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lovely-checo · 5 months ago
A bunch of grown ass man refused to sit in the front row its so funny to me
They literally like students in school/collage fr!!!
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months ago
payoff of being embedded in a unit of authoritarianism since birth is sure then being able to go like "wow this is just like dynamics & phenomena i experienced up close & personal, repeatedly, in many contexts & configurations in my first two decades of life" plus also beyond that in abuse culture world & the noncoincidence that even interactions beyond the confines of the home(tm) reinforced / did not contradict the hierarchy & concomitant abuse within....but then like hey yeah also the Larger Units of hierarchy & abuse / authoritarianism (ft. their logics & practices necessary for continuously & continually shoring up that hierarchy) can also make it like hey yeah the Two Parent abusive nuclear family more like the Two Party [the US is also a one party state but in typical american extravagance they have two] where right wingness is defined by the degree of directly embracing white supremacy & "left wing" is "anything else" hence like wow The Left is always infighting (everyone with any ideas besides "umm christofascist white ethnostate?" so like yeah there are many other ideas) vs The Right's admirable cohesion (simply re: the white supremacy idea which also necessarily embraces all other Out Group / Nonperson paradigms & practices b/c that's what all already has been necessary for shoring up the [when has the US been a nongenocidal non white supremacist non oligarchy])
like obviously individual experiences & contexts vary but like narrowing in on [the Family as immediate relations ideally cordoned off into nuclear households] ft. [Parental Authority the top priority of which is preserving that authority, ideally patriarchal, an abusive mother e.g.? hey, that ought to be the father] times it's like, think people tend to struggle re: having the "nicer" / "safer" parent who was also shitted on as well but also at the end of the day would always side with the "meaner" "more dangerous" parent, even in whatever terms most sympathetic to the abused parties, with the underlying logic that we're always just going to have to deal with them so some secret strategic mitigation is the best that can be done, perhaps the equivalent of being sent a ":(" after an Onslaught Of Expressed / Enforced Authority(tm) event....the tendency to see the best in any lack of actual intervention / protection on the assumption That Could Never Happen Anyway & forever At Least that the one parent isn't as bad as the other [the Not That Bad / Could've Been Worse infocation, like free bingo square in manifestations of minimization if not outright abuse denial] & all the sympathy for, you know, being human & doing their best(tm) &c which sure might all be true but the abused parties (oft children, more vulnerable than adults, by virtue of being children i.e. considered legal property of some specific adults & theoretical property of any adults in general (the paternal logic in any "protect [xyz]" like maintain one group's supposed ownership / control over [xyz] "for their sake" then? great) & also generally smaller & newer at being alive in this world) but who are liable to not extend that sympathy to themselves (or certainly not be extended that sympathy....when is "they're doing their best / they're only human / they mean well or whatever / they love you, they're family" successfully deployed the Thwart an abusive parent like it is to tell an abused child to not be too resentful of this situation, when is it actually deployed toward the abusive parent at all really. & again in the lack of boundary between the authoritarianism within many individual family households & that of the state they exist in (here re: the US) like that naturally one encounters the logic of abuse expressed just as "common knowledge" & the Assumptions of other people, e.g. the rejection of a parent having zero access to a child, the reinforcement of automatic apologia deployed for whatever a parent could possibly do, argued for "family", yet not deployed the same way to automatically defend anything thee child(tm) could do, thinking emoji lol....see: like the non boundary between [the Patriarchal home/family(tm)] & capitalism when uh oh capitalism the system of continuously maximizing exploitation Needs various forms of labor to be unpaid, uh oh another lack of boundary when white supremacy is used to also shore up the patriarchy that shores up the white supremacy, e.g. that even if in some "inferior" class it's treated as More Important that at least you're not that And black, the theoretical ideal/normal white man is a person while a white woman is a woman while a black woman is black, white women could have any legal property via chattel slavery which needed white women's participation to help enforce, the specter of sexual violence all coming from nonwhite & especially black men & it's up to the genteel white man to Protect Women (see prev, implicitly white or you'd have to specify otherwise)
anyway that is to get around to pointing to the Two Parent System wherein so shockingly the results are the same as the One Parent System re: abuse maintaining The Family (properly, i.e. unquestionable & certainly undeniable parental access to children, & "ideally" ofc again the patriarchal Father as ultimate authority w/ownership over the Mother, who in turn is theoretically honored for that motherhood (at least you own your children, insofar as it doesn't contradict w/what the father wants to do with his superior claim to ownership) & then finally all the obviously shittiness from being in that position in a patriarchy is in turn dumped on The Children who are ungrateful & owe the mother everything Because of what the broader society & immediate personal expressions of that abuse have done to her. see also ofc that two adults likely don't have the resources to raise a child in time or money or energy, maybe there's only one but also even an extended family's worth of adults aren't enough, is it enough when a child is sent to school for some other adults to be in charge most of the day, or even if someone is hired to look after them beyond that, all this ofc with the assumed premise that a child is always limited to the various Domains of The Adults In Charge, & from there i segue into how naturally being in gay baby jail unless & until adults are no longer recognized as Legally In Charge Of You (the grand like 5 minutes it's relatively been since the ideal timeline of a woman's life wasn't being legal property of her father until asap passed along to legal property of her husband. still considered ideal ofc but like with "maybe you can have a bank account" now & "maybe you can become 29 before you're in Old Maid danger" Maybe, i said, Maybe....anyway that obviously adults(tm) being divided up (atomised. spritz) into Households isn't even supposed to be enough to live on their own, re: necessitating Marriage, much less uh oh having kids who are stuck with their parents who are stuck with them, but then all the obvious actual problems & abuses inflicted on Adults to have to have their family households & exploited jobs are dumped on the children who Must appreciate & be loyal to the parents (i.e. never Deny Access) while yknow kids have Fake Problems they're whining about, the one Real Problem of having to pay a bill gets the payoff of leverage to tell your children to shut the fuck up or perhaps the more vulnerable spouse
hm didn't segue right into "so shoutout to like The Ratchet Effect diagrams lol, the "Two" Party System where its supposed left wing Blocks Movement To The Left, right wing Moves Everything To The Right" but even that is like, mm, conferring a passivity to what democrats do in the continual movement to the right (won an election? lost an election? the lesson either way is The Right Is Right; exact same logic as in "winning or losing" "the war on crime" like the collection & analysis of whatever statistics show the trend of some "crime" is increasing in frequency or magnitude? show that it's decreasing? the lesson either way is Cops Need More Power) like the institutional effort of democrats to push a candidate nobody wants through primaries (did we even do that this time around. oh great that the assumed candidate even graciously agreed to not force themself as The Candidate, & now like 5 min left with the Next In Line candidate dumped on everyone now with the lesson for the left(tm) to shut up already lol) & then it's up to Grassroots Voters. it's up to Unity & well we all Need to listen to the white supremacists, points were made, in the "elections" with voting as limited as possible & with the electoral college & supreme court as Safeguards against democracy & here's the senate, eternally thus, & again the conclusions will always manage to be moving To The Right, paraphrasing from twitter like democrats are about to be or already at the point of "in the name of unity we will no longer be running against republicans; it's too divisive :(" which yknow is already The Statements of all of yesterday from various like "i'm the republican official white supremacy agree-er now" after also the entire campaign of "no, I'm the fascist" where like wow shocking that the appeal to the fascists didn't win a) the fascists who will ofc want the even more overt fascism, why wouldn't they or b) the people who want antifascism actually, and do not want fascism; who could have foreseen? & it's always the fault of being Too Antifascist for the actions of the fascists or the Diplomatic Comprimises the other party makes with the fascists &/or their Failure to thwart them....the Nicer, Safer party in power is surely doing their best & at least they're not the Meaner, More Dangerous one but at the end of the day they'll always side with that party over america(tm) & those bearing the brunt of the actions of State Power can be told to keep their chin up or else to stop acting out b/c how do you expect that state power to respond, cmon, you bring it upon yourself, & you Have to work with them & understand all their feelings & your role in resolving those feelings by being lesser inferior property, you do Have to understand, b/c in the end this is All About Family, surely Good & Necessary, whoops i mean in the end this is All About America
anyway yeah i'm like damn my "nicer" (also shitty) father who was also the even more sexist & racist (& certainly no Less ableist, queerphobic) parent was basically the democratic party of the Two Parent System of Family Government lol. b/c we Need to perpetuate this Family, no other logics much less actions are acceptable....& people struggling with the Parent / Adults in their life like that who were the "safe" & "protective" ones who markedly failed to protect & minimized the harm afterwards but also in general, never to confront the reality of the situation, or do damage control like "aw some points were made at all :( ah i see you have Feelings about this :( hmm yes the Parental Power is gonna have to make some changes" & then as soon as possible (assuming reeling in the party who was deviating too much) these changes(tm) are already compromised or diminished if done at all, & then oops things incrementally might be right back to how they always were, no guarantees it won't be Worse b/c the Power is even more insecure / aware of weaknesses, & the only way this is thwarted is if the Wayward Parties can actually leverage new boundaries / less vulnerability, not b/c the supposedly sympathetic parties, who never came through where it counts & likely would also become overt antagonizers / wielders of whatever power within the Family hierarchy / turn on the more vulnerable parties to Get Them In Line, actually came through. movement Away (more disruptive to the maintenance of The Family, The State) is blocked, incrementally only ever moving everything back, & then Further....& despite this being what the power structures are, & do, the Disruptive parties liable to be scapegoated lol, can't believe the scapegoat child is ruining everything for everyone, this Family would totally improve & start being everything it could be otherwise & we ignore who actually has the power & is actually enforcing the hierarchy harming everyone to point to that scapegoat; can't believe thee left is destroying america (republican voice) can't believe the left is destroying america (democrat voice) So You See? The Undeniable Consensus. just like how i believe it was my fault my family unit was Like That & i had those experiences, according to the vast majority of Input from that family & even others who, knowing nothing, would say how Lucky i was to be relatively close to home, or just of course that oh well parents love their children & mean well & try their best. just like how i believe that being treated like i've been generally as a neurononconforming person, i.e. hated & the interpersonal abuse & bullying & ostracization & [attention possibilities: ignored, responded to but negatively, interacted with to get something from] & actually rewarding interactions or just actions being liable to get Deluxe authority responses as disruptive(tm) & ofc disobedient(tm) like hell fuckin yeah lol. just as i don't think that other people who have similar experiences or ones i don't have, i.e. assessed race being automatically seen as wrong / inferior, being isolated & undermined from all around? well gotta be their fault then, cmon lol....Abuse is actually normative, not extraordinary, in every Arena of interactions, & so are the logics / apologia / assumptions
anyway lol re: like yeah people struggling with the like betrayal of the "nooo i'm on your side, i sympathize, i'm the one who's nicer & you Need so that things aren't even worse" party, not even One Big Novel betrayal, but rather that that's what's Been done the whole time & doesn't stop. that supposedly if you have Any sympathy for that party you have to be like aw :( keep doing your thing (necessarily reining everyone in) or if you have Any sympathy for the people who also want things to improve but blame & take it out on the more disruptive parties (more disruptive to an abusive family e.g., btw. & not like i see Cohesion as necessarily some Good rather than neutral? when i'm autistic / my existence is supposedly antithetical to this? or when i'm able to look at a zillion hypothetical or actual situations & recognize how "cohesion" isn't the best goal / a destructive one / a vague concept anyways like cohesion Between Whom? on what basis? recognized & pursued how? why? up next: same as vague shit like "family" or "community" &c) then it's like yep gotta be Responsible for their feelings too if you're at all sympathetic & capitulate, The Only Possible Action, vs the idea of those in power actually making things shit stopping, much less being stopped / having to stop in the various ways that can happen....one way being "oh no, adult children who choose to be no-contact with parents" which is seen as A Tragedy, & sign of a Deteriorating Society, take me back. ah jeez oh no, look at the divorce raaates....Oh No, twentysomething women aren't pursuing marriage enoughhhh....again the undetectably identical echo when people peak vaguely talk about "conflicts" that thwart "community" or whatever, ugh nobody will date anymore, commit anymore, be friends anymore, hang out as coworkers anymore, talk to me if i want to talk to them anymore, &ccccc....
the real tl;dr is like wait ""two party"" (one party) US electoral system, just like ""two parent"" maintenance of thee family lol. ratchet effect raise your hand if you've only ever experienced Movement Away from the abusive family blocked, forever incrementally ratcheted back in to the desires & pursuits of those most in power / top of the hierarchy / thus of course most invested in the abuse, that's what the power & hierarchy is made of, sustained by, perpetuates....sorry doing our best :( sorry that's just all that's realistic, no other choice Really. cmon. kind of Your Fault if you don't agree to that & whoops now Everything is the fault of whoever doesn't agree & cooperate enough :( now look what you've done & brought upon yourself :( & we'll just forget the eruption of violence suppression happened & will happen again & be the overhanging threat all in the meantime
#aaand post whoops it's Politics; Abuse text blocks again. you know how it is#the [it's the same thing] resonance of Thee US State things & ppl's responses like what is this. my family (sitcom laugh track)#which then yes i do see the Differences first & foremost lol. going Hmm Antiauthoritarian Lens On News / Politics well before even#doing so re: my own family situation experiences which i was thinking of as normal (they were though) & not that bad (but it was)#indeed ''the home'' as a supposed site of Safety; relative restraint in the intrusion of State Power on such a domain#with being nonwhite & poor liable to make the home(tm) unavailable; less ''safe'' if so; less surveilled or intruded upon by the state#all wherein Money; Patriarchy; Parental Authority is meant to exert its own Control aka ''protect'' vulnerable parties a Home may contain#(that's a not necessarily neutral ''contain'' there lol) e.g. ah [true crime montage] women are Safe & Protected in The Home#as are Children as are Disabled People. oh no we have to be Necessarily Suspicious of what allows ppl to venture outside the home#rather than seeing that as neutral or perhaps even good when the Ideal Home Structure is as a force & site of isolation#oh god no not The Internet intruding into The Home (allowing people outside it. e.g. children. cough Aah Protect Them from Social Mediaaa)#stranger danger satanic panic true crime(tm) serial killer(tm) the scary nonwhite disabled poor Intruders of ideal suburbia etc....#tangent there. & if you aren't contained in a home / your home is not so Safe from state agents? well#just as pointing out [not in prison] as merely Lower Security that you will be moved to higher security (such as prison) over Violations#i.e. failure to be Properly Contained....uh oh out in public Unchaperoned; not spending money properly?? being nonwhite?#disabled? poor? That's Not Allowed; an appeal to some Personal authority (guardian; husband) might be made; might be seized by the state#to higher ''security'' b/c Lower isn't deemed containing you enough at Job & Home & not being too deviant & poor or intruding in the Domain#of those who are less so; incl even their illusion of power like umm i should never have to See a poor#might be executed with the automatic defense of the Necessity Of State Agent Killings & every last noble & sympathetic Feeling behind it#whether spontaneously as extrajudicial police killings or judicial preplanned state execution or the acceptance & embrace of deaths in the#context of the continuous exploitation & extra / exacerbated vulnerability for created & enforced social classes#& that every site of greater ''security'' is like; you must move toward Marriage; Nuclear Family; Normativity#your own ''proper'' exploitation in w/e structures like Family; Business; A ''Good'' ''Community''; A ''Good'' ''Nation''#or else For Your Own Good / The Good Of Others / You Bring It Upon Yourself like eh imprisonment? other exclusion / ostracization#while subject to the forces that get to respond to that realm of abjection. parallel abuse tactics of a prison vs perhaps a house/family#even more meandering tags here lol but much to discuss....certainly granted a relative fast track / front row seat via like#relatively ''normative'' life in various ways; white US sorta middle class; but personal autodidactic experiences as disabled queer#happening to be abused within the home (also plenty of Even More ''not that bad'' logics / practices even from Good Parents(tm)...Uh. lol)#no Experiences inherently guarantee w/e conclusions or principles but sure put mine to an antiauthoritarian context; boo hiss#& learned shit. stunned like wow yeah what's Disruptive to the norm is scapegoated? you stop ppl pleasing; ppl are displeased? whoah....
