#i gotta hang it up my wall in wall life size as tapestry
Attack of the clones belongs to the girls.❤🌸🌅
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micromushroom · 3 years
☼ BNHA Dorm Headcanons☼
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Synopsis: What I think the dorms of characters would look like 
Genre: Just general headcanons
W.K.: ~1.25k in all
C.W.: none
Characters ft: Bakugou, Tsuyu, & Shinsou
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(~450 words)
This could go in so many different directions
My first thought is that if PlanetFitness™ was condensed it would be this man’s room
But honestly I see him more as a person to workout outside and do more active things whilst being productive
It’s canon that he likes hiking, so I feel like a lot of the equipment in his room would be based off of that
If anything, he probably has a few weights (like dumbbells) that are lying around
Has most definitely kicked one on accident at night walking around his room
I feel like it’s relatively plain but over time becomes more clustered
The Bakusquad will start randomly leaving or putting things in Bakugou’s room
It can be anything from Denki leaving little dollar store trinkets on Bakugou’s desk; to Kiri making random things out of garbage in class and putting it on Bakugou’s shelf
He doesn’t strike me as someone to have a lot of pictures or memorabilia, but there’s little pictures on the wall by his bed with sticky tack photos of his friends throughout the years
He’s an All Might fanboy at heart, but I doubt he has as much physical display of this as Midoriya
I headcanon that there’s posters and like some rare collectibles of action figures and merch
Inko made him a throw blanket as a kid for his birthday of All Might and he still has it at the end of his bed
Despite it being relatively clustered with small things in some places (again, courtesy of the Bakusquad), it’s still pretty clean and spacious
His curtains are usually closed, so the only possibility for plants that he could sustain are either fake or don’t survive for long
Since his parents are both fashion designers, his closet is full of clothing that he’ll probably never wear from name brands all over
His desk serves as a multiple purpose space: homework, charging station, and bookshelf
Bakugou’s bed is always made and—as much as I hate to say it—he probably only sleeps with two pillows—three on occasion
He has a speaker that he uses whenever he’s not doing homework, but it’s probably super loud (headcanoning that he’s partly deaf from his quirk)
His closet alone could be an entirely different post
Overall, Bakugou’s room is kind of dark and a tad bit more grunge themed
Kirishima leaves Bakugou lots of little notes saying things like are either:
“Hey Bakubro, can you help with math please? :D” to
“Remember to hydrate and take a break” with a little thumbs up doodle
Lots of self notes too reminding him of what he has to do and his schedule for the day
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(~340 words)
Tsu canonically has all of the attributes—strengths and weaknesses—that a frog does
For this reason, I think that she has humidifiers and just temperature regulations throughout her room
Lots of plants and art prints, mainly from friends
Little lily pad shaped fairy lights strung across her room
I picture her room as having a lot of plants like ivy and vines, but also a lot of really exotic plants
Lots of pillows and blankets
Like at least five pillows and her bed is most definitely up against the wall
The blankets range from those really thin 50x50” ones to comforters to really fluffy and warm blankets
Hear me out—stuffed animals
I think that her friends go out with her to like, the mall, and end up coming back with a lot of stuffed animals
Throw pillows and rugs are main staples of Tsu’s room
Super comforting place and relaxing, but it can become kind of humid
Frequent naps at Tsu’s dorm bedroom have become so common that she has little bean bag seats that people sleep on
Color palette of greens and pinks
Think of a pastel version of kid core, with the mixed color fabrics
Her closet is also an entirely different post, but I’m picturing bucket hats and pastel overalls with different colors and patch sizes
You know those framed glass cases of bugs? Yes, those but a lot of them
Like they’re hanging up by pictures of her friends
Butterflies, iridescent winged beetles, etc.
Like the wood around them is an orangish color and honestly I might just draw this up later
I cannot stress this enough, but pictures of her friends both in and out of school as well as pictures of her family and herself growing up
Post cards from all over pinned up on her walls and cork boards
Generic, I know, but frog themed little details that are mainly jokes
Music isn’t as loud or used as Bakugou, but when she does play music, it’s most likely a shared playlist that everyone created
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(~490 words)
Straight up, grunge. kid. bedroom.
Gotta put aside my biases for him for the rest of this
Either looks like a vacant room or the pure embodiment of a teenage boy’s room
I’m going with the latter for the rest of this
Clothes and trash are just all over the floor, save for a few spaces
His bed has been made once, maybe twice
But it is the most comfortable shit you would ever sleep in
I speak from experience of my own bed
Posters line the wall so much to the point where there’s very little actual wall space
These range from prints he likes, bands, movies, heroes he admires Aizawa, to joke posters like, “Live, Laugh, Love <3” and, “~Home is where the heart grows fonder~”
The LED lights desperately need a battery change because it’s more of a dim light, but that’s for another time to change
Jackets and hoodies over his chairs
Has a little gaming station beside his desk
I choose to believe his gaming chair and setup itself is the biggest thing that he has splurged on
The side of his monitor and the top of his desk are covered in stickers he’s collected over the years
Tapestry over his bed
Vintage cassette and record albums
As cluttered as everything is, it’s still somewhat spacious because the clutter is grouped together to provide a walkway
Much like myself, his closet is somewhat bare because all of his clothing he wears is from piles of clean and dirty clothing on the floor
Signature purple and black bedding and overall theme
There’s always music, like no matter what, but the difference between Shinsou and Bakugou is that Shinsou’s music is usually quiet
Wide variety of music, but at night it’s his an entirely different playlist of Lofi
He may not sleep at night 9/10, but at least it isn’t as chaotic and exhausting
Collection of bottle caps and tabs by his bed
Water bottles are everywhere, but at least the majority of them are refilled
At this point I’m just naming off how my room is rn
Half of his chargers are broken or living on 1%
Hair ties that are clinging onto life have their own little dish on his desk
Usually the curtains and blinds are closed
On the back of his door there’s a coat rack that’s used exclusively for his bag and also the capture weapon
Weights and overall workout equipment are frequently used but also so easily lost
The Grind Never Stops
I think the only pictures he would have would be of like sneaked pictures of him and Aizawa training
Aizawa’s in the back doing whatever pose and Shinsou’s either hold up a blurry peace sign to the camera or painfully imitating it
They’re a little frayed at the edges most of the time, but it just makes them more sentimental and fit in with the aesthetic
11/10, would recommend vibing in his room
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter ten: dave, frank, and cliff
Cliff guided her by the hand into the tiny club: once again, it was early enough that they had plenty of time to congregate on the side of the room, alone, and out of earshot of the others. Sam held onto the yellow tulip he had given her with two fingers and she brought the petals to her nose for a whiff of that fresh smell.
“I didn't know if you wanted a bouquet again,” he confessed with a shrug.
“It's okay,” she told him as she held the flower close to her chest. “Sometimes one is good.” She took another whiff from those smooth yellow petals, as smooth as a tapestry of silk.
“Do you wanna dance again later tonight?” she asked him.
“Yes, please,” he replied; he took his hat off and ran his fingers through his smooth dark hair. “We did a square dance last time—let's do a little bit of slow ballroom dancing, too.”
He then wagged his finger at her.
“I have something else to give you,” he said, and he ducked past her to the bar at the far side of the room. She watched him with her hands still up to her chest so she could smell the tulip some more. He strode around Lars, who had taken his seat at the bar with a shot of vodka, and he ducked out of sight for a moment. She could only see part of his back; he rose up and stuck his hand behind his back before he returned to her.
“What'chu got for me?” she asked him once he came within earshot.
“Close your eyes and stick out your arm,” he told her. She did just that with her left arm and she felt something brush against her skin.
“Okay,” he said. She opened her eyes and she spotted a bracelet on her wrist made of braided strips of black leather and silver rings: she took a second look to find small sparkling rhinestones embedded within the braids. It was fastened together with a big round fancy silver button about the size of a nickel.
“This is something I found in the book shop,” he explained, “it was tucked between that copy of Siddhartha we found as well as a copy of Frankenstein. I just thought it was something you'd like.”
“I do!” she declared as she put one arm around him and held him close to her. She rested the side of her head against his chest. She closed her eyes and took in the soft sound of his heartbeat underneath his denim button up shirt. Sam kept the tulip near to her nose still.
Something fell over on the other side of the room and then a bunch of paper fell onto the floor. Sam opened her eyes but she kept her head pressed to his chest.
Dan shuffled through a bunch of paper on the floor: he had already slung his guitar over his shoulder, and he swung it upon his back so he could look for something. Sam lifted her gaze to the other side of the stage, where someone had moved the couch from backstage and put it up against the wall.
Dan picked up some paper and took something off the floor. He stood back up and strode over to the couch: he almost tripped over the cables on the side of the stage but he caught himself, albeit without unplugging anything. Scott skidded into the room right then.
“Hey!” he declared. Dan staggered forward and plopped down on the couch: the whole entire time, he never let go of his guitar. Indeed, once he took his seat on the cushions, he brought it forward and rested it upon his lap. He looked up at Scott as if nothing happened.
“What's all the hubbub, bub?” Scott asked him.
“Couldn't find my tuner,” he quipped as he picked up a little black box from the cushion next to him.
“Sure that's yours and not Alex and Eric's?”
“It's all of ours,” Dan pointed out, “yours, too.”
