#Tatta x arisu
garbagefirelol · 10 months
What do you think Tattas showing him
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Anyways Arita<<33
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Reward - AIB Boys HCS -
Summary: They save you during a game, so you reward them by giving them head 💋
Warnings: NSFW - MDI - +18 - Oral - Dub/Con with Banda -
Includes: Chishiya - Arisu - Banda Sunato - Tatta - Karube - Aguni - Kuzuryu - Niragi -
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♤ Chishiya
He is amuzed till he starts to groan from the misstrations of your tongue around his dick.
Back at the game you would have died but he was there, maybe it was the adrenaline from it or seeing him covered in blood what made you feral for him, having to hold back till both of you got back to his room at the Beach.
Chishiya groans letting his head fall back against the wall, his hands going to your head to guide you. You are so sloppy tonight.
"Easy princess- you gonna make me come if you dont slow down"
He says easy but his body its out of it. His hips already moving using your mouth to reach his orgasm. Its not like you are going to slow down even if he asked. All you want from him right now is his cum into your mouth.
♤ Arisu
Baby boy its going to be a shy mess and tell you "you dont have to-oh fuck" as you cut him off taking him without further preparation.
Arisu was an angel in this hell place. Of curse you would reward him for saving you. It was an extra how sensitive he was when it came to you giving him oral. Your hand caressing his balls and pressing them making him moan and whimper.
He will try to control himself, really. But its too much. Soon he is a mess all over the bed, telling you to please keep going to not stop.
♤ Banda Sunato
Banda had ulterior motives to save you and one of them was this, having you on your knees for him while you suck him off.
He would still be fully clothed, only letting his dick out, hell you two may still be in the game arena.
"Cmon, you did not think you would not have to pay for it, right? I saved you this is the last thing you could do"
Its going to force all of himself down your throath without warning and groan at the feeling. He is the one in control now, using one hand to move your head up and down his dick, urging you do go faster.
"You must be a slut right? And you like this"
Once he cums he will pull your face close to his dick till his cum is coming out of your mouth.
♤ Tatta
Pretty boy is so proud of have saved you. And then you are pushing him on the back of the cars the beach has and getting between his legs. He is confused till he sees how you start to push his summer shorts down.
Is a blushing mess trying to tell you to stop, there is no need- then you start to lick him and he is gone. He groans and tells you how good your tongue feels and how much he had wanted you. Will beg to you to let him finish in your mouth, and tell you he needs to return the favor.
♤ Karube
The one who saved you because he loves you and never wanted something in return but wont denied the head.
In fact, its going to taunt you because of it.
"All i needed to do was save you and then I get you like this for me?"
Like this, being on your knees with only his shirt, so yes he has no shirt at the moment (just got out from the shower and now he is sure he will need a second one). Wont complain, will let you touch his body pulling down his swiming shorts and see you play with his dick till it gets all red and hard. Its going to push your head into it, he cant resist your mouth and its a bit of a dom so he may just use you since you are soo ready to give it to him.
♤ Aguni
He protects. Its his nature for these who he loves. When you two get back at the beach you are pulling him towards the shared suit The Hatter gave both of you. He is confused thinking you may want to shower first but no- he was so wrong-
He is actually a softie and will melt once your motuh is around him, will try to stop you but then will sucumb easily to your touches.
♤ Kuzuryu
This Man is TIRED AS HELL. The moment he moved to save you from your last game was pure reflex (and maybe love). So when he is back at the beach with you following him like a lost puppy he will ask what you want from him.
It ends with him back in his suit with your mouth around his dick and him spread on the bed. Wont try to push you away, he needs to release stress after all. Will tell you what to do, how to properly suck him, how to play with his balls...and when he cums he ends telling you to lay down so he can use your tits as his personal toys for a second round.
♤ Niragi - established relationship
If a group goes to a game with Niragi everybody knows only you would end being protected by him, why? Because he fucking loves you even if no one knows it or gets it.
The one who pulls you after the game to see if you ended hurt only to be suprised when you offer yourself right there. His suprise will soon fade away and turn into lust as he hold your head and groans your name, not caring if the others can hear him.
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uwmaa · 2 years
alice in borderland as "things to never say to someone who just came out"
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daffodildelight · 2 years
Enemies (Part One) | Shuntarō Chishiya x Reader
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Title: Enemies (Part One) 
Pairing: Shuntarō Chishiya x fem!reader
Summary: You and Chishiya always had a rocky ‘friendship’ if you would even call it that. But feels get revealed under intense pressure
Themes/Warnings: fluff, guns, season 2 spoilers
Word count: 2500sh
A/N: So unedited, will deal with it later. First ever fanfic lol so please be nice, made this in under 3 hours.
You and Chishiya always had a rocky relationship, you had arrived at The Beach after him but slowly made your way up the ranks. Becoming semi-close friends with the Hatter can do that for you. Since you were making your way up the ranks you began getting close with all the high-ranking members, you got along with most of them except for Niragi and Chishiya. Niragi because he saw you as a piece of meat and you would do all your power to get away from him and Chishiya because in you’re eyes he sees you as a weak little girl.
But your relationship with Chishiya started to change leading up to the 10 of hearts games. He would start to act nicer towards you, making sure you had arrived from your game unscathed or even trying to make conversation with you. You had to admit, it was kind of nice. But you also found this rather confusing so you went to the one person who you could get answers from Hikari Kuina.
You found Kuina sitting in the main bar at the beach, wearing her signature blue bathing suit while chewing on her dummy cigarette. ‘’Now look what the cat dragged in, how are you doing (Y/N)’’ she looked genuine when she says this but you can see a little glint in her eye. ‘’I know you and Chishiya have gotten closer in the past few months and I was wondering if I could ask a question?’’ You tried to sound as neutral as possible but Kuina could always see right through you. ‘’Let me guess, it has to do with our mutual friend Chishiya?’’ she smirked, always right on target.
‘’Yeah, why has he been checking up on me lately? It’s getting kind of weird because it’s not in his personality. Is he trying to use my connection with Hatter to get something? I mean it’s the only logical reason’’ Kuina laughed at your comment. ‘’Only logical reason! I’ll tell you this right now but you can’t repeat this to anyone, he totally has the hots for you.’’ Now it’s you bursting into laughter. ‘’Very funny Kuina, tell me the real reason why.’’. Kuina looks stunned ‘’You know I would never lie to you (Y/N)’’. Giving up on your line of question you left with a ‘’yeah whatever.’’
