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princessmagpiesart · 1 year ago
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lovka-6 · 11 months ago
I haven't been excited about much lately, buuthhh... Dragon books have revitalized me!
I love "Wings of Fire". Funny thing is, I was introduced to them through some cool YouTube video (the same way I was introduced to the Warriors). I love "Warriors" too. Wonderful books❤💕❤💞💓💘❤💕❤💘💓💕❤💕❤
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Took me back to my childhood. Reminded me of my favorite dino cartoon......
"The Land Before Time"
(I had a few episodes on DVD😭)
So I couldn't help but try to draw it:
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Maybe I'll try to refine the drawing, maybe not.
I just wanted to capture that joy on my blog.
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swan2swan · 4 months ago
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The Land Before Time also did a great thing by showing prehistoric biodiversity.
Beetles. Frogs. Lizards. All sorts of animals.
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queen-scribbles · 10 months ago
The Long Burning Torch ch 10
It's heeeeere! Final(!!!) chapter of my @shepherds-of-haven 1920s fic. Ty to Lena for her amazing characters and the Summer AU event in 2021 that kicked this off, and to @emeraldgreaves for being my obscure info diver when I didn't have time to replay large chunks of the game looking for details <333 ---
The walk to Whitestone Couriers was blessedly uneventful. Xaeryn neither needed nor wanted more excitement today. Tonight. Even more fortunate than the quiet walk, Mr. Syndran was just emerging from the building as she reached it.
He paused with one hand on the door, leaving it half-open. "Miss Shrike. Should I take your arrival at this hour to mean what I think?"
She tapped the blanker box tucked under her. "I found it, safe and sound."
"Excellent!" Mr. Syndran wasn't the type to be described as beaming, but he certainly looked pleased as he pushed the door open. "Though I do have to wonder why your first instinct was to bring it here at this hour."
"I gambled on your or Ms. Aerin working late," Xaeryn explained as she followed him to his office. "With how long it's taken to track this darb down, I thought you might want it secured as quickly as possible." I didn't want to risk holding on to it any longer than I have to, God only knows what baloney might happen. Jarkyth did get away...
"You aren't wrong there." He leaned his walking stick against the edge of the desk and gave her a keen look. "Miss Shrike, you look nearly dead on your feet, sit down."
"You aren't wrong there," she said wryly, dropping into the chair he indicated without protest. Which was a mistake; she could feel exhaustion dragging at her as the adrenaline finally faded. Hopefully she'd make it back to her feet. "It's been a long day."
"Then I'll try not to make it that much longer." Mr. Syndran set down his keys and turned to open the safe. "But I would be interested in hearing at least high points of your success."
What made it take so long to find, in other words, she thought running a hand over her hair. "It was stolen by the king of Elinden, who fancies himself the rightful owner and planned to use it as proof of his connection to the land as he established a stronghold in the Jalis desert." Xaeryn handed over the case with the Torch and leaned forward, steepling her fingers. "He also seemed to buy all the... mythology surrounding it; believe it offered luck and protection."
"Hmm," Mr. Syndran sniffed. "Superstition..." He opened the case and nodded in satisfaction seeing the Torch within. The case itself caught his attention, and he examined it for a moment, as if he could tell there was something special about it.
"Belief is a powerful thing," Xaeryn shrugged. "Whether it's truth or folly." She rubbed the back of her neck, still sore from tussling with Heron. She was going to be very stiff come morning. Hate to think how that would've gone with him at full strength. "They'd found a place to hole up in Ashtown--"
"Of course," he snorted as he set the case in the safe and spun the lock.
"--using an abandoned warehouse," Xaeryn continued, stifling a yawn. "But we were able to follow some of King Kaza's people, find and retrieve the Torch" --and Red-- "and catch... most of them."
He tensed. "We?"
"Free agents and the Shepherds," she clarified with a wave of one hand. "Not the buttons; I remember my contract."
Mr. Syndran pursed his lips and returned to the desk, sitting in his chair. "You say most were apprehended...?"
"Unfortunately, the... financier slipped away while we were subduing the king and his brunos," she said carefully. She didn't want to go blabbing everywhere the Western Hierophant was involved. "He stood to gain valuable trade contracts from helping pull this off, but decided to cut his losses when things started turning against their success."
"Hmm, a pity. But you recovered the artefact, as contracted, and caught most of those responsible." He opened a drawer, withdrew his checkbook, and filled one out to pass to her. "The rest of your base fee." He watched her stifle another yawn as she took it. "I presume you would like some rest and time to collect receipts before we settle the reimbursement of incurred expenses?"
"You presume correctly." She had most things documented together already, but she did want sleep. She confirmed the amount, shifted to tuck the payment in her handbag--
--and was abruptly(rudely) reminded her handbag was still laying in one of the warehouse hallways. Damn it all, she didn't want to go back there. Not tonight. She just wanted to sleep. "And I presume you'll want that in the books as a separate expense from my fee, in case any questions are raised?"
"You presume correctly." He folded his hands an studied her. "I do have some meetings tomorrow, and will now also have to arrange returning Solimer's Torch to the Hall... Does eight thirty work for you?"
I'll make it work. She wanted this done with before she and Red talked, mainly to minimize the risk of being interrupted. But given how tired he'd looked, she was probably safe until eight thirty. "Yes, that'll be fine. Now, if you'll excuse me...?" She pushed to her feet.
"Of course, Miss Shrike." Mr. Syndran rose as well and bowed his gratitude. "I thank you for a job well done, and release you to go get some sleep."
"Thank you. See you tomorrow." Unfortunately, there was one more thing to do before she could sleep. Some of the things in her handbag were too vital to leave laying in a warehouse all night. Xaeryn sighed as she exited the building and retraced her steps to Ashtown.
