diettwistup · 4 months
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PAIRINGS: tashi duncan x f!oc, art donaldson x f!oc, patrick zweig x f!oc
SUMMARY: No matter how bright Tashi Duncan shined, her best friend, Milan Mikaelson, wasn’t far behind. Though seeming second best, Milan would never let that define her career. Holding as much fame as Tashi, Milan encountered Patrick Zweig and Art Donaldson. Would this encounter change the trajectory of her life, and would it completely alter her relationship with Tashi Duncan?
WARNINGS: challengers spoilers, reader is milan mikaelson, sexual situations, language, angst, plot alterations.
WC: 5.1K
NOTES: hiiii!!! hope y’all enjoy this next chapter cuz it’s not my fave thing ever LOL. was also too lazy to proofread so sorry if there's errors. i’m also gonna be going on vacation with no internet for a little over a week so next update will be after that! thanks for reading luv u 💋
Gnawing on my bottom lip, I gripped my dress as Tashi got up and cursed before walking off, disappointed with Art’s performance. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going.” I shot and grabbed her wrist, eyeing her up as I took my sunglasses off. 
Shaking my grasp off of her, she bent down and spoke dangerously close to my face. 
“If he’s not gonna play tennis, then I don’t wanna see shit.” She seethed and walked off, brushing off her dress with each stride. 
As I watched her go, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. Darting my attention back to the match, Art was already looking my way. 
Shooting him a sad expression, I put my sunglasses back on, huffed, and sat back in my seat. 
All he did was shake his head and rub the sweat off his face while Patrick smirked proudly. 
He sure seems to love this. 
Sighing, I raised one hand to my mouth to bite my nails, the nerves of the match taking over my entire being. 
At the next serve, I carefully watched the strategic movements behind the boy’s every motion. They have always been outstanding players, and I furrowed my brows as I thought back to the first time I saw them play against each other. 
The stupidity of Tashi and I, dumb enough to pin two best friends against each other. We should have never stepped foot in that godforsaken hotel room. 
Shaking my head, I closed my eyes. The crowd's roar echoed around me as I thought back to the night that started it all. 
The night that ruined it all. 
THE BOY’S HOTEL- 2006, 12:00 AM
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!” I exclaimed to Tashi as we made our way to the boy's hotel room. “Why the fuck would you let them come down when you knew I was there?” I shot at her as I smacked her arm. 
Tashi smacked me right back, making me let out a hiss and shoot a cold glare at her. 
“I don’t know why you're acting like you don’t have a game. You’re the best at playing hard to get.” Tashi responded and shrugged as if it was as simple as adding two plus two. 
“You’re a bitch.” I muttered and rolled my eyes as the hotel came into view. “What do you even plan on doing with these two.” I raised my brow at her and studied her expression to gauge what was going through her mind. 
“What we usually do,” she responded, smiling at me. Hypnotize them with our charm and have a good time, of course,” She said proudly as if this was second nature for us. 
I won’t say that Tash and I haven’t had our fair share of fun with boys, but something like this, with two boys who knew their way around the game themselves, was certainly daunting. 
“Fine, but you should have heard how they talked about us at your match. It was disgusting.” I pretended to gag and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Perfect, we already have them locked in then.” She nudged my arm before leading the way to the room.
Rolling my eyes, I smacked her again before following behind her.
On the way to the room, I got lost in my thoughts. How did we get ourselves into such a situation? I hope Tashi doesn’t expect us to have a foursome of any sort because I don’t have the patience to deal with a whole ordeal like that. 
Approaching the door, Tashi stopped to let me walk ahead of her. 
“Perfect, Mila, you can see your ass poking out of your shorts.” She smirked and gently patted it until I swatted at her hand with a laugh. 
“Fuck off, let’s go,” I scolded, waiting for her to catch up, as she knew which room to go to. 
Once we reached the door, Tashi knocked and softly bit her lip. Scuffling was immediately heard behind the door, signifying that the boys were startled by our appearance. 
I moved to press my ear to the door with a slight smirk which Tashi returned as she did the same. 
“They’re crazy…” I whispered to Tashi, to which she responded with a nod and a soft hum. 
When we removed our ears from the door, it swung open so quickly I couldn’t make out the motion. 
The boys stood at the door, looking extremely disheveled. Patrick wore boxers and an unbuttoned linen shirt that looked like it had been shoved in his tennis bag and forgotten. Also wearing boxers, Art wore a beater t-shirt that looked like it had never been in the wash and dryer a day in his life. Both of their hair was ruffled and unkempt, making it look like they had just gotten out of bed. 
Raising an eyebrow, I was the first to speak. “What, did you two just get done fucking?” I questioned as I looked between them and placed my hands on my hips. 
Patrick just burst out into laughter while Art spoke up. 
“No…fuck no…” He muttered with a laugh as he patted Patrick on the back. 
Drunk as sailors. 
I nodded at this before resting my eyes and glancing at Tashi, who smiled fondly at the two, but I knew she was plotting. 
“So, hi,” Tashi spoke calmly with a smile that immediately brought the boys back to Earth as they moved aside to let us in the room. 
I had to stop myself from covering my nose as we entered the room. 
Reeks of beer and cigarettes…typical boys.
Two beds pushed together were messily made. Beer cans, cigarette buds, and clothes were everywhere, though it looked like someone had tried to tidy up a bit. 
That explains all the noise. 
Patrick mindlessly spoke to Tashi as I continued to scan the room, not noticing that Art was eyeing me up. Turning my head, I caught his stare, which didn’t make him falter. He only continued to stare before coming up to me and handing me a beer. 
“Didn’t know you were gonna come.” He spoke as he looked down at me through lidded eyes. Tipsy eyes. And, of course, he had a smirk, but it spoke I’m glad you came, really. 
I continued to study his expression as I let my guard down a pinch. I shrugged nonchalantly as I took a long swig of the beer, knowing I would need it to get through the night. 
“Had nothing else to do. Figured why not.” I spoke calmly as I let my eyes rake over his entire figure, drinking up his messy look which he really really pulled off. Never would I ever admit that for him to hear. 
Or me. 
“Well, glad you’re here.” Art said as he took the beer can from my lips and sipped it while he stared into my eyes, flickering to my lips for a moment.
I kept my eyes trained on his as I refused to back down in this staredown, showing that I couldn’t be swayed that quickly just because he was extremely attractive. 
“You two, come sit,” Patrick spoke up from the ground by the bed where he sat with Tashi. 
Nodding at this, I waited for Art to take his eyes off mine before I made any movement to sit. After a few seconds, he nodded and placed a hand on my lower back to walk me to where everyone was sitting. 
I shivered slightly at this as I softly bit my bottom lip, hiding this motion from him, but I knew Tashi saw it by her smug little smile that said I told you so. 
We haven’t even done anything, and I suddenly feel like I’m in the trenches. 
The next couple minutes were used to discuss how Patrick and Art met each other and how Patrick, predictable enough, taught Art how to masturbate, all while we all took sips from the beer can that Art had given me when we first got here. 
“Y’all are weird as fuck.” I snorted, a bit tipsy, wiping my mouth from my last gulp as I looked between the two boys who had red cheeks from a mix of alcohol and embarrassment, and can’t forget, two big smirks. 
“No, Mila. I think it's a cute story.” Tashi nodded with a smile in an attempt to reassure the boys jokingly—a tactic she used to fully reel them in. 
I rolled my eyes at this and fake glared at Tashi. “Only if you’re fucked in the head!” I laughed again while the rest of them laughed with me. 
“Don’t tell me you two haven’t done anything weird like that,” Patrick said, making me whip my head to him before glancing back at Tashi.
“Yeah, you two have known each other since the womb. There’s no way you haven’t done nothing.” Art added and took a long swig of the beer can before passing it to Patrick, eyes trained on me for longer than I would have liked. 
I shook my head with a small laugh before looking back to Tashi, who gave me an eyebrow in return, signaling something.
You ready?
I’m ready.
We nodded at each other before standing up and looking down at the boys. 
“You guys aren’t leaving-“ Patrick started but stopped when he saw the two of us moving to sit on the edge of the bed. 
My eyes locked with both of them briefly as I flashed the most innocent smile I could muster. 
Here we go. 
“Patrick, come sit by me…” Tashi spoke and patted the space to her left. 
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He sprung up so fast he spilled the beer can everywhere on the carpet, but he couldn’t give a fuck. 
As he sat down next to Tashi, my eyes locked onto Art’s. I did not need any words to tell him to sit by me. 
He took the hint immediately, got up almost as fast as his best friend, and sat beside me, thigh already touching mine.
I turned to face him with lidded eyes and a small smile. I could hear his breath hitch as Adam’s apple bobbed, signifying that he took a small gulp. I softened my eyes to let him know it was okay to relax and that he could be comfortable around me. 
Even though Tashi wanted to play with these boys like putty, I felt a little different about the situation. 
As I tilted my head at Art slowly, I saw his face contort into a grin that radiated his comfort and need. 
Leaning in slightly, I placed my hand on Art’s chest, noting how firm it felt through his thin shirt. Art mirrored my leaning in but instead placed a hand on my thigh. As I neared his lips, I teasingly pulled away as I felt Tashi pat my back. I smirked slightly at this and turned around as my lips met hers instead of Art’s.
It was an innocent kiss, a tactic to get these boys right where we wanted them. This action certainly answered their questions about us, and I hope it was worthwhile.
Once again, I could feel Art’s eyes piercing the back of my head, so I moved my hair off my shoulder and tapped the side of my neck so he would know what to do. 
Almost immediately, his lips were latched onto my neck. I wondered for a moment if he was a vampire because of the way he was sucking on my neck. I figured he was searching for a blood vessel. Poor baby must have been deprived of any female touch, but the way his lips sucked profusely on my pulse point, I could tell this wasn’t his first rodeo.
Tashi and I pulled away from our innocent kiss and shot each other small smirks when we noticed that Patrick and Art were too lost in our necks to give a damn. 
I tapped Art’s thigh so he would know to stop, which he reluctantly did. His lips were a bit swollen, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off them. Biting my lip, I reached up and brushed a finger across his bottom lip. As I did this, Art grabbed my hand and studied it before gently kissing my finger where my nail had broken. My eyes widened at this as my heart threatened to beat out of my chest. 
Keep. your. composure. 
Shaking out of my daze at his action, I smiled softly once again and leaned in slowly to connect our lips, hands on the back of his neck, threatening to tangle in his blonde curls.
Pillows. His lips feel like pillows.
The kiss was soft until his hand moved from my thigh to my waist. He pushed forward a bit until my back fully hit Tashi and tried to part my lips by biting my bottom one, but I pulled away before he could get that far. 
Too easy.
Licking my lips to taste him, I turned back to Tashi, who placed her hand on my cheek to kiss me lightly again. As her lips melded with mine, I gingerly placed a hand on the base of Art’s jaw and slowly pulled him towards Tashi and me’s kiss. Immediately, I could feel Art’s lips meld with Tashi's, mine, and then Patrick’s, knowing that Tashi had done the same with him. 
Now, the four of us were all kissing, making me slightly clench my thighs. Only slightly. 
After about five seconds, I felt Tashi tap my back to signal me to pull away slowly. 
As we both pulled away, Art and Patrick were full-on making out, not noticing that the two of us had abandoned the kiss. I glanced at Tashi with a smirk as she watched them in satisfaction. 
It took everything in me not to giggle as I watched the two continue to eat each other's faces fervently. 
Specifically Art.
After a beat, Tashi spoke up. 
“Okay.” She said, which made the boys freeze and pull away from each other. 
Immediately, they both looked at us in shock. 
Got ‘em. 
I tilted my head at Art as I gently reached my hand out to trace shapes on his thigh while he looked down at me like I had three heads. 
“That was cute…” I mouthed to him with a soft smile as he continued to eye me up in shock mixed with a bit of awe. 
“Well, we should get going before our parents freak out and wonder where we are,” Tashi says. I sit up as I follow suit, cutting any tension in the room.
Standing up from the bed, I chuckled to myself as I brushed off my clothes and fixed my hair. “It’s been fun,” I said, aiming my comment at Art. Thank you for having us,” I finished with a small, innocent smile as Tashi and I left. 
“Wait!” Patrick said which stopped us in our tracks. 
Turning around, Tashi and I shared matching grins that we quickly hid when we faced the boys. 
Art spoke up next as he looked right at me. “What about your numbers?” He asked as he stared at me like a puppy deprived of dinner. 
I crossed my arms and shrugged. “If you win tomorrow, I’ll give you my number,” I said plainly, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. 
“And I’ll give you my number if you win tomorrow,” Tashi said to Patrick just as plainly as I did. 
Both boys shot each other smirks before nodding in agreement. 
Tashi and I said our goodbyes before leaving the hotel room. When we were out of earshot, we both started laughing. 
“We have them wrapped around our pretty little fingers!” Tashi exclaimed as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
I laughed at this and wrapped an arm around her waist. “I really hope Art wins,” I said in a dreamy tone of voice as I thought back to his face, lips, chest, everything, really. 
Tashi shook me back and forth with a smile as she exclaimed, “I’m just ready to watch some good  fucking tennis!” She laughed, knowing that the two boys were really going to battle it out with this new prize put into motion. 
As I slowly trudged from the tennis court to the dining hall, I felt my arms giving out. 
“Fuck this damn bag,” I whined and went to a nearby bench to take a breather and bask in the California sun. 
Today’s practice was by far the worst of the semester. I worked with my coach on my serve to prepare for my upcoming match, where I would face an opponent ranked decently high in the state. 
Closing my eyes and throwing my head back to catch the rays of the warm sun, I let out a groan. I probably looked like a corpse to every passerby, but just like Tashi, they knew me, so hopefully, they would just smile and wave. 
“Rough practice?” An extremely familiar and captivating voice snapped me back to reality. 
Opening my eyes, I was met with my favorite pair of light blue eyes—something he would never know. Of course, a smirk adorned his features, and his blonde curls were tucked into a backward red cap, most certainly saying “Stanford” on the flip side. 
“Art…” I spoke almost breathlessly as I sat up, brushed a piece of hair out of my face, and used my other hand to block the sun that Art’s head almost blocked. 
“Hey, can I sit?” he asked, shoving his hands into his pockets, and nodded to where my bag was on the bench. 
Quickly moving it to sit in front of my feet, I patted the empty seat next to me. “Sure.” I smiled at him and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. 
Over the summer, I would never allow myself to be so forward with Art Donaldson. I couldn’t speak for my present self, though. Since Patrick won the match, he and Tashi started dating after he scored her number. I, of course, was too upset to act like I didn’t give a damn about not being able to give Art my number. Tashi insisted that to keep their passion and drive for tennis alive, I keep up my end of the deal and don’t give Art my number. Hesitantly, I agreed as I knew how easily a stimulus like that can create great results. Since the match, Art and I have never spoken except for the occasional hello when passing by each other on the tennis court or dining hall. This moment was the first time I could speak with him since everything, and since I may have developed a slight…crush. 
“So,” He started and turned his body on the bench to face me fully. “How have you been?” He tilted his head and tapped the back of the bench while studying my face. 
Inhaling a sharp breath, I turned my body to face him fully, bringing one leg up and letting the other drape off the side of the bench. 
“Do you want an honest answer?” I chuckled softly as I moved my hands to remove my hair from its braids. 
In turn, Art laughed gently while smirking at me. His stare narrowed as he studied my face, acting like I was an old friend he had known for years. 
“Well, if the honest answer is terrible and cruel, then I’m not so sure.” He responded and immediately matched my energy. 
Damn you, Donaldson. 
“Hey.” I softly laughed as I moved my dangling leg to kick his gently while I finished taking my hair out. 
I wondered for a beat how I wanted to summarize months of memories, feelings, and experiences into one sentence, and this made me sigh. 
“It’s been rough. Majoring in biology and the grueling tennis schedule makes me wanna rip my hair out.” I spoke in a low tone as I ironically and subconsciously began to play with a strand of my hair. 
“I feel smothered.” I finished and silently cursed myself for acting so vulnerable. 
That was three sentences, Milan. Not one. 
As I stared at Art almost helplessly, his eyes softened. 
“I feel the same way, trust me.” He chuckled softly before removing his hat and running a hand through his hair. “It really sucks, but it’s gonna be worth it,” He ended his thought before putting his hat back on. 
“Fuck, and I thought I was the only one. Quite naive of me.” I laughed before looking back up at the sun. “It’s whatever, though. You’re right, and everything will come into place and be worth it.” I continued as I looked anywhere but at Art’s piercing stare. 
Silence. He didn’t respond. He didn’t laugh. He did nothing except stare. Stare in a heavy silence that brought me back to the night in that damn hotel room. 
After a few beats, I returned to my senses, slowly stood up from the bench, and brushed my skirt off. 
“Well, I didn’t mean to stay here for long, so I’m gonna head off.” I went to pick up my bag as I spoke disappointedly. 
I couldn’t allow myself to fall into the trenches. I needed to focus on my studies and tennis. Hard work makes everything worthwhile, and a boy isn’t part of that everything right now.
“Wait, Milan,” Art spoke up and grabbed my wrist, his grip as firm as it would be if he held his racket. 
This made me freeze in my tracks. What the hell did he think he was doing? 
My eyes slowly met Art’s as I parted my lips to speak, but nothing came out, so he spoke for me.
“It’s been months, Milan,” he started, his grip on my wrist still firm, his eyes scanning my face for any hints of discomfort.  
“I know we only really talked with each other that one night and had no time to get to know each other, but I would like to get to know you better.” He didn’t falter. Not once. I don’t even think he blinked. 
My lips had gone dry, and my voice, for some reason, grew hoarse. 
“Art…” I slowly began as I looked down at his hand, gripping my wrists. “The four of us had a deal…” I made sure to tread lightly with a severe tone. 
Two feet and ten toes on the ground. Don’t falter. Don’t give in. 
“They’re a happy fucking couple, Milan. I doubt they give two shits.” He stated matter-of-factly as I felt his thumb rub up and down on my wrist. 
How naive. 
Biting my lip in thought, I began an internal battle with myself. I wanted this so bad. And I could tell Art wanted it just as bad as I did—possibly more. 
I deserve a win other than tennis. 
Sighing, I removed my arm from his grasp and moved to my tennis bag to look for a piece of paper. Instead, I found a piece of muscle tape and a small pencil. Quickly scribbling down my number, I could feel Art trying to see what I was doing. 
“Here,” I said with slightly red cheeks as I stood back up and handed him the piece of muscle tape. “Don’t go blowing up my phone now,” I playfully scolded before picking up my bag and walking past him, glancing at the triumphant smile playing on his perfect features. 
Perfect? …yeah. 
Before I began my trek to the dining hall, I touched Art’s shoulder and whispered in his ear. 
“I didn’t want to admit it, but I really wanna get to know you more, too.” 
My eyes stared at the text in utter disbelief. Art certainly didn’t take any time once he got what he’d been craving all summer. 
“Why do you look so shocked?” Tashi laughed from the foot of my bed as she hit my leg. 
My eyes looked to her as I shut my phone, put it next to me, and picked my computer back up to pretend to look at my study guide for an upcoming biology quiz. 
“My mom sent me a weird text,” I laughed awkwardly before covering my face with my computer. 
“Are you fucking with me?” Tashi laughed as I heard her moving up towards my side of the bed. 
She shut my computer to look at my face, which was for sure red as a tomato. 
“You’re lying,” she smirked before sitting on her knees and clapping her hands. What is it? A boy? A girl?” She persisted as she grabbed my leg and widely smiled at me.
I rolled my eyes at this before clicking my tongue. “Why are you so dead set on the fact that I was texting someone romantically?” I crossed my arms and bit the inside of my cheek, probably a dead giveaway. 
Tashi’s face fell as her brows furrowed, and she crossed her arms, mimicking me. 
