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demodraws0606 · 1 year ago
q!Forever being manipulated by the black matter is opening the possibility of evil 4halo and I don't think I'm coming back guys goodby-
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bee-boiii · 2 months ago
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I finally finished drawing them before the hour of joy, and my hand is dead
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brainrotgoverner · 11 months ago
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totaleclipse573 · 1 year ago
why is Starline attracted to Doleon? what does he see in the feral space rat?
Maybe he can admire some of their similar mentalities...?? Doleon is certainly.....an interesting specimen. And even while for the most part, they are COMPLETE OPPOSITES, some of his traits are. Respectable. (They are both just as mentally deranged as one another. LET THE CRIMES ENSUE. YOU'RE COMING WITH ME. LETS BURN THE WORLD TOGETHER AND THEN EACH OTHER.)
And uh from a mad scientist pov the guy's just kinda hot. Yeah.
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aquaquadrant · 1 month ago
About Rend and Martin i think Martin would make him blind with his flashes when ever Rend disobeys him lol toxic yaoi my beloved
But I don't blame Martin, how could he know there is something other than hate and evil, i hope maybe he'll be nice But it may be too late
Whatever it's my headcanon I'm looking for your more more amazing story
toxic yaoi indeed. there MAY or may not be a future story planned about these guys so i shan’t say anymore just yet 👀
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radaedan · 1 month ago
...We cannot trust any power mightier than humanity, nor place our hope in their beneficence. No mighty being of such a kind and gentle nature has ever existed save for that person [Xbalanque], one who would never commit appalling evils. I myself am no exception, and that is why we must outlaw all... - Holy Sovereign's Notes (VII)
Watch when it'd be revealed that Xbalanque actually committed appalling evils. What then, you gay ass dipshit (affectionally).
My obsession for toxic doomed yaoi shall never be undone. Love how Xbalanque was viewed as a literal saint by Och-Kan.
But I digress, my whole suspicion with Xbalanque started with how perfect he appeared to be. He was clever, outtricked a dragon sage from a far-advanced civilization, bargained with a god, united the by-then scattered tribes for a single cause of slaying Xiuhcoatl, probably incredibly charismatic, incredibly strong, managed to ascend to the Pyro Throne without costing his humanity, was humble and smart enough to make a system where his archonhood would pass through countless generations instead of keeping it to himself, knew the future, was beloved by all and affectionately nicknamed "Lanque", and according to Och-Kan's (gay) note above, he was incredibly kind & gentle that it was impossible for him to commit evils.
And he did it while being a human (and though various sources contradicted each other, Mavuika said that he was a Natlan native while in some weapons lore it's stated by the characters that he was an outlander.) The characters with comparable feats that I can think on top of my head are Remus, Egeria, Zhongli-Guizhong Assembly, and Ormazd (Gurabad lore is INSANE tbh, it's literally GoT level of historical fuckery I can't believe Hoyo actually dared to put it in their game. But it's balanced by the fact that it's only known through world quests & scattered notes☹️). They were either gods themselves or had a divine aid. Xbalanque only got Ronova & Waxaklahun's help later after he slain Xiuhcoatl.
Listen, I don't know about you, but he just sounds to goddamn perfect. You know how the narrative overperfected Mavuika to the point she has no apparent flaws ? I think it applies to Xbalanque too. We only know him as a historical character so this isn't such a glaring issue compared to Mavuika. Perhaps his one and only flaw is his oversight of appointing Och-Kan as the next ruler after him, letting all the chaos in Och-Kan’s reign ensued.
...Or is it ? Perhaps he was fully aware of it ? He knew the future, after all. He knew that Och-Kan would fuck up Ochkanatlan.
He saw the tainted one [Och-Kan], defiled and devoured by the black abyss, yet nonetheless fighting to the last for humanity's sake.
- A Thousand Blazing Suns, Mavuika’s signature weapon.
And he just... accepted it ? Mf just saw Och-Kan being tainted by the Abyss and suffered for millenia and just went...
"I shall leave hope for the future. So long as the flame does not die, there shall still be 'hope.'"
Translated: "Damn okay, hope for the future though."
Also context: Ronova gave him the vision of the future immediately after Xbalanque slain Xiuhcoatl, even preceding Waxaklahun. Assuming his response was made in front of Ronova, the fact that he could immediately form a decision that would impact his friends and the whole Natlan- and not all of it was positive, especially for his friends- that fast was... fucked-up ? Mf didn't even consult anyone, he just made up his mind right then & there. Also, it kinda reminded me of how Mavuika constantly clamored about "Nobody fights alone" and yet if the traveller isn't present in Natlan, she would fight Gosoythoth alone with no helps with the heroes of Natlan whatsoever.
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(Credit to the poster. But if it’s a stolen meme, please let me know the original poster !)
Perhaps him giving "hope for the future" was his way to defy fate, but to me, Xbalanque sounded very fatalistic in this one. Did he just accept that his friends' futures were doomed & didn't find any ways to... you know, defy it ? Did he even tell his friends about this ? "Btw, you guys will get absolutely fucked over by Och-Kan, and I'll make sure it'll pass because the future needs hope. I hope you guys don't mind XD." I'm reminded of Lianca's saying of "seeking her own path." This became ironic with Xbalanque, because he already knew their paths & where it would led them into, their doom.