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fairqves · 17 days ago
꒰ NEVER A BURDEN ! ۟ ׅ ͡ ୨ৎ
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(🐰) ──𝓟ARK JISUNG﹙ 지성 ﹚ ꒰ 𝓰. oneshot ៸ fluff ៸ friends to ?? ୨୧ㅤㅤ WARNiNGS : not proofread ៸ fight ៸ petnames ៸ mean girls ❞ bsf! 𝒿isung x 𝑓! reader ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ ꒰ WC : 1.5K ꒱ SYPNOSiS 𐙚 in which you, a bubbly chatterbox, and your quiet, shy and reserved crush face a misunderstanding that forces both your feelings to the surface, leading to you avoid jisung like the plague .ᐟ HEAVILY INSPIRED BY WIFTY ── LiBRARY
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the rustling of papers, the whispers of conversations exchanged between friends, and the occasional snickers of laughter.
you thrived in moments like this, pushing through the crowded rows of desks with a beaming smile and a seemingly endless stream of stories to tell.
and, of course, there was park jisung.
quiet, reserved, and hunched over his studying notes, jisung sat at his usual seat by the window, his expression looking more tired and stressed than usual.
you didn’t know what had exactly drawn you to him initially—maybe it was his quiet presence, the calm that had always seemed to follow him wherever he went. ── 𝖱𝖤𝖲𝖳 𝖡𝖤𝖫𝖮𝖶!
or maybe it was the way he always listened, even when you talked a mile a minute about the most random things.
you weren’t oblivious to what people said about you and jisung—the whispers that followed you down the hallways, the teasing smiles from classmates when they saw you together.
everyone thought you were too much for him, like a bright flame paired with an unmovable stone. but you didn’t care.
at least, you didn’t think you did.
today was no different—at least, it hadn’t started that way. you perched on the edge of jisung’s desk, chattering away as he scribbled in his notebook.
he didn’t say much, just an occasional hum of acknowledgment or a slight nod of his head. but to you, that was enough.
“ji, get this,” you began, leaning closer to him as your hands slapped the table dramatically. “i was walking home yesterday, and this dog—this huge scary dog—came out of nowhere and—”
“y/n,” jisung interrupted, his voice sharp and dismissive.
you froze mid-sentence, blinking at him in surprise.
he sighed, not looking up from his notes. “can you please do me a favour and shut up for a second?”
the silence hung thick in the air.
you blinked again, the smile fading from your face as the classroom noise around you suddenly felt deafening.
“oh,” you mumbled, quickly stepping back from his desk. “okay.”
you turned around before he could say anything else, slipping back into your seat and pulling out your notebook in front of you.
your heart felt heavy, the sting of his words settling deep inside your chest.
behind you, the whispers started almost immediately.
“oh my god.. did you hear that?”
“i mean, he’s not wrong. she’s so loud.”
“doesn’t she know he doesn’t even like her?”
“she’s been following him around for months. it’s so obvious.”
you bit your lip, keeping your head down as their words echoed in your ears. normally, you’d brush it off, but today—today it felt like they were right about you all along.
the rest of the day passed in a blur—you avoided jisung as much as possible, slipping out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang and keeping a notable distance whenever you passed him in the hall.
by the time the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, you were exhausted—emotionally and physically.
you stood by your locker, pretending to reorganize your books as you watched jisung leave the classroom.
normally, you’d catch up with him and walk to the bus stop together, but today, you let him walk ahead.
at the bus stop, your absence didn’t go unnoticed.
“where’s y/n?” jaemin asked, leaning lazily against the bench. jisung shrugged, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he slightly smiled picturing you running after him just to sit on the bus with him. “i don’t know.”
“you don’t know?” chenle repeated, his tone confused. “you always know. did she get in trouble or something?”
jisung shook his head, though his jaw tightened slightly as he remembered what he said to you a few hours ago. “no..why?”
renjun raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “because she’s not here. and the last time i checked, she would rather die than miss a bus ride with you.”
jisung didn’t respond. instead, he stared at the concrete, his hands fidgeting slightly as the bus pulled up.
he didn’t know how to explain the sudden ache in his chest, the uncomfortable emptiness that came with your absence.
when he boarded the bus and saw you sitting in a seat near the front—alone, it hit him all over again.
you didn’t even glance his way as he walked past, sliding into a seat a few rows behind you.
normally, you’d save the seat beside you for him, grinning and waving him over like he was the most important person in the world.
but today, there was only silence.
the bus ride was quiet, other than the occasional whispers of other passengers. jisung spent the entire time staring at the back of your head, his thoughts racing.
he wanted to say something, to apologize, but he quite literally didn’t know how—the words were stuck in his throat.
when the bus finally reached your stop, you got up without looking back, walking silently toward the door.
jisung followed, trailing a few steps behind as you both began the familiar walk home. normally, you’d fill the air with stories and your laughter, your voice the soundtrack to his otherwise quiet life.
but now, there was only the sound of your footsteps, each one heavier than the last.
finally, jisung couldn’t take it anymore.
“y/n,” he said softly, his voice barely audible over the crunch of gravel beneath your feet.
you stopped walking but didn’t turn around. “what?” his heart sank at the coldness in your tone. “are you… mad at me?”
you laughed bitterly, the sound hollow. “mad? no, jisung. i’m not mad.” you turned to face him, and his breath caught in his throat at the sight of your glassy, tear-filled eyes. “i’m hurt.”
the guilt hit him like a slap.
“you told me to shut up,” you continued, your voice trembling. “do you know how much that hurt? and do you know what people say about me? they say you don’t even like me. that i’m just some annoying girl who follows you around. and today, it felt like they were right. like i really am just a burden to you.”
“no,” jisung said immediately, his voice firm and filled with held-back emotion. “that’s not true, y/n. none of that is true.”
“then why did you say it?” you asked, tears rolling down your cheeks now. “why did you tell me to shut up if you don’t think i’m annoying?”
“i was stressed,” he admitted, his shoulders slumping. “i’ve been studying so much, and i wasn’t thinking. i was stupid, and i took it out on you. but y/n…” he stepped closer, his hands trembling slightly as he reached out to touch your shoulder.
“i promise you—you’re not a burden. you’re never a burden. you’re the best part of my day.”
your breath hitched, your heart fluttering at his words.
“i mean it,” he said, his voice filled with vulnerability. “i don’t care what anyone else says. i care about you. you make everything better, even when i’m too stupid to see it.”
before you could respond, jisung pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest.
his embrace was hesitant at first, like he wasn’t sure if you’d let him, but when you didn’t pull away, he held you tighter.
“i’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice muffled against your hair. “i’m so, so sorry. please don’t avoid me anymore.”
you let out a shaky breath, your hands clutching the fabric of his shirt as you buried your face in his chest. “i just thought…” you trailed off, your voice quiet.
“you don’t have to think anything,” he mumbled, pulling back just enough to look at you. his hands cupped your face, his thumbs gently wiping away your tears.
“just know that i’m here, and i care about you. okay?” you nodded, your cheeks heating under his soft gaze.
the walk home felt different this time. jisung held your hand the entire way, his grip warm and reassuring.
you felt shy now, hyper-aware of every little movement, and every little glance. the air between you was quieter than usual, but it wasn’t uncomfortable—it was gentle and comforting.
when you reached your door, you turned to thank him, but before you could say anything, jisung hesitated.
the tip of his ears were a bright red, and before you could process what was happening, he gently spun you around and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead.
your eyes widened, your heart skipping a beat as you stared at him. his cheeks were undeniably pink now, and he stepped back, avoiding your gaze.
“i—i’ll see you tomorrow,” he mumbled, quickly turning and walking away in the direction of his house.
you stood there for a moment, stunned, before a small grin tugged at the corner of your lips.
maybe jisung wasn’t great with emotions—his words and actions, but in that moment, he’d said everything you needed to hear.
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© FAIRQVES 2025 do not repost, plagiarize, or translate.
NOTE. ohmgee guys i pulled jaemin in my dreamscape album !!! anyways jisung is so zhang lurang coded u cannot convince me otherwise. also jaemin is so duan jiaxu coded too… my brain is braining rn 😇
୨୧ TAGLIST OPEN ‹𝟹 @mioons @nshmuras @suneng @pnghoon @shawnyle @laylasbunbunny @privareum @briefsaladfun @cyjzzl @sol3chu @txtlyn @d-dilemma @deezbin @iluvnikism @rikibwn @wonsprincess @niawonn @pockyyasii @kiss4noo @nineooooo @loves0ft @ancnymcnzjy @dazzlingjaeyun : COMMENT OR SEND AN ASK TBA.
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theobsessedcookiefan · 4 months ago
Lmao 😂 that absolutely perfect I loved it yeah I’m totally seeing it working and y/ telling the other ancients about it and the other beasts somehow getting the news too lol it will be hilarious like
Y/n cookie : and that how me and burning spice got married and he give up on getting golden cheese soul jam 😄 as soon they kiss burning spice lips lovingly
Pure vanilla : shock and completely in disbelief how you managed to get marry to a beast cookie
Hollyberry : confused thoughts if she would be happy for you or very concern about your safety
Dark cacao : just sigh and put his palm on his face as he will never get accustomed from your shenanigans
Golden cheese : still can’t believe it actually worked and they are not doomed at all
White lily: wondering how the heck you managed to get a beast to fall in love with you and marry you and what he will do to you
Burning spice : scary dog privilege will set earthbread on fire for you will protect you and doesn’t give a shit about the ancients or the other beasts opinions he genuinely in love with you
Thank you for doing that you are the best I love your blog x3
YESSS (live footage of Pitaya Dragon possessing Jollie /JK) NAH BUT FR, IMAGINE. AND THANKS OMG YOU'RE SO SWEET 😭😭😭
ᨏᨐᨓ ᨓᨐᨏ
This. This is why you never go outside, one stupid move and next thing you know you're celebrating your own wedding. How did it happen?! You were sure Burning Spice would kick your ass the moment you asked him to marry you but instead he accepted it?? And now you were in a wedding dress (yes even if you're a boy or a non-binary buddy bc be fr, he's not going to wear the dress.) standing next to a very happy and proud Lord of destruction.
First row of seats were occupied by the Ancients who were just as shocked as you, especially Golden Cheese who managed to keep her souljam but at what cost? You could tell exactly what were they all thinking "This is so wrong in so many levels..".
Then in the other side of the front row was Mystic Flour who didn't seem as happy as her fellow friend, you had specified that they shouldn't try to kill each other at the wedding and surprisingly they had listened... Huh, I guess having such a powerful and kinda terrifying husband has its advantages.
ᨏᨐᨓ ᨓᨐᨏ
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biibini · 1 year ago
nsfw modern!mizu headcannons pt3
tags: nsfw, smut, wlw, strap on referred to as cock, cunnillingus, praise, missionary, doggy, if u squint its rough, degrading, teasing, edging, ass squeezes, orgasm
a/n: happy 100??? followers?? i love u all???? i finished some hw and some photoshoot work so here's a treat for both of us :3
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18+ content below!
modern!mizu loves to hold ur hand while she's deep inside u, strap on
that's if she's feeling sweet & loving
which is most nights
however, if u were acting like a brat it's totally different
she has the patience but if u rlly ticked her off
or left her during the summer for an internship
she'll still be loving but WAYYY more dirty talk
definitely degrade u
calling u her pretty slut
(yes i already talked ab this on the last part but lemme remind yall)
modern!mizu is big on praise
typically she's reserved when it comes to u in public
prefers to let her work talk for her such as a side hug or holding ur hand when u guys are out
through her actions, she’s loving without the need to say much
at times, she doesn’t mind calling u “love” or “baby” in a sweet endearing way when its just the two of u in public
but behind closed doors…
(im giggling and kicking my feet writing this sorry chat)
she loves constantly calling u her pretty girl or her love
those praises escalate into dirty territory especially when she knows ur close
(yes i also did write ab this but shhh)
and she gets all close to ur ear
while whispering sweet nothings, she continues to stimulate u with soft kisses and hickies on ur neck
she loves hearing how loud ur voice can rise under her touch
or how much ur wet cave squelches just with her two fingers
it's addicting to hear u unfold
modern!mizu prefers missionary
yeah sure its a basic vanilla position
but mizu can watch herself enter easily
ur practically dripping at this point
while having easy access to ur breasts
something soft and tender to hold
or easy access to ur sides and hold for stability
while having front row seats to ur entire reaction
a 3-in-1 combo
she just loves hearing her beautiful girlfriend’s voice slowly lose control of any noises coming out
any whimpers or moans will not be held back
modern!mizu would make it her mission to hear anything come out of u
similar to the praising point
but more on the border of teasing
it doesnt help that she lowers her voice the closer she gets to ur ears
if ur biting ur lip or biting the inside of ur cheek, she will spot u holding back
it’s a lil scary how easy she can read u
but u pay no attention once she’s close to ur neck, one of ur most vulnerable spots
Mizu nuzzles you, letting her head rest in the crook of your neck. You close your eyes and inhale, telling yourself to relax under Mizu. You feel a digit slowly pull out, continuing to thrust into you at a agonizingly slow pace. She pulls out again, a tear running down Mizu’s middle finger.
You take another deep breath, scrunching your eyebrows and attempting to control yourself. You feel Mizu kiss your neck, leaving behind bruises that are soon to bloom purple. She works her way to your ear, her breath practically melting you away.
“I know you want more, don’t you?”, Mizu whispered breathily. Her digit pushing deeper into you. You bite your lip, silencing your moan with a “mmph” instead.
She nibbles down the side of your neck, biting down a little more than usual. Her tongue glides over one of your growing hickies, now turning a deeper shade of maroon and purple. You moan in response, forgetting to hold it back.
"Let's use our words now.", Mizu coos, adding another digit deep inside of you.
modern!mizu would most prob be a dom/switch
a little more switch than dom
but mainly a service dom
as long as the both of u are feeling pleasure, she will always love it
if u request modern!mizu something, she will try her hardest to make u feel good
one time, u were curious ab edging
u have heard of the term but never experienced it
mizu had heard ab it through taigen and his stupid rants ab his situationships
u were in for quite a wild night
“Hey baby?”, you asked.
Mizu hummed next to you, scrolling through Tiktok.
The thought of edging was relatively new. You heard about the idea at one of your lecture classes, where a girl was talking with her friends about how her situationship did that to her. You heard many specific details, maybe too many, for a 9:00 lecture.
However, one thing stood out to you: she had the most deepest, amazing orgasm. According to her, at least.
“Do you know what edging is?”, you question, letting the curiosity get the best of you.
Mizu turned to face you. Shocked at your question, she closes and puts down her phone.
“Who told you what that was?”, she asked.
Your eyes widen.
Was it something mean?
“Why? Is it something bad?”, you say in a concerned tone.
Mizu breathily laughs. She wraps her arm around your side, pulling you closer under the sheets.
“No no, I just wasn’t expecting that kind of question.”
“So what is it?”, you persist, still curious about the idea. You watch her eyes quickly dart away from your gaze.
“Uhm…”, Mizu’s face slightly flushes, biting the outer corner of her lower lip. “It’s when you get really close, but then you never finish. At least that’s how Taigen explained it.”
Your mouth shapes into a little ‘o’.
“It’s supposed to make you finish on ‘a different level’. I didn’t really understand it but-“
“Should we try?”, you boldly ask.
The details of the girl’s experience from the lecture rung in your head: mind-blowing, amazing, earth-shattering. The list could go on. That girl could talk for hours.
Mizu cocked her eyebrow, immediately surprised by the invitation. She didn’t deny it though. As disgusting as Taigen described his experience, it intrigued Mizu. Her mind started to dwell on the thought: your legs trembling and shaking under her, your moans and squirming, the volume of your cries...
The idea of you screaming her name lit a bulb in her head.
Out of nowhere, she pulls you underneath her. Mizu rests her hand by your face to cup your cheek. Her thumb caresses your right cheek, lightly grazing your lips. You look up to meet her eyes: a deep ocean blue darkened with lust. They glance down and quickly look back up to meet your gaze.
Mizu gets closer to you, slightly tilting your head to whisper close to your ear.
"Let's try.", she whispers. You feel her lips plant kisses along your neck, feeling it tickle and tease you.
"Now?", you stammer as Mizu continues down your neck, gently lifting under your pajamas. You feel her hand lift the fabric and palm one of your breasts. You groan as Mizu's thumb grazes over your nipple, hardening under your touch.
Mizu scoffs. "Do you not see yourself right now?", she states as she inches closer to your heat, now aching for her touch.
Blush starts to form on your face. Mizu knew how to turn you on, but you've never seen her so quick with it.
With one hand busy toying with your breasts, Mizu inches her other hand down towards your soft cotton panties. Her fingers slide down from the edge, feeling your curves and valleys. She stops at your entrance and feels the change of the fabric, drenched with your juices.
You hear her chuckle into the crook of your neck. "Do you not feel yourself right now?", she teases, her voice almost deepening as she continues to palm your wet spot.
"Not until now- Mizu!", you yelp. You feel her finger tuck under the fabric, now directly touching your pouring wet mess. She lowers her hand and enters, enveloping her fingers with your fluids.
Your head knocks back as you take a deep breath in. Half of your mind was already in another dimension, getting lost in the pleasure. The other half was still present in bed but slowly losing itself with every thrust Mizu made. You aren't even close to finishing and you're already losing your mind.
You feel her finger pull out, making you feel empty inside. She tugs your panties off and shifts closer to your lower half. You feel your lower half face her mouth. It doesn't take long for you to feel full once again as she plunges two digits into you.
You moan in response. You feel them gain speed, tickling the tip of your cervix. She puts those long, slender fingers to good use. Busy with feeling of your insides getting fucked out, you fail to forget about the feeling of Mizu's tongue lapping up any liquids coming out of you.
