#Task List Template Blank
woman-for-women · 1 year
How do you make your infographics if I can ask, and how long does it normally take you to design, do the research, find what quotes you like, etc. I’m very interested in making my own, especially about the drag queen issue but I struggle with adhd and staying on task and get unmotivated easily.
What I use to make Infographics/Posts
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You don’t need anything fancy to make infographics! I’m familiar with Adobe InDesign and the Adobe design suite, but those tools are expensive and are hard to learn.
I use Canva to make my material. I don’t pay for their premium account, so my account is completely free! It gives you templates and design elements to work with. I really like Canva because it helps me quickly design and post material.
How long does it take?
Making posts with just a quote usually takes me 5 minutes per post, so they're pretty fast to make.
My infographic posts take the longest to make. My Intersex and Sex Binary posts took me over 30 hours to research, plan, compile, write, design, and edit. Some smaller infographics like Transmasculine Individuals and Binding took ~4 hours.
A lot of the time is spent on the research stage. The good news is I've compiled a lot of my research into this ~300-page master document! It's full of studies and facts, grouped by topic as a resource for other women. It's so big I've really only scraped the surface in terms of what I've been able to adapt so far.
Feel free to take a look for yourself if you want to make your own posts/material, or if you're just curious! If you're interested in making posts about any of the topics listed, this might help shorten your research. I've also named/linked all my sources, so you can click the hyperlinked sources or Google the name of the study and read the whole thing if it interests you.
Work Process & Motivation
I also struggle with motivation and finishing projects. The key (for me) is to organizing my digital workspace.
If I see a statistic or study that interests me, I stick it into my masterdoc. If I see a Tumblr post with an interesting idea, quote, or fact, I save the post as a draft
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When I have time, I go through my drafts and pick a few posts I feel like adapting.
On Canva, you can search for keywords like "Instagram Post", "Instagram Story" or "Quote" and Canva will give you suggested templates.
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I have a Canva document saved of a bunch of templates I want to use for quotes, for example (you may recognize some of the backgrounds/fonts from my posts):
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When I pick a quote I like, I copy and paste the template square into a blank page on my document where I keep all my quotes and I just edit the text and mess around with the design elements until I'm satisfied.
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I can then easily export my posts!
My process for infographics is similar. I search "Infographic" and save infographic templates I like, then just add in the information when I have the time and motivation.
I get demotivated sometimes, so it helps to do a lot of posts back-to-back when I'm motivated and have time. I then add the posts to my Tumblr queue, so my blog is posting daily, even on days or weeks when I don't have the time, energy, or motivation to make material.
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I know online activism can get really tiring and it can be easy to burn out. Stickering, flyering, reading feminist/woman-centered books to educate yourself, signing petitions and writing letters, meeting with like-minded women, and volunteering for women's shelters/causes are great ways to help women in real life that don't feel as impersonal as a Tumblr blog. If there's a topic you're passionate about, make that infographic or post, but also think about what you can do in real life to advocate for or advance the cause!
I find mailing women radical feminist stickers (which you can order for free here!) is a great way to remind myself that I'm not alone and there are other women like me. Every envelope I pack makes me feel really connected to other women. I also work for an organization that helps women in the Global South and try to read feminist books in my spare time.
TL;DR - Use Canva, spread the word, and try to help women in real life!
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devoqdesign · 16 days
From Wireframe to Wow: A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing UI/UX Designs in Elementor
In the world of web design, turning a brilliant UI/UX concept into a fully functional website can be a daunting task. However, with the right tools and approach, this process can be streamlined and even enjoyable. Enter Elementor, a powerful WordPress page builder that bridges the gap between design and implementation. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of transforming your wireframes and UI/UX designs into stunning, interactive websites using Elementor.
Preparing Your Design Assets
Before diving into Elementor, it's crucial to have your design assets ready. This includes:
Wireframes: These serve as the blueprint for your website's structure.
UI Design: High-fidelity mockups that showcase the visual elements of your site.
Style Guide: A document outlining colors, typography, and other design elements.
Assets: Images, icons, and other graphical elements used in your design.
Organizing these assets in a structured manner will save you time and effort during the implementation phase.
Setting Up Your WordPress Environment
Ensure you have a clean WordPress installation with Elementor and Elementor Pro installed. Create a child theme to safely customize your site without affecting the parent theme.
Configuring Global Settings in Elementor
Before building individual pages, set up your global design settings in Elementor:
Set your global colors based on your style guide.
Define your typography settings for headings and body text.
Configure default styles for buttons and form elements.
These global settings will ensure consistency across your site and save time in the long run.
Creating Custom Templates
Elementor allows you to create custom templates for recurring elements like headers, footers, and sidebars. To do this:
Create new templates for your header and footer based on your UI design.
Use Elementor's widgets to build these templates, matching your design as closely as possible.
Assign these templates to display globally or on specific pages.
Building Your Homepage
With your global elements in place, it's time to build your homepage:
Create a new page and edit it with Elementor.
Start with a blank canvas and add sections that correspond to your wireframe.
Use Elementor's column structure to match your layout design.
Add widgets to each section, customizing them to match your UI design.
Implement advanced features like sliders, galleries, or forms using Elementor Pro widgets.
Remember to frequently preview your work to ensure it matches your original design vision.
Implementing Responsive Design
Elementor makes responsive design straightforward:
Use the responsive mode toggles to preview your design on different devices.
Adjust layouts, font sizes, and spacing for tablet and mobile views.
Hide or show elements based on screen size using Elementor's advanced settings.
Test your responsive design thoroughly on various devices and browsers.
Adding Interactive Elements
Bring your UI/UX design to life with interactive elements:
Implement hover effects on buttons and images using Elementor's hover animations.
Create pop-ups for calls-to-action or forms using Elementor Pro's Popup Builder.
Add scroll animations to elements using the Entrance Animation settings.
Implement accordions or tabs for content organization, matching your UX design.
Optimizing Performance
A great UI/UX design should also perform well. Optimize your Elementor site by:
Using Elementor's built-in asset optimization features.
Compressing and optimizing images before uploading.
Leveraging caching plugins compatible with Elementor.
Minimizing the use of heavy widgets or third-party plugins that may slow down your site.
Implementing Dynamic Content
If your UX design includes dynamic elements like blog posts or product listings:
Use Elementor Pro's dynamic content features to pull in data from your WordPress database.
Create custom post type archives and single post templates that match your design.
Implement filtering and sorting options to enhance user experience.
Fine-tuning and Testing
Before launching, it's crucial to fine-tune and thoroughly test your implementation:
Compare your Elementor build side-by-side with your original UI design, making adjustments as needed.
Test all interactive elements and forms to ensure they function correctly.
Perform cross-browser and cross-device testing to catch any inconsistencies.
Check your site's loading speed and make optimizations if necessary.
Conduct user testing to ensure the implemented design meets UX goals.