Idk, maybe it's just me nitpicking, but when the narrative constantly praised Xbalanque and then we have evidences that contradicted his "gentle & kind nature"... perhaps there's something more with his perfection that we currently know of.
To finish this short yap off, let me quote one of my favorite namecards in game. "Natlan: Fleeting Dreams".
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Before one could become a sage among dragons, or a king among men, the ploys of one's ambition would have long since turned to naught but dreams. Yet to be incomplete is good; superior, in fact, to perfection.
This namecard always gives me feelings, the kind that makes you keel over and put your hands on your head. Oh Och-Kan, if only you didn't obsess over perfection... perhaps you could be good... at the very least he realized this in the very end...
(The namecard is what inspires the title of "Perfect was the enemy of good" btw😁)
EDIT: How could I forget the most blatant piece of evidence:
Fathom the words of Xbalanque, perceive his thousand-year-old lie. The utmost wisdom births the utmost paranoia, and as he held time and death in his hands, he doomed Natlan to an endgame without any solution.
- Obsidian Ancient Name
I know some of you would say: "But Radaedan, the description is made by the Abyss, of course it would mislead us!" Yeah, I consider that possibility too, but I think this description is a meta lie(?): when the narrator is unreliable so you can't take their words as absolute truth, but so you take them as lies, but if you dig deeper, some of their words are actually truth. Yeah, it sounds crazy, but what does the Abyss actually gain by lying to us at this point? They're defeated, and it's not that they're like a kind of villain that get stronger by the people's belief. And narratively speaking, we don't know any of these Pyro Archons personally. Heck, we even only got Xumucul & Ndenge' names from the AQ, while Cochanina was only mentioned in Mualani's signature weapon lore. How tf we should feel dread by this lie? Unless... it acts as a checkov's gun?
The whole ancient name is so sus.
Even the horror and despair, which humans can never transcend, are mere emotions "simulated" for your benefit once it has understood all that Natlan is.
"Simulated" for our benefit??? Does that means the Abyss know we play Genshin Impact for our entertainment?😭
Lend your ear to Xumucul's roar. Hear the hatred that festered in the heart of the unrivaled warrior a thousand years ago. How he regrets lifting his weapon before the tombs of his companions in days bygone! For if this battle could never have been won, then he was no leader, but a cruel, lonesome king. Look upon the tears of Cochanina — witness her thousand-year-old despair. Resolute she was to the end, but fire, sword, and death never ceased to ravage her homeland. At the last, she would kneel before the icy coffins, and reflect upon the image the rain-puddles painted of her: If it cannot be rejected, why not embrace it? Feel Ndenge's fury, and know his thousand-year madness. He fought for Natlan all his life, shed and spent his fiery blood, only to learn the truth of war from the Sacred Flame once he had attained the throne. He was not a hero, beloved by all — he was but a blind, ignorant clown, for humanity can never hope to conquer the true master.
Compare the descriptions of these past archons with Xbalanque's; while they're described as being furious or despairing, we aren't given any description of Xbalanque's emotional state. Heck, it even can be read that these past Archons are despairing because of Xbalanque's lie.
Think upon Mavuika's plan... No. It can warp history and memory, but it cannot twist your personal experiences.
Now this is so, so, so, sus. Doesn't Mavuika’s plan only consisted of awakening the heroes' ancient name? Where does the "warp history and memory" even come in? And the "but it cannot twist your personal experiences."... why does it sounds like Mavuika’s plan have some Irminsul erasure shenanigans, and we, as a descender, the only ones who know the truth?
Even the boy who cried wolf finally tells the truth once a real wolf appeared. Perhaps the Abyss also tells the truth in this instance.
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sublimati0ns · 22 days ago
do you like any other ships besides koss? just curious
Yes I do!! :D My other TFP main ship is Bulkhead / Breakdown, which is a shame cuz they’re an even rarer rarepair lmao TT But I love their interactions so dearly and wish Breakdown lived so he and Bulkhead could have, perhaps, made up at the end. They’re my sweeter ‘friends-to-enemies-to-friends-again-to-lovers’ counterpart to KOSS (who are just, like, a hot mess. And they keep getting divorced).
I also love Airachnid / Arcee and their mutual obsession based in violence 🥰 Spiders tend to eat their mates, so I see Airachnid having twisted love for Arcee—who hates her, but that hate keeps her going. They’re also a rarepair and I wish they had more fancontent because they had so many scenes together, ahhh!! e02e14 also sold me on Ratchet / Wheeljack, which is another grumpy old man x cocky middle-aged guy duo, except unlike KOSS, these two are actually mature and can navigate their relationship with grace.
