#TL Travel
catwyk · 19 days
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recent sketch comp :]
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yesterday i sat in a park and basically drew tl fanart for 8 hours lmao
ANYWAYS THE TRAVELLER!!!! óli coming soon :)
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feluka · 10 months
did i ever tell you guys i was invited to meet pope shenouda in fayyum and perform in front of him when i was a kid but my dad said no LMAO
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fantastic-nonsense · 10 months
Can I ask why you would say Poseidon or Hades for Helena? I’ve been thinking about this over and over since the new thing came out.
Honestly the real answer here is "I want Helena to be a Big Three child for the drama and because it does genuinely fit her, but she's pretty clearly not a Zeus kid so I need to figure out whether Poseidon or Hades fits her better."
The meta answer is that her general personality fits being a child of Poseidon more but her history and style of vigilantism fit being a child of Hades more. Because both godly parents would fit her, I'm focusing more on which one fits her better for the purposes of the fic.
The slightly more technical answer is that she's going to be a Hunter of Artemis in this AU, so it technically doesn't matter whether she's a demigod or a clear-sighted mortal who caught Artemis' eye, but I wanted her to be a demigod. However since she's a Hunter, I have a little more leeway in how I want to address her history, personality, skillset, and motivations in context of her godly parentage. Hence, the indecision.
Sorry I couldn't provide a really in-depth answer here like I've been able to for everyone else, but it's hard to give a proper explanation when I haven't thought deeply enough about that section to have quite figured it out yet.
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suguelya · 9 months
I am 100 percent with you on preferring the JP line in that cutscene if only because it does feel more powerful (and his voice is SO soft, which is something that frequently gets completely lost in the dub in general. Mamoru carries a much softer tone overall for Flynn, similar to how Yuri's playfulness and carefree vibe got lost in favor of the dub's aim for a more "cool adult guy").
That said, I was not even aware they left the whistle out!!! I haven't bothered with that sidequest because the outfit is readily available for free as DLC.
While I enjoy having Flynn present in the last battle, I wish they'd just had him look back up at the sky and say that right next to Yuri right before the very end of the cutscene (since imo that'd be the best placement for it). No reason not to stick that back in!!!
But removing the whistle is just an outright crime and I am owed a fee from the people who decided that for the devastation I've been inflicted with.
Big same 🤝
I used to be such a fan of the eng dub but tbh ever since I experienced the original japanese (back when we still called it the PS3 Version lol) I never looked back. The wording is so, so, SO much more layered and leaves little room to misinterpret subtleties and subtext. Like you, I've had many gripes about the localization because sometimes they just plain insert stuff that was never there in the first place - iirc Troy Baker admited that apparently they rushed the dub so hard, sometimes the voice actors themselves were asked to chip in for the translation...he said he loved that (I'll bet), but that might explain why so much of the OG english script was already full of weird phrasings and insertions...add to that the even more sloppy and lazy DE localization and you get only half of the richness of the original japanese.
Also yes Mamo and Tori *are* Flynn and Yuri more than anybody ever could be. Sam and Troy do a good enough job but I agree that Troy may have been directed to play Yuri closer to a traditional "cool bad boy", which is hilarious given how the original Yuri is a twist on that very trope. Unfortunately, Troy gave him this uncharacteristically cold/aggressive edge whenever he talks to Flynn that it makes it sound like he's always annoyed to see him, and it strips their relationship of so much of the softness and playfulness that Tori lends Yuri.
Anyway enough about me ranting because I could go on for about 10 more hours about this issue lmao. Honestly yeah they very well could've rearranged Flynn's cutscene to fit in there at the end, like hell if you can change the entire camera angles of whole scenes you can change that one background, no?? Knowing Tomizawa though that might have been more effort than he was willing to grant this remaster - won't be his last time.
Same for the wolf whistling!! They replaced it with a skit that is just as funny...
