must we pit two kings against each other
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hey Mod I saw your fanfic of the persona x danganronpa crossover I gotta say I am impressed with it I never expected this to be so well made.
you're very talented.
Aw, thanks. I've always been curious about a crossover between the two franchises due to the idea of putting Jungian psychological metaphysics together with a world where things like Hope, Despair, Luck and so on are all metaphysical concepts that manages to have a recognizable physical impact on the physical world. Questions on how things like Hope and Despair would affect a world where the collective unconcious is a thing. How much worse Junko may have been if she could weaponize it, and so on.
I do want to continue working on that series and hope to at some point.Just got to find time.
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Headcanons for Kyoto, Mahiru, Toko, and Kaede react to seeing an alien UFO, before it disappears
I think I'll take care of the Kyoko and Toko portions of the ask. Mod Nagito will take care of Mahiru. As for Kaede, due to ModKokichi feeling off we ultimately decided to just post this as is. I hope that isn’t a problem.
Kyoko is a detective and a firm believer of facts and logic. She has never believed in UFOs, at least in the ‘flying-saucer-alien’ way.
Seeing one take off right in front of her is definitely shocking and certainly has her stop in her tracks for a moment.
However, Kyoko’s good at recomposing herself so that’s absolutely what she does and begins looking at what just happened from a rational, objective view.
She’ll likely immidieately investigate the area from where the UFO left. Is there any sort of physical evidence left behind? Anything she could use to try and make sense of what she just saw.
If anything is left behind, you can bet Kyoko is going to do everything in her power to get it analyzed, look into what it was made from, what it may have been made of, etc. Anything that can help her make sense of what she saw.
If there is no physical evidence left behind, she’ll likely try and find if anyone else saw what she did. If they did, she’d try and corraborate their stories, looking for any possible inconsistincies or new information.
In the end, Kyoko is going to be spending a long time on this, exhausting every option until she either gets answers or has to recognize that some things just can’t be solved. Regardless, she’ll likely be taking UFO stories far more seriously in the future.
Toko maay be somewhat paranoid, but she was no conspiracy theorist. She probably thinks such people are stupid and/or insane.Basically, she didn’t believe in flying saucers or aliens.
Seeing one will absolutely cause her to freeze up from shock momentarily.
She’s either going to end up fainting (and god help anyone nearby if she does) or freaking out.
Seriously, this girl is jumpy as hell, and paranoid as it is. A UFO in front of her is going to send her scurrying back home, locking the door to her room, and probably begin sharpening her scisors. Genocider in control or not.
I imagine Toko is going to start scouring websites of any kind to try and fiugre out what she just saw. She’s not going ti be thinking clearly, she wants answers but nothing makes any sense and she’s freaking out.
When she eventually calms down she’ll likely realize that for some reason she’s feeling inspired and start working on a new sci-fi story.
Mahiru never super believed in aliens. In her work with photography she learned about how to tell a real photo from a doctored one, down to the most obscure inconsistency in pixels or film grain.
Tonight though, she was thrown a curveball
She was out on a midnight stroll, getting some nighttime shots of buildings and lights. Suddenly she started to hear, and then feel, a very deep hum
Mahiru looked around until she saw what looked to be some kind of aircraft in the sky just… hovering
For a moment she tried to get ahold of herself, but the thing was so inexplicable that she could reason around it; it was a UFO, and it's possibly alien.
Or Kazuichi made a breakthrough vehicle.
Mahiru came to her senses and grabbed her camera in hopes of catching the UFO on camera, knowing that this time it has to be real
She raised her camera and flicked to the setting best for fast targets
If this thing was gonna zip away, she was determined to catch it anyway. Blur can fuck off.
Of course, as she got her finger poised to click, the craft disappeared into the night, taking the humming noise with it
She wasn't fast enough.
Because of that experience, Mahiru dedicated herself in secret to trying to capture UFOs on camera cleanly
And eventually, she managed to catch one.
