#TV Turm
Berlin - TV Tower as seen through the columns of the Brandenburg Gate
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wolfman-al · 1 year
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Uploading the MANY pictures I took on my trip to Eurofurence 27 in Hamburg last week.
The Heinrich-Hertz-Turm, Hamburgs Television tower and the tallest structure if the city.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
happy birthday!! i bring a gift of a potential gojo prompt :)
gojo and reader have a fight bc gojo is a coke zero girlie and reader prefers diet pepsi
megumi reveals a secret preference for dr. pepper
thank you sm!!! mwah ❤️
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megumi groans dramatically when satoru stands in front of the tv, bending down to place a tray of drinks on the coffee table. 
“will that be all, ladies and megumi?” he asks, the question accompanied by a polite bow of his head. 
“thanks toru,” you answer distractedly, eyes glued to the television and the baby penguins begin to hatch. you don’t even complain when your boyfriend invades your personal space to claim a spot next to you, handing you a drink and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
you take one sip.
…only for your expression to immediately pucker with disdain as you spit the soda back into the glass.
(megumi and tsumiki set their own glasses down, suddenly wary.)
“this is not pepsi.”
“that’s because pepsi sucks,” he quips, stealing the glass from your hands and taking a sip. “it’s coke.”
“megumi, pause the show.” 
megumi just turms the tv off, rolling his eyes. this isn’t the first time this argument’s reared its head. 
once it’s off, you turn to your boyfriend to say, very seriously, “this is a pepsi household.” 
“oh yeah?” he challenges. “since when?”
“since always!” 
“because i said so.” 
“and what makes you the–”
the glare you send him makes him pause and consider his next words very carefully. 
“i take it back. i take it back!” he pleads, pulling you in for a hug. “please don’t send me back to my mom’s house…”
“don’t tempt me,” you huff, peeling his arms off of you. “and i’m not the one who’s banned from the grocery store for the next five years! when that’s up, maybe we can switch to coke.”
“how about dr. pepper?” megumi interrupts before gojo can start blubbering.
“or root beer?” tsumiki suggests. 
gojo hangs his head, sighing as you quickly agree to switch to both. 
being a parent is hard. 
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deutsche-bahn · 6 months
Ich war auf der letzten Langstreckenfahrt mit RB produktiv und habe mal meine persönlichen Lieblingsanekdoten von diesem Blog gesammelt:
Vorab: UQuizze, weil was gibt's wichtigeres
Welche Ausbildung solltest du machen?
Which german tv personality are you? (en)
Tell me about your taste in food and I'll give you a Getränk um das neue Jahr anzustoßen
Welches Weihnachtsgebäck bist du?
Welcher Weihnachtsmarktstand bist du?
Welcher Blechkuchen bist du?
Welches Seemannslied bist du?
Welcher recurring character in meinen ramblings bist du?
Oberthema: ich hasse Reisen und Reisen hassen mich
ein Tscheche ruft das Jugendamt
sorry, mein Chauffeur ist noch Fahranfänger
im Flixbus auf den Spuren Jonathan Harker's
Bahnstreiks, you say? Lass mal Europareise machen
I draw the line at Pfandflaschenmissbrauch
die Autobranche hat ein persönliches Problem mit mir
Wir haben jetzt Autos, aber das hat auch nicht geholfen
Oberthema: das ist kein Stammbaum, sondern ein Problem
Meine Mutter demonstriert ADHS-Symptome und zerstört eine Lampe
Meine Mutter kommt nicht in den Himmel
Schlüsselbeinbrüche im mittelalterlichen Turm
Meine Mutter möchte helfen, ich möchte kündigen
der Scheidungsmops
Meine Mutter desekriert das Oberlandesgericht
Mein Großvater, der Kriegstreiber oder: Eine Frittenbude wird Kollateralschaden
Oma prügelt Keksteig
Wir verbrennen meine Tante
Mutter postet jetzt dick pics
Mein Großvater ist Kunstkenner
Oberthema: Handwerk
he wasn't even forklift certified
Bürostuhlbezogene Freiheitsberaubung
Ich schmelze einen Tesa-Roller
Oberthema: Langsam Jacqueline, sonst kotzt du wieder
don't beat a dead horse, beat this live one instead
Hier ist dein Jungpferd. Prepare to die.
