#Tech industry immigration stories
usadvlottery · 8 months
Embark on a professional odyssey through Employment-Based Immigration in the USA, a gateway for skilled individuals and professionals seeking career opportunities on American soil. This immigration pathway encompasses various visa categories, from the widely recognized H1B to employment-based green cards, providing a diverse spectrum of professionals the chance to contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the U.S. job market. Explore stories of achievement, resilience, and innovation as individuals navigate the complexities of employment-based immigration, fostering economic growth and enriching industries across the nation. Join us in celebrating the success stories of those who have turned their ambitions into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the ever-evolving landscape of the American workforce.
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southernsolarpunk · 3 months
Hey what the fuck is this news story?
“ But the world’s largest economies are already there: The total fertility rate among the OECD’s 38 member countries dropped to just 1.5 children per woman in 2022 from 3.3 children in 1960. That’s well below the “replacement level” of 2.1 children per woman needed to keep populations constant.
That means the supply of workers in many countries is quickly diminishing.
In the 1960s, there were six people of working age for every retired person, according to the World Economic Forum. Today, the ratio is closer to three-to-one. By 2035, it’s expected to be two-to-one.
Top executives at publicly traded US companies mentioned labor shortages nearly 7,000 times in earnings calls over the last decade, according to an analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis last week.
“A reduction in the share of workers can lead to labor shortages, which may raise the bargaining power of employees and lift wages — all of which is ultimately inflationary,” Simona Paravani-Mellinghoff, managing director at BlackRock, wrote in an analysis last year. “
Is this seriously how normal people think? Improving the bargaining power of workers and increased wages are bad?
“ And while net immigration has helped offset demographic problems facing rich countries in the past, the shrinking population is now a global phenomenon. “This is critical because it implies advanced economies may start to struggle to ‘import’ labour from such places either via migration or sourcing goods,” wrote Paravani-Mellinghoff.
By 2100, only six countries are expected to be having enough children to keep their populations stable: Africa’s Chad, Niger and Somalia, the Pacific islands of Samoa and Tonga, and Tajikistan, according to research published by the Lancet, a medical journal.
BlackRock’s expert advises her clients to invest in inflation-linked bonds, as well as inflation-hedging commodities like energy, industrial metals and agriculture and livestock.
Import labor via migration or sourcing goods? My brother in Christ they are modern day slaves!! I feel like I’m in backwards town reading this what the fuck?!
“ Elon Musk, father of 12 children, has remarked that falling birthrates will lead to “a civilization that ends not with a bang but a whimper, in adult diapers.”
While his words are incendiary, they’re not entirely wrong
P&G and Kimberly-Clark, which together make up more than half of the US diaper market, have seen baby diaper sales decline over the past few years. But adult diapers sales, they say, are a bright spot in their portfolios. “
Oh now the guy with a breeding kink is going to lecture us. Great. /s
“ The AI solution: Some business leaders and technologists see the boom in productivity through artificial intelligence as a potential solution.
“Here are the facts. We are not having enough children, and we have not been having enough children for long enough that there is a demographic crisis, former Google CEO and executive chairman Eric Schmidt said at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit in London last year.
“In aggregate, all the demographics say there’s going to be shortage of humans for jobs. Literally too many jobs and not enough people for at least the next 30 years,” Schmidt said.
Oh god not the AI tech bros coming into this shit too. Wasn’t the purpose of improving tech to give people more free time? So they can relax and spend time with family more and actually enjoy life? Isn’t our economy already bloated with useless pencil-pushing number-crunching desk jobs that ultimately don’t serve a purpose?
I’m not going to post the entire article but give it a read. It’s… certainly something. Anyway degrowth is the way of the future.
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mary-laib · 2 months
I'm thinking of writing a very long, multi-chapter human!au fic about Alastor (might be the caffiene talking and tomorrow I'll forget to go through with it lol) but I've got a ton of headcannons and have been thinking about a timeline for this thing for months now. Only thing is, I'm making a lot of ocs for it (keeping only Husk and Mimsy in the story) and I want the characters to be as era-accurate and culturally accurate as possible, so I was wondering if anybody here wanted to help beta it while I'm writing out the timeline and details.
I'm doing a ton of research, but I feel like for some of it, it's best to get real-person explanations on things, so here are some of the characters and details about them that I'd like to hear people's personal experiences with:
•Alastor's mother's side of the family:
African American with a lot of cultural roots in their history, such as their practice of Voodoo, and Fijian ancestry (I'd like to reference or even introduce a Fijian character, but I mainly add this piece of info to give Alastor some background with Cannibalism, not necessarily to introduce a character that actually practices). I'm p sure I have most of this down (outside of voodoo, which I'm still researching and will be putting a fantastical twist on) but if anybody has info or personal experiences they'd like to share, please reach out to me.
•Alastor's father's side of the family:
Alastor's father was non-religious, but grew up with an older sister in a catholic household. My dad's catholic so I'm p certain I can work with this, but again, help is welcome.
•Gay Muslim character that appears later:
I know a decent amount about Islam (more than I do about judiasm and I have jewish family lol) but I'd appreciate some tidbits on writing him since I'm def not Muslim myself and plan on writing a lot about this character's experience with discrimination, going to mosque, daily prayers and duties, and Qur'an lore, specifically relating to angels and armies in the afterlife/end of the world.
•Gang characters:
I'll admit that I'm not well-verses in early 1900's gang etiquette, but it's my hyperfixation rn so this is what's happening.
•Russian Husk:
I have some knowledge of Russian culture (specifically in a historical context) but am also looking for info relating to other east-European countries (such as Germany and Slovakia) since his background is going to have him moving around a lot before coming to the US.
•New Yorkers:
A lot of these characters come from New York (due to immigration, city-backgrounds, entertainment industry, etc.) and I'm p confident in my historical knowledge of the city and state, but fun facts are appreciated nonetheless.
•The Queers:
I'm planning on adding multiple gay/lesbian/bi characters to interact with Alastor's ace-ness to kind of compare to. I know some about old-time gay clubs, but if anybody wants to lmk more about them, I'd love to hear it.
I have no idea how modern tech works, so if I'm gonna write about Alastor starting his radio biz through mechanical work, I think I should know a thing or two about how it works lol
Anyways thanks! Might add more later!
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Florida Immigration News: What You Need to Know
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So, you’ve been hearing a lot about immigration in Florida lately, right? New laws, more restrictions, and a lot of heated debates. But what’s really going on? And how does it affect people living in Florida?
Let’s dive into the latest Florida immigration news and break down what it means for immigrants, residents, and the community. We’ll keep it simple, straightforward, and to the point.
What’s New in Florida Immigration?
The immigration scene in Florida is changing fast. New laws and policies are being put in place that affects everyone—from new arrivals to long-term residents.
Here’s a quick rundown of what’s been happening lately:
E-Verify for Jobs: Florida now requires employers to use E-Verify to check if their workers are legally allowed to work. This affects hiring across many industries.
Tighter Residency Rules: New rules make it tougher to prove you live in Florida, which can impact everything from school enrollment to getting a driver’s license.
Law Enforcement Involvement: Local police are now more involved in enforcing federal immigration laws, which has increased deportations.
How Are These Changes Affecting People in Florida?
These new laws aren’t just headlines—they’re affecting real lives. For many immigrants and their families, things are getting tougher.
What’s the Impact?
Jobs and Employment: With the new E-Verify requirements, some businesses are struggling to find workers, especially in sectors like farming and hospitality.
Housing Issues: Uncertainty about immigration status is making some people hesitant to buy homes or invest in property. This has created a bit of a ripple effect in the housing market.
