#Talia Al Ghul Defense Squad
cologona · 2 months
If anything Tim should be thanking Talia for breaking the news about him to Jason so tactfully- before Jason goes back to Gotham but only after his mental state improves and he shows he still cares about people.
Imagine if Talia had told Jason just after the pit, or god forbid- Jason had to find out himself that Bruce replaced him? Like Jason is making his final ultimatum to Bruce in that abandoned building with Joker, and Bruce places his foot firmly in his mouth by letting it slip that he got another Robin?
I wouldn’t put it past Morrison’s version of Talia to do some cartoonish shit like telling Damian to kill Tim because he’s competition or whatever, but let’s be real Talia isn’t Ra’s. She has no reason to find Tim notable at all. She was there when Jason died and Steph “died” what reason does she have to think that Bruce values Tim any more than those two? And Tim had an actual father outside of Bruce and the capes too!
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Jason Todd and Hunter Noceda-Deamonne have the same fandom problem in the sense that they have excellent writing and genuine redemption arcs but unfortunately they're surrounded by poc and women and especially woc who're important to them with pretty much bo revelant white characters that aren't their antagonists and that gives their hardcore stans media blindness thanks to seeing them as edgy white boys and nothing else so to them their casts may as well not exist and they just can't help but feel like they'd work better with other white boys and plainer white girls and for the woc to not exist outside of them-And mind you,'Noceda-Deammone' as a last name for Hunter isn't even an actual tag despite Camila and Darius being his only parental figures.This is pretty bad for Jason and Hunter themselves because it erases them as good examples for how white people should behave around and treat minorities who're constants in their lives and also just generally makes them not as interesting due to it being used to turn them into power fantasies and packaged tropes and nothing but quirks and this is exactly what white DC and Toh fans want for them since they refuse to grow up and get angry at woc and kids of color in the fandom in particularly for not caring for their behavior because they're used to us taking it lying down
Very happy to have to be the one to tell you this but Hunter never even looking in any white boys direction in favor of Gus' mutual found brotherly love with him,only ever loving Willow,being adopted into Camila and Luz's family,Darius becoming dad who never hurt him unlike Belos and never rivaling Amity over Luz because a boy and a girl looking at eachother once isn't a love triangle and Jason not giving two shits about Tim because he's too busy being bros with Duke and Damian,rejecting any white girl who tries to throw herself at him because he wants Rose,Artemis and Dana and choosing Talia and Stephanie as his mother and Batgirl without ever considering anyone else isn't 'wasted potential'.Us-meaning the people who their stories are actually about,the poc and girls and girls of color you refuse to let exist-telling you stop being bigots for your dogshit fics isn't 'harrasment'.You just don't get what you want this time so SUCK IT UP like you always tell us to after coming into OUR spaces
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thebatbaes · 2 years
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“Stop calling yourself a mother. You’re nothing of the sort.
Mothers are kind and nurturing. Good mothers don’t program their children to become killing machines”
[ Damian Wayne and Talia Al Ghul in Batman vs. Robin (2022) #3 ]
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martaare-llopart · 4 years
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Talia Al Ghul #1 Comic Preview
Yes, I'm gonna make a Comic for her, cause she deserves the best!
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lady-talia · 4 years
An wlw 🐱⚔🐍to 👰🏻💍👰🏾‍♀️ Zine
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Hello everyone!
Happy New year~☆
I hope all of you have been well and safe. Hopefully this 2021 will be much kinder & happier for all of us.
¡New year a new Zine!
I welcome you all to The DemonCat//Talina Fanzine.
This zine will be a non-profit zine centered in the growth between Talia & Selina's relationship from first meeting to rivalry to friends and finally brides.
If you are interested in this project please fill out this interest check
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Talia al Ghul amazing outfits in Son of the Demon
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I will ALWAYS fight for Talia! Hell or High Water
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redrobinsrobin · 5 years
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" She didn't want to be loved for her petals, she wanted to be loved for her thorns.
She knew if someone loved her flaws, they would love her whole."
- J. Iron Word
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miissgraysondrake · 6 years
👑The Queen👑
(Sketch by @starphyro )
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magecrafts · 3 years
You and @dilfwaynes defending talia from racists? I love to see it 😌
thanks we're starting an army
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cologona · 2 months
Defending Talia in Lost Days ‘til I’m blue in the face my girl was not a gaslight gatekeep girlbossing she was running on borderline irrational hope and an inability to let go.
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zayray030 · 4 years
I have a headcanon that Damian never really grew to be tall. Like he grew up to 5'5 and stayed there.
Because honestly I don't think he would have grown to be as tall as Bruce because remember he was a test tube baby. Like all those times that Talia dipped him into the the pit and kept changing his body to be 'perfect' must have fucked his development.
So he's really insecure about it. Like can you imagine? Your father is this ginat and then there you are basically just up to his pecs. It would be annoying as hell.
And not to mention it's a constant reminder that he can never be normal and that Talia still finds ways to ruin his life.
And everyone keeps teasing or mocking his height not knowing he struggles with it and honestly he's too scared to tell them out right because he doesn't want them to pity or mock him any more.
But then one day after patrol either Tim or Jason, hell even Jon, decide to hold something to high for him and they really mocking say 'shame if you had a few inches on you'
"Yeah real shame my mother fucked with my body to try and make it perfect. Real shame that she fucked with my body when I was practically just a muddle of cells. Yeah, real shame asshat."
And like he just walks out after that and the horror settles on everyone, because duh, of course Damian would be upset, it reminds him of his mother.
So they try and stop but try not to make it look like pity. They definitely stop mocking his height out right that's for sure.
This wasn't supposed to be a mini fic just saying.
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thebatbaes · 6 years
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“Can’t you just love me for who I am? not what you want me to be?”
[ Talia Al-Ghul and Damian Wayne (as Robin) in Batman and Robin (2009) #12 ]
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martaare-llopart · 4 years
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👑 Q u e e n 👑
Talia Al Ghul in a Gala with her dear Bat♡
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lady-talia · 4 years
Welcome in to the League of Shadows Mod's Interviews! If you wish to apply to organize this beautiful moment now is your chance!
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The Kyle-Al Ghul family♡
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Brutalia wedding on the rooftop
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