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Mod Makoto’s Stream Schedule for this week:
Hey everyone, Mod Makoto here. Sorry I wasn’t able to get out my next part of the Persona cast as Ultimates last week. I had some school projects that ended up eating my time. I don’t know if I’ll get it out this week but I should be finishing my part of an ask that myself, Nagito and Kokichi are teaming up to asnwer.
In the mean time, for anyone who’s interested, here’s my streaming schedule for this week:
Wednesday: 5:30 PM Thursday: 4:15 PM Friday: 1:00 PM
Hope to see some (or all) of you guys there!
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Ok! Could I request chihiro x fem reader x Gundham in a relationship? If it’s not too much, could you also add nagito with that? Like a love triangle but with four people(so I guess it’d be more like a love square lol). If that’s too much, you can just write without nagito, though it would be preferable to include him. Thank you in advance!
This took a little time to get around to, but I like what I put together!
Love Can Take 5
Hope's Peak was perhaps the best thing to ever happen to you. Beautiful facilities, wonderful faculty, and some of the most beautiful people you've ever seen. Your talent as the ultimate cute girl netted you plenty of attention from the student body, but three people in particular found you so wonderful that they all tried to ask you out at once.
Chihiro Fujisaki was the most adorable person you had ever seen, and he was by far the sweetest breath of fresh air you've had since starting at H.P. You met him while in the library, and of course you thought he was a girl at first. His shy and cute demeanor made your heart flutter, and his innocent voice when he asked more about you made your heart melt.
You made it a habit to go and join Chihiro in the library or tech lab or wherever he had decided to be during free periods. You even bring him his favorite snacks sometimes after he told you off handedly.
Your friendship was very nice and sweet, but one day Chihiro seemed troubled. You asked what was wrong only to see his cheeks redden and an adorable squeak leave his mouth.
"W-well I… I wanted to tell you that I think you're really cute. And maybe, I could be your partner?"
Floored by the ask, you take some time to find your composure after the pure sugar high that sweet little voice gave you. You accept it without another thought, and promptly hug the short boy like you've never before.
You had seen eccentric people across H.P.'s campus like sand on a beach, but perhaps the most eccentric one that caught your eye was Gundham Tanaka, the self proclaimed dark lord of ice. Most people would assume animals were not allowed outside of specific areas of the school, but Gundham proved that assumption wrong. His mastery of understanding and care for animals made you think he was far sweeter underneath that brooding makeup.
While at school's micro ranch, meant as a place that would help students with animal and agricultural related talents hone their skills, you were out on a peaceful walk with Chihiro. He wanted to go and see the bunnies that were being raised there, and you certainly had no reason to not see his adorable face light up in infectious joy. Suddenly, while the two of you were mid conversation, a horse broke loose from its stable and running away in a panic! And it was headed straight from you!!
You let out a cry and try to push Chihiro out of harm's way, squeezing your eyes closed. But, there wasn't an impact. Instead, a low and rough laugh echoed through the area. You open your eyes to see Gundham, standing between you and the horse. He was gently stroking its nose and calmly speaking to it as if it could understand him.
"Foolish mortals, you walked into the lair of the Dark Abyssal Nightmare Daemos! You were fortunate I had happened to be attuned to this location at the same time!"
As a thank you, you offered to treat Gundham to a little lunch together. As the three of you conversed it was apparent Gundham was quite possibly the most compassionate person you've met. To Chihiro, Gundham was strong in not only body, but his strength of character. Even with his eccentricities, he's able to face the world.
Once more, it became a regular thing that the three of you would hang around each other for lunch or free time between classes. Gundham was helping Chihiro be stronger as a person, and you fell in love with their chemistry. Not only their chemistry, but their shared affection they started to express to you.
One day Gundham was talking about spending charms that would bind two souls together across ages. One of which being as simple as sharing half an apple with someone, or giving them a piece of cheese. It still surprised you when he cut an apple into thirds and shared the other two pieces with you and Chihiro. And he even brought some cheese to go with it.
