#Tapestries of Life
pageadaytale · 4 months
BOOK REVIEW - Tapestries of Life: Uncovering the Lifesaving Secrets of the Natural World by Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
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This is the point in the year where I really struggle. As Winter makes way for Spring - true Spring, not the still-dark, still-cold early Spring that, this year, still passes for Winter - I get tired, my body fighting to adjust to the longer daylight hours and warm weather (almost Summer weather - kinda like a warming? Of the global kind?) alongside a mild hayfever which irritates my eyes. Any change in season messes with my body, as the weather seems to suddenly take a turn.
It is also this time of year that makes me most focused on the natural world around me.
When I was recovering from my deepest depression I walked a lot. Up hills, in woods, to lakes and meadows. Being around nature revived me, reminded me of my connection with things, gave me space to just be. I think that's what I look for around this time each year - time to exist in a natural space, reminding myself of what the natural world is.
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson talks eloquently and enthusiastically about the myriad ways we are connected to the natural world in Tapestries. She takes us through the New York water system and the clams that help keep it pure; through to bone worms that live on the carcasses of dead whales that end up on the sea floor; via mallow plants, possums, and Norwegian orchids. As she discusses the intricacies of the ecosystems involved, she skillfully ties them back to humanity, our modern world.
It's eye-opening to learn how the plants and animals that surround us shape and reflect society - examples include scientists studying ant movements to model traffic flow, and examination of microstructures on moths' eyes to reduce the reflectivity of glass - and Sverdrup-Thygeson keeps it light, making the book engaging. But it's difficult to mesh the theme of nature's effect on humanity with her argument that the natural world has intrinsic value: by saying "this is how nature benefits us" I feel it cheapens efforts at environmental preservation to a self-centred goal. I think there's great benefit in looking at it the other way: "this is nature, and isn't it marvellous that it's there?"
And whilst she tries to present an even-handed view of differing styles of ecological preservation, it seems her preferences lie in one direction in particular. I don't wish to criticize this view too much, because she seems to share my opinions: that between the "traditional conservationists" who see humanity as just another species, championing nature at the centre of all; and what she calls "welfare-first folk" who believe that humanity's welfare comes before nature, and we must save what we can without getting in the way of human progress; the traditional conservationists have the better argument.
Which makes the whole premise of the book feel a little weird? Saying "we need to remember we're part of nature, and take seriously our responsibility to care for the environment" feels at odds with "this is how nature can benefit us, so let's not destroy it!" It feels a litle as though Sverdrup-Thygeson is trying to have her cake and eat it, too.
I am ragging on this a little much. In truth, it was a book I enjoyed: it's a compendium of fascinating stories about the strange facets of nature humans have made use of, and how we continue to turn to the natural world to improve our lives. And it finds time to present urgent messages on climate change, warning that increasing temperatures will not just cost lives - they'll increase costs for companies and governments too, as they react to the changing world and the problems we've already caused being magnified.
But for the most part, the message of Tapestries is more upbeat, revelling in the strange and wonderful in nature that humanity has copied, drawn from, or taken advantage of. The style can feel a bit like a bubbly school teacher presenting a lesson to the class, but overall it's a book that focuses on the wonder of the world and how we can save it, rather than wallowing in doomerism. It's a hopeful and upbeat message which should drive us to work for change, even if I disagree with how that message is presented.
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communist-hatsunemiku · 2 months
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mooreaux · 2 months
my fav thing is scrolling along and seeing a character I've done in a commission for someone drawn by another artist. It's an instant feeling of pointing "hey I know that guy!"
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Loja Saarinen (designer/weaver)
Tree of Life Tapestry
circa 1933
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notbecauseofvictories · 2 months
I like doing my shopping early. I especially like that hour-ish when I am the only customer in the place and can quietly drift between the aisles listening to the employees talk among themselves, replace stock, and get ready for the day. But it also means that I'm never quite prepared when wild things happen at 7am outside the grocery store.
That particular truism was impressed on me anew this morning, when a man biked past, screaming, with his underwear---the only item of clothing on his person---clutched in one hand.
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fangirlforeversthings · 4 months
Attack of the clones belongs to the girls.❤🌸🌅
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utilitycaster · 7 months
re the poll about interacting with fandoms you don't belong to...I fear we may have spent too much time arguing that fanfiction is a valid art form (it is) and not enough pointing out that it must be in conversation with the text on which it is based.
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
This isn't a Buddie established relationship ask so feel free to ignore this but I'm curious...what do you see Buck and Tommy eventually breaking up over? Or what would you want them to break up over?
anon do you want to get me killed
no, i'm totally kidding, this is an interesting question! and im sure everyone is going to be completely normal about me answering it right guys
(under a cut for length)
I think if I'm being super honest, my #1 choice would be Eddie. Both for Buddie reasons and for established narrative reasons--Eddie has been haunting the narrative of BuckTommy, so to speak, since the beginning and it makes a lot of sense to me that it would come back around to him in the end. In 7x04, Tommy says it was "never his intention" to come between Eddie and Buck. He also says Buck "isn't the only one" who can get jealous. In 7x05, Eddie says "this doesn't change a thing between us." Maddie in 7x05 also says that line about "if there's something you need to tell Eddie, you will in your own time."
Right now these are just lines that mean what they mean at face value BUT they are also ripe with potential to be foreshadowing for an eventual break-up/Buddie feelings realization arc. I do think the Bi Buck arc/Tommy arc in general is an excellent catalyst for Buddie feelings realization because. well. it DOES change the equation in a fundamental way. And it's like. slow burn romance 101 to have one character pining over the other while they're in a relationship, so. the stage has been set.