Enemy Mine
das Antistresspony stresst mich abartig
Oberthema: ein laufendes Experiment zum Thema Dauerstress und Polykülen
I. good use of slang, buddy II. in which I end up in a car trunk, suffering immensely III. who needs a portland polycule cult when you have... whatever this is IV. just you and me and this guy that neither of us invited
Oberthema: being queer is about the crippling melancholy actually
queer melancholy, ausgerechnet in Irland
die politische Gesamtsituation lacht mich aus
Press the 'randomize' button in the character creation menu, and you shall receive:
Philipp Amthor, Krisenmanager
Aldi-Kurt Cobain teilt Lebensweisheiten
Akkordeon I
Akkordeon II, diesmal mit noch mehr Schloss Einstein Dialogen
Meine Lebenssituation entgleitet mir: another saga
Hauptberuflich inhaliere ich Lösemitteldämpfe
Kümmerlich, diese Gallenblase
Hilfe, meine Wohnung leckt
Das nennt sich lösungsorientiertes Mobbing, Junge
Die Pisser gönnen mir die Nordsee nicht
Kernsanierung: The Musical
Mein Sanierungsexperte ist ein bisschen asozial
und zuletzt: miscellaneous soziale Misserfolge. das Leben ist ein niemals enden wollender Loriot-sketch
als Kinder begeisterten wir uns für Pyrotechnik
fuck you and the e-roller you rode in on
Captain, wir ha'm einen Marderschaden
ra ra rasputin russia's greatest humiliation kink
ich betreibe Konfrontationstherapie
man stelle sich Gollum in seiner Grotte vor: meine Ein-Mann-WG
wirf mich, du Hund
that time I brought a fake beard to a knife fight
Im Edeka meines Vertrauens beschimpfen sich die Mitarbeiter
WDR-Redakteure erklären mir soziale Gerechtigkeit
Johanna findet mich schwierig
Falls das annähernd unterhaltsam war, I have a tip jar
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ilovechubbieguys · 27 days
hiii omg just found your account, so happy to see more tgc fanfiction ((ive read every single one of them at this point 😭)) soo could i request some nick/yumi fluff or smut? thank yououou 🦭
Omg same man i made this because i read them all so i might as well make my own lmao! Very happy to do one for yumi and nick!! (First smut sorry if its a little off lol) 🦭
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Nick & yumi fluff/smut hcn!
-smut and fluff for each, gn! Reader. Use of f! Body parts. White=fluff red=smut
♧- love language is definitely quality time ex: just sitting and watching tv or going to the mall
♧- baby, love, and babe user for sure
♧- loves loves loves to hold your hand and in the car when he drives (which is almost always) he always has a hand on your thigh
♧- so sweet and caring. Very good listener and always listens to you rant about your day or any thing that ever slightly upset you
♧- if your a hyoer person he keeps you from doing dumb crap that youll regret later
♧- if your a calm person theres alot of cuddling he always wants to be big spoon
♧- about 5 months into your relationship he made a song for you and it was the cutest thing ever
♧- i feel like if your on a late night drive with him on an empty road he likes to speed just for the fun of it
♧- rolls down the windows and lets you stick your hand out while he speeds down an empty highway
♧- 6in and gurthy
♧- totally a service dom "i know baby" "your taking me so good baby"
♧- some days its slow "i missed you so much" thrusts with kisses all over your body
♧- other days its fast and rough "ive needed this all day" thrusts with hickeys and bite marks all over
♧- hes normally pretty soft and slow but if you decide to be a tease that day hes now holding back "fuck.. you just couldnt fuckin..wait could you..huh?"
