#Taylor swift x daughter
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sterredem · 1 month ago
Taylor swift x daughter!reader
Face claim Sophie Gracie (realsophirgrace on insta)
Summary Taylor’s daughter is loved by the fans
Warning not proofread, spelling mistakes
A/N the beginning is a lot of tweets and then there is a big time skip but I hope you like it! It also isn’t the longest one. Also made this in like 2 hours so this is maybe not the best one but I like it.
Also not what I usually post but I love it and will make more! So I hope y’all enjoy it!
This was a request!
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Liked by Taylorswift and 132 others
Y/nSwift The last Eras Tour show 🥲 so here you have a few on my favourite moments with mom and touring with her
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Taylorswift I love you so much, it was so great to have you with me
Y/nSwift stop it I���m crying
Bsfuser So sad that it’s over😢😢 liked by author
Kamnaunders ❤️❤️❤️
Y/nSwift I hope I’ll see you soon!!
Gracieabrams miss you already!
Y/nSwift Miss you moreee!!!
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Never Grow Up
Word count: 3.0K
Summary: Taylor's still going on tour despite having a teen kid and reader just wants to spend quality time with her but Taylor's too busy. Reader thought that Taylor would reschedule the tour dates around daughter's birthday until she saw the tour dates being released online. Reader got mad and that was her final straw so the relationship is fractured.
Warnings: angst, single mom, mention of abortion, hurt/comfort
Pairing: Taylor Swift X Daughter!Reader
First time writing for Taylor! Hope you like it💜
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Being Taylor Swift’s Daughter had it’s own perks and flaws.
She had you in when she was 20, and your father has always been out of the picture. You never got to know him, never met him and never asked about him but as far as you knew, he wasn’t one of the famous Taylor’s exes, he was just a random guy your mother had fallen in love with. She never talked about him, not her, or her family and since the subject was apparently so delicate, not once did you ever dare ask. There weren’t any pictures in the house, not in photo albums… it seemed like everyone had tried deleting his existence.
However it’s not like you ever needed a father figure. Your family always made you feel loved, you had all the attentions you could ever ask for and you have always been happy, no matter where you were in the world. However the first years of your life weren’t easy for your mother. She was still very young herself, but at the same time she was supposed to be going on tours, concerts and make her fans happy, all while also having to take care of you. Thankfully, her mother was a big help in that too. She would help take care of you and watch you when Taylor was on concerts. She was busy, yes but she always, always made time for you, no matter where you were around the world, wether it be a couple days, and some times even a full week, depending on bow busy her schedule was.
Were you a fan of hers? Yes, of course you were. You have no reminiscence of when you were younger, buy ever since you turned 5 you had been going to every concert of hers. You would either stay in the backstage, or in the booth with your grandma, Andrea, with one of the best views in the stadium, and slowly people had started to acknowledge you too. Taylor had never publicly talked about you, buy everyone knew she had a daughter, and it was easy to know it was you, because you were identical, you were like Taylor’s mini-me, and also because of her song “Never Grow Up” which she wrote and published when you were just one year old. You knew every single one of her songs, you screamed each and every one of them while at times Andrea filmed you and posted it on her social, which is how Taylor’s fans found your social and start following you as well.
Going a bit back in time, when she took a break from music, you were just 7, you hoped to spend more and more time with her and you did, but to an extent. Her mental health wasn’t the best, and she was always busy writing/recording songs and getting ready for her next tours, so her time with you became less and less and less, to the point where you’d rarely get to spend time with her, however, you tried. 
During Covid you finally got to spend so much time with her, after her Lover Tour was canceled. That’s when you decided to follow in on her footsteps. You were 11 and you already knew how to play the guitar, but you wanted to learn how to play the piano as well. One night you were supposed to be sleeping but you couldn’t, so you went where you knew your mom would be. She was in the soundproof room playing the piano and humming, trying to get ideas for a new song. You stood there at the door, waiting for your mom to acknowledge you. That happened pretty soon. She turned around and saw you standing there, in your pjs as you were holding your favorite teddy bear. Taylor smiled brightly at you and beckoned you to walk over to her.
“Hey little one, why aren’t you asleep yet?” She asked in a low, soothing voice. “I can’t sleep” you said in a tired voice, rubbing your eyes as Taylor made you sit in her lap sideways, so that you were laying your head on her shoulder and she could look at you. She kissed your nose and cheeks and forehead, before moving some wild hair away from your face. “How about I sing to you?” She said with a smile, you looked up at her with your big, wide, sweet (e/c) eyes expectantly and she didn’t even need a reply before she started playing “Never Grow Up” on piano. That song is originally meant for a guitar but here she was, playing it on piano and singing it, turning it into a lullaby only for you to hear.
You were asleep in a matter of seconds, and even though Taylor noticed, she still continued singing until the song was over and then she picked you up and put you into her own bed, staying snuggled up to her for the night, feeling as safe as ever in your mother’s arms. “I love you little one” she whispered.
That was the last time your mother sang something to you.
The last time she cuddled you.
The last time she told you she loved you.
A few weeks after she started planning her Eras Tour. She needed everything ready in such a short matter of time, setlist, choreographies, stage shape and instruments, transitions, lights and all the stuff regarding a regular concert. Not a day went by without her on the phone, or working on her laptop, or in studios either dancing or singing. It was moments like this where you wished you had a father figure. Not even the holidays you two spent together anymore. It was like she had completely forgotten about you, it was like you were just one random person in her house she had to cook for.
Two years later, On another identical night of your mother working, you decided to disturb her, just this once. “Hey mom” you said, walking over and sitting next to her on the couch. She was leaning forwards to the table where her laptop was placed. However, she didn’t reply to you. “Mom?” You asked again. You heard her sigh as she gave you an answer, not taking her eyes off the screen. “Yes, sweetie?” She asked, “Can we watch a movie tonight? Maybe we can order McDonalds and watch something?” You said as you leaned in closer to her, laying your head on her shoulder. “(Y/N) I can’t, I’m busy” she said and for a moment you were quiet as you looked towards the screen of her laptop, you could see she was scheduling the dates for the concert. You just hoped she would have a free day on your fourteenth birthday, like she promised.
“Oh come on, it’s just a movie, only for tonight. Please?” You pouted and wrapped your arms around her, hoping this might convince her. “I said in busy. Tour starts soon and I still need to figure out a few dates” she said and you groaned. “Please mom, we haven’t cuddled in a while-“ she interrupted you by removing your arms around herself. “I said no, (Y/N)!” She said, raising her voice which made you look at her with wide eyes, and kind of in shock. She never raised her voice at you until now. “God these days you’re so bothering, just go sleep!” You knew she didn’t mean it, but in this moment you couldn’t help but be hurt at her words. She couldn’t even be bothered to look at you when you got up and ran to your bedroom, locking yourself in as you cried into the pillow.
That was the last time you asked your mother to cuddle you.
From that day on, you barely talked to her. Not that you even needed to, either way. She was still always on the phone. The only differences where the fact that you’d go to your room immediately after lunch, and not stay and watch TV with her, and you’d go to Andrea’s place all day. She noticed you were sadder than usual. She noticed that you were more cuddly with her than usual. She also noticed you were quieter. When she asked if you were okay, you shrugged and said you were, And she also asked Taylor, who replied telling her that nothing was different, and most likely you were just acting up. It was weird to you, how your mother didn’t realize that she was neglecting you and your grandma had realized that just seeing you a couple days.
You ended up telling Andrea what was happening, and she tried to reassure you, saying that she was just nervous for the whole eras tour thing, and when it started things would become easier… but you weren’t sure of that.
A couple weeks later, what you feared became true. You were in your room when your mom made a post on instagram announcing the Eras Tour dates and you scanned through it, until you read it. “KC night 1 7/7/23”. Your birthday. She was having a concert on your birthday. You took your phone and rushed to the living room, where your mom was on the phone with her publicist, Tree. “Mom, seriously??” You asked her, not caring if she was on the phone or not. You heard her sigh “Tree, wait a second” she said and put the phone on mute, looking at me. “What is it?” She asked and you rolled your eyes. “You put a concert date on my birthday” you said and she sighed again. “Can we not do this now? This is important-“ you interrupted her again. “More important than your daughter?” You talked back.
Taylor was silent for a while, before excusing herself with Tree and ending the call, and you repeated what you said. “You put a concert date on my birthday” she nodded, looking confused “yeah, and?” You shook your head. “You had promised me you’d have the day free so you could spend it with me! It’s been a long time since we last had a day together, just you and me…” you looked down, but she didn’t seem to be bothered. “We’ll spend some time together after the concert like we already did.” She looked away from you, eyes back on her phone. “But that’s not what you promised!” You said and raised your voice, making her look at you. “(Y/N), right now, tour’s more important-“ you interrupted her, “then why did you have me?” She looked up back at you, looking more confused than ever.
“Huh?” She asked and only now did she notice that you had tears in your eyes. “Why did you have me if tours are more important than me?” At that, Taylor got up and walked over to you, eyes full of worry and remorse, maybe. “The fact that I’m now busy with tour doesn’t mean that I love you any less” she said and knelt down in front of you. “But you don’t show it! You don’t show that you love me…” You said and she furrowed her brows, even more confused. A couple tears leaving your eyes. “do you remember when was the last time we celebrated my birthday together?” You asked her and saw how she shook her head, thinking of a reply. “It was 6 years ago. I was 8, mom” you said “it was 2017, remember what period it was?” Once again, she didn’t reply, but you both knew what period it was. “When was the last time you told me you loved? I don’t remember it” you didn’t remember it, but Taylor did. You had fallen asleep in her lap and she had just stopped singing you “Never grow up.” She stood up and sighed, watching you cry but she didn’t feel like apologizing would be enough.
“If you knew you weren’t going to have time for me, you could have aborted me” your voice broke as you were saying this, and you rushed back into your bedroom, not knowing that in that precise moment, your mother was bawling her eyes out too. She wanted to spend more time with you, she really did, but at the same rime, she really didn’t have time.
The day of your birthday, you wouldn’t be seeing your mother until the concert. You woke up to no text from her, which made tears well up in your eyes but you quickly blinked them away and went on with your day. Andrea had gifted you a necklace with a dream catcher, which you really liked, but you would have needed no gift if only you could spend your day with your mother, but by now you had given up on that occasion.
The concert went by normally, like any other, and you had spent it in the booth with Andrea, smiling whenever people asked pictures of you as well and exchanging friendship bracelets with them, like grandma had showed you. Soon it was the moment of the surprise songs and you were expecting her to take her guitar, but she didn’t.