....but void of the insane flirting the original had. Idek why they went so far as to change it, it would've been less work to just leave it as it was 😭
#sorry for the length i just will never be able to shut up abt the translation#theres so much wrong with it#and when i say 'so much' i dont mean 'huge things' i mean 'a million tiny things that end up becoming huge in the big picture'#the most eggregious mistranslations to me were the ones where they shoehorned heterosexuality where there was none to begin with#like inserting estelle in sentences from yuri when she wasnt even in the original jp line#i know jpn loves to play w/ the implicit & the context but when yuri says to repede 'its gonna be lonely now huh' after the party separated#then he does not mean 'its gonna be lonely *without estelle in particular*' he means *without everyone* because he got used to them#and yet the tl makes it only abt her#or#the most unforgivable mistranslation of all to me#when they turned yuris response to estelle's 'id love to keep travelling with you' just before tarqaron from 'thanks same here'#to 'i feel the same way'#like ?????#that changes the ENTIRE conversation BECAUSE its all about the subtext#like it or not (and i hate it) but estelle does have some bodyguard crush on yuri there and this is the way she chooses to 'confess'#you can tell just by the way the scene plays out & how much it lingers on yuris very careful pokerface bc he has very clearly Understood#and yet does not reciprocate so he's being very careful what his next words will be so she Gets The Memo without having to hurt her feelings#and it works!! because iirc she does drop her head and nod a little as if she did get it and accepted what that he basically rejected her#so this isnt JUST some unimportant line#ITS VERY MUCH THEN MOMENT HE SAYS THANKS BUT NO THANKS#SO TRANSLATING THAT WITH 'I FEEL THE SAME' MAKES ZERO SENSE AS IT JUST DESTROYS THE ORIGINAL MEANING BY TURNING IT INTO ITS ENTIRE OPPOSITE#sorry im getting heated abt this again i just#f#even the scenario book interviews confirm that and put emphasis on it so this isnt just me reading too much into it for The Yaoiz#*thats* the subtlety vesperia deals with all the time and *thats* the subtlety the eng tl keeps chipping away at#i know the translators most likely had little direction to go off of so this isnt to dunk on them#more like the complete lack of communication between loc departements and the heteronornativity they resort to when in doubt#hell even higuchi agreed when i addressed this on twitter with him#dude knows#ANYWAY TUMBLR SAID IM EXCEEDING THE TAG LIMIT LMAO sorry for the huge rant i just. have feelings abt tov's loc
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idolsummons · 11 hours
good morning? has been lurking i have a steampunk au now but i'm not writing anything up yet it needs more thought to be fully fleshed out i think plus me who equates steampunk w/ my novel now trying to not do that for the au
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cityandking · 3 months
how's dai feeling after the whole "fighting a god" scenario
to be Completely honest I'm not sure he's quite processed it yet. granted he has pretty fuckin' minimal respect for the Owl/Traveler to begin with, so there's a certain distance in his engagement with the fight—a sort of fighting an insanely powerful being vs fighting god distance that I think probably mostly reminds him of the kaiju arc. (he simply doesn't believe in the Traveler enough to properly conceptualize them as a god)
I also think, given that he didn't actually make a single attack during the fight and instead spent the entire time buffing the party, there's an additional distance from the actual activity of fighting a god, if that makes sense. for him, the situation was more like "ozy fought the traveler and we backed him up" — he certainly went into it assuming it was ozy's fight and he (and the others) were there to support that. but he's always been a big proponent of ozy questioning (and rejecting) the Owl/Traveler, or at the very least making the effort to choose his own path, so in Dai's eyes this was kind of the culmination of that
(I also think Fighting the Traveler and Protecting the Godling have been pretty big neon items on his to-do list that have really blotted out the whole Become Demigods next step and honestly I have no idea how he's gonna process that. assuming he process it at all.)
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lcpmon · 1 month
i need to come back to them so bad..................................
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menphinaswhitemage · 10 months
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Decembhyur2023 | Day 6 | Memory
"I know you must not believe me but I am your son I- I never thought I would see you again-"
Audrey places her hands against his face, looking into his bright red eyes, "Of course I believe you. Any mother would recognize her own son no matter how much he's grown. You may still be an infant in my own world but I see it in your face. Your eyes, your ears, your hair-" she beams, stroking his bright colored locks, "Your are my son. My Estel"
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eyesoftxmorrow · 2 months
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catwyk · 2 months
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ouuhhhh travelling light episode 16...... hesje and the traveller hangin out........ pls clikc for quality i havent painted like this since. tsv finale. ANYWAY NOTES BELOW THE CUT!!!!
hesje's design is very river otter inspired :]
i gave them keratinous fingers because uhh i dont know its cool :]
i was very inspired by one of my guinea pigs (archimedes, who has the most beautiful rosettes in her fur) for their fur pattern :]
my god i have done that dumbsss square bracket emoticon in every bullet point so far. in my defence this podcsst does make me make that fsce. and its 1:30am
hesje also has darker 'eyebrow' patches because its really hard to make a furred creature emote
the traveller's pins and patches are partly inspired by the podcast's logo!!
their face also took SO MUCH ADJUSTING and i still do not like how it looks. whateverrrrr
the beauty marks on the traveller's face are la coquette and l'enjouée, which indicate flirtiness and playfulness which i think is pretty accurate
oh my god the longer i look at this the more i hate it. ok post button!
