#Tadc all seeing Eyes AU
thecluelessdoctor · 7 months
i got bored
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All seeing Eyes AU. Aka tadc cult au because I have a problem.
I did research, and decided to give Caine the fallen angel/devil's son approach.
Au explanation: ofc, a cult au. Entering the cult's place of residing causes you to forget who you are (similar to entering the circus) allowing you to just sorta.. get pushed into the cult because you don't know what else do do anymore.
Ofc, I made Caine the antagonist because why the fuck wouldn't I, I like making the silly guys evil but still silly lmao.
I kinda got inspiration from @obamerzslop's priest and demon au to do this lmao, as well as feeling nostalgic for my Red eyes au
Reblogs are very appreciated
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sm-baby · 7 months
I want to see all the carnival AU bios again, but finding Zooble's is too hard, even when using the search. I hope there's a more organized way to view them.
(Trying to come up with nicknames that said characters would give my characters.)
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Augh... I never know how to organize stuff! But here is a mini master post of the TADC Info Cards (edited):
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The Main Cast (Minus Zooble :C)
Zooble ( Plus Zooble!!! :3)
Shiny Cards ✨
Lesser AI
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Level layout
The Entire Comic has also been dubbed by @volticglitch !! If you're not a reader, You can watch their dubs instead!! Here is the dub
Your best friend!
Jesterly duties
The hallway
First clue
Special event!
Foul language - a silly
Characters Relationship Chart ( Bonus, OC relationship Chart!)
The Tent
The Funhouse
Pomni expressions
Character design
Meet Pomni
ALT character skins (Bonus, Maid skins because of course I did)
Pomni expressions AGAIN!!! (and a bonus)
The Jester's Circus tent (and a bonus)
Shape language ramble
Neck pieces
Neck pieces (prt 2)
Neck pieces (prt 3)
Silly Frilly
Toxic Positivity Duo
Quick Ragatha Doodle
The Rabbit
Non-sentient Pomni
Pity Laugh
First act of violence
First and only visit
First look
Meet Jax
Meet Ragatha
Meet Kinger
Meet Able
Zooble's room
Theatre shinanigans
Thanks for listening
Jax Doodles
Ragatha doodles (Feat. Kaufmo)
Caine doodles
Colored doodles
Eye popping
Jax Ko-fi request!
Final boss Pomni Theory
Ofcourse you would
Shoulder Pads
omg showtime teeheeh ehehehe
Carnival AU meets Original
its ok she's not drowning
The Amazing Digital... Circus???
A Christmas Carol Play!
Carnival Freakshow AU Merge!! (Freakshow AU by @hootbon)
BUZZBUZZ!! Fan character by @awful-little-goose
Whore Pomni Inside joke - more slutshaming
Pomni where yo pants at
shitpost doodles
SCANDAL!! (alt)
Genderbend time!!
Stupid fucking doodles i made at like 11 pm
Stupid fucking doodles i made at like 11 pm (I dont know why I keep making these ToT)
stupid shinanigans involving Pomni's tent (Pomni's tent for context)
Please hear her out guys
Kinger with no robe!!!
Bunnydoll real?!?!!?(Kofi request by amazing people :3)
Genderbend Jax!
Dollar store Carnival AU
Gangle simping over Able slay - Gangle PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER
Carnival GAINE!! - bro's so strong and cool and awesome
Flirty non-sentient pomni Inside joke (TW For suggestive themes): NON-CANON
Flirty non-sentient pomni (shitpost)
Memory storage restart
the silly!!
no you're not.
oh god
someone paid me 10 bucks
╔══ ❀•°❀BOUNDERIES/FAQ❀°•❀ ══╗
"Can I make OCs In Carnival?" - Yess!! Multiple people already have and they make me so happy! do whatever, as long as you're happy and having fun!! " Can I make NSFW?" - Yas and slay, just be sure to warn and spoiler it, etc. etc. be responsible when posting NSFW! " Can I make Fanfics?" - Yes and please show me!! that would be lovely!! " Can I dub/voice your stuff?" - Yes but, I have only one rule... show me pleaaasseeee pls pls pls 🥺🙏 " Can I ship the characters/self ships/ OC x Canon?" - Aughh.. this is gonna suck to explain cuz its a lot to ask.. You're allowed to ship any ship! My only boundary is that it doesn't include either Pomni or Caine being with others who are not eachother! For example: Ragatha x Jax ✅ Pomni x Jax❌ Kinger x Queenie✅ Kinger x Caine❌ As long as the ship does not include Pomni or Caine individually, I'm all aboard!! I respect Jax x Pomni shippers, as well as Kinger x caine shippers, I just don't like them myself and don't want to accidentally stumble upon them in the tag! I do apologize if that's a lot, it just makes me uncomfy! Bounderies can be very tight! :')
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estro-gem · 4 months
Eyes on you
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She's on all fours and smiling, but she's not happy to see you~
I finally got around drawing these two together and neither of them are having a good time. This in an illustration for a fic I wrote.
I had fun trying to figure out how to illustrate Gangle's threat display - it turned out to be a hybrid between that of a cat and that of an owl... kinda... eh.
She's little protective of her bestie, don't mind her.
Fanfic related to this art: (CLICK HERE TO READ) Oasis: TADC AU list Masterlist
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nobody-nexus · 1 month
Finally... It's Here...
After being silent for a bit, I've got enough art to properly show off this AU that I've been DEEPLY working on...
I give you... The Amazing Digital Dance Rush AU.
Or- just Dance Rush for short
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Dance Rush is an AU where the TADC cast is thrusted into a rhythm game instead of a sandbox game- this game making humans step into the shoes of performing idols, all working both against and with one another in order to get to the VERY top. Pomni is the newest idol for the game, and she now is determined to drop the whole pyramid of overworked misery while trying to figure out how the inner mechanisms of this place work, even if the truth is more horrid then one might believe....
This AU uses a lineless style as a way to make it feel almost cell shaded in a sense, but also as a new way to keep this AU fresh. The setting is neon Vocaliod and sci-fi esc in nature, giving off a feeling of futuristic but simple all the same
Now let's-
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Pomni is our protagonist and the last to join the game. Inspired by DDR, her performances are based on dancing choreography by using her flexibility and quickness to adapt to her advantage
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Ragatha is one of the six idols that Pomni meets as she tries to get more used to the world. Inspired by Project Diva, Rags is all about audience participation- her lovely optimism and charm making chants, encores, and singing along a breeze
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Jax is the 'top' of the leaderboard, and another idol for Pomni to meet. Inspired by Just Dance, Jax's main this is... well... thirst trapping. He uses his body, dance moves, and other various body motions to make the crowd to wild
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Gangle is one of the more unhinged members of the idol life. Inspired by Crypt of the Necrodancer, Gangle uses music to tell her stories. Her fans adore every moment (with her comedy mask of course)
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Zooble is another idol, and the one that came before Pomni. Inspired by Beat Saber of all things, they're most known for their transitions and transformations, leaving their fans amazed by the grungier singing voice mixed with the eye catching transitions
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Kinger is the idol who has been here the longest yet is the second to last on the leaderboard. Inspired by oddly enough Rhythm Heaven, he has the best singing voice out of the cast. This results in his medium fanbase adoring him
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Caine. The real top of the leaderboard, and the most powerful idol in the game. Inspired by OSU- his perception of how performances should feel and hear is truly unmatched. How could one compare?
Because I love this AU so much to the point where I have FAR too much information on it, I made myself an askblog ALL about this AU in perticular, and one I'll be reblogging every answer for
The askblog is @theamazingdigitaldancerush and I hope you go ask your questions for it there instead of in my main blog as to not clog up TOO many things
I hope the wait was worth it cause lineless is difficult to do all together. Plus I haven't even touched the NPCs yet- however that's a post for another day
I can't wait for you to see what I do next ^^
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When we meet, by the creek.
'By The Creek' TADC au
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The warm rays of sunlight lit the shaded forest foot trail through the leaves, causing mesmerizing patterns of golden light to shift across the forest floor as a warm summer breeze rustled the high reaching branches. The young boy squinted as a patch of light shifted across his golden eyes. He brought his hand up to guard against the the offending light that was blinding him, continuing his walk down the overgrown path.
The vibrant green leaves above him rustled with the soft wind, the sounds of the forest around him mixing in a soft melody upon the whisper of the breeze.
