprained ankle.
Mukuro followed along behind her, her tone growing desperate. “But—but, Junko, please—”
“I don't care,” Junko said with a sudden firmness. “I can't think on an empty stomach, anyhow. Hurry up! Breakfast time!”
Mukuro lowered her head, absentmindedly running her fingers across the bandages now covering her itching wrist. “...You just had breakfast before your nap,” she murmured.
Junko turned slightly. “Sorry? I didn't know the underdog was speaking.”
Mukuro sighed, wondering if she'd fabricated the memory. “It's nothing,” she lied. “Just...just forget it, right?”
A light, forced chuckle echoed down the hall. “Yup! Forget it.”
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V3 Girls interacting with their s/o’s grouchy but well meaning grandfather
Hey everyone! I'm sorry about not posting earlier, i was going through a crappy bout of writer’s block but i think I'm over it now. I hope you guys like this one! I apologize if some parts of this aren't that great, this was a tricky one to write tbh.
-Mod Korekiyo
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Kaede Akamatsu: ◆ After you started dating Kaede, word had gotten out in your family and ended up reaching your grandparents. Your optimistic grandmother was excited to meet her! ◆ Your grandpa? Well he was another story…. ◆ He was very strict and could be a bit judgmental of anyone went out with. ◆ When you two arrived at your grandparents, your grandmother happily invited you two inside while your grandpa sat on the couch. you two sat down in front of him. ◆ “Hello! My name is Kaede Akamatsu! nice to meet you!” She smiled and held out her hand in front of your grandfather’s. ◆ “i’m not one particularly for hand shakes…” Your grandfather grumbled as the bright smile from your girlfriend’s face began to fade. ◆ “I’m more of a fist-bump kind of guy.” Your grandfather smiled as he bumped fists with Kaede. ◆ It seemed like your grandpa and Kaede actually got along. ◆ The four of you spent the rest of the day playing cards and talking about your relationship.
Maki Harukawa: ◆ Maki honestly wasn’t too interested in meeting your family. ◆ But it was Easter and you had invited her to your grandparents for dinner that night and she didn’t want to be rude so she obliged. ◆ Your Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandmother were all saying hello and shaking Maki’s hand! ◆ Except for your grandpa. ◆ He wasn’t in a particularily good mood that night, and he ended up not greeting your girlfriend, which obviously annoyed your grandmother. ◆ Maki and you had both helped out your family with cooking dinner while Maki told them more about herself, Maki in particular making the pie and green beans while you helped prepare the lamb. ◆ Everyone in the family enjoyed maki’s food! Or so you thought…. ◆ “These green beans are quite runny…” your grandpa grouched. ◆ “But your woman made a fine blueberry pie.” ◆ Maki’s poker face that she had worn since she showed up grew into a small, shy smile.
Miu Iruma: ◆ It was thanksgiving, and your extended family wanted to meet Miu after hearing from your parents about her. ◆ You had begged her to not curse or make sexual innuendos in front of your family, especially your extended family. ◆ Buuuut of course she didn’t listen. ◆ While carrying a bowl of cranberry sauce to the dining table, she stubbed her small toe against the door way, and ended up breaking it and dropping the cranberry sauce on the floor. ◆ “Oh fuck me! agh!” She cried, holding her toe as your whole familys’ jaws dropped. ◆ Your grandpa was the most upset about her use of foul language. “I would appreciate it if you would not curse in my house.” he growled towards Miu. ◆ Lets just say it was an awkward dinner, and your grandpa was pretty much extremely grouchy the whole time. ◆ After dinner, while cleaning up, he said to Miu. “Well i do hate cranberry sauce anyways, so I’m glad you dropped it.”, chuckling deeply.
Angie Yonaga: ◆ Angie really wanted to meet your family members, so you agreed to take her across the state to your grandparent’s house. ◆ You knew that Angie would be polite towards your grandparents, so you weren’t extremely concerned. ◆ That is until you two actually were sitting on your grandparents’ couch, and she began talking about her religion and Atua. ◆ Your grandmother seemed quite intrigued with Angie’s talk, but your grandfather on the other hand…. ◆ Well lets just say the look on his face wasn’t very pleasant. ◆ “Wow, thats a very weird religion…” he grumbled with his brows furrowed. ◆ Angie was about to speak more but your grandpa interrupted. ◆ “Though you are into a very odd religion, I wouldn’t mind learning more about it.” ◆ Angie was obviously very happy to hear this and ended up spending hours talking away about Atua to your grandfather, while you and your grandmother ended up falling asleep on the couch.
