After some careful thought I’ve decided to resign from some blogs. I’ve lost interest in writing for certain series and have more interest in other works. However to refrain from having to post to like 6 blogs I’ve made one big post on my main to explain my departure and simply reblog it. I wish all of the blogs success in the future and at any point they can come to me for help. Thank you all for continuing to support me!
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Announcement: Blog Status
So as all of you can tell, our blog hasn’t been the most active recently. Rather staying silent about things, we’ll make the hiatus official. We all are busy with life and in my case, I simply have a muse loss for writing in general. Is this the end of the Ultimate Imagines blog?
The answer is no. We will eventually start writing again, although we don’t have a set date. All of us are simply going to be taking a break. We might have an imagine or two up possibly if they were already in the works but otherwise, the activity here will be slow. 
Until then, we’re going to be taking a break for an indefinite period of time. We’ll still be on discord and the link to the server will be up. Thank you for all your support in all the short months we’ve been here and we’ll see you when we’re back from our break.
-Mod Saihara
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I just went through your entire blog and liked it enough to turn on notifications!!! I love the way all the mods write the characters :D Oh and @ mod kiyo, whos your favorite soul eater character? I just finished watching it for the second time recently ^^;
Thank you so much, anon! We definitely try our best when it comes to writing characters c: 
I love pretty all of the soul eater characters except for medusa but if I were to pick a top 3 it would be Maka, Soul, and Crona!! ~Mod Kiyo
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Thank you
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Aaaaand with this photo it concludes the ending of our 750 follower celebration. Thank you all the followers for sticking with us the entire time. I know I said this so many times during the 500 followers celebration but I never truly anticipated for the blog to grow this much and it brings a smile upon my face when I see it. So once again all of us want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The next milestone will be a huge one, our 1000 followers celebration and we are thinking up of a very fun and special way to celebrate. We hope to see you all there once we reach it.
-Mod Saihara 
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I’m looking for you but you’re either not at the spawn or I can’t pick you out of the crowd
we’re in the safe server, you will find me near spawn, my name is modki and i look like maki with a lantern in my mouth.
-mod maki
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I’m just running around suffering aaa
oof if you want meet at spawn and ill bring you to our area
-mod maki
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The game has started! Feel free to join us. Modki should be waiting near the spawn point to guide you to where I am. My name is Modhara and I tried to make my pony look like Shuichi and failed in the process.
-Mod Saihara
Announcement: 750 followers
We finally hit the 750 follower milestone! As a result to celebrate we will be taking a trip to Pony Town! We have planned this to happen at 1PM PDT (4PM EST). We hope to see you there! the link to the game is here, its browser based so don’t worry about downloading anything!
-Mod Maki
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this will be starting in 40 minutes! We’ll also be in Voice Chat on discord so please come join us. This can be played on pc or mobile by looking up Ponytown or clicking on this link. We will be playing on the Safe Server, I also recommend making your pony now so that you can join exactly when we start playing. I will be playing under the name Modki and I’ll look a lot like Maki
-Mod Maki
Announcement: 750 followers
We finally hit the 750 follower milestone! As a result to celebrate we will be taking a trip to Pony Town! We have planned this to happen at 1PM PDT (4PM EST). We hope to see you there! the link to the game is here, its browser based so don’t worry about downloading anything!
-Mod Maki
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Mini Announcement/Reminder: Discord server!
Hey everyone! this is just a reminder that we have a discord server for any of you who would like to join. Don’t worry, everyone there is so sweet and kind so it’s worth joining!
-Mod Maki
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Announcement: 750 followers
We finally hit the 750 follower milestone! As a result to celebrate we will be taking a trip to Pony Town! We have planned this to happen at 1PM PDT (4PM EST). We hope to see you there! the link to the game is here, its browser based so don’t worry about downloading anything!
-Mod Maki
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(Not the same anon but I'm on mobile right now and, on my device anyways, it looks like the link to the ask box says it's open. (Also, it might just be me but sometimes mobile likes to be stupid and won't expand blog descriptions so things can get missed))
I’m going to be editing the ask box description. Thank you for informing me about this, I can be a bit forgetful at times.
-An Absent-Minded Mod Saihara
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On the link to the ask box (I’m on mobile so whatever the theme is I can’t see how the button looks) it says “open for cool requests”. It’s my fault sorry,,,, (if you get an ask similar to this it’s since he page reloaded and I wasn’t sure if it sent)
Aaaaa my apologies, I forgot to change the ask box description. I’ll change it right now. Thank you for informing me anon
-Mod Saihara
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Kaede teaching an S/O how to play piano, even though they're a slow learner and not very good?
Aaaaa sorry for the wait once again. Hope you enjoy my writing despite this is the first time I’m testing out my new writing style. 
-Mod Saihara
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Oh fuck sorry it just says that’s they were open on here so I didn’t see if you made a post about it,,,
thats weird because this is what i see in our bio, but dont worry about it. if possible can you show me where it says that they’re open so we can change it?
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-Mod Maki
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Aaaaa Saihara and an S/O who is slightly intimidated by Shuichi yet stays with him anyways? (Sorry if this is too specific you can delete this if it’s too much trouble,,,,)
i apologize anon, requests are still closed, the mods are simply doing our best to clear it out
-Mod Maki
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Kaede teaching the piano to S/O who is a slow learner
I haven’t been really active on the blog recently and I do apologize for that. I am also trying out a new writing style so I hope you enjoy this new style and imagine!
-Mod Saihara
Kaede Akamatsu
You were never good with the piano, but since Kaede offered to teach you even despite your warnings of how bad you were with the instrument, you accepted.
She would first start by introducing the keys to you, allowing you to take your time to learn their position on the piano. Whenever you had trouble, Kaede would teach you tricks to help remind you
When you both got onto the piano, she would teach you a simple melody. Even as you stumbled over the song, she would merely encourage you to try again.
Even if you would take days or weeks to learn this song, she managed to keep her patience and continued to urge and cheer you on.
As she taught you how to play the piano, Kaede would often just spectate and only help you when you requested for help. She had wanted to give you room to grow by yourself, but she would be there if you needed her assistance.
Even when you found yourself frustrated and unable to find yourself to stay at the piano due to how much trouble you had with the song, Kaede would come up and comfort you.
During those moments when you doubt your ability to play the piano because how terrible you were at a certain part, Kaede would often mention how it didn’t matter whether you were a good piano player or not. So long as you were having fun and truly dedicated to the task, it was fine.
No matter how small progress you made with the piano, she would continue to encourage you to practice which slowly but surely improve your skill with the piano.
When you managed to play the song for the first time without making a mistake, Kaede was ecstatic. She will confidently tell you that your dedication helped you learn the song, and she was merely there to guide you through the journey.
Asking you to play the song she taught you once more, Kaede would also sit next to you and also begin playing the piano with you, her fluid music beautifully combining with your own. However, as her music threw you off of your song she merely smiled asking if you wanted to try again to see if you both were able to perform this duet. It was a question that you agreed with.
Despite how difficult it was to learn the piano, in the end, the satisfaction of finally nailing down a song and the fact that you will be able to play a duet with your girlfriend in the future with more practice made things all worth it in the end.
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Uhhhh this is an awkward ask for me but can you please do an nsfw drv3 boys with a female s/o who maybe wants to try out anal for the first time? Oh god this is awkward isn't it?
I’m sorry but after discussing this with the other mods, we have decided that we are unable to do this request simply because we are all uncomfortable with the topic. -Mod Saihara
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