What Do These New Policies Mean for Immigrants?
For immigrants, the stakes are high. The new rules make life more complicated, especially for those who are undocumented or in the process of getting their status sorted.
Key Points to Understand:
More Deportations: There’s been an uptick in deportations, even for those who have been in Florida for years and have built their lives here.
Increased Scrutiny: With more checks and balances, undocumented immigrants face greater challenges accessing basic services and staying under the radar.
Navigating the Immigration Maze
Let’s face it—dealing with immigration laws isn’t easy. It’s confusing and stressful. But there are ways to make it a bit smoother.
Tips to Keep in Mind:
Get Legal Help: There are plenty of organizations in Florida that offer free or low-cost legal advice. Don’t go through this alone.
Stay Informed: Laws change fast. Keep up with the latest updates so you know what’s happening.
Keep Records: Keep all your documents in order. It’s boring but super important.
Challenges Immigrants Face in Florida
Moving to a new place is hard enough. Now add in the new laws and it becomes even tougher for immigrants in Florida.
Biggest Hurdles:
Access to Services: From healthcare to education, proving eligibility can be a real headache.
Language Barriers: Not everyone speaks English fluently, and that can make accessing services or understanding legal rights even more challenging.
Success Stories: Immigrants Making It Big in Florida
It’s not all bad news. Many immigrants are thriving in Florida, showing resilience and determination.
Examples of Success:
Starting Businesses: From local restaurants to tech startups, immigrant entrepreneurs are making their mark.
Community Support: Strong immigrant communities are providing support networks that help newcomers find their footing.
Florida’s Take on Federal Immigration Laws
Florida’s approach to immigration doesn’t always match up with what’s happening at the federal level. It can get pretty confusing.
Key Differences to Note:
Florida is taking a tougher stance than some other states.
There’s ongoing debate within the state about whether this is the best approach.
Support Organizations for Immigrants in Florida
Luckily, there are a lot of organizations stepping up to help immigrants navigate these tough times.
Top Picks:
Florida Immigrant Coalition: Provides legal aid and community support.
American Immigration Council: Offers resources and advocacy for immigrants.
The Business Side of Immigration in Florida
Immigrants play a huge role in Florida’s economy. Many businesses depend on immigrant workers and are advocating for fairer immigration practices.
Why It Matters:
Labor Force: Many industries rely on immigrant labor to function, especially agriculture and hospitality.
Business Advocacy: Some business groups are pushing back against stricter immigration laws, arguing they hurt the economy more than they help.
How Immigrants Boost Florida’s Economy
Immigrants aren’t just living in Florida; they’re contributing significantly to its economic growth.
Economic Contributions:
Workforce Diversity: Immigrants fill critical roles in various industries.
Entrepreneurship: Immigrant-owned businesses are thriving, creating jobs and stimulating local economies.
What’s Coming Next for Immigration in Florida?
So, what can we expect in the future? Things are still up in the air, but here are a few things to keep an eye on:
What to Watch For:
Policy Changes: With elections on the horizon, immigration policies could shift again.
Advocacy Efforts: Groups continue to fight for more compassionate immigration reforms.
Getting Ready for Potential Reforms
If you’re an immigrant in Florida, being prepared is key. Here’s what you can do to stay ahead:
Steps to Take:
Stay Informed: Make sure you know what’s going on with immigration laws.
Seek Legal Help: Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from professionals.
Get Involved: Join local immigrant support groups and community organizations.
Legal Help for Immigrants in Florida
Finding the right legal help can make a world of difference.
Where to Look:
Legal Aid Organizations: Many offer free or low-cost services to help immigrants.
Community Clinics: Often run by universities, these clinics can provide valuable assistance.
Florida’s immigration landscape is complex and ever-changing. Whether you’re directly affected or just want to stay informed, it’s important to keep up with the latest news and understand the impact on your community.
Remember, if you’re an immigrant in Florida, there’s help out there. Stay informed, get the support you need, and keep pushing forward.
1. What are the new immigration laws in Florida? Florida has introduced stricter E-Verify requirements for jobs and tougher rules for proving residency.
2. How can immigrants find legal help in Florida? Organizations like the Florida Immigrant Coalition offer free or low-cost legal services.
3. What rights do immigrants have in Florida? Immigrants have the right to legal representation and protection from discrimination, among other rights.
4. Are there organizations that support immigrants in Florida? Yes, several organizations provide support, including legal aid, community resources, and advocacy.
5. How do immigrants contribute to Florida's economy? Immigrants contribute through their roles in the workforce and as entrepreneurs, boosting local economies.
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03application · 4 months
Success Stories: Achieving Singapore PR with the Help of Immigration Consultants
Introduction: Obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) in Singapore is a significant achievement, but the journey can be complex and challenging. Many applicants have found success by enlisting the help of professional immigration consultants. These experts offer invaluable guidance, support, and expertise, significantly improving the chances of a successful application. In this blog post, we share inspiring success stories of individuals and families who achieved Singapore PR with the help of immigration consultants.
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1. Navigating Complex Cases: The Lim Family’s Journey The Lim family faced a unique set of challenges when applying for Singapore PR. Mr. Lim had recently changed jobs, and Mrs. Lim was a homemaker with limited employment history. With three young children, they were unsure how to present a compelling application.
Solution: They sought the expertise of an immigration consultant who meticulously reviewed their profile and identified key strengths, such as Mr. Lim’s new role in a high-demand industry and the family’s strong ties to the community through volunteer work. The consultant helped craft a narrative that emphasized their long-term commitment to Singapore and their potential contributions to the country’s social fabric.
Outcome: With the consultant’s strategic guidance and detailed application preparation, the Lim family successfully obtained PR status, securing their future in Singapore.
2. Overcoming Previous Rejections: Rajesh’s Redemption Rajesh, an IT professional, had faced two consecutive PR application rejections. Frustrated but determined, he decided to hire an immigration consultant for his third attempt.
Solution: The consultant conducted a thorough review of Rajesh’s previous applications and identified several areas for improvement. They advised Rajesh to gain additional certifications, engage in community activities, and strengthen his professional network in Singapore. The consultant also helped Rajesh prepare a more detailed and persuasive personal statement.
Outcome: Armed with a stronger application and a clearer strategy, Rajesh’s third attempt was successful. He credited the immigration consultant’s expertise and tailored advice for turning his dream of becoming a Singapore PR into reality.
3. Highlighting Unique Contributions: Maria’s Artistic Path Maria, an accomplished artist from Spain, wanted to make Singapore her permanent home. However, she was unsure how to present her unconventional career in a way that would appeal to the ICA.
Solution: Maria enlisted the help of an immigration consultant who specialized in unique cases. The consultant emphasized Maria’s international acclaim, her contributions to Singapore’s cultural scene, and her plans to open an art school in the city. They helped Maria gather strong endorsements from local art organizations and community leaders.
Outcome: The well-crafted application, which highlighted Maria’s unique contributions to Singapore’s cultural landscape, was approved. Maria now enjoys her PR status and continues to enrich the local art community.
4. Expedited Process for High-Demand Skills: Ahmed’s Fast Track Ahmed, a cybersecurity expert, was approached by a Singaporean company offering a lucrative job opportunity. Understanding the strategic importance of his skills, Ahmed wanted to secure PR status quickly.
Solution: Ahmed hired an immigration consultant with expertise in high-demand professions. The consultant highlighted Ahmed’s specialized skills, his significant professional achievements, and the urgent need for cybersecurity experts in Singapore. They ensured all documents were meticulously prepared and submitted promptly.
