batfr1es · 2 years
FUCK RIGHT OFF no fucking WAY dc confirmed (one-sided) timkon
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felucians · 7 months
Nex Benedict's death wasn't just for being transgender, it was for being native too. 2 Spirits are revered in many native cultures and it is a native-specific identity. This wasn't just a hate crime against trans & NB individuals, this was also a hate crime against Natives of Turtle Island.
You cannot separate Nex's trans identity from their native identity - this is a case of MMIWG2S (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirits).
Native children being killed at school is nothing new, so it's equally important to talk about Nex's native identity and being intersectional, this is a devastating tragedy for indigenous people, the queer community & especially those of us who are both indigenous and queer.
May Nex rest in peace 🪶
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moderndaypandora · 4 months
i recognize that simon and edwin meeting and parting in hell is narratively very good and provides closure for all. but imagine if simon had agreed to try and escape with edwin. and charles doesn't have time to really question it, because anybody who likes edwin is aces in his book and it's hell, they need to leave. (edwin, out of courtesy to their third companion, puts his plan to confess on hold until they've escaped.)
suddenly the edwin harem of "supernatural boys who all hate each other but are attracted to that negative rizz" gains another member, and at some point edwin is going to have to mention that simon was the boy who sacrificed him to hell.
the chaos. crystal's bitchy commentary. charles going from friendly smiling to clutching his cricket bat. niko's whispering "200k slow burn schoolboy rivals to lovers" with heart eyes. it'd be chef's kiss good. edwin fleeing to his books and praying that nobody, but especially not the cat king, finds him because there has been SO MUCH emotion already. hysterical.
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Okay so I have a lot of thoughts about the whole thing of the Gerudo being a race of entirely women, with the only exception being one man born every hundred years, and that man automatically being their king. Now this worldbuilding comes from Ocarina of Time, and there's obviously a metric fuckton of unfortunate implications there, because it was 1998. And it seems that Tears of the Kingdom is sticking with the lore of Gerudo men being extremely rare and becoming the King of their people, which once again has a metric fuckton of unfortunate implications because it's 2023 and Nintendo has somehow gotten even worse about this shit.
But let's set aside the whole... everything, and look at this from just the in-universe perspective. How does it work? I mean, it's pretty clear that there is no overlap between the kings; the old ones are normally long gone by the time a new one is born, but the Gerudo manage to take care of themselves during the hangtime. So they must have an established system of government and leadership that doesn't involve a king, and somehow that system is set up in a way that does a smooth transfer of power once a new king is born and old enough to take the throne. But why bother always declaring a random guy to be your King when you already have a perfectly functional system in place?
I mean again, the whole thing has a lot of sexist implications, but we're not looking at this from a real world context, we're examining it in-universe. And we could just go the lazy route and say that their king is in charge just because he's the only man, but I don't like that. I mean come on, the Gerudo are a race of entirely women, and most of their outside problems come from Hylian men being creepy about it. They are entirely a matriarchy; there is literally no reason for their culture to have an inherent respect for men, even if the man in question is one of them. And they're desert people; they live in an extremely harsh and dangerous landscape, if they don't have their shit together, they will die. By sheer necessity, their culture needs to put a lot of value in being practical, because if they're stupid about things, people die. They really can't afford to have a shitty leader take over, and just letting some guy take the wheel doesn't really fit with the way their culture must otherwise work.
So again, why the fuck do they bother having a King?
I think it's mainly just a ceremonial position. Yes, if the guy is a good leader he'll be in charge, but if he isn't good at being a King or isn't interested in the job... fuck it, they've already got a functional government system that's been leading their people the whole time, why fix what isn't broken? The title of Gerudo King isn't about leadership or power. I think it's more about belonging. Because the Gerudo are a culture where every single one of them can be defined in the same way... and there is exactly one exception once a century. Men are considered to be inherently outsiders at the best of times, and more often they're enemies. A man born into this culture is a natural outsider; he is completely unique, and that means he doesn't really fit into his community. And well... when someone is fundamentally different from the rest of their community, they tend to be ostracized.
So I think that's why the position of Gerudo King exists. It isn't about them needing or even wanting a man to lead them. The title of King doesn't need to involve any leadership at all. It's about giving the man born every century a place in their society. It's a way of saying yes, you are one of us, you are a Gerudo, you belong here, you are wanted and you are loved.
The Gerudo know that every hundred years, one of their children will be fundamentally different from all of his peers. And so their society is built to ensure that a child who is completely different from them will still be loved and accepted. He will always have a place in their society. He doesn't need to earn their love, he has it just for existing. These are his people.
The title of Gerudo King isn't an inherent position of authority. It's a promise of acceptance.
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azis-nebula · 4 months
yes I’ll rearrange your guts. Yeah, I’ll eat you out until you see stars. Pretty sure I can have your cum dripping down my forearm.
BUT we have to move the plushies first..they’re too innocent…
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basilpaste · 6 months
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& he forgives you dogs are like that so loyal dead dogs are just happy you're here Let Dead Dogs Lie, Silas Denver Melvin (from Grit)
〔You grit your teeth so hard that they shatter into fangs.〕
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stormxpadme · 4 months
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Anyone's sent today's Wolverine issue to Brevoort yet? You know since he keeps on yapping how the throuple is lacking evidence especially in recent issues LOL. This is exactly what the starving throuple fans deserved. It's not EVERYTHING of course, because this is still Marvel, but you can read it however you like and they didn't just retcon it from orbit as was at some point rumored. These panels make me mighty emotional, and now I'm ready to write ALL the throuple and scogan things for pride month :D.