Himiko Yumeno: ◆ It was Christmas Eve, and you had dragged Himiko out of her house to go a few states over to stay at your aunt’s for the weekend. ◆ She was optimistic and willing to meet your family, but still lazy. ◆ You had eventually convinced her to help your family cook a turkey for dinner, even though she didn’t really want to. ◆ During the dinner-making process, Himiko was so tired that she ended up falling asleep with the turkey in the oven. ◆ She had later awakened to the smell of smoke and yelling, and realized the turkey had caught on fire. ◆ Your girlfriend panicked and helped put the fire out. Luckily no one got hurt, but your family wasn’t pleased, especially your grandfather, who loves turkey. ◆ “Jesus Y/N! Couldn’t you get a girl who doesn’t let a turkey catch on fire?” ◆ When he noticed that Himiko seemed upset, your grandpa immediately lightened up. ◆ He apologized and you all ended up ordering pizza, paid for by your grandpa.
Tsumugi Shirogane: ◆ It was spring break, and you two never made any plans, resulting in lots of boredom. ◆ Also, your girlfriend, Shirogane, was running short on cosplay ideas and was exceptionally bored. ◆ Recently, your grandpa had complained about some tears in his clothing, and he nor your grandmother knew how to sew. ◆ You had asked Shirogane if she could help, and she happily obliged. ◆ While sewing one of his shirts, she was cutting some thread, and then…. ◆ oh no ◆ she accidentally cut off one of the sleeves on his shirts. ◆ She quickly apologized to your grandpa, who wasn’t happy and told her to leave and not touch any of his clothes again. ◆ A few days later, your grandpa had called you and asked if he could speak to your girlfriend. ◆ “I apologize for how i spoke to you. I hated that shirt anyways.” ◆ Shirogane and your grandpa were quickly on good terms again.
Kirumi Tojo: ◆ It was summertime, and Kirumi was short on money and looking for a job to earn her some more cash. ◆ You knew your grandfather lived alone and needed help with cleaning the house. You talked to your grandfather and he agreed to meet your girlfriend and pay her good money for cleaning his house. ◆ Soon enough, she was your grandfather’s new maid around the house. ◆ She would notice your grandfather would mumble under his breath with his brows furrowed if she was in the same room as him. she would also notice he would tend to scoff or scowl at her a lot, too. ◆ You assured her that your grandpa was truly a nice old man, he just could get grumpy sometimes. ◆ One day, when she was dusting the dining room table with the elderly man in the room, she had accidentally knocked over a vase and it shattered all over the floor. Tojo began to panic. ◆ “Sir, I am truly so-“ ◆ “Let me help you clean that up.” ◆ The older gentleman patted her on the back assuringly and slowly helped her sweep up the glass off the ground. ◆ From then on, you noticed your girlfriend was a lot more comfortable going to your grandfather’s house.
Tenko Chabashira: ◆ Tenko has been wanting to meet your family for a good while now, so when you had told her about your family reunion across the country she was more than happy to come. ◆ After hours of driving, you two finally ended up at your cousin’s house, with your grandparents there already. ◆ She walked up and greeted each of your family members with a handshake, but when she went to greet your grandpa, she accidentally stepped on his foot. ◆ Your grandpa growled and yelled “HEY WHATS YOUR PROBLEM??” ◆ “Aaaa Tenko apologizes!  Tenko is sorry, she shouldn’t have done that!” ◆ Tensions were pretty high for most of the night, and its obvious your grandpa is in a bad mood because of Tenko stepping on his foot. ◆ Later on though, your grandfather comes over to tenko, apologizing for his reaction earlier and hands her $20, even though Tenko kept refusing to take it. ◆ Things between your grandpa and tenko were quickly resolved.
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melachonyof-lilies · 7 years
DrV3 Body switching Au
(Warning: Might have mispellings and gramatical errors. Hope you guys enjoy it)
Chapter one: Illuminating comet
The sky was pitch black, stars shinning and everyone was outside to see or even glimpse to the thousand year comet. People waited with their family and watched it together while some just glimpse on it outside, through the window or on the t.v. The city windows reflect the breath taking colors and it radiate the entire city.
"Kaede!! breakfast is ready!" A soft spoken voice was heard throughout the house "Yes mom! I'm coming!!" After attaching her favorite musical clips she walked through the kitchen. "Oh you seem to be yourself?" Kaede furrowed by an unexpected question "What do you mean by that mom?" "Oh nothing it just today you have more energy." The child just brush it off and went outside "Mom i'm going out!" "Be careful sweetheart!"
She walks to the streets to her academy. She stumble upon a long black haired girl walking to the same direction as she was
"Maki! Wait for me!" Maki turned her head to be hugged by Kaede.
"Could you just get off?" Her eyes glared unto hers. Kaede let go of the girl and continue walking beside her.
"Sorry for hugging you all of a sudden. Maybe i just missed you hehe."
"Kaede the weekends is not a long time to miss someone"
"Yeah i know, i think i've lost 36 hours of human connection from the piano mom brought to me!" Maki is not suprise to her behavior and continue.