A few days passed, and tensions are rising within The Beach, you can feel it. Ever since Aguni has taken over from the sidelines things are going from bad to worse. Chishiya seems more in his head than usual. You were hanging out in the bar when suddenly the P.A. went off. ‘’We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for staying at Seaside Paradise, Tokyo…’’ A man with a calming voice spoke on the P.A. Everyone at the bar looked around confused as were you, then the man continues ‘’As a token of our appreciation, we will now commence a game with all 59 participants in the venue…’’ All the TV’s around the room flash with one image which gains everyone's interest. The 10 of Hearts. The Beach is a venue and it’s a 10 of hearts game? You were not looking forward to this. ‘’All participants must assemble in the lobby immediately. The rules of the game will be explained.’’ There was a feeling in your stomach that this game was gonna cause massive problems. So you and everyone else in the bar migrated into the lobby and grabbed one of the many phones on the table to register for the game.
While waiting for all the players to arrive you make eye contact with Chishiya from across the room, none of you pulls away and it was probably the first time you never felt a dislike towards him, instead it was something much different. My focus was pulled away when someone yells ‘’Momoka!’’ and there she was living lifeless on the floor with her orange and white striped bikini knife stabbed into her heart. Being a part of the games you had seen lots of death but watching it be someone who lives in the house as you and has been helping you since you arrived sets a horrible gut feeling within you. A ding rings from the phone in your hands which now gains your attention. ‘’Game, witch hunt. The murderous witch who killed this girl is hiding amongst you in plain sight. The witch role is not limited to women. To clear the game you must find the witch and burn him or her in the fire of judgement. Time limit: 2 hours.’’ Massive roars were held within the lobby and you knew things were gonna go south within seconds. As you were trying to think of a plan to do anything Chishiya carefully grabs you by the arm and walks you away from the group in the lobby without raising any suspicion. He leads you through multiple corridors and rooms before placing you in a wardrobe. ‘’Things are going to turn into shit (Y/N), stay in here and don’t the door open for anyone except me, I’ll get you when this is finished.’’ Chishiya gets up to close the door before you ask: ‘’Why are you doing this? How do you know I’m not the witch?’’.Chishiya looks at you carefully. ‘’Because I need to know that your gonna be safe, and I know your not the witch because your not the type to kill a person (Y/N).’’ He then leaves through the door and you stay in the closet. After around 10 minutes you believe this to be a good idea because you can lot of screaming and multiple gunshots.
After what seems like an hour and a half sitting in a closet listening to screams Chishiya opens the door and pulls you out of the closet. The hallways were full of smoke and dead bodies on the floor. Chishiya takes you to Kuina and you guys make your way to god knows where. ‘’Will someone please tell me what's happening? Who’s the witch? Where’s Hatter and Aguni? Where are we even going?’’ you groaned loudly while walking barefoot into the city. ‘’Everything will be explained to you soonly (Y/N)’’.
You make your way through some ground tunnels until you reach a room with loads of dead bodies and computer scenes. Then you finally explode. ‘’What the fuck is happening!? Someone explain everything to me now! I'm so confused… where are we? Where’s hatter?” Chishiya sits me down and gives it to me straight, how hatter died a few days ago and thats why aguni took over. How Asahi told everyone she was the dealer of the game, and why Momoka killed herself because she was the witch. It was very hard to listen but Chishiya sits next to me and comforts me the best way he knows how. By stroking my hair, it was really nice minus the horrible things he was telling but all that stopped when we heard footsteps coming towards the computer scenes.  Arisu and Usagi walk through the darkness and Chishiya make us known to them. “So you actually found this place. I expected no less from you. Thanks to you two, I have all the numbered playing cards right here. Thank you.’’ Chishiya looks as smug as ever, you can’t help but feel a little bit more attracted to him.
Conversations were exchanged between the four of them, trying to figure out how each person got to the same place, and what even was this place. You tune yourself out of the conversation and decided to turn and sort out your conflicted feelings. Why did Chishiya save you? You don’t have anything to bring to the table, maybe a few hand-to-hand combat skills but that’s it. Why are you even having feelings for Chishiya? This was starting to get very annoying for you but your train of thought cuts out when all the screens turn on and you see Mira walk into the shot. Everyone exchanged confused glances. She goes on to explain how there are going to be new games and these games will be the ‘face’ card games. But it left all of us wondering, when will we ever get back home?
We all make our way into the centre of Tokyo trying to think about the new information Mira has given us. We look out into the streets of Tokyo and see multiple huge blimps with different kinds of face cards on them. One huge billboard with ‘Next Stage: Start’’ written on it. ‘’None of the games has started yet’’ spoke Arisu standing in the middle of the group looking so tired. ‘’Maybe we still have time’’ Usagi spoke next trying to reassure Arisu. ‘’Or they forgot to push the big red start button’’ Chishiya replied, Arisu and Usagi turned around and gave Chishiya a look, and I couldn’t help but give a chuckle. I noticed Chishiya smirk a little. ‘’They didn’t tell us about the rules for this one.’’ Signs Kuina. Everyone in the group continues to look around confused. Usagi looks like she notices something. ‘’What is it?’’ I ask with Chishiya to my right. ‘’I hear something’’ Usagi replies and looks towards the street. We all turn and watch the street with her. Multiple cars approach us, and I recognise them as Beach people. They all hop out of their cars and Arisu goes to investigate. ‘’What is this? What are you doing here?’’ He asks one of the members. The members of The Beach go on to say ‘’We saw the blimps show up, there are rumours that the next stage is starting’’. Arisu getting a little frustrated says ‘’Right… here's the thing’’ Suddenly the members of The Beach are getting shot down.
‘’A riffle, get moving,’’ Chishiya says in a weirdly calm way when people around him are dying. ‘’That thing is an anti-tank rifle. So I’d forget about hiding behind a car.’’ He tells the group. I decided to take initiative for Chishiya at this moment, I grab his arm and we follow Arisu towards some buildings. Chishiya runs ahead of me and covers me with the rifle. When the group meets behind the building Kuina asks ‘’Does this means the game started?’’ Chishiya quickly replies ‘’I don’t know’’. Kuina continues ‘’Did they give us any rules?’’ We slowly make our way around the building. ‘’Without rules this is just a massacre’’ Shouts Arisu. ‘’That rifle can kill from about a kilometre away,’’ Chishiya tells the group, he goes from covering me to holding my waist if not for the adrenaline I would assume my bodies reacting like this because of him. Different sounds now come from the gun. ‘’And now we’ve got an assault rifle.’’ Chishiya continues. We all huddle as a group and give comments about things we are witnessing and ideas on what could be happening. ‘’Maybe there are different shooters’’ Usagi speaks up, ‘’Other players are grouping up, I didn’t know there were this many players left’’ Kuina adds. ‘’There almost here!’’ Arisu shouts and backs away from the mysterious shooter. ‘’Let's go!’’ Arisu yells while taking the group back into the street. ‘’I don’t think this is a good idea Arisu!’’ I yell in hopes he can hear me but the blast from the rifle is too much. ‘’We need to split up’’ Chishiya yells and grabs me by the hand and pulls me from the group.
