#TLDR i do not blame the kids who are saying this. but adults you are being annoying as shit
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visenyaism · 2 years ago
people in your chess post being like this is about control are so bizarre like. do they understand what school and classes are? you can't just let them do any activity that's vaguely intellectually stimulating it's not a daycare. like it's high school it's actually serious they're almost adults 😭 i'd say they should just drop out but they probably would if their parents wouldnt stop them (im assuming all those comments are also left by children) if just having to pay attention in history class is dystopian then what is gym class. gym class is like gladiator (2000 film) to these kids
most of the people who are being annoying about me not letting my kids play games on their phone during class on my chess post are adults, which is the weird thing. I get that being a teenager with no autonomy having authority figures telling you do something you don’t wanna do was a painful memory, but it doesn’t mean that all schools are indoctrination centers or that all teachers are big brother from 1984.  I think history education is more than indoctrination or memorization, and that’s how I teach, we do a lot of critical thinking and discussion. So when random adult sound off of my comments about how my students would be better off playing board games on their phones than learning from my class it makes me a little bit prickly even though I know they don’t even know me. 
But i also really hate that “today’s kids don’t want to/ cannot handle having to work” sentiment. Mine started high school in 2020 so it’s just been the apocalypse since then. there’s no normal and it’s really hard adjusting to all of that especially since they are 16 and their phones were the only way they had to communicate with the world around them for years. My kids are pretty good at putting things away when I need them to and are genuinely interested in history for the most part.  and if they don’t, they don’t do as well, which is a consequence that might be helpful to experience and learn from. 
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crossover-enthusiast · 3 months ago
-📺 (ceaarl/gang-with-hatz)
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YAYYYY THANK YOU SO MUCH @gang-with-hatz
(under cut bc. This got really long)
Okay so I already made a post about my ex-cultist Mr. Wonder theory so I won't go into that here, HOWEVER-
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I'm going to ramble about this specifically because guys. Guys you're missing the prime angst with John's wife guys-
First I'm gonna get Actor out of the way tho
This one is mostly on vibes + clothes, plus him being the only character in SM 1 to not have any sort of major significance as of yet. Also him being a movie star goes with a lot of the cult having jobs/occupations related to things kids like, if Actor's in the cult his movies are prolly meant to target the older teens/adults instead
Also his eyes do the funny when he gets spooked by Ooga Booga in the first episode
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Like genuinely Why Is He Built Like That
John and Lila have a lot of parallels: traumatized widows with a single child. Hope is dead, and John blames himself. Skid has frequently brushed with death in part due to Lila's irresponsibility. They both have a friend who's dumb and reckless but ultimately cares about them
So logically, this would mean that Lila's husband and John's wife would also have parallels, and if Skiddad's part of the cult, then...
I will absolutely admit this was just a silly crack theory/AU-- until I saw her photo from the ARG. It's just incredibly striking to me that the first photo we see of John's wife, the first acknowledgement of her period, has her with her eyes out of frame, not visible, just like Skid's dad. Her clothes, too, a cyan jacket with a dark green shirt and gold hairbands. It just screams cult to me
I'm not saying she was like, the cult's co-leader or anything, but I think she's involved, somehow. Imagine the absolute crushing irony there too, that John has spent so long trying to find out and stop the people that have taken his daughter, his home, his life away from him, only to find that his beloved wife was one of them. That'd just be soul crushing.
Also while I'm yapping I want to briefly touch upon Rick and Frank since I included them here too
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I don't think Frank's in the cult. His literal entire thing basically goes against the cult since he actually gives the kids back... eventually. HOWEVER, I've been really warming up to the "undead Frank" theory, particularly the idea that the cult revived him ala Frankenstein's Monster to use him for their own purposes, but Frank still had his own mind (either metaphorically or literally) and fucked off because he didn't want any part of it (I would also like to thank @nonbinaryshotgunman for giving me that idea)
TLDR: he knows the cult exists, but doesn't know the members or what they want
Now for Rick... genuinely there's two ways I see it: either the comedic route where he joins the cult in the last episode as a "job", or the more serious/character focused route where he's a former cultist, and his depression and apathy stem from his time in it
I've just been thinking about it and like. He's worked for Evermore. He's worked at the Candy Club, which we now know is owned by the Candy Dealer. He's worked at the mall, which is a hotspot to sell Happy Fellas, which may or may not be connected to the cult. The only job Rick's had in the show itself so far that is 100% not connected to the cult is when he worked at the theater, and Radford more than likely helped get him hired
Somehow someway Rick keeps getting jobs that are in some way connected to the cult. I feel like it has to mean something. Plus again, main associated color is red, cult colors. Something I also find super interesting is that his toy counterpart in the SM 4 credits has gold rims on his shirt, which aren't actually there in his normal/casual outfit, implying his original design had them at one point but this got changed sometime before the TT merch ad
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Okay I'm done yapping (for now). Thank you again SO so much I LOVE just talking about theory shit
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nomouthedscream · 7 months ago
Watched jaidenanimation's new video earlier today, and Im torn. Cause on one hand I feel really happy for her for having made it to 10 years, and I understand the desire to do something else after having done a job for a while, to just relax and be yourself and possibly even rediscover yourself. But also the life she described after youtube is just not a realistic one, even for normal people. Part of the reason the job market is so utterly dogshit is because they work really hard to try and pidgeonhole you into certain positions and actively punish you for going against it. An increasing number of companies are requiring 2-3 years work experience for entry level positions (I wish I was kidding). They don't like it when your most recent job was in a different industry, even if it was for college. And any sort of gap in employment is blamed upon your laziness and lack of work ethic.
And colleges get increasingly pickier about your qualifications and if you should get money the older you are because they want that space youre taking up for some 18 year olds who don't know how to bargain or finacially plan well. My college has a secondary college specifically for "adults" (people over 22). Ive only met about 10 people over 22 in classes, and all of them were seeking masters, doctorates, or work certifications. I have only ever met 2 people over 30 who I took classes with, one seeking a masters while the other was working towards getting a work certification. There are people out there who get bachelors late or second ones after their first set, but they are a rare breed, and often times they either have to have a lot of money on hand or have to be willing to go into debt.
And if you go the self owned buisness route, you have the exact same problem that jaiden complained about with youtube, which is that it never actually leaves your mind, it is always there, a shadow at the edge of your vision.
I just, I dunno, I love Jaiden's content and I'm really happy for her, and I think its kinda sweet she idolizes the simple life. But I also think this video sort of epitomizes the fact that the people who got to make youtube a full time job sort of believe they live in a different world totally separate from ours, and they don't really know what normal is, at least not at the point jaiden's at. It felt like when cottagecore was really popular and people talked about the ideal of "the simple life" or when people were obsessed with van life and a bunch of people then had to come out and say "NO, ITS NOT ALL SUNSHINE AND ROSES". Youtube is a job that changes your lifestyle, but so is... any job. My friend whos gonna start student teaching next semester feels like they can't swear anymore or else theyre gonna slip up. My friend who works as an auctioneer basically has no time for his social life anymore. I constantly have work and college looming in my mind, and I've been repeatedly told to be prepared to dedicate all my time to my work since Im going into a stem field. Its all just sort of a part of growing up and taking on adult life. It's just all work in one form or another. It's incredibly difficult to genuinely retire at a young age now adays so if you want to no longer do a job you're going to have to switch instead. And there is no shame in wanting a job change, but it is always important to recognize what such a change will entail and if you're willing to undergo the hardship you will have to endure to get any sort of reward from it. So... yeah.
Tldr: Jaiden's new 10 year anniversary video reminded me that people really do think the grass is greener on the other side.
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werehale · 2 years ago
I do like complaining about t*en w*lf, it’s a hobby honestly. I’ve been thinking a lot about the parents lately, so I decided to give my brutally honest opinions about each of them. In case you don’t want to read all of my opinions, TLDR I don’t like most of the parents.
If you do want to hear my reasonings, I’ll put it under the cut because there is a lot of negativity.
These are my opinions and I’m explaining why I feel the way I do. You are by no means obligated to agree with me, and I’m not saying your opinions are wrong, all I ask is you are respectful.
This is my interpretation of the characters and their actions (as parents, not every single decision they’ve ever made). My interpretation may be influenced by my own experiences. If you disagree, I welcome you make your own post. If you really hate what I have to say, block me.
I do try to look at good and bad parenting decisions from each parent, but depending on what the act itself is, some hold more weight than others, as well as the number of good vs bad.