She sat at her piano, and started talking. “Well, welcome to the surprise songs” she started and everyone clapped their hands, screaming in joy and adoration. There was a reason behind every surprise song she chose for every night and you were curious as to what tonight’s reasons would be. “On normal occasions I would be playing this song on guitar, but this isn’t a normal occasion” she smiled at what she was about to say, and you furrowed your brows in confusion. Was she talking about your birthday? “As I’m pretty sure all of you know, I have a daughter, her name’s (Y/N)” everyone began cheering even more. Yes, she was talking about your birthday. “I have never talked publicly about her, but tonight’s her birthday, so I wanted to surprise her. She’s here tonight, and she’s in that booth over there with my mom” she pointed over to you with a smile, and everyone cheered again.
“It’s been a rough period for both of us. I’ve been very busy with tour, and she’s been wanting to spend more time with me and I feel like a very bad mother for not being able to give her what she wants, and apologizing doesn’t really work all the time, she’s stubborn as hell” the crowd laughed and you couldn’t help but smile at her words and you leaned into Andrea, who gave you a side hug. “Well anyway as I was saying, this is a very special occasion as it’s her birthday so I’ll play this song on piano instead of guitar, and I would like you all to look at the screen behind me as I play this song. Happy birthday little one, this is for you”
With that, Taylor started playing “Never Grow Up”, the song she wrote about you, for you.
Your little hand’s wrapped around my finger and it’s so quiet in the world tonight Your little eyelids flutter ‘cause your dreamin’ So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
A video started playing on the huge screen behind her. Photos and videos of you as a child with her, both so young and happy. Taylor was smiling brightly and you laughed whenever you were around her and her family, now you understood more the words:
To you everything’s funny you got nothing to regret, I’d give all I have honey if you could stay like that
Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up Don't you ever grow up Just stay this little Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up Don't you ever grow up It could stay this simple I won't let nobody hurt you Won't let no one break your heart And no one will desert you Just try to never grow up Never grow up
You started tearing up more with the chorus as you sang along, and behind her more videos of the both of you were being played. No matter where or how Taylor was in life, she always loved you, every day more than the other. A side screen showed her as she was playing this song in this very moment, tears leaving her eyes and more forming in them. As the song came to an end, she spoke again. “Happy birthday babygirl, mama loves you so so much” she said and sniffled, wiping her tears. The crowd was louder than ever, and like other times she stopped to take it all in.
“Can I go to her?” You asked Grandma and she nodded, explaining that she had anticipated this would happen and already had a bodyguard ready and waiting for you. He quickly took you backstage and showed you the way up to the stage, even if you knew it already.
The stage doors opened to reveal you, and everyone cheered even louder as you started running your way to the front of the stage, where your mom was. Taylor turned around to look at you, smiling brightly as she got up and made her way towards you, arms opened for you to get into a tight, warm embrace. When you were finally in her arms, you both cried a bit more as you placed your head on her chest, and her head was right on top of yours. When you pulled back she took her in-ear monitors off, cupped your cheeks, looked at you and said “I love you so so so much, please never forget that”
“I love you too mom” you said almost in between sobs. She kissed your forehead and pulled you into another, tight hug.
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strawberrykisseslia · 2 months ago
What it means to be family
pairing: mom!Taylor Swift x teen!daughter!reader , PLATONIC
tw. hurt/comfort, Taylor is a sweet mom, the father has no name, reader probably has both parents issues, your father left, mention of fighting, pre - eras tour Taylor, Taylor is maybe a little older but not much - a year or two older, proofread
an: starting the new year with miss taylor swift? YEAHHH i might start to write more for her because it's fun!!! and this healed my inner child, happy new year's by the way!!!
wc. 1206
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You were never prepared for what came with being a super star's kid. No one knew how hard it would be when you truly start growing up.
It had been just you and your mom for a couple of months now since her separation with your father. They never told you the reasons why. But you knew it was for the better. The house was filled with sadness and anger. Their fights echoed in your ears every night your mom gave you a goodnight kiss. How could you even forget?
"For her at least!" Your mom yelled in the living room and you just stood in the door frame out of their sight.
"No- Are you even listening to me? I can't keep on living like this," your father fought back.
"I don't want her to grow up without a father," Taylor lowered her voice a little and shook her head. They had been through this more than enough times but she couldn't let him go just like that.
"I will visit," he promised. He always promised things but never kept them.
Taylor already knew that he wouldn't and he was just saying it. She shook her head.
You just watched their fights without ever wanting to participate in them. You were only six when they started to become more often. Almost everyday. Your father found reasons to waste the time with them.
One night while you were sleeping Taylor watched him go. She didn't have the strength to stop him this time. She just let it happen.
The morning that came after that was silent and sad. All your mom said to you was that he needed to go away for some work thing. She never said more but you were big enough that he won't come back this time.
It's been ten years since and it's just been you and your mom, Taylor Swift. Her biggest tour, The Eras Tour was starting soon. You never told her but you were scared. You were scared that you won't be able to meet as often and that she would stop loving as much, even though that wasn't true.
"Baby, do you want to help pick songs out?" she opened the door to your room as you were sitting in front of your makeup table. You saw her in the reflection of the mirror.
"Sure," you shrugged your shoulders and offered a gentle smile.
You followed her into her office and sat down next to your mom. Hands folded and on your laps. You wanted to tell her about your fears but you didn't have the heart to upset her. She was the best mom you could've ever asked for even though she had her own mistakes you never loved her any less or started to distrust her.
Though, Taylor started to notice your silence whenever she brought up The Eras Tour. It didn't go unnoticed by how tense you got at the first mention of it, how long it will be.
"So, how do you want it to be?" you asked as you raised your gaze to look at her.
She put a small smile on her face, "I was thinking about starting it with Lover. Since the Loverfest got cancelled, I think that's a good idea."
You nodded. You remembered how excited she was to perform her first owned album and how sad she was when she had to cancel it thanks to the pandemic.
"The era would start with Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince," her voice faded into the void as you started to daydream.
The other day you were out with friends and you watched how one of your friends got dropped of by her dad. And how she got a cheek kiss and a big hug before she ran over to you. Then her dad and mom picked her up and they went on their way.
You never told anyone but you actually really carved your father's love and attention, even if he never played his part. There were good and unforgettable moments with him that you cherished and kept hidden from the whole world, even hidden from Taylor. They were just yours to keep.
"Look! She is taking her first step," your father yelled for Taylor to come into the living room. She came rushed in with a camera in hand to document your achievement.
"Oh, my baby," she melted behind the camera as you were starting to almost walk.
You fell but you just smiled and giggled happily. Then everything felt perfect even if you didn't remember too much only seeing on videos.
Your parents smiled and laughed with you. Nothing ever felt more happier than that moment before all the fighting and yelling.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" your mother worriedly asked as she pulled you out of the daydreaming.
You shook your head and stepped back into reality again, "Yes, of course- I'm fine," you assured her and soothed her worry a little bit.
Taylor let out a heavy sigh and fully turned to you in her seat.
"I know how hard it is for you, and how hard it has been ever since..." she couldn't really say it out but you knew what she meant. She was still not over it herself as well.
"But I am always here for you," she reached out for your hand and you let her take it, "though, I feel like something else is also bothering you."
You lowered your gaze, you couldn't keep looking into her eyes and see all love and understanding for you and when you didn't want to let her go on a world tour and just stay with you forever. You felt selfish. But you truly just didn't want to lose another parent. That was a nightmare that always came up late night when you were trying to sleep peacefully.
"Mom, I-" you fell into silence but soon after decided to fight yourself and say it out loud, "I don't want you to tour," you raised your head to meet her eyes.
Her eyes softened and let you continue.
"It's just- what if you won't have time for me anymore? What if you will start to love me less?" you looked down, "I don't want to lose you too," you softly admitted.
She cupped your cheeks and forced you to make eye contact with her.
"You are my baby, my child," she softly and slowly said so you would listen, "Nothing and no one will ever be as important as you are, my love," she smiled and started to giving you kisses all over your face.
You giggled at your mom's behaviour like you were still a little baby.
When she stopped giving kisses, she continued her speech, "I was actually thinking about taking you with me on tour. And if you want a few, only a few friends can come along," she said with a smile.
"And I will never ever love you any less and I will always have time for my little angel and you won't get rid of me for many years to come," she stopped and pulled you into a deep, loving hug. You haven't felt this happy in a while.
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positivelyholland · 3 months ago
Can we get a Styles-Swift reader! imagine in honor of Liam Payne?
Steady Hands in the Storm
Pairing: Harry Styles x daughter!reader
Genre: slight angst into fluff
Warnings: kinda a heavy one but it has a happy ending
A/N YALL IM BACK Word Count: 7,243
The house was unusually quiet. The kind of silence that feels heavy, pressing down on every surface. You sat at the kitchen table, absentmindedly stirring a spoon through your cup of tea. It had gone cold a while ago, but you hadn’t noticed. Not really. All your focus was on your father, who was sitting across from you.
He was hunched over, elbows on the table, his head in his hands. His curls looked messier than usual, like he hadn’t bothered to tame them today. You’d noticed the little things over the past few days—the way he moved slower, the way his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes anymore. Even the way his voice sounded softer, like the energy had drained out of him.
You knew why, of course. The news had hit everyone hard. Liam Payne, your dad’s former bandmate, had passed away unexpectedly. And even though it had been years since One Direction had been a band, those boys were still family to him. Losing Liam felt like losing a part of himself.
“Dad,” you said softly, your voice barely breaking the stillness.
He didn’t look up, but you saw his shoulders tense slightly.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse.
You sighed, setting your spoon down with a soft clink. You knew him well enough to understand that he wasn’t trying to shut you out. He just didn’t know how to put what he was feeling into words.
So, you decided to try a different approach.
“Do you remember that time Liam came over for Christmas when I was, like, six?” you said, leaning back in your chair. “He spent the whole day teaching me how to do a handstand in the living room. Mum was furious because we kept knocking over the decorations.”
That got a small huff of a laugh out of your dad, though he still didn’t lift his head.
“I thought she was going to banish him from the house forever,” you added with a grin.
“He kept apologizing every five minutes,” your dad muttered, finally looking up. His green eyes were red-rimmed, and you could tell he hadn’t slept much. “But then he’d just… try again. Said you were getting better every time.”
You smiled softly, nodding. “I did get better. All because of him.”
The room fell quiet again, but it didn’t feel as heavy this time. You could see your dad’s shoulders relax a little, his hands falling to rest on the table.
“He was so good with you,” Harry said after a moment. “Always patient. Always kind.”
You reached across the table, placing your hand over his. “He loved you, Dad. All of you. I think you meant as much to him as he did to you.”