"Well good for you. I do hope you'll listen to class and not hum...The sonatas again. You know sensei will not care about your ultimate talent if its distracting the class."
A giggle was heard by the crimson red eyed girl. They finally got up to their room and found a disaster. Chairs were everywhere, tables was knocked off, chalks were all broken and someone was begging for forgiveness to Toujo. "Eeek i'm sorry... I didn't know my breast massager went that crazy... I must have set it to high..." Iruma's face was going pale to the sight to a mad Toujo
"Iruma-san i do appreciate that you are using your talent to your self happiness but please don't make this mess again." Tojou went off and grabed the broom to start cleaning.
"This was all that big boob lesbian's fault!!!" She looked at Tenko and Himiko that was hiding on the teacher's table
"Tenko just deactivate the machine!!! It was harrassing the other girls!"
"by deactivating you mean throwing it to the f****** end of the classroom!!"
"Okay okay thats enough." Kaede spoke and started arranging the seats. "How about we just clean the classroom? Is that okay?"
"Nyeehh thats a pain..." The petite girl groaned. Maki was not fond to that kind of behavior.
"Don't be lazy. Do you want to die?" a glare was brought to Himiko. A glare from the ultimate assassin could send someone to the ground.
"Maki i think i could do Himiko's part." Tenko suggested that leave Maki to turn to the other cheek. "Well i could saw tenko in half so she could do the work faster." She lazily said.
"Oh!! That would be amazing!" Tenko's eyes lit up to Himiko's suggestion
"But isn't that plain wrong?" Tsumugi got out under her hiding place when the madness that was unfolded
"Geez, Come on guys, the more we are to clean this mess the faster and efficent it will be. Besides its monday! A new start of the weekdays. So we should start it with a positve vibe and a uniting pressence!" They all looked at her and the same thought was on their head. 'Another hope speech '
"Alright i'm gonna clean now..." Himiko grabed the broom and now as a chain of action was followed. Toujo began fixing the blackboard and chalk was laying the ground. Himiko and Tenko was sweeping the floor. Tsumugi and Kaede are arraging the chairs and table. While Iruma and Maki moped the floor. They cleaned up the room like it was new.
"Oh! Are we cleaning the room early today?" Angie walked on the room.
"No, we were just cleaning some mess" Kaede answered.
"Ohh i see."
A door open in the other side. "Class, please take your seat and we will begin lesson for today." The teacher step to the classroom and started the lesson.
Time passby and it was already time to go home. "See you tomorrow Maki." Maki noded to the girl and left.
As she was walking she saw Angie looking at Tenko and Himiko. "Hey, Angie" Angie continued watching them like a hawk. "ANGIE!" Angie looked at where the voice came and saw Kaede coming closer. "So... Why are you staring at Tenko and Himiko?" Angie froze up and looked at her.
"Ah... Well, i think they have an interesting conversation and i don't want to bug in."
"Is that so?" Kaede looked at her not convinced.
"Oh well. I'm off, tell Tenko and Himiko i'm on my way." Kaede spoke and continue to walk to the exit"Don't be afraid to be assertive Angie!" Then she went outside.
Night was be falling. Kaede began to play the piano. She randomly play a piece that was fitting to the night. She could do this all night but... Its already twelve in the morning. She just slept in the piano room. Her ears was still ringing to the piano notes that she played. Over and over and over again until.
"Huh?" Kaede saw a white wall that seem to be shinning. She stood up looking and start walking. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" she continue to walk aimlessly to the long corrider. "Hey! Is anybody here??!!" She kept yelling at it again and again and again. Walking to the seemingly endless corridor when a seeming odd piano was there to greet her.
"A piano?" she walked to it and played it without hesitation. Her body moved by itself and there she was playing.
"Clair de lune?"
In an instant Kaede's sight became blurry and cold tears was sliding down to her face. She doesn't know why she was crying. Her heart was a breaking. She feels like the world was swirling. Her head was a mess. The music of the piano was never heard again. Her entire body fells like gello that is about to collapse when suddenly a creak of a door reached her ears.
"Excuse me."
She turned and saw a man's figure. Adreneline was all she felt. "Who are you?" In the mans lips formed words then fades.
She stood up and began to run after him. Her breath and energy was not effected but why does she feel so exhausted. She finally once again saw the end then when the man was about to turn around-
A gasp was heard to the room. As the teen fell to the ground. "Was that... A dream?" Standing back again the teen notice something odd... "Wait... Theres... Something that isn't right" Kaede began to see what it was. "Wait this is...KYAAAAAAHHH!!!!"
As that moment was seen. Kaede began to ran to the bathroom and... "No no this can't be!!"
She was confuse why was she on a male's body... 'This must be a dream right?' she to smiled to the mirror "Well... If i'm in this dream. I might as well make it fun!!!"