Sam looked up at Cliff, who gazed down at her: the light over their heads shone down on him so it looked as though a halo surrounded his head.
“Wanna take a walk?” he suggested. “It's going to be a long time before Legacy take to the stage again.”
“Yeah, let's,” she said. He doubled back to the bar to fetch his hat and to tell Lars where they were going. Once Cliff ran his finger across the wide brim of his hat, Sam put her sunglasses back on before they headed back outside. He held the door open for her and she slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder.
He hurried up next to her so they walked side by side on the narrow sidewalk.
The sun hung strong and high over the city in the vast clear blue sky. Up ahead of them, the street bustled with life, and yet they rounded the corner towards where Joey's car was parked. Joey himself had gone in through the back door; the two of them strode at a brisk pace past the puddle of barf in the storm drain. Sam thought about Alex, who had ducked out of there and into the shadows around the club, and she wondered if he was alright somewhere in there.
She turned her attention to the block ahead of them once they had cleared the piece of sidewalk and slowed to a stroll. A patch of green grass and a line of trees stood across the corner up ahead. The very sight of the green was enough for Sam to bring the tulip up to her nose again. She looked down at the bracelet Cliff had given her and a part of her felt as though he was spoiling her. Spoiling her even with what he had.
“Is that who I think it is?” he said out of the blue.
“Who?” she asked him. Cliff pointed up ahead and there was a man seated on the curb in front of the grass. He looked back at her with a twinkle in his eye.
“Come along,” he coaxed her. His long legs stretched enough that Sam fell behind him to the end of the sidewalk; however, he awaited her at the corner, and they crossed the little side street together. Once they came closer to him, Sam made out the sight of the helmet of bright orange curls upon his head: they sprawled down over his shoulders and halfway down his back. Despite it being a nice day, he wore a faded black leather jacket over ragged faded denim jeans with large gaping holes in the knees. A pair of ragged gloves hung out of his pocket.
“Dave!” Cliff called out once they reached the corner. The man lifted his head and frowned at first, but then he showed them a smile once they came closer to him. He was a skinny, scrawny man who looked as though he was awaiting a ride somewhere.
“Hey, Cliff,” he replied back to him in a broken voice; Sam picked up the smell of cigarettes on him as well as fried beans. “Wasn't expecting to see you here.”
“I'm seein' Anthrax and Legacy tonight with her,” Cliff explained. “This is my date, Samantha.”
“Or Sam as I go by,” she said as she lifted her sunglasses off of her face for a better look at him.
“Sam, this is my friend Dave Mustaine,” Cliff introduced her. He gazed up at her from the gutter: the sunlight shone about his crown of bright orange.
“You're from California,” he remarked at a fast clip.
“Yeah.” She paused for a few seconds. “How'd you know?”
“You're too friendly,” he said as he brought a hand over his brow to protect his eyes from the sun. “You're also lacking that high New York energy, too.”
“Everything is just a hustle and bustle around here,” she added.
“Right! And you're too laid back, too.” He gestured up at Cliff. “He and I used to be in Metallica together.”
She then gasped.
“Oh, so you're Dave!” she declared.
“The infamous Dave,” he corrected her.
“Well, what're you doin' here?” Cliff asked him.
“I'm homeless now, dude,” Dave replied, even with the nonchalant look on his face. “Been homeless, too, even after Megadeth doing a bit of touring for our first record. Right now, I'm just hanging out here in the Big Apple because of the whole thing with studio time. It's the whole waiting game and everything.”
“Oh, man, I'm really sorry to hear that,” Cliff confessed.
“Yeah, I hope I can get back to L.A to do the new album by the year's end. Even thought I've been sleeping on a girl's old couch, and biding my time, being here in New York has kind of given me a different perspective of everything.”
“That's—kind of why I moved out here,” Sam told him at a deliberate pace.
“Oh, yeah?” Dave showed her a little smile.
“Yeah. I came here because I just wanted to be here as a change of pace. I haven't had as many problems, though.”
“That's smart,” he declared. He then cleared his throat and stood to his feet. Much like Cliff, he towered over her, this long and lanky redheaded man wrapped in rags that barely clung onto his emaciated body.
“You know I only started Megadeth just to spite James and Lars, right?”
“He really did, too,” Cliff filled in for him. “I had nothing to do with it so—if you wanna know more about that.”
“But Cliff and I are still good friends, though,” Dave continued.
“Don't get mad, get even, I guess?” Sam chuckled.
“Yes, YES!” Dave shot out a hand to her for a high five, and she did it with her pinky finger given her hands were full with the tulip and her sunglasses.
“Well, at least you've got a couch to sleep on,” Cliff pointed out.
“Yeah, but I think she might kill me, though,” Dave confessed.
“Why?” Sam chuckled at that.
“I like another girl,” he said, still nonchalant. “I might have to break up with Ellen so I can go with Corinne.”
“Do what you gotta do, that's what I say, man,” Cliff encouraged him.
“I hope she can get me out to California because I wrote a couple of songs already for the new album. I need to be back out West soon here because—you know—”
“It'll save you,” Sam finished for him.
“It'll save me and also my bassist,” he pointed out. “He and I are both struggling right now.” Dave nodded at the flower and the bracelet.
“Did he give you those?” he asked her.
“Yes, he did.”
“I found the bracelet,” Cliff explained, “the tulip I picked on my way over here. Even with our doing better than—we were—I still think less is more.”
“One of you kids have the time right now?” Dave asked them.
“It's around lunchtime,” Sam replied. “That's all we know at the moment.”
“I might poke my head into the show tonight,” he told her with a raise of his eyebrow. “I also ask 'cause I haven't eaten all day, either. I'm also dying of thirst right now.”
“We can go back and get you a drink of water,” Sam suggested.
“As long as James and Lars don't see me,” he told her with a wave of his hand.
“Yeah, he's, uh—” Cliff cleared his throat. “—kind of a loaded subject with the two of them especially. At least, that's all I know. That's as far as I know.”
“Cliff only has hearsay,” Dave pointed out.
“Well, let's—get you something, though,” Sam insisted as she put her sunglasses back on, and Dave followed suit with his own. She started back down the sidewalk and even over the noise of the street, she could hear him tell Cliff, “I like this girl.”
She brought the tulip up to her nose once she reached the corner once again. The two young men stood on either side of her for a moment, and she led the way across the pavement, back to L'Amour.
“She came here with Joey,” Cliff told Dave at one point.
“Joey from Anthrax?” he said.
“Yeah. He's another one who's been sleeping on her couch, too, oddly enough.”
“We're just friends, though,” Sam pointed out with a quick turn around to face them. “I promise.”
“I hope you stay just friends,” Dave stifled a laugh.
“I'm not gonna kill him,” she scoffed. “If he finds someone at some point, I'll be happy for him.”
She returned to a straight position and continued on to the corner of the club. Frank and Scott congregated outside of the side door: the sun shone down upon the dark crowns of their heads such that it looked as though they wore little golden crowns.
“Oh, hey, Dave,” Scott greeted him, to which Dave brought a finger to his lips. “Oh, right, James and Lars,” he followed along. “And yeah, they're here right now.”
“Anyway, what brings you here?” Frank asked him as he shielded his eyes from the bright sun.
“I'm just dyin' of thirst right now,” Dave told him.
“Well, what brings you to New York?” Frank clarified.
“I'm staying with a girl until I can get my ass out to California to record a record,” Dave briskly said, the first time he showed any bit of emotion right in front of Sam. “I just want a drink of water for the time being, though.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,” Frank replied with a nervous nod of his head. He ducked back inside of the club; meanwhile, Scott remained there on the sidewalk with his hands tucked into his jeans pockets.
“Quite the interesting little amalgamation we got here,” Dave remarked.
“Yeah, I'll say,” Scott added as he raised his thick dark eyebrows. “Buncha starving artists here.”
“In Sam's case, quite literally,” Cliff chimed in.
“I like artists,” Dave stated as he stuffed the gloves further into his jacket pocket. “You guys work harder than we do. At least, that's what I think, anyway.”
“Yeah, but you guys make inanimate objects make noises, though,” Sam pointed out.
“You make stuff out of nothing,” he insisted. A gust of wind made its way through the skyscrapers and his bright orange curls billowed over his head and shoulders.
Frank almost stumbled out of the club right then with a small clean glass of water in one hand. He gave it to Dave, who pushed his hair back with his free hand and looked on at him with a blank look on his face.
“Thank you—and don't sweat it, Frank,” he declared. Cliff then turned to Sam, again with a twinkle in his eye.
“Do you want anything?” he offered her.
“Not really, no,” she said as she adjusted the bracelet and shifted her weight right in her spot on the sidewalk. Dave meanwhile, had downed the whole drink of water in four large gulps.
“Want some more?” Frank offered him.
“Please. And I hope I can hang out around here without James and Lars seeing me.”
“We'll sneak you into the shadows if we've gotta,” Scott promised him.
Cliff then gestured for Sam to follow him away from there.
“Where you guys going?” Dave called after them.
“We're gonna take a walk,” Cliff replied. “Won't be long.”
He was quick to walk away from the spot on the sidewalk and he rested a single hand on Sam's shoulder as well. They strode away from the doorway and made their way towards the alleyway up ahead.