Outcome: Thanks to the consultant’s precise and strategic approach, Ahmed’s PR application was approved in record time, allowing him to settle quickly and contribute to Singapore’s growing tech industry.
5. Family Reunification: The Chen Family’s Success Mrs. Chen, a Singaporean citizen, wanted to secure PR for her husband and two children who were living abroad. The process seemed overwhelming, and the family faced several legal and logistical challenges.
Solution: The Chen family turned to an immigration consultant for assistance. The consultant guided them through the complex paperwork, helped gather all necessary documentation, and provided advice on demonstrating the family’s integration and commitment to Singapore.
Outcome: The consultant’s thorough and compassionate approach resulted in a successful PR application for Mr. Chen and their children, reuniting the family in Singapore.
Conclusion: These success stories illustrate the profound impact that immigration consultants can have on the PR application process. Their expertise, strategic planning, and personalized support can make a significant difference, turning complex and challenging journeys into successful outcomes. Whether you’re facing a unique situation or simply want to ensure the best possible chance of success, partnering with an immigration consultant can be the key to achieving your dream of becoming a Singapore PR.
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Australia Immigration Consultants in Delhi. 
Top Australia Immigration Consultants in Delhi 
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Is your heart set on moving to Australia for a new life—a life surrounded by urban exuberance, picturesque sceneries, sound education systems, and ample job opportunities? Now, this is one journey from Delhi to Down Under that is exciting. However, the maze of the immigration process is no less than daunting. Keeping this in mind, Aptech Visa—the topmost Australia immigration consultant in Delhi—is here. Let's explore why Aptech Visa is considered one of the preferred and go-to migration agents for Australia and how they are capable of turning your imagination into immigration.
Why Choose Aptech Visa over Other Australian Migration Agents?
It is about finding a partner for the journey of migration to Australia. Aptech Visa is no ordinary Australian immigration agency; they are so much more to guide you in the entire process.
1. Expert Australian Migration Agents for Extended Help
At Aptech Visa, we believe that every immigration journey is different. Whether you're a skilled professional looking for permanent residency, a student looking for an opportunity to study in Australia, or a family trying to relocate, one of our Australian migration agents can create a tailored solution to suit your particular needs. Unlike hundreds of other agents for Australia migration, Aptech Visa spends the time to investigate individual circumstances, so your application is strong, compelling, and stands the best chance of approval.
2. Offering a Proven Track Record in Australian Immigration
With vast experience in the sector, Aptech Visa has stood as one of the most trusted Australian Immigration Consultants in Delhi. Be it professionals who get the jobs of their dreams in Australia or families who successfully settle down in the new life Down Under, the success stories have been countless. This proven track record stands as testimony to their competence and their effort for the client's success.
3. Comprehensive Services Under One Roof
Immigrating to Australia involves more than just paperwork. Avail a full range of services provided by Aptech Visa, covering all services that start from pre-assessment to post-landing services. From initial consultations and eligibility assessments to visa application preparation and post-land services, Aptech Visa is your one-stop Australian immigration agency. They make sure you're prepared for your new life in Australia long before you even set foot on the plane.
4. Transparent and Ethical Practices
Where most of the companies within the same industry that deal with migration lack the transparency required, Aptech Visa is all about making sure that the client has picked a trustworthy beacon of trust. With all their fees, processes, and time consumed, they take the front seat in ensuring that you're abreast with the dictates along the way. When you choose Aptech Visa as your migration agent in Australia, you can smile at the knowledge of dealing with professionals whose main interest is your progress.
5. Novelty in the Use of Technology
One thing that unmistakably sets Aptech Visa apart from other Australian migration agents is the novelty in the usage of technology to make immigration smooth. Their proactive step into the digital realm for real-time updates, virtual consultation, and ease of access to resources makes the entire process convenient and effective. This tech-savvy approach will make one informed and engaged in their course.
Aptech Visa: How They Help You Migrate to Australia
The process of immigrating to Australia is very long and complex and requires many aspects. However, with Aptech Visa, you are never alone. Here is how they make your journey smooth to Australia:
1. Personalized Consultation
Your successful journey will start with consulting that details how Aptech Visa's Australian immigration consultantsscope your eligibility and understand your goals, as well as list the best visa options for you. They advise on skilled visas, family visas, and student visas by shaping the advice to fit your aspirations.
2. Application Preparation in Detail
Once the proper visa pathway is recognized, Aptech Visa's team goes ahead and makes your application meticulously and fills in all the forms and documents accurately while formulating solutions for potential problems. Their attentiveness will help prevent the most common faults in the process of the visa, which may cause delays or failure.
3. Follow-up and Updates
Aptech Visa keeps you in the know every step of the way during visa processing. They send timely updates, answer all your questions, and even advise on any other additional requirements at any point in time. No other Australian migration agent is as committed to communicating with their clients.
4. Post-Visa Services
Even after your visa is granted, your hand is still held by Aptech Visa. They offer resources and counselling on how to settle into Australian life: finding a good house to live in and what to expect when it comes to laws and orders in Australia. This entire support system is also one of the reasons many consider Aptech Visa the leading migration agent for Australia.
 Are You Ready to Begin Your Australian Journey?
Australia is the land of opportunity, and with Aptech Visa, migration becomes a smooth and thrilling adventure. Whether one has just begun to explore an opportunity or has made up one's mind for application, whichever the case may be, Aptech Visa, the best Australian migration Agent in Delhi, is there to guide every step.
Choose Aptech Visa as your Migration Agent for Australia and let your dreams of moving to Australia come true. Their experienced team of experts will make your dreams come true. Start your journey with them today!  
You can get in touch with our immigration advisers from Visa the best Australia Migration agents in Delhi at 7503832132   you can also ask your concerns at [email protected]  and you can get a reference from https://www.aptechvisa.com/australia-pr  
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Excalibur Immigration: The Portal to Canadian Investor Programs
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Canada is the number one country around the world for investors, having strong economy, diversify culture, and welcoming immigration policies. Especially with the different criteria of being a resident in Canada, the Investor Program enables many business opportunities and the way to have permanent residency. We, at Excalibur Immigration, provide a specialized service by immigrants’ needs in the Investor area by giving them a strategy through the complexity of the regulation.
Why Invest in Canada?
Canada is one of those abodes to the best global living conditions, the best opportunities for growth, and a unique blend of assurance of sound economical factors. The Canadian Immigration Program is especially designed to attract high net worth businessmen with an investment opportunity to the Canadian economy, and as such, permanent residency in Canada. Some of its key benefits are listed below:
Economic Stability: Canada is one of the most stable economies globally, supported by a sound banking system and well-regulated financial markets.
Quality of Life: Canada is indeed one of the best countries in the world, with high standards for health care, quality education, and general well-being.
Exciting Business Opportunities: From tech startups to real estate, Canada offers a broad spectrum of investment opportunities completely suiting diverse business and industrial interests.
Access to Other Markets: Through trade agreements like NAFTA, now USMCA, and CETA, an investor in the Canadian market has access to markets of North America and Europe.
Excalibur Immigration — Your Trusted Partner
At Excalibur Immigration, we know that every investor’s pathway is different. We offer individually tailored services answering the specific needs of high-net-worth individuals who are striving to make investments within Canada. Here is what makes us different: Expert Guidance Our experienced immigration consultants and financial advisors offer clients comprehensive support services in the course of the application process. To ensure that you make the grade, we help you sail through all the requirements of the Investor Program.
Tailor-Made Service: we do take quality time to understand your needs and provide you with tailor-made solutions in line with your business dreams and personal ambitions. Good Network: We have also built strong networks of business partnerships, legal experts, and contacts with the government to make sure you get the very best opportunities and advice.