Chishiya and I start sprinting down the street, hands holding each other while bodies fall all around us. I trip on a rock and Chishiya is there to scoop me up from the ground and we continue running. Hands still interlocked tugging each other towards different directions. I see Kuina from a distance and drag Chishiya with me to catch up with her. Kuina looked grateful that somebody else was with her and the 3 of us crouched behind a car. Kuina looks down and see’s Chishiya and I’s hands interlocked. She gives me a knowing look and I turn around to focus on more important things like Arisu and Usagi running along the opposite side of the road trying to help somebody. I make eye contact with Arisu: ‘’Are you trying to get killed out there!’’ with that comment the gunman takes fire in our direction. I hide back behind the car. My back is up against Chishiya's torso and I can feel his breath on my neck. Kuina speaks up ‘’Where are they shooting from anyway?’’ we then hear a loud rumbling from above us and see the huge blimp with a kind of spade flag hanging below it. ‘’Huh, he must be the king of spades’’ Chishiya tells us he then turns to me. ‘’Take this it’s a good luck charm’’ He gives me a handmade explosive. ‘’Thank you Chishiya, I don’t know what to say’’ I can’t believe Chishiya would give up an explosive for me. ‘’Just use it if you have to.’’ and he gives me a smile. I turn to look away feeling a bit flustered but then I notice a man dressed in a long dark black cloak. I point towards him and direct Chishiya and Kuina towards what I’m looking at. ‘’That must be the king of spades’’ I whisper lightly. Chishiya whispers back into my ear ‘’I think your right’’ I turn around to say something but got caught looking into his eyes. My concentration on his eyes disappears when Kuina spots Arisu, Usagi and some random dead guy in the car next to us. ‘’Hey! You two okay? You hurt?’’ Kuina pipes up, and Chishiya gives them a wave. Shots continue to fire as we hide behind the car. ‘’We’re pinned down here’’ I say loud enough for us to hear. ‘’If we step out, he’ll get us!’’ Usagi replies. All of us try to figure out a plan to get out of there but nothing seems to be working out and the king of spades is getting closer. My train of thought gets broken when I green car that I’ve noticed from the beach before pulls in front of us honking its horn. ‘’Get in!’’ yells Tatta from the passenger seat. ‘’Tatta!?’’ Arisu and I yell in surprise and relief. ‘’Don’t just stand there!’’ someone yells from the driver's seat. ‘’Ann!’’ Kuina yells. Usagi and Arisu are the first to make their way to the car followed by Kuina, me and Chishiya. Ann opens the passenger seat and Arisu, Usagi and Kuina make it safely. Different story for Chishiya and me. A grenade is thrown towards the car door and Chishiya stops me from walking on it. ‘’That’s bad. Get going!’’ He yells towards Ann.
In a split-second decision, I decided to kick the grenade towards the kings of spades will Chishiya grabs my hand and tugged me the other way. ‘’(Y/N)! Chishiya!’’ I hear Kuina yell from the car. Chishiya pulls me behind a car and uses his body to shield me from the blast. At that moment I’m glad that I was stuck with Chishiya because I know that if I had to pick anyone out of the group to survive with it would be him and unfortunately for us, we won’t be seeing the group in a while.
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cupidb · 2 years
AIB's (♂) reaction to you kissing the tip of their nose
AIB male characters x GN!Reader
English is not my first language. Sorry in advance for any mistakes.
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He was rambling about some new video game when you lean over and kiss the tip of his nose in the middle of his sentence, causing him to come to a halt. He's stunned for a few moments and fumbles with his words before relaxing and looking at you with a soft smile as he pulls you closer to him by the hem of your shirt to return the kiss, but this time on your lips.
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You were playing on the bed when he holds you under him, teasing you when you just rolled your eyes, leaning in and kissing the tip of his nose. He halts for a second before smiling hugely, cheeks burning as he takes your face in both hands and spreads kisses all over your face and lastly your nose, forcing laughter out of you.
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You laugh at the sight of his scrunched-up nose and wrinkled eyes. He holds your face in his hands and laughs softly as he looks at you. He reciprocated the kiss by gently kissing the tip of your nose and then playfully touching it.
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With his hands in his pocket, he watched you quietly as you talked to your friend. But the next thing he knew a kiss was being placed on the tip of his nose and you smiling at him after. He looks at you shortly with raised eyebrows; not expecting that at all. Trying to act unaffected he looked away but failed as his lips stretched into a small smile. His smile grew slightly when he saw your hand grasping his.
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Your lips lightly touch the tip of his nose as he stutters a few words. He then looks directly into your eyes, appearing unfazed, and then he smiles brightly but awkwardly. He enfolds you in a bear embrace before smothering you in kisses that range in length from your neck to your jaw and finally your face.
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His sentence was cut off by a groan he let out when he felt your lips touching the tip of his nose. He raised an eyebrow questioningly at you before dropping his gun to the nearest surface. Pulling you flush against his body by your hips, he cupped your jaw forcing your mouth on his; wanting a proper kiss from you.
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He just stares at you, unaffected, with no reaction, but you still put on the smile he secretly cherished. He liked how your lips felt and wondered how they would feel on his. He thought about the moment your lips touched his skin, how warmth was engulfing his body. Noticing that you had your attention on something else he took the opportunity to graze the tip of his nose where your lips had once been, feeling your warmth still linger there.
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poisonedprose · 2 years
₊˚✧ valentines day!