She continues to do so, her tongue gliding along the sides of your entrance. Mizu licks up, lightly licking the tip of your clit. A jolt of pleasure shoots up in your head.
"Ah, fuck me Mizu!", you yell into the pillow. Her pace continues to inch deeper into your gushing wet caves. To Mizu's surprise, they easily pull in and out of you, making a squelching noise every time she pushes a little bit deeper.
"I am, don't worry.", Mizu coos. She continues to lap at your clit, circling it every so often. With one hand inside of you, she wraps her other arm around your leg. She feels the warmth of your inner thigh touching her cheek, heating her up as she continues to work on you.
You feel her fingers slightly curl, brushing the rough ceiling of your insides. Instinctively, your hips buck against her mouth & fingers. She groans and gets back to it, tightening her grip on your leg.
The feeling of her fingers continuously touching your sensitive spot sent you to madness. Your hips continue to buck only to be constricted by Mizu's arm. At this point, you are attempting to find any way to move your hips, practically grinding on her face. Gaining speed towards your climax, you try to ride her fingers with her thrusts. In an attempt to chase your nearing orgasm, your moans grow louder. But it is to no avail.
Mizu notices the way your walls start to rhythmically tighten around her fingers. She pulls back her tongue and slowly pulls out her fingers. She feels your liquids drip down her digits, slowly pooling by her palm.
"Is my pretty girl close?", she teases.
Fuck, she brought out that pet name.
You feel her breath an inch away from your throbbing wet entrance, almost teasing your release.
"Y-Yes. Please let me finish. I'm so close.", you beg. Your hips try to grind on something, anything. Without thinking, you aim to feel her lips with yours to feel some kind of pleasure. Instead, you pathetically grind on the bottom half of Mizu's face, covering it with your juices.
Mizu shakes her head, smiling deviously at your attempt.
"Not yet baby. Wait a bit."
Her hands don't shift back to their original position. Instead, you feel them wrap around your thighs and squeeze against Mizu's face. You look down to view Mizu smiling angelically. Yet her actions proved others: downright devious.
modern!mizu doesn't enjoy doggy as much as she enjoys missionary
but it allows her to grab onto your ass and waist and squeeze u closer to u
it lowk highkey makes her go crazy when yall r doing doggy and she sees ur reflection in the mirror
yeah she can hear ur moans and see ur beauty from the back
but to be able to get a view of ur reaction thru the mirror too omg…
You hear the bathroom door open only to find Mizu, strapped on. Beforehand, you had just been making out post-shower and getting ready to go to bed. That was until someone (cough cough Mizu) started caressing your side and touching under your pajama top.
She gets close to you, her hands caressing your hips. Mizu faces you and places soft kisses on your lips, trailing down to your neck. Her lips make work towards the back of your neck as she flips you behind. You look into the mirror as you feel her hands tighten their grip on your hips.
Mizu meets your gaze, grinning at your stare.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ma be nice.”, she reassures, entering a finger into your dripping entrance.
“Fuck-“, you curse. You feel her middle finger gain pace, only to pull out mid-pleasure.
Before you can even complain, you feel her cock poke at your entrance. Its length now covered with your silky fluids. She slowly pushes into your cavern, gripping your hips tighter.
You moan into the mirror. You watch as your knuckles turn white, gripping tightly from the light pain. You check in the mirror to watch Mizu’s reaction. You feel her slowly inch closer inside you, stretching your insides.
A cry escapes your mouth. Her rhythm slowly starts, back and forth. Every inch deeper inside you was a signal of pleasure going straight to your pain.
As for Mizu, she was watching how good you were taking her cock. She sees it slowly enveloping it inside of you, getting coated with all your fluids. She fully thrusts all the way in to the hilt to hear another cry.
And you do cry in response. Right into the mirror. Your reaction perfectly laid out in front of the mirror for Mizu to witness.
“God, you’re taking it so well tonight.”, Mizu complimented, her pace quickening. She glances at the mirror again to see your reaction in the reflection: Your eyes glimmering, filled with pleasure. Your mouth is still swollen, cherry red, from making out earlier. Your cheeks also match the same shade, flushed from the stimulation. God, you looked beautiful.
You feel her enter you again, her hips meeting yours. Mizu’s hands tighten their grip, prepping herself.
You moan loudly as she continues to pound into you. You feel her length roughly enter you, filling you whole. Instinctively, you yelp into the mirror. You try to say something to Mizu. But with every thrust, you fail to form a complete sentence. Your attempt at communication left you mumbling.
Embarrassed, you put your head down against the bathroom countertop. The cold surface felt refreshing against your heated cheeks. However, that only lasted for a moment.
Mizu, still mesmerized by your lower half, checked on the reflection to find your face missing. Instead, it was hiding against the countertops. She slow down her thrusts to an agonizing pace.
“Y/N,”, she called. You respond to her call and looked up into the mirror. “Lemme see that pretty face of yours again.”
You bring your face up to the mirror and look at her through the reflection. She smiles contently and gives your back a kiss.
“Good girl.”
She returns to her original rhythm, fast and deep inside you. You could only moan and cry in front of the mirror, letting your reaction be shown by Mizu. Her cock began to graze the ceiling. Your moans grow louder in response.
As Mizu watches you crumble under her through the mirror, she shifts her hands to your cheeks. Her hands massage them softly and watch them ripple with every thrust inside of you. Mizu grabs both cheeks to spread them apart, gaining a better view of your dripping wet entrance.
“Ah, Mizu!”, you respond. She thrusts in again, hitting a deeper, sensitive angle.
Mizu heard you yell in response and coordinates with the angle. A part of her wishes she could truly feel you inside: to feel your insides squeeze her and envelop her with your juices, to fully feel you orgasm as she’s still inside you fucking you out.
She continues to pound into the same sensitive angle, grabbing onto the sides of your cheeks for some stability. You, on the other hand, feel a twist in your lower stomach start to form. The stimulation, the angle, the way she was grabbing you: it was all coming together.
Your back shoots up, arching up with every thrust. You could no longer hold back any noises and let yourself go. The bathroom walls echoed with your moans, along with the rhythmic slapping from Mizu’s thrusts.
“I’m- ah!”, you feel Mizu get closer to your back as her right hand starts to gently palm your clit, circling the outside perimeter.
“M’so close, Mizu- fuck!”, you say as you look into her gaze through the reflection: her breath heavy, her eyes so dark that the blue reflect like diamonds. Holy fuck.
Her fingers continue to circle your clit, rubbing st s faster pace. The knot tightens and tightens, until you feel her hit the deepest spot, barely touching your cervix. At that point, you let everything go: the knot, the counter, your tight grip on her cock.
You cry as your legs try to spread apart. Your hips attempt to ride out the orgasm, only to be helped by Mizu as her cock goes in and out. You moan out her name as she lets go of your lower half and starts peppering kisses up your spine. She gentle caresses your hips and slowly pulls out.
Liquid gold starts to seep out. Mizu watches as the strap on glimmer under the bathroom lights. You turn the face her, also mesmerized by its shimmer.
(idk if i covered this already but whatever)
modern!mizu’s ideal aftercare is washing up with hot cup of tea and in bed cuddling
rewinding and relaxing afterwards never felt so comforting until u came around
typically, she’ll let u choose the tea of the nicht
but if ur tired out, she can pick up and do the work for u
a few soft kisses here and there
as long as u feel comforted, shes at peace
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rafeandonlyrafe · 1 year ago
kinktober: cnc
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words: 1.6k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, cnc (but its VERY obviously consensual with checkups), rafe is a scare actor lol, p in v sex
your legs shake, goosebumps rising on your bare legs, already regretting wearing the short dress. you’ve got a jean jacket to keep your arms warm, but there’s nothing stopping the harsh bite of fall wind to blow against your legs. you grip your ticket in your hand as you make your way through the line, noticing how most people are here with a big group of friends or their partner, but you’re here alone.
you jump when you hear a scream coming from inside of the haunted corn maze, eyes trying to look for movement, but you see nothing but the group of giggling teenage girls in front of you as they go in.
“ticket.” the person behind the makeshift counter says, and you nod and hand it over, noticing their scary makeup that they’ve had done, a long scar running down the center of their face.
“go ahead.” the man cocks his head towards the entrance, and you take a cautious step closer, entering into the tall corn. you follow the path until it gets to a split, trying to remember which way you were told to go. was it left and then two rights? right and then two lefts? you consider pulling out your phone to check your text messages, when suddenly someone pops out at you from the right, so you rush to take the turn left.
you wrap your arms around yourself as you walk, letting out a quick scream when a clown actor pops out at you from behind the stalks of corn. you walk faster, hoping to get to your destination quicker. there’s a couple animatronic things as you take your next two turns, but no more scare actors. you walk down the narrow path, wondering what you’re going to do if you did choose the wrong way, when all of a sudden you feel a presence behind you.
you go to turn around, when a hand comes over your mouth. you scream against the warm palm, thrashing slightly until the man turns you around in his arms, coming face to face with someone you almost don’t recognize under the skull makeup.
“walk.” he commands in a harsh voice, pushing his palm even harder against your skin before releasing. you nod and begin to walk, feeling the way he stalks behind you. when you get to the next turn, he pushes you forward, between the rows of corn. you cringe at walking off the path and getting hit in the face with leaves, and he takes the moment of hesitation to his advantage.
he bends down and swings you over his shoulder. you yelp and grab onto his shirt as he grips your ass, walking through the stalks of corn until he comes out onto a field. he sets you down, and your head spins slightly as you become right way up again.
you look around the field, and he gives you a shove on your back, pushing you towards the truck. you let out a relieved sigh when you recognize it, letting your feet carry you towards it.
“get in the back.” he commands when you reach it, giving one last look around at your surroundings to make sure no one is around before getting it.
he climbs in behind you, slamming the door shut and making you jump. you remember how you’re supposed to be acting, realizing that your genuine relief to see him has caused you to forget your role.
“p-please, don’t.” you plead, his eyes obscured by the darkness and black paint surrounding them, but you can feel them on you. 
he doesn’t say a word, tugging at your jacket, pulling it off you harshly and making you shiver. while you’re in the truck, it’s still nighttime in october and cold. you shiver, but he gives you some reprieve when he pulls you into his body, only to lean forward and push your back against the bench seat.
“rafe!” you shout as he pulls the fabric of your shirt down, revealing your bra. 
rafe stops suddenly at the use of his name. “are you okay?” he asks, breaking character to check in.
“yes, sorry, i forgot i don’t know you.” you giggle, taking his hand and giving his knuckles a kiss. “keep going, please.”
rafe nods and tugs your bra down as well, revealing your nipples. he situates your bodies so you’re laying back fully on the seat with your legs up, even though they have to bend to fit, with his body between your spread thighs.
“no, no, stop.” you cry out as his hands roughly grab at your tits, squeezing and then rubbing his thumb roughly over your nipple. he tugs at them with his fingers, wishing he could lean down and take them into his mouth, but he knows he can’t mess up his face paint as he has to go back to work after this.
he growls as he pushes your tits together, manipulating them into whatever position he wants before his hands move south, taking the bottom of your skirt and pulling it up, revealing your pink lacey underwear.
he smiles wickedly, exaggerated even more by the black paint stretching up the sides of his cheek. he takes just a moment to focus on your pleasure, rubbing his thumb over your clit and then pushing downwards, watching the way the material wets as he pushes it into your hole.
“no, don’t touch me there!” you shout, shoving at his shoulders, but he pushes down against you, taking the underwear in his hands and pulling at it until it rips with the sound echoing throughout the truck.
“so wet for me.” he says with a laugh, two fingers pressing against your entrance, but you’ve already spent time opening yourself up before you came to the haunted maze, so he’s easily able to shove them inside of you, hand moving rapidly.
“stop! stop!” you shout, trying to grasp at his arm, but he takes both of your wrists in his free hand and cages them above your head. you struggle slightly to get them out, but when he grips your skin tighter you whimper and stop resisting. 
“gonna fuck you.” he says, taking his fingers out and rubbing the wetness over your boobs, still pushed up from just having your dress and bra pulled down rather than taken off.
you breath heavily as he presses the head of his cock against your entrance, not even able to see well enough to know that he’s gotten it out of his pants.
“please, no, i’ll do anything, i’ll give you all my money.” you beg, feeling a tear slip down your face as the head of his cock pushes into you.
“don’t want your money.” he grunts out, suddenly snapping his hips inside of you and making you let out a loud moan.
“just want to cum inside this pretty pussy.” he begins to thrust in earnest, and you can feel the truck rocking slightly as he moves, thumb rubbing harshly over your clit.
you babble out asking him to stop, but you can barely concentrate from the way his cock is repeatedly thrusting into you, making you feel dizzy with pleasure.
“please, please.” you beg, repeating the word over and over until it loses meaning, unsure if you’re asking for him to stop or to keep going.
“so pathetic.” he laughs. “crying while your cunt is squeezing me so tight.” 
you shiver, his voice sounds so different than it usually does it almost makes you feel like it’s a stranger above you, but the rhythm of his hips is familiar, and the feel of his cock dragging along your walls.`
“i can’t- i-i can’t.” you whine loudly, feeling your clit pulsing.
“cum around me, you little whore.” he says, and you can’t last any longer, crying out and wrapping your hands around rafes wrist that still imprisons your own hands as you cum, not able to hold back a scream as his thumb flicks quickly over your clit, not stopping even as you become over sensitive, shaking completely from your orgasm.
his cock still thrusts into you, but you feel it swelling inside and you know he’s not going to last much longer either as he lets go of your hands to grip your hips, pulling you down onto his cock as he cums with a groan, filling you up. you shiver as he begins to slow down, coming to a stop deep inside of your cunt.
“my little slut.” he laughs, pulling out gently, but not allowing you to push the cum out as he uses his fingers to stuff it back inside your cunt. 
“can i kiss you?” you ask rafe, sitting up as he tucks his cock back into his pants.
“just gently, i don’t want to paint getting on your lips.” rafe says, smiling when you lean forward and peck his lips softly.
“are you okay?” rafe asks, taking your wrists into his hands and giving them a gentle massage.
“i’m fine.” you say, moving your head forward and pressing it into his shoulder. “that was really hot.” “it was, you did so good, i thought you were gonna use our safeword for a minute there.”
you giggle and wrap your arms around his waist, needing to feel his soft touch. rafe wraps his arms around your shoulders, letting you rest for a moment.
“baby, i’ve got half an hour left of your break, should we finish walking through the maze?” 
“mhm.” you say, watching rafe get out of the truck and then taking his hand as he helps you down. you keep your face pressed into his back as you walk through the stalks of corn until you get back to the path, squeezing your cunt tightly to keep his cum from leaking down your thighs.
“can you warn me when someone is about to pop out?” you ask, letting rafe wrap his arm around you, giving you plenty of room to hide in his shoulder.
“absolutely not.” he laughs.
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kangaracha · 1 year ago
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
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The seat you've picked for their second practise runthrough is one of the best in the house, you think quietly as the music kicks in. 
The one that you'd picked for the first practise was middling, upon review, too far back to really appreciate every silly antic on stage, and the seat you'll be hiding in on the night of the show won't be anything as special as front row, but this one...this one is good. Front and centre, no one in the seats in front of you and not so close that you have to crick your neck to look up at Changbin waving to you as he wanders along the edge of the stage - but still close enough to spot that smile and the amusement that glimmers in his eyes as he passes. 
It's nice to see the show from a place like this just once, even if the choreography isn't all out and the boys wander about rather than playing up the energy for the crowd, when there will be so much time for that tomorrow. It's even better to observe how they work in an environment you've never experienced despite so many years as a trainee.
Not that you will experience any of this yet, not really. You're not sure if the way your gut clenches is out of disappointment or relief. You've waited to headline a concert like this your entire life, but to have to start your career here, instead of something smaller like the TV stages...
The start of God's Menu blares through the small arena, every beat a gut-punch with the volume of the speakers. Your feet move with the music, dragging you up out of your seat and into the clear space of the aisle nearby. For once, the choreography feels easy; whether it is because Lee Know isn't watching your back like a hawk, or because you stop for a moment whenever you run out of room, or because the way Chan points at you and smiles makes your heart rise in your chest...
Easy plays next, subtler in sound and much sharper in movement, each move sliding seamlessly from smooth to snapping and back again. You don't dance that one half as well, you're sure - just keeping up isn't good enough, when they are so perfectly in sync, so absolutely sure of themselves after just a week of practising.
You sit down again after that one, face flushed and chest rising and falling rapidly. At least you've gotten in some practise for today.
They go for a full three hours, just like they will tomorrow. Just like it's another day for them, like it hasn't taken weeks of planning and choreography and a whole team of people to put together - and for them, you suppose, it hasn't. It's been kind of scary, actually, how easy it's been for them to come into practise and pick up choreography for one song or another, clean and go. It's taken you so long just to prepare one and a half songs; even as a trainee, you couldn't imagine being that confident after just one day.