Documenting Your Work
Create documentation for your Elementor implementation:
Document any custom CSS or JS used in your design.
Create a guide for content editors on how to use Elementor to maintain design consistency.
Note any plugins or additional tools used in the implementation process.
Launch and Iterate
With your UI/UX design successfully implemented in Elementor, it's time to launch:
Perform a final check of all pages and functionalities.
Set up analytics to track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.
Launch your site and monitor for any issues or user feedback.
Continuously iterate on your design based on user data and feedback, using Elementor's flexible editing capabilities to make updates easily.
Implementing a UI/UX design in Elementor is a process that combines creativity with technical skill. By following this step-by-step guide, you can transform your wireframes and designs into a fully functional, visually stunning website. Remember, the key to success lies in attention to detail, thorough testing, and a willingness to iterate based on user feedback. With Elementor's powerful features and your design expertise, you're well-equipped to create websites that not only look great but also provide an exceptional user experience.
Visit my Upwork project catalog :  Elementor Developer
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cabotcovecorpse · 2 months
Exciting New Tools for Designers, July 2024
July 01, 2024
Welcome to this July’s collection of tools, gathered from around the web over the past month. We hope you’ll find something here to make work just that little bit easier. Enjoy!
Sometimes inspiration is slow in coming when faced with a blank screen. This aptly named AI design helper can get you started with color schemes and font suggestions.
The trend of remote working is becoming increasingly common among designers and developers. This platform is designed for remote workers who wish to make the most of their location independence by arranging home swaps that meet their technical needs.
Gluetrail can create articles and enhanced videos from a single screen recording, which could really speed up the process of making guides and tutorials. It’s a browser extension, currently Chrome only.
Linktopia describes itself as a link building community for founders. You submit blog articles to receive backlinks and send link requests to boost your SEO. All submissions are checked manually.
While there are existing font identifier browser extensions that work on Safari, they only work on desktop. What Font for Safari has been built specifically for Safari and works across all current Apple devices.
Koosh simplifies video embedding using pre-designed templates for single and multiple videos. It also has options for adding interactions.
Spending an hour here and there accidentally browsing is a common pitfall of working on the web. Tell Intentional what you’re working on, and it will stop you from accessing anything irrelevant.
The Figgy web app helps you track your design contributions and monitor your productivity by displaying your Figma activity in a GitHub-style contribution chart.
There are lots of task timers out there, but Bubble Time (currently for iPhone only) may have the most enjoyable and stress-free interface. Additionally, it does not collect any data.
Uizard has added a conversational modality to Autodesigner, allowing you to use plain English in prompts to generate or edit UI components or component sets.
Portfolo lets you create an online showcase for your work, using markdown. It’s simple and fast, allowing you to focus on the work you want to show.
This AI image generator from Icons8 has been trained on the illustrations created by Icons8’s own team of artists. You can get a set of consistent images, with no legal or ethical issues.
DynaUI is a set of animated components built with React, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion. The smaller components are free, while a one-off payment gets you page sections and templates.
The Dualite plugin for exporting Figma to code has had a major update. The new features are Component Mode, for generating reusable code components, and Page Mode for converting animations and pages to code.
Most To Do lists expect you to prioritize tasks yourself: One Task uses AI to do the prioritizing for you. If you feel overwhelmed trying to decide what to do next this might be the answer.
Paddi MacDonnell
Read more here https://www.vingle.net/d5media
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actowiz-123 · 6 months
Automating Web Scraping Product Pricing with Microsoft Power Automate
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In today's data-driven world, efficiently gathering and analyzing information from the web is crucial for businesses and individuals. With the help of Microsoft Power Automate, formerly Microsoft Flow, quick web scraping has become more accessible than ever before. In this blog post, we'll explore how to develop an automated solution using Microsoft Power Automate to scrape product data from a target website, focusing on web scraping product pricing data as an example.
What is Microsoft Power Automate?
Microsoft Power Automate, previously recognized as Microsoft Flow, is the cloud-based service enabling users to create automated workflows and streamline repetitive tasks across various applications and services. With Power Automate, users can automate data collection, file synchronization, notifications, and approvals without extensive coding knowledge. The platform offers a user-friendly interface with various pre-built connectors and templates, allowing users to easily integrate with popular applications like Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, Dynamics 365, and more. Power Automate empowers organizations to increase productivity, reduce manual effort, and improve efficiency across various business functions.
Role of Microsoft Power Automate in Web Scraping
Microsoft Power Automate is crucial in web scraping, particularly in tasks like web scraping product pricing data from e-commerce websites. Here's how Power Automate facilitates web scraping:
Quick Web Scraping: With Power Automate, users can set up web scraping workflows quickly and easily without extensive coding knowledge. The platform provides a user-friendly interface with pre-built templates and connectors, enabling rapid workflow development.
Power Automate allows you to automate the extraction of product pricing data from websites, saving you valuable time. By configuring workflows to run at scheduled intervals or trigger events, you can ensure regular pricing information updates without needing constant manual intervention.
Scraping Product Data: Power Automate offers various actions and connectors that facilitate scraping product data from websites. Users can utilize HTTP actions to send requests to web pages, parse HTML content to extract relevant data and store the extracted information in structured formats such as CSV files or Excel spreadsheets.
Power Automate streamlines the process of extracting pricing data from product listings on e-commerce websites, ensuring accuracy and reliability. You can define specific criteria to scrape pricing information, such as product names, descriptions, and prices, and then automate the extraction process to gather this data efficiently, giving you confidence in the data you're working with.
Product Pricing Scraper: Power Automate can be configured to function as a product pricing scraper. It continuously monitors websites for changes in product prices and updates the extracted data accordingly. This enables users to stay informed about pricing fluctuations and make informed decisions based on the latest pricing information.
Microsoft Power Automate is vital in quick web scraping, offering users a quick and efficient way to scrape product pricing data from websites. With its automation capabilities and user-friendly interface, Power Automate empowers users to extract and utilize pricing data effectively for various business and analytical purposes.
How to Scrape Product Pricing Using Microsoft Power Automate?
Scraping product pricing using Microsoft Power Automate is a straightforward process that enables users to automate web scraping tasks efficiently. Follow these steps to scrape product pricing using Power Automate:
Create a New Flow: Log in to your Microsoft Power Automate account and create a new flow. Select the "Scheduled - from blank" template to start from scratch.
Set the Trigger: Choose a trigger that initiates the web scraping process. For exaple, you can schedule the flow to run regularly to ensure updated pricing data.
Add an HTTP Action: Add an HTTP action to request the target website's URL. Use the "GET" method to retrieve the product pricing information on the webpage.
Parse the Webpage: Use the "HTML" or "XML" action to parse the webpage's HTML content and extract the relevant pricing data. You can use XPath expressions to target specific elements containing the pricing information.