chishiya, arisu, tatta, kuina, last boss x gn!reader headcanons
warnings: pre borderlands, lower case intended, typo, incomplete sentences, curse word (kuina) , nsfw implications (last boss)
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chishiya ! ⋆ doesnt really celebrate and will only plan something if you want him too
⋆ thinks flowers are stupid so wont buy you them
⋆ "Y/N, im not buying you flowers, they are just going to die in a week"
⋆ but buys you whatever else you want (hes got that doctor money)
⋆ more of a stay in and chill kinda guy
⋆ but if you really wanna go to a restaurant and eat some overpriced medicore meal he'll endure it
⋆ overall youre in charge and whatever you say goes (except for flowers)
arisu ! ⋆ absolutely loves valentines day with you
⋆ from the moment you wake up he is bombarding your face with kisses
⋆ tries to make dinner but almost sets the house on fire
⋆ so you just end up ordering from your favorite delivery place
⋆ definitely asks you to play video games with him
⋆ if you say yes he lets you win
⋆ overall he loves valentines day and if he had his way, valentines day would be every month
tatta ! ⋆ i see him as the kinda guy to forget its valentines day
⋆ like hes just working and gets a text from you asking what you guys are doing tonight
⋆ and he just totally freaks about because he didnt plan anything yet
⋆ texts back saying its a surprise and then calls everyone he knows for help
⋆ he ends up making it a really special night tho
⋆ plans a nice picnic under the stars (and steals food from work)
⋆ overall even tho he forgot you never found out and you had a blast so win-win
kuina ! ⋆ this bitch spends MONTHS planning, every little detail is thought out
⋆ from what shes gonna wear to what you guys will talk abt
⋆ she def starts out by taking you shopping (with her employee discount)
⋆ and then a nice walk through the park as the sun sets
⋆ she might even lend you her jacket as it gets cold ;)
⋆ ends the night with a cute little firework show and lots and lots of kisses
⋆ overall she puts a lot of effort in because youre worth it
last boss ! ⋆ genuinely could not care less
⋆ "Valentine's day is just some capitalistic scam Y/N."
⋆ he buys you chocolate tho bc he does love seeing your smile
⋆ will deny he bought it for valentines day and claims he just saw it and bought it
⋆ and then refuses to talk to you for like 10 minutes before you're back in his arms
⋆ he will 100% try to use the fact that its valentines day to get some with no shame
⋆ overall hit or miss with him but its you so probs hit (if ykwim)
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tofunabia · 2 years
can i request where gn!reader is manipulative, and it caught chishiya attention so he decided to use them but fall inlove instead? anyways pls stay hydrate!! thanks for ur work :))
Here's your request! I'm sorry if it left a cliffhanger; I'll split this into four parts. I also wanted to thank you for your lovely request. You can read the first and second part now.
You're Just Like Me (Part One)
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You are part of the militants. So, you're friends with some of the executive members of the beach, like Hatter, Mira, and particularly Aguni.
Aguni resembles you as his sister, even if you're not blood-related. He always wants to protect you. That's why you're under his watch. He understands that you can handle yourself without his help, but he still offers you his service.
You remembered the night he protected you from one of his men named Niragi. Niragi held your waist without your permission and flirted with you. Not even a second has passed; Aguni immediately snatched you and started to beat the shit out of him.
After that incident, you realize how Aguni is serious with his words. All this time, you thought he was joking, but he proved you wrong. You were also thankful because Niragi never attempted to harass you again.
Aguni also saved your life before. If it weren't for him, you would probably be a rotting corpse lying in the street by now.
"Have you eaten yet?" you saw Aguni walking towards you and sitting beside you.
You shook your head in disagreement. "I just woke up," you said while yawning.
"I thought so. Here eat this." Aguni showed you the food he brought, and you accepted it.
"Thank you," you smiled at him and started to eat.
"I have to tell you something," he looked at you.
"What is it?"
"Hatter and I will go to a game tonight; Niragi and Takatora will come with us too,"
"Without me?"
Aguni nodded his head slowly. He noticed that the news changed your expression. "I really want you to come with us, but Hatter said, and it was between him and me, and he also said that it needed to be kept private and confidential."
"Are you mad?" Aguni asked.
You shook your head in disagreement. "No,"
"You sure?"
You hummed in response and continued to eat the food he gave you.
Aguni sighed in dismay. He's always confused by your actions and responses towards him because he doesn't understand if you're mad at him.
"Before I forget, there's one more thing I need to tell you."
You looked at him curiously.
"Be careful with a guy named Chishiya,"
"C-Chishiya? Who's that?" you questioned.
"The blonde-haired man wearing a white hoodie and always present in the meetings? Haven't you met him yet?"
Aguni gave you a head pat and stood up. "Never let your paths get crossed. Avoid him if you can. Take care of yourself, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can. You better be still alive." you chuckled at his last line and nodded at him.
He stole one more glimpse before ultimately leaving the room. It was always like this, Aguni is always different whenever you're two alone. Yes, people at the beach might think differently and not believe his actions towards you, but it's true. Aguni has a soft personality behind his displayed persona.
You wished that you could go with them. Staying at the beach alone bores you, especially when your only friend is Kuina, and she's always nowhere to find.
What you ate earlier wasn't enough, so you immediately stood up and left the room. While walking, you're thinking about where you will go. The cafeteria on the beach is always crowded with people constantly, and imagining yourself in that scenario makes you ick.
Aha! You can find something to eat in The Bar. You remembered that the foods were delicious when you first went there with Aguni. And, of course, you can probably be in the mood to drink some alcohol too.
You hopped inside the elevator and pressed the 6th-floor button. The elevator was about to close when a blonde-haired man rushed inside the elevator, too.
Holy cow. Is this the guy who's Aguni talking about earlier? How could this happen? There are so many elevators on the beach. Why would he choose this? You should've taken the stairs if you knew this would happen.
The elevator shut itself, and you saw Chishiya's reflection in front of you. He's wearing a white hoodie with a plain white shirt inside. He's also wearing summer trunks and a pair of slippers.
You heard the man cough. Did he catch you eyeing him?
You slowly looked at him, and to your surprise, he was already looking at you. You both made eye contact and were the first to break it. You gulped hard and started shaking.
The elevator began running, and it was pure silence inside until you heard the man beside you start to whistle.
"Can you please stop that?" you kindly asked him.
"Stop what?"
"Your whistles,"
"It's too quiet in here. I can't help it."
"Just stop,"
You silently prayed that the elevator would open so you could get out. You can't handle the tension between you and Chishiya. And to your surprise, your prayers have been answered.
The elevator eventually opened. And Before you left, Chishiya grabbed your right wrist.
"W-What are you doing?" you asked him and tried to get your wrist back, but his grip was too hard.
"It's Chishiya," after he said that, he immediately removed his grip on your wrist. You were confused, and when you looked back at him, the elevator door started to close.
But before the door closed, you saw how Chishiya playfully smirked at your reaction and waved his hand at you.
What just happened? Did he just introduce himself to you?
You're Just Like Me (Part Two)
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You were still in shock after meeting Chishiya. You can't explain what you felt, Especially when he grabbed by your wrist earlier.
You slowly walked inside The Bar and saw Kuina drinking in the corner. You approached her, and she looked surprised when she saw you. She embraced you with her arms and invited you to the table where she was sitting.
Finding Kuina on The Beach is like playing a hide-and-seek game. She's very good at hiding, and you're a lousy seeker.
You can describe Kuina as your best friend, and she's the only one you trust besides Aguni. You two met each other in a game when she saved you, and the rest is history. She was wearing her bikini top and skinny jeans at the bottom.
