imagionationstation · 20 hours
Was ANYONE going to tell me that baby turtles kiss (bump beaks) each other to express love and nuzzling is one turtle’s way to confirm the safety/possession of another turtle???
Like, they NUZZLE to say “I love you are you okay you’re mine” ALL AT ONCE. It’s NOT just some silly little motion. It has MEANING!
The kind of meaning that could TOTALLY translate as “I would kill for you just point at who” in a scared moment LIKE AH
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles AUs
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New! Merch
Phantom Pain
Donnie was finally back to normal. At least.... he was no longer feral. But months of being infected takes its toll and Leo has lost a lot to get him back. It's not easy having two idiots who can't deal with emotions as brothers for Mikey.
Start reading here
CW: nightmares, amputation
Tags: #phantom pain comic
Krang infection sequel
Krang Infection
Two years after the invasion, Donnie feels sick and his gut instinct tells him it's very different from the rat flu.
Start reading here
CW: minor body horror, implied amputation, non graphic brain surgery
Tags: #krangified Donnie #Krang infection comic
False Memory
All the brothers have had nightmares from the Apocalypse pop up and ruining their sleep. Casey confirmed that what they've dreamt actually happened to their counterparts in his timeline. They refer to it as 'false memories'. Leo wakes up to the worst 'memory' he's had thus far.
Start reading here
CW: death
Brains and Brawn Apocalypse
Donnie and Raph lost their brothers during the apocalypse when they were only in their twenties. Now, in their thirties, there's not much hope left for them to win this war.
Several one shots: overview
CW: death
Great, what's next...
A poll based adventure with Donnie as the main character
Start reading here
CW: none
Wretched Little Pests
Read the comics here
CW: death, injuries, murder, savage mode
Tag: #wretched little pests au
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phecdasolar · 2 months
Tumblr I need your help I am in dire need of feral/unhinged Disaster Twins fics pleaseeee (and maybe Mikey as a bonus) I’m just in love with the idea of Raph being the impulse control for once with this iteration, and just the second he’s out of commission the other three go insane.
Weapons of War, Bioengineered Killing Machines, Manufactured Supersoldiers Rottmnt turtles my BELOVEDS
And maybe just like,,, set Leo and Donnie loose on one of the other dimensions and have them absolutely horrifically annihilate their counterparts’ villains while they watch on in horror
(B.E.A.S.T. was SUCH a good fic you guys oh my GOSH go read it I’m begging you-)
I NEED to have it addressed in fic form that the Rise turtles are fundamentally different than all their other counterparts, because their counterparts? They were accidents. Just a couple of turtles splashed with mutagen and oh look now they’re people but Green. (Huge oversimplification I’m aware but hear me out okay-)
But the Rise boys were created. They were specifically designed to be weapons of mass destruction. They were built with the intent to cause harm which means they were bioengineered to be stronger, smarter(?), faster, to heal quicker, to have the capacity to take hard hits while dishing out even harder ones, they were literally forged with a purpose to kill.
Add on their mystic powers? Then their unlocked Ninpo? You can’t honestly tell me that these four aren’t the strongest and potentially deadliest version of themselves out there.
Yes they still had to learn things, as did the other iterations, they weren’t immediately good (that much is obvious, like c’mon it’s IN the name) but I don’t think the other iterations possess the same instincts as these guys do. They’re just so. Unhinged. They’ve all had their moments in the show I think where it’s obvious they’re not really,,, stable. I love them.
In a plain fists only, maybe weapons, no powers fight, I do think some of the other iterations would win, but purely because they have way more experience than these guys do. (If I did any crossovers I’d say 2003 and 2012 are definitely older than these guys, especially if we’re basing this at the end of their shows) But put them against each other when they’re still at the same level? Rise is whooping butt, I know where I’m placing my bets. It’s called RISE of the TMNT for a reasonnnnnn they’re not there yet but they WILL BE, and as of the end of s2 and the movie I say they’re finally THERE.
I have no idea how this turned into a headcanon rant this was just supposed to be me asking for fic recs hsgdjdjdk it’s almost 3 am tho so whatever sorry if none or some of this is incoherent o7 o/
Editing this with a list of fics I have been graciously recommended below the cut:
Firefight by remrose [42/43 chapters 208k words] (edit: JUST FINISHED READING ch38-42 WATCH ME BAWL MY EYES OUT I was rotating them in my brain all morning at work) less on the feral side, more on the gut-wrenching angst side, still Disaster Twins and still super good
In Which Donnie and Leo Make Themselves Everyone Else's Problem in an NYC That Isn't Even Their Own by YukiSkyes [7/? chapters, 18k words] the CLASSIC “the Disaster Twins are unapologetically causing chaos” fic, always a delight to read
The Lemon Leak by TurtleSoupSwimmer [27/37 chapters, 143k words] I’m being told it’s very true to the theme here, and it’s very angsty, a suspenseful psychological thriller, and will make you scream at your phone. I for one am very intrigued
Eschatology by aenor_llelo, Alderous, ConcoctionsFromHell, izziel_galaxy, Jaybird314, Otakuforlife19, and Rocket999 [17/17 chapters, 344k words] “HEAVY on the boys being biologically engineered to destroy the world, it also delves into so much character building and worldbuilding that we never got in canon, and it gives even super minor characters the chance to shine” Sounds intriguing, AND it’s a BNHA crossover which I am a big fan of :D
The Hunter’s Bible also by TurtleSoupSwimmer [2/2 chapters, 15k words] Rated Mature, contains themes of SA and c@nnibalism so PLEASE keep that in mind!! Not a fic for the faint of heart this is a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat! The SA is only attempted, and never shown, only implied, and it’s only in ch 1, but the other stuff is fairly descriptive and takes place in ch 2. All that being said, flipping UNHINGED, just about lost my mind in ch 2, it was entertaining in a surreal kinda way if you get what I mean. Funky little feral creatures
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
Getting the attention of Tashi and Art
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
Happy pride month!! Let's see if the wifi will let me post this. More Art than Tashi cause I'm a sucker for pathetic blondes.
His eyes tracked the ball back and forth, left to right, taking in the swings from both players. (Y/N) swung his racket, sending the ball back over the net. Art's eyes lingered on his face, taking in the knitted brow, serious look on his face. Sweat trickled down his forehead and temple from the heat and exertion, though he hardly had to try against Tashi. The ball flew by her before she could even get close to hitting it, her leg wobbling and threatening to give out from under her.
Art's throat tightened. "Tashi-"
"I'm fine!" She snapped, her knuckles whitening from her grip on the racket. Tashi's chest and shoulders lifted and lowered with her heavy pants, sweat similarly covering her features. She looked tense. Angry. Distraught. Tashi cursed under her breath and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand as she snatched her water from the ground and drank. Art turned back to the other player when he did similarly, taking his bottle from the bench and drinking before patting his neck and face dry a rag. 
"Hey," Art walked toward him, glancing over his shoulder at the girl. "She's still injured, man. Could you go easy on her?"
"She asked to play." (Y/N) reminded him gruffly, tossing the rag over his bag and arching a brow at him. Art swallowed thickly, eyes instinctively averting elsewhere. He hardly ever spoke with (Y/N). He'd been given enough warning to steer clear by his classmates but Tashi seemed determined to at least win one round. 
