schumi-nadal · 4 months
Logan deserves better, man. It can't be harsher than that. I feel like Williams are doing wrong things to him...or could it be just because of the penalty?
I'm sorry that it took 1 months or so to answer (I'm a very procrastinator lmao) 😅
Sadly, as much as I love Logan, I don't think his contract will be renewed… Like I say since Williams announced him as an F1 driver, it was way too early for him, he was only P5 in his first F2 championship and one more season in that category would had been better to gain more experience.
But for sure, Williams is not helping him now, he made many mistakes during the very first part of the season (it's only getting better now but I think it's because Alex is also making mistakes). He's put underpressure and we all know what it did to Mick in his last F1 season...
Yeah, it would be a miracle if he has another F1 season. 😥
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puhpandas · 1 year
Prototype!Freddy theory:
when you put on the VANNI mask and look at prototype!Freddy, he disappears completely, and you can walk right through him in the AR world as if he doesnt exist.
unlike the other animatronics, which not only can you see, but voice lines from them play in the background and theyll have different appearances.
my theory is that prototype!Freddy just has prototype on his foot to spark confusion because they think they made things too obvious about the princess quest ending being canon, since it isn't on his foot in the trailer released only two months before
and as for prototype!Freddy disappearing in the AR world, I think it IS our Freddy, but since his head is gone along with himself and his AI/conciousness, he doesnt appear in the AR world.
even if not fully sentient like Freddy, things like the other glamrocks, staff bots, endoes etc appear in in the AR world because they have an AI. anything that has AI/a soul/conciousness can be seen in the AR world, but since prototype!Freddy's AI was taken with Freddy when he went with Gregory and Vanessa after PQE he cant be seen :)
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katsuizu-stuff · 1 year
childhood friends! (pt. 2)
Okay before you read this you’ll have to read this post childhood friends! to understand
Now I can being, so I got a comment asking me if I can put the memories/childhood in order by seasons and since this sounds like fun and a challenge and also because I’m still bored then I’ll definitely do it. So this is the chronological order of seasons/months it will go by (to me at least)
I’ll be using the same pictures and putting them in the same order as the previous post
So there are four seasons spring, summer, fall, winter
Spring: March, April, May
Summer: June, July, August
Fall: September, October, November
Winter: December, January, February
Going by the seasons along with the months then I’ll like to say that Bakugo and Deku have known each other since they were 3yrs. old and most likely met during the summer due to the fact at Bakugo is calling Deku by his first name “Izuku” probably at the local playground they are seen playing in
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This shows Bakugo in a pair of pants and a long sleeve along with Izuku wearing a hoodie. This season must be summer during the month of August (most likely the mid’s of or end of August) so right now both Bakugo and Deku would both be the age of 3yrs. old
If they met during the summer then obviously fall and winter have gone by making it a whole year gone by.
When the other kids finally came and started to hanging out with them it must be the very beginnings of spring and the very beginnings of March
I’m calling it that way because all the kids are seen wearing short sleeves and shorts and it’s a sunny day with clouds and a blue sky
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All the kids started to hang out together basically for almost a whole year since they must have spent spring, summer, fall and of course winter. It’s evident because in one memory they are shown to wear short sleeves and shorts and the next Bakugo is shown wearing a puffy vest jacket and long sleeves, Deku is wearing a jacket and the other kid is wearing a jacket and scarf
(I had to rearrange this photo because the first one I posted was for simply showcasing all the kids hang out together)
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Basically now both Bakugo and Deku are the age of 4yrs. old due to Bakugo’s birthday being in spring the month of April and Deku’s birthday being in Summer the month of July
And when this came next, when Bakugo discovered the meaning of Izuku and Bakugo started to call him by “Deku” no longer by “Izuku”
Spring and the very beginnings of March came around again, due to the fact of the kids clothing and the blue sky
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And the next memory we get is of Bakugo getting his quirk
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This means that Bakugo has been calling Izuku “Deku” for a whole month now and since it’s said that kids get their quirks at the age of 5 then at this point when Bakugo got his quirk it was still spring and the month of April since Bakugo’s birthday is April 20th.