"How are you doing? I missed you so much," she asked while still hugging you.
You chuckled at her actions. She is very clingy and touchy (not in a sexual way) when it comes to you; she also knew you don't like physical touch, but when you told her on her birthday that she was an exception, you can never forget her reaction.
"I-I can hug you now?" she asked while tears started to pour in her eyes.
You wiped her tears and nodded. You saw how happy Kuina and she rushed to hug you so tight after you said that. You can hear her silent sobs, and she says, "This is the best birthday gift."
There's a sudden change in Kuina's mood when she notices your right wrist. You also looked at it, and to your surprise, it had formed a purple bruise already.
Kuina darted her eyes at you with a "What happened to that" expression.
"I met him,"
"Who's him?"
"Your friend,"
You nodded while taking a shot of tequila.
"What? When? Is Chi the one who did this to you?"
"Uhuh. We met at the elevator earlier, Ina. I think your friend accidentally gripped my wrist too hard when he introduced himself to me."
Kuina hissed. "That jerk! I will kill him!"
"Calm down," you said, but you couldn't help to laugh at her reaction.
"Stop laughing at me," she said while pouting her lips.
You laughed at her and calmly explained that it was no big deal.
You saw how she looked away from you. She's being stubborn again because you're defending the guy who hurt you. You knew that Chishiya and her were close friends, but she doesn't tolerate his wrongdoings.
She finally quit being stubborn and offered you the food she was eating, and you gladly took it. You told her why you were left alone here, and she silently listened.
After some time, you felt someone was watching you, but you chose not to look after it.
Little did you know, Chishiya was the one who was silently watching you from afar, smirking at himself while listening to your conversation. He attached a small microphone to the back of your leather jacket earlier. When he grabbed you by your wrist earlier, it distracted you; that's when he put the tiny microphone on your back while you were still in shock.
He intentionally rode that elevator with you because he was planning something to do. He's after the cards, and only the executive members and some militants have access. That's why his plan will only work if he can manipulate you by doing it.
Chishiya wants to manipulate you because he wants to. He sees Aguni as a threat to his plan, but you aren't. He assumes that you're just like your friend Kuina, who's easy to use and can be drawn by your feelings quickly. He thinks that you're an easy target to attack.
After hours of drinking, you finally waved your goodbyes to Kuina. You're already drunk and tired; While walking, you feel someone is following you.
"Someone was watching me earlier, and now it's following me? How great." you thought to yourself and looked back but saw no one. You continued to walk and felt the footsteps again. To your annoyance, you said,
"Whoever you are, just come out,"
You waited a minute, and you didn't know that it was Chishiya.
He smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Hello."
You rolled your eyes at him and crossed your arms. "Why are you following me?"
He just smiled and walked past you. You decided to follow him so you couldouldn get a direct answer. He stopped when he realized you were following him, so he turned his back on you.
"Why are you following me now?"
Your eyebrows met in confusion. You were so confused but decided to join his trick.
You shrugged your shoulder and walked past him just like he did to you. You heard him laugh and stopped you by grabbing your right wrist again.
"Copying me, huh? I like that you're acting just like me."
His grip hurt you a bit because it had already formed a bruise. Chishiya noticed how you reacted to it and saw the bruise too. He instantly removed his grip on your wrist. Chishiya leaned himself and whispered something to your ear,
"I assume you're alone," you heard as he took a deep breath before continuing, "I want you to visit my room later, at midnight; it's beside Kuina's. I'll treat your bruise as a compromise. I'll be waiting for you."
You were stunned and realized Chishiya had already left you alone in the hallway. Aguni told you not to let your path with Chishiya get crossed, but right now? You got invited to Chishiya's room.
You finally got to your room and threw yourself at your bed. You checked the clock beside you and found that you still had hours left before midnight. Taking a rest was your only option because what just happened between you and Chishiya was starting to stress you out.
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vumming · 2 years
alice in borderland — imagine insecurities
a/n : not that they won't worship all of you but these are how they act if you have them
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dark spots in your body? underarms, knees, inner thighs, even your buds? they're worshipping it all, not just because it is a part of you but they find it fascinating how the colors of your skin is different, like gradient in a form of a serene color, different shades of brown overlapping each other. pinches and pull at your skin, be it with their fingers or teeth—at some point on in your relationship, it became his habit to habitually pinch them. wordlessly telling you how much they dearly appreciate you.
arisu, kuina, tatta, chishiya, kyuma, kuzuryu
ohhh moles, as they likes to call it "beauty marks" they represent as stars in their eyes, counts them as their gaze travels, sometimes connecting them like how people does to freckles ( if you have one too ) their fingers maps and dance along your skin sending light and feather-ly touches. face focused and in awe as they do it. really likes this part of you, somehow, the sight of your marks is sorta therapeutic.
aguni, usagi, ann, kuina, enji, last boss, chota, lisa
stretch marks? they got you. to them, it's proof that you are real ( pre and post borderland ) and that you are with them, because they know, dreams cover up flaws and flaws exist in real time. worships them with kisses, maybe sensual, maybe innocent. may it be on your thighs, waist, or underarms. more often than not however, they leave their own marks on you far better than you can count over your stretches. it's that many.
niragi, hatter, kyuma, banda, maki, mira, kurube
and ofc, belly rolls—they love it. it makes them go feral. look, just imagine, thigh high, crop tops, hell even low waisted pants whilst your cute belly shows? oh they're ogling at it, respectfully <3
everyone ofc esp lisa
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bluebugjay · 1 year
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part 3 I think:)
part 1
part 2
chirisu textposts
chishiya textposts
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shunchitaro · 2 years
AIB Incorrect Quotes
TW: blood, amputation Chishiya: Not to pressure you but I’m about to kill you for the umpteenth time today Niragi: You know what you do you I don’t know why you even bother. Kuina: Don’t be flattered Niragi he just wants to test his new DIY weapon on you Niragi: Yeah I figured
Tatta: If you were to meet a face card, what would you do? Mira: Drive them crazy until they kill themselves Ann: Dissect them. Alive. Chishiya: DIY, easy Kuina: Drop kick them and twist their neck Niragi: empty my bullets down their intestine Ann: How about you Tatta? Tatta: Tatta: ..hit them with a mop? Are you guys okay? Do I need to get you therapy?
*Tatta leaning on a shipping container, holding his bleeding amputated wrist* Arisu, panicking: T-tatta! I- uh, do you need a hand? Tatta, half offended: I could really use one, yeah.
Usagi, frustrated with Niragi: Imagine being unable to die. Even hell doesn’t want you Niragi, also annoyed: Imagine falling in love with someone that has a girl’s name when translated to English Arisu, overhearing: Say that one more time and I’ll shove you down a rabbit hole myself. Niragi: Oh I’m sorry Alice, did I offend you?
