#Tee hee me when I make silly characters :))
camping-with-monsters · 8 months
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To start a family is a huge feat with inevitable hurdles to jump over, but leaves you with a sense of accomplishment when done well. But Einin’s tale with family starts not just rocky, but dangerously.
No, her fiancé wasn’t a dangerous person by any means. Far from it, originally. But with the conception they lovingly worked towards, their time as soon-to-be husband and wife was crashed by a powerful force who knew nothing more than the scent of Einin and the vessel currently growing within. Overcome with the fear of the giant birdlike entity named rightfully as “The Mother Goose”— taken after its avian appearance and appetite for those currently conceiving— Einin’s once loving and charismatic fiancé gets cold feet about the situation, making an escape for his life the minute the opportunity was presented, very much to this mother’s dismay.
Unwillingly finding herself alone with no other company but the life within in her belly, and wandering deeper within the forest of Whistlegrimm with no direction, the woman finds herself in a constant state of distress when she realizes she’s truly alone and having to fend for herself against the behemoth of a bird. And it certainly doesn’t help when many seem avoidant because of her ability to lure in such a monster. She isn’t left with much supplies on her back besides one important object of interest as a way of telling her that she will one day be reunited with her lover; a little yellow umbrella with a duck ornament on the tip that was given to her as a gift by her fiancé. She simply names it Ducky— as giving a name to something ensures attachment. Because surely her fiancé is awaiting her to be safe, right? It’s not like he truly cowered out of fear of the goose and left his pregnant fiancé behind… no. That would be cruel. It can’t be! How much different is it going to be now that Einin’s the one running?
As soon as she can, she makes a set of plans in case anything should go wrong when getting out of the area if this Mother Goose should ever return. Unfortunately for her, she’s failed to realize just how resilient it is, and that she’s going to be having to make a lot more escapes than her body will be able to handle. And though two wrongs don’t make a right traditionally, perhaps the amount of impulsive and poor decisions Einin makes this entire bout will eventually amount to something…?
Maybe land her some company…? Hopefully from people who know this forest well enough to guide…
Hello! You all have definitely seen this face before, but I’m going to be working on reposting much of the cast with their bios with them! I figure since I’ve been doing that with everyone else, the many of the characters probably need this along with them in new posts!
Keep your eyes peeled for more— I’m gonna be posting several of these today (probably). I think it’s time people get in depth looks to characters that I never really went too much in depth about considering this story is getting so ambitious.
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
I've noticed something that I think is weird, or at least interesting. When AYITL came out, a not insignificant number of people responded to the idea of Rory wanting to write about life with her mom with something like, "OMG. Rory thinks her life is interesting enough that people will want to read about it? That's SOOO conceited! OMG how embarrassing for her!" Or embarrassment that ASP would think that essentially the plot of her own show would be "a cool story" that people would be interested in. But like... Why? Clearly a lot of people ARE interested in that story, because otherwise this show wouldn't be so freaking beloved. Like, the only reason that Revival existed in the first place was that ENOUGH PEOPLE WERE INTERESTED IN THAT STORY (whether they liked the outcome or not is a different thing). So why were people acting like it was such an unrealistic or presumptuous thing?
I mean, is the idea kind of cheesy? Yeah. But people seemed so disdainful and OFFENDED by the idea that Rory herself would think that her life was worth writing about (even though those people had been following that "story" themselves for literal years), and it makes me wonder about this expectation we have of people, but maybe especially women, to be somehow confident but also self-effacing. This sort of false modesty we're expected to show. "Oh, there's nothing interesting about ME, tee-hee!" we're expected to say. You could have a long-running, successful TV show, but you're somehow supposed to pretend you're not AWARE of that? You're not supposed to take it at face-value, apparently? You're SUPPOSED to act surprised every time, like, "Oh! Do people LIKE this silly little story I wrote? Oh, they couldn't POSSIBLY! I'm just SOOOO boring." Is that what we're supposed to say?
And it's interesting to me that they even (intentionally even?) attempted to sidestep this issue by having the idea come from a FRIEND first, and not even Rory herself! The idea came from someone ELSE telling Rory that her relationship with her mother was "a cool story" that people would be interested in reading, but RORY is the one called "conceited" for... believing him, apparently? I don't know.
I'm well aware that the show has its issues and that some people only watch it for the side characters and DON'T care about the main characters, but I still think it's weird that people thought it was "presumptuous" for the writers of a very popular show to... think that people find the plot of their very popular show "interesting."
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a-clown-with-wings · 3 months
can I have an outline of how you draw bodies for reference please ^^ if u can and want too
I’m not good with tutorials because I’ve never been asked, but I’ll try my best tee hee
Also forgive the crusty art, it’s 2 am and I’m drawing mermaids.
Now, personally, I have a very different style that’s mainly culminated of many other styles that I have studied from other artists that I like, so this might not work for you or any other person that sees this, but I think trying in general is a big step in the right direction!