“You’re joking, right?” She started before studying my stern expression. “We’ve known each other for what, eighteen fucking years?” She used this as a tactic to crack me. “I know your every expression and what it means. I could write a thesaurus on you if I wanted to.” She stated as she sucked on her teeth, brows still furrowed. 
I stared at her sternly for a few beats before sighing and turning my head to look anywhere but at her. 
“Fine, you got me…” I trailed before uncrossing my arms to fumble with my fingers. “but this is the first time I’ve received a text, so it’s not important.” I put my hands up and looked at her as an explanation as to why she shouldn’t ask questions. 
I should know better. 
Tashi’s annoyed face instantly turned into a happy one as she bounced on the bed and continuously hit my leg. 
“Who is the lucky guy? or girl…” She tilted her head with a goofy smile, which she would only show me. 
“It’s a boy…” I sighed before turning my head to look at my closest, as it suddenly looked very interesting. 
No matter how long I had known Tashi, I couldn’t gauge how she would react to this. She’s a very pushy person who likes everything to go her way, but I’m hoping that since it’s me, she will react differently. 
She shrieked and shook my legs back and forth with a giggle. 
She’ll be so disappointed. 
“Who is it? Is it that cute boy I caught you practicing with the other week? Or that one boy that you sometimes study with from your Chemistry class? Or maybe it's that random guy from the baseball team I saw you talking within the dining hall last week?” She fired off in a millisecond as I stared at her in utter disbelief. 
“Okay, first of all, how did you know about all of those? And second of all, the first guy is gay, the second guy has a girlfriend, and the last one was giving my pencil back to me after using it for a quiz we took in statistics.” I responded as I rolled my eyes so hard I thought the whites of them would turn permanent. 
“I’m your best friend. I know everything.” She spoke eerily with wide eyes before breaking into a smirk. “So, come on! Tell me who it is!” She bounced repeatedly on the bed and shook me back and forth until I finally had enough. 
“Fine!” I exclaimed and threw my hands up in the air.
Fuck it. 
“It was Art, alright.” I threw my hands up as I bit the bullet and came clean. 
Tashi’s face dropped almost instantly as his name fell off my lips. She wasn’t happy. Not at all. 
“What the fuck do you mean?” She laughed in disbelief as she shook her head and moved her hands from my legs. 
I immediately sat up more and moved towards her. 
“I saw him after practice yesterday, and we got to talk,” I explained as I bit the inside of my cheek in anticipation. “He asked for my number, and I figured since everything happened months ago, there would be no issue…” I trailed off and looked her straight in the eyes with a pleading expression. 
Tashi just stared at me and shook her head slowly. 
“We had a deal with them…” She stared at me with an accusatory face. 
“Tash, I know,” I exclaimed and grabbed her hands. “But you knew I liked him more than what happened in that hotel room. Plus, you and Patrick are happy, so why should it matter?” I asked and shook my head as I gripped her hands. 
She stared at me as if I kicked her puppy and gasped in her throat. “Um, to keep their passion alive? To ensure they both strive for better and strengthen their relationship with tennis?” She spoke as if it was plain as day. 
Furrowing my brows, I slowly shook my head and parted my lips, shocked. 
“Is tennis all you care about?” 
I shouldn’t have said that. 
My words echoed in my mind as I retracted my hands from Tashi’s and bit my lip, feeling defeated. Her stare pierced into my soul as she looked away from me and placed her hands on her thighs. 
“If this is what you want, go ahead. I can’t and won’t stop you.” She spoke slowly before eyeing me. 
Fuck, I messed up. 
“But never think for a second that I care about tennis more than you.” She choked out as she looked at the picture of us in fifth grade sitting on my bedside table. 
At this, my eyes widened, and I nodded slowly as a single tear slid down my cheek. Moving towards Tashi, I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her. 
“Pinky promise?” I whispered into her neck while she returned the hug. 
“Pinky promise.” She responded and grabbed my hand to interlock our pinkies.
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etherealily · 2 months
Nate Jacobs + Fem!reader. Warnings : Dark. SFW, but discretion advised. Drugs.
I don't know if this is milder or darker than the previous parts, but I do know that it is LONG.
Part 1 : Whiplash
Part 2 : 9 Lives
Part 3 : Blessed
Part 4 : Shards
Part 6 : Sin
You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc. : You're fun and you're wild, but you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through
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"We need to talk."
Suddenly, Carl Jung had never been more interesting, your eyes unable to rip away from the words on the paper in front of them, ignoring Nate as much as possible.
Your shoulder suddenly jerked, and a soft whisper followed. "Hey. We need to talk."
Frowning, your eyes darted between the two Jacobs brothers, the looks on their faces not strict, but the most infuriatingly stoic gazes mankind had ever known.
"You had quite a weekend, right? Anything crazy happen?"
The real question Aaron was asking was whether you were going to talk about it.
"Nope, just lots of psych homework."
"See, this is why I'm telling you to drop Psych. Unnecessary stress.", remarked Nate, his fingers rapping on the table in an almost musical pattern. Almost, because music is art, and there was nothing artistic about the false smile he was giving you.
"I'll keep that in mind."
"How are the rest of classes going?" Small talk?
"Great. Chem is pissing me off, though."
"Eh, well, only nerds are good at Chem, and I don't fuck with nerds. So you're lucky."
Oh, thanks, man. Such an honour.
"Are you good at Chem?"
"I pass."
"Where'd you get time to study? What with all the vapes and parties and quote-unquote 'dozens of bitches'?"
He let out a breathy laugh. "I got good work-life balance.", he replied, leaning on his arms closer to you. His head tilted and you knew something psychotic was about to happen. Well, it was Nate. You knew something psychotic was about to happen the second he walked in.
"I'll bet."
He smiled at that. "Are you my friend, Y/N? Are we friends?"
"I don't think so."
"Good. We're on the same page.", he hissed, moving in closer, glaring at you with the same eyes that had been acting as a dam to his true emotions two nights ago. "You can't tell anyone." His fingers deftly twirled your hair around before tucking it behind your ear.
"How you threw a lamp at me?"
"What you heard about my Dad. What he wanted to... what he said. What you learnt about our family."
"I won't."
"No, seriously, Y/N, don't fucking play with me right now. You'll regret it if you do."
"I'm not playing around, either. I'm not going to tell anyone."
"Good.", sniped Aaron. "'Cause we'll fucking ruin your life if you do."
"Aaron.", whispered Nate, shaking his head. "She already said she wouldn't."
"And you trust her?! She walked in with this polite girl attitude and then when shit got tough, she yelled at you with Mom just a room away. And you told me she wanted to fuck Da-"
"Aaron, shut the FUCK up, okay? She said she isn't going to, so she won't." The glares were back on you, an unwelcome blanket in the heat of tension.
"Yeah, we wouldn't want to have to say stuff about you , too."
"Aaron, I said fuckin' drop it."
"No, she gotta know what's at stake, or she's going to take this shit lightly."
You could almost see the vein pop in Nate's head.
"Nate, what... what stuff?"
"It's nothing. Just... we needed incentive.", he muttered, shrugging.
"What incentive?"
"You're buddy-buddy with a drug dealer, Y/N.", he continued, although, to his credit, it seemed with a little reluctance. "And he has access to a lot of shit, right? Who knows if he's ever slipped something into your drink and... y'know."
"What the FUCK? What the FUCK, NATE?"
His idea of incentive was making you a rape victim?!
Being shushed by the librarian solidified your thirst for homicide.
"I mean, you fucked Shane voluntarily, so you're already a fuckin' whore.", he declared, shrugging again as if he was just stating that the sky would be lit up by fireworks on the Fourth of July. "Maybe he just thought it would be easier, without all the playing-hard-to-get-shit. You're close enough that he trusts you to watch over his store."
"How sad, you're in denial.", tutted Aaron, pouting. "How would you know? He could have used shit stronger than Rohypnol, ya know? Shit that could knock you out cold for hours, and maybe he even called a couple of his trapper buddies-"
Aaron shut up quite quickly when your knuckles met his jaw, but started cussing you out when Nate pulled you off of him. "We're just saying, Y/N, you don't tell anyone the truth of that night, we won't tell them the lies about Fezco."
You pointed your finger at Nate's chest, hoping to god that that would distract him from the rage-induced tears pooling in your eyes.
"You're a fucking coward, Jacobs. With a pervert dad. A fucking coward who can't admit that he has no idea what the fuck he's doing."
"Big words coming from a girl that was raped by her dealer."
OH, someone needs to euthanize this motherfucker.
Nate had no fucking clue why he was doing this.
He was just drunk, he supposed. Drunk and horny. Average teenage experience.
But it's like.. he could've done anything. ANYTHING else. He could've actually gone to the party, picked up some girl, screwed her into the bed.
But no.
He sat there, scrolling through the fucking SlutPages. For who?Shane's sister, maybe, because of the inexplicable hatred he'd been feeling for him for about a month that he couldn't really think of a reason for? You would think, wouldn't you?
He looked for you.
There was no way you were a virgin. But he should've known there was also no way you were a slut. Or at least, that you were smart enough not to end up there.
He almost fucking threw the phone onto the wall. Fuck.
And you'd blocked him. That was the problem. He couldn't even text you. And he didn't have your fucking phone number, Jesus fucking Christ, he should've gotten it! Relying on something as flimsy as social fucking media was stupid. Idiot.
Wait. Social media.
He quickly slid his chair over to his computer, his hands moving with a pace and mind of their own.
No fucking way would he admit this, but his brother... had some good ideas, once in a while.
When he was fourteen, he'd been wide-eyed, watching through the crack through a door as his older brother -17 at the time- created an account, some random username, some girly bullshit, and then gone Incognito, finding a picture to add.
And then he watched as his brother spent hours poring through pictures of girls - at the time, Nate's seniors- and then suddenly sigh.
"You know, you breathe like fucking Darth Vader?" "What's that?", he'd asked, ignoring that comment and padding over to sit next to him. "This account? I'll tell you, but it- it's like... private brother shit, ok?"
"Shit". What a novel word that was at the time.
"Okay." "Spit-swear it, runt."
He spit-swore. A thing he never fucking did again.
"You can use it. Whenever you're down bad for a chick but you're blocked." "Why would a chick I'm down bad for block me?" "You're so obviously fourteen."
And god fucking damnit, was he.
Not that he was down bad for you. But all he'd say is if this wasn't love, it was pretty fucking close. Why you enthralled him, no clue. You were so easy to rile up, but hard to push too far. You always seemed to be limitless.
He logged in.
Good, the loser, Crestin, posted a story.
Good, you were there in the background.
Great, you were hot.
Bad, you were drinking. Tequila. Wasn't that you and Nate's thing?
Of course, he wouldn't presume to have taken your tequila-V-Card, but he most definitely would have assumed that you'd associate tequila with him. With that night. He'd assumed you'd stay away from it, metaphorically forsaking him in the process.
But no.
Shane's tequila was non-traumatic, and apparently delicious. Ugh.
This simply would not do.
"No, NO, GET the FUCK away from me!", you warned, pointing a finger at him. You should've taken his advice and learnt to shoot. "I'm warning you, Jacobs!"
Shane's party was meant to be the one place you could be to avoid Nate, seeing as the host was some sort of Nate-repellent, but NO, you'd just apparently underestimated Nate Jacobs once again.
And here he was, his hand gripping your wrist - just like the rope you wanted to grip his neck - and glaring down at you as if you'd just killed his entire family but he was mildly turned on by it.
"Y/N, just fucking listen! Just- stop causing a scene! Fuckin' LISTEN!", he ordered, grabbing your shoulder with one palm and pointing at you with the other hand, to stop you from writhing away from him.
"You can't just do what you did last week and then expec-"
He kissed you. What did he think this was, fucking Disney Channel?
"NO! NO!", you shouted, shoving him away and secretly hoping for a car to hit him as he stumbled back.
No such luck.
It really was the world according to Nate, wasn't it?
"You know it's okay, right? It's alright."
"It's okay to want me.", he informed you, as if he was telling you it was okay to sing in the shower.
Everyone does it. It's like, a thing, relax.
"It's okay.", he continued, "People want what's bad for them all the time.", he murmured, his thumb tracing your lip like he was tracing out a line he wanted so desperately to cross. "It's human nature."
"You think I'm bad for you?"
He took a deep breath, as if he was about to tell you you were terminal. "I think you're good for my soul. Like a baptism without the water." His thumb moved further into your mouth, just barely grazing your teeth.
"Even you have no clue what that meant, admit it."
"It's called effect, Y/N. Drama. Intrigue. Doesn't have to make sense."
You stared up at him, waiting for elaboration, and that earned a huff from him as he looked around at the other people in the front yard - doing lines, making out, throwing up - before turning back to you. "No, honey, I don't think you're bad for me. In fact, I think you're unnecessarily good for me."
"As in, I don't need your energy."
"Then why are you so insistent on being around it? 'Cause you want to fuck me?"
"No! Jesus. It's in the name, Y/N. GOOD luck charm. You help me do GOOD in my games. You're good energy."
"What's next? You gonna tell me my birthstone?"
"Oh, shut up.", he chuckled, shaking his head as he moved your jaw from side-to-side in what seemed to be a playful gesture, but at this point, could very well have been him trying to ascertain which cheek to shoot into or something. "You got your licks in. We good?"
"Good? No. NO. We're not good! You threatened someone I love, so no fuckin' way are we good!"
"I know, I know. Aaron wanted me to-"
He sighed, as if you were his deranged relative who was climbing up some telephone pole.
"YOU just can't handle the fact that I saw you almost fucking cry! I caught you weak, and that's a power shift, and you don't FUCKING like it, do you?!"
His jaw ticked for a moment, but he managed to let out a mix between a scoff and a chuckle. And then, as if what you said wasn't quite literally exactly what he was feeling, he asked, "Are you done?"
"NO, I'm not fucking done! I still haven't got to the part where you threatened to accuse him of rape, which is a fucking terrible thing to joke about in the first pla-"
"Look, man, I don't have time for this shit, okay? I'm not hurting Fezco! I came here so I could tell you something."
"My GOD, Nate, you made your point! I won't tell anyone!", you groaned, snatching a drink from some already-tipsy guy's hand and downing it.
"That's totally hygienic.", he remarked, eyes finally tearing away from you as you both watched the drunkard stumble over a girl who was getting rid of her lunch and breakfast in the bushes.
"I got new incentive.", he murmured, his forehead against yours, and his thumb rubbing your cheek as if it owned land there.
"What, now you're going make Shane out to be a rapist, too?"
Not a bad idea, actually. The corners of his mouth curled down, and he scanned your face as if he were actually thinking about it, eliciting a tsk from you.
He hid a chortle as he continued. "I'm offering you a deal. You were right, back at the bleachers about the control thing."
He was about to ask you to sell your soul, you could fucking feel it.
"So... you get to control me. For however long you need. Like, a month, a week, whatever. Just don't tell anyone about my family."
Whoa. Plot twist. You did not expect him to sell his soul.
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure. So if I asked you to show up to school naked?"
"Yes, I'd show up to school naked for you. But it's funny seeing me naked is your first instinct."
His trust issues were suddenly working out in your favour- he was essentially offering himself up as collateral.
"If I ask you to announce a formal apology to me on a bullhorn before your game?"
"I just want you to leave my family alone, Y/N."
So that's where Nate Jacobs' humanity began. At his family. Noted.
"I promise. I'll do anything." The urge to say 'then die' was strong, but not invincible.
You wracked your brain looking for something you could make this psychopath do that would not cause him immense pleasure.
"Ah, see? Being the one in control isn't all it's cracked up to be. Too much power, and you don't even know what to do with it.", he taunted, pouting as he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead harder against yours. "Think. What is it you want from me?"
What the fuck did you want him to do?
"Do you want an apology? No, 'cause I've already given you plenty and you don't want meaningless things, do you?" His lips lightly touched yours and you could swear he smirked when you flinched on reflex.
But no. That wasn't what you wanted. He was spot-on.
"You want... do you want money? I'm a trust fund baby, essentially, right? My father basically owns the town. Sure, I could hook you up. Royal Enfield, BMW. Or, if you want, Chanel? But that won't cost me anything, at least not emotionally, yeah? So no. That's not it, either."
Why did you suddenly feel like your thoughts were transferring into his head?
"You want me? You want to cut me up, just like I forced you to watch me do to myself? You want to hold a gun to my throat like I did to you? No, because I'd low-key like it."
Yes, he would. So no, you didn't want it.
"C'mon, think. I'm at your mercy, I'm all yours. There's definitely one thing you want and you're just too much of a pussy to say it."
Why were you letting him do this? Why did you just accept that it was the world according to Nate?
"You wanna know what I think, huh? Huh? I'll tell you what I think.", he murmured. "I think you want me to care."
That got your attention. "Care?"
"I think you actually want me to give a shit about you, so you can justify to yourself why you keep lettin' this happen, don'tcha?", he asked, thumb rubbing your jawline. "You want me to stop acting like this whole thing between us is a game. You want me to acknowledge what I'm doing to you."
You hated this. You hated when men were right - it was ridiculous. And you absolutely despised when Nate was right, because it was dangerous.
"Look, I just want you out of my life, Nate.", you lied.
That had come out way too fast. That was the easiest thing he could do. That was the kindest thing you could have ordered him to do. That was mercy.
So why was he acting like you'd just asked him to jump into a fire?
"That's it?"
He didn't buy it. And neither did you. Because yes, you'd technically be very reasonable to want him out of your life. But no, the danger, the unnecessarily sexy amount of mortal peril you'd be in every second that you were around him- it was your fucked up version of heroin.
"I don't think you understand just what you're asking. You're going to miss me."
You scoffed and he shrugged, in a gesture that only seemed pitiful, as though he were allowing you to believe that for the time being.
'Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, baby', you could almost hear him snark.
"What if I miss you?"
You shrugged, downing another shot - one you'd stolen from a drunk girl this time. "I dunno. Just don't."
"You'll still come to games? Fist-bump me?"
"Still come to games? I guess, maybe? I'll high-five you, or something."
"I'll think it over." Wait, wasn't he the one who was making an offer?
═════════════════════ 🧿 ════════════════════
He found you almost fifteen minutes later, probably after mulling it over with a drink.
"I accept your terms. I'll go out of your life, starting Monday. However, I've got a little som'n som'n to show you.".
An AK-47? An atom-bomb? A grave he dug specially for you?
"It's a surprise. Only an hour. That's all I'm asking."
Only your sanity. That's all he was asking.
You'd promised yourself you'd never take anything from Nate Jacobs again, and you'd stuck to it.
I mean.
That was until he'd offered you molly.
Molly made you happy.
Molly made you forget stuff, like college apps, the loss of your internship and the fact that you'd basically been lying to your family the entirety of last week about the scar on your forehead.
But how he'd found that out was a question for the ages. And he seemed to know exactly what molly did to you.
And you best believe he was milking it.
"I want to get a tattoo."
"Correction : I want us to get a tattoo.", he whispered, before tsk-ing at your derisive snort. "C'mon, you get to draw whatever you want on me and I'll get it tattooed, I promise!"
"Tattoos are permanent, Nate."
"And you know what? So am I. In your life. In your head. On your lips.", he reminded, grinning mischievously, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth.
You barely fought against him - the ecstasy sprinting through your blood vessels - and you found yourself lying back on the grass, his hands bracketing your hair.
"Just fucking draw something on me, Y/N. Come on. And I'll draw something on you. Yeah? Sound good?", he asked, his hand creeping up your shirt with surprising reverence.
He chuckled breathily against your lips, shaking his head as he rolled off you, lying next to you.
"I'll draw something nice and meaningful. And you get to, as well. Nothing cheesy, though. Like a fucking arrow-heart or an anchor or some shit."
"How about a star?"