I ship MegOp by obligation (in TFP but also across all continuities, including as D/Pax) because they’re the Transformers ship and it’s hard not to acknowledge that they have something between them LMAO And then MegStar in a purely dead dove way, since they also have an undeniable charge, albeit a bad one…
I thought their abusive relationship in TFP was really compelling, this horrible crash you can’t look away from, especially when Megatron admitted in s01e19 he always knew how much Starscream hated and wanted to kill him—but he kept him around, because SS made MG’s life exciting. MG’s reason to terminate SS for real was that SS got predictable—boring, even. It spoke to their power imbalance and the convoluted, toxic emotions between them, a cocktail of lust and loathing… An evil tyrant and his miserable court jester :( It’s so fun to turn around in my head; I adore “this isn’t love” style ships aljdfkg///
On that note, I also ended up shipping Shockwave / Starscream when they escaped the Nemesis together in s03e13 and proceeded to cohabitate on Cybertron www Their relationship is like a loveless marriage for convenience: They don’t like each other, but they’re smart enough to know that getting along is the path of least resistance, and that acceptance to dull their claws creates a bond of familiarity that would have never existed otherwise. It’s lukewarm and tentative, but now they know each other more intimately than either of them had ever wished… And that’s so fun to play with hehe///
I mostly ship based on how the canon convinces me to invest in the characters / their dynamics, so I don’t have many pairings beyond the above—I’ve only finished TFP, ONE, and uh… the Bayverse movies (which I saw mostly as they came out, so my memories of them are spotty) (though—Cogman my beloved, I can see him with Sir Edmund and in a demented throuple with Yaeger and Vivian).
But I’m in the process of watching G1 and TFA, so I’ll definitely have more ships later! I also learned a bit about Pharma and Ratchet’s relationship in the IDW comics the other day and I’m itching to read about them to see how much food there is there for me 🤤 Toxic old man yaoi…
Completely out of left field, but I also crackship Smokescreen with Starscream in an unrequited / queerplatonic way. Smokescreen is one of my favourite characters in TFP—this earnest, lionhearted kid, born into a war-torn world and raised by propaganda. I always felt his starry-eyed and uniformed view of the war had a lot of potential for challenge and disillusionment, and thought that by the end of the series, once the other autobots (including Prime) had become jaded, he was one of the only mechs left who might take pity on Starscream (provided he sees more of SS being tortured by god than SS being vile LOL).
Since they don’t really interact in canon, my ship is purely based on HC, but I imagine they could (SLOWLY) bond in my loosely-established post-Rising KOSS timeline… Especially after being betrayed by Knock Out, abandoned by Megatron, and then mauled half to death by the Predacons, having ONE LITTLE GUY who kinda-sorta winces at his misery could be such a band-aid on the open festering wound of Starscream’s life. I think it could help him character develop (somewhat, with a lot of grinding his teeth and digging his heels in).
Some sidenotes:
I love Knock Out and Breakdown’s dynamic, but I don’t perceive it to be romantic in TFP (IDW comics are a different story, but those iterations feel like distinct and different guys to me); in TFP, KOBD is like an Evil Scientist + Loyal Henchman bromance in my eyes (…I should redraw them as Frankenstein and Igor… Or Yzma and Kronk…)
I crackship the ONE version of Sentinel Prime with TFP Starscream in a toxic way (but less so than MegStar), purely due to AU nonsense
I also crossover crackship Starscream with Vox from Hazbin Hotel (I am not a VivziePop fan, I will just always show up for Christian Borle) and while it’s completely a joke I just know they’d get along… Vox’s powerset would be very useful for Starscream’s schemes, and he’s already an expert at dealing with long, temperamental men…
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tur11ngery · 23 days ago
Hiya hiya I’m curious on your thoughts on other 7n7 ships also have you heard of his business partner Noli and the beloved pumpkin?
other 7n7 ships r below the cut so im not clogging up everyones stream with a big wall of text :-)
7n7noli... the idea of a business partner in crime and the possible tension that could come from that is really interesting, but i dont know much about noli so im hesitant to say anything until more gets revealed. this is also affected by the fact that i dont have access to the discord server because of stupid phone verification stuff, so take it with a grain of salt.
outside of 7noli, they look so very cool!! i like their design and the fun little mask, and since malbear holds a very special place in my heart i already have a soft spot for them. :-)
im not sure whats up with the pumpkin???? i saw all the pictures on my twitter. the pumpkin looks So polite. Love the pumpkin (i think?)
1x7n7 (1x1x1x1 x 007n7) is a personal comfort of mine recently. i like their possible dynamics. i cant really explain this one besides hennghhg hackerzzz.... i think it's more like... rather than forcing their rehabilitation and betterment, they're kind of helping each other out. theyre not doing it for each other, but theyre discovering the truths of absolute love and learning how to love living... together. and also uhh smoochhhh
as is 777 (chance x 7n7 x 1337). i accidentally got way too attached to 1337n7 from one of my requests and now theyre smooching in my brain. chance and 007n7 are really cool to me because of chances thing with probability, and 007n7 and 1337 are kind of saving each other. 1337n7 are.. perfect complements, in a way. while 1x7n7 works in my head because they have so much potential to grow together, chance/1337/7n7 all complement each other in these hyperspecific ways.
i dont know about shedletsky/builderman x 7n7. sounds like a forbidden, secret thing. the admin and the hacker. could be really interesting, but it's not my thing personally, especially because theres the issue of the moral high ground when it comes to 7n7's rehabilitation. some opposition or opposing ideologies i think make ships interesting, but this is like... night and day. some might like it for its toxicity, though. i dont judge.