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Funny enough, I just started this step very recently, so if anything, it’s just an extra step to make sure everything is right. It’s actually helped me quite a lot since I have problems with anatomy and posing, so I really recommend it as a first step.
Think of it as a really messy sketch. In this step, you can do literally anything without being upset for getting frustrated because it doesn’t look right. It’s just a silhouette of an idea that you will expand on in the next step. I also recommend this for character design since silhouette is a BIG part of it and can make or break a line of characters. The last thing you want is for everyone character to look like a recolor of each other. ^^’
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I cannot stress enough how important shape language is for literally every single thing. Everything is made of shapes. People, animals, buildings, food. It all can be broken down into squares and circles. This is a part of anatomy that takes a little study, but once you get it, you get it.
For me, it’s changed a lot, but to put it simply: trapezoid and triangles. That’s all you really need for torsos really.
Now, for people of different body types, that’s a whole different story. Of course pear shaped people are not going to be built the same as people that are under rectangle or apple. That’s for another day, though. Slow and steady winds the race. If you take in too much, you’ll stress yourself out.
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Warning! If this part stresses you out the most, you are not alone.
I am better at drawing women and femmes because that was what my first Ocs were, so I’m still learning maize anatomy, but whatever. Nothing to worry about now.
This is completely reliant on what the person looks like. People have different bodies so not everyone is going to have a perfect hourglass figure. That being said, simply making the body wider or taller is not enough!! People have fat, it’s just one of the many things we are made of. Some people have more, some have less.
Think of it like a blanket almost. If you were to put a bed sheet over a chair, you would be able to see almost everything regarding the shape of it. If it was made of something thicker, like chunky crochet yarn, it would be harder to see the shape of the chair underneath. That’s putting it very simply. Things like muscle and stuff would be like throwing clothes onto the chair before putting the blanket on. Not a nursing major or anything, so take this with a grain of salt. I’m a stupid little guy.
It would take me forever to explain all of this, so I suggest looking into it on your own time in order to get a more in depth understanding of bodies and stuff like that. :)
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If you haven’t noticed already p, which I completely understand, I am not that good at robots. I joined fnaf when Security Breach came out cus I like Suna nd Moon and I started this account with the intent of gaining an audience for my other Ocs. You goobers reeled me in and now I’m stuck here.
Anyway, when it comes to metal people, I draw them slightly different. They don’t have organs or anything, and are video game characters, so they don’t need a space for them. And nothing is better than saving space :)
I also make their bust a literal circle because I come on this app each day and see someone else draw them better and I start to sob uncontrollably. /j
This is completely up to you since people draw them all kinds of silly ways and I see no problem with that.
I don’t know how to end this but I hope this helped in some way :)
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Okay I know like two people liked the one post about my bg3 characters but FUCK IT!! I’m posting them anyways for those two people!!! (And for myself cause these are my enrichment hours tee-hee 🤭)
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Got some sweet sweet lore under the cut for em too >:) (a bit of a spoiler alert for the Dark Urge so….. yuh-)
Okay so this first one’s name is Dahlia and she’s from my first ever playthrough of the game. I based her off one of my old dnd characters and she was supposed to be this disney princess-esque character who’s super sweet and polite and charming- only for me to realize that there’s almost no polite options in game 💀 so she’s more neutral good but a bit of a bitch with enough rizz to convince a demon to kts so…. That’s kinda neat, ig. Her whole story is that she’s a runaway noble who abandoned her siblings because she wanted to pursue a career in puppetry instead of being in some stinky betrothal and then got yoinked by the nautiloid so decided that Cool, I’m An Adventurer Now. Of course she’s romancing Karlach cause that’s my wife <3 unfortunately tho I didn’t like what was going on in that playthrough cause again, it was my first time I had no clue what I was doing, so Dahlia has been abandoned in the saves until I have enough strength to restart with her some other time rip sweet princess :(
This second one is Pearl, my current tav playthrough! She’s not a tiefling, believe it or not, I just had a mod that let any race have horns so she’s just a kinda fucked up half elf. Girlie’s chaotic good in the sense that she does the right things sometimes, mostly if she can make a profit while doing it, honestly she was supposed to be a criminal but I messed up during character creation so she’s an acolyte so…. Idk, her story’s that she was on the path of becoming a criminal so her parents sent her off to a temple to straighten her out but she just ended up running off and becoming a cool city bounty hunter (and learning abt religion which is RICH cause she’s a fucking dumbass and int’s her dump stat) Was planning on making her the Superslut run character who sleeps with everyone but she only successfully slept with lae’zel before falling head over heels and simping for wyll, so she’s getting a silly lil fairytale romance, good for her <3
Third one’s Clover, my durge, my sopping wet sad lil rat that I found in the dumpster. She’s just a plain ol human who’s trying her darndest to be a Lawful Good Person™️ but whoopsies! She’s a dark urge person and has to constantly resist her endless bloodlust! Ngl she was a pretty bad person pre-tadpole (which is a given cause…. Bhaalspawn), but ever since she has her memory wiped she’s become convinced that Actually, I Am A Good Paladin! The weird happy feeling she gets when killing people is because she has a strong sense of justice guys, she promises!!! Currently she’s romancing Shadowheart and trying her best to convince her friends to do the Right Thing, and she’s severely fighting violent thoughts every time they point out that she does bad things sometimes *cough* ALFIRA *cough*. It’s okay when she does tho cause she has very big sad eyes and cries and feels guilty after doing a bad thing!!