Together with your loving boys, you made waves through the school. Nobody could believe the Ultimate Cute Girl was dating Gundham and Chihiro, and none of them would have ever expected what was to happen next. At least, not in a serious way.
Nagito Komeada, lucky student and complete unknowable enigma. Nobody wasn't unfamiliar with the lucky students, it always made headlines when one was chosen. But compared to most this one was an oddball.
One day you were running late to class and had to try and run to make it at least a minute after. As you were approaching a corner you slammed full force into Nagito. He took the fall the hardest, but miraculously he caught your head before it hit the hard floor, and his hand took the brunt of that hit.
In your embarrassment you thank him quickly and bolt for class, not realizing that your phone fell out of your pocket and shattered the screen. Nagito picked it up and considered his options, and he decided to take it down to the technical building. With a little convincing he had a peer who was talented with electronics replace the screen with a new one, and it was like it never even happened.
You of course didn't even know about it until after class, when Nagito was waiting for you in the hallway.
"You know, you should be more careful when you run into somebody; you never know what you could drop."
He explains what happened in detail which convinces you he didn't steal it. You offer a gift to him as thanks, but he declines. Instead, he asks only for you to use his kind gesture as a stepping stone of your own hope. Nagito doesn't wait long for a response, bidding you a good day and walking off down the hallway.
But some strange fate, he kept appearing wherever you were. It got so strange you were afraid he would just turn up in your house, but luckily that never happened. Eventually you learned his classes had been shuffled due to a weirdly timed series of events that made the teachers have to make large changes mid semester.
During your more frequent interactions, you started to like the sound of Nagito's voice. His quiet rasp saying silly or sweet things slowly started to make your head spin, and you really enjoyed the idea that he was always around if you wanted to talk.
It only felt natural that he just started to be part of your relationship after several months of this strangely comfortable friendship. The others had some questions and boundaries they wanted to set, but Nagito was happy nonetheless. Each of you were loved equally by each other, and that's something you felt like the luckiest person in the world for.
#danganronpa#mod nagito#super dangan ronpa 2#goodbye despair#ask#request#trigger happy havoc#nagito komaeda#gundham tanaka#chihiro fujisaki#gay#bi#poly#polyamory#fanfiction#fanfic
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Mod Makoto’s Stream Schedule for this week:
Hey everyone, Mod Makoto here. As mentioned in my prior post I was sick the past week so I ended up not being able to stream for most of the week. Sorry about that guys. However, I’m doing better now so hopefully we’ll be good for streaming this week. Here’s the schedule: Sunday: 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time Wednsday: 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time Thursday: 4:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
a reminder, my twitch channel is here: https://www.twitch.tv/ajanisapprentice
anyway, that’s all for now. I should have another imagine out this week. It’ll be a continuation of my Persona/Danganronpa stuff I was doing before the blog took a leave of abscence.
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DanganronpaXHellsing (Plus an apology for my abscence this week):
Hey everyone, Mod Makoto here. As promised, I’m bringing you the piece of my little Danganronpa/Hellsing crossover project that I currently have. No promises if it will end up turning into a full story by this coming October, I have a LOT of other stuff on my mind, but we’ll see.
Before that though I want to apologize to anyone who may have been wondering about what happened to my streams this week. Well, I got sick (part of the reason why this is coming in so late into the week). Nothing terrible, but Idoubt anyone would want to listen to my cold voice as I play games. So this week I had to take off. Next week I’ll hopefully be good to go though as I’m already feeling a lot better.
Anyway, with that out of the way, here’s the actual story stuff, under the cut!
The problem, Integra thought to herself as the door to her office opened and Walter walked in followed closely behind by her servant, was that for the past ten years there had never been a ‘good’ choice. Oh there had been choices and many times they had been easy ones, but never once was there a good option. Ten years of choices that nearly always boiled down to ‘which one of these will result in the least death’. Never zero, just the least.