*Niragi standing awkwardly outside the hotel after being burnt to a crisp more than once* Aguni: What are you doing here Niragi: Resignation Chishiya: What, hell got too overwhelming for you? Niragi: Actually no hell sent me here, they couldn’t handle me.
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garbagefirelol · 10 months
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Reposting because yeah
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Yandere AIB Boys seeing their S/O being kissed by another person
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Summary: Someone is dying today~
Notes: Takes place in the Borderlands - Canon violence - NSFW - Abuse - Yandere - Blood - MDI - +18 -
♤ Chishiya
No one will notice his mood change when he sees how someone dares to kiss you. He is well collected and has to pretend to not be obssesed with you so people wont use you against him. However he is beyond mad.
Feels like he needs to remind you who you belong to (you are not sleeping tonight) and also find a way to get ride of that person but in a way no one connects their death to him.
Will probably betray them in a game or poison them at the beach.
♤ Arisu
Its going over you the moment he sees it happen. Pushing the other person away from you then making sure you are alright. He is so caring and soft with you!! No one will think that same night he decides to pay a visit to said player and kill them while they sleep. He will chock them with their pillow.
You dont need to know you soft and caring boyfriend can be a maniac sometimes.
♤ Banda Sunato
The one who kisses you was asking for their death and Banda its more than happy to provide it!!
You are his, and only his. He wont wait to kill this person, this person dies in front of you in the most brutal and sadistic way you can imagine.
As crazy as he is its not a suprise Banda insist on having sex besides the corpse, the lifeless eyes looking at both of you as Banda grunts and repeats how he is the only one who can kiss you.
♤ Tatta
Baby boy its insecure and asks you why you let them kiss you. He guilt trips you and makes you question your love for him (one that was fabricated and manipulated by him). Tatta does not like fights but he can let this pass.
Will ask them to help them with the cars and then whoops!! An accident just happened and they died.
♤ Karube
Goes to the scene, separates both of you and then punches the other person. Its goig to beat them up till someone drags him away. He later asks if you are alright and decides you need more marks on your body to show others who you belong to.
♤ Aguni
Takes the person by their neck and throws them away. No one dares to do something. Soon that person is being taken by the other militars to never been seen again.
Dont worry he will cuddle you and say he is sorry for not being there.
♤ Kuzuryu
Probably happened when he was not around and overhear it as gossip. Its a hit at his ego since he has power at the beach and people knows you are his.
Once he finds out who was it he wont kill them but make their life at the beach terrible. Giving them more tasks, making them the target of others, and just...ends beimg seen as an object.
You may ask him to tone it down but he wont do it, will kiss you and ask you if their kiss was better (please be a brat he will have so much fun with you at night).
♤ Niragi
He did not shot them on the spot because you were in the middle. Once you are apart he is beating them up and no one dares to grab him. Once there is a pull of blood under them its when he stops and tells the rest to fuck off and to not help them (if they are not dead by now).
Ends taking you back to his room and asking if you are fine then rambling about who they thought they were to kiss you.
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surshica · 2 years
synopsis : fake bc scenarios ft. chishiya arisu and tatta
genre : valentines fluff <3
warnings : fake bf scenarios — cussing — pestering friends — mentions of kms — ooc chishiya arisu and tatta (whoops)
A/N : happy valentines day AND I KNOW ITS LATE sorry LOLOL [i did this last minute so it’s ass but HEYYY]
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Drunken Incident
Tatta and you had been fake dating for over 2 months, it got to the point you started to believe the two of you were dating. this only happened due to the fact tatta slipped up at a company party saying you were his s/o, instead of saying he slipped up and embarrassing him you kinda just ran with it. you had a mere crush on tatta it wasn’t too big but it was very small, you simply adored him from the sidelines—you found him cute. tatta had seen you as a best friend but had a crush on you for a while, and when i saw a while i mean he had a crush on you since highschool. he had never found the courage to ask you out in fear of rejection. so him saying you were his s/o felt like he was dreaming right now. that mere crush you had on him grew slightly larger over time; but definitely in those two months that snail sized crush turned into a ‘i hope he is doing alright’ crush. there were some of your friends and his that had maybe got a hint that the relationship was fake but they never ever tried to confirm it with you since it wasn’t their business in the first place. tatta had invited you over to drink with him at his place and just a simple invite changed how you saw him.
“tatta don’t get me drunk, i have some work to finish tomorrow” you had hummed sitting down as tatta brought some drinks over to the little coffee table you and tatta were going to drink on and have some snacks, you might of forgotten to mention you are a light weight. especially doing sake shots. the big bottle of sake, “is it too late to mention i’m light weight.” you stifled a laugh as tatta poured you a shot of sake for you, “you should’ve said something i would’ve gotten something easier” tatta pouted, your heart had fluttered at him pouting; “no no it’s okay! i just won’t drink as much” you assured him. well that was a fucking lie. you ended up drinking more than tatta; to say you were drunk was an understatement. you were fucking drunk off your mind. you started saying shit to tatta, you ranted, you cried, you laughed, you ended up drinking more. tatta never saw this side of you and it made him feel more at home. “yn you need to stop drinking..you’re already drunk” tatta took away the bottle of sake putting it out of your reach, “why?” “because you’re really drunk.” “okay but your not my real boyfriend so stop pestering me.” you snapped at him. you didn’t mean too but as they say drunk people say what’s really on their mind. tatta simply parted his lips as a frown grew on the parted lips. “you’re not my real boyfriend..your just a fake one. AND I HATE IT” you had whined laying down on the floor. your face was flushed your hair was a messy—you couldn’t think or see straight. tatta wouldve laughed at your state but what you said made his heart beat into his ear. “what do you mean by that..” tatta interrogated the drunk s/o. “its just not fair!” was all you said as hiccups echoed through the silent room.
“i’ve been watching you from afar and not to sound creepy or anything but i realized after these 2 months that i love you BUT IT WONT EVEN WORK OUT since this relationship is nothing more than two friends pretending to be a couple to get others off their dick!” you said in one go having to catch your breathe. “who said i wasn’t in love with you?” tatta smiled at the drunken s/o who was laying on the floor. your eyes had widened sitting up quickly, “you love me?” a wide smile formed on your lips slowly, “i’ve always loved you silly.”