"What, a star is not cheesy? That's the cheesiest thing ever. That's the pussy tattoo.", he muttered, before looking up at your eyes, sighing magnanimously. "What kind of star?"
"The ones that are hard to draw. With all the lines."
"Really, Y/N? I give you the chance to mark my body up and you want the hardest thing to draw from second grade?"
"Where'd you want it?"
"Where will you be willing to touch me?"
That was a million dollar question. Willing is a very subjective term.
"Neck. Under my ear."
You nodded, taking the pen he'd brought and gently tracing out a couple stars under his neck. He played with some of your hair that had fallen in front of his face, with terrifying dedication, as you did so. "Yeah. Done. You actually getting this tattooed?"
"Now you.", he ordered, grabbing your wrist, not answering the question. Red flag number eleven thousand. The pen lid in his mouth and a focused furrow to his brow, he began drawing.
"Infinity symbol.", he informed you, before you could even ask.
"I dunno. It's meaningful. 'To infinity and beyond'. Favourite Disney Movie, right?"
"That is not my favourite-"
"Yeah, well, it's mine. Buzz Lightyear is like, my hero.", he muttered, rubbing his thumb over the drawing and then kissing it softly, all while looking at you.
"Really? You seem like a Big Hero 6 guy to me."
He laughed deeper. "You always take me so seriously."
"Fuuuck, I know I'm not supposed to say this..."
He lolled his head over to you. "You could tell me you're Ted Bundy reincarnate and I'd still smash."
You decided to ignore that comment. "I'm not supposed to say this, but... but I get why Rue did it. Like Jesus fucking Christ."
He nodded in understanding, looking at the tiny packet that still had a couple pills in it. "She was just too weak to limit herself. But we got no limits. You got infinity on your wrist."
"Look, Nate, I can't tattoo that shit. My family would kill themselves."
"Then why did you-"
"We're gonna do something that could go either way. It could either freak you out or turn you on. On the off chance that it's both, then we're more similar than you realize.", he slurred, lazily brushing hair behind your ear. "'Kay?"
"What are we gonna do?", you asked, trying your hardest to pull away, but the ecstasy made you genuinely defenceless against human touch. And it didn't help that Nate was holding your arms tightly down on the ground, as if he were trying to plant roots.
"We're going to carve the tattoos."
He said it so conspiratorially. As though this was your secret to surviving the zombie apocalypse. And his fucking eyes. Glowing like fireworks. Glowing like a child finally being told he could get what he wanted for Christmas.
He licked his lips with an almost roll of his eyes as he looked up at you, because you were so clearly overreacting, right? Slitting your own skin in the shape of an infinity on it was a perfectly normal teenage activity. Of course. Drinking, smoking, fucking, slicing.
"I'll do it. I'm experienced, as you know.", he scoffed, his lips at your shoulder now. "We only have about fifteen minutes left of your curfew, Y/N, please. Please? Play nice."
The molly was clouding your senses, clearly. You could tell because a) you were still having this conversation and b) you didn't even question how he knew what time your curfew was, and c) you hadn't punched him yet.
"Think about it, it's less permanent than a tattoo, baby, please."
And then he placed another one of those little pink pills on your tongue, pressing down and forcing you to swallow.
The scream came too late to your liking.
You'd tried to scream faster, but everything had come rushing back to you. The fever dream was not a dream. It's always relieving when terrible 'realities' end up only being dreams. It's a different kind of terror when you realize that the nightmare was real.
The number eighteen was etched on your wrist like a pathetic mark, like... like a brand.
You couldn't even begin to figure out just what the fuck that was supposed to be. Eighteen? How was that meaningful? The year it becomes legal to have sex? Freedom, maybe? Joy?
He wanted this aneurysm in your head. He'd placed it there.
"What? What is it you want?!"
He frowned, his face softening out of genuine confusion, make him look almost comically harmless in the harsh stadium lighting. "You said you'd still fist-bump me."
"What does 18 mean?"
He shrugged, holding out his fist. You rolled your eyes, bumping it with your own. And then, after telling yourself you were imagining the ghost of a smirk on his lips, you froze. Because he'd turned, running off to the middle of the field. You saw his back.
His jersey. 18. FUCK. He blew you a kiss about two seconds before the ball was passed to him. 18. FUCK.
"Did you just fist-bump Nate?"
"Why?", asked Maddy, scoffing softly.
"He was talking to me about the project and then he said he had to go, so I wished him luck and... I guess I fist-bumped him."
"Oh, yeah, ew, the project. How's that going?"
"I scrapped it."
"Why?", she questioned, after shaking her pom-poms and screaming out some over-enthusiastic cheer.
"I don't fucking like him. At all. He's a DICK."
"What? No way. I had no idea.", she muttered sardonically, slinging an arm around your shoulder. "But was it, like, really bad?"
You nodded.
"After the game, you wanna do molly?"
"No." The reply was almost immediate.
"You don't wanna do molly? Don't bullshit me. Shut up. You're doing it with me."
You'd have hugged Maddy for knowing you so well if you weren't so focused on the big, blue, number 18 running on the field, matching the big, red one staying still on your wrist.
Staying over at Maddy's was an offer you shouldn't have declined, because it was getting genuinely infuriating how Nate found out things.
You were still extremely lacking in sobriety when he'd crawled into your bed that night, covering your mouth to make sure you didn't scream. How? Million dollar question.
"You want me to tell you a secret?"
"A secret? Wait, not some bullshit about my lips that you came up with?"
"I listened to Queen."
You sat up. "WHAT?"
He chuckled, sitting up as well and tilting his head while resting it on his knees. "What? Elvis, too. I even watched Blue Hawaii. I low-key liked it. Why? Would it have changed your mind?"
You frowned for a moment, before shaking your head. "Still would've been nice to know."
"Okay, how about you just kiss me now, Rue 2.0?", he asked, tracing out the number eighteen on your wrist before looking up at you through slightly furrowed brows. That was a challenge, of sorts, that gaze.
"You have something to ask me." Didn't take a genius to figure it out. Insinuation was painted all over his face. He had an accusation and he needed you to defend it.
"When Shane fucked you, where'd he come?"
You frowned, staring at him for a moment. "Yo, I- what? Where is this coming from?"
"At practice he was saying he fucked you."
"He's a dickwad, of course he did."
"It doesn't bother you that he's spreading that shit?"
"If I paid attention to every rumour some butthurt, fragile-ego jock spread about me, I wouldn't have time to fucking study."
"Your reputation's gone, though. That's fine for you?"
You sucked on your teeth for a moment before exhaling. "You're here to find out if I'm easy?"
He looked at you for a moment, his expression unreadable.
"If I did this, Y/N, would you stop me?", he asked, shifting to his knees at the foot of the bed. "Hm? If I just...", he trailed off, kissing up your knee to your thigh.
"Nate. Stop."
"That's not stopping me.", he murmured, gripping your back and yanking you closer.
You kicked him away, grimacing. "Get out."
He gazed up at you, and for a moment there, it seemed like he was rooting for you, for the rumours to just be cruel rumours and not true.
"Get OUT!"
"You can't let me kiss you and then just... it doesn't work like that."
The world looked glittery and he looked godly kneeling down there.
His tongue licked slowly up your inner thigh. "C'mon. Take it off. It's just me."
"Get out."
He rolled his eyes, yanking your shorts down himself. "I fucking...", he murmured, voice muffled against your skin. "Love you."
"You don't fucking love me!" You were struggling but it was fruitless.
"I could."
"Get out, I'm not bullshitting."
"C'mon.", he murmured, reaching up to unhook your bra before pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. "C'mon."
"No! Get off!" His hand held you down.
"Just let me-", he muttered, his fingers finally removing your underwear as he pressed a chaste kiss higher up your thigh. Your breath hitched and his smirk widened, albeit, with a bit of disappointment. "There we go."
Kicking him away, you finally snapped. Maybe it was the molly. Maybe it was his tongue. Maybe it was the fact that he'd somehow found out that molly made you make extremely bad decisions. Maybe it was the fact that he knew you wanted nothing more than to fuck him that night.
"GET THE FUCK OUT, NATE! YOU SAID YOU'D LEAVE ME ALONE MONDAY, IT'S FRIDAY! GET THE FUCK OUT, PLEASE!" He took every kick and every punch like a total champ, you'd give him that.
The disappointment left, and he smiled, softly, caringly, like a mother hanging up her child's drawing on the fridge, as he wiped your tears away.
Standing up, he grabbed your hair, staring into your eyes so deeply you were half-wondering if they'd changed colour, before patting your shoulder. "I'm proud of you."
Proud for disproving a rumour?
You watched his shadow on your wall as it climbed down the window behind you.
Look, one thing could be said. Nate Jacobs was a man of his word. He did not speak to you. He did not text you. He did not acknowledge you.
You'd blocked him online and he'd blocked you in real life.
However, his other account still kept tabs on you.
Average social media interaction.
Shane Crestin ended up in the ER later that night.
Average Nate Jacobs interaction.
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wynnyfryd · 10 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 32
part 1 | part 31 | ao3
cw: explicit sexual content, smoking
"Holy shit," Steve gasps as he shudders through aftershocks. Holy shit. Holy shit. He's never coming alone again; wonders if he could get away with asking Eddie to record some sort of audio for future use, because- because fuck.
Eddie's incredible. Made him tease himself for what felt like hours — featherlight caresses over his stomach, his hips, his thighs — and when he finally let him come, Steve nearly fucking died. Supernovas in his vision, trumpeting angels in his ears. Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end type of shit. His heart went all off rhythm, and his entire body shook, and that melted honey feeling crystalized inside his chest; a sugar cube embedded in the center of his heart.
"Holy shit," Eddie echoes on the tail of a breathless laugh. He looks just as fucked out as Steve feels, flushed and fucking gorgeous, and Steve hears him shuffling around behind him; tucking himself back into his shorts, taking off his ruined shirt. He wipes his sticky hands on the fabric then moves to clean Steve up, using his t-shirt as a rag; dragging it over Steve's stomach, his pubes.
Steve giggles. "That tickles!"
"You're welcome," Eddie grins. He tosses the shirt onto the floor, and Steve moves to take his off.
"Here," he offers, "take mine." The thing's rucked up under his armpits, probably a little gross from sweat, but he doesn't want Eddie to be cold, and he especially doesn't want him to get up to find a new one. Feels like he might evaporate if Eddie leaves right now.
Eddie pushes him back down gently, and when he looks at him, it feels... reverent.
Like adoration.
Sugar cubes.
"Nah, Stevie." He bends to kiss his forehead with a wet, playful smack. "You keep it."
Steve settles back between his thighs and peppers kisses over the tattoos he can reach, stopping at one he asked about earlier. The fluffy cloud, the sleeping fox. "Will you tell me about these now?" Another kiss. "If you want."
Eddie sighs and sits up straighter; lights himself a cigarette. He pokes at each tattoo in turn, the skin dimpling under his touch, and says, "Fox, and Skye. My half-siblings."
"You have siblings?"
"Sure do. Four and seven last time I saw ’em. And yes,” he adds with a smirk in his voice, “my mom was a dirty hippie, in case their names didn’t make that abundantly clear.”
Steve laughs under his breath. "I see why you didn't want to talk about that before."
He traces the outline of the art; thinks about all the other stuff he doesn't know about Eddie, about his life outside of school, outside of Hawkins. Startles himself a little with how badly he wants to learn.
“Son of a bitch…” Eddie whispers. He sounds like he’s talking to himself, and when Steve glances up at him, his gaze has drifted to the middle distance, staring somewhere past the mirror and the guitar hung on the wall.
“What is it?” Steve asks. A dark smudge of anxiety cuts through the afterglow. It's probably nothing, but three years of fighting monsters has set him permanently on edge.
“Nothing," Eddie assures, blinking fast to snap himself out of it. "Sorry. I'm just— just realizing they’re both way older now." He licks his upper lip; clucks his tongue. "Jesus. I haven’t seen them since ’79.”
Oh. “How come?” He probably shouldn’t ask. Feels intrusive and rude.
Eddie doesn’t seem to mind. “Oh, you know,” he answers, and his tone is flippant, swooping melody, but Steve can hear the vulnerable quiver lurking just below. The slightest tremor; a flicked bass string. “Pretty classic tale. Mom remarried, I was the moody teenage step-son getting in the way of the guy’s fresh start. Also,” he sucks in another puff of smoke, croaking on the exhale, “turns out hippies can be homophobes, too, so...”
“Wait, seriously?” Steve twists to sit upright, to spring into action, as if he’s about to— what, exactly? Fight the past on Eddie’s behalf? (He’d do it, for the record, but he’s pretty sure it’s not an option. Not unless one of El’s siblings knows how.) "Eddie, that sucks; I'm so sorry."
“Down, boy,” Eddie snorts, voice gone husky from the smoke. "It's fine; it's old news."
He clearly doesn't care to wallow when he just got his rocks off, so Steve eases himself back down; borrows the cigarette. When he hands it back he jokes, "Should I be worried that it’s, like, kinda hot when you talk to me like I'm a dog?”
Eddie hollers out a laugh, his head knocking against the wall, all those wild curls bouncing around his shaking shoulders. "Jesus Christ. You're fucking dangerous," he beams.
Steve smiles back; pokes the comic bubble on Eddie's knee. "You like danger."
"Little shit.” He rolls his eyes and smiles, softer now, biting it back. The cassette reaches its end. A peaceful hush falls over the room. "Yeah. I guess I do."
Later, when the moon is high and the weed's all gone and sleep tugs at their eyelids like a needy kid; when they're curled on their sides face-to-face on the bed, Eddie reaches across the gap between them and says, "Stay?"
Steve takes his hand; brushes his lips over bare knuckles. "Kiss me?"
"In the morning," Eddie promises. "If you still mean it, ask me then."
part 33
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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livingformintyoongi · 5 months
my idea: hate sex, enemies to lovers???
pairing: jungkook and yn
yn and jk have been in the same friend group since highschool, but they could never stand eachother (he always pranked her, would't say bully, but hasn't been exactly nice to her either)
she always stood silent, until one day she just gets fed up and starts arguing back, he might tell her 'oh shut up!' and she could say 'make me' and you know...the rest is history hahaha
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The best way to shut someone up
a/n: This is my second order from Jungkook. This is the second time reader ends up being more dom than Jungkook lol. I'm not really sure if it counts as hate sex, I just got carried away for the moment 😣. warnings: Semi-public sex (they're in an alley in the middle of the night), reader is a bit dominant (sorry, I'm a natural dom!reader with Jk), Jungkook has a weakness for reader's brute attitude, unprotected sex, reader is 2 years older than Jk, hair pulling. wc: 2.4k
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"Every day I'm more and more impressed by the horrible taste you have" whispered Jungkook, leaning against the same wall you were leaning against.
You had to take your drink in one shot just to keep from hitting his face. It worked a little, but you'd be lying if you said the urge was completely gone. You tried to remind yourself that you’re older than him, you should keep your composure and ignore the fact that he was being a son of a bitch to you, had you ever done anything to make him treat you this way? Before he came to the group you didn't even talk, god, you didn't even know he existed before Taehyung dragged him to your group after you met at an art workshop, then why was he so nasty?
"Seriously, how could you pick that dress? It's hideous" he shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. It was his turn to drive today, so he couldn't afford to drink alcohol.
"Well, it's not like I got dressed thinking about whether you'd like it or not either, my life doesn't revolve around you, you know?" you turned to look at him, grimacing as you felt the smoke from his cigarette hit your face. You forced your brain to count to ten.
"That doesn't take away from the fact that you look hideous, you should take it off," Jungkook turned to you, staring at you. He brought his cigarette to his lips and took a long puff, blowing the smoke in your face. 
"Okay, I've had enough," you stood in front of him, crossing your arms over your chest, "either start treating me with the minimum respect given to a person, or deal with the consequences."
"And what consequences could come to me if I don't obey you?" he stubbed out his cigarette on the wall behind him, letting the butt fall to the floor. He walked over to you, coming face to face with you, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
If he thought you would be intimidated by this he was very wrong. 
"I don't know, maybe a kick in the balls will finally make you shut the fuck up" you growled, mentally preparing yourself to leave him for at least five minutes on the floor trying to endure the pain he would have in his crotch. 
"Fuck, that sounds really exciting" he whispered as his hands formed fists at his sides.
You went blank for a few seconds, wondering for a moment if you had misheard. "What did you say?" you looked at Jungkook, slightly surprised.
Jungkook's eyes widened, his unpleasant countenance quivering slightly, "Did I say it out loud?"
"You were thinking it?" you frowned, beginning to question if you had actually just told him that you were going to kick him in the balls until he stopped saying shit about you and how you dressed. 
"No?" he turned back to that expression he'd been looking at you with since you'd met him. How you hated it. You seriously felt like deforming his face right now. "Why the fuck would I say that?"
"I never repeated what you said, I just asked what you said" you raised your eyebrows. If there was one thing you hated more than idiots, it was idiots who treated you like a liar.
"Shut your mouth" he frowned, moving closer to you. Your chests were now barely brushing against each other, and the heels you were wearing allowed you to be almost at Jungkook's height, so your noses were also millimeters away from meeting. You wanted to ignore the fact that his lips were also menacingly close to yours.
"Make me" you raised your head. This idiot would never intimidate you, ever.
"If that's what you want" he whispered as he shrugged his shoulders, grabbing your neck with his right hand and pulling you towards him until his lips met yours. 
You were totally unprepared for this. There were hundreds of scenarios in your head about what Jungkook could have done to silence you, like covering your mouth with his hand, or shoving some snack in it, things like that, but a kiss? That never crossed your mind.
The sound of glass shattering against the floor echoed in the middle of the alley just as Jungkook pressed his left hand against your waist, pulling you even closer to him. Your bodies were now completely glued together. Jungkook ran the tip of his tongue over your lips, moaning softly at the taste of your lip gloss against his tongue.
He was taken by surprise that you allowed him entrance to your mouth, just as he was surprised that you ran your hands around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He expected you to punch him in the face and tell him he was a sick fuck, to get away from you or you would call the police, anything but accept his kiss and allow him to kiss you. He was really grateful for this.
Once his tongue was inside your mouth, he took the time to explore your mouth properly, he had waited too long for this moment and needed to feel it was real. That excuse he made to himself as he lowered his hand to your ass and gave it a light squeeze. 
He moaned as he felt your hand tangle in his hair and pull him hard enough to separate his lips from yours. Somehow or other that turned him on even more. He really loved your attitude.
"What do you think you're doing?" you whispered into his neck. He was bound to look down at you in this position. He loved the look you were bringing at that moment, as well as the irregular movement of your chest due to the kiss you had just given each other. He could tell he wasn't the only one excited about what was happening.
"You asked me to shut you up" he took your wrist, pulling it away from his hair and closer to his lips. He left a trail of kisses up your arm until he stopped at your shoulder. He really didn't think what he had said earlier was true, the dress looked great on you, and he actually worried when you walked out into the alley outside the bar alone. If someone came up to you and did something to you... he didn't know if he would be able to control himself.
Although on second thought, he told himself, that was just what was happening right now. At least he could defend himself by saying that you hadn't rejected his kiss.
"I was just obeying, Noona" he whispered into your neck, letting out a teasing chuckle as he noticed your head being pushed aside to give him more space. 
"I don't understand how this would help me shut up," you replied, slipping your hand under Jungkook's jacket and stopping at his waist. He seriously had a beautiful waist.
"Well, let me show you" he buried his teeth in the space where your neck and shoulder met, leaving a mark on your skin that he would be tremendously proud of when others saw it. He slipped one of his hands under your dress, brushing your center over your underwear. His cock stirred inside his briefs as he heard you moan softly. He had never heard you make that sound before. Now it was his favorite.
