beanstalk-nicholas · 9 months
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first post of the new year lol
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sketchiefoxie · 2 months
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scogito · 6 months
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«Ho pensato che sarebbe stato divertente costruire un drone che ti inseguisse come un gioco.
Sono stato anche in grado di aggiungere il riconoscimento facciale e fargli attaccare solo qualcuno che sapeva chi fosse, poteva facilmente identificare la persona da una distanza di 10 metri», ha continuato il Wenus, che è arrivato al punto di scommettere che «nei prossimi anni vedremo una sorta di attacco terroristico utilizzando questo tipo di tecnologia. Ora hai ancora bisogno di alcune conoscenze tecniche per costruirlo, ma diventa sempre più facile».
Per la cronaca, il dispositivo utilizzato è un mini-drone Tello prodotto dalla cinese DJI, un piccolissimo quadricottero controllabile con il telefonino disponibile anche in Italia a poche decine di euro.
Questa roba c'è già.
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foxsoulart · 2 months
Alternates under the cut(not animated)
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Disaster Twins convos I think definitely happened
“Hey Nardo, you know when I said ‘sacrifice yourself to buy us more time’ I did not mean that literally” <;- Donatello, probably, as he patched up Leo after the Kraang
“I’m sorry, is this our stab wound?” *the other stabs themself where the other has been impaled* “It is now, BITCH” <- This could apply to either of them 😭
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philoursmars · 5 months
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Louvre-Lens : il y a une expo : “Mondes souterrains : 20.000 Lieux sous la terre”. la suite et fin.
panneau en noyer, Cupidon - Fontainebleau, XVIe s.
John Melhuish Strudwick: "Le Fil d'Or" - 1875
Justine Emard : "Hyperphantasia, des Origines de l'Image"- 2022 (avec structures en verre et images de la Grotte Chauvet, étonnamment déformées et animées)
voir 2
voir 3
voir 2 et 4
figurine de fondation - Girsu, 2120 av. J-C.
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jellynardo · 2 months
So, Lee... heard you were up until 4 am.
...You're just like my Leo. Stop. Go to bed at a normal time.
- the-one-true-tello
........... Nah.
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inkypawprint · 2 months
Chapter 16 will be posted in a few days!
I was working on chapter 16 just now and I wrote a scene where Tello opens the fridge, then halfway through writing it, I realized that he’s to tall to see into the fridge without leaning down XD
I’m only 5, 2 and I felt short when I wrote that bit. Short like Mikey
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toadpolliwog · 1 year
The purple turtle doodles!
Someone please just give this man uranium
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bagdemagus · 2 years
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uncertaininnit · 2 years
honestly all of the turtles nicknames are okay but donnie’s is perfect. its the best name one could ever derive from ‘donatello’. donnie. its so damn cute it screams brother for some reason
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re-lar · 2 months
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Este cuadro lo hizo mi prima, mi compañero se fue de este plano hace un par de semanas pero aún siento que no es real, creo que seguiré bastante así hasta poder afrontarlo realmente, aún así agradezco a las personas que apañan siempre y sobretodo en momentos de la vida como este.
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sketchiefoxie · 6 months
Chapter Summary:
Tello takes the disaster twins out and about on a supply run to gather a special type of metal for his projects.
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Leo and Donnie literally just torturing Tello the whole time with their shenanigans lol
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dztechs · 9 months
ما هي Tello؟ هل تُعد هي مُشغِّل شبكة T-Mobile MVNO المُناسب لاحتياجاتك؟
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لا يُعد الدخول إلى متجر إحدى شركات الاتصالات الشهيرة للاشتراك في خطة هاتف فكرة رائعة، حيث أنك ستُنفق أموالاً أكثر مما تحتاج إليه. ربما سيكون أفضل رهان لك هو اختيار شركة إتصالات أقل شهرة، وTello هي في متناول الجميع. تسعى شركة Tello إلى أن تكون خيارًا مُبتكرًا وفعَّالًا للأفراد الذين يبحثون عن خدمات الهاتف المحمول، وذلك من خلال تقديم خدماتها كمُشغل شبكة MVNO بالإستناد إلى شبكة T-Mobile. في هذه المقالة، سنقوم بمراجعة Tello لفهم ما إذا كانت هذه الخدمة مُناسبة لاحتياجاتك. سنستعرض الميزات والفوائد التي قد تجعل Tello خيارًا مُثيرًا، ونلقي نظرة على العيوب المُحتملة. تحقق من أسباب توفير الأموال التي تجعلك ترغب في التحويل إلى MVNO. Read the full article
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enmnoticias · 10 months
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somerandomdudelmao · 11 months
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Part 6!
Fofinggigigjgj you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to show you this ehehehe
I think by this point, every artist in the fandom has drawn their own version of Donnie bot at least once haha. Well, I'm finally joining the party.
When I first thought about it a few months ago, I spent a long time thinking about what he would look like. But then I remembered that, hey, Donnie canonically has his dream robot design~
Part 1 Next
Annnnd the reference of course
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