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Supernatural life simulation game Moonlight Peaks to be published by XSEED Games and Marvelous Europe
From Gematsu
XSEED Games and Marvelous Europe will publisher supernatural life simulation game Moonlight Peaks in North America and Europe, respectively. It will launch for PC via Steam in 2026. A demo is currently available.
“We always look for projects that offer our audience diverse new titles with our indie publishing efforts, but this time we’ve found a project that’s much closer to home,” said XSEED Games executive vice president Kenji Hosoi in a press release. “Moonlight Peaks is a supernatural fit given our deep experience with the farming / life sim genre, and we look forward to working with the team at Little Chicken to bring their game to life, and our fans!”
Little Chicken Game Company president Yannis Bolman added, “Partnering with Marvelous and their group of companies for a worldwide release was an opportunity we were excited to accept. As pioneers in the farming and life-sim genre with Story of Seasons and then the Rune Factory series, we were thrilled to be invited into their family. Moonlight Peaks will fit seamlessly into their publishing portfolio, and we hope to introduce fans of those series to our own innovative and unique ideas for the genre.”
Here is an overview of the game, via XSEED Games:
Moonlight Peaks takes place in its titular town, home to vampires, werewolves, mermaids, and other supernatural denizens who mostly come out at night—where the unnatural is the norm. As the grown-up progeny of Count Dracula, players will have to prove to their skeptical father that an (un-)life of compassion is possible, even for the undead. While players design their perfect vampire lair and learn the art of farming magical crops and witchcraft, they’ll get to know the eclectic mix of human and supernatural residents that also call Moonlight Peaks home, and maybe even find their eternal love! More information about the setting and features of Moonlight Peaks will be revealed at a later date, but players can download a new demo on PC right now for a glimpse at the haunted haven that awaits.
Key Features
Live the vampire life in the magical town of Moonlight Peaks.
Master the art of potions and spells.
Manage your supernatural farm.
Make friends with the local werewolves, witches, and mermaids, and find your eternal love in the supernatural dating scene.
More to come!
Watch an old teaser trailer below.
Teaser Trailer
#Moonlight Peaks#Little Chicken Game Company#XSeed gamesG#Marvelous Europe#simulation game#Gematsu#Youtube
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【翻訳】This is Peter Hewitt!
今回はThrasher2024年4月号に掲載された「This is Peter Hewitt!」の翻訳です。この記事はいわゆるQ&A形式のインタビューではなく、テキストだけ読むとPeter Hewittの独白のようになっています。翻訳だけを載せても何について話しているのか分かりづらいのでは?という理由から各節に番号・タイトルをつけてあります。���像は内容に関連するものを選んだつもりです。楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 ―TQ
1. My First Board
母さんはオレたちを週末にDel Mar(Del Mar Skate Ranch ※カルフォルニア州デルマーにあったスケートパーク)に連れてってくれた。はじめて胸を打って息ができなくなったのは、60~90㎝ぐらいのマジで狭いプラットフォームに立ってた時。Neil Blenderがいろんなインバートをやってて彼は口笛を吹いてたんだ―インバートでストールするたびに曲でも吹くみたいに。たぶん彼の足が当たったんだと思うんだけど、バランス失っちゃって後ろ向きに倒れこんで背中で着地して息ができなくなった。なにが起こったのか分からなかったよ、今までそんな目にあったことなかったからね!それから這い出していってわけのわからない状況のなかで呼吸を整えなきゃならなかった。Del Marの一番のショーはKeyhole Poolだったんだけど、オレらみたいなキッズはそこでセッションするなんてできなかったから他のセクションで滑ってた。Chris Millerが現れてパーク全体を滑ってたのを覚えてる。これこそ見たいものだった。この人たちは後ろにあるボウルをどうやって滑るんだろう?オレらがいつも滑ってるボウルは?ってね。あれはクールな見ものだったな。
2. Z to Team Hosoi
始めて袋叩きにあったのはFred Olande(※元Z Products・New Deal Skateboardsのライダー)が持ってたランプでのこと―目の周りにアザをつけて帰ったよ。そこはJay AdamsとGeorge Wilsonに出会った場所でもあるんだけど、オレたちはそれがJay Adamsだって分からなかったから「ジッパーヘッド」って呼んでた。理由は彼の頭にはジッパーのタトゥーがあったから。彼らは一度もパッドをつけなかったし、Jayはいつもかわいいコを連れてた。そんな流れでZ Products―オレの最初のスポンサーがついたんだ。特に問題なくZ-Roller(※ハンガー部分が回転する仕様のトラック)でも滑ってたよ、見た目も好きだったし、ロゴも好きだった。ライダーにはButch Sterbinsがいたな。タフなファッキン・チームだったよ。Hosoi(Skateboards)がスポンサーになりたての頃、Fredに言われたことを覚えてる。「ただZを抜けるってわけにはい��ないぜ、注目されないとダメだぞ!」ってね。
