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patientlibrarian · 7 months ago
Thursday August 15
Shades: pic of the day
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And sometimes you find things when you aren't even looking....
I know the who, but not the what or when or where or anything. It's a YouTube video called "Inferno Mali Mravi Goran Visnjic Croatian Celebrity Interview" and posted by Joni Jahn Gillespie on March 9 2018.
Here's an interview with Goran from TPortal yesterday:
Goran Višnjić: 'If I work on a role that I love, it really recharges my batteries'
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Šibenik actor and producer Goran Višnjić, with a successful Hollywood career, has been staying in Dalmatia for months. Namely, he played in the play 'Equinocija' at the Dubrovnik Summer Games, and Goran Višnjić was also at the opening of the Croatian International Film Festival, the Brač Film Festival, and found time to visit Zagvozd this year as well.
After two decades of absence from the theater stage , Goran Višnjić easily jumped into the play 'Equinocija' by Krešimir Dolenčić, and danced with Zrinka Cvitešić . He grew a mustache for this role.
It has to change
The actor explained that this is because the character is from the 19th century, so he "wanted to do something so that he didn't have to have makeup and hair" and that's why he grew a mustache. He says that he always has either 'some kind of mustache or some kind of beard', then longer hair, shorter hair. It's not a matter of image because actors, he points out, 'constantly change their image, it's an integral part of the job.'
"I am blessed to do a job that I love, so if I work in a role that I love, it really recharges my batteries, and what is said is just charging the batteries and resting, I need about 15 days of rest and that's it, I enjoy my work and I feel good while I'm working,' he told In Magazin .
Although three decades have passed since the first episode of 'Emergency Services', the actors are still bound by friendship . That is why he was pleasantly surprised to meet Shane West in Dubrovnik .
He explained that 'the entire team of the Emergency Service is a very close group of people and that even during the filming they went on vacations together for Christmas and New Year and came to Croatia over the summer'. A recent meeting before with Shane 'turned out completely by accident'. He was on a cruise and called a man from Šibenik to ask what he should do while in Dubrovnik, if he could recommend a restaurant, so he said he would take him to lunch .
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's Thursday and I can't take my eyes of the cowboy hat, the beard and...well.... everything. Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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huevobuevo · 1 year ago
sorry about the sudden eqheat. I miss my wife (orb)
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year ago
📝ENG Translation: Joker Out in Helsinki
Article written by L.P./Promo, published on Croatian website tportal on 4.3.2024, English translation by @moonlvster and IG ireena25_, Proofread by IG GBoleyn123.
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PHOTO: Vita Orehek
Joker Out played two unreleased songs in Helsinki – and it caused complete uproar!
The band Joker Out began their big European 'See You Soon' tour with two sold out concerts in Helsinki.
The Finnish audience, besides having the honour of opening the band's new tour, recieved a special gift they weren't expecting – the first performance of two completely new songs that caused an unseen hysteria in the fans! The effect was even stronger because both of the songs are in Serbian and most of the audience didn't understand a single word.
"We performed two unreleased songs for the first time in Helsinki – 'Šta bih ja' ('What would I') and 'Bluza' ('Blouse'). It's not necessary to point out that Finns don't understand the Serbian language, but the reaction was as though we were playing our absolute most popular songs. We were just looking at each other and smiling. When we returned to our hotel we saw that the reaction online was the same as the one we had experienced at the concert. A group of our fans at JokerOutSubs even activated and translated both of the songs into English using video recordings. Commenters on social media are asking us to release the songs, but they will have to wait a little because we are going to record them after the tour." – stated the band enthusiastically.
In mid-February Joker Out released their new single 'Everybody's Waiting', the sucessor of their amazing 'Sunny Side Of London'. They are going to, together with 'Šta bih ja' and 'Bluza' (which is currently a working title), be featured on the band's next studio album.
Joker Out sold all the tickets for the House of Culture in Helsinki, which means there were more than 3000 fans there. Ahead of them is a long tour that continues tommorow in Tallinn, and then in Riga, Vilnius, Krakow, Berlin, Leipzig, Malmö and many more cities. This tour, called 'See You Soon', encompasses 13 countries, including France, Belgium and Italy for the first time, with 22 concerts in some legendary, world-famous concert venues, for example, the O2 Shepherds Bush Empire.