"I can't play against someone too scared to hurt me to play right." Tashi had told him when they arrived at the court that early afternoon. Art's gaze immediately snapped over to him. It always did. He couldn't help it. (Y/N) was as captivating and terrifying as Tashi. Quick, cutthroat, and with a glare that could stop hearts. Art remembered the first time he'd been held under that glare. He'd felt himself physically shrink back into a nonexistent shell like a damn turtle. "At least he'll take me seriously."
"If she hurts herself again-"
"That's her problem, sweetheart." Art inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring slightly as his words jabbed right into his lower stomach, a satisfying heat shooting up his spine. (Y/N) stared right at him, straight through him really, and the mixture of irritation, mockery, and apathy made Art look back at him with a glare. He cared about Tashi, so much so he'd been willing to wedge himself between her and Patrick. Patrick lost her and now, Art had a chance with the girl he'd been enthralled with.
"You don't always have to be a dick, you know?" Art meant to sneer, to sound assertive and angry, and he was. But holding eye contact with (Y/N) made his stomach twist, just like it had when he first laid eyes on Tashi and listened to her victory cheer. It was a breathtaking feeling, one that made his nerves jitter and his skin flush. 
A beat of silence followed and Art pressed his lips tightly together, waiting for some sort of reaction that'd land him a visit to the nurse. Instead, (Y/N) scoffed. "Get used to it, Donaldson. I won't baby you or your girlfriend just because you asked. If you have a problem-" (Y/N) leaned in, bumping the tips of their noses together and piercing into him with his eyes. "-cry about it."
"Hey," Tashi called out to them and Art's head snapped in her direction. She watched them, brow slightly arched and free hand bouncing a tennis ball until she had their full attention. "Come on. One more match." 
"No." (Y/N) exhaled heavily and leaned back, picking up his bag from the bench and stuffing the bottle inside. Art and Tashi looked back at him, questions forming on the tips of their tongue that (Y/N) dismissed with a simple roll of his neck and a few words. "You've bored me. I'll see you around."
Tashi blinked at him dumbfoundedly, the racket slipping from her grasp and legs moving to quickly walk after him as he made his way off the court. "The hell do you mean by that? I'm fine, I swear. I just need to train." She assured him, her long braid swinging back and forth with her rapid movements. The borderline desperation in her voice did little to slow him down and she grunted in annoyance, quickening her step into a brief jog to cut in front of him. "What is it? What did Art say to you?"
"Nothing, Duncan. He's worried about you, is all." (Y/N) shrugged. "Besides, another match like that and you would've hurt yourself. Cut your losses and move on."
"And how the hell am I supposed to do that?" Tashi sounded breathless, weak even. She hated it. She hated admitting she knew no matter how many doctors she visited, how many hours she trained to rebuild her strength and work on the court... she'd never go back to what it once was. Forced to retire before her career had even truly started all because of being too in her head during a match. "Tennis is all I know. I can't- I can't abandon it, not like this. Do you know how hard I've worked for this?" She can feel the tears pricking the back of her eyes, the fast beat of her heart, and trembling hands. It was overwhelming. It was infuriating. 
(Y/N) stared at her, his fingers holding onto the strap of his bag and rubbing into the rough fabric in thought. "I don't give a shit about anything you do, Tashi. You're not my friend, not my competition, or someone I even think about. But as a fellow player, I suggest becoming part of someone's team. Assistant coach, partner, whatever the hell you think suits you. But if you keep playing like this, you're going to fuck up your leg beyond repair. You always need a backup plan in sports."
Tashi crossed her arms and took a deep breath, tilting her head up toward the sky and nodding weakly. Her parents would support her regardless of what she chose to do but she knew, deep down she knew, that they'd always be disappointed she never reached her full potential. "Yeah," She exhaled softly. "Yeah, you're right."
"Always." She let out a breathy chuckle and rolled her eyes at his cocky tone, eyes trailing after him when he departed down the sidewalk in the direction of the locker rooms. He reminded her of Patrick, a better improved less annoying version at least. Or maybe he reminded her of herself. Tashi bit the inside of her cheek. The potential was far too great to ignore.
"Hey, you okay? How are you feeling?" Art's sweet voice filled her ears and she peered at him over her shoulder, spotting her belongings in his hand and that scrunched-up, worried look on his face. So dutiful, so warm. The perfect person to mend into whatever she wanted, whatever she needed. Her aching leg grounded her and she sighed. 
"I'm fine." She muttered. God, how many times had she uttered those words since the match? Everyone treated her like cracked glass ready to break at any given moment. She was stronger than that. Better than that. Why could nobody see that? "I'm... I'm gonna get some rest, Art. I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course." Art nodded, his poofy curls bouncing off his forehead as he offered over her things and offered her a smile. "Want me to walk you back?" 
"No, it's alright." 
"Take care, Tashi." Art sighed quietly and watched her walk away, unable to stop himself from looking down at the brace wrapped tightly around her knee. Her limp had mostly disappeared, only noticeable if one looked for it, but he could tell Tashi wanted nothing more than to go back to how things were. If only she and Patrick hadn't argued that morning, if only he'd won the match and gotten her number instead. Did Patrick deserve it? Art tried not to be a sore loser or a shitty friend, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a smidge glad to know he wouldn't be coming around anytime soon. 
Guilt crept in pretty quickly and he shoved his hands in his pocket, turning his sights on the locker rooms and heading toward them. He'd hardly played as much as the others, but his skin still felt sticky and dirty from the sweat he'd accumulated. Cool air greeted him when he stepped inside and he maneuvered his way around the halls and lockers, greeting familiar faces that exited with nods and smiles until he noticed the familiar figure stripping by one of the open lockers. Art averted his eyes at first and then slowly shifted them back to the tennis player. 
"Take a picture, Art," The blonde flinched, heat erupting in his neck and traveling rapidly throughout his body. (Y/N) peeled his shorts from his legs, head angled toward the younger guy, and lazy smirk only fueling Art's embarrassment. "It'll last longer." He tossed the shorts and boxers over his bag and stepped around the lockers, the familiar squeal of the shower handle turning echoing through the partially empty room. 
"I-" Art clamped his mouth shut and cleared his throat, bidding goodbye to the last of the guys in the locker room before he found his locker and began undressing. He retrieved a towel and placed it on one of the nearby sweats before stepping onto the cool tiled floor in the showers, sparing a glance at the player. "I wasn't... staring."
"You always stare." (Y/N) sighed, running a soapy hand over his shoulder and leaving a trail of foam behind that the cold droplets washed away. He tilted his head back, the water splashing against his chin and trickling down his throat. Art turned the handle, the cold water making him tense automatically but it soon gave way to relief when his warm skin cooled. He ran a hand through his curls, letting the water soak into them. 
"You don't mind, though." Art said quietly, finding a new surge of confidence. (Y/N)'s brow twitched, the corners of his lips curling and eyes fluttering open to look at him. He stared at him questioningly, prompting Art to clear his throat again. "You don't care about tennis but you still play because... because you like attention."
"Bold statement, Donaldson. Especially from you." (Y/N) laughed and stepped toward him, leaning in again and tilting his head, eyes finally bright with something other than indifference or irritation. Art's lips parted, soft breaths escaping him. Another step and they'd be close enough to kiss. "You'd do anything for Tashi's attention. Anything for my attention. And you'll never have either, not for as long as you want."