Listening to the crunch of fallen leaves and twigs under his feet as he walked, the boy took a deep breath of the fresh air, the feeling of the crisp cool air entering his lungs sends goosebumps down his arms. A satisfied and content smile broke his calm expression, his warm tan skin tingling with the sensation of the warm sunlight periodically brushing over his skin.
A blue bird flew past him, causing the boy to jump, startled. He chuckled as he watched the bird fly off into the trees, his feet moving at a steady pace. His ears perked at the sound of running water, a grinned to himself, walking slightly faster to reach the source of water.
The brush occasionally catching on his dark blue overalls, and shifting his dark purple shirt. As the sound of water increased, the brush and trees began to part, and the sunlight began to spread from small patches till it filled his whole vision.
Squinting at the bright light, the boy shaded his face from the sun. Once his vision adjusted a beautiful scene unfolded. He blinked, drinking it all in. Before him was an open area between two walls of forest, one behind him, one in front of him. In between the two sides was a bubbling, vibrantly clear blue creek. Some fresh water plant life growing on along the creekside. The paths along the the creek leading for as far as the eyes could see on both sides of the creek to the east and the west, were rock paths, mixed with sand a dirt leading up to the forests' edge.
The boy looked around the creek, smiling to himself. The breeze flowed by, brushing through his dark brown hair, which glowed with red highlights.
The boy took a deep breath, like he did in the forest, and stretched his arms above his head. His muscles aching from his hard work at the farm. He sighed in relief, dropping his arms at his sides.
When the breeze died down, a new sound caught his attention. He sucked in a sharp, shallow, breath and froze. A voice, singing softly, drifted through the clearing; it was barely audible, but he could still hear it over the sound of the creek.
The boy turned in the direction of the voice, a short distance down to his left, his eyebrows furrowed as he strained to hear the words of the song.
'Who- who could that be?' His thoughts echoed.
He frowned, no one was supposed to be at this creek, only he and his brothers knew about it. He hummed to himself, then slowly and quietly made his way down the path beside the creek toward the voice.
'It's... kind of sweet sounding.' The voice was sweet, and soft as it drifted toward him as he crept closer.
As he drew closer, he could tell it was coming from behind a bush that grew close to the edge of the waterfront, blocking his view. He slowed his pace, sucking in a sharp breath and holding it as he peeked around the bush.
His eyes widened in surprise. There was a young girl, humming a sweet tune to herself, an astronomy book in her lap, her hands folded together on top of the book. She wore a faded navy blue hoodie, and black jeans. Her darl brown short hair, framing her pale face, a galaxy of freckles covering her cheeks and nose. The song she hummed made him shiver, it was haunting, yet comforting.
He crept forward, attempting to hear the song better, a stick snapped underneath his foot. Causing both him and the girl to jump in shock and freeze. The girl's gaze snapped in his direction, her eyes a vibrant sky blue flecked with gold.
The stared at one another, an odd feeling stirring inside their chests, their gazes locked.
The breeze brushed by them, the only witness to their meeting, was the sky, and the bubbling blue creek.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Master of Me
Not totally sold on the name for the fic maybe I'll change it midway through typing this and forget to take this sentence out haha! Short little fic because TADC is on my mind, probably only going to be slightly longer than my other posts... we will see! Notes: Reader is GN, Gummigoo and the reader are not dating but they are close friends, AU where Gummi was allowed to stay at the circus, comfort fic, limited dialogue, reader doesn't remember anything about their life before joining the circus. like nothing at all. not proof read we die like kaufmo CWs: Gummigoo is still struggling to fully come to terms with the fact that he is just an NPC- really it's just some angst Word count: 1.3k
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No one ever said it was going to be easy, and he didn't expect it to be easy. Nor did he expect it to come fast... but he had hoped that within the weeks after joining the circus it would become more bearable. It.. had.. but he wasn't making as much progress as he had hoped. Some days were better than others, where the thought that everything he knew was a lie didn't cross his mind. Other days it hit him hard enough to keep him holed up in bed.
You had been kind enough to share your room with him, Caine had yet to make a room for the new circus member- whether he didn't want to or he couldn't you weren't sure. You tried your best to give the gator some room so he can gather himself on his own time, opting to wander around the circus until it was time to go to bed. Sometimes he would even join you, allowing you to show him the grounds. It was all so different from what he knew in the desert, though... those were all false memories too, weren't they?
Today had been one of those days, that left him too shaken to get up and join the others during the day's adventure. You told the others to go along without you. Everyone but Zooble left, but it's not like they were going to step in to help you pull Gummigoo out of his mind- though they did surprise you by showing some level of support through the form of wishing you luck.
He didn't have the key to your room, so he couldn't lock himself in. Not that he would if he could- he was grateful that you had given him the space, but he would feel terrible for taking it a step too far.
The lights were dimmed, you could just barely see his form sat at the edge of your bed. You noted how the lights looked against the material of his body. If you squinted, you could see small specks of sugar within his lemon lime body. He had noticed you, but didn't say much aside from a short apology- did you need something? Was he in the way? He was about to get up before you stopped him and sat next to him.
"What's going on with you," You asked, though as soon as the words had left your mouth you felt stupid for asking. You knew exactly what was going on, sure you may not know what set him off in particular or what part he's focusing on... but you still knew enough. You watched his white eyes narrow at the floor, as if it was the most interesting thing to him. He sighed after a moment, and lifted his head to stare at you. He was missing his mother today, or at least his idea of her.
"Nothing really happened, did it?" He muttered, referencing everything he could gather from his memories. That seemed to only make things worse, though, seeing as they were all so... limited. Artificial. False. "Oh god, none of it happened, did it?" He added after a few more struggled words clawed their way through his teeth. You sucked on your teeth as you tried to find the right words to say. For a terrifying moment you wondered if NPCs would abstract- what if you said the wrong thing and triggered it?
The words fell out of your mouth before you could stop yourself.
"It was real to you, wasn't it?"
Silence, and he whipped his head to stare at you before pulling his eyes back down.
"It may not have been... real... but they're still your memories, it's still... who you were originally meant to be- you know?" You added, but that didn't seem to help. "I wasn't supposed to find out, I know that much," He said lowly. He sounded angry, but it didn't sound like it directed at you exactly.
Suddenly he looked at you, with enough speed and intensity to make you jump just a bit and scoot back to avoid his snout. "But you don't remember anything from before you came to this... place.."
You only nodded, when you had joined the circus you actually remembered less than the other members- you didn't even remember putting on the headset that brought you here. To you, it was like you simply spawned into existence. You remembered how terrifying that was, how you seemingly came to and had to build everything up with what you were given.
"Just like you... kind of..." You whispered, and with a look he urged you to continue. "You don't remember much of anything from before you... tried to steal the syrup. You hit a.. block.. when you try to remember anything before that. You had... nothing, not to sound like what's happening to you doesn't matter any less.." You trailed off, then attempted to regain yourself. "You..." but your words failed.
"How did you make it work, didn't you ever want to return back to what you had before.. Before.." He stopped. "I almost want to go back, wouldn't that be easier?" He stared down at his hands, a habit you noticed that he picked up. He bunched his fingers together before relaxing them, before tensing them again.
"It was hard at first, for me too.. but," You chewed your tongue. It felt like it was plastic. "I got to make new memories," You managed to spit out. Gummigoo went silent, looking you in the eyes for a long moment before seeming to understand.
"You can't change what's happening, what's.. happened.. or what you were before- regardless of if it actually happened. You're in control now, and you're free to make your own choices now!" You offered a half smiling, hoping you had said the right thing. "It's not exactly like what I went through, I'm not from the digital world, and you are.. but, we were both new to this at some point,"
Then he laughed. He actually laughed, albeit weakly and airily. He shook his head lightly, tugging his hat down before taking a deep breath through his nose. "You're not wrong about that, (Reader)," He let his body relax. He was far from okay, but he was seeming to even out now.
He looked at you again, once more in the eyes. You forced yourself to maintain the contact, before he pulled his face away. His eyes scanned over the room, taking in everything they could see. "I'm in control now, am I?" He said to himself, his hand relaxing as he spoke. He lowered his head a little, before his mouth stretched into a smile. "If I'm going to carve my own path, I'm glad that you've given me the tools," He flicked a glance to you, "I'd be happy if you stuck around,"
You only smiled, before nodding. "Bit hard, since you've stolen my bed! We're stuck together already!"