Linda Vista Boys Club(※サンディエゴにあったスケートパーク)から本当にいろんなことが繋がっていったんだ。近所の住人はラフだった。有料のパークで、ほとんどのローカル・キッズたちはそれが支払えないって環境だから緊張があった。オレたちは彼らのテリトリーにいるわけだから。スケートしてるとキッズたちが駐車場で車に侵入してるのが目に入るんだ。あそこは無法地帯だったね。オレたちは好き放題やってたよ。幸いなことに、ルールを教えてくれる年上の大人が何人かいたんだ。「同じ場所から2回ドロップインするな」みたいなこと言ってくれるGraham Stanners(※初期Foundationのライダー?)がオレたちの中で一番のインフルエンサーだったな。彼はどうやってそのランプをカービングするかとかを教えてくれたんだ。16歳の時、あの場所でHosoiのハンマーヘッドに乗ってマックツイストを覚えた。習得には一ヶ月かかったよ。そこでは別のルールもあって、「同じトリックを繰り返してセッションを妨害してはならない。自分のランの最後にトライするか、セッションの最後ですること」。それが決まりだった。同じトリックを何度も何度も続けてセッションを台無しにしたくないよね。その後すぐローカル・キッズがあるランプを全焼させて、そこは閉鎖になっちゃたんだ。
Grahamは、オレたちをはじめての冒険に連れて行ってくれた。オレ、Matt MoffettとSteve Bailyを連れて、(オレたちにとって)はじめてのヨーロッパをスコットランド人たちと一緒に回ったんだ。はじめてMarseilles(※マルセイユ。フランスの港町)をスケートしたんだ-当時はグラフィティなんて全然なくて真新しかったよ。Grand-Bornad(ル・グラン=ボルナン。フランス東部)では、はじめてのプロ・コンテストに出場したし、大勢の酔っぱらった小さなキッズが町のあちこちで暴動を起こしてるのも見た。あれはヤバかった。
3. Back to San Diego
ヨーロッパから戻って「よし、オレはプロ・コンテストに出てたんだからプロになったんだぞ」みたいな感じでいた。Santa Cruzからデッキももらってた。同時に両方の膝の手術も受けなくちゃいけなかった。オレの膝はその頃すでに壊れてたんだよ。両ひざを一緒にやっちゃってて、Santa Cruzからは、なんていうか「お別れのギフト」みたいにファミコンが送られてきたんだ。後から思えば「お別れのギフト」だったんだよ。「ほら、これがお前のファミコンな」って感じで送ってきた。彼らがオレを追い出すことはなかったよ―必然的に俺から電話しなくなっただけ。医者は半月板を縫合したんだけど、治療が終わったらまたすぐにスケートして、また両方ダメにしちまった。一年以上もスケートから離れることになったんだ。
何年か山で仕事をして、San Diegoに戻った。オレたちには暮らしていけるだけのかなり多くのルームメイトがいたんだ。オレにとっての「大学時代」。Eddy Alioto、Sam Hitz、Darren Nvarrette、Al Partanen、それにオレらの友だちSlayarで一軒家を持ってたからね。3年間そこに住んで20人ぐらいのファッキン・ルームメイトと暮らした。そこではクレージーなパーティーをしてたよ―単純に野蛮な破壊行為。25歳の誕生日にNihilist(デスメタルバンド)が祝ってくれたけど、その頃の彼らはコナン・ザ・バーバリアン(映画)みたいな髪型をしたSlayerを演奏するまだ小さなキッズだった。あれはすごかったな。
4. The First Backyard Pool/Antihero/Red
最初に行ったバックヤード・プールの一つがNude Bowl。オレらが小さかった頃にオレ、Matt、Baileyでそこに連れて行ってもらって夜通しスケートしたんだ。のちにPrestonやRhinoそして彼らの仲間のプール・スケーターたちと出会うことになった。それまでそんな全く別のシーンがあるなんて考えもしなかった。彼らは物凄くたくさんのSan Diegoにあるプールを知ってたよ!衛星電話みたいのができる以前から路地裏を回ってプールを探してたんだ。オレらの可能性をかなり広げてくれるできごとだったよ。
Antiheroで滑る発端ができたのは99年で、最初に開かれたMarseille(※マルセイユ・フランス)でのコンテストだったと思う。John(ジョン・カーディエル)と Julien(ジュリアン・ストレンジャー)と一緒に滞在してて「お前をチームに加えたいけど、それには少し時間が必要なんだ」って言われたから「わかった」って返事したんだ。それからただ待ってたよ。最初に(商品が入った���ボックスが届いたのは2001年、Rabbi、Shaggyと一緒にSeattle(シアトル・アメリカ)に住んでいた時。それまでスケートボード会社にスポンサーされたのは、なんていうか短期間だった。その時は、まさか終の棲家になるとは思わなかったよ。20数年経った今でもまだ一緒に続けてるんだ。なかなかスゴいよね。
5. The Loop
あのループはTony Hawkが闘牛場に建てたランプで経験済みだったけど、Tampa(※スケートパーク)のイベントではギャラが支払われることになってたんだ。「マジか。どう滑ればいいか知ってるぞ」って思った。前夜にオールナイトでファッキンJake Brownとパーティーしてたんだ。オレは2回ぐらいでやめたけどJakeはまだ滑り続けてた。オレが見た時はまだパーティー・モードで攻め続けてたよ。たしか3回目のトライの後、「よし、じゃあスウィッチでトライしてみてもいいかもな」ってなった。で、あの古典的なパンプをしちまった―それは一番やっちゃダメなやつなんだけど。パンプして頂点で撃ち落とされて頭のどこかを打ち付けたんだと思う。担架の上で目が覚めて救急車に詰め込まれた。救急車で出発を待ってたら、「待て!もう一人いるぞ!」ってなったんだ。で、運ばれてきたのはBrian Schaeferだった。彼は「ヘイ、頭のストラップを緩めてくれないか?」って繰り返し尋ねてたよ。オレは「ヘイ、Brian。リラックスしなよ」って感じだった。それからオレたちは病院に担ぎ込まれたんだ。
6. Jake and P-Stone
7. Washington Street
オレはWashington Street(※DIYスケートパーク)が、あの場所にどうして存在できてるのかさえ理解できてないよ。どうしてオレたちのプライベート・パークになったのかも分かってないし、保険についても完全に謎だし、どうやって未だに成り立ってるのか分かってないんだ。Chris Copeがあのパークで一番ヤバいスケーターなのは間違いない。あそこで滑ってる奴らの中じゃ、オレのリストではトップにいる。彼は隅々まであのパークを知り抜いてるんだ。さらに情熱を持って愛していて―オレは全部変えてしまいたいあのパークの何ひとつ変えたくないんだ。それも彼を大好きな理由だね。だけど、DIYスケートパークが年月を経たら変化が必要だし、進化していかなきゃいけないし、そうなるんだ。物事は変わっていくし、ただそれには時間がかかるんだ。
8. The Balance
9. Bucky's Bowl
10. Another Bridge
亡くなった友達の全員、それぞれの形でオレに影響を与えてるよ。たとえば、Grosso(ジェフ・グロッソ)は、あるエリアの人たちとオレを繋げる橋になってた。彼がいなければ、もうその橋はない。でも時が経っていくと、他の人たちとの橋や道、違うコネクションを見つけていくもんなんだ。それと同時に、JakeとP-Stoneがいないスケート・トリップは全然違うものになったね。けど、なんて言えばいいのかな、彼らと何年も―25年以上の楽しい時間を過ごしてきたんだ!それってかなりファッキン長い年数だけど、さらに追加することもできたんだ。だから考えちゃうよね。でもまあ、不思議なことだけど、ある人たちが去って行っても―他の人たちがその代わりになるわけじゃない―たぶん、その人たちはできた溝みたいなもの埋めていくんだね。たとえばJeff(ジェフ・グロッソ)が生きてた頃、Mike Lohrman(初期Black Labelのライダー)はスケートしてなかった、だけど今オレは彼と一緒に滑ってる。それってかなりクールだよね。違う橋とまた繋がったってことだから。
11. Skating with Neil
12. Frank Gerwer
13. My Wife
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The shitification of Cheeky Angel’s greatest arc: Man among men
i’m returning after a long hiatus caused by my exams and post exam exhaustion and part time jobs i’ve been doing.