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yardsards · 6 months
so marcille's succubus totally looked like that general from daltian clan right
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memray · 1 year
men who hate people having their silly little lotr ships are so silly and get so wound up about how someone else has interpreted a piece of fiction
like girl i literally don’t care if you don’t ship them why are you all up in MY business about how i’ve interpreted legolas and gimli’s ending as aligning with early-mid 20th century queer coding??
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doublel27 · 3 months
@lurkingshan I loved your tags. Hope you don’t mind me stealing them to use here because
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Mostly because, Yak gave the biggest younger sibling energy here and I was reminded why, as the oldest, I nearly always vibe harder with the elder sibling. I’m not even mad or disappointed. Younger sibling fails to see the sacrifices that have been made on their behalf or how they’ve been protected from the worst of their family, or worse is mad about it:
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Like, the whole fight that Yak and Yei are having is about Yei not involving Yak and treating him like a baby and here is Yak failing to see anything from Yei’s perspective because he’s been sheltered. (This is not all younger siblings but it’s not uncommon)
Dad is only the enemy if you both see him as the enemy and as Yei has been largely shouldering his burdens alone that his parents have left him with, I don’t think Yak ever viewed Dad as the enemy we all did. Yak seemed genuinely pleased that their dad showed up in the boxing gym a few eps ago even if it was to mostly yell at Yak for failing. He seemed upset when Yei cut the conversation short and made him come practice instead of continuing to engage with their dad. As an audience we all got it but, Yak didn’t realize how much Yei had on his plate and what he was struggling with. Some of that is on Yei, but most of it is on their parents (including mom who was like it’s up to you now to take care of your brother) rather than tasking her husband with that, and Dad for just dipping. Some of that is that Yak honestly has never actually thought about it because Yei and Cher take care of everything.
But it’s also easier to make Yei the villain and be mad at Yei because Yei isn’t going to go anywhere. Yei is the most stable adult in Yak’s life (after Cher of course). Yei will take the punches and keep showing up because that’s who he is.
Dad on the other hand is wet paper who cant take a punch and Yak still wants something from him, approval, a second chance at goodbye…which is common amongst the younger siblings.
Yak won’t come around for real until Dad survives cancer and dips on them again. Because that’s how that usually works. Or you know, asks for the deed back or suggests that the boxing gym is part theirs now because his wife helped. 🫠
Anyway, team Yei should stay mad at dad and everyone should have backed him. My bluest boy remains the best and deserves the whole world.
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sarafangirlart · 7 days
Pirithous watching ppl ship Theseus with Astyanax:
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clarasghosts · 3 months
i know i just made a claudia post two weeks ago (and i've chatted about it with friends), but i have to say something again because i'm not ready to let go of her yet. to me, claudia is the most relatable of all the characters in the show. while vampirism is repeatedly shown to have its drawbacks, claudia specifically demonstrates what it means to feel stuck in life. uniquely among the characters, claudia is barred from the traditional markers of adulthood. our society's predominate concept of womanhood, specifically, is being a wife and a mother (don't worry about your silly degree and career ambitions, you'll feel most like a woman when you fulfill the social roles of a woman). the other vampires take companions, have partnerships, have roles within society or within their covens. they can create other vampires and become something like parents, but claudia can't even do that. despite being, at this point in the series, in her forties, everyone around her treats her like a child. she will never grow up to them. it's not just that she looks like a child, it's that they are furious when she expresses how hurtful being treated like a child is. throughout both seasons, they are condescending to her.
and she can do it on her own. she knows she can. she did it on her own for years. even when she had louis by her side, she was still largely holding it together on her own. but it's exhausting doing it on your own, it leaves you hollow. she doesn't want to do it on her own anymore. she wants love, she wants community. and finally, she finds people that she thinks she could belong with and love, but they don't want her. they don't really see her for her, either. so she decides she'll make her own path, and she finds someone who does, finally, see her. who loves her. she claws her way out toward something better.
and they'll kill her for it.
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picturebookshelf · 3 months
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a collection of Pride-related picture books I read this June!
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femmesandhoney · 1 year
tras trying to claim something is a human rights violation against trans people when it also affects every other citizen is so funny like...yeah we know you're human too but how is that specifically about trans people come on now 😭
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finitevariety · 1 year
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Umberto Eco (1995) 'Ur-Fascism', New York Review of Books, 2/14
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parisbytaylorswift · 4 months
Actually I will bitch about it more because it is really fucking annoying that every Pride asexuality seems to go completely ignored. And this does coincide with the ongoing conversations about bisexual erasure in Pride where bi people are dis-acknowledged for not being in same-sex relationships.
Just because a person and/or their relationship is not "visibly queer" does not mean they are at all less queer. I am asexual. I have lived a queer experience. I spent years of my life questioning if something was fundamentally wrong with me at my core for not feeling the same way about romance and sex as the people around me. I felt ostracized in social settings because of my queerness. And when I came to terms with myself and learned about asexuality and realized how it applied to myself, I told those close to me and I was so wonderfully accepted by my friends. But I still struggle with the idea of opening up to my family about it. How do I explain to my parents that while yes, I may appear straight and "normal" to them and have for the last 20 years of my life, they will never see grandchildren from me? I will never have some of the same "normal" life experiences they expect of me. These are queer experiences I've endured, and still deal with. Asexuality is a part of Pride, and it shouldn't go ignored.
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