winterline13-art · 2 days
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Shoutout to like one of my first OCs literally ever being Purity the Sheltie! Well decided sometime last year to revive her, then decided a month or two ago I'd finesse her design to something I like! So here she is, my girl! <3
She's a meteorologist who started livestreaming when Dr. Eggman would attack with his Badniks. With the help of various weather radar and camera sites around the continent, she was able to start helping folks have a pretty good idea of where the Badniks would come next.
Something something, story details I haven't decided on yet, and eventually she makes it into the Restoration doing the exact same thing for them on a much bigger scale!
She's fun! I like her :D
Some more doodles+ some of the oldest pieces I have on hand of her under the cut!
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Purity is not Maria in the slightest but I always thought it was funny that they're so similar by complete accident. Mostly because when I made Purity, I was designing her after myself. And I happen to have blond hair and blue eyes and, at the time of first making Purity, my hair was kinda long WHEEZE. Just funny coincidence nothing more
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The redesign I made about a year ago now!
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What I think is the first digital drawing I ever made of Purity
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Plus a few more old pieces I made right up until I retired her, shortly after the last piece.
Purity was always meant to be a Sonic OC, her original story was that her necklace (a gift from her grandmother) had transported her via Chaos Control from earth as a normal human girl, to Mobius as well. A Mobian. And she had to learn how to live in this new world away from her family and friends.
I don't really jive with the story anymore for a variety of reasons including but not limited to Purity's necklace being inspired by an IRL necklace I had in fact gotten from my grandmom, who I now have a weird relationship with. But yk it is what it is. I'm really happy with the story I'm working up for Pure now, since I'm really just kinda being silly and having fun. Cringe is dead, I'm gonna make my silly little Sonic self insert and I am gonna make her interact with the canon characters because it's just fun! Who cares if it's 'weird' it's just fun!!
Anyway my girl <3
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
My uncanny ability to accidentally specifically predict bad things now means that for the second time, a supervisor has told me to stop making predictions while at work since they keep coming true.
This has happened in two different jobs in two different fields now. Yay.
#I'm psychic#legit my old desk job my supervisor was like 'Hope you really have to stop making predictions.'#and even one of my old coworkers was like 'you know when i first started i thought you were joking... but it really is... uncanny'#because i could basically summon people at that job to either show up or call me whenever i said 'ugh i need to speak to so and so'#or worse if i said 'i don't want to speak to so and so' either way the exact person would walk in or call me minutes after i said it.#and now at this new job i jinxed something bad happening and it was pretty bad. not like ruin the show bad. but bad.#and then the next day i was joking that i had accidentally jinxed it and then i started to say something else#and i was like 'wait no let me not say that out loud' and my supervisor was like 'yes please don't say it.'#and a coworker was like 'Hope yeah shut up. don't do it.' so yeah. i gotta stop speaking things into existence.#like my first day at this job i was walking with a coworker after we ran an errand and we walked by his friend's workplace#and he was like 'i always walk by here and never see her.' and i was about to say 'maybe today is the day'#but all i could say was 'may-' and his friend came running out the door to say hi because they finally overlapped.#then i was like 'that's so weird because i was going to say that today might be the day it finally happens then it did.'#and the next day he told me that she later said to him 'it was weird. i had a feeling i needed to look outside. and there you were'#and i was like 'look this is a joke but really half a joke. i'm somewhat psychic so that doesn't shock me.'#is predicting things a symptom of my anxiety? yes. am i also legitimately somewhat psychic? possibly.#i mean i had a great-great aunt who was psychic. and my family on my mom's side (with the aunt) has weird coincidences.#my grandma who just passed had the ability to call my landline the MOMENT i walked into my apartment. without fail.#and my mom and brother many times have both texted me the same question unprompted without speaking to each other.#so while i joke that i'm psychic. it's honestly half a joke. because there are some WEIRD things on this side of the family.#and it definitely manifests in me too. so much so that i've been told to stop doing it.
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0-hoony · 3 months
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dreams come true? i sure hope they don’t. [ft. h.yj]
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pairing : han yujin x f!reader <3 genre : so so crack. + lil bit fluffy cw/tw : uneditted + beverage mention + lmk if there r more sobs wc : 0.6k !! <3
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“wait so let me get this straight- you like someone.. and instead of doing anything rational, or god forbid even half-normal about it; you’re trying out wikihow rituals to manipulate her dreams?!”
yujin at least has the decency to look sheepish. yeah okay so maybe he did have a crush on a certain someone, namely you, and yeah maybe he was a little too anxious to approach you.
and.. yeah maybe he happened to come across an article which taught him how to alter your dreams via a simple ritual. 
writing out the name of your ~beloved~ along with a detailed description of the dream you wished for them to have on a piece of paper, place 9 orange and purple streaked moonstones on it and crumpling up the paper – was, as the site declared confidently, enough to be able to make yourself a constant presence in the dreams of whomever you wished.
as long as he remembered to loudly announce the exact minutes for which he’d known the aforementioned beloved before starting, that is.
well, yujin thought, it seemed harmless enough.
except some part of him did consider it necessary to do a couple of trial runs. he wouldn’t want you to start having dreams of, say, student council member ahn yujin or that new girl choi yujin who had been a little too friendly with you these past few days. there were a lot of yujin’s around weren't there..
which is what lead to you having a series of rather odd dreams. and the subsequent amount of time you spent lowkey freaking out about them. 
“gyuvin i swear i wasn’t even thinking about greek gods at all before i fell asleep,” you vent to him one day at lunch, “but i was somehow a mermaid god or something?? AND hades, you know, the god of the underworld, was kinda beefing with me for no reason?!”
your friend who is unfortunately sworn to secrecy by yujin tries his best to distract you, “c’mon dreams are contractually meant to be weird; stop overthinking it! and besides-”
“BUT LISTEN when i woke up the first audio i heard, i think some video that yujin sent me, was about greek gods!! this has happened way too many times for me to put it off as a coincidence!!”
“i think you’re just delusional (like some other people i know..)”
you simply sigh out, “sorry, what was that?” not too willing to expend more energy in trying to convince him that your problem is very valid; and he’s just being very unsupportive of you right now.
"..." you suppose you'll have to make peace with the fact that your subconscious was probably just in a silly phase.
distant sounds of students leaving after evening classes, rustling of trees with a gentle breeze.. and a flick to your forehead?!
your eyes flutter open, more than eager to chastise whoever had thought it okay to break your comfortable reverie. but when your gaze lands on him, han yujin, you feel your complaints dying down. he’s holding out your favorite beverage to you; a soft smile adorning his face. 
before you can let out a single word though, there’s.. another flick to your forehead?? what do people have against you..
your eyes flutter open (again?), more than eager to reprimand whoever thought it okay to break your .. wait had you been dreaming just now? 
you find yourself with your cheek resting against a table. the one who flicked your forehead yet again appears to be yujin. 
his eyes seem to twinkle slightly as he says, “i thought we were going to get our science assignment done yn? or did you plan on doing it while asleep? i so did not expect this from yo-”
“hey.,” you interrupt, “han yujin. you’re free now right? wanna go on a date with me?”
safe to say that you received a very positive response, especially with his now-flustered appearance.
gyuvin really should learn to keep his mouth shut, huh?
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notes : @mellowdyverse MAIIII here u go love <3 i hope this wasnt horrific im struggling tm w writers block + [m.list] + woah the coloured text is going crazyy js ignore that hehe <3 song rec : nightwalker by ten tho. it has nothing 2 do w this but its so yumi likee
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cosmicdream222 · 4 months
The time I woke up in the void, before I even knew what the void was
As mentioned in this post, here is the story about how I woke up in the void before I knew what it was.
I came across @ellequarius success story on entering the void while falling asleep in class and I got major chills and a flashback to when something similar happened to me in HS. I didn’t even know about manifesting or the void at the time but now I realize I woke up in the void 🤯 It was such a strange and memorable experience, I still remember it vividly (I’m an adult, I graduated HS long ago lol).
It was my senior year, I was in science class and we had a substitute who gave us a free study period and dimmed the lights to put on a movie. I was exhausted so I just crossed my arms on my desk, put my head down and fell asleep.
Idk how long I was out, but before waking up I found myself in a weird kinda state. I thought I was dreaming, although nothing was happening. Everything was dark but it wasn’t like being in a dark room - it felt like looking at a TV or computer screen that was turned on but not showing a picture, there was some static and a sense of depth. A bit like outer space.
I had been thinking about my friend in Japan who I hadn’t talked to in a few weeks. I guess because she was on my mind, I imagined seeing a notification pop up on the “screen”, saying I had a new email from her. Then I woke up and went to my next class.