As Walter walked over and stood by her side at his customary position and her servant stepped forward to stand opposite her, Integra stared at the being she had met ten years prior, a seeming cadaver in a coffin to only come to life at the taste of her blood. Ten years. Ten years Integra had known the creature in front of her and still she was unsure of what to think of him. During moments like these with him standing at attention, Integra could fool herself into momentarily believing that she was looking at a man. But the moment he’d incline his head and show off the red eyes behind his glasses or open his mouth revealing his fangs, Integra was brought back to the harsh reality. What stood in front of her was no man, but a monster. One whose leash she held.
But no, it did not matter in the here and now. Man or monster, when he stood before her he was simply the weapon she wielded.
“Well then? Your report soldier.”
Alucard smiled with that oh-so-grating smirk. “Of course Master. The information the Round Table provided was for the most part on point. The village in Ireland was indeed overrun when I got there, the inhabitants all ghouls. The local butcher was the only actual vampire there.”
Integra cocked her head to the side, an eyebrow ever so slightly raised “You said mostly on point?”
“Yes. The butcher was indeed a vampire but if you recall the report listed him as a true one.” Alucard’s smirk morphed into a full toothy grin, one which Integra knew was full of sadistic joy. “No true Vampire would have turned coward so soon after meeting me, nor have fallen so easily.”
“You may be underestimating your ability to install terror in those around you.” Walter spoke up. Integra felt her stomach churn slightly as somehow the sadistic malice radiating from Alucard grew.
“Why Walter, is that a compliment? I’m flattered, truly..”
“Focus.” For all the many reasons Alucard could be a difficult subordinate, insubordination was thankfully not one of them. Hearing the reproach in her voice Alucard turned back to her and inclined his head subserviently. “Walter has a point. Mere fear isn’t enough to assume this wasn’t a true vampire.”
“Then I suppose it’s a good thing I have some physical proof.” With a flourish that Integra privately felt was needlessly dramatic, Alucard pulled out something small that glinted in the moonlight shining through the windows. As he placed it on her desk Integra let out a hiss through clenched teeth.
“A FREAK chip.”
“Indeed,” Walter said, picking up the small computer chip to hold it to his monocle. “The design is one to one with all the others we’ve run into.” Turning back to Alucard, the old butler inclined his head. “It would seem you did indeed have something more to go on.”
“Were you able to get any information from the butcher?”
Alucard shook his head at Integra’s question. “Unfortunately there was nothing of worth from the butcher’s memories. He had been on the way to a city when he was suddenly kidnapped, then he woke up back in his village with a desperate craving for blood. Whoever was responsible for turning him into a freak clearly didn’t have any grand plans for him. Most likely they wanted him to cause some chaos and become a distraction to us or perhaps the Vatican.”
“So we’re no closer to finding out where these chips come from than we were before.” Integra let out a deep, tired sigh.
“Perhaps we don’t have any explicit information, but we may be able to figure something out by reverse engineering it,” Walter said but it was clear from his tone that he didn’t believe it would be all that successful. And why would it when they’d attempted this exact thing before with many other such chips?. Still, it was something..
These morose thoughts were quickly brushed aside though as Walter continued “However, this does at least prove that there’s something rotten going on in the Round Table.”
Integra looked up at the aging butler, fixing him with a sharp glare. “Those are dangerous words Walter.” She chided. “Accusations of treason are not to be taken lightly. What was it we were saying mere moments ago? Do we have any real proof?”
“Perhaps no real proof, but circumstantial evidence is at least somewhere to start,” her butler replied without missing a beat. “The fact is that the report was demonstrably wrong about the type of vampire we sent Alucard to face. At best, it’s a mistaken presumption and whoever is handling intel needs to be disciplined. At worst… someone is deliberately trying to cover up the chips.”