She didn't find her handbag, which was highly annoying, despite looking both where she dropped it and in the surrounding area. She even peeked in a couple of the rooms to make sure it hadn't been kicked off somewhere in all the bustle. Still no luck, which left her with hoping one of the Shepherds or Briony or someone had found it and planned to return it. She was too tired to tear the whole warehouse apart, no matter how annoying it might be to replace some of the contents.
Fortunately her keys still hung around her neck, so Xaeryn was able to get in her place.
To find she had a visitor--seated behind her desk. With his feet up.
"Hey, sunshine," Chase Trinaeste grinned.
Xaeryn was too tired to do anything but stare at him and wait for an explanation, one brow arching.
His grin widened. "Oh, apologies; Miss Shrike."
"Chase. What can I do for you?"
He straightened in her chair. "Heard you just closed your big case. Made quite the ruckus, actually."
"I imagine it did." Xaeryn crossed her arms. That was fast. "Doesn't explain why you're here."
"Just settling accounts," Chase said, still grinning.
She'd figured as much. Couldn't this wait for morning? "I remember our arrangement," she said around a yawn. "One favor, as you did help, but I ultimately found what I was after though other avenues."
"Smart dame," he chuckled.
"I appreciate your help regardless," Xaeryn clarified. "Whatever your motives for giving it."
"Very smart dame." Chase pushed to his feet and headed back to the window, still open from his entrance. "Just make sure you keep remembering, Miss Shrike. Thieves Guild will, and we'll collect someday."
"Oh, I've no doubt of that."
He grinned at her deadpan comment and gave a dramatic bow before he vanished out the window.
Xaeryn pushed it closed and double checked the lock. It's always something with this job... she mused, heading for her bedroom. Too tired to even bother with nightclothes, she kicked off her shoes and flopped across the bed. out before she could even wrap the blanket around her with dim thoughts of not moving until she absolutely had to.
The internal clock that was gift and curse in equal measure woke her at eight, fortunately less sore than anticipated. Just enough time to freshen up, change, and maybe eat a little breakfast before Mr. Syndran showed up. Something simple like toast and jam. He would understand if she was still drinking her khav when he arrived, surely.
In high spirits from her success--among other things--she decided to wear the dress she'd eschewed the day before; golden yellow with red and navy embroidery. No need for trips into Ashtown or blending in or foot chases today. And if the dress happened to look fantastic on her, well. A gal was allowed to feel good about herself, especially after a success like last night.
Xaeryn dressed, then freshened up her hair and makeup while the breakfast was toasting. She had time to eat while tallying expenses, but was indeed only halfway through her khav when Mr. Syndran's familiar knock came against the door.
He entered when she called to him, inclining his head as he closed the door behind him. "Good morning, Miss Shrike."
"And to you, Mr. Syndran. I'm just about done with the expenses if you want to look it over."
"You've figured me well," he approaching to sit in one of the chairs facing her desk.
"It's just good business sense to verify," Xaeryn returned with a smile. She took the plate into the kitchen while he studied the ledger lines for this case.
He was frowning at one particular line when she returned. "Contract TG? Could I get some details on this expense, Miss Shrike?"
Xaeryn sighed and braced herself. She'd expected him to zero in on that; there weren't many expenses claimable for this, and that one was more than twice all the others. "Once my evidence pointed toward Ashtown, I... arranged to have Thieves Guild look out for anything hinky. It's their haunt, I figured they would note things I--or anyone else--might miss."
Mr. Syndran's expression flattened. "That strikes me as an unnecessary measure, Miss Shrike, and I don't see how it is our responsibility to finance you outsourcing yours."
"I understand there's... fraught history between Merchants and Thieves Guilds," Xaeryn said with a tight smile. Doesn't mean I'll let you weasel out of paying something I'm owed. "But they gave me information that led to the warehouse where I recovered the Torch. Without their help and knowledge, Mr. Syndran, I would still be looking. And you would be approaching the point of needing to contact the proper authorities, thus damaging your guild's reputation as you sought to avoid," she pointed out. "I'm only asking for partial reimbursement; I recognize the choice to use them was my own."
She didn't mention the pleasure Chase had derived from knowing this exact scenario would arise. It wouldn't improve Mr. Syndran's mood or her odds of getting paid back.
His lips thinned. "Oh, very well. Is this the full amount, or the percentage you're claiming for reimbursement?"
"Full amount. I'm willing to take fifty percent, cover half of it myself."
He nodded, still looking displeased with the fact, and continued through the expenditures. He didn't bat an eye at the 'asst. bribes' or standard fuel reimbursement for the drives to Capra. However much she'd enjoyed bumping gums with Red, those were case-related trips, and there was law on the books far as rate went for reimbursing that.
It did surprise her when he raised less fuss over her including partial reimbursement for her gala dress than he had the Thieves Guild contract. But then, she'd attached a receipt for that and it was clear she'd both bought the least expensive dress she could get away with for such an event, and wasn't asking for all the money back. She was keeping the dress, and if she ever attended anything that fancy again, could re-wear it. And it had gotten a bit mussed when that bruno came after her, she couldn't have returned it if she wanted to.
"You know, I went to the Hall before here," Mr. Syndran commented as he confirmed her arithmetic and wrote the check. "Curator Acquell was most effusive in her thanks for the return of the missing artefact."
"Glad to hear it." Xaeryn tucked the check in a drawer thanks to the absence of her handbag, then smiled when he lingered, hands folded atop his walking stick. "Did you want some more details of the recovery, Mr. Syndran? Or do your other meetings beckon?"