Clean and Format the Data: Clean and format the extracted pricing data to ensure it is structured. Remove unnecessary characters or symbols to make the data more readable and usable.
Store the Data: Choose a storage destination for the extracted pricing data. You can save it to a CSV file, Excel spreadsheet, SharePoint list, or any other supported storage location.
Test and Run the Flow: Test the flow to ensure it correctly retrieves the product pricing data. Once tested, activate the flow to run automatically at the scheduled intervals.
Monitor and Maintain the Flow: Regularly monitor the flow to ensure that it continues to scrape product pricing data accurately. Make any necessary adjustments or updates to keep the flow running smoothly.
Following these steps, you can quickly set up a quick web scraping solution using Microsoft Power Automate to extract product pricing data from any website. With Power Automate's user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities, you can automate web scraping tasks efficiently and effectively, saving time and effort.
Upon completion of a web scraping project using Microsoft Power Automate, several deliverables are typically provided to ensure the solution's successful implementation and ongoing maintenance.
Fully Functional Power Automate Flow: The primary deliverable is a fully functional Power Automate flow configured to scrape product pricing data from the target website. This flow is designed to run automatically at specified intervals, ensuring regular pricing information updates.
Documentation: The Power Automate flow is accompanied by detailed documentation that provides comprehensive guidance on setting up, configuring, and using the scraping workflow. This documentation includes step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and explanations of key components.
Setup Instructions: Clear setup instructions are provided to assist users in configuring the Power Automate flow within their environment. These instructions cover account setup, connector configuration, and flow activation.
Troubleshooting Tips: Troubleshooting tips and common error scenarios are outlined to help users address any issues that may arise during the implementation or execution of the scraping workflow. This includes guidance on handling connectivity issues, parsing errors, and data formatting issues.
Training Materials: Optional training materials may be provided to help users become familiar with the Power Automate platform and its capabilities. This may include video tutorials, webinars, or online documentation.
Overall, these deliverables ensure that users have all the necessary resources and support to successfully implement and maintain the web scraping solution using Microsoft Power Automate, enabling them to access and utilize product pricing data effectively for their business needs.
Actowiz Solutions empowers businesses and individuals to harness the capabilities of Microsoft Power Automate for seamless quick web scraping solutions. By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows, Power Automate enables users to gather valuable data effortlessly. With Actowiz Solutions, you can focus on deriving insights from data rather than spending time on manual collection. Our expertise in Power Automate ensures swift deployment of scraping solutions, allowing you to make informed decisions based on real-time data. Supercharge your data insights with Actowiz Solutions today! You can also reach us for all your mobile app scraping, data collection, web scraping services, and instant data scraper service requirements.
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Elevate Your Planning Game with the reMarkable 2 Template Feature
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In the fast-paced, digitally-driven world we live in today, staying organized is not just a choice; it's a necessity. And when it comes to planning, the reMarkable 2 Template feature is an absolute game-changer. This remarkable device has taken the concept of digital planning to new heights, offering a wide array of templates that can transform the way you organize your life. Let's dive into the world of Remarkable 2 templates and discover why they are essential for your planner.
1. Tailored for You: The Remarkable 2 template feature recognizes that planning isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. With a rich library of templates at your disposal, you have the power to customize your planner according to your unique needs and preferences. Whether you're a busy professional, a student juggling assignments, or someone planning personal goals, there's a template that perfectly fits your requirements.
2. Efficiency Redefined: Planning is all about efficiency, and the Remarkable 2 template feature is designed to streamline your tasks. Imagine having a daily planner template that lets you outline your schedule, to-do lists, and even jot down important notes, all in one place. With these templates, you can optimize your time, reduce clutter, and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.
3. Visualize Your Goals: Visualization is a powerful tool when it comes to achieving your goals. The Remarkable 2 templates make it easy to create vision boards or goal-setting templates. Whether you're striving for personal growth, career milestones, or fitness objectives, these templates enable you to visually map out your journey and track your progress.
4. Embrace Creativity: Your planner doesn't have to be mundane. For the creative souls out there, the Remarkable 2 offers an array of artistic templates. From blank canvases for doodles and sketches to specialized templates for creative writing or brainstorming sessions, this device encourages you to infuse your planner with your unique creativity.
5. Go Green, Stay Organized: Beyond the personal benefits, the Remarkable 2 template feature champions sustainability. By eliminating the need for physical paper planners, you're reducing your environmental footprint. You can plan, organize, and strategize without wasting paper or resources, making it a win-win for both you and the planet.
6. Seamless Integration: The Remarkable 2 seamlessly integrates with your digital life. You can easily import and export templates, share them with colleagues or classmates, and access your planner from various devices. This level of flexibility ensures that you can stay on top of your game, no matter where you are.
In a world where time is of the essence, and being organized is key, the reMarkable 2 template feature empowers you to take control of your life, your goals, and your creativity. It's more than just a planner; it's a versatile tool that adapts to your needs and enhances your daily routine. So, if you're looking to make your planning remarkable, look no further than the Remarkable 2 template feature—it's your ticket to a more organized, efficient, and creative life.
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telscoba · 1 year
Email Marketing Perfected: A Moosend Review You Can't-Miss
Today, we're diving into the world of email marketing and automation with an in-depth Moosend review, exploring the game-changing features of this platform. If you're seeking simplicity, modernity, and results that boost revenue, you're in for a treat.
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But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let's face it: email marketing can be time-consuming and challenging. Crafting that perfect campaign seems like an endless struggle, and hitting that "send" button can make you feel like you're rolling the dice. But fear not! Moosend promises to be the ultimate solution, helping you create engaging campaigns effortlessly and achieve your marketing goals. 
So, let's buckle up and explore how Moosend makes your email marketing dreams a reality.
Unleash The Potential Of Moosend
When it comes to email marketing, Moosend is the cream of the crop. Their newly redesigned platform takes the complexity out of email campaigns, making it super easy to create and send your marketing masterpieces in under 5 minutes. Yes, you read that right – minutes, not hours! Say goodbye to time-wasting tasks and hello to an intuitive, user-friendly experience that will change the way you approach email marketing.
With Moosend, the days of staring at a blank email template, wondering where to start, are long gone. Their drag & drop newsletter editor is a godsend, allowing you to effortlessly customize your emails with images, text, and buttons. You can truly let your creativity flow, and the best part is that you don't need to be a tech wizard to use it. The interface is designed to be user-friendly, so even if you're a beginner, you'll feel right at home.
Craft Emails That Shine
Sending emails is one thing, but sending emails that actually get opened and clicked is a whole different ballgame. Moosend equips you with all the tools to create eye-catching emails that captivate your subscribers from the get-go. With fully customizable templates and a drag & drop newsletter editor, you can let your creativity flow effortlessly.