Let’s start with the dads
Noah Stilinski
Said he would burn the sheriff’s station to the ground to protect Stiles
Was frantically looking for him when he went missing (on multiple occasions)
Pointed a gun at Chris when he thought he was going to shoot “Stiles”
Tried to help him get out of the train station
Stopped drinking (this is twofold, it was good for Stiles and for himself)
In regards to the first point, he followed it up with ‘a good way to forgive yourself is to forgive someone else.’ He made it all about Scott. I know he wasn’t aware of what Scott said, but Scott doesn’t need to be forgiven
“I don’t want to feel worse by yelling at my son” this sounds to me like he blames Stiles for getting fired. He shouldn’t have been fired, but he also shouldn’t be blaming Stiles
Stiles comes to him with XYZ and Noah doesn’t believe him. Scott comes to him with XYZ and he believes him. Not cool to believe someone else over your own kid, especially when they said the same thing. This happens multiple times
Edit to add: He basically calls Stiles a liar and never apologizes for it
Noah agreed to let Stiles to go Eichen. Even if he tried to back out later, he still let him go through with it
This one seems more minor, but not telling your kid who you’re going on a date with. Kinda awkward that it’s his crush’s mom
He leaves Stiles with Claudia. He thinks his job is more important than to support his son and his dying wife. He also did this knowing that Claudia assaulted Stiles. That’s not a great way to say you care about your kid (Noah, not Claudia, her too though)
“Thank you, son I should have had.” This is not funny. I don’t give a fuck what Stiles said before this. That’s not funny. You don’t joke about wanting someone else to be your kid. My dad made it very obvious he loved my step-brothers more than me and that shit is painful. (Additionally I’m sick of seeing “if you think that’s bad parenting, you had good parents.” I think that’s bad parenting and I had a shitty parent. There are real people in real life whose parents don’t like them and wish to trade them for a different kid. I think this is one of the most hurtful things spoken in the show)
He doesn’t know where Stiles is (in "Fury”) when the gun goes off and he calls out for Scott first. Before Stiles. He cares more about Scott’s than Stiles’s well-being. Even if he did know where Stiles was, you call out for your kid first to make sure they’re okay
Yelling “I’m the dad, you’re the son!” Obviously Stiles does not feel like a child in this relationship. He’s too busy being an adult
Additional note: I have no problem with Noah acting like a father figure to those who don’t have dads or good dads, but he should really focus on being a good dad to his own kid first. So far he’s not doing a bang up job.
Chris Argent
Allowed her to take mental health days come season 3
Told Allison she was responsible for the deaths of everyone if she didn’t tell him who the kanima was. Even if that was true, saying that to your kid’s face and showing them a corpse killed by the kanima is not a good move
Kidnapped his daughter, probably traumatizing her, and implied he would be forced to kill her if she were to change into a werewolf (the last part screams conditional love. And don’t come at me with “that was season 2, he changed later.” No, he didn’t. Chris is not an ally to werewolves, only Scott, and I will fight you)
Emotionally manipulated her into not seeing Scott again by threatening to kill him. (He’s also a hypocrite because in season 1 Kate also held a gun to Scott’s head and he said that wasn’t okay. Doesn’t matter if he wasn’t going to shoot Scott, unlike his sister, threatening it is bad enough)
Allison tells Scott not to laugh when she talks about archery, she also tells Jackson not to laugh before she confides something in him. This sounds like Chris and Victoria blow her off. She still has a box of art she produced from over her life claiming all of it was terrible. It sounds like Chris and Victoria said that to her. If she really truly hated it, she probably wouldn’t keep it. At least not in her room, maybe in storage, but at the moment it’s sitting there as a reminder she’s not good enough
Hid a lot of information from her (the truth about Victoria, the hunter thing – if she was meant to carry on the job, he waited an awful long time to get her into it, but whatever. The fact that he knew about the telluric currents and Gerard being alive)
This is the big one. This is it for me. She told him she loves him and HE DOESN’T SAY IT BACK!!!!
You tell your kid you love them, especially if they say it first. He kissed her head and fucking walked away. I don’t care what your familial love language is, if you can’t tell a person that you either helped make and/or raised or whatever that you love them, don’t be a parent. That shit hurts
He didn’t go to her when she died. She died in Scott’s arms. Chris stood there and watched. Maybe he was in shock, but that doesn’t sound like very good CoMpArTmEnTaLiZiNg. That would have been a good time to say you love your kid, but no. (If you believe the unreliable narrator theory, I certainly do, maybe he did go to her, but this isn’t what we saw in the episode.)
Peter Hale
Wanted to connect with his child when he found out he had one
Was willing to do a big favor for Lydia just to get the name of his child (which was a big deal to him)
Spent thousands of dollars (and we all know how stingy Peter is) to get information on her
Was willing to get burned alive again to see his daughter (6.05)
Used himself as a distraction for the Ghost Riders to save Malia. Twice (the first time was when they were in the tunnels, and then fought them again in the library)
Similarly Peter, who just got done saying he wasn’t sure how Malia could be his daughter since she lacks self-preservation instincts, is willing to potentially sacrifice himself and tells her to run
Her calling him “Dad” snapped him out of the trance
The Anuk-ite used her voice against him, meaning his greatest fear was something happening to her
Wanted Malia to kill Kate (why? He could do it. Actually, Chris should have done it but he doesn’t have the balls)
Additional notes: The show implies Peter helped out Malia during the brown out in season 5 (through a flashback in season 6), but I never understood what the significance was, so I’m ignoring that until someone can explain it to me.
Ken Yukimura
Was willing to sell out Noshiko, in a way, to help Kira (“Are you sure about that?”)
Was willing to go to prison for Kira when she was (knowingly) wrongly accused of murder
Didn’t tell her about her kitsune powers until they started to manifest
Didn’t tell her they were planning to go back to New York
Dr. David Geyer
Supportive of Liam and helped him work through his anger
Doesn’t blame him for getting assaulted by Scott (”Are you mad at me?” “No, of course not.”)
Clearly cares about Liam, and his friends
Additional notes: We don’t get to see him enough. I’m mad about it.
Rafael McCall
Tells Scott it’s safer for him to get out of town than stay when Monroe has her army
Pushed his kid down the stairs. Doesn’t matter if he was drunk or not
Didn’t really apologize to Scott for this incident, instead he pushed the blame to Melissa
Said he would come back soon and then didn’t
Not to mention he doesn’t seem to pay child support since Melissa is struggling and he offers to have dinner with Scott so Melissa can work more shifts instead of just giving her money. But I digress
Proceeded to not spend time with Scott. No phone calls or emails were mentioned (but I guess that doesn’t necessarily mean they didn’t exist. Still didn’t spend time with him, though)
Henry Tate
Was gutted when his family died
Thrilled to find out Malia was alive
Sent her (?) to Eichen to readjust. That is what therapy is for, not a mental institution. (And who gave her the go ahead to go to high school with a third grade education? The fact that she graduated eventually with the academic success of a nine-year-old tells me she’s hella smart. What 9 yo wouldn’t struggle with pre-calc if they skipped all the stuff in between?)
Mr. Lahey
Abuses Isaac
Mr. Stewart
When a lot of people (Natalie) didn’t believe Tracy had a real condition or problem, he did
Got her help for the problem (the psychiatrist)
Did everything he could to ease her mind (the dreamcatcher, boarding up the skylight)
Mr. Martin
Went to the hospital to see Lydia
Tells Lydia she needs to choose who she lives with in the divorce
Presumed she had more problems than successes in school
Went to the hospital to see her, though he seemed a little eager to offer her help with a shower, which was creepy to me
Never to be heard from again. He likely abandoned Lydia
Elias Stilinski
Abusive and openly mocks his son and grandson (not sure how he remembered someone who was taken by the Ghost Riders)
The Moms
Melissa McCall
Supports Scott no matter what
Except that one week after she found out he was a werewolf. She didn’t apologize for that either. Much like Chris, she did not express her love for her kid during that time even if she was struggling with his identity
(^ Saying forget everything I said before, if you can do something, do it is not an apology)
Her punishments are empty threats or nonexistent. She doesn’t ground him for sneaking out past curfew, does not punish him for assaulting Isaac (that’s not boys will be boys, that’s straight up assault), or stealing money from the Hales (she only demanded he give it back, no punishment ensued), took away his car keys/Stiles but then seemed to drop the punishment when she thought he was acting out because of his father)
^ Also, no Stiles is not a punishment you can follow through on
Instead of trying to have a conversation about the lone condom she found in his room with him, she goes to the MOM of the girl she ASSUMES he’s fucking. She could have been way off
She told the drunk to get out of the house, not the dad to get out of his life. Wrong. If your spouse hurts your kid, get rid of the whole man. Toodaloo motherfucker. Your stuff is in the trash
Instead of telling her son to get out of town for his safety, she tells him to stay. There is an entire army out to kill your child. He’s always going to be followed and hunted, yes, but it just seems irresponsible
I’m positive this is because the writers didn’t think it through that far or they simply forgot, but fact of the matter is it still happened. Melissa let Scott live with the man who pushed him down the stairs. Why? How are you certain it won’t happen again? How are you certain something worse couldn’t happen? I’m not giving up my kid, not for anything, not for any amount of time. If Melissa has primary physical custody, why would she let this happen?