Full Service: From consultation at the beginning of the process to when you settle in Canada, we shall be with you all the way. Our services range from preparation of applications, taking care of your investment, and post-landing support.
Categories of Investor Programs
In most categories of investor programs popular in Canada, again depending on the province and your potential investment amount, you have the following options:
Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP): An investment of CAD 1.2 million for a term of five years is done on a passive basis, with the full amount being returned at the end of the term with no interest earned. Appropriate for risk-averse investors.
There are several different provinces that have their own investor programs that have different levels of investment and the requirements are also different. The various investor programs of the provinces are quite flexible and in actual scenario are generally industry or region specific. Start-Up Visa Program: The above program is for all those innovative entrepreneur who wants to startup an entirely new business of its own in Canada. The program leads to the person getting a permanent resident in the country. Success Stories
At Excalibur Immigration, we take pride in having a successful track record. Customers have been able to invest in areas such as technology, real estate, healthcare, and hospitality. Nearly all of them have developed successful businesses in Canada, helping the local economy and meanwhile taking the advantages of Canadian residency.
Choose the correct immigration partner, which is very crucial for the success of your investment journey in Canada. We at Excalibur Immigration are committed to serve you with the highest standards, having a step that will make your transition to Canada smooth. With our experience and individual approach, you will be able to concentrate on making your future in one of the best countries of the world.
Get in Touch
Are you ready to explore Canadian Investor Program opportunities? Contact Excalibur Immigration to arrange a consultation. We’ll help you open the door to your new life in Canada.
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Software Development Companies in Canada: Pioneering the Digital Frontier
Canada has emerged as a global leader in the tech industry, with its vibrant ecosystem of software development companies driving innovation and growth. Software development companies in Canada are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge technologies, providing a wide range of services from custom software solutions to mobile app development, and playing a crucial role in the digital transformation of various industries.
The Canadian Software Development Scene
Canada’s software development industry is thriving, thanks to a combination of a highly skilled workforce, supportive government policies, and a strong focus on research and development. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Calgary host numerous software development companies that cater to both local and international clients. These companies range from large multinational corporations to dynamic startups, all contributing to the country’s reputation as a tech hub.
Noteworthy Canadian Software Development Companies
Several Canadian software development companies have gained international recognition for their expertise and innovative solutions. Here are a few that stand out:
Shopify: Based in Ottawa, Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that helps businesses create and manage online stores. Shopify’s success story exemplifies the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit thriving in Canada.
Blackberry: Once a dominant player in the mobile phone market, Blackberry has reinvented itself as a software company focusing on cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Its transformation showcases the adaptability and forward-thinking nature of Canadian tech companies.
CGI Group: Headquartered in Montreal, CGI is one of the world’s largest IT and business consulting services firms. It offers a wide range of services, including systems integration, consulting, and outsourcing, to clients across various industries.
Hootsuite: This Vancouver-based company provides a widely-used social media management platform, helping businesses streamline their social media strategies and enhance their online presence.
The Role of Innovation and Research
Innovation is a key driver for software development companies in Canada. Many of these companies invest heavily in research and development (R&D) to stay ahead of the curve. Canadian universities and research institutions also play a significant role in fostering innovation, often collaborating with tech companies to advance technology and develop new solutions.
Government initiatives and funding programs further support this innovative ecosystem. Programs such as the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive offer financial benefits to companies engaging in R&D activities, encouraging them to invest in new technologies and processes.
A Rich Talent Pool
Canada’s diverse and highly educated workforce is another critical factor contributing to the success of its software development industry. The country’s universities and colleges produce a steady stream of graduates in computer science, engineering, and related fields. Additionally, Canada’s immigration policies are designed to attract skilled workers from around the world, further bolstering the talent pool available to software development companies.
Facing Challenges and Seizing Opportunities
Despite its strengths, the software development industry in Canada faces several challenges. These include intense global competition, the need for continuous innovation, and growing concerns around cybersecurity and data privacy. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and differentiation.
Canadian software development companies are increasingly focusing on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and IoT to maintain their competitive edge. By leveraging these technologies, they can develop innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of their clients and stay ahead in the global market.
Software development companies in Canada are playing a pivotal role in shaping the digital future. With a strong emphasis on innovation, a talented workforce, and supportive government policies, Canada is well-positioned to continue its growth as a leading player in the global tech industry. As these companies push the boundaries of technology, they are not only driving economic growth but also transforming the way businesses operate and deliver value to their customers. The future looks promising for software development in Canada, with endless possibilities for innovation and success.
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dankusner · 5 months
Coulter + Theil
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Ann sits down with Peter Thiel, Chairman of Palantir, the co-founder of PayPal and the first major outside investor in Facebook.
In May of 2016, Theil admitted to the New York Times that he financed Terry Bollea's (aka, Hulk Hogan) lawsuit against Gawker Media.
Here, in part one of Ann's two-part interview, Thiel goes into great detail on the background story of bringing down one of the internet's biggest sleaze merchants.
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Max Chafkin Talks New Peter Thiel Biography “The Contrarian”
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A biography of venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel, the enigmatic, controversial and hugely influential power broker who sits at the dynamic intersection of tech, business and politics
Since the days of the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s, no industry has made a greater global impact than Silicon Valley.
And few individuals have done more to shape Silicon Valley than billionaire venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel.
From the technologies we use every day to the delicate power balance between Silicon Valley, Wall Street and Washington, Thiel has been a behind-the-scenes operator influencing countless aspects of contemporary life.
But despite his power and the ubiquity of his projects, no public figure is quite so mysterious.
In the first major biography of Thiel, Max Chafkin traces the trajectory of the innovator's singular life and worldview, from his upbringing as the child of immigrant parents and years at Stanford as a burgeoning conservative thought leader to his founding of PayPal and Palantir, early investment in Facebook and SpaceX, and relationships with fellow tech titans Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Eric Schmidt.
The Contrarian illuminates the extent to which Thiel has sought to export his values to the corridors of power beyond Silicon Valley, such as funding the lawsuit that bankrupted the blog Gawker to strenuously backing far-right political candidates, including Donald Trump for president.
Eye-opening and deeply reported, The Contrarian is a revelatory biography of a one-of-a-kind leader and an incisive portrait of a tech industry whose explosive growth and power is both thrilling and fraught with controversy.
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flyhighvisass · 6 months
Unlocking Opportunities Abroad: The Role of Resume Marketing Services by Fly-High Visas
In an increasingly interconnected world, the desire to work abroad is a dream shared by many individuals seeking to explore new cultures, gain international experience, and advance their careers. However, the process of securing a job overseas can be daunting, with challenges ranging from understanding visa regulations to effectively marketing oneself to employers in a foreign country. In such a scenario, the role of specialized services like resume marketing offered by agencies such as Fly-High Visas becomes crucial. This article explores how Fly-High Visas facilitate job seekers in achieving their aspirations of working abroad through tailored resume marketing strategies.
Understanding the Need for Resume Marketing Services:
In today's competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is essential for standing out among numerous applicants. This necessity amplifies when aspiring to work in a foreign country where cultural nuances and employer expectations may differ significantly from one's home country. Many job seekers find it challenging to navigate these differences and effectively showcase their skills and experiences to international employers. This is where resume marketing services play a vital role.
Fly-High Visas: A Beacon for Job Seekers:
Fly-High Visas is a leading company specializing in immigration and visa services, including resume marketing assistance for individuals seeking employment opportunities abroad. With years of experience and a team of skilled professionals, the agency has garnered a reputation for helping job seekers achieve their international career goals.