One part of you refused to accept how good the touch of Jungkook's fingers felt on your core, the other was too focused on the knot that was starting to form in your stomach to pay attention to who it was that was provoking that feeling in you. You decided to go for the second one, then you would martyr yourself thinking about the stupid thing you were doing.
"I want to feel what your pussy is like so badly, can I stick my fingers in?" whispered Jungkook into your shoulder, too focused on leaving marks on your neck to notice anything else that was going on around you.
"Don't ask, just do it" you growled in your slightly deeper voice than usual. Jungkook shivered slightly at the sound of you. That tone of voice would be his undoing, and he was more than willing to accept it. 
He pushed your underwear aside, feeling his mouth go dry as he noticed how wet you already were. He was proud to have had this effect on you. You could hate him with all your soul, but you still desired him physically, just as he desired you.
He gently pushed his index and middle fingers inside you, using his thumb to slowly and torturously play with your clitoris. You both moaned at the same time, he, from how tight and wet your pussy was, you from feeling his fingers enter you as he teased your clit. His fingers were doing a wonderful job.
"Amazing, you're so much tighter than I thought" he whispered, pulling your dress up to your waist so he could watch as his fingers moved in and out of you at a steady pace. He swallowed saliva at the sight, using your free hand to rub your cock over your pants. 
"Let me do it" you removed his hand from his pants, quickly unbuttoning them and slipping your hand inside them to rub his cock wrapped around his boxers. Jungkook gasped at the sensation of your cool hand on his member. You weren't even touching him directly yet and he already felt in heaven.
Jungkook rested his forehead on your shoulder, letting his fingers begin to make faster lunges as he returned the favor you were doing him by, if nothing else, rubbing his cock over his clothes. You almost screamed when he curved his fingers inside you, bumping into your G-spot. 
"Is that it? Does it feel good to be touched in that place?" he pulled away from your shoulder a little, resting his forehead against yours. Once he noticed that you didn't plan to answer him, he rammed his fingers into that spot again, this time increasing the force of the onslaught. The shit-eating grin he had put on as he noticed how you trembled every time he touched that spot would not be taken off by anyone. 
"Take your hand away," you said with a slight frown, squeezing his cock by way of threat. Jungkook quickly obeyed, pulling his fingers out from inside you and watching as your hand traveled to the elastic that held his briefs in place. 
He gasped as he felt the cold air hit his sensitive member, or perhaps it was because he was turned on by the sight of you unabashedly pulling out his cock and groping it, squeezing his balls and rubbing his slit. You were exactly what he thought you would be like in sex.
"Who knew Jungkookie would have such a nice cock" you laughed softly, squeezing the base of his member, noticing how preseminal fluid was starting to ooze out of his slit. You ran your thumb over the tip, taking the liquid into your mouth and licking it off. 
Jungkook moaned at the sight. He never thought you would taste his cum like that. 
"Always acting so nasty every time we're together, was it because you were desperate to fuck me?" you commented teasingly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He just nodded quickly, resting his hands on your hips. You looked so beautiful that for a second he completely forgot that you were in a seedy alley, outside a bar where all his friends were enjoying.
"Okay" You moved towards the wall that faced your back, Jungkook followed you without even questioning you. His hands were clinging to your hips, and he refused to let go. "Then fuck me the fuck up and stop acting like a motherfucker."
It took him a while to process what you had just said, but as soon as he got the message he lifted you up by your thighs and leaned you against the wall, resting his hand behind your head to keep the brick from hurting you. 
"Fine" he nodded quickly, taking his cock in his free hand and rubbing it against your middle. 
You had to bite your tongue to keep from screaming as you felt Jungkook thrust in. It felt really good to have his member in your pussy. It's not like you were going to tell him out loud.
"Fuck, so tight" he growled against your lips, kissing you messily. Jungkook was sure this would happen again, so he would no longer take the time to enjoy the kiss.
The knot in your belly grew tighter and tighter as Jungkook rammed hard against your insides, causing your back to hit the brick of the wall. It was painful, but the pleasure was enough to make you forget the pain completely. 
"You feel so good" Jungkook nuzzled your neck, taking his time to kiss and lick your bottom lip. He grunted on this very one as he felt your pussy clench on his cock before his words. "Shit, if you keep doing that you'll make it hard to hold back, you know?".
"The night is long" you hummed, resting your head on Kook's hand, closing your eyes and letting barely audible moans escape, "we can always leave and pay for a hotel."
You felt Jungkook's cock contract inside you at the thought. There was nothing he wanted more in this world than to spend the whole night fucking you. "So it's okay if I cum?" he looked up, trying to meet your gaze.
You grabbed his hair, tugging lightly on it. "If you don't I'll be really mad at you, and believe me, you really don't want me to be upset for the rest of the night" you whispered, tightening your grip on his hair. 
Jungkook moaned at the action, beginning to quicken the pace of his thrusts, as well as the force he applied to them.
You bit your lower lip as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten tighter and tighter as his lunges grew deeper and deeper. Despite having done that with the intention of keeping quiet, you almost screamed as you felt his cock collide with your G-spot, squeezing Jungkook harder.
That was enough for him to come to his release, without ceasing to move his hips against yours. You came moments later, just as he leaned his head against yours, letting the last spurt of his cum spurt out inside you.
"So," he whispered between gasps, brushing the hair back from his forehead, "what hotel are we supposed to go on to?"
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Session 0 - Damian Priest x Tattoo Artist
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Part 1 of 6
Rating: T
Beta Reader: @jstarr86
“Trust me Dam, she’s the best at what she does. It doesn’t hurt that I’d trust her with my life. You’ve been going on about finally getting that back piece, there’s no one better.” Rhea practically herded him towards what looked like an absolute hole in the wall, his nerves judged it based on first appearance.
“Most of my art was done by her, I’ve been meaning to introduce Dom as well. You got first dibs of course.” She paused at the door giving him a single raised brow, “You do trust me, don’t you Damian?”
Cornered he let out a sigh, it doesn’t hurt to at least take a look to appease her. 
“Fine, after you.” 
A bell above the door could just barely be heard over the heavy rock that beat like a pulse within the confines of the lobby. Framed detailed tattoo sketches hung upon the walls, behind the front desk were a collection of awards and licenses to prove this place was legit. Folders full of premade basic bitch designs sat on the coffee table by comfortable leather chairs, Rhea pressed a button at the front. No sound could be heard but in a span of seconds a young woman came out from the back.
“How can I- Oh! Shit! Rhea! Hey girl! Why didn’t you give me a heads up that you were coming?” Priest looked up from one of the framed pieces he was admiring. Apparently the new arrival hadn’t noticed him from the angle he was standing, not something he was used to given his size. He took a moment to admire the person before him…
Purple faux hawk with an under-fade, full tattoo sleeves on both arms, legs, and back, several piercings both visible and one not, brilliant blue eyes with some intense metallic goth eye makeup and a stunning smile. A pair of fake leather leggings with lace ups on the outside of the legs, a fishnet crop top under a Beetlejuice tank top, tying it all together was a basic durable black dog collar and a pair of Demonia knee length boots.Unlike the blonde Barbie she was finishing up, Rhea’s friend wasn’t stick skinny. She was probably a good size 9 or 10, there was some plump flesh but it appeared to have some sturdy muscle underneath. A full pair of breasts accentuated beautifully with the fishnet, and hips perfect to dig fingers into.
“I brought a friend that I thought you might like meeting, he’s been talking about wanting a new big tat for awhile now. So I told him there's only one person I’d trust with that.” After a moment the girl turned to look at him, there was immediate recognition as well as shock across her features. It was brief and fleeting before putting up a friendly facade.
It took Rhea slapping on the bicep to smack Damian back present, realizing he’d been staring at the artist long after the gal she’d been working on had left happily. Meaning he had given her an intense resting bitch for a good minute now. Incredibly embarrassed Priest offered a hand which she accepted with an impressive firm hand shake.
“You can call me Minnie, only people I like get to use that.” Rhea playful shoulder checked her with a warm smile,
“It’s short for Minerva, her parents were from Athens originally”
“So your namesake is a Goddess of War, seems fitting.” Bright sky blue eyes flicked up from the sketchbook she’d grabbed to start jotting ideas from him. And without pause blossomed like a Sunflower, taking note of the dimple on her right cheek. 
“Best make sure you never get on my bad side, Rhea has some great stories of me chasing off her exes prior to Wrestling. I’m only five years older than her, not to mention like 5 inches shorter even without those elevator shoes she stomps around in.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed that at all. Both of you still don’t have me beat.”
“Well you clearly discovered immortality in high school, because you haven't aged a bit.”
Rhea perched herself on the spare stool in the room, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she watched the two getting comfortable with their back and forth.
“What she neglected to mention is the three times she chased them off with a metal bat wrapped in barbed wire and nails welded to it.”
“Jokes on you, I still sleep with that bat beside my bed. Safety first and all that fun stuff. Safer than a machete, I’d rather not accidentally stab myself in my sleep.”
“That’s why we’re best friends.” The Aussie grins before giving Minnie a cheeky wink.
“Why do I feel like I got led into a trap?” She wrinkled her nose at Damian before opening the sketchbook before her.
“You have nothing to worry about Butterscotch, I take my art very seriously. Now let’s start discussing what you’re looking to get and where. I’ll let you know now, that while I’m sure you’re likely VERY blessed… I don’t do anything where I gotta see dick or vag.”
Priest momentarily choked on his saliva while Rhea guffawed in glee. A quick side eye glare at her smothered the sound to a quiet chuckle. Something about her felt like she was messing with the poor Puerto Rican man, akin to a cat staring directly at their owner while pushing a glass of water off the counter playfully.
“You’ve already got plenty of gorgeous pieces on that flawless flesh. What are you thinking of doing?”
No hesitation he pulled his t-shirt up and over while turning to show the empty expanse of his back. Her breath caught audibly, eyes briefly went wide glancing at Ripley wildly. The female wrestler grinned like the Cheshire Cat, watching each interaction with fascination. Plans coming to fruition.
The tattooer bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to focus on what he was actually saying. Once locked in, Minnie began to sketch up fluidly upon paper, at one point he was leaning over her shoulder admiring the work of a talented creative. Bringing his vision to life on the crisp white paper, each description rumbled like incoming thunder located in the man’s voice box. Thank god for hyperfocus cuz lord only knows this was gonna be a genuine challenge for her self-control. All she wanted to do was trace those tattoos on him with her tongue. She had to shake her head to focus back in again, hands working on autopilot, taking in his words with each glide of charcoal across parchment. 
When he finished describing it she looked back up at him with a friendly smile,
“How big are you thinking of making it? So I know what to prepare for, as well as how many sessions to schedule in advance.” He tilted his head in thought momentarily before answering,
“Ideally I’d like it to cover a majority of my back.” She nodded in agreement,
“Alright, I’ve got the sketch started. I'll email you three different versions and you let me know what you like and what you don’t. And if there's aspects you like in one and want to add it to another one, just let me know. This is your tattoo on your skin, I want you to love it decades from now. How’s that sound?”  Damian was genuinely impressed with her professionalism, even as he controls the strong desire to flirt with her. This was a time to behave, she was Rhea’s best friend, and thus not someone to attempt to make any moves towards. 
“That sounds great to me, thanks.” Her smile was so sweet it could have made him diabetic just looking at it. 
“Great. Oh and Rhea, let me know when you want to come in and do those matching ghost tattoos with Dom.” 
“No rush, he’s busy planning his wedding right now so it’s gonna be a bit.”
“Sounds good to me. Now unfortunately I do have another client coming in twenty minutes so I gotta start prepping.” She pulled a business card from her bra, handing it over to Damian,
“My email and personal number is on there in case you think of something you want to add to the tat.Sound good?” Minnie gave a bashful little smile, and it made something deep in his chest want to say something incredibly forward. Rhea snagged him by the elbow, grinning like a cat that caught the canary. 
A nod of thanks was all he got out before being ushered back out, quicker than able to verbalize his appreciation. Ripley called back loudly,
“Thanks love! I’ll make sure he remembers to check his email regularly.” As if he didn’t already do that for work contacts to begin with. Once back in the car Priest gave his companion a look of utter suspicion, he could tell that she had ulterior motives. Nothing vicious or cruel, but she’d tried to set him up on a couple dates in the past, none that worked out. He’s focused on work, most women didn’t appreciate not being number one in his life. It’s been a string of disappointments, to where he bluntly asked Rhea to stop playing cupid. 
“This better not be an attempt at matchmaking again-” She cut him off with a sigh,
“I’ve long accepted that the ball is in your court from now on. I really truly just wanted you to go to an artist I’d trust my life with. She’s a good one, professional, talented, she spent twenty years as an apprentice before taking on her own clients. To top it off, she’s loyal, fun, and could use more genuine friends other than me. Can you blame me for that?” Her tone of voice was honest, after how much time they’d spent together, he could easily tell when she was bullshitting. Damian nodded to her as a show of acceptance to what she was saying. Her attention locked on the drive back to her place, Buddy was gonna get some sparring practice in with the other man. 
His gaze trailed a spot in the distance, trying to keep that woman out of his thoughts… failing miserably. She had such a lovely face, and all the art on display was impressive to be sure. The name Minerva fit her perfectly, especially with how protective she was of the Australian wrestler. It was endearing how she was barely 5’3 and was ready to take on the world to keep her 5’7 well-muscled friend safe. He hadn’t noticed the small smile that spread across his features, but Ripley sure took note of it. Keeping her features stoic while internally she was so pleased with herself. 
She pulled into the driveway where her man was waiting, he waved as they got out of the car. Buddy smiled at them, 
“I’m guessing it went well? Minnie is great at what she does. Rhea doesn’t like to share her with people, so it’s a hell of a compliment she brought you.” She gave him a quick kiss before heading into the house calling back,
“Play nice boys don’t forget the Terror Twins have some matches coming up.”
Damian shook his head w a huff before following the ginger towards their personal gym. Somehow he still had a sneaking suspicion that Rhea was playing a long game now instead of all the quick fruitless dates in the past… The image of Minerva slid by again, and for once… he might be okay with that.
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celestiaras · 6 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ head spinning, heart full ]❜
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━━━ .°˖✧ requested by 🖤❗️ anon (at the end) ˚₊ ⊹
ft. hex haywire x gn! reader — xsoleil, nijisanji en
╰₊✧ hex likes to act out on purpose just so that you’ll punish him┊1.3k words
contains: smut!! dom reader & sub hex┊masochism (hex), this is pretty filthy, established relationship, bratting/brat taming, degredation, spitting (in his mouth-), edging & handjobs, bondage (shibari) & blindfolds, mentioned pictures, dacryphilia, impact play (spanking), mention of safe words, hair pulling, hella rushed ending
➤ author's note: i like the idea of a guy who is bigger than me getting bent over my lap and spanked idk you’re just as bad as me if you’re still reading┊first part inspired by this (clip)
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masochist! hex haywire who will take any opportunity to rile you up with a sly smirk on his handsome face, he loves being a mischievous little shit and getting in trouble. his absolute favorite method is teasing you in public, running his fingers up your thigh, wrapping his arms around your waist, whispering about how much he wants you with his low, husky voice— anything really that was subtle enough to go noticed by others, but had you flustered and glaring at him to cut it out. he really is the worst, relentless in his pursuit to get you just as horny as he is until you pull him into an isolated corner for a quick fuck. sometimes you even threaten to chain him up in front of everyone like the mutt he was if he was that much of an attention whore, but that always gets him even more excited and enticed to continue his vexing behavior more intensely.
masochist! hex haywire who everyone thinks is in charge of the relationship since everything about him screams dominant, from his mannerisms to has people yielding for him to his towering presence that has them in his shadow. he’s so tall and handsome with a gentle and mature personality to balance out his flirtatious streaks, any synonym of “submissive” simply doesn’t feel right when he’s the subject of the sentence. however, he’s only like that in the public eye to keep up the appearances, because behind closed doors when there isn’t a soul to witness the drastic change in behavior, he’s your obedient toy who’ll eagerly take anything you throw at him with a pliant smile on his face. the contrast between him in and outside the bedroom is so drastic that it almost makes you laugh whenever you think of it.
masochist! hex haywire who likes to play innocent when you finally drag him home, pretending that he doesn’t know what you’re talking about and feigning shock you begin to tear his clothes of then tie up him up. if he really wanted to, he could fight back and turn it on you, it would be so easy to have you writing under him and apologizing for being so mean to him after he was only being playful. you both know that he won’t: he wants you to pin him to the bed, he wants you to be cruel to him, he wants you to toy with him like a ken doll, he wants you to make him suffer as punishment for trying to embarrass you earlier, and he wants you to step on him while degrading him for being a filthy manwhore.
masochist! hex haywire who can’t even express how euphoric he feels when you narrow your eyes at him and look at him like dirt, pinching his chin to force his mouth open and spit a glob of saliva on his tongue then watching him swallow it gratefully. his nude body was splayed out on the queen-sized mattress like a work of art with the ropes bound around his limbs, the ribbons digging into his flesh and wrapped around his limbs in an intricate pattern fastened with knots that resembled little roses— all topped off with a blindfold fastened securely around his head so that he can’t see a thing.
masochist! hex haywire who’s so pathetic, especially when he starts moaning like a bitch when he feels your lube-drenched hand wrapping around his throbbing cock to steadily jerk him off. he has to bite on his bottom lip to hold himself back, bucking his hips closer to your touch but being restrained from doing so much as arching his back. it felt like torture, but it exactly the way he wanted, to be completely at your mercy as you retract just as he’s on the cusp of releasing. you know him too well, able to read the signs that he’s close like words in a novel, and you always know how to make the most out of that knowledge.
masochist! hex haywire who is truly a masterpiece, shivering slightly in the cold air even though he was hot enough to have his lungs heaving for breath and beads of sweat stick his hair after all of your edging (even though the bondage made panting more difficult since he was rendered unable to move an inch). the way the red from the silk and the marks littering his skin contrasted with his blue hair as well as the focus on his angry cock slapped against his stomach with beads of pre-cum leaking out the tip from your previous ministrations. he would probably blush to look down at the sight of himself if his vision wasn’t obscured by the black piece of fabric reminding you to quickly snap a photo so that you could show him later (bonus points if it was in public to make him feel just like you did earlier in the day because of him).
masochist! hex haywire who gets exhilarated when you tug on one of the ropes around his chest to pull him over your lap, breath hitching at your hand trailing down his spine as you ask him if he remembered the safe word in place. his heart was beating impossibly fast as he nodded obediently and answered it back to you, knowing exactly what you had in store for him and allowing a meek plea to follow it to confirm that he wanted this just as much as you did. even if he wasn’t blindfolded, there was no way to see how high your hand was raised for how much force was going to be behind it. all he could do was squirm in anticipation and have you hold him still, promptly smacking your palm against his ass.
masochist! hex haywire who jolted at the sudden sensation, surprised that you had already started without edging him even more. he could hear the sound of the impact reach his ears before the strike registered in his mind, a sharp whip cracking in contrast to the dull pain beginning to form. you gently rubbed circles around the area to smooth the sting, but not without telling him to keep count because you will punish him with however many were required for him to learn his lesson. maybe about ten would be a good start, giving and taking more or less depending on his reactions.
masochist! hex haywire whose voice becomes increasingly shakier with every heavy hit, swearing and gasping while sputtering out numbers. being unable to move or see only heightened all of his other senses, able to hear the sound of skin slapping against skin and feel his flesh getting sensitive with just the third spank. he could only imagine how he looked slung over your lap and having his cock dripping onto the sheets below as his tender ass transitioned to a pretty rose color from his ivory skin, wildly blushing at the thought as he lets out a pained yet pleasurable moan with the fifth slap. you suddenly stopped your motions and tugged on his blue hair, making his eyes roll back to his skull behind the fabric as you asked him if he was ready to apologize for his bad behavior or if he was going to continue being a brat about it.
masochist! hex haywire who only chuckled in response. all he had to do was say sorry and you’ll let up? well, unfortunately for you, he isn’t going to ask for forgiveness about something he had no regrets about. you sighed at his blatant refusal, disappointed but not surprised, knowing that he was having too much fun to want to stop now. that’s okay though, the night was still young and you had plenty of energy and patience to discipline him even if it took all night. you always were able to reduce someone as stubborn as him to a crying mess that was just begging for your mercy with promises that he’ll never do it again.
