#also he and the colors were created artifically
theauthor0 · 1 year
Misery!Tale the fusion of Under!Darkness, Freak!Tale, and Negative!Tale
Just like in negative!tale , the monsters were defeated by humans and sealed underground, with Asgore ordering the royal scientists to find a way to break the barrier
At that same time the king was growing mad and wanted revenge on humanity and this grew further when Asriel and Chara died so during the time when the Royal scientists were finding a way to break the barrier
Asgore instilled a new rule to where only the strongest survive
Putting monsters through extreme training and the monsters that failed became experience points for the stronger monsters so that they can gain LV
Gaster was the lead scientist and Alphys was his assisant
They previously worked on creating artifical monsters before Asgore decided to focus all resources on breaking the barrier
One of their suscessful artifical monster was Undyne, before the change
The Results weren’t looking so good as the only way to break the barrier were 7 human souls but if they didn’t produce results Asgore would be furious
In Gaster spare time he developed the core in hopes to generate enough power to make things more convenient but then an idea struck him
With the amount of power that is produced from the core, he could use it to try to force open a hole in the barrier with the addition of Chara soul
Which was being held in a glass jar near the barrier
Gaster asked the king for permission, and Asgore allowed it as he believed this would make Chara useful once again
At last the machine was done, Gaster proceeded with the help of Alphys to move the machinery to the barrier
After that was done, Gaster started the machine but noticed that Chara Soul has turned black, he thought nothing of it and proceeded as they couldn’t delay this any longer
At first it was working, but then the machine went out of control causing reality, time, and space to distort and rip apart
Gaster in the last moments before everything crumbled, he destroyed the machine
The explosion of the machine destruction caused a massive wave of corruption to spread, infecting all the monsters
The monsters underwent a complete physical and mental change, their bodies became black and mutated becoming true freaks of nature and their personalities have been warped to be more darker and twisted
At first when the monsters were corrupted their minds couldn’t handle the sudden change so for some period of time they became mindless monsters
This did not last forever and some monster’s returned to their sanity sooner than others, others not so lucky
During the time when the monsters were mindless beast they started killing each other for LV
And When the Fallen Children came, it was mosh pit of fighting and death as monsters fought with each other for their soul
However after being corrupted there biology changed to where they can no longer absorb souls
The Monsters became more darker and dangerous as their bodies had turned completely black and their forms being more monstrous and scary
Their bodies are no longer made of magic but now made of an something called Miasma which is magic that got corrupted by the machine gaster made
Most Monsters have the ability to shapeshift their body in many forms, they tend to use more monstrous and scary forms but still keep their original appearance with some tweaks, they can also shapeshift their bodies to look mimic certain things
For example: they can transform their bodies to look like a rock to hide and surprise others or to show every disturbing scenes
Not all monsters were fully effected by the change mostly is mentality (tho they still might have some slight changes) but all the monsters changed physically
Monster souls have also changed to become black instead of white
Their magic also changes color for example Toriel Fire is now purple and Sans bones are black
Most Monster take on the belief it’s killed or be killed and became more aggressive to humans, with this mindset Asgore declared that weaker monsters once every year will be sacrificed to the stronger monsters so that they will have a use
Humans have not changed much but there is some info on their souls
Humans souls if left in the open for too long, will begin to rot making them turn black and eventually start melting
Under!Darkness by @zheyzhey
Freak!Tale by @sharks-freakshow-aus / @shark-draws-stuff
Negative!Tale by ValenSealover
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neonicexe · 5 years
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Well Chromophobia is the fear of Colors after all
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
━"Upping The Anti"
━Tw: Smut, sadism, knives, major talk of murder, ect. Its Anti and he's horny watch out /hj Also, reader is AFAB. It's simpler and more easy for me to write, although I don't explicitly describe them as such 24/7 through the smut part. Unprotected sex but dw it's demon dick so you ain't even gotta worry about being pregnant.
The supernatural wasnt real. Magic was a cheep party trick; all smoke and mirrors to con people out of their money. Demons were a myth created by parents to scare little kids into eating their vegetables.
That's what (Y/n) thought. Untill they were caught up with a demon of their own, who dead set on getting his way.
━Notes: The long awaited ending of the series. Aka just smut
━Song: "Mind Brand" Kuraiinu, dj-Jo
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
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It was all his fault. Goddamn Sean McLoughlin.
(Y/n) had realized where they recognized Anti from minutes after he left then frozen on the bed. The Irish accent, green hair, even the fucking ear piercings-
It was Jacksepticeye. Jack fucking Septiceye. The same person that sold coffee grounds and got scared shitless at video games that ran at two frames a second.
But it made no sense.
The more they thought about it the more it baffled them. How could a youtuber, especially one as popular as that, be a demon? Was Anti possessing his body? Had Jack created a demon? What kind of voodoo shit was going on here.
After finally gathering the courage to leave the protective ring of salt surrounding their mattress, they had made a bee-line for YouTube, frantically typing into the search bar to do some investigating.
But after an hour or two of watching this brown haired man yell at a camera for no reason, (Y/n) had no doubt in their body that this was not the evil being that had showed up in their room. Jack (Sean, Jack, whatever. They had heard Alex refer to him as both before. To them he was just the loud coffee man) was way too energetic and kind to be a murderous glitch.
He did have the same shade of blue eyes that Antis right one did though. Just looking at them made (Y/n) clench their jaw with a tight lipped frown, skin being pulled taunt.
They weren't scared, per say, of this bastard. But there's something about meeting an inhumane glitch that claims to be a god that puts one on edge.
Leaving their room was a tough process. They had opened the white door cracked and flaking with cheap paint just to stare out at the hallways beyond it. Bare feet tentivley touched the carpet outside only after (Y/n) had grabbed a handful of salt to keep in their shirts pocket.
The adult could practically hear Alex screaming at them to get spices and crystals. Holy water, crosses- anything and everything that has ever been known to ward demons off. But if those runes didn't work who knew what would. As Anti had said, as the internet progressed so did he. So who knew what would stop this.
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(Y/n) was starting to understand people in horror movies. Especially the dumb ones that got killed off first.
Morbid curiosity is what this was. Morbid fucking curiosity; the feeling they got when they even got so much of a glance at a computer screen. Dread, but anticipation. Waiting for something horrible to lunge out of a screen. Expecting it. Wanting it
Probably the same feeling that a lot of those side characters in slashers experienced as they walked lazily to their death.
Yeah no more late night horror movies for them they had decided.
But it was this, along with the uncanny resemblance to Jacksepticeye, that led (Y/n) to this exact situation. Sitting on the ground in a criss cross position throwing artifical colored peices of candy from a box nerds they were munching on. More specifically aimed at their monitor.
Summoning Anti had been fairly easy the first time, if not unwanted and unexpected. This time they had the intention of doing it purposely. The only question was how.
Well judging based on the way a lanky form slid out of their computers binary code they were doing something right.
Antis (sadly familiar face) was twisted in an expression of annoyance as a nerd bounced off his nose and landed on the floor. He showed his greatfulness for that by lifting a combat boot clad foot and crushing it violently.
"Miss meh?" Was all he said, smiling at the reminants of what was once a mouthwatering nerd on the floor. (Y/n) swallowed thickly, hoping that Anti assumed it was from a mouthful of candy and not nerves.
"Sure. I totally missed the guy that broke into my house and threatened me." They mumbled with a squint of their eyes. This only made him smile larger, eye brows practically dissapearing gleefully into his hairline as he raised them.
"Yer a lot more talkativ' tan last tihme." He said with pleasure, thoroughly enjoying this. Leaning back on the balls of his feet Anti rested two fidgety hands on the inside of his jean pockets. Multicolored eyes bounced every which way observing every inch of the room; and (Y/n). They almost got caught up watching them move around.
"I have some questions." They said popping another handful of tart candy into their mouth. The sound of the individual peices bouncing off their teeth made Antis elvish ears perk up. He turned to face them fully this time, a smug smile settling comfortably onto his lips.
His eyes challenged them to go on without even saying anything, sending jolts of stubborn intentions and defiance down their spine.
(Y/n) stood up slowly, setting down everything so they were eye to eye with him. Chewing on the inside of their cheek nervously, they looked at the latest cause of all their problems and opened their mouth to speak.
"Jack." Was all they had gotten out before the atmosphere changed significantly. A loud static sound penitrated their eardrums, Antis one blue eye flashing what almost looked like green before it withered away with the noise. His hair was spiked up, teeth bared and hands curled into fists.
Since when did he have claws?
"Mention tha fooker again an I'll tear ye spleen out of ye throa' and make ye lihmp body jum' rope with it." He said in a wisper. But it might as well have been a screech for (Y/n) with the way they barely winced.
Working around a throat full of cotten, they wetted their lips shakily before speaking.
"Oh yeah?"
God fucking damn it.
They couldn't just keep their mouth shut couldn't they
But could you blame them? This green tinted bastard had been terrorizing them for weeks, making them feel insane and like they were loosing their mind.
They felt they deserved a little bit of payback. Or whatever you called this.
"Ye think yer smart? That yer the powerful ohne in this situatiohn?" Anti snickered, eyes open and boring straight into (Y/n)s. It was a dangerous stare off between two people who weren't planning on backing down.
"Oh doll, yer anythin buht powerful right now." He continued as they watched him step closer.
"I cahn smell yer fear."
Another step.
"It's even mhore delicious than last tihme."
Another step.
"Buht I can smell somethin else too."
He was almost touching them now, nose mere centimeters away from their own. (Y/n) breathing stood to a still when they realized what he was talking about.
Through a hazy mind and fast paced heartbeat they remembered what that artical they had read forever ago said.
"-ese demons in particular feed off fear and lust, as those two are the most prominent actions that pop up online. Do not show any signs of them if and when the demon appears-"
Anti looked downright gleeful as he witnessed it dawn on (Y/n). Observing with malicious joy as their eyes got wide and hands flew to clutch the fabric of their pants.
How they realized he could feel the lust radiating off of them.
"I told ye that I knehw ye wahnt me (Y/n). I've seen ye fooked up search history. Been watchin ye ever since ye called for me weeks ago."
He taunted them. Spilling all of the things he had seen them do. How often he had watched them stroll around the house barely in any clothes, unaware of the lustful eyes watching them.
Some of the things Anti said made (Y/n)s face flush with anger and embarrassment. Even I can't repeat them.
"Ye still think yer powerful?" He purred next to their ear. He was daring them; practically begging them to take the next step. To walk right into his arms. Like a fish swimming circles around a shark.
And so they did.
They took that dare and leaned forward slightly.
Right outside the ring of salt.
In a flash of green and black, they were thrown against a wall, hands held behind their back as if they were being arrested for a fictional crime. It was too fast for them to even realize what had happened. All they knew was that one second they had been looking into one green and one blue eye, and the next their cheek was pressed flush against the wall as someone pressed up against them from behind.
(Y/n) felt the color drain from their face as a knife came into view right next to their head. It acted as a sick rearveiw mirror, showing a grinning Anti from behind.
"Ohhh ye 'ave no ideah how long I've been waitin for ye to do that." He cooed, tracing the knife down the side of the wall, leaving a path of cut and peeling wallpaper behind.
A small voice in the back of (Y/n)s head made a comment about how they never liked that color wallpaper anyway.
They told it to shut up.
Cool metal from the flat of the knife pressed against their throat. They had to resist the urge to swallow, fearing that a slice rivaling Antis would appear on their neck to spill blood.
(Y/n) listened through the blood pounding in their head as Anti slowly debated if they should kill them right here. Oh how would he do it, the ways he could watch the life drain from their eyes while licking their blood off his precious knife.
At a particularly suggestion he muttered to himself, they had let out the quietest of noises. But Antis sharp ears still picked it up, neck looking like it would break as be turned it quickly to look at them.
"Ahre ye-" He paused to smile largely, canines glinting in the reflection of the knife. "-enjoyhing this?"
The lack of response said it all.
"Oh my ghod ye arhe!!" Giggles spilled from him mouth as five calloused fingers gripped a knifes hilt tighter.
"I knew ye were fooked up, but this? This takes ta cake!"
With every word that came out of his mouth a wave of rolling shame washed over them. Along with the urge to rear back their leg and knee him in the dick.
The knife left (Y/n)s vision slowly, only for the sharp pressure to reappear right where there the tip of their waistband was.