Integra frowned. She wished she could say that Walter was over-reacting, but he had a point. To bother specifically noting that the vampire they sent Alucard to eliminate was natural only to find it was another artificial one… No, this could not be ignored.
“Alright. Walter, we’ll need to start compiling a list of who we can certainly trust, as well as sending out some feelers for the general membership. See if we can get someone to slip up. Also, take the chip to be reverse engineered like you suggested. It’s a long shot but it’s at least an option/”
“Of course Sir Integra.” With a quick bow Walter took his leave of the office, leaving her alone with Alucard.
“I assume this means you don’t want me looking into the possible traitor?”
Integra actually smirked at that, a morbid sense of amusement sweeping over her at the thought of her zealous servant ‘helping’ with the investigation. “If you show up and start asking questions our traitor will assuredly be alerted and go to ground. You’re not very good at subtlety around those who know who and what you are.”
Alucard tilted his head slightly, his face having settled into a contemplative expression that she rarely saw on him. “The implication of course is that I could do so if those around me don’t know who I am,” he said. “Which I can only assume means you have another mission for me. One of a more… delicate nature than I’m normally tasked with.”
Integra felt her body tense at the reminder and she once again found herself wondering if what she was about to do, despite being the right choice, was in any way a good one.
“A few days ago the queen received a letter from an old colleague of hers, a Japanese detective by the name Fuhito Kirigiri.”
Alucard let out a low chuckle as the name passed her lips. “So the old man is still alive? I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten himself killed by now.”
This gave Integra pause. “The letter mentioned our organization by name but… you know this man?”
“In a way. We worked alongside each other but he never outright learned of my true nature. Though I’m near certain he managed to piece it together himself. The man was too clever for his own good.” Alucard flashed his fangs as he spoke and Integra suppressed the instinctive urge to let out a shiver. “Fuhito Kirigiri, world renown detective from Japan. He had come to England in the 70’s due to a spree of strange and unnatural killings. Every victim had their blood drained entirely, with most having some form of damage to the throat. As a world famous detective with a background with all sorts of cases, Scotland Yard requested his help.”
Integra narrowed her eyes as the killings were described. “A vampire then?”
“Indeed.” Alucard paused for a moment and seemed to stare beyond Integra for a moment. “Your father had me hunt down the perpetrator but due to the national coverage of the case, as well as the concern of some sort of Soviet conspiracy,the government refused to allow this to fall solely to us.” For a moment Alucard was silent and Integra once more found herself taken by how human he seemed: reflective and pensive. Then his eyes focused, the cruel smile returned, and the illusion was broken. “They were lucky Arthur was of a far more sedate nature than you. He went along with it and had me accompany Kirigiri as an ‘occult consultant’, helping with the supernatural aspects of the case.
“In the end we found that the perpetrator was a Soviet planted vampire. Kirigiri managed to devise an entire plan to trap and neutralize him.” Alucard’s tone gained an undercurrent of respect, at odds with the indifferent look upon his face. “It worked without any problems and meant I never had to reveal my true nature.”
“And the reason I’ve never heard of this?”
Alucard shrugged, thankfully either not noticing or ignoring the ever so slight anger coloring her tone. Anger born from the familiar frustration of learning something about her organization that was kept in the dark from her.
“Likely due to the fact that nothing came of it. Due to the very nature of the incident it was not something that could ever be dealt with in a public fashion. Not without public panic and a possible nuclear escalation. No, once the perpetrator was taken care of there was nothing more for the crown to do than to release a public statement that the incident had been resolved and those responsible dealt with. The entire matter was left to be forgotten from the public mind and buried under the mountains of other cases the Cold War brought.
“All that said, we’ve gotten more than a little side-tracked. Kirigiri had sent a letter to Betty?”