Some of their festival appearences have also been announced, which include Sea Star Festival (23rd-26th May, Umag, Croatia), EXIT (10th-14th July, Novi Sad, Serbia) and Sziget (7th-12th August, Budapest, Hungary), at which the local fans will have the chance to hear 'Everybody's Waiting', 'Šta bih ja' and 'Bluza' live for the first time!
❗ DO NOT REPOST, and if you quote, please link back to this article.
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vegasrogueagent · 7 months ago
Good Morning / Good Afternoon! 🤗
Mention to @surlacroute He's my Co Worker and he texted me yesterday telling me that he hadn't gotten his Goran's news of the day 😋 HAHAH! He's used to have the news delivered to him every morning HAHAH! (Poor Guy) But now he's in Vacations... Well Just follow Goran Visnjic Daily ;)
Alright, back to Goran 😂 I found 3 HD pictures of Goran from the Rimac Campus, when Goran presented the Verne project in June. I will add them to the gallery tonight.
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Back in a time where Goran's mustache was trying to become the Mighty Meany Mustache hahah!
There's also an interesting article of Goran from Tportal. Thanks to @patientlibrarian for posting it ❤
You can read it 👉 HERE
Have a good day friends 😄❤
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lailleursetici · 25 days ago
“La Ruche”, de la Kosovare Blerta Basholli : le féminisme sauce piquante
Inspiré d’une histoire vraie, le film poignant de Blerta Basholli nous emmène dans le Kosovo d’après-guerre. Et raconte le destin de villageoises qui s’affranchissent de la tutelle masculine pour créer leur entreprise de condiment. “La Ruche” sort en France ce 1er juin.
Courrier international
Lecture 2 min. Publié le 31 mai 2022 à 20h54Fahrije Hoti (jouée par Yllka Gashi) dans une scène de “La Ruche”, le premier-long métrage de Blerta Basholli. Passer le permis de conduire est le premier pied de nez  de l’héroïne à l’ordre patriarcal qui règne dans son village kosovar. Photo ASC DistributionPartager
C’est un film qui “fait ressentir les ravages de la guerre et incite à renverser une bonne fois pour toutes l’ordre patriarcal”, écrit le quotidien suisse Le Temps. “Un film de femmes et au féminin. Féministe, même. Et aussi profondément humaniste”, applaudit le journal espagnol El Mundo. C’est “un drame dur, intense” qui “explore le quotidien des femmes dont les époux ont disparu pendant la guerre du Kosovo”, fait valoir The New York Times.
Le site croate Tportal ajoute un autre ingrédient à son résumé, évoquant pour sa part “l’histoire forte d’une petite révolution que des femmes impulsent en se lançant dans la production d’ajvar”. Ce condiment à base de poivron rouge, de piment et d’ail est incontournable dans les Balkans, où il est souvent servi pour accompagner les grillades. Il est tout aussi indispensable dans La Ruche, le premier long-métrage de la jeune réalisatrice kosovare Blerta Basholli, qui sort en France ce mercredi 1er juin.
Lire aussi : En salle. “La voix d’Aida” de Jasmila Zbanic, film incontournable sur le massacre de Srebrenica
Une héroïne qui va de l’avant
La Ruche, qui raconte l’histoire vraie de Fahrije Hoti (incarnée à l’écran par Yllka Gashi), se déroule dans le village kosovar de Krushe e Madhe. En mars 1999, lors de la guerre du Kosovo, les forces serbes y ont tué ou enlevé plus de 240 personnes, en majorité des hommes. Des années après, quand l’action démarre, des mères et des épouses attendent toujours, pour pouvoir faire leur deuil, de savoir avec certitude ce qu’il est advenu des disparus.
Le corps du mari de Fahrije Hoti fait partie de ceux qui n’ont pas été encore retrouvés. Celle-ci se démène pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille, son beau-père et ses deux enfants. Elle compose “une héroïne dotée d’une certaine fragilité – jusqu’à ce qu’elle se relève pour aller de l’avant”, explique le quotidien suisse Tages-Anzeiger.
“En désespoir de cause, elle se tourne vers l’unique aptitude que la plupart des femmes n’ont pas à cacher dans son village très conservateur : la cuisine”, explique le quotidien britannique The Guardian. En clair : elle va tenter de convaincre voisines et amies de cuisiner ensemble des bocaux d’ajvar qui pourraient être commercialisés au supermarché du coin.