Natalie Martin
Wants Lydia to see a therapist
Electrocutes Tracy to save Lydia
“Lydia! What did you do to yourself?” sounds judgmental. Perhaps, upon seeing her daughter has cut her hand by punching the mirror, asking what happened would be more appropriate
Lets a strange boy into her house to be alone with Lydia while she’s drugged up and in negligee. Lydia can wear whatever the hell she wants, especially in her own house, but to let some rando into her room is not a good idea. And she left them alone
Says in season 4 she will do whatever she can to help and then turns around and absolutely does nothing (though this may be less of a parenting thing and more of a terrible person thing)
Sends her to Eichen House for the “best medical care.” Excuse me, ma’am, that is a mental institution, not a medical facility. Also, according to the flashback in Season 5, she saw what happened to Lorraine. I’m not sure if she’s cruel or stupid, but given everything else we know about Natalie, I’m going with both
She doesn’t care when Stiles points out Lydia has a hole in her head. She tries to justify it medically. You remember what happened to your former mother-in-law. Do you believe Lorraine did it to herself?
When Noah tells her what’s going on in Eichen, she waits all day to get Lydia out of there
When Tracy injures Lydia and Lydia tells Natalie to run, she does. She doesn’t risk her own safety to be with her child. She saves herself
Victoria Argent
“What you want doesn’t matter!” Tracks
She’s unnecessarily hard on Allison it seems (of course you shouldn’t be hard on your kid at all, but I feel Vicky was over the top)
Additional notes: I really don’t remember much about her except that she was a psycho. Some of her points are tied in with Chris.
Noshiko Yukimura
Wants to get Kira help controlling the fox spirit
Hides Kira’s powers from her until they started to manifest
Sends her to the skinwalkers possibly forever (and then changes her mind)
Doesn’t tell her about the plan to move back to New York
Talia Hale
She didn’t seem like she was a comfort to Derek after he killed Paige. She told him his eyes were pretty and there was nothing wrong with them. There are definitely other things she could have said such as “It was a mercy kill, that doesn’t make you a bad person” or “She was suffering, you helped her” IDK
If Talia and Laura evolved in the same way Derek did in season 4, how come he didn’t know what was happening to him? I’m assuming Talia didn’t tell him
Additional notes: There’s no information about her as a parent, and these are mostly assumptions
Tries to murder her daughter
Claudia Stilinski
Based on Claudia pre-dementia, she would’ve believed Stiles
Additional notes: And this is according to Stiles who wanted to (rightfully) make his dad feel bad for not believing him. Which he never does. (He also yelled at Stiles unnecessarily)
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astronnova · 2 years ago
Okay but I wouldn't purely blame LMK for the flanderization of Tripitaka. All the flanderized depictions in fan works I've seen are from people who actually read the book and made fan art of the original source. And both versions of Trip develop into better people, anyways. Also, it's a little hurtful to say that most people don't analyze what they read, no? Granted, it's a kids show so much of the fanbase are minors, but like...kids will be kids.
my bad that it came across as hurtful! thats not my intention, i meant it as more of an objective viewpoint on something that's become widespread online and irl then just an insult to people.
unfortunately, a lot of people within the uhhh lets say 15-early 20s range dont... dive as deep into literature as they should. you ever heard of that one meme about "the door is blue because the author liked the color blue" ?
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this is just one of many, and you couldnt go anywhere online without seeing somebody make this kind of joke. schools dont even really teach deep analysis of literature recently (i should know, ive been in multiple english lit classes and most of them don't dive as deep as you could and should. the only one that does that is with my most recent professor), and this stuff happens in highschool. yknow, during students most formative years of learnin stuff.
kids shouldnt just get a free pass on choosing to ignore the main point of a piece of literature because "kids will be kids". literature is the backbone of critical thinking, most people develop that skill through reading, and stories have a greater purpose, especially classical ones, than just "heres a show that provides constant stimulation with no reason".
i probably sound a little crazy or something, and im not articulating this as well as i could due to me taking *checks notes* two melatonin like 30 minutes ago BUT anyway tldr for that section is that a lot of people just dont dive deep into literature and its true meaning. a lot of folks like only looking at the surface level bits because its so much easier and simplier than writing an 1000 word essay about the importance of a certain theme within a piece of classical literature or something
steering this back to monkie kid,
the thing i explained above i think is one of the sources as to tripitaka, and sun wukong's, flanderization within the monkie kid fandom. instead of looking at the characters with the original intent of the religious text, its looked at as more of a "well he did X so he's a bad person". its too literal for a religious allegory. trying to apply strict "real world black & white morals" onto characters like this just wont work and will end with every character from the original jttw with the label of "bad person".
i could go onto a whole rant about how the recent decline of deep analysis of literature is the reason so many people seem to prefer "childrens cartoons" (because of the easier to understand morality/lessons) over, say, classical work or hell even some modern classics. this isnt an insult towards ppl that like "kids cartoons" btw, like look at my whole blog its just about cartoons LOL . i think theres more than just that one reason as to why people, at least online, gravitate towards childrens cartoons (likely because theyre more fantastical rather than trying to cater towards "adult gritty realism" and are animated, which is hard to find nowadays with all this "live action remake" junk), but i do think its one reason.
again, my bad if i sound like an ass or something or if i dont make sense, its like 12 am and i shouldve been asleep like an hour ago but im easily distracted LOLOL . but yeah, i think the source of the flanderization is just people misunderstanding the point of the original text and trying to apply modern storytelling conventions to something thats meant to be a big ass metaphor for enlightenment
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accessible-tumbling · 2 months ago
ID: Four screenshots of Reddit posts. The first screenshot is of a Reddit post on "r/harrisonburg" by "u/MarkWestin", titled: "Need a fake kid to piss off my wife".
The post reads:
"My wife and I are watching Elf together and we saw the part where Buddy (Will Ferrell)'s real dad (James Caan) tells his wife about Buddy, and his wife (Mary Steenburgen) gets excited about this surprise adult kid that pops into their life from a time before they knew each other.
I point out to my wife that it's a little unbelievable that she (Mary Steenburgen) would immediately be on board. I then comment that she (my wife) would actually be mad at me in this situation, even if I genuinely did not know this kid existed and it was conceived before I had met her.
She denies it, but I know my wife.
We're in our early 40s and have been married 10 years (together for 12). So, I need a 20ish kid to knock on the door and tell me they're my kid and that they just wanted to meet me. Gotta be convincing and really talk about how your mom and I were once really happy before she died of something tragic (dealer's choice).
Job pays $100."
The next three screenshots are of another Reddit post, by the same user, in the same subreddit, titled: "Fake Kid/Pissed Wife: Epilogue".
They read:
"TLDR: My wife enjoyed the prank, but I was wrong, she wasn't mad that I had a kid before her, she was actually just as stoked as Mary Steenburgen was in the movie.
First off, I am STILL married and my wife thoroughly enjoyed the prank (I didn't even have to sleep on the couch).
So, to the very dramatic naysayers (one of which compared my prank to spousal abuse, several diagnosed me with a number of mental illnesses and at least as many said I was childish and cruel) to you i say, "You're probably right, however... nah nah nah-booboo, stick your head in doodoo."
We've been married a decade. We know each other well enough to know what's over the line and what's funny.
That said, it was harder than I thought to secure a fake child. Sure, I had a large number of interested parties and even a couple fabulous candidates (one of which actually looked enough like me that I started wondering if one of you got to my wife and we're pulling the ultimate Uno Reverse Card on my prank).
Unfortunately, "interested" and "committed" are two very different things. Multiple potential sons and daughters made it to the planning stage and found one reason or another to bail out.
Let me be clear, I do not blame these folks at all.
I don't think l'd have the courage to send the first DM, let alone actually go through with the prank orchestrated by a complete stranger. But I did find a suitable actor with the courage to come through and I still think it was money well spent.