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request was [ i’ve seen a lot of images that hex oftenly uses that include him being tied up, and i’ve seen or heard somewhere that he likes to being tied up and suffering .. so may i req masochism with sub hex haywire? fic is completely up to you! ]
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mcflymemes · 3 months
PROMPTS FROM BEYONCÉ'S COWBOY CARTER *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly adapted, adjust as necessary
nothing really ends.
for things to stay the same, they have to change again.
hello, my old friend.
you changed your name, but not the ways you play pretend.
do you hear me?
let me make myself clear.
can you hear me, or do you fear me?
can we stand for something?
now is the time to face the wind.
can you stand me?
this isn't the time to pretend.
they used to say i spoke "too country."
they don't know how hard i had to fight for this.
goodbye to what has been.
you were only waiting for this moment to arise.
i had to leave my home at an early age.
i'm not in my bed.
i gotta choose myself.
i might cook, clean, but still won't fold.
i'm still working on my life, you know.
only god knows.
i got art to make.
i got love to create.
they won't dim my light.
i had to sacrifice and leave my fears behind.
you'll remember me, 'cause we got something to prove.
i will lead you down that road if you lose your way.
i'm born to be a protector.
even though i know someday, you're gonna shine on your own.
i gave water to the soil, and now it feeds me.
there you are, shaded underneath it all.
i feel proud of who i am.
i first saw your face in your father's gaze.
how many times have you let yourself get down?
be fond of your flaws.
i just hope you love yourself like that.
i really hope the best for you.
you're my love, my sweetie pie.
don't let go.
lay your cards down.
i'll be damned if i can't slow dance with you.
don't be a bitch.
there's a heatwave coming at us.
i give you kisses in the backseat.
you make me cry, you make me happy.
just toss it.
they couldn't have me and they never will.
sometimes i hold you closer just to know you're real.
sometimes i take a day off just to turn you on.
i could be your bodyguard.
you should let me ride shotgun.
you know how people like to start shit.
someone better hold me back.
i'm warning you, don't come for my man.
don't take the chance just because you think you can.
the games you play are nothing new.
you don't want no heat with me.
i know my man better than he knows himself.
shoot your shot with someone else.
i'm warning you, woman, find your own man.
i have to have this talk with you.
i really tried to stay cool, but your arrogance disturbed my solitude.
look what you made me do.
if you cross me, i'm just like my father.
you say move a mountain and i'll throw on my boots.
how does it feel to be adored?
think about leaving? hell no.
time moves quickly, and so do i.
i don't need anything.
here's to hoping i'll fall fast asleep tonight.
i need to get through this.
i came here for a reason, but i don't know the purpose.
time heals everything.
i'll be your backseat baby.
been a while since i haven't tried to pull away.
come here, you sexy little thing.
baby, you play too much.
i'm looking super hot.
i'm a fucking animal.
every time you know just what to do.
no one ever got me going quite like you.
girl, i wanna take you home.
they won't be around.
i hope that you know that once i loved you.
history can't be erased.
got you up all night and now you don't wanna leave.
how can a true love go so wrong?
put on a show and make it nasty.
let me sink into your arms.
i died and someone brought me back to life.
i plan to steal your heart again.
who am i to judge?
i will carry on.
baby, i've been waiting my whole life for you.
wherever you wanna go, that's fine with me.
all i see is the best of you.
i'm gonna give you the best years of your life.
you owe me a debt.
i hated you once.
tap me on the shoulder when you reload the gun.
i know they're looking for me.
i fall to pieces each time i see you there.
it don't matter what nobody says.
we can take back roads.
just say what you need from the store.
i'm coming home.
take that shit on the chin.
have mercy on me.
this house was built with blood and bones.
i need to make you proud.
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yaut-jaknowit · 10 months
Okay but now I started thinking on how would an argument with Gawtin go? Also, glad to be back to pester you💪
An Argument with Gawtin
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1247 (Couldn't help it)
Summary: Like dominos falling in line, things build up until the dam can't handle it. The stress, the cracks. The two of you are a tornado, feeding off of each other.
Author Note: I decided to do this a little different than I usual do this. I have off feelings about angst, like arguments and you might see it here. To be honest, Gawtin doesn't get anger often, rarely at all. Thank you Kissmyaft! I love it when you come to give me phenomenal ideas such as this!
P.s. I decided to create a Kofi since I believe my page has grown to a reasonable amount. If you want tip or buy me a coffee, you're more than welcome to. If you don't want to, that's okay! I make my content free because I know the frustrations when the good shit is hidden behind paywalls. My Kofi link is on my Masterlist page
Part 2
Honestly, Gawtin and Reader don’t fight very often. Some disagreements, of course. Some miscommunications. We are talking about two different species, cultures.
But Gawtin doesn’t like to feed into anger. She, like most other females, are cooler minded than their male counterparts. They know how to discuss their issues than result to straight violence. Fights do break out when no one can’t come to an agreement. Nothing that could kill the other though.
When an argument happens, it’s when both are at end of their lines. Gawtin is stressed out from Qui’oky or something with the village. She brings it home with her unfortunately.
Reader has had some trouble still adapting to the new planet or being homesick or worrying over Gawtin. That sets off Gawtin even more. The two of them feeding on each other’s energy.
Reader wants to be left alone, unsure if someone around will help them. In the heat of the moment, words are exchanged. Unfortunately.
Gawtin, no matter how enraged she ever becomes will never, ever, hit you. Yes, for Yautjas, fighting and violence is normal. But you aren’t Yautja. You are weaker than her. It’s just fact. She’s okay with that.
“Can you just fuck off already?” you snapped when Gawtin entered your art room. The door had slid back to reveal the hulking green form that made up Gawtin. Her purple eyes pinned on you sitting at your desk, trying to distract yourself.
Like two demons feeding on each other, you consumed the other’s energy. Like a tornado starting to form or even a hurricane. She had arrived home, pissed off. Someone had gotten under her skin and caused her to be a raging bitch currently. As her wonderful mate, you wanted nothing more to rid her of this unease.
But she just threw it all back in your face.
Qui’oky was set down for a cranky nap in Gawtin’s room. Poor thing sounded tired from missing a nap from this morning. He kept fussing for a bit. Since you knew Gawtin wasn’t wanting to speak with you when she dismissed you harshly, you just went to hide away in your art room. The safe haven that she had gifted to you once she took notice of your skill of wielding a pencil.
A gruff scoff met your ears. You huffed with a roll of your eyes but kept your sight on the blank page before you. It felt not only was that taunting you but Gawtin too. She had to come in here after dismissing you. Didn’t just say she didn’t want you around her and to go away? Dismissed like a measly pet.
“All you do is whine,” she grunted back at you. You head whipped up, back still towards the Yautja. Your nostrils flared in an attempt not to spin around give a piece of your mind. All the shit she’s made you put up with from the first day you met her in that damn forest. For all that you cared for, you could’ve just left her to bleed out! Or let the fucking soldiers take her!
Instantly, you felt regret at the thought and tried to calm yourself down. That didn’t stop the need to cry rise up inside of you.
“Well, you ruined fucking everything in my normal life,” you returned fire, hand grasping the pencil. The wood groaned at the pressure. Your knuckles turning white.
Another scoff. Soft, pitter-patter of feet glided across the floor until the beast was hovering behind you. Her blazing heat boring down on your hunched over form. “Ruined? I’ve given you everything as my mate. How have I ruined ‘everything’?”
A massive palm was placed on the small open space on the desk. This allowed her to bend her body more over you, blanketing you in her shadow. The pencil creaked again. “By taking me here! I don’t belong here. You took me from everything. My home. My family. My friends.”
“I think you are misremembering things, ooman. It was your choice to come with me. You saved me, I could not kill you after I owe you my life and Qui’oky. Why are you so angry?” she growled, nails digging into the wood of your table. That seemed to tick you off more. She was destroying your things.
“I have a right to be angry! You ruined everything. My life is forever stuck here because of you. I’ll die here, on a planet so far from home,” you bite out then finally whipped around in your chair to face her. Gawtin did not move. She stayed sturdy like an oak tree. You bumped into her only to be knocked against your table. It was the only thing holding you up. That didn’t stop you from glaring the Yautja right in the eye and baring your teeth. Something you learned from your time in her culture.
Her mandibles bristled at the sight. A growl starting deep in her chest as she glared down at your unwavering form. “Then, go back. Leave. Go back. Go back home.” That last word was spat out with such disgust, spit hitting your face.
Realization smacked you harder, harder than anyone or thing could. Words said in the heat of the moment but she was telling you to leave. This wasn’t your home, not in her eyes. And that hurt. You felt the way your chest tightened and twisted like a serrated knife lodged there. Tears, hot and burning pooled in your eyes, throat threatening to close up.
Gawtin grunted and leaned down so close her mandibles barely brushed against your cheeks. “Are you going to cry now?” she mocked with a look of distain on her alien face. When you took a deep breath in to cool your nerves, your breath hitched, catching on the lump building in your throat. By god, you were on the verge of breaking down right in front of her.
Something you refused to do. You steeled your nerves, stood up, shoulders back, and got impossibly closer to her face. An act she wasn’t expecting. “Get out.” She raised her gem-studded brow. “Get out!” you shouted at Gawtin, full force. This was your area, your space, your safe haven in this fucked up world you’ve been brought to. Somewhere to go.
Chittering cries echoed out in the hall. Shit. Your breath hitched. Qui’oky had been awoken by your yelling. Guilt dripped into your veins at the sound of his crying. Gawtin huffed that ended in a throaty growl before standing up and marching out of the room.
Once the door slid closed behind her, your whole body nearly went completely lax. Anger still simmered beneath your skin. Yet, sorrow followed in its wake. You bowed your head to calm yourself before plopping down in your seat. The chair squeaking at the new weight. You hated arguing. With her of all people too.
In your hand, you let the pencil go. It’s now shattered pieces falling onto the wooden table. You groaned and placed your head in your hands, fretting over how to fix this.
Hot, fresh tears wettened the wood underneath you. ‘Go back home.’ You flinched as Gawtin’s words echoed back at you in the silence of your room. Qui’oky’s voice barely coming through the door. You clutched your hair at the thought of her not wanting you anymore. Had you just ruined everything?
Heh, it wasn’t her that ruined everything. No. You just did that.
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jasonthetoymakesmybbg · 9 months
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Sweetness is a Tasteful thing. (1/??)
Yep, back immediately cause this man is legit invading my mindset and I can not-like he’s actually so fine 😍🙏
Patrick Hockstetter x Female/Male Reader
I am making this cause a scenario kinda went into my head like what if Patrick and his mom met your guys family and stuck around your house for a bit, but y’all are kinda like enemies and he’s forced to be in your room so y’all get along, and like he starts talking about horny shit. Then he started touching himself while staring you dead in the eye, casually moaning your name? I might make a second thing for this adding the rest of the Bowers Gang but,Like bro-HE WONT LEAVE MY HEAD 😭 and for male like he decides to leave Fem flabbergasted and bumped into Male room, then kinda walked in and yeah?
Another day passing, a peaceful weekend, meaning not having to deal with the Bowers Gang…is what I thought but this day became stressful for me.
I was peacefully in my room drawing who knows what, mostly just random doodles of cats or silly goofy things cause why not? I heard a knock on my door and I look up, seeing my mom.
“Sweetie? We’re having guest, get a shirt on.” My mom said quickly, closing my door again, oh yeah forget to mention I was chilling in a pair of shorts and bra cause I was comfy, but who could be visiting?
I sigh and get up, getting a long sleeve shirt on, I grumble as I left my room to see who is was, and who do I see?
Hockstetter and his mom standing inside our living. In my home? Fuck this-before I could slip away back to my safe space my dad spoke up.
“And there’s one of my kids” He said that on purpose? Fuck you dad.
Hockstetter turned and saw me, smirking a bit, damn it why is he so submissive and breedable looking but is a sadistic asshole that’s a tad aggressive?-
(All Y/n as siblings cause yeah)
“Hi…I’m [Fem]Y/n” I grumble a little, feeling all my stress appearing again and I barely left school.
His mom simply waved, greeting me and probably clueless of what her son was planning, meanwhile I felt like killing myself.
My brother walked in [Male] Y/n and he looked in disbelief seeing Patrick, he glanced at me and I shrugged.
“Ah, there’s my son” my dad spoke up, damn it.
“Why don’t you hang out with them?” My mom said looking at Patrick, he shrugged and walked over to me, meanwhile my brother left already, really said ‘ladies first’ we walked to my room, dread touched my heart.
Opening to my glorious room filled with randomly shit that related to my interests or gore art on the wall I pinned up. I sat on my bed, Patrick closed my door, damn it. He smirked lightly sitting in my spinning chair.
“You seem so tense..why is that?” He lightly mocked, I glared.
“Why the fuck are you here?” I grumble to myself again, glaring in hatred.
“Maybe..I might’ve said something about you to my mom to convince her to come over” he grinned.
“…bitch” I said lowly, he smirked at my hostile attitude, but he’s low key hot-stay focused.
“You know…I bet you would look so good bouncing on my dick.” I choke on my spit, not expecting that-well it was expected but it was so random.
“You heard me.” He stared, his eyes were burning into my soul and all I felt was lust waving over him.
“..image me fucking your thighs, then finishing on your stomach, or me fucking you senseless with a knife to your neck..image all the things I could do to you.” He had said so casually, i wasn’t used to a guy telling me his fantasies.
“Sometimes…I wanna fuck you from behind while you suck off Henry” he had continued.
Wow-wait? Henry? Damn, I knew it-he was most definitely bi. Probably gets off to fucking or pleasing girls while watching a guy.
“Or…suck Henry while you ride me I don’t complain” I cock a eyebrow at his words.
“…so…your just spilling your bisexual fantasies?-“ he simply nodded, I notice his hands started caressing near his bulge, but now I finally notice his bulge was erect.
“Look at that..all hard, and just the thought of you makes me all hot and bothered..even though sometimes I just wanna slit your throat.” He let out a low growl, he lightly started to rub his bulge, I gulped knowing I wanted out.
He moaned softly, “Y/n~..got me all excited~”..so how do I feel watching this go down?..mixed feelings. My heart jumped when I notice him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Letting his length come free he gripped it a tad tight while stroking.
“Fuck.~..I wanna feel you so badly. Ngh~” I was not gonna make eye contact with his cock, but he made me nervous looking him in the eye, good thing the walls are thick.
He was just touching himself while looking at me, he bit his lip.
“Aw, what’s the matter? Can’t handle seeing me want release Y/n?~ o-ah~” He closed his eyes for a second feeling the moment, it was a surprise he was so peaceful while masturbating.
He stopped suddenly, simply fixing his pants he got up and left my room, I was just-wow
“Huh?-“ was all I could say, I was speechless.
[Male] pov
I was chilling in my room, laying on my bed with music blasting through my headphones, eyes closed. But I wasn’t aware of the devil literally finding me and coming into my room, not even noticing he closed my door.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my chest, my eyes open immediately and I sit up. Patrick..what the fuck?-
“What does your bitch ass want?” I ask, taking my headphones off.
“Actually don’t answer that.” I quickly said.
Before I could move much his hand gripped my thigh to prevent me from leaving. My cock twitched in confusion, but I didn’t wanna react to much.
“.you aren’t gonna leave.” He said lowly, before smirking again, he leaned in to the crook of my neck and started laying kisses down. My breathe lightly hitched at the feeling.
“Huh?-“ I was confused why he was showing a form of affection when he isn’t affectionate at all. I felt him lightly rest his hand on my thigh again, his thumb lazily rubbing against my bulge to get me excited. And yet it did, my cock started to harden at the sensation, I felt his smirk grow bigger in my neck.
He let out a chuckle, “fucking knew it”
“Knew what?-“ I cock a eyebrow,
“You would enjoy me touching your dick…slut” and there it was, the word I hated being called But liked it so much.
“What you call me?-say it again…i-like..hearing you call me that” I had shared, Patrick laughed at my words.
“Aw..the slut wants to be humiliated huh? Would you allow me to call you it in school?.~”
I nodded, “yes-if it means to hear you say it..” my body was begging to be stripped and fucked, he knew it to.
“Fucking prepare cause when the rest of the gang get here-“
“…what?” I side glance, my eyes went wide.
“Yeah..they’re planning to tag along here..mostly to play with you and your siblings.” He casually said, laying on his side comfortably.
“Let it sink in slut” the way the word slid off his tongue made me excited.
“Jesus fucking Christ” I rubbed my eyes.
“..your so-hot?” I randomly say, Patrick was amused by the way I was acting.
“I can tell I am in your eyes…also to let you know I randomly masturbate in front of your sister” that made my jaw dropped.
“The fuck?-“ I tried processing what he said.
“How did she react?-“ I ask
“Flabbergasted and confused” he shrugged his shoulders
“Sounds accurate enough”
(And here we are, one part done.)
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diettwistup · 4 months
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PAIRINGS: tashi duncan x f!oc, art donaldson x f!oc, patrick zweig x f!oc
SUMMARY: No matter how bright Tashi Duncan shined, her best friend, Milan Mikaelson, wasn’t far behind. Though seeming second best, Milan would never let that define her career. Holding as much fame as Tashi, Milan encountered Patrick Zweig and Art Donaldson. Would this encounter change the trajectory of her life, and would it completely alter her relationship with Tashi Duncan?
WARNINGS: challengers spoilers, reader is milan mikaelson, sexual situations, language, angst, plot alterations.
WC: 3.9K
NOTES: hey y’all!!! so excited to be posting the first chapter of this story. manifesting my edits are all good LOL. enjoy! 💋
Sitting down on the hot bleachers, I put my sunglasses on and adjusted the braids in my hair. Sucking on my teeth and brushing my fingers across the hem of my uniform skirt, I let my eyes gaze at the large crowd of people accumulating. 
Damn Tashi, you always know how to make a bang. 
Crossing my arms and softly laughing, I let my mind wander back to my match yesterday. 
I had lost to the girl who would be playing Tashi for the championship. I really don’t know if that was a good or bad thing. On one hand, I lost from a bad call when I was so close to the end. On the other hand, I wouldn’t have to battle my best friend and get absolutely decimated, as she would say. 
As I continued to lose myself in thought, two boys, blonde and brunette, moved through the growing crowd and sat in front of me. 
You’re kidding me. 
Patrick Zweig and Art Donaldson—the “fire and ice” duo—had just won their doubles match, if I’m not mistaken. How could I be when their trophies were sitting right on their laps?
There's still a ton of seats open, and they choose to sit here? 
Rolling my eyes and crossing my arms, I pushed my sunglasses up, waiting for Tashi to come out. 
Staring at the door to the locker rooms, I clicked my tongue in boredom before grabbing the tournament pamphlet to look at everyone’s stats. 
“Don’t you wanna meet Tashi Duncan?” 
My ears perked at this as I put the pamphlet down and narrowed my eyes at the brunette boy. 
Whoever said eavesdropping was a bad thing…
I had to hold in my laughter as they began to talk about Tashi and how she was the entire package. Telling her this later would be the highlight of my week. 
“What about Mikaelson, you know her?” Patrick asked as he slung his arm around his companion. 
I froze at this and tilted my sunglasses down to better see the two of them. 
“Of course I know her. Have you seen her play? She’s fucking hot.” Art added with a smirk as he attempted to whisper, failing miserably. 