Résistance masculine
D’emblée, l’entreprise se heurte à une vive résistance, celle des hommes, peu pressés de voir les femmes conquérir leur indépendance économique. Leur tutelle est si lourde que les femmes n’osent pas passer le permis de conduire.
Dans une interview au site El Español, Blerta Basholli prend soin de préciser qu’elle n’a jamais connu un tel machisme dans la capitale, Pristina, où elle a grandi. “Ma grand-mère et ma mère travaillaient et conduisaient”, raconte-t-elle. Et dans les campagnes, la situation a bien évolué – grâce à des personnes comme Fahrije Hoti, justement. “Elle est passée souvent à la télévision pour raconter son histoire, et par son courage elle a aidé à changer les mentalités”, ajoute la cinéaste.
“Avec une grande économie de moyens et une vive sensibilité”, porté par “une actrice d’une rare intensité”, écrit Le Temps, La Ruche a l’intérêt de restituer l’âpreté du combat qui a dû être mené. Et de donner un visage à ces femmes qui, traumatisées par la guerre, se sont trouvées soumises à d’implacables injonctions sociales. “Dans les villages, il était très clair qu’on attendait des femmes qu’elles soient des maîtresses de maison et qu’elles restent chez elles à s’occuper de leurs enfants. En l’occurrence, elles avaient perdu leurs hommes à la guerre, et on les accusait de ne pas pleurer leurs morts”, explique Blerta Basholli au site El Español. La cinéaste insiste :
“Dans cette société patriarcale, l’indépendance de ces femmes était mal vue, mais il y avait aussi cette idée qu’elles n’étaient pas fidèles au souvenir de leurs proches.”
Aujourd’hui, à en croire Blerta Basholli, la communauté des Albanais du Kosovo est fière que l’histoire de Fahrije Hoti soit racontée au monde entier, écrit le Tages-Anzeiger. Elle convient qu’il reste beaucoup à faire en matière d’émancipation des femmes au Kosovo. Mais sans s’alarmer pour autant : “Si le problème n’est pas résolu à Hollywood, comment pourrait-il en être autrement dans les villages kosovars ?”
La Ruche, de Blerta Basholli, sort le 1er juin en France, en partenariat avec Courrier international.
Courrier international
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valentin10 · 4 months ago
Legendarni napadač igrao je za Dinamo, Hajduk i Rijeku, a sad je otkrio za koga navija - tportal
Ivan Bošnjak, legendarni napadač Cibalije, Hajduka, Dinama i Rijeke, otkrio je koji mu je klub najdraži. — À lire sur www.tportal.hr/sport/clanak/legendarni-napadac-igrao-je-za-dinamo-hajduk-i-rijeku-a-sad-je-otkrio-za-koga-navija-20241101
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yugovinyl · 7 months ago
Kolektivni zaborav velikana domaće elektro scene - tportal
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radiogornjigrad · 1 year ago
Robert Perišić: Roman ''Brod za Issu'' posve je drukčiji od svega što sam do sada pisao
fotografija matej grgić Knjiga ‘Brod za Issu’ autora Roberta Perišića ove je godine u jakoj konkurenciji, između 120 pristiglih knjiga, proze, poezije, eseja i kazališnih komada odabrana za pobjednicu književne nagrade ‘Predrag Matvejević’ Piše: Vid Barić (tportal) U svom nagrađenom romanu filzofsko-avanturističkog prosedea - 'Brod za Issu' (Sandorf) - Robert Perišić donosi epsku priču o…
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zoranphoto · 2 years ago
Havarija na jezeru Maggiore: Što su talijanski i izraelski tajni agenti radili na potopljenom brodu?