(don’t worry i haven’t abandoned and stopped liking tenkona. i have many favourite series, this is one of them. i blunt rotate between favourite series except the blunts are the series and i’m the only participant smoking them packs for about a week to a few months. i may return to cheeky angel addiction again in a few months time, but doesn’t mean i don’t love it rn.)
today it’s time to explore one of the biggest (and worst) differences between the anime and the manga: how genzo and megumi’s characters play out in the endings.
recap time!!! the megu-dan go up to the tower (i think it is a tower sorry it’s been a while, and the manga it’s a tower) to save miki. but gakusan is there. first, kobayashi tries to defeat gakusan to no avail, then megumi, to no avail too. finally, genzo swoops in to save the day while megumi stands back and watches.
are you serious? this is the typical: “woman weak no matter how hard she tries so strong tough man saves the day and defeats the villain” type plot. which can be very good if executed well (for example, if someone is independent to a fault and refuses help constantly). however, it’s already clear that megumi accepts help from others from the arranged marriage and ideal woman cup arc, so this is very poorly done obv.
furthermore, megumi stands at one side just pleading and praising genzo to hell and back for him to stop. it’s just… weak writing.
there’s a similar moment in the manga actually, depicting megumi begging kobayashi to stop fighting hosoi. key and crucial difference is that she wants to burden herself with hosoi by taking over from kobayashi. in the anime, she did not once said that and it’s inferred that she’s willing to give up saving miki to protect genzo which is… huh? not once was she even selfish and stepped into the fight against people’s orders. not my megu, at all.
here’s side by side comparison:
megu’s raw ass emotions from genzo’s desperate encouragement.
and that’s not even the thing i want to discuss. i went out of point. let’s return.
in the manga, megumi saves miki from hanging off a cableway and was even willing to sacrifice her life for miki’s life instead, no hesitation. afterwards, when genzo was strapped with a bomb, he tried to act all manly and tough to save megumi. but in the end, that only causes megumi more trouble as she had to carry him out of rubble and hurt herself in the process.
here, you can see megumi’s unselfish selfishness to do what she wants, which is saving miki and staying with genzo until the last moment. she doesn’t care about her own life being in danger and immediately steps in when her friends are in trouble, in contrast to how she stands by during the anime doing absolutely fuck all and later kissing genzo as a “thank you”.
but the highlight is definitely the latter. why?
while anime genzo’s manliness causes the villain to be defeated (written as a positive thing), manga genzo’s manliness is what causes more trouble. it brings the point home how genzo is manly to a fault and he himself grows aware of this. over-masculinity is depicted as a negative thing.
not only that, notice how the scene of megumi carrying genzo parallels the first few scenes of them together? megumi carrying genzo after he got beat up? at the end of the day, no matter what genzo does, no matter how manly he is, he still ends up relying on megumi for help. this shows that even the strongest, most masculine person, is not a one man team. and… being “tough” (in that sense) is wrong.
on the other hand, anime has megumi rely on genzo... basically glorifying his stupid, toxic and stubborn false sense of masculinity and love for megumi.
you see where i’m coming from? the anime ending completely flips around the entire lesson of the series by having genzo save the day instead of megumi, entirely bulldozing the build up the series had. it’s just so painful to see.
Anime: Masculine good. Genzo’s stubbornness and toughness is what saves the day and Megumi is cast to the side.
Manga: Masculine not always good. Genzo’s stubbornness and toughness causes more trouble in the end. Realises that he needs help no matter how tough or strong he is. That help is Megumi.
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A community collaboration for progress
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-community-collaboration-for-progress/
A community collaboration for progress
While decades of discriminatory policies and practices continue to fuel the affordable housing crisis in the United States, less than three miles from the MIT campus exists a beacon of innovation and community empowerment.
“We are very proud to continue MIT’s long-standing partnership with Camfield Estates,” says Catherine D’Ignazio, associate professor of urban science and planning. “Camfield has long been an incubator of creative ideas focused on uplifting their community.”
D’Ignazio co-leads a research team focused on housing as part of the MIT Initiative for Combatting Systemic Racism (ICSR) led by the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS). The group researches the uneven impacts of data, AI, and algorithmic systems on housing in the United States, as well as ways that these same tools could be used to address racial disparities. The Camfield Tenant Association is a research partner providing insight into the issue and relevant data, as well as opportunities for MIT researchers to solve real challenges and make a local impact.
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MIT Initiative on Combatting Systemic Racism – Housing Video: MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Center
Formerly known as “Camfield Gardens,” the 102-unit housing development in Roxbury, Massachusetts, was among the pioneering sites in the 1990s to engage in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) program aimed at revitalizing disrepaired public housing across the country. This also served as the catalyst for their collaboration with MIT, which began in the early 2000s.
“The program gave Camfield the money and energy to tear everything on the site down and build it back up anew, in addition to allowing them to buy the property from the city for $1 and take full ownership of the site,” explains Nolen Scruggs, a master’s student in the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) who has worked with Camfield over the past few years as part of ICSR’s housing vertical team. “At the time, MIT graduate students helped start a ‘digital divide’ bridge gap program that later evolved into the tech lab that is still there today, continuing to enable residents to learn computer skills and things they might need to get a hand up.”
Because of that early collaboration, Camfield Estates reached out to MIT in 2022 to start a new chapter of collaboration with students. Scruggs spent a few months building a team of students from Harvard University, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and MIT to work on a housing design project meant to help the Camfield Tenants Association prepare for their looming redevelopment needs.
“One of the things that’s been really important to the work of the ICSR housing vertical is historical context,” says Peko Hosoi, a professor of mechanical engineering and mathematics who co-leads the ICSR Housing vertical with D’Ignazio. “We didn’t get to the place we are right now with housing in an instant. There’s a lot of things that have happened in the U.S. like redlining, predatory lending, and different ways of investing in infrastructure that add important contexts.”