My face heated up at this as my eyes narrowed at the boys. 
Do they not realize the person they’re talking about is behind them? 
“Agreed,” Patrick started as he pulled his friend closer. “She’s also got a fat ass.” He laughed as Art chuckled along with him. 
Closing my eyes and pretending I didn’t hear that, I heard cheers and claps from around, signaling that Tashi had come out of the locker room. The chair umpire immediately began to talk about her stats and how she was the best female player in our division. 
I happily clapped as I beamed at my friend, her eyes scanning the crowd and locking with mine, a large smile playing on her features. 
“Fuck, did you see that? Tashi Duncan just smiled at us…” Patrick exclaimed in awe as he pushed Art in the chest. 
“Shit, I missed it.” Art complained before leaning back and adjusting himself in his seat.
I almost had to cover my mouth to hide the vomit that was about to let loose. 
After a few minutes, Tashi’s match began, of course, in her favor. Everything was perfect: her serves, backhand, line receives, counterattacks, and every single step she took. 
I smirked widely as I watched Tashi decimate the bitch who, unfortunately, decimated me. 
Patrick and Art watched Tashi in awe for the first ten minutes of the match while commenting on how amazing a player she was. 
I snorted at this, wondering how long it would take to notice who was sitting behind them.
On the next serve, Tashi’s opponent hit the ball out, but the line umpire declared it as in. 
Standing up immediately, I pointed a finger and yelled at the top of my lungs. 
“What?! Come on, Tash, don’t take that shit!” 
Everyone else agreed with me as the crowd began to roar in protest of the shitty call. 
Lost in the moment, I hadn’t realized that Patrick and Art had turned around and stared at me in horror and awe. 
“Oh,” I started and took off my sunglasses. Did I yell in your ear?” I looked between them before looking back up at Tashi. 
“Fuck, you’re-“ Patrick started in a slightly panicked state before I cut him off. 
“Milan Mikaelson? Yeah, I’m guessing you two know me.” I spoke with sarcasm as I kept my eyes trained on Tashi and her opponent. 
“Shit, I’m real sorry for what I said, I-“ Art started before I placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him, eyes still not leaving the game.
“Don’t sweat it, was too focused on the game to give a damn.” I lied straight through my teeth as I pretended to act nonchalant. 
I could feel both of their eyes staring long and hard at my hand lingering on Art’s shoulder before I took it away to throw my hands in the air and yell as Tashi locked in another point. 
“Come on, Tash!” I yelled and clapped with the roaring crowd, boys still looking back at me. 
Sighing, I crossed my arms and looked back down at them. “Take a picture, it will last longer,” I spoke in annoyance before sitting back down and putting on my sunglasses. 
All I could hear were muffled whispers and attempts to counteract my statement before they turned back around and shared we’re fucked looks. 
Stifling my laughs, I angled my eyes back to the match. 
As Tashi continued to hit the ball effortlessly for the rest of the match, her win came almost naturally. 
Standing up and yelling, I quickly ran down the bleachers, feeling two pairs of eyes following me. I stood against the fence and clapped loudly while Tashi caught my eyes after her victory yell and smiled widely at me. 
I jumped up and down with all the fans cheering with their signs and matching t-shirts. 
Running around the court to thank everyone for coming, Tashi came over to me and grabbed my hands. 
“Tashi! I’m so proud!” I yelled and bounced on my heels, extremely happy with my friend's success. 
“My biggest fan.” She smiled and reached over to hug me before letting go and continuing to thank everyone. 
Smiling proudly at her, I pushed my braids behind my back and took off my sunglasses. Turning around, I looked back at the sea of people cheering for Tashi before my eyes landed on two figures. 
What a mystery those two are…
I smirked proudly at them as their eyes shifted between Tashi walking back to her locker room and myself standing by the fence. 
Patrick leaned over to Art and whispered something as their eyes darted between us. I could only see Patrick's smirk and Art’s growing grin at his friend's words. 
Snorting to myself, I turned around and put my sunglasses back on. 
“Fucking morons…” 
“Tashi!” I exclaimed as I weaved through a crowd of familiar and influential faces to ambush my best friend. 
I could see her bright smile miles away as she turned to meet me at the edge of the dancefloor, engulfing her in a hug. 
“Milan, I was wondering if you weren’t coming.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around me and returned my hug. 
Pulling away, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “Tashi Duncan, my best friend, thought I would miss out on this?!” I questioned as I gestured to the bustling party. "You must be crazy if you think I would miss out on anything that concerned you and your tennis career,” I snapped at her with a knowing smirk.
“I’ll have you know I was late because my mother insisted on making me change ten times.” I rolled my eyes and tilted my head to where our moms were conversing. I stuck my nose up and closed my eyes, annoyed at the memory of how nagging my mother was when getting ready for the party.
Immediately, she raised her hands in defense and raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, Miss Mikaelson, didn’t mean to assume.” She laughed before crossing her arms. 
I watched her expression change slightly as her eyes softened and lips parted. 
“I watched your match yesterday,” she said, lightly treading. “I’m sorry about the loss.” She finished and brought a hand to my shoulder, rubbing it gently with a sad smile.
Flashes of my match fluttered back into my mind as a small pit formed in my stomach. 
I shrugged this off and took up a carefree attitude, whereas my insides were screaming. 
“It was a shitty call, what can I say? That bitch had and has nothing on me.” I smirked and made sure not to falter, but secretly, the loss had internally crushed me.
Tashi laughed, brought her other hand to my shoulder, and bent down to level our eyes. “Don't worry, I decimated her for you. Plus, at Stanford, the both of us will be fucking up bitches right and left.” She shot a cocky smirk at this as I gave her one back in turn. 
Stanford. The next four years of my life with Tashi Duncan would be the ultimate dream. 
I extended my pinky to Tashi with a slight wink. “Promise?” I bit my bottom lip and smirked at this familiar gesture between us. 
As long as I can remember, Tashi and I have made over a hundred pinky promises. Our first one involved her letting me borrow her Barbie doll while we played house and my promise to return it. Since then, it’s been a norm between us. 
I felt the confidence radiating from Tashi’s grin as she moved her right hand from my shoulder to interlock our pinkies. 
“Promise.” She repeated and swung our interlocked pinkies back and forth. 
I laughed like a child all over again before quickly raking my eyes across the entire party. As I scanned the crowd, I let go of Tashi’s pinky and leaned in to whisper. 
“Lots of important people here, I see,” I whispered as Tashi’s eyes followed mine.
“And familiar faces too…” She responded in a lower tone, angling her eyes to an older man by the beverages. 
“Shut up!” I gasped before looking back at Tashi. “Is that Mr. Reynolds?!” I asked in shock at seeing our fifth-grade English teacher. 
“Yup,” Tashi responded, standing straight as she crossed her arms. She studied the older man as he scanned the beverages offered. “He was always my favorite,” she quipped, not needing a huge explanation for why he was here. 
At this, I burst out into laughter, as did she. 
“I thought he died years ago.” I clutched my stomach before placing a hand over my mouth and muffling my small laughs. “Wait, that’s not nice. I mean, I thought he passed on peacefully years ago.” I corrected in a serious tone as I watched the older man before glancing at Tashi and bursting into laughter again. 
As I laughed with Tashi, I felt a burning feeling on the back of my head. 
Was someone staring?
Wiping my eyes carefully to avoid messing up my makeup, I slowly turned around and almost froze as I locked eyes with the person, or should I say persons, staring at Tashi and me. 
Oh, hell no. Is that who I think it is?
Quickly, I turned back around and whispered to Tashi in a hurried tone. 
“Tash, is that Patrick Zweig and Art Donaldson?” I looked her in the eye as they narrowed at the mention of the “fire and ice” duo’s presence at the party. 
“Oh yeah, they’ve been staring all night.” She smirked and looked between the two of us. “Frankly, I don’t blame them.” Her smirk grows even wider, mirroring the Cheshire Cat. 
Biting my lip, I remembered my earlier encounter with the two tennis players. I shuddered as I remembered their smirks and remarks about Tashi and me. 
“Tash…” I said warningly, pointing my perfectly manicured finger in her face. “Please tell me you don’t have one of your ideas in mind.” I slightly scolded her, studying her face to see what she was thinking. “Those two are complete and utter idiots.” I continued as I shook my head. 
She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and whispered back as she lowered my finger and sucked on her teeth. “Do you really need to ask this?” She questioned with an air that spoke obviously, are you stupid? 
“And believe me,” She started and moved to fix the straps of my dress. “I know exactly how they are…teenage boys.” She snickered wider at this as I rolled my eyes. 
I huffed loudly before grabbing a piece of my hair to fiddle while I groaned. “But Tash, it’s our summer before we go to college. No boys.” I retorted as the music in the background got a little louder. 
Grabbing my hands, Tashi dragged us to the middle of the dance floor and forced me to dance. “First of all,” She started as she twirled me around, “This was never a pinky promise.” She spoke, wrapped her arms around my neck, and swayed us to the music. 
Fuck, she got me there. 
“Second of all,” She continued before touching my neck to untangle my necklaces while swaying with me. “I know you’re internally drooling over Art Donaldson. He’s exactly your type, and he’s going to Stanford.” She laughed to herself as she worked on my necklaces. 
Fuck x2 can’t deny that. 
I rolled my eyes and turned away, knowing I couldn’t argue either of those statements. 
“You’re crazy…” Was all I could protest. 
Untangling my necklaces, Tashi clapped and smiled brightly at me before putting her hands back on my shoulders. “This is gonna be a great start to the summer.” She grinned like a mad woman as we kept dancing across the floor. 
After dancing, mingling, and trying not to focus on the two hard stares hitting Tashi's and my head for the entire night, I decided to go to the beach. 
“Hey, Tash, I’m going to the beach for a quick breather. If my mom asks, I’ll be down there. Come down if you need anything or if I miss something interesting.” I smile gently at her while I take my heels off.
“Got it. Be safe.” She waved before going to get pictures with her family. 
I smiled at her before walking to navigate the path to go down to the beach, pretending not to notice the two pairs of eyes following me. 
10:00 PM
I wonder how long I had been down here listening to the sweet waves ripple against the hot sand. I almost feel as if the ocean is calling me. 
Imagine the escape of living on a secluded island where nothing mattered. Not school, not tennis, and not the future.
Especially the future. 
Staring at my newly manicured nails, I continued to get lost in my thoughts while the ocean rang in my ears.
Shit, I’m over everything.
I reached a hand up to my mouth and began to bite one of my nails. 
Do I even wanna go to Stanford? 
Practically gnawing at it, I can feel the acrylic wearing off.
Doesn’t matter because I’ll be with Tashi… right?
“Fuck…” I muttered to myself as I broke off a nail, leaving a tiny bit of blood seeping from my nail bed. 
Rolling my eyes, I held onto the broken nail and rested my head on my knee as I watched the ocean. 
“We’re not interrupting, are we?” I heard a deep voice ask behind me, making me let out a small yelp and nearly fall off the rock.
Quickly turning around, I was met with two, unfortunately familiar, faces. 
Why now?
Patrick Zweig and Art Donaldson stood before me, shoes in one hand and cigarettes in the other. Frankly, I had no idea which one spoke, and I had no care to know at this rate. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, and they disturbed that. 
“What the fuck,” I explained as I stood up from the rock and patted my dress down. “Do you know how rude it is to sneak up on someone?” I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes as I looked between the two boys sheepishly standing before me. 
“Shit, really sorry, didn’t know you were here,” Patrick spoke up as his counterpart dropped his cigarette from his lips upon seeing me study his stature. 
“Hm, okay, well, I’ll be going then,” I exclaimed, irritated, as I bent down to grab my heels. “I hope you two have a grand time.” I sarcastically quipped as I went to walk past them and go back up the path to the party. 
“Wait,” Art, almost panicked, stood before me with a lopsided grin as he flicked his cigarette bud beside him and treaded lightly as he motioned to the chairs near the rock I had just occupied. “We’d love it if you joined us, just for a chat.” He had a genuine smile on his face now. 
Are they serious?
Before I could open my mouth, Patrick beat me to it as he walked to sit in one of the chairs Art motioned to. 
“Yeah, just to talk. You're one of the best players in our age bracket, and it would be a real treat to get to know you as an apology for what happened earlier.” Patrick added and smirked so wide I could feel pure smitten radiating off it. 
They are serious.
Both boys were now staring at me, gazes identical in pure amazement, awaiting my response. 
Fuck this. Fuck me. Fuck x3.
Sighing softly and crossing my arms, I dropped my shoes, returned to the rock, and sat down. 
“You get five minutes,” I spoke curtly as I looked between the boys, waiting for one of them to speak up.
Art took this chance to open his mouth, but before he could begin, I held a hand up to stop him.
“Oh, and there’s no need to introduce yourselves. Art Donaldson and Patrick Zweig, the “fire and ice” duo.” I spoke unenthusiastically, keeping my eyes on Art for a little longer before angling my expression to Patrick.
Both boys stared at me with slight smirks as I adjusted my dress and grabbed a piece of hair to play with while they continued. 
“Well, Milan Mikaelson,” 
I inwardly shuddered as he spoke my full name. 
“During your match, I thought that call was fucked.” Patrick spoke up and got right to the point. He laughed as if he remembered it as a fond childhood memory. 
Almost instantly, Art chimed in to add to his friends' thoughts, a bit too eager for my liking. “I mean, that Anna girl could barely serve your entire match, and then that?” He stated as he shook his head, acting like he was scolding my opponent to her face like a coach.
My eyes lit up at this. They knew how to crack me. Bring up my pride and losses, and I’ll talk your ear off for hours. 
“I think the official was blind because that bitch’s ball was totally past the line,” I explained matter-of-factly. “Did you see the way he hesitated before calling it? He probably had it in with her.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in annoyance at the memory of the loss. 
“Still, you were fucking amazing out there. How did you get your backhand to be that powerful?” Art quickly added and leaned forward in his chair as if moving closer to me would allow him to understand my words better. 
I let a slight smile adorn my features as I studied his position. 
Fuck x4.
For the next four minutes, the three of us talked about tennis and our matches throughout the tournament. Though brief, I could quickly tell how these two relied on each other and their sport. It was definitely the glue for their friendship. I could also tell how they hung onto my every word, like a toddler waiting for his mother to let him out of the time-out-chair. 
Checking my watch, I stood up and looked between the boys. 
“Though this was fun, your five minutes is up.” I flashed my watch at them with a subtle smile before bending down to grab my shoes. 
When I bent down, I could hear some rushed scuffles and whispers. Standing back up, I saw that both boys were also standing, very tense, might I add. 
“How can we contact you to do this again?” Patrick asked with a smirk, which I presume was a signature for him.
Raising an eyebrow at him, I crossed my arms and looked between him and his blonde companion. 
“Who said I wanted to do this again?” I asked as Patrick shoved his hands in his pockets with a defeated grin while Art let out a muffled chuckle. 
“Come on, this was fun.” Art added and took a cautious step towards me. “Can we get your number?” He asked as he studied my face with the cheekiest grin he could muster.
I laughed at his question dryly before pointing my finger between the two boys. “We? You think I’m gonna get between this? Hell no.” I replied, walking past them to the stairs and back to the party. 
Immediately, I could feel their eyes staring into the back of my head, and I wondered if they would beg or plead. 
They better not. 
“Come to our hotel,” Patrick yelled, making me whip my head around. “We have beer,” he grinned once he saw my interest somewhat piqued. 
Fuck x5.
“It’s not far from here. We can talk more.” He gestured between the three of us and then pointed up to the party. 
This made me look back to the party, about to question what he meant before Patrick chimed in. 
“We talked to Tashi earlier and told her the same thing. Would be fun getting to know the beautiful golden tennis girl duo.” He chuckled as I watched his eyes flicker from my face to my lips.
This made my face heat up, but I would never reveal that. Teenage boys don’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing they have any sort of effect on me. 
Clicking my tongue, I nodded at this new piece of information. 
Tashi did say she had a plan in place. This could be fun. 
“Maybe,” I replied as my eyes shifted between the boys.
You’re not easy, Milan Mikaleson. Remember that.
“Depends on my mood.” I finished and shot them small smirks before walking back up the stairs, not giving the boys a moment to retort. 
As I walked back to the party, my eyes shut as I felt a headache coming on. 
What the hell did I get myself into?
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candyredmusings · 2 months
Harvester (1996) Sentence Starts
A whole mix bag, but mostly NSFT and/or crack Change pronouns/gendered terms as needed!
"You killed your family?"
"You always were a kidder, [NAME]!"
"You can't live without a spinal cord, son. Nothing unnatural about that."
" You'll rot your mind playing games like that..."
"Is God a jar of strawberry preserves, a size 12 sneaker, a footlong Hogie, an all-expense paid trip to Brazil, or a NEWWW CARRRRR?"
"Pot roast isn't for backstabbers. For persecutors! I won't share my meat with him!"
"Hello, [NAME]. Care to stay for some pot roast?"
"Ah, shit! Ah, shit on a stickaroo!"
"What are you talking about, this TV is brand new! There are no TVs with color on them."
"When a bee stings, it rips itself apart and dies for its audacity. This appeals to those worshipping a God that demands sacrifice and atonement. But the wasp is promiscuous. They are not as sympathetic to the masses because they don't die when they sting. They live to sting another day... and they take pleasure from that."
"Cut the crap. We both know you set that fire."
" I'm not threatening you...I just want to help."
"You can't shoot me... I'm an American! I have rights!"
"Ahhh... art's for Commies, anyway."
" You're a little vain, huh?"
"Uh, you're not that hot... get over it, toots."
"Yeah, I offed him all right."
"Nah, a nice fairy left it under my pillow."
"You're welcome to have this evidence, with my compliments."
"But what about civic responsibility?"
"You're a little brat."
"But you're a woman."
"Sure, I'd love to get it on with the ladies!"
"What's communism got to do with anything?"
"How can you SAY something so horrible?"
"[NAME]'s a swell name! My dog's name is [NAME]!"
"Nothing like an exploding head to get the blood pumping. . . . Literally, that is."
"The hell it is! You always were a kidder, [NAME]. Any real news to tell me?"
"I mean I don't know anyone! I don't remember anything! How many times do I have to say it?!"
"I need to feel something again."
"Yeah, I know what that crazy little bitch said, but it's not true!
"What makes you so sure she needs a penis?"
"I'd rather die than become as twisted as you."
"Would I kid about something like that? Why won't you believe me?"
"Screwing in the school broom closet. What will people think?"
"I did not speak, but my mind touched yours."
"I expect nothing. What must unfold will."
"Sure would be nice to have one'a them girly pi'cher books..."
"I don't know what it is about marriage that turns even the bravest man into a coward!"
"[NAME] has a... a liking for me. I'd call it a crush, but that's too innocent a word."
"That child needs a father. . . and [NAME], well she needs a good, hard penis."
"Money isn't everything for a woman. Can money keep you warm at night? Can you wrap your thighs around it, or rake bloody gashes in its back with your painted, harlot fingernails?
"There's things you don't know about the family business... but you'll learn."
"I am glad to see you taking an interest in the business in your dad's absence."
"Safeguards? There ARE NO SAFEGUARDS ... This is the fifties."
"Sometimes I hide in there beforehand, and daddy-o, I seen some stuff that's real nasty!"
"You were always a smiley bear."
"I know it's a mystery to you... The sacred things husbands and wives do behind closed doors."
"I could use a little relaxation ... But since [NAME] isn't here, I guess I'll talk to you."
"I'd rather die than become as twisted as you."
"You insult my beauty?"
"Well that didn't work."
"Shocked? This is the mystery of motherly love."
"Everyone says motherhood is fulfilling, when in reality it's draining."
"Violence is as American as apple pie and low SAT scores!"
"From the start, children are parasites. That's what you've got to understand."