The practise ends with an imaginary fanfare, the boys cheering themselves on through microphones before scattering to all  corners of the stage so that the band can adjust what they want to. You wander up to the stage in no real hurry, just as you had at the end of the session yesterday, hoisting yourself up onto its eddge between two lights and climbing to your feet, turning to look out at the empty auditorium.
You'd never admit it, but the sight takes your breath away. The stretch of the seats, climbing up the walls into the shadows, the shine of the lights in your eyes - and this is only a small venue. Dones and arenas stretch even further into the distance, the sea of lights infinite - if you couldn't even stand on this stage and imagine it full-
"No audience members on stage, please," Minho says behind you, wandering his way across the stage with Han trailing in his wake. "Where's security?"
He's so straightfaced that for a moment, even though you know he's joking, you wonder if he's being serious. In the next moment, Han cracks a laugh, his elbow catching MInho in his side. "What?" he says like he can't believe what he's hearing.
"What?" Minho replies, his lips curving into a smile.
"Don't be mean," Han whines, though the effect is lost in the laugh that bubbles from his mouth. It's the most relaxed you've seen him since your first week, when Felix had leaned over and said he's just shy.
"Don't worry," you say kindly, trying your best to tread carefully in this new terrain. "He does this to me all the time now."
"Ah, you know how it is then," Han sighs in agreement.
"Do you like the stage?" Minho asks, if only to draw the conversation away from his bad habits.
You nod, your eyes turning outwards again. "It's big," you comment, scanning row upon row of empty seats, all the way to the back wall. "I've never actually been on a stage in a venue like this."
Minho looks out too, eyes searching the place while he thinks of something clever to say. "It's okay," he says lightly after a moment, the tone of his voice clearly giving away that he is playing with you. "It's not that big."
"Okay, sure," you snort, and then you catch the funny, surprised look Han gives you and remember that you're still a junior here. You've begun to forget, with some of them, that they are afforded due respect as seniors, the chasm between you starting to feel smaller...but not Han, yet. Not Seungmin, or Hyunjin, or sometimes even Chan, despite how friendly he tries to be.
"Wait until award season," Minho says, patting you on the shoulder. "If we perform at those shows..."
A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of it - packed arenas, audiences of other idols, international broadcasts with all kinds of eyes on them. And you weren't even playing this stage-
Sixteen weeks. And another sixteen to award season, the year over in the blink of an eye. You know by now how quickly time could disappear if you weren't careful, how six months could whittle to three and then none in the blink of an eye.
"Don't scare her, Lee Know," Chan says, pausing on his way past. A mic dangles from his hand too, flipping back and forth idly in a way that catches your eye simply for how close it seems to come each time to being dropped.
"Why would I do that?" Minho replies innocently, stepping casually out of their leader's reach. Clever, really, when he shifts just a moment before Chan can throw an arm around his shoulders to match the silly grin that's dawning on his face. "I just spent all of this time making her dance."
"Because you would," Chan says, in a voice that gets more indulgent with every syllable. "Evil rabbit."
Minho makes a noise of disgust and shuffles away two steps, nose scrunched in distaste. Across the stage, the band picks up the thread of Slump, somewhere in the verse. The lyrics spring to mind several bars later, your mind automatically catching up to them.
"Everyone's gonna be watching," Han sings casually, mic dangling by his side and his head swivelling to track the movement of the others across the stage. "I gotta show them all of me." His voice is lovely, steady and clear as a bell even at the end of their runthrough. Without a mic, he is still loud enough to be heard across the room; from several feet away, Felix lets out a loud whoop, hand up in the air as he laughs at himself.
Minho picks up where Han leaves off, pulling a face as he reaches up into the higher range of his voice once more to catch the notes. Han joins him for the final line in lieu of I.N, lost somewhere across the stage, threading in a higher harmony as the drum kicks up towards the chorus.
"Now I'm walking on my way," you sing under your breath as their voices both rise, not wanting to disturb their fun but unable to resist the rise of the music when you know the melody and you love the song. Han doesn't hear you, his back turned to look at something Felix is doing over in the corner; neither does Minho, wandering restless circles in orbit around your group as he sings. That's okay though. You didn't really want to be heard anyway, not when you aren't-
Something hard taps you on the shoulder. 
You turn, looking down; a microphone awaits, held out expectantly for you to take. Chan looks at you expectantly, the offer never wavering even though it takes you several seconds of indecision to decide what it is you're going to do about it. He waves it at you again when you don't move, insistent.
Slowly, you take it from his hand, and watch the smile that lights up across his face.
"I'm afraid I'm gonna be left stranded by myself." The sound of your voice reverberating in the rafters, filling every corner of the room, sends a shiver down your spine, a shock of lightning that winds itself into the notes that you sing, electrifying the air. To your left, Han stops singing, turning around to watch you; from the far end of the stage, Hyunjin looks up too, sharp eyes landing on you. You turn away before fear can falter in your voice, looking out to the empty crowd instead, the wide space that waits for an audience to fill it.
Imagining them there, singing along as your voice rises above them, is giddying; but why wouldn't it be, when this has been the dream all along? And now it is so close, right here within your reach and in front of your eyes, and if it runs away from you once more-
The song ends, one final note from the very back of the stage ringing out. Your voice dies in your throat, the microphone falling away - for a moment, you wish that they would start up again so that you could have four lines more, or eight, or a whole song. You could live in this feeling forever, standing here on this stage, right up until the hour of the show when people would start to fill those seats and you would have to hide away again.
In the next moment, you become distinctly aware of all the eyes that are trained on your back, and you remember that this is not where you belong.
You turn sharply on your heel to face Chan, your heart in your throat. "Thankyou," you say, in a voice that is a little too stiff to be usual, and hold out the mic for him to take.
"Hey, no worries," he replies in English as he takes it, the warm metal slipping from your grip. "Sounds good, by the way. I like your voice."
"Oh." The compliment catches you off-guard, your fingers curling around themselves in the absence of the mic. "Thanks. I've been working on the songs."
"Have you ever sung on a big stage like this?" he asks.
You shake your head, your heart jumping again at the thought of it - blinding lights and screaming crowds and the music down in your bones. "I did a survival show before I came to JYP," you say, "but the stages there were only a hundred or so people, not...thousands."
Chan's face changes, from that usual, polite warmness he puts on to a confusion that tugs at his brow. "I didn't know you were on a show," he says, in a voice that says he is dying to ask more questions.
"It wasn't very popular," you offer freely, something between a smile and a grimace turning the corners of your mouth. "It was so much work, and then they dropped two of us in the predebut stage, and disbanded six months later. I shouldn't have ever done it."
"And then JYP dropped you from Midnight as well," he adds, and then blanches at the grimace that comes across your face, rocking back on his heels. "Sorry. I didn't mean that in a bad way."
"I don't think there's any good way to say it, is there?" you reply, trying to wipe that expression off your face and slow the jump of your heart in your chest. Tension tightens in the air like a wire, expanding to fill the whole stage before it snaps. "Six years in training, three debuts lined up, and-" You stop as short as Chan did before you finish that sentence, looking at your feet to avoid looking at him. "I'm trying really hard this time, I promise. Not that I didn't try the last two times, it just didn't-"
"Hey," he says, cutting through the babble that your sentence has descended into. "I know what you mean; I was here for seven years before Stray Kids, so...I know where you're at. And you can tell me whatever you want, yeah? I'm not that scary. Ask any of them."
You lift your eyes, following the line of his finger to the seven boys he is pointing to at the back of the stage. The sharp eye of Lee Know catches yours from within the crowd, eyebrow raising as if to ask what you need; you glance away as if you hadn't noticed, eyes sliding across to the empty side of the stage. 
What are you supposed to say? I don't know if we can talk casually without it being rude, or you hold my entire life in your hands and I don't know what to do about that? If I relax before debut I'll get dropped, or I think I'm cursed? None of those things seem right to say, and when you look at him out of the corner of your eye, trying to pretend like you aren't looking at all, you realise that you're still not sure you trust him, even though it's been over a month and he's given no indication that he wants you gone bad enough to undermine you.
But he never wanted you here in the first place.
"I'm not scared of you," you say, and force yourself to look him in the eye. Your mouth is set in a grim line, your jaw clenched; you know immediately by the way the corners of his eyes crinkle that he can see through the lie, but he doesn't say anything. "I'm just really focused on making it to debut. I want to be one of you, not just...the trainee on the side."
He reaches out, hesitant as his hand lands on your shoulder. Giving you time to move away, you realise, but you don't. It's grounding, in a way, even if the proximity of him and the stretch of the stadium out around you makes you want to curl up and hide away. "You already are one of us," he insists.
But when you look into his eyes, you can tell that he doesn't really believe it - and you know that he can see that you don't really believe it either.
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids @hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts @puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night @d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk @minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification @starssongs98 @weirdhumanbeinglol @morinuu @the-weird-mold-in-the-sink @bokkiesplace @amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @skzstaykatsy @blackhairandbangs @jungkookies1002 @hyuuukais @imsiriuslyreal @thatonedemigodfromseoul @gini143 @mercurywritesstuff @splat00z @filmbypsh @palindrome969
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lawva-girl · 7 months ago
Historically.. We don't mix.
Law x fem!Reader, College AU
Notes: the things that don't mix are history and stem majors!!! this came to me in a dream forever ago and ive been sitting on it since. This is only part one to... idk how many but yes! I have a loose outline, we can bet on 5 parts but thats a scary bet to make methinks. Enjoy :) also i apologize if the pov switching in the first bit is weird, i thought i was cooking and i kinda think its cute now so it is.
WC: 1976
The classroom was quiet, you were the only one there. Class officially started in 4 minutes. Right as you pulled out your phone to double check the room another person walked in. You assumed she was a student since she was about your age, at least she looked it. When the woman instead walked to the front of the class you realized she was the professor. Shoulder length black hair, with bangs trimmed right to her eyebrows. Wearing a white cowboy hat, which you thought was peculiar. 
She removed the hat and set it on the desk, resting her bag in the seat. 
She wrote on the board “Robin, overview of women in war” then she leaned against the desk and pulled out her phone.
You looked back at yours, 11:18. Two minutes until class began, and there was now roughly 15 people in the room. You sat in the second row back from the front, and you noticed only one person in the front row. He had a weird beanie on, dark hair, and pierced ears. You tried not to stare, since you knew he could glance back at any second.
“Okay everyone, I am Nico Robin. I’m your professor.” She smiled for the class, and continued, “this class should be very exciting, we get to learn about women like Joan of arc, who really was a delusional farm girl, and Molly Pitcher, a women who fought in the American revolution. The syllabus is online, you will need books by next class. The student store has them for 15 dollars, I won’t take any excuses.” 
The professor paused, then opened her bag and pulled out the book, “it looks like this. It’s a small booklet of primary sources, mostly text and images, that we will take a deep dive into. Your grade this semester will be 40 percent exams, 25 percent homework, and finally 35 percent participation. Yes it is a lot, this class is modeled after my time researching, you cannot be a historian or teacher without being able to work as a group and communicate. I know it’s a challenge but try your best.”
A beat.
Law felt sick. He was not a talker, especially to people who were history majors. The men were always blood hungry, the women always poetic. This class would be rough, but if he could find one person bearable enough it might be okay. Sitting in the front seat, he couldn’t glance around to see his peers. While the professor was going on about the school's mandatory syllabus information, he took a quick look behind him, as if checking the clock. 
No one was paying attention, and he glanced quickly around the class. There was only one person who looked back at him, meeting his eyes. Of course they looked away immediately, and so did he.
The professor finally finished and gave the students time to “meet their neighbors”. Law turned and found the one student who made eye contact with him. 
“I’m Trafalgar Law, I’m a double major in history and biology.” He stated right to the girl, with no excitement in his voice, tone steady.
“My name is Dracule y/n, I’m a history major, and you are insane, Trafalgar.” She had a bit of sarcasm in her tone, which he took offense to. She was the fifth person to tell him that today.
“I’m not insane, I just like history and I want to be a doctor.” 
“That’s cool I guess, I’ve never met a stem major I liked though. You guys are all so “history is just memorization and dates”, I can’t stand talking to ‘em.” 
Law looked back at her and thought ‘I have never met a history major I liked either’. He decided on saying, “If you ask me historians are basically philosophers, you just think all day and pretend like the world changed.” 
She made an obvious frown, putting her hands onto the table with a bit too much force. “Huh?!”
“History majors have two options, teach or research, both are dead end jobs that don’t help people. It’s simple.” He stated nonchalantly, like it was crazy to major in history. 
“Well life isn’t all about jobs and helping people. It’s about living?” She looked him dead in the eyes before finishing with, “it’s not like the world collapses when doctors aren’t around.” 
“Well it was nice talking, but I’m gonna chat to my other neighbors.” He said with a huff, he didn’t have to talk to you at all, in fact he hoped he wouldn’t have to again. 
After about 10 more minutes, professor Robin spoke up again, “okay okay, since we don’t have textbooks yet I decided to make a fun assignment. I’m giving you your first and last handouts, you will need to fill them out before next class. Other than that, please look at the canvas page. Read over the syllabus and take my obligatory syllabus quiz. You are now free from this class.” 
You walked out into the hall, and booked it to the student store. You told your only friend and sister, Perona, that you would meet her there.
Law, coincidentally, told Bepo the same thing. Bepo was his only friend, having grown up with the white haired bear. 
Only 10 minutes after class had dismissed you arrived at the store, already spotting Perona’s pink pigtails. 
“perona!” You whisper-screamed in her ear, trying to scare her. 
“Ahhh y/n”, she sighed, clearly unaffected, “you know you’ll never scare me. Anyways, what is my cute depressed friend doing on Friday?” 
You and her walked into the store, “studying... So I’m busy.” Giving her a quick smile before you two settled in the textbook section. 
“You are so coming with me then! I’m going to the mall that’s next to campus, I’m already so bored of our dorm room decorations. If we go to 5below I can get way cuter stuff for us! You need to come since it’s your dorm too, so I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Perona you have really good taste in stuff, you should be fine on your own!” You put some enthusiasm behind your voice, to encourage her. 
She frowned back at you, not buying into your typical antics. “If you don’t come then you won’t be leaving all weekend! You need to go outside y/n!” 
“Perona!? Hi!” A voice from behind you called out to her, causing you to turn instantly. 
“Bepo! What a coincidence! Do you have a picture of the textbook we need for thermodynamics?” Perona said, already stepping towards the bear.
“Of course! I have to be studious this year!” 
The two of them found the text book, it costed a whopping $300 dollars, and was written by their professor. 
“We can share, right Bepo? That way it’s only 150 dollars?” The both of them had a cloud over their heads as you watched the sad situation unfold. Peronas face was for sure one of desperation.
“Wait is there a digital version? It’s usually cheaper.” You suggested, reaching to pull out the info card. 
“Bepo! I’ve been looking.” Whoever said that sounded quite angry, and familiar?
“I’m sorry Law! I saw my classmate and got excited… sorry” Bepo turned to face the man. 
“You couldn’t have texted? just once?” Law replied, only just then looking at the two people who were with Bepo.
“Great this guy again.” You said with sarcasm dripping from your voice and turned to Perona, “we should leave, he hates me.” 
“I don’t hate you. I don’t even know you.” Law said, pinching his nose.
“Whatever, do you have Bepo’s number Rona?” Calling her by her self appointed nickname always made her happy, right now you were hoping it would get her to leave with you to the history section. 
“I don’t actually! Bepo! Here, put your number in!” She said with a smile, being way more friendly than usual. “I’m Perona by the way, how do you know my friend y/n?” 
It was a simple question but the way he answered really bugged you, rattling off a “we have a class together”. He was looking down at his phone and didn’t even bother to look up when he answered. Hell he didn’t even bother to introduce himself! 
“His name is Trafalgar by the way, we have women in war together.” You had a straight face, conveying how much it bothered you well.
“Awww how wonderful!” Perona had an enthusiastic tone but looked at you with a smirk like no other. “Would you be her friend? I’m the only one she has right now!” 
You cursed your friend and her constant medling. She loved to stir the pot, and when you got upset she would always say “you are so cute when you’re mad though!” With her words to Law, he finally looked up. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but was instantly interrupted. 
“He only had one friend too!” Bepo handed back Perona’s phone, “it’s me!” He said with a big smile.
“He seems like he would have no trouble! My y/n is super awkward and shy!” Perona practically ignored you, as you had started to form words before she interrupted you.
“No no! He’s pretty judgmental so a lot of people stay away from him, he also thinks he’s smarter than everyone!” Bepo replied back, as if they were two parents gossiping about their kids.
“She thinks the same! Maybe they could be friends?” Perona and Bepo look at you and Law.
“I am smarter!” Both you and law said in unison. Immediately looking at each other with frustration.
“Don’t say what I say!” You said to law.
“How would I know what you were going to say? Do you even think?” Law argued back.