“Quantitative methods are a great way to look across macroscale phenomena, but our team recognizes and values qualitative and participatory methods as well, to get a more grounded picture of what community needs really are and what kinds of innovations can bubble up from communities themselves,” D’Ignazio adds. “This is where the partnership with Camfield Estates comes in, which Nolen has been leading.”
Finding creative solutions
Before coming to MIT, Scruggs, a proud New Yorker, worked on housing issues while interning for his local congressperson, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. He called residents to discuss their housing concerns, learning about the affordability issues that were making it hard for lower- and middle-income families to find places to live.
“Having this behind-the-scenes experience set the stage for my involvement in Camfield,” Scruggs says, recalling his start at Camfield conducting participatory action research, meeting with Camfield seniors to discuss and capture their concerns.
Scruggs says the biggest issue they have been trying to tackle with Camfield is twofold: creating more space for new residents while also helping current residents achieve their end goal of homeownership.
“This speaks to some of the larger issues our group at ICSR is working on in terms of housing affordability,” he says. “With Camfield it is looking at where can people with Section 8 vouchers move, what limits do they have, and what barriers do they face — whether it’s through big tech systems, or individual preferences coming from landlords.”
Scruggs adds, “The discrimination those people face while trying to find a house, lock it down, talk to a bank, etc. — it can be very, very difficult and discouraging.” Scruggs says one attempt to combat this issue would be through hiring a caseworker to assist people through the process — one of many ideas that came from a Camfield collaboration with the FHLBank Affordable Housing Development Competition.
As part of the competition, the goal for Scruggs’s team was to help Camfield tenants understand all of their options and their potential trade-offs, so that in the end they can make informed decisions about what they want to do with their space.
“So often redevelopment schemes don’t ensure people can come back.” Scruggs says. “There are specific design proposals being made to ensure that the structure of people’s lifestyles wouldn’t be disrupted.”
Scruggs says that tentative recommendations discussed with tenant association president Paulette Ford include replacing the community center with a high-rise development that would increase the number of units available.
“I think they are thinking really creatively about their options,” Hosoi says. “Paulette Ford, and her mother before her, have always referred to Camfield as a ‘hand up,’ with the idea that people come to Camfield to live until they can afford a home of their own locally.”
Scruggs’s other partnership with Camfield involves working with MIT undergraduate Amelie Nagle as part of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program to create programing that will teach computer design and coding to Camfield community kids — in the very TechLab that goes back to MIT and Camfield’s first collaboration.
“Nolen has a real commitment to community-led knowledge production,” says D’Ignazio. “It has been a pleasure to work with him and see how he takes all his urban planning skills (GIS, mapping, urban design, photography, and more) to work in respectful ways that foreground community innovation.”
She adds: “We are hopeful that the process will yield some high-quality architectural and planning ideas, and help Camfield take the next step towards realizing their innovative vision.”
#2022#ai#Algorithms#Artificial Intelligence#back up#bridge#Building#Cambridge#Boston and region#Capture#catalyst#Classes and programs#coding#Collaboration#Community#competition#computer#Creative Ideas#data#Design#development#energy#engineering#Ford#fuel#Full#gap#gardens#Graduate#postdoctoral
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Juice Talks 001 with Jeff Ho and Christian Hosoi and Brian Brannon
Juice Talks 001 with Jeff Ho and Christian Hosoi and Brian Brannon
What do Sade, JFA, the Zephyr team, surfing, skateboarding, originality, punk rock, and passion have in common? Juice Talks 001. Watch here and find out more…. Juice Dan, host of Juice Talks and Juice Magazine Editor. Photo by Mauro Monteiro On November 18, 2022, Juice Magazine presented a once in a lifetime conversation with pillars of culture: Jeff Ho, Christian Hosoi and Brian Brannon with…
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Bringing this back bc upon thinking on it, Konoha's T7 stays the same, but I'm giving Karin the rest of Taka (minus Sasuke) in that Juugo can be from Konoha. That leaves the final team to be Sai from Konoha, Haku from Kiri, and Kimimaro from Uzu!
Team Taka's designated as the Kiri-taught team, with perhaps Hoshigaki Kisame as their jounin sensei, while Team Twinks Hosoi gets a Uzushio instructor, either Ryuuzetsu from that one movie or Kurama Uroko from filler eps (because holy fuck, there are. so few jounin/tokujo/anbu female characters that have any amount of personality. and everyone and their mother has a 'Yuugao is a main female character' fic)
AU where Bloody Mist ended quicker, Uzushio didn't fall, and realistically, no Uchiha Massacre.
Team 7 is established as an alliance-strengthening exercise of trust. There are 3 new genin teams, one in Kiri, one in Uzushio, and one in Konoha - but they each have one genin from every village. Team 7 is still Kakashi and Sasuke from Konoha, but also Naruto from Uzushio and Sakura from Kiri. This time, Kakashi can't ignore Sakura (even though she should also be counted as a prodigy, just in chakra control) because it would probably result in "dishonoring" Kiri and therefore, an act of war <3
The Uzushio team is perhaps Karin from Uzushio, Haku from Kiri, and Sai from Konoha?
No ideas for the Kiri team as of yet.
Suna isn't involved on account of the whole Gaara is going fucking insane and also Suna is plotting with Oto
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Vintage Hosoi
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Soshi Hosoi - Magic Castle Original Soundtrack | Yetee Records | 2021 | "Twilight Mist" Purple & Blue Marbled | /300
#soshi hosoi#magic castle#yetee records#the yetee#vinyl#colored vinyl#lp#music#records#record collection#vgm#video game music#soundtrack#hosplug#drew wise#project-team kaiga
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World Trigger Ch186 ‘Hus 8’ & Ch187 ‘Yuba Squad 2′ Translation
Hi guys, hopefully by now you’ve all heard that there is no World Trigger in this month’s issue of Jump Square due to Ashihara’s ongoing health issues. At this point, it should be in next month’s issue so not quite a hiatus situation yet *knock on wood*. And hopefully volume 22 is still coming out on time next month too, but since ch187 is literally the end of vol22 it’s hard to say if they might want another month and a bit of backlog before releasing a volume. We’ll see.
Anyway, on to last month’s release!
Panel 1
Sakurako: While an extremely flashy firefight breaks out on the west side of the map Sakurako: Premonitions of a collision in the east are also on the rise!
Panel 2
Sakurako: Will the 2 from Yuba squad clash with
Panel 3
Sakurako: Tamakoma’s Agent Hus?