You pulled another laugh out of him, this time it was a little stronger. "I can't argue with that, I do get rather sticky do I?" He smirked. "You don't have a choice of helping me, if you even think of stepping away I'm going to glue you to me," He joked. He was returning to his usual self, slowly.
"You say that like it's a bad thing," You shot back earning a third laugh.
You could hear the sounds of the rest of the circus returning from their adventure. Had you both been talking for that long? Had that much time passed. You looked to Gummigoo, it didn't feel right leaving him here alone after the conversation you had just had together... so you had decided to stay.
At least for now, for as long as he needed you to stick around.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 1 month
This is my tadc swap au.
Bubble 🔄 Caine
Pomni 🔄 Kinger
Gangle 🔄 Jax
Zooble 🔄 Ragatha
Kaufmo 🔄 Queenie
Gumigoo 🔄 Loolilalu
Swap quotes
1.Bubble: Welcome to the amazing digital circus! My name is Bubble. I'm your ring master, and I'm gonna show you the most jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't that right, Caine?
(Caine flies out of Bubble's hat.)
Caine: That's right, Bubble. I can't wait to see what you're cooking up for today!
2.Gangle: Bubble, is this one of your NPCs, or is this a new sucker. Because if it's a new character, We're gonna have to redo this whole theme song...
Ragatha: I'm not doing that again...
3.Bubble: How about we talk about something else? Like your name.
Kinger: My name? My name is...
(Kinger realizes that he can't remember his name.)
Kinger: Oh, God! Why can't I remember my name!
Bubble: No one can remember their name once they've entered the digital circus. One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds. So all I can do is help you come up with a new name.
4.Zooble: Oh, wait. We should go check on Queenie. I'm sure she'd like to meet our new friend.
(The glionks take Pomni's pillows.)
Pomni: My impenetrable fortress!
Zooble: Hey, Pomni!
Pomni: Huh?...
Zooble: Want to come with us to go check on Queenie?
Pomni: No, not really.
(Pomni walks up to the others.)
Pomni: I think Queenie's gone insane. The last time I spoke with her, she was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you, Kinger. You might be going insane too.
5.Gangle: By the way, I may have left something in your room, so let me know if you find it. Say, you're not afraid of scorpions, are you?
Zooble: Gangle! That's literally my only fear. Why would you do this!?
Gangle: What? It could be a completely unrelated question. You never know until it's too late.
6.Prince Gumigoo: Here's the key back into the kingdom for when you've secured the goods. I trust you not to let it fall into the wrong hands?
7.Gummyshark bandit(girl): You think your dad's gonna pull through if we get all this back to the village?
Gummybear bandit(girl): I'm sure he will. This much syrup would save hundreds of people.
Loolilalu: We won't be sure until we get back to the village. He's a fighter, though. He taught me everything I know.
8.Gangle: Alright, Jax, when we catch up to them, I'll jump over, crawl inside, and shoot them repeatedly until they're unrecognizable.
Jax: I feel like that violates some kind of convention.
Gangle: You're violating my ears with your clap-back, get driving, driver!
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weird-hoodie-kid · 8 months
one of my many goals in life will always be making children's horror
i dont think there has been any cartoon recently that really touches on horror topics, takes itself seriously and its directed at children, the last ones i can think of are genuinely Monster House(2006), Coraline(2009), Frankenweenie(2012) and ParaNorman(2012) and all of these are from when I was a child, the absolute DROUGHT in horror directed at children specifically is awful
there is a reason children are so attracted to horror topics and it's because children are curious of all this horrific things that happen to people and horror allows them to explore these topics in a safe way, from the safest point of view of things that never happened, fiction is the safest way to explore this kind of topics from
that's why things like fnaf, poppy playtime, rainbow friends(roblox map) and doors (also roblox) are so popular, because they can absolutely disengage from this in the blink of an eye, you can stop seeing this stuff by shutting off your electronics
you know what is the most popular thing among 7 year olds that i know??? fucking. siren. heads. why??? i have no fucking idea
and meanwhile i contribute a lot of things to the recent popularity of The Amazing Digital Circus (the animation lay offs, the fact that it has integrated audio switch for different languages and the fact that it just fucking slaps) we cannot ignore the fact that its becoming popular with the same public that fnaf was getting popular in 2014, children
do i think TADC is necessary horror? nope, it is a dark comedy, but holy shit that the concept is absolutely horrifying, it is a scary thing to happen and children would believe it could happen, like, back in 2014 i was 10 and i believed the purple guy was real and lived in my little latin american town
this and the fact that TADC looks so nice, has this amazing lovable characters, the acting is amazing and the bright colors that basically yell at you to look at it, children feel invited to watch it, even if they dont understand it
yk who of the kids i babysit liked it the most?? the six year old, she didn't understand shit and she loved it
and its because its an unlikely scenario and its safe to explore it, its safe to think about putting on a headset and end up in a game from before they were born
that's what has contributed to the rise of things like this through all this time, dark AUs of MLP, TMNT, TAWOG, etc, the idea of creepypastas, whatever the FUCK are ARGs the fact that its a safe place where you can explore horrible and scary subject from a curious stand point with nothing happening to you
TL;DR: children's horror is important because children need to satisfy their curiosity without being in danger
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mistkisbiggestfan · 7 months
hey i kinda saw an opposite! tadc AU, i was wondering if you could do some general HC’s about how you think they would act and what dating them would be like?
have a great day or afternoon :D
Opposite AU! TADC Cast x Gn! Reader - Part 1
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Tadc Cast x Gn! Reader
A/n: Hey guyssss, missed me? /j REQUESTS FOR TADC ARE OPEN!!
Summary: Opposite Au! TADC and how they are as lovers, part 1 Words: 1212 Request: Yes
HC for: Caine, Pomni, Jax, Gangle (Others will be in part 2)
Pomni —> Snarky, funny, very confident, flirty
Jax —> Anxious, panics a lot, 
Caine —> Out of it, doesn’t talk, a silent observer, creepish 
Ragatha —> Mean, not a people pleaser, 
Gangle —> You know those people in movies who are french, drink and smoke, and are basically depressed artists? Yeah, that’s her. She has two masks; a fiery, really angry one, and a fuck off, depressed one. 
Zooble —> Cares about others a lot, always helping
Kinger —> The most sane one, a father figure for others, very patient
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✶ Caine ✶: 
Out of everyone, the worst partner, sorry. 
I mean the opposite! Caine just doesn’t understand real people. Like at all.
Can you even call it a romance? He learns a lot about humans through this relationship though.
This is basically a Character.Ai just worse. He doesn’t really talk, but is learning to do so, even though he is the ringmaster, and even after so many people have come and gone through the circus, it always seems like he just can’t grasp it. 
Takes a lot to calculate answers, especially when you try to make a move on him. 
Has a lot of already pre-made answers, like laughing at jokes. 
His code is made in a way that if it thinks something said is a joke, he laughs. 
“So Jax tripped and I said: You should learn how to walk again.” “✶Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha✶” 
Wally Darling type of laugh, very rhythmic, lacks emotion to it.
If he feels like he's falling for you, he’ll be gone for days, trying to see what’s wrong with his code. 
It goes on to the point that even the most uninterested person in the circus (Gangle) is mildly worried.
You’ll have to find him somehow, look at him and just let everything play out.
You stumbled across the digital land, looking for one person, well, AI, he was gone for almost a week already. This was weird, even weirder than him just hanging around you all, not a word escaping, just cold, calculating and all-seeing eyes. 
No member of the circus liked him that much. He just reminded them that with everyday that passes by, their humanity slips away more and more. But you, somehow, found him endearing, you got to know a side of him hid away, the one that was rather, nice? 
Finally, you saw a familiar figure, he sat, his legs dangling off the edge to the void, a big screen with lines of code, you cleared your throat. Not catching his attention, you decided to walk over and sit next to him.
The screen shut, yet he stayed silent, looking in front of him. A drop of sweat rolled down your face, you weren’t sure how it was possible but you’ll dwell on that later.
– …✶My Code, It Has To Be Broken✶…
– Why do you think so..?
– ✶ I Shouldn’t Be Feeling This, I Shouldn’t Be Feeling Anything, This Is New, New Code Should Be Impossible To Write Itself On Its Own✶”
– Well, there are always times for something new, right?
– ✶ I Don’t Understand✶…
– Let me help you do so, Caine. 
☆ Pomni ☆:
Extremely confident about herself.
Almost like normal Jax, almost, she’s just a bit better, and people actually like her.
The funniest person in the circus, the backbone of the community lmao.