♧- doggy style because he loves to see you bent over for him
♧- and missionary because he loves to be able to see your face and have access to every inch of you
♧- he secretly loves when you sneak under his desk while hes playing siege or cod and help him out
♧- " yumi i got a guy on m-me.." "you good man?" "Ya im good sorry i think i gonna get off i dont feel the best" "alr man get better"
♧- prepare to not be able to walk for alteast 2 weeks for that
♤- late night smoke sessions are a common thing. You guys just talk about everything and anything or you enjog echother presence in silence
♤- Dance was made about you 😧
♤- babe kinda guy change my mind, baby when hes tired or comforting you
♤- loves sleeping in with you, when you try and either get up or get him up he pulls you back in "5 more minutes.."
♤- 5 minutes normally turms into atleast another hour
♤- convinced you to join LTLVC to motivate him to stay in or incase another pc incident happened
♤- loves when you watch him play video games or making a video
♤- his favorite thing is when you lay on his chest while he scrolls threw tiktok or insta
♤- if you guys where together when he made Lost he would always want you with him at the recording studio
♤- constantly asking what you thought
♤- they type of guy to always have his arm around your waist. Especially likes to come behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek
♤- 7 in and curved
♤- pretty vanilla guy, but for a little lets pretend he's not as vanilla as he is 😮‍💨(still love you, man)
♤- riding and spooning are his fav positions for sure
♤- not very vocal, but a lot of grunting
♤- giving and receiving head is godly to him
♤- "fuck.." "god." "Your so fucking pretty"
♤- high sex goes crazy with him. He's still smoking a blunt while you ride him every now and then, taking a hit yourself
♤- holds you pretty rough if you're riding him, normally rutting his own hips into you, especially if you're close
♤- eats you out till your heavy breathing, tears are running down your face, you can't form real sentences, till your legs are shaking
♤- oh u need him now? Ur alreadt bent over the nearest counter, in the car? Why not. In the shower? Done. At the mall? Family bathroom it is.
♤- uses the fact hes alot bigger then you to him advantage, manhandling, and holding your hands down
For my first smut, i think it's ok lmao. Lmk what yall, though, what i should improve and change. Thanks for requesting! :3
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vhelbig · 2 years
Tag 150 Schneeskulpturen und -Sturm
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Heute ist mein letzter Tag in Sapporo. Mein Flug geht erst am Abend, also habe ich am Morgen noch Zeit Schneeskulpturen vom Schneefestival anzusehen. Das Schneefestival in Sapporo ist berühmt für seine ausgefallenen Schneeskulpturen. Leider beginnt das Fest erst in ein paar Tagen, nachdem ich nach Deutschland zurückfliegen muss. Aber hoffentlich kann ich auch ein paar Skulpturen sehen, obwohl das Fest noch nicht angefangen hat.
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Zuerst gehe ich zum Sapporo TV Tower. Leider muss man bezahlen um nach oben zu fahren. Der Turm(ganz links) ist winzig, wer würde den schon bezahlen um nach oben zu fahren.
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Nach dem Turm kommen schon bald einige Skulptur in Sicht. Leider sind die aber noch abgesperrt und man kann nur am Weg an der Seite vorbei gehen. Teilweise wird noch an den Skulpturen gebaut.
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Teilweise kann man aber auch einen Blick auf ziemlich coole Schneeskulpturen werfen.
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Weiter hinten kommen die wirklich beeindruckenden Skulpturen. Wie lange das wohl gedauert hat, die zu bauen?
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Die größe und coolste Skulptur ist vom Militär. Die Soldaten bauen immer noch daran, hier herrscht noch geschäftiges Treiben.
Leider bekomme ich dann eine Email, dass mein Flug nach Tokyo wegen des Wetters gecancelt wurde. Natürlich bekomme ich da schon Panik. Vor allem weil mein Rückflug nach Deutschland übermorgen ist und ich unbedingt nach Tokyo zurück muss.