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theyre so :C
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zarkive · 5 months
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nailtagyuri · 1 year
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when i was 12 this was the coolest most mindblowing shit ever i was genuinely so obsessed with it I'd read it very day like the bible. I would die for a version of this with the post 3D world content over my country
#i hve vs super mario bros on my switch bc i wanted to chronologically play through the storied hero timeline and i couldnt find a rom#I think it has the same appeal as spid.erverse kinda except instead of multiple different people filling the same role as sp.iderman its#the same guy it's still mario but the changes come from things going differently at certain points in his life do you GET ME!!#LIKE!!!!!!!! MOST OF IT'S DETERMINED BY WHAT HAPPENS IN YOSHIS ISLAND AND THERES ALTERNATIVE PATHS IF HE WINS OR FAILS!!! GAME OVERS HAVE#CONSEQUENCES THAT BRANCH INTO THEIR OWN TIMELINES MARIO CAN END UP WITH DIFFERENT PARENTS ITS SO COOLLLLLL#and i love how each of the major branches has their own theme like “action hero” is the one with all the gameplay-focused#mainline titles “storied hero” is the one with all the M&L rpgs and more plot-heavier stuff and “blue collar hero” is this third one#with all the donkey kong titles and wackier/arcade titles WHERE i might add his design had a blue shirt and red overalls#and the tl builds off of those games into nsmb so i like to hc that he kept his early 80s design well into the later games <-autistic sorry#AND how thetimelines represent how their different backstories have influenced their personalities and thought processes a little like#what happened to mario in the blue collar branch like he either becomes EVILL!!!! and kidnaps donkey kong leading to dkjr or#divorces peach and has a self isolation arc after nsmb2 whats going on w him...#and i LOVE how all of them have a sort of common event where bowser invades the mushroom kingdom and in each timeline its#represented by a different variation of the original super mario bros game with action hero's event being represented by smb itself#which is fitting since thats the branch where mario and luigi ended up with their intended parents and everything went as planned#and i think a general theme here is that the more things go against intention the sillier it gets dont even get me STARTED on the time#travel shenanigans in bottom right which lead into the handheld remakes i love this so much its unreal#i do wish paper mario wasnt explained away as a dream but like thats its whole other world and art style and itd be difficult#to fit it into one of the major branches so i get why it was done. i probably wouldve just given it its own isolated bubble in the corner#at that rate i probably wouldve added so much more shit to the main tl im talking game&watch games i look at this and i see a pitch#for a full feature length autism production you understand
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acoldsovereign · 4 months
{{ Seeing Chaos' Siren Fu makes me want to try again with vamp!Maiz's design (and add back a lot of the original ideas I had for her verse 😭)
. . . I'm gonna end up drawing a brown vampire lady aren't I?
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#OOC: Out of Limits#{{i know an original idea was that it was either a partial punishment from king yemma or the result of an incomplete erasure from zen-oh#{{ and that one of the side effects was that she lost her melanin- but is it bad if i say screw that idea bc it sounds too cruel??????#{{ like she's a vampire and got her dna fucked with by the vampire king of the other series she belonged to#{{ and was made an OUTCAST even amongst the vamps there!! bc they couldn't trace her bloodline to anything#{{ and in Vampire Hunter D the vamps are elitist as FUCK. LIKE BRO. Y'ALL ARE VAMPS. WHY THE CLASSISM??????????#{{ but that's on brand on me. tina likes the morbid and fucked up shit like that. anyway tl;dr maiz is then attacked by those assholes and-#{{-humans alike and it results in a jaded amnesiac lady who is programmed to think she's 8000 years old when she's WAY younger than that!#{{ i made her even able to feed on both humans and vampires equally due to sheer rage and cynicism. misanthropy. etc.#{{she had an ice fortress that most couldn't travel to without freezing to death bc in that verse she can freeze an entire PLANET in hours.#{{ and her ice was THAT cold. like the shit was close to pluto levels if not colder than that. 😭#{{ like .. maybe i should give her brown skin back AT LEAST. Her tail is even gone! :(((( she has more fangies and can harden her skin#{{ and she can't even use ki anymore bc she's dead/undead. like ??? maybe the cosmic horror vampire should be BROWN at LEAST???????????#{{ also ignore any typos you see. my fingers are sometimes faster than my brain- gomen 😭
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Just realised I can't use tomorrow to relax because I have to prepare a stupid demo for the staff meeting on Monday 🙃
#ruffled feathers#we have to come up with a game that's 'safe focused and frequent' and doesn't leave anyone waiting for a turn#the TL for my demo is an entire fucking script i kid you not#i'm like. how tf do i make a game of this#it's one thing when you just have to do on Q and one A#but i have an actual dialogue and the age range is 10-12s#so i guess the best thing to do is just some super unoriginal janken ladder game?#everyone knows it so it's not like i'm bringing anything new or interesting to the table#but i have one day off and i've had a 6-day work week at a new school with POs and i have another 6-day week coming up#and i'm still processing a complicated and painful break up with a long-term partner#i barely had time to recover from jetlag before not just launching back into work#but travelling to a new school with Ss i've never met that's so far from yamagata city i had to stay at a hotel#so fuck it. i'm gonna be boring and unoriginal#i'll talk to my boss beforehand bc he's very understanding and i hate disappointing him#just explain that it's not gonna be my best and i know it's not my best for xyz reasons but i promise i'll try harder next time#he'll probably still be disappointed but i'm sure we'll both learn to live with it#besides. no offence to this one colleague of mine but i know he'll quarter-ass some garbage last minute#so whatever happens my boss will probably be less disappointed in what i have to show than what this guy does lmao#i'm such a bitch sometimes but it's true#watch him now put in an effort and come up with something spectacular for a change
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