007n7 x elliot is a really funny idea. im not much for tragic doomed evil yaoi but theres a lot of mutual redemption to be had there that i like. that being said, it's a personal pet peeve of mine when people reduce 7n7 to either his son or his past rather than his constant state of turmoil and self-surveillance. i think this ship is hard to get right. then again, i think 7n7 and elliot are among the two hardest characters to 'get right' in terms of what a person would believably do or say with their background, along with chance.
007n7 x two time sounds sooo. intriguing, i guess? i dont know much about the church of the spawn, so i cant tell if two time would hate 7n7 for defying the will of the spawn or deify 7n7 for his power. possible fucked up dynamic to be had here. overall, pretty interesting.
john doe and 7n7 is not anything ive considered. i cant see any possible dynamic, besides 7n7 trusting himself to try to mend john doe and being conflicted on if he should and if he wants to help him bc he might remember his wife and all the attention is sooo nice. but i think 7n7 is more rational than that so... hmmm
mafioso and 007n7 is sooo funny in my head. mostly for the same reason i think pizzadebt is literally fascinating; mafioso is so abnormal. hes part of a massive mafia hivemind in my head. i like old man yaoi..... i had this fic idea a while back where 007n7 could see mafioso in the real world because of 7n7's dissociation problem. theyre cute. reminds me of the kiss painting by klimt.
if theres any i forgot, come into my askbox and yell at me. sorry for the ramble, but thank you for asking! you made my day submitting this :-)
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dlsintegration · 2 years ago
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Using @iwtvfanevents's a meal to remember event as an opportunity to celebrate some of the sickos beautiful authors in this fandom 🧡 here's a list of some of my favourite recommendations, all of them Louis-centric and/or involving louis in a major fashion.
I will also be adding a song that I associate to each of them!!
canon/semi-canon compliant
Pour (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Kicking this list off with one of my all times favorite, manages to capture their voices perfectly. You'll never go wrong with one of babe's fics, they're all canon in my head 🧡
song: holy terrain - fka twigs
Glass (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Melting just thinking about this one. I can never be free of them.
Pieta (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Gabrielle gives lestat something he needs and gives louis something he didnt know he needed 🧡 Gabrielle is so kind 🧡
song: let go - tinashe
song: mary magdalene - fka twigs
Tides (E) by @nlbv: Tides my best friend. had to stare at my ceiling for at least 10 minutes after that one and it doesn't lose its impact no matter how much I come back to it. Masterful grasp on both louis and lestat's characterization and the toxicity that permeates their relationship.
song: tear you apart - she wants revenge
Roadkill (E) by @baberainbowao3 and @nlbv: TELL THE AVENGERS TO PACK IT THE FUCK UP. This is the most ambitious crossover of our generation. Roadkill my wife my beloved my soulmate. Read it so many times i've managed to convince myself it was canon. and it is. What is a family meant for if not for going to the circus, commiting horrifying acts of violence and making plans for the future 🧡
song: savage good boy - japanese breakfast
someone buy me roses (E) by indigostohelit: Perfect dialogue, impeccably true to their characters, illustrates louis' religious hangups and repression in a subtle funny and intimate way.
song: save a prayer - duran duran
Amour Rouge (E) by revengefrnnk: Louis exploring femininity. Big big fan of putting that man in lingerie personally. 10/10 certified s1 deleted scene to me.
song: blood and butter - caroline polachek
Reformation (E) by verseau / @greedydemands (MODERN AU): The sacred texts. We all remember where we were. 10/10 will make you go through the full range of existing human emotions. I laughed. I cried, a number of times. I sweat, I danced. I got... a shot, I ate and... I had many epiphanies.
song: heaven - shygirl / be sweet - japanese breakfast
hold me tight, & fear me not (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest (TAM LIN AU): Me when I find a beautiful fairytale book in the evil yaoi section. Read if you love beautiful writing and if you want to find out what happens to lost little lambs that stray from the path.
song: i cant breathe - gwsn
Part of Your World (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood (LITTLE MERMAID AU): I never know where to start when praising POYW, from how real and alive the world feels to the sense of tragedy permeating Louis and Lestat's entire relationship, to how much it's made me miss the sea. Oh and also the monsterfucking ❤️
song: like real people do - hozier / sea, swallow me - cocteau twins
House of Gold (E) by dirtygoldensoul / @revolution-starter : I don't usually read A/B/O fics but I love this one so much, for many reasons, the main one being how bad the family dynamics get me... Can't recommend it enough 🧡
song: work song - hozier
Like a Heathen clung to the Homily (E) by @thelioncourts (SEX CLUB AU): One of my favorite insights into Louis' internality and his lingering religious trauma, and how it still affects him, chapter 4 almost made me cry... Can't wait to see where it goes next.
song: after dark - mister kitty
canon/semi-canon compliant
dirges (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest: Can't make my way into loumand territory without mentioning my beautiful wife dirges. Ziska if you read this know that you will be dealt with shortly. Loumand bed death allegation hours: CLOSED FOREVER.
song: posing in bondage - japanese breakfast
Alluvium (E) by serpenstkirts / @knifeeater: The best way I can describe Laïs' fics and how they make me feel would be to liken the experience to drowning into a lake and being grateful for the dark water filling your lungs. This fic is about eroticized latex gloves and finger sucking btw.