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
Trick: Leo and Draxum
Had an idea here for an End Game AU where:
the boys don't escape, and for whatever reason Splinter can't break out either
Draxum reads the room a little better on what will happen when he puts that Dark Armor on
the boys did a better repair job on the helmet
idk what specific warnings to put on this but uh Leo is straight up not having a good time
Leo sees Draxum coming toward their cage, and knows they've run out of time to try for an escape attempt. Instinctively he moves closer to his brothers. He feels them closing ranks beside him, too.
"Now now, there's no need for such ugly looks." Draxum looks entirely too smugly satisfied as he surveys them, just outside of striking range on his side of the bars. "You should feel honored. I have a place for each of you in my glorious army."
"Thanks, but we're too young to enlist," says Leo automatically. He feels Raph shift behind him.
"And yet that hasn't stopped you from interfering with my plans at every turn. But that ends now."
Draxum crosses his arms behind his back, looking over each of them in turn. Leo doesn't like it at all; it makes him feel like a piece of meat being considered for grilling.
"Each of you will have your use," Draxum continues. "Snapping turtle, you are incredibly strong, both physically and mystically. And I have seen you lead your team. Rough around the edges to be sure, but you will make a fine general.
"Box turtle, you have an unusually high amount of untapped mystical energy. Under my instruction, you will become someone truly formiddable.
"And softshell, you are clearly highly intelligent. A shame you have wasted your talents on the human schools of invention, but rest assured, I can teach you all you need to know.
"And finally, the red-eared slider."
"Don't forget my winning personality and gorgeous smile," Leo quips.
In response, Draxum regards him coolly.
"Compared to your brothers, you are mediocre in every way. Your mystic potential is above average, but much weaker than the rest. You are not nearly so strong or intelligent, and while you have some physical talent, it's outweighed by your insufferable attitude."
It shouldn't sting. It shouldn't. Draxum's just a crummy villain, who cares what he has to say?
Leo chuckles nervously, shuffling back. "Mediocre? No way, I'm the best! Come on, guys, tell 'im."
This is where his brothers should chime in. Donnie should say, "No, he's right." Or Mikey should back Leo up, shouting down Draxum.
None of that happens. Instead, Raph is the one who moves, putting a hand on Leo's shoulder and physically moving him to the back, putting himself bodily between Leo and Draxum.
"None of us are joinin' your army," Raph growls.
"This is not something you have a choice in." Draxum waves a hand. "Now, I will be taking the slider with me."
Abruptly the bottom of the cage under Leo starts to sink, and he yelps, flailing his hands out for his brothers. Donnie and Mikey grab on, trying to hold him, but as the bottom of the cage falls out a strong vine grips his ankle and yanks, pulling him out of their grasp.
"Leo!" they yell after him.
Outside the cage, Leo hangs suspended in vines that grip him by every limb and around the middle. Draxum turns on his heel and walks away, and the vines carry him along after.
He tries to turn back and see his brothers, who are still making a racket, tries to smile reassuringly, but the vines hold him too tightly, and he can't.
"Hey, hey," he says. "If I'm so mediocre, what do you even need me for, huh?"
"Relaaax," says Draxum, with an easygoing tone that Leo doesn't like at all. "I said I had a place for each of you, and I meant it."
The first thing Leo sees as they enter the next room is the Dark Armor, standing fully complete at the top of a dais. The next thing he sees is his dad, trapped inside a similar cage - the moment he sees Leo, he rushes to the bars, slamming at them hard.
It doesn't even make a dent.
"Draxum!" he roars. "You said you would let them go!"
Draxum looks over at Splinter, shrugging.
"I lied."
Leo doesn't have to wonder what kind of deal his father made for their release. That helmet wasn't there before.
"I kept wondering why the Foot Clan was so eager for me to get inside the Dark Armor when before they had been so adamantly against me getting anywhere near it," says Draxum, talking about things Leo frankly couldn't care less about. "And then I realized... there is... a hunger in this armor. It will not awaken to its full strength until it is fed."
He looks back at Leo with a smile. "That's where you come in."
"Oh no, it doesn't want me," says Leo fast. "I'm way too lean! At least fatten me up for a few weeks first."
"It does not want you flesh, fool. It wants your mystic energy."
Leo grimaces. "Well, you just said I'm pretty mediocre in that department, soooo..."
"I said you are weaker than your brothers. But you still have plenty to sate the armor."
"You sure? I mean, maybe you should find someone with more, uh, mystic energy juice."
Draxum pauses, turning to look him in the eyes. "Very well. I suppose I could go get the box turtle-"
Leo swallows hard. "No," he says, voice resolute. "Not him."
"Good. Then we are agreed."
"No!" shouts Splinter, and he sounds so terrified that it shakes Leo. His dad has never sounded like that. "Draxum, please! He is just a child!"
"Again with this objection when it never seemed to matter before," says Draxum, like he's bored. He begins pulling Leo toward the armor.
"Please! Don't do this!" Splinter slams into the bars again, but they don't budge. "Take me instead! Just do not do this to him!"
"Shut up, you doddering old rat," snaps Draxum, and vines wrap around Splinter, silencing him. "I still have my uses for you, too. Don't worry - I can always make you a replacement son."
"No replacing perfection," says Leo, feeling lightheaded and nonsensical, and a vine around his mouth silences him, too.
He's pulled on the dais. Draxum slides each piece of the armor onto his body, one by one. It's too big for him, and he feels like he's being swallowed by some gaping maw, sliding down into the stomach of a fearsome beast.
This is where the rescue is supposed to happen. His brothers are supposed to burst in, having made a daring escape. His dad is supposed to display some heretofore unseen power and kick Draxum's butt. Divine intervention from his ancestors is supposed to shield him, and he should be free to go home, where he can laugh with his family about the whole crazy incident and how he's apparently good for nothing but a blood sacrifice to a demonic spirit.
The rescue doesn't happen. Instead, he watches, eyes wide and full of fear, breathing too fast against his gag, as Draxum smiles gleefully and puts the helmet on.
The pain is indescribable. The vines finally fall away from his mouth, and it doesn't matter because all he can do is scream.
Draxum was right; there's something hungry in the armor. It's eating him alive now, not his flesh but his spirit, ripping the energy right out of his veins, peeling him apart at the seams. It feeds on him, on every part of his flagging mind - even his fear is delicious to it. And when he feels like he has no more he can give, when he's certain that this is the end, when the darkness starts to roll over his consciousness, pulling him down, he hears a voice - one full of hatred and rage and a dark satisfaction.
Thank you, Hamato.
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almightyhamslice · 3 months
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Tamataki and Chamataki redesign! They're basically functionally identical to their canon counterpart (which is to say, nearly a complete mystery) but with masks! And their faces are different and more like their real life counterparts. I've worked with turtles at a nature center before and they have very sharp beaks! I've had my thumb bitten by a palm sized turtle n it cut the skin. They are not playing around!
Tamataki and Chamataki (shortened to TamaChama when referring to both collectively) are a strange pair, as I don't think their physical condition is specifically why they're considered 'rejects'-- I don't think the banban mascots can just accidentally grow a completely new head, so TamaChama was likely created and sculpted as a double-headed character in the first place! Judging by their construction hats, they were probably meant to block off areas of the resort that needed work, or keep the public away from scenes of accidents or malfunctions. They're a walkaround character and they weren't 'unfriendly' per se, but generally if you saw them it meant something bad had happened.