When I got to a computer, I found that I had indeed received an email from my friend, around the exact time I had “dreamed” it. I always thought it was a psychic dream, or just a freaky coincidence. But now I’m sure I manifested it in the void.
I was totally mindblown as since I found out about the void last year, I’ve been endlessly researching, wondering if it’s really real and trying different methods wanting to experience it for the first time - when I had already experienced it so long ago? 😭 It’s like I found an Easter egg in my brain!
I’m theorizing that sleeping position can have an effect on the ease in which you enter the void. Since it’s happened to several people while sleeping in class, taking naps, and there is also the popular recliner method, it seems that unusual sleeping positions put you in a lighter sleep, which can help access alternate states easier.
I’ve also realized since I figured this out a couple weeks ago, pretty much every time I have a natural awakening in the early morning, I do wake up in the void. It even happened this morning (2/27 as I type this) early in the morning after several hours of sleep, and I was lying on my back which is not my most comfortable sleeping position.
It’s the same kind of experience, and I don’t hear anything, but my first natural instinct when I wake up is to wonder where the sounds of my environment are. So I end up tuning in to my room to try to hear things, and snapping out of the void.
Only a matter of time before I figure out how to remain there aware long enough to affirm for my desires 😭
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svt-nari · 6 months
the airport incident / part three
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warnings: language (the word s*** is written once, panic attacks, stalkers, weird creepy man, not proofread! a/n: i’m so so so so so so sorry for not posting this sooner, i was trying to finish it as soon as possible and i’m really sorry if it’s not as good as you guys expected. also,,, this will have a continuation, not sure if a part four, but i’ll post other chapters about this whole situation.
part one | part two | part three
nari remembers the exact first time she heard that name. seventeen’s first comeback had just happened and they were holding a small fansign. they were still a small group, not much recognition but they were happy and living their dreams. the fourteen young adults/teens were ecstatic, people coming to meet them and get their autograph – it was just like how they saw on tv.
as fans passed by, one of them caught her attention because he was a bit older than the other people there – probably in his mid-thirties. what made him stand out the most too was how he skipped every single one of the boys just to meet nari.
he greeted her and she greeted back, laughing at his enthusiasm to see her. he apologized to all of the boys, claiming that she’s someone he likes a lot. everyone laughed at that moment, it was funny. though, they didn’t know that from there on he wouldn’t just be a harmless fan.
the second time they meet she was shopping with a friend – a private going, her personal life. many fans saw her because they were also shopping, taking pictures and asking for her autograph. but, nari knew he wasn’t there before they arrived. no. he arrived there with them. she thought it was just a coincidence when he entered the mall doors at the same time as her, bumping on her shoulder and apologizing, feigning surprise when he saw who she was.
nari knew it wasn’t just a normal fan behavior when he asked for her autograph and gave her a card with his number written on it, claiming that she could call him whenever she felt like it. something about him gave her chills. but she ignored it for her own sake, nodding along and trying to convince herself that it was normal for fans to give idols their number.
two years passed when the third huge issue happened, nari knew it wasn’t all just a coincidence. he was stepping foot in her family’s apartment building, moving to the floor bellow to the one where her family lived. she knew that he was aware of what he was doing, he made sure to wave at her and tell her that he was moving there. claiming that he didn’t know her family lived there.
but she knew it was all a big, fat lie.
she was scared and she told her company, getting a huge “we can’t do anything without proof!” as a response – as if the fact that he moved to her parents’ building wasn’t proof enough. they told her it was just her mind playing tricks on her since it was a public building, that he could have just rented it. but she knew it was far from the truth.
he had been following her, she knew because she took the time to memorize his plate just in case something ever happened to her. nari’s safety was in game, she didn’t want to end up hurt because of this guy. she knew he followed her to her family’s home because of his car plate. that made her even more terrified of him.
she had to beg her parents to move, took the time to find a new place for them just to get them to be safe and away from that maniac. though, she wasn’t expecting his reaction to that.
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a few days after her parents moved to their new place, nari received a letter on her own building - her members’ home, the dorms. it didn’t have any name nor address written, meaning it was delivered by someone and not the post office. the moment she touched it, nari could feel her whole body shiver. as she opened the letter, her heart pounded in her chest with each word she read to herself.
“hi, hwang nari.
it’s me, your hajunie. i miss you so much, don’t you miss me too? well, i hope you do, because i’m planning on seeing you as soon as possible. i know your schedules are full because of all the comeback preparations, it’s hard being talented, right? well, you sure do know since you’re amazing.
i’m sorry i took so long to reach out, but i was organizing how i could do it all without messing up or having someone else mess it all up. i’ve been keeping track of you though. i memorized your schedules and made sure to be there whenever i could - even if i didn’t make myself known. i’m sorry for letting you down.
though, you also did something to make me upset. i mean, how could you move your family away from me? i just want to get closer to you, meet your - our - family. your actions really hurt me, hwang nari. can’t you see that i just want to see you happy and healthy? that i do everything for you? that we are made for each other? well, if you don’t, i’ll remind you :)
tell jaebeom-ssi to be careful. i have never approved nor appreciated your relationship with anyone. have i not made myself clear when i asked you to never see anyone? i wasn’t kidding, nari. you don’t want your career ruined by this little scandal, right?
i hope you can wait for me, just a few more weeks and then i will see you and hold you. wait for me, darling. i’ll show you that we were made for each other.
much love, your hajunie <3”
she could feel her throat closing, her heart pounded and she reread everything over and over. her mind going miles per second. the thoughts never ending, questions unanswered roaming around her mind. how did he know her address when she’s never seen him around the dorms? how did he know she was dating jaebeom when they were never in public together? what did he mean by seeing her and holding her? wait a few weeks? it all made the young woman’s head spin.
nari gripped the stairs railing as hard as she could, her breath shortening as scenarios ran through her head. she could feel herself slowly slipping into a anxiety attack, her mind not being able to process it all as she looked around. she felt watched, as if some type of paranoia - but she knew it wasn’t just her seeing things.
the first rational thought that came to her mind was calling one of the boys, so she quickly took her phone out of her pocket and dialed junhui’s phone. it took him a few seconds to answer but, the moment he did, jun was already out of the door and towards the buildings ground-floor.
the moment he laid eyes on her, he felt his own heart tighten upon seeing his sister’s state. she had her breathing uneven, tears streaming down as she sat with her face on her knees.
“nabi-ah…”, he sighed worriedly. “oh my god, what happened? are you okay?”
jun sat down next to her, bringing the upset girl to a hug. her sobs instantly got louder, her face buried on the taller one’s chest. her hands gripped his shirt, trying to grasp her breath. he didn’t know what to do, so he just sat there and rubbed her back, whispering reassuring words to the upset girl.
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“what?”, she said out loud. the whole venue quieted down, the surprised gasps being the only thing to be heard in the moment. “repeat it.”
“noon-,” mingyu started, being abruptly cut off by the girl.
“no. i said. repeat. it.”, she huffed.
“his name is kim hajun… i saw it on twitter if i’m not mistaken it’s his name.” the taller sighed, his head hanging low.
she knew he wasn’t mistaken. she knows him and now that it got to this point, she’s sure she should’ve told them earlier. if she had just told them about it all, it wouldn’t be like this.
“i know him.”, the boys looked at her with furrowed brows, her manager quickly sighing and bowing his head upon her words. “i know i should have told you about this sooner – a lot sooner – it was just,” she sighed. “i didn’t know how to bring this up.”
“we have had some sasaengs before, i know it’s not an excuse, but i didn’t think it would come to this. the most he did was send a letter to m-“
“wait,” jun exasperated. “so that letter you were crying about all those years back…”
“yeah…” nari sighed. “it was from him.”
she came closer to the boys, having cheol bring a chair so she could sit down amongst the boys.
“he also gave me a letter yesterday…”, she fidgeted with her fingers, focusing on something else than the thirteen boys around her. “i didn’t want to talk about it, but i feel like ot got out of hand and-“
“you feel like it got out of hand!?”, s.coups scoffed. “he touched you and he’s been stalking you. it got out of hand a long time ago!” he exasperated.
“i know, i know!”, she stood up. “but do you think i wanted it to get to this point? he threatened me! he threatened to hurt you all, to hurt my parents!”
everyone’s eyes widened upon hearing her words. she have never said anything about this to anyone, she never even showcased any different emotion. she was so lowkey about it that they never even suspected anything.
“what do you mean by it?”, chan looked at her with a frightened expression. he was clearly worried and distressed by this, which made nari feel even worse about the whole situation.