“Of course I do! Do you?” You couldn’t think of anything better… 
“Good one. Bepo we’re leaving.”
“Rona we are leaving too! At least I don’t constantly speak in contractions…”
Law turned his head so you would hear, “you just said one too!” 
You and Perona had already turned the corner, you quickly led her to the history section. You spared her no look, you figured you would talk about it once the two of you got back to the dorm. Once you reached the history section, you squatted down in front of the book you needed and saw there were 3 left. Grabbing one then standing. Just as you were about to go pay for the book, you heard him again.
“Are you following me Dracule? Typical.” He said, with a touch of sarcasm. 
“Typical? We both know you don’t have anyone interested enough to follow you. Also, are you even thinking? We are in the same class so of course we would both need the same book.” 
“Whatever, I’m getting my book and leaving.” He quickly bent over, grabbed a copy and was gone.
“No comeback!?” You said, just a bit too loud. You wanted him to hear you, so that he knew you knew he couldn’t come up with anything. Feeling a bit triumphant you turned to Perona, who was standing behind you with a smile. 
“What now?” 
“He’s cute y/n!”
“No chance. He’s mean, and a biology major!” 
She scoffed, “there is always an exception to the rule! Like me!” 
“Yes Rona, an exception. A single exception. There can’t be two exceptions.” 
“Anything could happen! Plus if me and Bepo end up sharing a book you might be forced into hanging out with all of us! Who knows, maybe they also share a dorm!” 
You sigh and look at her, she looks so happy at the prospect that you might have a friend, especially one that’s a guy. You settled, your good side winning out. “Fine. I’ll be open to it. Only if he is nicer.” 
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flyingwargle · 5 months ago
tsukishima often forgets that he's considered a public figure. his picture has been on billboards around the city and pamphlets to advertise the v. league; he's been interviewed for magazines and television talk shows; and he's done a few brand deals here and there. one thing that he always forgets as a possibility as an athlete is-
talking to kids.
once a month, the team gives presentations to different schools in the city. for elementary school kids, they focus on the importance of exercise and healthy living. for junior high, it shifts to how to start their athletic career. for high school, it's all about avenues to reach the top level.
this time, though, it's an elementary school, so that means a day of rowdy kids with insensitive questions, too much sass, or not enough tact.
"i don't want to do this." kyoutani is slouched on the bench, already in uniform. tsukishima nods in agreement, similarly dressed, long legs stretched in front of him.
"come on, guys! don't you ever think you're some kid's hero?" koganegawa is enthusiastic, as always. "i always loved meeting my role models! we could really make someone's day!"
kyoutani snorts. "you think anyone would look up to us? if i were a kid, i'd be looking at div. 1 players, like ushijima, or something." tsukishima nods again. after all, it's only the best of the best that are featured on tv or at the olympics.
their cue to file into the gym comes a few minutes later. the elementary school kids, all six and seven year-olds, seated in crooked rows while their teachers stand behind them. a familiar face turns and catches his eye. "hey, tsukishima!"
"sugawara-san." he bows as his senpai steps forward to greet him. "i didn't know you would be here."
"i thought about letting you know ahead of time, but i wanted to surprise you." suga's grin hasn't lost any of its mischief, eyes gleaming with humor. "let's talk later!"
tsukishima rejoins his team, seated on the floor in a semicircle to go through their rehearsed talk about healthy living and the importance of sports. his part is a short spiel on what volleyball is, simplified for kids to understand. his audience is equal parts bored and captivated, the bored ones shifting around until a teacher tells them to stop moving.
afterwards, they break into small groups for live demonstrations. suga brings a handful of his students over, although they try to hide behind him. "you can't have to be scared," he says, nudging them forward. "he may look scary, but he won't bite. i'm his senpai, after all."
"sensei, you know him?" a girl asks.
"we went to school together. we even played on the same team." suga plucks one of the kid-friendly volleyballs and sits a few meters away, raising it over his head. "watch!"
they volley a bit back and forth, the kids watching in awe. suga catches the ball and gestures at another child. "hiro is actually a big fan of yours, tsukishima. he's one of the best volleyball players at school."
hiro tugs on his shirt, a sendai frogs jersey. it's hard to tell because his arms are covering the front, but tsukishima recognizes the number 17 behind it. "want to volley a bit with me?" he asks.
"c-can i?" comes the timid reply.
tsukishima nods, waiting until hiro gets into position before he gives a gentle toss. the kid receives it flawlessly. "very good," tsukishima praises him. hiro's smile widens, suddenly shy.
"mister!" another boy waves his hand. "how can i get taller?"
"you'll have to eat your vegetables and play sports," tsukishima says. "the more you move around, the taller you'll get."
"is playing volleyball fun?" another kid asks.
he tosses a ball lightly in his hand. "i didn't think so, for a long time. i started when i wasn't much older than any of you, mostly because of my brother. i kept going since my friend played with me, and if i didn't, my mom would send me to tutoring, and i didn't want that." tsukishima lowers the ball to the floor. "in high school, i met a lot of people who were better than me. it isn't fun playing a sport if you aren't good, but that just means you have to practice until you are. and then, when you have that moment of victory, you'll start to think that it's fun."
his mind flashes, a mosaic of faces and figures, a chorus of voices, a snapshot of bright lights, shiny medals, and framed certificates. he may not be at the top, may not represent his country at the olympics, but here, in this gym, he's at the pinnacle of these kids' heights, the doorway that leads them further.
"it's not just about volleyball," he adds. "it can be for anything. so long you do your best and do all that you can, you'll have fun."
the groups are dismissed, as they'll head to the bleachers and observe a scrimmage. tsukishima rises to his feet, pausing at the sound of his name. "that was great, tsukishima," suga says. "you have a way with kids."
"please don't tease."
"i'm not! i've done a few talks before with other community members, but they always forget how old their audience is. you were perfect." his senpai smiles at him. "good luck during the scrimmage."
it isn't meant to be long or exhaustive, just a quick demonstration of what volleyball can be like. tsukishima is up first with the serve, hand up to catch the ball. he bounces it a few times, moves back to prepare for his jump serve. he's about to do his toss when-
"ready, and-" in a chorus, suga and his kids shout, "tsukishima, nice serve!"
koganegawa whips his head toward the bleachers. "hey, that's no fair! cheer for me, too!"
kyoutani chuckles. "guess you'll have to ace it," he calls out to tsukishima.
he narrows his eyes in concentration, body low and ready. "guess i'll have to." tsukishima tosses the ball, makes his approach, and jumps. perhaps one day, those kids will be able to reach the same heights as him.
inspiration: this fanart of tsukishima with suga's elementary school kids and this fanart of said kids and suga posing and cheering for him <3
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paymechildsupport · 11 months ago
YAN!Suguru Geto // x Reader [Vindication]
-!! Yandere!Vindictive!Geto x Yandere!Reader (two yanderes in love <3 )
-!! CW: Themes of death, suicide, murder, obsession
Storyline takes place a few months after Riko’s death, in the middle of Geto’s descent into immense depression and prior to him leaving jujutsu tech. Instead of investing his time to become a murderous cult leader, Geto pours everything into academics, and against you. He would do anything to make sure you didn’t leave him too. 
-!! The alternation between Geto and Suguru is intentional.
-!! Gender never specified
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You were his academic rival. You’d both do anything to maintain that thrill of competition, anything…
Could they get any more annoying..?
Could they get even more unbearable..?
Could they just shut up for once..?
They were so…
The mere idea of them being happy,
Of them being even remotely okay
Of air reaching their lungs 
Of their bones all perfectly intact
Of their mere  e x i s t e n c e, 
It made you want to throw up. 
Why couldn’t they just… go away?
It would make your life so, so much easier. 
It would make you so, so happy.
If…. They….. could… just…. Cease… to… E̴̠̟̾̈́ẍ̶̡̢̻̱̠̜́̒̀̉̿͝i̴͓͇̓͐͆͘͘ş̶͙͚̞̪̽͛̋͜ͅt̵͓̲̟̪̹̊͒̉̈̏̑
“Is everything okay?” You’re snapped back to the present immediately. You struggled to remember where you were or what you were doing.
You look up to find the words come from Suguru Geto’s mouth. He’s standing over where you slouch in your seat, looking down with a hint of condemnation and… smugness? Fucking bastard.
“Eh..? Where- where is..” 
“You’re in the library” Ah, that’s right.
“Oh! Ehe, of course I am. Geez- ah… Oh! Yeah, uh,  I’m okay. Its all good” 
Geto raises a brow in question, not buying it
“You’ve just been staring out into space for the past seven minutes. And-“ he points, “You just broke your pencil” 
You look at where he was staring at to see your pencil, indeed, snapped in your hand. You were still gripping it, hard. Very hard. 
You don’t even know how you’re still surprised at the sheer power that your hatred has over you. It’s quite scary sometimes. 
“Yes.. everything’s fine, honestly. I’m just tired is all..” 
“The library closed awhile ago” He deadpans. So matter of fact.
“Ah- wait, what? Then why are you still here-?” 
“Satoru and Shoko have already left. I said I’d stay. The librarians were too hesitant to approach you.”A corner of his mouth quirks up, “you’re very intimidating when you’re frustrated.”
You were silent, just now taking in the darkness of the library. Almost all the lights were out- albeit a few lamps in the corners- and you were the only ones still in the building. It was getting very late and the streetlights outside illuminated the dark streets. Under other circumstances it could be considered peaceful even. 
You sigh, looking down. You can see the eyebags under Geto’s eyes, engraved into his features for the past few months. You’d only ever seen that look in the mirror. The similarity unnerved you, and you didn’t know how to feel about it. You felt proud, partly,-- it showed how much he expended just to compete with you, to rake himself up somewhere remotely close to your level, and then some. You reminisce, remembering the Geto a few months ago, prior Star Plasma, prior to Riko, prior to the empty husk in front of you
“Is something the matter?” His voice takes a drastic switch, softening to a wispy tone. You start to shake, “Is someone the matter?”
You knew it was dangerous. Suguru Geto wasn’t who you remembered, – he was unstable, unpredictable. You of all people should know, you’ve been subjected to a front row seat to his descent into despair. He was apathetic, borderline violent sometimes. Ever since the murder of Star Plasma vessel, Riko Amanai, Geto unknowingly latched himself onto everyone close enough, determined to make sure they never suffer the same fate, – and that included you, his rival. 
It was rather humorous, really. The lengths you two would now go to to keep your little game going. You were so invested, so enthralled into beating and dominating him in absolutely every way possible. You were intoxicated by the idea of winning, so drunk off of the thrill that came with competing. You sometimes wonder where you would draw the line.
Suguru was so into your little games that oftentimes you wonder if he really does enjoy to be beaten. To be made lesser of, to be belittled, to be degraded, to be beaten and dominated in every way possible. Obsession would be the only word to describe it. The boy was obsessed. Obsessed with competing. Obsessed with your antics. Obsessed with you. You would often question how far he’d go just for the sake of your little contest. 
“Would you kill someone for me?” The words fall from your lips before you can think as you lift your head up. 
“Yes”. He doesn’t hesitate. 
“I would kill anyone without a second thought, should you request it”
You can’t stop,
“…If there was someone I hated more than anything in the world… someone I couldn’t stand… someone who’s mere presence makes me want to break something…. Someone who I cannot stand the thought of them breathing… someone who just thinking of them makes me… makes me wanna…” You trail off.
“My only regret,” he says quietly, “was that it wasn’t me who had affected you in such a way” 
You smile bitterly, looking out the window.
“Who hurt you” His words were soft, but his tone dripped with venom. 
“… They didn’t necessarily hurt me directly… They just-….  I just…- “ You take a deep breath,   “the things they do and say to others concerning me and people I care about are… questionable, to say the least.”
“Yet they did end up affecting you nonetheless, correct?”
“Well, yes”
“So then they did hurt you”
“You could put it that way, yes”
Geto’s eyes flash,
“What is their name?”
“Tell me their name.”
“…” Such a vindictive sense of justice. 
His smile is laced with dynamite. 
“Tell me their name and I’ll make sure no words will ever be allowed to leave their mouth again”
Still, you remain silent. You didn’t want Geto to get his hands dirty doing something you should have been able to do. You shake your head. 
He sighs, his face softening. He bends down on one knee to meet your eye level whilst sitting down.
“Darling,” He’s so, so very gentle. “It will be alright. All this will be over, soon. Just let me do this for you. Let me get rid of one more disgusting person. Just let me…” You can feel yourself coming undone. “Let me do what I do best. I would never offer unless it was you” Your breathing heavily now, shaking violently from head to toe. 
He was going to protect you–
He leans down to your ear and whispers the final bit like a caress, “Just give me their name”
And you do.
–no matter what.
You tell him their name. 
And just like that, he smiles, gets up, and exits the library, closing the door softly behind him. 
The next morning they’re all over the news. 
A true tragedy, or so that’s what it appeared to be. 
You say nothing as the police describe in morbid detail the mangled and shredded body that had appeared to have jumped off the roof of the school. Your school.
 It was much too graphic to show, the police said. But it was by far one of the most horrendous deaths they had ever witnessed. The poor man looked sick to his stomach merely recounting the memory. 
Mawed and dismantled…
And although you felt as if you should have been happy, that you should have at least cracked a small smile, you simply couldn’t. 
This was only one. 
One death.
One person you hated, gone.
You still had more.
Much, much more.
A whole list in fact.
You wondered what would happen if Geto ever found out about the list you kept in the bottom drawer of your nightstand.
Maybe another day, you think.
Maybe another day.
(Heavily edited from a older piece)
I lo-lo-lo-lo-LOooooove Suguru he's such a bbg malewife :3
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ghulehunknown · 1 year ago
Movie ’n Chill
Terzo x F!Reader
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Day 9 of KINKTOBER is here! 🎃
Also available on AO3!
“Movie ’n Chill”
Summary: You and Terzo go see a scary movie, but your mind couldn’t be further from the plot.
CW/Tags: F!Reader, making out, vaginal fingering, P in V sex, public fingering, public handjob, public sex, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, nipple play, cigarette smoking, warning - the public sex acts are around other people who are unaware this is happening so if that bothers you please scroll away
Word Count: 1745
You had particularly enjoyed being Terzo’s latest object of affection the last several weeks. He was doing all the things right - courting you, taking you on cute dates, showing up with flowers and chocolate. “It’s Italian,” he said sportingly whilst waggling his eyebrows at you, shoving an expensive looking box of sweets into your hand one night.
Multiple times a week he was taking you out. Hell, he even took you to an apple orchard last week (where you may or may not have given him head in between the rows and rows of low hanging trees). Then he would take you back to his room where he’d fuck the life out of you and make you cum over and over. It was all going very well, and you were having the time of your life. You never knew what he was going to do next and in some sort of depraved way, it excited you.
Tonight you were going out to see a new horror flick in theaters. You dressed in a short leather skirt with thigh-high stockings. You knew that would drive him wild.
“You were smart to wear a skirt, Sorella,” he said, stomping out a cigarette on the pavement and blowing smoke out of the corner of his mouth. He sneakily placed his hand on your ass and walked inside the theater with you.
You rolled your eyes, knowing he was probably talking out of his ass anyway. “Anything for you sweetie.”
You made your way to the back, which was completely empty - perfect. There were only a handful of people sprinkled in the rows in front of you, closer to the screen.
You plopped down in the middle seats of the row, Terzo remarking, “Why does no one sit in the back? Is it because of the reputation it has of teenagers stealing kisses in the dark?” He snapped his glance at you, taking your chin in his fingertips and nipping at your bottom lip.
You kissed him - just an innocent peck - and pretended to ponder, tapping your index finger against your chin. “Well, is that reputation true?”
“What? That we’d act like two teenagers in love back here?” He rolled his eyes. “No, Sorella,” he said, glancing at you again. “No, we can be much worse than two horny adolescents.”
The woman three rows in front of you shot you two a warning glare. Terzo snickered under his breath and you couldn’t help but smile. God, he was incorrigible - but you couldn’t help it. The way his raven hair framed his perfect handsome face. The way he smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corner. The way he smelled - Lucifer, it drove you wild. The way he fucked, like you’ve never been fucked before. Like he’d never fucked before each and everytime his determination winning you over.
You had both been so enraptured with one another that you didn’t even notice the previews had already played and the lights began to dim. Ominous music began to play and the usual credits appeared onscreen, and finally a line of dialogue.
“Che cos'è questo? Where are the captions?” Terzo exclaimed aloud, receiving shushes from various moviegoers and death glares again from the woman in front.
You rolled your eyes at him. “Can’t fucking take you anywhere,” you muttered under your breath.
The movie started but you didn’t care. After a few moments of introduction to the plot, his hand already found its way in between your skirt, his lips on your neck.
“Terzo,” you whined. “I’m trying to watch the movie.” That was a lie. You coyly shoved him away but that only instilled the animalistic hunt inside him.