"They do, but I have some time to hear more specifics of last night's events." He gestured for her to go on.
"Alright, then." She settled in her chair and began with Red's abduction, through her scrying and trailing King Kaza. It was tricky to balance explaining Briony and Darius' involvement without being too detailed. They had been instrumental, but she didn't know how comfortable they'd be with her oversharing. Mr. Syndran listened to all the details with rapt attention, and Xaeryn had a suspicion he gleaned from the words far more than she actually said.
He rose at the end, satisfied expression still sour at the edges over the Thieves Guild involvement. "A thrilling chain of events, Miss Shrike, and one I am most grateful resulted in your success. You did a fine job in this case, and I will keep you in mind should I ever require similar skills in the future."
"Glad to hear it made a good impression." She rose to shake his hand. "You were definitely one of my better clients, one I wouldn't mind working for again should the need arise."
"High praise from one with your reputation," Mr. Syndran chuckled. He shook her hand then bowed. "Farewell, Miss Shrike."
Xaeryn returned the bow. "Farewell, Mr. Syndran."
She walked him to the door, inclined her head in a final farewell, and waited until he'd started down the hall to close the door and return to her desk.
Her khav had gotten cold while she was recounting the night's events. She pursed her lips but decided there was little enough left to be no great loss and set it aside. Now to decide if a nap or some other method would be best for filling some of her time until Red came by. Given she'd--potentially--lost another notepad, there wasn't much she could do for case wrap-up. Maybe a nap was the best option...
She was startled awake by enthusiastic knocking on her door. Apparently the deliberation had been taken out of her hands.
"You can come in," she called, rubbing her eyes and stretching until now-sore spots complained.
The door banged open and a familiar pink-haired figure grinned at her. "I'm glad you were here!"
"Where else did you imagine I would be?" Xaeryn asked drolly as she stood and circled the desk.
"I dunno, the museum or your client's office or something." Briony shrugged. "Glad I didn't hafta chase you down; I have somethin' of yours." She thrust out her hand, clasped around Xaeryn's missing, somewhat scuffed, handbag. "Hope everything's there, though I did take out my little ahfuri," she laughed. "Hope that's alright."
"Of course, and thank you so much." Xaeryn couldn't help a smile as she took the handbag. "I realized I lost it after I left, went back to look--"
"Oh, I'm sorry I took it so you wasted the time, then." Briony's expression screwed into something remorseful and she tugged her ponytail.
"No, no, I'm glad it was with someone trustworthy, rather than just laying there." She poked through to confirm none of the important things were missing.
"That's what I was figuring," Briony said with a relieved laugh. "Wouldn't want some goon findin' it when I could keep it safe. And I know where your office is so I could bring it back."
Driving license, PI license, dagger, notepad. All here. "Thank you, again." Xaeryn set the handbag on her desk. "So, what plans do you and Darius have now that King Kaza is arrested and no longer in possession of Solimer's Torch?"
Briony grinned fiercely. "Still a wonderful string of words to hear, even if I was there when it happened." She wrinkled her nose. "And Jarkyth breezed."
"That's how it plays out sometimes. And you were a key part of making it happen as well as it did," Xaeryn corrected.
"Yeah, you're a gem," Briony waved off the praise. "We'll hafta go back to Elinden, fan this in to somethin' worth deposing that muti as king. Then sort out succession." She grimaced. "Might be headin' for another civil war, which isn't great, but even if it comes to that, hopefully we'll end up with someone better in charge. But..." She hesitated, bit her lip. "I was talkin' to the Shepherds, y'know, last night, and it sounds like they do good work. Lots of adventure. Stoppin' people like Jarkyth and Kaza. I dunno, maybe once Elinden's settled I'll be back." She smirked. "Hael, I'll even bring D with me if he wants and behaves himself."
Xaeryn chuckled. "Is that even something he's interested in?"
"Dunno, we'll have to talk about it." Briony shrugged and twirled her ponytail. "But Elinden's our home, and we've been fightin' for it a while now, need to get that sorted b'fore we consider anything else."
"Very true." Xaeryn leaned against the edge of the desk. "Are you staying in Haven a while or heading straight back?"
"We have to stay a couple more days to give some more details about what we know of the theft. They'll prob'ly want to chin with you about it, too, by the way."
She nodded, assuming from context 'they' meant the Shepherds. As long as it didn't interfere with her talking to Red, she'd be happy to tell them anything that would help. "Understandable."
Briony bounced a little on her toes. "I should be going. The hotel concierge gave me a whole list of places to go for sightseein', and if I have to stay here a few more days, I wanna see as many as possible."
Xaeryn couldn't help a chuckle at the other woman's enthusiasm. "Make sure you enjoy the ones you get to see, rather than rushing through."
Briony nodded, making her ponytail bounce. "I know. Hey, since you live here--" She tugged a piece of paper from her pocket, smoothed it on Xaeryn's desk "--any of these more must-see than others? It's such a big city," she laughed, "and I wanna make sure I see all the pretty stuff."
Xaeryn examined the list; preprinted on paper with a monogram from one of Haven's nicer hotels at the top. A few things had been crossed off already. "Well, if you're looking for pretty, you have to see Whitestone Cathedral. Even if you aren't religious, the architecture and stained glass windows are quite a sight." She marked a few others she thought would be good choices, from what she knew of Briony, to prioritize. "There you are."
"Thank you!" Briony picked up the list, folded it neatly this time, and gave Xaeryn a quick but ferocious hug. "And thanks again for helping with... everything."
"Of course," Xaeryn mumbled, caught off-guard by the hug. She didn't react fast enough to return it, but Briony didn't seem to notice. "I hope you have fun."