Your dad swallowed hard, his jaw clenching as he tried to keep his emotions in check.
“It just… it doesn’t feel real,” he admitted, his voice cracking. “I keep thinking I’ll wake up and… and he’ll call or text, and it’ll all have been some kind of awful dream.”
You squeezed his hand gently. “I know. But he wouldn’t want you to carry this alone. You’ve always told me that grief is lighter when you share it.”
He gave you a faint smile, one that didn’t quite reach his eyes but was a start.
“Why are you so wise for a teenager?” he asked, his voice tinged with warmth.
You shrugged, trying to keep the mood light. “I get it from Mum. Obviously.”
That earned you a soft chuckle, and for a moment, it felt like the cloud hanging over the room lifted just a little.
Over the next few days, you made it your mission to help your dad through his grief, even if he didn’t realize it. It was little things at first—making sure he ate, suggesting you watch one of Liam’s favorite movies together, or putting on some music to fill the silence.
But as time went on, you noticed that your dad seemed to be retreating into himself more. He’d spend hours in his studio, not working on anything, just sitting there with his guitar in his lap. You’d find him staring out the window, lost in thought, or holding his phone like he was waiting for a call that would never come.
It broke your heart to see him like this, so you decided to take a more direct approach.
One evening, you found him in the living room, staring at an old photo album. You sat down next to him without a word, leaning against his shoulder as you looked at the pictures. Most of them were from his One Direction days—grainy selfies, group shots from concerts, and candids of the boys goofing around backstage.
“Did you ever think those days would end?” you asked softly.
He shook his head. “Not really. We were so young, so caught up in it all. It felt like it would last forever.”
“But you’re still close,” you pointed out. “You and Louis talk all the time. And Niall sends those ridiculous videos that make you laugh so hard you cry.”
He smiled faintly at that. “Yeah. And Zayn… well, we’ve reconnected a bit over the years. It’s not the same as it was, but there’s still love there.”
You nodded, flipping the page to a picture of Liam holding a microphone, his face lit up with a big, toothy grin. “He’d be proud of you, you know. For everything you’ve done. For the way you’ve been there for everyone else, even when it’s hard for you.”
Your dad’s eyes filled with tears, and he quickly wiped them away, his hand trembling slightly.
“I just… I feel like I should’ve done more,” he admitted. “Checked in more often, made more of an effort to keep in touch. Maybe if I had, things would’ve been different.”
You shook your head firmly. “No, Dad. You can’t think like that. You loved him, and he knew that. Sometimes, life just… happens. It’s not anyone’s fault.”
He looked at you then, his eyes searching yours for some kind of reassurance. “How’d you get so good at this?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.
“Years of listening to your music,” you teased, earning a watery laugh from him.
A few weeks later, your dad had a concert scheduled—a big one, with thousands of fans waiting to see him. You weren’t sure if he was ready to perform, but he insisted that the show must go on.
That night, as you stood backstage, you could feel the nervous energy radiating off him. He kept pacing, running his hands through his hair and mumbling to himself.
“Dad,” you said, stepping in front of him to stop his pacing. “You’ve got this.”
He looked down at you, his green eyes wide and uncertain. “What if I break down in the middle of it? What if I can’t do it?”
“You will,” you said confidently. “Because you’re doing this for him. And because he’d want you to.”
He took a deep breath, nodding slowly. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.”
As the lights dimmed and the crowd erupted into cheers, your dad turned to you one last time. “Stay close, yeah?”
“Always,” you promised.
The concert started off strong, with your dad pouring his heart into every song. The crowd loved him, cheering and singing along to every word. But it wasn’t until halfway through the set that he finally addressed the elephant in the room.
“This next one…” he began, his voice shaking slightly. “This next one is for someone very special to me. Someone who’s no longer with us, but who will always be a part of my heart.”
The stadium fell silent, the weight of his words sinking in.
“I miss you, mate,” he said softly, his voice cracking. “This one’s for you.”
He started to play, his voice raw with emotion as he sang a song he’d written just for Liam. The lyrics were beautiful, filled with love and pain and memories of the friendship they’d shared. By the time he finished, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house—including yours.
When he walked off stage, you were there waiting for him, your arms open wide. He pulled you into a tight hug, holding on like you were his lifeline.
“Thank you,” he whispered, his voice thick with gratitude. “For everything.”
You smiled against his shoulder, tears streaming down your face. “Always, Dad. Always.”
In that moment, you knew that while the pain of losing Liam would never fully go away, your dad would be okay. Because he wasn’t alone. He had you, and he had the love and memories of a bond that could never be broken.
And that was enough.
The End.
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tisthedammseason · 2 months ago
˚⋆˙𝒟𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝒜𝓅𝒽𝓇𝑜𝒹𝒾𝓉𝑒 & 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒸𝓎 𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈𝑜𝓃✧⋆。
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- "I could've spent forever with your hands on my pockets"
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princessxt · 9 months ago
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Pairing(s): Spencer Reid x Daugther Reader
Gender: Fluffy, sad?
Warnings:Family problems, fights between father and mother, psychological abuse.
Summary: Spencer Reid's daughter notices that her friend is having problems at home, and decides to help in any way she can.
Spencer's daughter was raised in a very loving home. Despite growing up with her mother, her father did everything he could to see her smile, and she could barely remember a time when her father disappointed her. a lot of time with her because of work, but on his days off, he dedicated all his time to her. This dedication made his daughter become a helpful girl, who is ready to help anyone, at any time. sense when a person wasn't well, and it wasn't long before she realized that her best friend, Liam, wasn't well.
They were at lunch, under the bleachers when Y/n decided to confront him about what was happening.
"You don't want to tell me anything? You know I won't judge you, right?" She eats a piece of her snack, trying to create a friendly environment for her friend to vent.
"What are you talking about?" He seems confused by her question, and looks at her.
"It's just that you're a little strange these days, a little sad. I want you to know that I'm here to help you." She puts down her snack and stands in front of him.
"I'm fine, okay! Just... leave it alone." He takes a bite of his snack, trying to change the subject.
"Liam, don't do that, tell me. I can try to help you." She comes closer and puts her hand on his shoulder.
"It's just... my father and my mother are fighting a lot lately, I don't even know why, but they can't even be in the same room together as they start shouting at each other." He lowers his head and she just says it. look. Y/n pulls his arm closer and gives him a hug, trying to make him feel better, but she knew that wouldn't solve her problems.
"We can talk to my father, he can help." She breaks the hug and looks into his eyes.
"I don't want to involve him in this. All this will pass, they will resolve themselves and everything will return to normal. Just wait."
During the last few classes, Y/n couldn't help but think about Liam's situation, becoming pensive and immersed in her own mind. And at the time of her departure, when Spencer went to pick her up, he couldn't help but notice his daughter's condition. .
"You're thinking, what happened?" He looks at his daughter, who becomes distracted when her father's voice sounds.
"You know that friend of mine, Liam? He told me he's having problems at home, his parents are fighting a lot. I tried to help, but he said it would pass and they would sort it out." solve your friend's problem.
"Hey, don't be like that, you can help him in other ways. Pay attention to him and be gentle, that will help at the moment." He calms his daughter, who agrees. She leans her head against the car window, thinking about the What to do to cheer him up?
The other day, Y/n woke up and got ready to go to school, smiling on the way because she had already thought about how to cheer up her friend the night before. She arrived at school and Liam was at the door, with his head down. and greets him, only receiving a "hi" in response.
"I know you're feeling sad these days, and I already know what to do to cheer you up! What do you think about going to my house tonight? We can watch a movie, stay up late, eat lots of sweets! I already I spoke to my dad, he said it's okay, he thinks you're a nice person and you can stay away...from home..."Y/n was talking excitedly about the plans, but at the end of the sentence, Liam raises his head and looks at her, revealing her black eye and cut eyebrow.
"Liam, what was that?" She puts her backpack on the floor and comes closer to him, who takes a step back.
"They were fighting. He was aggressive and... wanted to attack my mother. I wasn't going to let that happen." His eyes fill with tears. Y/n, with a pain in her heart to see her best friend In those conditions, he gives a comforting hug. Liam reciprocates, pressing his body against his, feeling safe in his arms.
"Liam, I'm so sorry!" She feels her eyes watering as she pulls away from the hug.
"It's not your fault! I don't know what to do anymore, I'm tired, I barely slept." He looks into her eyes and she can feel the pain in her eyes.
"I need to help you, Liam, and you need to accept this help!" She says it seriously, and he agrees, realizing the gravity of the situation.
"You can go talk to the school counselor if you want, I'll walk you through the session." She picks up her backpack from the floor when Liam nods. leave the room, Y/n asks Liam's permission so she can call her father, who, as an FBI agent, has contacts. Liam allows it and she calls her father, explaining the whole situation, Spencer, moved, calls some people from social services, and in addition, makes a brief investigation into Liam's family. After all this, Liam receives all the necessary help and is placed in a temporary home, where he is safe and comfortable. When the situation was stable, Y /n remembers his initial plan and calls Liam to his house, preparing his living room for a night of movies between him and his father. Liam arrives at the house and feels his heart warm seeing the affection that the Reid's have for him. Unfortunately, in the middle of the first movie of the night, Spencer receives a call from Hotch, saying that they had an affair, he apologizes and goes to work.
Y/n and Liam, lying together on the mattress on the living room floor, watch different movies until dawn, when sleep comes. They turn off the television and get closer to each other, feeling the heat of their bodies.
"I love you to the moon..."She says.
"...until Saturn"He completes, before falling asleep.
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marie-swriting · 5 months ago
I'll Never Leave You - Dean Winchester
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Summary : You thought your father, Dean Winchester, would always be by your side.
Warnings : Spoiler last episode of the show!, reader is Dean's daughter, no age mention but reader is a young adult, angst, character death, feeling of hopelessness, loss of a parent, bittersweet ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English isn't my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 4.6k
French version
Song inspiration : Marjorie by Taylor Swift
Laying on your bed, a book in hand and your dog Miracle at your feet, you patiently wait for your dad and your Uncle Sam to come home from the hunt. Since the apocalypses, the wars between Angels, Archangels and God have officially stopped, you took a step back from the hunting life. You still help them with the research but you don’t go on the field as much. You can finally have a normal life - as normal as it can be when your last name is Winchester - and Dean supports your decision, glad to know your future is full of possibilities. 
You’re in the middle of a chapter when you hear the bunker’s door opening. Miracle raises his head while you put your book on the bed. You trot to the entrance where you only find Sam with an emotionless look on his face however you don’t notice it. 
“Was the hunt good? Where’s dad?” you question with a smile.
“Y/N, something happened.”