“the letter jun mentioned, all the way back in 2017…”, nari sat back down. “he had moved to my parents’ building because he discovered where they lived, then i asked them to move once again and he didn’t like it one bit.”, she adjusted her glasses, biting down on her lip as she remembered that in her head. “i was with jaebeom at that time and he somehow knew it, so he sent me a letter threatening to expose us and saying t-that he didn’t l-like-“, her breathing got uneven, her chest tightening as the memories came back.
instantly cheol hugged her, seungkwan getting up to bring her some water and dino going to her side to hold her hand. they knew she was having panic attacks more frequently, so they wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be as bad as the last one.
“it’s okay, we can talk about the other letter some other time. your confirmation was enough for us to take matters, okay?”, jeonghan whispered, petting her head reassuringly.
“yeah, don’t worry about it now. they’ll work with what you told us. when you’re ready you can tell us everything, okay?”, shua smiled at her. “your safety and wellbeing is our number one priority.”
the one thing nari was sure of, is that; if they knew that the company already knew about it and did nothing to change it all, shit would hit the fan. for now, she just wanted to avoid it as much as she could to not make things even worse.
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all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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pandoa · 1 year
it's the little things: III
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the little things they do for you
~feat. heartslabyul~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
~headcanons~ part 1│part 2│part 3
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ace trappola saves you a seat wherever you two may go—though that doesn’t make him any less of a pain in the ass about it. in class, the cafeteria, library, or even your own dorm room, ace makes it his personal obligation to (1) save you a spot beside him, and (2) piss you off in the process. it's not like the seat wasn’t meant for you, but ace felt that he needed a much more entertaining way to save it for you. from draping a lazy leg over your seat just as your body finds its way into the chair to placing random—but overall harmless—items onto the cushions of your seat, he’ll do almost anything to mess with you. your reactions are just too priceless.
"Ah... class is finally over..."
"I thought Trein's lecture would never end! I am exhaus— Hm?"
"Oh, hey, (Y/n). What's up?"
"I... took your spot? Nah, I don't think I saw anyone sitting here before~ You're imagining it."
"Besides, my legs seem really comfortable here; I don't think I could move even if I wanted to."
"There's an open spot on the ground, though; you could sit there if you wa— Ouch! Okay, okay, I get it! I'll scooch over!"
"Just stop hitting me for Seven's sake!"
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deuce spade unconsciously picks up your mannerisms. whether it be the certain phrases you say or the carefree way your hands seem to wave at the sight of him, deuce begins to mimic it all. he doesn’t even notice it until ace irritatedly points it out after a sickeningly oblivious “study session” with you and the other first years as the majority of the time was spent watching the two of you—each both more dense than the next. it wasn’t too difficult to catch on, really, but some part of deuce hopes that you hadn’t caught on just yet. he wishes to face his feelings properly, so perhaps give him a little more time, yes?
"Wait, so... in the history of magic, the fae began to progress their own kingdom... when?"
"Uh... let's see. It should obviously be sometime before the war between the fae and humans, that's a given, but... Huh?"
"What's up? Is there something wrong, (Y/n)?"
"We're both just sitting the exact same way—? Oh... yeah, I guess we are."
Deuce looked down only to notice the similar way your hands would fidget in sync with his. Oh, great. Now we're both twirling our pens the same way; I need to stop before this starts getting a little weird for them—
"U-uh! It's probably just a coincidence! Yeah!"
"No deeper meaning to it... totally."
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cater diamond sets his phone aside when talking to you. he may be the type to practically be attached to his phone twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; however, that doesn’t mean he lacks any self control when around you. even he knows that time is precious and that the memories he shares with you would come to be much more valuable than checking the likes of his latest magicam post. flipping over his screen to face the back of his phone, cater’s attention is entirely on you, and you alone. although, he might pull it out for a quick pic with you as you two are hanging out wherever you are. could you blame him, though? the view of you and him in the same camera frame was just too pretty for a sight to skip out on~
"(Y/n)! You made it~ I think you had something to tell me, right?"
"Nope, you weren't interrupting anything! Just posted a last-minute story on magicam—nothing too important."
"Just go on with whatever you wanted to tell me. I'm listening."
"Oh... my phone's ringing? They can wait, hehe."
"Keep going~ My full attention's only on you."
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trey clover never fails to give you a small treat—be it a homemade piece of candy or pocket-sized sweets—each day he sees you. at first, it starts as a matter of chance. one day he happened to have a petite sample of a new recipe he’d been experimenting with and saw you as the perfect taste-tester of the newest treat. but as one day turned into another, trey found that he never failed to keep a sugary dessert inside a pocket or two of his uniform, each one different every day. he just enjoys the way your face seems to light up at the sight of the sweets gently being placed into the palms of your hands.
"(Y/n), here's the book you left back at Heartslabyul yesterday. Make sure to remember it next time, haha."
"It's no problem. Oh, yes, and—"
"I baked these miniature pies yesterday after you and Grim came over for the Unbirthday. They're candied, too, so they might be to your liking."
"It's no trouble! I'm glad you seem to like the smaller things I bake."
"It's nice to see whenever you enjoy my cooking, in all honesty."
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riddle rosehearts is more lenient on you when regarding the dearest queen’s rules. he doesn’t seem to be doing it on purpose, though—no, no. all of his words and actions, to him, are all acts of respect and common courtesy for the dear prefect. you’ve encountered so much; the most he could do is show you respect as well, yes? like deuce, everyone but him tends to notice it and it truly messes with everyone’s minds. clearly an act of favoritism, all the students of heartslabyul grow envious of riddle’s much more lax treatment towards you. riddle may be fond of you, but why did they have to get the short end of the stick???
"And what do you all think you're doing eating a tart so guiltlessly?"
"Rule number 089: Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission. I do not remember giving any one of you permission to eat a tart today."
"Such violations will not go unpunished."
"Oh... the prefect is here, too? Well..."
"They are in no part of the Heartslabyul dorm and, in fact, lead their own dorm as well. We are—in some way—equals from differing dorms."
"No, I am not just conjuring excuses! Stop this nonsense, or off with your head!"
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a/n: ace was one of those kids who’d pull on another kid’s pigtails or ponytail back in elementary school i just know it
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. This is just a rough translation.
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Mitsuki: "Drake, and Professor Maury?"
(Why are they together?)
(Wait, how did I end up here?)
I didn’t know where I was and had no idea what kind of situation I was in.
Drake: “Morning, Mitsuki. Your sleeping face was as cute as a fawn.”
Drake’s casual remark didn’t bring me any comfort; instead, it just made me even more tense.
Mitsuki: “Where is this place?”
Drake: “Our hideout. Well, more like our home. Don’t you remember? You’ve been here before.”
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Drake: “Last time, you were in the garden.”
(Is this the building where Professor Maury was the other day?)
Mitsuki: “How do you know I’ve been here before, Drake?”
Drake: “I told you, this is our home. I live here.”
Drake: “Also, I saw you sneak into the garden, little fawn.”
Mitsuki: “I didn’t sneak in. Besides, I already apologized to Professor Maury for that.”
Drake: “Oh, really?”
Maury: “.........”
He had been standing there with his arms crossed, not uttering a word, since earlier.
However, his sharp gaze was firmly fixed on me.
(What's with this guy?)
Mitsuki: “More importantly, why am I in your home?”
Drake: “You fell asleep on the boat, so I brought you here.”
Drake: “I can’t just leave a girl behind, you know?”
Kind as it may seem, I just couldn't bring myself to believe it.
(After drinking the juice, I suddenly felt sleepy.)
(Although I had been sleep-deprived recently, such sudden drowsiness is still weird when I think about it.)
Maybe there was something in that juice.
(Anyway, I need to get out of here.)
Mitsuki: "Thank you for bringing me here. I apologize for the trouble."
Mitsuki: "I'm fine now, so I'll take my leave."
I tried to get up, but Drake pushed my shoulder back, causing me to plop back on the sofa.
Drake: "Hold on. No need to rush. Let's chat a little more."
Mitsuki: "There's nothing to talk about."
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Drake: "Hey, you still want to talk to her, right?"
Drake shifted his gaze to Professor Maury.
After keeping quiet for a while, he let out an annoyed sigh and approached me.
Maury: "I have one thing I want to ask you."
Mitsuki: "What is it?"
Maury: "You said the other day that stopping by that garden was just a coincidence."
Maury: "I ask again. Is that true?"
(What does he mean?)
Mitsuki: "It's true. When I happened to pass by, I caught the scent of flowers for the first time, so I followed it and found that garden."
Maury: "The first time, huh?"
I repeated what I told him the other day.
Although I wasn't lying, his gaze felt painfully sharp.
(It's like he's peering into my soul.)