"Shuichi why are you screaming? Breakfast is ready!" a motherly voice was heard by the girl. "Coming!" She saw some pictures in the table and cool tools placed like magnifying glass some camera, chemicals and papers scattered to the floor. There was a board that have names and place. 'Am i in somekind of detective cave or something?'
Kaede notice a picture. It was a picture of the persona she was dreaming. The pictures are full of boys that have somewhat colorful personality as she scanned it. She then decide to dressed like the persona and left to school with instruction by her confused mother.
She can't explain why but her breath was taken away by just walk to the street. Even though in a young age, she used to be a city girl before moving to the island where her father and mother's village were. She saw skyscrapers and lots of people walking. A mans hand was placed on her shoulder. "Hey Shuiichi! Hows my partner doing??!" A smile was plastered to the purpled haired man with a goatee.
'What was his name again... Geez, i don't know ... I could just make a name after him.'
"Its fine and good! Ummm... Goat-kun!" Taken aback from what the teen said, he knocked some sense to him.
"Who are you calling Goat??!! I'm Kaito Momota Luminary of the stars!!! Did you do a lot of f****** detective stuff that you just lost your brain??!!" He actively noogie the detective.
"Um Kaito that is hurting me. Sorry for forgeting!" Kaede smiled and walk through the street.
"hmm..." Kaito began to be weirded out on shuichi.
"Hey Kaito class is almost about to start!! Sensei will get mad at us!!" Kaede adlib for the sake of her dream. Kaito ran after him and went to class.
Kaede's activity on the class was quite normal. The other boys looked at him and thought it was weird to see him humming to music or classical music to be precise.
After class lunch was held. "Hey Shuichi lets eat!" Kaito waved at Shuichi.
"So what are you gonna eat?" Kaito asked.
"Ah... Well... I don't actually brought a bento..." Kaede became nervous and hungry 'Wait isn't this a dream? Why the heck was i hungry?'
"Eeehh Saihara-chan doesn't have lunch??" suddenly a petite boy with a mischivous smile. "Saihara-chan have my lunch instead!!"
"Hey!! why you kokichi... What are you scheming?" Kaito interject. "Whats is wrong with giving my beloved Saihara-chan my lunch??"
'Beloved... WAIT AM I HIS BOYFRIEND??!!!' "You mischivous little shi-"
"Kaito that is enough! If he is gonna give it to me then i'll gladly accept! I'm hungry by the way!" They stood there dumbfound to what he said.
Kaede began to eat the food it was not bad... She began to huff then her face was red as a beet.
"WATER WATER WATER!!!" Kaito immediately gave her water.
"Nishishishishi!!! Oh my god shuichi this is hilarious hahahaahaha the ultimate detective should have known there was a trap there! I'm so dissapointed in you"
'Why you!!!' When Kaede was about to talk the school bell rings and it was time to go to class.
"You know... You were the one who walked-"
"You should've warn me Kaito!" Kaito looked confuse.
"Do you know who Kokichi is??? His a mischivous piece of sh*t that needs a beating from the prank we endured!"
"Wait he pranks you too??!!"
"Of course!!! Shuichi... I don't know whats going on but you seem to be strange today. Maybe you should get home." Kaede sigh and put on her signature smile
"Don't worry i'll be okay. It's a shame to waste this dream! " she stood up and marched to the room.
"What dream-...Hey!! Wait for me!!!" Kaito ran after her.
Class ended in a blink in her eyes. She hurriedly walked home and washed her... body.
She looked around to Shuichi' room and found somewhat a diary. 'Thats pretty cute for a boy to have a diary'. Flipping the pages she could tell his life was getting better and better with his friends around him.
'I should write too!'
'Dear diary...'
She wrote her entire day and how much fun she had until kokichi gave her the lunch trap. She then put some music notes to the edge of the diary as her signature.
She fell asleep quite quick and began dreaming again... 'Another dream'
The dream is where she was talking to the persona. "Alright Akamatsu-san. Remember to... Just stay at Kaito's side to be safe and don't talk too much..."
"Okay its a promise!"
She immediately woke up and started sweating. Her head was spinning, she was feeling anxious.
'What was all of that?!'
She then open her phone to see what date it was. 'huh?? Wenesday? ' She starts to think about yesterday's or tuesday's occurance. 'huh?! A note? When did i... Maybe i just forget... Again'
'Maybe i just have piano on my head all the time i forgot what happened yesterday...' bounce out of bed and started to get ready to go to school.
She walked to school quite cheery. When she arrived at her classroom there were something her classmates want to question. "Hey everybody! Whats the matter?"
"Whats the matter??!!! Yesterday in the girls bathroom you were groping your boobs wahahaha, you slut!"
"Wait... What??!!"