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Četvero je osoba poginulo nakon što se na talijanskom jezeru Maggiore prevrnuo brod s 21 putnikom, a svi su povezani s talijanskom i izraelskom obavještajnom službom. Istraga traje, no sve je više spekulacija o tome što su talijanski i izraelski špijuni zajedno radili na brodu     Cijela priča zvuči kao predložak za špijunski triler.   Grupa turista ukrcava se u brod na prekrasnom jezeru u podnožju Alpa. Međutim stiže iznenadna oluja u kojoj se brod prevrne. Četiri osobe utapaju se u havariji, a drugi uspijevaju otplivati na sigurno. U danima koji su uslijedili, dok su talijanske vlasti pokušale ući u trag hotelskim rezervacijama putnika s broda, pokazalo se da su svi bili povezani s talijanskim i izraelskim tajnim službama, piše Guardian. Pet dana nakon što je Gooduriju, 16-metarski brod, progutalo jezero Maggiore, sve je više spekulacija o tome što su putnici zanimljivih zaposlenja radili u tom kutku sjeverne Italije. U četvrtak je policijski izvor blizak istrazi potvrdio da je osam od 21 putnika na brodu zaposleno ili je ranije radilo za talijansku tajnu službu, a 13 putnika s broda povezano je s izraelskom tajnom službom. Dvije žrtve - Claudio Alonzi (62) i Tiziana Barnobi (53) - radile su za talijansku obavještajnu službu. Još jedna žrtva bio je 50-godišnji umirovljeni agent izraelskog Mossada. Četvrta žrtva bila je Anja Božkova, porijeklom iz Rusije, koja je upravljala brodom sa suprugom, Talijanom Claudijem Carminatijem. On je pod istragom zbog havarije. Carminati i Božkova, koja navodno nije znala plivati, bili su vlasnici tvrtke Jezero ljubavi te su pružali uslugu plovidbe i doručka na brodu Gooduriji, čiji je kapacitet bio samo 15 putnika. Grupa agenata se u nedjelju ujutro ukrcala u brod u brodogradilištu Piccaluga u Lisanzi zbog, kako se navodi, rođendanske proslave. Policijski izvor rekao je da je grupa obišla Boromejske otoke, arhipelag na zapadnoj strani jezera, i zaustavila se na ručku na Ribarskom otoku (Isola Pescatori). Čamac se prevrnuo u iznenadnoj i snažnoj oluji na jezeru u nedjelju navečer, a preživjeli su ili plivali do obale ili su ih druga plovila izvukla na sigurno. Istraga se fokusirala samo na ulogu skipera u samoj nesreći, ali ne i na ono što su tajni agenti radili u tom području. No špijunska pozadina privukla je interes medija, a spekulacije o druženju tajnih agenata samo se množe. Neki mediji navode da je druženje agenata bilo poslovno te da su se sastali 'kako bi razmijenili informacije i dokumente'. Izraelcima je ostalo nekoliko slobodnih dana za odmor nakon što su propustili letove za domovinu. Jedna od teorija, o kojoj piše Corriere della Sera, kaže da su agenti bili na jezeru Maggiore da bi špijunirali ruske oligarhe koji navodno kupuju vile i hotele u tom području, zaobilazeći financijske sankcije EU-a protiv Rusije tako da usmjeruju novac u Italiju s računa u švicarskim bankama. Druga teorija glasi da su izraelski agenti pratili kontakte između iranskih i talijanskih tvrtki koje imaju sjedište u industrijskoj zoni Lombardije. Izraelski agenti koji su preživjeli havariju napustili su Italiju već sljedeći dan. Dva zrakoplova stigla su iz Izraela u Milano vjerojatno da bi se preživjeli izraelski gosti što prije vratili u domovinu. Nije jasno gdje su izraelski i talijanski tajni agenti odsjeli za vrijeme 'odmora' jer, prema talijanskom tisku, nema traga hotelskim rezervacijama. 'Ne znam otkud te rekonstrukcije i teorije, ali sve djeluju pomalo isforsirano', poručio je izvor iz policije. 'Može svatko pisati što hoće, možete napisati i da su vanzemaljci napali brod. Ali ono što se dogodilo jest da je došlo do nesreće uzrokovane vremenskim nepogodama. Ne vidim veliku misteriju, vidim činjenicu da su unajmili turistički brod i dan je isprva bio prekrasan za obilazak jezera, a možda su i htjeli proslaviti rođendan - što nije tipičan scenarij u kojem bi se našao agent 007', poručio je taj izvor. Tportal.hr Foto  Read the full article
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titillatingtherapist · 7 months ago
Well, should you find yourself a Level 41 Carpenter who can craft this 3-star blueprint, Eorzea's first transportalizer could be yours.
wait theyre- tataru what the fuck this is so much food. tataru this is SO MUCH FOOD. ohhh my god it smells good im fffffucking hungy
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valentinobubalo · 5 years ago
Dobro jutro uz osvježenje. Premda se naziva nevrijeme, lijepo je vrijeme. (: ⛈️⛈️
Na vratima je najintenzivnija promjena vremena ovog ljeta; DHMZ upalio meteoalarm - tportal
Vremenske promjene su krasan motiv slike, zvuka, i/ili videa.