Panel 4
Sakurako: Or Ikoma squad’s Agent Minamisawa?
Panel 1
Sakurako: Ninomiya squad’s Agent Inukai and Ikoma squad’s Agent Mizukami too
Panel 2
Sakurako: Feels like they might participate in this battle!
Panel 3
Minamisawa: Whoaaa!
Minamisawa: There’s like a lot coming this way!
Panel 4
Minamisawa: This’s bad! Minamisawa: I might be really popular!
Ikoma: ‘Kai is popular’ Ikoma: Roger
Panel 5
Hosoi: Kai! Hosoi: Yer not allowed to rush in by yerself this time!
Minamisawa: It’s fine, Mario-sempai!
Hosoi: Yer not allowed!?
Panel 1
Sakurako: Captain Ikoma and Agent Oki’s movements, are they going around so they can come in from the south?
Sakurako: Meanwhile on the west side…
Panel 2
Sakurako: The 2 from Tamakoma are distancing themselves from Ninomiya squad with Bagworm
Sakurako: Is their plan to not have a shootout head-on
Panel 3
Ouji: Amatorichiana shot ‘normal bullets’
Ouji: Has she become able to shoot them?
Panel 4
Ouji: But the fact that they’re not going for a firefight
Ouji: I see that as there still being grounds for concern
Panel 1
Konami: They’re probably just prioritising meeting up with allies
Konami: Once the team is all together Konami: Chika’s Meteora’s gonna go boom!
Panel 2
Konami: I was chased out in the middle the day before yesterday Konami: But I get the feeling that’s the plan they made in the end!
Karasuma: From this point on can’t be shown to commentators
Youtarou: Sorry, Konami
Konami: But Youtarou’s fine!?
Kurauchi: What a sad story…
Panel 3
Tsuji: They’re not shooting at us
Hiyami: They’ve disappeared from radar, so a withdrawal is likely Hiyami: Though there’s a non-zero chance they’re lying in wait
Panel 4
Ninomiya: Whether Amatori can shoot or not
Ninomiya: Still isn’t confirmed
Panel 1
Sakurako: Is Tamakoma Second trying to Sakurako: Have 3 of them join up then all go together to meet Agent Hus?
Sakurako: As they are moving while hiding, it looks like their speed has dropped somewhat
Panel 2
Tonooka: This distance…
Panel 3
Tonooka: Feels like it’ll be blocked since Kuga-kun’s with her
Tonooka: Can’t they leave her by herself…
Panel 4
Sakurako: East of the map
Sakurako: Are Agent Hus and Yuba squad about to come into contact!
Panel 5
Kurauchi: For the isolated Agent Hus Kurauchi: I believe there is the choice of hiding himself and aiming to meet up however…
Panel 1
Hus: …
Panel 2
Sakurako: Just as Agent Kurauchi predicted!
Sakurako: Agent Hus Sakurako: Activates Bagworm and disappeared from radar!
Panel 3
Ikoma: Hm? Ikoma: One person disappeared
Mizukami: Oki~
Oki: Yeh, yeh
Panel 4
Oki: Ah only saw an instant
Oki: But it looked blue, so it’s Tamakoma Oki: From the physique, might be Hus-kun?
Panel 5
Oki: Seems like he’s gonna turn to the south and avoid Yuba squad
Ikoma: ‘Hus is south’ Ikoma: Roger
Panel 1
Mizukami: In that case, let’s at least block off this end
Panel 2
Minamisawa: I’ll chase from behind!
Panel 3
Sakurako: Here Ikoma squad makes their move
Sakurako: To encircle Agent Hus who has erased his presence!
Panel 4
Usami: Hus-kun, your movements are being read Usami: You might be watched by a sniper
Panel 5
Hus: Seems like it
Panel 6
Hus: Is the one watching Ikoma squad or Yuba squad…
Panel 1
Yuba: Obishimaa
Yuba: Who just disappeared?
Obishima: Right
Panel 2
Obishima: To use Bagworm here
Obishima: If it’s not for an ambush then it’s
Obishima: ‘A person wanting to join up with their allies in the west’
Obishima: In other words…
Panel 3
Obishima: Hus-sempai
Obishima: Inukai-sempai, Tsuji-sempai Obishima: One of these!
Panel 4
Yuba: Alllright, well, you pass
Yuba: Whether it’s Hus, or Tsuji/Inukai Yuba: It’s a bother if we let them get away here
Panel 5
Yuba: Get that one first without delay!
Obishima: Roger!
Panel 1
Sakurako: Agent Hus’s movements have faltered! Sakurako: He’s becoming surrounded by Ikoma squad and Yuba squad!
Panel 2
Konami: Jeez, that idiot! Konami: He should have used Bagworm from the start!
Ouji: Hmmm, I wonder…
Panel 3
Yoneya: Can’t use Fullguard if you’re using Bagworm
Kodera: When there’re a lot of Snipers like this time Kodera: You must take care even with covert operations
Panel 4
Miwa: …His transfer position was too bad
Panel 5
Yoneya: Yeah Yoneya: Either way
Yoneya: Joining up is gonna take work
Panel 1
Usami: The 3 working in concert with a sniper is Ikoma squad Usami: The other, probably two-man group, is Yuba squad
Usami: The remaining one is Inukai-sempai then
Panel 2
Hus: Looking at Ikoma squad’s movements, the other enemies are coming this way too
Hus: Before I’m completely surrounded Hus: I’ll defeat one of the ones down south and break through
Usami: Roger!
Panel 3
Oki: He just went towards Iko-san Oki: One road to the west
Panel 4
Ikoma: ‘One to the west’
Ikoma: Roger
Panel 5
Usami: Hus-kun
Usami: Ikoma squad in 40 metres!
Panel 1
Ikoma: Senkuu Kogetsu
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 1
Panel 2
Oki: Whoa
Oki: He predicted I’d go with Ibis
Panel 3
Ikoma: Found Hus
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Panel 1
Usami: They’re coming from the back too!
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Konami: Watch out!
Panel 4
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
*clang clang clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 3
Panel 2
*bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Usami: Obishima-chan’s disappeared!
Panel 4
Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
Sakurako: Ikoma squad and Yuba squad surges forward with their attacks!
*clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 3
Sakurako: Agent Hus endures!
Ouji: I wonder why he didn’t die from that…
Panel 4
Sakurako: But the situation is still dangerous!
Sakurako: Can Agent Hus extract himself from this crisis!?