"You should be careful bakamatsu-san because if the teacher-" A door slide open and revealed a stoic girl.
"Would you shut up?" A bullet of a glare was shot through Iruma.
"eeekkk!!! I'm just telling the truth." she then went back to her seat.
"Are you okay, Kaede?" Maki may not look at it but she seems worried about something.
"I'm allright! What was the problem??" Kaede began to feel a little anxious by the girl
"Its nothing. Just get some rest and don't pull an all nighter to play the piano over and over again." Kaede feels confuse but happy for Maki saying those things to her.
From that day and on she was getting that weird dream again and again as if it'll never die. Days has been missing out of her memory. Maybe she was forgeting and have piano on her mind
That was her explanation but days flew by she then she can't remember some days she have in those missing days. Her classmates were worried about it her occasional personality swap. The dreams she was having was reoccuring much more. More notes were added to her phone.
Her dreams...
'No... Wait... Me and this guys... My dream of me as a guy... Don't tell me. We're switching places??!!!'
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imagine--drv3 · 7 years
The girls proposing to their s/o?
sure thing!
Maki Harukawa
She must be insane for doing this.
She would never in a million years have thought that she’d actually propose to someone.
But you had been having such a nice talk, and it was a beautiful day, and she was thinking about all the things you could do together, and so she just...
“I think I want to marry you.”
She hadn’t even really meant it as a proposal, but when you asked her if it was one...
She admits that it might be what she wants, after all.
Spending the rest of her life with you... would be more than she deserves, probably.
But she really loves you, and out of all the people she’s ever met, you’re the only one who makes her hopeful for the future.
So... yes.
Yes, she’s asking.
She doesn’t have a ring right now, but she holds out her hand instead.
Please spend the rest of your life with her.
You just have to say yes, and she’s all yours.
Kirumi Toujou
Toujou’s pretty nervous about the whole thing, but she doesn’t really show it
She takes you out to eat at a nice restaurant, and afterwards you visit the place you went to for your first date.
She sits you down and tells you how much you mean to her, and how happy you’ve made her
It’s not a long speech, but she’s very sweet and genuine!
And then she gets down on one knee in front of you, and with the cutest blush you’ve ever seen, asks you to be her spouse forever.
You’ve hardly ever seen her flustered or unsure, so it really drives home how much this means to her
You agree without even thinking about it.
You love her, you want to be with her forever. Of course you’ll marry her!
She’s so elated she literally sweeps you off your feet!
Angie Yonaga
Angie figured that she’d use her talents to make her proposal as holy as possible
What could be more enticing than a god-given painting or sculpture?
So she did as she usually did and let her instincts take over
The result was a large painting of two birds
She wasn’t sure why birds, but figured she might as well use it!
So, when you next visited, she hung the painting in just the right spot and guided you over to it
“Hey, hey... So... a little birdie told me that you would be proposed to”.
??? Angie, what
“Oh, the little birdie was me. I really love you! Let’s get married, okay?”
Well, that was simple
“So, how about it? Will you make a lovenest with me?”
Oh my lord
“After all, birds of a feather flock together -”
This whole proposal is just bird puns now
You kiss your girlfriend to put a stop to this trend right now
You were exasperated at first, but as you kissed her, you felt a  genuine happiness start to swell up inside you
When you pulled apart she looked at you very carefully, the most serious you’ve ever seen her
“Is that a yes?”
You assured her that it was
Your (now) fiancée couldn’t be happier!
Kaede Akamatsu
You’ve heard Kaede play before, of course.
But today, something is especially intense about the way she focuses on the music
She told you that she wanted to play for you, to show you her feelings
And it was the most precious, lovely music you’d ever heard.
You were brought to tears before you knew what was happening
And when the song was over, and she lifted her fingers off the keys, you were so in awe that you couldn’t speak.
She turned to you and took your hand in hers.
“I’m not good at expressing how I feel unless I use the piano, so I hope you got the message loud and clear. I love you. And I want to be yours... forever.”
It was a smooth and simple ring that she slid on your finger, but it was beautiful, and now it was yours.
You would treasure it, and her, for the rest of your life.
Miu Iruma
This is going to be the flashiest, most conspicuous proposal ever, or so help her
After inventing long-lasting fireworks that can spell out words, she takes you out for an “evening picnic”
She brought all your favorite foods and made sure you would be comfortable outside
And then, finally-
She whistled to a friend across the park, signaling them to set off the fireworks, and got down on one knee in front of you
“I’m not great at speeches, so I’m just going to say that I really fucking love you.”
The fireworks began to spell out your name, and then hers, and then... a ring appeared underneath
She smirked and held out a real ring to you
“I can promise you’ll have so much fun with me. For the rest of our lives! Even when we’re old and pretending to collapse to get free shit. We’ll always be together having the time of our lives!”