“I needed to get you away from there,” Cliff explained to her once they were far out of earshot. “Like I said, it's only hearsay to me. So I don't like how my brothers are fighting with each other.”
“That's—completely understandable,” Sam replied, slightly out of breath. “It's only hearsay with you? Really?”
“Yeah, I had no say in firing Dave,” he told her once they reached the street corner. “I'm still very good friends with him but it feels like I have to walk on eggshells most of the time when it comes to him, though. I can't really talk to anyone about it.”
“Have you tried to?” she asked him as they came to a stop. “The whole thing made me nervous.”
“Yeah, but every time I do, something always intervenes, though.”
“I kinda feel bad for Dave, too,” she confessed. “But he seems a little bit blunt, though.”
“That's just how he is,” Cliff explained. “And I would be, too, if I was thrown out like that and not given another chance to change my ways.”
“Was he really that bad when he got drunk?”
“Oh, yeah. It got fucking crazy at times. He got violent after he kicked back a few bottles. I remember one time he got drunk and he punched a big hole in the wall of the studio. The three of us get giggly and goofy when we've had a few. It was like oil and water. I wanted to give him another chance, and I still do, too, as much as I like Kirk and everything.”
“But you had no say in it, though,” she said.
“None at all. James just told me one morning, 'we made Dave go back home to L.A. and we're getting a new guitarist.'” She thought about Joey and the fact that he let himself drink a supple amount. She hoped that nothing would happen between him and Anthrax.
She peered around the block before them.
“By the way, did you see where Joey went off to?” she asked him.
“I didn't, no,” he confessed. “Why's that?”
“Well, 'cause he threw up when he and I got here,” she answered with a shrug of her shoulders.
“I hope they don't go through what happened to us,” Cliff confessed.
“I hope they don't, either,” she echoed.
“I'll be pissed if they do,” he added.
“I can see Joey and Dave getting together in a single act together,” she suggested. “That is, if it happens and Megadeth lose their hold.”
“They can call it 'Fired',” he laughed, and they crossed the street side by side to the opposite corner. Up ahead stood a stretch of more buildings as well as an entrance to the subway. He then turned his head to her.
“I have an idea,” he told her, and he took her by the hand. They hurried to the staircase in between the wrought iron fence. Unlike the other subway stations, this one smelled as though it had just been cleaned.
They reached the bottom of the staircase and the train stood at the platform.
“You wanna get on the train?” she laughed at him.
“No,” he said, and he guided her to a short corridor off to the right. On the right side of the hallway stood a broom closet.
“Right in here,” he coaxed her with a gesture to the door.
“What's in here?” she asked him.
“I wanna get close to you,” he said as he turned around to face her. “Like—much closer to you. Every kiss to you is one step closer to peeling it back.”
“You,” she sputtered, “wanna do that. In broad daylight.”
“We're not exactly in broad daylight,” he pointed out, “we'll be in a shadow. We'll be in a closet.”
“We're still in broad daylight!” she insisted. “Out in public!”
“Tell you what—I'll only let you touch me,” he said as he opened the closet door: there was barely room for the two of them in there. A metal rack filled up the entire back of the closet and a large yellow bucket and a mop took up an entire corner of the spot.
“I dunno, Cliff,” she admitted with a shrug and a little twirl of the tulip; and she thought about what she had told Joey before with her wishing to draw him.
“I just wanna be closer to you,” he confessed in a near whisper. “I don't wanna be like—weird or anything.”
“Oh, no, it's just—it's not very romantic.”
“We can make it romantic,” he pointed out. He reached for the tulip in her hands and he nestled it on the shelf of the rack, to which she chuckled at that.
“What do you have in your purse?”
“Uh, let's see...” She opened her purse and she spotted that photo of Frank and Charlie as children nestled on the side, right next to her wallet. Next to that was a little packet of spearmint gum.
“Here's something to make it smell better,” she said as she handed him the pack. He took a whiff and nodded.
“Oh, yeah.” He set it on the shelf and then returned to her. She looked past him and spotted a tall box that held an air conditioner in it at one point. He took his seat there and she squeezed in after him.
“Tight fit,” he said as she shut the door behind her: a small crack in between the door and the frame gave her just enough light to see what she was doing.
“Come closer to me,” she whispered.
“Only if you come closer to me,” he begged her. He kept himself seated on the box and she leaned in to him.
“So, do you want it below the belt, or—”
“Yeah, please,” he whispered to her as he opened his legs for her. “Nothin' fancy. But something to start us off with.”
In the dim light, she unfastened the button on his jeans and she reached down the front. The size of it. Even when inside of his jeans, her finger tips caressed over his silken skin. It felt like a big serpent, right inside of his pants.
“Wow,” she breathed.
“Yeah—I guess you could say I'm hung,” he said to her in a near whisper. “It does feel good, I'll say that. Those little fingers on me.”
“How 'bout my thumb?” she asked him as she stroked him with the pad of her thumb. He gasped at the feeling.
“Yes,” his voice broke. “God, Sam—you're a natural. With one hand no less!”
She knelt closer to him: the smell of the mint gum was faint and distant in comparison to the smell of his denim and his soft cologne, but she wanted to do it.
“I think I could do it with two,” she declared as she kept her voice down. In the dim light, she could see his Cheshire cat grin and the twinkle in his eye.
“If we were—in a bigger room,” he grunted, “like—your place.”
“Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't ya?” she teased him.
“I could give you sump'n to return the favor, too,” he retorted. He bowed his head and shuffled his feet at the feeling of her thumb and her two fingers on him. He then gaped at her.
“You okay?” she asked him, and he let out a soft groan.
“That's the spot,” he declared. “That's—the spot—and the best feeling.”
Sam was quick to take her hand out and he giggled at her.
“What?” she asked him with a smile on her face.
“I'm gonna have to change my panties now,” he said, and he couldn't resist the laughter.
“Your big boy panties,” she teased him. She stood to her feet and picked the gum and the tulip from the shelf. She put the gum back into her purse and she reached for Cliff's hand. He stood to his feet and adjusted the brim of his hat. Her breasts brushed against his stomach and he even had to bow his head from the ceiling.
“How do we get outta here?” he asked her as he held onto the brim of his hat with two fingers.
“You go first,” she told him.
“Oh, no, ladies first,” he insisted. She let out a sigh, rolled her eyes, and then giggled at him. She opened the closet door with her free hand and she stumbled out of there; he followed her and he almost dropped his hat on the clean tile floor. He caught it and put it back onto his head as the door swung closed behind him in one fell swoop. He then crossed his legs.
“Tell you what,” he started with a raise of his finger. “I'll run to the men's room and wash up—you go back to L'Amour and wait for me.”
“You sure?” she asked him as she twirled the tulip in her fingers: her hand was dry as a bone even though she made him come in his jeans.
“Positive. Go hang out with the gang and I'll catch up with you.” Cliff leaned into her neck and gave her a little kiss. The bristle over his lip brushed against her skin such that it tickled, and it brought a giggle out of her. He kept his legs together as he passed her and headed over to the men's room. Sam watched him go and then, once he was out of sight, she fetched up a dreamy sigh. But without another moment's hesitation, she surfaced from the subway and made her way back to the club.
Aurora, Zelda, and Marla showed up within the next hour, but she had no idea where Dave had disappeared to; Marla had put on a knit cap over her hair to hide it all away from onlookers. She also noticed that Cliff still hadn't showed up by the time the audience began gathering in front of them. A much bigger crowd that time.
The four girls stood at the back of the room and they watched Alex solo once again on that song “Alone in the Dark”. He stood still and kept the guitar pressed to his little tummy the whole entire time. Marla and Aurora both had stars in their eyes at the sight of him, but even though Sam kept her eye on him, she couldn't stop thinking about Cliff and Dave. Neither of them had arrived at the club still; she couldn't stop thinking about James and Lars, and the fact Scott and Frank felt like a pair of lynchpins. So much had happened without her looking, and there was so much that she still needed to know.
Meanwhile, Zetro did more straight up singing rather than that usual high shriek that caught everyone's attention. Legacy were tight and powerful on that second night, and Sam had hope for them. When Anthrax showed to the stage, she recalled what Charlie had said about Legacy and that there was another band called that. She wondered how that would work out as Joey stood in the middle of the stage with his head bowed over the head of the microphone.
His voice was more broken and he had a difficult time catching his breath. Indeed, they cut their set short by two songs because he couldn't hardly keep up with the other four guys behind him. Such a big crowd in front of them and yet he couldn't do it; everyone filed out of there as disappointed as Sam expected them to be.
“He didn't look too good,” she overheard Zelda say to Marla, who shook her head.
“I'm gonna go see if he's okay,” Sam told them as she adjusted the strap of her purse and tucked Cliff's tulip into her purse for safe keeping. “I did ride with him down here after all.”
“Okay—I will, too,” Marla said as she tugged down on her cap, and Sam strode across the floor to the backstage area.
“You wanna get something to eat?” Aurora offered Zelda as they fell out of earshot. Sam stepped over the cables on the floor and she leaned into the backstage area. No one there, and in fact the back door shut as soon as she knew what was happening there. She doubled back to the side doors and made her way to the street.