One Room
you and arisu had been fake dating for some time now, it really started off as arisu paying you off to make his ex jealous. to say it worked was an understatement, the one rule was to not fall in love with eachother since it was just a temporary relationship. you never minded the fact you were basically used as a rebound due to the fact you were never in love with him in the first place—you didn’t even know he went to school with you. his friends has persisted you and arisu go with them on a 3 day vacation to the islands, you didn’t mind since you enjoyed traveling; but you had fully expected to get a room with your friends you had tagged with you. only to get the same room with arisu, a one bed. “arisu. now what the hell was this.” you deadpanned at him, arisu had akwardly smiled at you. “listen they would’ve been suspicious if we weren’t sharing a room together..it only makes sense right.” he tried to reason, “i mean sure i guess, i’m going to change.” you placed your suitcase near a chair unzipping it to get some clothes heading into the bathroom to change into some beach clothing. arisu just watched you walk passed him, scratching his head he had wondered if he did fuck up by not giving you a room with your friends instead of with him. a part of him felt hurt, he had fell too far down the rabbit hole to realize he had in fact fallen in love.
keeping up the fake dating act with arisu was a little difficult since he was very awkward, simply holding his hand made him blushy. you had questioned if this man was actually in a relationship or not. but over the 3 day vacation you ended up getting closer to arisu and actually teaching him to not be awkward in a relationship. although arisu wasn’t good at acting he actually did make a great FAKE boyfriend, he was sweet, very caring, protective when necessary. you didn’t want to break the one rule you and arisu had placed and that was to not fall in love—but after constantly hanging out with arisu you felt the need to get rid of that rule, you had started getting waves of jealousy when arisu would do the bare minimum of interacting with other females. the two of you had fit the black cat s/o and golden retriever bf stereotype quite well. it wasn’t like you were the only one falling in love but rather it was the both of you. arisu had finally realized his true feelings for you on the last day of the 3 day island vacation, he was going to really miss this and the way you actually treated him as your bf. the idea of him not being able to be with you everywhere killed him inside. he seriously couldn’t do it, he had to break the rule and he really had hopped you wouldn’t be mad.
“listen, i know this was against the only rule we created. but i don’t think i can keep the fake relationship any longer” arisu came clean, “what do you mean arisu?” you we’re slightly nervous. you had fallen in love with him but the thought of him saying he didn’t love you ached, “i’m trying to say i love you; i love you and i want to make what was fake real.” he had grabbed your hand placing a peck on the backhand.
Helpful Gesture
it really started off with your friends pressure you into a date with a guy you absolutely loathed. not wanting to go on a date with him, you ended up asking chishiya. a smart ass ignorant classmate of yours. “listen, i’ll pay you to just act like my boyfriend for a day.” you has bargained with him. he had placed a finger on his chin, he wanted to say ‘give him some time’ but he really just knew the answer. “if it’ll help you sure.” chishiya shrugged grabbing one of the books he had been eyeing off the shelf stuffing it into is bag. “wait actually?” you we’re actually surpised he agreed, all the times he had been around you it had seem he hated your guts. “yeah. i’ll pick you up at 6” he had walked off before you could say anything else, you don’t even know if he had your number. (time skip) when he picked you up he actually looked really cute, you’ve had a crush on him but never put a stamp on it. there was small chit chat in the car; you guys could’ve planned out the simple question of ‘where’d you meet’ ‘who asked who out first’ ‘who kissed who first’ but no yall were quite literally arguing over music. the little date with friends was at some cafe that wasn’t well known but known enough for locals. Wanting to have a strong first impression, you had intertwined his hands with yours. “why are your hands cold..it’s literally spring.” “you ask too many questions.” he shrugged dragging you into the cafe.
chishiya actually ended up making a strong first impression, which was actually surprising after all the questions your friends threw at him, there was one that really did stick out like a sore thumb; “when did you guys start dating?” was the question that made you clear your throat. the two of your haven’t planned it out but don’t worry chishiya had it planned out. “well we had been talking for some time but we never put a label on it, you can really say this is our first date. right [nickname]” chishiya smiled, it looked like a wholesome smile but you wouldn’t count on it. “AHH that’s why you guys had that tension between you two for some time..i see i see.” one of your friends exclaimed. everyone had a great time but i guess this wasn’t the end even after what 2 hours? they still had more questions to ask and more things to pester about, chishiya being the human he is had to go to the bathroom. it was kinda awkward since your friends hadn’t paid much attention to you but rather your “boyfriend”. unthankfully your friends weren’t that stupid, “we know you two aren’t dating.” friend 1 had crossed her arms sighing as friend 2 just nodded; “no we are. well we haven’t officially we kinda put a label on it before you pestered me about going on a date with [insert some random ass name].” you smiled trying to keep up the lie. friend 2 had widened his eyes and mouth looking over at friend 1 who looked shocked as well, “that’s something hard to believe..you and chishiya? ive seen your diary, i knew you liked him but i would’ve never thought you’d actually said yes.” friend 1 caved in sighing, “and you are still unconvinced we aren’t dating?” “basically.” “and sonic i kiss him then what? will you believe me?” “yupp!” you noticed chishiya walk out the bathroom and stand near a wall, it’s almost as if he was talking to someone important. you nervous whipped your hands on your jeans walking over to him. “hey..” you smiled at chishiya; he had put his phone away, “bare with me okay?” he looked at you confused, taking a deep breathe you grabbed his face placing a kiss on his lips. he was taken aback quite shocked to the fact he didn’t even kiss back. quickly pulling away.
“i’m sorry..i shouldve asked you first but i just needed my friends to get off my ass..” “you could’ve done other things rather than kiss me you know that right..” “yeah but—“ “i like you too. i’ve liked you for a while now. id like to consider this a first date.” he smiled grabbing your hands placing a kiss on your knuckles.
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tags — masterlist open <3
@nanamora , @parkersmyth , @trinmadol , @noxceleste , @eissaaaa , @dr3amscap3 , @arizzu , @bwnniidump , @kerenz , @minyoungieee , @saiewithakatana
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luvsae · 1 year
alice in borderland characters if you asked them to buy you pads [pt 1] . . !
disclaimer: this is just for fun !! ♡
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poisonedprose · 1 year
alice in borderland m.list ! - 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐘
carrd - nav - masterlists - reqs
Started - 6/12/22
Last Updated - 6/29/23
Total Works - 31
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assistant - nijiro murakami x gn!reader x dori sakurada — in which nijiro and dori tease you for fun
pussy drunk - kuina hikari x fem!reader (16+ please!) — blurb about kuina hikari being pussy drunk !
don't take it personal - chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader — in which chisihya uses ypu as bait even though he likes you
lost you - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which tatta is a clumsy fool and ends up in the infirmary
drunk - chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader (16+ please!) — blurb about chishiya shuntaro being drunk !
