gryficowa · 3 months
You know what sucks? Radical feminism (TREF) has so destroyed the opinion of feminism that every time as a feminist you have to explain that no, you are not anti-men, you are not anti-Arab, you are not anti-intersex, you are not anti-trans, thanks, radical feminists, for fucking up the lives of real feminists
I wish you an encounter with a truck or some shit
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parallel-2-anywhere · 2 years
Me: You Wouldn’t Download an Art Style
Bro: Me looking at the clip studio paint brush store.
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escritasss · 1 year
Eu olhei a tristeza nos olhos e sorri.
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korvaine · 5 months
Guardian headshots for myself and a friend! Hoping to make one for all of the raid team but we'll see how far I get with that lmao
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trefkorr · 4 months
heeheheheeeeeeeeee bitchy horatio… bitchy horatio has come to life
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thisdoesnthaveend · 4 months
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Poison Ivy in DC Pride 2024
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kinocharlley · 1 year
i hate the stance of "you wanted it so badly and now you don't like it". like how was i supposed to know? i could have done hours of research and still not know that it's not for me. why is it bad to try things and figure out it's not something you wanted?
let people fucking try more shit without being a dick.
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rafawriter · 1 year
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Just Gender Crit-TERFs having a normal one. 
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hamletkin · 5 months
indeed! they are numerous!
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therevenantrp · 6 months
I’m having a huge Dark brainrot. This is making me happy (feral): When I Was Done Dying by Dan Deacon. Tumblr said no links.
What's making you happy right now?
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justsweethoney · 1 year
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gryficowa · 1 month
Remember to boycott!
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You know what pisses me off? Classically radical feminists (TREFs) are silent about the fact that in Gaza prisons, Israeli women (and men too) rape people to the point of critical condition, but what can we expect from bigots who lie about supporting women's rights when they hate trans and non-white people?
In addition, they spread racism towards black men (Yes, radical feminists do this shit and also attack black women, because, as you know, they hate trans people, and black women often have a male build… You already understand where this is going…)
I'm a left-wing feminist and TREFs disgust me (And if you don't agree with their bigotry, you have a penis, yes, their misogyny shows beautifully…)
Yes, this is an angry post, radical feminists smell like people from "Vote blue, because Trump will be worse"
It's just a random rant, but I just had to get it off my chest
Now that I have your attention:
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parallel-2-anywhere · 2 years
The way I’d drop everything to make an actual play with the caveat that everyone in the group is named Bee. I’d allow some variance like we can have a Bumble, a Hornet, Your Wasps and Yellowjackets of the world. All are acceptable, but the prime shit is Bee, Bea etc.
We could call it the Hive Cast or something. And we’d rotate GMs every now and then, and it’d be on the audience to figure out who’s who cuz we’re all bees. It’d probably be shorter arcs so we can rotate players (cuz ideally we want a lot of Bees). Imagine a moment of a GM giving an excellent narration of Urban Horror or something and then followed up by
“Okay Bee I need you to roll 2D6”
Followed by the sounds of unanimous passive agreement and upwards of 8-12 6 sided dice clanking on various tables at the same time only for the GM to go “No No I mean the Bee who plays the werewolf” and then a sea of “oh okay! Sorry Bee” “oopsies” “damn and it was a good roll too”
Its to funny. I’d watch it. I’d make it! Hell my names Bee let me be the first GM!
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I don’t ask for clout frequently Tungle.io
But I need this one to breach containment. I need to meet my hive. My black and yellow alcove is in need of social enrichment
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escritasss · 1 year
Hoje me deu medo da vida.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Wait, aren’t you Jewish? Why are you reblogging that ham and bananas hollandaise dish??? Also, Happy Nee Year :)
I do not believe the laws of kashrut forbid posting inedible and scary looking 1970s food. Nor do I believe that posting such photos will cause people to suddenly discover the joys of tref.
To test this theory let me gift you with a photograph of a lobster dish... (Not kosher)
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And a bridal meat doll (I do not know the origins of the meat but it doesn't look kosher to me):
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trefkorr · 5 months
every single time I see ur icon I think it's sans and this is becoming a real issue
I’ve been sans undercover all this time
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