If nothing, she could take the subway back up to the Bronx, but it was getting late, and she knew she wouldn't return home until well into the night. The very thought of it exhausted her. She turned her head and she recognized Frank's car at the corner: he had rolled down the windows to take in the warm nigth air.
“Frankie!” she shouted as she sprinted down the sidewalk. In the darkness, she saw his silhouette turn in her direction. “Frankie!” He hesitated there to await her.
“Hey!” he called out to her. He leaned over the passenger seat: the orange glow of the street light washed over his handsome face.
“Do you know where Joey went?” she asked him, out of breath.
“Charlie and Marla just took him home,” he replied. “Poor guy had such a bad night.”
“Was he okay?”
“You know, he barfed this morning when you guys got here and then he knocked back another few drinks.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” she groaned and she bowed her head. She lifted her gaze and stared on at Frank in the dim light. “Well—I don't really feel like taking the subway, though.” She adjusted the strap of her purse yet again.
“That's right, you and him rode together here,” he recalled.
“Did they take his car?”
“Yeah, they did.”
“It's getting late, too. You could do it but it kinda sucks, though—it's been a long day, too. Yeah, hop on in. Besides, you and I live in the same building.”
Sam slid into the passenger seat next to him, and she placed her purse on the floor next to her ankle. They made their way up the street and caught the light green.
“It wasn't just Joey who had a bad night, though,” he started. “I don't know what was going on with the amps tonight.”
“You guys sounded good, though,” she pointed out. “Legacy sounded extra strong tonight.”
“Zetro's last night, you know. He told me he wanted to sing tonight, too, which was real cool, if you ask me! But I felt so naked up there. Myself, Scott, and also Danny, plus Eric, Alex, and Greg. Charlie couldn't hardly get the mic on his snare to work. Louie just went 'fuck it' and took it off, but it seemed to work for him, though. We all struggled tonight.”
They fell silent for a long time, that is until they reached the freeway entrance.
“So Cliff kissed you,” he muttered over the roar of the tires on the pavement. Sam gaped at him.
“Wait a minute, how'd you find that out?” she demanded.
“The last time I saw him, he had this twinkle in his eye and he smelled like fresh coffee,” he explained. “So I asked him about it.”
Sam shook her head. And she had been keeping it a secret this whole entire time!
She squinted her eyes and gaped at him. Frank looked back at her with a concerned look on his face.
“What's wrong?” he asked her.
“He told me to keep it a secret,” she explained. “I—I don't even know what to say right now.”
“Wow, what the fuck,” he muttered as he returned his attention to the parkway in front of them. “You should bring it up to him once you get home.”
“Yeah, I'll talk to him tonight,” she vowed to him.
“You should,” Frank replied, “Cliff is my friend but he needs to know that he went behind your back like that. I wouldn't really be okay with that if it were me. Heck, I'm not okay with it not being me. I'll give you the number to Jon and Marsha's house, too. They're staying with them.”
Within thirty minutes, they returned home to their building. Frank bode her good night with a hug and then she made her way back upstairs to her room. She set her purse down on the couch and she took out the tulip. Cliff never showed again and the secret was out. She didn't want to get mad at him, but she couldn't help it.
She darted into the kitchen and set the tulip down on the counter so she could dial the Zazulas' number. It was almost midnight and thus, as she brought the phone to her ear, she wondered if she would wake them.
“Hello?” She recognized his voice.
“Hi, Cliff,” she said in a flat tone.
“Oh, hi.” He hesitated.
“You told Frankie you kissed me?” she blurted out. Silence on his end.
“Why'd you do that, Cliff?” she demanded and she folded a single arm across her chest.
“Because,” he started.
“Because why?” She could feel her face growing hot from frustration.
“Because I needed to tell someone,” he said. “I needed to tell someone close to me. I was gonna lose it otherwise if I didn't tell someone about it.”
“But you told me to keep it under the wraps, though!” she pointed out.
“Well, yeah.” He never raised his voice. “But I didn't know how I was gonna react to it, though. Believe me, Sam, if I would've, I could've. Both my hands on my brother's ashes.” Sam fumed as she kept the phone up to her ear. He also left her hanging in the club as well. The second night in a row, and he failed to be her date to the shows.
“I'm also sorry for not showing up, either,” he added when she didn't reply to him. “Dave needed a ride back to where he was staying and I needed to change my underwear, too. We had to make some calls and I finally got back to the Zazulas' house for a change, and at that point, the shows had already started...” As he spoke, she eased the expression on her face. Even though she kept her arm crossed over her chest, there was no way she could stay mad at him for this.
“I'm just... I'm sorry, Sam,” he pleaded. “I'm sorry for everything. You can break up with me and tell me to go fuck myself, I'd understand.”
She swallowed, and she kept her gaze fixated on the tulip on the counter next to her. There was also that bouquet on the coffee table in the next room. Those soft smooth bright yellow petals that beckoned a smile out of her.
“No, no,” she told him in a low voice. “It's okay. Things just—happened.”
“That's just all there is to it,” he replied in a near whisper. “Things just happen, and sometimes you need to tell people about it. Otherwise you get what's going on between James, Lars, and Dave at the moment.”
“You were really cute when we got to the closet, too,” she said, and she couldn't resist the smile on her face. “Dolling that little space up.”
“Well, you wanted it to be romantic,” he pointed out with a little chuckle to his voice.
“True. But it was just—it was cute to me.” She snickered at the thought.
“When do Stormtroopers go on tour?”
“About a month. It's only gonna be a handful of dates, but Frankie told me it'll be my first taste of the road life. And it's money for me and Marla especially.”
“Take all your clothes,” he suggested. “All of them. You never know what the place will be like. Also, be prepared to not sleep, either.”
“I'll keep that in mind,” she vowed, and she yawned.
“It's late,” he stated.
“Yeah, it is.”
“Enjoy your sleep while you can, too. Just every minute of it. So—don't stay up another minute later. Also, Sam?”
There was silence on his end.
“I love you,” he whispered, and she never moved. Her chest ached a bit: it took her a minute to realize she had been holding her breath that whole time.
“You there?” he asked her.
“You alright?” “Yeah.”
He snickered at her.
“I love you, too,” she whispered back at him as she picked up the tulip from the counter. She brought those yellow petals up to her nose: still smelled fresh.
“You have a good night,” he told her in a soft voice.
“Kiss the Zazulas good night for me,” she said, and that brought a laugh out of him, and they hung up at the same time.
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Homeward Bound or Meeting The Family
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage contains potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content.
Summary: Rod pushes forward the flight back to Kirby's homeland by a day and meets her parents, her Mam takes an instant liking to him, her Da not so much.
Kirby's POV:
Rod shook me awake early in the morning of the Twenty-Seventh.
"Kirbs, we gotta pack."
"No we don't the flight back ain't 'till tomorrow."
"I called the airport, they let me push the trip forward by a day."
I shot up, giving him a worried look, "You pushed the flight forward to today?"
I rushed to pack everything I had into my bags, mumbling incoherently under my breath.
"When do we leave?"
Rod picked up my suitcase, walking to the door, "In about half an hour."
I threw my gym bag over my shoulder and rushed to get into the D200, waiting for Roddy to check us out of the hotel and join me.
The flight back was uneventful and we got a taxi to my parent's home, with me ringing the doorbell and waiting for the door to open, hearing my parents muffled voices from inside.
"Ya didn't order anything, Heaven?"
"No, Eric. I'll go see who it is."
I shot Rod a reassuring look and waited for my Mam to open the door.
The door swung open.
"fy mhlentyn melys." She put her hands up to cover her mouth.
"Hi Mammy." I dropped my bags and hugged her.
"Come in, come in." She guided us into the living room, my Da on the recliner chair next to the sofa in front of the TV, "We weren't expectin' ya back today. How long are ya staying?"
"About three weeks, ma'am." Rod explained.
"'three weeks'?" I whispered, he nodded in return.
My Da looked up and immediately got up to hug me, "Aw, my baby has come home. Who's your friend?"
"Well, Mam, Da, this is Roddy Piper. He's a co-worker and a close friend." I sheepishly explained.
"I'm ya daughter's boyfriend." He butted in.
"Oh, Really, Is that so?" My Da started, having decided to quiz Roddy, "If you're her boyfriend, what's her favourite food?"
"Da, question him later, please."
"Alright, you're off the hook for now, boyo."
"If you're home for the next week then you can come with us on Sunday to the family get together."
"Which is on Sunday because you expected me back tomorrow?"
"Aye. Your new man can come with us if he likes."
I shot my Mam my best look of 'shuddup Mam you're embarrassing me'.
"I'd love to join you and meet more of your beautiful daughter's family."
We sat on the sofa, with me between Rod and my Da in his recliner chair, my Mam stayed on her feet and the straggler, my old cat came striding into the room and jumped up onto my lap, quickly curling up and letting me pet him.
"Do any of ya want a coffee, or tea?"
"A coffee would be nice." my Da mumbled, focusing again on the TV.
"Yes, a coffee please, Mam."
"A, uh, a cup of tea please, Missus Trevor."
"Ya got yourself a polite one there, Kirby."
"Mam." I chided her as she walked out of the room.
"Who's ya little buddy?"
"This, Rod, is 'The Straggler', he's my cat, and he's a cute little fat blob of a ginger fluffball. Sometimes I think I'm the reason he's fat, other times I think it's him sneaking out at night and eating things he shouldn't, like grass."