So here's a synopsis of how it played out (no, there's not a video):
Saturday afternoon, my doorbell rang. My dog lost his mind, as he is one to do, and my wife answered the door since I had pretended to take a call moments earlier.
"My son," looking about 20 to 25, taller and better looking than I, asked if I was home. My wife motioned to me (I had conveniently just ended my fake phone call) and I came to the door.
"My son," who even shared my first name (his idea, not mine) said he had something "kind of strange" to talk to me about. I asked if he wanted to come in (which literally almost blew the whole thing because I would sooner saw off my own foot than invite people in my house) but my wife didn't think much of it.
We came to the living room, I offered him a drink, he declined.
"My son" is an excellent actor, by the way. He would later say it was the anxiety of the situation and not wanting to mess up that made his "nervous demeanor" so convincing. This is from memory, but it's pretty much everything.
I'll let "my son" chime in with details should he feel like outing himself."
""Do you remember, 'Old Ex Girlfriend I Mentioned At Least Once In My Ten Year Marriage In Front Of My Wife?"
"That's my mother..."
It was my wife who reacted first with "Oh no way!"
So I looked at her, feigning ignorance and then back at my son and said, "Is she ok?"
"Yeah she's fine, that's not why l'm here." My wife was nearly busting out of her chair, totally engrossed and completely. consumed with two strong theories...
1. Her husband had a long lost son.
and more importantly
2. Her husband hasn't figured out yet that he has a long lost son.
So I say, "Out with it kid, what's going on?"
"I'm 22 years old.."
My wife's eyes essentially bugged out of her head, having now confirmed her theories in her mind. She looks at me, seemingly annoyed that I hadn't put these obvious puzzle pieces together and INTERRUPTS my fake kid (nearly laughed but l held it together).
"I think he's telling you that he thinks you're his father."
My acting is not so great but I gave it a shot with "Wait, what?" My look of shock could use some work, but it played for the audience.
"My son" looked at me. "She's right. And I'm not here to ask for anything, in fact I don't have a lot of time to stay, but I just wanted to meet you and maybe exchange numbers?"
Me: "This is a lot to take in... I knew your mother a long time ago and she never said, I mean, I didn't know."
Him (I'm paraphrasing, but this kid deserves an Oscar): "She never told you. She only told me on Christmas morning. She didn't say anything bad about you, just that it was over and she was already dating my dad when she found out she was pregnant with me."
Me: "Wait, does you dad know?""
"Him: "Of course! And I've always known he wasn't my biological father. He's a great dad but lately l'd been wondering who my real father was so I asked mom and she told me."
Me: "Wow" (I freely admit, I had the easy part) My wife: (not saying anything, just taking it all in)
Not much else to tell in terms of the production.
We exchanged numbers, then he got his own fake phone call reminding him he was late for something or other and I walked him out.
The rest of the production was just my wife and I. I came back to the living room, doing my best "bewildered" act. We talked about it (covered things like paternity tests, etc.) and it turns out...
I was waaaaaaaaaay wrong. My wife wasn't mad, miffed or even slightly annoyed. She was full-on amazed, excited and entertained by the whole thing. I waited a few hours before I fessed up, but before I did, she kept saying how "cool" it was that I might have a son.
And then when I told her it was all a bullshit lie I made up to prove a point, she laughed. A lot.
I can't decide what amused her more... the effort I put into the ruse or the fact that I ended up proving her right in the process.
Here a couple gems from wife after I told her the truth.
"Where the hell did you find that guy?" "I'm glad your son wasn't a serial killer." "I might have been mad if he came here looking for money." "Next time you can save $100 and just assume you're wrong." "You know l'm going to get you back, right?"
That last one has me a little worried. :)"
End ID.
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thequiver · 2 years ago
can you elaborate on how you see dinah’s relationships with ollie and his kids?
I think that Dinah and Ollie’s relationship is incredibly toxic for both of them and that they’re fundamentally incompatible. Ollie had avoidance issues, struggles with communication, is low empathy, and can be patronizing. And Dinah often belittles him, has a long history of hitting him, has victim blamed him for his being sexually assaulted, and has accused him of sleeping with Mia.
As far as Dinah’s relationship with the kids I think it’s an insult to Dinah’s character to try to force her into a maternal role given that she has canonically across multiple writers expressed a desire NOT to be a mom and feelings of discomfort with the idea of her being a mom. It’s also kind of baffling to look at Dinah’s canonical relationship with the kids and ascribe a maternal role to it when frankly that just doesn’t match with the canon.
Dinah’s relationship with Roy more closely reads as that of an older sister or simply a close friend than anything maternal, and we see that dynamic shown in Snowbirds, as well as later in the Arsenal mini, and in Green Arrow (2001). And while it’s not impossible for a maternal bond to occur between two adults, I do think it’s a bit suspicious to ascribe a maternal bond between two people when the supposed maternal one has cited Ollie loving his son (Roy) as part of her reasons for breaking up with him. It just doesn’t exactly scream “maternal” to me.
Connor already HAS a mother who is far too often completely erased in Green Arrow fanon to be replaced by Dinah as the idea of a mother, and frankly that’s just nonsensical. Dinah doesn’t express maternal feelings for Connor- they meet as equals when he is delivering to her the news of his father’s death and she gives him the Howard Hill bow. Connor certainly does not view her as a mother seeing as he already has one that he loves very much and who loves him.
Mia and Dinah’s relationship is initially based on Dinah’s jealousy of Mia and her accusing Ollie of sleeping with Mia, which then inspires Mia’s worry that Dinah doesn’t want her around. Much of any supposed bonding that happens for them occurs off page and so much of it comes out of left field and makes no sense with prior character interactions. Dinah does refer to Mia as her daughter, exactly once, in Judd Winick’s notoriously ooc writing that occurs AFTER Dinah and Ollie have gotten married but frankly that’s hardly representative of their relationship. Dinah is more akin to a mentor or to an idea of femininity/womanhood that Mia aspires to than any sort of maternal figure.
Similarly to Connor, Emiko ALSO already has a mother who she loves and who loves her so much. And much like Moonday, Shado is ALSO often erased in Green Arrow fanon to be replaced with Dinah. We also don’t see Dinah and Emiko interact hardly at all- and when we do see them interacting it is decidedly a more sisterly bond or much like with Mia, Dinah as an idea of womanhood that Emiko aspires to rather than a maternal bond.
This is not to say that Dinah doesn’t care about Ollie or his kids, the text is absolutely clear that she does. But rather to actually look at the TEXT and address the canon rather than relying on half baked fanon ideas that show a lack of knowledge about both Dinah and the kids.
So uh: TLDR: I stand where the canon does.
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rumbleonthemill · 2 years ago
there was a time when I cared, but nowadays I'm like "there's straight up evidence to what I say, if people still believe giant lies just to justify their hate against a person, then who am I to stop them from being stupid mobs" and that perfectly describes everything.
long post.
What is Neighbor x Player?
video, because people are lazy to read
a ship about two adult unrelated men.
Neighbor x Player (later, Nicky) is as old as HN, the ship originates from prealpha/alpha 1 (as the early fanfics and arts suggest) the ship is between the Neighbor and the Player character. later people started calling him Nicky, because most of the community didn't know the canon storylines, and that they changed (this issue is present). don't blame me, I did what they did, I didn't invent anything. I personally ship the Player (Nicky, Michael, calling him whatever!) with the Neighbor, both are 30+. end of story. I usually mention the AU under the artwork, but feel free to ASK ME if you have any questions.
not tldr:
2023 - this is my last explanation attempt in the topic, because I see the confusion on the newcomers’ face. after this, I won’t care if someone misunderstands things on purpose. I did what I could.
Neighbor x Player aka Neighbor x Nicky is the first ship that the old, first generation HN community has created.
[shipping is when you pair two characters because of reasons, and want them to be very close friends or lovers.]
Neighbor x Player is as old as the HN game itself. already during prealpha fans began to pair them, and as soon as Player got a body in alpha 2, people started using that look on fanarts. as soon as he got a name, they started using that too.
Player went through so many changes during canon development, the body was the same, but the soul / character role itself kept changing. 
this is why Player is different in everyone's fanart and fics. 
it is not " the Nicky," people use the name now, because that's how the Player character is called now. 
for me, and most people, it has nothing to do with modern HN.