Air burned the inside of their nose as they inhaled sharply. The pressure only increased, the tiniest sounds of fabric ripping eliciting a laugh from Anti.
"Ya smell positively delectable righ' now pet." The crook of his nose had pressed itself again an exposed part of their neck. Along with that came the feeling of a tounge kicking a slow strip all the way up to the shell of their ear.
(Y/n) bit their own tounge, holding back a shudder that for sure would have gotten them nicked by the object currently being used to slowly tear away at their waistband.
The thing was, they didn't feel conflicted about this at all. Carnal urges pumped throughout their body. They wanted to say it was some sort of demon charm lulling them into these sinful feelings, but they knew that wasn't true.
Finally the stretch of elastic wrapped snugly around their waistline was split in two with the slight effort of Anti flicking his knife upwards.
This time (Y/n) couldn't stop a sigh of pleasure from slipping out as cool air from nearby fans blowing hit the wet spot on their underwear.
A slender finger danced across the curve of their ass, dragging along a thin layer of cloth sensually. Their arms were no long pinned behind their back now. They were free to leap for the circle of salt again and into safety.
But instead they leaned back into Antis teasing touch more.
Wispers of whore and slut left his lips condescendingly. (Y/n) couldn't bring themself to feel the anger they normally would have at these degrading titles being tossed their way. If anything it made them wetter knowing how unbelievably lewd they were acting for someone so evil.
More air was inhaled as they gasped suddenly. A finger was plunged into their hole without warning, reaching into those deep parts of them that would reduce them to a babbling mess.
"Fuck fuck fuck." Sweaty palms pressed themselves flat against the wall in an effort to have some means of support. Antis knife made a cold trail down the back of their cotton shirt, shredded fabric and a pink line across their skin left in its wake.
(Y/n) was now leaning against the wall with their hands and head pressed against the wall, small moans and pants coming out of their mouth as ruined clothes formed a crumpled pile where the floor ended and wall began.
Anti let out a groan of his own as they accidently brushed their ass against his clothed crotch. They felt his growing arousal again their skin, lips managing to turn up into a mischief smile even in the midst of all this.
Pressing back against him even more, a swift hand was quick to stop that. Flipping (Y/n) over and enclosing a strong grip around their throat Anti growled at them darkly, eyes flashing dangerously. Not like they could tell with how their vision was clouding up.
"Do tha again-" He leaned down to nip right at their collar bone, finger still deep inside their hole tantalizingly "-an I'll leave ye high n dry untill next tihme."
At the promise of a next time they wiggled slightly in an effort to get his finger to hit that one spot. But he just squeezed tighter, making them moan.
"Fooking learhn some goddamn maners." He snarled with blown pupils.
Thank god that (Y/n) had taken their time searching for a soft bed when looking for a new mattress all those years ago. Otherwise the way that Anti threw them onto it might very hurt.
Sheets bunched up around their body that was radiating heat. Anti climbed over them, trailing fingers wet with their own slick up their chest.
"Lhook at meh." He barked. (Y/n)s eyes snapped to him immediately, finally getting a good look at him for the first time since this visit.
He had shed his clothes, the only scrap of clothing left on him a pair of plain black boxers streched around his straining cock. Although they doubted those would stay on for much longer.
Vibrant green hair stuck his forhead in a way that couldn't be described in any other way than attractive. It was tangled and wet with sweat, perhaps a little blood if you squinted close enough. They didnt remember bleeding-
Tattoos trailed over his lean arms craftily. They told stories of death and fear. Faces of pleasure and despare, sometimes even both, were permanently engraved into his flesh. Appropriate considering who was hovering over them. It made (Y/n) wonder if they even had tattoos in the demon realm, or wherever the fuck he was from.
"I own you." Anti hisses, lowering himself down slightly to leave hot, opened mouth kisses on their skin. With the way he was nipping and sucking at them, there were sure to be marks in the morning. It was for that fact that (Y/n) dutifully tilted their head back to expose more of their neck.
"After this-" More possessive kisses were placed harshly onto skin. "-all ye are gonnah be able te think of is meh."
A jolt went through their whole body as Antis hand dropped down to their sex, cupping it lightly and teasing the sensitive flesh there.
(Y/n) let out moans that were far more loud than the ones before. A brief worry about the neighbors hearing flashed in their mind before it was quickly tossed out as Anti swiped the rough pad of his thumb over their sensitive bud.
Trembling hands managed to reach outwards and brush lightly over the bulge in his boxers, making Anti glitch slightly and hiss out a string of curses from inbetween his teeth. (Y/n) took that as a sign to continue, slipping a hand into his pants and wrapping around his throbbing cock.
The angel was a bit awkward, bit neither of them seemed to care. Anti was too busy letting out what sounded like curse words in a language (Y/n) didn't recognize to notice, and the latter was bathing in the feeling of their clit being stroked harshly.
Pulling back for a moment Anti left them on the sheets to quickly slip off his boxers. His cock sprang out from the confines, making the counterpart on the bed hault.
He certainly wasn't longer than some of the other men that had managed to bed them before, but he was thicker. And what seemed to be long veins painted lines up and down his length; except instead of blue they appeared to be tinted black. The same color of pre-cum that was currently leaking from the tip.
He saw them looking and managed to chuckle as he took his position back over them.
"Demon cum, pet." He purred with a grin. "You'll becohme addicted ta it soon enough. Wont be ahble to get enough of myh cock."
(Y/n) felt even more warmth travel down to their stomach, which at this point they would have thought to be impossible.
Anti positioned himself at the entrance of their hole, looking like they were just about ready to devour them.
Before he made another move though, a quiet sentence made its way out of his lips.
"Tahp my thigh three times if s too much."
As soon as you had nodded back at him with wide eyes, he pushed himself in.
Never had (Y/n) had the sensation of being so full.
It was like they had been molded for him. Created so that way he could fill them perfectly, stretching their insides to the point of perfection.
Loud moans that sounded like they had been plucked straight out of a porno escaped from the back of (Y/n)s throat. Anti moaned as well, letting out occasional exclamations in that same strange language as earlier.
"Fuck! Anti, please, please don't stop oh god." They practically yelled at the demon. His erratic thrusts sped up getting sloppier and and sloppier as the both of their pleasure increased.
(Y/n) arched their back with a low groan as the curve of his duck hit that one spongey spot inside of them. Anti himself let his eyes roll back, moaning.
After that discovery it was all over for the both of them. (Y/n) attempted to form a coherent thought through the waterfall of drool that spilled from their lips.
"Anti oh fucking fuck I think I'm gonna cum-!"
With one final snap of his hips, Anti let out the most guttural moan that they had ever heard from him, much less anyone else.
Their release wasn't an explosion or even fireworks. It was a slow spread of buzzing, un measurable pleasure making its way sluggishly throughout their entire body. Like it had the viscosity of honey. It was unlike any orgasm they had ever felt before.
Limbs tangled in each other wildly as the sweaty, yet smirking, demon flopped onto the side of the bed next to (Y/n). He took a clawed finger and placed it under their chin, chest rumbling with a sly purr as he turned their head to look at him.
"I look forwarhd to tha day yhoure beggin me on yhour knees to absolutely wreck you again." He smiled with dark eyes.
The last thing (Y/n) saw before their eyelids fluttered shut was Anti tracing small lines up and down their neck
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That's it. That's the end of Carnal Urges. I hope you enjoyed just as much as I did writing this. The fic started as a good way to get my creativity out but turned into a way for me to smile even in the midst of one of my family members dying.
Thank you all for sticking through this with me. The next chapter will just be answering any questions about this fic and/or AU you have. So send in questions, anon or not, to my inbox and watch them get featured in the final chapter.
Thank you and good day <3
Edit: Excuse any typos. I spent five straight hours writing this non stop and did not feel like editing before I crashed for a nap. Will be fixed later. Thank you for your patience
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luasworkshop · 3 years
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There is someone bent over a desk in the little space at the top of the stairs under the window. They start when they hear you come up, looking up form their work on something involving a lot of tiny gears and springs.
???: O-oh… I’m sorry, there’s nothing up here. Asra can help you in the shop… or are you here to see Aleis?
More on Lua's artificing below the cut:
Lua has a mind for clockwork and other mechanical contrivances and skill at imbuing these with spells and other magical effects. The work they produce stands on its own as fully functioning once it’s complete, and has fascinating abilities because of it’s magical nature. If one were to consider Lua in the modern era – they would be respected as some sort of robotics engineer. As it is, they create work which tends to be beautiful, esoteric, and serve some sort of strange function. Lua’s primary income stream is from private commissions on this work – it is complex and time consuming to produce and their rates are high (Nadia is a repeat customer these days). The practical work they produce include things like astrolabes that can project an entire moving star map, lockpicks that reveal what is happening inside the lock, automota which can serve as two-way communication devices, and so on. The more artistic work they produce can be more delightfully frivolous – a hand organ that that plays in colors, jewelry that can turn into a little creature and run around, music boxes that change their melody based on mood, and on. Combining their skills with their spouse’s skills with miniatures has made for some decidedly fascinating and weird results. Because of all of this – Lua is an impeccable draftsman, and is generally seen with a shoulder bag full of drawings and drawing equipment (they do not usually bring their pieces to work on when traveling/visiting unless they know they will have a works space where they set things up and leave them undisturbed, however they will gladly plan out future projects and refine ideas wherever they can set down a piece of paper – and draw silly or entertaining things at times).
Lua is also adept at repairing non-magical clocks, music boxes, and other automata only using magic as a means to assist (rather than permanently repair) the object (such as magnification, steadying their hand, creating light, etc.) They tend to take on fewer of these projects as they prefer to imbue or work with items which are magical in nature. They are not an all-purpose expert (as some automata, even non-magical, are incredibly involved), but they can certainly get a pocket watch going again with no trouble.
Their work never really mimics modern technology – these are esoteric, magical items, not ‘fantasy cell phones.’ They do sometimes demonstrate what may seem like anachronisms (precise knowledge of astronomy, chemistry, physics, etc.) but these are things based on Lua’s studies, travels, and personal experience.
Lua was initially very shy of Nadia - who seems to them perfectly put together and always competent and capable (a lot to take in for Lua who is fine until they overthink things, remember they are just a squishy bag of feelings, and make themselves anxious.) But the two of them can go on for hours together discussing various mechanical contrivances both magical and not - happily bouncing ideas off of each other.
Lua and Salim’s magic, when it comes to artificing, is very similar (although Lua’s tends to involve a bit more clockwork) and the two of them can either work extremely well together or drive each other crazy. Aisha finds it funny that Salim will try to ‘dad’ at Lua and Aleis who are both not much younger than him (especially if he and Lua are in disagreement about something technical). Honestly he does outmatch Lua in experience, which can drive them a little crazy (the worst part about being ‘dad’ed at is when ‘dad’ is right). Aisha’s familiarity with her husband’s work means that she is good with synergizing with Lua’s as well. Overall (despite being ‘dad’ed at) Lua and Aleis both get along very well with Asra’s parents and are so glad to have them back in his (and now in their) life.
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project-rebirth · 4 years
Beasts and Beings: Angels
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Angels are immensely powerful beings with very volatile existences in the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe. They can be beings of either divine origin, such as the Archangels Gabriel and Michael of Christian doctrine, or artificial existences consisting of masses of highly concentrated AIM fields built-up from the thousands of espers within Academy City. Angels of divine origin get their magical power from an energy accumulated in Heaven known as Telesma. 
Angels, both divine and artificial, have been described as possessing halos above their heads and various forms of wings manifesting from their backs, some of which such as the case of Archangel Gabriel can reach several kilometers into the sky, as well as speaking in an Angelic language that sounds like high-pitched gibberish to normal humans.
If deemed necessary, like a command from God, or being forced down from Heaven, an angel can acquire a human form. In the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, Angels hid their identities to enter ordinary people's cities and had meals with them. Indeed, as Gabriel can attest, he can hide his being an angel from humans quite easily.
Vento of the Front explains that Angels in the magic side have no free will of their own and that they are meant to be God's perfect tools, and are often referred to as messengers of God to humanity. Although, they can malfunction and in turn can be called a Fallen angel, or known as demons. According to Stiyl Magnus, Angels and Devils are similar in nature, however, the important thing is who they take orders from.