The issue that the scientists had with the pair was primarily due to their conflicting temperaments and biology. Tamataki has his own brain and thinks as a turtle would, while Chamataki has his own brain and thinks as a chameleon would. Of course they have things in common (both prefer to move slowly and like to lift heavy objects) but the two heads often clash, trying to hurt each other. Tamataki, having a sharp beaked mouth, would usually win and overwhelm his brother, and they'd both have to be tranquilized and patched up. They both have esophagi connected to the same stomach, so Chamataki would often try to deliberately harm his brother by eating sharp objects and waiting for Tamataki to regurgitate them, cutting his throat. So the two are unpresentable to the public due to fear they'll kill each other.
However, the both of them do still have a primary animal instinct to survive, so if they smell blood they'll both cooperate and hunt down their "prey". Chamataki has a long sticky tongue like real chameleons do, and Tamataki has his sharp beak (though he can also spit givanium onto foes if he is too far away). They are rather standoffish and don't really have "friends" in the resort. They fight particularly often with Kittysaurus since the two are both confined to the lower levels.
A few other design ramblings! I added a few pink accents (most notably Chamataki's wall art depicts him with pink eyes) cuz Chama's tongue is pink. I also noticed that his canon wallart design has a blue tongue, I'm not rlly sure why that is? I dunno if I like it much but it is very distracting lol! If I decide I hate it his mask will have a pink tongue later lol. I also wanted to make Tamataki more frightening-- he looks so silly in the game! So much like how I drew Zolphius, I depicted him with ever-present givanium stains going down his neck. I find it makes more sense that his projectiles would be concentrated givanium (his blood) rather than water, since they are opaque. I also gave him a tongue, which he doesn't have in the game. I made Tamataki's tongue givanium green to imply he wasn't sculpted with one, but it is an organ he has anyways & it's merely void of pigment.
EDIT: I forgot to ask!! Do you pronounce Chamataki with a hard C like in “chameleon” and “character”, or do you pronounce it with a soft CH like in “chart” and “chase”? Comment if you want to!!
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motheline · 1 year
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Oh ROTTMNT is trending again so uh
Here have a man who hasn't slept in 72 hours and is about to let the cain instinct win as quick warmup
There will be more turtles in the future I swear I just gotta relearn how to draw them
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Maybe this is a controversial take (it shouldn’t be, its in the text) but.
People really need to come to terms with the fact that Edward ‘loves a good maim‘, ‘made some poor bloke eat his own toes for a laugh’, ‘thoroughly enjoyed whippies/yardies/turtle vs crab/Calico Jack’s Whole Deal’, ‘Blackbeard always wins and I don’t even have to try and I’m bored of that’, ‘first instinct is to go for the gun’, ‘gouged an eye out of some lad’s skull and called it an anecdote’, ‘set a ship on fire with people still inside and called it a technicality’, ‘capable of becoming the Kraken’ Teach enjoys violence. (No moral judgements here, violence is rarely taken seriously by the narrative and he’s literally a pirate)
On the flip side: Israel ‘flashy sword work without so much as scratching Stede’, ‘concerned about the loss of lives of the Queen Anne’s crew’, ‘offers a quick death for Stede to Edward’, ‘loser is banished from the ship’, ‘negotiated for only Stede to be killed despite the rest of the pirates on the ship’, ‘takes away rations instead of flogging for insubordination’, ‘wants Blackbeard because people don’t fight Blackbeard’ Hands does not, actually, enjoy violence. He puts on a lot of bluster but ultimately everything he does is meant to keep himself (and Edward) safe, which requires a reputation for violence but necessitates a lack of actual serious violence (for the sake of violence at least).
Ed likes violence because its enrichment for his perpetually under-stimulated ADHD mind, he is the tiger with the meat pumpkin. Izzy doesn’t like violence because he just wants to survive and its so much harder to do that if you’re getting in needless fights.
I don’t necessarily agree that Izzy is a cut and dry masochist, it might be the only way he knows how to connect (intricate rituals and all that) but I don’t think its something he’d go for first if he knew there were other options that were safe to want (its why he’s so perplexed by Lucius, who has the connections without the violence), but even if you do think he is: its a different kind of violence. Its not violence for the sake of violence. Its an exchange of trust. ‘I trust you to hurt me but not to harm me.’
Idk I feel like I’m always repeating myself in my meta posts lmao, but like. I can’t just not say something and let people continue to be wrong about fictional characters on the internet can I? lmfao That’d be awful.
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badassturtles235147 · 5 months
TMNT 2012: Father Splinter 3 - Donatello
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(Sorry it´s been a while)
I love Splinter's relationship with Donnie so much. (Mostly because I find it funny)
I love how out of all of the turtles, Donnie is the one who tries to question Splinter´s wisdom and methods the most. He always seems to challenge Splinter in that area, like he is craving for the day when Splinter is proven wrong.
I like to think that Donnie and Splinter used to butheads when it came to ninjutsu. Donnie seems very insecure about his fighting skills, which is why he is always trying to think ahead and smart his way out of the worst situations. Donnie seems to know his strength and his limits, better than his brothers´ but though that was good, Splinter wanted him to push past his limits.
However, Donnie always seems to try to prove something to Splinter. Like he is just as strong as his brothers? Brains is better than ninjutsu or something like that?
¨Master Splinter, I think there is a lesson. You know like, brains over bravery or...something?¨
¨I think the something part is most accurate.¨
(Splinter´s responses are the best)
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It's like they almost make a game out of it. (With Splinter always winning)
Donnie may get annoyed, when Splinter lectures him about how he overthinks and how he criticize him on not trusting his instincts but Splinter only does that because he is trying to raise Donnie´s confidence.
Donnie is more confident with his brain than he is on his skills as a ninja and he prefers to stay where he knows he is the most strongest, where he is comfortable.
Splinter hates how hard his son is on himself, and Donnie hates feeling constantly misunderstood. Out of all his brothers, Donnie is the one who takes after Splinter the least and sometimes, it is hard for them to relate or understand each other but Splinter always tries.
He seems to enjoy his and Donnie´s usual banter.
¨With all due respect, Sensei, I can´t keep fighting alien technology with a 6 foot staff. I was hoping to upgrade my weapon.¨
¨Mmm. A 7-foots staff. Interesting.¨
¨No, I meant using modern technology.¨
¨Aah, a solar-powered staff.¨
¨I´m serious, Sensei!¨
¨I know. And yes, you may upgrade your weapon.¨
¨That´s totally unfair! You can´t just- Wait, did you say yes?¨
(Lol. I love them so much) 
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I also like how unlike sons, Splinter does not judge or mock Donnie for his crush on April. He is very fatherly in that area. When Donnie was upset about April being gone, Splinter was the one who comforted him and when he was being a bit...obsessive. Splinter had a private conversation with him (That we didn't get to really see because of stupid Nick!)
Splinter never crushed Donnie's hopes in April liking him back. When raising his sons, Splinter not doubted feared that they would grow up never finding true love and having a family of their own. He thought his sons would only have each other in the world. So, when April came along and he noticed his usual reality son, crushing on a normal human girl...he allowed his son to have that hope, not having the heart to tell him that April returning his feelings may be a difficult task.