Error world, where Neighbor asks the Player to erase him from the game shows their real relationship, because HN has fourth wall breaking. the game lets you know, that both play a role, like actors, and in reality they don't hate each other.
in longer words, it is a ship of the two men, based on the facts that there were only these two characters in the game, chasing each other in a big house. Both vice versa stalking each other throughout the gameplay. that was HN for long time. people assumed Player (aka Nicky) was around 30 (which is correct) and Neighbor being a bit elder. it was also crystal clear after a point, that they don’t really hate each other. I can tell for sure, tumblr, the main shipping source site, most likely stopped at these informations.
I arrived a bit later, and the chill community with accepting people, with this only ship in the form of great fics and fanarts, immediately lured me.
it’s a quality ship.
and if HN can have 7438975982 storylines in canon, then so can the fans.
are these two characters a couple in one fanfic, and then a family in another? why the fuck not? it’s fiction! AU’s exist, and the topic is already overdiscussed.
And this ship [as I saw] was based on the hunter - prey situation, which is a basic type of shipping. Neighbor being the one, who hides and protects his secrets, and Nicky/Player being the stubborn, sassy guy who tries to enter his basement. they were there for each other. Neighbor in most cases being the alpha male, and Player/Nicky being the other half of him, the breakable person with more feelings. (remember, we didn’t have a single kid character in the old HN. not even kid forms of said characters.)
the ship was much more. it was burning passion that felt like playing with fire, because it was variable and full of possibilities. also because the characters were just like that. people didn’t know much details about these two yet, so as you can see in the fanworks, everyone added headcanons and more stuff into this pairing, slowly building it.
wow, crazy! it’s an average ship, huh?!
I’m not here to go into details, because this post would be 10 pages if I did. if you make some research about it, and don’t immediately blindly judge, then it turns out to be a basic ship, which 2017 tumblr was full of. not different, than the rest of the crack ships. still legit, since prealpha/alpha 1 Player existed and bachelor Neighbor did too.
no matter, how many death threats do the haters send to fans, and no matter, how negatively they try to show this pairing to newcomers, it is what I described it to be. a simple ship about two men.
now, some will say that things in HN changed since 2017, and I must add, that they will endlessly change, by the looks of things. HN turned inside out. with the launch of HN2, the cartoon, and later games, more things will change. (edit: I was right :/ )
this won’t stop people from getting back to their roots, or the times they keep in their heart and remember as the golden times.
nobody can tell anyone, what to like, I hope everyone knows this.
don’t like it - scroll past. easy as that. but from now on, if anyone just decides to hate on this, or any ship in any fandom without getting to know the reasons and the background first OR listening to the shipper’s explanation, then that’s the condemned thing, not the ship itself. 
p.s.- so far, in the HN community, I blocked two people, who really did ship kids with adults, and 3 people were reported and removed from a certain site. we don’t do that here. or anywhere else.
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simplestoryteller · 1 year ago
Trauma loads of trauma
Ok before I get into that I have to say I love how Danny can use Sams gothness to explain his ghost knowledge lol
Also tldr: everyone in amity needs lots and lots of therapy not to mention any other consequences of drs fenton need to be right
Geez amity as a whole is gonna need a lot of therapists to help all who were effected by the ghost attacks, both young and old, cause the only way anyone can stay sane after repeated inter dimensional, and govermental, threats on at least a weekly basis is to pretend it’s normal and not totally messed up.
There’s also the fact that a lot of citizens might blame drs Fenton and may take it out on the kids. Like Danny being repeatedly bullied and most adults ignoring it, etc.
That’s nearly the psychological
We don’t know what passive exposure to ectoplasm does to people, it could lead to severely damaging effects in the long term,.
Or the theological in terms of, for all they know anyone who’s exposed to that much ecto or dies in an extremely contaminated place might be barred from their belief’s afterlife. Which would be terrifying to the religious because they have no way of knowing if that’s true or not.
And that’s just focusing more on the population in general, what about the high schoolers who probably have been at the scene for more of the fights and were repetitively exposed to what the people in charge thought of ghosts and how they treated them.
Wouldn’t you be terrified if you thought you would be forced to become a ghost knowing that your government would only see you as a lab specimen.
There’s also the fact that they are kids being put into hostile and dangerous situations and while I’m no psychologist that has to mess with their still developing brains. Who have also had their deepest insecurities weaponized and used against them by people they first thought they could trust.
Now focusing even more on team phantom
They are kids who have been shown that none of their authority figures are competent at handling the ghostly threats (especially the ones who prefer to shoot first). Think about the side effects of being in front of an opening portal or living above one day in and out. That means that they probably are at least liminal and would also be targeted by the GIW and drs fenton if found out.
Think about how helpless Sam and tucker might feel at seeing there friend have to face all of these dangerous situations and not be able to do much to help him. Think about how they’ve (and Jazz) probably have watched Danny’s reaction to things like blood blossoms and ectoranium, they probably have nightmares of Danny’s tortured screams alone from when he died.
Especially when you consider that at one point sam has to kill Danny again in order to save amity from a rogue.
Think about how Jazz probably had to parent Danny for most of her life, even before the portal opening. How she has to hear in intimate detail how her parents want to dissect and rip her brother apart molecule by molecule. How many times she has had to both help hide Danny’s ghostness and dismantle things that would def not be good for Danny to be around, and also having to see and help heal Danny’s various wounds knowing that some of them are from her parents. How she has to grapple with the fact that she cares more about her brother’s well being than their own parents do.
And finally let’s look at Danny.
Poor kid, he’s had to experience being shocked to death, and later has one of his villains weaponize his susceptibility to electricity. And how painful all those shocks have to be. How he constantly has to worry about his parents turning on him if they knew, the stress of keeping that secret never ends. Then theirs all the fights he’s gotten into, and the fact that he’s probably bottled up a lot of fear considering the types of threats he’s had to face. Not to mention how utterly violated he must’ve felt when Vlad cloned him, and even then he still had the maturity to not blame it on the clone (looking at you Clark). He’s had to fight literal gods and his future self (and the dread that he might fall down that path as well), he’ll he fought the king of the realms. He never felt like he had the opportunity to be a kid and let adults protect him and had bear the burden of saving the lives of everyone in his town for a very long time. Especially when you consider the guilt he feels from being the catalyst that opened the portal in the first place. He’ll he probably hasn’t fully acknowledged the fact HE DIED which will be another spiral later. There’s also the neglect he also felt and how he doesn’t want to burden Jazz knowing she’s the closest thing he has to an actual parent. Even though she isn’t much older than him.
Yeah Jack and Maddie are def getting MANY charges for their ignorance and lack of care for anyones health and safety (they had their children clean the lab for goodness sake and kept keeping ectoplasm in with the food despite knowing that that’d contaminate them into sentience.
Dc x dp idea 133
Danny is really confused. Like sure he made a fake account in order “use” his parents completely valid and not in biased research on ghosts.
Cause obviously. Their completely legit research disproves multiple peer reviewed and factual papers.
Tucker made the fake account. No real names or numbers. So. They couldn’t know it was him right?!??
He just wanted people to see how wack the papers were and bring to light the very not accurate papers. He figured using botched research to counter claim others would do something.
But??? Why was the flash in his living room arguing with his parents about scientific articles. And proper research??
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blackdagger456 · 2 years ago
Lets Talk About: MHA CH 378/Hope and Redemption
Well, it’s certainly been awhile since i did one of these eh?
Well let’s get right into it then. First off let me say that the last few chapters while good didn’t really inspire me to make a full analysis on. There was alot i enjoyed yes but nothing that a simple quote post/tweet couldn’t have gotten my excitement or point across.
NOW though? Now I have something to talk about and we’ll start with our boy Gentle Criminal.
Most know his story but as a refresher allow me to give you a brief TLDR. The man wanted to BE something, he wanted to help people but never achieved his dream due to his quirk and the one time he did try to help it ruined his life.
So, he turned into Gentle Criminal doing small crimes and the like until a short woman came into his life to make things better. Brighter. The both of them made each kther brighter but they were still soing crimes at the end of the day and over the years he learned just how powerful he could br.
He and La Brava would have stayed out doing those things—-but then they chose the wrong target. They chose UA, they chose to attack it and ruin a festival after the kids there has already gone through so much.
Then they met a green haired boy that altered their course. Suddenly they weren’t fighting for views or clout suddenly they were fighting for each other.
To stay with each other, to preserve one another’s happiness.
They realized that’s what Izuku was trying to do too. For his friends, for a little girl he wanted to make smile. In the end Gentle surrendered, taking all the blame so La Brava could go free but we hoped it wouldn’t be the end of his story.
Luckily for everyone it wasn’t.