"I plan to!" Briony said brightly. She fluttered her fingers in a wave as she started for the door. "See you around, Xaeryn."
She nodded. It wouldn't surprise her if she did. "Tell Darius goodbye for me, hmm?"
"Sure," Briony grinned, and was gone with an enthusiastic slam of Xaeryn's door.
Xaeryn blew out a breath and rubbed the back of her neck. How does she have so much energy when it sounds like she was up even later than I was?
One of life's mysteries. She took advantage of being on her feet to tidy her kitchen from preparing breakfast. Her stomach growled, so she grabbed an apple to snack on as she headed back to her desk. She dug her notepad out of the handbag, spilling some of the other contents, but didn't mind the mess. She should probably swap handbags and clean this one with the state it was in. Right now she wanted to add a few final notes for this case while they were fresh in her mind.
Xaeryn glanced at the clock as she bit into the apple, surprised to see how much of the morning she'd napped away before Briony's arrival No wonder I had a crick in my neck. She bobbled the pencil she'd picked up back and forth and wondered if Red was still sleeping. Part of her hoped so. Yesterday had to have been even more of an ordeal for him than it had been for her.
The other part of her desperately, selfishly wanted to talk to him. Both as further assurance he really was alright and because there were thing she--they--needed to get in the open, had needed in the open since the gala at the very least.
"Nothing happened."
"Did you want it to?"
She shook off Pan's haunting question and bit into the apple again as she turned her attention to scribbling down closing notes. Her discovery of the Torch being thoret. Confirmation of who was involved with the theft. The Shepherds' role in the conclusion. She'd just finished notes and apple both when there was a flurried knock at the door.
Oh, One-God-- Her heart had dropped to her toes and she was halfway to her feet before she reined in her emotions. That knock was too light to be him.
Still, curiosity and manners had her crossing the room to open the door, and she blinked in surprise. "Miss Acquell?"
The museum curator beamed up at her from under the rim of a beige cloche hat with a pink flower embellishment, not appearing to notice her slip back to formality. "Sorry if I'm disturbing you, Miss Shrike, I know I had Mr. Syndran convey my gratitude, but I just had to come thank you in person for recovering Solimer's Torch."
Xaeryn smiled and stepped out of the doorway to let her enter the office. "You're very welcome. I imagine it's gratifying to have a completed collection now?"
"Oh, yes." Miss Acquell clasped her hands together ass if to keep them still. "We had to do some rearranging to work it into the exhibit, and I have Justyn trying to get hold of Ms. Aescar to let her know, but it's just berries having it back, such a weight off my shoulders." Her face colored. "Sorry for babbling, I'm just so grateful to have it back."
"You don't have to apologize for being happy. I'm glad I could be a help," Xaeryn said. "Did Mr. Syndran relay that the Torch is thoret and shouldn't be displayed too close to any magical artefacts? I know the museum uses shielded cases, but-"
"Oh, no, he didn't." Miss Acquell was frowning now.
Xaeryn paused, racking her brain. "Now that I think about it, I don't believe I told him that part, not last night at least. I was very tired and it may have slipped my mind. I do apologize for that." Hopefully the revelation wouldn't make too much extra work for the staff.
"Oh, it's alright." Miss Acquell waved off her apology in turn. "It's good to have it back, whatever we have to do to display it, we'll accommodate." She smiled again. "You are, of course, welcome to come see the exhibit any time."
"Since I'm finished with the case, I should have time to do that. I'd love to see it in all its glory, and under more leisurely circumstances than the gala." She'd been working that night, technically, even if she and Red had taken time to look around while they were there.
"We'd be happy to see you." Miss Acquell fidgeted with the sleeve of her jacket, picking at one curve of the lace trim. "I should get back, I just wanted to come say thank you; it didn't feel like enough to have someone pass it along."
"Well, you're very welcome, again," Xaeryn said with a chuckle. "I'm glad I could help." She held out a hand to shake.
Miss Acquell only hesitated a moment before taking it in a loose grip for a single shake. She rocked on the balls of her feet and bit her lip, hands once again clasped as if to still them. "Well, I'll see you around then, Miss Shrike."
"Sounds keen." She shifted to follow as the curator edged toward the half-open door. "Goodbye, Shery-"
Even as she spoke, there was a faint--but familiar--rushing sound and Red was standing in the hallway outside her office, one hand out to brace against the wall. He smiled sheepishly upon seeing Miss Acquell's startled expression. "Sorry! Shery, right? Good to see you again."
"A-And you," she managed. "But I was just leaving." She bobbed a curtsy to them both and scurried away.
"I hope I didn't scare her..." Red muttered. "I didn't think you'd have company."
"I have been dizzyingly popular this morning," Xaeryn said with a soft laugh, trying to ignore the way her heart had lodged in her throat. She'd had a plan for this, and it was completely flown away. "Did you really Travel just to cover half a city's distance, Liefred?"
He shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair. "It seemed faster than getting lost in Ashtown. That district is a maze. Why waste the time?"
She just shook her head with a fond smile as she led the way back into the office, trying to study him without being too obvious about it. There was no evidence of injuries beyond the minor ones she'd noted last night; scrapes, the split lip--which had scabbed over but was likely to reopening if he kept bothering it. Just over the couple minutes since his arrival, he'd scraped his teeth over it and sucked it in, probably to worry the scab with his tongue. Aside from not being good for the healing process, it was intensely distracting for her.
Even worse when Red caught her staring. He cleared his throat and leaned against her desk. "Exactly how early were you up that you had time to be dizzyingly popular, Xaer?"
"Around eight," she said, picking a hangnail. "Mr. Syndran needed an early appointment to finish settling accounts for it to fit with his schedule."