By this point in time, when we see both Bakugo and Deku spending time alone together, it should be summer. Making Bakugo 5yrs. old and Deku still being 4yrs. old because when we get this scene Deku says, “Wow! You’re so lucky! Your quirk is amazing Kacchan! When I get mine I hope it’s just as cool.” meaning it still hasn’t been July which is Deku’s birth month
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The next scene in this chronological order I’ve put together is Deku, Bakugo and the whole class finding out that Deku is quirkless meaning it’s during the summer and since they are wearing their school uniforms then this must be the month during August
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So now both Bakugo and Deku are officially 5yrs. old and Bakugo has his quirk and Deku doesn’t
And when we get to the classic scene of the river then it must be spring again thus meaning that Bakugo is now 6yrs. old and Deku is still 5yrs. old
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During those three spring months March, April, May somewhere between those months the river scene happened and from then forward it’s when Bakugo and the other kids started to bully/pick on Deku
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And I can make this make sense because there’s a scene where Deku is hiding behind a tree as if he definitely doesn’t want to be seen by Bakugo most likely making it the season of summer in the month of August since they are wearing their backpacks
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Anyways… that’s basically what I think of the whole seasons/months and the chronological order I put Bakugo’s and Deku’s childhood together is
(so yeah… how do you feel knowing Bakugo and Deku have known each other since they were 3yrs. old?)
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madamadragon · 1 year
I thought about the ending for a long time and although it is open to interpretation, I realized that Li Xiangyi is really there, that he is not a mirage or a ghost
the drama is a wuxia and does not include mistical or magical elements like in fantasy dramas (for example The Untamed) so what they see on the beach cannot be a ghost, during the series they have always given scientific explanations clinging to alchemy therefore the element fantasy of force ghosts like star wars is to be excluded
could be a mirage of Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng? probably but I don’t think it makes sense. Is it a manifestation of them of Li Xiangyi to put their soul in peace? I don’t see it plausible to the way they look at him, the expression on their faces that indicate that they are shocked to find him there
I think Li Xiangyi found a way to cure himself but he wasn’t sure it would work, he didn’t want to give them false hope so he left
When they met on the beach he was finally who he wanted to be
Initially it was neither Li Xiangyi nor Li Lianhua then he understood
There on that beach with those cloths so different from those of Li Xiangyi and Li Lianhua, with hair that seems to be a mixture between the two, there he is finally himself
This is obviously what I think, I am a person who always sees the positive side in things because in life we need a happy ending so call me disillusioned but for me Li Xiangyi is alive
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dudeshusband · 1 month
my friend i'm worried you might be taking out some of your frustration on the people who are trying to express their care for you. whether or not you can find it within yourself to believe what we say right now, we DO mean it, and while the short "thanks" may be fully genuine, seeing "if you met me in real life you wouldn't like me" in the tags is honestly a little crushing? i mean i can't speak for the anon that wrote that ask but i really do care about you and not just as an icon on a screen. i want you to succeed and be happy and i mean that. and the fact that you're so sure we wouldn't be friends if we met irl is kind of saddening, i think we really would be friends and respectfully i think you should try and have more faith in the people that care about you?
idk. i'm not trying to lecture at you or anything. i'm just saying that we care about you and being brushed aside every time we try to mention it is kind of painful sometimes
what i genuinely would like is for people to stop acting like I'm unreasonable. this seems to be hard to grasp for you all for some reason, but i have a lifetime of examples of what i say happening to me. it's real. my depression isn't making this up.
i've been on the internet long enough to know that none of you will be here next year, or possibly even next month. this is consistent. this goes the same way each time. I can't do anything to fix that, i've tried.
it's not that i think poorly of anyone here or that i think you're lying. i think you do care. i know you'll stop. i know how my life goes. it has been going the exact same way for 23 years. i almost perfectly know what to expect when it comes to my interactions with people and I'm rarely wrong. i wish i was wrong more often.
people irl very rarely want to be my friend, and if they do, they don't stay my friend. i don't know why that is, but it is that way.
i don't think most people mean to hurt me. i don't think they never cared. i just know about my life what i know.
maybe this will change someday but it hasn't so far. this is how my life is. i don't have faith in anything and i have no reason to. I'm sorry.
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nero-vanderwolf · 4 months
whaht do ouyo think abouuut shaodw naoto hsirgoaene and yu anrkaumi ans yosuke nahamroua and uhmm rise kujikawa and youikio amagi and chie staonaka and tedy and kanji tatsumi
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prussiasqueen · 6 months
Guys I swear to fuck… it’s not canon.