song: only seeing god when i come - sega bodega
vanishing point (E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Motorcycle sex as religious experience. Day 67 of my campaign to get Laïs in that writing room.
song: sunset - caroline polachek / nascar - stella smyth
Selfsame (E) by @vampdf: 70s LOUMAND CRUISING ERA MY BELOVED. Number 1 on the list of the crimes Eli has to answer for. 1000/10. Died five separate times reading this. Rolin look at me. Rolin dont listen to AMC. You need this in s2. It is crucial that we get this. Louis deserves it.
song: a pill to crush - evelyn / sulk - tr/st
Prey Drive (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Speaking of loumand's 70s insane bdsm practices 💔💔💔 s2 script just leaked. Is your eternal vampire marriage hitting a rough spot? Try our newest predator/prey large-scale roleplay!
song: lullaby - the cure / on the run - kelela
Mark Deep (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Goat you have my blood on your hands. No added commentary needed actually. The damage this fic has done to me is irreversible. Read if you want some more quality t4t loumand insanity.
song: pang - caroline polachek
Rumpelstiltskin (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood: Most normal loumand roleplay night. Louis wakes up in a tower. I literally refuse to say anything else until you all read it for yourself and go through the sheer range of emotions I've went through when first reading it. #Their princess/captor slay is real and alive and thriving. This fic is also part of the NMHMRGPINE (No Matter How Much Rashid Gets Paid It's Not Enough) verse btw.
who is she ? - i monster / big bad wolf - shakey graves
the night island (E) by @vampdf (MAFIA AU): I don't know much but I know Armand was made to be a mob boss and Louis was made to be a mob wife. One of the most insanity-inducing byproducts of the career dom s2 teaser Armand scene(tm).
song: bitch bites dog - cecile believe
thy fearful symmetry (E) by mothmaiden: 70s era. One of the flrst iwtv fics I ever read. Never left my mind since. Delicious dynamics between the three of them, got me gasping and covering my mouth many times. Can't recommend enough.
song: soul control - jessie ware
Little Kidnaps in the Dark (E) by @gayvampiredivorce : The damage little kidnaps has wrought on my crops, my mental health, my friends and family can NOT be overstated. Masterful interpretation of the evolution of their relationship and dynamics through the haze of vampiric existence. Anne could never have done this.
song: when the sun hits - slowdive
Lethe series (T/E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Quite simply one of my favorite series not only in that tag but in general. Every sentence Laïs writes pulls me into a dark void that I hope I'm never getting out of.
song: hopedrunk everasking - caroline polachek
Good to Love / Ruthless in Love (M) by themasterletters / @brightfelon (MODERN AU): Reading Toni's fics makes me feel like im a teen again, waiting anxiously for updates and calling up all my friends to scream and , am in love with all of Toni's readings of the characters but his Louis truly gets me. That fic doesn't only live rent free in my head it's also led me places I wouldnt go to with a gun. I have seen the best minds of my generation led to madness by toni's loumand. btw.
song: career boy - dorian electra / genghis khan - miike snow
A Potentiality for Corruption (E) by @vampdf: The thing is. I can't talk about Eli's fics without talking about Potentiality. However. Talking about Potentiality also happens to send me into a state of delirious hysterics. Daphne Du Maurier found dead in a ditch. Charlotte Brontë shaking and crying. Guillermo Del Toro found jobless. There's a new Gothic classic in town.
song: ptolemaea - ethel cain
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moldsporr · 1 year ago
About that character inmpression, ship thingy you posted... Of course I'l ask you about Yomi (you can answer each questions for him if you want 👀👀)
Aaaand hmmm
What do you think about Yomi x Seth, Hellxander, Fake Zilch x Seth, and Yomi x Fake Zilch x Seth ?
That might be a lot in one go, so uh, take your time!
OURGHHH Yomi. Okay this is gonna be a lot but lets-a go yahoo
Alright first off, first impression of him.
His introduction was literally golden. From his and Martina's Akira reference to Yomi fake-sobbing before coldly ordering Seth to be executed. I was kicking my feet. He immediately shot to my top favorite (before being kicked down again by Yuma and Makoto) but I absolutely enjoyed what an evil little gremlin he was from the very beginning. Honestly, one of the best introductions of a villain I've ever seen.
Next, headcanons. I think he was a theatre kid in high school. I'm saying this from experience. Every theatre kid goes through a little phase where they're evil and flamboyant it comes with the title. Yomi's just went on a little too long, silly silly boy. OH and I think he has chew toys. Being evil is stressful he's gotta chew on smth or else he'll just take it out on an underling, yk?
As for complaints and praise... weeeell, I thought his takedown was a little... anti-climatic? Like on the one hand, I'm very happy for Martina to get to send him to jail. You go girl. But also, he just sorta... accepts being arrested? I wanted him to resist more. Kicking scratching and screaming, yk?? He did a little of that but not much. And I wish we'd seen him in the epilogue, maybe as a small little shot of him in jail being all pouty. As for praise, I really love how fun-to-hate he is. The game makes it very clear he's horrible and you can't really sympathize with him, but also, he's just so fun to watch. Like. What's wrong with him *twirls hair*
Favorite pairing, hmmmmmmmmmm. Initially it was Makoyomi, but rn it's a three-way tie between Makoyomi, Yomiakou, and Hellxander. These dynamics are all just... really fascinating in all honesty. I want to study them. I'm so glad this fandom enjoys toxic yaoi I think I would go insane if there wasn't a plethora of content for these weirdos.