As I endured the uncomfortable feeling, he let out a sigh.
Maury: "Then I have no further business with you."
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Maury: "Get out of here."
(What the hell?)
(You brought someone here without permission, and now you're telling me to leave?)
Mitsuki: "If you have no business with me, then I'll excuse myself!"
I stood up from the sofa in annoyance, but at that moment...
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Galileo: ".........."
I suddenly felt dizzy and found myself leaning against his chest. Without hesitation, he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me.
(This sensation feels somehow familiar.)
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Mitsuki: “T-Thank you.”
I looked up at him and felt a nostalgic sensation.
Though his amethyst eyes appeared emotionless, up close...
(It’s beautiful.)
(Almost mesmerizing...)
Galileo: “Do you have something to say?”
Mitsuki: “Um, have we met before?”
As soon as I asked that, he furrowed his eyebrows, and I could hear a teasing whistle from nearby.
Maury: “Impossible. What on earth are you talking about?”
Drake: “I’m surprised. I didn’t know you were so aggressive.”
Mitsuki: “----!”
(What the hell am I saying?)
Mitsuki: “I’m sorry, it was just a misunderstanding!”
I blurted out something like a typical pickup line and regretted it deeply.
Mitsuki: "Well then, thank you for your help!"
With a modest bow, I hurriedly left the place.
As I stepped outside, the sky was beginning to turn dark.
(I never imagined I'd meet him again like this.)
The first and second times were coincidences.
However, Drake might have intentionally arranged our third meeting.
(But he only asked questions and didn't come after me.)
(Was he suspecting me of being a thief or something? I'd like to think I've been cleared of suspicion.)
(Or maybe...)
As I was thinking, a breeze blew through the alleyway, carrying the scent of those flowers, and I looked behind me.
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(Was that garden a place no one was supposed to enter?)
The image of the pure white garden and his fleeting figure came to mind, and for a while, I stood there enveloped in the fragrance of the flowers.
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doctorcanon · 6 months
I cant sleep so modern!linked universe hc time.
- Rusl buys Twilight a dna/ancestry thing for his 20th birthday.
- having been adopted into the Ordon family since the age of 15, the gift doesn't go over well at first.
-However after some deep conversations, Rusl explains that he promised Twilight birth parents that he'd do this if anything happened to them.
- Still Twilight procrastinates and after some cajoling from midna, finally does it a year later for his 21st birthday.
- at his party, a small family dinner at the Ordon home with Zelda, Illia and Midna in attendance, he lays the envelope on the table and says "before I open this, I want you all to know that what ever I find in here that you are all my family and I love you all."
- the first thing in the envelope is his genetic information, some basic stuff he already knows, some stuff he doesn't and somethings Zelda remarks he should see a doctor about. Apparently he's actually 65% Karariko as Renado predicted.
- the second thing is copies of his mother and father's Service Papers. Both served in the military; one as a murse and other as an officer. Both died of burns and smoke inhalation after rescuing several of their fellow tenants when the apartment above theirs caught fire.
- the third thing is a list of public records. His father was originally from Hateno and an only child save for a half brother who died a few years later. His mother, from kakariko, had two much younger siblings. Sheik and Link.
- while there are some records of a custody battle Shiek and Link were separated in the system after the death of their mother. There is an obituary written by Twilights mother with a picture of her and her three children. There's no further information about Link or Sheik.
- Until one last little page slips out, A wedding announcement from 10 years ago. Announcing the joyful union of Malon Lon and Link Kokiri. He's seen this before.
- in fact, Twilight sees this exact newspaper clipping framed in his old boss's office. He visits at least twice a month. He even jokes with him the it was the only proof the guy could actually smile.
- The Lon Lon Family owns their aptly named Lon Lon ranch but he reports to Malon's husband directly when it came to the horses. Especially Epona. He just saw the man last week, for crying out loud!
- He has an uncle. And he's already known the man for 5 years now. They thought it was just a funny coincidence that they had the same name.
- Illia says its fate. Zelda assures him that this can't be an accident. Midna presses his cell phone into his hands. Rusl tells him that its his decision and that they'll respect whatever that may be.
- He calls first, of course. He only works at the ranch on weekends these days anyway. It would be weird to just show up to his shift and just go "hey, do you know im your nephew?"
- he asks if Mr Kokiri would like to talk some time under the guise of needing some advice. Under all the grump and sarcasm, Kokiri really is a saint and easily says yes, asking if Twilight is okay since he sounds stressed.
- the next day, Twilight stumbles into his boss's office with all the papers in his hands.
- "if you need advice about school, you've come to the wrong place, kid."
"No...uh sir this ain't about school. Yet. But uh...do you recognize this picture?"
- he sets down the obituary with its photo of his mother, grandmother, Sheik and Link somewhere in Karariko. Kokiri studies it but otherwise seems clueless. "No, sorry, I dont."
- "Well according to these papers," Twilight sets them on the desk and spreads them out so he can see. "This is my mom. And this is you. Her brother. I think...I think you're my uncle."
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 3 months
The ask about reader asking their yandere if he’d love them if they were a worm is hilarious. Especially Acheron, since he literally gives the correct answer!
So that made me start thinking about his and reader’s story again…It’d be interesting to see a continuation of the story with reader changing over time
Initially tries to run away from Acheron, and takes advantage of the new “body hopping” skill since she’s now a parasite. Eventually she starts to embrace her new ability of body hopping, and likes to “play pretend” with Acheron taking over peoples’ lives. (It’s basically playing dress-up to her, by choosing a “new character,” new lifestyle, etc.)
It’d definitely be fun to see Acheron’s reactions to reader. After all, they’re in love, together forever!
And one more thought I had given the potential children issue/solution between Acheron and reader…Acheron easily extracts, freezes, and preserves reader’s original eggs. Overtime, Acheron finds a distant relative whose looks and intelligence are strikingly similar to his original body. A near exact copy. You know the drill…Acheron inhabits the distant relative’s body, and is then able to IVF reader’s eggs with his new body’s sperm. Reader goes through pregnancy, and now the children are successfully genetically reader’s and Acheron’s. Not children belonging genetically to the original owners of the random bodies they inhabit. Perhaps I’m overthinking this, but I think this’d ensure to Acheron and reader that their children will inherit their traits, and be more receptive to the whole parasite transformation thing once the children reach adulthood
It’s also so cute to think of Acheron nursing back reader in her parasite form if any accidents occur. Instead of just putting her in a jar, he has a little luxurious dollhouse for her to relax in. I don’t know how I can spin this body horror story into a fluffy cute thing. Something must be wrong with my brain. And sorry for this long post!
Thanks!!! 💝
Oh he will definitely have fun chasing you around. Hopping bodies one after another, always finding you as some sort of weird hivemind connection to him, the prime parasite. But, if you were willing and is actually just enjoying body hopping, he would also take part in the role plays both of you will get on to.
But of course, it was short lived. Both of you can't let the cops in on your case now. That would be a tragedy.
About the pregnancy. He will be opposed to the notion of hunting down a family member. Sure, it's YOUR eggs, but it's not his sperm. It's still another guy's sperm fertilizing yours and all hell will break loose if that will happen. Weirdly enough, he will be okay fathering a kid not born out of your original egg and sperm, but not your original, and his descendant's spunk. Definitely not.
A solution for this, is probably, in his first, original life, he stashed some of his dna, and that included his sperm. When he burnt his house down, he grabbed his original DNA samples also and ran off. Maybe for some experiment in the future? It would be a coincidence though that he met you, want to have a kid with you, remembering he still have his sperm, reinvigorated it to life, and birthed your child.
And the doll house is cute. He will find it childish for sure, but if you like it that way, who is he to judge?
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For ppl studying Dracula - character study
it is time.
I am talking to y'all about possibly one of the most underrated and interesting (to me) characters in classical literature.
We are talking about Renfield.
I'm going to be talking for a while, so bear with me.