"Mm, yes, have to make sure you're rewarded for being a brilliant snooper," Red teased, his smile warm, half-distracted as he tried to read her notes sideways.
It was adorable watching him twist his head to decipher the shorthand, she she let him continue. His clothes were borrowed, she noted, and from someone not quite his height. The trousers were only about an inch shorter than proper, but even with the shirtsleeves rolled up, she could tell they would stop well short of his wrists, and it was tight in the shoulders as he leaned over her desk.
"I am surprised to see you before noo-" Xaeryn started to tease, before a glance at the clock showed it was, in fact, nearly noon.
He huffed a laugh, still reading. "You know I don't need a lot of sleep, Xaer."
"I know you can function on not a lot of sleep," she corrected. "But I figured between getting abducted and however late you you were up talking to the Shepherds, you would, perhaps, listen to your body for once. More the fool I, apparently."
"I only woke up five minutes before coming here, Ryn," he countered fondly. "Plenty of sleep. And I can always get more once I'm back at Solhadur--" He cut himself off, brows arching. "Thoret?" Looked up at her. "Solimer's Torch is composed of thoret?!"
Xaeryn nodded. "The original stone, at least. Obviously the decorative binding is different, but the stone itself is either thoret or some other rock heavily shot with it." She flexed her fingers. "Quite a fun discovery to make when I picked it up bare-handed."
Red winced in sympathy, bit his lip, winced again when the gesture caught the edge of the scab. "That does explain some things..."
"Mm. Why I couldn't scry on it, for one, or anything near it. Why you weren't able to escape the same way you just dropped in here..."
"Yes to all that, it also felt odd in that building; like the crawling edge of nausea, but I was thinking more historically."
Of course you were.
"Far as records show, the Solimer tribe almost never had Mages, so the Torch wouldn't have affected them in any special way. They tended to do their own thing and steer clear of other tribes, but the times they did come into conflict, single combat between chosen champions was the method of the time, and I'd bet the other tribes were more abundant in Mages, so if they, say, sent one as their champion..."
"... the Torch would act as an anti-magic ward," Xaeryn finished, "making it seem Solimer's champions were protected."
"I'd bet half my library, assuming that premise is correct, the tribe that defeated them sent a non-Mage champion for a fight." Red dragged his fingers through his hair and sat on the corner of the desk, despite two perfectly good chairs nearby. "And then it disappears for stretches because tribes would want to hold it for the victory it symbolized, but if there were enough Mages , they would feel the oddness and want it kept pack away... Too bad there's no way to prove it; it would pull in some real keen funding for more research if it's solid..."
"And, alternately, I could get my hands on half your library," Xaeryn needled, biting back a smile as she leaned against the desk next to him.
He gave a faux-hurt gasp. "Detective Shrike, you think I'm wrong?"
"Oh, probably not. You are almost as smart as I am," she teased back, "but your library's the bee's knees, and I'd love to get my hands on as much of it as I could fit in here."
"Mm, well, in absence of a way to prove me wrong," he said lightly, gaze surveying her mostly-full bookshelves rather than look at her, "you'll just have to come visit Solhadur to take advantage."
If I drive all the way to Capra, it's not the library I'll want to take advantage of. She cleared her throat. "I suppose I will, once my schedule's calm enough to take that kind of time."
"Oh, yes, your dizzying popularity," Red teased. He knew her preference for solitude. "You mentioned Mr. Syndran, and I saw Shery, who else...?"
"Before you? Just Briony, the pink-haired woman--"
"I remember." He nodded.
"I dropped my handbag at the warehouse when one of Kaza's mugs grabbed me, she was returning it."
Red flicked a glance toward the handbag and its contents. "I was wondering why it was strewn across your desk... Sorry I didn't realize you'd lost it, Ryn, or I would've looked--"
She waved off the apology. "I got it back and that's the important thing. You were understandably distracted." A self-deprecating chuckle. "I'm just happy I didn't lose two notepads in the course of one case."
"Oh!" Red started, pushing off the desk. "That reminds me... One thing I did find in there….” the words trailed off as he dug in his pocket. “I forgot to give it to you with all the chaos.” He pulled out her original notepad, the bluish-grey cover slightly worse for wear from its own adventure, and offered it to her.
Xaeryn gasped in delight as she took it. Kaza had hinted at having it, but she hadn’t thought to look with everything going on. “I can’t believe you found this! I thought it was gone forever.” She smiled and pivoted to wrap him in a tight hug. “Thank you, Liefred.”
Something flickered in Red's eyes before he hugged her back, fiercely, hands lingering, as if remembering yesterday, then withdrew. “I... wanted to ask you about something, Xaer.”
“Mm,” she prompted, still smiling, as she tucked the reclaimed notepad in her desk.
“I wasn't going to bring it up, but... You call Pan Pan because that’s his nickname. You called the museum curator Shery, I presume because she asked you to?” He tipped his head in a gesture toward where he’d just seen said curator and waited for her slight nod of confirmation. “So if you’ll take that step toward familiarity with them, why am I always Liefred when we’ve known each other for ages and I’ve told you, several times, you can call me Red?”
Her throat closed up and heart stuttered in her chest. There wasn’t any judgment in his tone, just curiosity, and maybe a little hurt. She’d been half-wondering if he’d picked up on that enough to bring it up again, and now she had her answer. There were several ways she, in turn, could answer his very good, very pertinent, question. Two of them were deflections. They would let her preserve friendly, professional distance. Remove the risk of gambling it all.
She didn’t want to give either of those. She wanted to tell the truth. The whole truth. 
We did say we wanted to talk about this.
Deep breath, Xaeryn.