Services Offered by Fly-High Visas:
Resume Tailoring: Fly-High Visas works closely with clients to customize their resumes according to the requirements of their target job markets. This involves highlighting relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications while ensuring alignment with international standards and preferences.
Keyword Optimization: In today's digital age, many employers utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS) to streamline the recruitment process. Fly-High Visas ensures that clients' resumes are optimized with relevant keywords, increasing their chances of being shortlisted by ATS and human recruiters alike.
Cultural Adaptation: Understanding cultural nuances is crucial when applying for jobs abroad. Fly-High Visas provides insights into cultural expectations and norms prevalent in various countries, helping clients tailor their resumes accordingly to resonate with prospective employers.
Industry-Specific Expertise: Whether seeking opportunities in IT, healthcare, engineering, or any other sector, Fly-High Visas offers specialized resume marketing services tailored to the specific requirements of different industries. This ensures that clients' resumes effectively communicate their suitability for roles within their desired fields.
Case Studies: Success Stories with Fly-High Visas:
John's Journey to Canada: John, an experienced software engineer from India, dreamt of working in Canada's burgeoning tech industry. However, despite his qualifications, he struggled to secure interviews with Canadian employers. Upon availing of Fly-High Visas' resume marketing services, his resume was revamped to align with Canadian industry standards, emphasizing his relevant skills and experiences. Within weeks of distributing his updated resume, John received multiple interview offers and eventually secured a lucrative job offer in Toronto.
Maria's Leap to Australia: Maria, a nurse from the Philippines, aspired to relocate to Australia for better career prospects. Despite her years of experience, she found it challenging to navigate Australia's healthcare job market. With Fly-High Visas' assistance, Maria's resume was adapted to meet Australian healthcare standards, accentuating her clinical skills and certifications. Subsequently, she received several job interviews and eventually landed a nursing position in a prestigious hospital in Sydney.
The Impact of Resume Marketing Services:
By availing of Fly-High Visas' resume marketing services, job seekers gain a competitive edge in the international job market. Not only do they increase their visibility to prospective employers, but they also enhance their chances of securing interviews and job offers abroad. Moreover, Fly-High Visas' expertise in immigration and visa processes complements its resume marketing services, providing comprehensive support to clients throughout their journey of working overseas.
In a globalized world brimming with opportunities, securing a job abroad can be a transformative experience for individuals seeking personal and professional growth. However, the path to international employment is often fraught with challenges, particularly in effectively marketing oneself to foreign employers. Fly-High Visas emerges as a beacon of hope for job seekers, offering specialized resume marketing services tailored to the unique requirements of different countries and industries. Through its expertise and personalized approach, Fly-High Visas empowers individuals to realize their dreams of working abroad, one resume at a time.
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journeyjottings · 6 months
Canada Is a Role Model on Immigration. But Many Canadians Feel It’s Lost Its Way
The bright headquarters of ApplyBoard effuses the spirit that has long defined Canada’s immigration narrative.
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Founded in 2015 by three brothers from Iran who came to Canada as international students, the company has taken its place in the tech cluster here, touted as the second largest in North America after Silicon Valley. As the brothers seamlessly gained permanent residency and later Canadian citizenship, they built one of Canada’s fastest-growing tech businesses.
Unlike in the United States, where immigration politics often descend into dysfunction, Canada’s immigration program has been built on long-standing trust that it’s a win for all.
“We’re lucky to work in the most diverse company, I would say, in Canada,” says ApplyBoard CEO Meti Basiri. Around him are walls splashed in colorful murals and counters stocked with free snacks, including, on one, a giant slab of demolished yellow birthday cake.
But Canada is experiencing a population boom unlike any time since the 1950s. It’s the fastest-growing G7 country, almost all driven by immigration. It also faces the largest housing shortage in the G7.
And now, many here worry that the pace of arrivals of both permanent residents and foreign students and workers is overtaking the country’s capacity to house, care for, educate, and employ all.
As the number of foreign students has tripled in the past decade – a segment of the population that ApplyBoard has built its success on – the federal government recently issued a cap on study permits for the next two years. It also announced last week that it will, for the first time, set new targets for temporary residents overall. The moves are controversial. They’re also the largest indication so far of a larger rethink of the growing imbalance in the immigration system.
“Canada has historically been a model for the world of how to do immigration. And the best indicator of that is the long-standing, broad consensus on support for high immigration levels,” says Mikal Skuterud, a professor of economics at the University of Waterloo. “And I’m ultimately concerned because I think there’s a risk of undermining that. … The system needs to go back to being something very predictable, very transparent.”
Trust in the system
Historically, newcomers have been trusted in Canada because the system carefully selects economic immigrants through a point system based on criteria like age and education. Most Canadians see permanent residents as highly skilled professionals – doctors, tech workers, university professors – who help the country prosper.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced last year that 1.5 million new permanent residents will be welcomed by 2026, part of an increasing volume since he took office in 2015. At the same time, the number of temporary residents has surged, to 2.6 million according to new census figures released today. Many are incentivized by the prospect of permanent residence.
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But now several recent polls capture mistrust brewing over the pace of immigration. According to a poll by Environics Institute, for example, 44% of Canadians say they agree that “there is too much immigration to Canada.” That’s a 17-point increase from the year before and the largest one-year change the group has seen since polling began in 1977. Among the groups expressing the highest jump in concern: first-generation Canadians, up by 20 points.
The Waterloo region, birthplace of the BlackBerry, exemplifies the best of Canada’s immigration story. Its universities, startups like ApplyBoard, and artificial intelligence industry rely on the “best and brightest” to drive innovation.
In the context of a national housing affordability crisis, residents like Gary Coulson, a car mechanic in Waterloo, say they are concerned. Five years ago, Mr. Coulson says, he had no complaints about immigration. Neither did the owner of the auto shop where he works, Romesh Dissanayake, who arrived from Sri Lanka in 2018 and is now a permanent resident. But today, both men complain of “uncontrolled immigration” that has put pressure on rents and jobs and leaves newcomers vulnerable to exploitation.
“There is not enough housing for who have already landed. And there are more coming,” Mr. Coulson says.
The housing crisis is far more complex than growing demand from immigrants. But Waterloo Mayor Dorothy McCabe says building more housing is key to moving forward. And ultimately she is worried about how affordability pressures might shake Canada’s sense of immigration and itself.
“We do want to make sure that we remain a city and a region and a country that says immigrants, whether they’re refugees, [permanent residents,] or students, are welcome,” she says.
Education in focus
The international student cap might seem hostile to international students on the face of it, but for many it’s a lesson in how Canada is trying to restore broken trust in its system.
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thebusinessmagnate · 8 months
The Entrepreneurial Odyssey of Raj Sardana: A Journey of Tech, Talent and Triumph
We have heard numerous success stories of many men, women and youngsters who have started something unique and innovative which has led them to success and a place in the world, that recognizes them for their efforts and achievements, experience, and professionality, among many other attributes. In this article, we shall be diving into one such particular man who rose to be a billionaire and founder of his own rapidly growing company. 
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Technology in tandem with both innovations and entrepreneurship, can lead to the start of a student with the drive, motivation, ambition, and goal to become a multifaceted business magnate and billionaire. It is the real-life story of an Indian immigrant in The United States of America and how with his skills, curiosity, inquisitiveness, leadership quality, and talent, gained the experience and learning that he needed to bring an idea to conception through a lot of hard work, sacrifice, failure and challenges faced while working towards his desired industry and all of the hurdles he crossed in his personal life. 