However, when Splinter learned that Donnie was stalking April, he had to snap his son back into reality.
"My son, for someone so intelligent the obvious often eludes you."
Splinter probably thought, what the others thought, that Donnie stood no chance with April and that he was just awaiting heartbreak but he did not want to say that it was impossible. Even so, his son was clearly not taking the hint from April, so Splinter took it upon himself to gently explain to his son that he could not force her to like him and to give her space.
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Remember that episode when Donnie first made the retro-mutagen?
If that episode did not show how much Donnie and Splinter care for each other, I don't know what will.
Donnie was so proud and happy that he made the retro-mutagen, not only to help April's dad but his dad as well. Donnie was a fixer and he wanted to give Splinter something that he unfairly lost. He could not give him back his wife or his daughter, but he could give him back his humanity.
However, Splinter was hesitant...
"Save April's father first and then I will...consider it."
Donnie did not understand why his father did not want to take the retro-mutagen right away but he did not question, assuming it was just a lot for his father to take in and then...Xever, in his ugly fly mutation glory, came in ruined everything.
Donnie was so conflicted. On one hand, he knew he had to save April and her father but on the other...what about his father? Splinter has been a mutant rat, forced to live in the sewers with them for almost over 15 years and Donnie wanted so badly to give him back the freedom he lost, for him to be happy. Thankfully, Splinter made the choice for him, telling him he must save Kirby but Donnie was still sad, sad for his father.
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What Donnie did not understand though is that Splinter did not want to turn back. Yes, maybe he had considered it, wondering what it would be like if he returned being a normal human in society but he no doubt already knew his answer was going to be No.
For one thing, if his sons were going to remain mutants then so was he and another thing, Splinter, I believe, considered his mutation almost like a ...rebirth? A second chance.
As a human he had Tang Shen, Miwa, a clan that admired him but when he lost that, he moved to New York and had nothing to keep him going. He was alone but as a mutant, he gained a happy home, and his four amazing sons. His sons were his second chance to be the father he couldn't be with Miwa and he does not ever regret following that man in the ally that day.
Hamato Yoshi was Splinter's past and he did not wish to return back to it. He was content and happy where he was now.
So...why would he want to change that?
"Do not fret, my son. I am constant with what I have become. I have no place in the human world anymore. This is my home, and you four are my family."
I mean...it's true. What is waiting for Splinter up there when his sons are down in the sewers?
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Even so, I just love how Donnie is always determined to take care of their father. How he wanted Splinter to have that retro-mutagen and how, he worked very hard to get Karai back for him.
Donnie cares for his father so much and Splinter does in return. Splinter is always there to help ease his overthinking son's mind, give him advice when he needs it, and shows his appreciation for all that he does.
"I know how hard you have tried, Donatello. Some things are just not meant to be..."
It was sad and it obviously broke Splinter's heart but even though he was in grieve, he still made sure to acknowledged how hard Donnie has worked and assure him that it was not his fault that he could not find a cure for his daughter.
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Overall, these two have a great caring father and son relationship.
(With some fun banter added to the mix) :)
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yorshie · 1 year
Happy 300! ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
That’s a big number and I love the request celebration idea! Would love to see #21 with Mikey (Fluff + Romance)
We all know Mikey can be a bit scattered brained, but as the artistic turtle in the bunch I imagine he would pick up on the color changes in someone’s eyes, no matter how subtle. He would also be the turtle to be blunt enough to point out the observation. But who knows, maybe he noticed and starts to catch feelings✨, and starts trying to get the person to feel more emotions just to catch a glimpse at their eyes (¬v¬)・:
Have fun with the prompt and happy 300 again!
Thank you! And thank you for the request! I totally agree I think Mikey would be obsessed with someone who's eyes change color depending on their mood!
You weren't exactly sure what was going on in Mikey's head, but he seemed determined to drive you crazy. He'd been staring, all week, big blue eyes unashamedly catching your own whenever you dared trying to catch him in the act.
"Angelo," You forced a laugh at him over your shoulder, finding him once again staring at you instead of concentrating on the game he had invited you over to play. "I've kicked your butt the last three rounds, sweetie. When are you gonna tell me what's eating at you?"
"Hm?" He asked, eyes refocusing, giving you that soft smile that drove butterflies into your stomach. "Did you say something, babes?"
You huffed a laugh, gesturing at the screen where your character was currently posing in their winning stance, Mikey's character flopped on the bottom of the screen in disgrace. He hadn't even tried to dodge any of your attacks in the last round.
And now he was staring again, with that sweet look on his face, as if you were the only thing of interest in the whole room.
"Mikey," You set down the controller, "I'm serious, dude. What's up?"
He smiled at you, unbothered at his many losses, and said simply, "your eyes change color when you're happy."
You blinked, caught off guard, head cocking sideways to regard him from a different angle. "What?"
He nodded, the up and down of the motion causing his mask tails to wobble across his plastron. "Yup, you see," he leaned forward, baby blues impossibly close, and you almost startled, "when you get happy, they lighten, the middle around your pupil turns all warm, aaaannnd if I'm really lucky-" he paused, tilted his head to the side and darted in to give your cheek a peck of affection, before he hurriedly returned to his place, "yup. there is it."
"There what is?" You asked, dumbfounded that he had done that without an ounce of nerves, hands slack in in your lap.
He gave you another soft smile, whispering as if he was indulging some great secret. "The line around the outer edge of your iris darkens when you're surprised."
Those butterflies were back, and you clocked why, his hand warm as it slipped to cover your own, fingers tangling together. You clasped them on instinct, afraid for half a beat he'd pull away. "Mikey?"
He swayed closer, scooted til his knees lined up against your own, and you blinked when you caught yourself staring into his eyes. "Yea, babes?"
"Can i have another kiss?" You asked softly, turning beet red despite conquering your nerves, and his eyes lighted up, taking in the new color with an awed expression.
"Yeah, 'course you can." He leaned in slowly, letting you meet him half way, his lips soft against your own.
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Would you mind explaining why you ship Azaang? It seems interesting, but I can't put my finger on it. Since you dominate the tag, maybe you have some insights about the ship?
Short answer: It's a superior, more intimate, more suggestive, and more spiritually attuned version of Zukaang and a complete antithesis to Kataang. It mostly takes place in my Book 4: Air/Dark Avatar Ozai AU.
Long answer: I believe it all started when I read Aaron Ehasz's tweet about Azula having her own redemption arc with Zuko as her Iroh basically. I then read a fanfic called Azula's Redemption where she's redeemed through Aang by showing her how to open and master her own chakras. It ends with Azulaang being endgame.
It's commonly believed that Azulaang is another "opposites attract" thing but mostly with their personalities rather than elements, even though Aang can waterbend and that art was one of the easiest for him to learn. Azula also had a rather strong fixation on the earth kingdom and was able to bend the Dai Li to her will with ease.
It is often shipped along with Zutara because it gives Aang a love interest. Some fans also see the possibility of Azula reforming due to Aang. I've been studying both characters and their dynamics with other people. I came to the conclusion that Azulaang has as much narrative significance as Zutara.
Azula getting better is the ultimate goal in Azulaang but I wanted to complicate things a bit where Aang is mostly changed by Azula's influence as well.