“What? Did you scratch Baby?” you laugh, yet your smile disappears as soon as you see his serious face.
“No, it’s Dean.”
“What is it? Uncle Sam, what happened? Is dad hurt? Where is he?”
“Y/N, wait,” Sam holds you back as you’re about to leave the room. “You should sit down.”
“I don’t want to sit down, I want to know where my dad is.”
“We found a vampire nest so we went there to kill them but Dean got hurt.”
“Is he okay, though, right?”
Sam stays silent for a long second before speaking again.
“One of the vampires pushed them against a beam and there was a spike. He got severely injured.”
“What do you mean, Sam? Tell me my dad is okay!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, Dean… he died during the hunt.”
Upon hearing this sentence, the floor crumbles underneath your feet. You can’t believe it. You stay speechless while Sam keeps talking.
“You dad wanted you to know he’s always been proud of you and he loves you. He also told me-”
“No…,” you interrupt him with watery eyes. “Wh-, How-, it can’t be.” you stutter, shaking your head. “He can’t die! He is Dean Winchester. He’s survived so many things. He can’t be dead!”
“Y/N/N, I’m terribly sorry.”
“No!” you scream when Sam is about to hug you. “I… I need…”
You don’t finish your sentence, too stunned to speak. You run to your room, tears rolling down your face, Miracle hot on your heels. You let the dog in the room before locking yourself in. Completely confused, you don’t know what to stare at. Your eyes look everywhere while Sam’s words are echoing in your head: ‘He died during the hunt.’ You choke while big tears stream down your cheeks. You fall to the ground as your heart bleeds. You can’t believe you’ve just lost your dad.
One could think it wouldn’t hurt as much after Dean cheated death so many times, however the pain is still unbearable - if not worse, this time. You grew up with only your dad and your Uncle as your mom died in childbirth. Your family isn’t big but your love for them knows no limit. You had to overcome a lot of loss the past years, whether it was Bobby, Charlie, Castiel or other people, though the pain you felt at their death is nothing compared to what you’re feeling right now. You’re lost, begging in the empty for your dad to come back to you. Miracle has his head on your legs, trying to comfort you; you stare at him and you hurt a bit more.
Dean never wanted a dog, no matter how many times you asked him for one. He always used to say with your way of life, you couldn’t take care of one and above all, he’d say no dog would ever get in the Impala as long as he’s alive. However, the second your life went back to normal, he rescued Miracle. You secretly suspect he’s always wanted a dog and your whim was the perfect excuse to adopt one. When he brought Miracle home, you weren’t surprised to see he was the one he got. Miracle managed to find his way to Dean’s heart since they first met, though he would never admit it… would have never admitted it. 
Dean was finally having the life he’s always wanted, far away from the repeating apocalypses and it was taken from him as quickly as it came. It isn’t fair. You dad doesn’t deserve to die this young and you still need him. You’ll always need him.
You stay with your back against the door and Miracle in your arms for several hours. Actually, you don’t know how long you stayed in this position. You’re numb, time is standing still since your discussion with Sam; maybe only two hours passed or a whole day, you have no idea and you don’t have the strength to check it on your phone. All you want is your dad. You don’t care what time it is or if you need to eat. You just want Dean and his comfort.
You think back to all the times you lost Dean and all the times he came back. There always was a solution. There must be one for this time, too. His time hasn’t come yet. You still can bring back your dad to life, no matter the sacrifice you have to make. You dry your cheeks and stand up. Determined, you leave your room and walk to the library, Miracle following you. You take several lore books you already know and others you’ve never read but could be useful. On the table, you have at least four piles of ten books, yet you’re still motivated. You could read thousands of books, as long as you find a solution, that’s all that matters. You take one and start reading it and taking notes with information that might be helpful.
You’ve just finished a whole stack when Sam’s voice snaps you out of your reading, startling you. Sam stares at you, worried while you don’t pay much attention to him before going back to your research. Sam sits in front of you yet, he stays silent. He watches you for a few minutes before speaking.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Alright. I’m gonna give Dean a Hunter’s funeral tomorrow. If you wanna join me.”
“Don’t burn his body!” you exclaim following his information.
“I have to and you know it.”
“No! If you do it, it’ll be even harder to save him.”
“What exactly are you researching, Y/N?” Sam questions, fearing your answer.
“A way to resuscitate dad.”
“Y/N, we can’t do that.” He firmly says and you look at him sternly.
“Why? That didn’t stop you and dad from doing it numerous times before, why would it be any different now?”
“Because everytime we wanted to cheat death, it caused major issues, you know that damn well.”
“Nothing we can’t handle. Dad can’t be dead, not like this, not now that everything is starting to get better. I’m gonna bring him back, no matter the price.” you affirm, opening a new book.
“Even if you have to die?” Sam interrogated, surprised.
“As long as he’s alive, that’s all that matters.”
“Y/N, your dad wouldn’t want you to sacrifice your life for him. He’d want you to live it.”
“It means nothing if he isn’t there.” you say, your lip quivering. “I need him, Uncle Sam. I have to bring him back.”
“We can’t.”
“We damn well can! We can find a solution.” you argue before having an idea. “I’m even sure if we asked Jack, he’d do it. After all, the current God likes us more than the last one, we’re his family.”
“Y/N, we can’t save him, not this time.” Sam insists, making you angry.
“If you don’t want to save your big brother who sacrificed everything for you, that’s your problem, as for me, I’m gonna save him, so either you help me or you leave me alone.”
“It’s time he rests in peace, especially after everything he went through.”
“Because of everything he went through, he deserves to live without worrying about Lucifer, God or another Archangel.”
You look at Sam, sure of yourself. Sam doesn’t reply right away before weighing pros and cons and admitting to you: 
“Dean specifically asked to not be brought back to life because he knew too well the consequences, so respect his wish.”
“He was dying, he didn’t know what he wanted. Now, leave me, I have lots of research to do.”
Defeated, Sam sighs before leaving the library. He sees how desperate and in denial you are. He just hopes you’ll realise very soon bringing Dean back is dangerous and useless. Though he fears you’ll realise it too late and you’ll suffer even more. Either way, he promised Dean to be there for you and that’s what he’s going to do. Whether you want it or not, Sam will stay by your side to comfort you the instant you’ll accept Dean’s death.
The following day, Sam gives Dean a Hunter’s funeral alone. He tried to convince you to come but you refused, preferring to lose yourself in your research. Sam wished he could have done the funeral later, fearing you might regret it later for missing this last goodbye to Dean, unfortunately, it had to be done as soon as possible. 
Sam worries more and more for you. You’ve completely shut yourself out. You only read books in the library and do more advanced research on the internet without sleeping or eating. He brings you food however you almost never eat and you pull all-nighter after the other, despite his disapproval. He doesn’t know what to do to help you. He knew you’d be devastated when he told you Dean’s death but he didn’t expect this reaction. 
A few weeks later, the situation hasn’t evolved, except that now you’re locked in your room and not in the library as a way to avoid Sam. You’re still mad at him for not wanting to help you save your father. You don’t understand how he can be this passive. Your father would have done everything to bring back Sam if the roles were reversed, you’re sure of it.
You finish reading the last book you took from the library when you have an idea. You think you know where to look, except you didn’t see the book when you rummage through all the shelves or you would have started with this one right away. Just in case, you go through the mess that is your room now before going to the library and checking everywhere four times. You try to remember where it might be when a memory comes into your mind. You saw it last in your dad’s bedroom a few weeks before his death. You haven’t stepped a foot there since Dean’s last hunt. You just can’t. You’d like to, though. Normally, whenever you’re feeling down, you go find your dad in his room so he can comfort you.
However, if you went to his room now, you’d face a loud silence and you can’t face it.
Reluctantly, you end up walking slowly to Dean’s bedroom. You stay in front of the door for some time, pondering if you should go in or not. You don’t know if you’re ready to enter his room but on the other hand, you need this book, it might be the solution. You take a deep breath and open the door. The corridor light penetrates the room and you can see the bed which is made, his music collection and the book you’re looking for on the desk. You turn on the light and take big steps to his desk, wanting to leave the room as soon as possible. However, you don’t do it. On the desk chair, you find one of your dad’s shirts. You get teary eyes as you take it and bring the piece of cloth to your nose. You smell the familiar scent and you burst into tears in one second. You wish Dean would come to his room and tell you not to steal one of his tapes like you usually do. Everytime he’d admonish you, he’d pretend it bothered him when in reality, he loved knowing he passed on his love for classic rock to you. His bedroom is now all that’s left of him and you don’t want to lose this place, even the most insignificant piece of scrap such as the menu from the burger place a few miles away is now of an inestimable value. Your eyes fall on a piece of paper lying in the middle of the desk. Carefully, you read it and find it’s an application to become a firefighter on which you can see his signature with his name on the bottom of the paper. You sob when you think back of the first time your dad confessed to you he would have loved to be one if he hadn’t been a hunter. 
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It was a few years ago during a fall morning, Dean had woken you up early. Too early. At 4:00 A.M. to be specific. He had woken you up because he wanted to have a father-daughter day. This was how you found yourself in the Impala this early while you were still mentally sleeping and your dad was happy to spend the day with you.
“You know, a father-daughter day can start at 10:00 A.M.,” you complained, yawning.
“You’re not gonna regret waking up early, trust me. We’re almost there.”
“It better be amazing or during the next roadtrip I pick the music.”
“Hell no! You know the rules.” Dean refused.
“Yeah, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole, whatever. I deserve some compensation!”
“I got you some donuts.” he exclaimed, showing the pink box at your feet.
“It’s a good start.”
A few minutes later, you arrived in front of a lake. Dean told you to get out of the car and to lean on the hood with the donuts in hand. Despite the morning breeze, you started eating while watching the sunrise. The sky was a beautiful amber colour and it was reflecting on the lake, making the scene even more stunning. It was peaceful, save for the birds which were waking up.
“So, wasn’t it worth it?” Dean asked with a smirk. 
“Ok, you were right and besides, the donuts are delicious. I didn’t think of you as a fan of watching the sunrise.”
“I can be interested in nature!”
“Stop it or next thing you know, you’re only gonna eat salad like Uncle Sam.” you answered with a fake fear expression on your face to which Dean rolled his eyes.
“The fact is we’re having a great time as a father and daughter, away from all the supernatural threats.” Dean said, holding you close to him.
“And like this, I can make it up a little bit for the father I am.”
“You don’t have to make it up. You’re a great dad.”
“No children should grow up like you did, like I did. I always promised myself I wouldn't make the same mistakes as my father and here you are in the middle of all this crap between two High School periods.” He grumbled, avoiding your gaze.
“Do I have to remind you I started hunting because I followed you, not because you forced me to?”