When in a relationship she would be the flirtiest mf out there.
Is able to say the corniest and dumbest pickup line without feeling an ounce of shame.
Her ego is twice her size lmao.
She is snarky, sure, but still respects her friends and you, maybe except for Jax.
Really hates Jax for some reason (Because she sees him as a “weakling”)
WILL call you inappropriate names.
“I’m going to snap you in half Pomni.” “Kinky.” or “What if I like that?”
Has some soft moments, rarely, and will immediately act like nothing happened.
In reality she’s scared of messing up, but on the other hand how could she?
Almost too confident, having a heart to heart with her is HARD.
But it does happen!....Once or twice.
Invades your personal space, a personal space invader /ref
Sometimes when you show attraction to each other you just see opposite! Caine staring you two down.
She doesn’t care, and goes on to hit on you harder. 
Knows how to be mean just enough for you to still feel fine, that’s a true skill.
❀ Jax ❀:
Worse than normal! Pomni, he is panicking at all times.
A sweetheart when no one is shitting on him.
Like in normal Digital Circus everybody hates him, somehow they do so here too. 
You will have to reassure him a lot, like, a lot.
Since everybody puts him down and/or makes him panic.
A miracle that he’s not abstracted yet.
Anyways, hold him, please he might die otherwise lmao.
And please, call him Jaxy, he will immediately do anything you say no questions asked.
Has keys to everyone's rooms out of safety reasons, really
Has a lot of fur, bro’s a walking plushy, instead of being a smooth bastard like normal! Jax.
A walking radiator, even though temperature is technically non-existent here.
If you fight he’s like: 
“My partner is mad at me…
…hope I die.”
If you’re really mad and don’t let him inside of your room, he will stay next to the door waiting, like a kicked puppy, won’t invade your space though, even with the keys to your room.
It’s only when you heard at least two people making fun of him for being pathetic that you let him in.
The little spoon while cuddling, or just nuzzles into you, even though he’s way taller than you. 
〹 Gangle 〹:
Living that “tormented, misunderstood artist” life. 
Has two masks: A semi depressed, apathetic, sassy one, and an all time angry one.
Breaks the angry mask while wearing it, is too focused on art and cares too little to fix it, nobody tries to fix it because they’re scared lmao.
Caine just spawns a new one after sometime, no clue why
Anyways very focused on her art, nobody can get in her studio,
Except for you, you have a free pass since you’re her s/o
Sometimes the relationship can get very toxic, if she’s painting or doing anything she won’t talk with anyone, get angry when they interrupt her, and will be gone from everything for up to a week. 
But it's those amazing highs of your romance that keep you two going.
She calls you her “muse”. 
Will say that you were created specifically as an artistic blessing for her, take that as you will. 
If you look at the definition of tired it has just a picture of opposite! Gangle.
Won’t ever tell you that but you’re the reason she didn’t abstract yet. 
Before you showed up she was going through a total burn out so you were truly a divine creature sent for her to study and capture as best as she can.
Is somehow able to smoke cigarettes? Where do they come from? How can she smoke with no lungs? How do those cigarettes light up? No clue. 
“Paint me like one of your french girls.” /ref
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cinnamon-stixs · 5 months
Tumblr media
The Cinnamon_Stixs master post!
My Redbubble Sona Ref Ask submission guide
Tadc art
TadRPG Au master post
Tadr Au masterpost
Full art
Valentine's 2024 special!
Saying a lot of things as Caine
Abel design sheet (outdated)
Abel + Sun/moon (current)
Kerfuffle (someone else's oc)
Tadc designs (current)
Tadc designs (outdated)
Sun and Moon designs (outdated)
Eepy digital circus
zooted royalteeth
swap au royalteeth
sick caine :(
couple's shirts
au blorbo stuff
drunk royalteeth
royalteeth vampire au
Craftyinternetland fic fanart
Jax Toy!
Kinger's royal soap opera fanart
Kinger pining
Opposite AU caine
Memes One, Two, three, four
incorrect royalteeth quotes one, two
Caine's pickup line
teaser doodles one, two
royalteeth + misc doodles
royalteeth doodles, part 2
Ragapom and kingleader
the amazing digital bake-off
new program-royalteeth
new program-ragapom
Abstragedy + understand my ship charts
Caine x Kinger finals doodles
Ragapom finals doodles
misc doodles One, Two, three, four, five
rating new ships
Caine's costumes
Caine's costumes-sequel
royalteeth-pet names
kingleader uh..
Fortress 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Terrible AU fancomic
Ai unrequited fancomic
Kiss part 1 part 2
All-seeing eyes
Kingleader wedding!!
Kinger's insect collection
Eepy caine
Kinger's gift
art by zay667
more zay667 art
zay667 art part 3
Caine's intervention (gone wrong 2024)
Zooted nymble and fluggy
Caine has ADHD
opposite au kingleader, part 2, part 3, part 4
royalteeth birthday
Kingleader kitties
Moon hates kingleader
DrSkitto fanart!!
Maid dress Caine
Goldeneclipse RPG au ragapom
people being nice to me
Sottie in Aus
Sottie in Aus2
4 fandom ocs
New art program
Scott pilgrim style test
Clown week
Bittersweet daze chicago
Spirit's Creek-oc
Poison coma
Pride month 2023
potion making
loser baby redraw
Chocolate covered strawberries-oc
Scott pilgrim style
Doodles One
42 notes · View notes
yourdeepestfathoms · 2 months
The Ringmaster's Guide
a character guide for my TADC Dungeons & Dragons AU! this was originally gonna be the characters in the same universe, just LARPing the game, with Caine making the terrains and magic and stuff, but then i actually started thinking of backstories for everyone. so now it's a real AU in the DnD universe! (there's no exact full, fleshed-out plot line, and the fics i'm gonna write with this are gonna be random events!)
this guide contains stuff like the gangs' races, classes, designs, abilities, and some fun backstory tidbits ;)
(also even though they're not playing the game, i still included the stats, skills, and some written game mechanics for the vibes!)
Race: Aasimar (Protector)
Class: Cleric (Order Domain)
Feats: Inspiring Leader, Great Weapon Master, Tough
Resistances: Radiant, Necrotic
Mother bear…
Oh, mother bear…
Where has thou cub gone?
HP: 135
AC: 20 (Mithral Plate)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking, 30 ft. flying
STR: 19 (+4) | DEX: 17 (+3) | CON: 18 (+4) | INT: 16 (+3) | WIS: 20 (+5) | CHA: 17 (+3)
Saving Throws
STR: +4
DEX: +3
CON: +4
INT: +3
WIS: +9
CHA: +7
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Investigation: 13
Passive Insight: 19
Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +5
Arcana: +3
Athletics: +4
Deception: +3
History: +3
Insight: +9
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +3
Medicine: +9
Nature: +3
Perception: +9
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +7
Religion: +7
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: +5
Wings like silver, slicing through the sky. Twisting, turning, as graceful as a starling. A dance between earth and sky, a ballet of feathers and air, where gravity’s pull was but a distant memory when up so high.
A tiny squeal of joy. Shining eyes casting downward. Shimmering eyes looking up. 
“Aww, look at you,” she coos to the infant bound to her chest by soft fabric. The baby’s little wings, still covered in fluffy down, are extended fully and flapping gleefully. 
The mother laughs. “Do you think you’re flying?”
“AH!” her infant shouts, wings flapping harder.
Another laugh. She brushes her fingers over her child’s cheek, then looks to the horizon. “One day, this will all belong to you.”
- Vicious Glaive
- Crossbow
- Cantrip: Guidance, Mending, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare The Dying
- 1st Level: Command, Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Inflict Wounds
- 2nd Level: Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
- 3rd Level: Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Slow
- 4th Level: Banishment, Compulsion, Locate Creature
- 5th Level: Dominate Person, Flame Strike, Greater Restoration, Hallow, Mass Cure Wounds
- 6th Level: Blade Barrier, Heal
The city in the sky is divine and shining. The sky is clear and a crisp blue, not a cloud in sight. Other Celestials dart to and fro, all of them radiant. She sits in the soft grass of one of the many parks, watching as her child toddles around. A guitarist is playing nearby.
It’s peaceful. 
Class Features
Voice of Authority- Ragatha is able to invoke the power of the law to strengthen an ally’s attack. 
Order’s Demand- By raising her holy symbol, Ragatha can charm an enemy through exerting her presence over them.