If you wanna believe it is, go right ahead.
But in my space and as far as I’m concerned, it’s not FUCKING CANON!
I don’t care how much “proof” or “gay bait” there is!
It’s not official and it’s not canon! The end!
And according to which theories you believe in (like mine personally I believe HRE was actually a brother of Germany’s and Prussia’s and not exactly just Germany) he’s either a piece of him, or he’s just a sibling of some sort.
I do not believe Ludwig is HRE, sorry. But there is some very slight differences between the two… people say their eyes are the same but they really aren’t. They have slight different color and they are not quite drawn the same. Also HRE is like a part of Germany if that makes any sense. They’re different nations, but you could say HRE was the predecessor of him.
And another thing, even if Germany had a crush or was confused by the intentions of Italy in a few instances, most was mostly done in satirical and comedic means, and Ludwig is so damn clueless about romance in general he questions what the fuck actually was going on. Germany also didn’t understand Italy in general with how his actions are. Buon san Valentino was a big misunderstanding on everything! Even on Germanys part. It’s called figuring out your feelings. And that’s exactly what was going on. He may or may not have had a crush, but in the end result. They didn’t end up together. So my point still stands on my point on it.
Not canon.
Chibitalia is canon with HRE.
HRE however is dead. So no more of HRE except maybe being a fragment of Germany. But they are two separate entities.
However, Italy and Germany are not canon. It was never stated they were.
Therefore Ludwig is a single character.
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de-noche-y-de-dia · 3 months
Unpopular opinion but I don't think RWRB needed a Taylor Swift song as part of their soundtrack nor they do need it for the sequel.
And I love Taylor Swift, but her fame carries the shadow of herself in a way that people only focus on her and not the project when her songs are part of a soundtrack.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
I'm really fond of the Lena had an abortion when she was younger headcanon. Do you think she would ever tell Kara?
You know, I've been thinking about it, and I'm not sure Lena would be all that ashamed of it. It's quite possible she'd have been perfectly pragmatic about it, and be fully accepting of the fact that it's just another decision to make, and not getting bogged down in the morality of it either way.
However, that doesn't mean she would just go telling everyone. Like, it wouldn't be a secret, but also it just wouldn't come up? So I imagine maybe Sam or Andrea mentions it at some point and they're like "oh I thought you knew", and Kara is understandably upset because most of her experience of human culture is that abortion is this big life changing decision that weighs heavily on the conscience and is heavily stigmatized.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asks, hurt and maybe a little angry.
"Whyyy would I...?" Lena responds slowly.
"Because I'm your girlfriend?? This is a big deal! It's not a burden you should bear alone!" But then Kara softens. "It couldn't have been an easy decision to make."
Lena looks at her oddly. "Actually it was."
Kara's a little shocked at that.
"Look, Kara, I appreciate that you're trying to be supportive, but-- it's not a burden. The situation arose, and I made the best decision available to me. I don't feel guilty, and there's no part of me that wonders if I made the wrong choice."
It surprises Kara, the candid and calm way Lena talks about it. Her girlfriend is notorious for overthinking, after all, and is emotional mush to boot. And yet Lena is dry eyed and unfazed.
Lena gives her a smile that's just this side of goofy.
"It's not like you were the father, darling."
That jolts Kara back into somewhat good humor. She splutters, cracking a reflexive grin.
"That's-- I know that-- That's not what this is about, and you know it!"
"I do," Lena affirms, slinking up to stand in front of Kara and loop her arms around her girlfriend's waist. "I love that you care as much as you do, Kara. Truly. But you don't need to care about this. It happened. And it's only a blip in my story."
With that, Lena disengages to head back towards the kitchen.
"What you should be worried about is where the last of my ice cream went."
Kara freezes. She knows exactly where it went-- in her belly.
"Uhhhh..." she stammers, sweating bullets. "I'm just gonna... go to the store."
Lena lobs an uh huh over her shoulder.
"How about a little super speed while you're at it?"
Kara's teeth nearly clack she nods so hard.
"Right!" She's already in her suit. "Back in a jiff!"
