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forgottenaustralia · 4 months ago
Lindsay 'Rocky' Herbert Vagne (aka Vane), originally from Nowra, NSW, developed a keen interest in snakes and tattooing very early on. Some early records have him performing a snake show at Lismore Showground, with a newspaper reporting that he "crashed his sulky," killing some of his snakes as he travelled there (6 May 1914). With articles about him at the Lismore show, dated around November of the same year.
The next dated source of Rocky has him trying to take snakes onto a train in Marborough, Victoria.
Rocky arrived in Perth in mid-1920's and began travelling around to carnivals like White City/ Uglieland showing snakes that he had captured, which included Tiger Snakes collected possibly from Garden Island.
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Around 1925 Rocky was apparently a member of 'Gus Leighton's Snake Academy', with an article written in the paper, featuring 'Professor Rocky', Gus, a man named Milo and a woman named 'Madame Lutricia'.
In 1927, Rocky is documented performing with his wife, Annie Vagne nee Whitby, under her stage-name 'Cleopatra' at the Digger's Fair.
In 1928, one of Rocky’s snakes bit his wife Annie on the thumb while performing, and she unfortunately died a short time later.
Rocky must have had a daughter with Annie (or prior) as a photo of him and an aged daughter appear in the paper, shortly after the death of 'Cleopatra'.The daughter goes unnamed.
Later, an inquest into the death of Mrs. Vagne gets underway, with Rocky insisting on the hospital being responsible for 'neglect' by removing a ligature he had placed on her thumb, which was bitter by a Tiger Snake.
After her death, Rocky continued shows at Uglieland (White City), invoking some scrutiny in the papers.
In 1929 Rocky was charged with abducting a 16 year old girl, and arrested at Boulder, before being remanded at Kalgoorlie.The charges were later withdrawn when it was found the girl accompanied him alongside her mother.
Later that year (1929), Rocky employed Harry Melrose (48) as his show assistant, who was also bitten and then died.
At some point Rocky married his second Wife, Miriam Rita Tchan in 1929, who later took him to court to divorce him in 1936, citing, that he was a drunkard who kept snakes under the bed and deserted her, apparently having done so in 1932 stating he was "tired of being tied up".
In April 1934, Rocky was convicted of being ‘in a dwelling with intent’ and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment. While Rocky was still imprisoned, Mrs. Vagne was granted her divorce, as well as granted custody of 'her child'. (Whether this was a child she and Rocky had or a child from Rocky's previous marriage in unknown, though one article states there was one child between their union).
Within the court proceeding Rocky brought his 8 year old daughter in as 'evidence', stating that she had 'taken the bite of every snake in the well at one point or another and was still in perfect health.' With the reporter writing: 'Never before, perhaps, was seen a child bearing so many scars. Her little knees were red and pimply. Her face was a mass of pimples and scars. Below the short sleeves of her little one-piece frock, her frail little arms showed many marks left by the reptile fangs'.
The case ended with him being given 24 hours to get out of the state.
It has been theorised that Rocky dumped his snakes onto Carnac Island, explaining the booming population of approximately 400 Tiger Snakes that currently inhabit the island. Whether truth of folktale is still debated.
In 1937, after having left Western Australia, for South Australia after being forced to leave the state, Rocky was once more performing with snakes, where after being bitten by one and collapsing 100 snakes escaped, being reported in the newspaper.
In 1941, Rocky married his third wife, Joyce Alice Mary Trevorrow, who learned to be a snake charmer from Rocky.
In 1943 newspapers reported on a car Rocky was driving in Victoria, where he was transporting snake for Melbourne Zoo along with another snake catcher named 'Leona', with the car catching fire and 100 snakes dying.
In 1944, Rocky owned a tattoo shop on Flinders Street in Melbourne. It’s likely Rocky was tattooing while in Perth, given the first evidence of his career as a tattoo artist dates to c.1915 in NSW. He had a tattoo parlour located at 84 James Street in Northbridge from around 1933.
While working at his tattoo shop, a man attempted to steal a Tiger Snake from Rocky, this man (George Tchan) was bitten and taken to Royal Melbourne Hosptial.This name also matches the name of Rocky's second Wife father. So there is probably some deeper story there.