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the-babygirl-polls · 9 months
Xigbar - Kingdom Hearts
He's a middle aged/older aged man who is sooo silly and funny with it, at one point he straight up goes tee hee. He has quite a lot of fun mook energy. He is sexy in a rat/racoon kinda way. I wanna make out with this mans. He might not be the babygirl of the whole fandom but trust me when i say that there are people who are passionate about this fucking guy they will show up just you wait :]
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tee hee more asks for u
writer ask game 1, 8, 12, 16, 17, 21 /nf
more asks for me!!!
[1 - Where do you write? (notes app, Google Drive, word, a notebook, directly onto ao3, another word processor, etc.)]
okay. notes app. specifically google keep. uh im well aware now that it has a character limit now, but-
Also notebook if i wanna write while at school but i cant have my phone out - but it gets copied into my notes app after
[8 - Do you edit and proofread your works yourself or do you have someone else to help you with that?]
tis just me myself and i; however i do beta for a friend :D
[12 - Funniest comment you've ever gotten in a piece of work?]
honestly. no idea. theres too many to go through, and. honestly don't remember. however echo's comments always make me giggle just a bit, their reactions when i know whats coming- /lh /pos
[16 - What do you think is the signature aspect of your work? What do you think readers see and go "Ah of course! [Writer] made this!"]
okay i hope its my way of writing; i honestly don't know if i could describe what it is, but i know it exists. however. also the symbols i use for scene breaks-
[17 - Favorite dynamic to write? (ship, familial bond, friendship, qpr, rivalry, etc)]
Familial or friendship!!! me when broters and prison duo what can i say /silly /pos
also i have had thoughts about a certain duo being in a qpr but ive never actually *written* anything for it; but i enjoy thinking about them <- actively crying about them /pos. (cobalt i give you free permission to ask which duo-)
[21 - What cubito have you stared from afar like a weird bug and thought "If I knew what was up with you or your world I'd try writing for you"?]
mmmmm. okay fable wise; wolf, momboo or ocie. i stare at them like the silly guy i am. like. mmmm /pos
i was pretty deep in the hermit fandom for a bit (dont go to far back on my ao3; there are things there) and i think during that it was definitely etho. little cryptid guy, yk?
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honeylizabeth · 7 months
I had a lil hiatus from drawing earlier this month, this time wasn't due to physical issues tee-hee, and in the middle of this hiatus I discovered why in the actual fuck does everybody I know like Guilty Gear... Thanks to a recopliation of Faust's "final smash"-like strong attack where he hits other characters' leg with a wheelchair, and the reaction of them being hit by it. And then got shown a recopliation of a girly named Dizzy who's take on said attack is making her opponents surrender after preventing her spirit(?????)-like bestie/creature/whatever tried to k*ll them with a ray leadind to a mushroom cloud type explosion.
The point I'm trying to make is that I got fooled by everyone believing the only thing interesting from this game is Jack-o's pose because people were waaaaay too horny, when this madness-like silly fighting game is literally made for me, and now I kinda feel late to the party if it wasn't because there's new dlcs with redesigns of old characters of the franchise coming every so and so to the latest game in the franchise.
I haven't even bought any of the games and I already know I'm making I-No my main, I don't even make the rules. And maybe Millia and May too.
And before anyone asks;
Yes, I tried to learn the lore of the franchise.
No, I understood barely anything from it.
My main would definitely be I-No because of her gameplay mechanics and her rock star witch design. She's fucking cool.
I say this in chase I end up drawing anyone since I haven't played anything at the time of me writing this but just give me some time. I swear-
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joocin-thebox · 1 year
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[ prompt by @/bweirdart ]
Day 5: Relationships!
Now I've got a multitude of OCs, but I LOVE character relationships! My all time favorite + some special mentions :)
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Starting with Troutspeckle and Dewspot
They are close in age and joined the group around the same time. Heck, Dewpaw was originally the one who found Troutpaw lying in the snow in the first place!