Let's talk about subject lines – they can make or break your email's success. With Moosend's A/B testing feature, you can create multiple subject lines and let the platform determine which one performs the best. It's like having a magic crystal ball that shows you the most engaging subject line for your audience. And if that's not enough, they even have an AI Subject Line Optimizer, which uses artificial intelligence to analyze your subject line and suggest improvements for higher open rates. Talk about innovation at its finest!
But it's not just about the subject line; the content of your email matters too. With Moosend's Content A/B Testing, you can experiment with different email layouts, call-to-action buttons, or even the tone of your writing. This invaluable feature lets you understand what resonates best with your audience, allowing you to refine your content strategy and maximize your campaign's impact.
Segmentation: The Key To Personalization
Moving forward with our candid Moosend review, We all know that personalization is vital for successful email marketing. Luckily, Moosend's list segmentation feature takes care of that for you. By segmenting your subscribers based on their interests, behaviors, or demographics, you can deliver personalized content that resonates with each recipient. It's like having a one-on-one conversation with your entire audience! Engaging your subscribers on a personal level builds trust, and loyalty, and ultimately leads to conversions.
Say Hello To The Perfect Forms
Growing your mailing list and collecting valuable data is a breeze with Moosend's beautiful and editable email signup forms. Whether you want a simple newsletter signup or a more interactive gamification form, they've got you covered. With advanced display rules, you can trigger the right message at the right time, ensuring your forms appear to the right audience. Plus, their anti-bot protection keeps pesky spambots at bay, ensuring that your data remains accurate and reliable.
Automate Like A Pro
Repetitive tasks, be gone! Moosend's automation capabilities take your marketing efforts to a whole new level. Their pre-made automation templates make it effortless to set up customer journeys that trigger specific actions based on user behavior. From welcome sequences to abandoned cart reminders, you can engage with your audience at the perfect moment. The visual workflow builder is a true lifesaver, making the automation process intuitive and enjoyable. And with over 100 triggers at your disposal, you can rest assured that no opportunity for customer engagement slips through the cracks.
Closing Out!
In conclusion, Moosend is a powerhouse email marketing and automation platform that redefines simplicity and effectiveness. It empowers businesses to create stunning campaigns, build personalized relationships, and drive real revenue growth without breaking a sweat. With its user-friendly interface, and impressive features like A/B testing, segmentation, and automation, Moosend is undoubtedly a top choice for marketers looking to level up their email game.
Head over to Moosend and experience the magic for yourself. 
There you have it, folks – our comprehensive Moosend review. So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the power of Moosend and witness your email campaigns soar to new heights. 
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kymmiejournals · 1 year
2020-2021 Digital Dark Dated Planner + Stickers by Kamipi
This post contains affiliate links. If you take action (i.e. make a purchase) after clicking my affiliate links, I’ll probably earn a few bucks which will help keep this website running or just to buy a cup of coffee. You know I only recommend products that I actually use, love and trust, right?
Hey lovely,
Let's talk about black-colored pages or planners, have you tried to use one?
I remember way back in high school, I used to write with a gold glittered-gel pen on black paper whenever I send love letters to my friends and even to my crush! The contrast of colors makes it pop and creates this classy vibe. I also made some doodles of constellations or galaxy and it's super fun and enjoyable! 
In today's post, the 2020-2021 Mid-Year Digital Dated Planner in Dark mode by Kamipi shop has lots to offer, including stickers in 6 different hues. What sets this planner apart is the texture of the digital paper used, it's not just your typical black paper. This planner includes hyperlinked tabs for easy navigation between Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily and other detailed spreads, plus a master index page to access different trackers, subjects and layouts. Dated from July 2020 - June 2021, perfect for students who started the semester late due to pandemic.
Tools and Resources
Any note-taking app (ex. Goodnotes or Noteshelf, etc.)
iPad 2019 7th Gen (10.2”)
Apple Pencil 1st Gen
Replace your Apple Pencil tips
Paperlike matte screen protector
1 High-Resolution Planner PDF with 450+ pages (Monday start)
1 Goodnotes Sticker file which includes pre-cropped stickers
6 PNG transparent Full Sticker page for cropping to be used for other projects
252 PNG transparent individual cropped sticker images
2020/2021 Digital Dark Dated Planner
Perfect for minimalists or those who like to keep things simple.
Master Index
An easy way to access different Planning templates and Notes layouts.
2020-2021 Calendar
A full view on the mid-year calendar. The months and numbers are clickable to Monthly, Weekly and Daily.
2020-2021 Key Dates
The months are clickable to the Monthly page. This is where you can summarize the whole mid-year, you can either use color blocks to track your appointments or draw symbols to mark your tasks or activities.
Quarterly Overview
3 boxes arranged per quarter that is clickable to each month.
There are 5 individual dividers to set your subjects or categories.
Different templates that you can duplicate and use. The Notes consists of:
Two Column
Four Column
This section offers different layouts and tracking for your:
Project Planner
Meeting Notes
Password Tracker
Grocery List
Meal Planner
My Goals
Mood Tracker
Habit Trackers (2 formats)
Workout Log
Project Time Planner
Travel Planner
A page perfect for planning the whole month ahead. Each box is clickable to their respective Daily page, while the numbers on the left side are clickable to Weekly. You will also have access to the Summary page.
This page is for specific activities for the whole month, you can write your To Do's, Goals, Important Dates, track your target Habit and so much more.
This includes time blocks that are perfect to track your schedule for the whole week.
A more specific page dedicated for the whole day. You can transfer the schedule from the Weekly page to this and list all top priorities and tasks.
Bonus: Stickers
250+ High-Resolution Stickers (Pre-cropped PNG in a separate Goodnotes file) in a real texture look with 6 different hues:
Light Blue
Kamipi on Instagram
Kamipi on Etsy
This post is not sponsored nor paid by Kamipi, I am only reviewing products that I use and love [know more]
The fonts and graphics used are separate purchases and not included in the planner
What do you love most about this digital planner?
Any questions or suggestions about this blog post?
Get access to Freebie Library!
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itservicesindia · 2 years
The Most Popular Backend Frameworks for Web Development — IT Services India
Today, backend frameworks are fundamental to the creation of applications for a vast array of businesses around the globe. For developers, selecting the ideal backend framework can be essential for achieving the best performance and scalability. Choosing from the many options available today can be difficult.
Frontend development and backend development are the two broad categories of web development. A backend developer is in charge of developing the server-side of a web application.
Businesses have faced numerous challenges and have undergone massive changes in recent years, and this trend will continue in 2023 as new trends emerge! Organizations must deal with the global pandemic’s aftereffects.
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In these circumstances, you must wonder what the most important component of your company is that will keep you in the lead. Right? Most of you will think about and research topics like supply chain security, sustainability, accelerated digital transformation, immersive customer experience, and more! But what is the essential component for the company to succeed and maintain its lead?
It should go without saying that businesses need a successful web application for that, and they need back-end development for that! The front-end development work is properly integrated and delivered while taking into account the goals and vision of each project as it manages the business logic. Some of the most important programming tools available to developers today are back-end web frameworks.