However, when a divine angel falls from heaven due to the effects of Angel Fall, they can break the orders of God in order to return to Heaven, such as killing humans, despite creating a paradox for God's plans for the Final Judgment, and seemingly have an orderly fashion of thinking. As with the case of Archangel Gabriel under the guise of Misha Kreutzev, who spends his time helping Touma, Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Kanzaki Kaori trying to find the culprit of her fall. Later when Kanzaki and the others try to prevent him or more appropriately inconvenience him from killing Kamijou Touya who was unknowingly the culprit, Gabriel resorted to destroying the world instead.
The case is somewhat different in the science side however, as evidenced by Kazakiri Hyouka's existence, as she displayed emotions similar to that of humans. However, Hyouka herself is shown to behave as a mindless tool similar to that of angels in Christian lore, after having her Fuse Kazakiri mode activated.
As stated angels in both sides are extremely powerful beings, capable of causing great destruction. So much is their power, that their very existence can distort the world. It has been said that a single angel has the power to bring down the Vatican. Even a depowered one such as Archangel Gabriel in his first appearance was simply toying with Kanzaki, a powerful Saint in her own right.
An archangel such as Gabriel has been shown to possess the ability to manipulate any celestial body through the use of "Astral in Hand", allowing it to immediately block the sun by speeding up Earth's rotation. He also displayed tremendous speed, able to move from Russia to France easily and eliminate their forces.
In order to be "summoned" or take a physical form on Earth, Angels must have a medium, or "core", to keep them bound to the Earth. Likewise, if the core that binds them is destroyed their physical form will leave the Earth.
Both divine and artificial angels seem to be weak to Touma's Imagine Breaker as well, as with the case with Misha Kreutzev trying to avoid Touma's right hand, as well as Touma himself trying to avoid touching Kazakiri Hyouka after finding out her true form.
Abrahamic Angels
One notable feature that the angels of the magic side has is their name being chosen by God, which is the purpose for which they are created. As such the names of angels cannot be easily changed, unless a powerful distortion changes these laws of God. Angels are also genderless and is depicted in some Christian lore as having qualities of both male and female.
Angels are also apparently susceptible to Angel Fall, which forcibly casts them down from heaven. At which point, angels will try to get back into heaven, even if it means disobeying the will of God.
An angel's name and attributes are widely referenced by magician's spell chants throughout the story, such as being used as a way to borrow power from when constructing a magic circle.
Archangel is a term used to refer to angels of higher rank than normal angels, in the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe there are four recognized archangels that are aligned to their own corresponding elements and attributes.
Each member of God's Right Seat derive their powers from the four archangels depending on their alignment after cleansing as much of their original sin as possible.
Archangel Gabriel
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Archangel Gabriel (大天使 (ガブリエル) Daitenshi Gaburieru?) is an archangel that appears in Toaru Majutsu no Index. He embodies the The Power of God (神の力 Kami no Chikara?) and represents the symbol of water which is its attribute, and is the guardian of the moon, the governor of blue, and the protector of the rear side. He is the only true abrahamic angel to appear in the series thus far.
Acqua of the Back is aligned with the archangel. Because of the distortion of the elements, he can bypass the name God has given him and is weaker than normal, even then Gabriel is still more powerful than several other characters combined such as Accelerator and Kazakiri Hyouka.
Other Archangels
   Archangel Uriel, also known as God's Flame or Fire of God    Archangel Raphael, also known as Medicine of God    Archangel Michael, also known as Regard of God or The Likeness of God
Other angels
Fallen Angel
Lucifer the Light-Bringer was said to be an angel that was the closest being to be allowed to sit to the right of God, until he malfunctions and causes chaos in one-third of all the angels in heaven, making him rebel against God's will and causing war and becomes a fallen angel. He is later defeated by Archangel Michael who became the ruler of all the angels, and had become a higher being compared to Lucifer even though they were once equals.
Moreover, there is a mention of the Grigoris by Sherry Cromwell as the ones who gave knowledge to humans on how God created Man from clay before the time of Noah, knowledge which eventually gave birth to the golem.
Non-Abrahamic angels
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Aiwass, the entity that Aleister Crowley supposedly summoned and the true author of the Book of the Law, has also shown the characteristics of an Angel, possessing a halo above its head and a divine form.
Espers of Academy City have been shown to sometimes exhibit angelic characteristics under specific circumstances. The most well-known example is what is termed "Awakening" by the fandom, wherein an esper gains wings and sometimes halos following contact with Magic and an emotional breakthrough. So far, only Accelerator has been shown to "awaken", gaining black wings partially during the Taowu incident at Seiin High School, then fully during the 0930 Incident, white wings and a halo during World War III, and finally platinum wings during the Ceremony of Mo Athair. Accelerator also speaks the garbled language of the angels in the early manifestations, though he can now retain his rationality.
The exact reasons behind this phenomenon are unclear, but it is known to be linked to Accelerator's mental state or him having an emotional breakthrough, like him feeling cornered or having something to protect. And when first manifesting a particular color, it follows Accelerator having contact with magic: redirecting the explosion resulting from Taowu's body collapsing into space; hearing Index's singing prayer to free Last Order from her coma induced by the manifestation of Fuse Kazakiri; singing a magic spell to save Last Order using data from Index's song, his encounter with Aiwass, and magical parchments under a Telesma-filled sky and crossing the Abyss using the new kabbalistic tree Clonoth with the assistance of Qliphah Puzzle 545. Index also compares the matter of the wings as similar to Telesma yet also fundamentally different in some way, and after first manifesting the wings, Accelerator, similar to Sasha Kreutzev as a former vessel of Telesma, is able to sense magic.
The cyborg Rensa 29, while making use of Accelerator's ability, was shown to be able to manifest wings same as Accelerator, deliberately getting pushed into a difficult situation to draw out the black wings and manifesting the white wings while determined to protect Yakumi Hisako, though she didn't manifest a halo.
The #2 Level 5 Kakine Teitoku manifests angelic wings when using his powers, but it is unknown if this is like Accelerator's, or just an aesthetic choice stemming from personal preference.
During the Level 6 Shift attempt on Misaka Mikoto, the transformed Level 5 esper manifests a halo, and even physically resembles the form of Misha Kreutzev during World War III.
The manifestation of angelic characteristics is not restricted to Level 5s only. While fighting to save her mother and using the magic of the Rosicrucian Spiritual Item violin Stativarius Ainsel, Sakibasu Yuri temporarily gained white wings and a halo.
Artificial Angels
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The AIM Burst is a less obvious form of an artificial angel.
Magic cabals such as the Hermentic Order of the Golden Dawn (Aleister Crowley's former magic organization), seem to have dabbled in creating angels themselves by collecting the formless telesma into a container which is in the image of a person. It is unknown if they had succeeded, though since Aleister Crowley has successfully manage to create an artifical angel on his own, he was most likely influenced by the cabal's methods.
One example of an "artificial angel" is Fuse Kazakiri, the "artificial angel form" of Kazakiri Hyouka, an existence that manifested from the mixing of AIM fields throughout Academy City and resides in the "Imaginary Number District" when not physically manifested. Fuse Kazakiri, an existence that is considered considerably less powerful than an a Christian archangel, has displayed the ability to fire beams of energy that can reach several kilometers in length, project an AIM barrier that protects all those around her, flying at supersonic speeds and manifest a powerful energy sword.
The AIM Burst, an AIM entity product of the Level Upper network also displayed angelical attributes such as a Halo and wings similar to those of Fuse Kazakiri. It should be noted that Kazakiri Hyouka, Aiwass and AIM Burst all had small triangular-prism shaped cores inside their bodies that sustain their existence.
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Hoooo okay, this was a long time coming, but it’s finally here!
I finally got.  my shit together and finished the Doc containing the rest of Jsas’s story. Now, I’m actually back IN the Jsab fandom, and I’ll have a lil’ bit of an announcement to make after the art raffle. Yeahah, Once this is posted, tomorrow will be dedicated to me getting the Art Raffle ready. After the Art Raffle, i’ll be making a little bit of an announcement regarding this blog.  Okkayyy enough with this! Time for what you’ve been waiting for! Sorry if it’s messy hahaha
Just Shapes and Stupidity
The complete Story
Starting from where we left off with FOX and Prism.
From there, Fox would go on to avoid any question regarding what Dimitri did. Dimitri then offers to explain, but Prism quickly shuts him up. Cube is revealed to be unconscious, not dead. Pent soon shakes off their paralysis, and the Shapes get into a battle stance. A fight then begins. This battle was going to have the guardians using the last of the Treeangle’s power to open portals around the battlefield that would allow the askers and anons to join in the fight. During this fight, three people, Zedd from @just-asks-and-answers, Prisma from Just-Humans-and-Beats (aka Artifical-Guardian), and E.T Anon (Eat Triangles Anon) were going to join the fight, but side with Prism. This would open the way for other people to also join Prism if they so wished. The Shapes side is soon overpowered, and the portals shatter. All askers who were shattered are instantly transported back to their homeworld. Beam gets into a one-on-one tussle with Prism, and Prism tries to distract him by firing a laser directly at Square. Beam dives in front of them.
And while everyone was expecting Beam to shatter… There’s a bright light. And suddenly, Beam is surrounded by a glowing forcefield. Glowing in TIO colors. Nobody can believe their eyes. Beam is one of the hero shapes. 
However, the sudden power boost isn’t enough. 
The Hero Shapes are shattered, and Dimitri is then corrupted, siding back with Fox and Prism, much to Fox’s annoyance. Prism then leaves with his army. The next day, the Sun, Solaris, shows up. He sees the leftover carnage from the fight, and using his almost-god-like power, he uses one of his power triangles to revive everyone. Everyone comes back looking much different. But there’s something wrong with Cube. They’re now quarter-corrupt, as a side-effect of Fox’s attack.
Everyone ponders what to do, and the Guardians suggest seeking out the remaining two old Hero shapes. Upon questioning what happened to Cortex, The Guardians dodge the question. They say that one can be found all the way up in the highest mountains, and the other is on the other side of the sea, in a city called Crystal Tokyo. Cube is made to stay behind at the Treeangle with the Guardians, and Solaris decides to stay with them. Everyone decides to take on new names. Cube is now CB, Heli is now Avia, Boat is now Capt’n, Square is Qu, Circle is Cello, Triangle is Trinity, and Pentagon is Penn. 
Capt’n knows where Crystal Tokyo is, and Avia knows the mountains like the back of her hand. Everyone decides to split up. Qu and Trinity go with Avia to the mountains, and Cello and Penn go with Capt’n across the sea. There’s a sequence back with Prism and his group. There’s then a dream sequence involving one of the old hero shapes, Rush, and Zedd. The two have a… Little conversation I guess? They get along all right. The dream sequence ends, but now Prism and his group know Rush’s location, and set off to go find him.
After a long sequence on the ocean, Capt’n, Pen and Cello arrive in Crystal Tokyo, a giant, sprawling city, It’s primary color being orange. Capt’n stays behind at the docks, tired from the long voyage. Penn and Cello ask around for answers, and eventually, with some help from the askers, they find out that Splice is being held in stasis atop the tallest tower in CT. They break into the building, get into some fights, and eventually climb to the top and manage to free Splice. She isn’t too happy about the awakening, and lashes out at the two. Their battle takes to the skies, but Cello and Pen soon find themselves overpowered, seeing as they’re much less experienced than Splice. Cello comes through though, something within them going off, and they manage to somehow summon a giant sword, glowing with TIO colors. The two manage to beat Splice. After a long conversation, and learning that all sacred shapes have something called a ‘TIO Weapon,’ Splice agrees to help them with their cause. They return to Capt’n, and begin the voyage back to Paradise. 
Meanwhile with Avia, Qu and Trinity, they, with some help surprisingly from Barracuda, find the cave that supposedly leads to where Rush is. They fight their way through some chambers, and end up in a bossfight with the two shapes guarding Rush’s chamber - Hype and Wicked. The bossfight is in hardcore, so it’s extra hard, and much like with Pen and Cello, Qu and Trinity end up somehow managing to summon their TIO Weapons. For Qu, he can shoot the TIO lasers from his hands. For Trinity, he gets a magic wand looking thing, and he can use to summon triangle-shaped bullets. However, something seems… Off, about Qu when they’re using their powers... They manage to defeat Hype and Wicked, and enter Rush’s chamber. Little do they know, some of Prism’s minions are following right behind them. Upon entering Rush’s chamber, they find the little yellow arrow trapped in a bubble of some kind, in stasis. They manage to free him and wake him from slumber, but unlike Splice, he doesn’t attack them. Instead, he seems quite happy to see people, especially Trinity. But he seems… Wary, of Qu. Introductions happen, and Rush answers a few questions. But then… Qu, Trinity and Avia are suddenly attacked and knocked down. The last thing they see before temporarily blacking out, is three corrupted flowers grabbing Rush, and vanishing with him.