“I told you,” Xaeryn said softly, “after the gala.” She swallowed hard, heart pounding. “It might be selfish, but the formality’s a level of check on myself so I don’t slip and do something dreadfully improper.” 
Red worried the scab on his lip with his thumb, considering. “What makes you so sure it would be improper?” he asked just as softly.
She laughed, a tight, breathless sound, and decided there had been enough hints dropped for the plunge to be worth it. “It’s fairly improper to kiss someone out of the blue without their permission, Liefred.”
She didn’t miss the way his breath caught, or how hard he swallowed before he reached for her hand, slowly, gently, as if trying not to spook a skittish ahfuri. “And… if you had their permission? Would it be proper then?”
Oh, One-God above, she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t. Her heart was pounding fit to crack her ribs. Her hand slipped into his like it belonged there.
“Do I?” she asked hoarsely, barely audible, gaze locked with his.
Red nodded and she was kissing him before any potential verbal confirmation had a chance to follow.
And he was kissing her back. At least until the cut on his lip reopened and he was forced to pull back. “Dammit,” he grumbled under his breath.
“It’s alright.” Xaeryn kissed his cheek, the giggle that escaped her only an inkling of the joy that bubbled in her chest. “I’ve waited this long, another sennight or two for you to heal won’t kill me.”
Red arched a brow, smile tugging at the side of his mouth furthest from the cut. “Is it egotistical of me to ask how long you’ve been wanting to do that?”
“Not at all,” she said with a laugh, watching him feel the cut and scowl at the blood on his fingers when he pulled them away. “Only if you promise you won’t laugh at me for being pathetic.” When he nodded agreement, she took a deep breath, flashed a sheepish smile, and confessed. “Since about when I was sixteen.”
Red burst out laughing.
Xaeryn huffed and moved to whack his arm. “You said you wouldn’t-”
“I’m not laughing at-ow-you, Xaer,” he assured her, catching her wrist with one hand while the heel of the other pressed against his split lip. “I’m laughing at me.”
She let her hand fall and shot him a curious look. “Why?”
Red raked the now-free hand through his hair, huffed another quiet laugh, and smiled at her with such wry amusement it almost made her laugh. “Because I’ve been at least half in love with you since sixteen and like an idiot didn’t say anything b’cause I didn’t think you felt the same-”
She kissed him again, split lip or no, she couldn’t help it.
“Ow,” he mumbled–or something like it–but he was smiling and he didn’t stop. His hand curved the back of her neck and hers curled into the collar of his shirt.
She could taste the metallic tang of blood from his lip until they parted with matching breathless laughs.
"So much for waiting another sennight or two," Red teased, lightly bumping his forehead to hers.
Xaeryn rolled her eyes, still holding him close by the shirt collar. "That was for fortification. Now I'll survive, I think."
He chuckled, thumb rubbing her cheek. "Fair enough. So, what now?"
She opened her mouth to reply, this was hardly familiar ground for her, but his stomach beat her to it, rumbling loudly. She arched a brow. "Food, apparently. Did you eat before coming over?"
"I didn't know where the Shepherds' dining hall was," he said with a sheepish shrug. "And you were more important."
Xaeryn shook her head and lightly smacked the back of his. "Honestly, Red--" she sighed in fond exasperation, grinning despite herself at the warmth of his words. "Fortunately for you, there's a fabulous café nearby, and I'm in the mood to treat for lunch."
Red smiled, warm and wide, eyes crinkling at the corners. "That is good luck."
"The only question is whether I should go order food to bring back and we can chin a bit here, or go cause a scandal eating there with you so underdressed--" she cut herself off, abruptly stepping around him to pick up the jacket tossed over one of the chairs by her bookshelf. His jacket, slightly rumpled from spending the night haphazardly tossed aside, but it would fit, and the deep grey charcoal color would complement the lighter grey of his borrowed trousers.
Red arched a brow, his eyes twinkling. "Should I be curious why you have my clothes, Ryn?"
"It was for scrying, Liefred," she said archly. "Trying to find you. Pan said I could--" Xaeryn stiffened. "Did you let him know you're alright? Because it completely slipped my mind with--"
"Yes," Red cut across her worry with a smile. "Last thing before I collapsed into bed." He laughed and ran a hand down his face. "I think I'm in for an earful when I get back to Solhadur, so however leisurely you want to make this lunch is keen with me."
Xaeryn smiled fondly as she gathered her handbag's content back into it. She'd worry about swapping it later. "I think you're in for a Panrachus-shaped shadow the next couple months," she corrected, biting back giddy butterflies as she looped her arm through his. "He was real worried with not much he could do to help, wondering if he'd stayed up to help you would it have prevented your abduction."
A shadow passed over his face as they stepped out the door. "I don't think it would've."
Knowing Heron had been involved, it wasn't hard to read the implication in his tone. "Which is what I told him." She paused to lock the door. "But you know how it is when you care about someone; something bad happens and you cant help wondering if you could've changed it."
Red nodded, giving her a warm smile. "I know." His stomach rumbled again.
Xaeryn chuckled and gave his arm a squeeze. "Let's get some food in you."
"That'd be the bee's knees."
It wasn't a far walk to find themselves swept up in the lunchtime bustle of her favorite café. The place was so full, the two of them wound up at a table tucked in the corner that didn't have nearly enough room for their legs. Xaeryn almost suggested taking the food back to her place, but she was still giddy over this being a date with Red and could bring herself to. It would be memorable, and the corner was a little quieter than the main lunchroom.
Red polished off two sandwiches and a large bowl of soup, barely slowing through the process. Xaeryn found her abbreviated breakfast had left her with more of an appetite than usual, though she still didn't equal him.