“I’m still mad at you for that. You shouldn’t have followed us when you didn’t even know what you were fighting, it could have ended badly!”
“The fact is I saved your ass from some werewolves.” you retorted with a proud smile.
“You especially got lucky. I didn’t know what I would have done if you had gotten hurt.”
“I learned from the best, nothing could happen to me.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. With Sam, we always got ourselves out of those messes just on time. I don’t like knowing you’re part of the hunting life.” Dean confessed with sad eyes.
“I chose it. You always give me a way out and I never take it because I like to hunt.”
“Maybe, but I wish you had the opportunity to lead a normal life, you deserve it.”
“I might not hunt my whole life, I don’t know for sure. For now, it’s what I want to do, though. To be honest, I don’t even know what I’d do if I weren’t a hunter. Besides, you deserve a normal life, too, you know.” you affirmed, firmly.
“It’s too late for me. And I’m not made for the apple pie life but it can be different for you.”
Your heart broke in your chest upon hearing your dad saying this. You wish his life had been different, that his dad had given him the choice when he was younger. Dean might have kept everything buried inside yet, you could read him like an open book. No matter what he affirmed you, you knew your dad wished for a calmer life.
“What would you have done, if you hadn’t been a hunter?” you randomly asked.
“What do you mean?”
“If you had the apple pie life, what would be your job?”
“I don’t know.” he replied but you didn’t believe him.
“You’re telling me you never thought about it ? You’re lying. I can totally see you in a job where you help others.”
“I would have loved to be a firefighter.” Dean confessed after marking a pause.
“You would have been a good firefighter, I’m sure of it. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll have your chance?”
“I don’t think so. I made up my mind I’ll always be a hunter and besides without hunting, I would have never met your mother and you wouldn’t be here so I’m grateful for this life.” he affirmed with a genuine smile.
“You’ll always be here, right?”
“Always.” he promised.
You kept watching the sunrise while talking about more random topics, you particularly complained about some teachers and Dean shared his High School experiences - while leaving behind some details as to not be a bad influence. 
The rest of the day, Dean taught you how to drive Baby, something that didn’t happen often. You were so happy to see your dad trusting you this much. You carefully listened to Dean to avoid making any mistakes. Dean, as for him, loved sharing this knowledge with you, despite having some anxiety over Baby potentially being injured at any given moment. After that day, this place by the lake quickly became your father-daughter spot.
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In hindsight, you realise to what extent Dean could have lived the life he wanted. He was probably going to go less and less on hunts so he could do the job he always loved and his chance at a normal life has been ripped away from him. After everything he went through, he deserved this chance. 
Furthermore, you become aware you’ll never have a father-daughter day again where Dean wakes you before the sun so you could enjoy every instant. Had you known, you would have made sure to memorise every second of your last day. All of these memories are part of the past and you can’t bear the idea of it. You can’t stay another day away from your dad, you’re desperate and you must save him. You keep the shirt in your hand while you close the door then, you pray to Jack, looking up.
“Please, Jack, if you can hear me, you have to help me. I’ll bother you only this one time, I promise. I won’t ask for anything else. I just need my father, you have to bring him back. Please, help me.”
You keep begging as you close your eyes as if it gave more strength to your prayers. After a few minutes, Jack’s voice saying your name resonates in the room. You open your eyes and throw yourself in his arms. You missed him so much. You quickly considered Jack as your little brother after he was born so the second he took over Chuck, you heart broke. You’re glad to see Jack replied to your call, despite his responsibilities.
“I’m happy to see you, Y/N.”
“Me too, you have no idea.”
“You prayed so we could talk about Dean. Let me tell you, he is in Heaven. He deserves it after everything he’s done.” he informs you with a genuine smile.
“He particularly deserves to live. Jack, I know I’m asking for a lot but he can’t stay in Heaven, he has a life here, he has to live it.”
“I can’t do that and you know it.”
“You’re God now, of course you can!” you exclaim, appalled.
“After everything he’s sacrificed, he can finally rest.”
“No, he can finally live! Jack, you have to save him.” you beg, tears in your eyes.
“I can’t break the new balance we just made and also, he doesn’t want to, Y/N, he knows the price to pay and he doesn’t want you and Sam to pay it, you in particular.” Jack says, calmly.
“You’re lying! My dad would never leave me. Please, Jack, I’m begging you to help me. Whether you do it or not, I’ll find a way but with your help, I’ll cause less damage.”
“My answer stays the same. I’m sorry.” he insists, making you mad.
“Leave. I’ll do it alone. I don’t need you! Leave!”
Disappointed, Jack disappears, leaving you alone in Dean’s room. You can’t understand why no one wants to help you. You’re not asking to bring back a monster, just your father so why is everyone letting you down? Your tears that had stopped rolling down earlier find their way back on your cheeks again in a second. You’re sick of everything. You’re sick of crying. You’re sick of no one helping you. And more specifically, you’re sick of not having your father.
Mentally tired, you end up laying down on Dean’s bed and you hold the shirt close to you, hoping it’ll bring you some sense of comfort. You keep crying until you finally fall asleep for the first time in weeks.
A light breeze going over your body wakes you up. You open your eyes, not understanding where it comes from and you find yourself on the backseat of Dean’s car. You just have the time to look up when you see the car door opened and your dad telling you to get out of the car. Surprised, you need a second before jumping into his arms. Dean hugs you back and strokes your back while you pay attention to his shoulders moving at the rhythm of his breath to make sure he’s alive. After a few minutes, you break the embrace and Dean drags you so you can lean against the hood of the Impala which is parked in front of the lake. Dean puts his arm around your shoulder while you put your head against his.
“Dad, is this a dream or real? I’m confused, I haven’t found a solution yet so how can you be here? And how did I get in the Impala?”
“Jack must have found a way for us to meet again.” Dean answers, giving you hope, in spite of himself. 
“So, is it all good? You’re safe?”
“No, sweetheart. Jack and Sam were right when they said I didn’t want to be brought back to life.”
“Why, though? You finally had everything you wanted!” you anger, taking a step back from Dean.
“I can’t keep on dying and coming back to life, I had to die for good one day.”
“Yeah, when you’d be old, very old, not now!”
“I wish it could have been later, too, but it is what it is, there’s nothing we can’t do. Y/N/N, I don’t want you to spend your life trying to find a way to bring me back, it always ends badly. I promise you, I regret nothing, I’m fine and I can finally rest. You have to keep living without worrying about me.” he tells you, calmly.
“But I need you, dad.” you retort, shaking your head. “There’s so much I don’t know, there are so many questions I should have asked you about the supernatural, what I’m supposed to do, on how to be and even more questions I haven’t thought about yet. It’s too hard without you.” you say, your voice breaking.
“You’ll be okay, I know you will. You’re a fighter, a Winchester. I’m proud of you and the woman you became, I hope you know that.”
“Uncle Sam told me, yeah.”
“Don’t push him away. He tries his best to support you while respecting what I asked him.” Dean tenderly states.
“You told me you’d never leave me. You promised you’d always be here.”
“And I meant it. I’ll always be by your side even if you don’t see me. I’ll never leave you and when the moment comes, we’ll meet again.”
“I want us to meet again now.” you cry and Dean takes you in his arms.
“I wish we could but we can’t. I’m sorry we didn’t have much time together. I love you, sweetheart, never forget it.”
“I love you, too, dad.” you say before breaking the embrace. “I’ll apologise to Uncle Sam, I shouldn’t have yelled at him.”
“He isn’t mad at you, I’m sure of it. It’ll be okay, don’t worry.” he says, kissing your temple. “Come on, let’s enjoy this moment. Donuts?”
A small smile finds its way to your face as soon as he hands you a donut. You take it and eat it, enjoying this precious moment. Mentally, you thank Jack and apologise to him before focusing back on the lake illuminated by the sunrise until you slowly fall back asleep.
The second you wake up, you’re in Dean’s room again, his shirt next to yours. A single tear streams down your face yet, this time, this tear isn’t only for the pain of losing your dad. This tear is full of sadness, yes, but also of joy as you got one last goodbye. This tear rolls down because you know Dean’s death is still affecting you notwithstanding, he’s right, he can’t be brought back to life and you have to accept it. You know that despite everything, he’s still all around you.
You look at the clock on the nightstand and discover it’s still early and the sun is still rising in the sky. You take one of your dad’s jackets in his closet and leave the bunker with Miracle who woke up when he heard you. Outside, you admire the dawn, your heart pinching in your chest a little. No matter how many sunrises you’ll have to live without Dean, you promise yourself to have at least a day during the week where you’ll wake up early and think about your dad. You want to keep him alive in your head and for this, you want to keep the traditions you had when he was still there.
The day officially started, you grab Baby’s keys and drive downtown, more specifically to the Fire Academy. You enter the building and wait for your turn at the reception. As soon as it’s your turn, the woman tells you to come closer and asks what you need.
“I’d like to apply to be a firefighter, please.”
The woman gives you some information and papers to fill and when she’s done, you thank her and go back to the Impala. Sat on the driver seat, you look at the papers with a bittersweet smile. Though you don’t see Dean, you know he’s here, right next to you, happy to see you officially quit the hunting life and realise your dreams and his.
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graciegoeskrazy · 9 days ago
i wish you would
(matty healy + daughter!swift-healy!r)
warnings: bit of tears, absent mother but like...not really she's just not tour but like she is?, matty being a best dad, some angst, more hurt/comfort vibes.
a/n: I told myself id do a hc for swift-heavy!r first but then I got this request and went straight to my computer so here we are lol. ty anon for requesting! I've wanted to do something similar to this for awhile but I've also been a swiftie since I was like a baby (debut came out a year and twenty days after I was born) like I've been singing our song since before I could talk so for some reason I can never write her in a 'bad light' (meanwhile I've put Matty through hell lmao) but this isn't even that bad so whatevs. love ya!
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Both Matty and Taylor had always agreed on one thing - you came first. No matter where they stood with each other, no matter how messy things got between them, your well-being was the priority. No matter what. They never wanted to overwhelm you with their worlds - the flashing cameras, the stadiums packed with screaming fans, the chaos of fame - so they kept your involvement to a minimum. You weren’t a secret, they never wanted you to be, but you also weren’t a prop to be paraded around. They wanted you to have something resembling a normal life.
So, the arrangement was simple: whoever wasn’t headlining a world tour was the one you stayed with.  
It had been that way for as long as you could remember. When your father was touring, you stayed with your mom. When your mom was touring, you stayed with your dad. And when he went to rehab, you stayed with her full-time.  