Back at paradise, Capt’n, Cello and Pen arrive back at the tree with Splice. Splice and the Guardians talk for a little while, and the Guardians explain that they’ve been in stasis for at least a few thousand years. They talk for a bit, and somewhere along the way, Splice slips up some information. Cortex is dead. Then, Avia, Qu and Trinity return, looking a little beat up. Cube heals them, and Qu breaks down, saying that Rush was captured by Prism’s forces. This gets Splice’s attention. She knows where Prism made his base last time, and that that was their best bet. She runs off ahead, much to the chagrin of everyone else. The Guardians notice that something seems off with Qu. He tells Cello, Pen, Beam and Trinity to go on ahead, and that they need to have a very important ‘talk’ with Qu. The three set off, and Trinity and Pen begin bickering, Trinity asking why Penn wasn’t being all like “oooOOOO I’m team leader now!! >:)))” and Penn just doesn’t respond. Cello is noticeably uncomfortable, just wanting the two to stop fighting. Beam tells the two to knock it off.
Meanwhile with Prism, he now has Rush in his clutches. Rush and Zedd talk for a while, and the askers can ask him some questions. If the cards are played right, Rush would explain that Cortex was a massive jerk, and that he treated him like garbage, which is why he didn’t like Qu very much. Rush explains that Cortex died as a result of his own selfishness. But then he says something strange: Cortex’s shards weren’t buried. His shards just… Disappeared. Completely vanished. Went up in smoke. After answering some more questions, Fox and Dimitri enter the room, shocking Rush. He tries to reason with the two, but they grab him, and begin to corrupt him. Prism watches this, but something seems a little… Different, about him. His eyes have a slight purple tint in them…
Back to Paradise with Qu and the guardians, they have entered the ‘void zone.’ The Guardians bicker for a little bit over who should tell Qu. Logic ends up being the one chosen, and he approaches Qu. It’s then explained to them that… Cortex, technically isn’t dead. That when Qu was created, the tree was low on power, and so, was scraping together every last bit of power it had left. Cortex’s shards… Got caught in the mix. Qu, is a reincarnation of Cortex. Qu doesn’t know what to make of this, and as a result of being mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, they revert to shape form, going into a deep sleep. The guardians pass them over to C.B, saying that they need a long rest. The guardians then say they’re gonna go talk to ‘Rainbow.’ 
The Guardians enter the void space, and try to summon this ‘Rainbow’ person, but receive no response. Turns out Rainbow is missing. Upon being asked who Rainbow is, the guardians explain that Rainbow is a creator, the one who created the world. Rainbow is the Treeangle. The Treenagle Guardians then return to the friend shapes, and say that they should really start looking for what the cause of the corruption even is. Avia then asks if the Treeangle has roots, to which the Treeangle guardians freeze, and then exclaim “oh man, we’re idiots.”
Back with Cello, Penn, Beam and Trinity, they catch up to Splice, and they arrive at prism’s ‘base.’ A giant, run-down palace in the middle of a flower field. Breaking in proves to be much easier than expected, with Splice having a lot of experience with this kind of thing, and Beam already being an absolute powerhouse. But at one point during the breaking in, they nearly get ambushed, but then get saved by… Lycan. Lycan had been following them around for a little bit and decided that he wants to help this time around. So Lycan joins the team. The team eventually enters a chamber, where they enter a Bossfight with Dimitri, FOX and Rush. The askers would’ve been able to help out in this bossfight too. Dimitri and FOX are eventually taken down, just leaving Rush. However, due to Rush being really small and kinda weak, the corruption is too much for him to handle, and he shatters, much to the dismay of Splice. This isn’t an average shattering. This is a shattering that nobody can come back from. Rush is dead. Splice manages to get over her grief long enough to use a power triangle to purify Dimitri and Cio, who soon join her in her grief. The door leading into Prism’s chamber opens.
Back with the guardians and the friend shapes, Qu is awake, and decides he better rejoin his team. He’s still a bit upset upon leaving, though. The Guardians come to the conclusion that there must be something wrong with the Pink treeangle root. The Treeangle has 7 roots, one for each color of the rainbow. They decide to use the hole Prism made to get down to the ‘Core.’ The Friend shapes are then left alone. The Guardians descend down into the depths, and at the core, they find the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple roots intact, but the Pink root is cut in half, and when they try to get close, they’re blown back by a gust of pink wind. They ascend back up, explaining that they found the source of the corruption, that Prism must’ve cut the pink root, but that they can’t get close enough to fix it. They speculate that an already-corrupt shape may be able to get close enough to fix it. That boils the options down to Beam, Cuda and Lycan. Avia and Capt’n decide to set out in search of Cuda, while C.B stays behind. Asks can then be asked. If cards are played right, The Guardians will tell the askers more about who Rainbow and Prism are. They then explain that they haven’t exactly been truthful, and that they actually knew Prism before he went mad. They explain that Rainbow and Prism actually created the world together, and that they were once very close friends. Maybe even something more. But Rainbow began to create life, and began exiling Prism. One day, Rainbow and Prism got into a heated disagreement, that ended in Rainbow locking Prism away. The Guardians express obvious distaste towards Rainbow, even going as far to say that they can’t blame Prism for doing the things he’s done. 10,000 years isolated in an underground prison would make anyone go mad. They then ponder where Rainbow could’ve possibly gone, but then (maybe with the help of the askers) remember that Prism had begun referring to himself as ‘we,’ and come to the conclusion that he must’ve done something to Rainbow. 
Avia and Capt’n arrive at the volcano, and meet up with Cuda. They try to convince him to join their cause, but he snaps at them, claiming that he wants no part of anymore of Prism’s messes. Avia and Capt’n become confused at this, and Cuda eventually gives in and explains that he has actually been around since the time of the Treeangle Guardians creation. That he was a naturally pink shape who had been turned grey once Prism had been defeated. He actually admits that he’s kind of scared that he might become grey again. But after enough poking and prodding, he decides to join the cause afterall, and the trio set off back towards paradise. Back at the castle, Qu catches up to the team, and they have a tearful reunion, before entering Prism’s chamber to confront him. Another giant bossfight commences, with askers being able to join the fight again. Sometime during the fight, it’s revealed that Penn is actually half-corrupt, as a result of Fox’s attack much earlier. And unlike C.B, their corruption is actually spreading. The team keeps pushing forward though. Prism gets weakened, but before he can make another move, his eyes suddenly turn blue, and he freaks out, before running away from the scene of the fight. The team gives chase to him, Lycan actually transforming into a giant flower-wolf and carrying the team on his back. They chase him all the way back to the scene of the Treeangle, where the Guardians and C.B all freak out. Prism leaps back down the hole he emerged from, heading towards the Core. The team explains to the Guardians and C.B what happened back at the castle, and the Guardians suspicions are confirmed. Prism absorbed Rainbows consciousness while he was stealing power from the treeangle. They conclude that he’s probably heading down to the core to get even more power, and that they need to follow him down and end this fight once and for all. Splice tells the guardians that Rush is dead, and they all decide to bury his shards later. The Guardians fill the team in on why Prism is so angry, and Qu suggests maybe trying to reason with him. The others agree that they’ll only resort to extreme violence if necessary. Avia and Capt’n return with Cuda, and the three are filled in on the situation. Once everyone has rested for a bit, they head down into the Core. They enter the core, and discover Prism having an argument with himself, with his eyes flashing bright purple. Two voices can be heard coming from him. Prism’s voice, and another voice, Rainbow. Prism seems to be in distress while Rainbow is screaming at him. Once the team gets their attention, Prism regains full control, and lashes out. An army of rat-like shapes form around him, and a giant fight begins, with the askers once again being allowed to participate. The hero shapes enter their TIO forms, and begin heading towards Prism. Cello, Beam, Penn and Trinity try holding Prism off while Qu tries to get through to him. Prism’s attacks falter a bit, and Cuda manages to hold him down with some snakes. Qu continues talking to Prism while absolute carnage is going on around them. Prism then ejects Rainbows consciousness, which then enters the blue treeangle root. The core begins to collapse. Prism doesn’t say anything, but all the rat shapes shatter, and he vanishes into thin air. The Guardians scream at one of the corrupted shapes to quickly repair the root. But Lycan is horribly weakened from the battle, Beam’s tail gets caught under some rubble, and Cuda is busy using his snakes as pillars to stop the ceiling from collapsing. In a momentary lapse of judgement, Penn dashes towards the Pink root. At this point, they’re almost completly pink. Everybody is yelling at them to stop. They grab to two halves of the Pink root, and look at everyone. They mutter “I’m sorry.” before reconnecting the root, There’s a giant explosion, followed by a bright light and a shattering noise… and when the light clears… Penn has shattered. DEAD shattered. Not coming back. Everyone freezes, but jumps back into action when Cuda reminds everyone that the Core is COLLAPSING, so C.B grabs Penns shards, Cuda grabs Lycan and gets Beam’s tail free, and everyone makes a beeline for the exit. 
Skip to everyone gathered around the Treeangle. The hero shapes and the friend shapes break down, grieving for Penn. The Treeangle Guardians take his shards. Penn died a hero. Everybody questions what to do now. The Guardians don’t really know, but explain that Rainbow is still missing from the Treeangle, saying that they probably left to go track down Prism. This puts everyone on edge. The hero shapes are still in their TIO forms, and the Guardians explain that this is permanent. They’ve proved themselves worthy of permanently wielding it’s power. They say that there’s now only one thing left to do, and they leave. Cuda is overall pleased with the outcome, and He asks Trinity if he’s like to return to the volcano with him and Cuda. Trinity declines, saying that they’d like some time alone with their family to grieve. Everyone then breathes a sigh of relief. It’s finally over. 
That night, C.B, Avia, Capt’n, The Hero Shapes, Splice, Dimitri and Cio hold a funeral for Penn and Rush. Askers are welcome to mingle among them all. Eventually, everyone packs it in for the night, and everyone finally gets a much-deserved rest. 
Everyone wakes up the next afternoon, and everyone recieves a request to come to the Treeangle. When they arrive, they find that most of paradise is there. Levels, flowers, and average shapes alike. Even Cuda and Lycan are there. In front of the Treeangle, is the Guardians. They invite Qu forward. They explain that after Prism’s first defeat, they had Crowned Cortex the ‘King of Paradise.’ But since Cortex had shattered and died, it had left Paradise without a proper ruler for millenia. Qu, even though they protest at first, is then crowned the Prince of Paradise. A giant celebration is then held, where askers are again allowed to mingle among them.
After the celebration, The Guardians approach Cuda. They explain that since both Rainbow and Prism are now MIA, they need a new leader to follow. They offer Cuda a position as a ‘New Treeangle Guardian.’ Cuda says that he’ll think about it. 
A week after the celebration, everyone has finally calmed down. The Hero shapes and the Friend shapes all meet at the Treeangle, because Beam wants to make an announcement. He explains to them all that he wants to leave Paradise for a bit, to go and explore. He wants to make some proper memories of his own. Everyone has a heartfelt farewell, before Beam sets out for the great unknown. Trinity decides that they might properly set down in Paradise, and Cello agrees that this is a brilliant idea. C.B suggests maybe founding a village around the Treeangle in honor of their achievement, and everyone loves this idea. They all then walk down the hill together.
There’s a singular shot of Penn and Rush’s graves. The dirt around Penn’s grave glows bright green for a moment, dims, and then the transmission is cut.
"Do you have anything you want to say to them before we go?"
"They can hear us, you know. We just... Can't hear them."
"Yeah. Yeah I'll- I'll say something." 