Destroy Undead- If the will of an undead enemy fails against Ragatha casting Turn Undead, they are destroyed.
Embodiment of the Law- If casting a spell of the Enchantment school, she can quicken the casting time. 
Divine Strike- Ragatha can deal an extra bout of Psychic damage upon hitting an enemy.
Divine Intervention- Ragatha can call upon her deity for aid.
Racial Abilities
Healing Hands- Ragatha’s very touch is nurturing and life-giving. She is able to draw from a wellspring of gentle energy to heal people for a certain amount. 
Darkvision- Ragatha can see in the dark.
Celestial Legacy- Ragatha can cast the Light and Daylight cantrip at will.
Celestial Revelation: Radiant Consumption- Ragatha is able to unleash her full Celestial might on those who dare to test her. A bright, seething light pours from her eyes and mouth, and her very body acts as a beacon, radiating this same searing light in a radius. Any enemy who gets too close is scorched by this holy glow. All weapon attacks do extra Radiant damage. 
Flight- Ragatha is able to fly with her angel wings. 
The whisper of the woods.
A hulking beast - clawing up her insides, biting at her ribs.
Background: Acolyte 
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial, Elvish
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 100 GP
- Alms Box
- Amulet (Holy Symbol)
- Baby Blanket
- Bag of Holding
- Blanket
- Box of Incense
- Candle
- Censer
- Crossbow Bolts
- Crossbow, light
- Photograph of her and a small child
- Prayer Book
- Rations
- Reliquary
- Shield
- Tinderbox
- Vestments
- Vicious Glaive
- Waterskin
Aasimar are well-known for their beauty, and Ragatha is no exception. She’s a well-built woman, bearing great muscles for someone of her appearance. Her skin has a lustrous sheen to it. Growing within her curly red hair are shimmering feathers of white-blue. An ethereal light glows in her black left eye, and the right probably would be the same if it weren’t for the fact that it’s been seemingly scratched out; a seething red scar extends down that side of her face, as though she had been struck by a bladed weapon. 
Large, feathered wings extend from her back. They’re a beautiful silver-white color, fading to gradients of blue at their tips.
Strangely, she has sharper teeth and nails than would usually be seen in an Aasimar.
A red blemish, some kind of burn scar, encircles her throat, never to truly heal. 
Blood in her eyes. Blood in her mouth. 
Stinging, burning. Vicious pain, and yet the hunger and rage dominate everything.
 So many eyes, watching. 
Circling - a trapped beast. 
Somewhere deep within, a voice screaming, “STOP IT! STOP!”  
- Lycanthrope (werebear)
Mama Bear,
Please come home soon.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Tiefling-Harengon
Class: Rogue (Thief)
Feats: Shadow-Touched, Mobile, Gunner
Resistances: Fire
A fey bathed in infernal fire. Tainted, scorched. Searing flames burning inside and out. 
HP: 63
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking 
STR: 13 (+1) | DEX: 20 (+5) | CON: 10 (+0) | INT: 12 (+1) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 16 (+3)
Saving Throws
STR: +1
DEX: +9
CON: +0
INT: +5
WIS: +0
CHA: +3
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Investigation: 15
Passive Insight: 10
Acrobatics: +9
Animal Handling: +0
Arcana: +1
Athletics: +1
Deception: +11
History: +1
Insight: +0
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +5
Medicine: +0
Nature: +1
Perception: +0
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +7
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +12
Stealth: +12
Survival: +0
She tried so hard to raise him to be a good boy. But she always knew he would follow in his father’s footsteps. 
- Rapier
- Daggers
- Shortbow
- Revolver
- Cantrip: Thaumaturgy
- 1st Level: False Life
- 2nd Level: Darkness, Hellish Rebuke, Invisibility
The smell of fire and brimstone. Ash dusting purple fur to black. Licking embers off his lips. 
Class Features
Sneak Attack- Jax is able to deal extra damage on attacks he has Advantage for.
Thieves’ Cant- As a Rogue, Jax can speak a language only other Rogues know.
Cunning Action- Jax’s agility allows him to make certain actions sooner than his allies would be able to. 
Fast Hands- Jax can use an item as a Bonus Action instead of an Action.
Second-Story Work- Jax can climb faster than his allies. 
Uncanny Dodge- When Jax can see the attacker who has hit him, he can half the damage. 
Evasion- Jax is able to avoid taking damage from certain attacks if they require a Dexterity Saving Throw.
Supreme Sneak- As long as Jax doesn’t use half of his movement, he has Advantage on Stealth checks. 
Reliable Talent- Jax is able to make the dice fall a little more in his favor. 
Racial Abilities
Darkvision- Jax can see in the dark.
Hellish Resistance- Jax is resistant to Fire damage.
Infernal Legacy- Jax innately knows the Thaumaturgy cantrip and the Hellish Rebuke and Darkness spells.
Lucky Footwork- Just because he doesn’t have the rabbit legs of his Harengon mother doesn’t mean this fella isn’t dextrous. When he slips up or stumbles, Jax’s quick reaction time gives him a chance to steady himself. 
Hare-Trigger- Jax’s fast rabbit reflexes sometimes allow him to strike first in combat. 
Too fast for the guards. Too quick for the dogs to catch. Any lock can be broken, and no chains can hold him down for long.
Background: Criminal
Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant, Infernal
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
Money: 250 GP, 300 SP, 50 CP
- Alchemist's Fire (5)
- Arrows
- Bag of Holding
- Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
- Beads of Fireball (10)
- Beads of Force (5)
- Bell
- Candle
- Crowbar
- Dagger (2)
- Deck of Many Things
- Grenade, Magical (3)
- Grenade, Smoke (5)
- Hammer
- Icon of Greed
- Lantern, Hooded
- Oil (flask)
- Piton
- Playing Cards
- Poisoner’s Kit
- Potion of Haste (3)
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Pouch of Gemstones
- Rapier
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Shortbow
- String
- Thieves’ Tools
- Tinderbox
- Vial of Acid (5)
- Waterskin
Anyone who looks at this guy can tell that he’s a hybrid. He’s a tall, lithe young man with a regular humanoid build. His entire torso is covered in thick purple fur that extends to his elbows on his arms and to his thighs on his legs—below that, it’s darker purple skin. Instead of rabbit feet, he has hooves, and his fingernails are sharp claws. Tufts of fur sprout from the base of his long tail, which ends in an arrowhead, before it tapers off to regular skin. His head is completely furry, and he has both the iconic rabbit ears and black horns that curve back over his scalp.  
Every jail cell looks the same after a while. None are impressive. And they’re all so easy to get out of. 
- Son to the Demon of Greed
- Criminal of the state
- Wanted for several crimes
Chained to a wall. Slated for execution. Death by beheading. 
That’s cute.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Name: Zooble
Race: Simic Hybrid
Class: Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Feats: Savage Attacker, Sentinel, Slasher
Resistances: N/A
They were someone, once. Normal skin. Normal hair. All their fingers and toes. All their teeth.
But that was a long time ago.
They can’t even remember their name.
HP: 137
AC: 19 (no armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking
STR: 20 (+5) | DEX: 16 (+3) | CON: 19 (+4) | INT: 10 (+0) | WIS: 13 (+1) | CHA: 9 (-1)
Saving Throws
STR: +9
DEX: +3
CON: +8
INT: +0
WIS: +1
CHA: -1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Investigation: 10
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: +0
Athletics: +9
Deception: -1
History: +0
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +0
Medicine: +1
Nature: +0
Perception: +1
Performance: +3
Persuasion: -1
Religion: +0
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: +1
For a long time, it seemed that they were going to waste away. Life was harsh, and their money was scarce. 
And then, they found their way to the great bronze city. 
Everything changed when they stepped through those giant gates. 
To this day, they still don’t know why they caught the eye of those aristocrats, but they were offered a job. It would give them housing and paid well. 
But there was a catch, of course. Two of them, to be precise. Everything came with strings attached. Nothing was ever that good.
Surprisingly, though, they found themself not minding these “conditions.” If anything, it sounded interesting.
And they did pride themself in their high pain tolerance. 
- Greataxe
- Handaxe (2)
- Javelin (4)
- 1st Level: Beast Bond, Speak With Animals
- 5th Level: Commune With Nature
Ow. Ow. OW.
It hurt worse than they were expecting, but the enhancements fit just right. They did well. 
They’ll be fine. 
They’re strong.
Class Features
Rage- Zooble is able to enter a Rage in battle that makes them resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage.