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Gentle Criminal singlehandedly stopped a prison break. All of the villains and criminals that were they to both escape amd spring others free were stopped by him, stopped by a man wuestioning if this is what they really wanted? To just cause destruction for no rhyme or reason?
This man stopped them all...to see the one he loved and to achieve his dream.
To be of use....and to pay back the boy who started the flame to give him hope again.
He wasn’t the only one either.
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I’ve talked about Lady Nagant multiple times on my blog, i’ve talked about how she and Izuku are two sides of the same damned coin.
Kaina went into this profession with the same hope and determination thag Ozuku went through. Like him she saw the much and the from that society produced both on the dark AND the light side. He weathered the storm but her? She got tired of it, tired of being apart of hit, of being a Hero hit man to the point she couldn’t even find it im herself to shake childrens hands.
Children she wanted to inspire and did so—-but what they looked up to was a lie. To her at that point in her adult life what those kids looked up too didn’t exist and for years she thought it would never exist.
She lost hope—-until a green haired boy at the end of his rope showed her that heroes still exist. That true heroes are alive—that he was the real deal.
This boy who threw himself to save an enemy without a second thought, who matched her skill even when it was dulled from years of non use. This boy gave her hope again, enough so to defy the boogeyman of quirked society.
Midoriya Izuku gave these people hope again. Hope to believe, hope that redemption was possible.
Midoriya Izuku this boy—this CHILD. Made them believe, made others believe that they could be saved. That people deserves to be looked at as people we could potential save and because of that—-because of that the heroes can truly turn this around.
Because despite what the villains tell you and despite some of them having valid reasons for being who they...hope and redemption are real.
They’re alive—and it’s what’s going to help the heroes kick their ass.
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rynnaaurelius · 3 years ago
Hey, I’ve got a question because it’s been a while since I last read the Percy Jackson books: in the post you made about how Rick Riordan basically screwed over a vast majority of motherly/female adult figures and let the fathers get easier treatment in his series, you mentioned that Percy gaslights Annabeth over her own family, and I can’t remember when that happened? Sorry my memory is just drawing blanks but can you please explain for me when that happened? Tysm!
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[Image ID: Screenshot of an anonymous ask, saying, "Hello, I'm the anon that sent the ask about when Percy gaslighted Annabeth, sorry about that I meant to ask how he gaslighted her because its really difficult to imagine him doing that. I don't mean any disrespect to your post where you called out the sexism in the books but I was just confused, hope that clears things up!" End ID.]
Yeah, of course! It's a really weird moment, I don't blame you for asking about it.
The TLDR of the whole thing is that towards the end of The Titan's Curse, Annabeth and Percy are flying back to Olympus on Pegasi, when they talk about Annabeth's parents, who Percy has finally met for himself, and were perfectly nice (to him). This scene happens, in Ch. 18: A Friend Says Goodbye:
Annabeth and I flew along side by side.
“Your dad seems cool,” I told her.
It was too dark to see her expression. She looked back, even though California was far behind us now.
“I guess so,” she said. “We’ve been arguing for so many years.”
“Yeah, you said.”
“You think I was lying about that?” It sounded like a challenge, but a pretty half-hearted one, like she was asking it of herself.
“I didn’t say you were lying. It’s just… he seems okay. Your stepmom, too. Maybe they’ve, uh, got cooler since you saw them last.”
She hesitated.
I know this entire site lost their privileges to using the word "gaslighting" years ago because none of us have dictionaries, but.
Annabeth has, to this point, spent years explaining to Percy (and us) that her father and stepmother have treated her terribly at every turn. She's not a liar, nor does she ever give off the impression that she draws conclusions off things based in unreality; in addition, Percy's reassurance + Annabeth's reaction in this scene, which is all we have to go off of. She's clearly doubting her past perception of reality with her relatives, I think, due to Percy's insistence that her parents are just fine, actually.
Thus, gaslighting.
Mind, I really, really hate it, and think it's inconsistent with Percy's character and past, both in regards to Gabe, and the fact that he's been bounced from one private school full of rich kids abandoned by their shitty parents to another private school of the same for most of his life.
He's never met the other Chases before and Annabeth is his best friend; combine his loyalty to her before them with "being charming to non-victims" being a common tactic of abusers, I think, if anything, Percy would egg on Annabeth's Fuck 'Em Attitude to her parents at this point, to say they're okay and that she should go back.
(Okay, he'd probably cut Frederick some slack for the whole Sopwith Camel thing, but c'mon. Percy's repeated insistence on Annabeth cutting her parents some slack is very strange, compared to the rest of the series' themes about parenthood, especially in light of getting further confirmation on things in Mark of Athena from Annabeth.)
I also go over Annabeth's characterization, particularly in regards to her parents, in more depth and with direct book quoting HERE, is that's something you want to read. Hope that helps!
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years ago
Hit the wasps nest: Mrs everdeen
Oooo do I got words for this one??? Okay so I have an opinion.
Her depression wasn’t something that she could help, you cannot blame her for her mental health issues. It’s not like she was like “oh yes, forget my kids, my husband died, let them starve” like no, she had a problem that needs help.
But also, Katniss (and Prim too) deserved the right to literally never forgive her for what she put them through. It’s like someone who’s bipolar or schizophrenic literally cannot help what they’re doing at times but because of their illness they could traumatize others with their actions and people who are affected by it actually deserve the right to be mad???? My biggest issue isn’t Mrs. Everdeen and her illness, it’s the issues that come up like this one irl. There’s this like forced compassion on people nowadays, like people cannot be angry. Like I’m not even saying I wouldn’t have compassion for someone who’s illness hurt me, but I also would be super mad if it was just expected of me. Like I reserve the right to feel how I feel???? If someone’s ill, they shouldn’t be vilified but neither should the people who feel some sort of way about how it directly affected them.
Anyways that’s only the first part but let’s just recap with a quick TLDR : Mrs. Everdeen’s not to blame for her illness but I actually liked Katniss more for being angry about what it did to her (parentification) because it struck me as a much more relatable and human reaction than a lot of the like ✨woke✨ things I see nowadays in books and movies and shows. Woke in this case meaning, you can tell a character is written a certain way in order to make a point or send a message to the viewers, not because it makes any sense to the character or story itself.
Okay so now, part two : she wasn’t responsible for her cationic depression but I really never once understood her submission to her eldest daughter (who was literally TWELVE at the time) when she came out of it. Like I could imagine a lot of people going through a period like that, maybe not totally to the point of their children starving to death but perhaps inadvertently parentifiying their eldest to some degree. But like, when they’re better, even if their kid puts up the fight, it’s like you gotta actually force your kid to move back into the child position. Like you are their mother???? Katniss herself saying in Catching Fire that when she took over as head of the household at 12, that meant she could never stop protecting her mother and Prim, was such a ??? to me. Like the fact that Katniss learned to hunt and trade and kept them alive isn’t where I really question Mrs. E. It’s the fact that it remained that way forever more once it shifted. Like you’re her mother???? It’s your job to take care of her, she was like 12??? Go hunting yourself once you’re better, I cannot imagine letting my child do illegal things and risk her life to keep me and her sister alive, even if she’s naturally gifted at it and I’m not??? Mrs. E was an adult in her early 40s (I did the math), her daughter was 12, like crawl under the fence with a bow, woman!!! Go trade at the Hob yourself!!! So yeah, these reasons all make me kind of eh towards the lady. She never was much of a mother to Katniss, except when the girl was sick. Once she was sick, her mom was like ✨I gotchu kiddo✨ otherwise, she was like “you lead, I’ll follow”.
But she’s v fun to play with in fics so if you read my writings, expect some stuff with her!!!