“One that contained a request for help with a case centered around the school his son runs, Hope’s Peak Academy.” Integra steepled her fingers together, her face tightening as the gravity of what she was about to say began to way on her. “A small but noticeable number of the students have gone missing a little over a dozen. Of them five were found, all of whom were drained of blood and had deep puncture wounds in their neck.” Oh it wasn’t new to her, hearing of children’s deaths. In her line of work it could even be described as a sad regularity. But even after all this time, after all the callousness built up from years of her work, this always stung. (Integra could not help but wonder if it had something to do with her own childhood being cut-short.)
But where most may fold under such weight, Integra was made of sterner stuff. “Kirigiri believes that someone in the school may be a culprit and wants the Hellsing Organization’s help in figuring out who it is.”
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Hi, I’m new here. I was wondering what are some rules to requesting imagines? Like is there anything you won’t do, or anything we can ask, or a character limit?
Hi hi, Mod Kokichi here! We do have some limits, although it varies from mod to mod! The first thing I'll say right off the bat: all of us are uncomfortable writing NSFW, political pieces, or religious pieces.
I personally won't write anything that has anything to do with the dr3 future arc characters. It isn't that I don't like the cast, but my memory of it is super foggy and I don't want to mess up. With the casts from the games, I feel like I got more time to know them, so they're fair game.
I'm okay with dark/angst asks! I know some people aren't comfortable around sensitive topics, so just know I'm always here for it! If it's an ask you're looking for a mini fic for, I'll personally limit to how many characters you ask to be 6 maximum. I am willing to do short response class wide asks as well!
While Mod Makoto doesn't have a direct statement, he's uncomfortable with the things I listed at the beginning and writing for same sex couples. Mod Makoto probably won't write anything having to do with Tenko, but his specialty is the first cast anyways!
I have a direct answer from Mod Nagito! I'll just be quoting him.
"I am willing to write for almost anything! If you want to smash a few things together that's fine! The Dragonborn living in an animal crossing town with Nagito and a Psyduck as neighbors? Fuck yeah! why not?
I have a limit for how many characters I write for in one go, the maximum being 8 if it's a bigger fic. If it's more like a bullet list of HCs or something similar than 16 would be fine!
For the most part dark themes and situations are okay for me to work with, but the more serious real life stuff is a hard no. Politics and religious topics are also a no go. Additionally, hard NSFW will not be written. If you know the citrus scale, then I'd go as far as light lime. If somehow there's anything added it'll be pg-13 and low detail."
There you go! If you have any further questions for our limits, please feel free to ask! ~Mod Kokichi
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Hey, I’m not sure what the rules are for this blog, do you accept nsfw requests?
Hi there! While we did experiment with NSFW, we won’t be accepting nsfw requests anymore. We have a different ask I’ll be answering shortly with the things each of our mods won’t write, but that’s one all three of us across the board won’t do. Sorry!!!
~Mod Kokichi
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Mod Makoto’s Stream Schedule
So, with Mod Kokichi having given permission, I’ll now be posting my stream schedule for the upcoming week. And don’t worry guys, this won’t be interfering with that ‘special project teaser’ I mentioned.
Sunday: 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time Tuesday: 9:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time Wednsday: 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time Thursday: 4:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
a reminder, my twitch channel is here: https://www.twitch.tv/ajanisapprentice
I hope to see some of you guys there! Please, feel free to say hi in chat! I go by Ajanis on twitch but feel free to call me Mod Makoto (that way I know you came from the blog). And if you enjoy the content, consider following. It’s free and who knows, maybe I’ll set up a goal where if we get enough followers I play some Danganronpa.
Anyway, shameless self-promotion over.
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Can I get like a little short story about what would happen if Chihiro was a werewolf?
Cute werewolves in your area! Click now!