"How about some cookies? There's some rejects in the trash!"
"I'm not a person, [NAME], I'm an object."
"Young man/woman/one, we really have nothing to say to each other."
"Say, can you spare a dime for a buckaroo who's down on his luck?"
"Things'll never be the same now. Guess I'll be watching TV tonight..."
"Well, I hope you're proud of yourself ... Killing my clientele."
"Excuse me, you can't come in right now, I just mopped the floor."
"I don't remember you."
"Land's sakes! Stop your joshing, wont you?"
"You look just like my mom ... Except for the hair."
"There's nothing bizarre about baking cookies."
"Only those who seek enlighten warrant my attention."
"I've never believed in the old adage, 'spare the rod and spoil the child' ... A rod is too thin. But baseball bat, that works quite nicely."
"My stars that was exciting!"
"Good women can be awfully hard on a man's needs, don't'cha know."
"That man gives me the willies ... Speaking of willies, how's your father?"
"That's right, I am the law ... And I'm on my lunch hour."
"Sometimes, I hide in there beforehand and daddy-o! I've seen some stuff that's really nasty!"
"Are you blackmailing us, you little shit?"
"Why are you covering up for him [NAME?]"
"Obviously, [NAME] is a lesbian."
"Lack of respect for authority ... A fine trait!"
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workingforthewidow · 1 year
What is up bitches and hoes. Ya girl is back. And by back I mean my cat brain was able to hyper fixate on something long enough to write for it. Also I’m in my ‘final girl’ ‘slasher fucker’ era. So be prepared for some fucked up shit. I am unhinged and hot for men that wear masks and kill people and people that just kill people in general. So onto the show. This is my first time writing and posting in forever so plz be nice lol
Pairings: Otis Driftwood X Stockholm syndrome!reader (darling is in so deep there’s no coming back). Reader X platonic Firefly family.
She/her pronouns for reader. I tried to keep descriptions to a minimum, did mention pulling readers hair a lot but I mean i pull my husbands hair a lot and he has short hair so yeah.
Warnings: as stated reader is in deep for Otis like so much Stockholm syndrome going on. Slight smut. I think like 1 single use of Daddy in a power play way. Reference to non-con. This is Otis we are talking about so he can be a warning himself. But also OOC Otis. His mood swings will give you whiplash. Blood. Lots of blood. Killing people. Guns used in a sexual way. Knives. If there’s any major i missed please let me know! But yeah- don’t like it don’t read it.
Word count: 4,245
God i am so feral for this man.
Also a big THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU to the person who inspired me to write again go check out their work if you haven’t: @lovely-cryptid
Ugh i am so nervous to post this but imma do it! Link to part 2
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She sometimes wondered if her family even knew she was missing or that she had even left. The whole reason she was out on that lonely road was her attempt to leave everything behind, everyone behind. So in a sense she did succeed in that but this was not what she had in mind when she pictured her freedom from her mother and her step-father. She had pictured herself in a big city with a cute little apartment with big windows that looked out over a park or maybe water. She’d have a good job but nothing too fancy. Working in a bookstore maybe or a flower shop. Something where she could be creative. But this wasn’t that magical place. Not even close.
Well you could say that she got to be creative in some sense. If you count being the muse and model for an insane blood thirsty ‘artist’ as creative. Sometimes he did let her pick out some of the smaller details of his work. Like how the hair was styled if it involved a human. But for the most part she was there for him to use when he needed to take out his anger and frustration. “Fucking my pretty little princess always cures the artist block” he would say as he pounded into her without a care for how she felt. All that matter was he got his dick wet. She didn’t mind thought. It kept him happy and she loved him when he was happy. He was kinder.
She could have never imagine this would be her life when she ran out of her mother’s house a year ago. A year, had it really been a year? Was it October already? She couldn’t be too sure. He rarely let her out of his, their, room unless it was to eat at the table as a family. The last time she was able to see a calendar was in August when he took her to the ‘museum’ to give Captain Spaulding the newest exhibit.
She had to beg on her knees for him to let her come along with him. That led to him agreeing with a stipulation of course, “Already on your knees princess might as put that mouth to work. Show me how badly you wanna go.” After giving into his demands she was able to leave the Firefly house and make the trip to see Spaulding. They only stayed a few minutes. Enough time for him to set up his ‘art’ and for her to see that the calendar read “August 17” but looking back what if that was wrong? It didn’t have the year on it, that calendar could have been from 5 years ago for all she knew.
At that point she figured she might as well ask him the date. She had been good the last few weeks. He had even told her that himself. He was being nicer only calling her a slut or a whore when he was fucking her in anger. But now he was calling her sweet things like ‘princess and sweetheart’ he had even called her baby once. But Baby heard him say that and hit the fan mad. Not that Baby didn’t like her. In all fairness her and Baby had become pretty good friends. She would even dare to say best friends. When he was being nice he would let Baby come to the room and talk to her. If he was being really nice and she had been really good for him, he would let her go to Baby’s room. That was the best. Baby would do her hair and makeup and dress her up in pretty outfits. He only let her wear her tiny jean shorts, which she was pretty sure he had cut shorter then when she bought them and a shirt that barely covered her breast. During the winter he had let her wear one of his flannel shirts over her outfit after Mama Firefly got onto him when the poor girl about froze to death. Texas winters could be as brutal as Texas summers if you were in the right place.
“Otis?” She called softly from her place on the bed but then cringed when she realized her mistake. He had been working on a new ‘project’ all morning his back to her and she couldn’t really see what was being created.
“Try again Princess. Get it right or I’ll have to punish you. And you’ve been so good for me for so long.” He didn’t even turn to look at her but she knew he was smirking to himself. He always found pleasure in the little roles he had created for them. But this was no game or play that came to end. This was her life.
“I’m sorry Daddy,” Otis was sure if he hadn’t had been listening for the response it would have been too soft for him to hear. He heard the bed squeak signaling she had moved. In the corner of his eye he could see her kneel next to him and soon felt her hand on his thigh. He looked down to see her staring up at him with her big innocent eyes. His innocent little pretty princess. His naive little sweetheart.
“Good girl, what do you want?” He ran his hand through her hair once before grabbing a fist full at the base of her skull forcing her to stay looking up at him.
“Um, I, I, um. Just was wondering, what’s the date?”
“Tuesday.” Was that all she wanted. Interrupted his work for that.
“No, like what is the date? Like what month is it and the day?”
He tightened his fist in her hair making her whine at the pain “Why the fuck does it matter? Have some place to be? A hot date waiting for you?”
With tears pricking at her eyes she tried to follow his hand to relieve the pressure on her head. “No, no. I only want to be here with you. No where else. With no one else.” She made her eyes wide again trying to get back on his good side with her innocent look. He loved that look.
He loosened his grip on her hair and scratched his chin as if he had to think long and hard about the date.
“It’s October 30. Now why the fuck does it matter? It ain’t your birthday seeing as Baby isn’t fucking around insisting on a party for her little best friend. So what’s so important about today huh?” He had bent down his nose brushing against hers lips barely brushing.
“It’s been a year. A year since you brought me home with you.” She smiled. He may be mean when he’s angry but she did fell at home with him. He did care for her. He did love her. At least that’s what she told herself.
“Didn’t think you’d be so much a little romantic princess. What you want some little anniversary dinner? Think I’m gonna buy you little presents? This is your present sweetheart. You ain’t dead.” He growled in her ear and moved away from her face. “Now get back on the bed and shut your fucking mouth. I’m almost done and if you interrupt again I’ll have Tiny take you down to the basement for the night.”
Her eyes went wide in terror. She hated the basement. Tiny wasn’t bad, they had become pretty good friends. But the basement was not fun. It was dark and cold and damp. Otis had made her stay in the basement when he first brought her to the house after picking her up off the side of road where her car had ‘broken down’ aka where RJ had shot her tires out. It took her a few days to calm down and stop the kicking and screaming. It had only taken a few whips with his belt and the threats of deaths for her to finally listen to him. But she realized once she was being good that he did just want what was best for her. She saw how many girls he brought in and killed. But he chose her. He saved her and kept her safe. Kept her warm and well fed. And as long as she was good for him he was good to her.
“Yes, sir.” She responded quickly as it was a toss up if he wanted her response at all or if that itself would get her to the basement. She crawled back up the bed and laid out on her stomach facing him so she could watch him work. He was painting today.
He turned briefly looking to see if she followed his demand. Which she had, as she always did- his perfect little princess. How lucky he was when he found her. He hadn’t planned originally on keeping her but she was different from the others. She screamed sure but there was something about her eyes. He could tell she was naive but also wouldn’t mind some blood. Her eyes screamed innocence but at the same time he could tell she had seen some of the horrors of this world. He would later learn that horror of hers was from her abusive parents. She didn’t tell him outright but her nightmares usually came along with sleep talking and he had pried a lot of her in her unconscious state.
“Good girl, princess.” He praised her before turning back to his work. She did as she was told and stayed silent for the next hour while he worked. Finally by midnight he was done and she had passed out waiting for him on the bed. He grabbed her hair again and pulled her up, her hands flying up to grab his wrist and looked up at him with now wide awake eyes. “All done princess. You want dinner?”
Oh right they didn’t eat dinner. Odd, Baby normally always came to collect them for dinner when Otis was working. She knew that he would get caught up in his work and forget to feed her little best friend.
She nodded as best she could with his grip on her hair. “Yes please.” She didn’t realize how hungry she was until the thought of dinner crossed her mind.
“Come on then hurry up. Put these on.” He ordered throwing her short skirt and shoes at her. Why was he making wear her shoes? The skirt she knew, even if it barely covered her it was enough to keep Hugo off her a bit. But the shoes? She wasn’t supposed to wear shoes in the house that was one of the rules. “Mama didn’t make enough dinner for us. Seems she forgot about us. Figured I’d be nice and take you somewhere. That’s what you wanted right? Some kinda anniversary dinner?”
“If that’s what you want. I just want to make you happy.” She said slipping on her shoes as ordered.
“Of course you do sweetheart. Come on lets go.” Otis grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the stairs and out to his truck. He threw her into the passenger seat before getting in the driver side. Once the truck was started the radio came on playing her favorite Frank Sinatra song.
She gasped and smiled wide. “I love this song.” She said without thinking before clasping her hand over her mouth. Another one of his rules- Don’t speak unless given permission. She looked up at him with her big eyes. “I’m sorry I was just excited and…”
Otis moved his hand to her thigh gripping the skin so hard she knew she’d have a handprint shaped mark in the morning. She stilled and waiting for his next move.
“Don’t have to apologize for that sweetheart. You’ve been a good girl. Maybe it’s time to change the rules a little, yeah?” He smiled at her with his wicked smile that would send shivers down anyone else’s spine and pulled her closer to him running his hand higher up her thigh. “You be a good girl while we’re out and when we get home. Tomorrow I’ll think about changing your rules.”
She took a breath. He was happy with her. So happy he was going to change her rules. Maybe she would be allowed to leave the room without him. Spend more time with Baby and Tiny. Or even Mama. She loved Mama. Mama was everything she wished her mother had been.
Finally Otis pulled the truck off to a 24 hour roadside dinner. There were only a couple cars, probably belonging to the workers, and a few long haul trucks. Otis got out and pulled her along with him. Once her feet hit the ground he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her forehead, “Be good.” It was a simple command and a simple warning. “Be good” meant not only behave in general but also “don’t you dare tell anyone what happens at home.” He had only taken her out in public once, outside of her trips to Captain Spaulding’s, when he took her to buy her new outfits for her to wear for him. And by outfits of course that means bras that barely hold her tits and panties that barely covered anything. Along with a few short skirts and shorts. He didn’t like when Hugo eyed his woman. But oh how Otis loved to see his princess dressed up for him.
She reached up and kissed him on his cheek. She knew he loved it when she showed him affection. “Of course. Always a good girl for you.” She promised him.
They made it to the door and he was even kind enough to hold the door open for her. The waitress at the counter greeted them and told them to find a seat anywhere. He found them a booth far in the corner away from everyone else and pulled her down in his lap grabbing the menu. He let her trail her fingers over it reading each line and finally pointing out what she wanted. Of course, the sweetest thing on the menu. The waitress made her way over and smiled at them.
“Y’all need a minute or are you ready to order?”
Otis tightened his grip on her waist and she knew that meant stay quiet.
“Water, coffee, bacon and scrambled eggs, and the waffles.” He didn’t even look the waitress in the eye. “Chocolate chips on the waffles.”
She must have been really good if he was letting her have sweet treats.
The waitress nodded, writing down the order, before going to the kitchen.
They sat in silence. His hand drifting up and down her leg as they waited. A few minutes go by and the waitress reappears with a tray holding the drinks and food. “Here ya go darlings. Anything else?” Otis waves her off with a huff and she retreats back to the counter where a few truckers are sitting.
He takes a slice of bacon and chews it loudly in her ear before holding a piece to her mouth. “Eat up princess. I’ve been thinking about this whole anniversary non-sense and I think if I’m being so nice getting you this food then when we get home we will play one of our little games.”
She nodded happily, giggling and wiggling in his lap feel him grow harder under her. Playing games meant he was happy and in a good mood. She let him feed her until the plates were cleared. The waitress returned at that point slapping the bill on the table before turning on her heel walking away. She obviously did not enjoy being waved off earlier.
“Did you like it Princess? Wanna come back?” Was the game already starting? He didn’t normally ask her her preferences. “I didn’t like. I don’t think we’ll be back.”
“It was okay. Not as good as Mama’s cooking.” Mama made the best waffles.
Without a word and without looking at the bill Otis stood up and started walking her to the door.
“Sir you need to pay the bill! Excuse me!” The waitress yelled from behind the counter. Otis smirked down at his girl and chuckled darkly. He then whirled around and pull his gun from his waistband.
“I don’t have to do shit bitch.” He then grabbed her hand and threw her back in the truck speeding away towards home.
He was driving far past the speed limit, as fast as a bat out of hell. She looked up at him with her big eyes then down at the gun in-between them in the seat of the truck. He had never brought it out in front of her. He liked to use his knifes, belts, or even his hands on her. She couldn’t even name a time she had a gun this close outside of being on a police officers hip.
“Not gonna fucking bite you. What the little princess never seen a gun before?” He eyes burned on her. She shook her head. “Well then Princess, why don’t we start the game now?” He grabbed the gun and pressed it against against her temple. “Open those legs pretty girl.” She did as she was told and he moved the gun down her body until it was between her legs. “You fucking get off on this and cum without permission I will blow your brains out. Don’t care how much a pretty fuck you are. Understood?”
She let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding, “Yes.”
He slid the barrel of the gun against her folds making her shiver against the cold metal. He kept it up at a steady pace for what felt like hours but he made sure to never reach right where she wanted him. She was looking straight ahead trying to find any landmarks showing they were close to home. Right as she was about to work up the nerve to ask him, he finally hit her sweet spot. She moaned and threw her head back.
“There we go princess. Don’t forget the rules.” He moved faster bringing her close to the edge and pulling away. Finally the light of the house came into view. He stopped the truck but continued playing with her for a few minutes before pulling the gun away from her core.
He looked it over before grabbing her chin, “Open wide sweetheart. You made my gun dirty, now you gotta suck it clean. Be a good girl.” Be a good girl. Yes she is a good girl for him. She opened her mouth sticking out her tongue letting him slide the barrel into her mouth. She began licking and sucking her juices off the shiny metal when she heard a click. She gulped and looked at him to see his wicked smile. “Good girls don’t have to worry if the safety is off. And you’re a good girl right?” She nodded and continued until he finally pulled away wiping her spit off on his shirt. He then got out of the truck pulling her along with him as always. “Good girl, now you have 2 minutes to get that pretty ass upstairs and ready in our room. Wear the white.” Oh he really wanted to play today. He only had her wear a white set if he intended to stain it red. “Timer’s already started Princess I’d hurry if I was you.” He slapped her hard on her ass kicking her into gear. She darted into the house trying to be careful not to knock anything over. She reached the threshold of their room when she heard him slam the front door shut meaning she had about 1 minute left. She ripped off her clothes and threw on the first white lace bra and panties she could find. Once she was dressed she dropped to her knees sitting back on her heels, hands in her lap, looking up and waiting.
Otis finally opened the bedroom door and smirked at the sight before him. She was so pretty like that. Ready and waiting to suck his cock. He walked up to her stripping his clothes as he walked holding his belt in his hands. “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes? On the bed arms up.”
She followed his orders and laid down arms against the headboard. She knew the drill at this point. He looped the belt around her wrist securing her to the bed. He then tied a blindfold around her eyes. This game was her favorite. She didn’t know why but he always was happier after they played this game.
A drawer opened and she heard the clicks of metal against metal. She then felt an ice cold blade against her throat. “One sound. One single sound and I will gut you like a pig. Got it?” She nodded to the best of her ability. “Good girl now be quiet.” The knife moved across her body slowly. She had yet to feel skin break. He moved up and down her arms and her legs. Around her bellybutton and traced the insides of her thighs. Then the feeling was gone. And she heard the rustling sound of clothes being thrown on and the bedroom door slamming.
This wasn’t part of the game. He was suppose to cut her, carve his name on her and lick the blood. Slice her up with tiny cuts that would bead some bubbles of blood enough for him to paint her in but not enough to kill her or even truly hurt her. But he never left before it was over. He didn’t always stay long afterwards, aftercare is not in his vocabulary but he never left before they were done.
Had he decided he was done with her? Was he going to get RJ and Tiny so they could be ready to take her body when he was done with it? Questions and thoughts started whirling in her head. Fear creeping up on her. She was alone again. She was alone and going to die. Her life with the Firefly’s wasn’t perfect but it was hers and she was enjoying it.
Tears started to slip from her eyes wetting the blindfold that had been tied to her. Maybe he was going to leave her here to starve. Let her have a final meal and then starve her. Her tears soon turned to sobs and before she knew it her breathing was getting shaky. Everything was spinning even though she couldn't see anything. Her brain was spinning it felt like. Her body was shaking violently.
“The fuck is wrong with you girl?” His voice boomed into the room and he removed his belt from her hands pulling her into his lap before taking off the blindfold. He was being oddly kind, like he was worried about her.
She continued to shake and sob for a minute before finally calming down enough to look at him. “You, you, you left. You never leave until the game is finished. Left me alone again.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Someone wondered up the property Princess. Had to make sure the cops weren’t showing up. Don’t need the pigs here when I have a pretty little runaway in my bed.” Then in a rare moment, a very rare moment that had only happened once when he was drunk but she counted it because it was the only time it happened; he kissed her. Like a real kiss from someone you love not a power play. “Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you Princess. I promise.”
She wiped her eyes and looked up at him like he was the center of her whole universe, “You won’t abandon me, right?” It was barely a whisper almost as if she was unsure if she could ask.
Otis brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, “You’re mine forever silly girl. I love you.”
Those three words. The three little words he knew would hook her right in again. He didn’t have to worry about anything as long as he dangled that little carrot in front of her face once every couple weeks. He wasn’t sure if he even meant it. In the beginning he knew he didn’t but now as time had gone on he wasn’t sure anymore. Maybe this pretty little princess from the other side of Texas was changing him.
“I love you too.” She sighed kissing his neck before snuggling into him. There would be no wicked game for a few hours. He would be kind. He would let her sleep next to him. Let her snuggle up on his chest while he played with her hair. Let her have a few hours where they played like they were a normal couple, just a man and his girl sleeping the night away.
But Otis Driftwood was anything but just a man. He was different and he knew it. But she was different too. Maybe she was meant to be here. Meant to be his girl forever. But that was a problem for another day. A day when he was 7 beers deep and didn't have to think too hard.
“Goodnight Princess you can sleep now. I ain't going anywhere. And when you wake up, I’ll let you go to Baby’s room.” He kissed her hair again and moved them down on the bed throwing the blanket over them.