Panel 1
Map South West
Chika: Osamu-kun!
Osamu: Kuga! Chika!
Panel 2
Yuuma: Looks pretty bad Yuuma: Shall we go help Hus?
Osamu: No Osamu: We probably won’t be in time
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Osamu: We’ll back Hus from here!
Panel 4
Tonooka: The two from Tamakoma
*wind howling*
Tonooka: Has met up with Mikumo-kun
Panel 1
Osamu: We’ll back Hus from here!
*wind howling*
Osamu: Chika and Kuga, please climb up this apartment!
Panel 2
Osamu: We’ll create an opening for Hus with sniping!
Panel 3
Yuuma: Roger Yuuma: But
Yuuma: We’ll be found by Ninomiya-san and the rest when we shoot
Panel 4
Osamu: I know
Osamu: That’s why it’s a speed competition!
Panel 1
Osamu: Before Ninomiya-san and the others catch up to us
Osamu: We need to break Hus out with one shot Osamu: And meet up with him like that
Panel 2
Osamu: With Hus’s ‘ace up his sleeve’ Osamu: And Chika’s Lead Bullet sniping
Osamu: We’ll open a hole in the opponents’ encirclement!
Panel 3
Chika: …!
Osamu: I’ll check up on Ninomiya-san and the others
Panel 4
Osamu: And in other places Osamu: I’ve also created small fake wire zones
Osamu: It should earn us a bit of time…!
Panel 1
Osamu: …can you do it!?
Osamu: Chika!
Panel 2
Chika: Yeah!
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Minamisawa: Ahhh, I see!
Minamisawa: That’s how it is!
Panel 4
Minamisawa: It’s not me, it’s Hus-chan that’s popular!
Panel 5
Ikoma: ‘Popular’ Ikoma: ‘Wasn’t Kai’
Ikoma: Roger
Oki: Was that confirmation necessary?
Panel 1
Mizukami: Inukai’s comin’ up behind Iko-san
Mizukami: Please be careful so ya aren’t taken down by him while ya fight someone else
Panel 2
Ikoma: ‘Inukai from behind’
*clang clang*
Ikoma: Roger
Panel 3
*clang clang*
Panel 4
Panel 1
*clang clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang*
Panel 3
*clang clang*
Minamisawa: Whoa oof!
Panel 4
Minamisawa: Yuba-san so scary!
Panel 1
Mizukami: Looks like Yuba-san’s group’s aimin’ for Hus
Mizukami: It’s fine if we just follow along and sandwich him
Panel 2
Minamisawa: I don’t like multiple teams surrounding one person
Panel 3
Panel 4
*clang clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 1
Sakurako: On the east side of the Map, 8 people of 4 teams have plunged into a melee!
Sakurako: Agent Hus, who has been caught in the middle has taken damage!
Panel 2 Ouji: It’s Mizukaming who’s leading the melee
Panel 3
Ouji: He’s controlling the situation with his bullets and his position to keep Huston on the ‘inside’
Panel 4
Kurauchi: Agent Inukai also understands that Kurauchi: And moving so that Agent Hus can’t get away
Sakurako: I see…!
Panel 1
Sakurako: Agent Hus had shown his overwhelming strength in Round 7
Sakurako: Do they intend to make certain they take him down!
Konami: I don’t think he’ll let himself be taken down without doing anything in return though
Panel 2
Kurauchi: Even so Kurauchi: If the ones in the west meet up, then the situation will change
Kurauchi: So I don’t think the ones surrounding him have too much slack
Panel 3
Sakurako: Those ‘ones in the west’
Sakurako: The 3 from Tamakoma aren’t heading for the scene of the melee Sakurako: But are moving to back Agent Hus up with sniping from the south west!
Panel 4
Ouji: It’s true that way seems faster
Ouji: But…
Panel 1
Konami: Nghhhh, that’s bad, bad
Kurauchi: Because the Tamakoma trio has Agent Tonooka glued to them
Panel 2
Kurauchi: Agent Tonooka is a sniper who is very good at covert operations Kurauchi: He’ll make sure his first shot hits
Panel 3
Kurauchi: I believe in recent capture and concealment training he was 3rd
Konami: You’re even checking that kind of thing!? Konami: Kuracchi, you’re amazing!
Panel 4
Ouji: From his movements, has Yuba-san Ouji: Given him orders to mark Amatorichiana?
Panel 5
Ouji: Because Amatorichiana’s Shield can even protect against Ibis
Ouji: He probably intends to aim for the moment she attacks
Panel 1
Tonooka: Amatori-chan’s on top of a south west apartment
Panel 2
Tonooka: I’ll keep marking her
Tonooka: And shoot when she makes the motion for attack
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Obishima: Roger!
Yuba: Go all out, Tonookaa
Panel 4
Inukai: Amatori-chan and the others disappearing means
Inukai: Either Lead Bullet sniping or bombarding?
Panel 5
Inukai: Though there’s also the chance of Kuga-kun coming over here…
Panel 1
Mizukami: It’s too quiet over where Ninomiya-san and the others are
Panel 2
Hosoi: At some point bullets are gonna come flyin’ from the west or the south! Hosoi: Be careful of lines of sight!
Ikoma: ‘Bullets from west or south’ Ikoma: Roger
Panel 3
Usami: …it’s no good, Osamu-kun! Usami: They’re on the lookout for sniping!
Usami: Our lines of sight can’t get through!
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
Osamu: Damn it
Osamu: There’s no time…!
Panel 5
Osamu: Hus!
Osamu: Either way I’m gonna get Chika to take a shot with her Ibis Osamu: So take advantage of the confusion and…
Hus: No
Panel 1
Hus: Meteora
Hus: Drop Meteora where I am
Panel 2
Osamu: !?
Panel 3
Yuuma & Chika: !
Panel 4
Hus: If my luck’s good I’ll withstand it
Hus: And even if I die, we can take down the surrounding enemies all at once
Panel 5
Hus: If we get 4 points Hus: There’re no problems even if I’m down
Panel 2
Osamu: …got it!
Osamu: Chika!
Panel 3
Osamu: If it’s Meteora your range is probably at its limit! Osamu: Get as close as you can and shoot!
Chika: …roger!
Panel 4
Osamu: Kuga, watch the radar
Osamu: And please tell Chika where to aim
Panel 5
Yuuma: Roger!
Panel 1
Tonooka: Hm?
Panel 2
Tonooka: Oh man…!