I invented a little mechanic where Aang and Azula form a spirit bond. This bond unites them as fate, allowing them to understand each other better than anyone else and one will know when the other is lying. This bond is formed when Aang finishes opening his own chakras first and it gets even stronger once Azula completes her chakra session next. Why it didn't form in Ba Sing Se is likely because Aang's fire and light chakras weren't fully opened. Do you know how Katara was an earthly tether blocking Aang's last chakra? I picture Azula being something of an opposite entity where her presence keeps all chakras open.
I mostly place Azulaang within the Dark Avatar Ozai AU of mine. In case you're wondering about that, it's an AU where ATLA has a Book 4: Air but the story arcs from the back half of season 2 of Legends of Korra are put in Aang's saga instead. Some parts of the first 3 seasons are altered though, like when Aang meets Roku for the first time, he vaguely describes Vaatu but doesn't mention his name. In the Library, the gaang learn the names Raava and Vaatu but no more than that, at the beginning of season 3, Avatar Wan's two-part episodes debut while Aang is still in a coma, at the end of season 3, Ozai fights the lion turtle instead of Aang at a different location and his plans for the earth kingdom were a trick to keep the gaang distracted. Ozai wins by slaying the beast and consuming its soul.
The dark avatar doesn't just obtain all bending arts in the opposite direction of Aang's cycle but consumes/controls the very sources of the bending arts, the entire power system of the avatarverse, and the souls of all original benders after causing them to go extinct.
Again, I always imagine Azulaang taking place in that timeline because the reason why their spirit bond forms in the first place is because Ozai doesn't need to fuse with Vaatu, Ozai IS Vaatu. Vaatu is also the true orchestrator of the 100-year war through Sozin and is reborn as a human through Iroh's mother, Ilah. Another reason is that Azula will have every reason in the world to want to join Team Avatar, bond or no bond.
Aang is the one who loses his past lives but in return, after he's purified, Vaatu's natural abilities, instincts, and status are taken from him and combined with all of Raava's while still permanently fused with Aang.
There have been times when Azulaang was seen through a biblical lens with Aang as an angelic archetype and Azula as a demonic archetype.
I hope this makes sense and I didn't just ramble on.
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the-four-terrapins · 9 months
The Pain
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Trying to get back into things, had to get this out.
The pain is excruciating, each movement nearly sending him to his knees, but he continues.  Giving up wasn’t an option, not anymore. A mutant like him didn’t plan for a long life, not in his line of work anyways, as death greeted him every day with each outing into the night.
His brothers and he were the only thing between chaos and peace in this city. To keep the foot and their plans at bay, that was why they kept breathing, why they lived the life they did. Unsung heroes, without the gratitude of the residents of this great city, that was until you. Nothing until you.
He stumbled through the shadows, just a little longer, almost to you. The large mutant turtle grasped at weeping wounds, hoping to reach his destination in time. He should be heading to the lair, to his brothers and father but he didn’t know if he would make it this time and like hell you wouldn’t be the last thing he saw if this was in fact this was his last night on earth.
Bloody hands gripped at rusted metal pulling down the fire escape, one foot after the other hoisting up his massive weight. His knees almost buckle from the stress of it but his hand grabs at the railing just in time to catch himself. The terrapin stops for a moment to catch his breath and look up to see the light of your apartment shining like a beacon of hope. You were home, thank the gods, just a little more, he could make it.  
Thankfully the terrace door was open so his hands pushed through tumbling into your living room with an ungraceful grunt. On his shell he barely hears you scream out as you run to him. Your hands instinctively move to his wounds assessing before running to the bathroom for your first aid kit. The kit they had given you for emergencies, emergencies just like this.
It’s getting cold and his fingers start to lose feeling, at least he got to see you one last time. You burst from the bathroom phone to your ear screaming into the device before dropping it haphazardly dropping to your knees beside him.  Even like this you were breathtaking, he had been so lucky.
As you race to stabilize him his large green hand cups your face, his thumb wiping away the streaming tears. He can hear you still screaming not to give up, to hold on. He doesn’t want to give up; he doesn’t want to leave you like this but the pain was fading which wasn’t a good sign. A sign his massive body was failing, the body that loved you, saved this city more time he could count, the body that would give anything to feel you one last time.
Eye lids grow heavy, taking everything in him to keep them up. Shadows cast around your face seeping into his vision blurring all that he could see. Limps grow heavy slipping from your face and he hears you scream one last time as the darkness wins. He sinks into it nothing with your name on his lips.
The dark is peaceful, making him weightless for the first time. Silence and a feeling of warmth with his weightlessness, is this what death felt like? Calm, warm and some pain…..and the slowly growing sounds of his brothers. Wait?
As the weightlessness decreased the pain increased, then he felt his hands and feet move. Next the light filtered through and his eye lids opened to the lab. He was alive and at home. Looking around his whole body was nearly covered in bandages and by the grace of the gods you were there next to him facing his brothers. His hand reached out gripping your wrist with what little strength he had.
Your head wiped around so fast he could have sworn he heard your neck crack. A solemn face burst forth into pure happiness as you cupped his face plastering what open green skin was to see with your lips.
He was alive, alive to fight another day and make sure you knew just how important you were to him.
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goosewriting · 2 years
Omg my first request! 💕 What if the reader convinced Raph to hang out at theme park so that he can get a break from having to take care of the others 24/7, but then the 15tg scenario happens? Eventually there's a love confession, and Raph says the 39tg pink prompt? 👉👈
Ferris Wheel (rottmnt Raph x reader)
scenario 15: Getting stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel. prompt 39: “Can I kiss you?”
summary: good ol' ferris wheel trope that ends in a smooch.
relationship: Rise!Raph x GN reader
warnings: none! tooth rotting fluff 😩
word count: 1k
A/N: okey dokey off we start with the prompts!! and yes this was meant to be a drabble with ~700 words, but i can’t help myself with raph and first kiss scenarios ok 😩💕
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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Lately, Raph felt like Donnie had been grumpier than usual. Mikey was more chaotic. And Leo, man, somehow he had gotten even more annoying with his puns.
So when you asked him to hang out, it was a more than welcome distraction for him. He could not only take a breather but also spend some one on one time with you, which he hadn’t been able to do a lot recently, and it was starting to bother him. He thought maybe by not seeing each other so often, he’d finally get over his crush on you, but no. It seemed to get worse, even. With every minute he spent away from you, his longing seemed to only grow stronger.
You had seen a poster of a state fair taking place nearby, and decided to invite Raph. Coincidentally it was also the night of a pretty important sports event, which meant it would be emptier than usual, so perfect conditions for a giant teenage turtle to not get noticed too much. Raph wore his big hoodie, and off you two were.
There was so much to do: all the games and prizes to win, the food to eat, the rides to try. In one game, Raph won a turtle plushie and gave it to you with a blush and a sheepish smile. You squeezed the toy to your chest and thanked him, hoping he wouldn’t notice the heat rising to your cheek. Because if Raph was hopelessly in love, oh man, you had it just as bad. In fact, this whole outing was part of your big plan to finally confess to him. You hoped that even if you did get rejected, you two could still hang out like this. But as the evening went on, you felt your confidence rising more and more, as you kept catching him stealing glances at you, and his touches, which were normal for you both, seemed to linger more than usual.
So when the night rolled in, and the lights of the fair gave the whole scenery a fairytale-like vibe, you told yourself it was time. 