And finally, my overall opinion. He's my wife. My evil scrunkly meow meow. I'm gonna put a collar on him and cook him a yummy dinner while he's chained to a chair. Also his English VA is amazing and did a wonderful job making Yomi iconic, I'm planning on playing Raincode again but with JP voices to compare. He's the silliest villain I've ever seen. They did a great job with his writing, I think. He just, immediately grabs you- and when you look deeper into him it's genuinely so interesting and fun.
Yomi x Seth is definitely an interesting ship for me. I don't actively think about it but when I come across content of them, my brain goes "fuck yeah". Sadly their interactions don't give us much to go off of as much as other pairs, but it's always a joy to see.
Hellxander. My beloved. Finding Fake!Zilch in the factory and hearing him ramble about Yomi was eye opening. Kodaka did not need to have that in there but it's there and it's amazing. I wish Yomi had a line or something about Zilch, I want to know how he feels about the guy. Was it a parasocial type of thing??? Was Yomi leading him along??? Please Kodaka. Yomi DLC where we visit Kanai Ward and Yomi is doing community service and having flashbacks to his old gay lover Hitman and he cries in the rain "I hate that ugly bowl cut detective!!!!!!! Curse you Yuma the Kokohead!!!!!!!"
Fake!Zilch x Seth isn't something I've ever really thought about, but I can kinda see a dynamic there. Frail little guy x tough hitman? Yeah that's certainly a good dynamic. I just don't know if this particular case would really... grab me?
And Yomi x Fake!Zilch x Seth... yeah I think that's just torture for Seth. Which is fine I like torturing the guy. I can definitely see Yomi being like "lol that seth guy is soooo funny to torment" and zilch is like "do you want me to torment him director yomi. Anything for you director yomi" and Seth is like "can I please just do my job. Please. Please"
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alexandraisyes · 8 months ago
No pressure if you don't want to, but Kill Code ship ratings? I already know Solar Flare and Sun get a good positive rating with him... and (old) Moon probably gets a interesting rating since fictional toxicity is fun~
KILLCODE BELOVED OUGH I LOVE KC AND HE NEEDS KISSES. He's literally been shipped with basically EVERYONE by me and my friend group like we are insane about this eldritch man
Killcode x Sun: 5 Stars - HE LOVES HIM AND HES GOING TO FUCKING MAKE SURE HE KNOWS THAT HE IS LOVED AND THEY ARE SO SWEET AND WHOLESOME (and completely fucking feral bc KC doesn't give a shit about personal space, modesty, or privacy)
Killcode x Moon: 5 Stars - God the angst potential I love exploiting them. Moon was willing to do whatever it took to get KC under control and it left both of them with a lot of trauma every time
Killcode x Nexus: 4 Stars - They could and would be so wholesome like. Ough. I can't even explain it because I have so many different ideas but-
Killcode x Earth: 4 Stars - I was gonna say two stars again like I did on the earth ships but THEN I REMEMBERED MY RAMBLES AND IM LIKE HOLY SHIT NO I DID THEM SO DIRTY BECAUSE KILLCODE WOULD MARRY THAT WOMAN IN A HEARTBEAT
Killcode x Monty: 0 Stars - I have them paired for specifically one AU AND ITS NOT A GOOD PAIRING
Killcode x OG Computer: 5 Stars - No one who doesn't know the RESET AU understands this but they're so everything to me
Killcode x Ruin: 4 Stars - My friends really like them, and I have an AU where they're best friends (with benefits) so I also like them.
Killcode x Foxy: 4 Stars - Pls pls pls someone see the vision
Killcode x Miku: 2 Stars - He chose death over her
Killcode x Golden Freddy: 3 Stars - Old man yaoi real? Real.
Killcode x Glamrock Freddy: 4 Stars - Bearcode. I'm telling you. It's gonna be big and it's gonna be great and I'm gonna explode
Killcode x Solar (Nice Eclipse): 3 Stars - I'm still so curious about the logic behind this and so intrigued I wanna knowww
Killcode x Lunar: 4 Stars - No one understands my need for them they are so canon in Twisted Celestials and they mean everything to me they're silly little eldritch creatures and they're so curious about each other (they're also so canon to me for my bm and kc QPR AU where they're a couple of feral cats fr). Tall massive gentle giant x tiny little angry twink how the fuck can you not love it
Killcode x Helios (Dark Sun): 4 Stars - This could be so twisted and toxic and Helios could encourage him to be evil again I'm-
Killcode x Nyx (Evil Lunar): 5 Stars - His big guard dog that will tear his enemies to shreds and always come back at his call
Killcode x Gaia (Evil Earth): 2 Stars - She's the kind of person he hates to be honest. He'd kill her with no remorse.