How could you say no to that?
You didn’t.
Himiko Yumeno
During your weekly date, Himiko acts suspiciously nervous the majority of the time
Stuttering over ever other word, clearly sweating, fidgeting with her hands and jewelry, they were all signs that something was up...
But you didn’t want to push her, so after asking if she was alright, you left it alone
Finally, she took a deep breath and asked if she could talk to you
Now you were getting a little nervous
But instead of speaking, all she did at first was to take a small box out of her pocket and hold it out to you
Confused, you took it and opened it to find a sleek silver ring nestled inside
She heard your gasp and giggled weakly
“Uhnaa... I-I love you, s-so...”
She trailed off, presumably too flustered to finish
Well, she didn’t need to
You wrapped your arms around her and clung on tightly
All you said was “yes”.
That’s all she needed to hear.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi thought that simple and sweet was the best way to go.
So, when proposing to you, she merely sat down and told you how much she genuinely cared for you, and how happy she was to be with you
Instead of proposing, she asked you what you thought about a possible future together.
Of course, you told her that you wanted a future together
It was then that she took out a ring and offered it to you
While promising to treat you as best as she can, she slid the ring on your finger and kissed your cheek
From now on, the two of you would always be together...
She wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko wanted her proposal to be super cute and meaningful
So as soon as you got up on your anniversary, you saw that she had left you a note telling you to ‘go where you had your first date together’.
The next note told you to ‘go to the place you met’ and came with your favorite chocolates
The next note came with a bouquet of your favorite flowers
And so on, until you ended up in front of your favorite date spot
Stretched across the front of the building was a giant banner with your name on it, asking if you would marry her...
She came out the front of the building with a bashful smile and a glimmering ring
To the delight of Tenko and several passers-by, you said yes!
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Yandere V3 Girls With Submissive, Yandere S/O
AKA, the kinky sequel to yandere girls. This was super fun to write, eheheh. Pretty kinky, but not NSFW. The initial ask was... pretty specific, so not all parts of the ask show up for each girl. I wanted to make each of ‘em distinct, so had to be a little flexible. Done by Mod Iruma, of course!
It’s a little violent and pretty disturbing, so if you don’t like violent or just disturbing shit, best to steer clear of this one.
Akamatsu is a pretty bad yandere. She’s very nervous about killing someone, bad at hiding the body, and is strangely not confident in her own confidence.
“Don’t worry, S/O! You’re never leaving me! ...erm, I think. That’s what the internet is telling me yanderes say!”
You pat her on the back and say it’s okay, you read her internet history every day, so you know what she’s been up to.
Like a rational human being, Akamatsu gives you a hug and thanks you for being so thoughtful about her!
Even if you can’t stay with Akamatsu the whole day, you make sure to keep tabs on where she is at any given moment, just in case she decides to crack someone’s head open.
When she does decide to crack someone’s head open, you’re at her location in five seconds, helping her clean up the body.
She doesn’t seem too worried that you know where she is at any given time.
She’s more worried that she’s not being a good girlfriend, because you’re doing so much for her and she’s only killing people!
So she takes you to various different stores and keeps on buying you tons and tons of different cute stuff that she thinks you’ll like!
A bracelet (that she writes ‘Kaede’s S/O’ on), a collar (that she writes ‘Return to Kaede Akamatsu’ on), a shirt (that she writes ‘I’m with Kaede!’) on...
You get weird stares on days when Akamatsu is using the leash she attached to your collar to drag you to a body she killed (and cannot clean up). But that’s okay! Because who cares if someone’s judging you and your girlfriend...?
The two of you will just kill them if they dare to look at the other the wrong way.
You two always get weird looks from everyone when they see the collar (”CHOKER, HONEY!”) around your neck.
Multiple people walk up to you when you’re volunteering at Chabashira’s dojo and hurridely inquire about the bruises marking your neck
Usually, before you answer, Chabashira shoos the judgmental male degenerate (or “mistaken child”, as she’s taken to calling the ladies) away and puffs her cheeks at you.
“Goood, why are you making them walk all over you?! We gotta keep out private life private, unless it calls for some blood! Here, let me adjust your choker - YES, IT’S A CHOKER! - so they don’t-”
Being a volunteer at Chabashira’s dojo is hard, though. She uses you as her punching bag a lot, and whenever you complain, she uses you as a punching bag harder that night 
(but you love her and she loves you so everything’s okay, everything’s fine)
It’s heartwarming when you clean up Chabashira’s latest mankilling-run (in which she killed some particularly nasty male degenerates who were looking at you the wrong way)
She always smiles at you, too, when you walk in with the body of a pervert looking at Chabashira for a second too long
Even if Chabashira is still a little rough around the edges... and super possessive... and finds some sort of morbid pleasure in beating you and others up... you love her more than anyone in the world, and you’re sure she agrees.