In 1946, while in Tasmania, Rocky was bitten once too many times, succumbing to his snake bite and dying, with an obituary in the paper mentioning his wife Joyce, and a daughter Sylvia.
His widow, Joyce, continued on performing snake shows.
In 2024, during conservation works in the Main Cell Block of Freemantle Prison, archaeologists retrieved artefacts hidden underneath the floor, which included fragments of a tattoo art dated to c.1934 and attributed to ‘Rocky Vane’.
The fragmented designs found under the floor would have originally been one larger piece drawn and painted by Rocky, referred in the tattoo industry as ‘flash’, that he could use to advertise his tattoo works to other prisoners.
The fragments of Rocky’s designs are now being carefully conserved and adopted into Fremantle Prisons museum collection.
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unicornoflovee · 1 year ago
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anandasamsara · 6 months ago
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Getting on with the trend, my version of Brazilian Miku!
She's drinking caipirinha and dancing to tis song:
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brazaesthetic · 9 months ago
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Salgadinho É O Tchan (1998)
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xenomortix · 10 months ago
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Luzzzzzz na passarela, que lá vem ela~~~♪⁠♪
happy birthday, vil <3
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idollete · 10 months ago
"já que essa noite foi de mentira, amanhã eu vou te levar em um encontro de verdade".
misericórdia como vc pôde..... [não resistiu]
pois gostasse amor? 🤓☝🏻💭
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nxkyvm · 2 years ago
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀instagram update .
“now, if you meet me on sunday and you look twice and see, that platinum blonde is gonna be me.”
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zemaribeiro · 6 months ago
Grandes encontros no Festival Plural Instrumental, ontem, em São Luís
Saiba como foi a primeira noite; hoje tem mais, antes do evento seguir para Parauapebas/PA, Rio de Janeiro/RJ e Belo Horizonte/MG TEXTO E FOTOS: ZEMA RIBEIRO Com show inédito, Bebê Kramer e Lívia Mattos abriram o Festival Plural Instrumental, ontem (17) Os acordeonistas Bebê Kramer e Lívia Mattos inauguraram a programação musical do Festival Plural Instrumental ontem (17), no Teatro João do…
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alexaugustusart · 1 year ago
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ninaemsaopaulo · 1 year ago
Se não for pra ser ridícula, nem me chame.
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bigshoeswamp · 1 year ago
22:29 e eu me perguntando se alguém já escreveu uma tese sobre o orientalismo do Tchan
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desertoparticular · 2 years ago
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30 anos do É o Tchan!
Quem nunca dançou na boquinha da garrafa, minha gente? 😅😅😅
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marifrtz · 2 years ago
Pronta pra sair peço um carro, sinto um cheiro... E descubro que a gata fez xixi na minha bolsa, e o é o tchan começa a cantar ralando o tchan na língua do i dentro da minha cabeça. Apenas uma sexta-feira normal.
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blogoslibertarios · 2 years ago
Ex-integrantes do É o Tchan voltam a se reunir para comemorar 30 anos do grupo
  Integrantes que fizeram parte do É o Tchan irão se reunir em agosto para comemorar os 30 anos do grupo, que fez sucesso principalmente nos anos 1990 e início dos anos 2000. Serão quatro apresentações: uma em São Paulo (no dia 18 de agosto) e outra no Rio (no dia 19 de agosto). A venda de ingressos começa na terça-feira (27). O reencontro foi batizado de “Chá do Tchan”, marcando o início das…
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filhosepoesia · 2 years ago
Carla Perez filhos, conheça quem são eles e como estão atualmente
Os dois Carla Perez filhos são Camilly e Victor Alexandre, ambos são muito ligados à família e estão sempre juntos nas atividades do dia a dia, bem como em viagens. Carla Perez filhos têm uma relação muito próxima e dividem com os fãs nas redes sociais um pouco de sua rotina. Nas postagens, eles mostram ser uma família unida e a ex-dançarina do grupo É o Tchan é uma mãe bastante…
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yeahawvampire · 2 months ago
We will also do, a little dance.
People seriously underestimate how much living in Brazil is like being in a musical sometimes. We will burst into song every now and then.
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