dancing under the stars - arisu ryohei x gn!reader — in which arisu checks up on you after encountering the king of spades
hate is a strong word - karube daikichi x gn!reader — in which karube acts like he hates you but he actually has a huge crush on you
dancin' 'round the kitchen - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which you and tatta dance before cuddling on the couch
delivery! - chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader — in which chishiya always order fast food from you so you shoot your shot
dying in your arms - chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader — in which the king of spades does a number on you and you might not make it
just hold on - chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader — in which you need chishiya to be your personal translator during a game
mr. jealous - karube daikichi x gn!reader — in which karube gets jealous and threatens to beat arisu's ass
desperate and needy - arisu ryohei x gn!reader (16+ please!) — blurb about arisu ryohei being desperate and needy !
better than me? - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which tatta gets jealous and knows he can treat you better
sweet like honey - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which you and tatta cuddle in bed after sex
familiar - chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader — in which you and chishiya feel a connection after the borderlands
valentines day! - chishiya, arisu, tatta, kuina, last boss x gn!reader — headcanons about valentines day with chishiya, arisu, tatta, kuina, and last boss !
goodbye is not the end - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which your on the brink of death after a game and tatta finds you
weird way to propose but yes - karube daikichi x gn!reader — in which karube proposes to you after work outside of the bar
rockstars gf! - kyuma ginji x fem!reader (16+ please!) — headcanons about being kyuma ginji's girlfriend !
one word question - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which tatta breaks up with you and you can't help but ask 'why?'
fragile devlopment - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which you wanted more but tatta made it clear he didn't
it's sugar, baby - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which you have money to spare and you love to spoil tatta
meeting room - last boss x afab!reader (16+ please!) — in which last boss fucks you in the meeting room right before a meeting
no one compares - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which tatta is jealous of your friendship with arisu
dirty bedsheets - last boss x afab!reader (16+ please!) — in which you overstimulate last boss while giving him a hand job
oh well - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which you catch tatta cheating on you
happy meal - tatta kodai x gn!reader — in which you and tatta order mcdonalds
sleepy - chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader (16+ please!) — blurb about chishiya shuntaro being sleepy !
tooth and nail - arisu ryohei x gn!reader — in which you work hard for arisu's affection but he'll give it for free if you just ask
sick! - tatta, arisu x gn!reader — headcanons about being sick with tatta and arisu!
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sunoooism · 2 years
i would like to req something pls hehe ^^
chishiya + reader e2l are being yk a couple in secret right but then friends catch them and then everyone goes :o because friends aren't used to shiya being lovey let alone with the person they would least expect to ever see with him
tytytyty it's been a while since ive read anything aib but ive noticed the thinning of fics because of the hype dying down :c
I hope this was okay for you! <3
ARE YOU GUYS BONING?!- chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader
୨୧ . . . content— secret relationship, crack/fluff, profanity, mentions of sex.
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from the outside you and Chishiya were friends, but nothing more in your friends' eyes, they thought you got into disputes far too easily to tolerate each other in a loving way. to them you were this cheerful and bubbly person who was always ready to help others despite what people warned, and from their point of view Chishiya was this cold, stoic and on occasion brooding man who held little empathy for anyone but himself. but this was of course their view. to you Chishiya was significantly different. sure, he still harbored the traits that others viewed him as but he also had more caring ones. when it was just the two of you he wasn't exactly bouncing off the walls and hugging you till you couldn't breathe, but he was more open and relaxed. he let you hug him and kiss him wherever you pleased and he was more comfortable showing you physical affection. he'd always ask if you'd remembered to eat or drink anything that day and if not he would cook your favorite meal. at least twice a week he fed into your obsession with little trinkets he'd see on his way home from work, it made his day more bearable when it ended with your smile. to you, Chishiya was your caring boyfriend. which is why you had to hide it. you both knew that if found out you would in turn receive endless amounts of teasing from your mutual friends. especially Kuina.
unfortunately your friend group was together almost every day of the week so you rarely got alone together unless you snuck away somewhere which was definitely not meant to be used as a secret meet up spot. so when Chota and Karube invited you and the others to a party, you and your secret lover declined for separate reasons. there was no way you weren't taking advantage of this chance to be alone. you had texted the group chat saying you were sick and at home while Chishiya had said he was out of town for personal reasons, which wasn't technically a lie on his part.
"peace, finally" you muttered as you shuffled into Chishiya more, your head rested between his neck and shoulder while he had an arm around you to ensure you stayed close. "they better not blow up my phone" you chuckled and refocused your attention to the t.v where a film of Chishiya's choice was playing but soon got distracted and started to fidget with his hands, occasionally you pulled one toward your face so you could lay a kiss on the back of his hand. times like these were the ones you truly cherished.
as the hours ticked by you felt yourself getting sleepy, the repetitive dialogue on the t.v and the slight buzz your boyfriend's cologne gave your head wasn't helping you stay awake. the comforting feeling of having him around didn't help you to stay conscious either. soon the urge to sleep overpowered your body and Chishiya could feel you drifting off on top of him. he lowered the volume on the television for your comfort and pulled a blanket over you both so you wouldn't be cold. Shuntaro never really imagined himself being so lucky. everyone always called him cold and incapable of love, which was in fact a lie. he just showed it differently, which you knew and were okay with. he was immensely grateful that you let him show his adoration for you the way he preferred.
the light of the day was fading and along with it Chishiya's will to stay awake. you had only been passed out for around half an hour so he didn't need to worry about you waking up. so with you tucked up in his hold he let himself fall asleep with you, his head falling to rest on top of yours. when you both awoke to what you assumed to be morning but were instead met with flashing phone cameras you were stunned and a little frustrated to say the least.
"Chishiya, what are you doing to Y/n!" Arisu slurred, clearly more than a little tipsy from the way he was holding himself. "he's cuddling them, that's what he's doing!" Tatta had pushed himself to the front of the huddle just to yell, "are you guys boning?!" Usagi slapped his arm and sent a distasteful glare his way. "don't be so vulgar!"
"okay then, are you guys 'making love'!" Chishiya stared at his flushed friend in disgust and rolled his eyes when they all insisted on an answer from him. "no, we are not boning or making love. we're dating you morons."
silence followed Chishiya's bold statement. everybody stared at each other with wide eyes. the awkward stillness was interrupted when Kuina burst out laughing, the voracity of her cackles almost tipped her over. "okay, good one, Chishiya!" others followed suit after realizing it was a joke. most doubling over in lung aching laughter. "oh my god, man! you almost got me!"
"c'mon guys, let's leave this endearing couple alone!" what they failed to realize was that this was in fact not a joke, and was quite a real relationship. you both stared in shock as your group of drunk friends stumbled out the door and slammed it behind them.
"did they just leave….?"
"It seems that way, yes."
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