So when we first meet him, he’s introduced to us as Seward’s ‘pet lunatic’, who has a weird (gross) habit of collecting flies and spiders and eating them. But it quickly becomes clear how perceptive he is - he can tell when Dracula arrives and refers to him as ‘master’. It seems that Renfield is being set up as an antagonist at first with this almost religious worship of and possible connection to Dracula, but the more we see of him, the harder he becomes to understand. There are times when he’s the ‘pet lunatic’ with his flies and spiders, other times when he’s more excited and talking about ‘the Master’, but most importantly, there are intervals when he is very well-spoken and lucid, seemingly sane - and the interesting thing about these lucid states is that they occur at specific times, usually towards sunrise and sunset; which, if you pay attention to the timings, are THE EXACT TIMES WHEN DRACULA’S POWER IS DIMINISHED. The most important example, in my opinion, is when Renfield asks Seward (together with Van Helsing, Quincey and Arthur) to let him go home. He starts very calm, arguing his point eloquently and sensibly, trying to prove how sane he is in the moment. Seward refuses, and Renfield continues to talk, becoming more and more frustrated and desperate until he is almost hysterical, unwittingly convincing them of his insanity. But why is he so desperate to leave at this very moment? Well, the very next day is when Mina starts becoming tired and lethargic - incidentally, the very same symptoms Lucy showed when Dracula started drinking her blood. Coincidence? I very much think not. What is more, this impassioned plea to be allowed to leave happens at four in the morning - in other words, just before dawn. In other words, Renfield KNEW that, if he stayed, he would not be able to stop Dracula getting in (even if he didn’t know who he was after), and he had to leave right then because it was the only time he was actually in control of his own mind.
But the biggest thing about Renfield - he is found, beaten up with a broken back after Dracula has paid a visit. Why did Dracula bother? Because Renfield realised that he had been feeding on Mina, who was the first person to treat him as a fellow human being instead of a ‘pet lunatic’. Let me repeat: it was RENFIELD who realised. Nobody else. Not Van Helsing, who is supposed to be the vampire expert. Not her own husband, who has been at close quarters with Dracula before. No, it took RENFIELD to figure it out, despite being not entirely sane and only having seen Mina TWICE. And he ATTACKS Dracula. Unlike everyone else, he has no weapons or crucifix or anything. He attacks Dracula BAREHANDED, relying only on his hysterical strength to stop him feeding off Mina. Of course he gets hopelessly beat up. And then, despite his inherent dislike of Seward, he tells him and the others about Dracula and Mina - and pays the ultimate price when Dracula, having been confronted and chased away from Mina, takes out his anger on Renfield and smashes his face in.
But why does Renfield act the way he does? What got him into the asylum in the first place? Presumably, it's to do with the flies and spiders. After all, sane people normally don't collect flies in their room, feed them to spiders, feed the spiders to birds, etc. Yet the reasoning behind his madness is laid out when he talks to Mina about it. His theory, as he explains it, is that life can be indefinitely prolonged by the consumption of blood. Sound like anything familiar?
Renfield worships Dracula because Dracula is everything he wants to achieve. Renfield wants to be a vampire. He wants to find a way to prolong his life indefinitely in the same way Dracula has. He may not even know that much about vampires at all, but like a scientist, he experiments, and it is these experiments that brand him a lunatic.
But wait. If his goal is to become a vampire, and he attempts to attain it by sucking up to Dracula, why does he then attack him? Protecting Mina won't get him closer to immortality - in fact, it leads to his death. So how can this illogical action be explained?
My personal belief is that ultimately, Renfield wants to be accepted. He can't get acceptance from Seward or any of the other people at the asylum. We don't know much about his backstory (which, in my opinion, is criminal), but it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that his experiments with prolonging life were a method to prove himself and gain acceptance. Maybe he used to work with someone who died, or was trying to save people with terminal illnesses. Towards the beginning of the novel, he willingly volunteers as Dracula's slave in order to gain his acceptance and possibly attain the state of vampirism.
So when he talks to Mina and she addresses him as an equal, and treats him as an intelligent human being, she has already accepted him - possibly the first time he has experienced something like this. No, I don't ship it, but this is an important turning point for the character which sets up his redemption.
Renfield is mad, but he is also extremely intelligent. As I mentioned, he is the first to notice Mina's illness. He was clearly well-educated. Again, it is criminal that we didn't get more of his backstory.
And this is why I need a Dracula adaptation in which Renfield joins the monster-hunting gang and gets Dracula busted in half the time the rest of them took.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
In the D!Sora au, would be funny and interesting if like, it's mentioned Sanji starts to fully work at Baratie at 14, but what if he started to work some time at Baratie when he's 11, almost 12?
So like, at first Sanji finds this kinda... Weird? Bc he never had really been away from his siblings and mother at own choice. So, Zeff, seeing this, chose to call his lover (Garp) and propose to him that he bring his grandsons so little eggplant have friends while in the restaurant. Garp knows about the story, about the fact that Skylar D. Sora saved his lover, and the boy is her son, but since it's thanks to her Zeff is alive now and he already said her family is welcomed in Baratie, he chose to just... pretend she's not around, when she is in the East Blue.
So well, Garp bring ASL and they love Sanji, love love if you understand me. And for Sanji, having friends that aren't his siblings is... Good? Okay. And they just go like this. With ASL absolutely head over hells for him and fighting for his atention. Reiju finds this funny and amusing everytime she read her little bro letters, Sora is in between amused and protective, 124ji are... protective, of course.
Sanji telled he has siblings, of course he would! He loves them! And this fact comes at all to his boyfriends and Zeff's lover one day, when Makino comes too bc Luffy want her to meet Sanji and she says about the "San" in his name meaning "three", wich he says "Yeah, well, I'm the third of quadruplets, makes sense my name means three. Even if I am, at all, forth of five between my siblings".
Until one time, by mere coincidence, Garp and ASL arrive the exact day Sora is there, with 0124ji. Sora already knows about Garp and Zeff relationship, and the fact the marine will not attack her bc of the fact she saved Zeff, but she still has her guard up.
This day, ASL meet his boyfriend siblings, and during this, Sora and Garp talk. Because he wants to know why the fuck a noble woman left her status and turned into a pirate. And she feels like telling him isn't bad, so she tells to Garp (and Zeff, who goes to talk with them) about her shitty husband, and how much of a monster he was, what she did to save her kids. Both mens definitely agree it was the best choice (even Garp, bc he knows that the fact Judge was a noble would made him don't suffer anything).
And ASL, meeting Sanji's mom, who is a pirate captain?! They would ask so much questions. Sora would reply their questions, amused about them, she also would give them a shovel talk bc they may be good, but they're her son boyfriends.
When Marineford happens, with Ace, Luffy and Sabo alone with her, Sabo asks Sora about Sanji's father and why she seems to hate him, alongside the fact she killed him. And she tells the same story she telled her kids, about how Judge was.
ASL definitely start to respect her even more after this, bc what she did was an act of pure love for her childs and seeking for freedom, for her and her kids.
I love the idea but the reason I put Sanji at 14/15 was because after everything that happened I don't think Sora or his siblings would let him out of their sight. Not even mentioning the crew. Let's say they do let him, I gotta imagine there's more than just letters: phonecalls, frequent visits-including surprise visits and the Shirohige showing up occasionally. It's a whole process. Zeff isn't exactly thrilled about that but sure, whatever.
But after spending some more time with the eggplant and his family he begins to understand that Sanji being on the cruise liner, obviously, was not something planned, but the horror on his mother's face when she saw the state he was in, and the disbelief, will be forever implanted in his brain. It's not something he ever wants to happen again. Zeff is of course pleased he knows code but the kid needs more interaction with other kids that aren't his family. So he calls his boyfriend. Garp.
Who brings his grandkids. It's a whole thing but it's going to be good for the eggplant. Except his instincts are on point and pulls a gun off a waiter and immediately points it at Garp before even getting to the table. Zeff told him Garp was coming with his grandsons but didn't mention it was Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp and Sanji has been raised a pirate, Marines are the enemy. ASL are asking what's going on as Garp laughs and tells the boy it's alright, he won't bite, after all he owes Sanji's mother his thanks. Sanji narrows his eyes as he gives the gun back to the waiter and goes to the table.
So they sit at the table and before introductions can be made Luffy is asking him why he was pointing a gun at his grandpa and Sanji is like 'IM A PIRATE' which sets them all off to start asking questions. Sanji is answering questions to his abilities. He doesn't give his last name or anything but Luffy asks him about why he can be a pirate but they can't? Shanks said kids can't be pirates! Sanji is frowning at them because he was literally born into piracy and says so. Over time ASL become closer with Sanji and Garp agrees to bring Makino because Luffy wants her to meet Sanji and when she asks about his name he explains it to her with a shrug. They've also managed to avoid Sora and her crew so far on their visits. Of course it's only a matter of time, it's been like a year and ASL have all gone head over heels for the guy and well.
All good things must come to an end as the telltale yelling of another pack of Ds sound on the docks of Baratie. Sanji is smiling widely and running to meet the steps. Zeff is groaning as he yells at the kitchen to fire more food. ASL follow but stop short as their (boy)friend is tackled and under a group of kids who all look like him and a woman smiling above them and kicking tapping them with her foot and telling them to move.
"YOURE CAPTAIN SKYLAR D. SORA!" Ace yells pointing at her.
"Aye, and what might your name be?" She smiles at him.