Another full moon, another night of suffering for Chihiro. The poor thing had been stricken with a curse they never could have accounted for: lycanthropy. No matter how many times they thought about it, going over every possibility, they couldn’t figure out what could have caused it. The transformation wasn't comfortable, but after the first few times it felt more like a good stretch instead of the agony of bones elongating and muscles straining. The real pain was the less forgiving clawed fingers making hard to use a keyboard. What was odd to Chihiro was that they kept their mind while transformed, instead of being a wild beast. Looking at themself in the mirror, they came to the conclusion it was because they were not as strong as an average person, making the transformation take less of a hold. Instead of growing a few feet taller and more exaggerated in bodily proportions, Chihiro grew only half a foot taller and maintained a more human-like posture. There was one advantage Chihiro realized after their first transformation, and it was the fact they were now about as strong as Mondo, and even gained some defined muscles. Looking back on that day, Chihiro felt a warm happiness that only slipped away when they remembered what they were, and that it would be impossible to explain to anyone. ---
“Damn Fujisaki, you beat all of your records today! Your training is paying off!” “O-oh wow, thank you Mondo!”
“And was that a six pack I saw? You’re looking great!” “Haha-- it.. It’s all because of my coach!” Mondo was excited to see Chihiro progressing so well on his exercise routine. A little diet adjustment, some high rep- low intensity machine work, and encouragement. He thought he’d need to make some tweaks for them, but as it turned out everything was progressing well. “Could you spot me? I’m gonna work on my bench press” “Of course, I’ll be ready!” Mondo laid back on the cushion after setting the weights to a little more than his usual. Breathing deeply, he lifted the bar and began to get his reps in.
One. No problem.
Two. Feeling that extra 10 pounds.
Three. He can take it.
Four. Maybe just one more.
Five never came, his wrist buckled under the extra stress and quickly, mondo was losing the fight against the bar. In a panic, Chihiro took hold of the bar and lifted it back onto the hooks with little effort, mondo putting in as much strength as he could muster. He took some deep breaths and let his arms flop to his sides. “Holy sh-hit Fujiski…hHow did you get that strong?” “What do you mean?” “You got that off of me no problem! That thing was set at 260 pounds! “It must have been your training, I think!” “Holy shit… I’m a good trainer! Can you help me up?” Mondo stuck out his hand to Chihiro, who took it with some hesitation. Mondo felt his hand get squeezed harder than what he thought their little hand could do, and his weight was pulled from the bench easily Damn, I am a great Trainer! --- Chihiro opened a window to let the night air into their room, and try to get their mind off of what this means for their future. Something in them took over as they stared into the full moon, and almost as naturally as breathing they howled into the night. Other dogs answered the call, but three stood out against the rest. Two howls sounded distinctly feminine to chihiro, and almost familiar. The other was unmistakable. It sounded like Mondo! Chohoro’s tail started to wag in excitement, and the sudden hope that maybe they weren’t alone in this after all
#mod nagito#chihiro fujisaki#danganronpa#ask#prompts#request#transformation#werewolf#lycan#imagine#mondo owada#strong#fanfic#fanfiction
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Hi there! Welcome back! Can I please have a headcanon of Kokichi and Kiibo with a SO who falls asleep on their shoulder and cuddles them unknowingly in their sleep? Thank you!
So, Mod Kokichi and I are gonna double team this one. Mainly because despite not knowing much about the DRV3 cast I couldn't help but see this prompt and immediately think of the fun of how a robot like Kiibo would handle cuddles, but again I know very little on the V3 cast so I'll leave Kokichi to... well Kokichi. (Though I can't take all the credit for Kiibo either. Both Mod Kokichi and Nagito help make sure I was in character here.)
The Quest for Soft (thank Mod Kokichi for the name):
Is a little confused by this at first. Oh sure, he knows that some humans enjoy physical emotion but he didn't realize that this would extend even unconsciously in sleep.
Plus, he's a robot with a metal body. Surely it can't be all that comfortable? On the other hand, he is constantly warm.
He'll eventually decide that if you're really insistent on cuddling with him or falling asleep on him then he best make himself the most comfortable robot ever. After, he can't be anything less than perfect (and wants to be just as good as a human partner would be what with his concerns of 'robophobia'). Plus, you keep waking up all sore.