This article not only defines a back-end web framework and how it can help to facilitate and expedite the programming process, but it also lists the top 10 back-end web frameworks that can help businesses stay ahead!
What exactly are Back-End Frameworks?
Do the terms Java, PHP, and Ruby on Rails sound familiar? If you answered yes, you are familiar with the concept of back-end technologies, as they are the best back-end technologies! They are, after all, the foundations of your website and web app! Do you want to learn more about back-end technologies as we begin with frameworks?
A back-end framework is an ecosystem that aids in the acceleration and automation of the web development process. A back-end framework is a set of models and tools that can help a developer build the framework for a website, web application, mobile app, or piece of software. Most of you are probably confusing the backend with the frontend, but there is a distinction! Read our article frontend vs backend to get a better understanding of our ideas.
Use the best back-end web framework as a model for a piece of graphic design to help you understand. Without the framework, you are given a blank canvas on which to build each element, individually design each one, select any colour and location, and make sure that everything is compatible. With a template (or framework), you can complete the task in half the time because the structure and pre-built components are already present. This saves you from having to build each component separately and then combine them.
The Best Advantages of Using a Backend Framework
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1. Security: A framework provides security from multiple perspectives. Security from external attacks and problems, crashes, slowness, and other negative factors may reduce the quality of the application you’re building.
2. Scalability: Frameworks are extremely adaptable. Assume you’ve chosen an appropriate backend framework for your project. In that case, you can keep using that framework as you build your web application, from the simplest to the most complex.
3. Integrations: Frameworks make integrations easier because they provide pre-built tools.
Backend Frameworks Popular in 2023
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1. Microsoft ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework for developing.NET applications. This framework is a lightweight implementation of the Microsoft server stack that allows you to build and run applications across multiple platforms and environments. Many programming languages, including C#, F#, Visual Basic, NodeJS, and JavaScript, can be used to create web apps and API servers.
Advantages of ASP.NET Core
· For the backend, ASP.NET employs the JavaScript framework, which is one of the most popular programming languages.
· It requires very little coding.
· One of the most noticeable advantages of ASP.NET Core is its improved performance, which makes it the best framework for backend development.
When developing mobile or web applications for Windows users, ASP.NET Core is the best backend language and framework to use.
2. Django
Django is a Python-based open-source web framework that follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern. It specialises in developing database-driven complex websites. If having a high-performance website is your top priority, Django is the right solution for you.
advantages of Django:-
· It can be scaled. The Django code-reusability feature makes it easier for the developers to adjust the growing website traffic.
· It is focused on SEO. This makes it easy to optimise and create SEO-friendly websites. Given its popularity, the framework has a large user base that is willing to assist anyone using it.
· Despite being a No Code framework, Django has a few No Code features and is No Code-oriented. Programmers can use a number of packages without ever writing any code.
Django, one of the most popular backend frameworks, is thought to be the most suitable for building a database-driven website.
Laravel is one of your best options if you’ve been searching the web for a PHP backend framework. This open-source was created specifically for web applications that use Symphony. Laravel is ideal if you want to concentrate on back-end development.
Laravel Advantages
· It includes several security features and employs algorithms to generate strong passwords that are highly secure.
· In addition to PHP, Laravel provides widgets such as CSS and JS code.
· It excels at complex project creation.
· One of the most notable features of Laravel is the simple API that integrates with the SwiftMailer Library.
It is a Node.js backend framework called Express that is used to create APIs and web applications. It is a backend component of the MEAN stack, along with the Angular JS frontend and NoSQL databases. It is also regarded as one of the best frameworks for creating online applications.
Advantages of Express.js
· This is one of the simplest programming languages. Node.js developers can use a backend JavaScript framework runtime environment to create both frontend and backend web applications, making it the most popular backend framework.
· It makes use of full-stack JS features. For the same reason, there will be no need to hire separate front and backend developers. It will not only save you time but also money.
Express.js may be the best option for you if you have experience with the JavaScript framework for the backend but lack confidence in other programming languages.
5. CakePHP
Cake By offering a scaffold that can be used as a springboard when developing web applications, PHP makes web development simpler. The scaffold (code) can be used as a jumping off point for creating a web application. It is accessible under an MIT licence and uses the MVC architecture.
Advantages of CakePHP
· It can scale up very well.
· It is suitable for straightforward, novice, or complicated projects.
The most secure backend framework is CakePHP, which can offer the standard architecture to build your web application at any level if you have experience using the PHP backend framework.
6. Spring Boot
Spring Boot is another open-source framework that uses the JavaScript framework for the backend. It provides a powerful, customizable, and modular environment for developing complex enterprise-grade applications.
The Advantages of a Spring Boot
· One of the most noticeable advantages of Spring is that it is highly scalable, thanks to the included side projects, making it the best framework for backend development.
· Spring comes with sister projects that can help improve Spring’s performance.
· Spring is well-liked and has a large support base because it is built on the widely used programming language Java.
7. Phoenix
Phoenix is an open-source framework for advanced web app development written in Elixir and Erlang. It employs the Elixir programming language, which has a syntax similar to Ruby, and the Erlang virtual machine for reliable, fault-tolerant applications. It supports real-time client communication via WebSocket and agnostic channels, as well as the Cowboy server’s request/response functionality.
Advantages of Phoenix
· The backend of web applications is trustworthy.
· It allows for concurrency and the simultaneous operation of multiple processes while maintaining their independence.
· It provides flexibility. Users won’t have to use any third-party tools or the complex messaging system to manage cache layers.
The information provided above can help you choose the top back-end framework from the top ten back-end frameworks currently available. The article covered several of the top backend frameworks, including Django, Laravel, and Ruby on Rails.
Why Should You Use IT Services US for Your Backend Framework?
Because they are written in well-known programming languages, the majority of these frameworks provide exceptional functionality and capabilities for developing your project. The optimal server environment will be determined by the specific needs of your project, and it is up to you to choose which server framework to use. IT Services India, on the other hand, can help you accelerate your growth by providing backend development services. You can now use the latest backend technologies to achieve scalable performance and robust architecture.
The effective back-end development team at IT Services India is made up of professionals who are dedicated to driving innovation and providing comprehensive back-end development services to businesses of all sizes. Additionally, you can get assistance from our committed back-end developers with a transparent and security-first approach. Visit Us for More details :- IT Services India
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danielalex181 · 2 years
How Can Interactive Displays Help You Stay Organized?
Many personal tools are available for managing our business days. Personal notebooks offer an individual touch, but they lack flexibility – and you certainly do not want to lose that notebook. Digital to-do lists are great when you set them up for the first time, but they quickly fall apart as new prioritizes and tasks show up.
Interactive Displays provide a visual way to organize and track personal activities. And they offer unparalleled flexibility when priorities change.