"Ace." Ace stares at her wide eyed and looking back at Garp who is groaning.
"Sanji, are these the boys that li~ke you?" The girl teases making ASL blush. The three other boys look at them with narrowed eyes and Sora tells them to move again and taps them so they move. Mostly by rolling and dragging Sanji with much to his displeasure. Sora has to see Garp and narrow her eyes who narrows his back.
She sits at the table and she props her feet up and grins at Zeff that his lover boy is a vice admiral and has been for longer than she's been alive and Garp asks her how a queen can become a pirate and Sora laughs. It's short and sharp and she asks Garp if he's ever had to drink poison to ensure his kid would be human. Because she had to do it for both her pregnancies. So she left with Reiju and started a pirate crew, fuck the nobles, the government, no one was willing to come save her so she took matters into her own hands. Then he kidnapped Sanji and when she couldn't find him in Germa she sank the whole Kingdom because her child wasn't there. The Cloud Pirates are her family and their ship her home. Eventually all the kids come join. So they move to lighter fare about piracy and answering the questions of ASL.
Then after Marineford, when the brothers are together Sabo asks why she sank Germa and left. Sora tells them matter of factly, just as she did her children and crew. About the poison, about the experiments, taking Sanji and losing him. The fact Sanji was tortured as a child thanks to Judge. Simply put his dues needed to be collected and she was sending him to collections. Sora tells them everything plainly, whatever Sanji hasn't shared remains stays secret.
ASL respected the hell out of her before but now? Now they are forever in her debt.
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hiddenwords · 4 months
it was never anything serious
we just talked
we didn't know eachother at all
except we have the same favourite animal
we'd both sometimes randomly bring up penguins
he keeps forgetting we both love them but it's nice thinking of him whenever i see one
we also love the same flowers!
we found that out when we were having our first out of maybe three serious conversations
and it was brought up again when he told me he'd take me out and buy me flowers
that never happened of course,
but it was a cute thought
his favourite food was pizza
he said he loved any kind except cheese
in his mind it's too basic and doesn't see why not put something else on it
i let him know thats one of the few pizzas i eat
and he suddenly said it was still nice
did he really mean that?
i told him about my memory box and all the weird things in it
a lot of people know about it, it doesn't matter
but he encouraged me to show him and i was shocked to see him interested
of course i loved talking to him, letting him closer
it was a way to prolong our conversation, so i did
it was never anything serious
we just texted
...for hours and hours on end
sometimes he'd stay up all night talking to me even if he had work in the morning
we didn't even notice the sun had come up
i swear the conversation started an hour ago?
i felt so warm after so long
(even if i'd experience cold for the next 2 months, it was worth it)
we just texted
and i dont think ive ever laughed so much at my phone
you've said numerous times that you cant believe my sense of humor
and of course i went along with the joke
we'd both always be dying laughing
we just texted
but we talked about why we couldn't work
he told me hes the last guy i wanna be involved with
of course i didnt buy it, i said that i'd be the judge of that
(i was)
he always apologised saying he didnt want to hurt me
and i always said that he wasn't and even if he did it would be my fault
(sometimes only half truths are good enough)
but we also had the same music taste as kids
we both love tattoos
we know so many of the same people
we both love so hard
and thats the exact reason that we couldn't work
i had no barriers and fell for him too hard too fast
while he was held back by his past, his mind and his pain
we also disagreed a lot
i believed things happen for a reason
that things like fate exist
(and that you were part of mine)
you believed it was all coincidence
but that night you said that recently you've been seeing "reasons" more and more
did he really mean that?
he saw me as... i don't even know
a distraction? a rebound? an option?
all i know is that he broke away the walls around my heart and made me feel again
it was never anything serious
i still remember everything about him
ive never felt so connected to someone in such a short time
and we didn't know eachother at all
but damn did i wish i'd get to know him
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I feel like it’s weird to say milkvan aren’t meant to be together merely bc they are incompatible and how that parallels them to s1 stancy, as if stancy being incompatible was their downfall… stancy’s downfall was evident the second we were introduced to Steve.
He was always trying to do sexual stuff with her when she was uncomfortable most of the time, love bombing her and making her feel special only to switch it up with him trying to get what he wanted.
Like i know in the beginning people might have liked stancy and many even still do, but it wasn’t even about them being incompatible, it was about Steve being very red flaggy in general.
I would argue that them doing all of that stuff from the very beginning, means they knew it wasn’t going to be endgame. They built it up from the start to inevitably crash down.
And that’s why now that Steve is more kind and considerate, Nancy is starting to second guess herself. Bc he’s no longer giving the laundry list of red flags he used to. But even then she’s realizing that his expectations for the future don’t at all align with hers. So if anything NOW we can argue it’s about a lack of compatibility, but I don’t think that was always the case.
Whereas with Mike and El, from the beginning their relationship is surrounded by trauma and expectations of those around them. And most of all Mike’s expectations of himself.
I do think Nancy and Mike parallel in a lot of ways. But if the point is for their arcs to be identical and they’re both in situations where the only reason their not ending up with their first partner is bc of incompatibility, then it’s like?? Why do that same storyline twice?
Because in Nancy’s case, once the red flags started to dwindle with Steve, at the exact same time she was experiencing uncertainty with her and Jonathan’s relationship, Steve presented as an option again bc she was indeed attracted to him from the beginning. The problem was never attraction or lack thereof, it was all the red flags and her having to choose from doing things she wanted to do vs things she felt like she should do bc it makes her cool.
Whereas in Mike’s case, I don’t think after a breakup with him and El, based on years of them ignoring red flags surrounding their relationship, would ever have the capacity to mirror Nancy’s situation. I don’t think if Will and Mike were together but were going through uncertainty, all while him and El are back on better terms now with her having more autonomy, that Mike would suddenly start to second guess things bc of his attraction to El, bc attraction wasn’t a factor from the beginning. It was always about her paralleling Will in a lot of ways, literally showing up in the place Will was found. In Mike’s own words, do we really think that’s a coincidence?
Is it a coincidence that Mike attached himself onto the first girl that wasn’t grossed out by him, who happened to look identical to his best friend who was currently missing?
This doesn’t mean fans can’t ship those pairings, but ignoring all of those things that happened that made them not work out in the first place means you’re ignoring the things they clearly want you to acknowledge to understand what is eventually to come.
And the fact that Mike and El have consistently had confrontations paralleled to Brenner since the very beginning, is a major red flag. And the fact that s4 doubles down on that, is giving less incompatibility and more El realizing that her experiences leading her up to this point require a lot of healing and addressing that she doesn’t owe anyone anything regarding her powers.
She hasn’t even had the opportunity to fully accept herself and learn about herself and what she likes and dislikes bc it’s always been about survival for her. It means she had to do these favors in order to get by swiftly.
The whole not Hopper, not Mike, you, is attempting to drive home this concept that El still doesn’t understand her life is hers and not those that have, yes helped her survive, but have also hindered her development in ways where the expectation is always surrounding what they think is best for her instead of her getting the chance to decide that for herself.
And in s5, when she can finally voice how she’s been feeling over the years, it’s going to be a long deserved arc being addressed, which I don’t think people are going to be able to criticize since this is her now… it’s not other people’s expectations of her, it’s just her. And she deserves to have that autonomy just like everyone else, especially after years of it being inaccessible to her.
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spicylove4ever · 7 months
So I went to watch Disney's Wish...
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...And here are what I thought all throughout the film (CAREFUL, SPOILERS):
So we are getting again the intro with a book with some story-telling. I like it. Really. It's a good classic. It did set really neatly what was happening there.
So the kingdom was formed around a Wizard-Tower who came there because of Magnifico's (where does that name come from?) reputation of wish-maker.
So this is Asha, who works as a regular tourist guide, and introduces us to the whole wish stuff via song. So the wish is literally handed to the king and you don't even remember it.... The way she put it on the song does sound like the usual propaganda.
And not all wishes are granted. Well, that is not necesarily evil, since in fair terms, not everyone gets what they wish for.
Her grandpa is 100 years old.... coincidence with this being the 100th Disney movie? Don't think so.
Asha is going to a job interview to be the king's assistant or aprentice. It seems she wants that job because the perks of it are wishes granted for all the family most of the time... and her grandfather has been waiting since he was 18 (like everyone who is not born on that kingdom).
She manages to make a good impression to the king. Nice done, Asha, I might get tips for job interviews from this.
Ladies and gentlemen, second time in history of this studio that the villain (not a spoiler, everyone knew thanks to the trailers) and the heroine have a duet song. And this time, the dude is even being genuine.