But what form that takes exactly, idk. If I'm the one in charge, I think I'd want Eddie feelings realization -> pining while Buck is with Tommy -> separate Buck feelings realization -> break up with Tommy -> mutual pining for a while -> eventual Buck confession -> they get together. With like some more messy fun things thrown into the mix idk.
I'm less enthused but still intrigued by a Tommy realizes BEFORE Buck arc leading to a break up. I think it makes sense as an echo of Buck's bi realization--Tommy was the catalyst there and it wasn't until he kissed Buck that Buck came to terms with his feeling so I do like the narrative parallels there.
But from a character perspective I think I just really want Buck to get there on his own because one of his prevailing character flaws is that he just kinda...does not know what he's doing or what's happening in his brain ever. He says to Connor and Kameron in season 6 that he "doesn't know what he wants." and in 7x05 he says to Tommy he "doesn't know what he's ready for." And Maddie says in 7x05 that Buck "isn't sure of his own feelings yet." So. I'd like to see a growth where he IS sure of his feelings, where he DOES know what he wants and what he's ready for, and is able to take the initiative and be the one to break things off with Tommy (learning from his mistakes with Taylor/Lucy).
If it's not Eddie (or perhaps Eddie is just PART of the equation) then I think it could go a couple different routes. Route 1 would be a fundamental incompatibility, something like...idk. Tommy not really taking Buck seriously as a partner. This would kind of harken back to their first date (and also to Buck's relationship with Abby) and Tommy cutting out because he thinks Buck "isn't ready."
Or maybe they break up because they don't want the same things in life. I've said it before with other Buck relationships on the show but I would actually love to see an amicable break up because Buck wants kids and his partner doesn't. As Buck gets older, I REALLY would love for the show to really delve into his desire for family/kids, and this particular storyline I don't think I've ever seen portrayed. And it's a very normal reason for a couple to break up!
Or maybe Tommy has to move away for a Cool Helicopter Job and Buck contemplates moving with him. Maybe he even decides he will. But then something Happens and at the last minute he realizes he can't leave his family and that his home is in LA and he has to let Tommy go. This would give me a lot of found family feelings so 🥺
Or maybe they end up together and there's no break up arc. Anything could happen tbh.
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bettercostume · 22 days
SINGLE LAAAADIESSSSSS x di feisheng because I embody "be the change you want to see in the world"
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coquelicoq · 3 months
i love it when i can tell that someone purposefully went further up the reblog chain on one of my posts to avoid rbing a version with someone else's later addition. like good for you, i also thought that version was stupid lol.
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gardenandcountry · 2 years
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Winter moths and hellebore, painting by Claudine Lecoustre ©️2022
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novelconcepts · 3 months
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Had this screencap living on my phone for art purposes, and I just lost like twenty minutes staring at their hands. These are some of the gayest hands in human history. An entire Pride month could be dedicated to these hands. Put this shot in the MoMA, dude.
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sapphia · 1 year
i hope the life series continues for a long time. the fact that inter-series relationships are really starting to affect the gameplay in a meaningful way, that people are starting to get reputations. martyn is king backstabber cleo says even before he kills scott and impulse in the final in the ultimate betrayal. scott and skizz and cleo and plenty more have never betrayed people, or don't seem keen to betray especially close allies, and especially in recent series. grian and scar and jimmy are all people of wavering loyalties. whatever it is that bdubz and etho have that everyone is just so aware of and is 100% just incorporated into all roleplay now it seems. that joel and pearl are insane but are also insanely loyal to their close allies. scott's conflicting reputation as the most lethal and skilled player but who is also just very nice and trusting. just... whatever it is that scar has. not to mention the wide the variety of relationships that previous pairs and allies have that now makes things so interesting and complex. the inter-relationships between teams was so good in limited life, especially when, like in this series, those teams can be so loyal to each other but have conflicting loyalties outside of themselves.
i don't think this history is something you can get away from in player's minds as we get further into the series and i hope we get to see it play out even more
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deermouth · 3 months
I love every season on its own merits, but I still think the end of tsv ch1 is one of the most exquisitely atmospheric pieces of horror in the whole show.
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
sometimes i get nishiki i really do
#snap chats#like from an outsider perspective it is utterly hilarious watching everything go wrong for him#BUT GIRL NOT ME STOP HAVING THIGNS GO WRONG FOR MEEEEEE WHAT IS ALL THIS#this month its actually one thing after another if i start wearing white everyone needs to be concerned#you guys remember my bullshit roommates yeah well TLDR im getting fined for their messes im going to SCREAM#I HATE IT HEERRRREEE I KNOW IM EVIL BUT CMON#literally had such a silly night last night and now everything sucks again is this life is this what life is#its not its not what life is im just hearing my mom bitching in the other room and im letting her vibes ruin mine#everything going to be ok this is just a hiccup .... a small pinprick in the tapestry of life ....#i am incredibly annoyed though cause this is one of those situations where youve done nothing wrong but youre being shot for it#its just unfair but whatever we ball ..... im putting the hair gel away guys im not slicking my hair back just yet ....#i got a new friend last night so maybe ill just hang with them later and ill remember life is beautiful ..#heh ... jk ... i can remind myself life is beautiful right now ... im gonna go eat some tiramisu ...#jesus christ i really do love italian food what the fuck. pasta / calamari / tiramisu#i dont think calamari is italian but i got it from an italian place w/e we get the picture#its not my fault that italy has good food ... i would just never go there .....#ok bye ima go eat and drink water now. water will remind me how beautiful life is ...
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thepersonalwords · 4 months
Time unfolds beauty, wonder, and mystery to reveal the auspicious tapestry of life.
A.D. Posey
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