Case study
In this practical example, you can see how to effectively use an online whiteboard for planning and managing daily activities. It’s possible to plan activities by day or category.
Plan for the week – Once a week, write all planned activities on the whiteboard. Digital whiteboards such as the FlatFrog Board come with built-in templates, or you can create your own.
Plan by date
Plan by activity type
Set priorities – It is worthwhile to set priorities. FlatFrog Board online whiteboard comes with a library of symbols that can facilitate this process. Another option is to use various sticky-note colors.
Adapt to new tasks, new priorities – It is almost a given that new tasks emerge, and old tasks get de-prioritized during the week. This is where the digital whiteboard excels. In seconds, you can update the board to reflect these changes.
Plan for next week – Once the week is over, maintain all tasks and changes electronically. At the same time, you can start a new week with a clean board.
Reporting and Presenting (extra credit) – A visual whiteboard is an exceptionally effective way of communicating. You can convey tasks, priorities and changes with a single image. Collaborative hybrid whiteboards like the FlatFrog Board allow digital sharing. Share the online whiteboard with your peers or manager by simply sending out a link. This is a valuable feature when teams work in hybrid mode at the office and remotely, or when working in different time zones.   ‍
Interactive Displays such as the FlatFrog Board offer a fantastic alternative to many personal organizer tools. Digital hybrid whiteboards are powerfully visual and exceedingly adaptive to adjustments. Use a blank whiteboard or built-in template or create your own digital board. Add notes, images or even Office files with ease. And when priorities change, it takes seconds to update the whiteboard. Finally, to present or report, you can selectively share the digital whiteboard with others.
This way of working is more powerful than simply visualizing our work. Interactive Displays allow us to think and work differently in a much more agile way. It transforms rigid ways of checklist working into much more adaptable methods.  
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wbspeedsite · 2 years
Visual basic for applications examples
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Here we find the Last used Row in the Sheet #19 – Find the Last Used Column in the Sheet #18 – Find the Last Used Row in the Sheet 'Note: RmDir delete only a empty folder On Error GoTo 0 End SubĬhange the folder path, which is marked in red as per your folder deletion. RmDir "C:UsersAdmin_2.Dell-PcDesktopDelete Folder" 'Firstly it will delete all the files in the folder 'Then below code will delete the entire folder if it is empty 'You can use this to delete entire folder On Error Resume Next Error Resume Next VBA On Error Resume Statement is an error-handling aspect used for ignoring the code line because of which the error occurred and continuing with the next line right after the code line with the error. Kill "C:UsersAdmin_2.Dell-PcDesktopDelete Folder*.*"Ĭhange the folder path, which is marked in red as per your folder deletion. '' On Error Resume Next Error Resume Next VBA On Error Resume Statement is an error-handling aspect used for ignoring the code line because of which the error occurred and continuing with the next line right after the code line with the error. 'You can use this to delete all the files in the folder Test The above code hides all the sheets except the sheet named “Main Sheet.” You can change the worksheet name as per your wish. If Ws.Name "Main Sheet" Then Ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden It will highlight all the blank cells with green color. Result: #13 – Highlight All the Blank Cellsĭ(xlCellTypeBlanks).Interior.Color = vbGreenįirst, select the data range and run the code. #12 – Highlight All the Commented CellsĬode: Sub HighlightCellsWithCommentsInActiveWorksheet()Ī(xlCellTypeComments).Interior.ColorIndex = 4 It will convert all the text values to lower case characters in excel Lower Case Characters In Excel There are six methods to change lowercase in excel - Using the lower function to change case in excel, Using the VBA command button, VBA shortcut key, Using Flash Fill, Enter text in lower case only, Using Microsoft word. #11 – Change All To Lower Case Charactersįirst, select the data and run the code. It will convert all the text values to upper case characters. #10 – Change All To Upper Case Charactersįirst, select the data and run the code. It will highlight the cells which have spelling mistakes. If Not Application.CheckSpelling(Word:=MySelection.Text) Thenįirst, select the data and run the VBA code VBA Code VBA code refers to a set of instructions written by the user in the Visual Basic Applications programming language on a Visual Basic Editor (VBE) to perform a specific task. #9 – Highlight Spelling Mistakeįor Each MySelection In ActiveSheet.UsedRange #8 – Insert Blank Row After Every Other RowĬode: Sub Insert_Row_After_Every_Other_Row()ĭim rng As Range Dim CountRow As Integer Dim i As Integer Set rng = Selectionįor this first, you need to select the range where you would like to insert alternative blank rows. This will delete all the blank worksheets from the workbook we are working on. If WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.UsedRange) = 0 ThenĪpplication.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub #7 – Delete All Blank Worksheets From the WorkbookĪpplication.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Just specify the number in the input box and click on Ok, it will insert those many sheets immediately. This will ask you to enter the number of worksheets you would like to insert. If ShtCount = False Then Exit Sub Else For i = 1 To ShtCount ShtCount = Application.InputBox("How Many Sheets you would like to insert?", #6 – Insert Worksheets as Much as You want This will insert serial numbers from 10 to 1 from the top. This will insert serial numbers from 1 to 20 from the bottom.
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This will insert serial numbers from 1 to 10 from the top. Let’s see each of these examples in detail. Delete All Blank Worksheets From the Workbook.Source: VBA Examples () List of Top 19 Examples You are free to use this image on your website, templates etc, Please provide us with an attribution link How to Provide Attribution? Article Link to be Hyperlinked Ok, if you struggled with VBA and still a beginner in this article, we will give some of the useful examples of VBA Macro code in Excel. I know oftentimes you might have thought of some of the limitations excel has but with VBA coding, you can eliminate all of those. Right from small tasks to big tasks, we can automate by using the VBA coding language. Macros are your best friend when it comes to increase your productivity or save some time at your workplace.
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marketlong · 2 years
Mybb newsbar
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Mybb newsbar how to#
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However, to receive support at the Community Forums, you must consistently have the MyBB copyright in tact.
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According to our license, you are free to remove the copyright from your templates (but not from the source code). Can I remove the MyBB copyright on my forum? Yes and no. Customizing the Postbit, such as adding a custom profile field to the postbit Latest News Bar, as seen on the MyBB Community Forums It also seems that they now have phpinfo turned off by default which causes the CAPTCHA to function incorrectly, if this happens to you, please request that phpinfo be enabled on your account. To use MyBB 1.2 on x10hosting you must contact them and request that eval and exec be enabled on your account. x10hosting - There is a known issue with MyBB 1.2 not working with x10hosting due to them having both eval and exec turned off on their hosting accounts by default. See the previously-compiled FAQ for RC4 See the previously-compiled FAQ for 1.0x-1.1.x Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource. Missing Smilie Inserter / M圜ode Formatting Bar UTF BOM Mark - Read this if you receive an error message related to this one: "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by."