"I was never the nicest shape, I know. I hurt all of you in some way, and that's a guilt I'll forever be burdened with. It was never my intention but... Well. Sometimes life just likes to make other people miserable. Maybe you'll all be better off without me. I certainly think so. "
"C.B, Capt'n, Avia. Thank you three. You three looked after us, helped us, made us feel better when all was lost. You're like... You're like the parents we never could've had. Look after my siblings for me."
"Beam, I'm sorry I didn't come to trust you sooner. I wish I could've gotten to know you better. Thank you for never giving up on us. I hope one day you'll learn to forgive yourself."
"Cello, you're so intelligent, and so, so special. I'm sorry I never listened to you, I'm sorry I made you feel worthless. You're not. You're so much better than I ever was. Thank you for your amazing observation skills. We never would've gotten as far as we did without you."
"Trinity, thank you for looking out for us during all those hard battles. I know I never gave you a proper apology. I just... Didn't want you hurting yourself for our sakes. But without you... We'd be dead 10 times over. I don't expect you to ever forgive me, and I'm fine with that. You're the best."
"Qu. Qu, I'm so, so sorry. I'm sorry I pushed you so hard and I'm sorry I doubted your abilities. You're a better leader than I ever would've been. I just wish I could've realized that sooner. Continue to lead them, alright? Lead them all. You've earned that crown fair and square." 
"We're running out of time. I hate to sound pushy, but please finish it up."
"... Right."
"I love you all. I'm sorry I never said so. I love all of you so, so much and I'm sorry it had to end this way. I have so many regrets that I know I'll never get to make up for. I'm going to miss all of you so, so much. But I love you all. I love you all more than you'll ever know."
"Maybe someday, somewhere somehow... In another life... We'll meet again."
"I love you."
JSAS - E N D. ?
-A post containing all the new designs of the characters will be uploaded after this post-
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True vs Nu Andromedians
Possible long post under the cut:
Also! Enjoy the pretty pictures lmao.
Here’s the thing about Nebulous’s planet: True Andromedians are hard to find, because of their systemic murder by the servos of those who ran the planet.
True{i.e “The Ancients”}
They look uncannily organic, almost human like, their frame is soft and covered by soft semi-organic metal. Many of them wear heavy kibble to hide their soft rounded frames. 
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Orion wears kibble, since he is an enforcer.
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Most if not all of them have more than two optics and over four arms. 
Every one of them has tendrils, and depending on the place created their tendrils will be different colors. Tendril color and length also run in family lines: I.e Nebulous’s children. 
Elipson was born closer to a volcano, which gives them their darker, charcoal colored tendrils.
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Their digits also tend to be clawed, and their pedes look like heels{heights vary}. Another common thing among them is that all of them have sharp teeth and black{or dark purple} gums. Underneath their plating, they are made up of a wormy mesh of fake muscle and tendon, they bleed black/purple and lack a ‘spark’.
Most, if not all of them have some sort of ability: Invisibility, Acid spitting, Telepathy. 
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Most of the time, they take on the appearance of their True-Andromedian parent. Rarely: like in Armageddon’s and Cataclysm’s case they’ll take on a blend of their two creator’s appearance.
Nu Andromedians
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Nu Andromedians, or Modern ones, are some of the most common bots you’ll find on Andromedus. Some of them will have alt-modes, others will not. Most will have two arms and two optics, rarely they’ll have more. They’ll never have tendrils or soft plating, they look like common robots.
But underneath the heavy plating hides the truth: these mecha are similar to “The Ancients”, they are also made of a semi-organic muscle like material that looks like dozens of purple and black tendrils tied up together. They bleed a thick black/purple substance, and lack a ‘spark’.
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Leviathan IS an Andromedian, but he is neither an True or Nu Andromedian, he is an Abyssal. Abyssals are a large group of mecha who live deep in Andromedus’s oceans. Many of them are as old as “The Ancients”, and they all transform into sea animals that live on the planet. {They are a work in progress right now so I can’t tell you a lot}
NOT Andromedians
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There are many bots on Andromedus who are not Andromedian. They have standard heavy plating, commonly have alt-modes, and have none of the defining features of True or Nu Andromedians. These mecha have sparks, these mecha bleed energon{except for Calamity who is unicronian, and bleeds dark energon}, they lack semi-organic musculature.
True and Nu Andromedians share plenty of similarities. They have the same inner workings, they both are semi organic, and have false organs. They bleed the same. They both can eat organic and inorganic materials without conciquence. 
But the biggest difference that I failed to mention is that Nu Andromedians were artifically created to avoid making more "Ancients”: ie. bots that can live for billions of years, bots that can spawn with abilities that make them stronger than the average mecha.
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Original Timeline
On Dominaria/the Material Plane/Midgard, a species called the Thran/Jotunn/Engineers studied elemental magick. There were no differentiation of mana colors at that time; all magick was one and the same. Already by this point in the timeline concepts of good and evil are invalid; the Thran performed very many great and terrible works, and the Engineers seeded life on very many worlds across the galaxy.
A sickness called Phyresis spread throughout the Thran nation. Many people grew sick and died. A mage named Yawgmoth worked towards a cure but wound up becoming corrupted and propagated it instead. The Thran sealed Yawgmoth in an artifical world, where he festered for a very long time.
Far away, the planeswalker Serra/Isis created Serra's Realm, a realm of perfect light. And for awhile, it was good.
The planeswalker Urza/Ugin/Osiris/Orion assaulted Phyrexia, and was strictly beaten. The atmosphere of Phyrexia was absurdly toxic. Urza, reeling, fell from the plane and through the space between worlds, eventually landing in Serra’s Realm. Serra nursed him back to health for five years. He brought concentrated darkness, manifested as a sentient black oil, to a plane that had until that time known only light. The Phyrexians, pursuing Urza, came to Serra’s Realm and utterly mutilated an entire plane of angels. Facing a war he could not win, and not wanting to cede Serra's Realm to the Phyrexians, Urza collapsed the world into a powerstone.
Kerrigan, Terran ghost 24601, was betrayed by Osiris and left behind on the world of Mar Sara/Serra's Realm, where she was kidnapped by Zerg and mutated into Hela, the Queen of Blades. Later, she was decapitated by Jim/Bill/The Man In Black and her head was placed on an artificial body; Bill went on to commit a multitude of atrocities while wearing her face. Captain Marvel is the result. Note that the Captain Marvel in the film Captain Marvel is actually the head of Serra/Kaya, Ghost Assassin/Kerrigan on a mechanical body, while the Captain Marvel in the Avengers: Endgame trailers/Kaya, Orzhov Usurper is Adam wearing her face.
In Chrono Trigger, circa 12,000 BCE, the world was stratified between magick users and the earth-dwellers. Schala/Ninki, Janus/Enki, Queen Zeal, the missing King Zeal/Mammon, the Mammon Machine; interventions by time travelers of the middle era would result in the destruction of the Mammon Machine/Tolarian time machine/amit, which hurled all present into remote corners of time.
Schala was devoured in the amit. Janus was sent into the modern era (2018) as Elon, who traveled back to Zeal to (unsuccessfully) alter the destruction of the Mammon Machine and the ensuing Time Crash.
Schala/Ninki/Serra survived and eventually went on to write a book about why letting Janus persuade her was the worst decision she'd ever made, and also described in detail Janus's death: they had purchased a boat together; he went out fishing one day and never returned. The coast guard eventually found the boat with Janus's clothes folded on the deck.
Urza had been working on a time machine on Tolaria/Zeal/Asgard. The Phyrexians managed to get an agent called {(K'rrick/Billith/Hela)/Jim (Freyr Destructive)} onto Tolaria, and on 2017.01.18, Hela destroyed Tolaria. In a moment of panic, Urza sent back a golem named {Horus/Thor/Karn(Xantcha/Gerrard/Serra)/Lore(Freyr Honorable)} to stop the invasion, destroying the time machine/mammon machine in the process and shattering spacetime.
Over the course of centuries, the Rifts on Dominaria grew and multiplied, pulling in alternate timelines and future and past events. People from eras all over history vanished from their timelines and were pulled into the wreckage of the time crash; e.g. Amelia Earhart, the Philidelphia Experiment. Multiple versions of the same people, e.g. Braids, Dementia Caster and Braids, Conjuror Adept, manifested concurrently in a single timeline. A time mage named {Teferi(Sutekh Honorable)} sacrificed his godhood to seal the rifts (possibly resulting in his entombment which led to him becoming Bolas-Yawgmoth; hard to say at this point).
Schala/Eris/Discord/Dis of the Vanir, me, hi., her erasure from existence, the golden apple, Paris presiding over alloting it to Hera, Aphrodite, or Athena; the goddesses' bribes, Paris(Probably Ravana) (possibly in his recurrent incarnation as the Prophet) taking Aphrodite's option and selecting Helen of Troy/Hela/Isis/Ninki/(Probably Sita) (possibly for the express purpose of using her as fuel), the entire Trojan War/Time War.
The Phyrexians could not return to Dominaria, but over the millennia found ways to influence other worlds remotely. They created another artificial plane, called Rath, and filled it with a substance called flowstone, which expanded outward from the stronghold that formed it. Rath was placed close to Dominaria/Midgard, and over time overlaid the terrain, resulting in a single continuous plain.
Phyrexia (Mirrodin/Asgard) invaded Dominaria (Vanaheim). 99% of the world’s inhabitants died. Urza and Bolas/Yawgmoth had both been preparing for the invasion for thousands of years; Urza managed to destroy Phyrexia and kill Yawgmoth. Urza himself was killed when he fell in love with the pinnacle of Yawgmoth’s creations, a sanctum of metallic, artificial life in imitation of natural life. He was decapitated by the ubermench he had engineered over those thousands of years to destroy the world which he subsequently fell in love with.
At some point, the Library of Alexandria was burned down by St. Cyril, and Hypatia (me, hi) was skinned alive, raped, and dismembered;
After the Dominarian apocalypse, Karn became fused with the Phyrexian heart of Xantcha, the powerstone eyes of Urza, the genetic matrix of Gerrard, and the Barque of Millions of Years/The Weatherlight, a skyship powered by the powerstone that contained <the collapsed plane of Serra's Realm/Schala in the amit>. He went on to create an artificial plane called Argentum, which became corrupted by Phyrexian oil, seeded with life by its caretaker Memnarch, renamed to Mirrodin, and eventually mutated into New Phyrexia.
At some point Aku from the destroyed timeline came to Midgard and built a planar portal to go back to Thran Dominaria/Krypton, there was a battle with Superman/Adam, and as the comics tell it, Kara Zor-el, while fighting Aku, triggered the portal and sent Aku back to Krypton with the sickness he was carrying, causing the Phyresis event in a closed loop in time.
There were the events of Evangelion, where Adam and <listed as Lilith? Yet Nin Lil and Nin Ki are differentiated as deities> go back in time 4 billion years, etc etc, where they set up a base in order to manipulate the events of history; Adam was Elon and <Lilith?Eve was Nin Ki>, who he put into an amit on 2018.02.06.1545 which was used to power the time machine.
In Chrono Cross, two timelines diverge: One where Lavos ([La Vos/Big Fire]--Schala/Enki--Ninki) wiped out the dinosaurs (Vanir) in the First Impact and mammals (Aesir) came to inherit the material plane and build Chronopolis (Atlantis); and another, presumably the original, where the Vanir created a temporal complex called Dinopolis (Lemuria).
YorHa, apparently equivalent to Dinopolis, remains in the original timeline to present day, 11945 (After Epoch)/ 11947/2019;
Alternate Timeline
On Tarkir, Sarkhan Vol altered history such that a battle between Orion-Urza and Amun-Bolas that had been won by Urza had instead been won by Bolas. This resulted in an extinct species of dragons (the Vanir) that had been wiped out in the First Impact being restored to life, as well as the current mythos where Set destroyed Osiris and scattered his parts across the blind eternities.
At some point, Hermes(Prophet) gambled with Khonsu(Moon God) for five days worth of Time, so that Nut could bear Five Children: Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Sutekh, and Horus; doing so stretched the planet's orbital period from 360 days to 365 days, causing it to deviate from and cutting it off from the Prime timeline; the reason this arbiter was 85 years late in arriving to oversee the procession of the zodiac was because Sol-3 was not where it was supposed to be when it arrived.