She even got to see the wishes Magnifico guards. She did made a good impression..... only to screw it asking for stuff when she hasn't even been given the job yet. Call me crazy but is not particularly wise to make such requests on the first day, not to mention, on the very job interview.
Turns out the King reveals he has a strong and strict filter on the wishes. To the point most of the wishes are never granted. Again, that doesn't have to be bad.... but the evil part of this man shows its face when it's revealed he goes too far deciding which wish is "good for the kingdom or harmless". I mean, the old man just wanted to inspire through playing the lute, but since Magnifico doesn't know what he wanted to inspire, he's out. No wish for him. Little bit paranoid, this man.
Also, she tries to bargain to convince him to at least to return the rejected wishes so at least people could have their wishes still in their hearts. Again, too soon, and again, this man is really set on his way to a merciless degree.
Ok, made Asha had an honor seat on how he crushed the grandpa's last hope of having his wish granted by giving the chance to another person was too mean.
By the way, is just me, or does the Queen's dress have a certain resemblance to Elsa's white dress?
Next song. Basically, Asha wonders what to do with all the information she has, and ends making a with to a star. The exact words "I make this wish to have something more for us than this". IT WORKED.
So a light shines in the sky and it goes to Asha to reveal some sort of golden pokemon little creature.
Magnifico interprets that strange light as "there is magic here more than mine, I must destroy". He nearly goes to the Evil Book of Spells, but we are revealed his wife Amaya is 85% of his self control by convince him using that book is a BAD IDEA.
Wait, why are we getting a forest magical animals song? That song feels too gratoitous. Why is the star making every animal and half the trees in the forest able to speak and sing? Just to make an exposition of how we all are connected or something? I don't know, but all this felt weird to me. Wait, did that bear just called the deer Bambi?
Wait, she's coming back to recover just her families' wishes? I thought she wanted more for all the people. Well, I guess it's a normal thing to do, but still. I guess they could have put more emphasis on her wish to help her grandpa on the song to understand why she priotizes.
That star is no mate for a sneak mission. It just made a chicken coop into a version of Be our Guest. I'm serious, it really had the vibe and chords.
While she convinces her friends on the castle staff to help her sneak into the King's studio, the King gathers the people to tell them to go to him with any lead about the shining light they saw last night. But then people start to make questions about the meaning of what they saw in the night, which then scalated to the point they started to question Magnifico. He DOES NOT TAKE IT WELL.
TIME FOR DARK MAGIC. Now, with the best song in this movie, this man turns completely into a villain. And a scary one. No kidding, the second he uses that book, he starts going down like a brick. It was awesome. I guess I missed intimidating villains.
Asha arrives to her house and gives her grandfather's wish back (she only got to pick that one, since she had no time for the other). Moving moment, but then Magnifico arrives. Oops.
The King then proceeds to punish Asha with the destruction of her mother's wish. BUT THEN HE REALIZES HE CAN CONSUME THE POWER OF THE WISH TO GAIN POWER. From desire to be the idol of the city to straight power hunger with no bounds. One add problem, THE WISHING STAR CAN BE ANOTHER SOURCE OF POWER. DOUBLE OOPS.
Asha and her family manage to run, but Asha then decides to go back and get the rest of the wishes, with the help of her friends.
But this villain doesn't give chances and enhances his game by revealing a secret lab (very similar to Snow White's stepmother's lab) where he makes a magic staff. The queen sees this and tries to talk him out of it, but then he threatens her with the staff and orders her to stand down. Ouch. Someone just broke his wife's heart.
Asha gathers her friends, except for the one who told Magnifico about her, who gets his wish of being a guard granted, but the king also turns him into a minion. Ominous again.
Also, they invite the queen to their rebelion.... by a message from a talking mouse. A good move, since by having the queen by their side, it makes all of this less illegal, even if they have good reasons.
They make a good plan to lure the king away from the wishes and release them, but it blows up because he sent his new minion in disguise. That was a good trick and twist. Magnifico gets to consume all the wishes AND the star.
I liked that when they were researching for a way to stop him on his evil book, the queen Amaya suggested they look for a way to change him back, it seems she still loved him, but what he turned himself into was way too bad to not do anything. But it was no use.
Magnifico has grown way too powerful and he has them all against the ropes... he even has shown himself to the whole kingdom.
And how do they defeat him? Asha calls all the people to make a wish... and it's with a song. For some reason, it worked, and the bad guy is absorved into his staff and all the wishes and the star he absorved are released.
Everything is good, Amaya is queen reignant, and Asha gets a magic wand and it's the apprentice of magic, and future "Magical Godmother". She even has a hoodie that makes her look like the Cinderella one.
Well, the movie's good points were mainly the villain, his wife, and all the cameos of the other Disney movies (there were way more than the ones I listed here). But the rest of it felt a little weird for me.
It was too cheesy at times, especially the final battle when they all made the wish.
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3k-5k Words Fics (6) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
A Nun and A Priest: You Get Me Closer to God (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: When Dan dresses up as a sexy nun for Halloween in America, he finds himself longing for a sexy priest.
and the days after that (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: He can hear Dan’s voice coming down the hall, laughing with someone from the crew, and it makes his breath stop in his chest.
(doomed tour usa, autumn 2022)
cat bells (ao3) - N_Chu4Ever
Summary: The catboy photoshoot, except it all goes weirdly wrong because Phil accidentally bought Dan a magic cat costume off the internet. Oops.
🌸 cherry blossom 🌸 (ao3) - natigail
Summary: It had been a silly dream at first. The idea to have a cherry blossom tree in their garden they didn't even have yet. It hadn't felt like it was something that would really happen.
But it was real. Dan was watching their tree, Phil's arms around him, and hoping they would get to see its first bloom soon.
Chips (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan struggling with the concept that all healthy couples should fight.
Comfort in Chaos (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil wakes to Dan having a nightmare that he struggles to rouse him from. It later transpires that there is a reason behind his unsettled and panicked behaviour.
DreamCasts Presents (ao3) - SummerFlingsAndThings (QueenJunoTheGreat)
Summary: Phil's son is obsessed with the faceless man who narrates audiobooks.
Dan's daughter is obsessed with the brightly dressed librarian in charge of the children's department.
And Dan and Phil? Well, they're a little obsessed with one another.
easy for you to say (ao3) - phantasticworks (steddieworks)
Summary: Phil tries to convince Dan to throw away the grey shirt. Dan can’t do it.
Golden Boy (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil takes a drawing class in university and needs a subject for his drawing final.
growing up or just going down (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil is 15 years old today. He's going to have the best birthday of his life, to kick off the best year of his life.
hard launch at last (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: “Maybe the exact right moment won’t ever present itself.” Dan can feel himself hurtling towards some cosmic revelation as they stand here on a sandy beach in Portugal, the ocean bringing out the blue in Phil’s eyes.
home renovations (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Phil is a new homeowner with a knack for getting himself into awkward situations around cute guys. Dan is a builder who's always working on renovations around Phil's house. What could go wrong?
(An alternate meeting YouTuber Phil/builder Dan AU.)
I know you, hands under my sweatshirt (ao3) - midorijpg
Summary: “How are you?”
It's with an undertone of fear that he dares ask that, as always, even if he knows that he’s lucky if Dan even decides to answer. And as he imagines, Dan just tilts his head, looking at him as if lost in thought, swinging the bottle with his hand before just resting it on the floor.
“Make room,” he just says.
“I said, make room.”
or, something something about having bad days and growing up and realizing you don't (completely) fit in couches anymore.
in this smoking chaos (ao3) - writingcollective
Summary: Dan bottoms for the first time, not being able to shut down his inner demons that whisper internalised homophobic thoughts into his ear. But Phil guides him through it, somehow.
Like a cicada rhythm. (ao3) - emmibug
Summary: every night they share the same bed, legs twisted together, arms holding each other close. dan and phil haven’t grown up from their childlike sense of friendship which leads people to believe there’s something deeper going on.
a dan and phil childhood best friends to lovers AU where they share the same bed and always have done.
Magi (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: Dan doesn’t know how he hadn't thought about a gift for Phil yet. Phil is still feeling a little weird about how much he spent on Dan’s gift.
A fic about coincidence and sacrifice.
Neighbourly Nook (ao3) - wednesday_ukiru
Summary: The stranger had a dimple on his cheek that appeared when he laughed.
“I’m Dan,” he said, extending his hand. Phil reached for it with extreme eagerness, their knuckles knocking together in a particularly painful way, and they both winced, but Dan immediately broke into a smile. “I don’t know why I offered you a handshake, I never know how to do them.”