"So, his name's 'The Straggler'?"
"No, his actual name is 'Tiger' but we call him 'Fat Man' or 'The Straggler'."
"So, where do we put our bags?"
I lifted the straggler off my lap and got up, placing him back on my seat, he quickly curled up again, happy to be in a place that I had been in seconds before, "Come on, I'll show ya." I grabbed my bags and led Roddy to my bedroom upstairs, putting down my gym bag and opening the door as far as it would go.
My bedroom isn't the biggest but it's big enough to comfortably fit myself and at least one other person. The wall facing the door was covered by a big gothic graveyard tapestry, my sofa bed in front of it, large enough to fit two people or one giant.
The wall to the right was covered by posters of varying designs and sizes, all being rather dark or darkly comedic in nature. In front of that was my desk, completely covered with small trinkets and tiny states as well as a small radio.
Next to that was a bedside cabinet with a makeup caddy on top and my Mam had seemingly gone out to a local shop, buying some fudge and chocolate which she had placed on the cabinet-top.
The wall to the left had a window and a radiator underneath, the curtains, a deep red tartan, were parted, allowing the somewhat bright light of the afternoon into the room.
We walked in and Rod sat down on the bed, bouncing slightly on the mattress and letting out a deep sigh. I walked around to the chest of drawers behind the door and placed my bags on top of it.
"So, your parents aren't as tall as I'd thought they'd be?"
"My Da's five-foot-nine, my Mam's five-foot-four. I have gigantism."
"I know that, but, I just, I guess I wasn't expecting them to be so," He seemed to be fumbling with his words, unsure of how to explain himself, he huffed and then continued, "I wasn't expecting them to be so nice."
"Well, they were kinda forced to be both protective and kind as I grew up. Kind to others who want to be in my life while protecting me from a potentially very harsh world."
"'Cause you're a giant."
"How old are your parents?"
"My Da's fifty-nine and my mam is sixty."
"They look a lot fucking younger."
"Kirby, coffee!" My Mam yelled up from downstairs, "You're Uncle David's here!"
"Oh wow, didn't hear my Da call him."
"You expected to hear a phone call from up here?"
"No, they live down the street. Trust me if my family wanted to, we could fill a small town."
"Big family."
"Big but loving family, mostly."
We walked downstairs, getting our drinks from the kitchen, as per the usual my Mam had put them in 'relevant' graphic mugs, mine reading 'Head in the clouds. Feet on the ground.' and Roddy's reading 'Scots know best'. We walked into the living room and Rod got a look at my Uncle David.
A Chubby man with a darker tan than my Da but only slightly shorter despite being older than my Da, as if that has any holding in height.
"Well now, who's this bright young spark hanging out with our Kirby?"
"Uncle David, this is Roddy Piper. Rod, this is my Uncle David."
"Hello, Sir, nice to meet ya."
Hours passed by like minutes just talking and laughing, when we noticed it getting darker, we said our goodbyes and then the conversation over dinner started.
"Take-out or are we cooking?" My Da quizzed
"Well, what've we got in the fridge?" I inquired, quizzing him back
"Enough for a fry up."
"Then I'll make us all a fry up."
"Ya sure?"
"Yeah, unless you're dead-set on having take-out."
"Well if we go down now, we can get a big pizza that'll last today and tomorrow and we won't have to cook."
"Good point, Da. Let's go then."
My Da quickly put his boots on and we headed down the street, bought a big square 32" pizza, walking home with a smaller box of garlic bread slices atop the massive pizza box. We ate and finished our drinks before going to bed for the night, my parents in their room, the straggler in a bucket on the landing and Rod sleeping next to me, or at least we should have been sleeping.
"Yes, Rod."
"I love ya, ya know that, right?"
"Yes, I love you too, what's wrong?"
"Part of me wants to be part of your family and another part of me wants to say it's somehow all a lie."
"Well, why do you feel that way?"
"I guess, ugh, no I can't talk about it. But, I've got to say this, just to make sure you understand me. I left home when I was thirteen because I hated how my parents treated me and I needed to get out of that situation. I think I'm just expecting your family to be the same deep down."
"Rod, I love you, I truly do, but, my parents are the way they seem, they're nice but we do get angry, me and my Da have had so many shouting matches I can't count how many times I wanted to run away when I was growing up, but we moved past it. We grew and changed because we knew how badly it would screw the three of us up. My Da's easily angered, my Mam is easily upset, I'm easily anxious."
"Am I going to be stared at on Sunday, baby?"
"Probably. But then again, no one's really used to me having a partner because they never met Erik, and he was never my boy-"
Rod cut me off with a rough kiss, quickly silencing me.
"I thought I said, don't bring him up."
"Roderick Piper. My parents are down the hall and I thought we agreed to only da that when we want to have kids."
"Yes, but that doesn't mean we can't make out."
"You bring up a good point, come here."
I pulled him into a kiss, intertwining my fingers with his short locks, feeling his hands under my shirt, skin against skin. Somehow the only person I want near me at any point from now onwards in a any way is him, it's like I've forgotten the feeling of anyone else's touch against my skin. He makes me feel sane, and understood, like he is truly 'the one' but only time will tell, I guess.
When we awoke the next morning, Rod's forehead was lightly touching mine.
"Roddy," I whispered, "Roddy, honey."
"What is it babe?"
"Wake up hon."
"Five more minutes, you elven beauty."
I let Rod go back to sleep and got up, dressing myself in some casual clothes (black overalls and a black graphic T-shirt with a skull on it) and headed to the garage/gym space my dad had built.
I didn't realise that half an hour had passed until a knock at the door broke my concentration on my current workout.
"Come in, door's open."
"Hey Sweetheart."
"Hi, Rod, whaddya want?" I asked, breathless.
"Ya Mam sent me to talk to ya, said ya didn't get any breakfast, wanted me to give ya this," He chucked over a sealed bottle of chocolate milk, "Ya alright baby girl?"
"I'm fine, I just missed being able to just come in here and work out."
"So, this is how ya trained when ya were younger?"
"Yeah, I started wrestling when I was sixteen and before that I did kick-boxing, gymnastics, rugby, football, anything really," I took a swig of the milk, "One day, my uncle Tony, took me and my cousins to see a wrestling show, when I was about fourteen, and I decided that's what I wanted to do."
"So you focused on wrestling from that point onwards, ya never wanted to do anything different?"
I took another swig of the milk, letting out a vague 'mmn' before putting it down so I could answer him, "Wasn't until I was, twenty-five that I started thinking, about what the rest of my life holds for me, I would like a house of my own, and someone to share it with. Potentially a small but traditional wedding, a couple of kids, maybe a pet or tw-"
Rod pulled me into a rough but loving kiss, cupping my cheek with one hand and wrapping his opposite arm around my waist. A couple seconds later he pulled away, kissing my neck and whispering out the words, "Mo chridhe, I promise you I'll do whatever I can to give you everything you need in life. A family. A home. A traditional wedding. Kids. Anything, you name it and I will try my hardest to give it to you, and even if I don't succeed, you'll still have my love. Forever and ever, mo chridhe, I mean it."
"Roddy, I … I have no words good enough to describe how safe and happy, and sane you make me feel."
"I don't need words. Actions speak a million times louder."
"C'mere you," I pulled him into another kiss, intertwining my left hand with his hair and wrapping my right arm around his waist, feeling his arms around my waist slowly pull me as close as he could get me, letting the quiet calm of the morning slowly turn into a small amount of chaos as he pulled away with that devilish grin on his face. It's shocking how that grin can make me feel intrigued but scared at the same time. ​
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
The Keeper of the Grove (Part 49)
“That was the most disturbing but delicious thing I have ever eaten in my entire life...” Weiss muttered as she and the others sat in a triage tent, their stomachs being scanned by Penny and other menders.
“Same, and I have eaten some weird shit in my life,” Qrow said. “I'm talking take out at the Dark Side of Candela!”
<Why was it so delicious...?> Blake murmured as she stared at her distended stomach. <Why...?>
“Man, we should have bought some salt-bread rolls first, those would have been awesome with it!” Ruby said.
“Ditto that!” Nora chimed in. “Hey Weiss, can you make some more of that cheese? I can pay you to make it! Well, actually, Ren will considering he handles our money!”
“I'm afraid Weiss will not be making anything until we get to the bottom of this mystery,” Glynda said as she came up. “Penny, will they have to be confined for further observation?”
“Not at all, ma'am!” Penny chirped. “My scans show that the magical essence animating the cheese has long dissipated into all of their systems, either transforming into nutrients or stimulating taste and pleasure receptors more strongly than regular cheese.
“Save for the animation, intelligence, and its strong desire to be eaten, it was no different than other elementally-enhanced foods!”
Glynda nodded. “Any potential side effects?”
“We'll have to wait and see to be sure, but honestly, we'd be very surprised if it's anything other than indigestion from having consumed too much.”
“Good. As soon as you and Weiss are able to, please proceed to the Heart of the Maker's Forge immediately. Further instructions will be waiting for you there.”
“Will any of us be coming with her, Elder Goodwitch?” Ruby asked.