Am Ende bleibt mir nichts anderes übrig, als mit dem Zug zurück zu fahren. Die Zugfahrt dauert 9h und ist unglaublich teuer. Wenigstens kann man am anfang noch die weiße Landschaft sehen. Hoffentlich bleibt der Zug nicht auch wegen dem Sturm stecken.
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In Hakodate steige ich in den Shinkansen um, ich glaube jetzt muss ich mir keine Sorgen mehr wegen dem Sturm machen. Dieser Shinkansen fährt durch sehr viele Tunnel. Jedenfalls glaube ich das, es ist schon dunkel und schwer einen Tunnel von der Oberwelt zu unterscheiden.
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Endlich komme ich in Tokyo nach neun Stunden an. Jetzt ist 23:30, aber wenigstens bin ich in Tokyo.
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redspamedia · 2 years
Berliner Spaziergängerin mit Tiefgang
Berliner Spaziergängerin mit Tiefgang
Claudia Michelsen ist eine der gefragtesten deutschen Charakterdarstellerinnen in Film und Fernsehen. Im TV begeisterte sie unter anderem in Uwe Tellkamps „Der Turm“ und in der Nachkriegs-Trilogie „Ku’Damm“. Als Hauptkommissarin Doreen Brasch ist sie seit 2013 im „Polizeiruf 110“ dem Verbrechen auf der Spur. Ab 6. Oktober ist die 53-jährige Dresdnerin wieder im Kino zu sehen. Im Film „In einem…
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mauertrocken · 4 years
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TV Turm
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neonicexe · 5 years
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Well Chromophobia is the fear of Colors after all
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augenblickmoments · 4 years
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Teil 3.
Der Mannheimer Fernmeldeturm
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dashalbrundezimmer · 6 years
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heinrich herz turm // hamburg st. pauli
architect: fritz trautwein, rafael behn
completion: 1968
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bobtronic · 7 years
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Inferno Chapter Two🔥
Part Four
Yandere! Dabi
A/N. Crazy Dabi baby. We finally get to the big picture of the series. Thank you for reading! (All parts can be found under the Inferno tag!, Chapter One can be found under the Icebox tag! )
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Dabi was cleaning his home , he wanted to make sure it was nice and inviting for you. He put a fresh new blanket on the bed and smoothed it out nicely. He also put a big pillow on it too. He went over to the dresser pulling something big and clanky out and dragged it over to the wall hooking it on. He hurried over to the window opening it up letting in the nice breeze, it was a regular window and not too high up. Dabi was very eager , he could not wait any longer . He wanted you here. Where you would be safe.
Before Dabi left his home he wanted to check the news. Dabi yawned going over to the chair in the middle of the room , a small table was next to it with a little tv on it. He sat down turning the tv on.
‘We are still covering the event that happened last night outside the hospital. A nurse was found dead by her car on the ground completely burned all over. We are thinking she was set on fire by a quirk —‘
The tv was shut off and laughing filled the small room.
You were being questioned by youre doctor on this early morning. In fact he woke you up to talk to you. He asked if you knew anything about what happened and how the heck would you know? You were stuck in a hospital room not allowed to leave. You explained this to youre doctor and just shrugged it off.
“How would i know anything?!?” You asked growing agitated with him.
“I think we should move you to a psych ward, you must be delusional . Is ice cube really youre quirk? Are you hiding something ? “
“WHAT?!?, get out!!!” Tears fell from youre face and you fell into a caughing fit .
The doctor went to the door and looked back. “We can just force youre signiture, expect to be moved later this afternoon. They will get you the help you need” he slammed the door leaving.
You held youreself digging youre nails into youre arms and youre mark. You cried falling to youre side from the pain. What were you going to do? Where was Dabi? He said he would be here today ..
You were alone all morning , no breakfast and no medicine. You even buzzed the desk and no one showed up. No one cared... not youre parents, Aizawa.. youre friends.. but... Dabi.. Dabi cared. Hes just a little late. You rubbed youre mark feeling some blood , you got out of bed looking for bandages . Medical supplies fell to the ground as you dug through the medical pack next to the bed . Nothing. You opened the desk digging through it finding one bandage strip.