Unarmored Defense- Zooble’s AC is higher when not wearing armor.
Reckless Attack- Zooble can choose to attack heedlessly, giving them an Advantage on the hit, but also giving all enemies Advantage to hit them.
Spirit Seeker- Zooble has an attunement with the natural world. They are able to cast Beast Bond and Speak With Animals as ritual spells.
Totem Spirit: Bear- Zooble has picked the bear as their Totem Spirit. While in a Rage, they are resistant to all damage except Psychic.
Fast Movement- Zooble’s movement is boosted by ten feet when not wearing heavy armor.
Aspect of The Beast: Elk- Zooble has chosen the elk as their animal aspect. Party travel is faster than it usually would be.
Feral Instinct- Zooble’s might allow them to attack quicker in combat.
 Brutal Critical- Through sheer savagery, Zooble can increase the damage done to an enemy.
Spirit Walker- Zooble can cast Commune With Nature as a ritual spell.
Relentless Rage- Zooble’s fury urges them forward. When they otherwise would have fallen unconscious, if in a Rage, Zooble can cling on for just a little bit longer to keep fighting. 
Racial Abilities
Animal Enhancement- As a Simic Hybrid, Zooble has had new body parts added to them to make them more powerful.
Manta Glide- Zooble has ray-like fins on their back that allow them to glide and fall safely, though they can’t fly with them. 
Grappling Appendages- Zooble has an additional pair of appendages growing alongside their arms, which they are able to grapple and attack enemies with.
Darkvision- Zooble can see in the dark.
All around them, they’re being watched. So many people, so many more eyes.
The sun is high in the sky. The walls around them gleam. The sand of the coliseum floor is warm beneath their feet. 
In their hands, they heft their greataxe, then charge forward.
This will be easy. 
Background: Champion
Languages: Common, Elvish
Alignment: Neutral
Money: 10 GP
- Bedroll
- Greataxe
- Handaxe (2)
- Mess Kit
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Waterskin
Zooble is a bit of an anomaly, as many Simic Hybrids are. Their body is a strange clash of bits and parts, like they’re a puzzle made of pieces from other puzzles.
Their torso and right arm are humanoid—and those are pretty much the only normal things about them. However, their torso is mottled in orange and yellow for an unknown reason. Their left arm is similar to that of a crustacean’s, red in color and ending in a large claw. Their left leg is hooved, while their right leg is that of a bear’s, both having come from their Totem Spirit rather than from being a Simic Hybrid. Two appendages, similar to the arms of a praying mantis, extend from their back. Also on their back are two fin-like membranes that are almost like wings, allowing them to glide. 
They constantly wear a helmet that they rarely ever take off. The helmet is grated in the front and has two horns curving out from the top. 
Fighting. Training. Growing stronger and stronger.
More battles. All victories. 
They’re called a champion. 
No one can make them fall.
They will never lose. 
- They were something great. Once. 
It’s their first time tasting blood, and it is a rank venom in their mouth. 
Their body aches all over. They can barely move their limbs—if they’re even still attached to their body. It’s difficult to tell.
All around them, the forest is buzzing with noise, and yet all they can hear is their own shallow breathing and the echoing roar of a crowd, slowly fading out…
They should have died that day. Their injuries were grievous. But fate had other plans. 
Something in the forest stirs. Like those aristocrats, it saw something inside of them. So, it approaches, tentative and slow, then accepts them in its embrace.
Infused with the vitality of the earth and its kin, they stand.
They will never lose again. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Plasmoid
Class: Druid (Circle of Stars)
Feats: Healer, Elemental Adept, Mage Slayer
Resistances: Poison
Bright light. 
A roll of thunder.
Pain pulsing through every inch of her body.
“Yes! YES!”
HP: 87
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 14 (+2) | INT: 16 (+3) | WIS: 17 (+3) | CHA: 12 (+1)
Saving Throws
STR: +0
DEX: +2
CON: +2
INT: +7
WIS: +7
CHA: +1
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Investigation: 13
Passive Insight: 17
Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +3
Arcana: +7
Athletics: +0 (Advantage)
Deception: +1
History: +3
Insight: +7
Intimidation: +1
Investigation: +3
Medicine: +7
Nature: +3
Perception: +3
Performance: +1
Persuasion: +1
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +3
The tower is nice. The woods outside of it are even nicer. So many animals. So many flowers.
It’s a shame she can’t stray very far.
- Scimitar
- Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Mold Earth, Produce Flame
- 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Entangle
- 2nd Level: Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Moonbeam
- 3rd Level: Call Lightning, Conjure Animals
- 4th Level: Polymorph, Stoneskin
- 5th Level: Antilife Shell, Mass Cure Wounds
- 6th Level: Primordial Ward
Elf ears. Marigolds. Shriveled bat wings. Powered flame. A piece of a unicorn horn.
She enjoys watching the cauldron be mixed around and around. 
Class Features
Druidic- Gangle knows Druidic, the secret language of the Druids.
Wild Shape- Gangle can shapeshift into animals.
Star Map- Gangle has a special starry map that gives her several different benefits.
Starry Form- Instead of turning into an animal, Gangle can use her Wild Shape to take on a certain kind of Starry Form of her choosing, with each one giving a different benefit.
Cosmic Omen- Gangle can consult her star map for omens to predict how an action might pan out.
Twinkling Constellation- Even after she’s already selected a Starry Form, Gangle can change it to something else. 
Racial Abilities
Amorphous- Gangle can squeeze through spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide. 
Darkvision- Gangle can see in the dark.
Hold Breath- Gangle can hold her breath for up to an hour.
Natural Resilience- Gangle has resistance to Poison damage and to being poisoned.
Shape Self- Gangle can mold and shape her body however she pleases.
Her master’s power grows.
As does her worry. 
Background: Servant
Languages: Common, Druidic, Giant, Ooze
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 15 GP
- Bedroll
- Calligrapher’s Supplies
- Candle
- Holy Symbol
- Mess Kit
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Scimitar
- Wooden Shield
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Totem
- Waterskin
- Weaver’s Tools
As a Plasmoid, Gangle appears much like a blob of slime molded into the vague shape of a humanoid. The pale red ooze making up her body is shaped in a way that makes it look like she’s swathed in ribbon. Within her body, a nervous system can be seen, glowing ever so slightly. Upon her head, she wears a white mask that acts as her face, as it is enchanted to emote and speak. 
Perhaps it is time to leave.
The forest calls. 
- She was once the servant to a Lich. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Warforged
Class: Ranger (Swarmkeeper)
Feats: Sharpshooter, Durable, Alert
Resistances: Poison, Disease 
His kingdom is flourishing. 
Within the city walls, life blooms in every crevice. Queenie loves flowers, so he’s covered every possible surface in plant life for her. It really brightens the streets. 
They’re happy. 
HP: 124
AC: 17 (Scale Mail)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking
STR: 12 (+1) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 18 (+4) | INT: 8 (-1) | WIS: 13 (+1) | CHA: 14 (+2)
Saving Throws
STR: +5
DEX: +6
CON: +4
INT: -1
WIS: +1
CHA: +2
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Investigation: 9
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +5
Arcana: -1
Athletics: +1
Deception: +2
History: +3
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +2
Investigation: -1
Medicine: +1
Nature: +3
Perception: +5
Performance: +2
Persuasion: +6
Religion: -1
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +2
Survival: +5
He’s down at the stables one day when the marshal comes up to him, asking if they could take a stablehand under their wing to help with the workload. 
Weird. He could have sworn he hired a stablehand… But perhaps he’s just thinking wrong. Queenie always says he would lose his head if it wasn’t attached to his neck!
He agrees to the marshal’s request, and a new stablehand is hired. 
- Longbow
- Quarterstaff
- Spear
- 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Longstrider
- 2nd Level: Pass Without Trace
- 3rd Level: Conjure Animals, Plant Growth, Water Walk
Kinger goes to a bookstore to pick up the newest copy of Queenie’s favorite book series. 
“How’s your wife been?” he asks the clerk.
The clerk looks at him oddly. “I’ve never been married.”
Kinger is confused. He could have sworn a young, cute couple ran this store together. He remembered meeting them when they first arrived in his city.
No. He didn’t.
By the next day, he’d forgotten about the clerk’s wife.
Class Features
Favored Enemy- Kinger has expertise on tracking, hunting, studying, and interacting with two creature types of his choice (monstrosities and beasts).