Glynda shook her head. <You, Blake, and Qrow stay here. If you'll excuse me, I need to finish up the rest of this investigation...>
After she was engrossed with the supervising watchers and the weavers, Weiss discretely asked Ruby, “Why would she want to send me there?”
Ruby shrugged. “Don't know, but you’re definitely going.”
As the watchers were dismissed and headed home and the weavers began to set up surveillance equipment and mana detectors in case more magical mishaps happened, Penny and Weiss went off through the Tubes and to the Maker's Forge.
Weiss had to stop and stare as she and Penny stepped out to the Heart.
Steam whistled and erupted from the geothermal vents that powered most everything. Water was constantly being piped in at near-freezing temperatures and being siphoned out lethally scalding hot. The carved rock walls and millenia old machinery were cast in a warm, orange glow as sounds echoed all throughout the facility: metal being pounded, liquids bubbling, and the work songs of the makers sweating and labouring at the assembly lines.
Elementals abounded here, creatures of pure fire and lava torching huge batches of raw ores and other materials to be smelted; titans of rock and metal lumbering right on through the thermal vents, unharmed by the blazing hot steam; intelligent gusts of air with ribbons and other identifying markers floating within their centers whisking away the worst of the heat and guiding it into the turbines or the exhaust vents; and beings of water and ice walking around, putting out uncontrolled fires, cooling and freezing items for tempering or storage, or just giving cold comfort to tired workers, sapping the excess heat from their bodies, and chilling their beers or other drinks of choice.
Weiss noticed giant slabs of enchanted rock posted all over the area, numbers and words on them. <Days Since Last Accident,> she read, as the Actaeon was simple enough, and the logo of a calendar and a maker looking at where their arm used to be was very telling.
The number was currently at “0,” with an image of Weiss' barrel of moonshine, with written details.
If it was any comfort, the times for the other most recent incidents were “362 Days” “237 days,” and “5 Seconds.”
“So this is heavy industry for the Fae?” Weiss as they walked, raising her voice over the din.
“Exactly!” Penny replied. “This is where we produce most common consumables like ammunition, and refining raw materials for further processing. It is also the biggest research laboratory in the Bastion, where we constantly develop and improve our current technology and methods, to keep up with the constantly evolving flora and fauna of Avalon, and within this millennium, the much more rapid advancement humans are capable of.”
Weiss noticed some of the makers had prosthetic limbs similar to Penny's; instead of energy, however, most of them were connected by plants or miniature trees growing from where the originals had been severed, or had taken root in the rest of the remaining limb for extra support.
“Is this where you were made?” she asked.
“No,” Penny replied. “Aside from the fact that I was made outside of the Valley, the Fae are quite against automation and fully independent AIs, both for cultural and practical reasons. Though initially, golems might surpass the strength and skill of a Fae, over-time, the natural development and the unique symbiosis of the latter with Avalon will allow them to far surpass the capabilities of both our and you humans’ technology, not to mention other beneficial phenomena.”
“So where we you made, and who did, if Fae are so against golems?”
Penny smiled apologetically. “I am not allowed to answer either of those.” She got a far off look in her eyes. “What I can say is that my creators were very lonely, and wished to have more company than each other.”
“And the Council took you away from them…?”
For the first time since she met her, Penny looked angry. “Absolutely not!” she cried, her green eyes glowing ominously.
Weiss flinched.
Penny sheepishly looked away. “It was my own decision to leave...” she said, just loud enough to be heard. “We had access to both the Codex and the Info-Grid, you see, and well… I wanted to see Avalon with my own optic sensors, than through the Trance or Honey Dreams.”
“And they let you?” Weiss asked carefully.
Penny nodded and smiled at her. “There were parents and grandparents before they created me. In one of their words, 'Well, kids gotta leave the nest some time, right? Might as well do it now, before she decides to run away and leave us heartbroken twice over.'”
They stopped as they reached their destination: the Thumper.
It was the Forge's internal transportation system of elevators and trains, because the plants that composed the Tubes couldn't survive at the Heart's extreme temperatures. Instead of water, it was powered by steam, pressure gathering up before the “shells” were sent rocketing off to their destinations, stopping using the power of incredibly strong magnets and prayers.
As they waited for a free shell—essentially a giant bullet that could fit Fae, humans, and equipment being transported—Weiss observed the life-size statue of Talos before the Thumper.
He was 7'4 feet tall and 6'8 without the gigantic horns curling back over his head. He was built like a mountain, broad-shoulders, massive limbs, rock-solid muscles bulging underneath his robes—the prototype for the maker's robes used in the present, with only very few modifications since. His entire body, horns included, was covered in belts, pouches, and straps for holding tools and materials: hammers, saws, surgical equipment, a protractor, scrolls with charcoal, brushes, and pots of paint, the ancestor of the present-day Fae-firearms, pots and pans, utensils, binoculars, rolled-up maps, nails, screws, pieces of scrap metal, wooden 2×4 planks, hanging crystal arrays and beads, incense burners, a massive tank filled with a liquid that had a tube leading to the side of his mouth with the words <BLACK MOSS TEA> inscribed on the side, and no shortage of what looked like squares of parchment with handwritten notes attached wherever there was space in-between.
And Weiss had to admit, that was one very impressive beard.
At the raised base of it were these:
A sign saying <In Case Of Emergency,> with holos of the current shift supervisors, and a tablet for calling them.
Another saying <In Case Of Catastrophic Emergency,> with a holo of Glynda over it, also with a tablet for calling her.
A third sign saying <In Case We're SCREWED,> with holos of evacuation routes, a stack of enchanted paper with templates for last wills and testaments, and an inscription of a prayer to Talos.
If Weiss had to guess, the first line was “Talos Help Us All” in Actaeon.
A free shell arrived, and they got into it. Unlike the Tubes, the safety measures for these were stasis field generators, magically freezing their physical bodies in time and space. Weiss had to wonder just what necessitated the use of these as the pressure began to build up above them.
Down they went, dozens of miles below the surface of Avalon.
The shells were featureless inside, except for a panel in front of them that displayed a peaceful beach with a calm sea stretching to the horizon, written words on it being spoken out loud over and over again by a soothing, female voice:
<Don't panic.>
Weiss' could only scream internally, as she her unmoving, unblinking eyes stared at the scene.
Five seconds later, they stopped, dipping down a foot lower than intended, before the magnets got a good grip and gently shifted them back up.
Weiss gasped as she Penny were freed from stasis, shaking and woozy from the disconnect between the pandemonium in her brain, and her body still as calm as it was when the field was created. Eventually, she recovered, and the two of them stepped out to a laboratory, very different from the rest of the Forge.
For one thing, the floors were hardwood.
The interior looked like an aristocrats' mansion, a love letter to Victorian Era design with ornate crown moulding, simple but elegant patterns on the wallpaper, brass sconces on the walls, the furniture mostly made of wood with elegant gold accents, with Persian rugs, elaborate tapestries, and curtains with tassels completing the look. There were painted portraits and landscapes all over the walls, though for obvious reasons most of the subjects were Fae and the scenes were from the Valley.
Weiss looked at one of the few humans in the portraits, standing beside one of the former Keepers, the two of them clearly good friends. He had a goofy, confident grin, a top hat that had seen much better days, and a friendly aura that made you want to trust him implicitly, or at least know he was of absolutely no harm to anyone.
She was starting to wonder just who that could be, and why he was so familiar, when he stepped in.
He had changed since the portraits were painted, his body now mostly made of the same organic prosthesis as the makers back in the Forge, not to mention the four spider-like limbs growing out from his back, tools and claws at their ends. His face had turned wrinkled, his skin had mottled with age, and his eyes had long been replaced with glowing crystals like Penny's optics, but that smile, that aura, and that iconic top hat stayed.
“Greetings, and a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Weiss!” he trilled, tipping his hat to her. “Maker Abner Jordan Ignatius, at your service! Please, call me Maker Abner, or just Abner.”
Weiss blinked, her memories going way, way back to a shadow puppet play, the one that had caused Winter's lifelong phobia of the Keeper. “Wait, Abner? From the ‘Terrible Tale of the Keeper of the Grove?’ The story was real...?!”
Abner chuckled. “Mostly! I'll explain later, we musn't dawdle! Penny, please do escort your friend to the Magical Resonance Chamber for testing! We must hurry, before it's too late!” he said, hurrying off around the corner.
“Right away, Maker Abner!” Penny said, reaching out for Weiss’ hand.
Weiss pulled it away. “I'm not going anywhere until you explain to me what the hell is going on!”
“We're testing you for the Gift—if you’re a Weaver, in other words!” Abner called from further in. “Assuming your result is positive, we simply can't risk you being at the peak of your power on the Eve of the Ether whilst you have no knowledge nor control of your abilities!”
“What abilities?!” Weiss cried as she followed him and ran through a hallway littered with doors and more paintings. “Humans haven't been able to use magic without technology for centuries!” she added as she came to the end, into a massive room littered with all manner of strange equipment.
Abner looked back from where he was operating the terminal of giant chamber lined with carved crystals and metals. “Oh! You mean you weren't authorized to know?” he asked, before he shrugged. “Huh... well, I guess that's not too surprising, in retrospect!”
“Authorized to know what?!” Weiss snapped. “Someone tell me already!”
Penny caught up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Weiss, would you like to sit down before I tell you?”