At first, it felt like a sharp, painful shift - like being uprooted from one world and thrown into another. Not because you didn’t love your mother, but because it wasn’t what you were used to. Your life had always felt more settled with Matty. He was your constant. But during those months, you learned to navigate life with her. You got used to her routines, her world, her way of doing things.
And then, just as you adjusted, your worlds flipped again.
Ever since the start of her record-breaking stadium tour, you had been back with Matty full-time. It made sense. The biggest tour in history wasn’t exactly the best place to raise a preteen. And of course there were times, especially int he beginning, where you would go visit her for a week or two at a time. Your father had been more than happy to have you home, and you were happy, too. Truly. Life with your father was easy, familiar. You fit into his world like you were always meant to be there.
So why did it still hurt?  
Why did it still sting every time you watched her post clips from another show, thousands of miles away, singing songs that made people cry, making time for fans - millions of fans - but not for you?  
Another part of you felt stupid for even thinking that she could have time for you in the first place. She was the busiest person on the planet right now. You understood that. You really did. But understanding didn’t make it hurt any less.
You had been carrying that weight for weeks, trying to swallow it down, trying to ignore the ache in your chest every time someone at school mentioned her, every time an interview clip popped up on your feed. And for the most part, it worked. You had a good life with your dad. You were happy here.  
Why change that?  
So, you didn’t say anything. Not when she missed another one of your calls. Not when another week passed without a single text. Not when your dad noticed the way you had been shutting yourself off.  
Instead, you buried yourself in schoolwork.  
You sat curled up in your room, hunched over a notebook, scribbling down answers to math problems that weren’t due for weeks. The numbers blurred together, but that wasn’t the point. The point was to keep your mind busy. To not think about it.
You had barely spoken to your dad and Gabi when you got home earlier. A quick hug, a vague comment about your day, and then you were upstairs before they could ask questions. You didn’t want to talk about it. You didn’t want to admit that it was bothering you.  
A knock at the door broke through the silence.  
“You alright?”  
Matty’s voice was soft, careful. You didn’t look up.  
A pause.  
“You’ve been acting different lately.”  
You kept your eyes glued to your notebook. “Yeah? How so?”  
“Quiet. Distant.”  
You hummed, a meaningless response, hoping he’d drop it. But you should’ve known better.  
“You gonna tell me what’s going on?”  
You could hear it in his voice - the concern, the gentle persistence. He knew something was off. He just didn’t know what.  
You didn’t answer.  
Matty wasn’t deterred. He stepped into the room, crossing the space between you. When you were younger, if you were upset, you’d blame it on being moody or having a bad day or, if all else failed, you’d roll your eyes and say, It’s the period talking, Dad. But you weren’t a little kid anymore. You were almost thirteen. More aware of your feelings. More aware of how hard they were to ignore.
“I don’t want you to get mad,” you murmured, fingers picking at the frayed edges of your comforter.  
Matty hesitated before sitting down beside you, careful, patient. “Why would I get mad?”  
You shrugged, keeping your eyes down, willing yourself not to cry.
“Did you do something, illegal?” he said, half joking, half serious.
You rolled your eyes, “No.”
“What- no.”
“Boys?” He said, eyes narrowing.
“Dad, no!”
His effort to make you laugh hadn’t really worked. Starting to make you more agitated.
“Tell me, baby.” His voice was quiet, coaxing, the way it always was when he was trying to get you to let him in.  
You inhaled sharply, then exhaled slow, trying to make it sound like it wasn’t a big deal.  
“I just miss her.”
Matty let out a slow breath - not frustrated, just…understanding.  
“Yeah?” he asked gently.
You nodded. “I don’t like how she’s always working now.”
He took a second, choosing his words carefully. “It’s okay to be mad at her-”  
“I’m not mad at her,” you snapped, suddenly defensive. “You’re the one who’s mad at her.”  
Matty let out a small huff of laughter. “I’m not mad at your mom, baby.”  
You studied him, searching for cracks in his reassurance. The past two years had been messy - so many fights, so many reunions, so much history between them that you barely understood. The fact that they had made it back to each other at all was still something you weren’t sure how to feel about.
“Are you sure?” you asked, finally looking at him.  
He nodded. “Whatever happened between me and her…it’s nothing for you to worry about.”  
You sighed, frustration bubbling up. “So it’s just for you two and the rest of the world to worry about?”  
“Y/n…” he said in a warning, “We’ve talked about this,” he started, but you cut him off.
“Just - forget I said anything. I’m sorry.”
Matty paused, watching you carefully. Then he softened.
“Y/n, we all know - everyone knows - this tour is huge. The biggest thing on the planet right now. But it’s almost over, and when it is, she’ll be all yours again.”
“Not just mine,” you mumbled, twisting the frayed fabric between your fingers.  
Matty frowned slightly. “Y/n…” His voice was measured now, careful. “He’s nice to you.”  
You scoffed. “Everyone’s nice to me. I’m the daughter of two pop stars.”  
Matty let out a small laugh. “What about Gabi? You’ve never had a problem with her.”  
“That’s different. She’s cooler than him. And you and Gabi aren’t as famous as them.”  
“First of all - Ouch.” He said while holding up a finger. He smirked when you cracked a small smile. “Second of all - he’s probably the best boyfriend your mother has had in a long time.” 
You rolled your eyes but didn’t argue. You knew he was right.  
“He loves her, Y/n,” Matty said, his voice softer now.  
“I know,” you admitted. “That’s why I never see her.”  
“She’s busy-”  
“Too busy for me?”  
Matty sighed. “No-”  
“Then why doesn’t she ever want to see me?” Your voice wavered. “I don’t even remember the last time we talked. But he gets to see her all the time. Her fans get to see her all the time.”
Matty’s face fell, and something in your chest clenched.  
“Your mother loves you,” he said. “More than anyone.”
You swallowed hard.  
“Have you tried texting her?” he asked.  
“I don’t want to send a message just for her to ignore it.”  
He learned closer. “Y/n,” Your eyes met his again, “She’ll answer.”  He said.
You weren’t sure if you believed him. But when he nudged your phone toward you, you hesitated - then picked it up.  
And typed.
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weepynymph · 2 years ago
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Mine, Taylor Swift / Literati
for @lorelaiileigh who I promised a happy edit after the extremely sad one I made for castles crumbling - I hope this helps!
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skydrain · 6 months ago
Sick Day
I had a dream the other night and realized I have been so terribly inactive on Tumblr and figured I could just put this out there. Completely take a turn in my account. So, I do realize this is so incredible niche. Do I care? No. Do I hope people like it? Obviously. Anyway, I hope this finds people who at least respect the vision lmao.
Summary: Y/N Swift-Styles (adoptive if you would please, bc shes like 16) spends the day in the Reynolds' house because Harry is across the world and Taylor has places to be and people to see (not in a bad way, she's a very good mom).
Disclaimers: nothing really, sicky stuff like sneezing and a puke bucket, no actual throwing up though. Other than that it's just cute family stuff and maybe a smidge of going crazy in emotional haze. Also, I totally made stuff up and did very little research. I am by no means pretending I know anything about these peoples lives.
Pay no mind to any spelling mistakes, sorry <3
Feel free to leave any constructive criticism, love that stuff truly
Sick Day
Y/N woke up with a very very stuffy nose. Not out of the norm if she’s completely honest, especially this time of year. Goddamn seasonal allergies amiright? However, the headache and full body chills is what allerted her that she could most certainly not go with her mom to the studio today and hang out doing online school like planned. 
Y/N walked into the living room where Taylor was collecting her sheet music and trying to put her many many sets of lyrics into order. 
“Moooommmm, *sniffle* I don’t feel good,” Y/N said as she plucked a tissue from the end table. 
Taylor whipped her head around when she heard her daughter's groggy voice. Quickly standing from the couch, she hurried towards her daughter and held her shoulder as she blew her nose. 
“Oh you poor thing, let me check your temperature,” rushing off to the bathroom, Taylor quickly returned with a thermometer and had Y/N put it under her tongue. Guiding her daughter to the couch, she grabbed the thermometer back and saw 100*f showing back. Grabbing Y/N’s shoulder and tugging her under her arm into a hug, Taylor began to think through her options. 
“Oh sweetheart, I feel terrible leaving you here alone like this, do you feel comfortable being alone, or I could maybe call Blake and see if you could go over to theirs?” Taylor made sure Y/N’s eyes were actually focussed on her as she asked. 
“No, I don’t want the kiddos to get sick *sniffle*,” was her response as she shoved her face into her mom’s side.
Little did she know Taylor was already ringing Blake to make sure her baby wasn’t left alone while she went to the studio. 
“Hey, hey, hey! What’s up?” Blake exclaimed as she answered the phone. Taylor was disappointed to hear that she was obviously calling from a car.
“Y/N is sick but I need to go to the studio and Travis is obviously not here, and Harry is pointless to contact because he’s even more so not here. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking her for a bit just so I know she's eating and not going to pass out, but I can hear your driving– “ Taylor was cut off by Blake. 
“Oh my poor fifth child. I wish I could, but me and the kiddos are on our way to my sister's house at the moment. BUT! Ryan is home right now and I’m sure he’d be more than happy to take her. He’s just doing some last minute line stuff and making sure he’s got his shit together before his meeting with the Marvel people Thursday. Hanging out with Y/N won’t bother him at all.”
“Oh, no no. That’s not necessary. I wouldn't want to bother him with this, I got it handled– “ again Taylor was cut off. 
“Hang on girl, we’re your village right now. A village that's happy to help I assure you. I'll call Ryan and have him call you. Don’t you sweat,” Blake hung up before Taylor got the chance to argue again.
All Taylor could do was sit and wait for Ryan to call and hopefully convince him it wasn’t necessary and she could have her personal assistant stay with Y/N for a few hours then cut her studio day short. 
Taylor glanced down at Y/N, it seems she had fallen back to sleep against her mothers side. That was okay, as long as she was comfortable Taylor was happy. 
Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing with Ryan’s contact popping up on the screen. She quickly answered and was prepared to start her speech but Ryan had begun before she could. She swore, the more she talked to him, the more it seemed like Deadpool was him and he was Deadpool.
“Hello Ms. Swift-Kelce, you've reached Ryans Daycare services, at what time will you be dropping off my fifth-favorite child (not that any of the other four are in any particular order mind you)?” He cheerfully greeted. 
“Ryan, seriously, as I told Blake, I don't want to disrupt you guys. She said you were busy, I don’t want to step on your toes,” Taylor responded exasperatedly, not taking the effort to comment on the Kelce name. She did however think to herself that she was happy she only had cats in addition to her one human child. 