I like to imagine they're BFFs and bond over being, like the kids of the group. :3
(More under cut)
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Next: Nora and Axel (Cyprus when he knew her)
I brainrotted SO HARD abt these two when developing Axel
They were BFFs, like THE best friends!! Playing games, doing mischief, and always taking on missions together when they could! They were the dream team and my silly self couldn't help but mix in secret and unrealized pining (mostly from Nora, but Cy knew deep down she felt the same)
But as the story goes, Cyprus was special to their guild master, and she got pulled away more and more and influenced to be so unlike herself, and it caused a huge rift between her and Nora
Nora didn't take it personally, he saw the good in her when he could, but Cyprus was quite far gone in her ego, even thinking of him as beneath her in terms of power and wits when they used to be on the same page :(
Unfortunately, there was no room for apologies after years of disconnect, and he died before anything could ever change for the better.
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Next: Ophelia and Maye (so weird to have backwards!)
There is no relationship post without bringing up the girls that infested my brain for like basically a year LMAO
Their relationship to this day is rocky, and unstable and unhealthy, but damn they can't get enough of each other and they love each other so much
Poor x Rich is always a terrific trope, especially when the rich is prone to spoiling and the poor is so meaningful in their symbols of love :(
Strangers to friends to strangers to always have been lovers <3 glorious to me
I'd have to make a separate post about their whole thing... it's actually way too much
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Next: Caitlyn and Alice
I don't have any like, solid art of them especially not in human forms, bc they're two oc my "mainly writing" OCs so I don't think to draw them, ever
They were my first ocs to be like, romantically involved? In a complicated way?
Caitlyn was an average nobody student only known by her friends and a few other classmates, and Alice was a delinquent with discipline issues so severe they moved her around the state multiple times :/
But in the original story, Alice stood up to some kid harassing Cait, and Cait fell super hard.
In my rewrite, Cait and Alice met bc of shared classes, but they got close bc Cait's friend Jackie blackmailed Alice into showing up to a Christmas party and kissing Caitlyn under the mistletoe,,
Which only went so well because people bond when they share something stupid or uncomfortable. Alice thought it was funny Caitlyn believed the scary rumors about her, and Caitlyn didn't want to make Alice feel left out... but I definitely think kissing her as a second impression is kind of pushing it tee hee
They're so very much in love and it's a classic nerd x jock thing, and Alice is oh so silly and a secret agent and Caitlyn can't help but worry about her when she's gone!
And for the record... I could totally talk about Warren and Jessie but nobody is ready for that yet :) let's get comfortable before we get there
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strangestcase · 2 years
Hi hello I would like to know about your silly Jekyll and Hyde adaptation👉👈
OK so it's set in a universe that is literally a musical! the characters all sing and dance and yes it's real music in-universe. it's kind of more like a spoof of jekyll and hyde adaptations so the characters are younger than their book counterparts but it's ok they're more autistic and more gay to make up for that. also set in the modern day.
So this Henry Jekyll is a chemistry teacher slash researcher and he plays the accordion and is a sunshine boy but WATCH OUT he's created a potion that turns you to your """dark side""" and when he tries it on himself he becomes shadow the hedgehog Edward Hyde (number one edgelord of ever). he's trans and bi. he's also spanish because fuck it. Hyde's appearance and behavior become more animalistic the fuller the moon is.
his bestie Gabrielle Utterson is cartoon-boring (really likes paperwork and her favorite food is plain bread) and she's a divorce lawyer but her dream is to be a detective and also maybe to romance a sexy brooding goth monster. she's soooooo angel themed you have no idea, also she thinks she's ugly but she isnt. Henry has a crush on her (it's mutual) (they're both idiots so they don't confess). his best frenemy is Hastie Lanyon who is a Texan cowboy in here because I'm not happy with just one texan cowboy in gothic literature (sorry Quincy Morris) he's also Japanese American and non-binary and walk walk fashion baby.
the story is overall more lighthearted with Hyde being a morally gray antihero at most (who doesnt kill. yet.) and after it ends they all date each other (diversity win this poly trio is t4t4t!) enfield is there also ig. shes a girl too but she dates no one because we need more loser girl rep.
so anyway Henry teaches at a special high school for super talented teenagers and his students are like. Victoria Frankenstein (also a girl tee hee) Herbert West uuuuh Carmilla and stuff. the headmaster is van helsing who has a doctorate in German literature in here and anyway eventually hyde starts killing monster hunters in self defense and after a few shenanigans Jekyll's fucked up experiment and shapeshifting thing are discovered and made public and. hes like. oh fuck. until van helsing reveals to him he's the director of EROS (extraordinary research organization society) which is like the MIB of this universe and their job is to make sure monsters dont hurt people, mostly through non-violent means. and that the school was a front for it. so he offers him a job as the head of scientific research all like "if you work for us we will keep you out of legal trouble for anything you do" and hes like uuuh fine by me lol.
it's very disjointed and I still have to like hone it but yeah that's it mostly.