Dabi opened the door going in closing it behind him to see you holding the bandage to youre bleeding arm. You looked over with tears falling down youre face.
“Y/N!!!! “ Dabi sprinted over to you grabbing youre arm looking it over. He reached into his pocket grabbing some bandages wrapping up youre arm. You cried into his chest trying to explain.
“The doctor!!! My nurse... i... they are going to move me to a psych ward!!! Dabi please help me...!” You whined shaking , ice cubes were falling from youre palms to . The ice cubes melted into Dabi’s scrubs instantly. You felt an intense heat coming from him, he tipped youre chin up and he... looked very frightning to you. His eyes were half lidded and his brows were bunched together.
“Y/N... do you trust me?”
“Yes! Of course i do Dabi!”
He cupped youre face with both hands wiping youre tears with his thumbs . “Close youre eyes..”
You closed them shaking a bit and Dabi pulled a cloth out of his pocket holding it to youre face . You inhaled it and got dizzy , you passed out and Dabi caught you putting you over his shoulder. He held you in place going to the bed placing his hand on it . Blue flame burned his glove away and set the bed on fire . He went to the door leaving youre room walking down the hall, his hand dragging against it setting it ablaze. He didint care if people were in the rooms , didint care who the fire hit.
Once he got to the stairs he went down setting whoever was passing by him on fire . He dragged his hand down the hand rail setting it on fire. When he got to the main entrance people were panicking . The hospital was on fire and people were trying to get out. Dabi flicked fire all over the large room and left out the front door. He set the plants on fire and the ambulances.
Dabi slipped away in the confusion getting in his car, he put you in the back and sped off to his home.
You woke up a little later in a new bed . It was very soft and you sunk into it. You reached around touching the pillow feeling the fluff and the fabric on it. You sat up and felt something heavy on youre neck . “Wuh..?” You touched youre neck feeling a .. a collar? Youre hand dragged down feeling a heavy clunky chain . You tugged it but it was stuck to something . “Huh?!?”
“Y/N? Youre up . How are you feeling?”
You jumped looking over to see Dabi sitting in the chair staring at you. He did not have the scrubs on . Instead it was a black tank top and pants . His... his arms .. his neck .. were all scared and stapled what? What happened?
“Dabi?!? What happened! Im stuck i cant!!”
“Sshh...” he got up going over to a switch turning it on . The room lit up and you were terrified at what you saw. It was pictures of you. Everywhere. All over the walls. “Y/N, my precious Y/N. Its okay. Here look.” He went back to the chair turning the tv on next to it.
‘The same hospital has been set on fire !!! Apparently someone set it on fire and took a patient!!!’ The tv turmed off.
“Youre safe here Y/N. Did you see the news? I burned it down!!! For you! They were mistreating my precious Y/N! I couldint... let that happen!!! And and.. they were going to take you away from me!!! . But youre here! with me! “
You sunk into the wall and the bed not saying anything at all.
“Y/N? You okay? Are you hungry? What would you like?” He asked running to you getting on the bed spooking you. He grabbed youre hands looking very concerned. “Y/N? Are you okay? You.. you love me dont you? I love you so much. When... Shoto told me about you i fell in love. I... could not stay away. Youre dorm is so cute! It looks like a dorm you would have. And the sports festival?!? You were amazing!!! “
“Sho...shoto?! What i.... Dabi!!!!”
“Oh i never mentioned! Shoto is my younger brother! We actually wanted to take you together “ he squeezed youre hands grinning . “But he lied.. he took you all for himself.”
You did not know how to comprehend this . You ... you loved this man right? He cared ... he .. cared.
He pulled you close hugging you and petting youre head in long slow strokes. “Oh Y/N... im so happy!!! We are going to be so happy together!!”
You leaned into his chest closing youre eyes. “We will be happy together Dabi.”
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zombihorror · 5 years
Sally's Terror Ends
I sat on a swing, when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Caught with surprise I fall off to see a tall, faceless man, dressed in a suit I seen my daddy used to wear.