Killcode x Crescent (Solar's Moon): 5 Stars - No one understands I have a MIGHTY NEED that has arisen from RESET AU. They're so so so ough I need them and I need them now he's KC's little mate he's so fucking playful and a little fucked up in the head but KC loves him anyways and jakl;fsdj;a
Killcode x Kronos (Lord Eclipse): 4 Stars - Objectively correct
Killcode x Crius (Servant Sun): 5 Stars - A SWEET LITTLE SUN FOR HIM TO DOTE ON AND LOVE AND KISS IM-
Killcode x Styx (Lord Lunar): 5 Stars - Thoughts about how possessive Styx seemed to be he would ask Killcode to stay so sweetly and of course Killcode would say yes (Styx is so fucking lonely bro KC feels so much sympathy)
Killcode x Moros (Servant Eclipse): 3 Stars - I am so intrigued but also I think Moros is too devoted to his Lord
Killcode x Icarus (Star Holder Freddy): 5 Stars - Bearcode but the bear is traumatized and that makes it better
Killcode x Khonsu (Feral Moon): 5 Stars - KC can fix him
Killcode x Angel (Solar's Sun): 5 Stars - ANOTHER SWEE-
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lavenderfluorite14 · 8 months ago
🩸🦇💖People I Want to Know Better💖🦇🩸
Thank you for the tag @ancuninfiles! I also ship Me and Your Mom.
1. Favorite Ships (in no particular order)
Wyllstarion (Baldur's Gate 3) The monster hunter falls in love with the monster? The monster teaches a cursed hero how to deal with his new body? A dash of enemies to lovers? A princely young man showers a lost and lonely man with the love he needs (deserves) while that same savvy, clever man helps the princely young man break his evil contract? YEAH.
Bloodweave (Baldur's Gate 3) None of us are completely immune to toxic old man yaoi.
Shadowzel (Baldur's Gate 3) LET'S GO LESBIANS
Ianthe x Harrow (The Locked Tomb Series) I'm toxic, yeah yeah
Reylo (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) These two will always have a chokehold on my heart. They could never make me hate you Sequel Trilogy, although they have CERTAINLY tried. I will die bitter about TRoS, lol.
Jarden (Jude x Cardan, The Folk of the Air) Booktok is right sometimes.
Sansa x Brienne (A Song of Ice and Fire) A lady and her knight???? HELLO???????
Sarah x Jareth (Labyrinth) This ship has EVERYTHING I love.
Jasmine x Mozenrath (Aladdin: the Animated Series) This may be a deep cut, but I love enemies to lovers who never truly stop being enemies.
2. First Ship
Zelink (Zelda x Link, The Legend of Zelda). My first ship ever, I will always love them. Also easily my most wholesome ship, lol.
3. Last Song
Guess (feat. Billie Eilish) - Charli XCX.
4. Last Movie
Abigail! I was not expecting to live this movie as much as I did, we love a vampire horror comedy.
5. Currently Reading
Good Omens, Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman. I finally started this classic and then allegations emerged.
I haven't started these yet, but I also have these checked out in Libby: Loud by Drew Afualo
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
6. Currently Watching
I am SO bad at watching TV for no discernible reason. But I need to finish Season 3 of Fruits Basket, I'm a religious House of the Dragon watcher (RIP Game of Thrones), and I'm still reeling from the season finale of Succession.
7. Currently Craving
Mango Loco Monster Energy drink, my beloved
no pressure tags:
@rosieofcorona, @bee-chann, @roguishcat
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tru-daddy · 5 months ago
do you not fw resident evil anymore?
Nah I still do but elden ring kinda took over with the dlc (hyperfixation switch) and the fact that I'd been yapping nonstop about RE for like 3 years, you kinda run out of anything new to really talk about.. Like I still love the game and the #yaoi the but the well is kinda dry anon lmao
Please let the "RE9 announcement @ game awards" rumour be true... mfs are getting bored dude. I've been a bit turned off because of the community like I've been hanging in The Trenches (twitter) for a minute and I've had many friends leave due to toxicity over ships!! Someone had their face photoshopped over a corpse and gore sent to them over a ship like dawg, is it ever that serious 💀 we really are getting too bored to be fighting about this stuff. I check twitter more often these days because fandom seems pretty dead here, but at least this webbed site has decorum!!
But anyway you can still talk to me about resident evil it is still one of my beloved franchises, I can multi track drift many fandoms at once but just right now ER is giving me many thoughts at the moment until capcom wants to announce something new like come onnnn hellooooooo
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icy-watch · 11 months ago
From @nyaskitten
From @mephilesthedork
From @mostdefinitelyahumanperson
#claw shipping my beloved 🙏#toxic old man yaoi ypur honor
From @peanut-with-wifi-access
#yeah probably I don't remember#anyway sma—
From @penofwildfire
#this guy made me accept that I'm a furry#and bisexual
From @little-nightfury17
#I remember watching this for the first time and was blown away by his animation
From @weirdestninjago
From @rainbow-flavoured-skittles
#oh hey it’s the evil furry
From @lionessprince
#This guy is the biggest meme community right now#its not his fault or anything#Its the people that are in charge of Lego YouTube#hehehehehe
From @froggityboingerrr
#***** **** guy!!!!! our fav guy!!!!#oh and raine’s wife too i think
From @pandemonium-kidz
#1) Yes#2) Hi Rapton! Hi Ras!#I love these two#and as a certified furry since middle school#I'm obligued to say Ras design slaps
From @user-without-a-cool-acronym
From @rainofthetwilight
#RAS!!!!!!!#AKA RAINE'S HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!