The col- C H O K E R is proof of that.
The second that Yumeno figured out you were a yandere as well, she gave up on being one.
It’s more like, Yumeno makes you do ALL of the work.
In public, while she’s slurping her smoothie that she made you buy up, she’ll point at some random mofo.
“I don’t like... their hair. Kill ‘em.”
You’ll sigh, lovingly hug your girlfriend, take the poor victim and murder them brutally in the next ally you find.
Yumeno will be there, judging you on your style and effectiveness (and not doing any work. she’s too lazy.)
You’re pretty certain that when she’s not making you kill, she has a furry fetish. She bought you a pink collar with a nametag that says “ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ This belongs to Yumeno Himiko ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ”, got you wolf ears, and also tagged a wolf tail to your pants.
She also makes you howl your love for her at night. It’s like one of Angie’s rituals but more... wolf. And fetishy. 
It’s weird as shit, but hey. Anything for your cute, lazy, crazy but too tired to do anything about it wife.
Angie loves it when you help her with her blood sacrifices! It gives her the time to draw her name all over your body!
She’s been thinking about using a knife to carve it into you, but she’s worried that she’ll permanently hurt you. You’ve been coming up with plans to make a good, permanent scar!
When the two of you were drowning that flirty girl that looked at Angie the jealous way in the poison vat last night, you considered branding, but nada.
Angie’s been just making you tie-dye shirts for the time being. They’re cute, hip, fashionable, and also hide the blood well!
Angie picks all the colors though. Whenever you tell her that orange is a little not your style, a glare immediately shuts you down and Angie goes back to dying.
It’s nice, having someone make all the hard decisions (like your t-shirt color) for you.
After a long day of drowning and blood sacrificing and chanting and cop getaways and bribing and loving, relieved sex, Angie suddenly comes to the decision that she’ll brand her name into you, not cut you! Nono, using the fiery pits of hell to embellish it on your skin is far better!
You would’ve preferred cutting. But you don’t complain. You love your precious Yonaga Angie.
Harukawa’s into some... some pretty fucked up shit.
First of all, after you confronted her about being a yandere (in which you confessed to her that it’s okay, we all get violent killing urges every now and again, you had one just yesterday and you need help hiding the body), she chloroform ragged you until you were sufficiently knocked out.
When you woke up, she glared at you and very slowly, very threateningly, began to set the rules down in her (she said her, even though it’s technically yours, she’s just rooming) house. 
You will not leave the house without her. You only kill when she tells you to. You’ll let her make all of the important decisions from now on - for both of you. If she doesn’t like one of her friends, it is perfectly within her rights to kill them. You’ll wear this tracking collar at all times.
You agree to those terms... as long as she wears this tracking bracelet! S-So you know where she is, too.
She gives you a sigh (but it feels almost endearing) as she sllips it on. It’s blinking red.
From that day onward, life with Harukawa is good. She treats you almost as if you’re a child at time, constantly acting condescending, sneering at you if you forget or are too lazy to sweep up the blood from the body she told you to clean up.
She’ll even pick up some awful, sleazy loser at a bar and throw him into the living room to sate you when you ask when you’ll be able to kill the next one, and you SEE that she’s at the bar, please please bring someone home!!
The only part you don’t like is when Harukawa... punishes you, when you leave the house because you just need a breath of fresh air.
It’s okay, because you know, you know that she loves you. Especially after a long day when she gives you a rare smile and snuggles right up into you.
You love your adorable, tsundere Harumaki.
Toujou has always had an inane obsession with you being entirely dependent on her. It’s always been a fantasy of hers, and now she’s finally found the person to make it reality.
Her breaking your legs and confining you to a wheelchair, then literally chaining you to it, is not quite what you’ve expected.
Strangely, it feels nice, having such a motherly figure like Toujou to depend on. She may control almost everything you do now - your legs are useless and your arms are chained - but, it’s pretty nice, belonging to someone in literally every way.
She uses her income as an exceptional maid to buy a deluxe, gorgeous house overlooking the ocean. It’s beautiful.
You know that you’re never, ever leaving the house (Toujou would never; she’s too jealous that you might fight another person) so you learn to enjoy the view like it’s your last.
Of course, it just being you and Toujou, it gets kinda lonely.
...even though Toujou constantly shadows you, because with your limbs not working, you pretty much need someone to do absolutely everything for you. Even things such as eating, drinking, reading a book on your own, etc is unthinkable for you.
So, to make you less lonely, Toujou likes to hire some employers.
She keeps them around until she doesn’t like them any more, or they get a little too touchy-feely. When they do, she unlatches your arms, and gives you a gun.
You love to hear their screams as you pull the trigger.
The glorious, genius inventor Iruma Miu is sensitive. And really possessive.