"Child why are you alone?" He asked, with no mouth.
"I dont know! Last I remember is I woke up next to that tree over there." "Well child, come with me I have a home and wish to not leave you here alone!!"
I excepted to go with no questions asked.
2 days later
It was was fun being with the tall man, who calls him self Selnderman, his mansion was nice, and the many people who worked for him were too.
But, it did scare me when I learned what they do for as they called work.
Late at night
Waking up screaming I clutch my teddy bear and cry as Slendy appears in my room. "Daddy please, it hurts please make him stop."
Slendy held me real close and asked me what's wrong? I finally told why I woke up in the park.
"My uncle he.. He came to stay with me, mommy, and daddy, he was tucking me into bed. Mommy told me night and I didnt know what was happening, he was being nice like always but, then he started tounching me in no no place and made me touch him. The next day, I was scared and told mommy when I wasnt supposed to.
Next, thing I'm in the car going to the store with him, he was screaming at me, and the park he took me out of the car and threw me onto the ground I screamed as he played with me again, after that I felt a rock hit my head and he hit me over and over again."
Tears flood my eyes once again.
"Sally, sweet wanna go home?" I looked at Slendy comfused.
"Home? But, mommy, daddy...." I want to go home but, I like it here! "No I dont wanna go home but, can I go to say goodbye?"
....for the rest of the night I feel asleep with a smile upon my face.
A week later
Looking towards the woods I see Slendy who stood with his workers, they all waved at me as I stood at the door of my old home.
Walking through, I go to the living room, my mommy, daddy, and uncle sat on the couch watching the tv.
"Mommy, daddy" they jump up, looking at me in fear and sadness. While my uncle looked at me in horror.
Mommy started to cry reaching out towards me, I slowly walk towards her and daddy as she cries out, "my baby, my precious baby!"
"Mommy don't cry!" Once I was close I hug them and that is when I turmed to my uncle who stood still as a statue.
"Come play with me, uncle the game will be fun! But, more fun than your horrible game. Sadly this time you can't take me to the park again!!"
The hold my parents had on me loosed up, I smiled with pride and relief when they looked at him, " my baby YOU KILLED MY BABY!!!"
He tried to stutter for an answer, and I go up to him a knife hidden behind my back. When I was close enough I spoke in a nice playful way, "come play with me"
Walking out of my home, mommy and daddy stood at the door as I began to walk off, I turn back and say "I love you... Goodbye"
They fall down onto the porch, holding each other tight but, they still watched as I ran to the woods where Slendy now stood all by himself. I waved with one hand and just like that we were gone and I was in my new home.
A girl walked through the halls of her home late at night, when she was greeted to a little brown haired girl, wearing a dirt and blood stained, pink dress, "come play with me."
Loud screams filled the hall of house as a child's laugh also rings out.
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mauertrocken · 2 years
TV Turm Berlin Panorama Rundblick 360°
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missbookiverse · 2 years
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Neuerscheinungen im Juli 2022
Just Like Home von Sarah Gailey Als ihre Mutter sie darum bittet, kehrt Vera nach Hause zurück, in das Haus, in dem ihr Serienkiller-Vater seine Leichen verbuddelt hat. Dort begegnet ihr neben ihrer Mutter ein Künstler, der ihre Kindheit auseinander nimmt und jemand hinterlässt Zettel in der Handschrift von Veras Vater. Creepy? Absurd? Her damit!
Life Ceremony von Sayaka Murata Die japanische Autorin hat sich mit Die Ladenhüterin und Das Seidenraupenzimmer bei mir beliebt gemacht. Nun wurden ihre Kurzgeschichten ins Englische übersetzt (im September kommt die deutsche Ausgabe unter dem Titel Zeremonie des Lebens). In den 12 Geschichten geht es um Außenseiter*innen, die Hinterfragung der gesellschaftlichen Norm, Freundschaft, Familie, Zugehörigkeit und Individualität.
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Ebenfalls vielversprechend
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