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beemers-hell · 7 months
i desperately wanna apologize to you but you would call bullshit and paint me like something evil bitch when in reality, i want the cycle of abuse to end and to ease my mind. i just wanna redeem myself before ending it all.
- you already know who
to everyone else sorry about this, but I've had enough, anyway i was just gonna delete this, just like i deleted the TWO suicide notes you sent me in my ask box a lil bit ago, but a number of my friends DM'd me about what you've been posting on your blog so I can only assume this all came from Nene, also known as @/shugurrsn0w , and for anyone who doesnt know Nene is, well this callout thread will get you acclimated with her REAL quick lmfao:
You are not fucking apologetic at all if you are using s0uless' full REAL name on your blog, you stupid bitch. That kind of information can put them at risk of REAL GENUINE HARM. S0uless made the mistake of using their name as their art handle when they were younger but they have been doing a pretty extensive wipe of that username being online, I know this isn't exactly doxxing because of that but USING IT WHEN THEY'RE CLEARLY NOT WANTING IT TO BE PUBLIC INFORMATION IS SOME PRETTY SCUMMY SHIT, AND CAN BE USED FOR ACTUAL REAL HARM BEING DONE TO HIM YOU JACKASS
Don't come in my ask box hiding behind anonymous acting like you actually feel bad for the shit you did when you are STILL making posts calling me and my husband fucking freaks when you know DAMN WELL we're not. Don't you dare try and act all remorseful and pitiful and like you're some misunderstood fallen angel when you've been doing but helping making our lives a fucking nightmare. You don't get to act like you've done nothing wrong when you have CONSISENTLY VICTIM BLAMED THEM, CLAIMED THEIR TRAUMA WAS FAKE, BEEN RACIST TO ME, MOCKED MY ABUELAS RECENT DEATH, THREATENED HARM ON BOTH OF US, HARASSED AND STALKED US, AND SPREAD ALL THIS INSANE SHIT ABOUT US FOR NO GODDAMN REASON. You don't get to just act like you made some petty mistakes that you can walk off, you have been non stop harassing, stalking, and falsely accusing me and s0uless of being scum of the fucking earth when there is no goddamn evidence that we are and you KNOW there isn't, because we fucking ARENT. Unlike your freak ass, we KNOW what the fuck is right and what is wrong. But that kind of shit gets around to people and makes people start thinking we ARE those freaks that we aren't.
And you should be well aware of how fucking awful that makes a mother fucker feel, you know? Since you wanna keep whining about how "people keep being mean/demonizing you for no reason." What, you don't think people are gonna DM me asking me what the fuck you're talking about in those posts you make? Newsflash dipshit, most people wanna know both party's stories regarding drama that surrounds someone they know. Don't you try to twist this and cry about how I'm some creepy weirdo that's stalking you, you should've thought harder about following someone and then IMMEDIATELY sending them an anonymous ask about me and s0uless, cause that DEFINETLY isn't fucking fishy at all, dumbass. That's how I was alerted to you and your new bullshit. Don't try and act like I'm a freak that keeps tabs on you, I thought you'd drop off the face of the earth after that one callout thread got made on you. You wanna talk about evidence of wrongdoing? Nothing really shows your true colors more than publicly being racist, harassing minors, and consistently AND RECENTLY consuming bestiality porn of minors. Try bouncing back from saying that YOU want to make noncon porn of your favs, or being a whole ass adult saying you wanna fuck a 16 year old character that you KNOW is 16. THATS some REAL freak shit that YOU admitted to your damn self, you don't get to act like me or s0uless are the real freaks when there is REAL AND RECENT EVIDENCE of you doing that shit, you gross fuck.
Leave us the fuck alone, I do not care about your pathetic ass and s0uless sure as shit doesn't either. This has been going on for over a FUCKING YEAR NOW and i dont give a single SHIT about playing nice and being quiet about it anymore. Don't fucking come whining to me and acting like you're remorseful again when you're PULLING THIS SHIT AGAIN. Leave me the fuck alone and I'll leave you the fuck alone. Expect a restraining order dumbass, it was real easy to get your info when you've got it so readily available online! If youre gonna play stupid games, expect to win stupid prizes. Get the fuck off my and my husband's dick and focus on fixing yourself you ghoul. Do some fucking introspection so you can figure out why the fuck people don't like you. And don't come to me threatening suicide again, I don't give a single SHIT about you and I'm sure as FUCK not going to give you any sympathy when you've shown no fucking growth or genuine remorse for all of this. I've thought about killing myself a lot lately too, you're not fucking special.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Welcome to Nightvale: Sean Archer X Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @to-grow-in-and-to-love @mandy426 @icefrye19 @toasted-stiletto 
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Sean’s relationship with you starts because of a book.
You’re in front of him in the queue at the café in Med when it slips out of your bag and hits the tiled floor, the pages fluttering open, revealing an array of multi-coloured post its. You’re too busy ordering too notice. It’s when he raises to his feet after picking it up that he comes face to face with you.
You’re pretty, so pretty that Sean doesn’t expect it. His mouth goes dry for a second before he holds up your book.
“You dropped this.” He says shyly as he hands it back to you.
“Thank you.” You say as you take it from him and place it back into your bag. “I’m reading it for my book club.”
“Welcome to Nightvale huh?” He says as he tucks his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “I’ve heard the podcast but I’ve never read the book.”
“The podcast is much better than the book.” You tell him as you wrap your hand around your takeout coffee cup and raise it to your mouth. “I can lend it to you if you want? Maybe we can talk about it afterwards.”
His cheeks colour as a smile breaks across his features.
“I’d like that.” He tells you as he gives his own order to the server behind the counter. “They have a live show coming up in June. I’m on the fence about going, I’m not sure how it’ll translate in the real world.”
“I’ve been thinking about it too.” You say as he waits for his coffee. “A lot of podcasts are doing it now, I kind of feel it’ll be like online dating, great in theory, disappointing in real life.”
He laughs then because yea, that’s kind of true. He doesn’t do apps but he’s heard the horror stories from the guys he lives with.
“Online datings not really my thing.” He confesses as he picks up his coffee and gestures towards a table. He expects you to make an excuse, a reason to leave but instead you slip into the offered seat and he finds himself sitting down across from you. “I’m not sure what you can learn about someone from an online profile. They don’t really give you the whole picture.”
“Or they send you the ‘whole picture’ once you’ve connected.” You joke and he blushes when he catches your meaning.
“Unsolicited dick pics are not my thing.” He tells you, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t even know how to get the right angle. There has to be an art to it right?”
You laugh then and it really is the loveliest sound.
“What is your thing?” You ask him and Sean shrugs his shoulders.
“Honestly I’m trying to figure that out.” He tells you, his gaze lowering to his drink as his thumb chases over the ridged cardboard. “I’m taking some time, trying to learn who I am.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” You ask him, your elbows coming to rest upon the surface of the table.
“Sure.” Sean says as he leans in close and the scent of your perfume floods his senses. It’s airy and light, like the first breath of spring on his skin.
“I know this looks all put together but I’m still trying to figure my shit out.” You says gesturing at yourself. “Truthfully I feel like we’re just all a work in progress.”
It’s the kindest, most insightful thing that anyone has ever said to him.
“Come out with me.” He says softly, his eyes meeting yours. “We can go see that show, bitch about it afterwards.”
You pause for a moment and he realises he’s been too bold, too forward. He draws away, but your hand captures his, thumb skating over the hollow of his wrist.
“I’d like that.” You tell him, the edges of your mouth tipping up into a smile. “Really I would.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mysticmellowlove · 9 months
Teen fem reader x yandere.
They are both in highschool maybes she’s a year below him or just a little younger anyway- she’s know around school for really just having her shit together. She authentic, she’s smart, she knows what she wants to do with her life, she NEVER fights. She’s the type of girl to be nice nasty like of someone tries something she throws out some “I’ll pray for you,” or just something classy yk?
So it is a major surprise when she walks into the front office when yan is there being escorted in by a teacher or what not with looks like disheveled hair and when the person in the office questions her she admits she got into a fight. Everyone in the office is surprised because everyone knows she’s a good girl.
Yan can’t even believe it now wait till he finds out the reason we got into our first fight!
We got into a fight because of him actually. We were sitting minding our own business when these bitches started talking about him saying stuff like: “He’s so weird and shy, he’s fine as fuck though I would totally smash.” “I would let him fuck my throat is he weren’t such a loser.”
We hear that shit and trying to be as kind and put together as we can say: “Don’t talk about him like that.” They got offended and next thing we know we won a fight and are in the office with him.
note; this bad boy grew a whole ass storyline as i was writing it damn
Unlike a certain someone, she was better at hiding her feelings. However, when she heard her classmates speaking like that about him she couldn't help herself. When she was younger her dad got her to take up martial arts for a short while so she knew where to hit. It was easy really, to just hurt someone like that.
The assistant to the principal barely had their hand hovering over her back as she made her way into the office. The instant shocked looks she got wasn't something she really expected to happen but it is what it is.
"If you could just wait here for a moment miss, I'm sure this will all be figured out soon." The assistant said as they motioned her over to a chair, right next to him. He had been looking at her the whole time she was being escorted in, his eyes never leaving her figure. He seemed to be shocked, not even the thin line of blood dripping from his hairline seemed to interest him more than she did.
She sat down next to him, her legs crossed over each other as she fought the want to look at him. He had moved here not too long ago, an ex-private school kid. Rumours had already spread about him and from what she had seen him do they seemed to be true. He had been placed at this school because he was a delinquent that didn't fit the private scene. He beat up other kids and disrespected property.
He was the exact opposite of herself and yet that's what drew her to him. She was a fierce believer in opposites attract. Or maybe she just wanted a reason behind her casual infatuation. Being the best and the brightest got boring sometimes so maybe he was the perfect distraction?
It wasn't even as if her classmates were spewing lies about him either. He was rather cute, hot even. She wouldn't mind kissing him, or lying with him or maybe even letting her choke on his dick. It's just that she would prefer that only she be allowed the privilege.
No one seemed to understand him like she did.
"Why are you here?" Her head turned as he spoke up, his voice harsh and gruff. She blinked at him, behind his cold exterior she could see that small glint in his eye. That glint told her he was just as interested in her as she was in him. It was no secret that he was interested in her, rumours had spread about that as well.
That he would pummel anyone who talked down about her, using their blood as a reminder that she was untouchable even more than she already was. Sometimes she even thought the teachers encouraged it, so long as he wasn't breaking school property he could tail her as much as he liked. Act like her secret protector...
"There was just a little misunderstanding." She mumbled, he had been close to her many times before but she rarely had the chance to get close to him without him moving away from her, as if he was scared to even be seen next to her. She found it stupid... and selfish.
"Bullshit!" He yelled, his hand slamming down on the chair arm. The receptionist at the front desk flinched a little, keeping his head down.
"Who." Was all he said as he looked at her, his eyes ablaze. The intensity drifting off of him was stifling, overwhelming almost. She felt a small shiver run down her back.
"Just some girls, I dealt with it." She hummed nonchalantly as she shrugged her shoulder, ignoring the receptionist who looked like he was watching his own private teen drama.
He went to stand up only to be grabbed by her. He seemed to look down at his wrist in alarm, his cheeks lightly blushing before he managed to remain calm.
"I said I dealt with it, can't you be near me for a few moments?" She looked at him, her eyes shimmering in false tears. He seemed to sputter something before he sat back down, his eyes refusing to meet with hers.
"Why don't you want to be near me?" She hummed as she looked at him, her fingers still wrapped around his wrist. His skin was heating up like a furnace. He got like this from one little touch?
"I.... can't control myself." He mumbled as he looked down at his shoes, unwanting to show her his expression. She tutted as she let her eyes close.
"Then don't." That was all she said.
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shveris · 4 months
satosugu, crack oneshot, based on this official art (their asses are not working)
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satorou really, really, hates his job. absolutely hates it.
but for all the wrong reasons.
warnings: drinking, cigarettes, satosugu’s frontal lobe is on vacation
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“how can someone be so dense?!” the brunette clickes her tongue softly before chugging down the rest of her beer. everything about this is horribly entertaining but also incredibly frustrating.
“you know, satorou, you could just tell him you have the fattest crush of mankind on him”, she suggests (for the nth time) and the man next to her continues whining into the counter his head is currently resting on.
“bitch i did! like, three fucking times already! he always responds with ‘and i will crush your head if you don’t bla bla bla’”, he complains, waving his right hand around in the air to make his point.
shoko did not sign up for this.
“you think an intervention would help?”, she ponders, half serious, half joking, and it has her friend snort loudly. he turns his head to look at her, brows raised: “intervention for what exactly, to drop his obliviousness? he was born with that i fear, good luck.”
“nah, he needs to stop being in denial”, shoko rolls her eyes and immediately regrets it as she feels the 6 pints of beer kicking in (finally), “he looks at you as if you were the world, man, sickening to watch.” satorou giggles like a middle schooler.
“either way, you better hurry the fuck up with this, i don’t wanna be losing my money because you two morons can’t get your shit together.” shoko presses her lips to a thin line, thinking about the fifty bucks she had bid on her two friends, and hakari’s shit eating grin.
“i still can’t believe everyone of y’all made a fucking bet out of us, such bad friends and coworkers, i’ll complain to HR tomorrow!” the brunette can only snort and fishes for the pack of malboro in her pocket.
“complain about what?” satorou falls off his chair — and gets caught because of fucking course he gets caught, man’s a damn princess, shoko thinks — upon hearing the voice behind him. ocean eyes wide in shock when he whips his head around: “suguru! don’t sneak up on us like that!” he lets himself get manhandled back onto the barstool.
“and your balance sucks.” the raven keeps one of his arms wrapped around satorou and holds his free hand out to their girl bestie, asking for a cigarette. she stares both of them up and down, eyes lingering on suguru gripping satorou’s waist, and shoves a cigarette into his hands, muttering a curse.
“nah, nah, my balance’s perfectly fine”, the white haired claims, pressing himself closer to suguru’s chest, “i could show you!” the ravenette looks at him with amusement written all over his face: “and how exactly do you plan to ‘show me’?”
“well, for starters, i’m great at walking perfectly straight on the stones of a sidewalk! not that i’m straight but you get the point. and then, also, i think i could keep my balance very well after bouncing on your dick for hours!”
shoko wants to go home. she can feel the lesbian inside her leave. she should start being homophobic or something. change of careers.
“you don’t have the stamina to bounce on my dick for hours, ‘toru”, suguru rolls his eyes, takes a hit from his cigarette, as if he’s talking about the damn weather. shoko meets satorou’s eyes and she can see a vein pop on his forehead: “you see this shit, shoko?!”
“dear lord, yes i do, and i wish i weren’t”, she mumbles. the bet has been going for over a month already, she really didn’t think it’s this bad. maybe she should do something? but, nah, that’d be against the rules of the bet, she’s pretty sure sukuna would beat her up for cheating.
“so, back to that ‘reporting things to HR’ stuff, what was that about?”, suguru asks and the brunette is very tempted to spill the beans — but, again, that’d be against those goofy rules so she keeps her mouth shut, looking at satorou because that man is a born actor.
“eh, someone took a shit in the employees restroom today and didn’t flush”, satorou waves his hand up and down, again, and shoko will always be impressed by how good of a liar he is.
“sounds like toji”, suguru thinks, “that man has issues, dude, how he hasn’t been charged for assault yet is one of the seven world wonders.” satorou only nods in agreement and shoko orders another beer.
“not sure how you made a correlation between ‘not flushing the toilet’ and ‘felony’ but okay.” satorou barks with a singular ‘hah!’ and shuts up when suguru pinches his waist.
“no, you know what, actually- this makes a lot of sense-“, shoko has her eyes on the raven again, “something’s wrong in your frontal lobe, logical thinking seems to not be working for you properly.” suguru only feels half insulted because he has no idea what a frontal lobe is but he does get the implication of shoko telling him he’s stupid.
“fuck’s that supposed to mean”, he still asks, with playful anger lacing his words. there is a tinge of curiosity nagging his mind, whispering to him that he missed out on something. shoko is definitely hinting towards some underlying issues there.
“eh, figure it out for yourselves”, she dismisses his question and takes a sip of her beer, the bitterness of it tasting sweet in contrast to the cigarettes she’s been inhaling. suguru has his eyes averted and hums a “uh-huh” with his lips around the filter before he shifts his attention to the white-haired once again.
“suguru, can we go to this new pastry shop after our shift? they have new items on their menu!” the raven smiles fondly upon seeing the excitement in satorou’s whole body language and he finds himself agreeing — not that he is ever able to say “no” to him anyway.
“we could also pick out some flowers, i have a picknick planned for us on thursday night”, suguru puffs out the cigarette smoke and undoes the buttons of his uniform coat to get some air. he misses the confused looks the other two are giving him and tries not to cry when the smoke catches in his eyes. why does it always have to sting this bad?
“picknick? how come?”, satorou eventually asks, curiosity and suspicion walking hand in hand inside his mind. he watches as the ravenette lifts his head and takes the half-finished cancer stick between his index and middle finger: “for our anniversary? who’s head are you in right now, satorou.”
gojo satorou’s soul left his body.
his chin is on the floor — never mind that, he is floored. absolutely floored.
shoko almost chokes on the mouthful of alcohol and is convinced she just imagined hearing that, telling herself she is just drunk and wants to be out of her misery (she wants her money). but then she takes another look at suguru and is sure this is, as a matter of fact, reality and very much the present. she tries to close her mouth but it’s not working in her favour: “what. the fuck.”
suguru looks at them as if they’d just insulted his whole bloodline, mild irritation and annoyance making the crease between his eyebrows deep like canyons.
“what do you mean ‘what the fuck’?”, he asks and satorou doesn’t even hear him because he’s more than chin-deep inside his own brain, too fuzzy and it feels like his body is vibrating — he doesn’t know his mouth is still very much wide open and suguru wants nothing more than to shove his dick inside.
since shoko is generally faster in gathering herself so she quickly tries to make sense of the raven’s words: “what do you mean ‘what do you mean’?”
truly the conversation of geniuses.
shoko is pretty sure satorou short-circuited, the man having his chin so deep down in hell as if he is trying to catch flies with his mouth, and suguru has never looked more confused. if her fifty bucks weren’t involved, shoko would’ve taken a picture and made it her new home screen background.
she absentmindedly lights another cigarette and pinches the bridge of her nose. if this really is what she is thinking — nothing in the world could’ve prepared her for this. how does a man like suguru even live. never mind that, how does a man like satorou made it this far in life?
“let’s take a few steps back”, she finally says and nudges the side of satorou’s chin with her free hand (he slowly picks it up from the floor), “you said anniversary. what anniversary?” suguru looks at her as if she just grew a second head: “‘toru’s and my anniversary? we’ve been dating for a year now, hello?”
shoko hates how right she was with her suspicions but she’s also very, very, happy about getting money.
“we’ve been dating?! for a year?!”
ah. satorou.exe restarted successfully.
“what the fuck’s that supposed to mean?!”
shoko notes how invested the bartender seems to be in the situation and she can’t blame them.
“wha- when? how even- you never-“, satorou’s thoughts are running a whole marathon with blindfolds, bumping into each other and anything, tangling themselves together like strings. the word vomit coming out of his mouth makes shoko take another sip of her beer and she hopes that’ll make him even more funnier.
“satorou, we sleep in the same fucking bed, you kiss my cheeks regularly, we go on dates every other day, we literally have pet names for each other.”
shoko decides she’s homophobic now.
chapter 261 destroyed my mental so i’m uploading this to hopefully make some of us less depressed. personally, i’m more depressed now because of what we could’ve had
i might write a part 2 to this someday, idk, i rlly like this au but i’m also on the verge of chewing off my lips and i need a break from life
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