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Is this why I was asked what my opinion on tigers was?
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moiynapakhi · 7 years ago
i didn’t realize how bad shit had gotten until i scrolled through GL, kota ibushi, and kenny omega tags without my blacklist on, but like.... some of y’all really think kenneth omegaman is relatable huh. like y’all REALLY outchea usin this ship as a coping strategy when you should be logging out and taking a deep breath and going outside, but some fool on the internet gotchu thinkin this dumb yaoi ship from 2009 is the gold standard for lgbt fiction, and the same fool outchea tellin y’all ibushi could be gay, but not really cuz he aint out yet, but he hangin wit ambiguously bi tyson and he’s absolutely not exploiting a vulnerable population right? like he wouldn’t do that right?
some of y’alls aint watch wrestling for more than a few months. it’s obvious, pls don’t deny it, and before y’all hurt yerselves even more, imma let u in on a lil secret- it aint real.
i didn’t realize how insidious some of this historical revisionism had gotten, but folks, im tellin y’all right now- if you think u kenneth omega, you needa log out and reevaluate exactly what the heck u mean cuz that’s not a good thing. i know damn well it aint that hard to google what he’s done since he became the cleaner, and if you think that shit’s ok and feel like you can relate to it, imma really need you to rethink that assertion and maybe get off the internet for a little while cuz kenneth? is a troll. a villain. an antagonist. he’s a gaslighting, self-loathing, victim complex havin lil bitch. if this is something you identify with, log off now.
if u think u ibushi, u need to log out quicker and not watch njpw or roh until this shit arc is over and dead cuz it’s triggersome. if u already caught on to how utterly toxic this BS is at this point and have no investment and aint watchin, good for you, cuz this shit? it’s bad. and don’t feel bad for feeling this way cuz a) you not wrong, and b) y’alls aboutta get a lesson in pro wrestling and why it’s the worst business to ever devote yourself to ever.
out of all the industries that exist to exploit both workers and consumers, pro wrestling really be that gold standard of fuckery. some of y’all really workin ya selves into shoots and puttin ya business on blast thinkin issaboutta change the cold hard fact that this whole mcgoofyass revival of a dead ship was to tap into a hot market. y’alls be clownin fergal devitt over sellin some tshirts, but aint got no problem with kenneth mcgoofyass omegaman not dropping BC, or the yung fucks, or heeldom in general for his ‘beloved.’ come to think of it- has he apologized to ibushi for constantly gaslighting his ass on social media for the past couple of years? or is that shit ok cuz ibushi aint said nuthin about it yet?
yaoi fans, i know you’re reading, but like, im not gonna clown y’all cuz y’all just here for the laughs and i can’t even blame y’all at this point cuz at least y’all be knowin. there aint no rationalizing this shit cuz it really is that bad. oooh boi.
lads, i need y’all to really think about what the hell y’alls doin rn. if u really need validation from poorly written ship manifestos to tell u to that this shit flies, u in for a reckoning. im tellin y’all right now that the rug finna be pulled from underneath y’all, and if kenneth don’t regain control of BC or go monster heel, he gon leave for WWE because kenneth omegaman was only ever interesting as a villain. there, i said it, cherubic yaoi stopped selling in 2012, now the hot new shit is emotionally abusive yaoi, and im tellin y’alls, yer bein played! love is dead! kenneth is evil! if ibushi doesn’t turn, kenneth will! 
maybe this’ll go unread and uncared for, but i mean this as someone who’s had to watch every “good” ship in wrestling burn in flames because nothing makes more money than a violent hindi serial/telenovela/soap opera with immoral romantic relationships...im tellin y’all, yer conning yerselves. more than that, y’alls think painting kenneth as a villain is suddenly negativity. as if the last four years like magically disappeared just because in late january, two slickass businessmen decided to revive a legitimate moneymaker of a tag team and a ship. and some of y’all really think this won’t end in a toxic dump because kenneth told y’all so on the tweeter? im tellin u right now to lose his number, cuz he’s working y’all. he’s working y’all so hard, y’all done worked yerselves into a fuckin shoot. holy shit, in 2018 no less.
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deyisacherry · 2 months ago
HE'S SO THEATRICAL, SO THESPIAN, SO EVIL STUPIDLY EVIL, HE'S LIKE A JESTERRRR AJWHDSKJD HIS VOICE ACTING<3333 (gotta admit i love he sounds like bittergiggle from GOB because that other jester silly boy is what made me endure watching that game lmao)
and his dynamic with pure vanilla it's soooooo INTERESTING AHSKSJSHD TEE HEE toxic cookies yaoi my beloved<3!!! (i'm glad tumblr is more open about this ship ily tumblr)
istg this recent hiperfixation in a ship from games i know nothing about it's genuinely funny cause all i'm knowing about this cookies game lore is just to understand the ship and i will die loving it oh my god
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