Mybb newsbar how to#
Remove Upload Directory - Information on how to remove the "Upload" directory should you have uploaded the whole directory instead of just the contents. * (star) next to username - On the Who Is Online list Gzip - Seeing a blank page or garbled text instead of your forum index. Tasks System - What is the tasks system, and how to set up your tasks so they run on a cron job How to clear your cookies - Clearing cookies on several popular browsers Settings.php Permission Denied - PHP warnings when trying to save settings that say "permission denied" to inc/settings.php mod_security - 403 Forbidden, Not Acceptable Mail Issues - Problems relating to emailing (activation emails, subscriptions, mass mail, etc) Cannot Logout? - Read this if user cannot logout (this includes the error "Your user ID could not be verified to log you out.") Cannot Login? - Users cannot login, or if you have to login after every action in the Admin CP Common Error Messages - Common error messages and solutions found in MyBB 1.4 Here you will find common problems and solutions. Welcome to the MyBB Help section of the MyBB Wiki.
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advancedmoon · 2 years
Wondershare quiz creator 4.5
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Wondershare PDF Converter Pro Wondershare Free Dvd Creator It's no wonder that PDFelement is one of the best PDF editors for Windows. Then you can share your documents online or print them. You can also use the fill-in form feature to create your fillable forms. PDFelement also has an OCR feature to convert your scanned PDF files into a fully editable digital PDF file or even into another desired file format (Word, Text, and PowerPoint).
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There is a series of markups available which enable you to highlight, underline, and strikeout or add links, add bookmarks or headers, and footers to customize your documents. PDFelementĪt the top of the list is PDFelement, which allows you to edit, annotate, and create PDFs. Here, we've outlined the top 6 free PDF creators on the market including PDFelement.ġ: PDFelement 2: Wondershare PDF Converter Pro 3: Foxit PhantomPDF 4: Cute PDF 5: Pdfforge 6: 7-PDF Maker 6 Best Free PDF Creator Tools 1. There are plenty of free PDF creator programs on the market. However, if you're looking for a PDF creator that has useful features but is also free, you are also in luck. Need to create PDF files on a regular basis? Luckily, there are many PDF creators on the market that are simple and easy to use while also having a lot of useful tools for both personal and business use, especially if you opt for a paid program. More than 180 templates are offered to make your slideshow unique and outstanding. Wondershare Fotophire Slideshow Maker helps you to make slideshows with photos and videos in 3 simple steps.
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Wondershare DVD Creator is also capable of extracting audio streams and saving them to MP3 or M4A format. You can move images directly into the image creator, then you can add your pictures and insert background music etc. Wondershare DVD Creator is a video to DVD converter that allows you to make a slide show of your photos by using drag-and-drop functionality. It provides a recording of up to 120 frames per second, making it one of the best screen recorders I've used. 'Wondershare DemoCreator is a cost-effective video recorder for beginners. Version reviewed: 1.4.Wondershare DVD Creator As a powerful and easy-to-use DVD maker, it allows to burn your videos/photos to DVD/ISO/DVD folder/Blu-ray disc with built-in video editor, photo slideshow and free DVD templates. In conclusion: Wondershare QuizCreator has a nice looking interface, which makes the task of defining a set of questions very simple. If you plan to use the set of questions on people speaking another language, you might want to define different names for the buttons in the player template editing window. A nice looking clock can be displayed, allowing you to view the time it takes to answer the quiz. Pluses: The program offers you the option to customize the background of your quiz. You can also adjust the number of attempts which are allowed for answering a question. Each question has a certain amount of points by default, but you can adjust this value where needed. All these messages can be customized, making it possible to use your own language in the quiz. You can set your quiz to display messages for the user, depending on his or her answer. You can even add images to each of your questions.įeedback is also supported. When defining a new question to add to your quiz, you can select the font used to display the text of the question. These include true/false questions, multiple choice, fill in the blank, click map, and so on. Next, you can add questions and possible answers. The first thing to do when starting the program is to define the name of your quiz. I chose to use Flash technology when exporting the quiz, but it's also possible to use an executable file. This program is a powerful tool, designed for anyone who needs to create a redistributable quiz. Wondershare proved to be appropriate for this task. A friend of mine wanted a software for designing quizzes on the computer.
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trustallabout · 2 years
Free toast titanium for mac os x 10.4.11
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The free trial version of the software is also available. Mac OS X reduces its differences with iOS free English 2 GB Mac Java JDK SE 14.0.1 The Java development environment in its version for Mac free English 176 MB Mac Tiger 10.4.
So install Wondershare DVD burning software for Mac and enjoy burning DVDs and Blu-ray discs of high quality in no time. Video Tutorial to Burn Video to DVD on Windows, Similar on Mac You can also save videos as ISO files or DVD Folder with the best Mac DVD burning tool. Select Burn to Disc option, and give a disc label, select burner, TV standard and other settings from the interface, click Burn button to burn your videos to DVD. Next, click the Burn tab and insert a blank disc into your Mac. Move to the Preview tab to check the created disc. Copy discs with one click, create custom DVD and. If you want to customize the templates, setting aspect ratio, adding background music or images and other features, click the related icons at the top of the interface. Toast Titanium is the ultimate media toolkit for your Mac, redesigned to capture audio & video from the web, camcorders, DVDs, and LPs. The new Continuity helps you hand off tasks from iPhone to iPad to Mac, but that.
A list of dynamic and static templates will appear on the right column of the interface. Download this Graphics & Design app for free now on . OS X 10.10, aka Yosemite, sports a more modern look and bridges the gap between Apple's desktop and mobile devices. To view and choose from available DVD menu templates, click the Menu tab. Here you can crop or trim videos, add effects or subtitles to videos, and edit watermarks. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop the file to the interface.Ĭlick the pencil-like icon on the video thumbnail to open Video Editor window and personalize it. Multiple files can be added to this DVD burning software. Step 2 Import and Edit Files to the Best DVD Burner on MacĬlick the + sign to browse and add files from your Mac. PowerPC processor (G3 or later) Mac OS X 10.2 to 10.4.11 (untested here above this) 128 MB RAM 100 MB free hard disk space 16-bit color support (or. From the window that appears like below, select Create a New Project option. Open Wondershare DVD Creator on your Mac computer. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. Steps to burn DVD using the best DVD burning software for Mac: Step 1 Launch Best DVD Burning Software on Mac and Select Create a New Project Support Communities / Mac OS & System Software / Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger Looks like no one’s replied in a while. The intuitive and simple interface of the program allows creating professional-looking DVDs with simple steps. How to Burn DVD with Best DVD Burning Software for MacĬonsidering the speed, quality, and others DVD features, Wondershare DVD Creator for Mac can be considered as the best DVD burning software for Mac.
Option for DVD menu templates and customization.
Easy to use software with support to all file formats.