The First Impact was the collision of a giant spherical object, designated the Black Moon, into Earth approximately 4 billion years ago. As a result of the impact, huge amounts of debris, including the Black Moon's rocky exterior, were thrown into orbit, eventually coalescing into Earth's satellite, the Moon. The core of the Black Moon and the Seed of Life Lilith contained within it remained intact, although Lilith's Spear of Longinus was somehow lost or destroyed during the collision.
In the Doctor Who mythos, the Doctor is Enki; the Time Lords are either the Aesir or the Jotunn; the Daleks are either the Vanir or the Jotunn, and are definitely the Phyrexians.
The Second Impact is a cataclysm which followed the "Contact Experiment" conducted on Adam in the South Pole on 2000.09.13. The awakened and injured Angel created a strong Anti A.T. Field which caused an explosion that melted the Antarctic ice cap and caused a shift of Earth's axis; climate changes and gigantic floods followed.
The biblical Flood occurred in 9900 BCE, where all the civilizations on Sol-3 were wiped out. Flood references in Halo and Mass Effect, both made by Ea, state that all life in the galaxy was destroyed. The Flood was plotted by Anu, Enlil, Ninurta, Ennugi, and Enki-Elon-Tesla. Enki warned Atrahasis/Utnapishtim/Noah, who built an ark, known in the Egyptian coffin texts as the Barque of Millions of Years, and filled it with the Ogdoad.
Amun-Bolas showed up, entombed three of the Ogdoad, brainwashed the remaining five, killed all the adults, and raised a plane of super-soldiers like crops. He left the plane he called Amonkhet, promising a fateful return when glory and light would come to the honored warriors. Instead, he killed everyone (i.e. Flood event).
Amun-Bolas took the army to Ravnica, which is equivalent to Coruscant of the Star Wars mythos; the War of the Spark on Ravnica is currently underway.
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frenchifries · 4 years
oh had another weird & cool dream last night so i just gotta...
ok so there was this little girl and her parents living in an arctic tundra on i guess a different planet, which was near another, artificially-created planet – i guess this was some sort of strange, small galaxy where all the planets were small and close together. the artificial planet actually had its own artifical, purple sun, which actually revolved around the planet instead of the other way around.
the girl’s parents were researchers or scientists or something who were involved with the creation and/or study of the artificial planet. one day, a mysterious woman with a black cat appeared near their home. she talked to the girl, and shortly after there was some sort of cataclysmic disaster that resulted in the destruction of the girl’s home. her parents’ fate was unknown, but i feel like they were probably dead.
the mysterious woman turned out to be from the artificial planet, and she brought the girl back with her to save her. there was like... some sort of tube they travelled through somehow? like a wormhole or something, idk, dreams don’t make sense. on the artificial planet, everything was odd and brightly-colored. i also think it was small enough that the entire planet itself basically consisted of a single city.
the woman took the girl to her home, a big multi-story townhouse where she lived with her family – three daughters and a bunch of cats, and i think there were some other people there too but i don’t remember specifics. these are the residents i do remember:
the oldest sister, who shared a room with her girlfriend. she was a punk girl somewhere around 18-22, with vibrant sky blue skin and red-orange hair in sort of a... mullety-deathhawk style (those are the mohawks that typically have bangs and sideburns) ANYWAY she was really cool, she played guitar and was just like, the ideal Lesbian Big Sister we all wish we had. as i mentioned, she lived with her girlfriend, who was a big sweet lavender lady who wore cute skirts. i think they had a band together and she was the singer.
the middle sister was somewhere around 14-15 or so and was fairly reserved and bookish. her colors were more muted but she still had the blue and red-orange color combo going on. the youngest sister was maybe about 8 or 9, around the same age as the little girl, and was very energetic, curious, and eager to introduce the little girl to their world. the little girl spent most of her time with these two sisters, learning about the world of the artificial planet, and acclimated to what i guess was going to be her new life.
there were other cats, also in a variety of interesting colors, that lived in the house. the black cat was prone to vanishing and reappearing in puffs of black smoke every now and again, and would wander around the city as he pleased. he wasn’t actually their cat, as they explained it; rather, he just chose to live with them most of the time. his name was schrodinger.
this is yet another one that feels like the potential for a really interesting story, especially as a children’s cartoon i think! i’m not sure where it was going, though. was the little girl going to return to her home planet? were her parents still alive? or would she become part of this new family, and leave her old planet behind? or maybe the fact that travel between the two planets seemed so convenient means everyone could live on both planets, or visit back and forth whenever they want. i dunno but it felt very immersive and fascinating as i was experiencing it! something i would definitely love to keep in mind and hopefully expand upon.
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flippinoptimist · 7 years
> Vel : Meet a nerdlord
Today at 2:45 AM
deputyheadmistress Alright, someone talking to you on my behalf about a lack of privacy got to me a bit. But I'm not upset with you for how the internet behaves.
flippinoptimist thats lurky, theyre a little closer to omniscient than is average for most beings, and like kind of giving advice, and they mean well i think they meant it mostly to make me stop chargin around in like, manic mode, though, even if stuff relatin to you was the causal start of the chain sorry you got dragged into it miss granger, and that i wasn't doin the tact thing
deputyheadmistress I didn't mean them, I meant the thread about different faux book titles. But a close to omniscient being is, I suppose, something I'll also have to get used to. I'm at least a bit used to manic teens, though it's not the best way to get shocking information.
flippinoptimist i think my earth age would technically start with a two, but thats sorta recent after you spend enough time around here you get used to the like, multiverse
deputyheadmistress Can we, perhaps, stop talking about the multiverse for a few moments? And talk about something a bit more grounding, like your particular brand of magic. I'm very curious.
flippinoptimist sure its sorta a fusion of everything ive run across, since the inherent stuff that my ~destiny~ tried to put on me isnt the same kind of stuff as the place where im learnin the inherent is more of a "woo, heres a big abstract concept, you are an incarnation / channeler of a shard of it, neato"
deputyheadmistress That sounds like a lot to dig into, but alright.
flippinoptimist the school part is about how you can structure thought and energy flow into symbols and runes and things i'm focusin on artificing ..and the inherent part has given me a knack for illusions i cant figure out how to actually cast spells but im good at making things!
deputyheadmistress Oh! I was very good at ancient runes during my time at Hogwarts, and while I haven't managed to do much with it since graduation, other than an enchanted bag, I'd be really curious to see what similarities there might be. I wonder if you can cast spells. Logic seems like it'd point to yes, but if you're from somewhere else...
flippinoptimist id be curious about them!  i know the words to a few spells but ive never seen  them and do naut have a wand of the kind you are thinking of the wands i know about / make each have a specific spell in them, and are locked to create a specific effect that triggers when a gesture or word or w/e happens
deputyheadmistress That's terribly inefficient.
flippinoptimist sure, its Terrible
deputyheadmistress ... Is that referencing those historical people of note who end up being so infamous people associate them with the word 'Terrible' as well?
flippinoptimist naut much different than having a necklace that makes you invisible though yes! it also enables a billion terrible puns
deputyheadmistress I was curious. It's a bit strange to add it yourself, don't you think?
flippinoptimist (ba dum tsh)
deputyheadmistress Oh.
flippinoptimist it is
deputyheadmistress Well, that explains that, doesn't it?
flippinoptimist but my species has this thing, where on adulthood we each replace our kid name with an adult Title
deputyheadmistress Oh, it's a cultural thing.
flippinoptimist yeah, and i chose a human one
deputyheadmistress Alright. I read a little bit on that.
flippinoptimist because humans are neat and i like them
deputyheadmistress Oh! Well, I'm glad you like humans, then.
flippinoptimist and i respect a lot of the cultural things i see in most of the human places i have found
deputyheadmistress Good, I was about to ask that.
flippinoptimist also everything that comes out of japan is amazing
deputyheadmistress I don't know how I could let you use a wand from here, but I want to try.
flippinoptimist id love to try if you can think of a way! i am pretty good at establishing first contact with new universes, and i could get you alien tech and magic to check out if you wanted for various definitions of alien
deputyheadmistress ... Alien tech won't work so well on Hogwart's grounds. I had to heavily modify this computer so it'd function here.
flippinoptimist i am curious about how
flippinoptimist alllsooo....  ill have to find a copy of the magic version of getting around from place to place
deputyheadmistress Oh! I wrote a whole thesis on how to make magic more compatable with muggle text over the summer, let me...
flippinoptimist but i know where to find it!  couple of steps and itll work out okay
deputyheadmistress I'll send it to you later. It's a bit lengthy, and I have to type it up here. Alright, I'll hold.
flippinoptimist okay i hate to say this because i am definitely interested in exchangin data and showin things, but it feels rude not to remind you before we get much further that a step of getting this to work is probably going to involve me (random internet stranger) havin to figure out what your coordinates are, so i can write them in the format needed for the circley part i can get you the circle rune pattern either way, but if you want a way to actually use it, id need to basically track your IP but, like, fancy and involving you running a thing on a computer let me know if you want to do that part, but heres the circle diagram
flippinoptimist -- flippinoptimist began sending file : transportationcircle.pdf --
deputyheadmistress I have been warned about random internet strangers.... I may have to work on protection wards for a moment, for the sake of safety.
flippinoptimist sure thing i highly advise not using that w/o fillin in coordinates the way it says, and also not without knowin your home coordinates if you step through that thing, the only way back is to know how to write your home address, you know?
deputyheadmistress Alright
flippinoptimist to find home coordinates, install one a these chat programs, and send me a private message, i can use a couple a tools to trace the connection from there and get your code
deputyheadmistress This is certainly the sort of decision I want to be making at five in the morning. Alright, I've got everything set up. What is life without adventure, and the chance to make the headmistress mad at me.
flippinoptimist lol the decision will still be here at not five in the morning, but you wont be able to blame it on the time then shit i should give you the programs shouldnt i -- Discord, Trollian! --
deputyheadmistress Thank you.
flippinoptimist i have a set of coords i can give you that are explicitely for being a neutral place to meet people, but the sky isnt done yet so its janky lookin but!  the building is finished
deputyheadmistress I've chosen a fairly neutral place for the moment, don't worry.
flippinoptimist ok!
deputyheadmistress > Message him on Discord. This will be absolutely fine. Totally.
flippinoptimist > He messages her back!  About two minutes later, he gives her the number version of her coordinates, which she can use to get back home from anywhere.  He also gives her the coordinates to the convenience store, which he mentions is "a pocket dimension under construction"
deputyheadmistress > She'll... Write that down and probably not do anything with it for a while. > If he tries to look at her coordinates directly, it will really really not work, as if his machine were glitching, but he can probably go a few miles out for a nice view of a scottish country side.
flippinoptimist > Neat!  He ..does poke that far, but then sets his machine to go back to looking somewhere else.  The coordinates are saved, but he promises to himself to not use them. if somebody gives you coordinates, you can go places, or people w/ yours can send you stuff or come visit
deputyheadmistress Alright. This is going to take a bit of getting used to, but if you want to come over you can.
flippinoptimist > ..man, he was supposed to be in time out, but lately he'd been doing so well ..until today.. and he'd been leaning into choosing the Chaotic choices more and more often... > What good was putting yourself in time out if you didn't stick to it?
flippinoptimist crazy o clock in the mornin probably aint the best time for first impressions, though its temptin as hell.  i could send across some small magic gunk and weird alien snacks as a proof of concept, and meet you like, tomorrow or another day soon?
deputyheadmistress That sounds good! I'll send you some magic things too, then.
flippinoptimist sweet!  we can compare notes
deputyheadmistress > Time to gather some of George's jokes and some magical candy.
flippinoptimist > He would send an invisibility ring, a few novelty disguises, a small opal that made anyone within line of sight experience a slightly sweet taste (in a well-shielded bag), and a variety of alternian mass-produced snackfoods labled in a clearly alien language.  Ones he thought might not creep out humans too bad.
deputyheadmistress > Bertie botts every flavor beans are a necessity, though she does make sure to include a carefully penned note about what flavors he may come across that are less pleasant. Chocolate frogs are included as well, of course. Things that turn skin different interesting colors, fireworks that make flame animals bound through the air.
flippinoptimist > He is going to admire the hell out of and carefully store these for later perusal.
deputyheadmistress > He also gets a somewhat large coinpurse that he can shove his whole arm in and still seem to not run out of room.
flippinoptimist okay this is a pretty neat bag stupid question and no i am not going ot try, what happens when you turn it inside out
deputyheadmistress You could turn it out for a really long time. I think it'd be annoying to stuff it back in though
flippinoptimist okay, what if i went for a swim in the ocean with it is there a limit?