Weiss spun around and face her. “No. You tell me right here, right now.”
Penny paused for a moment, looking uneasy and conflicted, before she said it:
“Weiss… you're a Fae/Human hybrid.”
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pintnotes · 7 years
TerraSurf: A Festival Fable, Part 5: Monk Bunk
From the dreams and experiences of co-host Becca - Terrasurf is an ode to Festival Season. Follow the weekly installments of Ro, Leo, Sara & Zach as they journey to the fictional festival of TerraSurf on the banks of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. After a long car ride, it is finally time for our quartet to reach their destination but it’s not all settled yet. Where will they end up staying - in the plush Monk Bunk or the regular campground? Will they all camp together or end up splitting up? Time for Part 5: Monk Bunk
The last few miles that wound around in city streets and county roads looping over and around to the lip of the festival were not as easy as it seemed on the map. Hour after hour dragged by. As soon as they felt the relief of coming around another bend, they realized there were still more to go. The sun drifted like the hopes of our tired travellers to the horizon. They had left their hope long ago around some bend where they had played their final fun round of frisbee while cars idled. It seemed the tables had turned and instead of watching a wonderful town parade, the town was now watching the parade of out-of-towners with all their gear packed tightly into their vehicles slowly drift by. By now, a few business savvy children began pulling coolers of water and soda along the side of the roads, two dollars each.
Finally, after eight hours, the by-now weary travellers pulled up to the gates of TerraSurf. Lights sparkled in the distance. They could see the infamous abandoned mall half-pipe, the tops of the Monk Bunk and tents slowly spreading towards them. “I can’t believe we made it.” Leo deadpanned. “Don’t say that. They might just construct another mile of road in front of us if we let our guard down now.” Sara groaned from the back “I’m not saying anything until we have our stakes down and we are cracking that first celebratory beer.” Zach leaned back in his seat, propping his feet back on the dash. But no surprise road was pulled out in front of them, the security check went flawlessly - albeit a bit tight after they pulled apart the tetris-packed car and returned everything haphazardly to get them back on their way. Ro looked over the pile of sleeping bags in her lap as the gate of Terrasurf loomed up in front of them. Her eyes sparkled, “It’s really happening.” “Yep, you are two days away from your life peaking. How does it feel?” Zach laughed at her. But Ro didn’t care. They were here. Terrasurf 2017 and she was the beer opener for The Frights. What else mattered right now? Wait. She snapped out of her daydream. “It’s time to act people!” She commanded suddenly, “do you all remember our plan?” Zach rolled his eyes. Leo drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Sara sat up, “I take these four pillows and run to the Monk Bunk as fast as I can.” Ro interrupted, “Do you have” “My phone. Yes, I make a beeline for the turret’s third floor making sure I watch for openings along the way. I call with an update as soon as I can.” “Good job.” Ro congratulated her with a high five. “Meanwhile we…” “Follow the camping people’s waving hands and prepare to make camp.” Zach and Leo recited their role together robot-like, clearly done reiterating this part of the plan but Ro would have none of it. “As soon as we get our spot: Leo and Zach grab the shade tent and begin set up as close to cooler doors as possible. Ro will retrieve tents and unroll them to lay claim to our footprint then…” “Stop!” Sara shouted from the back. “Yeah, we’re sick of it too but Ro is going to have a kaniption fit if” “No the car. the car… There’s the Monk Bunk! I gotta go!” and Sara flung open her door as the car slowed to a stop. “I’ve got this Ro!” And Sara disappeared into festival grounds, pillows clutched to her chest. Ro leaned over and grabbed the door to shut it. “God’s speed Sara. God’s speed.”
Sara raced across the long grass, the broken concrete of the old mall parking lot, the overgrown stone labyrinth, through the untended abbey garden and up the steps to the Monk Bunk - the first come, first serve general admission rooms with access to indoor plumbing, theme parties, and refrigerators. There were people milling about, checking room to room, taking stock, sizing up the distance to the amenities, etc. Sara politely and quickly edged past them all. Down the hall to the hidden staircase. Up to the 2nd floor where the staircase ends, take the hallway to the first left and duck into the next staircase on the left hand side 4 doors down. Leading to the set of 7 rooms arranged in a septagon around the central gathering room. There were a few people milling about, a few already sinking into the communal couches in deep conversation, but Sara stayed on mission, “Make friends later,” she reminded herself. The first door revealed a foursome of hippies already hanging wall tapestries and dimming lights. The second door presented a room of seemingly normal people unpacking while discussing their favorite bands from the line-up. The third door was shut and before Sara could even touch the doorknob, a guy slouched on the couch broke his argument over Sam Adams being craft or corporate to interject, “I wouldn’t open that. It’s occupied. let’s leave it at that.” Sara gave a nod of thanks and moved on. It was a no go for the next rooms as well, just a handful of bros, a couple of hipster hippies and festival oldhats. Sara was about to turn around and leave when one of the beer arguers looked up, “We’ve got a bit of room. How many?” Still feeling uneasy, she mumbled, “Four.” “Ah man, we only have room for two more in our room. Go talk to your friends, it’s yours and whoever’s if you come back to us in 10 minutes.” “Well, I guess it’s better than nothing. Thanks. I’ll be back.” On her way down the staircases, Sara checked the floors for anymore options but came up blank. She hesitantly pulled out the phone and called Ro to give her the news. After relaying the story to Zach and Leo, Ro continued, “Obviously it sucks but we’ll still have fun in the camp. Just wish it would’ve worked out - just imagine, no morning ice runs.” “Speak for yourself,” Zach interrupted. “They’ve got room for two? When you get too hot or need a little bathroom break, you know where to find us.” He grabbed the phone from Ro, “Sara, tell them they’ve got some roomies. I’m coming up.” On the other side of the line, Sara was torn. Yes, comfort was nice but what about Leo and Ro? It wouldn’t be the same not to stay with them. Maybe I’ll just tell them thanks for the offer but we’re sticking together and  find Zach before he gets up here, she thought. But then again… there’s a real bathroom with real water… What should Sara do?
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sj2themoon · 7 years
Home Renovations
Hey you! As you know, my husband and I are up to our ears in home renovations, but I am seriously loving it! Something about taking on an unfinished home project gives me the butterflies! There is just so much possibility, ya know? Plus, we get to make it into exactly what we want! Score! Luckily, my husband is just as eccentric as I am when it comes to home decor taste! You may notice in my home decor posts that our style is not very “typical” to a newly wedded couple who is furnishing their first place together. And that is completely accurate! So welcome to our unusual lives where we take on our unique family room designs.
I am planning out the renovations, but mainly posting about the decor goals for our place because it helps me piece it all together. That way, I have something to reference back to as I make updates and what not HERE IS MY FIRST POST for our kitchen goals if you missed it! Now, I would like to start on our family room goals! Yess. Here is a before pic of our family room just so you can see what we are workin with!
To be honest, it looks scarier in these pictures than it does in real life! Haha maybe because it has already been in the works since I took this picture last. But as you can see, much needs to be done! Isn’t it a glorious work of art waiting to be made?
For starters, we will put paneling and paint on the walls (duhh) and we are actually keeping the ceiling the way it is! I personally love seeing the rafters and wiring, I think it looks so cool and industrial! Which works out because it’s just one less thing I need to do to get it looking good! Alright, let’s dive in!!!
The first thing to go in is our dreamy bookshelf! My husband and I really enjoy reading together at night, so I imagine this will be our “beginners bookshelf” until the day when we need a whole bookcase room to hold all them books! We actually set up our book-shelf in the family room already because why not? It was the first thing we did. Yes, we will have to move it temporarily to get the room paneled and painted, but we wanted it there right away! Gotta live and function during renovations still, ama right? It looks like this. (Debating giving it a cute painted overall color)
Here is a nicer and more heavy duty book shelf that I love!
Sauder 5-Shelf Bookcase, Oiled Oak Finish
List Price: $141.29
Price: $141.28
You Save: $0.01
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Along with books, I have some of my favorite boho doo-dads to go on the shelves, such as these!
This my absolute favorite candle.
Bath & Body Works, Aromatherapy Stress Relief 3-Wick Candle, Eucalyptus Spearmint
List Price: $21.99
Price: $21.99
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I have like 4 “fake books” on my shelves! They are hollow and make a great little hiding place for old notes, pics and doo-dads.
2pc Faux Book Safe Set
List Price: $18.06
Price: $18.06
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Luna Bazaar Small Vintage Glass Bottle Set (7-Inch, Cheyenne Design, Multicolor Glass, Set of 6) - Flower Bud Vases Bulk - For Home Decor and Wedding Centerpieces
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Ornate Antique Finish Rectangular Trinket Jewelry Box - 3.5" x 2.25"
List Price: $14.00
Price: $14.00
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This is a way super cool incense holder! I am diggin it so much. The incense sits inside the hollowed out middle and the incense smoke comes out the little tree branch holes. Too cool!
11" Tree of Wisdom Sculpted Polyresin Incense Burner by Sabrina Underwood
List Price: $17.65
Price: $17.65
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Must needed insence to go with the holder! Love the way these smell.