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kyramidoriya · 5 years ago
My Perspective on BakuDeku as an Adult
I’ve been seeing lots of BakuDeku hate lately, and I have found a lot of things in common with a lot of it. So I decided to try to think positively and post this in hopes that the BakuDeku Anti’s might understand BakuDeku shippers a little better. Important note: Although I do ship BakuDeku, I am first and foremost a multishipper, and my OTP is TodoDeku. First, Katsuki is a child. I know a lot of people who are teenagers will tell me otherwise, but you are a child. You have years to grow and change. I would never deny that to anyone that they could become a better person. Was he a bully? Of course he was. Did he do terrible things to Zuzu that should not be excused? Of course he did. But that doesn’t mean he’s not capable of change? Of course it’s not. Izuku deserves an apology AT THE LEAST. But I’m not going to sit here and hate on a child either.  Next, I think as an adult it’s much easier for me to see the growth a teenager is capable of. I know that many people just don’t want to forgive him flat out. Maybe you’ve been bullied, and you hate your bully. Maybe your bully will never change and will never deserve forgiveness, but don’t force those expectations on others. There is tons of evidence in the anime/manga that Zuzu is steadily growing more confident in their relationship and it’s ability to heal. It’s not up to you whether Zuzu wants to acknowledge that. Zuzu also clearly does not consider Katsuki to be his abuser. He freely returns to Katsuki’s side and is dead set on repairing their relationship. That is not the typical behavior of someone who has been abused. If you actually take a moment to speak with a BakuDeku shipper, I can guarantee you that none of them support bullying and abuse. But most of them, like the redemption arcs. Or they like the stories where the boys have already grown into adulthood. Because people can change. Maybe not all will, but all are capable of it. And it’s clear to me that Katsuki is changing. Because it’s easy to see the potential in a person or a relationship as an adult who has been in and seen complicated relationships. Don’t let your thinking be stuck in the present. It’s important to acknowledge change and potential. Now, do I think if they started dating the way they are right now in canon would be healthy? Of course not, BOTH boys need some therapy (honestly, everyone in the show needs therapy). But do I think it’s ok to invalidate a relationship because of the lives they lead as children? Absolutely not. And it’s definitely not ok to tell BakuDeku shippers that they’re romanticizing abuse, or that they support bullying. That shit is dangerous and harmful.  Laslty, I think it’s important to acknowledge the society they live in, the behaviors it breeds, and hero societies reactions to trauma.  The first time we see Kats push Zuzu away, is when Kats falls off the log. Your first reaction is logically, “that’s dumb, Zuzu just wanted to make sure he’s alright.” But think of it this way. Imagine you’re a four year old child who has grown up in a society that has told you that if you’re weak, you’re useless. Imagine growing up being told that if you’re not strong enough to endure, than why bother being around. Imagine that’s something even your parents told you. Then imagine that someone who was important to you, implied you were weak. Of course we know logically that Izuku would never ever mean it that way. But Katsuki wasn’t logical. He was four fucking years old and his best friend did something that could practically be seen as betrayal. Then imagine he keeps doing it. Everyone is telling you that you’re strong and valuable, and there’s still that one kid who used to be your best friend, who is now trying to imply you’re something that this society sees as nothing. Obviously, that’s going to awful.  Now, imagine you’re 14 and this kid does it again. And not only that but you’ve almost been MURDERED by a villain. And what do the people around you say? That you’ll be a great hero. They don’t get you checked out by a medic. They don’t make sure you’re ok. They don’t help with your trauma. They only praise your strength.  Then imagine you’re 16, and you’ve been fucking kidnapped. For several days. By villains who have every intention of murdering people. Then imagine when you’re rescued the heroes say the same shit they did last time. Imagine all that trauma being ignored by the adults around you. Then imagine going home, to a parent who blames you for it.  If you can read all that, and tell me you don’t understand Katsuki a little more, then maybe you need to work on being more empathetic. You don’t need to like him. But if you’re going to make valid arguments for or against a character or ship, then I beg that you educate yourself. TLDR; Katsuki has been through a lot in a society that treats most everyone like shit unless they’re strong, and even then they’re held to ridiculous standards and their trauma is ignored. Did Katsuki bully him? Yes. Did Katsuki do shitty things? Absolutely he did. But he is capable of growth, and so is Zuzu. They’ll grow and mature and become totally different people. Think before you call shippers horrible names like abuse sympathizers or bully lovers. The people who ship BakuDeku ship it because they believe that people can redeem themselves. They ship BakuDeku because they recognize these are fucking kids who have so much potential as individuals, as friends and/or as romantic partners.  Think before you call anyone names. Trying to understand people can go a long way in making everyone’s lives better. Don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution.  Also, it’s like midnight and I’m barely coherent. I am happy to talk about literally any of this with anyone, as long as they’re open to having a friendly conversation on the subject. I am a tolerant individual but I won’t put up with people being dicks. Even you kiddos out in TumblrLand. 
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natureismynature · 4 years ago
Did Jack have every right to be mad at Tommy? Yes. Are his plans about killing the kid good? No. Do I blame him? Absolutely not.
Imagine being this person who gets treated like trash by everyone. Imagine having your own ideologies and things you care about but is always dismissed like what you do doesn’t matter. Imagine being bribed with undeniable riches by this green blob, and you refuse because you value your friends more than money. Imagine making your own country because you’re sick of being overshadowed by this loud-mouthed kid that attracts conflict left and right. Imagine just wanting to be heard, to be acknowledged, to be something other than ‘the main character’s other friend’, only to be mocked for it. Imagine going out of your way to visit the person you consider your best friend (that has no amount of respect for you) only to be thrown in lava for fun. Imagine fighting for a country you have long departed because you still consider the person who killed you a friend, only to be killed in the process. Imagine doing so much for this chaotic child and this long gone country, only for your death to be overlooked. Imagine crawling back from the depths of hell purely out of anger and spite. Imagine no one caring. No one caring that you died and came back to life. No one caring about your feelings. No one caring about what you have to say. Imagine having no one.
Then you find someone who thinks the same as you. You both have gone through so much, lost so much, you’re both sick of going unheard, you’re both sick of having to get hurt because of this kid who values nothing but his discs. You’re both mentally unstable because you’ve gone through so much pain that went unnoticed. So you plan to save everyone and yourselves by killing the one thing that can’t seem to stop creating conflict, because killing what you don’t seemed to be the thing all the adults in this server ever does. But you both don’t know what you’re doing, you’re both just teenagers that are hurt and confused, that were forced to fight in a war when you only wanted to have fun with your friends. You fail, but the kid still dies. You go your separate ways. Then you recall all the fun memories you had with the kid. You aren’t happy, you miss him. You’re still hurt. You’re unsatisfied. You never got your closure.
Then the kid comes back to life. He comes back and shouts at you that you celebrated his death, that you don’t matter because you’re ‘Jack Manifold’. He didn’t even believe you when you said you grieved for him. You didn’t get to tell him why you act like this or why you do what you do because he never lets you speak. No one lets you speak. He acts like him dying and coming back to life was something you don’t understand. But you do. But he doesn’t know that because he doesn’t let you speak.
Now that you’ve been put in his shoes, would you not feel anger? Would you not feel betrayed? You did everything you can for your friend, only to be mocked and go unheard. Only to be treated like the villain when you only sought to have peace even if it meant going to the extremes.
Does this mean I approve of his plans on killing Tommy? No. Does it make me understand why he has such twisted morals? Yes. But would I cheer for him in chat? Absolutely. You go bland man! You can do it!
TLDR: Jack Manifold may be 18, but that doesn’t automatically make him mentally mature. He’s still a teenager. He doesn’t know what he’s doing or what he’s thinking. He’s just as hurt as Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Niki, Quackity, and all of the people in the server. And what he’s doing and how he’s reacting to everything right now is the cause of trauma and poor choice of adults to look up to.
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redsplash1 · 3 years ago
Alright y’all, I was bored and wanted to ignore my hw, so I made a tier list on everyone’s lore and a quick writeup for each placement. Just an fyi this is my opinion and will most likely change as we get more story content, but right now this is where I stand (no arguing please, or at least nothing that’ll result in name calling and such)
But yeah this is something I’ll probably look back on and be like “hmm maybe I was too harsh with my rankings” but rn it’s like 2:30 in the morning so yeah
TW: mention of abuse in Octane’s section
All of it will be under the cut
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S Tier
Bloodhound: Maybe I’m biased because I’m a BH main, but imo their lore is the most interesting and nuanced out of everyone’s. From their parents, to their uncle, to Boone, and now their planet, Bloodhound’s backstory, current lore, and character is fantastic and honestly peak writing from Respawn atm.
Wraith: I understand that not everyone loves the “I lost my memory and am now trying to find out who I am” trope, and maybe this is also biased because I’m a complete Wraith simp, but her lore to me is also very unique and well done. The entire Voidwalker cinematic alone is what’s basically putting her in S tier, but I also love how she is the prime definition of “Looks like they can kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll” instead of your typical edgy girl that coldly pushes everyone away.
A Tier
Horizon: Interstellar but make it Scottish. She has really nice interactions with Mirage and Wattson, and there’s plenty of potential with where her character can go now that Ash is in the picture.