Panel 3
Tonooka: The water tank’s in the way…!
*wind howling*
Fujioka: Huh? What’s wrong, Tono!?
Tonooka: No, it’s fine!
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Panel 1
Panel 2
*clang clang clang*
*bang bang*
Panel 3
Hus: Tsk…!
Panel 4
Sakurako: Agent Hus takes damage in his leg!
Ouji: Now this is tough
Panel 5
Yuuma: Shiori-chan Yuuma: Please mark where I’m looking
Usami: OK!
Panel 2
Chika: …target confirmed!
Panel 3
Chika: …Meteora!
Panel 4
Sakurako: Meteora!?
Ouji: Does she intend to include Huston in her aiming!
Panel 1
*wind howling*
Obishima: !
Panel 2
Obishima: Yuba-san!
Panel 3
Yuba: Tonookaa!
Panel 4
Kodera: In that position, Tono
Kodera: Shouldn’t be able to see the target…
Panel 5
Panel 6
Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Panel 4
Chika: !
Chika: Ah
Panel 1
Panel 2
Osamu: !?
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Panel 5
*wind howling*
Panel 7
Osamu: Chika!!
Osamu: Kuga!!
Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang*
Sakurako: !!
Panel 3
Sakurako: They’re alive! Sakurako: Is it Agent Amatori’s Shield!?
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second saved by a hair!
Panel 4
Teruya: ‘Affixed Shield’! Teruya: Even though she didn’t use it that time against us!
Ui: She’s grown~
Panel 1
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Agent Tonooka’s priceless one shot!
Tonooka: Eh? Tonooka: They didn’t die in that?
Tonooka: For real
Sakurako: Halted Agent Amatori’s bombardment!
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second’s plan has failed!
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Has Agent Hus been driven into a corner!?
1. This match is giving me all the mid range fighters getting cool roles and I love it.
2. Also more evidence of Konami using all the HQ members' nicknames. IDK I just find that cute.
3. In conclusion, growth! I love it :D
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Gust's New Brand Manager Teases 'Several Unannounced Projects'
Junzo Hosoi is known for work as a producer at game developer Gust, previously producing games ranging from Blue Reflection to Atelier Ryza and Atelier Lulua. Hosoi has since been promoted to Gust brand manager, and in a recent interview with Famitsu, he took the opportunity to tease the fact that there are currently "several unannounced new titles in the works."
As for what those projects may be, there aren't any details at the moment. All Hosoi divulged was that one of the projects is a game being developed with Gust developer and Gust shop manager Akira Tsuchiya.
While we wait to learn more, Hosoi will be settling into the new role, which still entails plenty of working together with the development team. Stay tuned for more as Gust reveals what's next.
Source: Famitsu via Siliconera
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
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Vans x Star Wars (2014)
To introduce the special edition Vans x Star Wars collection (shoes and apparel) launching June 2014, we went to the Vans Off the Wall Skatepark in Huntington Beach, CA to film a skate contest set in 1980. After legendary skateboarder Christian Hosoi finishes his run, a rookie wookie (played by another legend — Steve Caballero) rips the bowl and receives mixed scores from the judges. Tony Alva, Jeff Grosso and Vans surf team riders Leila Hurst and Alex Knost can be seen cheering in the crowd alongside Stormtroopers, Jawas and Chewbacca.
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A new invention that promises to be unbiased has been developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. The device, called the Unbiased Estimator, is a small, handheld device that uses a novel algorithm to estimate the value of any object, without any prior knowledge of the object’s worth.
The device could have a wide range of potential applications, from appraising the value of artworks and antiques, to estimating the cost of repairs after a natural disaster.
“The Unbiased Estimator is a really exciting development that has the potential to change the way we think about valuing objects,” said UC Berkeley professor Annette Hosoi, who helped develop the device.
The Unbiased Estimator works by taking a series of measurements of the object being appraised, such as its weight, dimensions, and material composition. These measurements are then fed into the device’s algorithm, which uses them to generate an estimate of the object’s value.
The device has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible, and can generate an estimate in just a few seconds.
The team behind the Unbiased Estimator is now working on commercializing the device, and is hoping to make it available to consumers within the next few years.
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Year : 2015
Client : 新幹線開業PR戦略実行委員会 (Ishikawa pref) Special support : 北國新聞社
オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢のみなさまとのコラボレーションで、オーケストラの演奏と、映像・光の共演ELECTRIC LIGHT SYMPHONYの企画・プロデュース・ディレクションをさせていただきました。
Performance: Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa
Construction: NAKATEN Naohiro Sato & team
Event produce: HOKURIKU HAKUHODO & team
Lighting producer: Michinari Marui / Shingo Murai & team Visual programmer: You Tanaka (Rhizomatiks) + Satoru Higa MIDI/Technical support : Miyu Hosoi (QOSMO) Videographer : Muryo Homma (Rhizomatiks) Special adviser : Kazuyoshi Hayakawa (CampKAZ) Plan/Produce/Direction : Keitaro Shimizu (Rhizomatiks)
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Adolescents - Brats In Battalions LP It is impossible for me to listen to this album without seeing images of kids on skateboards flashing through my head. Remember that scene in Thrashin' when The Daggers are all slowly coming into focus, rolling into the scene over the hill? You slowly make out the face of Christian Hosoi before he jumps over the car in the road. No. The Adolescents were not featured in the film. That was Red Hot Chili Peppers. Anytime I dream nostalgic about skateboarding it's directly linked to this era. Things were picking up but had not accelerated to what we know as modern skateboarding aka superhuman stunt teams :) Anyway, you can grab one of these in store at @collectiveclothing or on our web store at InherentRecords.com then go watch Thrashin'. Nerdy fan trivia: Who's skateboard was used for the main character, Josh Brolin as Corey Webster? It was sanded and repainted but it was a famous skateboarder not featured in the film. Check the hashtags for the answer! Check the links in our bio for website and Discogs Skate Babylon … 🤎 https://open.spotify.com/album/2wxM91bVMGkVlVkyQkPTbc?si=GueqNvVGTo6JEY8LpnWOZg #vinyl #collectiveclothing #inherentrecords #chattanooga #records #nowplaying #vinylrecords #vinyl #yournewrecord #chattanoogavinyl #hiddengem #recordsofinstagram #vinylcommunity #mailorder #vinylmailorder #monumentsinruin #bandvinyl #Adolescents #BratsInBattalions #punk #rock #punkrock #skaterock #thrashin #JeffGrosso #RIPJeffGrosso https://www.instagram.com/p/CciGYAbrI4R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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New model predicts how shoe properties affect a runner’s performance
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/new-model-predicts-how-shoe-properties-affect-a-runners-performance/
New model predicts how shoe properties affect a runner’s performance
A good shoe can make a huge difference for runners, from career marathoners to couch-to-5K first-timers. But every runner is unique, and a shoe that works for one might trip up another. Outside of trying on a rack of different designs, there’s no quick and easy way to know which shoe best suits a person’s particular running style.