He growled in your ear, mimicking the monster shown for mere seconds in the beginning of the film, nibbling at your earlobe. He thumbed the fabric of your panties, rubbing you gently through the cloth. You could feel a wet spot forming as he dipped into you and massaged around your clit.
“How can I watch this merda when I know you are so fucking wet?” he said lowly into your ear.
Your mouth parted into a gasp as he slipped his hand under your panties, and parted your lips to meet your quivering bud.
“Mmm,” he whined, panting with you as he felt your slick between his fingers. “Sarebbe così facile…”
“Terzo, we can’t - ” You gasped again as he lightly pinched your clit between his fingers, instantly shutting you up. He knew just how your body would react to any and every touch he made.
“We can’t what exactly, la mia gattina?”
You slacked your head back against the lounge, defeated - you could no longer fight your desire. “We can’t stop,” you whispered, resigning yourself to him and leaning in to kiss him while your hands desperately reached for his belt buckle.
The soft clink of his belt sent alarm bells to the woman, who snapped her head back in your direction but unable to see anything through the empty rows between you, turned back around. You sat frozen for a few moments, then slowly undid his belt and zipper while both stifling laughter again. You opened his trousers and freed his bulging cock from his boxer-briefs, his tip already glistening with precum in the flashing lights from the screen.
You took his member in your hand and stroked up and down lazily, teasing him in your loose grip - holding him slack but tightening your fist on the upward stroke. He circled your clit with his fingers, his hand flat against you, massaging into you. The two of you made out while touching each other, working up the friction between your legs to a frenzy until you were sloppily laying kisses all over each other’s faces. Just like two teenagers going at it but not daring to take it all the way - yet.
You carefully climbed sideways onto this lap with your legs spilling over into the next seat, breaking your ministrations but still kissing him on the mouth. You ran your hands through his hair, tucking the little piece behind his ear that always fell into his face.
He ran his hands up and down your body, caressing every curve, before trailing his hand to your face and holding your cheek. “Così perfetta,” he breathed, one hand on your face, another resting on your hip. “You are so fucking sexy, Sorella.”
You kissed him again and palmed his erection again before turning around with your back to his chest, slowly sinking yourself down on him. He held your panties to the side and watched himself disappear into your cunt, easily slipping in.
“Oh Christ,” you let out as he stretched you out in full - forgoing his usual gradual entry in favor of a quick fuck to finish before the loud parts of the movie were over. Again the woman in front looked around to find the culprit of the noise, the others in her vicinity going “Shhh!”
“Shut the fuck up, Sorella,” Terzo whispered, clapping his hand to your mouth and you could practically hear the sadistic grin you knew was on his face right now. He continued to rub circles on your clit as he slid in and out of you.
Loud screams from the movie and its soundtrack covered up the squeaking from the theater chair as he pummeled into you from below. Strategically he seemed to plan his most intense motions during the heavy action scenes so your muffled cries could just be read as you reacting to the jumpscares in the movie.
You grinded on his lap in circles more slowly when the movie got quieter then sped up and bounced on his cock as the music crescendoed. His hands made their way up to your breasts and slid under your bra, pinching your nipples and pulling on them. Your head fell back against his shoulder as he did this, your walls clenching even more tightly around him but you were missing the friction at your core. You slipped a hand inside your panties and pawed at your clit, rubbing circles furiously while grinding against his lap.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum soon,” he said quietly into your ear. “I have to cum inside you Sorella,” he warned. He was right - it’s not like he could just leave his DNA all over the place. It was bad enough you were being as shameless as you were now, fucking in a theater where people still had to sit after this.
You turned your head and nodded, your cheeks brushing. He kissed your neck while he pumped into you, spilling inside you and grunting quietly. You could feel the hum in his throat as you leaned your head back against him, feeling his chest rise and fall against your back. You remained on his lap, feeling his cock pulse inside you.
“Ah, I should be ashamed of myself,” he remarked quietly. He reached around your front again, generously sliding your slick and his cum (now spilling out of your orifice) up to your clit like lube. “I should have made you cum first, Sorella. I need to feel you shake while I’m still inside you, and hear you cry for me when we get home.”
He spread your lips apart with one hand, the other sliding around your inner thighs and brushing his thumb over your clit - again and again. Your orgasm was already so close before, the pause between his climax and now building up the intensity even more. You arched your back, your hair in his face as he murmured Italian praises through your locks into your ear. “That’s it Sorella, brava ragazza.”
Your hands gripped tightly around the arms of the lounge chair, a silent “O” forming on your lips as you managed to not utter a sound, save for a quiet “fuck!” through your high, your chest rising and falling rapidly until you slunk back against his body. You gave yourself a moment then slid off his lap, moving your panties back in place so his ejaculate wouldn’t spill out of you onto the chair or the floor. He shoved himself back into his pants and quickly zipped and buckled himself into decency as you pulled your skirt back down over your hips and landed back in your seat next to him.
“Great movie,” he let out with a sigh as the credits rolled and the other attendees began to file out of the theater.
Italian to English Translations
- Che cos'è questo? (What’s this?)
- merda (shit)
- Sarebbe così facile… (It would be so easy…)
- la mia gattina (my kitten)
- Così perfetta (So perfect)
- brava ragazza (good girl)
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cosmicgrapevine · 1 year ago
Samantha Nietz. Heidi Haley. Robyn Calvino. Tabby had overheard those names, in ‘hey, what happened to…’ or ‘did you hear about…’ scraps of gossip. Every school had its scandals, and one the size of Kahoti surely had some juicy ones. She was getting a front row seat to one of them—literally, as Shanti drove them to the Nietz house. Shanti was new to Kahoti herself, as of last August; her father’s job had brought him from Boston to Tampa Bay. With her looks, she turned heads as soon as school started, but even in fall, the school’s dating scene orbited around the baseball team. Jordy got first dibs, which he happily took, and after a fairytale homecoming dance, other perks started piling up in her corner; a spot on the cheer squad, teachers suddenly deciding that D+ essay was really more of a C-, and, of course, magic. Such was life when the Cervantes Mafia took a shine to you. “It never really bothered me that magic was real, you know?” Shanti said airily. “There’s all kinds of crazy stuff out there. But maybe I just didn’t understand it well enough.” Success, of course, bred resentment. Girls who had spent three years on—or wishing they were on—the squad stared daggers at this newcomer flouncing right in and stealing away the school’s biggest hunk. Just before winter break, the three aforementioned girls dreamed up a disgusting prank-slash-threat involving a chunk of raw ground beef, some used tampons, and Shanti’s cheerleading uniform. “I think the beef was what really made me snap. Like, they know I’m Indian, they know that makes it worse. If they’d just used, I dunno, raw fish…” she shrugged. Shanti planned her revenge meticulously. She had Jordy spread rumors about a big blowout New Year’s Eve party for all the cool kids at his uncle’s (fictitious) beachfront place, then drive the girls there the day of. Jordy, apparently terrified that he’d wind up on the hit list himself, complied. Shanti was waiting for them, with a trapping ward to keep them from escaping and enough Ward-Ash to turn their psyches into her playground. Robyn was the animal-noises girl Tabby had heard about, and she did indeed get it the least-bad, thanks to a last minute desperate apology. She would only snort or moo when talking to boys, so at least going gay was still on the table. Heidi was forcibly implanted with a sort of all-consuming nymphomania in return for calling Shanti a whore, to the point where her parents started home-schooling her for her own protection. And Samantha, the raw-beef mastermind, got it the worst of all. Shanti parked in the cul-de-sac in front of the Nietz house and tapped the horn—three quick beeps. Soon, a ghostly figure appeared at a bedroom window, a girl with raggedy hair, sallow skin, and disheveled clothes. “Pathological germophobia,” Shanti said proudly. “She can barely leave the house anymore because she’s so scared of getting infected with something. I made her scared of soap and laundry detergent and stuff too, she thinks they’ll poison her. And the cool part? She knows that’s not true, but her fear is just too strong to ignore. So she just sits in her room, getting filthier and filthier. Maybe she’ll die in there.” Shanti’s final lie, the one that truly sealed her enemies’ fates, was successfully spreading the rumor (again, with Jordy’s help) that they had gone to an even wilder New Year’s party, one with ravers and hallucinogens, and got high enough to get permanently re-wired, explaining their new compulsions and fears. It was a bullshit story, one even a DARE officer wouldn’t buy, but hey, they were all suburban teens, and drugs were scary demons on the nightly news. It worked well enough.
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generalluxun · 1 year ago
My Hero -MLBFemSlash Feb Fic
Full Text below the cut. Link to AO3 in my bio.
Ship: Chloé Bourgeois x Alya Cesaire
One shot, Fluff!, Established Relationship, reformed(in progress) Chloé Bourgeois.
This fic is posted in full on AO3, as is the chapterfic that contains the context for how things got here from Canon.
tl;dr: Something seemingly insignificant changed on the first day of school, and things snowballed from there. The two became seatmates, then friends, then girlfriends, while tackling a threat that by its very nature Ladybug and Cat Noir could not even confront. The threat was ended, and this is just a cute little post-threat slice of life.
“She’s the smartest person I know; also sometimes, the dumbest. She’s brave like you wouldn’t believe. Paris owes her so much. She’s kind, confident, and a horrible dresser. On the surface she seems too good to be true, and when you dig down you realize that no, this is just who she is. She’s been putting others first ever since Hawkmoth first attacked, and probably even before. She’ll work herself to collapse. She just cares so much about everyone, except the one person who matters most.
“I owe her a lot, probably even my life at this point. She was the first person to believe in me, even before I did. She’s scary at times. She’s not mean, she’s just… so much. That’s what heroes are supposed to be though, right? They’re bigger, stronger, faster, brighter. They’re amazing, but you also just feel a little nervous in their presence too, just a kind of ticklish energy that makes you want to do your best too. That’s really what it boils down to I guess. She makes me want to be a better me. I can’t think of anything more ‘hero’ than that.”
Chloé raised her gaze from the paper, fifteen pairs of eyes stared back. Thirteen burned. Stupid, ridiculous, looking at me like I’m stupid. Judging me, like they have any right! I did this ALL myself, and it’s better than any of their dumb presentations. Oh look, another speech about Ladybug.
Waspish thoughts circled and buzzed in her head. She focused on the one thing, the one pair, that mattered above all others. It helped quiet the buzzing. Chloé gripped the paper and read the last line.
“That’s why… my hero is Alya Cesaire.”
Silence. Deafening silence followed for what felt like an eternity inside. Fear turned to uncertainty turned to anger in a familiar parade. Chloé bit down on her lip to keep venom from spewing venomous barbs in self defense. She bit harder and harder. The paper crinkled, she was going to-
Loud clapping from a single pair of hands broke her spiral. Sabrina was sitting proudly, hands working overtime to make up for in enthusiasm what was lacking in support. That support did follow, though, First Dupain-Cheng began to clap, sidelong glances showing it was more peer pressure than real affection. Then is spread down to Nino and Adrien, and across the class. It was mostly intermittent, but no one said anything, and that was just enough to allow Chloé to wobble back to her front row seat when Ms. Bustier’s ‘That was… very nice… Chloé. Thank you.’ dismissed her.
Chloé immediately sprawled across her desk, face down.
The object of her presentation laid an arm across her shoulders, “Oh it wasn’t that bad was it?”
Sweat. Just a light hint of the smell always came with her closeness. Sweat was something icky, unfashionable, unladylike, anathema to everything Chloé had been raised to value. Yet that scent was inextricably linked to Alya Cesaire in Chloé’s mind, and the feelings that flowed from it were warmth, safety, and something deep inside that Chloé didn’t have a name for. Maybe it was because much of their first physical contact was Alya putting Chloé into headlocks, or the fact that Alya never stopped moving, never stopped working. Whatever the reason, Alya’s sweat-scent didn’t feel icky, it felt… honest.
Chloé had stolen one of Alya’s shirts from her laundry basket during a visit. She put it on Mr. Cuddly. She hid him whenever Alya came to visit now. Not that she really expected Alya to not figure it out, but if it wasn’t just… out there… she wouldn’t have to be embarrassed.
Taking a deep breath through her mouth, Chloé tasted that light tang along with a hint of citrus and cayenne. Those wouldn’t come from perfume, they would come from home. It was Au de Cesaire in its purest form. “You could have clapped, you know,” she murmured.
Alya laid her head against Chloé’s, Auburn cloak a shield against the eyes Chloé could still feel, real or not. “If it was about anyone else, I would have. How would it look, clapping for something that praised me though? I’ll let you know exactly how it made me feel, later.”
Chloé had an answer for that. Not an answer, she corrected herself, an insecurity. She just absorbed some of Alya’s warmth for a few seconds, letting it build up her nerves. “They’re all going to laugh, after class.”
Alya snorted, “No, they won’t. If anyone does though, Sabrina will give them a stern talking to… then I’ll punch them.”
Habit made Chloé try to stifle a laugh. When she was feeling miserable, she tended to want to stay that way. Old habits died hard, and tried to take you down with them. It was still new, having friends. No, it was new letting people be her friends. She’d had Sabrina forever, without letting her in. Alya didn’t wait to be let in though. She had kicked down the door and shoved all Chloé’s Gucci baggage right out the window. Habit meant Chloé kept trying to bring it back in. Though she hoped, a little less each time.
She shifted, just enough to let Alya know the collapse was past. Alya would lay on Chloe until she felt better otherwise, Ms. Bustier be damned. “You would.”
Alya let her up. Both girls touched themselves up. Juleka was walking down to the front of the class to deliver her speech. Alya murmured under her breath, “What else are girlfriends for?”
Chloé melted a little inside.
The time between classes still had Chloé feeling raw and exposed. She was sure people were waiting, ready to ridicule her speech. It’s what she would have done in their place. Stomp on the first sign of weakness. Chloé followed in Alya’s wake, envious of the easy way she chatted up everyone she passed. She exuded that simple strength that was so…
I need to do something. I can be strong too. Show them I’m not scared. Show them I pay attention too. Show her I’m not lame. Show them I’m strong.
A target presented herself, dark and quiet while waiting for a blonde of her own.
“ You !” Chloé stopped in front of Julka and transfixed her with one sharp nailed fingertip. “Your presentation was severely lacking…”
Juleka cringed.
Too strong! Too strong!
Chloé kept her face even, that mask of calm even as she panicked inside. Don’t let them see. She held out her other hand, even as attentions turned towards her. “Sabrina! Clip!”
A hairclip appeared from Sabrina’s oversized bag and was pressed into Chloé’s hand. Frowns were forming around her. She didn’t dare look to see if one was Alya’s, she couldn’t handle even the thought of  that right now.
Chloé moved with a viper’s speed. Thrust, slide, snap, she caught the curtain that hid half of Juleka’s face and drew it back, trapping it over her ear, revealing her hidden eye. Juleka was a deer in headlights.
Chloé spoke in a rush, “You only gave half of yourself. Always use every bit you have. Don’t hide, be proud. Otherwise you’re just telling people they’re not worth your best.”
Juleka’s two eyes presented twice the shock. She started to shrink. Chloé was acutely aware of how this would look. She tried to glare strength into the other girl. For once, it seemed to work. Juleka stopped mid-shrink and slowly unfolded, raising herself silently up to her full height, daring to be taller than Chloé. After one more hesitation her chin lifted too, rising to the challenge.
Now what? Chloé hadn’t planned this out. What did you say next after something like this? A heavy arm across her shoulders made Chloé stumble and break the stare off.
“You’ve been in my comics again haven’t you?” Alya drawled, the  planted a kiss on Chloé’s cheek.
“I ah- what? No- I mean yes but you brought them-”
Alya dragged her out of the tableau before giving her another kiss, this one below the ear, then whispering, “That was sweet. You know you don’t have to try and impress me every day, right?”
Again, the panic receded before Alya like the tide. A shiver ran through Chloé from the warmth breath against her ear, and she felt brave enough to admit. “I have to impress them though.”
“Mmmm,” Alya purred, “I can see why you’d think so. Don’t feel like you have to do it all at once though.”
Chloé sighed, leaning into the other girl, “It was easier when that stupid Director was messing with everyone. I had an excuse for why no one liked me. Now it’s just me.”
Alya loosened her grip, turning to lock eyes with her. “Not quite correct. It was you. It’s was that is the problem, not is. Is is just fine. You need to believe in is and not let was get in the way of letting you be is.”
Chloé stared, “I have no idea what you just said. Who’s ‘is’?”
Alya grinned, “You is.”
“Me is what?”
Alya kissed her on the nose, “You is my girlfriend, and also cute when you’re confused, and doing a better job than you give yourself credit for.” She caught Chloé’s hand and laced their fingers. “I know it can be hard, but don’t confuse struggling with failing.”
Chloé still didn’t quite understand it all, but she understood enough to squeeze Alya’s hand, “Thank you.”
They were at Ms. Mendeleiev’s room when Alya piped up, “Hey, I think you need some of that relaxation time you pushed on me, remember?”
How could I ever forget that night? Chloé bit the tip of her tongue, “What? I do what I want all the time.”