You suggested ending the night by going on one last ride: the ferris wheel. He accepted, and as you were standing in line, you both evaded eye contact with each other, suddenly very shy and very quiet.
Then, finally, you got to the front, and entered the gondola cabin. It was closed off entirely, with big windows, which allowed you to enjoy the view without feeling as exposed to falling off the railing. 
You got in first, taking a seat, and Raph entered to sit on the bench across from you, but his weight made the cabin dip in his direction, which made him plop onto the seat rather promptly with an “oomph!”. The sudden shift also shook you forward from your position. You grabbed onto his shoulders to stabilise yourself, and his hands instinctively came up to your waist. You looked at each other for a second, by now both as red as his bandana. You apologised and quickly stepped back to sit down again. The gondola continued to sway softly as it slowly made its way up. 
Deciding to shift your attention to calm yourself down, you placed the little turtle on your lap and looked out the window, and immediately gasped at the view. The stalls grew smaller and smaller, and you could see the silhouette of the skyscrapers in the horizon against the last rays of sunshine.
As you were about to comment on how small everything looked from up there, the gondola came to a sudden stop, shaking back and forth. The slightest shiver of panic passed over you, but from a little speaker on the roof of the cabin came a monotone voice, announcing that there were some minor technical difficulties, and that the ride would resume soon.
You dared to take a look at Raph, and screamed internally as you found he was already (still?) looking at you, very fondly. 
“You know” he said suddenly. “I’ve liked you for a while now. Like, a lot.”
Your breath hitched, your heart beating violently against your ribcage at an ungodly speed. You blinked a couple of times, trying to regain your composure and answer that you like him as well, so much! But he was quicker.
“Can I kiss you?” he blurted out, and your mind went blank. By now your face must surely have been on fire, with how you felt your cheeks burning. With every second that passed in silence, Raph’s confidence was chipped away bit by bit. You were imploring yourself to respond something, but your brain was unable to form any coherent sentence at the moment.
So instead you stood up slowly, leaving the plushie on the bench, and trying not to shake the gondola too much, you crossed the very short space to sit next to Raph. Or rather, squeeze yourself in next to him; the cabin wasn’t super big to begin with and Raph took up most of the seating space. As you sat down, inevitably your legs were touching, and the turtle had to muster up all of his willpower to not faint on the spot. 
Reaching up to his face, you cupped his cheek with one hand and softly grabbed onto his hoodie with the other, pulling him down to you. It was a bit of a weird angle but it worked, and Raph leaned in the rest of the distance, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. It was short but full of love, and he pulled back slightly only to turn his torso completely towards you and went back in with a bit more force this time. You found yourself pressed between the gondola wall and the turtle, and somewhere in your brain you told yourself you wouldn’t mind the ferris wheel to be stuck for the next couple of hours. But as if the universe (or rather the mechanic on the ground) had heard you, the cabin shook and creaked as it started moving again. 
Raph pulled back completely this time, and you looked at each other slightly out of breath without a word. You noticed the gondola was about to come back down to the starting position again and stood up to go back to your original seat, but Raph held you in place. 
“I wouldn’t mind going another round” he said, and you weren’t entirely sure if he meant the ferris wheel or the kiss. Hopefully both. 
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @maribatshipper, @whygz
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yellowhollyhock · 4 months
well that made me wanna watch Darkness Within
When Donny is excited about an idea he wakes his brothers up to help him build 💜
And Raph's reproach is so gentle, I don't think he'd be that mild if it was anyone else
"guys you gotta help me"
"Angel?" <- Donny's voice. I am winning
They drop what they're doing immediately to help their friend. I care them. a normal amount
ajdhajsh Raph comforting her while Mikey and Donny exchange this look about the police not helping her
Don immediately unnerved by the lack of security
Angel established as one with intuition in this episode. Trusting their instincts is a big characterization thing especially with Mikey, Raph, and April. And now Angel
Donny just knows all kinds of random useful stuff
Raph 'look I found a skeleton'
Leo does not like that she's just pressing forward touching things, pushing buttons and making Things happen. The first time she did it they (especially Donny) were impressed but now Leo is getting Irritated
dramatic old man
Donny "Um, sir, aren't you the least bit freaked out?" I love how he talks like a teenager but like a teenager who is trying to talk like an adult
Angel is taller than Leo and Raph (and I think they're taller than Donny and Mikey? at this point?)
Leo looking to his team before he says they're still going after the beast. What he says is "we don't have a choice," they're saving Ryan after all, but the fact that he pauses and checks in with them first is neat
Leo said 'nope sorry Angel you pressed the skeleton button now you are staying behind'
Donny treating his peers like children (he is. one year older than her).
It is really interesting the different ways the creature manipulates them. Shredder scared Raph but not enough to make him freeze up. Okay. What if you're the Shredder? Your own worst enemy and the source of all your problems. Now will you stop fighting?
The fact that it tries Splinter multiple times with Leo. Splinter getting hurt, okay now what if he hurts you?
the fact that it's always family members turning evil for Mikey. hnnnnng
anyways it only showed us small snippets of each turtle's fears besides Leo, want to write more detailssss, for the othersssss
oh yes of course. before the cells all looked the same but now we can clearly tell that the active one is glowing. since we got to see each turtle's fear they may now find Ryan within seconds.
so Angel's just been. Alone with this guy. And now she gets to watch him dissolve coolcoolcool
Angel: Ryan! You're alright!
Donny: He will be, after a nap. And a shower.
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5cythz · 1 year
The Clan Wars Character Intro: Mikey
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Here’s some info about my boy:
• Mikey is a 14 year old black breasted leaf turtle
• he is very vocal about the fact that he never wanted to be a ninja in the first place.
• Mikey’s personality is more rebellious, energetic, sassy, loving, and loyal to those he cares abour
• he has ADHD and tends to find meditation and constant practice boring. He physically can’t stand still for longer then 5 minutes so he’s never been good at the discipline aspects of ninjitsu. When they get on his case about it, he would spare with someone, going all out, win, then leave, just to prove he’s still good, even if he struggles.
• as in any iteration, Mikey is very naturally talented in the fighting aspect. He is very instinctual about it and tends to priorities defense and wait for the best moment to strike against an opponent.
• he always had a tendency to try and slip away from the clan as a kid, to which clan members would always hound him about how he’s “just like Yoshi” because “he ran away as a kid to and returned mutilated. Karma will find you too one day” and this royally pisses Mikey off. He’s very defensive of his father.
• When the boys move to New York, Mikey is the one to adapt to the culture the easiest. He learns to be a normal teenager, picks up graffiti and skate boarding and introduces his brother’s to these things.
• He’s also the one to meet Casey Jones and in turn be introduced to April first. He brings them to his brothers and thats how everyone meets the humans.
• big thing about Mikey is that no matter what, if one of his brothers gives him an order, he will obey. No matter what. Only for one of them though. He never questions an order given by one of his brothers and would keep fighting even if he was about to die if Leo asked him to.
Turtle Instincts:
• Mikey was mutated mere days after being hatched. He had the least amount of time to develop any sort of life run by more then instincts. Because of this, as he grows up, he finds it the hardest to suppress his turtle instincts.