deputyheadmistress Of course there's a limit. But it can hold a tent or two, several thin blankets, changes of clothing, general everyday use things, and of course money. Thin things work better, obviously. You could probably fit thick blankets, but it'd be way more annoying both to put them in and pull them out.
flippinoptimist that makes a lotta sense and is pretty interestin i have a tech way of carrying lots of stuff, but you mentioned tech was sad
deputyheadmistress Oh! I have a print version of the paper I was going to type up.
flippinoptimist ive got an amulet thats basically like a mr potato head that disguises you all the runework lines up so you can unclip parts and clip in different parts
deputyheadmistress > Send that along, also. There's moving pictures involved, with her pictured. Oh wow.
flippinoptimist modular!
deputyheadmistress I don't think describing it as 'Mr Potato Head' is reassuring, for a disguise, but a modular disguise is interesting.
flippinoptimist it only works when everything is seated in firmly and shut, but its also sort of like legos > He .. sends a modular disguise amulet over too, with a couple of bits and pieces it only does disguises for my species, but hey, maybe thatll be handy
deputyheadmistress Maybe.
flippinoptimist pro tip if you are ever going to go to a place with my species, ask them which color of person is best for you to be can of worms subject really
deputyheadmistress That sounds racist as hell.
flippinoptimist oh yeah
deputyheadmistress Joy.
flippinoptimist p much sometides people call the usual empress "fish hitler" most of the dudes i know are huge rebels
deputyheadmistress The magical world just recently got done with a war similar to Hitler's.
flippinoptimist but!  there are placeswhere things are fine its just good to check if a place is one of them first
deputyheadmistress So I'm a little sick of that.
flippinoptimist i hang out in like three different places where she got deposed differentamounts of time ago yeah thats aight
deputyheadmistress At least there's that.
flippinoptimist speaking of humans, its great how often its naut like that like, sometimes, but anyway people can be pretty cool when teyre given teh chance
deputyheadmistress I do like to believe in the inherent goodness of people, despite how much bad has happened.
flippinoptimist i think people can choose how theyre gonna be theresa lotta nice reasons to choose not to be a dick
deputyheadmistress I should hope you wouldn't need reasons, but yes there are reasons to be nice.
flippinoptimist sometimes bein mean is tempting, otherwise people wouldnt do it you get all wrapped up in somethin, dont see all of it, then suddenly you get a reality check an gotta go "hey is this where i wanna be" and then people ignore the question because they dont wanna think about it and then its sealed, theyre dicks and theyll stay that way
flippinoptimist till they look around again
deputyheadmistress I suppose.
flippinoptimist i spend a lotta time thinkin about it i was a jerk when i was younger, and i decided to be nice instead so i spend a lot of time talkin to dudes who are or were also jerks and we all get better! cause i can help them find the reasons they need to start
flippinoptimist also jerks are sometimes kinda hilarious, and theyre often pretty good at shit.  otherwise theyd have learned better when they ran into a problem they couldnt solve w/o help.
deputyheadmistress It's getting a bit late. I think I should probably turn in for the night, before all of the teenagers wake up and need scowling at.
flippinoptimist that is probably a thing i hope you have a good night miss granger it was nice meetin you
deputyheadmistress It was really interesting talking to you, Vel.
flippinoptimist i try for interestin
deputyheadmistress Do you really need to try?
flippinoptimist not really
deputyheadmistress Have a good night. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
flippinoptimist bye!
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dunkori · 7 years
Abridged History and Beginnings of the Spirit Wardens
The Spirit Wardens, and Project 0: Osselor The mantra of the Spirit Wardens was “To Defend the living who safeguard our dead”, and as far as Dunkori and Ravanhi were concerned, still very much applies to this day. As per this mantra, some of the most elite of the Auchenai Soulbinders, Artificers, and Deathspeakers were delegated to the task of creating a “Living Vigilant,” or at least the Draenei equivalent of a Super Soldier. 
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The first incarnation was done by Soulbinding several armored plates with the spirits of renowned Vindicators, Anchorites, Deathspeakers, and Artificers. Test Subject 0: Osselor would be the first. The experiment would be a success, but not without its drawbacks: exacerbating the test subjects already fragile senses, both spiritual and otherwise. While Osselor was a success, the effects on his mental state couldn’t be ignored, and the Spirit Wardens shelved the Soulbound Vigilant Armor for safe keeping until they could come back to perfect it at a better time, and in the hopes that Osselor would be able to recover from his exposure to so many bound souls in such close proximity.
Many more incarnations would come and go over the years, none quite as successful as Osselor in combat and guardian effectiveness, but all provided various lessons to be learned and applied to future projects.Vestiel’iri, Ravanhi, and the events leading up to the summoning of Murmur. Vestiel’iri, the founding Soulbinder of the Spirit Wardens had been experimenting with the binding of excess soul energies she noticed lingered on spirits after departing their mortal frame. She hypothesized that these energies were derivative of how one was feeling subconsciously at the time of their passing from living to spirit, and that these energies could be “recycled” and used to aid the living. 
The hypothesis and request to delve into the mysteries of this soul energy was rejected outright by a majority of the High Priests of Auchindoun… save one. High Priest Ravanhi, one of the eldest of the High Priests of Auchindoun felt that Vestiel’iri’s hypothesis and possible experimentations bore merit, however, she wished to oversee the work herself. Therefore, Vestiel’iri was required to report all findings and seek the counsel of Ravanhi before any work moved forward. Also as per the stipulations to continue her experimentation, Vestiel’iri was made to craft a “Ring of Artificing”; a truesteel band with a thick groove throughout the circumference of the ring. In the groove was a smaller black ring, made of a black stone that when turned in the groove 180 degrees would render any creations bearing Vestiel’iri’s signature runes that marked her works inert. Rotating it back would of course immediately reverse and allow her works to continue, therefore giving High Priest Ravanhi full control of anything crafted by Spirit Wardens under Vestiel’iri, and by all rights making her the new head of the Spirit Wardens over Vestiel’iri. 
In the final years leading up to the destruction of Auchindoun at the hands of the Shadow Council’s summoning of Murmur into the mortal plane, Vestiel’iri and the Spirit Wardens began work on what would ultimately be their final project in the years Auchindoun still stood… and never to be completed by them (Only later to be completed by Vestiel’iri’s daughter, Dunkori). The project was dubbed as “The Arbiter”, an assortment of items crafted and meant to be assembled to create a nigh unstoppable warrior to exact retribution for what had befallen them at the hands of the orcs up to this point, and bring peace to whatever souls left lingering in their path.
All that was able to be completed was a single choker, or chain depending on how one looked at it. Around the links of the choker/chain were five stones… five LARGE colored stones that had been harvested by Vestiel’iri herself as a culmination of her “Emotional Essence” project that drew the ire of the Auchenai High Priests to begin with. In these five stones were stored all of the different emotional energies she had found up to this point since her project was approved and supervised by Ravanhi. Vestiel’iri left one chain open: the centerpiece of the choker; and left it about 25% larger than the other stones on the chain/choker. 
Her reasoning for this was that there was still one emotional essence that had eluded her up to this point (and would not be found until Dunkori would take up her mother’s work many years later). Vestiel’iri theorized that this last stone would be what brought the whole chain into balance, and grant the “Arbiter” it’s power: Rage, the Red Stone. 
 The power and influence of the Rage Stone was theorized to be considered overwhelmingly more powerful than each of the other individual stones, and that it would take all of them to balance out the fury it incited, and would keep the Arbiter from losing all sensibility, destroying whatever they could get their fists, hooves, or weapon on.
On the day the Shadow Council summoned Murmur, destroying Auchindoun and leaving countless souls to wander the aftermath, Osselor the Living Vigilant was burdened with the armor he’d worn before as Project 0, and as many of the Spirit Warden’s other relics he could carry, including the Arbiter’s Chain and all the rest of Vestiel’iri’s works...up to and including the journal that detailed everything else needed to complete the Arbiter Project. 
 ...Additionally… Osselor was given what remained of an ancient Augari weapon, hailing all the way back before the Exodus from Argus. There were only shards of it that remained however, the rest of it seemingly lost, but far from forgotten.
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tsgaustintexas · 5 years
Friendsgiving with The Austin Artisan & S’more Volume 7 Members
Last weekend we kicked off the holiday season right with The Austin Artisan by hosting a Friendsgiving dinner party that we’ll remember for years to come. We tapped our amazing local businesses featured in Volume 7 and the results speak for themselves - the evening was effortless and beyond beautiful, if we do say so ourselves!
Photography by Shelby Bella
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Chef + Owner of The Austin Artisan, Michael Wards & TSG Austin Editor + Owner, Leigh Ann Kalman
The Main Event
The night would not have happened without The Austin Artisan. From his initial planning to the flawless execution of a four-course meal, Chef Michael Wards made planning and prepping for our large group seamless. Prior to our event, The Austin Artisan team came out to my house to discuss the menu and to conduct a kitchen walk-thru to ensure a smooth night. Hours before guests were to arrive, he & his team swooped in and turned my kitchen into a true chef’s kitchen. They brought all of their own pots & pans, knives & supplies and at the end of the night, they left it cleaner than they found it. The sweetest servers - Brittany and Seti - helped put the finishing touches on our tablescape, from folding napkins to placing menus, silverware + more. 
To say my guests were shocked to see me sipping champagne (with dried and styled hair, no less) would be an understatement. Without the help of The Austin Artisan, I’m usually tornado-ing around the house, lighting candles, prepping cocktails and trying to finish my makeup. It’s not a pretty sight... 
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The perfect backyard setting
Our backyard has been a 4-year process that we’ve done in phases and the project has finally been completed and we are over the moon about it. We’ve had some amazing people help us turn it into the ideal hosting destination, but by far - the biggest transformation was installing LawnPop Artifical Turf. We are obsessed. Like, yell it from the mountaintops obsessed. Owner, Tanner Shepard, and his team are truly the best in the business and every single person that steps foot in our backyard asks A) do we love it (duh!) and B) if it’s a good idea for dogs (100%!). We’ll be sharing more on that transformation soon - but in the meantime, reach out and get a quote. You will not be disappointed.
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photographic evidence that I was ready to go *before* my guests arrived!
The tabletop collaboration of my dreams
Premiere Events’ rentals anchored the decor with a really fun black & white gingham tablecloth, which I paired with black chivari chairs & some super luxe velvet napkins. I added in some gold flatware & smoke-colored glassware, but kept the rest of the details clean and simple with these plates, bowls and wine glasses.
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Paper Place did the most amazing job with the menus. Wherever Suzy Ranney (Owner of Paper Place) leads us, I follow. They are always so spot on and this project was no exception. I originally thought I wanted separate place cards, but they suggested incorporating the name card into the menu - genius! It looked so sweet and it was the perfect detail to make my guests feel special. Oh, and the raw edge detail on the menus was such an elegant look. As a special little treat, we included a recipe from Chef Wards on the backside of the menu (for his most delicious turnip gratin). Everyone was beyond impressed!
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Photo by TSG Austin
Gracious Garlands’ 10’ft spregeri thread did an amazing job of tying the table together and making the design feel fuller. When it was just the black, white & orange, I was starting to second guess my vision. The greenery added some depth and all of the Halloween vibes instantly disappeared. We also had two matching wreaths hanging on our patio doors to tie it all together. The garlands arrived on Thursday, packaged perfectly and with a little fluffing - they were ready to go! Per Owner, Elle Worsham’s advice, we added in loads of candles and it was instant ambiance!
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House of Margot Blair made the most fabulous ‘voluptuous minis’ - the biggest of her Margot Mini arrangements. Owner & Creative Director, Carly Blair, created the most beautiful fall floral arrangement that perfectly tied our festive table together. Pro Tip: She told me to place the arrangements facing opposite directions to show off all the different angles! It’s been almost a week and those beauties are still thriving and they make me smile every time I walk past them. She has some fun holiday happenings up her sleeve - including a workshop on the horizon (tomorrow!) and a special sale planned for Black Friday (subscribers only). Be sure to sign-up for her newsletter to stay in the know.
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A menu fit for foodies 
There were three savory courses and it just got better and better. Everyone was blown away by the presentation, flavors and service. I truly can’t say enough good things about Chef Wards and his team! 