Raj Sardana – Entrepreneur: 
Raj Sardana, an immigrant from New Delhi, India moved to The United States of America as a student studying a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech and then an Advanced Management Degree from The Wharton School of Business. Having always leaned towards tech his entire life, the love for working in the industry has always been Raj’s childhood ambition. 
“Survival is the key…….
But going through all this adversity made me stronger.” – Raj Sardana.
The entrepreneur successfully founded and established his company called – American CyberSystems (ACS) in the year 1998, in Atlanta, Georgia. The company was later rebranded as ‘Innova Solutions’ in the year 2022. Being the CEO and Chairman of Innova Solutions, Raj Sardana has over 25 years of professional experience from working with different sectors and industries including working in a Missile Engine company and owning gas stations and a print shop, he later became more familiar and accustomed to the business world while working with Technology, Aerospace, Financial Industries, Venture Investment and Defence. Since his connections with the Government of The United States of America, due to having company contracts with the Defense, he has top-secret security clearance as of today. 
Innova Solutions:
Innova Solutions – is an Information and Technology Services company that first was started to connect and work alongside technical teams in India. The company since then has worked with technical projects and contracts that were and are outsourced. To inspire and help their clients become leaders and operate within their fields, Innova Solutions aims to deliver strategic technology and business transformation solutions. 
“Empowering Lives, Inspiring Change with Responsible and Sustainable Innovations.” 
– Innova Solutions. 
The company is headed and led by Raj Sardana along with his wife – Nita Sardana who is the Chief Impact Officer and co-founder as well as their 3 children who also work in the company. Innova Solutions employs a workforce of more than 50,000+ experts and professionals in their fields who have been trained in Design and Thinking as well as in Digital Transformations. The company has more than 1,100+ clients in the mid-market and Fortune 1000 companies, who are located around the word. 
With skilled strategic planning and good business growth of his company, Raj Sardana who has over 25 years of experience in the Information and Technology Services Industry, has managed to apply his innovative style of leadership and entrepreneurship in branching out and establishing more than 100+ offices and delivery centers all around the world such as – North America, Asia and Europe. The company today, generates an annual revenue of over 3 billion US Dollars gaining it a competitive advantage for corporate innovation in technology integrations.
Mission, Vision, Values and Philanthropy:
With a mission to accelerate client success through digital innovation and transformation, Innova Solutions adopts a vision to be their clients’ valuable and most desired technology services provider and partner to generously give back to their communities. 
The company stands by certain values that have made the foundations strong and led the business growth to rapidly grow and gain recognition for its services offered. Values such as – Passion for Tech, Diversity, Inclusivity, Equity, Pursuit of Excellence, Integrity, Transparency, Commitment, Loyalty and Philanthropy. Seamless and uninterrupted operations with clients’ existing business and working model, offering unparalleled expertise in providing solutions, established Information Security Management System (ISMS) and lastly best-in-class propriety framework for managing clients’ expectations and needs places Innova Solutions apart from other companies and brands.
To Conclude:
Working closely with environmental, social, and government sectors, the considerations that are put into daily business operations and long-term business strategies are a part of Innova Solutions’ path to recognizing impacts as a global digital transformation solutions provider. While incorporating a ‘strength in diversity’, Innova Solutions – headed by Raj Sardana, adopted a strong Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that supports global initiatives, social initiatives and public institutions by encouraging employees to participate in volunteering activities and in communities where they operate. Education and Empowerment for Women, Human Welfare, Art and Sports as well as leading a Healthy Lifestyle for a good work-life balance, Sponsor-a-child Programs, Tutoring, Animal Walks, and Bicycling Events are some of the examples among many others are part of their culture and practice of ‘giving-back-to-the-community’.
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/the-entrepreneurial-odyssey-of-raj-sardana-a-journey-of-tech-talent-and-triumph/
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abinavgoyal · 8 months
Top Indo-Canadian Success Stories: Inspiring Journeys of Arun Garg, Aditya Jha, Nisha Pahuja, Alice Benjamin, and Garry Sangha
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Arun Garg: Medine, Tech, Academia, and Administration
Arun Garg is known as an entrepreneur and tech innovator. He is widely recognized as someone who has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the Canadian technology industry. Born in Agra, India, Garg found himself in a strange situation by his 16th birthday, that of being too young to take admission in medical school in India, despite having already completed his master’s in chemistry, one of the youngest to ever achieve that at the University of Agra. Thus, Garg immigrated to Saskatchewan, Canada to pursue higher studies.
By the age of 27, Garg had earned a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Regina, as well as a medical degree from the University of British Columbia. As a pathologist, he served as a medical partner in Dr. C. J. Coady Associates between 1979–2011. He became Medical Director of Lab Medicine and Pathology at Royal Columbian Hospital in 1997 and went to assume the responsibility of regional director post the hospital’s absorption into the Fraser Health region. Garg has also served as the president of the British Columbia Medical Association board, and as a board member of the Canadian Medical Association. As an Indo-Canadian, Garg has been active and indeed quite instrumental in deepening the ties of two of the world’s largest democracies, having served as chair of India Marketing Advisory Group, India Advisory Council for Simon Fraser University. He was also a founder member of Canadian Physicians with Interest in South Asia of BC and Canadian Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage.
Aditya Jha: Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy
Aditya Jha is one of the most accomplished Canadian entrepreneurs currently living. He is also perhaps one of the most creative entrepreneurs in Canada. Jha traces his ancestry to two South Asian nation, having been born to a Nepalese father and an India mother. His journey from a small town in India to the nation’s capital where he was a scholar in the two of the nation’s most well-respected universities would be impressive enough. However, Jha would transcend all barriers and dared to dream on. After completing his undergraduate degree from the University of Delhi, and Masters from Kurukshetra University, Jha went on to become a research scholar at the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University. There, he became actively involved in progressive student politics, and led the country’s largest progressive student body as president in two Indian provinces. By 1979, the political scene in India had gone pear shaped, and due to socio-political unrest, the government had suspended civil liberties and imposed an emergency. With student politics outlawed, Jha was forced to go underground and was instrumental in keeping the embers of democracy glowing through underground activities. Around the same time, he got the opportunity to visit Paris, France, for mainframe computer training with CIT Alcatel for six months. A brilliant scholar, he had qualified for India’s University Grants Commission’s Junior and Senior scholarship and Research Associateship from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. And thus, Jha left India. Before immigrating to Canada and starting a career with Bell, Jha worked in Singapore, Australia and Southeast Asian countries.
After a career at Bell, he would go on an entrepreneurial spree, co-founding Isopia, software company, which was acquired by Sun Microsystems for over $100 million, Osellus Inc, another software firm with offices in Toronto and Bangkok, and acquired several businesses including a confectionery from Allan Candy/Cadbury Adams Canada which he renamed Karma. Through his acquisitions, Jha was instrumental in saving more than 150 jobs who were poised to be laid-off. Between 2013–2016, Jha was the CEO of Euclid Infotech. In January 2017, Jha acquired dgMarket International Inc from Development Gateway. dgMarket is the oldest and one of the largest portals for tenders and consulting opportunities globally, with solicitations from national governments and international donor agencies, integrating about 1 million procurement notices per year, covering about $1 trillion tender opportunities. Given what Jha has achieved, he can easily lay claim to being one of top 5 most successful Canadian entrepreneurs ever. Jha is renowned for his philanthropy and is involved in philanthropic activities to promote the interests of first nations in Canada, and the poor in India and Nepal.