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hello everyone my name is mirakatie gaming snazzycd smilepart2 and today we’re playing five nights at fr
basic info stuff: 
-I go by Mira and Katie use whichever name you feel like I don’t care
-Trans Girl  bi sapphic
-please never use masc gendered terms on me even as a joke please
- 17 [This means i am a minor {so nsfw accounts do not interact}]
- white
-I occasional draw and make other shit (but not too often cause horrible lack of motivation lol)
-snazzycd is the username i go by on most other sites 
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silly little media interests:
-Katamari (insane special interest tee hee)
-Kill The Past games
-AI The Somnium Files
-Danganronpa (I always tag this one so feel free to filter it if you don’t wanna see it lol)
-Valve Games
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Thingz 2 know before following:
-sometimes i purposefully leave a lot of typos in my text cause it’s silly and fun so don’t be confused when i do that :3
-I enjoy getting asks, anon or not, so feel free to send those if you feel inclined
-I don't usually like being DMed because it make me nervous so I’d prefer if you avoided that unless you really feel the need to tell me something privately
-I use headcanon pronouns for certain characters, currently these include: Tails (she/her) Shoma Enda (she/her) and Shiver from Splatoon (whatever pronoun i feel like at the given moment)
-Also I fully believe Chihiro Fujisaki is a trans woman and I use she/her for her and if you disagree i will not argue and will simply block you <3 (fandom discourse is lame and i will not participate in it)
-i am the coolest person on this site (fact proven by science nd shit like that)
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Other Sites:
I don’t feel like listing a bunch of links so here’s my twitter where i’m a bit more active on than here i’ll add some others later i guess
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monstermaster13 · 2 months
Corey and Oats in..
The Creature from Canada: A Canada Day Special
Every year on July 1st something very unusual happens at Nile Road, you see it is unusual in the sense that it not only is Canada Day but also Dan Aykroyd’s birthday and that means one thing…were-aykroyd sightings, now Corey and Oats had a friend named Nathan who was pals with Mel and often stayed with her when he had ‘dum dum were-aykroyd’ episodes.
Corey and Oats were in their home in Nile Road with all their friends including Anglo the anglerfish, when they heard news of the Aykroyd-verse coming in to pay a visit. Corey looked in the bedroom and he saw a swirling vortex materializing in the closet, the closet door opened and several Dan Aykroyd characters jumped out. ‘Hey guys, what are you doing here?’ ‘It is Canada Day and our aykroydian brother Dan needs your help!’ ‘What with?’
‘Vic Frohmeyer and his dark Aykroyd group along with Dumius, are planning on taking Nathan away.’ ‘Yeah, Dumius wants to transform Nathan into a fat dum dum were-aykroyd wife!’ ‘Oh we know all about that, trust us.’ ‘It seems Dumius is deadset on it.’ ‘We have been working on trying to stop him.’
“Oh yes, he definitely is. He won’t stop until i’m his wife.”
“That is definitely true Nathan.”
‘So have we.’ Corey and Oats along with Anglo and Aiyido and Mel began to work on a plan as Nathan’s were-aykroyd alter-ego Dan manifested through a cloud of purple smoke. ‘Well we should be able to work on something.’ They all decided to team up and work together, of course Nathan and Mel had to explain to the staff why there were so many Aykroyds walking around.
“Do you think they mind us letting them all in?”
“Nah, we can explain it to them later.’
Dan helped the group orchestrate a plan to stop the dum dum were-aykroyds from getting them, as he sensed the dum dum were-aykroyds were approaching, which they were as Corey heard their moans and dum dum noises. ‘Dum dum were-aykroyds, even in this main series of universes we have to deal with them.’ ‘At least in this universe they are a joke species.’
The dum dum were-aykroyds moaned as they barged into the Nile Road house, luckily Nathan knew what to do as he spun around and turned into his were-aykroyd form, he helped Mel and the duo fit off the hordes of dum dum were-aykroyds that were trying to get to them.
They took a break to have lunch before continuing on and battling with the dum dums, the dum dum were-aykroyds were quite slow and easy to stop, it was then that Dumius materialized along with a fat female version of Dan the were-aykroyd…’The Dum Dum Queen!’ ‘You know this dum dum?’ ‘Yes, she is me if I became subservient to the dum dum were-aykroyds and to Dumius.’
The plus sized female were-aykroyd chuckled…’Tee hee! Master loves me so much, tee hee!’ ‘She is a bit uhhh…’ ‘Dumb? Yes, she is.’ ‘You are supposed to be a smart were-aykroyd yet you have a dum dum counterpart?’ ‘That universe is confusing to me in general.’
Aiyido used his eye-rays to zap some of the dum dum were-aykroyds and sent them flying backwards as he managed to help keep them away, eventually they cleared away all the dum dum were-aykroyds. ‘So in the dum dum universe, you Dan are subservient to a master and fat and female?’ ‘Oh yes and comically silly too but not stupid.’