• Mikey HATES water. Absolutly despises it. Will go weeks without taking a shower if not called out for it. Even then, he refuses to bathe with anything besides Dawn dish soap. “If it’s good enough for baby ducks it’s good enough for me”
• Mikey loves 2 things when it comes to food. Spices, and fruit. He doesn’t care how old the fruit is, he will munch on it. Donnie thinks it’s gross
• his eyes don’t tend to focus properly, often looking in different directions, especially when he’s zoned out which, he does a lot.
• he tends to prefer being alone and often seeks it out. He often wonders if that’s one of his instincts or just due to feeling separated from his brothers growing up. Donnie believes it’s instinct related, having looked into each of their species
• he can react really fast and is the quickest of the 4.
AAAAAAAAnd that’s Mikey! I have more about him but I’ll leave it at that! More to come! Hope you enjoyed!
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so-called-yokai · 8 months
Okay, I know it's only 12:19 AM EST but I've been way too excited to post this fic so I'm doing it now! This is my offering for @desceros #TMNTSpringShellebration, please enjoy!
All characters depicted are adults
Rise Donnie, M/M, canon/OC, mild mentions of turtle anatomy, rated M
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This is hardly the first season Donatello has had to suffer through. The damned thing is regular as clockwork, because obviously it is, and one would think that by now he would have invented some kind of solution to the problem. It's just simple biology! Base animal instincts! Surely his genius mind can come up with something to override these damnable urges.
But no. Here he sits, yet again, sequestered in his lab and trying desperately to find something, anything, to take his mind off the demanding ache between his legs and the restlessness that crawls under his skin like a living thing. He's already burned his fingers twice with the soldering iron, but he refuses to quit. You will not win, accursed unmutated turtle hindbrain! You haven't before and you won't now!
Except this year… there's a problem. This year, there's something niggling at the back of his mind, the edge of his senses. It takes Donnie a while to realize precisely what it is: a scent, but it's more than just that. He doesn't just smell it; he can practically taste it, can feel it settle over his skin in a way that both soothes his agitation and inflames him even further. It smells like petrichor and early spring, and before Donnie can even begin to figure out how that even makes sense, the door to his lab opens with a quiet hiss, and the scent becomes almost overwhelming, enough to make his mouth wet… and other areas too, which makes him curse and spin his chair around, ready to lay into whoever just barged in.
Eshra leans against the door jamb, arms folded across his feathery chest, digitigrade legs crossed at the ankle, and a knowing smirk on his raptor-like muzzle. The end of his tail, with its downright arrogant tuft of blue and green feathers, flicks back and forth as though keeping time with some invisible metronome. And still, still, with that intoxicating rain-and-spring scent. It's infuriating.
Donatello has never wanted anything more.
Scowling at his own weakness friend, Donnie tries to force back the deafening mantra of want, need, take and instead project it as sharp-tongued irritation. "I told you my lab is off limits," he snaps. "Especially this week. It's--" The turtle cuts himself off, unable to actually voice the mortifying words, because that will make it real, and he is not giving his animal instincts the satisfaction.
Annoyingly, Eshra doesn't seem cowed. He never does. Instead, his smile just spreads, and he pushes off the wall to move closer. His steps are a languid prowl, like a predator with cornered prey, and Donnie grips the arms of his chair until the leather creaks under his fingers. He's fighting every instinct in his stupid body that's telling him to pounce on this maddening, beautiful creature, to pin him to the floor and show him who the real predator is.
Eshra stops just out of arm's reach, and Donatello isn't sure why that pisses him off so bad. The yokai gives the turtle a long, slow onceover, his golden gaze snagging on the wetness slicking Donnie's thighs before flicking up to the mutant's face again. Finally he speaks.
"I know what it is." His voice is lower than usual, throatier, edged with something not quite a purr. Donnie has heard a lot of Eshra's noises -- happy trilling, excited chirps, contented churring, and once an eerie, rattling hiss when he was really angry -- but this is a new one, and suddenly he's desperate to find out what other sounds the yokai can make. For science, of course.
Before Donatello can deal with this new realization, however, Eshra is suddenly right up in his space, leaning over to plant his clawed, three-digited hands on Donnie's thighs and tuck his muzzle right into the turtle's throat. He inhales deeply, and Donnie's vision swims when he realizes Eshra is scenting him. The arms of his chair creak ominously again, and the softshell has to consciously force himself to ease his death grip before he snaps them right off.
"Wh-what are you doing?" His voice is rough and breathless even to his own ears.
"Helping," Eshra chirps, as though the answer is obvious.
"This is… not… helping," Donnie grates out through gritted teeth.
"Mmhm, tell me that again at the end of the week." His friend sounds maddeningly blase about the entire thing, and Donnie somehow finds the wherewithal to grab him, gently but firmly, by the shoulders and push him back a step or two. Eshra cocks his head, his crest lifted slightly in a silent question that Donatello learned to read years ago.
"I don't think you truly comprehend what I'm dealing with here." Donnie wrestles his hormone-soaked, instinct-addled brain into some form of coherency, for his sake and for Eshra's. The smell of rain on new grass is still filling his nose, making him desperate to bury his face against Eshra's neck -- or better yet, between his thighs -- and drown in it, and he viciously fights the urge back, because he needs to explain, needs to make his friend understand.
Friend. He's your friend. He's your friend that you're not going to throw over this workbench and-- goddammit.
"This is my mating season," he goes on. You can do this, Donatello. You're a scientist. You're just explaining simple scientific facts. It's fine. "I am currently suffering certain… biological urges… that are difficult for me to resist. If you insist on staying in close proximity, those urges may end up overriding my higher brain functions and--"
Eshra stops him with a gentle finger against his beak, and Donnie's eyes widen, quite sure he's never been shut down so neatly or so fast. They widen still further when Eshra gently says, "Dee, I know. I know exactly what I'm setting myself up for, which is why I made sure to carbo-load before I came in here." And just in case Donnie still isn't getting the hint, the yokai drops his hand from the turtle's face to between his legs, pressing dexterous fingers against his cloaca with such practiced ease that in that instant, Donatello knows what Eshra is hiding under those unreasonably tight athletic shorts he's so fond of.
That's all it takes for every base urge, every primal instinct that Donnie's been unsuccessfully throttling to come roaring back to the forefront, and this time he doesn't fight them. Before either of them is sure it's even happening, he's up out of his chair and has Eshra on his back on the workbench, looming over him and caging him in with one muscular arm on either side of the yokai's lithe torso, although he's still careful not trap or pull on any of his friend's tertiary feathers. Something dark and dominant stirs inside of him at the sight of Eshra stretched out underneath him, golden eyes wide but trusting, pulse fluttering in that slender white throat, and he hungrily runs his tongue over the edges of his teeth without really realizing it.
Beneath him, Eshra immediately relaxes and submits, as if on instinct, and something about the way he tips his chin up just so to bare his neck makes Donnie's blood sing. Is this what he's been missing all these seasons? Could he have been indulging in this for years and he's only just now realizing it? Jesus wept.
Now, finally, it's Donatello's turn to smirk, showing off fangs that are sharper than one might expect.
"All right. But remember, you literally asked for this."
Later – so, so much later – laying blissed out, drained dry, finally satisfied for the first season ever, and with a sleepy, thoroughly fucked yokai sprawled across his plastron, Donnie thinks that maybe his unmutated hindbrain had a point after all.
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