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falklore · 3 months
I have to go to work
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navnae · 2 years
I’ll never get over watching “The Seduction Of Eddie Munson” and how from start to finish he had Steve wrapped around his finger while also throwing in how Steve should get back with Nancy but the next decent so literally him interrupting a romantic moment between the two. Eddie giving Steve his vest was him claiming Steve and making it known that he belonged to him, it’s such a important item that he wouldn’t give it to a stranger he barely knows unless he’s taken an interest to that person perhaps. The woods scene is a perfect example of how smooth Eddie is without even trying and the way he carries the conversation he has with Steve knowing what to emphasize or what to highlight while talking to him, being comfortable enough to get in Steve’s space ultimately resulting in him being flustered. His entire body language changed when he was around Steve because he wanted it to be clear that he has taken a liking to him and it’s impossible to say otherwise.
The reason why I believe Eddie’s time on screen was his journey of how he wanted to seduce Steve is simply from the boat scene forwards. He checks out Steve’s back two times and he was very satisfied with the view as if to say ‘yeah, I like this, I’m into this” and while the group was in the woods he checked him out again when Steve was wearing his vest. He’s had his eyes on Steve for awhile, Eddie’s crush on Steve really starts to show during the scene where everyone is looking at the map and he sways his hip towards Steve even though it wasn’t necessary but subtly that is the perfect thing to do to get closer to someone without anybody questioning it. Then the ‘big boy’ scene confirmed everything we’ve witnessed so far and the flirty tone that came from definitely has some undertones to the remark which you could imply the nickname meant many things all at the same time.
No matter what some may think Eddie’s actions were calculated perfectly and if he had a little more time his outcome would’ve been Steve being the one to confess how he likes Eddie. Steve would be the one to go through with the chasing stage because Eddie knows how to play hard to get and he was going to make it very hard for Steve because unlike the girls Steve’s been with Eddie made sure that he knew that he’s the prize not the other way around. In conclusion that’s the rundown on “The Seduction Of Eddie Munson.” ;)
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pastelnightgale · 7 months
HoO Characters as benders-
Leo: Firebender
Piper: Earthbender
Jason: Avatar
Nico: Earthbender
Reyna: Airbender
Thalia: Firebender
Percy: Waterbender
Annabeth: Earth nation born non-bender
Hazel: Earthbender
Frank: Airbender
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Picture a cake. Even if you don't really like cake, just picture your favorite flavor of cake. Now, picture your favorite frosting. Pretend it's the most amazing frosting in the world. You absolutely love it. When you put your favorite cake flavor together with the most impeccable arrangement of the frosting, it's the best cake in the entire world. But here's the thing. The frosting, no matter how amazing and delicious, is always going to be lacking something without the cake. The cake is the backbone of the confection. If the cake is terrible, dry, and disgusting, the frosting is going to suffer because of this. If the cake is made with crappy ingredients and hastily slopped together because of a time crunch, it's not going to be a good cake. And maybe that's not the baker's fault, but the people telling the bakers to cut costs and bake faster. And maybe the people in charge are trying to use more and more machines so that the cake is mass-produced...but not nearly as good as the phenomenal cake that the baker could make with the proper ingredients and time.
Now replace the word cake with the word script.
The writers are the backbone of a show or movie. No matter how good the acting, CGI, special effects, music, etc. are, it's going to be not as good because of the lack of a good script.
The writers are quite literally the reason that these big movie corporations are able to make money. And, as an actor myself, I can say firsthand that crappy scripts are the worst to act with, because it's hard to connect with the characters and phrases when it's just not flowing properly or has depth.
Don't replace writers with AI. Don't pay your writers minimum wage.
They are the reason that TV shows and movies are good.
Actors, CGI artists, composers, set designers, costume designers, we are the frosting. We build off what the writers have made.
Appreciate writers.
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an1d10t · 1 year
Ive already told one person on here but now I’m bored, today I got my braces and it sucks.
So I’m gonna be very nice and say that modern au Will had braces and Horace sometimes still bullies him for it.
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pionas · 8 months
people want le sserafim album covers and album designs to be different but i feel like atp since hybe has made this minimalist type of brand for them it’s gonna be hard to get out of that since there needs to be some consistency
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Naming movies after completely unrelated songs is equivalent to naming fics after random lyrics from songs
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