The female dum dum were-aykroyd stomped over to Dan…’You are me, but not dum dum? How can you not be dum dum? Do you not have a master to make you into a dum dum?’ ‘Some were-aykroyds can choose not to be dum dums!’ ‘But this is not entirely possible, were-aykroyds in dum dum’s universe must be dum dums!’ ‘Maybe that’s true in your case but not here.’ ‘This is not dum dum’s universe?’ ‘Oh no, this is the normal version of your world, with less dum dums.’
“But why are there no dum dums in this world?”
“Because dum dums are considered a joke species in this universe.”
‘Dum dum not real were-aykroyd?’ ‘Well you are a were-aykroyd but you are not consider a legitimate one because dum dum were-aykroyds are considered a joke species.’ ‘Do you not think I am beautiful and thicc enough to be qualified as a real were-aykroyd?’ ‘No, dum dum is a waddling idiot who farts a lot.’ ‘Hey! Dum dum cannot help having gas, dum dum needs it to grow, but don’t worry I can make you into fat dum dum were-aykroyds too, tee hee!’
“Why would you want to do that?”
“Because that is what a good dum does!”
“Not as long as we are here.”
The duo and Mel along with Anglo and Aiyido used their combined powers to stop Dumius, luckily Dan could outsmart Dumius while also keeping his fat female ‘dum dum’ self from losing control and they all combined their efforts and saved their home. ‘We did it, we saved our home!’ ‘And we saved my female counterpart from becoming permanently stupid.’ ‘Which is definitely a plus.’ ‘Oh yes, we did it alright!’
They stopped for afternoon tea before using a portal spell to send Dumius and the female dum dum back to the universe they came from, but keeping Nathan, Dan and the Aykroyd characters around.
Afterwards they all relaxed for a little bit, and an hour later they gathered into the lounge for dinner, as they worked out the next phase of the plan, after doing so they emailed Jill about their adventure and they relaxed before playing some games.
They finished playing games an hour later and had a karaoke session, after their karaoke session was over they all went into the bedroom to get ready for bed as Oats put on his pink nightgown and Corey put on his bat pajamas as they raced into the bathroom to brush their teeth.
Once they had brushed their teeth, they raced all the way to the bedroom and picked out friends to snuggle up with and jumped into bed, snuggling up and relaxing and listening to music, they all drifted off to sleep, having sweet dreams as they did so.
And thus their adventure for now had come to an end but more adventures are coming up so please stay tuned for more.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I haven’t done these in a while-
Hope u enjoy em
Whats your fav work of mine?
What character do you like me writing for most?
How many followers do you have?
How many drafts do you have?
How many requests do u have rn?
Comfort character from each fandom
What character from one piece makes you fangirl
What straw hat did you feel excited most once they joined
What character would get along great with the straw hats if they weren’t an enemy
What character deserves to be in the straw hats
Now that I have an acc you can also ask me questions to get to know me too:)
Whats your fav work of mine?
Oh! I loved this one! I love when people write Zoro with a fellow swordsman and I loved how you did it <3
What character do you like me writing for most?
Buggy because I'm a sucker for him lolol and I loved the headcanons you did for him <3
How many followers do you have?
I am currently at 1,472! Which means I'm almost at 1.5k!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna do an event tee hee
How many drafts do you have?
I have three. A lifeweaver fluff alphabet, a sigma fic, and a lucio fic from the arcana lol some of those are REALLY OLD
How many requests do u have rn?
89! And that might go down due to me doing them or just getting rid of a couple more tbh (I need to get better with opening my requests lol)
Comfort character from each fandom
OH BOY! JJBA - Polnareff <3 Final Fantasy - Prompto Kingdom Hearts - Xemnas Haikyuu - Tanaka Hunter x Hunter - Knuckle The Arcana - Asra One Piece - Chopper JJK - Nanami One Punch Man - Saitama MHA - All Might Overwatch - Hammond RoR - Buddha Resident Evil - Leon Arcane - Silco Spiderverse - Peter B. Parker
What character from one piece makes you fangirl
Franky and Brook tee hee I'm silly like that
What straw hat did you feel excited most once they joined
BROOK! I was patiently waiting
What character would get along great with the straw hats if they weren’t an enemy
Weirdly, I think Croc (I would say buggy, but duh). I think he would admire Luffy