MIT engineers are hoping to change that with a new model that predicts how certain shoe properties will affect a runner’s performance.
The simple model incorporates a person’s height, weight, and other general dimensions, along with shoe properties such as stiffness and springiness along the midsole. With this input, the model then simulates a person’s running gait, or how they would run, in a particular shoe.
Play video
Using the model, the researchers can simulate how a runner’s gait changes with different shoe types. They can then pick out the shoe that produces the best performance, which they define as the degree to which a runner’s expended energy is minimized.
While the model can accurately simulate changes in a runner’s gait when comparing two very different shoe types, it is less discerning when comparing relatively similar designs, including most commercially available running shoes. For this reason, the researchers envision the current model would be best used as a tool for shoe designers looking to push the boundaries of sneaker design.
“Shoe designers are starting to 3D print shoes, meaning they can now make them with a much wider range of properties than with just a regular slab of foam,” says Sarah Fay, a postdoc in MIT’s Sports Lab and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS). “Our model could help them design really novel shoes that are also high-performing.”
The team is planning to improve the model, in hopes that consumers can one day use a similar version to pick shoes that fit their personal running style.
“We’ve allowed for enough flexibility in the model that it can be used to design custom shoes and understand different individual behaviors,” Fay says. “Way down the road, we imagine that if you send us a video of yourself running, we could 3D print the shoe that’s right for you. That would be the moonshot.”
The new model is reported in a study appearing this month in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. The study is authored by Fay and Anette “Peko” Hosoi, professor of mechanical engineering at MIT.
Running, revamped
The team’s new model grew out of talks with collaborators in the sneaker industry, where designers have started to 3D print shoes at commercial scale. These designs incorporate 3D-printed midsoles that resemble intricate scaffolds, the geometry of which can be tailored to give a certain bounce or stiffness in specific locations across the sole.
“With 3D printing, designers can tune everything about the material response locally,” Hosoi says. “And they came to us and essentially said, ‘We can do all these things. What should we do?’”
“Part of the design problem is to predict what a runner will do when you put an entirely new shoe on them,” Fay adds. “You have to couple the dynamics of the runner with the properties of the shoe.”
Fay and Hosoi looked first to represent a runner’s dynamics using a simple model. They drew inspiration from Thomas McMahon, a leader in the study of biomechanics at Harvard University, who in the 1970s used a very simple “spring and damper” model to model a runner’s essential gait mechanics. Using this gait model, he predicted how fast a person could run on various track types, from traditional concrete surfaces to more rubbery material. The model showed that runners should run faster on softer, bouncier tracks that supported a runner’s natural gait.
Though this may be unsurprising today, the insight was a revelation at the time, prompting Harvard to revamp its indoor track — a move that quickly accumulated track records, as runners found they could run much faster on the softier, springier surface.
“McMahon’s work showed that, even if we don’t model every single limb and muscle and component of the human body, we’re still able to create meaningful insights in terms of how we design for athletic performance,” Fay says.
Gait cost
Following McMahon’s lead, Fay and Hosoi developed a similar, simplified model of a runner’s dynamics. The model represents a runner as a center of mass, with a hip that can rotate and a leg that can stretch. The leg is connected to a box-like shoe, with springiness and shock absorption that can be tuned, both vertically and horizontally.
They reasoned that they should be able to input into the model a person’s basic dimensions, such as their height, weight, and leg length, along with a shoe’s material properties, such as the stiffness of the front and back midsole, and use the model to simulate what a person’s gait is likely to be when running in that shoe.
But they also realized that a person’s gait can depend on a less definable property, which they call the “biological cost function” — a quality that a runner might not consciously be aware of but nevertheless may try to minimize whenever they run. The team reasoned that if they can identify a biological cost function that is general to most runners, then they might predict not only a person’s gait for a given shoe but also which shoe produces the gait corresponding to the best running performance.
With this in mind, the team looked to a previous treadmill study, which recorded detailed measurements of runners, such as the force of their impacts, the angle and motion of their joints, the spring in their steps, and the work of their muscles as they ran, each in the same type of running shoe.
Fay and Hosoi hypothesized that each runner’s actual gait arose not only from their personal dimensions and shoe properties, but also a subconscious goal to minimize one or more biological measures, yet unknown. To reveal these measures, the team used their model to simulate each runner’s gait multiple times. Each time, they programmed the model to assume the runner minimized a different biological cost, such as the degree to which they swing their leg or the impact that they make with the treadmill. They then compared the modeled gait with the runner’s actual gait to see which modeled gait — and assumed cost — matched the actual gait.
In the end, the team found that most runners tend to minimize two costs: the impact their feet make with the treadmill and the amount of energy their legs expend.
“If we tell our model, ‘Optimize your gait on these two things,’ it gives us really realistic-looking gaits that best match the data we have,” Fay explains. “This gives us confidence that the model can predict how people will actually run, even if we change their shoe.”
As a final step, the researchers simulated a wide range of shoe styles and used the model to predict a runner’s gait and how efficient each gait would be for a given type of shoe.
“In some ways, this gives you a quantitative way to design a shoe for a 10K versus a marathon shoe,” Hosoi says. “Designers have an intuitive sense for that. But now we have a mathematical understanding that we hope designers can use as a tool to kickstart new ideas.”
This research is supported, in part, by adidas.
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Bones Love Milk Skateboarding Team and Skate Culture Experiences
Bones Love Milk Skateboarding Team and Skate Culture Experiences
Bones Love Milk has announced its official Skate Team and will host a week of skate culture celebrations from July 27 through August 4, 2019, from 11am-5pm daily, at 300 Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 200 in Huntington Beach, California. The official Bones Love Milk Skate Team features Christian Hosoi, Tom Asta, Chris Cole, Cordano Russell and Bryce Wettstein.
The Bones Love Milk indoor pop-up…
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