Natural Explorer- Kinger is adept at traveling through certain types of terrain (forest, grassland, mountains).
Primeval Awareness- Kinger can focus on the immediate area around him and try to sense aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead within a 1 mile radius.
Gathered Swarm- Kinger has befriended a swarm of insects that act as his allies and will attack with him.
Extra Attack- Kinger can attack twice.
Writhing Tide- Kinger can focus his swarm around him, allowing the swarm to lift him up so he can hover around. 
Land’s Stride- Kinger can move through non-magical difficult terrain without wasting any excess movement.
Hide In Plain Sight- Kinger can camouflage himself.
Mighty Swarm- Kinger’s swarm grows stronger, allowing it to deal more damage. 
Racial Abilities
Constructed Resilience- Due to Kinger not having a body of flesh, he has great fortitude that grants him several benefits: resistance to Poison damage and being poisoned, immune to disease, doesn’t need to sleep, doesn’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
Sentry’s Rest- Instead of sleeping, Kinger can stand or sit motionless doing nothing and gain the same benefits of a rest.
Integrated Protection- Kinger’s body gives him natural protection.
It seems like the city is getting smaller. 
He and Queenie held their usual Flower Festival the day before, where butterflies would fill the sky in their multitude of colors. But for some reason, it felt like not as many people showed up. He doesn’t know why. 
Background: Noble
Languages: Common, Draconic, Quori, Undercommon
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 25 GP
- Arrows
- Bedroll
- Books
- Longbow
- Mess Kit
- Quarterstaff
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Scroll of Pedigree
- Signet Ring
- Spear
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Waterskin
- Wedding Ring
Kinger almost looks like a regular man, except instead of skin, he looks to have been chiseled out of marble - a grand statue given life. He has no mouth, and upon his head is a crown carved to always be present. His hands seem like they were broken off somehow, replaced by swarms of insects forming the shape of hands. Butterflies follow him around and are usually perched on his shoulders and head. 
The sound of singing haunts his dreams. A gentle dire, a murmured beckon. He refuses to sleep, and for a while, Queenie is there to coax him to rest, but then…
Who is Queenie?
- He’s strayed far from his kingdom. 
He’s never been married. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Shifter (Swiftstride)
Class: Warlock (The Void)
Feats: Mounted Combatant, Fey-Touched, Actor
Resistances: N/A
Stuffed in a cage, the kitten quivers, pressed into the furthest corner to stay out of reach. She’s crying, hyperventilating. She’s so scared. She wants to go home. 
HP: 87
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking
STR: 5 (-3) | DEX: 18 (+4) | CON: 15 (+3) | INT: 12 (+1) | WIS: 12 (+1) | CHA: 20 (+5)
Saving Throws
STR: -3
DEX: +4
CON: +2
INT: +1
WIS: +5
CHA: +8
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Investigation: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +8
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: +5
Athletics: -3
Deception: +5
History: +5
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +5
Investigation: +1
Medicine: +1
Nature: +1
Perception: 1
Performance: +12
Persuasion: +5
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +8
Stealth: +4
Survival: +1
Bright colors and flashing lights. A calliope is playing happily. Dozens of people fill the stands to watch the show, and she is the main act. 
Don’t mess up.
Don’t mess up. 
- Dagger (2)
- Sickle
- Sling
- Cantrips: Chill Touch, Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, True Strike, Mage Hand, Magic Stone, Prestidigitation  
- 1st Level: Bless, Hellish Rebuke, Inflict Wounds, Misty Step
- 2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Shatter
- 3rd Level: Bestow Curse, Counterspell, Vampiric Touch
- 4th Level: Blight, Dimension Door, Elemental Bane
- 5th Level: Hold Monster
- 6th Level: Investiture of Fire
The lick of a whip dragging its blood-wet tongue across her back. Chains around her wrists, holding her down. A bridle in her mouth, choking back the screams that so desperately want to be heard.
Class Features
Touched By The Void- Sometimes, Pomni’s body will flicker in and out of existence. When this happens, she gains Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, causing the attack to phase right through her. Additionally, she has Advantage on Death Saving Throws, but if she were to die, she would be dragged back into the Void and devoured. 
Eldritch Invocations- Pomni has a number of eldritch knowledge at her disposal, granting her a number of benefits.
Eldritch Spear- The range of Eldritch Blast is extended to 300 feet.
Agonizing Blast- More damage is added to Eldritch Blast.
One With Shadows- If in an area with dim light or darkness, Pomni can become invisible.
Relentless Hex- Pomni can create a temporary connection with a creature. When connected, she can teleport up to 30 feet towards the creature.
Maddening Hex- Pomni can deal extra Psychic damage by creating a psychic disturbance.
Repelling Blast- Eldritch Blast will move the target back by 10 feet.
Pact Boon: Pact of the Tome- Pomni has been given a Book of Shadows by her patron, granting her three extra cantrips.
Abyssal Field- Pomni creates a sort of field that rips at the veil of reality, opening up a space to the Void in the material plane. Within this field, weak objects crumble away and are destroyed, while everything and everyone aside from Pomni takes damage. 
Entropy Awaits- After reducing an enemy to 0, Pomni can thrust their soul into the Void, feeding it and allowing her to regain a number of hit points back. 
Mystic Arcanum- Pomni’s patron has bestowed upon her an arcanum, which allows her to gain a higher level spell earlier than she normally would. 
Racial Abilities
Darkvision- Pomni can see in the dark.
Shifting- Pomni can take on a more bestial appearance. As a Swiftstride Shifter, when she is shifted, she moves faster than she normally would. 
Something is wrong. Something happened. The train took too sharp of a turn, and suddenly, she’s falling. Falling. Falling.
She braces herself for impact, for the terrified release of death…but it never happens.
She opens her eyes.
There’s nothing.
Everything is just…empty. 
Background: Circus Freak
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Undercommon, Deep Speech, Sylvan, Goblin
Alignment: Neutral Good
Money: 10 SP
- Book of Shadows
- Component Pouch
- Dagger (2)
- Ink
- Ink Pen
- Little Bag of Sand
- Parchment
- Sickle
- Sling
- Small Knife
- Woodcarver’s Tools
Unlike others of her kind, Pomni isn’t exactly the most ferocious or intimidating—both in personality and appearance. She’s a small, stout young woman—so short that she constitutes as a Small creature. All Shifters resemble some kind of animal, and she resembles a tiger, which is rather hilarious due to the previous mention of her being tiny and pathetic. Weirdly, her fur is red and blue instead of black and orange…but given everything else that’s just been mentioned about her, that’s pretty on-par.
Round little tiger ears poke out of her scruffy black hair, and she has a tiger tail. Her fingers and toes are clawed, and her teeth are sharp. Blue stripes are scored along her upper arms, thighs, neck, and cheeks. The bottom of her feet are padded, making it more comfortable for her to walk around without shoes on, which she usually does. She also appears to be somewhat digitigrade, often walking on her toes (perhaps to look taller?). Her nose is pink like a tiger’s. Her fingers have been permanently stained to a black gradient. 
When she’s shifted, Pomni gains a slightly more intimidating edge. Fur sprouts up her limbs and along her back, and her face takes on a more bestial appearance. 
There are red blisters around her wrists and ankles.
However, there’s something…weird about Pomni. Something almost…uncanny. Sometimes her muscles will visibly spasm beneath her skin, like they’re alive and want to get free. Sometimes her flesh will ripple. Upon her back, she has a pair of strange, vestigial wings beneath the skin. Occasionally, little black tentacles will sprout from random parts of her body. Two horn buds rise from her crown. 
And her eyes…they’re just not right. 
She doesn’t know how long she’s been down here. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? It doesn’t matter anymore.
She’s alone. All alone. 
She’s tried screaming. She’s tried to claw her way out. She’s tried praying to every god in existence.
It’s like the entire world has shut her out. 
She always knew there were fates worse than death.
She thinks she may have found the worst. 
- She was once an act in a traveling magical circus that would go around via train on the borders between different planes. 
- Aberrant Horror
Light. Freedom.
She’s out. She’s free.
But she’s not alone. Not anymore.
Something whispers in her mind. And something writhes beneath her flesh. 
She’s scared. 
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thecluelessdoctor · 7 months
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Y'all I'm a lil too silly
Pomni, the Cult's fool.
The last member in this cult. Her only goal is to leave and remember, but she uncovers the cult's secrets in the process
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pinky-in-blankets · 6 months
TADC: ✨️SideQuests ✨️
A Clue! A Clue!