"I think, perhaps, food should have been a higher priority," she commented lightly. "Flattered as I am you rated me so important."
"I wasn't terribly hungry when I woke up," Red confessed, sucking a stray drop of soup off his thumb. "I considered breakfast, decided I didn't need it, didn't care to hunt down the dining hall, and was too antsy by half to talk to you."
"We were... rather overdue for that conversation, weren't we?" Xaeryn said, sliding her hand across the table to cover his.
"A bit," Red nodded. He sucked on his split lip a moment. "Xaer, about after the gala..."
"Oh, I would've kissed you, proper or no, had Pan not walked in when he did." A bit reckless a confession after all her worries about propriety, but she was too giddy to care.
He chuckled. "Good to know we're on the same page." A pause. "And you've... since sixteen? You're always so forthright, I'm both surprised and impressed you kept that under wraps so long."
"Well, you know..." She sighed, her heart fluttering as she rubbed her thumb over his hand. "I didn't want to risk messing up our friendship. I'm well aware I can be prickly and hard to get to know. You were one of the few who made it past the brambles and seemed to enjoy my company as much as I enjoy yours--"
"I do enjoy your company," Red interrupted.
"That's my point; I don't, and didn't, have many friends like that." She squeezed his hand. "The last thing I wanted to do was poison that by adding awkwardness of unreciprocated feelings. I was happy enough just having you as my friend."
"Even watching me date my way through the student body?" he asked wryly.
"Liefred, you're smart, handsome, charming, and kind." She shrugged. "I would have been offended on your behalf had any of them turned you down. But your turn--why did you say anything?"
"Because you're forthright, Ryn." Red turned his hand under hers and gave it a squeeze. "I may've thought about it a couple times, but... You've never held back from saying things that are important, or that you think I need to hear. I figured the reason you weren't saying anything is there was nothing to say on the matter. So I kept hoping if I told myself that enough times it would sink in and the feelings would fade, but they never did."
A pang of guilt surged in her chest. If she'd just made herself push the words past the lump that formed in her throat every time she tried...
"Xaeryn." He squeezed her hand harder, clearly sensing the turn of her thoughts. "Me resigning myself to that is not your fault. It was my choice not to say anything just as much as it was yours." He smiled, sheepish and boyish all in one. "Pair of brilliant idiots, we."
Xaeryn laughed, because he was right. Solhadur's best and brightest and couldn't even parse they were in love with each other. "Did..." She traced the rim of her glass. "Did any of those 'dating your way through the student body' have... potential?" She might hate herself for asking, but her curiosity demanded satisfaction. How close did I come to losing you to my own cowardice?
"Most were just fun, and we both knew it going in," Red said, rubbing the back of his neck. "There were a couple that might've gotten serious if... well, carrying a torch for my best friend was only one of the reasons nothing came of them in the end."
She nodded thoughtfully and glanced around the café. It was still full and they were done. "We should head back, free up a table."
He gave a distracted-sounding hum of agreement and pushed to his feet as she left a generous tip on the table. "Thanks for lunch."
"Of course." Xaeryn twined her arm through his and headed for the door. It wasn't until they were out on the street she spoke again, her shoulder pressed close to his. "D'you know how many times I almost asked you to come with me when I left?" A quiet laugh. "At least a dozen. But I always lost my nerve."
"That would have been fun," he said softly. "But it worked out."
"That it did," she smiled. All of it.
They moseyed back to her office, bumped gums some more, before Red looked at the clock and groaned.
"I should probably get back to Solhadur," he said leaning in to kiss her forehead, "before Pan thinks I got abducted again."
"You shouldn't joke..." Xaeryn protested half-heartedly, even as butterflies filled her chest at the casual affection. "But I suppose I should let you go home. You probably want to sleep more? Clothes that actually fit?"
"Yes to both." Red muffled a yawn and looked sheepish about it. "Feel free to visit whenever you like, Xaer, For me or the books."
She had a sneaking suspicion he'd be teasing about that for a while. She didn't care. "I'll do that." She kissed his cheek. "So much you'll get sick of me."
"Never happen," he said warmly, pulling her into a hug. "I like you too much," he whispered, resting his forehead to hers.
Xaeryn hugged him back. "Good," she said with a smile. "I like you too much, too." It was an effort to fight down the urge to kiss him again before she eased back. "I'll see you soon, Liefred."
"I'm not going to get you to stop that, am I?" he murmured, eyes dancing with laughter, as he squeezed her hands one last time before letting go. "I'll be seeing you, Xaeryn."
Red pulled the door closed behind him as he left, and she dropped into her chair, smiling wider than she ever had in her life.
There was always a rush at successfully completing a case, but none prior compared to this one. Xaeryn recalled that first meeting, the one she'd thought would be with Tevanti, and let out a small laugh. Of all the lovely surprises, indeed.
She had another success to add to her professional record, but more importantly, she had Red Antiqua back in her life. For good this time, and closer than ever.
Wish I could be there to see Pan's reaction, she mused, and got up to make herself some tea in celebration of a job well done on two fronts.
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guardianofnightmares · 10 months ago
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“And you'll always miss [your mother]. But she'll always be with you, as long as you remember the things she taught you. In a way, you'll never be apart, for you are still part of each other.”
Good. God. This quote hits me in a gut every time I listen to the dialogue between Littlefoot and an Old Rooter.
It’s such an interesting fact for me that originally the interaction between these two was not part of a movie and was added into it during an editing process. For, personally for me, that dialogue made me more emotional than death of Littlefoot’s mother it addresses.
When you see her passing away, you feel rather lost than heartbroken, incredulous even. But it’s thanks to Rooter that the reality finally sinks in for a boy - she’s not there anymore and she’ll never come back to him.