Nisha Pahuja: Films and Society
Nisha Pahuja is globally acclaimed filmmaker, having directed Emmy nominated The World Before Her and the Oscar nominated To Kill A Tiger. She has earned praise for her thought-provoking documentaries that delve into complex social issues. Born in New Delhi, Pahuja moved to Canada as a child in the 1970’s. She studied English literature at the University of Toronto, with the aim of making a career in fiction. However, her life changed when she was hired as a researcher for the CBC documentary, Some Kind of Arrangement. Having seen the process of making a documentary up close, Pahuja decided to become a documentary film maker.
The World Before Her was her first major work as an independent film maker. In the documentary, she explored the contradictions that exist in Indian society, where on one hand Bollywood infused glamour encourages a girl to dream of making it in the fashion industry (shown through the eyes of a contestant in the Miss India beauty pageant), and on the other hand the deep rooted traditional values which often took on a violent and militant form (shown through an activist of Durga Vahini, an all-female ultra-right wing conservative organization that opposes beauty pageants as crass commercialization of a woman’s body and antithetical to Indian culture and ethos). Through the film, Pahuja also focuses on the two main characters, their motivations, and dreams. The film, acclaimed globally, released in India around the time of the gruesome Delhi rape case, garnering a lot of attention, and gaining support from renowned film makers like Anurag Kashyap.
Her latest work, “To Kill a Tiger” focuses on an Indian family’s fight to win justice for their daughter who was brutally raped. Shocking and yet inspiring, the film has found support from the likes of Dev Patel, Mindy Kaling, and Rupi Kaur amongst others, who have actively promoted the film. The film has been shortlisted for the Academy Awards, 2024.
Alice Benjamin: Medicine
A recipient of multiple awards, Alice Benjamin is one of Canada’s foremost experts in fetal and maternal medicine. Born in Kerala, India, Benjamin completed her Bachelor of Science from the University of Kerala, before earning a Doctorate of Medicine from the university of Delhi. She did her internship at Lady Harding Medical College and Hospital in Delhi, before immigrating to Canada to complete her residency in ob/gyn at McGill University affiliated Jewish General and Royal Victoria hospitals. This included a fellowship in maternal-fetal medicine.
Benjamin has successfully overseen innumerable high-risk pregnancies during her career as a physician. She created history when she performed Canada’s first successful diabetic renal transplant and pregnancy in 1984, and once again in 1998, when she delivered Canada’s first successful interval delivery of twins, where the babies were delivered six weeks apart. In 1994, Benjamin supervised the first peritoneal dialysis pregnancy and delivery in Quebec, and in 2003, its first successful pregnant peritoneal dialysis on cycler. In 2001, Benjamin delivered the first ever infant whose cord blood stem cells were used for a bone-marrow transplant to cure the mother’s leukaemia. Both infant and mother survived and achieved full health.
Benjamin is actively involved in social causes and philanthropy, especially through World Vision and the Salvation Army. Due to her innumerable contributions, she has been feted with numerous honours, including Officer of the Order of Canada, and Knight of the National Order of Quebec. There are also awards that have been created in her honour and are given out annually to deserving students. They are Alice Benjamin Award for Excellence in Obstetrics, Molson Award for Educational Excellence, Dr. Alice Benjamin Leadership Award, and Dr. Alice Benjamin Global Maternal and Child Health Awards.
Garry Sangha: Construction and Philanthropy.
Having covered Indo-Canadian success stories where education played a crucial role, it is only fair that we look at someone who achieved success despite being denied a fair opportunity to pursue higher education. Garry Sangha is today one of the most easily recognizable names in the Indo-Canadian community of the Lower Mainland. Still very much in his mid-40’s, Sangha commands a vast empire in construction, real estate and hospitality, and has done all this from scratch, in less than 25 years from landing in Vancouver as a raw, 17-year-old. Born in a small hamlet in Punjab, Sangha grew up in an agricultural family. He studied at his village school, and after graduating high school took admission in the local Khalsa college, also getting attracted to student activism around this time. In his very first year, Sangha won student body elections and became president of the student union from a progressive platform. Popular, a keen student and soccer player, Sangha could very well have charted a course in Indian politics. However, in 1997, he immigrated to Vancouver with his entire family, forced to drop out from college. In Vancouver, he took admission in the prestigious British Columbia Institute of Technology in the engineering course. However, given his parent’s advanced age and financial pressures, he dropped out yet again to take up work full time as a construction labourer.
Starting out at the very bottom, Sangha quickly climbed the ranks and was soon a supervisor on major construction sites, specializing in drywall. In 2005, less than a decade of landing in Canada, and still in his mid-20’s, Sangha would launch Crystal Consulting Drywall. Today that single company has grown to be a a group of companies that includes CCI Drywall, CCI Waterproofing, CCI Masonry and Kanin Constructions, by its own right one of the most prestigious brands in Canadian construction. Sangha has since gone to diversify his business ventures, starting a real estate development firm called Allure Ventures and opening one of Lower Mainland’s most opulent fine dining restaurants, Skye Avenue, which boasts of the largest whisky collection available for public consumption globally.
Sangha has also been heavily involved in soccer in British Columbia, having served on the board of BC Soccer, and being instrumental in turning around the flagging fortunes of the oldest soccer club in Surrey, BC, putting in thousands of hours in coaching and management. He is also a serial philanthropist, especially on issues pertaining to mental health, having donated over a million dollars across the last few years to organizations like Children’s Hospital Foundation , The Canucks for Kids Fund , The Food Bank , the City of Backpacks for Kids Program , Canadian Mental Health Association , Urban Resilience Opportunities for Kids , Here 4 Peers, ICBA Wellness, Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation , Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation , BC Children’s Hospital, and the Giving Hearts Gala.
The success stories of Arun Garg, Aditya Jha, Nisha Pahuja, Alice Benjamin, and Garry Sangha highlight the diverse and dynamic contributions of the Indo-Canadian community to Canada’s cultural and economic fabric. These individuals have not only achieved remarkable success in their respective fields but have also made significant contributions to society, inspiring others to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.
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rantelisaliveandwell · 8 months
Let's talk about comics!
The North American comic book industry has always operated mostly on a freelance, work-for-hire basis. Writers and artists do their work in their own time from their own homes, and are paid piecemeal by publishers for the pages they produce.
On the one hand, the highly decentralized work force is kind of cool. While comics were once produced almost exclusively by people who lived in the vicinity of New York City, advances in technology mean that people all around the world can now collaborate on these things!
However, because they are all freelancers, there is no health insurance, no pension plan, no sick leave, no vacation pay, no benefits of any kind. If an artist breaks their arm and can't draw for three months, they're out of luck. No income until they can start putting out pages again.
But what if there was another way?
At the turn of the millennium, tech entrepreneur and comics fan Mark Alessi and his cousin Gina Villa founded CrossGen comics, and they were determined to do things differently.
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CrossGen writers and artists were salaried employees, and all worked out of a central office space in Tampa, Florida (which for most of them meant relocating, potentially uprooting families and in some cases even immigrating to a whole new country.) They were able to recruit a mix of young up-and-comers looking for a shot at the big leagues, and industry veterans who admired the vision of their new way of doing things.
CrossGen comics were set in a shared universe, like those of Marvel and DC, but unlike the Big Two, CrossGen eschewed superheroes, focusing instead on genres like fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and horror. And they took the phrase "shared universe" pretty literally, with most of their series taking place on entirely separate PLANETS with no direct crossover between them, but all connected by the mysterious "Sigils" which kicked off the plot of each book.