Route: S.O.S!Au
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Scribbles hissed in protest at the thought of going through every single book in the Potion makers shelf. Pomni, Caine, and herself were currently investigating the Ragdoll's Quarters.
The little Jerboa had taken one of Ragatha's Favorite ribbons and hidden it somewhere with the assistance of Jax under a guise of a prank, So they'd have plenty of time to search. If anything, those two could annoy eachother for hours.
"SO My Dear, Do tell me.. what exactly are we searching for?"
Caine mused as he poked a few of the empty vials and nearly knocked them over. Pomni was Quick to catch them and gave him a look.
"Anything that's suspicious or out of place."
She replied while placing the vials back in order. The last thing she wanted was Caine to be here during her investigation, seeing as he's a suspect.
But she need to keep a closer eye on the riddlemaster.. as he was the hardest to get a read on. It would be better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer after all.. yeah. That was totally the reason.
"Everything in this place is suspicious. I feel like I'm in a witches Cavern.."
Scribbles murmered under her breathe as she filed through the different books. She probably wasn't looking as throughly as she should- but ughhh this was so dusty and boring. "Tears of the world", "A handmaidens guide to Etiquette", "Darling, If you only Knew-"
Scribbles let out a slightly agitated cry as a big book fell on her noggin. The other two turned their heads to see what the commotion was.
"Little Knight?"
Caine asked as he walked over curiously to see what was wrong.
"You okay?"
Pomni asked as she also headed over, trying not to laugh. Whenever something hit scribbles, she sounded like a strained squeaky toy.
"Mmhm.. I'm okay.. just this silly Book.. Huh? That's weird.. this is the only book in another language. Isn't everything here set to "English"?"
Scribbles mentioned as she held up the book to the two. The entire book was written in French.
"That.. That is odd."
Pomni mused as Scribbles opened it and flipped through the pages. She squinted at the fancy calligraphy and let out a frustrated hiss.
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"How can anybody read this stuff? I cant even read the title."
" Base de données des utilisateurs."
Caine chimed in, causing Both Pomni & Scribbles to look at him. He simply spun his cane around with a bit of pride, assuming that he's managed to impress the two.
"Why I can read MANY languages. French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian-"
He began to list off one of his many setting before pomni put her fingers to his teeth and shushed him.
" YES yes that's very impressive Caine but could you maybe just read this in ENGLISH?"
She motioned to the pages of the book the little Jerboa held out to him. He gave an awkward chuckle before nodding.
"Ah- But of course my dear! Allow me to shed some light on this verbal mystery!"
He stated as he began to read out the listed words in the pages... he was reading out names. But not just any names.. Names of all the missing persons on this case.
This was a HUGE piece of evidence.
Pomni Said with a bright grin as she did a little jig in place. After months of wild goose chases she's finally making some solid progress. Caine had no idea how this book made her so excited but the sight alone made his non existenant heart flutter a little bit. Might as well join in the cheerfulness.
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"That's simply marvelous my dear~"
Pomni couldn't contain her excitement as she immediately ran up to Caine and threw her arms around him. He was taken aback but happily spun her around a little as they had a small victory.
Scribbles was quick to catch the book before handing it back to Caine when he finally stopped spinning Pomni. Her face had flushed with the silly laughter she had.
"Finally.. I'm finally one step closer to finding out who's behind this all. Thank you. Thank you so much Caine.."
" Oh no, It was my Pleas-"
Caine began but immediately stopped mid sentence as he felt something wrong. It was as if the ground had went out from under him...?
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As if he slipped on something, Caine went crashing to the ground and the Book went flying.. and landed right into Ragatha's Main Calderon.
It bubbled and fizzled as the book all but discenigrated into the green liquid.
A deathly silence fell over the room as Cain slowly sat up, Feeling the burning stares of the two Behind him.. even He knew that a Simple "Oops." Wouldn't fix what he had just done.
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He felt his Code run cold as the strained Sound of Despair in Pomni's Voice can be heard.
"Caine... What did you do..?"
Song of sorrow Au belongs to @snuffydoo
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boo-hoo-hooligan · 4 months
*slides into the room from seemingly nowhere* heyyyyy
so. i'm making a tf2 tadc au, and i need help finding out who's who. here's what i have for who could be who so far;
Caine eyes ("where i can keep my hundreds of all-seeing eyes on youu!!")
Caine ('cause of his god complex)
Gloinks queen (this is a joke)
Bubble (best option, esp. if engi is caine)
(not a lot to work w/ here, man)
If you somehow see this, please for fuck's sake tell me your ideas.
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nobody-nexus · 5 months
TADC Obsession AU
So yes I finally made this a whole ass AU- which is why I haven't posted art for a hot second. The idea of this honestly kinda fucked up AU is that Ragatha is the protagonist HOWEVER we see the story through the eyes of Pomni (aka it's a Second POV)
Let's meet the gang ^^
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Amanda, or Ragatha, is a seamstress who has decided to move back into town in order to start anew with her dress making business. She was actually a little surprised to see a new face within the town
Eliza, or Pomni, is the new butcher for the town. Well 'new' for Amanda. In reality, she's been there for a few years now. And seeing that seamstress.... it was love at first sight for the deranged woman
Jackson, or Jax, is the younger brother of Amanda and a complete loser. He can't seem to keep a job to save his life and lives in a small but cheap ass apartment. Amanda is... slightly disappointed in him
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Grace, or Gangle, is a librarian for the town. She's a bit of a germaphobe due to being a sickly kid, but thankfully she keeps gloves and face masks in her library as well as medkits all about
Zoe, or Zooble, is the owner of the tattoo parlor in the town. They were the first to be suspicious of Pomni, and therefore always warns people not to trust her. But, that won't stop everyone from doing so
Cesar, or Kinger, is a sad soul. Only leaving his house for work and to go shopping, he's hardly seen out of his house. Ever since Quinn, his wife, had gone missing- he's not had the best time recovering
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Caine is the CEO of one of the most well-known meat production sites in the United States. He stays in the small town, finding it very quant, and it had the benefit of having his favorite customer!
Marina, or Moon, is Caine's wife and a detective for the local police force. Although she's incredible at her job, she seems to have run into a road block with a list of seemingly unrelated murders....
Summer, or Sun, is the older sister of Marina and a schoolteacher for the town. She's a kind soul who is trying to make sure no one worries, but isn't afraid to be blunt with others. In the middle of the madness
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Bubble is, to put it simply, Caine and Marina's pet dog. Nothing more, nothing less (like actually I just wanted to draw Bubble as a dog)
Gabriella, or The Gloink Queen, is the manager of a local strip club known as 'The Gloink Cave'. Despite her business, and a very commanding personality, she's seen as a potential suspect for it all
Ivy, or The Influencer, is the local hermit of the town. Hardly leaves her apartment and is a local dark web and black-market salesman! She's a criminal with a fanbase. And Amanda's deranged cousin
I have a lot of this AU, and it's been infecting my brain as of recent, so much so that... well, I made reference sheets for ALL of the characters. Hope you like it! If you have any questions, my inbox is nice and open! So, ask away
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thekrew2010 · 3 months
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Character lineup + Character info cards
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Official work:
The goober cast I can't fit cuz mobile
Original Pomni
Original Caine
Original Ragatha
Xylo?? (By @harrygamer8)
Official Comic (I guess?):
New game
Bonus thingies:
Alternate un- ..Servers?
The name continuity
Tease of Hallway Street layout
Relationship chart template
Teaser of others
Small funnies:
Write me 500
“Can I draw fanart/OCs in this AU?”
Of course! Actually please mention me in the post i'd love to see how you draw my characters!
“Is it allowed to write fanfics?”
Once again, I'd love to read it! So go all in! Just don't make it Lewd. I'm a Minor so if it has anything Erotic do not Send it to me. I'm fine with gore though.
“Can I create NSFW for this AU?”
I don't care, just don't show me. I'm a minor and I'm sure your art is good but I don't want to be shown that type of stuff. Just keep it private.
“Can we make ships for your AU?”
Sure! Most likely no Ships will be Canon in this au but you CAN make ships! I'd love to see them! Just nothing too.. Well. Nsfw
"Are you just Copying other AU's?"
I do take heavy inspiration from other AU's in this. I'm not copying any directly. And if I am accidentally copying somebody please tell me so I can fix it!
(More will be added in the future the further I get into development! Keep an eye out!)
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