Revolving Door (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: Phil really doesn’t want to think about what Dan said. He really would like to leave, and take this strangled feeling elsewhere. But he can’t stop listening to Dan’s song.
so american (ao3) - ae121
Summary: Phil has been living in London for a year and thinks he's gotten pretty used to the city. He works part-time at a bookstore, using it at first to gain some friends, now it's just fun for him. His friends are constantly trying to find him someone to date, but all of his dates don't go well.
Well, that's until he met Dan.
Sunshine on the street at the parade (ao3) - ForeverJustAnEmoKidAtHeart
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a Pride Parade.
so good (ao3) - grievingwarwidow
Summary: dan gets a piercing
since i wrote you last (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan and his letters to Santa over the years.
The Knight of Wands (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil had always had dreams that he couldn't quite comprehend and a certain intuition about what was truly important for his future.
They fade to nothing when I look at him (ao3) - phasamtasie
Summary: Arriving in the kitchen Phil made himself his one cup of coffee he allowed himself on weekend days and stared out the window lost in thought, so it took him a few seconds to register why the light had seemed so much brighter than usual at 8am. With childish delight he saw that it had snowed overnight, and not just the usual UK dusting where one could still see the grass underneath but a proper snow, coating everything outside in a bright white.
Dan and Phil go sledging.
trouble between you and i (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Phil can't stand the silence for another moment. "I don't want to break up," he says.
Weight on my Shoulders (ao3) - ByTheFire
Summary: When Phil starts getting some unexpected gifts from his dad he starts to worry if he knows something he is not ready to share. Thankfully Dan is there to make it all a bit less scary. All Phil can hope is his dad doesn't want to change who he truly is.
when i walk in the kitchen, my heart hits the floor (ao3) - aura_sky
Summary: a phivorce fic
based on the Renee Rapp song (In the Kitchen)
Dan walks into the kitchen and he misses Phil.
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myaoiboy · 5 months
Hi I saw that you answered an ask* the other day and I wanted to know if you continued with your analysis or if you could continue. I was really interested and curious to know more about it. I really wanted to know what you had to say, seriously, I could read a bible of Death Stranding reviews!
Hi! I totally can keep talking about Death Stranding forever (I know it's a very divisive game but imo on the whole the writing is like a well-oiled machine in ways that MGS just barely started to scrape askdjfh)
For the most part I haven't talked a *ton* about it at length because the series is just getting started and I feel weird making assertions that are likely to be fully subverted within a year or two. MGS has like. well, now, 25 years of shit going on. Sequels, prequels, fanon, etc., that Death Stranding...hasn't really had time to grow into yet.
I also tend to intentionally only post for dead series because the fandoms tend to be chiller lmao
Plus the fact that I got into DS right around the time that DS2 was announced, so I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs knowing that there's about to be more content and context that I just don't have access to yet. I already feel like there's a lot more to be learned about the first game, just from the latest trailer drop.
Honestly I think the thing that really gets me with DS is that despite the borderline insanity of the setting, to me, there's a lot of dramatic irony and meta knowledge that makes DS pretty easy to follow compared to, like, any single MGS game. Maybe I'm just the exact target audience that the writing was intended for, but most of the big reveals felt less like a sucker punch and more of a dramatic swell.
Some reasons for this (please be gentle i am taking cutscene SCs from youtube videos, they're gonna look like shit):
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First of all, this is basically frame 1 of being formally introduced to Amelie, we see...this lens flare. Look familiar?
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...how about now?
We are introduced to her instantly with a sign of danger. A pretty one, but a sign of danger nonetheless. The fact that it's an inverted rainbow is important! It shows up around timefall because of chiral air disturbance. We don't know that yet in-game, but if you know about how light works you know that there's something Wrong(tm) about this.
A regular lens flare shouldn't be causing an inverted rainbow if it's causing one at all. I think in this cutscene Amelie's presence is causing that inverted rainbow. Throughout the game, people come up with various theories of their own to excuse her connection to the beach. Little do they know at the time how right they are...
She's also heavily backlit, which hides her features in an unsettling manner. In fact, I really can't think of anyone else that this happens to throughout the game (if anyone knows of another example PLEASE let me know!!!)
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She gets pretty damn close before that rainbow disappears, but this is where I very quickly lost my initial trust in her (as the player).
I jokingly called called this her "Fox News reporter look," but it's very much constructed in a way that made me suspicious.
Let's talk about that red dress.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Kojima fucking LOVES using color language, especially red, blue, and gold. It's been super obvious and explicit since like 2012.
The fact that we meet her wearing a red dress is not a coincidence!!! It's a great big flashing warning sign! It says "hey, this person is going to betray you! Do Not Fucking Trust!!!"
Compare Amelie's name card to Paz's from Peace Walker:
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The art styles are different, but there are a couple of main throughlines. Namely, both have an emphasis on the color red, both are young (looking) women who are lying about their identities in order to ask the main character a favor. Characters vouch for them, from trusted advisors, to the main character himself in DS. And then they try to bring about armageddon.
Basically what I'm saying is that they're both the embodiment of white woman tears a wolf in sheep's clothing, if the sheep's clothing was still dripping in blood. We (characters, and maybe the players) believe that she's on our side because we want to believe she's on our side, and because other people that we ostensibly trust tell us she's on our side, while the extremely dissonant narrative and imagery of the scene are SHAKING US BY THE SHOULDERS TELLING US TO SNAP OUT OF IT.
Add to that the fact that we kind of vaguely, through that intro cutscene post-central knot explosion, know that the beach is connected to dying somehow, and that amelie seems to be on it, doing very stereotypical little girl in horror things there, like singing nursery rhymes slowly while walking into the ocean.
So we've basically been told that Amelie is Not Good, but we have to spend the game piecing together what kind of Not Good she is. The first hint is (surprise!) also in this cutscene!
I don't recall off the top of my head if I knew at the time how heavily egyptian mythology plays into DS, but I do remember this cutscene giving me a bad gut feeling about the concept of the West.
Very few Big Concepts in these games (the West, strand(s/ing), patriotism/nationalism, etc) are only symbolic of one thing. That's also true across the board in basically all art, but I feel the need to point that out in public posts because I don't want someone to eg, think that I say something means one thing, and then back that up, and then people think that means it can't mean something else! It can (and often does) mean both! and sometimes that additional meaning is super important!
Anyways, Die Hardman refers to Amelie going West. We don't really use that phrasing much, so it stuck out to me as euphemistic. Especially since we saw her after we died, and there's so much euphemism going on from the bridges team anyways. I mean, cufflinks "symbolize our connection?" Girl, you locked me to my bed with them. You drain my blood with them to turn into weapons. Call 'em what they are.
You'll even notice in the same cutscene that Amelie says "we made it to Edge Knot City" and Sam replies with "all the way to the Pacific?" Not "all the way to the west coast," or even a single question about why she was on the/his beach.
If you know anything about egyptian mythology, you might know that west is considered the direction of death and the underworld. ancient egyptians buried dead people on the west side of the nile river. Osiris, god of death and mummification, and king of the underworld, is referred to as "foremost of the westerners" among his epithets.
So the vibe that I got instantly was "Amelie is already dead, she led her team to die, and they are basically sending Sam on a suicide mission" though I didn't realize exactly how I was right at the time.
The other big thing I recall setting off my alarm bells as the game went on was the fact that nobody you meet has ever met Amelie in person. It's a very slow reveal, especially since most people seem to see online meeting and in person meeting to be mostly the same, and we're told that she set out with bridges one. That she went west. Turns out that...also wasn't literal.
I don't remember exactly when I started wondering if *sam* had ever even met her outside of the beach, but I do remember thinking that there was something off. For a little bit my guess was that she was entirely fictional, some sort of AI (pretty influenced by all the "dead person brought back by AI/hypno bullshit ngl), or maybe that Higgs could somehow disguise himself in the Beach in ways i didn't understand yet.
But I didn't feel *worse* for being able to figure things out ahead of time, I felt clever that I could piece together all the little hints and have a good idea of what was going on. It made death stranding feel more like a coherent sci fi narrative rather than a cheesy action story that's expected to follow certain strict genre conventions.
Not that I'm saying mgs or action in general are bad, but rather that imo Death Stranding feels...more mature and confident in some ways (and also isn't bogged down by 20 years of previous work. which. i don't even like my own shit from a year ago half the time, i cannot imagine having to write within the constraints you created TWO DECADES prior kjhksjfh). Maybe it's that it feels like less of a genre subversion and has more genre utilization? dunno. Now I'm thinking too much like an english major lkajshdf
But yeah anybody who wants to talk about anything totally feel free. Or if you want to give me prompts to write about. I will always be willing to talk about things for way too long on the internet. I just don't always reply quickly because I start rambling....Like This.
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