They had a lot of cool ideas, and received some strong fan support, but in many ways the company was mismanaged from the beginning. I won't go into detail about that here, but Ron Marz, one of the company's primary writers throughout its existence, has shared many behind-the-scenes CrossGen stories at various outlets over the years, and I encourage you to seek them out. Suffice to say, CrossGen declared bankruptcy and ceased publishing operations in 2004, less than four years after putting out their first comics.
Their assets were purchased by Disney, who then bought Marvel a few years later, essentially putting CrossGen's intellectual property under the auspices of Marvel Comics. Marvel hasn't done much with properties since then; they put out a few miniseries reimagining CrossGen titles over a decade ago, but those never really went anywhere. This year, for the first time, Marvel finally announced that they would be publishing omnibus editions of the old CrossGen comics from the early 2000s, perhaps heralding a new era of relevance for these oft-forgotten stories (we'll see.)
And this is where I come in! A few years ago, I bought a longbox of comics on ebay, which included complete runs of CrossGen's four launch titles: Sigil, Mystic, Scion, and Meridian, as well as their first expansion title, The First.
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Since then, I've only read a handful of these comics. But now, I'm gonna try and read them right through, and I'm gonna write about it! It will be a journey through a fascinating blip of early 2000s pop culture. Are they any good? Did they deserve better? We'll find out!
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suryaprabisha1 · 11 months
Connecting the Dots: The Rise of Global Indians
In an increasingly interconnected world, the term "Global Indians" has taken on a new significance. It represents a community of individuals of Indian origin who have transcended geographical boundaries and made significant contributions to various fields across the globe. This phenomenon highlights the impact of the Indian diaspora on the global stage, as Global Indians are making their mark in diverse domains, from technology and business to art and culture. In this blog, we will explore the concept of Global Indians and the remarkable journey of these individuals who are shaping the world.
The Global Indian Diaspora
The Indian diaspora, estimated to be around 31 million people, is one of the largest in the world. While there is a substantial number of Indian expatriates living in countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Gulf nations, they are not merely immigrants or expats; they are Global Indians. What sets them apart is their ability to integrate and contribute significantly to their host countries while maintaining strong ties to their Indian roots.
Global Indians come from diverse backgrounds, from engineers and doctors to entrepreneurs and artists. They leverage their education, skills, and unique perspectives to achieve remarkable success in their respective fields. The story of Global Indians is not limited to a single generation; it often spans multiple generations, with individuals of Indian origin making a lasting impact on their adopted countries for decades.
Tech Titans and Innovators
The tech industry has been at the forefront of the Global Indian story. Notable figures like Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, and Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, are prime examples. These tech titans have not only risen to the pinnacle of their careers but have also played a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology worldwide.
Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley have established themselves as key players in the tech world. Companies like Google, Adobe, and Uber have had Indian-born leaders and founders who have contributed to groundbreaking innovations and driven economic growth on a global scale.
Business Moguls
Global Indians have also made their presence felt in the world of business. Lakshmi Mittal, the chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal, is one of the world's leading steel magnates. Anil Agarwal, the founder of Vedanta Resources, has made substantial investments in the mining and natural resources sector worldwide.
These business leaders not only create wealth but also provide employment opportunities and contribute to the economic growth of the countries they operate in. Their success stories serve as an inspiration for the younger generation of Global Indians.
Cultural Ambassadors
Global Indians are not limited to corporate boardrooms and tech labs. They are also making a mark in the world of arts, culture, and entertainment. Actors like Priyanka Chopra, Mindy Kaling, and Aziz Ansari have gained global recognition for their work in Hollywood. Meanwhile, authors like Arundhati Roy and Jhumpa Lahiri have earned prestigious literary awards.
Their success in the creative and entertainment industries helps in bridging cultural gaps and fostering a better understanding of Indian culture on the global stage.
The rise of Global Indians is a testament to the power of the Indian diaspora and its ability to influence and contribute to diverse fields across the world. From technological innovations and business leadership to cultural representation, Global Indians have shown that they are a force to be reckoned with.
As the world continues to become more interconnected, Global Indians will play an even more significant role in shaping the global landscape. They are not just individuals of Indian origin; they are the torchbearers of a unique blend of cultures and perspectives, enriching the global community with their contributions.
So, whether you're a Global Indian yourself or simply inspired by their journey, there's no doubt that the story of Global Indians is one worth celebrating and learning from.
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rundransh-k · 1 year
Navigating Success with NJIT MIS: Your Path to Global Excellence
Are you a tech fanatic eager to explore the world even as you advance your profession in records systems? Look no further than the New Jersey Institute of Technology's Master of Information Systems (NJIT MIS) application. In this complete guide, we'll delve into the high-quality NJIT MIS application, its specific attributes, and the wealth of global possibilities it opens up for you.
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Why Opt for NJIT MIS?
Selecting the right graduate application is an important choice that could shape your destiny. NJIT MIS stands out for several compelling motives:
Academic Prestige: 
NJIT's MIS software constantly ranks a number of the state's excellent, regarded for its rigorous curriculum and carried out by faculty members.
Strategic Location: 
Nestled inside the coronary heart of the tech-rich panorama of New Jersey, NJIT provides unparalleled access to leading tech businesses, studies facilities, and industry connections.
Diverse Community: 
NJIT prides itself on fostering a diverse and inclusive student frame, presenting a dynamic gaining knowledge of environment that mirrors the globalised place of job.
Career Advancement: 
NJIT MIS graduates are notably in demand with the aid of employers worldwide, making sure a strong return on funding on your training.
NJIT MIS: Embracing a Global Perspective
Studying overseas is greater than simply earning a diploma; it is a lifestyle-reworking experience that broadens your horizons and shapes you right into an international chief. NJIT MIS offers an excellent platform for global students to embark in this transformative adventure:
Cultural Enrichment: 
Immerse yourself in a multicultural setting, gaining deeper insights into numerous cultures and global perspectives is a good way to enrich your existence.
Networking Galore: 
Build a worldwide network of peers and mentors, starting doorways to an international of opportunities that go beyond geographical barriers.
Language Mastery: 
NJIT MIS packages regularly include language courses, honing your communication capabilities and making you a precious asset within the international enterprise area.
Personal Growth: 
Studying overseas cultivates independence, adaptability, and resilience – features highly prized by employers in state-of-the-art aggressive job markets.
NJIT MIS: A Home Away from Home for International Students
NJIT is committed to growing a welcoming and supportive environment for international college students, making it a great choice for those searching for education abroad. Here's why NJIT MIS is your ideal instructional vacation spot:
Comprehensive Support: 
NJIT gives a big range of assistance offerings for international college students, which includes orientation packages, academic advising, and immigration help.
Financial Aid:
 Various scholarships and monetary resource options are available to help worldwide students manipulate training fees and living expenses.
Diversity at its Best: 
NJIT's diverse pupil body ensures you may discover a colourful community that appreciates your particular historical past and enhances your academic experience.
Career Services: 
NJIT's profession offerings enlarge their help to global students, supplying steerage and assets to steady internships and process placements.
NJIT MIS: A Gateway to a Bright Future
NJIT MIS now gives not just a world-magnificence education, but also a pathway to life-changing global stories which can shape your future profoundly.
Whether you aspire to be a tech leader, a facts analyst, or a cybersecurity professional, NJIT MIS equips you with the expertise and ability to obtain your ambitions. This application serves as your ticket to a brighter destiny full of endless opportunities in the ever-evolving realm of records structures.
In the end, NJIT MIS is not only an educational choice, but a transformative adventure. Don't pass over the possibility to release your complete ability, both academically and in my view, while immersing yourself in a diverse and enriching global network. Make the choice as a way to outline your future – pick out NJIT MIS and embark on an adventure of a lifetime.
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