Gibraltar: While his lore isn’t as flashy like the ones in S tier, I still think it’s really good. For one, it’s consistent, and the stuff with Nik and Michael is very bittersweet. I really like how despite the tragedies in his life, like BH, that only made him more determined to do the right thing. 10/10 he’s got your back bruddahs
Mirage: Respawn’s poster boy, so it’s only natural that he gets a shitload of lore. Fortunately, it’s not shit and actually fleshes him out as a character greatly. I also really like the canon sibling relationship he has with Rampart. Now that his dad may or may not force himself into the picture soon, it’s gonna be more character development for Mirage either way.
I’ll explain this tier real quick. Basically they’re between A and B; they have the potential to be great, but they’re being held back by a certain something.
Bangalore: Pathfinder’s Quest did a really good job fleshing her out, but the love triangle and inconsistent behavior towards Wraith isn’t doing her any favors. It’s a shame, because characters like Anita are really unique and not seen often. I can only hope Respawn realizes that no, love triangles are not the peak writing they think it is.
Loba: Same deal here, that love triangle and her rebounding off Valk is really not doing anything good towards her character. They’re adults, are they not capable of communicating? Like Bangalore, she’s also really unique in the sense that she’s a bisexual woman of color in a video game who is a complete girlboss and inspiration. Respawn stop fucking up your characters please!
B Tier
Revenant: He’s really badass, and his lore is fun, it’s just that the writing is making him look like a complete joke. He gets clowned on every time he’s about to do something cool and it’s honestly kinda sad. If the writing could give him a few kills to his name to actually establish that he’s a threat, I’ll put him up higher.
Octane: If this was fanon Octane, he’d be an automatic S tier. Respawn needs to flesh out his backstory some more, like most of the fanfics do. That one comic where he confronts his dad was 10/10, we just need more of that and actually tackling the effects his father’s abuse had on him. Also the potential history he has with Seer is a good opportunity to explore more of his character, so that’s a good start.
Rampart: Just recently she’s getting lore, and all of it is very good so far. The relationships she has with a lot of the legends are very strong, and the foreshadowing towards Big Sister returning is also a huge plus.
Fuse: The Maggie stuff was honestly really fucking lame (I blame the ingame comics for this), for me what’s really carrying his character rn are the Fusehound interactions. Idrc if it ends up platonic or romantic, all Ik is that there is a lot of potential in fleshing out Fuse as a character either way.
C Tier
Pathfinder: Okay I’m not gonna lie, I have conflicted feelings on Path. He got an entire book to himself dedicated to his own lore, along with a cinematic that gave a visual on what actually happened to his creators, and yet I don’t care for his lore??? Thinking about it, it’s probably because he didn’t really get any character development, he ultimately stayed the same (except that one moment where Revenant screwed with him, but he bounced back literally one chapter later). Also, it honestly looks like his story is over anyway, he just has to find his kid. At least his personality is 10/10 though
Lifeline: Y’all are probably thinking, why is Lifeline here and not Octane + vice versa, isn’t their lore basically the same? It’s because imo Octane has more potential character development atm, and Lifeline doesn’t really have any character interactions that don’t have to do with her childhood friend, so that to me is what’s separating her from Octane. Lol again if this were fanon Lifeline she’d probably be in A tier, borderline S tier.
D Tier
Valkyrie: Literally the first thing that happens to her in the lore is that she gets thrown into a love triangle. I understand that it’s in her character to be flirty and stuff, but a love triangle? Really? Ms. Kairi Imahara deserves sm better than that. Honestly the only reason she’s not in F tier is because I like her personality, along with the Northstar cinematic.
Seer: Tbh, there isn’t a lot we know about Seer. However, what we know about him so far isn’t detrimental and for me the reason he isn’t in F tier. The interactions he has so far have the potential to be explored.
E Tier
Wattson: Man. I wish she wasn’t here, but the fact that almost all her lore involves babysitting two grown men really killed her character for me. Fanon Wattson is a million times more enjoyable to me, Respawn needs to seriously consider giving her independent lore and/or branch out to other characters that aren’t Crypto and Caustic.
Crypto: Same thing, the fact that he’s strictly tied to Wattson and Caustic rn is annoying and stupid. It also doesn’t help that literally nothing about his personal lore has been addressed recently (Mila, clearing his name).
F Tier
Caustic: If he were actually established as a proper villain, he’d be way higher. But no, Respawn wants to play rock paper scissors with this guy; one second he literally wants to gas a city, the next he’s playing nice because “Wattson blackmailed him?” Lol I don’t fucking think so. I’m not saying a redemption arc for Caustic is impossible, it’s just that Respawn did a really shitty job in actually convincing people that he deserves it. And yes, even the whole deal with his mom isn’t doing it for me. Nah fuck this guy sorry y’all, he’d be way better as a villain imo
TLDR: Fanon does it better
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lionoutoftheden · 4 years ago
I thought the premise of liking Snape as a character was being able to look at these characters as both good and bad, you know, nuance. Do I think Snape was backed into a blood purist hate group bc he monetarily had no way out? absolutely.
do I think it was necessary to be viscous to children under his care, but spare his own house? no, it's terrible
is it key to point out that he never placed children in harm's way until he was headmaster at Hogwarts when Voldmart? yes, because in the books it seems there is at least some effort of guiding the torturers efforts away, and absolutely, it's super shitty, but can we also point out that the characters I used to idolize, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, put children in harm's way. Starting with Snape at the Shrieking Shack. Moody not taking his potions till the last minute, and also not telling Dumbledore about the ways that Sirius Black could get in the castle, or that he is an animagus, or Sirius's recklessness after Azkaban (is it explainable? sure. does it justify what happened? no.)
jesus, even the last thing Sirius says to Harry is in thinking that he's James. Sure that delighted Harry for all of two seconds before he died, but an adult Harry, who is able to look back at the trauma of the war, and is able to realize the possibility that his godfather, this person who represents closeness with his parents, saw him as nothing more than his dad, and how devastating that possibility would be.
Anyway... Snape. I don't understand why some people who are Snape fans seem to be under the assumption that Lily being awful to Snape is the only
I've seen the argument made that Lily is "using" Severus because he's magical. Right. So not a common interest? No, and definitely not that Lily's a little girl discovering things about herself deemed scary by the person she's closest to (Petunia) and here comes this kid to say, "hey, me too." But you're right that's a terrible way to start of a friendship of 11 year olds.
And then she snaps at Petunia, is cruel to her. After her sister uses her jealousy as a weapon to her, Lily snaps back, and promptly blames Severus for it. The thing is, when people look at this, apparently they don't notice that Petunia holds no weight in Severus's eyes. What exactly is she going to do to him? Lily on the other hand, is bullied when she has to go home to her and is rejected by a sister she still loves.
It's funny, in the rush to defame Lily I feel like we forget that she hates James. Like, really, really hates (even Sirius and Remus later talk about that), and in no small part because of the bullying him and Sirius inflict upon Snape.
The quote people use, where Lily is at the ends of her wits with her best friend, and she feels betrayed by someone she's close to (but??? he doesnt have a choice??? Lily is classist!!! Dude, she's a teenager. If we are encouraged to ignore Draco Malfoy's classist behavior and despise Lily's... yeah, dude, double standard.) who is joining a group where the perogituve is "my blood is purer than yours, therefore I get to live and you don't." But yeah, Lily is the blind one for not understanding how traumatic bullying is the same is saying "I want you and all your friends dead."
And yes, Lily is not the best listener in this situation. Did she not believe that something terrible happened to Severus at the Willow? Yes. They were under oath not to tell her?? Or at least made a promise to Dumbledore?? So Lily is supposed to question Dumbledore now??
And then like Severus is being horribly bullied, Lily is just standing there screaming at James, goes over to help Snape, he calls her That Slur™️ and she retorts with something she knows will hurt, classism, which is not justifiable. (Is a slur justifiable either? haha, no)
So yeah, in 2 areas Lily is cruel to people she loves.
And then she cuts things off with Snape. And yeah, he pulls the romantic comedy stunts of sleeping outside the Common Room, but she's given him a lot of time to explain why he's so involved with Death Eaters (do I blame him for this? no. Again, teenagers.)
And now she's done.
Sometimes, when you give people chances to change, and they don't explain to you why they're not changing, you get to (surprise surprise) leave the friendship.
If Lily had lived, would we see her continue assholery that is so often prevalent in her generation? No idea. The point of the entire series is that she does young. Do we ever get to see her as a fully fleshed out character? Uh, no, because we only get glimpses from people who loved her. And like, Petunia, once, which was weird.
tldr; pointing at minor yet pivotal characters and "hot taking them" so that they are only bad and kind of abusive, takes away from everyone's story.
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