And yet, it doesn’t mean that her son’s journey is over. Grieving is a right thing to do, but it shouldn’t consume all of his being. Hence why an old man kindly advises Littlefoot to focus on memories of his mother’s love for him rather on last moments of her life. He does not say that pain of a loss will go away. But he shows a way to make it to affect you less over the course of time.
All in all, this scene is meant to to be a comforting one, something that kids would come back to in search for guidance, especially when they have no one else to share their grief for parent with. And I can not thank Don Bluth and his team enough for taking such a mature and respectful approach in storytelling towards young audience of this movie.
P.S. Did I draw this miniature at work due to a random whiff of nostalgia? - Yes. Did I have other, more important things to do in an office? - Oh, absolutely. Do I feel bad about avoiding my responsibilities? - … not quite.
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theofficialdramallama · 4 months ago
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My Spotify Wrapped for 2024! 👏😍
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
pleased to report that in this episode of land before time, the search for the sky colored stones:
Ducky found an Arkenstone (several actually)
turned into Gollum
got protective and jealous over them
betrayed a loved one (her brother Spike) in favor of said arkenstones
had other characters comment on her acting strangely aggressive with a "don't you know who you sound like?" equivalent
then FELL because of her treasured object
and got the full Return of the King film treatment of dangling by one hand off a precipice while another character strains to reach her, having to choose between her own LIFE and letting go of the thing she's been obsessing over
im also pleased to report that Ducky managed a solid Frodo and did NOT plummet to her death. also, instead of getting chased by lava afterwards, they all were blessed with a rainbow instead
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ducky gollum is born
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but in her fury to defend her precious, she slipped-
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-(nearly) plunging into the pit of-! (actually they're in a underground cave system right now)
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there she fought against the corruption clawing at her smol ducky heart...
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and she succeeded
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Ducky, of the webbed fingers! And the sky stone of DOOM~!
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I love how in the second Land Before Time movie one of the villains specifically refers to himself as a struthiomimus in his villain song. Everyone else calls themselves longnecks and threehorns and spiketails and this absolute chad knows his own taxon
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supermarsupial · 1 year ago
I don't believe in God, but in God I start praying I don't believe in God, but in God I. Start. Praying. I don't believe in God, but in God I start praying Somebody save me please... And I'm fighting everything, in the silence of the sea
I only hear life and death entwined in one melody
Save me now, save me now, please, I'm seventeen. Save me now, save me now, please, I'm seventeen. Save me now, save me now, it wasn't your fault. it wasn't. your. fault. thank you.
Silence of the Sea - Jonny Amies
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saelrum · 2 years ago
The Land Before Time x My Tyrano
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"My Tyrano" is a really beautiful work that made me sob uncontrollably. Loved the artstyle so much that I couldn't pass the opportunity to draw TLBT characters in a similar manner
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queen-scribbles · 2 years ago
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She returned to link her arm through Red’s once more. “Shall we, Headmaster?” “We shall, Miss Shrike,” Red answered with one of his dazzling smiles, and they headed out the door. God help her.
HEY Y'ALL LOOK WHAT I GOT!! 😍 Ryn and Red all dolled up for the gala from my @shepherds-of-haven 20's AU, courtesy of the amazing and wonderful @twiddletaffy!!!
LOOK AT THEM. BASK IN THEIR GORGEOUSNESS. While I go scream into a pillow and stare at it for five hours.
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catsandcataclysms · 1 year ago
The Land Before Time (movies) are an extremely good series that portray many situations that kids may experience and not have the words for. Dealing with everything from grief, racism, scarcity, the cycle of abuse, and dangerous adults-- while still maintaining that most adults will be kind and helpful-- there is a movie to cover nearly every situation a child might need help understanding. I've put together a very basic list of each movie and the topics it covers for anyone who might want it.
The Land Before Time
Deals heavily with grief and learning to live with that grief Also deals with both experiencing racism and unlearning racism
The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure
Deals with both responsibility and understanding why adults say "no"
The Land Before Time III: The Time Of The Great Giving
Deals with the confusion of scarcity and [unlearning] the cycle of abuse "Fear makes grown-ups do strange things" Also teaches fire safety!
The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through The Mists
Deals mainly with the grief and confusion of an adult being very sick Also deals heavily with unlearning biases about those of other cultures/races than oneself
The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island
Mostly deals with understanding that other cultures, even ones that seem scary, can have similar love to your own
The Land Before Time VI: The Secret Of Saurus Rock
Not as noteworthy as the others due to how it strays from the formula and cameos a Spaghetti Western VA for the adults watching, but teaches about the concept of idolization and heroes
The Land Before Time VII: The Stone Of Cold Fire
Deals with the concept of very dangerous relatives/relatives in jail, and the way adults don't always share details because they've been hurt too Also has aliens that teach science theory!
The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze
Teaches that expressing your emotions is important, even if that emotion is anger Deals with having an adoptive, special-needs sibling and the struggle of the adoptive family and a family of the same race/cultevure as the adoptive siblings' birth family The concept of family in general, and what it means And also! Why adults lie, and the fact that everybody lies sometimes
My personal favorites are I, III, IV, VII, and VIII, due to how comprehensive they are.
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lycisca · 2 years ago
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cryoverkiltmilk · 11 months ago
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"Heard you were talkin shittlefoot."
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gaykarstaagforever · 2 years ago
Jenny Nicholson said this song from 2000's Land Before Time VII slapped, and boy, is she right:
This movie is apparently about dinosaurs from Space. I've never seen it and never will.
But this little song about the passion for exploration should be way more popular than it is.
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