What character deserves to be in the straw hats
VIVI. Should I say it louder??
Love you have a super day <3
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im cringe but free tee hee projecting the gender struggles onto dick Greyson bc I like him and it is fun bghinfj
this isn't anything deep literally straight self indulgent fuvbhsienjof not based off of anything canon either literally just smth im writing down for the fun  gender queer dick Greyson just like me fr bfhignsdjfomk I also like making characters I like trans too so uh, congrats dick Greyson you get the “hes so silly and goofy and I throw him into walls at high speeds so now he gets gender times tm” treatment. for this particular brand bc I have seen ftm and mtf dick Greyson (which are funky, I tend to go for ftm just bc projecting/just like me fr) but like I just think it would be neat if its like dick Greyson with the “I know im not cis, but its weird and not a clean fit into a box kinda ordeal” bc like (projecting here) sometimes he doesn't really feel more or less masculine/feminine just kinda there, but other times depending on mood/situation he feels more masculine/feminine but uses he/him and they/them pronouns. like sometimes he feels really confident and shit and other times its dysphoric. idk if has top surgery or not lmao. bc on one hand, Bruce Wayne would totally have the money/support his kid and on the other hand, hee hoo projecting onto dick Greyson and binder usage. I just think having no real clear way to accurately describe his gender is neat bc it's just like me fr hbinfjdm. also the whole projecting my gender onto characters I like isn't exclusive to dick Greyson ive done this too pretty much every character ive liked they all just have different gender stages projected onto them and dick just gets my most recent gender fuckery. lol. he is on my mind fr bhfinjdm. also think for convenience he would say hes nonbinary/trans but hes not like sure those fit 100% but fuck it man he doesn't know what else to call his gender(projection is a sport and im one of the top athletes). in my mind I think he would dress like the lesbian version of a gay uncle. AGAIN HALF BC ITS FUNNY AND HALF BECAUSE OF projecting ONTO HIS ASS BC WHEN I DRESS UP WHEN I HAVE ENERGY I LOOK LIKE THAT MY TASTE IN FASHION IS KINDA LESBIAN GAY UNCLE CORE.
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benevadeca · 2 years
Reading another silly isekai "the second male lead is actually a girl" and wow trans bi vibes. But also parts of it suck so bad in the usual way these crossdressing trope ones always do 😩
Anyway wow epic trio friendship betw pink girl and princey 🥺 when u learn to respect people's boundaries and learn that not every insult is personally aimed and to forgive people and see them for who they are instead of who you've made them out to be in your mind 😭 childhood friends trope!!
The entire plot w enok sucks so bad I know we need like. An excuse to have a powerful mage on the good guy team to combat uhh. The religious orthodoxy or whatever but it sucks so bad the "pretty much baseless obsession" trope always seems to exist when authors can't figure out any actually meaningful way of resolving the central conflict its a cop out.
But also in the whole "oops I accidentally named this nameless guy and now he's obsessed w me tee hee" would it not be more powerful for the nonbinny coded (to me) main character to have in their single childhood meeting to have been like and here's a name u can call me without drawing attention, do you have a name? No? Well a name is something that can be gifted Yes but you can also choose your own name, which can be a freeing act of divorcing yourself from the control and expectations of others and an avowal to freedom. So instead of enok being like wow 😍 that person named me so they're gonna be my owner whether they wanna be or not. The weird obsession could be more like. Thanks for giving me the push I needed to become my own person let me do you a solid for that / I want to watch how this person lives their life so I can learn to live my own. Or something!!!! Something that also doesn't involve him immediately seeing this 11 yr old undergoing magic puberty blockers and goes wow a Female. 🤢 narsty
But I mean for real it just makes more SENSE to for the Mc to have accidentally advocated for him to expatriate himself than uh. Whatever canon was. You know the main character who reincarnated so knows the experience of living in another body and life and identity, and that they're in a book but tries to choose to live for themself outside of it and see the people around them independently of their written potentialities and tropes.
Also they totally should've gone "OK cringe dad who only contacted me bc his limp dick didn't produce an heir and only did so after my mom died, I will play the role of heir bc there are a lot of benefits to it like education and free magic HRT but u need me more than I need you" and extorted him. I think them having a weird I respect ur sleaziness and don't trust u for shit relationship it would've been so funny. Bullied by a teenager but he's also so proud of them for it.