He'll go to Miu and ask her if she can give him either some synthetic skin that can applied and removed easily (doesn't want to ALWAYS have the skin, he's a proud robot and it would get in the way of some other functions) and/or some pillow add-ons.
May not immediately admit it due to his insistence on being driven by logic, but is definitely touched that you want to have the physical affection with him.
Aaaaand Tagged in! Thanks for sharing the ask, Makoto~
Kokichi is super energetic and sometimes pretty hard to keep up with. Anyone would know this, which is why it’s a pretty big surprise that he seems to freeze up!
If anyone asks why he’s letting his SO sleep on him, he just excuses it as a way to come up with new ways to prank them.
Conveniently though, he never seems to have time to go through with those plans… hmmm.
When his SO wakes up, he probably does some light teasing about how they were totally snoring (they weren’t) and how they’re sooo heavy (they aren’t).
He definitely won’t admit that while he’s not the biggest fan of physical affection, the fact that someone trusted him enough to fall asleep on him *and* cuddle closer has him absolutely enamored. He’s a supreme leader, after all! He’s gotta keep up appearances!
#mod makoto#mod kokichi#Kokichi Oma#Oma Kokichi#Kokichi Ouma#Ouma Kokichi#Kiibo#Keebo#K1-b0#bullet request#NDRV3#DRV3#V3#Danganronpa v3#Thanks for the ask!
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Hiya! It's so nice to see that the blog is back <3
We're glad to be back! Hopefully we'll have some new stuff up on the blog this week, which is another perfect chance to say the ask box is open for requests! I know the three of us have some stuff we're going to post regardless of requests too, so stay tuned! ~Mod Kokichi
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An Old Face Returns!
Earlier this week a mod asnwered an ask about if any of the other old mods were coming back, saying that at least one was but not saying who. Well, time to reveal the identity of said mod:
It’s me everyone, Mod Makoto! So good to see you all again. To all the old vets, welcome back and I hope you’ve been well. To al lthe newcomers, welcome to the blog and we’re happy to have you here.
As Kokichi and Nagito have both given their specialties over, I probably should do mine as well. As far as Danganronpa goes, I’m still most comfortable working wit hthe DR1 cast. Outside of Danganronpa though here are the other series I write about/for:
-Fire Emblem -Pokemon -The Legend of Heroes -Persona
There’s probably a lot more that I’d be alright with picking up, but those are the main things I’m writing for currently. They’re also just general tags, I have specific parts of each series that I’m more familair with than others.Additionally, I happen to live-stream myself on Twitch! I mainly play games which are heavily focused around the plot (so think RPGs, Visual Novels, etc) and I occasionally will do a stream where I focus on writing. My schedule changes every week so I have a Twitter you can follow where I post the weekly schedule. (Or I might just do it here as well if Mod Kokichi is okay with it). I’m currently aiming ti reach affiliate before June (just need to reach 50 followers) and when I do I have a special stream planned. But more on that when the goal is reached.
Here’s the link to my Twitch. The link to said Twitch’s dedicated Twitter.
I also have an AO3 account where I’ve posted some of my works.
My AO3 account.
Finally, I’m working on a Pokemon fan-game. Won’t go into more detail on this poste since it’s getting long as it is, but I’ll likely be discussing it in the future.
Anyway, glad to be back. And to celebrate, I’ll be uploading a sneak preview on a potential project for much later this year. No promises on it, but Iwanted to at least upload what I have already for you guys.
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will any of the other old mods be returning?
Oh, one of them will at least... after all, they're answering this letter.
But who might it be? ...You guys will find out soon enough. Hopefully some time later this week.
-Mod ???
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Hey, heard that you guys were up and running again! That’s awesome! I hope you guys enjoy creating content!
It's like a dream come true, and you can rest assured we're gonna have fun writing and creating again 💚
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Welcome back Kichi~
Thank you!!! It's good to be back after all this time and sorta getting all the cobwebs off this place. ~Mod Kokichi
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