Nag Champa Sunrise Sandalwood Midnight Patchouli Celestial Fortune Blessings Romance Super Hit Jasmine Blossom Rain forest by Satya Gift Set
List Price: $13.99
Price: $13.50
You Save: $0.49
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I might add in for clarity that our kitchen, family room, and office are all one giant room right now! We will not be putting up walls to separate them either! Rather, we will be using creative decoration and furniture placement to keep them apart and “their own” section. I like it better this way.
That being said, this couch and partition will do the job of enclosing the family room diagonally on the outside right edge (just before the kitchen begins).
Novogratz Vintage Tufted Sofa Sleeper II (Green Velour)
List Price: $537.99
Price: $537.99
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Rajasthan Antique Brown 4 Panel Handcrafted Wood Room Divider Screen 72x80, Intricately carved on both sides making it fully reversible, highly versatile. Hides clutter, adds décor, & divides the room
List Price: $189.99
Price: $189.99
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Yes, green! I played around with a few different couch colors in their and this one just felt like the right fit to my eye Of course, it must be velvet and vintage looking! Along with this couch, we must have some pops of color and more textures! Here are some pillows and a throw to accompany this vintage style sofa.
Mellanni Faux-Fur Plush Throw Pillow - BEST QUALITY Fuzzy Accent Pillow - Cushion and Cover, Decorative Square 18 x 18 Inch (Cow)
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Tache 2 Piece 18 X 18 Inches 100% Cotton Burnt Orange Fall Harvest Decorative Accent Throw Pillow Cushion Cover Set
List Price: $29.99
Price: $29.99
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CottonTex Cotton Knitted Cable Throw Soft Warm Cover Blanket Cable Knitting Pattern, 43x70 Inches, Royal Yellow
List Price: $42.99
Price: $42.99
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Just in front of the couch, we will have an adorable drum table, just big enough to hold a cup of tea and a book or two. But what’s even better?? To the right of the couch, we are going to have a wooden bench swing, hanging from our rafters! It will be just perfect. Much like this one.
Deco 79 Teak Wood Round Stool, 14 by 18-Inch
Price: $134.05
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But what’s even better?? To the right of the couch, we are going to have a wooden bench swing, hanging from our rafters! It will be just perfect. Much like this one.
Rustic American Black Walnut 23.5" 4 Hole Tree Swing Kids Adult Wood Outdoor
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This idea is extra special, you ready?! Ok so now moving back to the left of the bookshelf. Obviously, we need a cozy nook to read our books together. Hanging down from the ceiling corner on the left side of the room, we will have an array of materials and tapestries perfectly hung up in a tent-like manner. This will create the perfect hide-out to snuggle up next to each other with a book and a nice cup of tea. Under this fort feature, there will be pillows, cushions, rugs and blankets galore! Basically, anything we need to be comfy. The tent will look something like this, but in a different color scheme to match the rest of the family room.
These will be for the inside of the fort!
Bohemian Style Colorful Exotic Mandala Boho Style Striped Triangle Cotton Linen Throw Lumbar Waist Pillow Case Cushion Cover Home Office Decorative Rectangle 12 X 20 Inches
List Price: $9.99
Price: $9.99
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TangDepot Solid Velvet Throw Pillow Cover/Euro Sham/Cushion Sham, Super Luxury Soft Pillow Cases, Many Color & Size options - (26"x26", Dark Green)
List Price: $19.86
Price: $19.86
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Cotton Craft - Hand Woven Jute & Cotton Multi Chindi Floor Pillow - 24 inch Round - Solid color Red back - Pillow made from multi color re-cycled yarns, actual product may vary in color from image
List Price: $39.99
Price: $39.99
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Zituop Home Decorative Suede Round Pumpkin Solid Throw Pillows for Couch, 13.8inch (dark green)
List Price: $19.99
Price: $19.99
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Rajasthali" Bohemian Patch Work Ottoman Cover,Traditional Vintage Indian Pouf Floor/Foot Stool, Christmas Decorative Chair Cover,100% Cotton Art Decor Cushion, 14x22'. Only Cover, Filler not Included
List Price: $21.99
Price: $21.99
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Jaxx Pillow Saxx 5.5' Bean Bag Pillow, Orange Microsuede
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CoolDream Cotton Linen 18 by 18-Inch Decorative Throw Pillow Cover, Multicolor Elephant
List Price: $1.38
Price: $1.38
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Indian Mandala Floor Pillow Square Ottoman Pouf Daybed Oversized Cushion Cover Cotton Seating Ottoman Poufs Dog / Pets Bed Sold By Handicraft-Palace
List Price: $12.95
Price: $12.95
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TreeWool, Cotton Canvas Squares Geometric Accent Decorative Throw Pillowcases (2 Cushion Covers; 18 x 18 Inches; Mustard & White)
List Price: $16.99
Price: $16.99
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Mellanni All-Year-Round Faux Fur Throw - Top Quality, Will Not Shed! Super Soft, Comfy - Makes Luxurious Gift - Enhance Your Home Décor - Use for Travel - Gray Peacock Feathers
List Price: $149.00
Price: $49.70
You Save: $99.30
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Have I mentioned my obsession with pillows yet?
Coming out from under the tent, there will also be layered and eclectic rugs covering the majority of the rest of the family room floor.  (There will be many rugs throughout our house because we have decided to keep the ground concrete)
Here are some of my favorite ones.
EYES OF INDIA - 3 X 5 Ft Multicolor Colorful Chindi Woven Rag Rug Bohemian Boho Decorative Indian
List Price: $49.95
Price: $49.95
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Traditional Persian Vintage Design Rug Beige Rug 4' x 6' FT (183cm x 122cm) Sofia Area Rug Inspired Overdyed Distressed Fancy
List Price: $39.00
Price: $39.00
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Contemporary Hand Tufted Wool Moroccan Triangle Multi Area Rugs, 5 Feet by 8 Feet (5' x 8')
List Price: $172.38
Price: $172.38
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*Sighhh..so dreamy and cozy, isn’t it? Ok, moving on. In between the bookshelf and the tent we will have our record player and vinyls. Here are just a couple of my favs.
Spectra Studebaker Wooden Turntable with AM/FM Radio & Cassette Player SB6052
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Paradise [LP][Explicit]
Price: $12.11
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Come Fly With Me
Price: $17.35
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To the left of the tent will be our next piece of furniture. This will be used to enclose the left side of the family room, separating it from the office next door From the family room side, it will look like a tall wall. But really, it is the back side of storage shelves that are being used in the office. I’ll get to that part in a later blog post though! What I will tell you, is that these giant shelves have a flat paneling on the back side, perfect for hanging up wall decor! I imagine our wall will look something along these lines Not exactly, but the same concept.
Here are some of the fantastic finds that I will be having on my decorated wall!
I will be hanging this moon from hemp chord/string.
CWI Gifts Moon Wall Decor, 12-Inch, Rust/Black
List Price: $17.95
Price: $17.95
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NOVICA White and Red Reverse-Painted Glass and Wood Framed Wall Mounted Round Mirror, 'White Star'
List Price: $64.49
Price: $64.49
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The cutest.
Umbra Trigg Hanging Container, Small, Set of 2, White/Brass
List Price: $25.00
Price: $25.00
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NOVICA Beige Handmade Cotton and Bamboo Macrame Wall Hanging, 'Arrow Temple'
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FU GLOBAL Wall Fish Tank Arylic Wall Aquarium 1 Gallon Fish Bowl 11.5 Inch Home Decoration Pot
List Price: $27.99
Price: $27.99
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World Map Antique Style Poster 36x24
List Price: $4.21
Price: $4.21
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New LED Beer Neon Wall Sign Room Decor Wild at Heart 12"x 9.8"
List Price: $139.99
Price: $89.99
You Save: $50.00
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Gardenia - Animal Double-exposure Photography Canvas Wall Art Prints 12 x 12 Inch Stretched and Framed Modern Decor Paintings Giclee Artwork for Living Room and Bedroom Decoration Beer Sika Deer & Owl
List Price: $49.99
Price: $33.99
You Save: $16.00
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On this I will hang up our polaroids and postcards we collect from different countries.
Hanging Photo Organizer Rail With Chains and 32 Clips Gray
List Price: $19.18
Price: $19.18
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Above us in the room, we will have some unique lighting and bohemian looking chandeliers!
This one (above) I made myself! (I used to sell them on Etsy before I tragically got shut down because they thought I wasn’t hand making my items. But surprise, I am hand making them! So comment below if you are interested in ordering a boho chandelier from me.)
We will also have some bohemian looking lighting in the reading corner so we can see!
(Choose from 12 Designs) Turkish Moroccan Mosaic Glass Chandelier Lights Hanging Ceiling Lamps (Large - 4) (Large-2)
List Price: $79.90
Price: $79.90
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I have one last addition. I talked about all three sides of the family room, but not the wall that has the entrance to the room! This wall will be consumed by the most perfect, sliding barn-like door. Here it is!
Barn Door Hardware Kit Rustic Antique Country STYLE with JUMBO WHEELS and 12 Feet Track - Made in USA
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We will paint this to match the rest of the wood in the room.
There ya have it! Family room decor goals for our new place! Let me know what you think, or if you have any further ideas to make our boho abode even better! Xoxo
Stay Wild, Moon Child
The post Boho Family Room Goals- Idea Board appeared first on sj2themoon.
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