“Kind of. Don’t think I haven't noticed how each of our little excursions lately have had someone else at the center. Gaulywood tours for Nino and Sabrina, Le Figaro for me, inside a Gabriel factory with Marinette dragged along… you’re not all that subtle.”
Chloé blushed and fussed. She had thought she came up with good enough excuses for the little outings.
Alya shoulder bumped her in their way to their lab desk, “It’s cute. Seriously though, what’s something fun we can do, just you and me, that you haven’t done in a while? Something you miss.”
“Well, I haven’t had a yoga night in forever.”
“Yoga night?” Alya’s voice rose in a startled crack that tickled right up Chloé’s spine and grabbed hold of her animal-brain.
“Yoga night.” She confirmed with a growing smile.
Alya was suddenly interested in her bag, “I didn’t know you did Yoga.”
Chloé was forever tuned into the nervousness of others. It had been a weapon in the past. Now however… She scooted onto her stool and leaned over, dancing her fingers across the top of the bag Alya was seeking refuge in.
“For years. It  helped with ballet. You have to be limber…”
Alya swallowed audibly, “Is it really that relaxing though?”
Others were funneling in. Chloé couldn’t have cared less. She ducked her head, putting herself in Alya’s skittish line of sight. It was her turn to purr, “oh very. Candles, incense, music, warm oils, and of course, being deliciously wrung out.”
Alya’s eyes darted away again.
“Oh uhm, that sounds nice but, I haven’t ever done um, yoga.”
Her hands gripped the edge of her bag and as Chloé watched her face… the subtlest change. Most people would miss it. A lifetime of working with more hues than all the artists in the Louvre combined had left Chloé specially equipped to appreciate the ever so slight darkening of the cheeks that was Alya Cesaire’s blush.
It was intoxicating. It was the flash of a red tail before a hound. It was the skitter of a mouse before a cat. It was this wonderful,  powerful woman, undone.
Chloé reached out. She caught Alya’s chin with the tip of one finger and turned her gaze back. “Oh, don’t worry. You’ll be safe in my hands. I’ll bend you in ways you didn’t know you could… but I won't hurt you.”
Alya let out a barely audible whine, “You’re doing that on purpose.”
Chloé leaned further, blue eyes to hazel, lips in a full smirk, inches from Alya’s. “You did say, ‘fun’.“
She could feel the ragged breath Alya let out as it washed over her skin. Alya’s first word turned into a hoarse sound. She wet her lips. “Okay, you’re on.”
And with that the prey became the partner again. Both girls took a cleansing breath as something akin to a laugh passed between them. Chloé spoke first, as she settled back into her seat. “Don’t worry, no armada of tailors this time.”
Alya blew out another breath and settled in her own seat, asking, “Don’t want to squeeze me into designer yoga pants?”
Chloé dropped her phone. Scooping it up quickly she conceded, “One tailor,” and began composing an email to book an appointment.
Alya’s gentle nudge to her elbow was the simplest of affections, “Hey, feeling better about yourself?”
Chloé lowered her phone. That warmth rippled along her limbs and back into her chest again. It was a feeling she felt she should know, something long forgotten, but coming alive again. She still couldn’t name it, but she could very much enjoy it.
She looked Alya in the eyes again as Ms. Mendeleiev called the class to order.
Chloé answered, “With you around, it’s hard not to.”
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months ago
The Girl
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
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I sat comfortably on the seat, feeling a sense of excitement bubbling inside me. I was dressed in my favorite outfit, which consisted of a pair of flat white sneakers that I had just bought as I knew my usual heels would not be the best plan for the day, a pair of washed-out high-waisted jeans that fit me perfectly, and a little sky-blue button-down top. My hair was styled in a neat braid down my back, with a cute blue bow. As I sat there, I couldn't help but feel confident and ready to take on the day's adventures. As I gazed out of the car's windshield, I couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the sight of the stunning houses and trees that stood decked out in orange and red leaves. It was a beautiful sight to behold. My arms were wrapped tightly around Benny's arm, and I leaned my head against his shoulder, feeling his warmth and comfort. As I looked up at him, I couldn't help but break into a wide, giddy smile, feeling incredibly content and grateful to be sharing this moment with him.
The soft hum of the car's engine provided a soothing background noise as we continued our peaceful drive, lost in our thoughts. He sat behind the wheel of his heavily loaded blue beetle, his eyes intently focused on the road ahead. His hands rested on the wooden wheel, and as he drove through the streets, he often tapped and clanked his silver rings against it. His boots were firmly planted on the pedals, and his dark jeans hugged his thin legs snugly. His belt was tightly fastened around his waist, and with his holster and knife secured on one hip, he was dressed in a snug black t-shirt that had shrunken over time, fitting him perfectly. The contours of his muscles were visible through the fabric, emphasizing his toned physique. His green textured shirt was only buttoned to his mid-chest. The silver chains hanging low across his chest. His black leather trench coat over him to keep out the autumn chill. The car's engine hummed smoothly, as the man navigated the bustling city streets with skill and ease. Despite the weight of his cargo, he showed no signs of strain or fatigue, his movements precise and deliberate. He saw me looking so he smiled and gave my head a soft kiss, 
"Hello, Beautiful," he cooed, 
"Hello," I smiled, 
"You are just the most excited you have ever been right now aren't you?" he chuckled, 
"Aren't you excited?"
"Of course I'm excited,"
"Besides, I've been this excited before,"
"Oh? for what?"
"Our wedding,"
"Awww," he cooed resting a hand on my thigh, "You are adorable,"
"Well you've seen it I haven't,"
"You've seen it,"
"In pictures, it's not the same Benny,"
"I know, I know." He chuckled, "I know you are going to love our new home," 
The anticipation built up inside me as we drew closer to our destination. I couldn't help but smile as we made our way down the street, taking in the beautiful sight of a large tree adorned with brilliant orange leaves. The tree was surrounded by a small metal fence, which only added to its charm. And then, finally, we arrived. Our sweet little house stood before us, welcoming us with open arms. The sun shone down on it, casting a warm glow over the entire scene. It was a moment I would never forget.
Nestled among the row of townhouses on a quaint Brooklyn street, stood a charming little two-story house. The exterior was adorned with freshly painted stone, the colour of sweet vanilla ice cream, which exuded a sense of warmth and comfort. The house was connected on each side to its neighbours, yet it stood tall with its unique character. Its charming facade was a sight to behold for anyone passing by. As you approach the house, two charming short flights of stairs welcome you, leading up from the sidewalk to the front doors. The first step of the stairs boasts a small yet exquisite mosaic that displays the house number, which is 134. On the side of the sidewalk, a meticulously trimmed hedge adds a touch of sophistication to the overall look of the house. The front doors are crafted from sweet oak and feature panels of black and frosted clear glass, with a lavish panel of glass above them. The house number is painted in silver on this panel, giving the entrance a touch of elegance. Each floor of the house has a rounded wall with stonework under the centre window and three windows that offer a breathtaking view of the surroundings. The basement windows, located below street level, are much smaller and feature a black railing on the outside, just like the railing on the steps, adding an extra layer of safety to the overall design.
Benny climbs out of the car and sets his hat on his head before he comes around and opens the door for me offering his hand like a proper gentleman. 
"May I Mrs Watts," He joked,
"You may," I smiled as I took his hand, 
He squeezed it and helped me out of the car, onto the sidewalk, 
"It's really true? That's our house!"
"All ours," He smiled, "Come here you," He chuckled lifting me in his arms, 
I giggled as I held him tight, as he carried me up the stairs. "Are you serious Benny!"
"Course I am, I didn't get to carry you in on our wedding night, so I'm making up for it now."
"That's becuase You were too scared you'd crack my head open on the stairs down to the apartment!" I laughed, 
"Well, now I can!" He laughed as we reached the door, "ahh... fuck-" He complained as he realized he can't open the doors with me in his arms,
"Need some help, Mr Watts?"
"No, no. I can do it," He said, shifting a little until he could push open the silver door handle. 
As he picked me up and carried me inside the house, I felt the warmth of his arms and my cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. We walked through a charming porch, adorned with a clean carpet and entered through two little oak doors. We found ourselves in an inviting entryway with beautiful polished floors that shone in the light. To the right of the entryway was a sliding door that led to another room, and on the left was a little bench with all our shoes neatly laid out underneath it. The walls were painted a sweet light white and were lit brightly by the warm glow of wall sconces that added a touch of elegance to the space. At the end of the entryway, there was an arch that gave the room a sense of depth and charm.
The room to the right was the adorable living room, a rectangle with three windows at the end in a hexagon shape, The walls had a calming grey wallpaper with a Square Cream and Silver Metallic pattern, The new black sofa sat against the wall with two new white cushions in each corner, and our framed wedding picture on the wall behind it, a bookshelf to my right filled with chess books, A window seat built into the alcove with a blanket draped there, a silver square gilt metal coffee table with a vase sat on top with some freshly cut black hydrangeas, as well as Benny's leather chair sat with a new cushion, a black and white artistic rug to protect the floor,  geometric patterned frame in dark oil rubbed silver metalwork around The the grey linen shade of the hanging centre light. The living room had a door into the dining room a long room with the new dining table and its white chairs surrounding it, the art deco light hung over the table, with a fireplace at its end. The door led into the kitchen and out into the garden, the dining room also had a stairwell in oak wood with a black and grey carpet flowing down it and a well-polished railing. The kitchen is all new and white freshly renovated with an island and some chairs, two windows looking out the garden as well as a patio door. Benny sits my feet back down on the living room rug and I can't help feeling giddy and excited.
"This is... AMAZING!" I squealed jumping into his arms, he held me and spun me around the room with a smile, "It's true! It's really our house?!"
"Our home Y/n," he cooed, giving my lips a sweet kiss.
"It's perfect! It's strange when you see everything individually but when it's all one big house!"
"You like it?"
"I love it!" I squealed, "It's perfect!" I smiled jumping onto the sofa, 
"I'm glad, I kinda feel like I made a lot of decisions without you," he chuckled sitting on the chair, 
"I trusted you," I smiled, "and it paid off."
"Well you picked a good house," He smiled, "built 1910, Three bedrooms, three bathrooms, an ensuite and a walk-in wardrobe for us in the master, basement with the washer and dryer, garden out the back, nursery all set up, space on the road for the car, and we are a five-minute walk from Prospect park." 
"Ooh, what's there again?"
"Uhh well, the lake,"
"public library,"
"Ooohh we can go get books,"
"Brooklyn Museum,"
"We can go to exhibits,"
"Botanical gardens,"
"Ooohh we are going there,"
"and the prospect park zoo," 
"Awww we can take little one," I smiled stroking my stomach,
He smiled widely and came over sitting beside me and stroking my stomach kissing my cheek, "We can take them as soon as they are born,"
I smiled as we stroked my stomach, still yet to be more than a slight bump as we had only found out two months ago but we couldn't be more excited for our first child.
"Now, shall I make my lovely wife a tea in our new kitchen?"
"Yes please," I smiled, 
"Alright," He cooed kissing my head before he headed to the kitchen throwing his hat and jacket on his chair as he went,
"Did you pick up milk?"
"...Shit!" He sighed, before turning around and grabbing his jacket and hat again, "New house. Need new milk." 
I hummed to myself as I sat on the window seat enjoying the crisp day with my book in hand, every so often seeing a car rush past along the street. And hearing Benny as he sits in the dining room playing chess with himself on the table with a book in his hand referencing a prior game. 
The timer goes off on the coffee table so I sighed and shut my book, but I smiled at him a little.
"Benny?" I cooed,
"It's your turn babe,"
"Benny!" I whined,
"Y/n!" He whines back mimicking my tone, 
"But Benny..."
"It's your turn, I did the dishes."
"Yeah but that was two dishes and a frying pan, I had to do a whole basket of laundry cause you insist on wearing four layers of clothing,"
"I'm chilly,"
"then turn the heating on,"
"No. Heating costs money,"
"So does the laundry,"
"Laundry is less than heating," he chuckled, "You just don't want to go down there,"
"...its spooky," 
"You'll be safe I promise, go on."
"Will you come with me?"
"I'll stand at the stairs,"
"Becuase you also don't wanna go down there?"
I set my book down and got to my feet slipping on my slippers, he set down his book and we headed to the oak door pushing it open.
As the handle turned, the door let out an unorthodox whine that sounded as if the hinges were letting out a ghostly laugh. The wooden stairs leading down creaked as the door opened, revealing a void of utter darkness. The air was thick with an unpleasant, musty smell, and the silence was only broken by the sound of distant water dripping somewhere in the depths below. The stairs looked old and worn, with patches of chipped paint and splintered wood. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could make out the faint outline of a door at the bottom of the stairs, beckoning me forward with an almost sinister aura.
"You first babe," 
"Thank you, Benny, my sweet and protective husband." I sighed, "Send the pregnant lady down into the torture basement," I said as I took gentle careful steps down towards the door. 
"Yeah, your pregnant, IE I can run faster so I stay close to the door so I can run and get help," 
As I pushed open the bottom door, I glared a little at him. The door let out another whine, revealing the dark basement. The sound of dripping water echoed through the room, falling into a small puddle on the concrete floor. The last few spins of the dryer sounded like a growing scream, the hum of the machine vibrating through the walls. The room was damp and musty, with a heavy scent of mildew filling the air. As I reached for the light switch cord beside the door, my fingers felt the cool cord. I pulled it down, and the single bulb hanging from the ceiling seemed to sway gently as it flickered to life. The old bulb emitted a dim glow that illuminated the room, casting shadows along the walls and corners. The sound of the bulb's hum filled the air, competing with the soft rustle of fabric as I moved further into the room. Despite the flickering, the light provided enough illumination for me to see the details of the space, It was a place of darkness, with no other source of illumination in sight. As I walk into the laundry room, I can't help but notice the bare walls that surround me. The only items that are present in the corner are the washer and dryer which are working away to clean the clothes. On the opposite side of the room, there are boxes and bags filled with stuff from the renovation that we have yet to dispose of. I can see some old tiles, pieces of wood, and other random items lying around. It looks like we need to spend some time clearing out the clutter. 
Next to the boxes and bags, there is a shelf filled with paint cans and wallpaper rolls. These are all the extras from the house that we've kept, just in case we ever need to replace something damaged.
"See, fine." Benny nodded,
"Yeah fine." I nodded as I headed over to the washer and dryer, 
I pulled the clothes from the dryer adding them to my basket, then took the clothes from the washer and added them to the dryer setting them to the right time and setting, All with the light flickering on and off. "Benny stop messing with the light cord!" I complained,
"I swear I'm not touching it," He said, "what is that smell down here, the house smells fine but for some reason down here just stinks like wet dog and old smoke,"
"No idea," I sighed, 
"We lived in a basement for four years, it never smelt like it does down here."
"I mean... the basement did smell bad, sometimes like when it rained a lot. but never like it does down here." I said slowly trying to see if I could pinpoint the scent, 
The hum gets louder as I look around the place, suddenly the light flickers and goes out. I held my breath. Looking around the utter darkness seeming to lose my mental map of where Benny and the door was. When I felt something like the air move behind me, I turned quickly seeing only darkness until my hand was pulled. 
"Get out of here!" A voice screamed,
As I screamed the light flickered back on and I was still, motionless, Benny looking right at me as he bolted over and held my shoulders.
"Are you okay!"
"SOmething- Some- why did you do that!?"
"Why shove me in the dark you know I don't like it down here Benny,"
"no, no I was by the door I wasn't anywhere near you," 
"I know someone touched me, someone pulled me I felt it," 
"Y/n. Babe. I think you need some rest. Baby must be stressing you today come on upstairs I'll make you a tea," he said As we walked towards the stairs, he swiftly took me into his arms, holding me tight against his body. I felt safe and protected, letting me go first. Once we reached the top I turned to face him, he gently turned off the light and shut the door behind us. And followed me up. 
As I lay in my bed, nestled in the softness of the pillows and blankets, I felt my consciousness drifting in and out of sleep. The peacefulness of the moment was briefly interrupted by the sound of cars passing by outside. The noise was more apparent now that I was in a house, as opposed to the basement where I used to sleep. I couldn't help but notice the contrast between the two environments the underground space was quiet and secluded, while the house was more open and exposed to the sounds of the city. Nonetheless, I took comfort in the warmth and comfort of my bed and allowed myself to drift back into a gentle slumber. Benny's arm around my waist draped in his sleepy state with his hand on my slowly swelling baby bump. 
I was jolted awake by the sound of creaking floorboards which had pierced the silence of the night. My heart raced as I held my breath, straining to listen more closely. The noise, which seemed like it was coming from the first floor, resembled the sound of footsteps moving slowly across the oak wood flooring. Each step seemed to echo through the stillness of the house, making me wonder who could be walking around at this time of night. I lay there, trying to calm my racing thoughts, while my ears remained alert to any further sounds. I moved my arm back and elbowed Benny, He groaned the first time so I did it again slightly harder.