“Um, no, sorry. The words ‘disrupt’ and ‘busy’ are not in my vernacular when pertaining to family and friends. Seriously, drop her off when you need to. I’ll get her set up in front of the tv with a bucket and pack of tissues and we can watch my entire filmography and it’ll make her good as new,” Ryan responded. Taylor swore she could feel his eye roll.
Heaving a sigh in response, Taylor finally conceded, “Okay, we’ll be by in a little over half an hour, I’ll have my driver take us by yours on the way to the studio. Thank you Ryan, I’ll make it up to you.”
“No thanks necessary, I will however accept a voucher that I can redeem on the day one of my kiddos graduates for a One Direction reunion at her grad party as payment,” he said cheekily, “see you in a half hour,” and hung up.
Once again heaving a sigh, Taylor resumed packing her papers into her bag while trying to keep Y/N asleep. Once ready, she began gently rubbing Y/N’s back to rouse her awake.
“C’mon hun, Ryans gonna take you for the day, okay?” Taylor put on her own shoes after handing Y/N’s to her. 
“Ooo! Okay *sniffle*, let me grab my phone and blow my nose one more time,” Y/N said as she headed back to her room. 
Once she came back, this time with her shoes on and phone in hand, the two made their way down to the lobby and were assisted into the back of Taylor's car.
Getting to the Reynolds house was quick work, though Y/N assumed that was mainly due to her hazy bouts of consciousness. God, she couldn’t wait to sink into their nice plush couch. 
There was something amazing about being taken care of like family by people who have no real obligation to you. Taylor and Harry were amazing parents. And Travis is iconic for sure. And Y/N was so so sure Kylie and Jason and their girls were gonna be phenomenal, but there was something so incredible about the Reynolds that has had her completely besotted since she met them. 
Maybe it was Ryans crack-head energy, or Blakes ever coolness, but they were definitely great people that Y/N was so happy her mom had in their lives. 
Speaking of, they were quietly pulling into their driveway now. Y/N could see Ryan opening the front door and standing there like a dork holding out a box of tissues like an offering. 
Taylor opened the door and made sure Y/N didn’t fall as she got out of the SUV. The two made their way to Ryan and Y/N happily took the offered box. 
“Sorry Blake and the munchkins aren't here kiddo, but you and I are gonna have the best movie marathon ever!” Ryan informed Y/N.
“You'll have more fun here than you would alone at home I’m sure, I’ll call the two of you when I’m on my way out of the studio alright?” Taylor got two nods in return. She made sure to thank Ryan a few more times, and kiss Y/N on the head, before making her departure back to the car. 
“Alright Y/N, let's get you set up on the couch,” Ryan helped Y/N through the door and lifted the fuzziest blanket she’s ever seen from the couch to make room for her to lay. 
After getting her situated, Ryan grabbed the TV remote and asked Y/N to pick what they’d be watching. After a few seconds of silence, Ryan turned to her and expected her to be asleep, that however, was not the case, and she was sitting there with tears brimming her water line. 
“Oh goodness sweetheart, what's wrong?! I’ve only had you five minutes and I’ve already caused tears,” Ryan sounded so in distress it was only causing Y/N to actually start crying. 
“I want to watch the gay boys,” she admitted very quietly after a few seconds of sniffling and one blowing of her nose into a tissue. 
“Okay, ….I’m going to need a tad more information than that darling,” Ryan responded, feeling very confused, “Are we talking actually gay like Red White and Royal Blue, or Heartstopper, or something more underlying homoerotic like the Newsies, or Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes?” 
Ryan patiently sat and waited for a response, even if he felt quite out of his depth. I mean, who is he to judge what her comfort movie or show is, really. 
“I don’t know,” Y/N responded with a stronger burst of tears this time. 
“Okay, okay,” Ryan took a deep breath and tried to think. He’s a girl dad, he can do this. If he can’t even do this now then what does that say for his future with his own kids. He can do this, “alright! How about I make a wheel? A nice little one from google. We can put all the movies or shows you want to watch in there and neither of us have to choose, how’s that sound?” 
Ryan was feeling quite proud of himself with this idea, and Y/N seemed to be pretty on board, but then her face pinched up, and he didn’t know what he’d do if she started crying again. 
Y/N quickly grabbed another tissue and sneezed. God she hated being sick. It made her so emotional with all the overstimulation of feeling hot then cold, and the tissues becoming rougher and rougher on her nose, and her ears keep popping. Ryans idea sounded glorious. A wheel of her favorite things so she’d be happy no matter the outcome AND she didn’t even have to choose herself. Yes please. 
Finding her phone in the cushions, Y/N searched through her imessages to find the list of movies she had sent her mom to be downloaded to her plane's video software. Handing it to Ryan, Y/N watched as his form instantly relaxed and he began typing the titles into the wheel as he said. Once finished, he handed her phone back and also gave her his own so Y/N could spin the wheel. 
Clicking the button, Y/N watched the movies go around and around. Ryan even tapping a drum roll out on his thighs to make Y/N giggle. Y/N was quite happy when the wheel stopped on X-Men: First Class. Nothing better than some Cherik and Jennifer Lawrence for when you’re sick. 
Taking his phone back, Ryan quickly got Disney+ up and running to play the movie. If he was feeling a little jealous that she preferred x-men over his own Deadpool that he snuck onto the wheel, well, that was for him and nobody else to know about. He personally loved watching Deadpool when feeling under the weather. 
Hopefully his new project will make it onto the list of her favorite underlying homoerotic movies. 
Once the movie was playing, the two settled down to watch with rapt attention. Ryan would sometimes be disrupted by Y/N sneezing beside him, but it was pretty smooth sailing through the beginning. Ryan could see Y/N’s head turning into the pillow before jerking up to the screen again, but didn’t pay it too much mind. She’d sleep in no time.
Only, he probably should’ve kept a closer eye. The next time her head jerked up was when the youngins were all giving each other nicknames. It was quite a cute moment really. Only, Ryan turned to Y/N and saw more tears welling up. 
“Oh gosh, what’s up honey?” Ryan asked, trying to sound as upbeat as he could through his panic.
“I missed when Logan told them to fuck off,” Y/N responded with a wavering voice. 
Ryan again felt incredible relief, “oh thats an easy fix, we can rewind no problem sweetheart,” Ryan leaned forward for the remote and began to rewind back to when Charles and Erik began selecting mutants, all the while listening to Y/N’s cries lessen into sniffles. This also assured Ryan that maybe he would make it onto the favorites list…  everyone loves Hugh Jackman. 
Playing the movie from that point went fine. Y/N actually settled down to actually fall asleep after the Cherick gun-to-head bonding. 
Once she was asleep, Ryan felt comfortable running up to his office to bring his project outlines down to the dining table.  
This is how they spent the next few hours. Ryan woke Y/N to eat some soup he made, and then did end up putting on Red White and Royal Blue because he hadn't seen it. Y/N ended up falling asleep again around the group's Texas trip. 
Near the end of the film, Taylor called Ryan and informed him she’d be by in twenty minutes, along with another string of unnecessary apologies. 
Ryan decided to let Y/N sleep and welcomed Taylor in to wake her. The last thing he needed today was another bout of tears. 
After Taylor and Y/N hugged Ryan bye (with another round of thanks and sorrys) the two got back in the car and made their way to their apartment. 
“Did you have a good day sweetheart?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah, I had a good couple sleeps and food,” was all she responded with. Taylor figured that was good. Usually when at the Reynolds' she comes home with stories of the mischievous activities they got up to. Taylor can imagine that the lack of details means it was pretty tame, she’ll have to call Ryan for more details, but that could wait. 
Arriving at their building, Taylor and Y/N made their way into the lobby, both thanking the doorman of course, and up the elevator to their apartment. 
“Go take another nap sweetie, you look like you need it,” Taylor got Y/N laid out in her bed and got her shoes off her before tucking her in. Meredith even joined her in Y/N’s room and hopped up on the bed to begin her healing purrs. 
Kissing Y/N on the head, Taylor left the room to start making a light dinner. She’ll have to look into what it’d take the 1D boys to perform at James’ graduation party. She had like nine years, she’ll make it work. 
The End
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Taylor Swift Masterlist
Personal favorites: ☆
Never Grow Up ☆
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tapestrytales · 5 months ago
It sucks. Sucks really bad sometimes. You're 26 years and 10 months old, preparing for this postgraduate exam, and all of your greatest (or biggest, because they didn't feel great) losses and fumbles loom around you while you're already here struggling to get through this one chapter of Neurosciences. Now, what do you do? Try and get through your losses? Or power through this fucking slow, the most mind-numbing chapter that you really need to cover. E from Medicine rotation was so much better than you, doing researches aiming for the best speciality in the US, and networking, all while looking pretty and having a great friend group, and a promising love life. Or R from 6th grade, who got into med school two years later than you but is already on her way to residency in one of the best places. Where are you though? On your desk, no friends, no acquaintances, exam 30 days away and your momentum sucks. And not that great prospects in sight either. It sucks because how did we get here. How did we exactly? You wish you'd stepped out more because you were supposed to be better at 27. In a different place, more stable...just better. It sucks. You're lonely, broke and sad and it just sucks because you were THAT KID, and now you're THIS ADULT?? And it sucks because education is your only way out of this place, the reason you've been so held back in life, this god-damned place, how did you not remember? In all those moments of inhibitions and restrictions...ugh. You wish you'd rebelled wisely, and not given in. You wish you'd lived for yourself a little bit.
You see, I was a debutante in another life,
Now I seem to be scared to go outside
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womenloverlmao · 10 months ago
Mine - Spencer Reid
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Headcanon based off the song Mine by Taylor Swift
Summary: literally just Mine (Taylor’s version)
-yall were perfect for eachother, stereotype careless man’s careful son with daddy’s crazy angel who worked as a waitress in a small town who finally moved away.
-accidentally meeting him and then falling in love.
-having a first kiss down by the water all that shit.
-eventually moving in together and then having financial struggles
-you try to guarantee that you’ll never end up like his parents and that shit
-that’s when it’s 2:30 AM and you’ve been fighting all night so you run out.
-he immediately runs after you.
-he thinks you’re gonna leave, and despite your anger, you were the one to comfort him.
-“I’m sorry, baby… I didn’t mean to leave, I just didn’t know what to do. I promise, I’ll never really leave you.”
-guaranteeing him that you’ll always be his and he’ll be yours.
-you decide to stop arguing and go to bed.
-“you really won’t leave?” He asks. Sleepy thoughts come out sometimes.
-“falling in love with a careless man’s careful son… he’s the best thing that’s ever been mine. I wouldn’t leave him to save my life.”