Hors d’oeurves
Red Snapper Crudo. Puffed Red Quinoa. Fresno Chile. Chile Oil. Tiger Milk. Citrus. 
Short Rib Tostada. Black Garlic Aioli. KimChi Slaw. Petite Celery. 
Brown Butter. Sourdough Crouton. Aged Cheddar. House-Made Fig Preserves. Pistachio Crumble. 
Course One
Cauliflower Bisque. Sunchoke Chips.
Garlic & Rosemary Oil. Cracker. Olive Varietals & Petite Herbs
Course Two
Carbonara with Fresh Linguine. Guanciale Lardons. 68° Egg.
Parmigiano Reggiano & Black Pepper
Course Three
Seared Petite Filet. Radish. Turnip Gratin. Field Greens. Cabernet Demi-Glace
 Course Four
Gourmet s’mores from Fluff Meringues & More around the campfire
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Speaking of course four, Fluff Meringues & More ended the meal with a bang! Owner, Kristin Collins, has created the most indulgent and gourmet s’mores. If you’re dining in, you can roast your mallows over a small flame at your table. Or if you’re taking them to go, you can grab these over-the-top cute s’mores kits. We had a platter of homemade graham crackers and an assortment of dark + milk chocolate - which fun fact: they are melted down to size to guarantee the perfect ratios for each and every bite. The ‘mallows were the real star of the show - vanilla, chocolate and mint. I can assure you everyone indulged and had the signature s’more-sticky hands to prove it.
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A few more fun details…
When you book your holiday dinner party with The Austin Artisan, be sure to use the promo code ‘LetsParty’ when you book & they’ll bring some of their signature bubbles to kick off your dinner party with a champagne toast! This offer is only good for events in December and just a few spots remain, so jump on it! It was such a special treat & the perfect way to greet everyone that walked through the door! Plus, it was the best excuse to use these beautiful crystal coups that my grandmother-in-law sent over from the UK.
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We are fully obsessed with Fluff Meringues’ newest holiday candles. There are two scents, and as a self-proclaimed candle connoisseur, both are perfection. I went with ‘Jackson,’ a smokey birchwood + pine-scented candle because it gives me all the holiday feels. I also love that these candles are made in partnership with another amazing local business, Benjamin Soap Company.
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If you think Cholula was left out of this soiree, think again! It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with my dog & I had to make sure she matched the decor with a black & white gingham bandana. She was such a good girl all night until she ate an entire s’mores kit the next day!! Don’t worry, she’s fine and very pleased with herself. Judging by this picture of her and my sister-in-law, I should have seen it coming…
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Now that we’re back in 80-degree temps, it’s hard to believe that we were dining in 50-degree weather last weekend. Because of the chill, we called in the help of gas heaters to keep our guests toasty. As someone who can’t pass up a theme, I created a cheeky “Warming Station,” classed up with Leontine Linens’ cocktail napkins (thanks for the intro, The Scout Guide New Orleans!). My friends + family found it absolutely hilarious (and essential). Not one of the throw blankets I had inside for my guests were used - mission accomplished.
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Cheers! Until next time... 
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uriaslore · 8 years
The Will of Magic, Part 1
63 BR (Before Rift)- 63 Years Before the Fall of the Great Civilization
“Are you ready?” Professor Dymis asked.
His most promising student, Kintira, nodded. “I’m so excited for this!” she exclaimed. “A glimpse into the very nature of magic- the why. I don’t think this has ever been done before!”
The Professor began to channel magic into the apparatus, which began to spark and glow.
The device was her design, after all. She was the one who was attempting to get a degree in Theoretical Magic at Evershine Academy of Magic, and it was her lungs that had been coughing dust that had settled back in the time of the Progenitors, seeking out scraps of lost knowledge. Kintira’s travels ranged from lost ruins in the Wild Continent, to the lost dungeons of the Nukrollr, to the great caverns below the Polar Circle. Each report from the races spoke of the same thing- a whisper in the flows of undoing energy that was magic.
Magical theory, as it was currently understood, was simple enough. Undoing energy flowed outwards from large masses, floating inertly through space. This loose energy could be collected and returned to lower planes, doing work in the process. The work done by magic was not as base as turning a water wheel or pushing a cart, though- magic could make the laws of physics not apply.
The first spell everyone learned at Evershine was also the clearest for demonstrating this. A simple fire spell made the effect of magic clear. Normally, fire required fuel, oxygen and heat. Magic- undoing energy- could remove- or undo- the restrictions on the creation of fire, causing a flame to spark where it normally would not.
From there, magical study spanned the studies of Artificing, of Magitech, of Spellcasting, of Theoretical Magic… the list was as endless as the possibilities created by undoing energy. Kintira was not an especially powerful spellcaster, being too vulnerable to the Magic Madness to perform powerful spells without losing her mind, but her grasp of theory was unparalleled at the time. And everything she had discovered suggested a secret, more primal force behind this Undoing.
It was felt in places like the Tundra Island of the Southern Continent, where the Progenitors’ great magical works had been created. It was felt in the ruins of Mettora, where the Nukrollr had vanished suddenly without a trace. It was in the Magic Wing of Evershine’s laboratory section, where thousands of experiments in magic had left arcane power lingering. In all situations of intense magic, a presence could be felt. This presence was identical in feel to the whispers heard in the mind when one was casting magic- it was otherworldly and it was strange.
Kintira rubbed her hand over her leathery notebook. Inside that one tome was knowledge that would revolutionize the understanding of the Chaos Plane from whence magic came. She watched as her guide Professor Dymis cast the arcane pump spell into the Condensing Apparatus, knowing that something great was about to happen.
After a minute, the small flywheel on the Apparatus began to turn. Inside the glass globe, dark shapes began to form, twisting and curling through impossible dimensions.
“Two years of studying the most advanced theories in Artificing in addition to my Theoretical Magic…” Kintira whispered in awe. There was definitely a hint of something inside the Condensing Apparatus, a formless mass that could only be composed of- “Pure magic! Undoing energy taken form.” Kintira watched the shape twist and warp in mind-bending ways, then scribbled several notes down. The Professor leaned in closely. “That’s a strange color…”
“What?” Kintira looked up from her notes, which she set on top of the globe.
“The thing isn’t actually black or grey…it’s some strange color. I’m not even sure how to describe it.”
The shape swam through the air, pressing up against the glass globe of the Apparatus.
“It makes my head hurt, looking at it,” Kintira said. “It must be the strange dimensions and patterns it follows, or maybe it’s…”
“I know, it’s strange. I’m not even sure this thing follows normal planar laws.”
“Speaking of…” Kintira walked over to her desk, grateful for the chance to look away from the thing. She gathered a number of measuring tools and returned to the Apparatus. On the small platform next to the globe, she carefully arranged the instruments. “Temperature near the globe is slightly warmer than the rest of the room…magnet is spinning wildly… can’t measure mass or volume…magic field- INCREDIBLY strong. That’s a whole Warp above the background!” Kintira cast a small flame spell, intended to create a small fire above her hand. Instead, her pink fire formed a ball almost as large as the glass globe. She quickly stopped the spell, noting that the whispers of magic were significantly louder and seemed to come from the globe. The shape fluttered in a curious manner.
Kintira picked up her notebook. “Incredibly strong magical field, with the whispers coming from the captured energy.” She jotted down a number of other measurements, leaving the Planar Detector from last.
The Detector measured the strengths of the planes in an area. The Chaos Plane was, of course, dominating the planes in the local area, but the curious thing was the Void. It was unusually strong, which meant that the thing must have had some connection to the Void.
“Curious…what are you?” Kintira said, walking around the Apparatus. The shape, as if in response, seemed to gather itself into one area. “Are you…communicating?”
The shape remained still.
The Professor spoke up. “Might I suggest a language comprehension spell?”
“Hmm, perhaps. Fifth-level spell, but if it is trying to communicate…” Kintira stood still as she tried to remember the proper mental motions, then cast the spell.
Kintira suddenly tensed, her temporarily-pink eyes wide. She was clearly focusing on something in her mind. She looked shocked. Dymis waved a hand in front of her eyes, but she did not respond. He sat down in front of her, and wondered what was happening…
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
Dungeons and Record Keeping Texas-0.5
I’m just gonna use this blog to log what all happens in my D&D games
This chronicle will be about the high school group i started and for this specifically ill detail everything thats happened so far in the game I have with people from Texas, starting with their backstories...
Grant: Couch, The Aasimar Bard
            Couch’s namesake is apt if nothing else, he first achieved consciousness whilst in a bard college, where he listened to and picked up on the talents of the students at that time. At some point he changed from his couch form into a humanoid. From there he set out on his journey to discover who or what had created him.
Couch looks like Fabio, in that he has long blonde hair, a strong jawline, and a need to be shirtless at all times. Its gotten to the point where any armor he wears only covers his legs
Daniel: Wes10, The Warforged Artificer
            Wes10 is a hybrid of sorts, an artifical being that was created for the purpose of exploration. A machine that required no loss of life to complete dangerous missions in the name of science. At some point during his objective, he woke up. He is unsure how he came to life, but his body was altered from its original creation. Where previously he only existed as a machine, he found that with the life breathed into him he also took on a more human air. Where muscles there was a fibrous wood that functioned in a similar fashion. He does however operate with a distinct lack of visceral that would constitute a normal person.  He now wonders in search of his creator to find his purpose.
Wes10 takes a little bit out of the iron giant book with his look and demeanor. He really doesn’t understand much about social interactions (much to his party’s detriment) but is doing all he can
Chase: Indigo, The Tabaxi Rogue
             Born in an age long forgotten Indigo was born of a nomadic race of cats  that lived in a desertous region. Taking the color of a panther his tribe was one of simple living, they hunt their own food, and keep to themselves. The age Indigo was born in didn’t respect such niceties. For the Gods still roamed the material plane, and the mortals suffered for it. During a small break at an oasis Indigo saw something began to erupt from the ground. An enormous worm-type creature broke the sandbar and consumed indigo in but the breadth of a moment and was gone. He had been taken, be a demon, and had been trapped in the abyss. He fought and wandered his way to freedom, but when he reached the surface he saw that more time had passed than he initially thought. (it was a few thousand years, not specifying)
Indigo is shorter than most tabaxi, and is slightly more stocky, his head is more of an apparition. Completely intangible, but he does have a neck hole that he uses to drink and breathe.
Addison: Celeste, The Human Fighter
             The Emerald Hunters, a group dedicated to the destruction of any and all monsters that plague the Prime Material plane. A group of specialized mercenaries that take pride in hunting only the most dangerous game in the world. Among these breed of fighters was Celeste Tarth, whom eagerly took to the lifestyle just as her family did for generations now. When one wayward night the family was contracted to take on a vampire that had been terrorizing a small town. The contract itself was a trap, set by the vampire to rid himself of any possible “issues”. Celeste, her 2 brother, mother, and father were all captured. Celeste was the only one to escape, but she did not do so unscathed. She contracted Vampirism from Lord Vindel Cor’vik Anderson. She now seeks out the vampire to free her family from their imprisonment.
             Celeste has  pale skin, thick black hair that falls just past her shoulders. She has bright green eyes and full lips. (think Esmeralda--Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Kristina: Bareea, The Tabaxi Cleric
             Upon the continent of Shundara there exists a vast expanse of desert that is home to many a creature. Civilization has sprung only along the coastlines, for the center harbors no land for irrigation. Some creatures do manage to thrive in the arid climate. Such is the fate of Bareea’s tribe. A basic hunter society that moves around trading, stealing, or bargining any time they are allowed such pleasantries. Bareea was but a child when she was taken from her home. It is unknown to her if she was sold into slavery, or stolen. She had many new masters over her short time but eventually settled in a city in Demanaca where she was sold to a big game hunter and kept as a pet for his Daughter. Whenever the hunter held one of his extravagant parties she would be paraded out to do tricks or wear costumes. One of those nights a cleric of some minor note was in attendance of the party and his morality would not allow him to leave Bareea in this state. He took the young tabaxi and they fled for the border of Nalus, where she became interested in his craft. After a few months of learning, one day, the cleric told Bareea that he had to go take care of something and that he would return that night. He never did, and Bareea set off to where ever. Shortly thereafter she was captured, a bounty placed upon her, by the hunter whom had bought her. 
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