"Humm?" He grumbled as he forced open his eyes, 
"Shh. Listen." I whispered, 
He stopped and I felt his sweat run cold for a second before he spoke, "The fuck-" He muttered, he climbed out of bed and grabbed his kimono from the bedpost throwing it over himself and slipping on his boxers, 
"Torch is in the draw," I told him,
"Torch? Hell no babe." He said, "If there is someone down there, they are a robber or a murderer. Either of which I wanna fucking see coming!" He said in a hushed tone, 
"What if it's a ghost?" I trembled pulling up the sheets to just below my nose, 
"All the more reason to see them!" He said, 
"But if you turn the lights on they might run out before you catch them,"
"...Again. Murderer. Or robber. I want them out of our damn house!" He said flicking the light on and grabbing his knife, "Lock the door behind me," he said, 
I nodded and he headed out of the room, so I bolted up and locked the door behind him listening as he checked the house He was gone for what felt like an hour the sound of lights clicking on and his footsteps as he checked the house room by room. Often I could have sworn I heard more footsteps Until he returned tapping on the door so I unlocked it and let him inside.
"Safe." he said, "House is clear everything is fine." 
"Even the basement,"
"Even the basement, everything is locked up, everything is empty." He explained kissing my head, "Just house noise. So come on let's get some rest," 
I nodded and we returned to bed even if Benny held me a little tighter and I felt uneasy, like someone was watching me.  
I stood cooking up myself and benny some pancakes for lunch as it was the tip top of my pregnancy cravings, As I turned to serve up the pancakes onto the plates that I had placed on the kitchen island, I couldn't help but smile at the delicious aroma of the freshly-made pancakes. Suddenly, my attention was diverted by a startling sight- a little girl with bright red hair and a sky-blue dress sat across from me on the island. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and innocence as she gazed at me with a sense of wonder. 
"You need to get out before he hurts you!" she screamed, 
I was taken aback by her sudden appearance, and let out a yelp of surprise, dropping my pan onto the floor. Thankfully, the pancakes remained intact and didn't spill across the floor. I quickly picked up the pan, making sure not to damage the wooden floor, and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. When I looked up, the little girl was gone, leaving me with a sense of confusion and bewilderment.
Benny bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen with a panicked face, "What happened!" 
"I- I dropped the pan," I answered as I served the pancakes, 
"Ohh did you hurt yourself?"
"No, no I'm okay." I nodded,
"Alright babe," He nodded kissing my head and taking his seat, "You sure there's nothing else to tell me?" He asked resting his hand on my stomach, 
"No, no nothing like that,"
"Ohh? Then something else?"
"I thought I saw something..."
"Someone," I nodded, "A little girl," 
"A little girl? what did she look like?"
"A little girl, in a blue dress with red hair."
"I- I saw a girl like that the other day," 
"You did!"
"I did. In the bathroom the other day in the mirror I could have sworn I- I thought it was you at first or- but it nothing,"
"We are stressed babe, getting little sleep, we've had a move, we are expecting, maybe just losing our minds a little," he chuckled before he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist and stroked my tummy, "Maybe we are imagining a cute little redhead girl around our house, becuase we can't stop thinking about our baby," he smiled kissing my neck,
"Maybe," I chuckled, "Go on eat your pancakes," 
"Benny!" I screamed as I sat in bed, I heard him bolt up the stairs and into the bedroom,
"Baby is kicking," I smiled,
He rolled his eyes and came sitting with me putting his hand on my stomach to feel our baby kick, "You frightened me to death, Y/n," he chuckled,
"I was in the basement and suddenly you start screaming you wonder why I shit myself," He laughed, "Come here you," he cooed kissing my lips and then my bump, "Now if you're done, I need to do some dishes," 
"Okay, bye Benny," I giggled,
"Bye bye Y/n," He waves as he heads off to do the dishes, 
As I sat reading my book, I heard a faint creaking sound. I looked up to see that the door, which Benny had shut moments ago, was now slightly ajar. I assumed it was just a gust of wind and turned my attention back to my book. Suddenly, I was jolted out of my focus by a loud banging noise. and the bed began to tremble if kicked. At the same time, a high-pitched scream pierced the silence, causing me to jump out of my skin. 
"GET OUT!" It was the voice of a little girl. I looked down to see the same red-headed girl in a blue dress standing at the foot of my bed. I was terrified and couldn't move. "Get out before its too late!"
"BENNY!" I screamed, 
He bolted back upstairs now out of breath but the moment he got to our room the screaming stopped and she disappeared, "What is it?"
"The girl! The girl! I saw her! She was right there!" I pointed but of course, nothing was there,
"It's okay. It's okay. Y/n, there's nothing there, you must have been imagining it." 
"Benny I saw her. The bed was shaking. I heard her screaming."
"Okay...  I believe you." He nodded, "I'll check the house over," He reassured me, 
I nodded and got up following him through the house as we checked it room by room but once again no one was there, we finished with the basement and I stood at the top of the stairs and he headed down on his own. 
"Is everything okay?"
"It's empty." He nodded, "No one down here," He said, 
"It's probably just the pregnancy brain fucking me up,"
"Maybe," he nodded, "Wouldn't explain me though," he sighed, 
As he took another step forward, he heard the creaking of the old wooden door. Suddenly, the door swung shut with a loud bang, making him jump in surprise.
"Benny!" I yelled rushing down the stairs,
"Y/n!" he yelled as he began to bang on the door, "Why the fuck did you slam the door on me!"
"I didn't I was at the top of the stairs!"
"The doors locked!"
"What the hell how did it lock!" I yelled trying to open it but it wouldn't move, "It's stuck!"
"What the hell is going on!" he yelled, 
I tried to force the door open but I wouldn't move no matter what I did, before finally, he got it open. He grabbed my hand and we bolted up the stairs. 
"Ohh fuck-" He sighed taking a breath, 
"You okay?"
"Yeah..." he said, "I uhhh I don't like that fucking basement, But it's fine. house is safe. your safe. That's all I care about." He said pulling me into a hug, 
However, amid our embrace, I heard a sudden, high-pitched whine that made me pull away and look around. That's when I saw the bookshelf at the top of the stairs begin to wobble dangerously, its contents rattling and shaking as it threatened to topple over.
Acting quickly, I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me as we darted across the room. We had barely made it to safety when the bookshelf came crashing down, shattering into a million pieces as it slammed into the floor a loud scream came with it. 
Books and pages flew everywhere, the sound of the impact ringing in my ears as I took a deep breath and looked back at the scene. It was a close call, but we had managed to escape unscathed. 
We both gasped and Benny held me tightly, "What the fuck..."
"I-" As I was in the middle of speaking, Benny suddenly shoved me away with a force that caught me off guard. At that moment, I noticed the ceiling light fixture shaking above the coffee table. Before I could react, the light fixture came crashing down, shattering the table and the light bulb into countless pieces. The room was plunged into darkness, and we both stood there in shock holding one another tightly, trying to make sense of what had just happened. 
"... pack a bag." he said, "We are getting a hotel for tonight," 
I nodded but before I could even more we heard another scream and Benny was shoved away from me his back hitting the wall his hands rushed to his neck his face turned red and he coughed and gasped trying to breathe as if someone was strangling him, "Benny!" I screamed, 
He suddenly dropped to the floor so I rushed to help him up, "What the fuck is going on!"
"I think the house is haunted,"
"Yeah... I might be with you," he nodded, "We need to get the Fuck out of here."
"Yeah-" I began but held my stomach, "Ohh no... oooooohhh nooo... BENNY!"
"NOW! Christ little one you have some timing!" he complained, 
We were overjoyed when our little girl, Lilly, was born smoothly, without any complications. In the hospital, we were reluctant to leave and go back home, but eventually, we had to. Benny took charge of cleaning up the house, making sure everything was perfect for our new addition to the family. Although we tried to act like everything was normal, we were still on edge. The day we got back home, we felt like we were walking on eggshells, unsure of what to expect. Despite our best efforts, we couldn't shake off the anxiety. As we lay in bed, I was trying to rest, but my mind was racing with thoughts of the future. Benny was lying next to me, just as restless, and we both lay there in silence, unable to sleep. 
My blood suddenly ran cold as I heard over the baby monitor, a gentle singing. The voice of a little girl. 
"Oranges and lemons,
Say the bells of St. Clement's.
You owe me five farthings,
Say the bells of St. Martin's.
When will you pay me?
Say the bells of Old Bailey.
When I grow rich,
Say the bells of Shoreditch.
When will that be?
Say the bells of Stepney.
I do not know,
Says the great bell of Bow.
Here comes a candle to light you to bed,
And here comes a chopper to chop off your head!"
Suddenly Lilly began to cry, without even a word Benny and I bolted out of bed and pulled open the door of our bedroom, as we did I saw scratches of nails down the hallway from our bedroom door, but we both ran into Lilly's room seeing the same girl stood over Lilly's crib. She turned to us and screamed the door slamming behind us. 
"Let her-" Benny began,
but the girl screamed again and threw him against the wall shattering the shelves on his back, the walls began to ooze with blood and the floor began to shake, I fell to my knees as Benny fell knocked out from the throw I held him tightly and checked he was breathing, I bolted up and grabbed Lilly from her crib but I felt the cold grip grab my ankle and force me down again, I clutched lilly close and I knelt between this girl and benny's body, 
"JUST STOP THIS!" I screamed,
which made the floor stop trembling.
"Stop this. Please." I begged, 
"She isn't safe here. You are not safe here." The girl says, "Why won't you GO!" She screamed the glass of the window shattering so I held Lilly close to my chest and moved over her and Benny protectively I know glass cut me like ribbons but I made sure they didn't get hurt. 
"Why won't you go!" I screamed back which silenced her, "This is our home... the only reason we are not safe is YOU!"
"You are not safe. Not with him." She said looking at Benny, 
"Why... why would you say that?" I asked, "Benny has protected me, protected her, he always has."
"Little girls... little girls aren't safe with daddies."
"Of course they are, their daddies. They live to protect their children." I told her between my forming tears, "And he loves us both, more than anything in this world,"
"Daddies Hurt mummies! they hurt babies! You are not safe while he breaths!" 
"... why would you say-"
"Becuase my daddy hurt me!" she screamed, "And my mummy... and my little sister."
"I am so sorry sweetheart, I am so so sorry... I really am. But just becuase your daddy hurt you, doesn't mean all daddies are bad. it doesn't mean all daddies hurt their children. I am so so sorry yours did... but Believe me. Benny would not hurt me, he would not hurt our daughter, and I know he would never have hurt you." I told her, "Please... Please... I love him more than life in this world, and he loves me too. We would let the world burn for Lilly, We are safe together."
She looked at me, looked at Lilly and then at Benny.
"Please... take me somewhere safe..." She said before she disappeared. 
I smiled as I sat on the window seat, I watched as Benny sat with Lilly giving her, her bottle. He was so good and sweet to her when she finished her bottle he sat it on the side and wiped her little face.
"Ohh messy little lady aren't you," he chuckled before putting him on his shoulder to burp her, but as soon as she did she was sick down his back, "Ohhh damn it,"
"You fed her too fast again,"
"I know- sorry Lilly, come on let's get you cleaned up," He said taking her to the kitchen, as he did my attention took to the TV playing the news as it had been all morning, 
"And a new update on the recent story, the body of a young missing person Penelope Aster that was found buried in the basement of a local Brooklyn home after being reported as missing by her father on June 11th 1952. Has been identified from dental records and police have managed to confirm the long suspicion that Penelopy was in fact murdered by her father Oliver Aster and buried under their house. The body was recovered by the home's new owners who wished to remain anonymous. Her body and returned to the surviving family members. They have reported it is a great relief to have closure on this mystery. Police have stated, that Oliver was a man of evil, his known crimes now include, abuse of his family, abuse of his wife, the manslaughter of Harriet Aster, the murder of their unborn child, the murder of Arthur Aster his own brother and now the confirmed murder of his daughter Penelope Aster many wished he had survived the police standoff on that fateful day so he may pay for his crimes. The family added that this only adds to the stain of Oliver on their family and I quote 'Hope he is rotting in a deep pit of hell'. And now weather..." 
I sighed but I smiled hoping now she would be happy and she would be safe. 
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eleanorose123 · 1 year ago
i went and saw the FNAF movie with friends last night (which was fun- i enjoyed myself) but oh dear god i was surrounded by rude ass teenagers who did not shut up the entire movie. I had a row of boys behind me and girls on the left of me who apparently knew each other and got into a fight the minute they got to their seats ("omg what are YOU doing here?!" type of cliche)
comments through out the entire movie included -asking questions that would literally be answered if you watched the movie for a few more minutes -saying things like "if they do [insert movie trope] i'm setting this place on fire" -saying things like "wtf am i watching right now?" -mocking other audience members for wearing cosplay -not understanding why the collective audience cheered at certain cameos and mocked them as a defensive tactic -apparently not knowing going in with the basics of fnaf (they didn't know who foxy was) and the fact its a horror movie??? (like- the girls next to me were squirming around at a horror trailer that played before hand and were constantly going "omg omg" during scary bits. kids....you paid for this) -making sexual comments/jokes at inappropriate moments -throwing popcorn at people and overreacting to jump scares so that their popcorn would fall like an avalanche onto the row in front of them (i am so sorry to my friends who were the victims for that)
like damn, i guess i have reached the point of my life where i want to scold teenagers for not behaving appropriately in a movie theater setting dfjkhfdjk (to also clarify the staff did come in to give them a warning during the preshow, but not the movie itself. also some of their parents were also in the theater a few rows down and did...nothing)
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glancescreen · 4 months ago
Must-Watch Alert: Top 5 Latest Hollywood Movies in Hindi
Hey Cinephiles! Do you long for the adrenaline-rush of Hollywood movies but want to savor every moment in Hindi? Gear up for DOD's (Dimension on Demand) electrifying top five picks of the latest Hollywood movies in Hindi. From martial arts mayhem to prehistoric predators, these flicks will keep you tied to your seats!
"Crazy Fist": Brawls, Betrayals & Redemption 
Firing up the list of latest Hollywood movies in Hindi is "Crazy Fist," an action-packed martial arts thriller that really packs a punch. Step into the ring with ex-MMA champ Shang Wei as he fights to unravel the secrets behind his friend's mysterious death. But know that the stakes soar when he faces a fight to the finish, surrounded by man-eating crocodiles! Can he survive this showdown and uncover the conspiracy?
“Crazy Fist” is one of those latest Hollywood movies in Hindi that brings you:
Breathtaking martial arts action
Plotted full of conspiracy and betrayal
Brotherhood, loyalty, and redemption themes
Must-know: If you need no-holds-barred action at breakneck speeds, "Crazy Fist" will leave you gasping for air. 
 "Skull: The Mask": Fear Meets Folklore 
Rejoice, horror movie fans! "Skull: The Mask" brings together ancient mythology with modern horror. This is one of the best spine-chilling latest Hollywood movies in Hindi, featuring a cursed mask that turns its wearer into a brutal killer. You’ll enjoy:
A terrifying artifact with deadly powers
Dual narrative of supernatural horror and crime investigation
Extremely gory scenes that scares even a die-hard horror fan
If you’re looking for the latest Hollywood movies in Hindi that give goosebumps, "Skull: The Mask" is the one for you as it plows into revenge and supernatural horror.
"Croc": The Wild Awakens 
"Croc" is an intense man vs. nature battle. This latest Hollywood movie in Hindi takes you on a journey deep into a remote jungle, where you will encounter a deadly crocodile. Some great scenes:
Michael Madsen as the rough-and-tumble crocodile hunter
Human-creature showdowns
A thread of human dynamics deepens this creature story
“Croc” is for the exotic travel aficionados who love suspense and a wild adventure. 
"Curse of the Blind Dead": Survival Against the Undead
Something radically new? "Curse of the Blind Dead" is one of those latest Hollywood movies that’ll make you say,“There's something different, daring, and downright scary about this film”. 
A world haunted by undead Templar Knights
A father-daughter team fighting evil cult figures
A perfect mix of historical mythology and science fiction
Pro Tip: If you crave the latest Hollywood Movies in Hindi for night of scares, “Curse of the Blind Dead” is the one to watch.
"Megaboa": A Clash of Eras
Finally, in the list of latest Hollywood movies in Hindi is the high-octane expedition "Megaboa". You'll find yourself on the edge of your seat for:
Students pitted against a monstrous 60-foot boa constrictor
A lush and deadly Colombian rainforest setting
Survival horror meets wild creature adventure
If you are in love with beasts of monstrous sizes, "Megaboa" is the latest Hollywood movie in Hindi that makes your jaw drop. 
Wrapping Up
And that's all for now, folks! From martial arts mayhem to ancient predators, these latest Hollywood movies in Hindi available on DOD (Dimension on Demand) promise you a rollercoaster ride full of thrills and chills. Your front-row seat to the best 5 latest Hollywood movies in Hindi awaits. Hit play, and let the adventure begin!
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