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bitcoinbanana · 2 years
Microsoft word online free montly fee
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Many office goers find this meal planner and grocery list a boon to manage their meals daily. The term monthly meal planner and grocery list is referred to a document that indicates what a person intends to eat on all the thirty days in a month. The notes can include time, date, name of the person with whom appointment is fixed, address and telephone numbers. People can use this type of planner with notes for entering list of appointments, and events to plan and attend in a week. Monthly planner with notes is a document in which apart from dates, it will contain blank spaces for writing down special notes.
It is considered as one of the primary steps taken by the user to make life full of vitality and energy. Using this template, it is possible to monitor what they will eat for dinner every day. The design of a monthly dinner planner template enables to plan exactly what and when a person wishes to eat. The template reflects all the items to be done in the forthcoming days with the date and time entered in a planned way.
This template can be used for personal and professional life. Through this, people can store all the to-do things that are meant for users. The name itself indicates that a daily monthly planner template is used as a calendar control. It will be in the form of a book with several pages printed with details of the menu. This template can be used for maintaining daily, weekly and monthly list of menu offered to customers during the working hours of the restaurant. The monthly planner template document is used by many people today to ensure smooth and amazing management of menu in a restaurant. If the user wishes to plan his or her expenses, and maintain an account of bill payments, this document can be readily used with ease. It is a journal that consists of carefully arranged spaces catering to the month and week. The monthly expense bill planner is an excellent document that enables the user to organize the bills and plan expenses. Excel sheets are also helpful in maintaining a template as a budget planner to manage all the expenses. This template will enable the user to record a variety of categories and heads of expenditure involving payments. Through this, it is possible to allocate the desired budget needed for that particular month. Spreadsheets are helpful in developing a monthly budget planner template. Here, it is possible to write the plans enabling a person to perform a task at a specific time and date. The best part of the wall monthly planner is that it consists of a notebook. The best wall monthly planner provides any person a better view of how he or she can schedule the activities in the best possible way. It can be hung on a wall through the magnet or small hooks at the back of the board. This whiteboard can be updated through the movement of the colour coded magnet or writing with the help of a dry erase pen. It is provided with magnetic kits for designing the month’s activities, events and tasks. Thirty one day month planner is known as whiteboard monthly planner. Such an action will lead the user to gain success irrespective of the size of the aim. To achieve goals a simple method is to enter the schedules and tasks in a custom online monthly planner. This might be to reach a small or a big objective. The success in a person’s life depends on suitable planning. This big monthly planner can be hung on any wall with pins and clips. The planner can be used for preparing appointments, for dormitory bulletin board’s events and for company boards as well. It contains thirty-six pages wherein planning schedules can be written for seventeen months. Here, weekly, monthly or weekday programs can be entered for the user’s convenience.Ī useful and simple planner is the big or large monthly planner that is dateless. Appointments and events can be organized through blank weekly monthly planner template. This planner page can be printed, customized, and edited within Excel. They include:Ī spreadsheet containing the monthly planner can be used as a weekly or a monthly planner. There are several varieties of Monthly Planners through printable monthly planner 2020 template in pdf, word and excel that is freely available. But, according to a saying the fruits of the activities can be reaped only if they are planned properly. Most of them will dream of great prospects during this New Year, which might be through accomplishments. People will be expecting the arrival of the year 2020 quite soon hence a Monthly Planner is very essential.
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banofatma33 · 4 years
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kymmiejournals · 1 year
Undated Blush Digital Planner by Wendaful Planning
This post contains affiliate links. If you take action (i.e. make a purchase) after clicking my affiliate links, I’ll probably earn a few bucks which will help keep this website running or just to buy a cup of coffee. You know I only recommend products that I actually use, love and trust, right?
Hey friend,
I have been working so hard to come up with an ultimate review for this planner. This will be lengthy blog post, so stay with me till the very end! If you have any questions, just take note of it so you can ask or contact me after you’ve read this lengthy post. I will be glad to answer any of them!
Tools and Resources
Any note-taking app (ex. Goodnotes or Noteshelf, etc.)
iPad 2019 7th Gen (10.2”)
Apple Pencil 1st Gen
467 page PDF with Sunday Start Planner
467 page PDF with Monday Start Planner
467 Page PDF with Sunday Start Months & Monday Start Weeks
60 extra templates, to name a few:
Blank inserts
Financial inserts
General Planning inserts
Household inserts
Habit inserts
Health and Fitness inserts,
Personal inserts
Blog or Youtube inserts
Undated Blush Digital Planner
This is the skin of the Planner.
You can fully personalize by typing or writing your name.
You can include a mini introduction about yourself or your planner.
It also includes a Thank You note from Wenda.
Gives you an overview of all the tabs that are clickable.
This is where you’ll find the Index page.
Wenda has also provided some helpful Goodnotes tutorials such as how to duplicate pages.
You can eliminate pages you won’t need and keep only 1 layout or use them all simultaneously. It consists of:
Annual Calendar (Year at a Glance)
Future Log
Yearly Overview
Yearly Tasks
Bucket Lists
Vision Board
My Theme Word
A vertical layout with 3 boxes which can be separated per section or category of your choice.
It has Work and Personal list.
It has also a Habit Tracker.
There are 2 ways to access this: You can click any Monthly tab on the side which will take you to the monthly page, 1.) then scroll next to the Weekly page. 2.) or you can click the week circle on the Monthly page.
You can use Daily pages if you want to track your schedule everyday.
This is perfect for students who have different classes or schedule.
This is also perfect for those who need more structure. This page is available after the Weekly pages.
From this page, you can go to your weekly spread by clicking the BACK TO WEEK located at upper right corner so you wont have to scroll several pages.
You can duplicate these pages or eliminate if you don’t need it.
It can be accessed on the Index page or on the top tab beside the Home icon. The Goals consists of:
My Goals Lists
Goal Planner
Goals Overview and Top 3 Goals
Quarterly Planner
Annual & Quarterly Goals Planner
Monthly Goals
Goal Planner
When you click the tab or button on Index, it will redirect you to the Project List which shows you your list of projects for the year, you can also put a due date when you should finish your project. All boxes is clickable which redirects you to the main Project page.
There are 20 fields for you to fill in.
Once you get redirected to a particular Project , you can enter your progress, deadline, notes, milestone, status, and timeline. It also has Action Steps List to break down all your steps needed to finish your project.
Extra Templates
You have a lot of options to choose from! you don’t have to look for other inserts, because this planner already has it all. You only need to duplicate, rearrange, or eliminate pages depending on your liking. You don’t have to fill up everything! What only works for you, no pressure!
Wendaful Planning on Instagram
Wendaful Planning on Etsy
Shop at Wendaful Planning’s website
Buy the Dated Blush Digital Planner or choose here and here
As of 2021, the Undated Blush Digital Planner is no longer available, you can get the Dated version here instead, it has the same design and layout
The fonts and graphics used are separate purchases and not included in the planner
What do you love most about this digital planner?
Any questions or suggestions about this blog post?
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