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 a mood
#I'm always like.. sitting in a room cackling to myself writing about a concept or drawing a comic or something with#my own characters and I'm just like 'woW this is so funny and great LOL.. I mean.. can you bELIEVE this character?! I bet people hate#them just as much as I do HAHA!!' and then I just stop and am like 'oh yeah... nobody.... knows about this.. '#like my brain makes the assuption of some sort of 'OH BOY I CANT wait to HEAR about this!!!' and it's like.. HEAR ABOUT IT FROM#WHO??? YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON INVESTED IN THIS ghgHGH#like i do consume a small amount of media (though I still NEVER understand references ghghg) and I guess I just get used to doing#the same thing like.. the second i finish a game or something I generally want to go look at memes about it and see#everyone talk shit about it (which makes me sound like a very negative person lmao lik.. instead of wanting to go find cute#fan art or people praising the game my brain is just like 'EHEHAHhehEE Let Me HEar Your Frustrations.. WHERE are the posts#MAKING FUN OF THE CHARACTERS AND PLOT!! AAA' but I guess just as someone who likes to over-analyze things like..#a very long essay going over why an entire mechanic in the game was silly or why the villian is an idiot or something is more#satisfying to me than 'ooh look floffy cute art~ tee hee' .. like both are fine.. do what you want.. but I mainly just relate to media#though humor and analysis (.. especially.. Humorous Analysis) so the first thing I do is jump to go search to see#if anyone had the same frustrations I did or disliked the same characters or noticed the same annoying thing about it. etc. etc.#SO THEN even with my own stuff  like.. half the time when I'm thinking about it my brain will be like 'OH MY god I gotta go#find criticisms of this character they're so annoying' or 'i can't beleive this historical event happened there could be such good memes mad#e about it lol!!' and then again I ust realize like... NO .. because nobody has any goddamn clue what this is ghgHGH#you have to make your own memes and have your own debates#AND I DO!! lol#but the cycle is still always funny to me like...5 hours into doing pages and pages of Funney Drawings of characters or something#and it's just like.... Yes.. This Is Inherently Unrelated To Anything On The Face Of The Earth And Purely For My Own Solitary Enjoyment..#Keep Scrolling#though I guess I should be used to it by now since I have done this quite LITERALLY my whole life.. Like I made my first characters when I#was 6/7 years old and would run around acting them out lol.. then in 4th/5th grade I met a friend who would actually play characters with me#and so I spent basically ALL of my free tie (soetimes too much) devoted to my fake people. Then even after we stopped being friends :(#I started new stories on my own and etc. so I mean thats like.. OVER 15 years that I've been literally just living in my own world like that#most of the time ghghgh... YET STILL!! it shocks me and I still get these weird ideas like ''oh  I cant WAIT to go see what people have to#say about THIS new development LOL!!'' and it's like.... WHO?!!! who!!!! what lore analysis forum are you going to search#dombass?? HUH?? the one inside your own HEAD?? ghghgh.. and then the whole being unrelatable thing like... ''oh hey did you see the NEW#MOVIE??'' and im just like 'i've been pacing alone rambling to myself abt elf politics in my fake world for 3 days straight.. what movie..'
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edge-lorde · 2 years
For the ask meme: 1, 30, 34, 35 and C! For any of the brothers unnamed ( or for all four of them if u feel like it c: )
ill answer for all of them just cause c:
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
'mom' clone- probably a day or two. hes definitely used to the old way of receiving orders where the clones just do them without asking questions, just standing around doing nothing included. without the hive mind to keep his mind from wandering though, he's used to being on his feet all the time and would eventually get antsy without a project.
'baby'- probably a few hours at most. this clones doesn't have the experience of doing orders without questioning them and would find something to do once he got bored/didnt think there was a good enough reason to be doing nothing.
'funny'- also potentially a long time depending if it was an order. if he knew his job was to stand in one place by himself for a certain number of days he might be able to do it by zoning out and entertaining himself with his thoughts (like me in high school tee hee hee). if he was just on his own or with his brothers then like 20 minutes.
'shitty' clone- like 10 minutes lol.
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30.  Who do they most regret meeting? 
shitty clone grouses, and mom clone is tired, but i dont think any of my boys regret meeting each other or anyone else. baby clone kind of regrets sitting next to shitty and funny clone right now, but not meeting them in general.
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
(: very lol. it would be easiest for baby to do this, not having the same level of hordolic guilt as the others. next easiest is probably mom clone, who is comortable enough in his identity to keep a lot of personal guilt at bay because he actively is trying to keep the horde afloat, and doesnt think anything the horde did is wrong, and is too busy to be thinking about himself... then funny clone who is more likely to ignore his guilt and just keep going even if it never fully goes away. it would be the most difficult for shitty clone, who feels all emotions very strongly and then feels guilty about feeling them.
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
mom clone- yes. hes a little stuffy and doesnt always understand where the others are coming from but he always tries. even if its against horde custom-- he wont discount it out of hand and hes not a snitch.
baby- is wary at this point lol. he has a significant disadvantage when trying to tell if someone is messing with him and a lot of older brothers.
funny clone- he would be excited and giddy, if a little bit of a troll at times. he would be happy for the attention and is very easily entertained.
shitty clone- hard maybe. he would probably mock whatever the thing was but can usually be coaxed into having fun with something anyway. however he IS a snitch lol, will still snitch even if he is supportive.
C. Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
for these main boys, no! coming up with an active character like shitty clone is what made the comic-- his arc and funny clones arc are the whole story. i had the idea for baby clone later but his arc is about as thought out as the other 2's. mom clone is the only one im having trouble with. i see him more as a character who represents something, his arc doesnt move the plot, but it is related to it... im still trying to find a way to give the poor boy a break!
in the early pre-plot comics i had some where he got to be more happy and silly, id like to bring some of that back... but now it has to make sense in the timeline or something :P
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