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ftndaily · 6 years ago
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#transfernews The man of the match in the #EuropeanU21 final is being tracked by all the big teams with #ManchesterUnited rumoured to have bid €40m for the striker according to reports in #Croatia via #SportskeNovosti. The #DinamoZagreb striker has become hot property. However, the youngster insists he’s unaware of an offer to join the #RedDevils this summer. 🗣️ Asked about rumours linking him with #ManUnited and #Barca, #Olmo told Croatian outlet #TPortal: "Honestly, I know absolutely nothing about it. It’s for my manager #AndyBara and my dad. However, I’m not burdened by this. On what he would want from a move, Olmo replied: "Very simple – a club where I will play because I am still young and for me it is most important that I have minutes." 🌐 Follow @ftndaily for the latest transfer news 🔄📰 #ftn #transfermarket #transferwindow #transfertalk #transfers #footballtransfer #footballtransfers #soccertransfers #footballnews #soccernews https://www.instagram.com/p/BzcsIOHgq7Z/?igshid=meg11zpoc1cs
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i3utterflyeffect · 5 years ago
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@pestiwit as soon as i saw your design for HaTE i absolutely knew i had to draw her bc she looks SO FREAKING COOL
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pestiwit · 5 years ago
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OKAY SO here’s my TPOrtal RGB!
-He wears a lab coat he found abandoned, along with some pants he got out of a locker. He doesn’t have a shirt, he couldn’t find a snazzy one in his size, so you can see his invisible body (and some spaces between the joints)
-His color bars are liquid in between two very thin glass panels; it leaks, and he has to refill it every so often. He needs that repaired.
-He has square, black apertures over the color-bar glass to emote in RGB form (like when his apertures close to give him an ‘oh shit’ look)
-Of course, shutters work like eyelids like a typical core
-There are two aperture symbols on his faceplate; one that’s black, and one that’s white on a black logo
-He has an antenna! :D
-Hands are visible because it’s hard to do shit with invisible hands
-His colors drain away in Negative form, and his square apertures pull back into his core to expose black circular apertures lined with white LEDs to create a circular effect (as shown in the closeup)
So yeah! Meet Designation ‘core-GB’ (core Group Baseline; others after him would have designations like core-1, core-2, etc. GB is the first), aka RGB as he prefers to be called :)
(his wires and connections are on his back and I was TOO LAZY to draw his back sljfhglgfhj)
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vegasrogueagent · 7 months ago
Good Morning / Afternoon 🙌🤗 Round #?? I totally lost count hahah!
Thanks to @meriannicky for sending me the links for those new pics of Goran from the CIFF ;) I'm still receiving update and new stuff even though Goran has long left the CIFF and the other festivals 😏
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Have a good day! Off to work, my coworker Dominic is off for 3 weeks, damn, I'll miss him haha... And when he returns, it's my turn AHHAHAH!
Sources for the pictures 👇 TPortal TPortal
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football2ch · 2 years ago
1: 2022/12/08(木) 01:13:22.21 ID:Cv7hKsQB0 元日本代表監督のヴァヒド・ハリルホジッチは、クロアチアメディア『tportal』の取材に応じ、この一戦についてこう語った。 「日本がクロアチア戦に多くの問題を引き起こすことは分かっていた。なぜなら、 彼らは毎試合とても綿密に準備し、フィールド上で完全な規律を持ってプレーするからだ」  ハリルホジッチは「(日本が)フィジカル面では非常に準備が整っており、トランジション、カウンター、セミカウンターに強い。だからこそ、 私はためらうことなく、彼らが世界の準優勝チームと完全に対等な試合をしたと言えるのだ」と続けている。 「クロアチアはスピードのある日本の守備陣に対処する方法を単純に知らなかった。…
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