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positivelyholland · 7 months ago
taylors daughter and auntie blake lively spending time together (i saw taylor with blakes kids at the side of the stage now i cant get over how THERE AUNT IS BASICALLY TAYLOR SWIFT)
Unpaid Babysitter
PAIRING: Blake Livey/Ryan Reynolds x styles-swift!reader
GENRE: fluff
SUMMARY: exactly what the request says lol
"Morning, sweetie," Taylor greets you as you enter the kitchen. She’s standing at the stove, flipping pancakes like a pro. "You sleep well?"
"Morning, Mom," you say, wrapping your arms around her in a warm hug. "I did, thanks. What’s on the agenda today?"
Taylor turns to you with a smile, her blue eyes twinkling with a mixture of love and excitement. "Well, I’ve got some work to do, but I thought you might like to spend the day with Blake and the kids. They’ve been asking about you."
Your heart skips a beat at the thought. Blake Lively had always been like a second mom to you. She was warm, funny, and had this way of making you feel like you were the most important person in the world whenever you were around her. Plus, spending time with her Jaymes, Inez, and Betty was always a blast.
"I’d love that!" you exclaim, grabbing a pancake off the stack Taylor had just finished. "Are they expecting me?"
"Blake’s excited to see you. She said Ryan’s been on his best behavior too—well, as best as he can manage," Taylor adds with a laugh.
You chuckle at the mention of Ryan. He was always the life of the party, with his sarcastic humor and endless jokes. The thought of spending the day with him and Blake was enough to get you bouncing on your toes with excitement.
Taylor smiled, happy to see you so eager. "Good. I’ll drop you off on my way to the studio. Go get ready."
You hurried back upstairs, quickly throwing on a comfortable outfit—something that could handle the inevitable roughhousing that came with spending time with the Reynolds kids. You glanced at yourself in the mirror, running a brush through your hair before giving yourself a nod of approval. Ready.
Back downstairs, Taylor was already by the door, car keys in hand. "Let’s go, kiddo."
The drive to Blake and Ryan’s place wasn’t long, and Taylor chatted about her plans for the day. Even though she was your mom and, to the outside world, this larger-than-life superstar, she never made you feel overshadowed. She was just your mom, and you were her kid. As you pulled up to the Reynolds’ house, Taylor gave you a smile that made you feel warm all over.
"Have fun today, okay? Call me if you need anything."
"I will, Mom. Love you."
"Love you too, sweetie."
You hopped out of the car, waving as Taylor drove off. The front door to the Reynolds’ house opened before you even reached it, and Blake stepped out, a big grin on her face.
"There’s my favorite honorary child!" she exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. Blake’s hugs were legendary—warm, strong, and filled with so much affection that you felt like you could stay wrapped up in them forever.
"Hi, Blake!" you said, squeezing her back. "I’ve missed you!"
"We’ve missed you too! The kids have been bouncing off the walls since they found out you were coming over." She released you from the hug but kept a comforting hand on your shoulder as she led you inside. The house smelled like home—something sweet baking in the oven, and the familiar scent of the Reynolds' family life.
As soon as you walked in, chaos ensued. James, the eldest of the Reynolds kids, barreled toward you with the energy of a freight train, nearly knocking you over as she threw her arms around you. Inez was right behind her, tugging on your hand, demanding your attention, while little Betty hung back shyly, her eyes wide with excitement.
"Y/N!" Jaymes shouted, pulling you toward the living room. "Come play with us! We were just about to start a game!"
You barely had time to say hello before being dragged into the whirlwind that was the Reynolds’ household. Blake laughed, shaking her head as she watched her kids swarm around you. "Looks like you’re going to be busy for a while."
You grinned at her, already feeling at home. "Wouldn’t have it any other way."
The next few hours flew by in a blur of laughter, games, and snacks. The kids were relentless, but you loved every second of it. You played hide and seek, built pillow forts, and even had a dance party in the living room. Jaymes was the self-proclaimed DJ, picking out Taylor’s songs to dance to, which made you feel even more at home.
Eventually, Blake joined in, dancing and laughing alongside you and the kids. Her energy was contagious, and it wasn’t long before you were all collapsed on the couch, out of breath but still smiling.
It was then that Ryan made his grand entrance, sauntering into the room with an exaggerated swagger. "Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite unpaid babysitter," he quipped, winking at you.
"Nice to see you too, Ryan," you shot back, rolling your eyes with a grin. Ryan was always full of jokes, but you loved his sense of humor.
He flopped down on the couch next to Blake, who was still catching her breath from the impromptu dance party. "So, what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day? Scaring off potential boyfriends? Pranking Blake? Or my personal favorite—getting the kids to gang up on you in a water balloon fight?"
"Hey!" Blake protested, giving Ryan a playful shove. "No water balloons in the house!"
Ryan feigned shock, putting a hand to his chest. "Who said anything about inside the house? That’s what the yard is for!"
You laughed, shaking your head at their banter. "I think I’m good with whatever you’ve got planned, as long as I get to hang out with you guys."
Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Careful what you wish for, kiddo."
The rest of the day was a perfect mix of chaos and calm. You spent hours playing with the kids, who adored you like an older sibling.
Later in the afternoon, Blake suggested making cookies, and you found yourself in the kitchen, surrounded by flour, chocolate chips, and three very eager little helpers. Ryan insisted on wearing an apron that read "Kiss the Cook," despite Blake’s eye roll, and took charge of taste-testing the cookie dough.
"Isn’t it supposed to go on the baking sheet?" you teased as Ryan popped another spoonful of dough into his mouth.
He gave you a mock serious look. "I’m just making sure it’s safe for the kids to eat. It’s a public service, really."
Blake snorted, shaking her head as she helped Betty measure out sugar. "Sure, and I’m the Queen of England."
"Your Majesty," Ryan said with a bow, earning a giggle from Betty and a playful smack from Blake.
Once the cookies were in the oven, you all gathered around the kitchen island, munching on the leftover dough and talking about everything and nothing. It was easy, being here with them. It felt like family.
Blake must have noticed the content look on your face because she reached over and squeezed your hand. "You know you’re always welcome here, right? You’re part of this crazy family too."
You smiled at her, warmth blossoming in your chest. "Thanks, Blake. That means a lot."
Ryan chimed in, a grin on his face. "Yeah, and if Taylor ever gets tired of you, you’ve got a spot here. Though fair warning, we’ll put you to work."
"Good thing I’m used to it," you joked, and everyone laughed.
As the afternoon turned into evening, the chaos of the day slowly wound down. After dinner, which was filled with more laughter and Ryan’s terrible dad jokes, the kids started to get sleepy. You helped Blake get them ready for bed, reading them stories and tucking them in.
When you finally made your way back downstairs, you found Ryan and Blake sitting together on the couch, looking relaxed and content. Ryan glanced up as you entered, patting the space next to him. "Come join us. We’re about to put on a movie that’s probably too old for the kids but perfect for us."
You settled in between them, feeling a sense of belonging that made your heart swell. As the movie played, you found yourself leaning against Blake, her arm draped around your shoulders. Ryan kept up his usual commentary, making snarky remarks about the movie that had you both in stitches.
It was late when the movie ended, but none of you seemed in a hurry to move. Blake sighed contentedly, giving you a gentle squeeze. "I’m so glad you came over today, Y/N. It’s been a while since we’ve all had a day like this."
"Me too," you agreed, stifling a yawn. "Thanks for letting me crash here."
"Crash anytime," Ryan said, his voice softening from its usual playful tone. "Seriously, kid, you’re always welcome."
You nodded, feeling your eyelids grow heavy. It wasn’t long before you were dozing off, nestled between Blake and Ryan, who exchanged a fond look over your head.
When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself tucked into the guest bed, the morning light streaming in through the window. You stretched, a smile tugging at your lips as you remembered the day before. It had been perfect—a day filled with love, laughter, and the comfort of knowing you had another family who cared about you just as much as your own.
As you made your way downstairs, you heard the familiar sounds of breakfast being made. Blake was at the stove, flipping pancakes much like Taylor had been yesterday morning, while Ryan was trying—and failing—to keep the kids from sneaking bites of bacon off the plate.
"Morning, sleepyhead," Blake greeted you with a warm smile. "How’d you sleep?"
"Like a rock," you admitted, grabbing a piece of bacon despite Ryan’s mock protest. "Thanks for letting me stay over."
"Anytime," Blake said, handing you a plate of pancakes. "Now, dig in. We’ve got a big day ahead."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What’s the plan?"
Ryan grinned, winking at you. "Let’s just say it involves a lot of fun and possibly a little bit of trouble."
You laughed, knowing that whatever they had planned, it was going to be another day to remember. As you sat down at the table, surrounded by the Reynolds family, you couldn’t help but feel incredibly lucky. You had a mom who loved you, and you had this amazing extended family who made you feel like you belonged.
And as you looked around the table,
you knew that no matter where life took you, you’d always have a home here—with Taylor, with Blake and Ryan, and with these wonderful, chaotic kids who adored you as much as you adored them.
You spent the rest of the day exactly as Ryan had promised—having fun and getting into just the right amount of trouble. There were more games, more laughter, and even a surprise trip to the park, where Ryan insisted on showing off his "superior" playground skills, only to be outdone by James in a race to the top of the monkey bars.
Blake captured it all on her phone, sending the videos to Taylor, who replied with laughing emojis and messages about how much she wished she could join in. You knew she was busy, but it still made you feel warm inside to know she was thinking about you.
As the day wound down, and it was time for you to head back home, Blake and Ryan walked you to the door, the kids trailing behind with reluctant goodbyes.
"Come back soon, okay?" Blake said, pulling you into one last hug.
"Promise," you replied, hugging her tightly. "Thanks for everything."
Ryan ruffled your hair as you turned to him. "Take care, kiddo. And remember, if you ever need to escape, our door’s always open."
You smiled, nodding. "I’ll remember."
With one last wave to the kids, you headed out the door and into the car where Taylor was waiting. As you drove away, you glanced back at the house, feeling a pang of bittersweet emotion. You’d miss them, but you knew you’d be back soon.
Taylor reached over and squeezed your hand, her eyes on the road ahead. "Have a good time?"
"The best," you said, leaning back in your seat. "Thanks for letting me go, Mom."
"Of course, sweetie. I’m glad you had fun."
You smiled, closing your eyes as the car hummed softly beneath you. You were lucky, you realized—not just for the amazing day you’d had, but for the people in your life who made every day special. As you drove away, you knew that no matter what, you were surrounded by love.
And really, what more could you ask for?
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tisthedammseason · 2 months ago
˚⋆˙ 𝒟𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝒵𝑒𝓊𝓈 & 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒸𝓎 𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈𝑜𝓃 ✧⋆。
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- "And i can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul"
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