She made you your own iron man-like mecha suit and gets REALLY offended if you don’t wear it wherever you go!
She stamped her name alllll over the robotic body and even made it so there’s a slit and attachments if she ever wants to... you know.
Iruma’s pretty much made it permanently attachable. Months pass, and soon, you don’t know what life is like outside of your robotic body.
Oh, you know Iruma’s watching your every move. You know there are cameras all over. You know that she has little machines in the suit to make it somehow grope you at any given moment. Your body is barely yours.
But that’s fine.
You love Iruma, and if this is how she shows her love, that’s fine. Even if it means she’ll suddenly jerk control of your body and force you (well, not even force, you’d do it in a second if she asked) to murder a girl that was looking at you funny. Or that one guy that flirted with you at the bar.
Possibly the best day of your life was when Iruma forced you into her workship in the dead of night, powered up a few machines, clanging and clanking, and happily told you that she was finally making the robot body 100%, purely attached. Absolutely nothing could get the body off without it killing you.
She’d always know where you are. She could control you completely. You’d completely belong to the gorgeously beautiful inventor for the rest of time.
It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
When Shirogane first became your girlfriend, she slapped a collar around your neck and tossed you into her basement. You were mostly concerned that you were getting kidnapped.
But when you woke up the next day to Shirogane happily making you some breakfast ramen, you were pretty much totally relieved.
Shirogane cheerily informs you that she’s not gonna let you out of the basement and - if you’re good - the house. She explains it in... cosplayer terms, though.
Like, you’re her favorite t-shirt, such a good t-shirt that she never wants anyone other than her to see! So she’s keeping you locked in her house!
And you’re attached to a pole with a chain, wearing absolutely no clothing, just like in her kinky Japanese animes she watches late at night!
Before you bring up the fact that she’s Japanese, so she shouldn’t call anime ‘Japanese’ like it’s foreign or something, she’s off.
You slowly grow to like being confined to her house, adoring all of the attention she gives you and you only!
So that’s why, to keep you busy, she starts hiring robbers to go and rob “her neighbor” (coughherscough) house.
After all, when she comes home to the robber’s corpses and you happily stabbing their dead bodies for the 100th time out of boredom, she’s just helping you get rid of the scum of society!
It’s a win-win for everyone. Especially whenever Shirogane comes home, and you can curl up into her lap as she holds your chain-leash long into the night.
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buried-stars · 7 years
saimatsu tho
oh boy oh boy
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPsHow long will they last? - forever fuck youHow quickly did/will they fall in love? - kaede took time, lots of spending time together and really getting to know him before facing that maybe she did like him in a way she didn’t expect. saihara fell so so quickly, embarrassingly so, but he has no regretsHow was their first kiss? - messy, with saihara quivering and kaede’s palms sweating.
Who proposed? - saihara did after MUCH MUCH prompting from his friends (kaede knew that he was planning bc none of them can keep secrets)Who is the best man/men? - kaito kaito kaitoWho is the braid’s maid(s)? - TENKO also probably makiWho did the most planning? - tenko dear lord “please its my wedding i can do it” “TENKOS GOT IT”Who stressed the most? - saihara has he is in a constant state of anxiety but also tenkoHow fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. tenko wanted to go bigger and saihara had to remind her of her own wedding and even then tenko still got miu to bring in ice sculpturesWho was specifically not invited to the wedding? - shin.guuji. tenko said she wouldn’t go if he was there
How many children will they have naturally? - noHow many children will they adopt? - one, maybe twoWho gets stuck with the most diapers? - they switch pretty evenlyWho is the stricter parent? - kaede is very particular and still a lil bossyWho stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - BOTH OF THEM but especially saiharaWho remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - kaede does!!!Who is the more loved parent? - THEYRE LOVED EQUALLYWho is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - kaede!! saihara gets too nervousWho cried the most at graduation? - SAIHARAWho is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - saihara in a heartbeat
Who does the most cooking? - kaede usually!!Who is the most picky in their food choice? - both of em are pretty good abt eatingWho does the grocery shopping? - kaede usually, sometimes they go together to help saihara practice talking to strangersHow often do they bake desserts? - every couple of weeks!!Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - salad for both of emWho is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - SAIHARA…….Who is more likely to suggest going out? - kaede probablyWho is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - saihara dfghjk
Who cleans the room? - saihara usuallyWho is really against chores? - they’re both good abt itWho cleans up after the pets? - kaede typicallyWho is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - noWho stresses the most when guests are coming over? - SAIHARA but he is Anxiety ManWho found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - probably kaede
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - kaede gosh she sings for agesWho takes the dog out for a walk? - kaede !!!How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - EVERY HOLIDAY kaede is very enthusiasticWhat are their goals for the relationship? -Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - probably kaede lolWho plays the most pranks? - they do not play pranks on each other!!
thank you!!
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